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    1. Mazes

      by , 02-28-2013 at 03:21 AM
      -Be in the Zombie Apocalypse
      -I'm still alive somehow, with Juandre (in real life i havent seen this dude in about four years now)
      -We're looking for this girl
      -She's gone underground
      -Me and juandre end up racing looking for her, we know where she is
      -We can hear her
      -start running around(theres an obstacle in the way, cant remember what it is)
      -somehow this detour around lasts a lot longer than it should have, with all these ladders to climb and ledges to walk across appearing out of no-where
      -Run into Kerrie Mackay (wtf is he doing here)
      -He gaps it as soon as he see's us, must think we're zombies or something
      -Running up more stairs and ladders made out of rock
      -Wake up
      -mfw we never find the girl
      Tags: detours, zombies
    2. Spider-man!! (and zombies.)

      by , 02-26-2013 at 03:49 PM
      I'm in a church stalking a priest, we've become aware that he's possessed and plans to murder some of his congregation. I'm in the back row of pews. There's a narrow gap in the pews and on the other side are my associates. Ahead of us the priest is talking about evil vigilantes trying to hinder the will of God and mentions Spider-man by name.
      This is unspeakably funny. I start cracking up and desperately stifle giggles behind my hand. Why? Next to me is a blonde woman who is part of our group. In front of her is Peter Parker. She realizes why I'm laughing and cracks a smile.
      I lean over, "Well...this is awkward, isn't it?" Peter glances at me and smiles a little. He's better at hiding than I am, apparently. I know I'm being really unprofessional. I school my expression and sit back to watch the sermon. The priest is then talking about the Chosen in the congregation, marked by the flower emblem on their chests. He has called us to, if we choose, join him up front. It isn't time yet. I make eye contact with a woman to my left. She has noticed I'm wearing the mantle of the church, a light blue jacket with a large circle on the front. It's divided evenly, and when it hangs closed the sides of the emblem meet seamlessly. The circle is mostly pink with yellow flowers in the middle. I don't know how to describe the material. It's something I've seen before on quilts?

      I wake and roll over. The next dream is like a game. There are recently turned zombies in my house and I know I have to kill them before they work themselves into a killing frenzy. They've gathered by a wall of windows and press themselves to the glass, groaning. I pick up what looks like a white table leg where the end has been carved into a curved .....fine. It looks a little like this except one end looks more like a hook. AntiqueWeaponStore

      I think how good this will be for zombie killing, all I have to do is club them in the head, the hook with pierce their brains easily.
      Something about leaping to different platforms above the spot where the zombies are?
    3. TotY Part 2 - Australia

      by , 01-30-2013 at 12:08 AM
      Completed at about 7:10am Monday January 28th 2013.

      I was stood in Sydney, Australia, thinking about the tasks as this was a WILD.

      I decided I was going to complete the Great Barrier Reef one so transported myself to the sea. As I floated there I whistled and called a turtle to the surface before clinging to it's shell as it dived down. At this point I momentarily panicked about how I would breathe until I remembered it was a dream and I could do whatever I wanted. So I started breathing and everything was fine. This turtle kept swimming and I saw the most beautiful sight in my life. There were so many greens and blues and reds in the corals and it was gorgeous. Then all these pretty fish swan out from the coral and swam by us, not caring that I was human. Whilst I appreciated all the wildlife and pretty colours I noticed all the fish were swimming away and I saw a shark swimming towards us. Aha! I thought, this is good timing. I let the shark come closer and before it could bite me I thrust my fist out and punched the shark in the nose. I swore I remembered something about biting a shark so whilst it was dazed I swam across and bit down on its fin, bringing the shark back to concious thoughts and leaving it to swim away.

      I can't remember what happened next but I left this scene and was standing with my boyfriend in a burnt out building with a big sword in my hand. As I walked through this building I can only remember looking for zombies. I was with this girl I really dislike and she started hitting on my boyfriend and winding me up, trying to irritate me into punching her so she'd look like the martyr and get sympathy. Unfortunately for her she annoyed me too much and when we found a zombie I spin-kicked her into the creature and left her to be eaten. The last thing I remember is feeding this girl to the brain-suckers and then running. My parents then called me to get up and I lost the dream.
      Tags: sharks, tofy, zombies
      lucid , task of the year
    4. 15th Jan 2013 Some sort of lab and some Warzone 2100

      by , 01-15-2013 at 09:01 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall fails me again, so i only remember stuff near the dream end.

