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    1. Time to Join the Military

      by , 08-27-2018 at 01:44 PM
      Time to Join the Military

      It was time for me to join the military like all the other women. All the men were already out in a War and soon we’d join them. But my mom was a bit sneaky and hided my uniform so I became late enough not the be able to cut off my hair. When I tried to find my uniform tho, I found a lot of toys and such that I played with when I was a kid.
      Tags: military, toys
    2. Nearly successful with WILD!

      by , 07-19-2018 at 05:04 PM (Exterminate)
      Now I have had Wake Induced Lucid Dreams before, but I have been trying to have them consistently for months. Most of my previous WILDs were actually DEILDs done at the end of my sleep cycle. About a week ago I really got serious. I even started using a sleep mask, even though I sleep in a dark and quiet room. I began a steady and fairly strict sleep schedule of 11pm-7am with a 5am alarm a few months ago. Normally I just get up, record a dream or two, and go to sleep. Many times I'll skip the dream recording and regret it. A week ago I decided I would try a WILD the next night. Sure enough, the next morning I woke up 10 mins before my alarm. I waited for the alarm to go off, then I tried the technique. I laid there for what felt like hours unable to fall back asleep. Defeated, I went about my day as normal. I skipped a night and tried it again. Same thing. Woke up 10 mins before alarm and couldn't rest after turning alarm off. I didn't understand it. I wasn't turning on any lights or using my phone, I just couldn't fall asleep.

      This morning however I noticed some results. Yesterday I spent some time reading some tutorials and talking with some people about the technique. I decided to stick with the current routine and hope for the best. I woke up to my 5am alarm and remembered what Gab told me. I should make sure to tell myself that I am not waking up yet, and I will soon be returning to sleep. I sat up for a bit, focused on the task at hand, and then laid back down and made myself comfortable. After what felt like ages I finally noticed my thoughts start to wander. I found myself picturing a scene of a dark road at night. I could see the tree line and the night sky. I could almost feel the ground beneath me. I was forming memories of being in the military, and that I was walking with my CO. I noted that it felt like a dream was beginning, but I couldn't see anything. As I noticed this I felt the dream was just barely visible via hallucinations on my eyelids. The dream faded away.

      I then came up with a backstory for my DG. I could almost hear someone telling her what it is she must do, and where she must stay. She was being sent to a wonderland I picked out. A stable dream environment that I could always return to. This dream faded as well and I felt a very intense vibration run through my whole body. I recognized this both from prior memory and as a sign that the WILD was working. I would soon be in a full-blown reality created by my own mind. My thoughts went wild, My heart was racing, I was ready. Uh-oh...My heart was racing. I couldn't stay relaxed enough for the dream to form. I eventually got up about 5 minutes later. I did a RC to confirm I was awake. I noted the time at 5:34 and tried to rest on my side. I was hoping I could quickly reenter the dream state, but alas I could not. I fell asleep eventually into a non-lucid dream after a while.

      I was with my family. We were entering a mall to do some shopping. As we walked in a guard shot at us about 2 times. We all raised our hands and surrendered. Turns out there was an active shooter running loose in the building and they were on lockdown. We didn't notice anyone outside warning us, and were supposed to keep away but we didn't know. We were told to go talk to someone behind a desk a few feet away. When we did so the man behind the counter told me I was one of two people to be given a weapon to seek and subdue the criminal in the building. He hands me this massive gun. I am really bad at guessing sizes, but I'd say it was a foot wide, 3 feet tall and 4 feet across. It was a big, bulky, beast. It had 2-3 handles to hold it. The man told me I was lucky to have received the machine gun. As he is explaining the safety measures to me I strap the gun around me neck and notice he is starting to talk in a foreign language. It sounded like Hebrew to me. The gun brushes my side and fires a single round by the man's feet. Everyone including me panic for a moment. I thought the safety was on. The shot was very loud, yet contained. It did not echo, and the damage was localized. This was a powerful gun indeed. The man scolded me and told me where to find the safety on the gun. I then went on a hunt to find the target. We also were here to talk to someone. I don't remember what it is we were supposed to talk about, but I remembered that I had no clue who it was I was supposed to be looking for. Who caused this lockdown? What did they look like? What were their motives? Were they hiding their firearm and blending among the crowd of people? I didn't even have a name.

