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    Lucid Dreams

    1. 05/11/13 The Search for Nomad

      by , 05-13-2013 at 03:24 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Search for Nomad
      I am on a long driveway in front of a nice house. I am thinking it's mine even though I've never seen it before. There is a huge yard around the house. I see rolling fields of grass and wild flowers with a forested area in the distance. I look around a bit more, the grass is tall and blowing in the wind. There is a tree with a wooden swing hanging from it. I can hear the birds singing all around though I can't see any of them. I entered this place through a hypnosis program so I am already lucid. I think I have plans to continue healing Winter since I don't yet know if she is feeling better or not. I focus on opening a portal to the healing glen. I go through the portal into the healing glen. I see the crystal golem in the glen seeming to be tending to something. I don't see Winter or Nomad. I ask him if Nomad and Winter are around. He says no, but if I need healing... I say I'll be back after I find Nomad and Winter. I focus on a portal to the healing springs on the moon. The portal opens and I go through. I am alone again. No one is there. The pools look very inviting. But where are Nomad and Winter? I wonder where they might be. Has something happened to them? I focus on a portal and on finding them. I will open a portal to wherever they are. I focus, but nothing happens. I wonder what could be wrong... I decide to try to bring them to me. I focus on my altered lyrics of Dream On by Aerosmith. The song plays through, but still nothing happens. I try again, focused on Nomad. Still nothing. I wonder what could be wrong. I wonder if they are sure ok. I am trying to think of another way to find them when the dream slips away and I wake up.

      Dark Tower: Defenders
      I am near a small camp just near a rundown looking town. It is night time and the stars shine brightly above. I am not alone there, I am there with Roland, Eddie, and Susanna. One of the first things I notice is wrong is Susanna has her legs. I think that is really odd, as in the Dark Tower books she is missing the lower part of her legs. In spite of that difference I still recognize these people from the Dark Tower series. They apparently realize I am there because Roland motions me over. He says the people of the town are too scared, and they believe there is nothing that can be done about the attacks that come. He says they are also too afraid of being infected, which is actually a valid fear. He asks if I, an assassin, will stand beside them until the end if needed. I hesitate, wondering how he knows I am an assassin, but then I tell them I will stay with them. He asks if I would happen to know any other assassins I could call on, we will be seriously outnumbered. I think of several. My first thought is MoSh. I use Dream On by Aerosmith and focus on MoSh. MoSh appears out of nowhere, much to Roland's surprise. Eddie and Susanna are talking to each other off to the side. I focus on the song and this time I try to summon Nomad. Nothing happens. I focus harder but nothing happens. I focus on summoning Spike. He appears, then asks where the bloody hell is he. He asks if I just teleported him. He says he's always glad to see me, but next time give him some warning before pulling him in. I think about that and decide he is right, it is kind of rude to just grab someone… Now I am hesitant to summon anyone else, and Roland takes my pause to mean I am done. He says the only direction the enemy can approach from is west, so we need to guard the narrow approach from the west and not let any of them pass. Everyone spreads out, the area is mostly desert so vegetation is sparse and I can see the others take up positions. There is some light coming from the east and I can now see that we are in a narrow canyon, and there is indeed no way around us. Things are approaching. They look like big trolls. And there are a lot of them. The silence of the morning is broken by gunfire. I check and realize I have a gun. That's a first… so I start shooting at the trolls as they charge through the desert. They seem heedless of the fact they are dropping as fast as they can come. I shoot one as it is about to reach me and it practically falls at my feet. In the brightening day I can see worms wiggling around in the head wound… YUCK! Its whole body is covered with those worms. I can see why the people in the town were worried about infection. The trolls just keep coming, it almost seems unfair to be using guns on them when they don't even seem to have the intelligence to realize they're dying. Finally they seem to get the picture and the ones farther away are retreating. I wonder what will keep them from coming back, or if they will actually remember this canyon as a bad place to be. I am thinking about asking Roland when I wake.
    2. Triune Apocoleptic Dream

      by , 05-12-2013 at 11:51 PM
      I had this dream in 2006. it is as vivid today as it was the day I had it, but I wrote it down in my journal then, and I'm copying it over here to share. this was the strongest dream I've ever had. I've always been a dreamer, but never anything quite like this.

      I had a dream that I went to sleep. and in my dream I was floating over an intersection with a hill on one side and a school on the other. it was a very busy intersection. I could not hear what was going on, but men in hoodies stood on the hill, and they were chanting something I could not hear what, then all of a sudden they came out of the cover of the hill and started attacking the people on the street in front of the school, as I passed over I watched as people were being hacked to pieces, and I saw a stone that said Oxford. it was very vivid. then I woke up in my dream, but still dreaming.

      I dreamed that I was moving to a yellow house with children in the yard, and an antiques business in back. we bought the house and moved in. and I went to sleep again. I dreamed again of the intersection but this time I could hear. there were rioting and yelling "Obama Nation of Desolation" they all had weapons. no guns, but hatchets and swords and sticks and such. and just like before they suddenly attacked in front of the school like before I floated above the scene and watched and this time heard the screams and horror of the scene.

      I awoke fully. this time realized it was all a dream and went back to sleep.
      when I went back to sleep I was in the same dream, it was continuing. I was dreaming I was at home in the yellow house and my mom called me on the phone. and said she and my brother had had the same dream of the hill and the massacre. we decided this was a call to gather. and that we were being warned and we should meet at grandma's house.

      so I quickly gathered my 2 children and packed the car. my husband came with us. my daughter was adamant we bring her pillow so I did. we got on the road heading towards grandmas house. and the traffic was heavy. there was a feeling and atmosphere in the air like everyone had had the same dream, or everyone was fleeing to their refuges.

      we decided to take surface streets to avoid the freeway, and suddenly we are at THE intersection. I instantly knew what was about to happen and I through the pillow over my children. (I don't have any further knowledge of what happens to my children) and my husband and I get out of the car. we run through the massacre as its happening and a woman is bludgeoned to death in front of me. we hide under some school bleachers where a man in a hoodie approaches us.

