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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. Night of Sunday 3/31/24 (Comp Night 3)

      by , 04-01-2024 at 05:48 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm intimate with a woman with long curly black hair.
      I false awake into my bed and see the bedroom door slowly creek open.
      A little girl who looks straight out of a horror movie quietly slides into the room.
      She approaches the bed. Her mouth isn't moving but I hear crying.

      My girlfriend wakes me up. The crying I heard was my mouth making noise through sleep paralysis.

      North Korea:
      I’m driving with my brother on an expressway.
      I miss a turn and he starts to berate me.
      I get upset and leave the car.
      I'm in a sort of parking structure.
      I have some basketball gear and am now looking for somewhere to change into my shorts.
      I see a security woman and she approaches me.
      She tells me I shouldn't be here, but I communicate that I'm looking for the Basketball room.
      She begrudgingly lets me go, and directs me to an elevator off to the left. It’s a big furniture-moving elevator.
      I get in the elevator, and notice there are a bunch of Asian-looking teens.
      When the elevator gets to the bottom, off to the side, there is an exit for a “breast reduction center”.
      The main entrance up ahead though, is into a hotel with red carpeting. It seems like a lobby.
      The teens are speaking another language and are interested in me, getting all up in my face to the point where I am worried for my safety.
      I realize that I am in North Korea.
      We exit the elevator together, and I start trying to communicate.
      I bounce the basketball, hoping that we could play a game and maybe form a bond of sorts.
      The ball bounces far too high (but I accept this).
      The teens seem friendly. I go to grab my phone and try to find a translator, but all I can find is text to text translation.

      North Korea is Best Korea.

      Updated 04-01-2024 at 08:26 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , nightmare , dream fragment
    2. Spring Competition 2024

      by , 03-31-2024 at 10:50 PM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      Night 2


      …/we’re sitting on the table, possibly having dinner or some. It’s night and it’s a very narrow place. The table looks like theirs but smaller. I’m sitting in front of J, E sits to her right. I’m telling some story about somebody else who I think it’s J. I get confused because if that person’s name was J. I don’t remember what’s J’s name then. It’s an embarrassing situation. I feel very confused/…


      NL fragments

      …/it’s a known dreamscape inside a sort of school. To this side, the rooms are connected to each other with a door on the corner. Every room has only two doors except for the last one that has only one. It’s more than five rooms in a row. We get to the last one with a group of friends from school. I see JG, W and O among others. We’re sitting on the places. The classroom is dark. Somebody comes to tell us we must leave for some reason. Possibly the same reparations that are taking place at home in WL. Maybe it’s was just the time to close the school because it’s late. Not sure about it. This dreamland has a lot of branches around and inside this school. Everybody starts picking their jackets hanging on the chairs and stuff put all around. We are in a hurry/…

      …/we’re traveling around the city like we were on a roller coaster. We make a big open turn to the left. I start talking using a friend’s particular voice accent, making fun of it. I realize I don’t know much about him since long ago. I turn to my right to ask E what happened with CH. He clarifies CH has gone to sleep. He couldn’t go along with his illnesses, operations and stuff. I get uncomfortable knowing many people from that time of my life is gone. It feels weird to know he’s gone/…

      …/the same works that are taking place at my place in WL and get more complicated. I see one of the guys carrying a Tupperware that I specially interacted with the day before, filled with electronics or some similar stuff/…

      There were some other details of this last fragment that I was recalling before I noticed I wasn’t using the voice recorder. Lost them :/
    3. Night of Saturday 3/30/24 (Comp Night 2)

      by , 03-31-2024 at 09:27 PM (Dreamlog)
      I’m staying somewhere in a swamp-like area. Like a hotel.
      There is a patio type spot with a bed so low to the ground that it is nearly level to the water.
      I tell my girlfriend that we should have stayed in this room, but I know she wouldn't have wanted to deal with the water.

      Swampland Hotel.

