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    1. Beyond the Locked Steel Door

      by , 04-23-2018 at 05:52 AM
      Morning of April 23, 2018. Monday.

      While lying in our bed early this morning, I enter light sleep paralysis, which automatically brings me joy, a sense of well-being, and enhanced senses, though there is no imagery. I try to will the rising sensation I usually get upon focusing on this state, which usually begins with a tingling all over my body and an eventual sense of floating. This occurs and I feel weightless. I am aware of Zsuzsanna on my left. I try again. A second wave of tingling pleasure fills me.

      Believing I am at least partly awake now (but still in a vivid dream state), I see a few random comic strip panels as if floating above me, facing downward. I read some words and word patterns, most of which are the typical gibberish, but the letters are very clear. One end panel says “TWIN” and below that, “TWN”. Another end panel begins with “Dream interpretation is misrepresentation…”.

      I believe I am talking to Zsuzsanna about what I had seen, though my eyes are closed for a time. There is a real awakening of which quickly falls back into a false awakening. I seem to be in the Stadcor Street backyard (where we have not lived in years) in late morning, even though it also seems we are inside our present home in bed in semidarkness. (Being aware of two different lighting schemes simultaneously is not that common in my dreams, though it is basically just another aspect of bilocation caused by the conscious self identity being in the dream state.) I still believe that a part of me is awake enough to communicate with Zsuzsanna. A tingling moves through my body again and there is also a flashing. My hand is flashing as well. There is a very intense enhanced awareness. However, looking at the sky, I see a Klingon Bird-of-Prey hovering over the house and a 1950s flying saucer farther to the left. I laugh at my inability to realize that I had not stayed awake during this time. I then wake for a short time for real. My sexuality seems exponentially increased. I am going to have to play around and take advantage of the dream state for a little longer.

      Still in very pleasant light sleep paralysis, I decide to augment the state again and hold my conscious self awareness intact as much as I can. I am then in the bedroom on Barolin Street (where we have not lived since 2008 - the house no longer there in reality). I deliberately become incorporeal for a time and decide to try a typical door experiment. I move through the house toward the front door, which is now a large locked steel vault door. I fly as fast as I can will myself to, headed straight to it. As I know it is a dream, and what the door represents (a liminal space barrier between different levels of consciousness and unconsciousness), I realize that one of two events will happen. Either I will wake upon reaching the door, or I will enter an even higher state of apex lucidity by phasing through it. The latter happens. Time seems to slow down and I phase through the door, enjoying the event. I marvel at the beauty of the event and my enhanced clarity of mind.

      After phasing through the steel door, I find myself in front of an unfamiliar house late at night, looking back at the other side of the door. From here, I decide to walk and also to bring about daylight.

      I reach an area with about ten people to my left, mostly sitting along the side of the road. Most of them are partly undressed. It might be some sort of family gathering. Being in apex lucidity, the dream characters are a bit “off” and “glitchy”. I am looking for Zsuzsanna or a reasonable facsimile of her. I see a girl sitting on an embankment but realize that it is not her. I notice that all of the people have small areas of odd patchy and scaly darker skin. This may be a RAS hybrid of snake (the core RAS modulation factor) and personification.

      The preconscious (as an unknown male of about thirty) takes form and walks toward me and I am very annoyed, as I do not want to wake up yet. I immediately split him in two with the power of my thoughts and the sides fall in opposite directions. His partner comes over and seems upset. She looks down at the ground and seems unsure of what to say. I decide to will the pieces back together and walk off to another area.

      I summon a sexual encounter. It seems to be a version of Zsuzsanna at first, but soon turns out not to be. She is wearing a cat costume. Unfortunately, she also expects me to interact with her virtual pet first, that she pulls out of a cloth bag, which is little more than a Fleshlight with a toy stuffed cat sewn around it. This greatly annoys me and I go elsewhere. (Otherwise, a cat is an emergent consciousness factor, though remains on the preconscious side of the door of liminal space.)

      The people in this new area, half open building, half outdoors, are now taking on a more realistic appearance. Girls walk through a hall in a building of an unknown purpose. I am not sure if it is meant to be a college, hospital, train station, or all of the above. I summon Zsuzsanna and we indulge in pleasure, though I do not undress her. I go through the motions of undoing my pants (which is very strange as I am not dressed in reality and my faux conscious self model should know this). My manhood phases into her (through her clothes) as she leans back against the edge of a wall where a large room is to the left and the hall is to the right and we move together for several minutes. I have zero interest in the people walking around, though they do not regard us anyway. As I wake, I am holding Zsuzsanna close.