      he talks to us and my husband listens. he explains that the bible was changed. and it is not the righteous that will inherit the earth. and he opens a bible were many words are blacked out so that it reads that God loves the wicked and the righteous will burn as stubble. my husband listens and joins their group. I'm devastated, but I run away. , still trying to make it to my grandmas on foot. I stop at a minimart and find a group of people who are willing to give me a ride. we drive through side streets and all around is desolation. we get to my grandma's city and all seems normal. I'm relieved to get there. as I get near my grandma's house I see my parents and brother going into her house. I'm so happy I made it. but I notice an exterminator van outside her house. they are plugging some hoses to the vents in the house. I start screaming for my family to get out of the house but its too late I get out of the car and try running into the house to get them, but they are all dead. someone hits me over the head from behind and I black out.

      when I awake from the black out, but still in my dream. I am in a building that looks like its been bombed out. and I can see the city around me is similarly destroyed. I'm on the ground, someone is beating me and asking me questions but I don't know what they were asking me. I find a paper and pen and write something on it and hide it beneath me. and then I'm killed.

      when I awoke fully I was in an almost euphoric state. or a complete state of shock. I fully expected the news to show some massacre. but of course it didn't...

      Updated 05-13-2013 at 12:34 AM by 63008

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , memorable
    3. Paging Ms. Page

      by , 05-12-2013 at 10:20 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #180 - 7:07AM - DEILD/DILD - 3 of 3

      The alarm clock went off at 7am. I let my wife be the one to hit the snooze because I wanted to go for a DEILD. I was a little disappointed that I missed so many opportunities to become lucid after the first two LDs. I didn't move a muscle or open my eyes and focused on the back of my neck. I got weak vibrations right away. I continued a little longer hoping that they would get more intense like usual. Another bad idea.

      I found myself non lucid in a public restroom that looked a lot like a home bathroom. I take a leak in a normal toilet (not a urinal). A miniature version of Ms. Page (I'll leave the first name off to protect the innocent. ), an ex girl friend of mine that later became a good friend, is sitting on the back of the toilet with her boyfriend chatting away. I say something about privacy and go to a row of sinks to wash my hands. There is a soft soap pump bottle and when I squirt some out I knock over the bottle. The top was loose and liquid soap spills all over the counter. I notice several men on either side of me washing their hands. Embarrassed, I say out loud, "Ooops. Sorry, I'm still half asleep." I pause. Still... asleep. DING! The light comes on.

      I realize I am dreaming and for fun, look into the mirror. I smile real big at my self and make funny faces. I'm really excited that I am lucid and it shows on my blurry face in the mirror. I leave the bathroom with no real task in mind and go exploring.

      There's a slight memory gap but I was basically running around what looked like a shopping mall laughing manically and being overly hyper. I end up busting in some door that went into some office space in the back part of the mall. There are several women sitting at a conference desk. For some reason the song Hey Ladies by the Beastie Boys pops in my head. I confuse the lyrics a little and loudly sing, "HEY LADIES! WHERE'S ALL THE SINGLE LADIES IN THE HOUSE!?" My intentions were never sexual and judging by all the bored and disinterested stares that I got in reply, I think my subconscious knew it.
      I say, "What? Really? Nobody?"

      Then I remember that I saw Ms. Page in the bathroom and began to regret that we haven't talked in a long time in waking life. I see a corded phone on the conference desk and pick up the receiver to page her. At that moment I realize I have no idea how to page so I fake it. I dial 'star' 'eight', thought about it moment then, 'nine'. I hear a tone on the loud speaker and I speak, "Umm..." I hear my voice over the intercom and to my surprise it sounds very realistic. "(first name) Page please call.." Oh shit what extension? I look on the phone and see some random letters and numbers printed in white on black. I see '*16' and decide thats it. "... extension one six". I thought 'one six' was a little short so I add, "six six." Sure I'll add a few 6's. Why not?As soon as I hang the phone up it rings.
      I answer. "Hello?"
      I hear a very lively and smooth female voice reply, "Hey! What are you doing?
      "Oh", I said. I'm surprised at how much it really sounds like her. "I just wanted to see you. You know... nothing weird. Just wanted to chat and see how things were going. Can you come here?"
      She sounded happy about the idea. "Sure I'll see you in a minute." I hang up the phone and decide to walk out of the office into a more public area to keep things from getting awkward.

      I find myself in a busy food court and take a seat on a bench looking around for her face in a sea of strangers. I feel the dream getting distorted and hazy so I get up and pace around. I still feel really amped up and decided the pacing was a good idea. My legs feel tense and energetic and what I really want to do now is go for a run but I force myself to calm down and wait. I'm curious if she will actually show up.

      I come up behind one woman that I think might be her and quickly give her a friendly hug from behind but when she turns around it doesn't really look like her. I just go with it hoping she will change. I say, "Hi! It's good to see you again." The woman just glares at me. I notice now that she is a blond and my friend was never blond and now her face is all wrong. I say to her, "Oh sorry. I thought you were someone else."
      She hatefully and sarcastically replies, "Uh yeah.. You think?" and storms off.
      I shout after her, "WELL WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING?"

      I search around some more and spot Ms. Page sitting on the bench that I was just at. I walk over and sit next to her. She is holding a toddler and I remember that she was pregnant the last time I talked to her in walking life. I study her face for a moment to make sure. It looks just like her but her face is a little shifty. I shrug that off as normal.
      "Oh hi!" I said. "I forgot that you had another kid! What's her name?"
      She starts talking excitedly but now the dream is fading. I take her left and and hold it in both of mine. I don't care anymore what she is saying and I begin to softly stroke the back of her hand for stability. It's not working and I shush her so I can concentrate.
      Showing real concern she asks me, "What wrong?"
      I say, "Oh nothing really. It's just that I'm waking up now and I don't want to." The scene fades to black.

      I see another scene forming but force myself awake as I know my time must but almost up. The dream felt like it went on for a long time and I was afraid to forget.

