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    1. Hospital :/

      by , 08-28-2013 at 04:29 PM
      Dream 1 :[COLOR="#800080"]I was in a hospital room with 2 nurses that were waiting to give me an injection(For lungs or something). I was very scared by it and I kept asking a lot of people if it hurts.I eventually got to mom and asked her if it hurts she said it won't hurt and then she did an example on herself.She did an injection on her wrist and I somehow gained courage from that.I went back to the room and I told them I'm ready to take that injection.She said okay(The injection had some bloody red substance in it). I expected her to do it in my wrist but instead of the wrist she pushed the needle in my shoulder.Then I felt the substance in my back(It was cold) and then moving from my back to my chest .[/COLOR]

      Dream 2 : [COLOR="#800080"] I was in my room and it was dark.I had some kind of wand in my hand.I wasn't alone but with 2 friends.We were trying to fight some kind of monster and in those wands we needed energy that could be taken from basically,everything.We wanted to attack him with the wand but he kept taking the energy(I somehow knew that would happen) and I kept touching a lot of things and my wand gained energy from those things.While me and my friend were fighting,the other one was hiding under the couch with a wand(He wasn't a human but some kind of green creature :/).It got light outside,and then my friends were leaving and I put my telephone to charge.[/COLOR]
    2. Fights with my Subconscious - Monster, Ex-Girlfriends, Sex and More

      by , 07-31-2013 at 11:48 AM
      [Half lucid dream in 3-4 episodes. First episode: monster attack. Second episode: Ex-girlfriend- attack. Third and Fourth episode: A pimp attacking my car and war-games turned bad ]

      1. I'm walking through a mall. A lot of people are around. They are walking in every direction talking to other people etc. A typical day at the mall. I want to go to a cinema, which apparently is in the mall, although the place seems to be in one way very familiar, but in another very bizarre and strange. The place is mixed, it has features of at least three other places I know in real life: my favorite mall, my favorite cinema and the main railway station in my town.
      I'm tired from walking and I take a rest before a public toilette. The place is strange, the roof is tilted, it looks like I'm standing on a hill. I sit down and there is this guy. He looks like stoner. He starts to talk to me:

      - Hey you! How's it going.
      - I don't know, I'm lost in this place.
      - Aren't we all lost sometimes?

      He giggles.

      - No, you don't understand, I'm looking for the cinema. I want to watch ...
      - The New Alien film?, he finished my sentence. Ah man, you know, those films are really special?. sometimes a bit awkward, but rather fun. Isn't it?
      - True my pal, I said, especially this one scene where ...

      Our conversation get's interrupted. People are screaming, running away. They shout repeatedly "He's back, he's back! ". I stand up and see that the mall is attacked by a gigantic monster. It's running through the lanes, it looks like a scorpion, a lion, a boar and a snake mixed together . Something hideous like that I've never seen in my whole life. It's black-green-ish and has sparkling red eyes. People run away from it but it devours one person after another.
      Strangely enough I'm not that feared by the sight of the monster. I had a simple but clever idea to stop this mess as I realized that this might be a dream:
      I closed my eyes. After all, when I can't see the monster, it isn't there and can't see me.

      2. I open my eyes back again. I'm still in this mall. But this time, I'm in front of the cinema. I feel relieved that I saw a few friends of mine. We walked to the cashier. But the place is really crowed. I have to push the people aside. As i walk through the crowds I see HER. I'm really shocked about it, cause I didn't want to see HER. SHE is my ex-girlfriend, I haven't talked to since 3 months and haven't seen her since our break-up. I'm really irritated. Should I talk to HER or should I simply ignore HER? I recalled a conversation from last weekend that I had with my best friend. I said that I'm not angry anymore and that I'm totally cool about it, so cool, that I could survive such an awkward moment. I also recalled that I resisted every attempt from HER to get me back. But than I recalled that I haven't seen HER in waking life, but only in my dreams. So I feel really confident about it and start talking to her.

      - Hey M. Hey M. !
      She was looking away.
      Some one else said HER name and pointed towards my direction. She turns around.

      - Oh, hey, what ...? [SHE seemed surprised]
      - Hey it's me! I want to talk to you!

      She excuses herself and walks towards me. We go to a place with fewer peoples around and where there is less noise.

      I see that SHE has lost enormously weight. SHE has a fine silhouette in waking life, but it seems that SHE only weighted half. Her arms were thin, her legs too, she looked really fragile.

      - OMG, I said, what happened to you? You've lost so much weight!

      I grabbed her arms. They were so thin that her too arms would have fitted in one of my hands.

      - I know, SHE says, I did. People say that I'm a mess ever since I dumped you.
      - You're lying and you know it, I say. You aren't really her, I'm just imaging you around. It's a dream. You aren't real.
      - I'm not the problem, She answers, you don't let me go. This is your imagination world, not mine. Just simply let me go.
      - But I did it!, I protest, I haven't see you around like ages. The memories about you are fading.
      - But they come back, or don't they?, she rappels to my mind. You aren't over me for 100 percent.
      - How could I?, I replied again.
      I feel that I'm loosing the battle. I just want to dump her in my dream for the fifth time. To this day I resisted her attempts, or better said: I resisted to my deepest feelings in my subconscious. But this time it's really hard.
      - Don't you remember all the promises I made? I told you that I would never let you go and you answered me that you would ever stand by my side. but you didn't!

