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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Flying, and Sky TV

      by , 06-02-2011 at 12:58 AM (Byte's Adventures in Wherever Dreams Are.)
      First DJ entry! I've been ill, and so kinda delirious. Here's how last night went...

      Black = Dream
      Blue = Real Life
      Other colours are there for effect

      The dream started with me in school, in the middle of a maths lesson.
      (I didn't realize until afterwards that my lesson was in a French classroom) I then remembered that it was half-term, and thought to myself "What the balls?". Then everything started to fade to black,
      {Sudden realization of being in a dream}
      so I looked at my hands and yelled 'Clarity NOW!'. All of the DCs in the room just stared at me, and I thought "Well screw being in here", and decided I was gonna fly. I fell out of the window, and I just sorta flew, Mario 64-style.
      {Forgetting I'm dreaming}
      Gravity decides to be a B!+[# and sends me plummeting to my doom.
      Hit floor.
      Wake up in bed.

      I'm sick in the bathroom, and have diarrhea. I wash off and go back to sleep...

      I'm at a roundabout that I walk through almost every day. I somehow instantly know I'm dreaming, and wonder what to do next. The world starts to fade, so I focus on my hand again. It doesn't work, and I wake up.

      Back out of bed, into the bathroom. More sick, more poop.

      I'm back at the roundabout, but this time my cousin is with me. I still half-know i'm dreaming. Theres a giant floating panel of TV about 20m away, with the Sky TV guide up. (Like the advert with King Arthur) So we watch it. It turns out to be pr0nz, so we walk off. I wake up.

      I get up for my day normally. No sick!
    2. A normal but different day

      , 06-01-2011 at 04:21 PM
      I was at school with some friends, and we had to go to a room which had been moved to somewhere else. Girl who's been in other dreams was in the background. We arrived at the room, but our reason there was fairly pointless, we spoke about the weather and cars. There's this boy who goes to my school, he always does something and ends up having to clean everything, the school employed him. I was talking to some people who work at my school about how long they have actually worked there for. 1988 was said by one of them, it was the most memorable year mentioned.
      -----Dream cuts out for a bit-----
      I'm on the school field with the same friends, and that girl is in the background again. We're leaving the field and I for some reason have a dictionary with a map of the field inside, on this map it shows us. At this point I become lucid. Next to one of my friends on the map it says they belong to me, the girl is also on the map, and it says something about her that's kind of a blur. then in the corner it has a picture of Robert Carlyle and next to it it says "Read".
      I wake up.
    3. Whores & Meditation - Starcraft2 MLG - Vampires

      , 06-01-2011 at 12:52 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      Dream recall has been quite bad over the past few days.

      Whores & Meditation
      I find myself in what I can only describe as a whore house.
      I quickly realize that this is a scene from Game of Thrones and become lucid.
      Even though I decide to go to Teraluna, having naked whores dancing around me is somewhat distracting.
      I start thinking about how they probably wouldn't look as hot if this really was the middle ages and not some sort of fantasy world.
      I contemplate staying and having some fun, but I know I would regret it afterwards, so I teleport to Teraluna...

      ... Yuya and I are meditating outdoors.
      I try to get back into a similar state as last time: Spirit World - Life - Dream Journals - Dreamviews Lucid Dreaming Community & Resource
      Unfortunately I can't get into the same state though, but I am able to hover out of my dream body and float around in proximity of my body.

      Starcraft 2 - MLG
      I'm at MLG Columbus, playing sc2.
      I brought my "Das Keyboard" and the rather loud clicking noise it makes seems to slightly piss the guy playing next to me off.
      Why isn't he using headphones anyways? It's stupid to play without hearing game sounds, what if someone nukes / nyduses him?
      I play alright, but sometimes notice that the laws of the game are broken (I have both Zerg and Protoss units, some games are 1v2)
      There's a group of people standing right behind me watching me play which is somewhat unnerving.