      I was in some sort of the castle, there were some sort of outside part of a castle which had lab on it. It was connected to the castle with sort of drawbridge. When i got into it the viewpoint switched and i was controlling some other character with Resident Evil 4 like controls, i remember killing a few zombies then viewpoint got back to first person. I grabbed something from the lab and went back to the castle.
      In some other room in the castle there was PC, i played some Warzone 2100 on it, apparently it worked somewhat different then original, scavengers were more overpowered and i apparently had view over the whole map. After a while all the bases turned into something like scavenger base and the graphics were glitched, unit models were getting occasionally replaced by building models, also i was building random walls in some places for no reason.
      Don't remember if i won or lost, but i went back to the lab. I collected some items: some sort of pill from the pile of pills, big sort of beaker which was hidden under some boxes and some sort of solid brown liquid/jello thingie which was hidden in one of boxes. Also i moved some really huge beaker to the entrance to block it off, but some sort of girl apparently managed to jump through window. She was interested in what i was doing and i decided to tell her about what i was doing(don't remember what exactly but it was related to sleeping or putting someone to sleep). I was doing some stuff with items i got, also i did noticed that there are some beds scattered around the lab. Dream ends.
    5. Walkers and Giants

      by , 01-15-2013 at 05:33 PM (A World In My Head!!)
      January 14, 2012

      Review: The dream starts out with us hiding from walkers. We literally shrink and find the giants of suburbia scary.

      Walkers and Giants
      It feels like the walking dead. Civilization has collapsed but our community remains strong. We were all hunkered down on a farm, away from the danger. Though I never saw any zombies, as the days would pass more and more people would disappear. Among the community, there were whispers of the plague worsening and that this place isn't safe.

      As a group we made the decision to leave the farm and find a new place to hide in. We found a mansion. Naturally because we assumed we were the only survivors, we didn't think of it as breaking an entry. But that's when we heard the dogs.

      Looking down the hallway I can see the shadows of the mansions owners as they were pampering their dogs. The whole group got silent. Theres people living here! But that wasn't why we were suddenly quiet. It was the dogs. Based on the shadow, these dogs were gigantic. We would be rag dolls in their months! But the owner was proportionate to the dogs, meaning the owners were also abnormal giants.

      "What the fuck is going on?"

      "How can dogs be that big?"

      "Shutup or they'll hear us!"

      No one wanted to disturb the giants who seemed a lot scarier than zombies. So the whole group sneaks back downstairs. We had to get through a door before reaching the ground level. The knob was squeaky.

      "Did you hear that?" It was the owner talking to his dog. Based on the shadows, the owner opened his door and let his massive muts out. The group panics and now we have a mob of people trying to squish themselves through a door. "HURRY, OPEN THE DOOR!"

      "Not that way, not that way! Get away from the door" I knew the owner was going to head straight for the source of the noise, the door! When I heard the giant dogs coming I ran in the opposite direction instead. I quickly ran upstairs and locked myself in a bedroom. One dog followed me. He barks and barks and pushes on the door. I could barely keep it close.

      "Sweety, what are you barking at?" Its a girls voice, the daughter? He has a whole family here? As she opens the bedroom door, I just hang on for dears life on the other side. Hidden from view, she tells her mut "See? There's nothing here silly."

      She closes the door nice and shut. Yes! Go! Go! Shoo! But the dog insists on barking at me. "Hmm..on second thought, maybe I should thoroughly inspect the room."

      Fuck! I look around me frantically. Wait? A window? And its open! I leap out. I land in the backyard. Another giant dog chained up. But there's a normal sized horse. Another member of my group had the same idea. He mounts his stolen horse and rides away. I hop on my stolen horse and ride out in the same direction. On this rare occasion, riding a horse felt realistic.

      I magically knew that the new hideout was just on the other side of the street, passed the mansions private forest. The new hideout was a, cooler? I would have to shrink just to go inside, but sis is waiting for me. I enter the new "cooler" hideout.

      It was very cramped...."Is there space for me?"

      "Its about time you showed up, staying with us this time?"

      I couldn't make more than three steps without bumping into something. So I just chilled out by the door. I couldn't lay down, so I just slept leaning against the wall.

      The next morning we woke up hearing massive footsteps outside our cooler. Its the daughter, she retrieves her horse. I'm freaking out thinking 'She's seen our cooler? Whats next?'. The group abandons the cooler and everyone goes their separate ways.

      Now its just me and sis. Sis kept blabbing on and on and on and I kept telling her "shhhhh....the giants will hear us! Do you wanna be squished??" I decided to go ahead and scope out the private forest of the mansion. Maybe its large enough to hide in plain sight.