    2. 18-03-29 Underground Base, Nuked City

      by , 03-29-2018 at 03:35 PM
      I was navigating a large underground base of some sort. The tunnels were concrete, and were well maintained and well-lit. I climbed down a series of ladders to get down to the lower levels. Almost at the bottom of the stairs, I was hit by a very strong draft. The draft got so strong, I had to hang on to the ladder for dear life, hanging horizontally with my legs being sucked back. Luckily, it stopped and I could safely continue on down. There was a man there, whom I spoke to about the draft. I found myself in a large open 'market', where food like fruit and vegetables were being traded. I wondered how that was possible, with such strong winds blowing through every once in a while. I was told the drafts came from the Endurance, a large spaceship that was being constructed in a hangar further down into the base.

      In a second dream, the plot was apparently continued. I exited an underground area after a lot of puzzling, and possibly blowing up a passage blocked by collapsed rubble. This area wasn't like the base, it more resembled an abandoned and dilapidated subway. Anyway... Once on the surface, I found myself in a major city, possibly NYC, which looked like it had been nuked. All that remained of the once proud skyscrapers were tall and partially molten down metal skeletons. There were a few people roaming the streets, looking ragged and dirty. Survivors. One man stood in front in the middle of the street, and tried to get their attention. I think he was a politician. I think he was calling for elections, saying it was man's last chance at restoring some semblance of order to society.
    3. “Doll” Oddity and Transformation on a Spaceship

      by , 02-21-2018 at 01:52 PM
      Morning of September 9, 1966. Friday.

      I am apparently on a spaceship, though there are no others around except for a couple of adult males who are talking near the end of a hall until they go around a corner (a common event in early childhood dreams). As I wander around, not being focused on much of anything, I see what I first think is a baby lying on the floor on its back, though partly covered with a ragged blanket. I soon consider that it is probably a plastic doll that someone dropped, but upon closer look, it is a heavy metallic statue of a man in a combat helmet, though unrealistically rendered somewhat as having a baby’s body proportions.

      Later, a young girl with a lion shows me to the “front door” so I can go home. She is carrying the “statue”, which is now a ragged cloth doll with no apparent face, which is smaller than what this oddity had been minutes before. The “front door” turns out to be a semicircular ceiling (somewhat like the essence of a cave rather than a building or spaceship) that first seems to display outer space, though eventually I see the buildings of La Crosse and my apartment building. My dream fades from here.

      The night before (September 8, 1966), I had watched the first episode of “Star Trek” ever shown on television; “The Mantrap”; as well as the “Tarzan” episode “Eyes of the Lion”, which came directly before it on the same channel. This “Tarzan” episode (as well as movies like “The Lion” from 1962, which also featured a young girl with an adult male lion) had influenced a number of my dreams later on despite the fact I had confused it in my teenage years with “The Haunted Lighthouse”, an episode of “Lost in Space” that also featured a girl (Penny), a lion, a cave, and “going back home”, though that did not air until October 18, 1967. In the “Tarzan” episode, a young blind girl who lived in a cave used an adult lion as a seeing-eye animal. (I am still wary of lions in some dreams, depending on my level of unconsciousness in relationship to my dream state awareness level, as it is a natural factor of potential RAS modulation as the waking alert factor, and additionally as emergent consciousness coalescence, as a lion can swallow the dream self, though this coalescence factor has been re-symbolized as hugging in some dreams, by way of virtuous circle, as with “Changing the Lion of Coalescence into my Wife Zsuzsanna" from December 3, 2016).

      I can easily see the autosymbolism of this dream. The soldier statue was implied as a RAS modulation precursor, as RAS is often aggressive if I subliminally decide that it is not time to wake yet. However, I eventually accepted consciousness reascension and there was no conflict. Learning the nature of the dream state at an early age was very beneficial, as nightmares or even “bad dreams” are extremely rare, other than when biologically premonitory.

      This online dream journal entry was reformatted from the source material, abridged, and clarified on Wednesday, 21 February 2018.

    4. Too Calm On Another Planet

      by , 06-10-2017 at 01:55 AM (Letaali's Dream Journal)
      I descent to an alien planet with a small spaceship. I'm with a friend, a man I don't know in real life. Before the ship lands, we jump out. I talk to the ship and tell it to land itself. It silently complies, moving forward slowly, looking for a good place to land. The landscape is barren, dark purple rock with the occasional patch of alien plant life. It's dark, silent and still on this planet, but there are signs of life. Some civilization has lived here. We look for loot, and find metallic chests scattered about. The calmness bothers me. I sense danger and malice. I wake up to noise.

      Short nameless dreams:
      -I'm inside the world of some anime movie? It looks like real life though. I talk to an actor and spoil his future love interest to him. He's happy to know it.