      My perspective changes to third person. I see how we are talking and talking. I can't hear what we are talking anymore. My view starts to fly, I see the talk from above. And suddenly one sentences got to my ears. "Take me back, it was my fault." It was the voice of HER. I've heard this sentences in nearly all my dreams, where she comes around . Instead of SHE kissing me and I getting upset and saying to her all the bad things she did to me, I kiss HER. I feel really guilty from my third perspective. I feel the kiss, it was cold, it didn't seem right. My other self and SHE went along together, I felt bad, so bad that I had the desire to throw up at both of them. BUT instead I disappeared through the ceiling.

      [The next section contents sex, violence and bad language]

      3 - 4.[SIZE=4] I'm driving a car through the night. I'm on the car park of the mall. I'm really upset about a thing I can't recall. a friend of mine sits on the passenger seat.

      - Yo Yossarian, he said, don't drive that fast!
      - Go fuck yourself, I say.

      We are exiting the car park. I turn left to the exit lane. There is a traffic light where none should be. I brake and wait that it get's green. But it doesn't. The waiting is unbearable to me and I light a cigarette.

      - Those bastards are going to kill me someday.

      I open the window to my right. My friend starts coughing.
      Suddenly two prostitutes run towards us.
      - Oh shit!, my friend screams. Close the window, they are mistaking us for some clients. Drive backwards!

      That's what I do. I drive backwards away from them. They seem really disappointed. Suddenly their pimp jumps up through a bush and starts demolishing the car with a baseball-bat.

      - Oh noes, my friend laughs, Pimp-attack!
      - that's not funny, the car was expensive

      I don't remember what happens next but suddenly I'm in a room with a handful of soldiers

      - My pals, the general said, today is victory day! As you know, we are going to win the annual war-games. This is the plan from today. You should ...

      I don't listened to his talking. All I can think about is when was the last time I got laid. And the creepy man standing in the corner of the room. He's bold has bad teeth, a beard and has crazy eyes. He's smiling. It's like he can read my filthily thoughts. I shake my head.

      - Everything clear now?, the general says.
      - Yes sir, the group answers.

      We go outside, But I and a captain go to another direction.
      - Hey private, he says, we are launching our sneak attack!
      - So it is, I lied.
      I don't know what he was talking about. The scenery changes. We are in a bunker.
      - I'll take a piss, I say and go to the restroom.

      After doing my duty, I washed my hands. My teeth start aching suddenly and i open my mouth and look into the mirror. I see that my teeth are in bad shape, one molar has a hole, another vanishes before my eyes. I spit three molars out. I'm not happy about that. I talk a paper towel to press it against my molars. I want to gout of the room, but the creepy man from before jumps out of nowhere and says:

      - That's my towel.

      And he takes it from me and vanishes again. Perplexed I go out with a fresh towel.

      In the bunker again, the captain is to be found nowhere. The outside door opens and he comes back in. He has a black eye.

      - What happened?, I asked bluffed.
      - I had a fight with a filthily girl.
      -Why? What did you do?
      - I tried to rape her.
      - You did what?
      - You heard right. But she didn't want to.
      - Does that even amazes you?
      - Yes, I always get what I want.
      - Are you nuts or something?, I objected. If you wanted sex, go check a prostitute, they are everywhere.
      - But I wanted her.
      - Did you never try to talk to girls first? That's the way I do it: you talk, you befriend and than you fuck.
      - That's too complicated. I wanted her now!

      I shake my head. What a bastard, I think. I go outside to look after her.

      She has a wound on her neck, some scratches too. I help her and make her a bandage. She is very delighted of it. She looks nice.

      - I heard you are filthy, is this true?, I asked her.
      I can't believe that this is true.
      - Yes, you're right. I'm a filthy whore. Everyone can have me, do dirty things and so on. Except the captain, he is a bastard. He doesn't know how to talk to a girl.
      - Yes I know. By the way, I'm going to say something but please don't be upset. It's just a proposition, you can accept it or refute it. No bad tricks.
      - Ok, she said, go on.
      - Do you want to have sex with me? I'm feeling horny now.
      - Why not, she said, that's the only thing good that will happen today.
      - I bet it will be.

      And so we started and the dream finally faded
    3. Vivid dream 7/23/13 - 7/24/13

      by , 07-25-2013 at 04:59 AM
      Went to bed at 3:30AM, woke up at 11AM and fell back asleep, waking completely at 12AM. Dream happened between 11-12

      It started with some guys who would pick on our family if we didn't pay them a few thousand dollars a month (like Mafia insurance) and they would either break in and steal stuff or break things, etc. I kept insisting we take care of them with violence, either beating or killing them (I'm not exactly smart in my dreams) but my family was too scared of them.

      It zoomed forward to me going up north with my dad and 3 of my friends into Canada, for a sort of vacation. After we got there (and this might not be in order, I'm reading my journal and using my memory) I went to a sort of underground asian market with my dad. We looked around at things, it was dark and somewhat crowded. They had food and random things, I accidentally bought some cigars thinking they where some kind of beef sticks or jerky, which I hid from my dad so I didn't seem like and idiot. After that I smoked one and can remember the taste. Sort of like burning hickory and a charcoal grill. It was good. Then I remember having a few more through the normal parts of the dream, each tasting the same.

      But then things started getting eery and creepy. We where jetskiing on one of the lakes, it was a big blue lake surrounded by thick woods, like most in Canada, and when I got out near the center of the lake my engine died. I thought I ran out of gas or something but I had a bad feeling in my gut (yanno that really troubling panicking feeling you get for no reason?) and just sorta felt like I needed to get out of there fast.