      I think I will move my alarm up a bit tonight to try to further experiment with my REM cycles.
    3. Talos and the Military

      by , 12-25-2017 at 06:25 PM
      Morning of December 25, 2017. Monday.

      I am with my wife Zsuzsanna in a white skiff of which is moving slowly over the beautiful ocean in late afternoon. She is facing me, seeming very cheerful, sitting at the opposite end of the skiff. Behind her, in the distance, I see a mountainous rocky cape. I vaguely anticipate the eventual appearance of Talos (the giant automaton made of bronze, from the 1963 “Jason and the Argonauts” film) from behind the rocky region ahead and on my right, closest to our heading. Becoming semi-lucid and recognizing this as the RAS factor with no attempt to modulate it, I decide to will the skiff to turn right, into a narrow estuary bordered by high hills, with the idea that Talos will not see us. Eventually, the water is shallower and we slowly pass, on our right, two military jeeps with about seven men in total. At first, I am wary of them, as I suspect they have weapons, but then I decide that they must be here to fight Talos and are not interested in us. The general impassively watches us as our skiff approaches an area too shallow to continue, but there is no sense of threat and they remain in their positions.

      In a dream, being in a boat is autosymbolism for vaguely discerning the physical body in sleep, more so when muscles are more relaxed. Water is the absence of emotion and the essence of sleep and this dream begins with the common water induction. I anticipate RAS mediation as a possible threat. The RAS modulation precursor and potential emergent consciousness factor is rendered as Talos, though Talos is only seen briefly in the distance. There is semi-lucid mediation (not modulation) which seemingly results in the transference of Talos to the army general and WLWS (Water Lowering Waking Symbolism, which is common for me). Right-side oriented waking symbolism occurs (while sleeping on my left side).

    4. Dream Bits: Mammoth-Eisenhower and Lanes, Airplanes fly Thru Buildings, Bonnie and Parachute Jump

      by , 09-16-2017 at 04:51 PM
      08-31-2017 -- Let this sit for too long, and the ones for the last couple days, as well, so they will probably all come out as fragments, rather than detailed enough to get full entries for themselves. For today's dreams, I know there were bits with Cindy L., and something about delivery driving or mystery shopping. I know there was something with Joe L. and cell phones (probably being broken or dropped or something) and Ubering. And then the finishing bit ended up being in an Eisenhower Park-like setting with hints of Mammoth Cave. I was walking near a river above ground, and there were hints of some sort of miracle-like healing tunnel rumored to be in the area. It had been mentioned earlier, during a camp-out (perhaps with Joe as the scout master), and I was wondering where it was, and looking for it.

      The 'cave' areas were looking quite man-made, and there was supposed to be one 'pipe-like' tunnel leading to the special healing area, but instead it looked like some large sort of sewer with dozens of pipes coming in. When I started asking around, some of the regulars made me aware that there were several levels of the cave, and the healing tunnel was on the lowest level. Unfortunately, it has been raining recently, and I can see at least one large stream of water pouring down a ramp to lower levels, and am being warned that there is at least a 50-50 chance that the lowest level is currently completely flooded, and that if it isn't, it soon could be. Interesting dream, that I wish I could remember in more detail.


      08-30-2017 -- Or perhaps one day earlier. Who can say. Odd dream where I am riding a bus with mom, and talking to the bus driver. For a couple of minutes I take a seat in the row right behind the driver, next to a black woman, just to chat. But when we finish our brief conversation, I excuse myself, apologize to the black woman for encroaching on her space, and move further back in the bus. Soon after that, I find myself standing near a building as a low-flying airplane flies right into it at fairly low speed. The building cuts an airplane-like shape into the wall, much like a cartoon.