      But when I scoped it out I had a horrifying realization. What I thought was a huge forest property was nothing more but a regular front yard with some scattered bushes. It only looked like a forest because for some reason we were so much tinier. Not only that, but through their yard I could see the rest of suburbia!

      These folks aren't giants, they're regular sized people! We were the ones who were different. Being tiny people in suburbia seemed even scarier than giants or zombies! "We have to get out of here!"

      I lead sis through suburbia desperately looking for a safe place to stay for the night. We walked through an intersection with a gas stop and a car almost ran us over! The car comes to a screeching halt.

      "Woah, take a look at these cats. They're weird looking. They're hind legs are straight like people legs."

      "You're right! Are those really..cats?"

      What? I take a look at sis and realize - not only are we tiny, were not even human! "Come on" I lead my cat-monster-sis to some bushes that we can hide in for the rest of the night. The next day suburbia was all abuzz about these tiny monsters that have invaded town. The mansion owners released falcons to track us down. Revealing our location, the humans quickly came with their long sticks, nets and cages.

      I thought about the others. How could we ever reach them or hear from them again?

      Me and sis evaded the humans and ran into a real forest. We lived there for sometime, just the two of us. Then, some humans who were walking along our creek find us and threaten to skin us like animals. I get pissed off, tired of it all, and transform into a normal sized gargoyle. But before I could show those humans what a real monster looks like - I woke up.

      Updated 01-15-2013 at 05:40 PM by 6004

    6. she's cute....try not to die

      by , 12-10-2012 at 12:34 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I get on this weird bus. It's really spacious and there are long benches inside it. People are already there, I sit next to this dirty blonde girl. Jokingly I introduce myself, but she's cool with it. I have no idea what she said her name was, but when we arrive at our destination, we go to play this weird zombie survival game.

      The zombies are real, but we can only kill them in a certain way. Instead of just destroying whoever, we have to communicate exactly which one is immediately going to kill us, and then we all attack it. There was this pasty girl coming at me....black blood drooling from her mouth, and some kinda way I knew that it was her to get it. We killed her, and then systematically killed the rest. Now that I think about it, I'm not even sure what we were using. I think I may have been unarmed.

      Anyways, we're done and I'm talking to the girl again. Eventually she leaves, and some of the other guys are talking about how lucky I am because she likes me.
      Tags: zombies
    7. Intelligent Zombies

      by , 12-07-2012 at 03:56 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)

      ~ 5 am

      Undead. Streets. A lot of talk. Train, taxi, going home or school, sis, forest, home. Neighborhood watch. We heard a sound unheard by everyone else. It sounds like moving furniture. We checked mom and dad's room. We asked them if they heard it. No. Went outside. It was night. There's a man sleeping on the street. He's a zombie. He was asking for his kids.

      Running in the forest. They don't see us. Then they did. They talk and climb. I drop kicked some of them, and had to swing to kick them down. Then there was a helicopter coming. I shouted at the nearby reporter to get them away, or else the zombies will know where we are. He can't do anything about it now. Me and sis hurried and looked for a t-shirt. It's a portal that works by "wearing" it. Wearing it transports the wearer, and the shirt is left behind. We transported home, where mom and dad were waiting, worried. The helicopter who did not find anything assumed we were dead. Good.

      Walking around in the area. There's a hideous smell and sight of dung.

      ~ 8 am

      Overnight outside. Meeting. I have to go home. It's almost 10. I might get locked out. A training every Wednesday, a guy told us. RF and daughter N. There's rain. N almost cried. I went back to my dorm.

      Updated 12-11-2012 at 10:08 AM by 47454

    8. The Battle For Your Heart

      by , 11-28-2012 at 08:54 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      One of the most amazing lucids I've had in ages!

      The Battle for Your Heart (DILD)


      Arcadia, a beautiful woman with long white hair (who seems to be some sort of deity) whom I falsely remember dreaming about before, announces to me and the team of people I am with that we must travel to a different part of the dream to eliminate a certain threat. She says it's nothing major, just something that needs to be done. I also falsely remember having this particular dream before, and I want a different ending than the supposed "other" time.

      We arrive at the house of a rather crazy but seemingly benign family who is supposed to transport us to where we need to go. Their refrigerator is actually something similar to a Tardis in disguise, so they immediately go about cramming me and my team into the small shelf spaces. I am instinctively aware that the family is evil and is going to turn on us soon, but we are too vulnerable to cause a conflict at the moment. I don't want to be attacked while trapped in the tight confines of this refrigerator.