      A friend takes me to a mansion. There is some sort of higher purpose for coming here, but I don't know what it is.
      I'm also somewhat aware that I am not entirely human, though I'm not entirely sure what I am.
      As we enter the place I immediately notice that everyone is wearing goth / dark clothing.
      I on the other hand am wearing white pants and a white shirt.
      Great, guess who's not standing out at all?
      I'm getting a few weird looks, and my friend starts talking to the person who seems to be in charge.
      I look around and see some people feasting on humans. They are Vampires! We're in a vampire mansion! Holy shit!
      For some reason it doesn't make me feel too uncomfortable though, I feel like I knew vampires exist.
      We get a tour of the house... everything looks a bit Victorian era like.
      I am offered a human to feast upon. I can't remember whether I'm a vampire or not, so I decline.
      It seems like they only asked me as a joke anyways. Yeah, I'm definitely not a vampire!
    4. Lucid Dream #38

      by , 06-01-2011 at 12:25 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 6/10
      Vividness: 7/10
      Length: ~6 Min.

      I was lying in bed looking towards my door and then a bright box appeared in the center of my eyes. Some of the scenery changed and I was very happy that I finally did a WILD on purpose. So I looked around my room and there was almost nothing in it. Then someone attacked me. He came through the wall as I recall and tried to kill me. I fought back and I noticed that there started to be more spider-webs on the walls of my room, so many in fact that you couldn't touch the wall without getting bit. So I tried to do a fireball jutsu like in Naruto and it didn't work, I asked the guy who attacked me how to do the fireball technique. Then I calmed down and I thought that I wasn't dreaming anymore. Then an octopus arm popped out of the wall. I dodged it and used x-ray vision to find my foe. I found a floating panda in the next room. I surprised him and tried to kick him as hard as I could, but he wouldn't even move at all.
    5. Second Lucid

      by , 06-01-2011 at 11:05 AM (My world, my rules)
      non-dream / dream / lucid

      Após finalizar aquele sonho, não tenho certeza se acordei e apliquei um DEILD ou se foi por sequência mesmo. Por isso, vou classificá-lo como WBTB também.
      Eu já estava lúcido quando tive um falso acordar. Eu estava na minha cama, de madrugada. Ninguém estava acordado ainda em casa, mas eu já sabia que era um sonho. Levantei da cama e pensei que eu poderia fazer... Saí do meu quarto sem fazer barulho (não sei por quê) e fui até o segundo andar, no quarto onde estão os computadores. Tive uma ideia: sairia voando pela janela e iria até a casa da Farah, minha melhor amiga, que não vejo já faz tempo. Tomei distância da janela e pulei contra ela. Os vidros se quebraram sem fazer muito barulho e não senti dor alguma. Comecei a voar mas, semelhante ao sonho anterior, estava muito devagar e perdia altura muito rápido. Eu frequentemente me embolava com os fios de eletricidade. Quando voltei ao chão, ainda estava dentro do cercado de casa, antes da piscina. Pensei "Já que não consegui voar, vou fazer algo útil". E tentei fazer uma experiência: ouvir uma música sendo tocada do nada. Infelizmente, antes de conseguir meu objetivo, o sonho apagou.
      Tags: wbtb
    6. First lucid

      by , 06-01-2011 at 11:00 AM (My world, my rules)
      non-dream / dream / lucid

      Acordei no meio da noite, tomei um copo de água e um remédio para desentupir o nariz e voltei a dormir. Eu estava entrando no ginásio do colégio, entrei para o lado direito e prossegui indo reto (como se não tivesse o palco, e sim mais arquibancadas ao fundo). Chegando ali, vi Amanda (minha namorada) conversando com alguém e Karina Morillo. Ambas estavam com uma camiseta meio rosa, vermelha ou salmão, não me lembro bem. Fui falar com minha namorada. Ela sentou na arquibancada (virada para o centro do ginásio) e eu a abracei por trás dela (como se as escadas continuassem para trás, formando uma pirâmide). Ela disse que estavam ensaiando uma coreografia e que chegou três horas antes para dar uma passada. Comentou que assim tinha sido bem melhor, pois ela podia corrigir as amigas e melhorar alguns detalhes. Sentei ao seu lado e segurei sua mão. Percebi que ela estava sem aliança, o que me deixou chateado. Ela disse que tirou para ensaiar, mas estava usando uma pulseira da mesma grossura e textura da aliança, e me disse que estava usando isso no lugar dela. Achei estranho e fiz o RC de trancar o nariz. Funcionou, fiquei lúcido na hora. Falei para ela "Amanda, isso é um sonho!". Ela ficou assustada e tentou atravessar o dedo na mão como RC. Eu disse para ela tentar o de trancar o nariz. Ela fez e funcionou. Nesse momento, dava-se início uma partida de vôlei na quadra. O homem fez o primeiro saque e a bola foi arremessada muito alto, o que confirmava o fato de não ser real. Amanda começou a falar para todos os nossos amigos que estavam ali (Karina, Enrique e mais alguém) que isso era um sonho. Eu pulei da arquibancada na tentativa de voar até o centro da quadra, mas eu voava muito lento e perdia altura muito rapidamente, não consegui sequer passar pela barreira de segurança que afasta a arquibancada da quadra. Eu estava no corredor entre os dois, vi uns garotos brincando com um pião. Peguei o pião deles e percebi que estava quebrado. Tentei girá-lo mesmo assim (na tentativa de imitar Inception). O pião não ficava em pé, então desisti dele. Por várias vezes o sonho se apagava e eu tinha que fazer um RC para re-estabilizá-lo, mas manti a lucidez durante o sonho todo. Em um desses momentos que voltei ao sonho, andei em direção à saída do ginásio e encontrei Amanda e Karina novamente. Elas falaram comigo, então subi as arquibancadas até o ponto mais alto. O sonho acabou e passei para outro lúcido.
      Tags: wbtb
    7. Wildman's Journal

