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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Dreaming about not being able to sleep?

      , 02-04-2011 at 08:16 PM
      I dreamed that I wasn't able to get to sleep, that I was lying awake for houres and houres. And I had problems with my WBTB-alarm clock, which I had to set later and later evey hour to wake up at the right time. I remember going on the computer to check my hyves (=dutch facebook-thingie).
      non-lucid , memorable
    2. 4 Feb: Riding the dragon Orion, performing a miracle and much more

      by , 02-04-2011 at 05:57 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)


      “The tourist” meets “Indiana Jones” meets "An Adventure"

      I’m inside an alternative version of the movie “The Tourist”. The cover of the agent played by Angelina Jolie is blown. I am the guy played by Johny Depp. She meets me at some back alley when she is being chased by two bad guys. We fight them but we lose and we are kidnapped.
      I then get out of the body of the guy and I am just my own self. I follow them into some tunnels of mines. Like in Indiana Jones, I am on one of those cars on tracks, going deeper and deeper into the mine. I end up on some gallery which opens above some big cave, with openings to a cliff over the sea. I am being helped by the kids from a Portuguese book collection loosely inspired on Enid Blyton’s books. At least, the group resembles the one from those books, although the only DC which is really clear to me is the geeky guy.
      We come up with a plan to pretend we are ghosts – making sounds, dropping things on the bad guys, etc – hoping to confuse them and scare them away. It has some effect, but it is the police, which ends up arriving, who captures them. Meanwhile the parents of the kids came along with the police and the kids fear their reaction for having got into such dangerous situation. But the police calls them heroes so the parents go easy on them.

      Running tests
      Fragment of a strange LD which started as a thriller and which I use to run some tests on the power of genius intuition vs. logic reasoning for solving a case and the effects of love and passion over something else.


      Stray dogs
      With my dad walking a street. We see a stray dog who seems lost and is walking dangerously in the middle of the road. My dad says he wants to turn some other way, because he can’t watch if the dog gets hurt. I say that we should help him. I run to middle of the road, but the dog runs away from me, not facilitating the rescue. There are cars coming, so I decide to teach him in 10 seconds to fear the road. I scream and scare him away from there. He only feels safe from me when he is on the sidewalk. I hope it will help him in the future to stay out of the road. Then I get on a bus with my dad and we see some lady attending to some other dog who has been hit by a car. It has his guts out, so I don’t think he’ll survive. I tell my dad we can’t avoid meeting with violence or death, even if we try, so it’s better to just face it in the eyes and do our best to help those in danger.


      Deceitful red-head and burglars
      Talking with some friends through a cell phone conference, to arrange a meet-up with dinner. I walk through a city, which feels like Lisbon. I am with two other girl friends and on the phone are some guys who are kind of rockers. They say they want to dine at the Hard Rock Café and I think sarcastically “How original...”
      My two friends are walking a bit further away from me, at some distance from each other. I stop a bit to arrange details about the dinner when I see a really nice wooden medieval door on my left, half-open. I get half-lucid and my curiosity takes me inside. It’s like a stone paved patio with houses around, but with a ceiling. It’s very dark, some purple lights illuminate slightly the windows from the houses around and the ceiling has those LED lights which replicate the effect of stars in the sky. I see some stairs going from the right upper corner of the patio to some unknown place. I’m curious about where it leads, but I want to go back and meet my friends before I lose them. I turn and bump into one of them who followed me there. She says we should go see what’s at the end of those stairs. I agree but what about the other girl? She doesn’t know the city, she’ll get lost. She calls her on the cell phone, to meet us there. Then we head to the stairs, but some attractive red hair girl comes in our way, asking for our purses. I ask if I can take my camera and she says yes, but the rest stays there with her. Hum, ok. Then she leads us through a side tunnel at which end is a card box on the exit to a backstreet. I find that weird and ask if that’s safe. She guarantees it is, because she is always there. No she’s not! What about when she goes inside to bring people here? I find that really odd. I ask, what about some number tags so she doesn’t hand the bags over to the wrong people. Then she hands us some stickers with numbers. I’m still not happy, but I look at her one last time to try to feel if she’s trustworthy. She looks beautiful, elegant and competent. I decide I’ll have to trust her. Usually it’s easy to know who not to trust. The opposite is harder. As soon as we leave and she thinks we went up those stairs, she gets outside to meet some van full of guys. But I actually stayed behind sneaking on her. She hands them something and leaves and the guys get out of the van and head to the box with our purses. Oh no! I run and drag my friends with me to meet those thugs. We keep them off our stuff and try to protect other people’s stuff too, but they are too many and start slapping and pushing us around. I notice there’s a lot of grocery bags in the box, so I offer them the food if they leave the purses alone. I think they agreed, because in the end, I’m checking which food is in there and distributing it to them.