      Soon, it doesn't matter what I want. The family (who is apparently some type of gang) attacks, but I manage to quickly get myself out and under cover before they can shoot me. A long battle ensues. Much of it involves a deadly back and forth shooting between my team and the crazy gang-family. It isn't long before I run out of ammo. I act as though my gun is still loaded in order to keep the enemy at bay as I search for a new weapon, hoping to do so before they realize that I'm basically unarmed. I'm somewhat surprised that the guns are working in the first place, as they usually malfunction in my dreams. I'm also worried about forgetting parts of what is happening when I wake up, because the battle has been going on for a long time and I know I'm bound to lose parts of it. (Sadly true.)

      In my search for a new weapon, I happen upon a high tech grenade that, in addition to a fiery explosion, shoots out spinning projectiles that will slice anything nearby to bits. I activate the grenade, shout a warning to my team, then throw it and run out of the house as fast as my legs will carry me. We barely make it out the door before the whole house goes up in flames.

      The battle against the remaining enemies takes me into the trees, where I am sniping down gang members who get too close. Out of nowhere, mutant zombies similar to lickers from Resident Evil begin scaling the trees toward me. One of the mutations splits it's head open, revealing rows of disgusting teeth along each side of its interior. Adrenaline kicks in and I manage to shoot them all in the head and kill them before they can get to me.

      With the enemies pretty much gone or sent running, Arcadia appears. "This problem runs much deeper than I originally thought," she tells me anxiously.

      "You mean because of the zombies?" I ask.

      "No, even deeper than that."

      As we walk back to Arcadia's control room, I slip my arm around her waist. She stops and removes it promptly. "Keep your hands to yourself," she reprimands me.

      "Well excuse me," I scoff with a little laugh, both surprised and somewhat amused at being rejected by a dream character. Grinning mischievously, I walk unnecessarily close to her so that our arms are pressed together. I expect her to tell me to back off again, but she doesn't.

      Back in the control room, we are suddenly ambushed by members affiliated with the gang. We take cover behind a pillar, taking turns stepping out to shoot. Arcadia is now Alice from Resident Evil. When she steps out to shoot, the enemy shoots first and manages to land a hit right in her chest. She kills most of them from the floor, then I step out and take care of the rest before kneeling down beside her. I see that the wound is very bad. She is moaning in pain.

      "No, shh, it'll be okay, I'll get you help," I tell her. (I'm pretty much only semi-lucid at this point and don't realize I could just heal her myself.) She tells me that the people in the building next door know her and will know what to do. Leaning down, I kiss her gently: a promise that I won't let her die. She looks surprised.

      I pick her up as carefully as I can manage, but she still cries out in pain from being moved. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I keep saying as I carry her to the aforementioned building. The man and woman who live there are deeply concerned, but before they can do anything, Alice dies. At her death, her shape disentigrates to a tiny stone figure with a bullet hole in the center.

      I am shocked. How could she be dead in a dream when I've been willing for her to live? NO, I refuse to let her stay dead! In a weird stroke of dream intuition, I literally breathe life into her through the wound until she is finally herself again, alive and well.

      Triumphant, I kiss her again. This time, to my surprise, she kisses me back. When I look at her inquisitively, she says I deserve it after saving her life. I smile happily, relieved that she is okay. The dream ends shortly afterwards.

    9. A New End

      by , 11-23-2012 at 03:36 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      A New End (DILD)


      Realizing that I don't have the project I'm supposed to be working on, I remember that I had handed it to Alex after lunch for her to take back to the room. Upon asking her, she admits that she accidentally left it in her last class. She agrees to go get it if I walk with her. "What building is it in?" I ask. She says some weird name that I've never heard of. I figure it must be something specifically for music students.

      As we are walking from our dorm, I notice some people eating and I become extremely hungry. I also have a horrible feeling that today somehow marks the end of the world. I tell Alex that I want to eat some really good food since it might just be our last meal. She wants to know what I mean, so I tell her about my feeling. "Why would the world randomly end today?" she asks.

      "I don't know... But still, it's close to dinner time and I want food."

      We make it to her class and she gives me back my project. She points to a sign on the far end of the warehouse-like building that says something along the lines of "Suzie's Corner."

      "That's a good place to eat," she tells me. I am amazed that there is a restaurant in here that I've never heard of before. Weird...

      When we go over there to get food, there are a lot of men in construction get-up walking around working. Something feels really off all of a sudden. The restraunt is near the opening of the building, and it becomes apparent that all is not well outside. In fact, there appears to be a growing congregation of zombies.