      The building turns into the Pentagon, and soon the airplane is backing out of the building again, unharmed. We're discussing these new planes that are still light enough to fly, but strong enough that they can pass through buildings without bringing harm to themselves. Meanwhile, I am right behind the airplane, filming it coming out of the building with my video camera, while having to throw myself to the side to avoid being run over by its tires as it backs out of the building.

      Find myself sitting on what starts as the bus, but soon turns into the airplane, itself. We are in the process of being recruited to work for the US government in various capacities, and I decide I want to fly the big 747s that can fly through buildings. Olga Vukavitch is the one asking us what areas we would like to be working in, and I am trying to bring up the footage I just shot under the airplane to show her what I would like to be doing, but my laptop computer is not cooperating.

      Soon things turn slightly odd, as a bunch of enemy soldiers are storming into the plane, trying to take over and catch prisoners, and their leader seems to be Kim Jung Il. I'm kind of sitting back out of the way with my laptop. I have no weapons, and I don't have any idea of what to do. Somebody else is somewhat insulting of me, for not being more involved to try and stop things, but I excuse myself by saying I haven't been given any orders, yet. Sad.


      08-29-2017 -- Or around there. I'm somewhere, watching Bonnie going on some sort of slingshot-like ride that has her being hoisted up in chains to the top of a parachute jump-like tower (like at Knott's) where she is hoisted up by her arms, but also kind of runs along the tower like a slightly off version of rappelling. When she gets to the top, she seems to be kind of making some kind of meal (or perhaps potion) with ingredients that just kind of appear in the area, which could be quite valuable. She is assisted in this by a woman who works at the top of the tower, who most reminds me of 'The Architech' from the Player-Owned Ports content of Runescape.

      Meanwhile, I am helping her bundle up her creation in a large storage container, in preparation of getting it back to the ground. Oddly, though I am at first at the top of the tower with her, I soon find myself running around at ground level again. I seem to spend a lot of time trying to use a small elevator which doubles as a waiting room at the odd cross between a doctor's office and Hewitt Associates. It seems that what everybody thinks is an elevator may only be made to look like one. Or not. It is very confusing. At least at one point, I end up a couple of stories further up in the building, where upper management hangs out in rich quarters, with spas, and a large swimming pool, lording it over the peons. There is also at least a little bit involving them trying to get me to come back to another position in the company, but by this time, I have had, and eventually gotten fired from so many positions so many times, that I really have no further interest in working for Hewitt, and I am amazed they keep trying to bring me back. Would have remembered more of this, the first day. Too bad I waited three or four days to write it down.
    5. The Military Time Travelers

      by , 03-07-2017 at 09:07 AM
      Morning of March 7, 2017. Tuesday.

      My family and I as we are now are at the Loomis Street house, though others are there, including my brother Dennis (older half-brother on my mother’s side) and Crystal (Zsuzsanna’s younger half-sister on her mother’s side). There is also one unknown female.

      At one point, the unknown female makes a comment about wanting to be friends with someone with a “spark of Irish”. I make a comment about “a drip of Irish”, which seems to be risqué.

      I have a few books with thin cardboard pages that seem related to foldout setups with cutouts though I am not sure of their exact nature or whether they are related to a game or are just for display. They all seem to have a girl as the main character. One of the last ones I notice is “Alice in Wonderland”. Still, there seems to be another one that possibly belongs to someone else. It has cooking as a theme. There is a (overhead view) frying pan cutout and another cutout that represents food (frontal view) that stands vertically on the first by using a tab and slot. Additionally, this goes onto a page displaying an overhead view of a stove element, also by use of a tab and slot. There is something mentioned by the female about something sharp being found in a new container of yogurt after I incorrectly remember that food poisoning was mentioned in the news.

      The unknown female seems sad about something and seems to consider herself as being out of place. I “remember” that there is a time-traveling military group that is presently operating from the shed (in the Loomis Street backyard). I go out and there are three unknown people, two female and one older male. The male is in charge of everything. He goes up to the unknown female from the house and asks her if she can “climb a ladder”, with additional questions about the military and whether she can cope. She seems hesitant and the male, who is a general, loses patience. I go back into the house and the unknown female follows. Crystal is sitting in the armchair next to the telephone. She seems to be in somewhat of an aggressive or defensive mood. I catch myself (though more as pretense of the kind expressed in instinctual dreaming) saying something about “depending on what year they are going to” so that others in the room can “overhear” and perhaps catch on that they are supposed to be time travelers. The unknown female leaves the house through the front door. (There is also something later mentioned absentmindedly by me about the military group originally being from the distant past but going to the distant future.)