      Just want some peace of mind
      With my BF on some very straight lined building, like a museum from the fascist period. For some reason I feel uncomfortable there and with him, so I try to get away, First slowly, so he doesn’t notice, but then a bit faster. As soon as I am outside, going up some staircase, I decide to fly away. But all I manage is to hover a little bit. I try harder to levitate and as I do it, I become lucid.
      I finally manage to fly high easily and by seeing the terraces over the buildings down below, I chose to sit on one and do a short meditation practice [I decided to try to remember to do it on every lucid I have, even if then I go do something else.] I sit and make a prayer to Guru Rinpoche. I also try to visualize him, but instead what happens is that a bunch of DCs appear sitting by my side, chatting and pushing me, really annoying me. I kick a girl down the building, thinking that she is just a product of my mind, trying to distract me. But I couldn’t help feeling bad for using violence. The doubt in my mind opened a breach and all the DCs jump over me, attacking me furiously. I fly high again trying to get rid of them. I sit at another rooftop. I repeat the prayer and I see the blue orb light I saw once when invoking the medicine Buddha. It is steadily coming in my direction. I’m thrilled but also wondering what it is and why it is coming at me, since I didn't summon the same entity of the last time the blue orb appeared. So many questions make it go away, by making a U-turn and disappearing to where it came from.
      Once again, there are DCs by my side, but these are quieter. On my right side is the geeky guy. I ask him: “By chance, are you my DG? Because you’ve been a lot in my dreams these last few days.” He doesn’t reply, just smiles mysteriously at me. Then some really big guy appears out of nowhere to attack me and I decide this dream is over, I can’t do anything here without DCs beating me up.

      Resuscitating a baby
      I go through the dream fabric, like my DG told me to and it works so well again! All goes a bit dark, I feel my body in SP and I think maybe I'll try out an AP. But I forgot exactly how to proceed and I precipitate to just another LD.
      I find myself in a tiny cubicle with a door in front of me and a lady by my left side, telling me to please go inside. She opens the door and I’m at some surgery room on a hospital. There are two nurses by the side of a surgery table. They look somber. A white sheet covers a very tiny body and they carefully remove it to show me an inanimate baby. They look at me as if they expect my help, but I wonder what I can do. Then I am drawn into passing energy to the baby through my hands. One of the nurses asks me not to touch him, so I do it at some distance from his body. Very soon after he is regaining colours, looking refreshed and healthy and he even talks! The baby repeats “Aleluia! Aleluia!” and I think how freaky that is. The nurses thank me, with tears in their eyes and the lady who brought me in takes me back to the cubicle where I first arrived and closes the door behind me thanking me for the miracle.

      Spicy underground pub
      Everything gets a bit dark again and I feel myself floating through the ceiling and arriving at some other place. The first thing I notice is a kind of comic book hanging on a wall with hand writing on it. I take it down and go through the pages to decipher the message on it. It says something like “You have the opportunity to make a difference. There’s someone (?) who is going to be accused of terrorism (or to be victim of terrorism) and you can help preventing that.” Then it says a location and even some websites for more info, but I just get lost and almost wake up trying to memorize all that data. [On waking up the info didn’t made any sense, although coherent and the place existent. The only web address I could remember led me to a porn website (LOL).]
      I try to stabilize the dream by looking around to where I am. It looks like a bar, a bit dark and spicy. The name of the place is pictorial and phallic and three guys there tell me people call this place by names like “little dick” or “hardon”. I conclude the websites I saw on the paper were probably related to this place and not to the message I read, which could be just a big joke anyway.

