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    1. Collection of Dreams (Non-Lucid)

      by , 07-15-2014 at 01:28 AM
      I tried WBTB, but instead every time I woke up and went to bed I had a short dream, in which I remember only about three of them.

      1. I was battling a giant monster, after its defeat it turned into a human. My friend was a medium and tried contacting Albert Einstein's spirit to 'prank call' him.

      2. Going to camp, we had to wear our sport uniform. Teacher forgot I was present and though I'd gone missing. Camp never happened just school. I skate out of school (without a skateboard, I was floating, like on a hover board, so I was technically flying - which is a dream sign. DAMN IT!). Jumping was float-like (dream sign. Damn).

      3. Person from school was watching an anime and I got 'sucked' into the screen and was a part of it. We all lived/stayed at a giant house/mansion. My cats were there, Ollie (cat) turned into a kid, found Badger (cat) in a pond outside the house, swimming. Sims game turned into reality, I turned into a horse from the game and escaped the home and ended up at a school oval. I soon turned into Lucy Heartfillia (from Fairy Tail) and got called trashy names so I turned into a lost child and ended back at the house/mansion. Flying? Climbing walls like Spiderman. Suddenly at camp in some sort of hall. Neck touching game with Lisa Simpson there (we had to have hands on the people sitting beside us, sitting in a circle, and if they caught the prize the two people would have to tickle their necks and if they 'let go' and they would vibrate and lose the prize), somehow we had four arms, because two were on the necks of the people sitting next to me and two was reaching out for the prize.

      One group weren't allowed 'camp' maids (we were staying at a fancy place) because they didn't fill out a diary we had to do (probably a subconscious thought about my DJ).

      Updated 07-18-2014 at 07:08 AM by 70048

    2. 13 July: facing my fears

      by , 07-13-2014 at 10:34 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      A typical dream of sum of all fears. I am chased by zombies, blood sucking monsters, man-eating tigers, while trying to get out of a complex maze building. One by one, I face all my fears and conquer them, at first by using my warrior skills, then increasingly by applying my super powers, then lastly by realizing the illusory nature of everything around me and dissolving it.
      I manage to exit the maze and bring some other woman with me, by realizing that I can create an exit as soon as I know I can.
      Once safely outside, I am already planning how to free all others still caught in this maze of illusions. That's when the devilish ruler of the maze appears in front of me, kind of congratulating me for getting out, but I think aslo trying to figure out his next move to entrap me. He still has a trick or two up his sleeve.
      My cell phone rings, I pick up, no one replies to my hello, but I hear voices talking on the other side of the line. So I listen to them, I know who they are, people I have been doing business with. They say the bank did not approve my loan request, my reputation is dragged in the mud, my business partners are disappointed and distrust me, my whole "real life" is collapsing. I panic!
      Then, for a split second I realize "shit, I'm still trapped. he found my real weaknesses. it's not zombies and flesh eating beasts, it's my fucking "real life" and its mundane shits, my worries about my rep, my future." The true nightmare starts now!
      I freak out and wake up gasping.
    3. The Hound

      by , 07-03-2014 at 12:35 PM
      The Hound


      Im on my way to a fun-park with my friend. We lock our bikes with a huge metal chain. After that an old lady comes by and her dog sniffes arround. The owner pulls him back. Suddenly a huge bear-sloth-tapir-dog monster comes at us. I jump over a fence nearby. I donīt know what happened to my friend but I feel really bad.
      In the next scene I am inside and play a videogame. It looks like CallofDuty. I am #1 and shoot everybody. The points I get appear in front of my eyes..
      Tags: cod, dog, hound, monster
    4. I turned into... What?