      I see Dennis and he seems to be only in his early thirties. He is wearing an army trench coat. I absentmindedly pull at the front and all the buttons come undone. I then apologize. He buttons up his coat again. I ask him if he wants to be part of the military and he says “no” and mentions something about Korea and Iraq. I tell him that he still might be interested in joining this group.

      We go out to the backyard. I look around for the time travelers. We see an unfamiliar unusual-looking young boy in thick black glasses as he is looking around near the south fence. He does not look in our direction. “Oh, that’s not her,” I say, referring to one of the females with the military team. We go out near the alley.

      Suddenly, there is a very loud roaring sound, like a wild animal. It is continuous and growing louder and closer from the south. I am thinking that it is probably a tyrannosaurus that is loose in the neighborhood and that it will likely find us and perhaps eat us if it turns its head easterly and sees us. There seems to be no time to run. Dennis and I just stand where we are. (Dennis is to my right, north of me, but somewhat closer to the alley.)

      A large woolly mammoth charges by, up the alley, heading north. It keeps going and is no threat but continues to roar as it passes. Dennis stands where he is and regards it casually, with mild interest.

      I notice a bright glow inside the shed, visible through the window from several feet. My youngest son also sees it and runs out toward the building. I am thinking that it is the three time travelers who are now leaving, activating some sort of machine.

      As this is a very long dream, I am only including obvious (real-time) symbolism. The unknown female potentially climbing a ladder is an association with Zsuzsanna waking up from sleep. The absentminded unbuttoning of the coat is typical of instinctual dreaming and relates to uncovering the nature of the preconscious as well as preparing to come out from under the bed sheet, though the consciousness transitions were extended here. The mammoth is the form of my unconscious “leaving” the dream setting. The glowing light is the emerging conscious self identity, analogous to sunrise. The notion of time travel validates non-lucid dream control.

      Updated 09-08-2019 at 07:32 PM by 1390

    6. [06-02-2017: Undead settlement, Fragmented dream]

      by , 02-06-2017 at 11:36 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Undead settlement

      I was driving through a countryside, on a forest road. I was driving with my pal in his car, it was a red painted sports car. It was a road surrounded by trees and going up to some fields. My pal was controlling the car, though at first he didn't do anything and I had to rescue us from incoming truck, then reminded him that he is driving. We passed by some old buildings, both waving goodbye to ghosts living there. We continued on the road until something pulled us off to the fields and our car got an extension like combine harvester. We drove through wheat fields, harvesting everything. The cut wheat grain landed in a nearby tall farmhouse with a windmill-tower. After we drove through whole wheat the car broke and people left farmhouse. I recall a young, blonde woman with long hair in a white dress. There were other people, angry for the wheat. We said sorry and asked if they couldn't repair our car, but they wanted a lot of money for the wheat first. Seeing that this won't do, I decided to leave and wandered out to a hill behind the farmhouse. It was getting dark, I reached ruins of a village. I knocked to doors of a house that looked inhabited and a corpse of woman opened them. Upon seeing me, she said that I should see a corpse named Pendalion, living in a place close to where my parents lie. I continued trudging between old and creepy houses until I reached another inhabited area. There were some guardians there that immediately rushed to attack me as soon as they saw me. Somehow I opened up a command console and used a "set_fight 0" command to stop them, then entered one of houses. There was another corpse woman in long, brown robe. There was a little box with name over her head "Henande". I saw some strange, small machinery powered by deep blue crystal. She said that it's her project of "resotrative crystal". I left the house and met guardians again. I used console command again, but more of them appeared. They started fighting between each other and those that won let me pass. I took stuff of the fallen and went back to previous part of village. It was dusk, I opened some big arched doors and a intriguing tune started playing somewhere in the background. I entered some ruined palace, through another big doors I entered some great dining hall. Glasses with alcohols were still on a table. I saw some fireplace and sat down beside it.