      The dream skipped to me and my friends walking down a long gravel road with thick trees to both sides. There was sort of a tension in the air since we where all kind of getting the feeling something wasn't right. It was too quiet, and too isolated. It felt claustrophobic (Which is also weird, I rarely get claustrophobic) We could hear the wind picking up. But it wasn't normal wind. It just sort of made me feel afraid, the wind didn't seem natural. We started walking faster and faster, until we picked up a jog getting actually afraid now. The faster we ran the harder the wind blew. We where sprinting now and visibly terrified, and the wind was almost like a tornado, one friend (he was chubbier and had a beard) I'll just call Paul for now, started yelling something about "<something> Stalkers!" and "the trees aren't real!". (just remembering as I write this, I don't remember feeling the wind on me, only seeing and hearing it)
      We finally got to a statue (I can't remember what it was) and "Paul" had a hole maybe 2 feet deep at an angle dug, he told me I need to get in, I somehow knew the "stalkers" where after him and he was sacrificing himself to save me and my other friend, I did as told putting my head and shoulders into the hole, covering my mouth with my hands so I had a little air pocket, and felt the both of them put dirt over my back and legs covering me, I could hear the wind picking up even more and could hear him burying my other friend too

      Then I woke up out of it, at 12AM
    4. The depth of my lonely apocalypse.

      by , 07-17-2013 at 09:47 AM (Mysteries of my subconscious)
      June 14, 2013 - haven't remembered to post this!

      It seemed like the game the division, post apocalyptic. There were no zombies or anything, but some monsters that seemed monkey-like to me. They were scavengers and hunters, just some monsters that would try to kill me and my people. I was only with some friends (some people I don't remember), my brother Brian, friend Presley, and a teacher Mrs. Williams, as well as her two daughters(which I don't know if she has two daughters). It started out in a prison that was made safe into a settlement early on. I was requested for help(maybe?) and had to leaave the prison. I was in a house which didn't seem too bad, and I was with at least Presley and Brian.

      *There was some sort of side trip where Presley and I were purchasing a video game and he cut in line* dunno why this happened...

      We then went back to the room and hung out there for a little bit after avoiding attacks. On a radio or a phone we were called to go to another room that Mrs. Williams was in. She and her daughters were in there and the daughters were both terrified and young. One seemed about 8 and the other 3-4. She was doing anything she could to protect them. She seemd to be some sort of warrior apparently and she went out to kill some of the monsters that were causing trouble outside. She was requested for help and Brian went to help her. Neither returned although I tried to call for them various times. The daughters got frightened and hurt themselves running to a corner. They remained there for a long time. Many events that I cannot fully recall occurred during this time. I believe that Mrs. Williams story was somewhat revealed to me and I witnessed her death? Also some other guy showed up and was in a fun battle with some bad guy (familiar characters). It was mostly just tension and speaking. Then the bad guy shot the good in the head, I stole the gun and shot the bad guy in the head.
      Daytime was approaching and the older sister did not make it alive. I took the younger one back to the prison where she was taken care of, as I went to get something to eat. I walked into the eating hall alone, something I wouldn't typically do, it's just that anyone close to me was gone it seemed. I walked through the room with utter disappointment and loneliness until I sat at a table with friends Brittany Bolger, Santana and some others. I was still alone though I felt.
    5. From examining shrubberies to flying.

      by , 06-25-2013 at 12:56 PM
      I don’t really remember how the dream started out since it was such a long dream. What I do remember is that in the beginning of the dream we had to make a task for mathematics as homework.
      Me and my other classmates are looking out of a window at a shrubbery. The shrubbery had something to do with the exercises we had to make by tomorrow. I made my notes about the shrubbery and attempted to make the exercise. The exercise wasn't too hard so I completed it in a reasonable amount of time. I heard another classmate (Sam) complain about the exercise, he said he made it all wrong because he was thought the small bush on the side of the shrubbery was part of the exercise as well. “He should have looked better before he begun the exercise” I thought to myself.