      by , 05-21-2014 at 03:01 PM
      I was someone else in this dream. But i could see this person as if it were me looking at this girl. She started turning into a monster, more like demon. Long finger with pointy fingernails. Weird scary looking face. I wasn't scared of it though.
    5. The Monster and the Beast - A struggle of authority

      by , 05-13-2014 at 08:01 PM
      Last night, I had my second lucid dream. In it, I became aware my mother, who I had just been talking to, had vanished. This sparked lucidity, and I euphorically ran down a track at a college I live nearby to, shouting in triumph. I nearly lost lucidity, so I calmed down. I've never flown in a dream, so I tried. Nothing happened, even though I knew it was a dream, I knew I was able to fly if I had the expectation present. Disappointed, I saw my sister walking ahead of me, but she was walking funny.. like she was made of melted putty, swinging her arms and legs strangely. She transformed then into a large, sinister character with a monstrous face torn in some parts to reveal his skull, which was slightly on fire, wearing a trench coat. Rorschach meets Ghost Rider, then takes nightmare steroids and grows. He strode quickly toward me, then transformed into an obscure acquaintance. My desire in dreams is to talk to DCs, so I asked him, what do you represent? He answered, you, now. He walked away, gaining a blue toga and a massive bow, like a Greek hero, or Kid Icarus. I looked into the sky, which started to fade to black, then back down to retain my dream awareness. I tried spinning to a new environment to no avail.

      Knowing this was a lucid dream, I started looking for some lucid booty, and I am not a pirate. I asked several women I saw to undress, but they vehemently defended their honor as any woman in a street would, making me feel self-conscious and slightly abashed. I walked into a nearby building and couldn't change anything. Nothing, I was in a very low degree control over the dream. I talked with a couple people about making plans to go to another dream, and they were drawing up plans for it (a cruise in a wondrous tropical sea with a boatload of girls), when I walked past a man I knew sitting on a couch. He said, Matt, this will always be a part of you, then proceeded to molest a girl I know who he was next to, who was sniffling and unresponsive. Enraged, I lost sight of creating a tropical paradise and wanted to hit him, though I'm not generally violent. As I moved slightly toward him, I merged with the girl on the couch, who turned into a very close lady friend, and the dream turned sexual.

      I woke up feeling angry, ashamed at the disturbing content and thrown off in general. Did I expect to be turned down? Was the amorous ending a reward for trying to attack evil, or did I give into my anger and become the evil itself? Mainly, I see the strangeness of it all as being caused by my inability to control and manipulate my dream environment (not able to fly, create new dream, etc.). If I had been flying, I think I could have escaped the nightmarish elements of it.

      The real unanswerable question is, why are the two evil characters in the piece, the fearsome monster hero and the predator, a part of me, and how can I either integrate them into my psyche... or destroy them? Love your enemies despite their wickedness, even if they are within, or are these weeds in me that I should be rooted out and burned?

      Updated 05-13-2014 at 08:03 PM by 69120 (Title - Change from Forum Question to DJ Entry)

      lucid , nightmare , memorable
    6. Strange Fragment of a Nightmare

      by , 03-28-2014 at 03:26 AM (Dreamer's Dream World ☾)
      I'm going to try doing a DJ here, although I'm not so sure I'll be posting much. I haven't really had any majorly interesting dreams (not recently anyway), but I did have one strange dream last night that I suppose could be categorised as a nightmare. I can't remember it too well, though and it's quite short (may have been a fragment).

      I was in my house I believe, and it was very dark. I knew I wasn't alone because I had this feeling. The feeling I always have in nightmares; the feeling something bad will happen. There were dark monsters or something there (they looked kind of human, but also...not) and I just knew they were going to attack me or kill me. I was scared at first, but then I realised it doesn't matter because they can't really hurt me (I must've realised it was a dream). I then just stood there, arms spread out, and waited for them to come at me but something happened. It was like they jumped into me and I got this... dark feeling inside of me. It was scary. That's all I remember. I woke up before anything else happened.