      -I'm with Iiro and Kimmo. They play ice hockey and then we chat in this...sort of a clubhouse, I guess. Iiro is way more popular and cool now, compared to me, but he had a similar childhood as I did and I feel like he really understands me. I enjoy our chat a lot.

      -I'm in a store. I need cash for some reason, and take a lot from my bank account. Rest of the dream was just wandering thought the store. I wake up to noise again.

      -I'm in a city, walking out of an underground shopping district. The city looks extremely futuristic. Year 3000 at least. I have a game in my hand. It's about an alien world after several extinctions, millions of years in the future. As I look at the game and think about what it's like, I get transported to it's world. I see glowing plant life reminiscent of the Avatar movie. I'm mesmerized by the beautiful plant life. And then I wake up to the noise of my roommate cleaning the house. TBH I was sleeping in the middle of the day, so nothing wrong with him cleaning.
    5. 17-05-03 Loser Guardians OTG, Flying in Santa Monica, 12:14

      by , 05-05-2017 at 03:32 AM
      I wrote down, but don't recall what it means: "no fate but what we make" (I watched Terminator earlier that day) and Ian McKellen. I think Ian said the famous Terminator line as part of a speech to 'us'. Us probably refers to several characters I met in the dreams I'll now summarize (they're all related, same 'continuity').

      I was doing some kind of basketball challenge. I had to dribble my way through a kind of trench (?), maneuvering my way past several opponents. Not willing to give up, I somehow outdid myself, and made it to the end. That would never work in real life.

      I remember being in a hotel, and getting into a dumbwaiter in the kitchen. It went up, and I ended up between the corpses in a morgue...

      Notes mention Rick Moranis, don't recall the scene.

      Throughout the previous dreams (of which I forgot key scenes), a team had been assembled of random people I met in those dreams. Like the "Guardians of the Galaxy", but even bigger losers. One of them was a waiter from that hotel, perhaps Moranis was another. And me, of course - the basketball guy. We all traveled in a cool-looking spaceship. We flew through a kind of wormhole, into a dark planet's atmosphere.


      First dream completely unrelated to the first bunch. I was at Santa Monica Beach, and I was wearing absolutely ridiculous clothing. A bloody skirt? Pink, no less? I was understandably embarrassed. I didn't want to be seen. I started flying to stay out of sight. I was having fun, so the clothes thing kind of vanished (if you don't focus on it, the dream makes it vanish) as it ceased to be relevant. Flying low through a street, a guy suddenly turned to me and asked something really weird. I think he asked me to record something on tape...? I kept flying, but everywhere I looked, there he was... asking the same question over and over again, in exactly the same tone. I flew higher to get away, but when I looked back (down), there he was! Somehow right behind me in mid-air, asking that question again! I was seriously freaked out at this point. I violently threw him off of me, and he fell down. I somehow had an injury in my side all of a sudden? I woke up, and for some reason immediately checked my body for the injury. Not sure why I did that.

      Right before I opened my eyes, I had a vision of a number. 12:14 (in green numerals). I finally woke up, and checked the time. It was 12:14...
    6. Night 2 of SpellBee's Competition

      by , 04-16-2017 at 08:39 AM (Letaali's Dream Journal)
      -Small red spaceship orbits some planet. I watch it as a DO. Nothing happens, no sound or signs of life.

      -Sex fantasy. I'll leave the details out.

      Dream 1 - Zooming and Shooting
      I'm in a game of Overwatch. I first play as Ana and switch to Tracer when an enemy Tracer kills me. I zoom around the map really fast and kill the other Tracer several times. We win the match. The dream shifts to another kind of shooter. The setting is now a dark WW2 battlefield. I have a sniper rifle and spot some enemies. I drop to the ground and take aim. Aiming is difficult. I miss three times. I start to suspect something at this point. I keep observing the target. He appears to be a doctor. In which case I shouldn't be shooting him. That's a war crime I forget that it's a war game and the doctor starts selling some meds to me.

      WBTB, 5:45 - 7

      Dream 2 - Showers
      I suddenly find myself in a public sauna. I'm a little confused. I get out and see a large room with showers. Naked men and women walk by. There's only men in the showers and all of them are gay couples giving each other a BJ. Yeah, this place is definitely not for me. I don't want someone surprising me from behind, so I quietly navigate my way out of there.

      I find some sort of changing room and meet two waking life friends. One of them asks my help with something, but I said I was looking private shower before I was leaving. My friend had a sleeping bag in the dressing room. He was apparently spending the night here.

      -Weird microwave oven. The bottom of it split in two and since the oven was raised up with some bricks, the bottom had split accidentally while my mom was heating something and the food was all over the table.