      Firelord Putin:
      Two Fire Nation brothers are coming towards me, leaping over tall buildings to get to me.
      They want me to come see something.
      They've invented something to find the Avatar.
      It’s a big ATM-like machine. It beeps and boops and makes a confirmation sound, printing out a receipt.
      Then another group of guys appears and questions what we are doing. We try to keep the info secret, but they know.

      The Fire Lord and Zuko are giving a speech to the Fire Nation on a stage in front of a large crowd.
      I’m in a large group including people from every nation. Tenzin from Legend of Korra is part of it.
      The Fire Lord is talking about loyalty and exceptional individuals.
      My group slowly sidles onto the stage and fills in behind the Fire Lord, catching him off guard.
      I notice the Avatar is with us too.
      When we come into the crowd’s view, the speech stops abruptly.
      The adults are sent off to a room with the Fire Lord to discuss a treaty.

      I’m now back in a regular hotel room, with J from high-school. I notice she has a small mustache.
      We are sharing a bed, but more like a field trip way than a romantic one.
      I start to unpack and setup the bed. There are about six people in the room.

      Some of the group returns from the war room, and the situation has instead changed into us being the United Nations, and the Fire Lord being Vladimir Putin.
      Somebody is telling us how the UN was grilling him about things like Area 51 and similar, and how he danced around the questions.

      Updated 04-01-2024 at 01:40 AM by 99808

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. many scenes/fragments_night of 3/30/2024

      by , 03-31-2024 at 03:15 PM (Book of Cursed Dreams)
      Ambulance brain fart
      I was with two people, and they were my friends, I can't remember who they were. One of them got severely injured and we called for an ambulance. Sitting in our vehicle waiting I realized that we were in an ambulance and could just take him to the hospital ourselves. Our injured friend was now in a bucket, and we took him around to the back of the ambulance to see if we could treat him there or something. I had no idea what we were looking at as the ambulance we called for arrived. "How are we going to explain this..."

      Mom and Dad's pistachios and debt
      *This was a scene from a longer dream and before this point I remember eating some pistachios from an enormous bag*

      Walking down the hallway to the kitchen for some more pistachios I notice a bag of Stacy's salt (This is a recurring imaginary product from Stacy's pita chips) I turn it around and see they used shitake mushrooms. "yuck" I put it back down, continuing to walk to the kitchen.

      Who wrote on the toilet walls?-stacyssalt.jpg

      As I arrive in the kitchen I find the pistachios, but there's even more gigantic bags of them and they're a different flavor than the ones I was eating before.

      Who wrote on the toilet walls?-bigbags2.jpg

      Instead of eating them I started thinking about how expensive this must be.
      A cut scene of my mom and dad's bank statements and purchase history started to play. There was a narrator explaining that the reason they were spending so much is because they were going to die soon.

      I started wondering how credit card companies deal with this.

      Dark YouTube video
      I remember seeing many thumbnails of a man wearing a plague doctors mask, I clicked on one of his videos to watch.
      The Youtuber started to explain how he captured another Youtuber, the scene cuts to him and the other Youtuber fighting, the plague doctor guy bashes the other guy in the head, knocking him out.
      It cuts back to the plague doctor guy and I can now see the other youtuber in the video, suddenly I'm in a first person perspective of the plague doctor guy and I can see him wondering his house looking for a container large enough to hold some type of chemical to dissolve the other Youtuber.
      "This is insane, how is this on Youtube." I think
      Most of the containers he found are too small or have holes on the bottom of them. He grabs a small container with the intent to dissolve the other youtubers body parts one by one.
      "This is torcher, just kill him!" I think as the dream ends.

