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    1. The will to be lucid... [24/06/14]

      by , 06-24-2014 at 09:26 PM (My lucid comeback!)
      After waking up this morning I remembered 3 small dreams, throughout the day sitting at my computer mostly I got more and more bored. I felt like I was trapped in a little box, that was a moment when I saw the potential of lucid dreaming again, and so I'm back completly hooked on it.

      1. Experiment gone wrong

      I dreamed of an evil experiment conducted by the japanese government on children ranging from 10 to 16 years old. In this experiment they wanted to test what extreme fear and panic for a prolonged period of time would cause. The experiment went like this: Inside a large abandoned warehouse completly sealed of to prevent any ambient light from getting in was a chair, placed in the middle of this giant room. The size of the warehouse is huge, 2 football-fields probably and pitch-black. Several meters above the chair is a single lamp that's very dim and only lights up a small area around the chair, it flickers and sometimes shuts of for a full minute, plunging the chair into complete darkness. In the chair the child will be restrained and given an infusion to provide nutrition and water for a week probably. A bucket under the chair would act as a toilet, there's a hole in the chair. This experiment needs 4 children to 'participate', each of them will be placed in their own warehouse. 2 of the children will be told that in one of the corners of the warehouse someone or something is lurking and will very slowly crawl towards them, to torture and eventually kill them. The other 2 children weren't told anything. Note that there isn't anything in the 4 warehouses, all the children are completly alone and there's no other being with them in the room.
      I didn't get all the information of this experiment by reading or hearing it, I just know because several days ago I read some creepypastas on the internet. Next I see blurry flashes of a monster that looks like something out of the film 'The thing' standing behind the children. One of the childrens head is pierced by a tentacle and the monster is using the child's body as some sort of puppet. I feel extremely stressed, like I'm one of the observers who don't know what's happening.

      2. Am I greedy?

      My dad is really angry and shouting at me cause I ask for too many games to buy. (IRL I bought 3 on Steam cause they had high discounts and my father didn't really care.)

      3. A rocket?

      I'm looking/flying around a large rocket standing alone in a grass field near the sea, it's dusk yet I can clearly see it.

      Updated 06-26-2014 at 08:41 PM by 69433

    2. 6.24.14

      by , 06-24-2014 at 08:25 PM
      Dream 1

      I am looking at a large house on a hill. The hill is full of lush green grass and the house looks like it's made of grey stone, giving the impression of a castle. A pool is tucked in front of the house. An acquaintance, J, is here; this is his house. We are swimming. He opens a hidden compartment and brings out two pool noodles. I look back and J is now an animated Aladdin. The Genie is also here. We are hitting an inflatable ball around, when I look down and see many tiny green caterpillars floating in the water. I try to get out of the pool because they are stinging me.

      Dream 2

      I am in the ocean. There is no land in sight. I can swim with whales, sharks, or fish, and I am swimming with the whales. The water seems warm, shallow and clear. It is peaceful. I am now in a spot where I can touch the sand below and stand up, and I do just that. Off in the distance a bit I see a woman and her daughter just standing waist-deep in the water. It looks as if they haven't felt the need to wear any tops, but that feels like the norm. They seem content.

      Dream 3

      There is an assembly going on outside of a school. Its about kids going to fight (in the military, I assume). I am in the parking lot behind a car, trying to get a picture on my phone through the chain-link fence. I'm going to caption it "Why can't we give peace a chance?"
    3. Fragments

      by , 06-24-2014 at 06:01 PM
      Dream fragment #1:
      I am walking around the side of my house with my friend D. There is a flash of bright light and the scene changes abruptly; where the side of my house should be, I now see many white, delicate flowers, illuminated brightly from behind by golden sunlight. The flowers hang from the branches of a little tree. The sight of them stops me, and I sense my friend turn to complain about why I'm not following her. I feel overwhelmed by the beauty of what I'm seeing, and I ignore her.

      Dream fragment #2:
      (3rd person view) D and I are in a giant, deep pool. We are swimming along the side of the pool, which resembles a dock. (Switches to 1st person) I spot a little island of concrete out in the middle of the pool. It's pretty far, but I want to get out of the water, so I start for it, but D grabs my arm, and points to a ladder that she had been heading towards. For a moment I see the pool from a 3rd person view again, this time with a ladder. Then the scene seems to fast forward, and I'm climbing up the ladder behind D.