      by , 06-01-2011 at 09:33 AM
      So last night I went to sleep with the intent of waking up after every dream period. It didn't work perfectly, I only woke up after a couple, but in the early morning when I woke up I went back to sleep trying to count myself into a dream ("1... I'm dreaming, 2... I'm dreaming" etc), using a snooze on my alarm to regularly wake myself up.

      It didn't work directly in the sense that I didn't ever consciously transition to dreaming, but I had a strange sort of lucid dream. Lucidity fluctuated a lot, but it seems like I re-entered the dream twice, but I don't recall if I actually woke up between re-entries or not, so I'll just mark the places I think they happened. Also a lot of other dreams recalled.

      Date: May 30th, 2011
      Length: 8 minutes

      I began in some kind of house, where I quickly realized I was dreaming. I ended up walking outside, just stabilizing things for a few moments. I wanted to meet someone in particular, so I yelled out her name, hoping that would summon her. Instead, a sort of plot developed where she had been kidnapped and was being held in a building in front of me. My lucidity here was pretty insignificant, but I went inside the building. It was a sort of inn/bar, and I went upstairs to a room.

      Now something to understand is that this dream had odd shifts in perspective to a game of Starcraft. My mind was interpreting the concept of lucidity strangely (second time this has happened lately...), as if Starcraft was the real life I would awaken to after this dream. At times, I had flashes where I was seeing my base in a game of Starcraft being attacked, and afraid that this would wake me up. I was asking my allies to help defend me.

      Anyways, the person I was looking for was in the room, but my vision shifted to Starcraft mode and saw that she was "infested." I decided to just leave the room and head back outside, having to fight through some people who wanted to stop me.

      Back outside, my mind was a bit clearer and I think I was more conscious of my dreaming state. As I walked, the dream began to fade, however. Everything turned dark, but I tried to concentrate on my sense of touch. <Re-entry here?> Eventually, I was back in the dream. I decided to try to use all my senses to stay anchored in the dream, so I walked into a nearby shop and found a bizarre glass container which had some kind of perfume in it. I smelled it and poured some on myself, and also ate two sort of black sort of "rocks" that were inside it. It tasted pretty disgusting, but I kept chewing on it for quite a while, happy about how real it seemed.

      At this point my notes read that I was in a room packing up some stuff into my backpack. I vaguely recall this, but I don't know why I was doing it. Anyways, I think the dream faded here again, and I had another re-entry (maybe). I found myself in a wooden shack near a body of water. I looked at myself in a mirror -- I looked basically like myself, though a few features were somewhat distorted.

      After a little more stabilization, I stepped outside. Below me was a pretty steep drop down to the water, and in the distance I saw a few hills and islands. I decided to go check out what was over there, though it didn't look like much. I launched myself into the air and flew down towards the water. As I did so, everything felt so real and crisp for a moment that I was completely exhilarated. I tried to calm myself, fearing that this would wake me up. Unfortunately, my flying slowed to almost a dead halt and I had a weird false awakening:
      the Starcraft game appeared again, with my base being attacked. I typed something like: "can you believe it! I was having a good lucid dream and just then this woke me up!"

      I also wrote something in my notes about a checklist, but I don't remember what it had to do with the dream. It had an entry on it that said "pre-fight bosses."