      Riding a dragon
      I then see a tiny door on the left wall opening briefly and some weird looking guy with horns peaking briefly. Then the door closes again. I go there and knock. A muscled guy with horns appears and asks what I want. I ask back who is he. He says he’s a dragon caretaker and that he was just peaking but won't go in, because he has to go back to his dragons. I feel excited with the possibility of being around dragons and I ask him if I can see them and ride one. He smiles and says “Sure!” I enter and he closes the door. It is again some kind of small cubicle, and there’s another opening right opposite to the door. I see a dragon’s head peaking and then going away. I go check it out and I see a cloudy sky below me and dragons flying around. The guy calls the dragon back and I ask him “How shall I ride him? How do I command him?” He laughs and tells me “Don’t worry, they speak English.”, “Ah, ok.” The dragon reappears and offers me one of his horns to grab. I do so and then jump to his back. I ask him if it’s ok to grab his horns, he says yes, but I decide it might be uncomfortable to him, so I hold on to a kind of bonny collar he has around his neck. He then plunges downwards and it’s the most amazing lucid thing I ever did! Wooohooo, I’m riding a dragon!!! He flies above the clouds and then we go under the clouds and I see green planes with lakes all over. When things are calmer and he is flying at cruise speed, I ask him is name and what is this place. He says he’s Orion and this is Souldart – I ask him to repeat the name of the land and I understand it clearly [but on waking up, I’m not so sure, it sounded something like Souldart]. He then takes me over some city. The people are beautifully dressed in tunics and they live in what look like fancy roman villas. The dragon takes me across some patio sided by white stone columns and with a rectangular shallow lake in the middle where some kids play together under the care of a lady. He tells me this place used to be magical but it is now dying with the end of the old religion. I want to ask more, but as we slide through the air and I formulate questions in my mind, the dream fades and I wake up.


      Updated 02-04-2011 at 06:25 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    3. wife in a past life?

      by , 02-04-2011 at 01:11 PM ("see you in the next dream, brotha.")
      creepy one last night. i drempt i was in a lucid dream within a normal dream. i dont remember much, but i remember there being these corredors, and a woman was with me throughout the dream. she had short red hair, and quite pretty. as the dream ws coming to a close, i asked her who she was. she turned to me ad said " i was your wife in a past life"....and then i woke. it ws very strange, as before i woke up and just after she said it i felt like i was remembering something...
      Tags: past life, wife
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    4. Better than no recall at all I guess

      by , 02-04-2011 at 08:41 AM
      Unfortunately I can't remember much from my dreams last night, but one thing comes to mind.

      I remember walking down the sidewalk with my parents (I think), and suddenly having my legs give out underneath me. I managed to get up, but after a few more steps it would happen again. I kept getting up, but after a few steps I would just fall. There was no feeling in my legs whatsoever. I started to panic, and after falling one more time, I could not get up at all.
    5. At the Carnivel

      by , 02-04-2011 at 05:00 AM
      Non-Lucid Lucid Nightmare

      OK, this dream is old! But for some reason I remembered it and realized it is the best dream of my life! : It stared with me and some random girl named Sarah. We were just walking around the carnival and then we saw this hut outside the carnival and wanted to explore it. So we went over there and to mean boys (That for some reason I recognize a lot) had the intention to do the same. they stared throwing eggs at us. suddenly a angry mob of people charged throw the forest. We did not know why but we noticed that the boys were gone. We went inside the hut and found them in the laundry room, hiding. They suddenly called there dad, who was the most meanest-looking guy I ever seen in real life or a Dream! They all stared to pick on us. The father throw me out side, but they were hurting Sarah! I had to save her! So I went back into the hut, and knocked the two boys right out of the air with a pitch fork that was dropped by the angry mob of people. Then it was the final battle: Me and the father. I charged at him, but somehow he teleported behind me and hit me in the back with the gun. He said," Any Last Words?" in a very, deep, voice. Suddenly the angry mob came crashing throw the hut and attacked the father. It turns out he was a very wanted thief! They took him to jail and I yelled," Thanks!" and helped up Sarah which was on the ground.
      She said,"Thanks!" and I said,"Your Welcome!" and we went to the carnival and had fun!
      This Dream was very life-changing, for it made me have a lot more friends! Its to bad I have been having a lot more nightmares lately... I'm still scared of the "Metal Worm"
    6. World of halo warcraft

      by , 02-04-2011 at 03:06 AM
      alright, this is my first DJ entry on this site, so if people would be kind enough to leave comments on how i could improve my layout, storytelling, or overall experience it would be appreciated.