      Fragmented dream

      This one was highly annoying, I dreamt that I was lying in bed, having troubles with sleeping, and fragments of dreams coming time after time. First "dream" was that some two fat and suspicious women were invited to our house by one of our friends. I seen them take some stuff, so i outright warned them that I'll call police should they take some of my stuff. They didn't cared. We all moved to streets to meet with pal and his family, when suddenly those fat women called thugs with knives. With sister we ran back to house, calling police immediately. We reached our backyard where we warned father and then grabbed anythig we could defend ourselves with. Sister took some shovel, father had an axe and I took a pickaxe. People gathered on our backyard, fath women came with thugs. I replaced pickaxe with some enormous pitchfork and started fighting with them. Then I woke up in my bed and "tried to fall asleep" again. After a while I found myself in some cliffside mansion made of white marble. I went through it and found myself at my backyard, it was an evening, just after rain. I went to the backside of my house and behind barn I saw fields of mushrooms going on all along the horizon. Some of them were the size of younger trees. Again bed fragment. Then I saw a fragment in which I shot from a tank, rockets breaking into fireworks as they flied. Next I was lying in my bed, it was dark all around. I thought about lucid dreaming, but that idea seemed curiously boring at the time. Then I found myself at some military station built on a swamp, going to barracks to take my clothes as it was a free day next day.
    7. 17-01-16

      by , 01-17-2017 at 05:48 AM
      Futuristic military scene, videogame-like, healing gel (that you had to squirt all over you), I'm hurt so I fall behind. We rush to the medivac/extraction chopper/VTOL. Someone (a female squad member) comes back for me and helps me onto the chopper/VTOL (she yelled at me to hurry, I tell her to heal me so I can run properly). The craft flies away in third person.

      Futuristic world, a lot of metal. Some kind of airport? Flying cars (a Fiat, no wheels) and others vehicles with AG drives. It was still a military installation, I think. I learn I can hover and possibly fly. Someone (still a woman) sees, and informs me non-vehicular flight is not allowed here. I see a sign, indicating human flight is indeed illegal here.

      Vision resembling scene from "Another Earth"? Other Earth in the sky.
    8. [19-09-2016]

      by , 09-19-2016 at 10:02 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was on a street with my father and sister. We wanted to cross the road, there were some students from younger classes wearing military uniform. On our eyes one of them - a fat and dark haired, punched an old lady in stomach and gave her purse to another old lady, laughing mockingly. I came closer to him and bravely shouted "I'm a higher officer, do you think that it was funny?!" He replied "Yeah, and he's a colonel!" pointing at another dude - tall with brown hair. I pointed at my father and said "He's a general!" My younger sister made a funny face, which father made too. It was so funny that I couldn't stop laughing.

      Second dream

      With mother and older sister we were driving through some canyons where stonework was placed. We had problem with driving out of there, as there was a chasm on the road. We drove on a rock ramp and drove through the small chasm, but there was another one - much bigger. Workers from stonework ran to help us and built a bridge. With sister we left the car to help them. Somehow we ended up in a nearby forest, where ground was made of soft and bouncy material. We jumped on it as on a trampoline, flying high above ground. Then we went back to car.
    9. The Other Monster

      by , 07-01-2016 at 11:13 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was gathering with a group of people, training or preparing for something. I was practicing my flips or trying to practice my flips.

      It became a Team Fortress themed scene. We were preparing for invasion.

      I was trapped in an outdoor area that they (the military?) are going to close soon. I was hurrying to the exits, but it looks like it's too late. I saw the guards closing the exits while running on a plaza area. I reached the closed gate. Nearby, a guy wearing white buttoned shirt and glasses called to me to follow him, presumably to their hiding place. I followed him. It seems there are monsters that come out during this time, and the citizens have to hide. I was in their hiding place. The hiding place became mobile, like a tank. They were busy chatting about it more with excitement than fear. We passed by some areas where there are body parts and blood lying around.