      The alarm goes of for the second time once I start to DJ in my phone.
    4. 1'st dream ever posting online. Dream #1 The warriors

      by , 05-12-2013 at 08:51 PM
      This dream starts off with me standing at Kendo/ninjutsu school.
      My outfit consists of traditional Japanese clothing.
      I take a look behind me and there I see many of my friends in the same outfit.
      They are waiting for me patiently to walk inside the school. I have a feeling I'm their leader of sorts.
      I walk in and they follow, as I enter this school I look to my left and there for some reason I see Arnold Schwarzenegger.
      I look at him un-baffled and continue with my student/ friend's. A woman awaits me and hands me a white sheathed Katana.
      My friend's are all excited and we are told we will be taught things from ancient times. She tells me to step up.
      She says I must now walk up a series of walls upside down without falling into the dark abyss below the ground besides me, if I am to be accepted.
      I start to walk up the mud wall, then onto the ceiling upside down. I do this for 30 minutes until I arrive to a part where the ground is there. I have finished the first lesson. My friend's do as well.
      Day 2
      I am walking around the city with my unit I guess and we are on our way to the school again.
      We again must learn too walk up walls to avoid falling into the dark holes on the ground and do so.
      We are almost at the school.
      We are all joyful and while walking I see a guy holding a new born baby in the street next to a dumpster, accompanied by a white Escalade with a man and a woman inside...
      I inform my friends we must go through here to reach the shortcut to the school. We do so, yet, while walking I felt uneasy of their presence around my friends.
      As we arrive at the school the city-scape now turns into a hill with grass, a dirt path, and short wooden fences.
      Our teacher greets us saying this is our next challenge. Ahead of us is an old style Japanese village.
      We all go forth and know that we are going to be fighting for some reason.
      As I draw my sword, all my friends disappear and I am now with what seems to be more experienced ninja/samurai like people.
      We all are attacked and we are fighting with others. After the ordeal I have completed the challenge.
      I'm now standing with my teacher and so are all of my friends.
      I tell the others to follow me and that we are done for the day now. Everyone is happy and feeling energetic.
      I drop everyone home.
      Day 3
      I have forgotten the little details outside of the school just to let you all know. Anyways.
      I walk in with few others, we are the strongest apparently in the unit.
      we arrive in a field full of grass that extends at least a mile.
      Across we can see an old japanese castle/mansion of sorts with people fighting more aggressively than what we are used to.
      She(my teacher) says "this is a place that is not like any other school. It was designed to train in levels and terrain just like in the battle field. I have brought you to the place in the middle of where the most fighting should ever be." (below the hills where most warriors would fight and the archers would be above.)
      For some reason I am suddenly standing outside the school with all my friends waiting.
      One of them says they have to go home today and others say the same as well.
      I tell them ok and as I walk, a security man smiles immensely and says if I would like a small blunt of a cigar.
      He says its tobacco with a chocolate flavor. I smoke it before I leave. It was pretty great. I wake up before I could do much more.
      I dreamnt of this last night and I am usually able to remember every detail of the dreams I have.
      I'll try going back into this dream again when I go to sleep tonight.
    5. Time travel serum, retro PC and TOTM

      by , 05-12-2013 at 07:47 PM
      Total sleep time: 8 hrs

      Pre bed: Q10, probiotics, and cup of green tea (no problem falling asleep after yesterday's insomnia)

      Other stuff: The guys had a planned event for today morning, so my chances to get some decent sleep and lucid were minimal, and yet...

      Recall: As soon as I woke up, so did my bf and realized he's really late, started running around and talking to me as I tried to remember and write down the dreams. Took me a while to finish that.

      Dream1: My parents have abandoned our home, and the place is falling apart. I go to the restroom and try flushing, but there is no water. It is because there was a leakage, so they have stopped the water. I wonder why don't they just fix everything instead of leaving it like that. My mom appears and says it is time for us to go.

      On our way out we see an older friend of ours and ask her how she is doing. She replies very briefly, so I ask her about her son, I actually say the wrong name, but in the dream that's his name. She then begins a very long story that I don't feel like listening to, and I regret ever asking her. I tell her to send my greetings to him although I could contact him myself.

      Soon her son/my friend comes by and we are drinking apple juice. As I pour myself some juice, I notice that there are insects like a dead yellow ladybug and some insect eggs the jug, and decide I won't be having any more juice. My friend is a bit offended that I don't want to drink the juice and we now have to throw it away. I leave the building, he remains to deal with the juice, but will join me later.

      I am on the street, I hear music and I see native Americans perform at the end of the street. The come to the front, wearing traditional costumes. I also see some bright spots with different colors about half the size of a person above each of them and assume I am seeing their aura. I enjoy the show, they sing and perform some stunts. When it is over, I notice that I am the only person clapping hands so I feel a bit embarrassed. Why is nobody applauding? I conclude that if you do applaud, you are supposed to leave some money, and as I check my pockets I find that I don't have any.

      Dream2: My bf is negotiating with my dad about a place we want to visit. Actually I have not told my dad about this so it gets a bit awkward. We postpone the discussion for another time and my dad is on his way home. He is taking a bus, and I am looking at the back of the bus, expecting to wave goodbye. He finally looks back and I see that he is talking to a friend of his, and there is also some unknown woman that he is friends with.

      I suddenly find myself sitting on the backseat of the bus, and two of my friends are also sitting with me there. We propose an explanation that this bus is very spacey, so when we thought we were outside, we actually never left the bus. Ok, but we need to get out, especially that we know that this is a travel bus, and won't be making any stops until it reaches its destination. We go to at least try to inform the driver we need to get off.

      As we move forward, we are in some kind of a building, but in our minds, we are still in the bus. Our goal is to reach the reception, so once we reach it, we will be able to leave the bus. The building is very strange, I am looking at some building plan, trying to navigate and find the way out. There are lots of doors and lockers, it looks really puzzling. I remark that everything looks so strange, it almost feels like in a dream. We continue looking around, I see some women working there as janitors and ask them where the reception is, but they can't help us.

      One of my friends comes up with the idea that we need to inject ourselves with a time travel serum so we can escape this place. We prepare to do so, we have some syringes, the green time travel serum and start injecting ourselves with it. I get the largest dose, the serum is visible on hands, and our veins get extra green.