      *The guy I was dreaming about was probably PlagueDocPlays, he does skits where he pretends to be a serial killer sometimes*

      *I'm going to bed with the intent to watch a YouTube video in a lucid dream, but it seems to be leaking into my regular dreams. This wasn't too disturbing to me, but this was the first time I had a dream that dark.*

      Nether escape
      *This is also just a scene from a larger dream, before this point I remember going to the nether and building across a large lava lake.*
      I was travelling around the nether with a friend when suddenly we began to levitate.
      "There's no way we can make it back to the portal!" my friend said floating to the ceiling of the small cave we were in. I hit the ceiling soon after, I was trying to brainstorm how to get across when it hit me, I could grab the floor and crawl my way down to the bridge I made earlier, and if I can get below the bridge I can use it to stop me from floating all the way up and travel across.
      "That will never work!" a disembodied voice shouted, it wasn't from my friend, but it was a third person from outside the game."
      Unbothered I continue with the plan and make it all the way down to the bridge I made. I destroy a few blocks, clearing the pathway to the bottom of the bridge when suddenly many of the blocks I'm standing on turn into entities, much like an activated TNT block, allowing lava to flow into them. "I have to hurry." I begin floating under the bridge as fast as I can, it now looks like I'm in a long hallway, lava is to my left and right getting ready to flow but I don't hesitate and continue onward. I see the end of the hallway and there's a water elevator, I get inside the elevator and when I look up the water looks super realistic compared to the blocks, it forms a whirlpool, and it pulls me all the way back up.

      *This is a water elevator*
      Who wrote on the toilet walls?-elevator.jpg

      I make it to the top and I'm now in control of the levitation. "I knew it would work" I was telling my friend who was Infront of me now. I began flying up and down in a circle to show off and landed straight on my neck, I was okay and started doing better circles.

      Note: It seems that Minecraft is taking over my dreams, maybe it's because I'm writing about them.
    5. sunken pyramid (night of 3/29/24)

      by , 03-30-2024 at 03:20 PM (Book of Cursed Dreams)

      I was trying to watch YouTube with my dad next to me and one of the video's as I was scrolling had an explicate thumbnail which infuriated my dad, I tried explaining to him I don't control what appears in the recommended.

      *a lot of story happened before this point, everything was non-lucid*

      I was with my brother and we found a sunken pyramid in a lake. He jumped into the water swimming around it. "Come on in!" he pleed. I reluctantly jumped into the water noticing that it was very cold. We started having a contest to see who could hold their breath underwater the longest. I used my toes to grip the edge of the pyramid to pull me under the water, going deeper and deeper until I could see the underside of the pyramid, it was floating and I could see a entrance at the bottom.

      Who wrote on the toilet walls?-underwaterpyramid.jpg

      I swam back up to the surface to tell my brother about what I found, I let him know I was going to go inside. I swam back down to the bottom and entered the pyramid, Suddenly the theme turned into Minecraft, everything was blocky. Looking around I noticed a lot of hostile mobs and a place I could jump too to escape the mobs.

      Who wrote on the toilet walls?-insidethepyramid.jpg

      Now running towards the safe spot I was taking a lot damage from the mobs, closer and closer I was getting but it wasn't enough. I could see my health bar go to zero and everything froze as a yellow tint overlayed my vision.

      I heard the voice of a women, she seemed to be some sort of mastermind. "I planned for my daughter to explore the pyramid and die."
      The scene changed showing her face.

      Who wrote on the toilet walls?-mastermind.jpg

      I could sense there was a larger story taking place as I woke up.
      *Thought it was strange the lady called me her daughter, I'm a guy*

      Note: A fair bit of my dreams tend to end with them transitioning to the middle of a larger story taking place where they are aware of the dream that just happened. Even though while I'm dreaming it feels like a continuous story, I can never seem to remember it when I wake up.
      Tags: cursed
      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    6. Losing the van 3/27/24

      by , 03-29-2024 at 06:41 PM (Book of Cursed Dreams)
      Color code

      *There was a lot of dream story I can't remember before this point*

      My mom was driving her van as she answered her ringing phone. It was from a lady at a school, they were talking for a bit when the lady realized that my mom was driving while talking.
      "You shouldn't be talking on the phone while driving!" The lady hung the phone up.