      Date: May 30th, 2011
      Length: 4 minutes

      I was in a class that was taught by one of my former History professors. It was the first day of this class. For some reason, there were a bunch of pool tables all around the room. I was eager to meet people, and quickly introduced myself to a few. People were told to assemble around the pool tables for some kind of group work. There was some confusion for a moment as some tables got deserted and others overcrowded.

      After a while, something odd happened and we were suddenly in the middle of a zombie invasion. I was strangely calm (felt sort of like a game) and ran towards the class entrance. We weren't really in a building or anything -- the room was just sort of merged with outside. It was night time, and I followed a group of people across a small brook and to a sort of checkpoint. Once we made it there we knew we were safe.

      Somehow I ended back in the classroom before the zombie thing happened. This time I walked towards the front of the classroom and then beyond it, to a seashore. There were a couple boats there, and I just enjoyed the view for a few moments, when the zombies came again. This time, however, it definitely felt real, and I was scared. I was with a group of journalists and we sprinted towards the same brook we had crossed before. This time, however, there was a problem and we were unable to cross it. Instead we had to take a long bridge to our left.

      One by one people fell behind and died, until it was just me and another guy. We ran as fast as we could. For some reason we were suddenly being chased by two cars, and we ducked out of the way just in time before they lost control and crashed horribly, blocking the zombies from catching up with us. I thought I was safe as we stopped a moment to catch our breaths, but then I realized the guy with me had been bitten and was turning into a zombie. He started approaching me aggressively, and I backed off. Soon he was charging me and trying to bite my face off. I fought him off desperately, but I was weaker than him and terrified. I frantically tried to prevent him from biting me while also somehow mentally accessing a menu, trying to stop this "game" (though nonetheless it felt like my life was at stake), and managed to just in time. I don't remember anything after that.

      Date: May 30th, 2011
      Length: 3 minutes

      Basically just a dream of playing soccer. I was playing defense at first, then switched to attack, then back to defense, then back to attack. It all made sense at the time. After a few uneventful plays, I suddenly started to play much better, just sort of naturally sensing where my teammates were and making good passes. Then I got the ball on our half of the pitch, and suddenly found myself able to dribble their entire team. I fell just short of scoring a goal, tapping the ball a little too far in front of me and losing control at their last line of defense. Still, I was really happy with how I was playing.

      We reached a break in play, and some guy kept complaining about how the online system for this soccer league was broken. I asked him why he was so concerned over this when it wasn't even playoff time. He explained that there was a team called "The 300 Spartans" whose name had caused a glitch in the system, somehow resulting in gif images of the car in Back to the Future to be placed above each team's name. This was apparently a very big deal.

      - I also had a dream about being in some kind of underground facility, and meeting a ton of people I haven't seen in a really long time.
    8. Latest Lucid 5/31/2011

      by , 06-01-2011 at 04:43 AM
      I took a nap starting at 4:30 pm, I laid down on my back starting with just binaural beats, I then did reverse blinking, after about 2 minutes of blinking I started sleep breathing and counting down from 100 in between breathes. My first dream started out with me walking around and feeling heavy as though gravity were increased. My pillow in real life was half way over my eyes and in my dream I could only see half of my vision as though my pillow were still over my eyes, this made me realize I was dreaming. I tried to look down at my hands, but I didn’t have any hands, or at least they were invisible because I could feel them there, then I walked around and started jumping, I was floating slowly to the ground with every jump. Then all of a sudden I was laying on my bed with my pillow half way over my face, I had a completely realistic false awakening, I saw one of my fraternity brothers nearby and I told him I had a lucid dream. Saying this made me do an RC and I found out I was still dreaming. I then became lucid again, I just plain walked around for a while through what looked to be an airport. There were a bunch of people running past me as though in a hurry. One of the people was a woman walking crooked on her hands. I stopped her when we were in a glass ceiling walkway, because she was wearing a skirt and when she was up her skirt was up, showing were her vagina should have been, yes she had bare skin where her vagina should have been. So I tried to turn her into someone else. She sat down and then started jerking around and awkwardly morphing into random different women. I felt the dream coming apart, so I looked down at my hands. I was able to see my hands when I looked down which was a relief, however they were blurry and I couldn’t focus on them. Then everything got lighter and when I opened my eyes, I was back in bed. I stayed put and thought about my dream just in case. I then did an RC and realized that I was actually awake. I then walked to my computer and started writing.
      lucid , false awakening
    9. Latest Lucid 5/31/2011