      At a certain point after this I realise I’m dreaming.
      “I’m dreaming, so now I can fly”. I wanted to test that by jumping out of the top window of our house. At this point I am standing in front of the window and I look down through the window into the garden below. “Better be sure I’m dreaming before jumping out” I think to myself, because all of this sure looks realistic. I do the test by imagining there is a horse in our garden, I look down and sure enough all of a sudden there are two horses grazing, a brown one and a white one. I decide to take it one step further and imagine that there are now cows grazing in the garden, the horses morph into cows.
      “I am dreaming for sure”. I get ready for the jump by crawling outside of the small window. Now my feet are the only thing holding me in place while my body is floating horizontally in the air with my arms down the side of my body. One of the horses, the brown one, launches towards me and when he is nearly at my height tries to bite my hands off. “That horse sure can jump high” I think to myself. He launches again but fails to reach me and falls back towards earth. I prepare myself mentally to make the jump and fly. I hope I don’t plummet towards the ground, since this is the first time trying to fly in my dreams. I push off and for a moment I’m dive-flying towards the ground, but I manage to gain control over my flight and navigate myself upwards. “I’m really doing it, I’m flying”.
      I fly through the street that is positioned next to my house with my arms stretched in front of me like superman. Beneath me I see my best friend (Lieven) and his dad walking. “Hey Lieven, I’m dreaming, I can fly”. I land next to him and tell him again, “Isn't this great, I can fly.” “Ah, I wish I could do that” he said. “But you can, just do it” I replied. I’m still walking besides him and am looking at the forest besides the road (the forest that is positioned behind my garden). “Look Lieven, look at the castle that’s hidden in the forest”. I try to imagine a castle but that thought doesn't manifest itself in my dream so I just leave it alone. At this point a realize I ought to stabilize my dream, I rub my hands together and see what happens, but there is no noticeable difference in clarity so I yell “become brighter” but still no effect. Must be because the dream is already very clear I think to myself.
      I leave Lieven behind and walk up the bank besides the channel. I want to fight a monster, like I read on the internet. So I imagine there being a monster on the top of the slope in climbing. And sure enough there is a giant armoured troll awaiting me. “I’ll bring him down with my guns” I think to myself. I start shooting at the beast with the gun that has now appeared inside my arms, but the gun doesn’t seem to affect him in any way. Besides me there is a bucked filled with a various array of weapons and I take another one but to no avail, so I decide just to kick the monster with my boot and that seems to do the job as the monster falls into the channel on the side of the road.
      I continue walking down the road and on the left side of the road I spot a little digital clock. I walk towards it and see that it notes the amount of time I have left in this dream, which is not much according to the clock.
      I just want to do one more thing before I leave, I want to have sex with Linde (a good looking girl from my class). I am now in a room by myself, “let’s try to summon Linde” I think to myself. I read that you can do that by drawing the outlines of the person you want to create in the air with your hands, but it doesn't quite work out for me and nothing happens.
      At this point I think about the TOTM that I read about on Dream views. Being naked in front of an audience isn't going to work since I don’t have much time left and there is nobody here, so I should do the task where you look in the mirror. I leave the room and walk towards the bathroom. As I enter the bathroom I think to myself “I hope there aren't holes where my eyes ought to be like I read on Dream views the other day”. I bring my courage together and walk in front of the mirror. I am relieved to see that my eyes are still as they should be, in fact I look quite normal, but then I see the distortion in my refection. There is a strip of the mirror that is bend like a mirror in the mirror palace. Because of this, my head looks quite funny as I move around.

      I begin to lose grip over my dream and stray into a non-lucid dream.
      I tell my best friend Lieven about the wonderful lucid dream I just had, he is sort of jealous since he hasn't been able to have a lucid. “I didn't learn for my test I have from mathematics, but so what, I had an amazing dream instead.”
      I wake up for real.

      Updated 06-27-2013 at 02:49 PM by 63727

      lucid , task of the month
    6. Annie and Jack Fighting Monsters

      by , 05-30-2013 at 03:35 AM
      At times there is a game UI on the screen and sometimes there isn't. At first I am Lara Croft, I see a screen where you can name the character anything you want. I'm thinking "I could name her anything I want, and I pick Lara?" still, it makes sense, I think. That is who she is, changing her name will not alter that.
      Then I am running through a department store. A monster kind of like...a rock genie, (I don't know, it's all blocky but it's blue its torso tapers down into a slender cord that attaches to a sidestack), it gets in my face and the UI pops up. I scroll through my weapons and realize I'm all out of ammo. So I jump forward and punch it until it dies.
      I pass through the department store and I'm desperate for ammo. Jack appears, much like he did before. He's tall, wearing a black suit, thin black tie and a white shirt, his hair is completely black this time. He beckons to me,
      "Hey! This way!"
      I'm so relieved to see him, now I'm not alone. "You okay to pass through the Wastes? We're almost Home."
      "Yes, but Jack, I'm all out of ammo."
      "I'll show you where you can get more."
      The area is like a basement with a low roof, but it's covered in rock and dirt. I want to think of it as a cave, but it's too regular for that. Blue monsters dot the otherwise barren landscape. He turns to face them and instructs me on how to open a secret weapon/ammo cache in the wall while he guards my back. It all seems too easy, but I'm not about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
      "Get as much as you can carry, there isn't another one of these for a while."
      I see us from overhead, tiny 2D pixelated versions of ourselves. I'm no longer Lara Croft but Annie from Covert Affairs, wearing a floor length black strapless dress with a slit almost up to the hip.

      I'm in the department store again. I'm myself, my dad walks with me to where the rock genie was.
      "Aaawww...you killed the guardian?" he says.
      "What? It was in my way."
      "I really wanted a beard though..." he whines.
      "I don't know what you're crying about, the beards are still here." I gesture to the sidestack and take a moment to think about how stupid all the beards look. They're not even hair, they're pieces of cloth folded into small oval shapes in plastic. He walks away without taking one. I shrug and make my way around the store.
      My sister is there with her son, except he isn't as old, he's only three here. And he's making a mess. I discretely try to pick up after him. I realize I'm embarrassed, not because he's making a mess, but because people watching will just think he's being unruly. They don't understand that he's autistic and isn't comfortable here. I'm worried they'll think badly of him. (He really is autistic, by the way.)
      After a moment I decide to leave the mess.

      Then I'm at work, standing at the appliance desk. Jack is waiting for me, sitting the wrong way in a chair. He smiles.
      "Jack!" I think, delighted he has followed me here. Now I am Annie again, I try to flirt with him without being outrageous about it. I can't seem to find a balance. We banter back and forth, but I don't remember any of it. I say something clever (which of course, I don't remember), and think about how I want to threaten to kiss him. I don't say it, but after a moment I take his face in both my hands and lean down to do it anyway.
      Except that while I can feel his face between my hands, he disappears when I get close. I pull back, frowning. He gives me an apologetic look.
      From a few feet away David Boreanaz rubs the back of his neck in a gesture of mild discomfort and chagrin at our situation. He's dressed the same as Jack.