      *Some stuff happened after this and somehow, I ended up driving the van, trying to bring it back to my parents' home*

      I began to approach a drawbridge; it was only wide enough for one vehicle at a time. There were three semi trucks driving down it, as soon as one exited I drove onto the bridge despite the fact that it was too narrow. Alarms stared to sound and I stopped to put the van in park. The bridge deck started to lift up allowing a boat to pass under. As the bridge deck lowered I could see that the two semi trucks were still coming, I pulled off onto a pocket to allow them to pass me.

      After parking the van on the pocket I could now see there was no way to drive the van over to the other side of the bridge. Now walking down the bridge I was met with a fence that I couldn't get over. I noticed a trap door and I thought I could probably pick the lock to get inside of it.

      "Hold on my friend I got the key" I heard from behind, looking up I see that it's Cruz.
      *he works for the general contractor at the job I'm currently at.*
      "It's okay I can pick the lock" I reassure him. He ignores me and tries to hand me the key put drops it into a container of glue. "All the more reason for me to pick the lock" I think to myself. Undeterred he picks the key up and opens the trap door anyway.

      I climb down the trap door and somehow end up in my parents backyard walking up to the home with two other people. "Oh no, I left the van behind" I remember.

      "Well this is just a dream so I can just imagine driving the car to bring it back here" I think to myself now closing my eyes. Everything is now dark with some swirling noise in the background. Unfortunately, no matter how hard I'm trying to imagine it I can't seem to see it, I can't even feel that thought to make any sense. It's as if my will is being suppressed by the expectations of the dreams logic. I open my eyes and see that I'm still walking with the two men up to the house.

      We were right outside the house now, the two men set up a latter to climb up to the roof. They pull one of the shingles back to reveal that there was no tar sealing them in. "We're going to have to take down all of the shingles and reseal everything", After they said that I could now see my dad, he had an embarrassment look on his face, as if he should have known about this.

      Note: This was the second time that I could remember where my dream self knew I was in a dream but I wasn't fully lucid.

      Updated 03-29-2024 at 06:46 PM by 100743 (wrong date)

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    7. Night of Saturday 3/23/24

      by , 03-28-2024 at 12:32 AM (Dreamlog)
      I'm laying in bed, and I think there might be a home invader.
      I can hear noises coming from the kitchen.

      There is a hot-tub car outside that has a mechanism to drain the water and then transition to driving mode.

      My girlfriend's sister and her friends are over at our house eating snacks.
      They are very loud, so I go over to talk to them.

      I'm at the edge of a city with towering buildings.
      The buildings abruptly end and transition to dirt.
      The drastic change reminds me of the border of Thousand Needles and Feralas from World of Warcraft.
      The whole scene has a grey-ish tone to it.
      There is a cloaked woman on the other side of a large gate.
      I know that she is bad, the antagonist.
      I go to reason with her, and she convinces me to let her in.
      Her power decreases as I become more confident, and the threat dissolves.

      I'm at a rooftop party with J from the Tots.
      There are two small dogs on a landing above looking down at us.
    8. Yay.

      by , 03-27-2024 at 12:52 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      This will be a shorter entry. Had trouble sleeping lately due to shitty sleeping arrangements where I live. Apperently I was right. I had to call on Raven again to help with Jamie. She fought of some guy who looked like freddy kreuger. That seems in line with what I remember about someone wearing a large hat.

      I had a couple non lucids that I can't remember.


      Fell asleep talking to the Jamie voice... instead of the usual Jamie in a black space where the conversation continues. There's a big fat Demon pertending to be Jamie. I wake up and fall asleep again, this time it's a skinny demon, saying the things that apparently Jamie is saying. Well, great. And yes I have prayed obsessively about these voices. and of course "Jesus," responds as a voice in my head. That's always trustworthy! But according to Him, We may be hearing one another's thoughts. Be careful to speak to it however, other things may be listening... and also might respond. In either case I'll try my best not to respond overly emotionally to it, or take it "too," seriously. I like how, when I pray for Jamie, I occasionally hear a, "Thank you." from her, as if she somehow hears me. That's always re assuring (No sarcasm).