      Dream 3 - Simpsons and stealing
      In my apartment. There's a tv on my nightstand. I watch Simpsons. The scene suddenly changes. I'm stealing some candy from the backroom of some store. A large lady sees me and stops me. I go back in time. This time I buy the item and go get it from the backroom myself. I wait around for the fat lady to notice so I can have the satisfaction of her wrongly accusing me of stealing and then correcting her. By the end of the dream I'm unsure what I got. It was either candy or meds.

      Another WBTB. 7:20 - 8:27

      Dream 4 - Car ride Really inspired title, lol.

      I'm in a car with two friends, mom and my brother. Brother is driving. We are in my hometown. I start telling them about the weird dreams I had this night. As I list things that happened, my brother starts talking over me and listing things that happened in my dreams. He actually lists what happened. It felt like my dreams are predictable and my brother was making fun of me. I was mad and just sat silently until I woke up.
    7. Nasty cats/sleep paralysis/real life smells permeated my dream world/spaceship

      by , 02-10-2017 at 08:02 PM
      Saturday D1: This was quite a new sensation where dreams are concerned for me where smells from my real life carried over into my dream. I was asleep in a dark house. I don't remember being asleep in a dream before either. I could smell this God awful smell that I recently have been smelling every day in waking life which will make sense in a moment. It was a cat but not Meesha who always smell lovely. She is always exceptional clean for a cat because she is constantly grooming herself, lol. For a person w/ allergies that is quite a bonus! I get up from my own bed in the dream & go after it & I see a silhouette of a man step out from behind a doorway. I was lucid from the get go because of the smell. 2 cats, one black & one gray & white have been coming into my house IRL through Meesha's cat door & have been eating her food. They both smell like this smell & I can tell they are actually in my house while I'm asleep. It's overwhelming that this smell is is triggering lucidity in my dream. I open my eyes IRL & I'm in fucking sleep paralysis. The smell is way worse now because my fan is on in my room. Meesha's cat tree is right outside of my bedroom door where her food dishes are & my fan in across from her tree aiming in my room. I need lots of air when I sleep. We actually have 2 of these oscillating fans on at night. I'm pissed off that the cats have come in & I can't move. I want to wake up Mike but he doesn't get much sleep as it is & I can't move anyway. I can see a cat from my bed & I decide to just relax & wait it out. As soon as I did this I was able to get up & ran like the house was on fire. I start screaming at the cat & my voice was low & guttural like I was possessed. I chase it out the back door. I can't believe Meesha didn't see this cat cuz she was on the top of her tree. She looked at me like I was crazy & Mike didn't even stir at all.

      D2: I fell back into that damn dream w/ the stupid dark house again! I'm of course lucid again cuz that ominous smell is still in my house & in my dream. Now the house is occupied by an old woman who has a crazy amount of cats! That smell is dominating the dream because it's so pungent so everything that's going on is like white noise or back ground noise. I just know that one of those stupid cats has come in again! I need to wake up so I just do. And then like in a movie everything happens very fast. I sit up & Meesha is jumping down off her cat tree & is giving chase so I jump out of bed & cheer her on! I don't know how Mike could sleep through all of this. I remembered what time it was the first time which around 6 & this second male came at 7. The first was the black & the second was the gray in white. Both males. I don't know where they live but this smell was unlike anything I've ever encountered. I'm guessing they are holed up somewhere that isn't a house occupied by people. I now have a pattern of time to work w/ which is good. I haven't had them come back since though except Mike said he ran one off when he got up after all of this a couple of hrs later & had run one off. Hopefully we have made a strong impression or else I'm going to save up to buy a motion detector light for the back porch to deter them.

      D3: For fuck sake I'm back in this stupid house again! So now I get to be lucid again whether I like or not. But the world has gone to total shit & Mike & I need to get our shit & get out of this house & to safety so in some weird way I'm just happy I don't smell nasty cats! I'm welcoming whatever difference this dream has in store for me & I can't think of another scenario right now because I've had a rough night already. I do get to change the stupid house by making it more a residential house though which was nice it though it was temporary. I tell Mike we should put Meesha cat in her carrier cuz it has a shoulder strap. Best one I ever bought! She goes right in which is actually funny because IRL we are contemplating how to trick her into getting in it to go to the vet, lol. I know why I'm having this dream so it's almost a practice run since my country (US) is going to shit. It doesn't look like in the movies that's for sure. I think, oh fuck I forgot my fixodent which is now in my real life "go bag". We are outside & someone hands me a set of dentures that feels weird but then is okay. That was weird. We are walking along & there are all kinds of ppl now including witches & vampires which I chuckle at cuz the book I'm reading has them in it. We are all being hearded onto a ship. It's really big! It's a spacecraft of some kind. I'm in awe because I'm thinking I understand all of this. Recently IRL Mike & I saw one & have been talking w/ ppl from MUFON. How crazy is that?! We are scrambling to find our quarters & the ship is under fire. This dream all happened at a very fast pace! Protocols are being yelled at everyone & the whole dream just starts spinning out of control & I wake up.
    8. Splendid Competition Night 2

      by , 01-16-2017 at 05:48 AM (Awake to take in the view...)
      I'm actually about to go to bed now, but I didn't get the chance to write here this morning. So here goes!