      Some other things happened, but I don't remember them.
      Oh yeah, I have no idea how it relates to that, but i see a guy's face and he mumbles something at me.
      "What?" I ask.
      "I'M TERRIFIED OF SQUIRRELS!" He yells, startling me and DC.
      I frown at him. The other DC leans over, "...is he serious?"
      Then I see a mental picture of why he's terrified. Apparently he thinks they're ravenous and blood thirsty and if he opens the closet all the squirrels will fly out and tear him to bits. I think he's being stupid.
    7. The One Week Challenge - Night 1

      by , 04-15-2013 at 07:09 AM
      Okay so I was playing a game on this computer which was connected to a server. Suddenly someone tried to hack the server so I unplugged it. Then I was in a forest with about 4 other people that were around 16/17/18. We found a laptop and mobile phone on the ground after looking for them. When we picked them up the wind rushed through the trees. Something was very wrong. Suddenly my 'friends' started shouting to watch out and to get away. Looking around I couldn't see anything that would be a threat. Then this... thing slowed down to a speed my eyes could register. It was a male of about 20 years old, tall and thin but he was white. As in white like the colours on DV. He was inches away from my face and he was very very angry, his eyes were black voids. I stumbled backwards trying to put some distance between myself and... it. Once I was a decent distance away I threw a punch aiming straight for his face. "Leave me alone!" it screamed and vanished before my fist made contact. My friends behind me dropped that laptop and phone, before I could say anything else I was stood back next to the server I'd just unplugged. I plugged it back in and went to see if it was still being hacked.

      I was a camel being looked after by a walrus. People couldn't work out what was wrong, I'd had all my organs replaced but still couldn't stand up properly. Then I realised I just had a broken leg. So I continued to watch tv.

      I don't even know what that last one was meant to be

      If you would like to join me in the one week challenge, feel free! All the information you need is right here: Click Me

      Updated 04-15-2013 at 06:04 PM by 48877

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Lizards and Snakes; Atourney and the Monster; The Dog and Flying

      by , 01-30-2013 at 03:15 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Lizards and Snakes

      There were a bunch of baby chamelions. Then a snake came and had one in it's mouth.
      A narrator started explaining how all the lizards were being eaten, and then there
      were many snakes and they were all eating a lizard until there were none left.

      Then the narrator started explaining how the lizards are vulnerable when they are out
      of their homes, and he started explaining about their homes. He explained that the lizards
      lived in a little hole, and I'm seeing everything that is being explained.

      The lizards would chew a little home from wood and have their babies in the home. Then
      the babies need to chew their own home, and in that time, they are vulnerabl. In this case,
      Snakes had eaten every lizard that was running around, but there was a whole where some lizards
      had been spared. They came out and there was a whole batch of lizards that survived.

      Then one of the snakes was making his home. It was an Eastern King snake, and it made its "home"
      by crawling "hard" into the ground, but again, the snake crawled in a piece of wood. The snake
      carved out an indentation in the wood as though it were crawling through sawdust.

      The snake was crawling around me. I wanted it to crawl around me, so I stayed very still
      so it wouldn't go away or bite me. It started crawling around me and I thoguht it was awesome.
      He was about 3 feet long and very pretty. Then I noticed that a bit towards its head, the snake's
      body was torn. It looked like the nylon from old pool chairs. I felt bad for the snake, but it
      also signaled trouble. Then the snake looked at itself pretending it was going to bite itself.
      This was just a ploy to not draw attention to the fact that it was going to bite me, which it did.
      It didn't hurt, but it was annoying.

      Attorney and the Monster

      This was such a cool dream. I was watching Perry Mason. His table was in the middle of a huge, empty
      room, and surrounded by a little wall all around him about knee or waist high. This scene later repeated
      with the wall a bit higher. Anyway, that was the opening scene. Moving forward, a man is choking a
      woman on the ground. He doesn't kill her; he merely scares her. She's fine, but she can't get up.

      The man runs away, she looks over and now I see where she is looking. There is a rock wall like a cave
      wall or something. There are jagged rocks. Right against the wall and kind of blending in, is a rock monster.
      He is made of a line of flat rocks standing on edge getting bigger and bigger as they go to his head.
      It is kind of like a snake, except made of increasingly larger, flat rocks. Its head is like a triangular
      rock, but the corners are way rounded. His expression is painted on with lines drawn in either pink or black,
      strange, but I can't really remember which. The eyes were just lines, as with the mouth, but the expression
      was eerie. He looked evil. The eyes were drawn like lines going up, over, and back down, so like a frowning face.
      the mouth was just a line also, but painted on this rock face, and that rock body, all on the ground, it was
      humble and miserable...and wanted to get the girl that had been choked.

      The Dog and Flying

      I had a dog that was in a cage I think, on a train. It got off the train. I held it by a leash, and someone
      told me to just try to get him back up on the train.

      I then saw a lady come down from a second story in an apartment, and then come out through a closet. I figured
      I could go up if she had gone up and come back down. I went in the closet and saw an opening in the ceiling. It
      would be awkward getting up through that opening, but I believed I could do it, so I jumped up to fly through,
      which I was successful at. I ended up in an up-stairs area. I knocked over a telephone because I was still flying,
      though I was heavy and not very skilled.