      Me and Jamie are both attending a high-school together. A class or school has ended and I'm in a hallway by a bunch of lockers and a bunch of students are in my view. I notice Jamie talking to a blond girl pretty sternly. Jamie leaves the girl and walks through the crowd. she then takes my hand and we walk away. Before I turn, I notice the blond girl is giving me and Jamie some really evil side-eye. I guess I'm back with my girlfriend... or dream girlfriend. (please send help.)

      Last night: Had a really long non lucid. No jamie. Can't remember what the dream was about. A bunch of people in a large warehouse or something, and I was also doing drywall work. Bleh, not really worth remembering anyway.
    9. Fragments

      by , 03-25-2024 at 05:46 PM (Book of Cursed Dreams)
      There was an anime battle between a villain and a hero. The hero was saying something about how much more powerful he got. The hero jumped up into the air then the villain threw a strange disk at him. The hero began blocking with a mop he used for a weapon, he couldn't stop blocking the attack or he would die.

      Who's from England...I need some guy tips-file-ocforhe6z6mvhgwymorwjiyi.jpg

      Unsecured cardboard
      I had stack of cardboard on the top of a car and my brother was telling me it wasnt secure to drive, to prove him wrong i started backing up, the cardboard fell off.

      middle of nowhere starbucks
      My mom wanted to go to a starbucks, living in the middle of nowhere i decided to see where the closest was. I opened google maps and found that there was one within walking distance from her home. (I was surprised at how far development was coming along)

      mom making coffee
      Just before waking up i heard my brother making a pot of coffee, in my dream my mom was making coffee and i was questioning why she was making it if i made coffee yesterday.

      Note: most of these dreams had a very long and strange story line. I need to get better at remembering these.
    10. not good...

      by , 03-24-2024 at 04:19 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      First night I just had dreams that Jamie found a girlfriend. I always knew she liked both, not going to judge.I have some borderline traits myself, being unsure of your sexuality is a given. I did find these dreams a little distressing. In these dreams it seems I am watching them from a distance, and not a participant.

      Next night.

      another flash of Jamie being with a girl, but this time I can see them having sex... Honestly I don't know why I dream these things and sometimes loathe the connection. (When she moved in 2011, I first had a dream she was sleeping with some guy but wasn't feeling it. Then I dreamed she was sleeping with a woman, a few days later she switched her orientation status on FB. You gotta realize I'm not trying to spy, these things just come to me and sometimes I wish they wouldn't)


      Just a flash of me and Jamie in a western setting. Some big guy in a cowboy hat captured us and we are ties and gagged by a fence. Jamie looks my way in distress.

      Last night


      I was in a crowd at night time and noticed Jamie in the crowd looking at me.


      I get a job at a newly opened seafood restaurant. I'm in orientation with a group of people. Jamie is in the group, as well as some other pretty girl with crazy braids. Jamie doesn't look at me at all, but keeps lingering by. I'm drinking a soda pop from a glass bottle. The top somehow breaks. I go to the sink area to clean it up. Jamie follows me, or is doing something in the same area. She's really silent, but lingering by. I find the silence really uncomfortable as I try to clean up the glass.

      No way

      I'm walking outside early morning. I'm upset. In my dream memories Jamie had told me that she didn't want to see me anymore because I was too, "Emotionally immature."

      I go by a mcdonald's but it's not open in the plaza. I see my brother wandering into Tim Horton's. and decide to follow him in.

      First of all, I'm just going to assume that something is wrong in the dreams. (She's been attacked by dream demons constantly especially since "The Boyfriend." dream). Second. I admit: I have severe emotional problems, they have gotten a lot better since older. I was mentally and emotionally abused and abandoned by my dad specifically. The effects of that abuse have stuck with me my entire life. I know Jamie had similar problems, that she briefly told me about herself. So, I always saw that as an opportunity to relate to one another and be there for one another. Things DO get easier with age. and I've been doing my best to work on that. I'm scared too, if Jamie were to come into my life again. There is a lot of emotional trauma around one another, and how we handled things in the past to work through. It wouldn't be easy, it might be hard. We are going to make mistakes. But I want to do it, and I want to become better and be better this time.
    11. 24-03-24 Songs