      Dreams are so strange and freaky sometimes..
    7. 2/28/2014

      by , 02-28-2014 at 06:36 PM
      In my other dream, I was walking towards Belen. I notice instead of my shoes I had my boots on. It started to rain and I arrived at Amy's house. It was me, Amy, Kristy, and a young girl. Kristy looked smaller and skinnier than she actually is. It was a pretty big house and then suddenly we get the feeling that someone is going to come rob or kill us. We hide in a secret room behind a bookshelf. Kristy starts grabbing my penis and telling me she wants it. I'm like wtf? After, we hear stuff going on outside and the town is engulfed in flames. There's a huge monster attacking it. I go outside seeing if I can kill the monster but I can't find anything.
    8. plane crash monster

      by , 02-02-2014 at 08:34 PM (sparkley guy dream journal)
      We were in a plane crash because the pilots disappeared. Anyways, we landed. I'll list the people
      - nerdy smart bald guy
      - classy normal guy
      - white girl
      - black girl
      Just the normal survival team. So when we landed the nerdy guy said there was a monster named Z on this island. Then everyone died except me and the guys. Normal guy said "i here something hide" So we hid and i hid by this tree that had like a blanket and that normal guy hid somewhere else. That nerdy guy was still finding a place to hide and then the monster spotted him and went running to him. When the nerdy guy saw he said "I don't want to die, get that person over there" He pointed at me. The monster started walking creepily slowly to me and then I left the game. It was like it was real life but then I left. It was a dream
    9. The Crustacean Monkey

      by , 01-07-2014 at 05:49 PM (iBranko's Dream Journey)
      24.11.2013 3/3

      Eu estava num quarto com o meu pai, minha irmã e a Mimy.
      Havia uma caixa grande na cama.
      Eu a abria e via um olho de crustáceo com haste.
      Eu observava o olho e o via piscar. Então me dava conta de que não era apenaso olho, mas um monstro vivo, porém atordoado. Eu o via respirar e me assustava.
      Antes de abrir a caixa eu pensava: "Vamos ver o que o meu irmão pescou".
      O monstro comeįava a levantar e meu pai e minha irmã saiam do quarto.
      Antes disso tudo e de abrir a caixa eu estava colocando a Mimy numa sacola e a sacola numa gaveta para colocá-la num tipo de caixinha para levá-la a algum lugar, mas ela não queria entrar.
      Eu saía logo após os dois e olhava pra dentro do quarto. Eu via o monstro quase de pé e a Mimy do lado com uma expressão de medo. Eu a chamava, temendo que a criatura a pegasse, mas o ser não reagiu e minha gata veio ilesa.
      Quando a criatura ficou de pé pude ver que era uma mistura de carangueijo com macaco, beirando os 2 metros.
      Ao lado da porta encontrei pedaįos de madeira. Peguei um com a mão direita.
      A criatura pulou e se agarrou na janela. Aproveitei a chance para acertá-lo por trás da cabeįa. Ela caiu e veio na minha direįão, ao qual revidei com mais 2 golpes na cabeįa, sem muito efeito.
      Voltei a porta e peguei mais um pedaįo de madeira. Desferi um golpe com um salto e as duas madeiras ao mesmo tempo, de cima pra baixo.
      O monstro sentiu o golpe e fugiu.
      Agora eu estava em cima de um prédio com mais 2 homens. Estávamos caįando a besta.
      A vimos na beira do prédio e ela se jogou/caiu.
      Olhei pra baixo e pude vę-la caindo. Ela parecia diferente, meio bege e lisa. Antes era verde e azul escuro e peluda.
      Ela caía numa mesa redonda. Haviam pessoas lá em baixo, um tipo de restaurante/café ao ar livre.
      Não lembro se isso foi antes ou depois mas eu estava numa calįada com um veículo estacionado, o Sr. João do lado do veículo e a Ju do meu lado.
      Eu e a Ju subíamos num carro vermelho, ela como motorista e eu de passageiro. Ela dava ré e acertava um carro que estava estacionado na calįada.

      Updated 01-07-2014 at 05:52 PM by 66176

      non-lucid , memorable
    10. Chasing a Freaky Around in my Cubitis Front Yard

      by , 11-20-2013 at 05:20 PM
      Morning of November 20, 2013. Wednesday.