      I am on some unknown street, and we have succeeded in changing the course of events and going back in time. I look at my fingers and notice that the knuckles have swollen, my fingers are bent in a very painfully looking way. This is strange, but I remember that some portion of the serum was in contact with my skin, which is what have caused this temporary side effect.

      I take a brief moment and contemplate about time and what has changed. I look at a clothing store and I see that a guy that used to do something else before we changed time, is now famous and has his own label. I wonder about my memories because things have changed, would I know what has happened. I answer to myself, that I wouldn't but everybody else would have the new memory in place and I will learn what happened just as if I am listening to the news, that way I will get updated.

      Dream3 DILD TOTM: I think this directly followed after our time travel. I enter in a room and notice a very old TV of a known brand and something that looks like a retro computer. The brand of the computer is also there, but it doesn't look familiar. I am in uplifted mood and say to some DC friend of mine. "Now we are going to have a look, have some fun reading the brand name and see if it changes". I stare at the logo, try reading it and expect to be normally able to read it.

      Instead, I have difficulty focusing on the letters and it finally hits me! I really did not expect to become lucid today, but anyways I am happy about that. Oh right, once again time to concentrate on the tasks. My mind is a bit hazy, so I think I need to set the room for this, looking around for the items I need. I turn way too much and it feels more like spinning than looking around. I expect some mythological creature to just pop up while I do this, and mistakenly to see an egg as well. Nothing of the kind.

      I notice at least five DCs sitting down, their backs facing me, as if they are all working on their PCs. I begin shouting, asking them to help me set the room and everything I need. Nobody is paying any attention to me. I become upset at this and finally decide to tell them they are not real. No reaction, their backs are really stiff. I repeat this again as if I am insulting them with those words. Finally, a girl with dark hair and vampire teeth answers back. I can barely hear what she is saying, she repeats it again " Oh, I am bla bla with fear". Bla bla is actually some m-word that does not exist at all. You are what? I ask her again. I repeat the strange m-word a few more times, trying to memorize it. It works but I begin to forget the dream. The vampire girl starts to laugh, and makes me laugh too. Overcame by happiness, I am able to control the DCs in the room and everybody bursts out laughing

      The dream fades and I am back in darkness, in my bed. I feel tired and heavy so no point to DEILD. I want to get up to journal, but fall asleep instead.

      Dream4: I am in a classroom, and recognize at least one guy from school there. He is trying to tell me something, pointing at him, then at me. Me and him? No way, I tell him, then I realize that he is just pulling my leg. He continues with this strange stupid behavior and now tries to match a friend of his with another classmate of mine. These guys are crazy... (end)

      I wake up, my bf wakes up, the whole world wakes up, and everybody is rushing around as I try to hold my dream memory and write it down. Finally TOTM!
    6. His Second Birth

      by , 05-12-2013 at 06:29 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #179 - 5:38AM - DILD - 2 of 3

      On this one my memory is a little vague. I became lucid but only for a few moments. I've forgotten much of the detail so I'll be brief.

      I am watching my wife give birth to my son for the second time. But this time she is in the bedroom on the bed and there is a midwife. She has the baby crowning the she suddenly flips over with her butt in the air. I see him pull an arm out and wave at me. This so ridiculous that I become lucid but only on a low level. I didn't decide to change anything or leave. I just stood there watching my son being born. After he was born I got a good look at him and noticed this face was completely purple. I didn't freak out as I knew none of this was real. My wife says to me, "Well, are you going to hold your son?"
      I reply, "Yeah later after I wake up."
      Then I wake up.
      Tags: birth, son, wife
    7. Finding Falkor

      by , 05-12-2013 at 03:13 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #178 - 4:13AM - WILD/DILD - 1 of 3

      I focused on my face and body and fell away very quickly. This WILD was very different as I had no vibrations or OBE like experience. I watch the dream form and find myself standing in the kitchen. I feel really wobbly and the scene variies in darkness and clarity. I lay down on the kitchen counter and wait for the dream to finish forming. That was a bad idea because I fall straight into a false awakening.

      The bedroom light comes on and my ex-wife was out of bed. She is holding needles and tubes that look like something from the plasma center. She is totally freaking out and goes on about taking two hydros and a B6. I ask her, "what are you talking about?"
      Then she tells me, "I took all of the hydros and I have a drug test in the morning for school."
      I feel confused. She's already been through the police academy but I guess she has some other class. I realize the implications of a cop failing a drug test but I am so tired that I just want her to stop whatever she's doing.
      As if she was reading my mind she says, "Do you think I like having to do all this?" She holds up the large needles and tubes and continues rambling.
      I interrupt her, "Can we just talk about this in the morning?"
      Suddenly she stops talking and, while holding my son, gets back into bed.

      Seeing her with my son brings me back to lucidity. This is just all wrong and I feel a little sick to think I was still married to her. I remind myself that the woman next to me was not her. I feel very relieved at this and at this point I thought I had really woke up and maybe I did. I'm not sure. I go for DEILD but it seems that it came way too easy. I feel vibrations right away and then quickly fade. I focus on the back of my neck and they come back but only briefly. The transition was so quick that I was fooled by another FA.

      I see a light from a TV on in the room. There's a strange half partition with a 'window' next to the bed. On the other side is a large old TV and brown leather couch. My bedroom is so totally different than waking life but I catch on to none of it. All I can think was this messed up my DEILD and I need to turn it off.

      I walk over to the TV. Even-though it looks like random words and images I recognize it as stats on my current Galantamine and DMAE levels. I paused at the TV for a moment looking for the remote but it's too dark to see by the light of the TV. Suddenly the lights came on (Thanks dream) and I look around. I see the bed and the lump under the covers on my wifes side. Daisy our dog is perched on top of her. I think about all of this for a second and let out a "Pffft" sound. I fell dumb for falling for this FA so easily. I rub my hands as a reality check. It feels vivid but a little numb like always. Yep that feels right. I open the bed room door and step out. I notice that I am coming out of the wrong side of the house. I can see the living room and the dining area but I am right next to the front door. Suddenly the lights go out. I say to the dream, "Light's please." Nothing happens but I hear a loud shushing sound coming from the table. I turn and find a working light switch. I look at the table but no one is there. I say, "Who's there?" I want to shout and scream and whatever it is but my throat feels blocked.