      Dream fragment #3 (from 6-22-14) - this was a very vague fragment, and I had very little awareness:
      Against a black background a see a table, surrounded by five or six horses. I only really see their heads and necks. One of them stretched it's neck out, pointing its nose to the center of the table. One or two others copy the first. I think vaguely of gambling. The scene starts to change before my eyes, to something greenish. (This last dream makes me laugh... The way the horses moved was like that kid game Hungry Hippos.)
      dream fragment
    4. Jazz Hands

      by , 06-24-2014 at 05:36 PM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #217: Jazz Hands

      I’m standing at the foot of the stairs, droning on and on to Wife about lucid dreaming. “Remember!” I tell her. “You have to let me summon you.”

      “Okay, fine, fine!” she says, seemingly in a hurry and darts away into the kitchen. I’m confused for a moment -- wasn’t I intending to summon Dreamer for the challenge? I realize that
      I’m dreaming and head for the front door, phasing out onto the front walk.

      It’s a clear morning outside and I walk out to the sidewalk and then start running to the east, ready to attempt the summon. I reach my right hand out, slightly behind me and out of sight and say, “[Dreamer], I know you’re here!” I feel a hand and then two sharp tugs and when I look to my right, Dreamer is running/floating along beside me. She beams and starts floating while doing a silly “jazz hands” move with her right hand.

      I decide to fly as well and wind up soaring into the air. Dreamer seems to be sticking at a lower altitude, though, and now dangles calmly from my right hand. I can see trees going by far below her feet.

      I haul her up and she wraps her arms around my shoulders while still dangling underneath. She seems very relaxed about the whole thing but I start having trouble controlling my altitude and feel like I’m going to nosedive back into the earth. The scene collapses into the void but I still feel like we're flying. The fear of crashing is still there, though, and after a few more seconds
      I’m awake.
    5. Through the Roof

      by , 06-24-2014 at 05:32 PM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #216: Through the Roof

      It’s some time after 4 AM and I’m wandering around downstairs, badly wanting to get some sleep to have a lucid dream. Somehow, Wife’s still awake watching something on her computer and I’m worrying that she really needs to get to sleep. “Well, I’m heading up,” I hint.

      “Good night,” she says, still staring at the computer.

      I head upstairs into the master bedroom. It’s dark, but there’s enough light that I can clearly see Wife curled up in bed. Wife downstairs and Wife upstairs?
      Dream! Since I’m in the bedroom, I get the sense that I’m supposed to start the lucid in the OBE style and “roll out of my body”. But I’m standing. How would I even do that?

      Instead I decide to just float up through the ceiling, phasing out of the house and into the void. I thrash about a bit in the darkness and do a half-assed summon. Something that feels like a dry erase marker pops into my left hand, so I jam the end into my mouth and start chewing on it. With my right hand I make awkward swimming motions and imagine that I’m making forward progress.

      After a bit of swimming, the void lifts and now I’m standing in my bathroom, all of the lights blazing. The bathroom looks mostly like it does in waking life apart from the fact that the mirrors are a little fogged up and have these odd creases in them. I can see my double in the mirror, making chewing motions with his mouth but he has no dry erase marker in his mouth. I grin and my double grins back, his mouth still shaped like he’s got the dry erase in it.

      I dash around the room for a bit, keeping my eye on the mirror and my double does the same. I remember my intent to summon Dreamer. I reach behind me and try the summon, remembering my tip to Xanous to “try to just feel the person’s hand as if it’s already there”. To my complete embarrassment, this doesn’t work at all.

      I try again and it’s not working. I become paranoid and wonder if it’s because I’m trying to summon in front of mirrors. I realize this is stupid but decide to try getting out of the room to see if that helps. As I’m walking to my left, I get this sense that I’m stumbling forward and
      the dream ends.
    6. Lucid for Hours, over and over. Broken Recall.

      by , 06-24-2014 at 05:19 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      06/23/14 I have no idea how to even divide up the night. I know I woke up a bunch of times, but went right back into a clear lucid state. I remember thinking it was uncommon to be so truly aware through so much of the night. I think much of it was other worldly as it had elements of meeting dignitaries and listening to rules and such. I got to display some intense TK abilities to someone on a dais and their court. The themes varied but the ideas were weird and complex such as native vs citizenship. One theme was transportation of non-native trees through gateway like portals. All through out I kept checking to make sure I was still lucid and that I was paying attention However, upon waking my recall was vague and very limited.