      Once again, I am back in my childhood home in Cubitis in the large front yard. It seems to be just before dawn. This is a little like my recurring dreams where I watch inexplicable events in the sky at dawn with a feeling of nostalgia and bliss. I am semi-lucid, but my dream only becomes more vivid in the last segment.

      Some of the presumed alien spaceships I see overhead are v-shaped. A few others are different. I even see an X-wing fighter as in “Star Wars”. Some classmates are walking about in the area. We are all much younger.

      After a short time, I notice a weird blue somewhat spherical creature running around in circles in the yard. I am not sure if it came from one of the spaceships. It is only about waist-high. It is apparently a dangerous alien (by the seeming mood implied by the others), but then I see it is actually one of the Freakies from the old Freakies Cereal (which I had not seen in about thirty years or more though I had collected all seven plastic figures with several duplicates). It is the blue one, Snorkledorf, which looks like male genitalia with legs. Before I realize it is a Freaky though, I do go after it to protect the others from a possible alien attack. I sort of grab it and press down on its head and discover that it is much like a balloon (reminding me of those old child-sized upright dinosaur balloons my parents and relatives got from gas stations, I think either as a giveaway or from trading stamps, which could be used as punching bags).

      As in many other dreams where I have chased monsters around, there is no fear or concern, just a sense of curiosity or mild frustration if it is not caught. I hold my body weight down over his head and try not to hurt him, eventually worrying that the pressure might kill him and I do not want to become infamous for killing the Freaky Snorkledorf.

      In afterthought, this may be an association with my childhood “pachydermophobia” rendered now as a playful game as an adult as elephants are obviously no longer a “threat” (though it may also be a play on exaggerated sexuality). It is interesting how dreams can feature mostly forgotten television commercials (and the small related toys) from over thirty years ago.

      The “dream journal synchronicity” tag has been added due to another poster having a very similar dream (regarding the dream journal site only).

      Updated 12-04-2016 at 07:22 AM by 1390

    11. Horror: Cthulhu Bugs

      by , 11-14-2013 at 04:30 AM
      I almost forgot this dream. I had the impression I had dreamed about grotesque insects. I was tempted to not remember it. Somehow, something I saw while driving refreshed the memory.

      I was in my spare room. It is mostly empty and looked like it does in real life. -Expect for two piles of dirty laundry in front of the closet door. They looked like piles of dirty oily rags. Something you would use on a car. Sitting plain as could be between the piles are two plastic cylinders filled with clear water. One was almost empty, the other was mostly full.

      Escaping the mostly empty 'tank' was something like a giant albino pill bug mixed with a silverfish. Except slimey and fleshy. They scattered when I spotted them.

      For some reason, I felt more worried about the inhabitant of the second cylinder tank...

      I picked it up using both hands and held it up to get a close look. Floating up the surface was something very difficult to describe. It was elongated, lopsided snail-like thing fused with a clam. It had a tiny human-like face with dull black eyes. It was mostly snail brown with darker blurry stripes, and a slightly translucent shell. I had the impression two lived the tank. But only saw the one.

      I recently started looking through HP Lovecraft writings. The monsters described in the lore are notoriously difficult to depict or comprehend.

      Updated 11-14-2013 at 06:15 AM by 32174

      nightmare , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    12. Retrieving toy from monster, and return from around the world

      by , 10-26-2013 at 09:15 PM
      At a garden party a child's toy had rolled into the den of the pet monster or pet land dwelling octopus, and I did not know how to get it out so I went to fetch help. Someone handed me a mop. I then found a couple college student aged young women who I gathered would know what to do, and entreated them to come help me retrieve the toy. One of them stopped somewhere to find a mop (she did not notice I already had one, so she got another), then when she saw I already had a mop, she gave me this dirty look as if to say "you already have what you need for this job, why do you bother us?" I said "it's nice to get someone who knows what they are doing. I bet next you are going to tell me that the monster is completely harmless, but see I don't know that." The young women did not deign to answer just proceeded to retrieve the toy using one of the two mops (the one she got, mine remained a useless extra). It was very easy to do. Oh, I only in hindsight noticed that I not only gathered two mops, but also a couple young women for what appeared to be a one mop and one person task.