      My Dream: My dream starts off with me and a friend playing a game that looks like a mix between halo and WOW, with you playing as master chief but in the WOW universe. We walk up to a terrace overgrown with plants that several players are standing on. We go up and ask whats going on. one says "You can get this awesome achievement if you beat this dragon using the turrets on the top of that building". My friend decides to try it and quickly fails. I say "I'll try" but he says "Dude your such a noob, if I can't do it, you can't do it". I try anyway. The combat is pretty simple, there are 4 turrets on top of the building, and you shoot at the dragon while dodging his attacks. I do this for a while and i'm down to a very small amount of health and i think I'm going to die. Suddenly my friend says "he's down here playing dead, come get him!!" I walk down and see the dragon. I notice that there is suddenly a timer in the corner, and a gate that appears out of nowhere that i decide i have to get into before the timer runs out. I run by the dragon and throw two grenades as I'm running past. Unfortunately one bounces off. I stop running toward the gate, turn around, walk a few steps and throw another grenade at the dragon. While that happens my friend screams "DUDE WHAT ARE YOU DOING". I turn around and run back toward the gate and say in a really badass voice, "Getting an achievement", right before the grenade explodes killing then dragon. The screen goes black for a few seconds and i'm not sure if i made it through the gate in time, when suddenly the screen says CONGRAGULATIONS, and the dream ends.
    7. The Glowing Tunnel

      by , 02-03-2011 at 08:23 AM (Reading With My Eyes Shut)
      My Notes

      I went to sleep at around 12am. I woke at 6am. I don't have any idea why, but when I woke up to try WILD I thought I hadn't gotten any sleep that night, and I went back to bed. I must of been dreaming and heard the alarm but didn't wake up. Who knows. After falling asleep I had my only dream for the night.

      I'm in my bed. I'm looking toward the wall where my feet point to. To my right there's another queen-size bed, kind of leaning over my bed. It's hard to explain.
      "That's odd" I thought. I looked outside my bedroom door, and even though the morning sun had started to come up, it was pitch black on the other side. I got out of bed and instantly became lucid. I walked through the door and into the piano room. I was determined to keep the dream, and my lucidity, strong. I rubbed my hands and yelled out "This is a dream!" quite a few times.
      I tried to spawn the girl I like to say to her all the things I've wanted to say. Despite being lucid, I wasn't lucid to an extent where I remember everything from the real world, so I didn't remember how to properly spawn. I walked into the hallway and tried to spawn her. I put my hand 20cm in front of my face and imagined her appearing behind it when I moved it. Nothing happened. I then closed my eyes and imagined her being in front of me. When I opened them, everything had become black and blurry. I instantly remembered you're not supposed to close your eyes in a dream and rubbed my hands vigorously. I went back into the piano room and started spinning. I was trying to spawn back in my bedroom with her in it. Everything turned into a clash of swirling colours: light blue, white & yellow.
      I stopped spinning, and I was in my bedroom. Thinking about it now it was fairly silly teleporting to a room right next to the one I was in. In the bedroom was a naked girl sitting on her knees behind the coffee table.. I was shocked at first by the perfection of her body. I looked up at her face to find she wasn't the girl I was trying to find, in fact I'd never seen her before in my life. She may have been very pretty with a perfect body, but she wasn't the girl I wanted to talk to. For a few seconds, I remember my little brother being in the room with me. I sat down, disappointed, and when I looked back at the girl I saw that her "female bits" had been replaced by "male bits." Maybe it was time to leave...

      I started spinning again. I ended up on a large piece of flat concrete. It had a tent-roof and a sheet of plastic used as a wall to my left. I looked like a greenhouse. All around me in the distance was nothing but flat green grass, the kind from video games. In the distance was a large building. I didn't see it in great detail.
      By this point I was still lucid and knew I was dreaming, but I started to believe the people I met and the things I did were real. I stopped noticing strange things.

      I'm in the mansion. I'm no longer lucid and everything from here on is slightly fragmented. I do remember that inside the mansion was very beautiful. The room I was in was about 5 stories high, and there were decorations everywhere. There was also a shiny, wooden grand piano. Next to the piano was a round coffee table with a laptop on it. I browse the dream-version of the Dreamviews forum. It's featureless, the background is black and the text is brown and purple. I actually add a few to my favourites.
      What happened next in retrospect was fairly beautiful. First I try to light the roof of the building. I manage only to create a light red / orange light. Some man near me smirks at me.
      I don't know how I got there, but I'm in an endless black tunnel. The tunnel swerved and had nothing in it whatsoever. A group of about 10-15 people and I were literally flying though it. As we flew we created a moderately dim dark-blue light, with a white sparkle here and there. I enjoy this quite a lot, and then the dream ended.