      by , 03-24-2024 at 01:52 PM
      I woke up remembering a whole bunch of '80s songs. Or at least I think it was more than one... The last one I had in my head was a fully formed song, every instrument, vocals, lyrics, everything, and I'm not sure if it even exists in real life. I've had this before over a decade ago, when I dreamt a complete Depeche Mode song that did not exist. Not unlike what generative AI does these days, except better. Anyway, this latest song had "don't stop" as a repeating lyric, but that's so vague it was impossible to find on Google even if it existed.
    12. Cats in the driver seat. LD

      by , 03-23-2024 at 02:57 AM (Book of Cursed Dreams)
      I woke up from a non lucid dream, all i remembered was i in my underwear fixing something for some reason. I could sense that i would be able to enter a lucid dream, remaining still I ignored the bursts of ringing and eventually my body begin to drift

      Visuals begin to appear as i remained drifting and floating, I was now in a large square corridor with a wooden roof and tacky wallpaper. Im close enough to the ceiling so i reach my hand to feel the roof, to my surprise my hand passed straight through it, like in vr. I then poked my head through the ceiling. It passed through as well, my head clipped through it and i could see through the ceiling as if looking through a texture out of bounds in a game. I lowered my head back down and continued to drift for a short time.

      The dream began to fade out and instead of worrying about it I imagined a song I like, focusing on the music made the dream stable again and i could now see the end of the corridor, it led to a dark outdoor parking lot.

      hel me out-file-h0plha1lhc18kggsgdymajdt.jpg

      I was empowered with confidence as i floated outside. I descended to the ground and began strutting towards a car I saw moving.

      They stopped the car when I looked at them, I couldnt make out any figure driving as it was too dark.
      "Show me the dream navigator!" I gesture point and swinging my arm for them to get out of the car. No response, i pull the door open only to reveal my two cats in the driver seat. Amused and laughing I enter the car.

      hel me out-download.jpg

      They jump into the passenger seat and I reach over to close the door
      I see duplicates of my cats outside the car. As soon as i close the door the dream fades to black and i wake up.

      Note: the "dream navigator" is my attempt at making a Dream character who is aware of me dreaming and can tell me where to go or what to do. So far I'm unsuccessful.
      Tags: cats
      lucid , dream fragment
    13. Night of Thursday 3/21/22

      by , 03-22-2024 at 04:40 PM (Dreamlog)
      Something about a desert.
      dream fragment
    14. Funny

      by , 03-18-2024 at 12:22 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Been sick still. Last night I could hardly sleep.

      Fake Jesus

      Can't remember the details too much. I was with Jesus and he was asking me to do this strange, abstract thing. It seemed unethical what he was asking. Next we were standing over Jamie 's bed and he said if I do those things (that I can't remember) she will be in my life soon. First off, I'm not going to do anything manipulative... Second in previous dreams it sounded like she wants to talk to me, but that I'm just to be very patient with her while she decides what she wants to say. In any case I'll hear her out.

      Woke up and added prayers of banishing fake Jesus from my dreams.

      Last night.


      I'm looking for Jamie at her house. She is nowhere to be found. I eventually come across a jail cell door with a small window and bars Jamie is on the other side. She reaches her hand out and I lightly grab it. I'm shocked and concerned. The dream starts fading to black and when it does she says, "You have to start looking at porn."

      I admit I nearly choked on my coffee when I remembered that line. I'm sure in whatever strange dream she was having, in that context, what she said made sense to her. In any case, I've pretty much avoided that the past while.
    15. 24-03-11 Another Waking Dream Conversation

      by , 03-13-2024 at 03:29 PM
      Another waking dream of the same type as yesterday. Talking to someone I couldn't see right as I was on the cusp of waking up. Feeling my bed, and seeing my bedroom, but still continuing the conversation. As my logical faculties slowly kicked in as I transitioned to full waking state, I briefly feared I was going schizophrenic.
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