      I am answered by another loud shushing sound but now it's coming from the bedroom behind me. Then the door starts to close and it pushes hard against me. I feel really scared now. "Who's who' who's", is all I can say. I feel like my ability to speak is fading away. I push hard on the door and get it open enough to look behind it but there is no one there. I feel really creeped out. But I'm laying on my right side not my left. I decide to bail rather than let the dream turn into a lucid nightmare and bolt out the front door.

      Outside, there is daylight but the sky is overcast and gray. I'm fine with that. At least it's not dark I remember my task to summon Falkor and fly to China. I walk into the street and begin whistling. I try the two finger whistle like a cattle rustler but it sounds like too much air and is faint. I try several different styles of whistles but none of them sound right and I eventually settle on calling him like a dog. "Falkor, come on boy. Faaaallllkor!" I wait with full expectation but I don't see him. I tell myself to keep moving while waiting and calling. I know the dream always fades into something else or I wake up when I am too idle. I look to the southern sky behind me. There is a red star and a wide white streak. I tell myself that that is Falkor and ignore the red star. After a second I see the white streak begin to move like a fish swimming in the sea. I wait with anticipation as I see him begin to take on more detail and slowly work his way toward me. I notice that my feet have become painfully cold. Am I bare foot? No. I remember that I put my feet out of the covers when I rolled over during my WILD. I try to move my feet back in the covers and continue the dream. I feel like I was successful but at that moment, I suddenly and with out warning wake up.

      Updated 05-12-2013 at 03:34 PM by 5967

      lucid , task of the month
    8. My first lucid dream, as i know of.

      by , 05-12-2013 at 12:45 PM
      Persons: Me and a friend/girl from school.

      Location: Mexican stylish place, with small wooden walls. I dont particular remember the place from before, and the environment was not that detailed.

      Lucid attained when: I looked at a sign. It looked like a class sign, there was something writen upon it. But when i looked away and up again, it all were changed. So i became lucid.

      Thing(s) done lucid: I remember that a mirror appeared at one of the walls. As i already was lucid, i remembered how i had readen about how crazy and scary mirrors would be in lucid dreams. This couldnt hold me from exploring the mirror, so i did.
      When i looked at the mirror, only the environment and baggrund appeared. But i was invisible and could not be seen.

      How the dream ended: I could feel that the dream was fading at this moment, so i tryed to spin around and look at my hands. I felt i was going back into the dream some of the tryes, but as suddenly as i stopped spinning, my dream kept fading away. And so the dream ended.

      How i woke up: I woke up suddenly, and i tried to remember the dream as much as i could. I realised that i just have had my first lucid dream, as i know of.
      lucid , memorable
    9. My first LUCID DREAM!

      by , 05-12-2013 at 11:55 AM

      I had my first lucid dream last night! using the DILD method i guess if you numbered your lucidity i was very low in the chart it was like i knew i was dreaming but didn't really have any control like i went along with what my sub-contiguous wanted. so here's the dream. So i was first in a party and the cast of vampire diaries were their(don't ask me!) and then i don't remember how but i was thrown out the window and bouncing off plastic terraces like you see outside small shops. that's when i realized i was dreaming. and became lucid then i don't remember what happened for a while and when i gained it again i was in the back on a van and on my way to high school(im only in middle school) Caroline from vampire diaries was driving. and then when we got to school we started to have a memorial service for someone in the gym. Then i had a false awaking and was with someone i don't know in real life and we were putting corn and pineapple in a van to be delivered somewhere then i woke up.
    10. Third Lucid Dream and TOTM!

      by , 05-11-2013 at 08:46 PM (Raven's Roost)
      Lucid False Awakening

      Last night was the worst sleep I've gotten in months, yet ironically it was my third and longest lucid, and I completed a Task of the Month!

      I found myself in a gorgeous ski-lodge/ hotel, made completely with polished redwood and hardwood flooring. I was living there, alone, and my bedroom was bare save a neatly made bed that was only dipped on one side - a subtle hint that I no longer had, or had never had, a girlfriend in this dreamverse. I was a writer, and my study was cluttered with handwritten pages and crumpled failures. Surveying the seen in a relaxed yet depressed mood, I suddenly heard a hiss behind me.

      Turning quickly, a found a dead and zombie-like little girl with a red headband hissing and coming towards me. Still calm, I thought, this couldn't really happen, and suddenly my mind fought to gain lucidity, reaching a hazy stabilization. In waking life I was asleep with a nightmask on, and that carried through to my lucidity, making a weird, half-blinded effect. I tried to wipe my eyes, and peel away the mask, but to no avail. The dream began to collapse around me and I woke up. Looking around I saw my girlfriend on the top bunk in a bunkbed next to me, sleep walking and threatening to tumble over the edge. I called out to her several times, yet she still carreened over the edge into my arms. Wait, we are sleeping in the same bed in waking life... This is a false awakening!

      I was instantly sucked back into my previous dream, and this time the beautiful red wood lodge with its gorgeous support beams and white trim reappeared. The sensation of whooshing into lucidity was euphoric and unlike anything I've felt in a while. I heard a hiss, and turned to see the little girl back behind me. I told her I didn't have time for her, waved my hand dismissively, and she disappeared. I turned to hear yet another his, and this time it was a floating tiger head. I dismissed this as well, and turned to get my bearings.

      I was in the main lobby, with two giant glass skylights. Without thinking, I lifted off the ground and flew out one of them into the air, and landed in the untouched forest outside. My stabalization was still perfect, so I took a moment to remember the tasks of the month. I remembered laying an egg, but then I recalled Ophelia's story about thinking she had pooped herself and I decided to try a different one . As I remembered that the basic one was to tell a DC they were fake/ dreaming/ in a dream, a hefty latino woman came into view on a path that wound its way through the forest. I ran up to her, intent on telling her she was dreaming, but she began to undress.