      I'm disappointed I wasn't lucid for that last part.

      Just a note, that part of the dream when I saw the bed next to mine and became lucid, I have a strange memory of that happening twice. I don't know why but it just feels like I experienced it once then right away afterward, then became lucid.

      Updated 02-13-2011 at 05:04 AM by 25794

      lucid , false awakening , memorable , side notes
    8. Welcome to my dreamworld's home! I am very happy to see you.

      by , 02-03-2011 at 07:58 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Welcome to my dreamworld's home! I am very happy to see you. (MILD)


      I want to say, I have been recording several longs dreams, but I have never had time to record them properly (still on paper) I have been lately very busy, as usual.
      Most of my recent dreams, are a lot related with Psychic stuff. The demanding for Tarot Reading has spiked and I have been doing a lot of readings to different people. Being channeling so many time (in order to generate a proper and accurate reading) plus my focus on Astral Travel, meditation, teaching the classes for MILD and getting started to offer guided meditation classes (not online and not free) has my focus in the subject.

      I was teaching a class of MILD to my students on a big class. The desks were green and had a small drawer for workbooks and stuff. After teaching the class, I went to another class, but this time, it was some sort of psychic class. I was not the professor now, but a student.
      I somehow realized I was dreaming, but the quality of the dream was not good. However, as time passed, quality increased. Suddenly, I realized that Dreamer was missing. My dream quality spiked. Someone said he could try to find Dreamer and find out the reason she is missing class. I said, "No, I will do it. I am very energy sensitive and I am pretty attached to Dreamer I will take care of it.

      I started to meditate, I wanted to follow the plot of the dream. I recalled I had some non lucid dreams with Dreamer and I wanted to start working on dream sharing. I focused on her and suddenly a metallic chain appeared. This chain would lead me to Dreamer.

      The dream scenery changed. I was traveling at a very high speed. All my surroundings were gray and all I could see, was a huge chain under me. After a few seconds, I got to a different place. This new place it appeared to be like a big home, however, it was not a regular house, it was like a cave, but with proper lighting, very clean and proper furniture.

      The entire place was all blueish. Most of the furniture was blue, the light was blue. I saw a small bookshelf with several energy stones. All the stones were lapis lazulis and blue tiger's eyes. I also found some hematites, but these were blue as well instead of black/metallic. I think I saw a few stuffed animals, blue and blue cyan. Suddenly, my heart pounded and I felt a presence. I heard a very sweet voice (a voice I imagine talking with Dreamer) I turned back and she was smiling at me.

      Dreamer welcomed me and said, "Welcome to my dream plane. I am very very happy of seeing you here!" Come with me! Dreamer started to walk and toured me around the dream plane that was created. She told me that blue was the best color out there. Among all blue, I saw a large Onyx stone (actually, pretty large, about a feet long, but it was not heavy) The stone had some letters on it, but I did not want wake up trying to read them out. Dreamer told me, "I know you are afraid from bees. Keep this stone. You helped me already to fight my doctor's dream, now is time I help you back. The stone is yours."

      I was very happy about that. I also saw some additional stones: quartz, lapis lazulis, opals, tiger's eye, jets, moonstones... a lot. There was a bigger stone that had several random stones attacked to it. For some reason, I decided to smell it. It smelled like freshly cut grass... like a rain forest... it smelled very good.

      Dreamer invited me to enjoy a flight. We flew over the dream plane I felt very happy, but the dream ended as it was time to wake up.

      Updated 06-20-2014 at 06:53 AM by 31830

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    9. My most frightening and second most frightening dreams ever

      by , 02-03-2011 at 03:30 AM
      Most Frightening:
      This only lasted a few seconds but I saw a face, ugly and rotted. a twisted beast of anger, hatred, and possibly pure evil.

      Second most frightening:
      It is my birthday everyone is at my house. We are laughing and having fun. Then terrorists appear and start shooting. They bring a body bag onto the yard, I know their boss is inside. A rotted corpse in an EMS uniform rips out of the bag and threatens me and my family. I am powerless to stop him.

      Comments welcome.
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    10. School, house, Brother, plastic tube, party...

      by , 02-02-2011 at 09:59 PM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      I slept really well last night. I was not "conditioning" myself to remember my dreams or to realize being in a dream when spotting something strange. Even so, I still remembered pretty decent details from my dreams.