      by , 06-01-2011 at 04:43 AM
      I took a nap starting at 4:30 pm, I laid down on my back starting with just binaural beats, I then did reverse blinking, after about 2 minutes of blinking I started sleep breathing and counting down from 100 in between breathes. My first dream started out with me walking around and feeling heavy as though gravity were increased. My pillow in real life was half way over my eyes and in my dream I could only see half of my vision as though my pillow were still over my eyes, this made me realize I was dreaming. I tried to look down at my hands, but I didn’t have any hands, or at least they were invisible because I could feel them there, then I walked around and started jumping, I was floating slowly to the ground with every jump. Then all of a sudden I was laying on my bed with my pillow half way over my face, I had a completely realistic false awakening, I saw one of my fraternity brothers nearby and I told him I had a lucid dream. Saying this made me do an RC and I found out I was still dreaming. I then became lucid again, I just plain walked around for a while through what looked to be an airport. There were a bunch of people running past me as though in a hurry. One of the people was a woman walking crooked on her hands. I stopped her when we were in a glass ceiling walkway, because she was wearing a skirt and when she was up her skirt was up, showing were her vagina should have been, yes she had bare skin where her vagina should have been. So I tried to turn her into someone else. She sat down and then started jerking around and awkwardly morphing into random different women. I felt the dream coming apart, so I looked down at my hands. I was able to see my hands when I looked down which was a relief, however they were blurry and I couldn’t focus on them. Then everything got lighter and when I opened my eyes, I was back in bed. I stayed put and thought about my dream just in case. I then did an RC and realized that I was actually awake. I then walked to my computer and started writing.
      lucid , false awakening
    10. First attempted lucid 4/23/2011

      by , 06-01-2011 at 04:40 AM
      : I took a nap in my hammock while studying, at around 4:30pm. I was in an a comfortable position except my leg was forced straight which I believe aided in my lucid dream. My dream started with my family and I running through an airport. My dad ran off and I started running after him, I then heard my mom say “don’t worry he’ll be right back” so I attempted to run right back to my mom and sister. The airport then turned into a maze of random stairs, escalators and moving walkways where I saw a massive airport with a fifty foot high glass ceiling and a big open floor down below (I was about three stories up. I noticed two escalators one that goes up and another one, so I ran to the other one thinking it goes down, but instead it was stopped and there was a mother holding a baby and other people standing on it as if waiting for it to move. So I ran down the other one only to and came to two moving walkways, both three feet long and moving in opposite directions as well as a single staircase five feet past the walk ways. I crossed the walkway that was going to the same direction, but there were a bunch of people all walking in the opposite direction as me, so I turned around. My first idea was to jump over the walkway I was just on but instead, there was a tall man who looked confused walking on it like a tread mill. So I went over to the second one however I had to wait for a Mexican looking person with a bunch of tactical gear and a suit (Secret Service Pilot) to cross before I could get across. As I crossed I saw a weird looking Muslim guy, and a lady without a nose (her face didn’t leave space for the nose) they both gave me a feeling of dejavue, because I think I may have dreamt about them before. I found another staircase going down and I followed it down, the only people on the staircase were a blind lady wearing a hijab and another lady wearing American type clothes. I heard the non-blind lady say “see what Im talking about?” to the blind lady and she got mad. I went down one more set of stairs when I finally caught up to my mom and sister next to a building that was built on a flowing field of grass with a street running through the middle. There was a boy also without a face (like the man who has no face on TV) wearing a blue backpack and baseball cap. I pointed this out to my mom and sister but my mom said it was rude, then a bunch of deformed people with crutches, wheel chairs and deformities came out of the building. I assumed it was a college type auditorium for the deformed. I then got on my longboard and rode it into a puddle, but instead of making a splash, the front of my board broke off (very easily) and stayed put. I then went over and grabbed it my mom proceeded to tell me that I needed to get a better one. We started walking, me with both pieces of my board in hand as I told my mom how much I paid for it. I then “woke up in my fraternity room” it had a full kitchen area a bed and a TV. I was still holding my board, but all of a sudden my board started falling apart as if it was an oversaturated mush that could still somewhat hold its shape. My aunt Becky was there and she told me she needed to do some work with these big panels she brought in with her (I have no idea what the work was). I walked over to the counter and closed a Tupperware container with her food in it and said “don’t worry I used my finger without the mush on it”. I then told her “I keep forgetting I live with you because I never see you”. Right then is when I started lucid dreaming, in saying that statement I realized “I don’t live with my Aunt”. And as I thought this my aunt froze and a window in the corner of my vision a window started flickering and changing like a television with a bad reception. The first thing I thought to do was to change my aunt to Linda a family friend, and it worked. After that change I started seeing things as if I was drunk, I tried turning Linda into a Jessica Alba, but the girl kept changing forms and never once looked like anyone I know. I proceeded to pick her up and laid her on the bed. We had sex for a while going into crazy positions and me going down on her, I saw a little light in the corner of my eye no matter where I looked, so I felt myself closing my eyes in real life and the light disappeared. Slowly however I started losing control, because my thoughts wandered to “Is my body actually doing what I am doing right now?” and “What if my roommate comes in and sees me squirming in my hammock?” At this point I had lost almost complete control and everything I saw started changing rapidly. I then started hearing everything around my body louder and louder until I realized I was out of the dream, so I opened my eyes and started writing.