      Then I went around the world. I do not recall anymore why I went around the world, but it appeared to be on some sort of mission I thought was important, but no one else cared about. When I came back to this garden party type scene which incidentally was much like the setting of the part of the scene with the monster/octopus above, I remember recognizing the people especially a girl (upon waking up none of them seemed familiar but in the dream they were). I said "greetings! I have come from around the world. It is nice to once again be among people I recognize!" A woman asked a man "how long before she ...?" But her voice kind of trailed of, and I assumed she wanted to know, how long before she stops speaking in this funny accent (I think it was Scottish - not that I know how to talk with a Scottish accent nor would I actually recognize one), or maybe she was asking "how long before she stops acting weird?", or it is also possible she wanted to know "how long before she wakes up?" -- all she did ask was "how long before she ...?" And the man answered "wait a moment." Oh, and then I woke up from this nap, so if the question of the DC was how long before she wakes up, then the male DC was quite correct in his answer.

      Updated 10-26-2013 at 09:47 PM by 61501

    13. Nightmare: Evil Monsterous Party Crashers

      by , 10-15-2013 at 11:47 AM
      The visuals were realistic and colorful. The beginning of this dream is lost, as usual..

      I was at some sort of garage party... This was a garage made up of various garages and garage parties I've attended. At the party were a few people I know in real life, and other random dream characters. The place was complex and dingy. In real life I wouldn't have been thrilled to be at this party. I barely recall interacting with anyone.

      At one point I decided to step outside for a change of scenery. Outside looked like the backwoods of some remote county. There was a healthy green lawn, tall white-bark leafless trees, and only one neighboring house, which was really more shack than house. (*Recall gets hazy at this point*)

      Out of the shack, come the next door neighbors. Three men who looked like sinister cast members on the show Swamp People. (A show I've not watched a single episode of yet.) They were big, and glaring at me with absolute hatred. I realized that disdain for their appearance might be showing on my face, and fueling mutual repulsion..

      I looked one of them up and down for something to compliment him on. I thought it would lighten the mood. He was wearing dirty jeans. Muddy boots. A stained and ripped jean jacket. A very old darkened flannel shirt, and a vest that looked like it was made in the 1950's. He had wild hair. Yellow teeth and dirt on his face with very blood shot eyes.

      I said "I like that vest."

      He looked at it, somewhat taken off guard by my remark. He didn't thank me, but when he looked back up at me he had this half puckered expression that revealed his rotten teeth. It wasn't a smile, but it was better than the 'I want to kill you right now' look on his face before. I started to walk back towards the party, the three men followed me a ways.

      I said "We're having a party, you guys can probably come for a few beers." They seemed slightly curious, but not impressed.

      I walked back to the house, opened the side door and walked back in to the dark garage. The guy with the vest leaned inside to have a look. There was now blood everywhere, and no sign of the party goers. I felt very uneasy. I ignored the neighbors and bolted inside to see what happened..

      Near the back, there was trough filled with water about a foot deep. There were a number of people in the trough standing and fighting off what appeared to be something like skinless gremlins about 3ft tall. And the people were losing. Blood was splashing. Lights were flashing. Music was playing. It was like a twisted dance floor. As I watched in disbelief, a more powerful looking skinless gremlin with a bulging oblong brain leaped from a rafter and sliced another gremlin in dozens of of pieces with its steel straight edged elongated claws.

      I was fighting off being horrified. It turned and faced me directly. It was hideous. About 3.5 feet tall. Humanoid. It had yellow cats eyes. Wicked snaggle-tooth fangs and a huge visible brain. No hair. No fir. Just exposed. Bloody. Densely packed muscles. It looked agile and a little bit stocky.

      I said "Why did you kill one of your own?"

      It said in a raspy voice "He was going to die soon anyway."

      I pulled out a pocket knife and said "What happens if I stab you in the brain?!"