      Dream 1 (Fragment): Hypnagogic imagery, but I wasn't quite lucid. I was in a malfunctioning spaceship, and someone kept yelling something.

      Dream 2 (Fragment): I was exiting a restaurant. A nice lady (waitress?) asked if I wanted any cars. Like, you know, cars that you drive. Weird, right? And then I fell through a random hole that was in the ground outside of the restaurant. I felt the sensation of falling very strongly, and woke up with the feeling of landing on my bed.

      Dream 3 (Full Non-Lucid): There was a dog in the yard who analyzed my danger level as low (hence, I was not perceived as a threat). But it hadn't done the second part of its evaluation, and it fell asleep. I was afraid to walk past it, thinking that it might awake and change its mind and start attacking me. It had some pretty sharp teeth that it bore as it was snoring there.

      I believe that my dad was there, as well as the dog's owner, and some other creature.

      Dream 4 (Full Non-Lucid): My family and I were going on a tour of a tropical island that was kind of like the one on Moana. Our tour guide was really pretty. Now, this is where it gets mildly explicit, so any kids had better stop reading now. It wasn't lucid, okay! XD The tour guide wore a 2-piece outfit, but it still exposed her, um, chest and her rear if she bent over. All ladies on the island wore this or a similar outfit. We walked throughout the island. I believe that my family thought it was weird, whereas I was like LOL EVERYONE IS SO PRETTY OKAY. I was the only one who kept up with the main tour guide, who was walking really fast, so my family was walking much farther behind with some other guides. I remember feeling like I was falling in love with her -- the main guide, I mean. And certainly a large amount of infatuation as well. She was really sweet.

      An entire life spent without any semblance of a romantic relationship will do this to you, guys. All hail the mighty subconscious mind. :p

      We went through this cool outdoor corridor, and then up a hill to a giant temple/factory hybrid.

      It was extremely cool, because its entire ceiling was made up of rice. It wasn't attached very well, because grains of rice would occasionally fall down on us as we viewed it. And you actually had to climb through the ceiling of rice in order to get to the attic, or upper floor, or roof, or something. I'm not really sure. Asian power? ? xD

      Sadly, I awoke just as I was climbing up a carpeted ramp to get through the ceiling of rice. That would have been so cool to walk through. D:

      And there was fog, I believe, in the background, and rainforest trees!

      Dream 5 (Fragment): My sister didn't want to go to a new place for vacation.

      Dream 6 (Fragment): Okay, this barely even counts. My dream journal reads "Express add-on." I believe this had to do with FedEx. Like I was watching the truck, and some new service had been added to their repertoire.

      EDIT: I'm going back to the rice temple in a future LD. This is definitely happening.
      EDIT 2: I also only slept 6.5 hours last night because I had to wake up early but stayed up late writing one of my novels.

      Updated 01-16-2017 at 05:56 AM by 58176

    9. TOTM advanced ii - lucid 2017 DJ #8 LD #3

      by , 01-10-2017 at 10:26 PM (Journeys through Spacetime)
      Apparently, the queen is moving next door. And her estate.
      I check next door, and a huge beautiful estate is there dreamily. I stare in absolute awe. I some how 'zoom in' and I am in the queen's bedroom. The queen mother and father lie there. The king is about to die. He hands the queen a red battered book, and dies. The queen mother looks like the 50 year old queen, but the queen herself looks 90. The queen mother gets out and proclaims, 'I shall never despair! I am the Queen Mother!'


      I am moving to New Zealand, and my home is being emptied.
      I reach the airport, and there is a grey alien spaceship. I ask myself, 'What am I doing?" I become lucid after approx 5 reality checks. I remember the other tasks, but the dream is too fragile. I touch the ground to attempt to increase vividness, but to not much effect. I see the spaceship, and remember advanced ii and hop on. The interior is like a passenger planes, but the ceiling is glass and see-through. The seats are a vanilla colour, and the controls look relatively easy. I fly it, encountering a few obstacles, which I MAY type up. I land easily, and I am in New Zealand. Out of sheer exhaustion, I vizualize losing lucidity.