      Updated 06-01-2011 at 04:44 AM by 39639

    11. Doors and fruit - control practice

      by , 05-31-2011 at 09:47 PM
      Nonlucid, Lucid, Partially lucid

      May 30, 2011: I am flying. There are lots of trees and plants around me. I am now lucid and I say "Nature is my muse." I see that the scene is beautiful, but there is also something creepy about it. I bite a branch and try to eat it.

      I see a tree house and remember one of my tasks. I make the door of the house open with my mind and hand gestures. There is another inner door. I make that one open too.
      Now I am inside a building. I open several doors and window with my mind and hand gestures. I am quite happy with myself. The windows bend like the talking window in Peewee's Playhouse.

      I point at another door and make it open by swinging up from the top, rather than the side like a normal door.
      I go outside. It is a busy city scene. I find a woman and approach her. Remembering the other task, I tell her about this tree from another country. I make up a name and tell her it has delicious fruit.
      I see a small tree in a pot, on a table on the sidewalk. It has a single orange-like fruit on it. I taste it. It is juicy and tastes OK. I give most of it to the woman, who seems to love it.
      She turns into a cat, as usual.

      I point at other trees and say they also have good fruit. There is one with purple fruit and another with red or orange fruit.
      For fun I make people float off the ground and others fly backwards. I grab a bicycle, spin, and throw it. I also try to make someone say something.

      Notes: This is the task that KingYoshi suggested:
      "Walk up to a random tree and say out loud, "This [insert random tree name] tree, produces the most delicious fruit. Then search the leaves for the fruit and eat it."
      I didn't quite do the second task correctly. But there was a tree and fruit and I tasted it, so I guess it's a pass.

      Updated 05-31-2011 at 09:53 PM by 36900

    12. SP and a lucid

      by , 05-31-2011 at 05:14 PM
      Had some weird things going on last night. I'll explain them the best I remember them.

      1. I had previously been in some course about Marine Science or something. Whatever it was, it was relevant to whatever happened next. I'm with my friend Emily, and I look out the backseat of the car, and there's a woman out in the water fishing. She's only about knee deep in the water. All of a sudden, a very large manatee surfaces and starts playing with her and rolling around on her and all that. It's got a baby with it. Within minutes, there's also a shark, a dolphin, and several other marine species. I can't figure out why. We watch for a while and then drive away. As we're driving off, a giant bald eagle comes to join in.

      I return later and find nothing but an old shark.

      2. After waking up from number 1, I decide I want to have a lucid dream and try to DEILD. I don't know why, but for the first time ever, I hit Sleep paralysis. I feel a vibration start at my feet and go up my body. I imagine a dream landscape that I want to go into. All of a sudden, I'm interrupted by HA. I hear a clangor of horrible bells, and a word starts bouncing around the screen of my vision (my eyes are closed). The word starts with the letters FIN, but that's all I can make it out. It's made of a fluorescent green font, and very jagged. Every time it hits the corner of my vision, it sends a shockwave. I open my eyes and am gasping. I then try again and hear a low, loud voice slowly say my name. I'm too scared to try again.

      3. Something about being in a restaurant or pub or something. Somebody wheels in a really old racing car (from the 50's, maybe) and are looking at selling it to the owner. I then see a miniature classic car driving around the store.