      "Are those... zombies?" I ask, not sure whether to believe my eyes.

      "Um... looks like it," Alex answers incredulously.

      As we search the zombie infested campus for our friends, it becomes clear that these are not normal zombies. They are fast moving when they want to be, and they have limited speech capabilites (mainly to assure their victims that they won't bite them). They also seem to have no desire to eat human flesh, only to infect. It later becomes apparent that they are extremely interested in candy, so I refer to them as Adventure Time zombies.

      Along the way, we find several of our friends who are alive and well. But each one of them soon falls prey to the zombies, one by one. At one point, I am holding a girl I know as she cries--- her best friend had just become a zombie and I barely stopped her from turning the girl into one.

      Soon, I feel as though I'm the only human left. Alex is still alive, no doubt, but we have become separated and it would be foolish to stay here. So I manage to escape campus (despite the blockade attempt made by the zombies), and begin walking through a stretch of woods towards the city.

      It is not long before I'm attacked by a possibly infected weasle. I stomp on the thing several times, clearly crushing it's back, but it keeps coming at me! Finally I hold it down with one foot and grind my other foot into its head until it dies.

      I am somewhat disturbed by my brutality towards this animal,
      which causes me to abruptly become lucid. Yes! I fly toward the city, currently content with just exploring. But I become briefly distracted by a scene that I will not describe here.

      I leave the distraction behind, somewhat annoyed at myself, and head further into the city. Alex suddenly catches up with me and asks what I'm doing. "I'm dreaming," I tell her, "so I guess I'm going to look for something fun to do." She asks if she can come with me and I agree.

      The dream deteriorates when I run into my mom, and her pushiness makes me lose lucidity.

      Updated 11-25-2012 at 04:21 PM by 47876

    10. Zombies and Kaomea

      by , 11-21-2012 at 09:54 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      So I'm at this war torn area that has been over run by zombies, and there are several factions there that are fighting....mainly for their lives, but each other too.

      Random Civilians: it's their city, and they plan on defending it
      A group of secret security: I'm pretty sure they're related to what caused the outbreak in the first place.
      Random mercenaries: They're trying to help out the remaining civilians and get a little target practice. I think I may be with these guys.

      I'm walking down a road in the middle of this huge city, debris is cluttered everywhere and it looks like something out of the end of a transformers movie minus the robots. I see one guy wearing Vietnam era cammy's and it has all this writing over it. He's talking to himself, about things that's been going on. We started talking, and he said he only wanted to find out the truth behind what happened there. We came across some important documents, and took them to one of his hiding spots. There were weapons laying on bed, and it actually reminded me a little bit like a room in my grandmothers house. Anyways, the guy starts reading and he says the project started when they decided to build 45 houses underground. It's not really safe here, so the guy tells me to grab some weapons and roll out. I grabbed a shot gun, and some sort of submachine gun and draped it across my back. I was so disappointed that this guy didn't have any katana laying around....they don't run out of bullets.

      But there's no time to dwell on that. One of the secret security people rushed in the room. He was wearing a black motorcycle helmet and all black leather. He shot at me twice and I dodged both times, kicked him in the shins and shot him in the face. Apparently I was dreaming in pg, because he died, but there wasn't any gory damage done. We got separated and I got infect some way. I met up with A, and someone else. They didn't want to kill me, but I told them they would half to. A was talking about finding a cure or some crap, and I slapped her in the face as hard as I could and said "just get it out of the way". She still didn't want to. We were at the city limits of town, and supposedly it had some sort of invisible force field around it, but I was able to pass through.....

      Meanwhile in a total unrelated dream

      I'm talking on the phone to Kaomea, and we're talking about what should we do when we met up. I think we were bouncing ideas off of each other, but we didn't come up with anything set in stone. All of a sudden I asked "what if things got sexual?"..."cause you know, I get like that sometimes". She told me she didn't mind. I didn't mind either, but I didn't want to make it a goal, nor did I want to get her upset about something that could have just randomly happened out of force of habit (can't even count how many "plan B moments" I've had).

      Something happens here....because we're in the same car, and I don't know who's driving, but we're both in the back seat.