      I had something like a balloon or something that I put under me. It helped keep me afloat. Now I knock over a
      large, multi-line phone. It falls downstairs. I say, "Watch out!" but it hits right next to a woman who never
      even tried to move. She looked up. I said, "It wasn't my fault!" It wasn't, though it felt as though it were almost
      my fault.

      I dip down again as I'm not good at flying, and went back up as I worked on my belief.

      The End

      Updated 01-30-2013 at 02:52 PM by 41873 (To put dream titles in bold.)

      non-lucid , memorable
    9. If Our Dreams Are Eternal, Then So Are You and I - Spring 2012

      by , 01-21-2013 at 10:37 PM
      The time is late spring and for some people that means it's time to look for colleges. I'm not one of those people. That doesn't stop me though. Why? To this day I'm still not quite sure. It's one of those days where things just happen - no reason. The sun is shining and the flowers are budding. You're just there.

      The area seems oddly reminiscent of my elementary school. Or was it? The walls of the courtyard are overgrown with vines. The grass hasn't been mowed in a long time. A stillness in the air creeps down my spine.

      Mel, Trav, and I walk. Leaves glide through the air in slow motion. Then we see it.

      A bear, dead ahead. Standing right up on its hind legs, glaring straight at our faces. It doesn't phase us too much, however, and Trav continues to push Mel and I on the tire swing of the largest tree in the courtyard. It's a wonder, extending what appears to be miles up into the air. Then the bear begins its approach.

      I'm standing face to face with it now. It still has yet to make a move so I take the initiative and make it first. I kick the bear right in the face with the force of ten Optimus Primes.

      Shit. Did not know I had that in me. Fuck, that bear is pissed off now.


      That's my illustration of its expression. The sound that came out of its mouth sounded something like my dad sleeping after a night of Taco Bell. Except with artillery involved somewhere in the mix.

      The bear roars right at Mel, sending a stream of bear phlegm all down her face. She doesn't scream. Damn, girl's got balls. But she does run (probably a wise decision). We run like fucking hell. Like the devil is chasing us. Or a fucking bear.

      We arrive at the parking lot of the highschool, the bear tailing not far behind us. Everyone rolling blading in the parking lot notices the bear. Panic ensues. So I get Mel into the lobby.

      The principle walks in and sits down at the table. I look up from my art project and notice how much he looks like the dean from Community.

      "You know you really look a lot like that dean from Community."
      "Is that so?"

      A knock on the door.

      "Matt, your documentation is ready."

      Weird. What the fuck am I doing back at the highschool. Didn't I graduate college? Fuck these documents. I'm in trouble...

      "Matt, it's been a long time! How are you?"

      I look to my left and see Mr. Morgan, my 9th grade art teacher. With him is Mrs. Perry. We make small talk. Turns out Mr. Morgan and Mrs. Perry are married now. Whoop dee doo. I find it weird when teachers marry other teachers. Well not necessarily weird. Apes marry other apes after all. And clown fish marry other clown fish. Tree stars marry other tree stars. Wait, do they?

      Who the fuck is Mrs. Perry?

      The teachers and Mr. ...? Whoever he is, he's the guy who tried to get me to read a book on ethnic diversity senior year for making jewish jokes during class. But then he decided that was a fucking retarded idea and committed himself to a mental institution highschool

      Anyway, that guy is trying to keep everyone in the lobby calm and the guards aren't letting anyone outside. Too dark to tell what's out there. Gotta wait I guess. Oh well, rules are rules.


      The FUCK? Great. Some weird fucking creatures are outside now. I hate it when this happens. Now I'm gonna have to wait the amount of time it takes Oprah Winfrey to lose fifty pounds until I can get home.

      Fuck this. I'm not waiting. You know what? I never pulled the fire alarm during highschool. This seems like as good a time as any.


      Huh. I guess weird slithering creatures with that look like they have leprosy hate the sound of fire alarms. Awesome.

      So Mel and I leave. I'm walking her home through the neighborhood now when I notice she's not by my side anymore.


      Now that I think of it, there aren't ANY people around. Is this one of those Twilight Zone episodes where I've been transported to another planet by aliens or something? Because that would be cool, but the problem with that is they never seem to give you any music either. It's always so goddam quiet in those episodes. Wtf is with aliens and their opposition to music?

      I look back and notice the road is gone. 100% total dead end. Well that's confusing.


      I turn back around and a hagrid old lady in black robes and large pointy hat stands in front of me. Great, wicked witch of the west imitators. Of all places why did the aliens have to drop me on Hollywood blvd? Then she rambles on about some shit how if I ever want everything back to normal I have to do some weird shit for her. I don't know what it was. I tend not to listen to people dressed as witches in the middle of a suburban New Jersey neighborhood. Especially when they're holding a broom that looks like a vacuum cleaner.

      Oh and she says something about people's lives being at stake.

      I'm not the biggest fan of people messing with me every since the new england clam chowder prank in elementary school so this kind of pisses me off. I tell her I'll do her thing though. Whatever that is. Hmm, maybe I should have listened to her. I hope pleasuring her isn't involved or something like that..

      Regardless, Mel is gone and I have to help her.

      Either way, I'm not sure what I really did, but everyone reappears and the road is back to normal. Now this lady witch person is ANGRY. I mean like Stewie-being-put-in-a-high-chair-and-having-his-bazooka-taken-away - angry.

      Shut the fuck up.

      I punch her in the face. Damn, there's that Optimus Prime force again. I gotta figure out how I'm doing that. Punching witches is strangely satisfying.