      3. I see a little prologue about GIR (the robot dog from Invader ZIM) talking about how humans have to go through a trial or have already failed it or something. He flies away, up to space, as behind him, a cloud of yellow gas or dust starts spreading out. I join the dream in an abandoned apartment, or multi-level house. There are no doors. I run through a doorway and a man behind me seals the door off with some kind of clear wrap and some tape. I go into the next room and find a couple people there, discussing what they will do next. As they discuss the plans, I look over and see the room I was in is already filling with yellow gas. The door to this room is now sealed off as well, but poorly. I run to my right and try to leave through the other main door, but find all of those hallways also blocked off with the gas. I hear them yelling about how it will suffocate everybody. Thinking on my feet, I break a window, and prepare to jump off the second story balcony into the pull. As I'm hanging from th e balcony, I suddenly realize I'm dreaming. I jump down and look around me. It's dark outside and I don't like it. I clap my hands and a beam of light appears. I try everything I can think of, including yelling at the sun and the sky to light up, but to no avail. I then go over to a tree and, for some reason i still don't remember, decide I want it to be red. I yell at it to turn red, I point my finger at it, I snap my finger, nothing works. So then, I place a hand on either side of it, and expect my hands to create red. It does nothing, but when I pull my hands away, they are both red. Then I start losing the dream. I remember then that my goal was to ask a dream character what happened to them when I woke up. I bent down now to feel the grass and try to remain awake, as well as spinning. Just before waking up, I could feel myself spinning, as well as myself laying in bed, at the same time.
    13. Smashing bottles with telekinises

      by , 05-31-2011 at 11:16 AM
      Very fragmented dream memory again.
      I took one cup of dream herb and had some nice results plenty of dreams a shame I hardly remember them. It was cold this morning and I didn’t want to wake up.
      I woke up about 2 hours after sleeping to go to the toilet. Had some dream memories but was too dazed to remember whent back to bed and was going to try and WILD but I think I pretty much just fell asleep.

      A small dream fragment I’m sure this was an ‘epic’ adventure type semi lucid but alas can hardly remember it.

      Some one was attaching me with glass bottles, I smashed them with my mind so they didn’t hit me. There where two bottles on the ground I also used telekisis to throw two other bottles. When the guy sore my do that he was amazed and really curious as to how I did it. So I decided to showed him again with some other bottles and we became friends.
      I need to be slapped into getting my dream memories better I am missing out on so many dreams lately. But my bed is so warm and comfortable.
      dream fragment , lucid
    14. 2nd lucid dream; this time it's War!

      by , 05-31-2011 at 10:47 AM (fOrceez's Quirky Subconscious!)
      Notes| Dream|Lucid

      I napped at around 4pm when I got home from work and wbtb after 2hrs of sleep.

      Time sleeping: 15 minutes
      Time in dream: 2-5 minutes?

      The dream started in a trench, apart from myself, there was a guy and a girl in the trench with me, both young adults (around 20 years old?) I think we were some kind of elite group in the army. My fellow soldiers were dressed like this but darker, I assume i was wearing the same thing.

      I remember being low on ammo.. We jumped out of the ditch and started running across the grassy battlefield. In the middle of the battlefield were two enemy helicopters, the girl jumped unnaturally high and grabbed onto landing skids. While in mid-air with both hands gripped onto the helicopter, she swung it around with little effort and threw it.
      The girl dropped to the ground and jumped in front of the next helicopter's cockpit, she pulled out her automatic rifle and shot down the pilots.
      I turned to the other male soldier and said, "just cause we're low on bullets, doesn't mean she has to do that.." As this happened, i started to question reality..
      OH, IT'S A DREAM!

      I felt the wind whipping against my face and body as I was running. I wanted to ground myself but looked up and realized we were running at unnatural speed. Instinctively, i tried to search for Alex's aura as I did in my last lucid.. then I remembered he's still awake. I felt the dream drift away from me.
      lucid , memorable
    15. Can't find my flip flops (WILD)

      by , 05-31-2011 at 10:17 AM
      Can't find my flip-flops!


      9.00 AM - WILD

      So I startet the WILD infront a big big castle. i didn't like tha dreamscape so i kinda teleportet to my room. i wanted to go outside to the stable to find my unicorn (I want to ride a unicorn on a rainbow) but i couldnt find my flip flops. I finally find some suitable flip flops but i woke up

      Updated 05-31-2011 at 10:18 AM by 41163 (mistake)