      I want to say it's a white girl driving, but again.....I can't really picture it that much anymore. We're having one of those general "get to know you" conversations at this point, and she asks me about music. There's rap music playing at the moment, and I told her I could give her an example of what I like. I pulled out my cellphone and opened Pandora. I played an instrumental song that had rap influences, but the beat was more complex. My phones speakers were filling up the car like it was connected to the sound system. I stopped it.....waited. Played it again, and I got the same results.
    11. Zombies, fly to the moon, sniper battle

      by , 11-14-2012 at 08:23 PM

      1st Dream
      I started off the night with a dream that zombies were trying to get into a fortified house I was occupying with my family. They never got in but for some reason it was important that I organized the fridge of the remaining food we had.

      Next Dreams

      These dreams were all short, sporadic lucids

      In a swimming pool with and old girlfriend Lauren. Started messin around and woke up. I guess I got too excited.

      Briefly became lucid. Tried to freeze things by shooting ice out my hands. It worked but not very well. I decided to do some more telekinesis and lifted up my neighbors dog as she was walking it. She was very confused.

      Once again, I briefly became lucid. I decided to try one of my goals and fly to the moon. I flew very high above all the clouds and out into the atmosphere, but this was a failure because when I got up high enough to see there was no moon, only stars. Bummer

      Not lucid at first. I was in some kind of futuristic warzone getting shot at by a guy on a turret. I wasn't in good cover and got lit up by the lasers. This hurt to a decent degree but when I didn't die I knew I was dreaming. My buddy gave me a sniper rifle and I had a sniper battle with some members of the enemy. I don't remember how this turned out.

      A crazy looking bald DC attacks me for no reason. I try to use my fingers as guns and shoot him. Successful in shooting bullets but the DC doesn't die. Just looks down at where he was shot and smiles at me and keeps on coming.

      I was playing an old Megaman game and for some reason I know I left the level I was playing in and the game became real. I started fighting evil megaman clones. Not lucid for this one

      Don't remember much of this one but I was watching some foreign tourist woman taking pictures of me which seemed odd. This somehow progressed into me watching the Green Bay Packers play a football game against babies. Super weird. Not lucid
    12. zombies, frogs, and police

      by , 11-06-2012 at 01:34 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm sitting on my boat in the back hard, and my blanket is wrapped around me (yup....probably because I just fell asleep) I see a cop car drive down the dirt road next to our house. WTF.....then I walked and peered down the road, and I saw a bunch of Mexicans getting out of a van....the cop car is no where in site. They walked by me, and I said 'hola'. Someone actually knew English but it took a while to get it out of him. I remember seeing this girl...very beautiful...blondish hair. Face all dirty..wore rags. She had to be about 9 or 10...I felt bad for her. Then something else happend....dead frogs on the windshield.....zombies....wtf, I can't piece it together.
    13. h1nchm4n's Dream Journal

      by , 10-17-2012 at 10:58 PM
      October 17, 2012 (NAP TIME!)

      Some pre-knowledge: I got very little sleep last night (about 4 hours.) After I had class, I came back to my apartment and took a nap. I left the lights on, fan going, etc. It was noisy. I took a short 20-30 minute nap then woke back up. Then, I tried the WILD technique (For the first time in about a year.) This time though, I was more focused on visualizing than my body. I went straight into the dream instead of rolling out of bed.

      THE DREAM:

      It started in my house. I tend to stay lucid, but let my mind wander, and don’t take too much control. My dad kept trying to figure out which TV went best in each room. They were huge. This part was very short.

      We went on a family trip to some group of islands. We drove on this bridge that kept tipping back and forth. We got out of the car and tried to navigate it ourselves. It was hard to walk on. I wanted to try to move up the bridge, but I was too afraid I would fall. Keep in mind this bridge was a couple hundred yards above water. We couldn’t move along the bridge because it was so wobbly. There were a ton of people on the bridge. So many you couldn’t move.

      What happened next was very weird. I saw a stage above us and got much immersed in it. Someone was on trapeze. They fell into the net below, but the net didn’t stay in place. This net thing fell in a hole on the bridge. I guess there was a huge gap in the bridge from it breaking when I got distracted by the stage. There was someone in the center of the net, in the center of the hole. The net fell through and we went down the bridge by ropes. I ran along the water. My friend Connor threw me a rope and pulled me to shore. I looked back at the huge bridge. It was collapsing as people climbed off of it. I walked around the city to explore. I met this blonde girl. We got to know each other really well. I followed along with her. My parents and sister went off and did their own thing.

      I followed her back to her house. It was a small room: One door, A few windows, Kitchen, and a kitchen table in the middle. I was standing up. She sat down. We talked. While we were talking, her eyes widened for some reason. She said “Oh! ______ is coming over! He might ask me on a date!” I don’t remember his name, but I let it go by.