      Somehow, I realized I was the monster, so I felt I have to leave and move away or everyone in that tank will die. When we were nearing the border gate, I saw a woman arguing with a guard (female?). I'm not sure if she wanted to leave or stay, but she looked fearless. Then we heard a roar or something. From the opening of the building to my right, something came rushing out. I jumped out of the tank, turned into a monster, and clashed with the other monster.
    10. Tumbling Elevator

      by , 05-22-2016 at 01:49 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      The mood was anxious.

      It was night. I was with friends. We met somewhere but then decided to take a friend's car going somewhere. We passed by some buildings then the place became unfamiliar. The owner asked the driver where we were and if we would pass by some place (I don't remember the word) through this route. The driver answered, and the owner was satisfied. I thought the place looks familiar now.

      We ended up having to go down by a checkpoint. For some reason, we had to stop and go down and eat. It was an outdoor eatery. The military at the checkpoint said some demeaning things to those who don't want to volunteer for the military and praised those who do. I remember then there was a list that we supposedly signed a while back. Those who want to enlist will choose to stay in that area. Those who don't want to can leave after. I got worried if I chose to stay, then I mentally changed my answer in that list.

      I was riding an elevator. At first, it went straight up, or I just didn't notice it moving anywhere but up. I was with friends. Not sure where we were going. We stopped at a floor. We went back to the elevator to get somewhere else.

      I was with one friend. We were going up the elevator again. This time, I felt it tilt to the side, and I felt gravity pulling me down. Then it kept moving all over the place. My friend was holding on to a horizontal bar at the chest level inside the elevator to keep himself from moving, and he was still "standing" on the "floor" even while the elevator is upside down.

      Arrived at an office. He invited me there but turned out he was applying for work and I'm working for the same company. I said hi to a few people, even one who's about to leave. I was supposed to talk about an incoming meeting but felt like I had to hurry when my friend said we're about to leave.

      I went out the office and looked back. I saw our local head, but he looks like Obama after years of being president: tired, grey haired. I waved but he was just frowning. I wondered, should I be here in the first place? I went to the next room and went right to some sort of a "fun" room: there were sofas, clothing, bean bags, etc. People were lining up to go into the comfort room. Interestingly, the person's outline inside is visible. It's like there's a yellow glowing line inside that makes the person's outline visible through the wall. I saw the outline was sitting then stood up. I decided I'd rather look for another comfort room.

      It was still night.


      I took ibuprofen + paracetamol before I fell asleep for the pain in my head.
      I recently told a friend about an opening at work.
      I'm anxious about going back to our hometown.
      I'm anxious about the dirt that went into my fingernails.
    11. [08-02-2016]

      by , 02-08-2016 at 10:40 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      There was a zombie outbreak in a skyscraper. Soldiers were sent there to clear the area for rescuing forces. They have failed, making the army of undead even bigger. While government was trying to completely remove zombies, some agencies hired mercenaries to gather information about them, their weak points and about survivors. I was one of the mercenaries. I entered the skyscraper and took an elevator to fourth floor. According to military data, it was the floor that was heavily infested, a death trap. I took only a step inside, and was attacked. It was dark and I couldn't see it. I took a knife and stabbed the zombie in throat. The elevator was broken and couldn't move further. I took staircase up, and found a room with a survivor. It was a redhead child. Little girl was lying under a cape in her bed. I heard someone moving and shoot at that direction. It was a young redhead woman, probably little girls sister. She got hit and fallen down the staircase. I entered the room with the girl. There was a man lying on the floor. He looked like one of my pals. He was pale and stiff. I asked the girl if he's alive. She said that probably not. I shot him in the head and said "Case of death: Shot to the head" and thrown him down. I decided to secure the survivor. We talked for a while about my goals.