      Updated 01-11-2017 at 12:39 AM by 91855

      lucid , memorable , task of the month
    10. Space ship; Bugs, Shirts

      , 12-17-2016 at 11:45 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Last night bed 9:30pm - 3:30am

      Remembered 3 dreams from last night

      DR 1:
      This one was a bit abstract. But I was above some water with deep sandy sides, like a quarry filled with water. I was bout to get into my spaceship, but first I had to do something. I threw some small shining ball made of energy down, it was suppose to do something spectacular. Someone with me said it's doing it, but I didn't really see it.

      Somebody, maybe aliens are releasing these tiny tiny bugs. They are suppose to come ot of the vents soon.

      I'm in a store and the sales person brought some shirts for me to try. I tell my mom, that they are all male and looks like she just grabbed the first ones she saw on the rack. I went and picked some that looked better.
      Tags: lake, spaceship, water
    11. July 30th 2016 Spacecraft, Astronaut Lucid, Sivason and Daniel Love Experiments

      by , 09-24-2016 at 07:48 AM

      Catching up on my DV dream journals, posting one LD for now instead of getting hampered trying to do one huge post compiling everything up to date.

      Sat, 30 Jul 2016:

      ~~!! Late a.m. !! Using GF incubation MILD, what I'd do got my mind thinking dreamy possibilities: Another later morning success around 7am!~~

      There is this 2 part flying spaceship-like craft, I realize after first thinking it was two separate ships, one smaller with 2 pilots and a large one with many crew and passengers perhaps. The smaller part is trying to pilot the craft out of danger and I'm down below on a platform in a giant rectangular water reservoir of some kind like an enormous swimming pool. Someone is flooding it with a ton of water all of the sudden and my platform is being swung around wildly in the water. I call up to the people in the ship what is being done and that's when I see it is 2 parts connected and I see lots of crew/people in the larger section below the smaller section. The platform I'm on is pushed against a rocky wall with vines hanging down and I start thinking I should climb out and then get the more dreamy idea that it will be easy, and then heck I can just fly up out of here. I climb with ease and then fly andI am very joyful I have been liberated from a dire situation into a lucid dream!!! I am just away from the edge and don't hesitate to jump out over the turbulent pool and think about how wow I'm really sure I can fly over it and not fall in and then I suppress some emerging doubt (Sivason's lesson: http://www.dreamviews.com/dream-yoga/139475-advanced-skill-1-suppressing-emerging-thoughts.html ) that could drop me down and make me lose lucidity, and I move on with confidence! I fly up to a few smaller buildings and then up to a larger building to see what's going on inside. Nothing interesting to see really. I start to get a few dreamscene fades where the whole scene is dropping out but I use the seeding ideas based on Sivason's but the opposite effect, flowering them instead of suppressing them - there is a time for each... and the ideas from Daniel Love about seeing patterns in things and I stabilized. I am getting very good at bringing back the same building or a building that looks a lot like the building that just faded away. I'm thinking about this while I do it and I am amazed at how well it is working and how clear my thinking is. Perhaps this is one benefit to late morning when you are closer to getting up for the day your head is more clear but the dreams tend to be more wispy so we need to incubate them and to feed them and keep them going with seeds of thoughts like "oh that didn't fade I see a tree emerging I see it for me…here!" and "that pattern over there even if that pattern is not there yet I create it and it grows." Before long my scene is stabilized. I am floating down a residential street with large 2 and 3 story properties and I see an old guy walking and I have a slight thought regarding messing around with him in some way but I decided instead to talk to him and see if he seems like an intelligent DC. I greet him and he says his name something like John Clare. I asked him what he represents and even think as I'm saying it in the dream, I think to myself that the question is not very clear if you're trying to ask something about your subconscious. The answer was he was an astronaut. I think about the astronaut reference recently in waking life and figure that's where this answer must have come from. It was an astronaut speaking on TV. I look up at this large two-story apartment house it seems it has a fairly large flame and smoke coming out the back right corner. I think I can be a hero in my dream and I fly down to see what's going on. The room next to it and the one before it look completely unfazed and I knock on the windows and tell the occupants there's a fire in the next room and I start heading down toward the fire. When I get to the window with the fire I can't see anything so I fly down to the entrance and go in the house and tell the mother of the house that they have a fire up in one of the rooms and I flew up their staircase and up to the room and lead a few other younger folks out from upstairs and down. The mother comes up and I see a tampon pad and say someone must have lit it but it looks like it's under control now. The mother says some of these birds were already here. We all head downstairs and as I'm about to leave I tell her "sure you can show your appreciation
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      There is another beauty across the way and she gets my attention. The mother, good looking in a "girl next door" kind of way starts
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      as if to bring my thoughts back to her. I tell the other one she can jump on, in a moment, but the scene starts fading and I seed the thought that she has walked over to me and hopped on and I can feel it a bit
      before I fade completely back to bed smiling big!