      Mel and I continue our walk home and she doesn't seem to remember a thing that happened.

      Funny how the people close to you never realize how much you do actually care and how much you go through to keep them safe.

      Even if it all was just a dream.
    10. 19 Jan: Monster storm and the princesses from hell

      by , 01-19-2013 at 05:21 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      A real-life storm hit us and I had a hard time falling asleep because of the noise of the violent winds and rain. So I dreamt about it.
      I am trying to keep my family safe from the storm, so I check all windows and doors. Then I realize this storm has something evil in it and is trying to break in. I can hear and feel the monsters outside breathing and scratching. My aunt is somehow hypnotized by their calling and tries to let them in. I fight to stop her, but she manages to open a window. As I run to close it, I see the shadows outside. They are getting closer and closer.
      Meanwhile she goes downstairs to open the front door. I run after her. My humble home seems like a huge castle now. At the end of a huge staircase is a huge wooden door, 3 mts high and she is opening it. I scream "Nooo"! but arrive to late. After a moment of silence, they start coming inside. But instead of demons with fangs and claws, I see Snow White and Cinderela and other characters of the kind. I show surprise and when Snow White is right in front of me I say "So, you're the monsters?". She looks into my eyes and says "You bet. We're gonna fucking kill you." and she tries to hit me. I stop her punch and say "No way, bitches!" and I punch her back and then I have an epic fight with all these Disney princesses from hell.

      Updated 01-20-2013 at 06:11 PM by 34880

    11. The butt monster - false awakening

      by , 12-22-2012 at 11:59 AM
      I was hiking in the woods when I came across a monster. It wasn't a scary monster. It was a butt monster and it's goal was to have the best butt in the world.

      I'm home and my sister is expertly growing plants. She's growing them from seed, propogating them, and doing things with plants that I've never done, and I'm a plant guy. When she's telling me this, I'm laying on the floor and I'm so tired that I want to go to sleep. I tell her I had just been watching tv and that is why I'm tired. It's mid afternoon but I felt like I had just woken up. I had been watching a talk show and I feel like Frank Ocean was on it.

      There is a scene somewhere in here with some young overweight black girls. One of the girls ordered underwear on the internet and was just about to open the package. Suddenly, the other girl had the underwear in her hands and she was walking away with them, proud of herself for having such a great pair of underwear. It is revealed that there will be a nice butt competition and these underwear will help her. Suddenly, they are stolen yet again by a strange, un-talking, black guy. He's creepy looking and has on black and white stripes like a prisoner of old. The girl is frustrated but she doesn't try to get them back because she thinks it would be impossible.

      Later I am back by the same woods. I'm in a clearing in a house on a porch and the forest line is in the short distance. Some girls want to go into the woods where apparently, the best butt competition is to occur. They are stopped somehow by a women who is using some kind of force. I see my mother's cousin walk out of the woods. This is a women who is in her 60s but who is obsessed with her looks. She looks more scary than beautiful though with overdone make-up, push up bras, tight pants, and butt padding. She's at the edge of the woods and she's bending over doing some gardening work I think. She stays bent for a while. I suddenly realize that she is the butt monster . I tell my sister. Her motivation is to scare other people away from the woods so that she will win the prize of best butt.

      The house i'm in turns out to be the home of my grandparents. My mom asks me if I'm going to some event that they are all going to. I say no, because I don't want to have to kiss everybody who she is going with, including, that cousin of hers who I know is the butt monster. Not that she's scary, even though she is a monster. It's because she's so strange looking. I see everyone arrive. It's my grandmother, her sister, her husband's brothers' sister, my two aunts, the butt monster and bringing up the rear, my grandfather. All women except for one guy. I'm surprised to see my grandfather because in real life he's in the hospital and is in bad shape. He looks healthy in the dream which excites me.

      At this point I have, what I believe was a false awakening. I feel I'm awake and I want to write in my dream journal. I start writing it, more or less as I have above, though different. I get hung up on some details like the acreage of the woods or what sound volume to have your laptop on. Soon, the laptop closes and there is darkness and I feel like I'm losing recollection. Then I really wake up.
    12. Fri Dec 21 (2:27-10:07)

      by , 12-22-2012 at 09:51 AM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Comic Book Art

      I'm with a friend. He tells me to come look at some of his "coolest things." He shows me an intriguing piece of comic book art: a monster flipping a coin. Somehow the art conveys the artist's desire to make the monster "challengingly" grotesque to the reader, in the sense that we are supposed to view it as an empathetic, sentient creature, but all the details are calculated to make the monster repulsive and fearsome. I immediately try to imitate the drawing on a blank sheet of paper, to see if I can convey the same feeling. Somehow, the skin of my replica monster looks much drier than the skin on the original.
      Tags: monster
    13. The Island of Thorns

      by , 12-04-2012 at 06:02 PM
      This was the night of November 3rd/Morning of November 4th

      I went to bed around 6AM (Was up late drinking with my friends.) Only got about 4+3/4 hours of sleep. The dream got more and more vivid as it went on. I got more and more aware/lucid as it went on as well. I'm not quite sure whether it started in a street, my room, a mall, or the computer labs at my school. I'll just explain all scenes and how I think they go together.. Again, I will label violent/scary/weird parts in RED

      The Dream!
      I was at home, in my room. My sister kept bothering me. My friend Jesse came over. My friend Jesse is a pretty big stoner, so I asked my mom for $20 for marijuana.