      "Uhm... Anyway, did you know that you're in a dream!"
      "Oh shut up!" she grinned, removing more clothes.
      "No really, you're a figment of my imagination!"

      Still grinning, she ignored me and embraced me, now without pants on. She wasn't beautiful by any means, so I was a bit hesitant.

      Luckily, my girlfriend bumped me awake as she turned on her side, and I woke up, totally euphoric, and wrote it all down.

    11. Rolling

      by , 05-11-2013 at 03:38 PM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #93: Rolling

      I'm in an old-school first-person shooter video game. It's some sort of very metallic, clean-looking sci-fi setting, maybe a spaceship or some kind of alien base on a distant planet. I've got a numeric health meter in the lower-right of my view, ranging from 0 to 100. I don't seem to have any kind of weapon, but I'm speeding around the level, dodging enemy fire from generic-looking storm trooper-style enemies.

      At some point, a laser beam starts waving wildly around the room in front of me. I'm not sure what it does so I try not to touch it. I slip up at some point, though, and the laser grazes my leg. My health instantly drops from 100 to 7. This seems unfair and really upsets me. I feel like I'd been doing well and have been punished way too severely for this minor slip.

      I perform a diving roll to dodge the beam and I notice that I'm actually experiencing the sensation but that it feels different from waking life.
      I realize that I'm dreaming and the scene suddenly looks less like a space ship and more like a dimly-lit room with hardwood flooring. It feels a bit dark and unstable, so I perform another diving roll since that seems to be something I've got down. This goes well, so I immediately do another one.

      I realize that I'm having a really good time doing these so I keep at it. I figure that I'll just keep dive-rolling until I figure out what it is that I want to do with this LD. I remember that I wanted to try NewArtemis and/or Xanous out on their werewolf transformations, but I'm having a little trouble remembering what specifically I needed them to do. I stop rolling after 5 or 6 tries to give myself a chance to think.

      I'm in some kind of long, dark hallway with hardwood flooring and occasional doors leading off adjoining rooms. The scene feels very empty and I'm worried that I'm understimulated, so I go back to dive-rolling for a while. I do this for quite a while, probably another 20 rolls or so. I then decide that I should reverse directions, so I attempt a back flip. This isn't something I've actually tried in waking life, so I'm curious how I'll do. I go right over but land on my shins rather than on my feet. Still, not half-bad!

      I perform a couple of other back flips, and on about the 4th attempt, land proudly on my feet. I'm in a bedroom now with a window that's letting in some morning sunlight. There's a man of about 25 sitting on a bed, his head in his hands. He looks up at me and I see that he has a goatee, a nose ring, a lip ring, and at least one earring. He sees me and tries to say something, but I'm being pulled in the opposite direction and can't hear what he's trying to say. He stands up and walks toward where I am, but I'm drifting away faster. He tries to shout something, but I don't hear any of it, and
      I wake up.
    12. dream village

      by , 05-11-2013 at 03:15 PM
      i woke up in my bed really tired and after a while i went back to sleep while attempting w WILD i went through the hypnagogic state and fit felt like i was gonna succed but then i awakened once again in my room but this time i was so tired that my vision was all fucked up and blurry. for some reason i came to look at my hands and att first i couldnt even see them but as i focused they became clearer and clearer. this made me think hey what if this is a dream? and i did some reality checks and turns out i was dreaming. so i preceded to fly around a bit in kmy house and then I flew out of my balcony, but my balcony looked entirly different. as i flew i began to contemplate on how i should use this lucid dream, what i should do next. but the more i thought the more blurry the world around me became, to the point where i felt the dream was fading away and then i suddenly awoke once again my room, by the sound of my parents coming home. But since my parents had just left and werent gonna come home for a long while i thought that it might be a false awakening. I entered the bathroomstill not sure if it was a dream and i looked in the mirror. The clothes i was wearing in the mirror did not match what i was really wearing so it had to be a dream. i tried to enter the mirror but it didnt work it was still solid. disapointed i run to my living room, and fly outside where i atempt to punch the wall of my house to see how strong i am and found that my punches where supernaturally strong but not as strong as i would like. once again i began to think about what i am going to do next and once again the dream begins to fade away. I wake up in my room again and my parents are home. i preform a reality check and im still dreaming. i go to the living room where i find my friend. I tell him that i can fly. He says he knows and that he can do it io. I ask him why he doesnt and he says he is afraid of heights. i fly out to explore the surroundings, the immediate surrounding area is the same but after flying just a little while i find myself in some form of village or very small town. the climate is really hot and it seems like the village is in the desert. I get the feeling that there is something mysterious about this place. There is a house where a bunch of female mechanics are working on a car. i walk up to them and try to talk to them but they dont answer me. i see an old man in the corner drinking cofee, i go up to him and asks him who he is, what is this place and shit like that but he only answers in riddles that make no sense at all. Once again i begin to think about where i should go next and the same thing happens, i once again wake up in my room, i preform a reality check and its still a dream. i Fly the same way and the village is still there exactly how i left it. i explore a bit, then comes the thinking and i fynd myself back in my bed. This keeps happening over and over again for about 10 false awakenings, i explore a bit but wheenever i start to think to hard i ''respawn'' in my bed. after the last false awakening i find myself in the village outside the mechanics place. to the right there is a big phone booth and there is a woman and she is calling for me. At this point im starting to trip on the fact that i keep experiencing these false awakenings, it feels like im trapped in this dream, this unending cycle. as i walk up to to the woman i see that apart from the phone there is also a machine for buying train tickets. on the machine it says Alo katavana on one side and the name of my home town on the other, and there is a big button that says Escape. I press the escape button and i wake up in my bed but for real this time
      lucid , false awakening
    13. 11th May 2013 MiniLD, Fragments

      by , 05-11-2013 at 10:16 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps. A bit of improvement in the length of lucid, on the way back to proper length.

      Nap #1(fragment):

      I was talking about something in dreamviews chat and then SilentEternity came online on skype and i was surprised that he was online so early. Then i got up and took off headphones, i noticed that binaural beats were playing and also dad was in the room, i said 'Nope' and he disappeared, then i was tried summoning but my view got weird and dream shortly faded out.