      The day after I noted in my dream journal: "Try heavy visualization and incubation again for late morning chance…"
    12. #258 - Cyberman / Interstellar

      by , 07-23-2016 at 12:04 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      I remember that I was outside during the day and there was a metal robot thing that kind of reminded me of the cybermen from Doctor Who. It was chasing me slowly, I turned to run away and it teleported in front of me. I tried scrambling away and then woke up.

      I watched Interstellar for the first time a couple nights ago and it inspired this dream. I was in a spaceship but there were aliens on board, I had to get my suit on so I could open the hatchway to outside and still be able to breathe or something. The area I was in was pretty much a laboratory, and the alien that was chasing me kind of reminded me of a two-legged triceratops, there was also an elephant that started chasing me. I clambered over tables trying to fix my suit on as the creatures were chasing me and then woke up.
    13. #255 - Sky beam / Force field

      by , 07-08-2016 at 09:04 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream - Sky Beam
      It's a post apocalyptic dream set in a scifi futuristic setting. I remember a part where I have a vision, a scene where I can see Earth from space and a huge beam of energy erupts from the Earth. It's a premonition about the end of the world which will occur in a few days. There was some kind of war against aliens which is why it's post-apocalyptic.
      I'm in a place that resembles my parents house, there's a bunch of survivors here and they're grouped together having some kind of discussion about how to live from now on. I walk up on top of a huge boulder and address the crowd, knowing that they won't believe me if I tell them we have to leave Earth. "I know you won't understand now, but in a few days time it will all be cleared' (I said something like that in a very heavy tone, it felt super intense). I also spotted in the distance a large beam of a different colour shooting into the sky, I knew it wasn't the same as the one in my premonition.
      There's a crashed old spaceship from the war with the aliens that we can escape on, but we need to work together to rebuild it.

      Dream - Force field
      I only remember a little about this dream.. It was a similar setting except by an arid cliff wall with the sun beating down on me and a group of people. There was a force field protecting our locale, I had to throw some kind of force field grenade outside it or something, can't really remember this part.
    14. 9/3/2016

      by , 03-09-2016 at 07:53 AM
      Only one dream recalled last night.

      Standing in a field with my family. it's a clear day with blue sky.

      There's something flying around in the sky. It's like a form on a computer with boxes for entering information. I think it's very strange and comment on it but everyone else seems to think it's normal. I ask if it could be aliens. We watch it flying around and I get more worried but no-one else is concerned. Then it changes and becomes black clouds of what looks like insects coming down towards the ground, it sweeps over us. People are panicking and running away. I realise that these are not insects but little rectangular things that are attaching themselves to our skin and forming channels and realise that it was aliens and they are going to take us over.
      Tags: spaceship
    15. [Dream #11 - 1/28/2016] Goat Kissing & Friendly Xenomorph

      by , 01-28-2016 at 03:49 PM (The Book of the Multiverse)


      A picture of Xenomorphs

      The following has some bit of zoosexual activity. If you do not like that sort of stuff then do not read The Goat section. This dream is broken down to two parts. The Goat | The Xenomorph

      • The Goat

      I cannot really tell exactly where I ended up in the beginning but I was at some sort of giant parking lot and there was a small section housing some soil plots with a mechanic that came out from the middle that anchored a towing device.

      There was also woman running around the lot chasing after a donkey as she would try to stroke his phallic. Once she grabbed it, another human male came behind her and stated having sex with her anally. She, the man and the donkey left my view as I was then somehow brought into one of those soil plots. I immediately began pushing the plowing tool which began to pull up and mix the soil underneath. I couldn't figure out why I was doing it but I just did unintentionally. Then someone came up to me and tried to take the job over. A large human male who had rolled his eyes at me, busting out a sort of advanced tool for plowing as he ripped me from my post.

      I didn't know why he did that at first but then I began seeing other people over at the other soil areas and my mind went to suggest that there was a contest. I wanted to get my spot back and for some reason I felt that I could entrust myself in having a goat help tow. I remember turning around and looking down a sloped street that led to some sort of large building where I saw a white furred goat. I was ecstatic and began to head down the street. I approached the goat as he climbed onto me forcefully. He swung his hooves around my shoulders as he began to kiss me, tongue and all. It was a very wet and sloppy kiss where my mouth felt like it was bucketing the creatures saliva.

      I remember telling him that I was amazed that he could kiss like a human and after that is when him and I went back to the little soil patch where that guy was. The man was still looking at me coldly as if my existence was futile. That's when it cut into the Xenomorph sequence.