      After some conversation, I heard a knock on the door. A guy came in. He was pretty built, douchebag haircut, blonde. I shook his hand. “Where you from?” “I’m from the USA.” I guess this was a foreign country. But it looked very Nordic based upon the buildings. A couple other guys showed up. Some of them knew pretty good English, a few didn’t. We all stood around the table. The girl was sitting down. Her eyes were still wide with excitement.

      We talked about how some of the guys’ friends went to American colleges and how you need an American college education to succeed. I noticed one of those flatbeds outside that can hold like 14 cars drive by. Then I saw a ton of American brand stores and stuff outside the window that I didn’t notice before.

      After some not really understood conversation, the main blonde guy asked the girl on a date. She was overjoyed! That is when I lost it. He was now my enemy. I yelled in my deepest loudest voice “NO! THIS IS MY DREAM!” I lit up with flames and threw the guy into the wall. The wall broke and he went through. I then turned my arm into a very long sword and slashed the other guys in half all around me. The girl didn’t really react. We started talking again and it started getting frisky. We had sex on the table.

      Afterwards, I was worried about where my family was. I reached in my pocket for my phone, but it turned out to be a gps-type thing. The map was of the islands that we were on. I remembered my dad had a boat, and for some reason, it was a giant pirate ship. There was an avatar of a pirate ship, towing a car behind it across the screen. I told the ship to come to where I was. It drove through all the islands insanely fast, went through land, and stopped in front of the house. I told my family that I was in this house, and they went off.

      It’s very vague as to where it went from there, but the next thing I remember was that we were in another house, this time much bigger. There were a ton of beds, and the lighting was kind of creepy. A few of my friends were there along with the same girl from before. It looked a lot like a GIANT hotel room. As I said, this is where it got hard to remember. There were monsters in all the beds and they were sitting on the couches, standing around, talking, some of them doing other business. They were ugly. They looked like zombies.

      I grew the flames for a second time, and started hacking away at these creatures. I killed a majority of them, they disappeared when they died. There were a few very fat ones sitting on the couches that just wouldn’t take a blow. I walked passed. My friends and the girl followed. One of the monsters sitting down had a face that looked like a suction cup. The girl pulled the suction cup off of its face. It was a hole. There was nothing behind it. It was emptiness. One of my friends said to put it back.

      We walked through a door into the next room. Once everyone was through the door, I turned around and reached into my pocket. I pulled out a frag grenade, tossed it under the couch where the fat ones were sitting, and it went off. When the smoke cleared, everything was the same, but the creatures disappeared. I turned and went back through the door which my friends went through. It was a room exactly the same as the one before, maroon beds, a couch, and a kitchen. My friends were gone. I shut the door behind me and the girl. It was empty.

      These two creatures came in some other door that I hadn’t noticed. They were NOT LIKE the zombies from before. They had very weird arms and legs. They had the head of what looked like the Arbiter from Halo (Four pronged mouth with sharp teeth.) They had no hands, and were black and grey. Their arms looked like giant, strong, muscular tentacles (See picture/attachment.) They didn’t attack me. At this point I was still on fire. One of them, whom I think was the more dominant leader, pointed at me and said “I hope you had your fun tonight!” in a very creepy mischievous way. They both walked back out the door. I pulled a curtain back to look out the window.

      I noticed it was night time now, and we were on a hill. In the driveway, there was one of those car carrier things from before. I got a glimpse of the two creatures as they got into the flatbed and started it up. On the flatbed was my 1999 red Ford Explorer. Some of the windows were gone, the paint was messed up, a tire was missing, and there were dummies sitting in the driver, passenger, and back right seat. They were sitting straight up, and buckled in. The flatbed drove away.
      I said to myself “I’m tired of all this crap.” And I woke up.

      Based upon passed Lucid experiences and this one, the whole mood-swingy control happens often. I am very passive in the beginning (as I like to observe dreams,) and then when something bothered me, I took full control. You may have noticed underlining. I underline important events, places, and objects in my journaling.

      It is very hard to interpret the bridge scene in the beginning. The only thing that really speaks to me is my friend Connor. I've only hungout with him twice, and he isn't very social.
      -I think it might be a sign I need to be more friendly to the people who need it the most.

      The night I got four hours of sleep, I went over to this girl's house. We've been friends with benefits for awhile. Her roommate was trying on outfits to go on a date. Her roommate said "We're going on a date." I assumed that included both of them, as if it was a double date. I got kind of aggravated. Then we got into an argument about how she doesn't really want to have sex anymore.
      -I believe this EXACTLY reflects what happened in my dream. This might also be why he had no name in my dream. I met the girl, got mad about some guy asking her on a date, killed them all, and then had sex with her.