      Nap #2(fragments):

      I was playing some Doom-like game, but the levels were based on some places from waking life, i had some problem with one level in forest park.
    14. Archive: The Dragon that gives Lucidity

      by , 05-11-2013 at 05:09 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      2008 Dream Archive

      I was looking for a new lucid dream task. I decided to visit a dragon kingdom! Lots of dreamers have done it. It looks fun. My plan was simple, I summon the dragon king, ride on his back, and I'll have an adventure in dragon kingdom la-la land.

      I was just looking forward to a fanciful lucid dream.

      What I got was something really unexpected.


      For most of the dream, I wasn't lucid. I was hiding and running away from typical dream bad guys. I tried to escape them by running out the back door.

      When I came to the back porch it was such a beautiful sunny scene. It 'snapped' me right out of my zombie-ness, and I realized I was dreaming.

      Thrilled, I shout out into the blue sky "Can I see the dragon king please!"

      I look up anxiously at the sky, hoping my dream meets my demands. At first nothing happens. Then I see it! A small purple eastern dragon descends from the sky. He wasn't very ornate. Very simple, very plain looking. Just a purple serpentine dragon.

      He lands on the grass about 30 ft away from me. The sun shines on him like a spotlight. He looks my way and waits for me. Excited, I fly over to him. For a brief moment an image of a purplish female flashes before my eyes. She had strong Indian features. This didn't make any sense to me. The image super-imposes over the purple dragon, and slowly dissolves so that only the purple dragon remained. I do remember that the purple female said something to me, but it didn't make sense to me. My mind sorta blurted it out.

      What comes next is probably the weirdest dream experience for me. Now that I was at the presence of the dragon, I was compelled to love him, respect him and honor him. I kneeled before him on the soft plush grass. I looked up at him expectantly like a small child.

      Now I've had dream characters tell me they were angels. I've had dream characters tell me they were God!! But I greeted them with doubt, fear, or just curiosity. I never felt compelled love or bow before any of them. So my purple dragon was a first (and an only for that matter)

      Face to face with the purple dragon, I felt safe and warm. His wrinkled dragon face was kind, loving, understanding. He felt wise. For a moment I just admire his face in awe. There was nothing abstract or surreal about this scene. His face was perfectly three dimensional and real.

      He speaks to me, and his voice rings in my head. "The Fire is in your eyes!!". But his poetic and triumphant words were totally lost on me. Sure, I've breathed fire as a dragon in previous dreams before. But what kind of fire is in your eyes? I repeat it in my head trying to get it..the fire ..is in..my eyes? What? Understanding that I didn't get it, the dragon explains

      "You only need to imagine and it will happen!"

      It was like being slapped with lucidity a thousand fold. If I thought I was lucid before, hah, that was just day-dreaming! This was lucidity. This is what lucidity is all about! I really finally understood that I am creating this dream. That every ounce, ever grain of sand, every moment was created in my minds eye. I am the God of this dream.

      That's when I remembered how shitty my dream world has been. With murderes killing beloved and terrorizing my entire dream world. The dragon says no more. I thank him respectfully, and fly off to shape my dream world to my liking.


      only problem was, the moment I left the dragons side my god-like lucidity dropped instantly. I was back to normal lucidity. And with every step further and further away from the dragon - I was less and less lucid. And in a few moments, I was back to hiding from the dream bad guys.


      I woke up feeling I really let the dragon down. But at the same time in awe that a 'dream character' could have that kind of effect on my awareness.

      Why didn't the dream follow expectation? Why didn't I get a KING who took me to his kingdom? Why did I get a lesson on awareness? And who was that purple female that flashed before my eyes?

      I had to know So I thought....why don't I try again right?

      I got my opportunity two weeks later. Again I wasn't lucid at first. The dream was long and vivid and super fun. With zombies fighting a war with rebel mutants. I'm looking for a way out of this zombie hell house. And I'm facing this long hallway. It's white, and sunshine is flooding it from the bedrooms.

      This stopped me in my tracks and made me realize I was dreaming. Maybe it was the sunshine? The zombie fested dream world had no sun. It was always night.

      I fly out the window and the first thing I do is fix my dream. In an instant the zombies were gone. The rebel mutants danced and celebrated in the streets, now bright and sunny!

      Remembering my dream task I call out in my dream "Can I see the Dragon King again...........please?"

      The sky instantly EXPLODES with the crackling of thunder!! Two meteorites crash land on both sides of me. They're crackling, smoking, smoltering, and still actively exploding with what looked like fireworks. The suddeness of the meteorites really caught me off guard, I was on the ground like a scared cat.

      Something begins to levitate me towards the sky. I'm facing the bright sun, and it feels like a WILD. Or if you believe in astral projection, I was caught in this projection. My heartbeat raises, I'm really anxious. My thoughts race. What's going to happen? Where am I being taken? Not that I felt something bad was going to happen. On the contrary, it felt like something amazing would have happened had the projection completed!!! Too amazing maybe!! Apparently I was too scared.

      The projection stops, and I'm gently put back on the ground. Damn! I'm instantly disappointed in my self for being so nervous. I thought that would be the end of my 'summoning'.

      But then a soft voice speaks to me..."Go on..he's waiting!"

      The meteor marked my way. It landed at the base of a building. I look up the building. And staring down at me was a sphynx statue. It was a deep blue color. Is this who I am supposed to see? A statue? Where is my purple dragon?

      I fly up to the top of the roof. As if I had taken soo long to get my ass up there, the statue hand changed forms. It was now in a laying position, like that of the sleeping buddha......Except.....reversed? Rather than resting on his right arm, he was resting on his left. *I've been told the reversed position is for females!*

      The sculpture smiles and comes to life when I finally land on the roof. And transforms into the same purple woman I had seen before!! I recognized that this women is my 'purple dragon'!

      There's this sort of fuzzy feeling all around me, I dunno, what do I call it? Cloud 9?