      • The Xenomorph

      This took place in some style of a corridor. There were windows with bright shinning sunlight that reflected off the white metallic flooring. Kind of like a video game environment that I'm getting with this as I was with a small group of people. We all headed into the elongated hallway as from behind us there was a xenomorph. Slick and black, very contrasting to the light filled room. I remember it coming at us on two feet like a biped as it proceeded on attack the party with projectiles.

      I could remember me and the others spreading out. A few of us ended up in a sort of larger room leading into another hallway. This room had a few grey colored lockers that were reflecting the sunlight that shinned from the window to the right of us. That's when we saw the xenomorph. I remember looking to see him on all fours sitting in front. I was scared, then I told him that I had relation to their species but even after that I couldn't tell what he would do. I also stated that all I wanted to do was travel to different dimensions and to see Shadow the Hedgehog.

      The creature then got on two feet and began to walk towards me, being around over 6 feet in height. I continually began to back up telling him I didn't want to get hurt. I was backing up to the window as the light reflected off his shiny black exterior. I assume my fear was beginning to annoy him as I could of swore for a minute I heard a sigh emit from him telepathically. The xenomorph then grabbed me as I tried to push away. I then believed that's when I heard him say "Stop." (again telepathically).

      He took me under a ceiling vent as we both looked up. He wrapped himself around me as he jumped up through it, bolting to the surface. This is when he pushed me onto his back as I grabbed a hold. We then arrived on top of the building to the openness of the outside air as he went skidding down the slopped ceiling. I felt a sense of acceleration and rush, similar to riding on a rollarcoster and I thought it was fun.

      We then arrived down to the surface of some sort of floating platform over viewing a city. We landed by a small, black bumper car shape of a spacecraft (assuming that it was the xenomorph's). I got down from him and I could here him faintly telling me in my mind, "I will take you to where you desire to be. I just need to take care of something first. Do no worry about me, I will be back." That's when he fled. I was then left alone in this isolated floating city area overlooking another. So I began to walk around. I soon encountered these sort of green faced, amphibian-like humanoids in space suits. I was afraid but they didn't attack me. One female voiced individual stated that they were looking for a xenomorph and told me to stay away from the area I was at because it's dangerous due to that.

      I began to worry for the creature, as for some reason I felt very passionate and connected with him. The green faced beings then disappeared as they went to scout the perimeter and I sneaked back to the black pod. I wanted to contact him to know if he was all right. I found what looked to be a smart phone on the top. I figured it was the xenomorph's. It made me giggle to think such a creature would have something like that but I wanted to use it to my advantage and use it to communicate with him, if it was even possible.. I looked at the phone and I remember seeing a screen full of apps, one of which was Google Chrome. Before I could do anything more is when I woke up.

      Notes: This is bit of a hefty dream indeed. For the goat one, I will say it deals with more of my sexuality and the eagerness to tow a field could symbolize the fact that I was doing chores yesterday and the intent on getting it done in an allotted time. The guy with the more advanced technology rolling his eyes could symbolize the negative feeling I get of people always having an advantage over me in everything.

      The xenomorph sequence would symbolize my lust for adventure and my desire to escape this world, hence being the corridor and then taken outside by the xeno. The xenomorph could represent Shadow the Hedgehog in some sort of way due to his straight forwardness in words, the fact that he would grant my deepest desires and the odd feeling of a strong connection I had with him. The green amphibians could resemble the sort of limitation that Earth has onto me and also represent the human society and their majority's fear of anything considered "dangerous" and unknown. And to extinguish any kind of spark that happens to gear me towards a fruitful existence.

      Now, with me stating that I had relations to the xenomorph species could be because for a moment in my life I would think about my soul being related to an actual xenomorph (meaning I'm a xenomorph living inside the body of a human at this day of age and once I die I will revert back to me original self). I will admit I don't really focus on my origin quite as much anymore but that dream made me recall that piece of my life again. Call it otherkin/fictionkin/starseed and what not. I still consider myself non-human but I rarely use those terms anymore.

      I honestly miss the xenomorph from my dream. And I kind of have a bit of a crush on him... But of course that doesn't stop me from having a conversation with him right now through telepathy. Hehehe~

      Date — 1/28/2016

      Went to bed — Around 12 - something AM.

      Woke up — 7:20AM

      *Time logged — 9:21AM

      Total sleep — +7 Hours

      Stress level throughout the day — A bit overwhelmed with stress, too much was going on and it began to make me feel uneasy. My lover calmed me down though before I went to bed.


      *Daytime — Did RCs

      *Recall — N/A

      *Inducing Method — N/A

      Dream Signs — The Obvious

      Perceived Length — Over 1 Hour

      Emotions — Worried, Adventurous

      Awareness — None

      Updated 01-29-2016 at 01:58 PM by 89722

      non-lucid , memorable
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