      We went out to this street for I don't know what reason. We were near a car on the side of the road. Two black guys kept talking to me about money and I said something along the lines of "Hey everyone has a use for $20 in today's society!" I turned around back at Jesse and my sister and there was a giant tree I had to go through to get to them.

      In the next scene, its my sister, Jesse and I at some sort of store. We were just messing around at the store. Opening random items, tasting things we had never tried before etc. I was eating some sort of Ice cream with my hands as I walked down an isle. The isle slowly turned into the entrance to the computer labs at my uni.

      There was a cop there, so I devoured whatever was left in my hand. I talked to the lady at the front desk to use the computers. She yelled to a teacher that his shift was starting soon (I had shown up for class.) There were a lot of chairs along the side of the wall, where people were sitting/studying. I noticed the lady was talking to my Composition teacher who was sitting in one of these chairs. For some reason I got really absorbed by his face. There were suddenly two of him and his face kept changing.

      I became lucid somewhere around this point.

      He started explaining some concept to me and I was envisioning what he said. He got to a climax in his speech about "YOU NEED PHYSICAL STRENGTH!" I was then on a beach. Me and a group of five people were at one end of a rope, and six on the other. The other team was pulling us pretty slowly. The rope went around a pole in the middle, so both teams pulled in the same direction. We were fighting over a very beautiful naked woman.

      I gained some strength and in one big jolt, won the game of tug of war. All the other competitors disappeared once it was over. It was me and this beautiful girl on a tropical island. The island was completely square with beach on all sides. Nobody could get off of the beach as the rest of it was ALL thorns. I kept trying to have sex with this girl, and the scene kept getting creepier. It got really stormy. We turned around one of the corners of the island and down the beach I saw a very strange figure. It was a giant monster. I grabbed the girl and said "It's okay it's only a dream."

      I tried to make the monster go away, but I kept focusing on it. It was still slowly approaching. I saw a ton of eyes looking at us from the thorns. The monster kept changing form/shape which is why I was attentive to it. I realized I was paying too much attention to these details, so I turned 180 degrees. Everything disappeared without attention on it. The day went back to normal and the things were gone. I ended up talking to the girl/teasing her in the water. Because I was lucid, I wanted to know what its like underwater, so I tried summoning some goggles. I wanted to explore.

      It didn't work, so I turned around and to my luck, there was an ambulance floating in the water. I kept trying to open the things on the ambulance knowing there would be goggles inside. I couldn't open it, so I just ended up going underwater without goggles.

      It was beautiful. The color and clarity were so vivid. There were small white fish as far as the eye could see. There were pink streamer like seaweed strands floating in the current, like they were hanging down from the top of the water. The ocean bed was covered in coral and other wild life. There were giant snails and there was a very tall coral formation. There was an octopus on the side, and a mermaid laying on top in a giant white anemone.

      At this point, my phone woke me up (Stupid low battery .) I didn't want to waste the day away, so I didn't go back to bed. I am ready for REM rebound tonight!
    14. The Monster Under the Castle

      by , 12-02-2012 at 11:31 AM
      A very horror-core type atmosphere. There was a multi-level castle -- my memory of it is that it was Japanese-style, but this may have been a mistake. In many unspecifiable ways it reminded me of a videogame.

      Somehow, I made it into a wide open area under the ground, where there was a terrifying monster resembling a D&D monster whose name I have forgotten. It was in some ways like a dragon, but very demonic.

      There were other aspects to the dream, but much has been forgotten.
    15. The Castle on the Island

      by , 11-30-2012 at 12:03 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)

      12:51 pm

      NOTES Drank apple + carrot juice

      3:00 pm

      MILD, watched Dante's Cove, read Tibetan Yoga. I daydreamed about taking a bus back in Negros, thinking that being in Manila is just a (day)dream I was having while in the one-hour bus ride. It was kinda depressing, and I thought of how I am actually sitting in the bus, and me lying on the bed here in Manila is the dream. Then I tried pushing my finger through my palm; it went through. I tried again, same result. I was happy. I looked at the people around the bus. They have strange faces. Masks. White alien masks. I went down the bus and ran and ran, without stopping. I just kept on imagining running around, encountered a 3-foot tool, red, worm-like creature with a hole for a mouth. I jumped into the mouth, and the running kept going. Fell asleep.

      4:55 pm - wake up


      I was in an island with other people. We were scattered across different islands. I asked a girl how were her parents. The answer was vague, but she actually meant they just saw each other in a different island.

      We were guarding a castle near the sea. There are invaders. We are doing our best to keep them off. My allies in the castle were able to create a huge machine-monster to fight the enemy's monster-giant. I climbed down to give them ideas. The archers on the walls are good, but they're vulnerable from flyers and other arrows. I suggested (hingal) to cover them from above, attach magnets near them to minimize arrow damage, and build spikes to discourage flyers from coming closer. They nodded, but I felt they're not gonna implement it.

      I looked around, and at the 'back,' there are huge gates and walls. There's a local family passing by. Peru or Peruvian came to mind. Their child was able to fit through the bars and climbed inside. The few guards in the area caught her and brought her out. The panicked family outside began to leave in a hurry after they have their daughter, talking in a panicked language (unfamiliar language; probably Peruvian as well?). The guards signed to them to please don't talk about this area. It's a very vulnerable spot. I thought they shouldn't have let them get away alive at all. I got annoyed at the other officers for being careless. The area is largely blocked off by a huge forest, but there's no telling when the enemy will discover this vulnerable spot. I plan for the immediate strengthening of the location.
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