      Edit: I just gained recall of about 20 minutes of the night. We had been traveling to do some important thing and ended up in a ship wreck. I was with some other floating on a raft and there were dangerous things like intelligent sharks. We snuck across an arctic like sea until we got back to a crashed ocean liner. On board there were many stranded people. I played in a pool for awhile and then went looking around. A cabin had a odd device that had a puzzle of some sort made of wires. I took it apart and found a radio at the center. I turned on the intercom system and experimented with radio stations and seeing how realistic my dream could make music. Later I went around and asked if anyone could make the radio broadcast a help message, and of course the dream provided some 'professor' type who rigged it to broadcast.

      Updated 06-24-2014 at 06:05 PM by 12783

    7. Shootout For the Pink Shirt

      by , 06-24-2014 at 05:09 PM
      The dream consisted of a series of fragments as follows:

      - I was updating Firefox? I also wrote down "rock climb" but can't remember it now. I do know I woke up in the middle of the night remembering this, and could still remember it when I woke up before work as I associated an image of a stretchy Firefox logo, and me climbing it. I should've been more detailed

      - I was in my kitchen, and these two girls stood next to me by the chair. One of the girls was feeling uncomfortable because the other kept touching her butt. I also touched her butt, making the girl think it was the other friend. I remember feeling bad about this.

      - I saw Angelina Jolie running around; she was being chased by a giant creature of some sorts. Armed with guns, she would run through some ruins and hide behind parts of buildings as the creature ran by. My view zoomed in on her eyes, which started flaming around, similar to the aura of a person in Smash Brothers Brawl. I knew she was about to go hamm on this creature.

      - I was with two people, and we drove up to a building. We parked in front of another car in the parking lot where two guys were lounging around on their pickup truck. We were on a mission to find some secret object that belonged to someone I can't remember. We walked into the building, making sure to be quiet, as it was populated with a lot of people. I managed to find a pink shirt with my job's logo on it, and grabbed it, noting its weight. It turned out this object was the secret, as determined by its weight (it was not made of cotton as I originally suspected).

      We moved the shirt back to our vehicle, and I guess the people we stole this from noticed, and began shooting us. I was hiding behind the car, scared of getting shot, but noticed my two partners were in the open. I pulled out a machine gun turret out of the back of our car, and placed it next to the car, still taking cover. The turret looked like this:

      So glad I found this place!-getcrossplatformimage7.jpg

      The turret was manually controlled by a small knob on the side that I continued turning. It started shooting, moving the head side to side as it did. I noticed though that the bullets were not hitting the targets as I would've liked. I ran out of ammo, and pulled out a pistol. I noticed that the two guys in the pickup truck turned out to be on our side, and was shooting the others as well.

      At this point I realized I was dreaming, but I wasn't quite lucid. I did know though that I could control the turret. I started rewinding time, so I could have more bullets and hit the guys this time. I also decided to amp up the turret, as I didn't want my friends to die. I imagined the turret had 3 layers of 5 barrels each. While I was rewinding though, a DC appeared to me and told me that I could potentially have a lot of power if I wanted, but if I wanted to get anything out of dreaming, I had to present myself with challenges. He was telling me being completely lucid wasn't the right path, but instead I should try and aim for semi-lucidity and place myself in positions where I had to try harder to get out, as opposed to using my potential power to easily get out.

      I took away the layers of turrets because of this, and instead just added more ammo. Time started back up, and I aimed again at the guys I initially aimed at, hitting them this time. At this point my dream ended.
    8. Sleeping through Alarm Clock

      by , 06-24-2014 at 04:57 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      I am at a grocery store, standing in front of a guy from Germany who holds up a random vegetable and asks me to identify it. I got it right. A bell rings and he holds up a different one. More difficult, I manage to identify it before the bell rings again and he holds up another one.

      This continues for a few minutes as a bell is rung from somewhere about every 10 seconds.

      Then it dawns on me, that is the chime my alarm clock makes, and I should probably wake up now.
    9. hell is a club

      by , 06-24-2014 at 04:30 PM
      I was on a cruise. It had this one deck where there was this deep, wide hole in the ground with a pile of books on top. there was a rope of silk over the hole held up by two poles. I had to use the silk to go over the pile of books and grab one like tarzan. Jason's dad was there sitting near the cave, reading.
      I was in constant search for dessert, but never got some.
      These two dudes were 'cleaning' te ocean. Basically, they were walking on water and using brooms to clean the surfaceof the water and make it bluer. They were cleaning it just like you would clean your flor. One guy was a fem gay, and he was sexually harassing the other dude, who was obviously very uncomfortable.