      I willing kneel by her feet. My legs are firmly tucked beneath me. I look up expectedly again like a child. Waiting for my teacher to teach me. Feed me or give me a cup to drink from. My lesson seems to pick up right where I had left off. Lucid dream lessons.

      "First, start off the objects nearest you until they come into full clarity"

      Since I am kneeling, I start with some strange objects by the beings feet. Everything was very surreal at first and hard to focus on. But then slowly the ground came into pristine clarity. Solid and life like. But although the ground had come into full clarity, I was still really puzzled by what I saw. There's something big and metal between me and the purple being. Are those...chains?

      I pick up the ugly thing "it's rusty!"

      She laughs as if a child had said something obvious and silly. I felt really foolish, especially since I am sitting down here while the being gets to stand tall. I didn't want to be the 'child'. I wanted to be the adult like her.

      She didn't give me any more instructions, but I took some initiative. Now I wanted to see her in full clarity. The dragon was easy for mind to digest. But there is something about this purple woman, I couldn't put my finger on. It's like I can never stare at her directly.

      I start slowly. First with her feet. I slowly lift my gaze, bringing everything into full clarity. Her body becomes solid. Her clothes dazzling and ornate. The environment also becomes completely solid. Slowly, still lifting my gaze I bring the entire scene into full clarity.

      All that's left.......is her face.

      It's the one thing I wanted to see! The dragons face brought me such peace. But the moment I tried to bring her face into full clarity, it ripples like water. For a brief moment the entire dream around me was in full clarity, except for this face. It made me uneasy!!

      My mind starts screaming "what's going on! why can't I see your face!"

      The more I tried, the more it rippled like water. Like a vortex. Eventually the entire dream was swallowed by the rippling water, now glowing white. I tried to hold on, and just before my dream dissolves completely in this void of white watery light......I understood.

      I couldn't see her, because what stood before me was just an illusion of what really is. A mask. That the purple woman, isn't a 'purple woman'! But I was still really unsure about what I just saw.


      Waking up, I'm left with more questions than answers. When I could see the 'illusion' of the purple woman, I noted something very weird about her. She had no breasts!! There was something masculine and feminine about her all at once. After all, who did I summon? A KING right? Not a queen?

      I then began to consider...what if it wasn't a purple woman? What if it was a man? That's when I realized who 'she' looked like.


      Why would summoning a 'male' dragon deliver me, a purplish androngynous being? And why was this feminine being so concerned about increasing my awareness? What's the connection between a dragon, the feminine, and higher awareness?

      And what kind of experience did I miss out on with a failed projection?

      I had some help from the Astral Dynamics website. The answer given to me I think is the best. That my dream might have been a kundalini experience. Even if its just a little one. Being completely IGNORANT about the kundalini, I had to do some research.

      It turns out the dragon is a very symbolic image, which does in fact represent the Kundalini. The Kundalini as most of you know, has been considered apart of the Divine Feminine aspect in us all. The coiled sleeping serpent. And also

      "The dragon is often synonymous with the dual aspect of the serpent, which as the caduceus represents, is both conscious/unconscious."

      "The dragon is the "mercurial serpent" and is also synonymous with the divine water and egg, and it's symbolism goes back as far as Lilith, or Melusina, who lives in the philosophical tree. Later, Christ appears as the archetype of consciousness and Mercurius as the archetype of unconsciousness. Thereby, the dragon is related closely to the creative godhead in symbolism, and also represents the union of opposites."

      After considering that my experinece was more than just a mere dream character, I was honestly too afraid to ever repeat it again! I dunno, I felt like I was only summoning the 'Dragon King' out of naivity. After all, the second time around, I saw no dragon. And 'Dragon King' no longer seems like an accurate name to give to whoever, whatever it was I met.

      Just goes to show, dreams can defy expectation!
      Tags: significant
      memorable , lucid
    15. Dreamwalker Chronicles - Second trial

      by , 05-10-2013 at 09:17 PM (My Lucid Dreams)
      Well, yeah. One of two lucids last night. Second trial, second episode.
      I probably did not succeed but still, it's an attempt.

      Lucidity : 9/10
      Vivacity : 8/10
      Control : 8.5/10

      I'm in my History class. A random guy (whom I have nothing against in real life) is, well, just insulting me, and for some reasons I get really mad and I just walk up to him and rip his eyes off and pop them in my hands
      The teacher just stays there, and when I ask the kid to apologize he says "C'mon kid, apologize".
      Anyways, I get out and get lucid. I decide to enter someone's dream, and I do (or at least try) that same technique as before, except I don't remember whose dream I tried to enter.
      I stand back up and notice that I am in my old primary school' s court. There are building like you find in Paris in the middle of it and where the cafeteria should be.
      I do some telekinesis on random people and then decide I' m gonna make that dream EPIC.
      The school's buildings are surrounding me, I get near to one and try to destroy it with telekinesis. I spread my arms wide, my hands too, and then PUSH like I was trying to break something with my palms. It' s not powerful enough, I see the building moving a bit, shaking, some rock falling off of it, but it's not destroyed; I want to pulverize it.
      I begin screaming on purpose, but still, it' s not enough.
      I give up on that. Instead, I grow a huge hand( around 2m wide) and swing it down. It act like an imaginary, huge blade.
      The building gets cut in half. I try again on another one and it does it again. I play with that a while out of the school until I decide to come back and try telekinesis again. I get in front of a building (it' s not here IRL) and I concentrate. I concentrate so much that I scream naturally. I had my eyes closed but I opened them now. I see a really thick layer of glass get "out" of the frontage of the building; my eyesight gets ridiculously precise and I can now observe the actual stripes that get on the glass.
      At one point the glass falls and I stop doing telekinesis because it is flying at me. It lands on the ground, part of it breaks.
      I choose a piece of it, and I concentrate on it. I thought it would be harder, but I easily get it to float between my hands. It feels like I just released a weight. Like I dropped the glass instead of levitating it. After a while I let go off it and I talk to a girl (guy?) who tells me they got into my dream, and that it’ s awesome how I can do all I want or something like that.

      Then I wake up.

      Updated 05-27-2013 at 06:14 PM by 57825