      Second dream

      I was a black man. I was wearing a green t-shirt and blue short trousers. With a girlfriend - a black female, we were racing who will run from one point to another first. We ran through streets, alleyways and buildings, including building sites and factories. I lost two races, but won third. My girlfriend disappeared somewhere though, and I was really worried, as we had an argument some time ago.
    12. 040116: Going Back In Time, Marching In The Military, Yale Admission Interview?!?

      by , 01-05-2016 at 01:02 AM (The Dream Journal)
      I dream a comment I made on Reddit get close to 10,000 upvotes. How is that possible?!?!?

      Going Back in Time
      I'm in a hotel room, like a motel in the US. I look down at my cellphone. In some weird twist, I go back in time. Now it is a day before. My friend enters the room, stands by the door and tells me to get my stuff together. I look down back at my phone, confused. It is now an old version of a cellphone, like from the 90's and the screen is so small it's hard to read messages. I try to fight my lethargy and get going.

      Back in the military, Inception crew?!?!?
      I'm in my childhood neighborhood. The sun is up, feels like an autumn morning. I am walking around, looks nice. I'm back in the military? I have to match. At some point I have to run, it's like a orienteering exercise. I really don't want to run, haven't ran in some time. To my surprise it is very easy and I actually enjoy it.

      I make it to a bridge going over a highway, there are trees on either side. Were am I supposed to go?

      I'm in a tight alley in the city, the walls on either side are tall and obscure the sky. I'm driving a car haphazardly, my mom is in it as well. It suddenly turns into something like a bike, the pedals are confusing. My old friend from childhood and his wife (who I by pure coincidence bumped into today) pass on their own motorized bike.

      I make it to the center of the city by the sea. I meet the crew from Inception (!?!). They have stolen a nuclear reactor and have hidden it under some paving rocks by the sidewalk, through the cracks I can see it glow with white light.

      The Yale Admission Tent
      I enter a large white tent like something you'd find in a wedding. There is a a massive amount of people in the benches behind me as I face two tables. They are the Yale admission board (?!?!) and this is the interview portion of the admissions process. It has the feel of a game show or a talent show, the audience behind me. I'm pretty sure I have no chance of getting in but since I've been thrust in this position, I'll just do my best as least not to embarrass myself. I put on my best outgoing persona and get ready for anything.

      On the table to the left there is a bunch of people who look like administrators. They shuffle my papers and prepare to ask questions. A person walks up from the table next to it, on my right. It is reserved for students in the student union who also are a part of the admission interview. A fairly plump and young student walks up to me and asks what books I've read recently. A sting of panic hits me, I haven't really read anything notable in the last few months, at least no fiction. I try to stir up anything I've read. I mention a friend of mine gave me the Lord of the Rings book that I've been re-reading as an emergency lie. I also mention reading the Song of Ice and Fire books, waiting for The Winds Of Winter as a namedrop. This is not going well.

      I approach the student union table. I see my report card from school on it, it looks dirty and tattered, as if it's been stepped on with muddy boots.Behind it there is a circle of young students sitting on the grassy ground. They begin asking me weird, pretentious riddles (like something I saw in a Gilmore girls episode) and I do my best to answer but think it's BS.

      Back in my childhood home, I'm hungry for tortilla chips. I eat tortilla chips.

      Updated 01-05-2016 at 04:34 AM by 80544

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Adam and the desert

      by , 11-26-2015 at 08:55 PM
      Earlier, was just lucid enough to deliberately fly upward with the intent of getting a wider view, instead lost visuals and wound up in a completely different scene, losing lucidity.

      Standing on a ladder outside a suburban home, the wind shifts, hot and dry, a sense of the desert that's going to claim this place and incorporate it into my people's territory. I'm the one who led them to this place, but I feel conflicted now. I excuse myself to the man who'd been holding the ladder, and go inside to take care of some loose ends. There are too many signs of how personal an interest I've taken in this world, learning their language, getting much too attached; I should dispose of that evidence.

      Elsewhere, among the troops, I'm speaking to one of them on behalf of a man in this world, Adam, trying to make sure they take care when they process him. I say I've never seen a dreamer with power like his before. Which is true, but I'm also being careful to phrase it in practical terms, downplaying any personal attachment. I have to stress the importance of him as a resource not to be wasted. The man I'm speaking to agrees that they'll be careful, but I don't think he's really paying attention, just brushing me off. I end the scene flying back to that suburban house, desperately searching for Adam.