      The hotel room part is confusing. A few nights ago I watched a horror movie, called VHS, where a few guys brought girls back to their hotel rooms to have sex with them and film it. One of the girls, from the start, looked VERY creepy. They stripped her down, and she had messed up feet. She turned into a demon, and killed them all, spilling guts everywhere. Later in the movie, there was another scene in a hotel room, where a woman murdered her husband in his sleep.
      -I think my viewing of the movie may have influenced that scene.

      Recently, I visited my friend at another college. I left my car at his dorm for about four days as we visited another university to see what the party scene is like. The whole weekend I was bothered about my car getting towed.
      -This may be a link to the flatbed truck in my dream and the quote "You had your fun."

      Overall, this one of the weirdest dreams I've had. Most of my other Lucid experience is peaceful, as I'm very passive, and let things happen.

      The image attached is a character from an anime called Casshern Sins. The character whom is mutated, seeks eternal life and beauty. But is tricked, and turns into that creature.
      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails werburn:  take that!  HAH!-creature.jpg  
    14. Sep 24, 2012 - Changing Faces

      by , 10-10-2012 at 01:49 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Forest. Choice. Javin. Leader. Zombies.
      Giant rats. Running. Enclossed in a building. Travel.
      Walking. School.
      I felt like I knew I was dreaming. I tried to focus to make sure I don't get lost in the dream. The faces of people kept changing. I saw some words on the shirt of a person but I didn't check if it changed. School. Arrived there. Apol. Earthquake. A crack on the room. Go back. An office. Get the USB.
    15. In which Beth almost accidentally sets a truck driver on fire

      by , 10-07-2012 at 01:40 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I was in this computer game. I'm not sure how I knew, but I just knew that I was in a game. All the areas were based on personality types. The main area was for ENTJs. Since I have an INTJ personality, I looked for the INTJ area and quickly found it.

      The next thing I remember, I was playing Sims 3. It was the day of the prom at the high school, and my Sims were attending. There was a full moon that night, though, and I was afraid the school might get overrun by zombies (with the Supernatural expansion pack, zombies can appear when there's a full moon, but I'm pretty sure they can't get into buildings).

      I soon ended up back in what I think was the first game. This time, though, I was in this dark, basement-like area. At one point, Kayleigh, my tulpa (essentially a sentient imaginary friend imposed on reality - yes, this is relevant to the dream) appeared and wanted to lead, so I let her.

      We ended up in this room with a huge pool. There were a lot of people there; there was some sort of pool party or something going on. I don't remember much of the next part, but I do remember what happened a bit later on. Still in the pool (which was shallow enough to stand in, at least where I was standing), a little girl said to me, "I want you to bring her again," referring to Kayleigh. Then she added, "Maybe we'll all make them, and they can have their own pool party." I'm not sure exactly who she meant by "them", but she was referring to either tulpae or simply imaginary friends. I have a feeling it was the latter.

      After that, I woke up, but I went back to sleep soon after.

      In the second dream, I was running a race. I was near the finish when the dream began. Just after I crossed the finish line, I was suddenly in a mansion. I was upstairs and trying to find a way downstairs. For some reason, a little kid was following me (not the girl from last time, though - this was a boy). I found the stairs and headed downstairs, but, when we got to the bottom of the stairs, we couldn't go anywhere because there were trucks in the way. They weren't just pick-up trucks; they were big semi-trailer trucks. Why there were several trucks in the middle of a mansion, I have no idea.

      Anyway, I was about to head back upstairs and look for another way down when one of the truck drivers offered to move his truck. Somehow, the boy and I ended up in the truck. The driver parked the truck in a parking lot somewhere. Getting out was a challenge, though. The cab was very high up, and there were supposed to be steps that would extend down.

      Now, this is where it gets ten times as bizarre. To get the "steps", I had to unfold them, and they were made of this thin, filmy, papery substance. I had to somehow unfold that and actually walk down them. I'd nearly got the steps completely unfolded when the truck driver said there was no light at the bottom of the steps, so he struck a match and attempted to drop it on the bottom of the unfortunately flammable-looking steps. I pulled the steps back up to get them out of the way, but he kept trying to throw lit matches at the steps.

      The fourth match he threw actually hit the steps, setting them on fire. I threw them out of the truck, accidentally hitting the truck driver and setting his shirt on fire. Not knowing what to do, I panicked and woke up almost instantly.
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