      I went to heaven. I wasn't completely dead, and I would be waking up soon. I saw a bunch of people that I thought would be in hell, and that were actually pretty nice now. I went to se Lt and Barbara and started crying. But both of them were in this weird sleep, Barbara especially so. I saw the chick put a orange pill on lt's pillow. I picked it up. Lt started chocking me so I wouldn't be able to go back to life: he wanted me to stay. Somehow, I got away. They super drugged him up. Barbara woke up tho, and she escaped.
      I went looking for her through the neighborhood and through a forest. However, the angels stopped looking for er when we got to a certain location. I discovered this location was hell. It was very sexual. I saw bisexual orgies going on in elevators, herd club music, and everything was slightly dim. However, I got the feeling that there were bad things coming for this place that the participants may not have been aware of.
      Eventually, because we were looking for a lost angel, a lead angel took some of us with her across the hell barrier to talk to someone at a desk about getting passes.
      non-lucid , memorable
    10. hmmmn...

      by , 06-24-2014 at 04:20 PM
      I was a hermaphrodite. I had a dick above my regular stuff. I was in the bathroom, and it was hard. Because I was supposed to be meeting up with a friend to have sex with her. however, she never made it to the bathroom, so it didn't happen.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Rough Nap :(

      by , 06-24-2014 at 04:20 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      I went back to bed after an hour or two of being awake cause my training got canceled. 40 minute nap right here from hell:

      This dream is like...the reason why you do a reality check every time you wake up.

      I "woke up." There was a chandelier in the middle of my room. It was swaying back and forth. Ugh. That's creepy. I got my camera so I could show Kestrel later, cause that thing was moving on its own. As I recorded the video, I looked into the display. Through the camera, I could see something pushing the chandelier back and forth. It looked like a dementor.

      I decided now was a good time to leave this room.

      I "woke up." Ugh thank god, I thought. I sat up in bed. There was a chandelier in the middle of my room....swaying violently. WTF? I did a reality check...dreaming. Honestly, this is not how I wanted to spend a lucid dream. I sighed, and left the room immediately. The halls were really dark and it was hard to see. A cat ran past me. I heard a laugh.

      I "woke up." Was this over yet? I did a reality check....dreaming. I needed to go find a dream character to hang out with. Maybe that would take my mind off of the creepiness of this entire dream. I waded through the dark hallway until I found the bathroom. There were some housemates in there. Good. I started talking to them about wonderful nothingness and my mind was happily distracted. That was, until it came and found us in the bathroom. A bleeding cat walked in the bathroom.

      I "woke up." I could feel myself waking up in reality, but it was so hard to get up I felt glued. I felt myself being pushed back into the dream, or maybe I just never even left it. I did a reality check...dreaming. This was such bullshit. It's really easy to say, ohh but Zukin, just distract yourself, do something fun! No...lucid nighmares don't work like that. You can forget, but you haven't really forgotten. And when its an invisible fear like this, it's hard to fight. Anyways, I went downstairs to the living room. It was full of light. My crush was there, and that made me supper happy. I felt safe. I hugged him. I put my hand against the glass window, and willed the glass to slowly crack. Cracks originating from my hand slowly formed until the glass became too weak and I pushed my hand through. It was really beautiful and I did it a few more times. I was having fun with this, until I heard that desperate meowing.

      The cat, still covered in blood, jumped through the cracked holes in the window. The cat looked at me, and it menacingly smiled. The cat fucking smiled a bloody toothy smile.

      I "woke up." I did a reality check....dreaming. I left the room immediately, I wasn't even going to look to see if that creepy chandelier was still there. I walked through the halls until I found a fire extinguisher.

      Foam, foam everywhere. Fuck you creepy ass chandelier-bloody-cat demon. Foam > you.