      I am at my secondary school in my village. I am standing in the ground floor class room. It is a large plain room with massive windows facing the street, right next to the headmaster's office. For this reason, I have always felt as if I was watched in this class room. But there is my brother as well. He is handling some plans. Even though I cannot see what's there, I know that he is planning to build a house. (In reality, he has already built one across the road opposite the school). The plan he is holding looks like an old vellum. He is talking to the headmaster. I am just watching the conversation, even though I cannot understand what are they saying. The headmaster is a big man, some 6'4" with great natural respect.
      Suddenly, I realize I can see on the plan that my brother's house is going to be right next to the school. I mean some 3 meters away from the front wall. Then I notice there are no windows any longer. And there is the front corner of the room missing. Only a lager rough hole, through which I can see foundation of my brother new house. Just raw shapes made of red bricks. I am surprised (not realizing it's a dream though), and my surprise triples when a massive tube, made of clear plastic, made of several segments is being installed, interconnecting the house and the school. My brother is saying something in the sense, that he wants easy access for his children. I feel that I am standing there in disbelief. Yet, I have the feeling that the plans are still being argued even though those big steps are being made. I feel that my brother is trying to force the headmaster to sign the plans. (I love those feelings when dreaming, seems like such a nonsense yet feels so real).

      Next dream:
      I am walking up the road through the village "Hroba Horka", just above the sharp turn where the block of flats is. When suddenly a brownish dirty car (favorit) comes from the other direction, passes me and stops. Then I can see the reverse gear has been selected as the reversing lights light up. The car is struggling a little... It seems like there is some mud on the road. I cannot see through the dirty windows who it is. It is a cloudy day, so it might have been raining, thus the dirt on the car doesn't really surprise me. I am a little bit anxious as I don't know who it is.
      The door opens and my friend Zbysek leans out, laughing as usually. I don't realize that the steering wheel is on the other side of the car. I notice some shadows through the windows, so there must be some more people. Event though I don't see who it is, I have a feeling that I know them. Zbysek asks me whether I want to join them as they are going for a party. I see that the car is already overloaded and pretty crowded. So I say I cannot make it, as I have loads of studying (this reflects my current situation actually :-D). Then he says, ok man, and drives off. I feel relieved.
      non-lucid , memorable
    11. Day 4: Lucidity!

      by , 02-02-2011 at 03:49 PM (A Penrose Mind)
      Pre dream:
      I was hellbent on getting a lucid dream, so much though that I literally tried to stick my finger through my hand throughout the entire day and constantly questioned my reality and weather I was dreaming or not. I tried looking for all the signs, text looking weird and not looking the same with a second read, clocks acting weird (which is funny because I stared at a clock for a while and the minute hand went backwards an I was like "OMG!" but then it went back to normal), digital clocks going crazy, electronics not working, mine or other peoples hands looking weird (also funny because one of my friends hands were all different colours but then he told me people drew on his hand for some reason), and weird colours of the sky (throughout the day the sky was white). So it was a pretty trippy day, I also preformed double reality checks anytime something out of the ordinary happened or if something seemed strange or not right. Before I went to sleep I got caught up "in-between" the dream and reality, where my thoughts seemed to be deeper in my mind and not make a lot of sense, and when these things occurred immediately I got up and preformed a reality check. Eventually, I fell asleep.

      I was waking around in a familiar area, it's my old school(which is right next to my new one)and I'm facing the dufferin mall. (It's much smaller than in the dream than in waking life, it not necessarily an easy building to recreate). I was walking towards it through my schools parking lot. I find myself wondering how I got here. I preform a reality check and try to push my right finger through my left palm. It doesn't work.

      "Of course I can't do it." I think to myself.

      But just to double check, I pinch my noes and try to breath, and what do you know,
      I could breath!

      "I'm dreaming? I'm dreaming!" I think to myself.

      I do it again.

      "Yes!" I say to myself. "Time to do awesome stuff!"

      I heard about flying in dreams, it's the first thing I try. I remember hearing that an easy way for beginners to do it is to jump up and down higher and higher.

      I jump up...

      and fall right back to the ground. I do it again...

      same thing.

      "Well fuck me." I say to myself, quite frustrated that my first lucid isn't turning out so well.