      It said "Try it."

      I stabbed it in the brain. He rolled his eyes up to look at me. I pulled out the knife and stabbed it again further back and with more force. It acted disoriented by the second attack. I staggered back reeling with disgust. After another moment, he regained composure and started to climb out of the pool to follow me. Now, I ran. Strangely into a small room with a TV. I looked at the TV remote.

      I said
      "I want to change the channel. I don't want to see these things anymore." --Then I woke up.

      I have not had a nightmare since I last posted one on Dream Views. When I woke up, I felt perfectly calm and well rested. This is the most complex dream I clearly recall in about the past year.

      Updated 10-15-2013 at 01:08 PM by 32174

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    14. Flooding Baby Monster

      by , 09-09-2013 at 09:53 AM
      I believe in my dream I could travel in time across parallel universes and relive variations of my life. I knew what was going to happen in the one I was in, and that everyone including me would die if we tried to save the baby.

      The baby was supposedly my roommate's baby not mine. The crib started flooding, and luckily I knew that there was nothing we could do to stop the flood or to save the baby.

      I told my room mate that this was not really her baby that we needed to leave. My roommate looked, and the baby's hair had turned grey, and now e head was turning orange, and the baby was growing into an orange monster. Luckily my roommate realized that I was right and did not try to save the baby.

      I ran out of the apartment door first, but then waited for my roommate, pulled her out and kicked the monster in the face, and as it fell back, I closed the door. I had a brief flash of accidentally kicking my roommate instead, like that was an alternate turn of events that I was aware of, but this time I managed to kick the right one.

      Hesitated briefly over whether to take the elevator or stairs, but I knew the stairs would be better. I do not remember actually running down the stairs, so I think we cut to the lobby of the apartment building like in a movie scene.

      As we ran out we shouted to lobby attendant, something like "Evacuate! flood!" He tried to stop us, but we ran out of the building. As we kept running, I called 911 on my cell, even though I knew I would be blamed for starting the flood, and even though I knew they could not stop it, and that a lot of residents of that building would die despite is call. But I did not know what else I could do.

      This was where the dream faded/ended, and I woke up.
    15. A Friend In Need

      by , 08-30-2013 at 11:18 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      I was really surprised by this dream so early in the night. I had only been a sleep 3 hours and had quite a bit to drink before.

      #219 - DILD - 12:29AM

      This is a little foggy in places but the first thing I remember is some image of a normal woman sort of melting into a pool on the floor and transforming into something hideous. My friend Jana shows up and I somehow understand that this is her nightmare. I tell her that the next time she sees this she just know that she is dreaming and take control of it. I say, "Look of this is just in your mind. It's probably stress or unresolved childhood issues." I look out side through a glass and there are larger than life bills stacked up. I point, "See?"

      I realize something at this point and feeling surprised and a little unsure by this I stop and stare at her. Her appearance comes into sharp view. I say something like, "This is a dream isn't it?" She nods then I for some reason feel like we are sharing a dream. I say, "Are you lucid?" Again she nods. I become extremely excited and jump up and down grinning. She looks at me like I am an idiot and tells me something like, "Calm down." I realize that I could wake myself up so I do just that.
      She then, takes my hand and pulls me out of the area that we are in. I realize this is a mall and we must have been in some store.

      There is a little gap in memory here but we basically wonder around as she leads me on. There was something about CanisLucidus. We make our way into a small hallway. The floor is tiled and there is a potted tree in the corner.

      I see the creepy lady at the end of the hallway coming our way. She looks a bit like Martha Steward and I know that she will turn into the monster at any moment. I tell Jana to just run past while I take care of her. I know that I can control the situation and I run toward her. I jump and somehow land on her back. I press my hands on both sides of her head and concentrate. I tell her that she will not change. Jana runs past and I jump of the woman. I tell Jana that she has to believe that she will go away. I look and the woman continues walking on like nothing happened. I say, "See? It's no problem."

      Updated 09-07-2013 at 08:45 PM by 5967

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