      I played in the foam.
    12. Ten Thousand Dollar Check

      by , 06-24-2014 at 04:20 PM
      I received two checks in the mail one for two thousand and the other for 6 thousand. I could not believe it and I was very excited. I started to brag to everyone in site that my affiliate marketing skills are finally paying off. I told my co workers that I was quiting and that I had now ten thousand dollars I just made. After I told them that we started to have fun joking around. This is something we do not do in real life.
    13. Fight; Ophelia; Retreat;

      , 06-24-2014 at 03:54 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night bed 11pm - 7am (woke up second day to aroma of coffee from my new coffeemaker)

      Woke up at 2:50 from a bad dream

      The devil is standing right next to me, telling me things in my ear, sometimes with demon voice. I don't wanna do what he is telling me, or I don't agree with his words. I'm fighting him, resisting, giving him hell.

      Later on, remembered I just had a dream with OpheliaBlue, as I turn to the other side during micro awakening. Wanted to turn back to have beter recall, but thought I'll try this way, but fell aslee.

      Well, it was some kind of a mild disagreement. It was longish, I'm sorry I don't remember more.

      Last dream:
      It's some kind of a work place retreat, or camp. This is a long dream.

      We are in a building in a communal room. I walk out to do something and find 2 instructors playing a game of tossing something at the target. I should not be there.

      Then I'm walking with a dog in my arms when he tells me to put him down, he would rather walk and run himself.

      Something about large boats or machinery.
      Tags: opheliablue
    14. My first lucid dream!

      by , 06-24-2014 at 03:31 PM
      I was walking the dogs with my mom, It was a very cloudy day. Then i looked at my watch i was shocked that it was blue and not red and the numbers were messed up. So i did the breathing reality check and boom I was lucid. I jumped super high across the creek we were walking next to I landed with no pain at all. I did this a couple times i could feel when I was falling it felt so real. Then the place changed and i was at my Grandpas house and some guardian told me there was a good vs evil war going on. So i walked through this door and it was a copy of the house but angled differently. I could see some demons below so i threw metal stand on them and ran away. Then i jumped and fell down the stairs . I got to my computer right under the spiral staircase. I logged into Skyrim and some weird green face popped up and startled me so i shut the screen of the computer down really fast. I went upstairs in the house and looked in a mirror. I hardly looked any different i had a small little cut on my face for some odd reason. Then the dream slowly faded and i woke up.
    15. Honk honk motherf*ckers

      by , 06-24-2014 at 01:17 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      I was in a big city with Kestrel and a guy friend of mine, who we'll call Tyrone. We were at some sort of rave party. There were a lot of people there, but no one was dancing. Like usual, Kestrel and I didn't care and we were ripping apart the dance floor.

      There were a couple toddlers running around. This was no place for a toddler! I scooped one of them up and went to find his mother. I started talking to her for awhile about children, when what I presume was one of the DJs comes over and says some rude remark about the children. I flip him off.

      A lady comes up to me and says that she needs to talk to me outside. She looks forty or fifty, and is wearing an interesting leather halter top with a short leather skirt. I assume she's mad at me for flipping off the DJ, but we talk instead about other things. I tell her that I used to be a raver 3 or 4 years ago and she responds, "Oh, well, we'll have to deal with this in a more adult manner. I couldn't hurt one of my own."

      "What's your name?" I ask her.


      So we walk around and talk more when we start hiring sirens. We look back to see that the police have raided the rave. She tells me to stay back, but I need to go find Kestrel and Tyrone.

      I enter the party and start looking for them. There are a lot of people panicking and someone is carried out on a stretcher. I find them in the back of some weird UPS truck, freaking out about something.

      "Where have you been???" Kestrel asks, panicking.

      "I was just...er...outside," I respond.

      "Did you drink the beer??" Tyrone asks.

      "Er...I think I had some whiskey..."

      "But did you have THE BEER?!" Kestrel asks.

      "I don't know! Maybe?! Why?"

      "IT WAS POISONED!" They say in unison.

      "We gotta get out of here," Tyrone declares, "but first...meth." Tyrone randomly does meth.

      "HONK HONK MOTHERFUCKERS!" He screams and takes the drivers seat. Suddenly, it's like we are in GTA. Tyrone is racing the UPS truck down the highway, hitting as many innocent bystanders as he can.

      Tyrone hits a streetlight and we came to a stop.

      The UPS truck, had it looked perfectly before it encountered us, was now decimated.

      "POLICE! THIS IS THE POLICE!" We heard shouting and sirens all around us. Tyrone jumped out of the car and screamed, "THESE ARE MY HOSTAGES NOW!!!"

      But we escaped, so it was all cool.
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