      The following scene focuses on a brother figure chiding me for hanging onto a ghost.
    14. #125 - Spec ops

      by , 10-08-2015 at 11:21 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)

      Went to bed at maybe 12:15, then fiddled around trying to find an alarm app for DEILD until I found a pretty decent one that you could change the length of the alarm and set it to turn off by itself. Then I proceeded to lie in bed waiting for sleepdom for roughly 3 hours. I fell asleep somewhere between 3-4 and woke up at 6:50ish. I then couldn't get back to sleep until 8ish and woke up at 9:10 I think. I had planned to get up earlier so I could actually fix my sleeping issue, since waking up earlier helps me sleep. I was too tired to wake up any earlier and my friend came over knocking his fist on my door so I couldn't go back to sleep anyways . My insomnia might be getting worse because of the approaching summer and intense heat we've had lately, along with the shorter nights (sun sets earlier and rises earlier).

      Dream - Spec ops
      I seem to be hopping from train to train at different points in the dream. Towards the end I was on a train with another guy, the trains weren't even really trains now that I think about it. It looked like a bullet train that was squashed dorso-ventrally, there were two seats which you had to lie down on your stomach to be in. I think I was some kind of spec ops unit operating on infiltrating something. The guy next to me was the actual driver of the train and he got a call from his boss and they said some name for the location which I forgot... Started with a 'P' and 'ong' in the name. I try to explain to the other that we're in a predicament, I show him there electronic dog tags that have the name on it and a little bit of history. They're some kind of organization that was going to kill us once they got the delivery to leave no witnesses. We arrive at the location (I think we went through some sort of train tunnel), which is in a desert looking area. We go 'inside' the train, and sit in the cockpit seats, it looks exactly likely the inside of a safari kind of jeep. In fact, it's almost like the whole vehicle turned into a safari jeep. I tell the other guy to leave the talking to me and step outside to talk to the an approaching man. He's wearing military gear with a rifle strapped around his shoulder. I try to act natural because I'm not actually supposed to be here. I kind of wake up after this in a haze and start becoming more conscious of the dream floating around in my head, thinking of different strategies to deal with the situation until I realize that I'm awake.
    15. 270915: A third Bush, a metro station on the TV, swollen knee.

      by , 09-27-2015 at 07:51 AM (The Dream Journal)
      I'm watching Jeb Bush take the podium on a stage, he has just won the American presidential election. There is talk that a third Bush says far more about the state of America than a second Clinton.

      I'm watching a television program that looks like it's from the late 80's or early 90's, the footage is grainy and old. I recognize a metro station in the background, there are intercity kids who are being interview, they have a belligerent attitude. I try to recognize the concrete apartment buildings against the grey sky, I'd want to visit the place. I see That some of the balcony windows are boarded up and have tags sprayed over them, you don't see that everywhere.

      I'm being sent to a military base, I have an injured knee so I come a little late. I make it to see that all of the special rifles we were to be training with have been taken, I feel a bit excluded. This is out in the parking lot outside the base. I see lots of people I knew from school, one wants to join special forces. Inside an armored truck I'm sitting and waiting in, some of the new recruits are shooting at the armored car, I guess they assume bullets can't penetrate the hull. I pull my legs and hand in, just in case. What dolts.

      At the base I see an old teacher I knew, I ask him where I should go given that I'm injured and can't do much. He says he'll get right back to me and disappears into a crowd, it looks like there is some kind of fair going on. I pace painfully around looking for something to do. After a while of not seeing him, I flag him down and he apologizes for not getting back to me, he puts me in contact with a receptionist who will put me somewhere. The receptionist is a woman in her 30's and asks me to follow her outside, she is going for a cigarette break. I do, it's sunny outside. I get the impression that smoking on the job is not allowed when she says I can also take a break if I want to. I say I'll just stroll around. Outside the building proper she asks me about my knee and why my right pant leg is pulled up. I tell her it gets injured sometimes and I show how swollen it has gotten.
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