      I pinch my noes again and try to breath, at first I can't, but afterward I have no problem. I feel discouraged. I begin walking towards the mall.

      "What else can I do?" I think.

      Then I have a false awakening. I'm in the back of a taxi, wondering how I got there of course.

      "That was cool, my first lucid dream." I think to myself unaware that I'm still dreaming.

      The taxi is parked outside of the mall. The driver looks a bit angry at me, probably because I fell asleep in his car. Someone's waiting for me inside the mall. I go inside. A DC greets me as soon as I step inside. She's white, kind of chubby, maybe in her 50's, brown short hair, and wide eyes. She's wearing a jacket (which I now recognize to be my grandmother's). The funny thing is when I first see her I say in my head:

      "You're not real, you're a projection of my subconscious."

      But I was like, "Nah I'm not dreaming anymore." Once again strange dream topography. The mall that I walk inside of the mall that I walk into is actually a different mall all together, the yorkgate mall. False memories begin flooding my head. I'm a boy who delivers packages for the mafia, this woman is my mentor. I delivered a few packages in my dream but only one delivery stands out in my head. I need to deliver this package to this fast food store, but I need thirty minutes to do it. I'm being timed. The goal is to reach the front of the line with thirty minutes left on the clock so I don't hold up the line. Weird thing is when this is happening a line of my text pops up in mind (with a lot of spelling errors): "I didn't want to hold up the line to long." I reach the front of the line, 27:36 left on the clock.

      "Good enough." I think to myself.

      I believe more escapades happen in the mall and I met some of the mafia guys I was working for but it's pretty hard to remember. Some time later I end up back at my apartment and I'm talking dad when my DC mentor comes through the door. Apparently my dad and grandma know her and are really happy to see her.
      I'm drawing a blank about what happens after this (if anything does) so I'll skip to the end. I wake up at around 4:30 a.m., 2nd of February 2011.

      Yeah I woke up late.

      "There's no way I'm gonna get up." I think to myself.

      "I'm going back to bed."

      I collapse down and fall asleep shortly after.

      In this dream a lady shows up to my house. She has medium long black hair. She's telling me about the school I want to get into (she's probably a representative) and she kept on insinuating that it was too late and I wouldn't be able to get in. This makes me sad as the school I'm trying to get in is the same school Maisha goes to (it really is this isn't false memory) and shortly after things start to get blurry, I fall down and lay down on a couch (the couch I'm sleeping on) and I wake up.

      I wake up at around 7:20 a.m., the 2nd of February 2011. (yay snow day! ^^)

      As lucid dreaming goes this was pretty much a success, as dream control goes this was pretty much a failure. But now that I know the noes trick works (and for some reason the finger one doesn't) I have successfully confirmed a reality check! Now I need to learn more about dream control and practice flying. Once again wish me luck!

      Note: It seems like I have a very short attention span in dreams. I just got so excited that was like, "First thing I wanna do, fly!" Perhaps it is just man's nature to reach for the sky. If I attain lucidity again I have to remember my goals and constantly RC so I remember I'm dreaming. I guess I'll just have to study them. Perhaps I couldn't fly because I half-expected to not be able to (it was very realistic). Also I remember when I jumped up and down gravity was the same, if not stronger. If anyone has any tips on how to remember things in a dream please let me know.

      Updated 02-12-2011 at 08:23 AM by 41835

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    12. A Dream of a Lucid Dream?

      by , 02-02-2011 at 03:47 PM
      Hello, everyone! Its not a nightmare (Thank GOD!!!) but it is weird: The dream started in my house. Everything morphed into a huge church-like room but the walls were tan. Suddenly the Sham-Wow guy and a random woman came rushing across the flour with a huge chalk board. The Sham-Wow guy yelled ,"SHAM... WOW!!!" and stared doing random math problems. I said ,"What the heck is going on!?" and I "supposedly" became lucid. I got scared for some reason I don't remember and woke myself up. ( Its funny because I didn't become lucid, I DREAMED of becoming lucid,lol ) The End
      Tags: church, sham-wow
      non-lucid , memorable
    13. "when this burns, that will burn too"

      by , 02-02-2011 at 01:37 PM (Somnium)
      Comments non-lucid Lucid

      I felt like I have had an introduction to this dream before. I recognized the bridge in it.

      A family, which are depicted as members of my family are preparing to stay in a cabin / house on a tiny little island in something resembling to a fjord. The island only had room for a house with a floor. The house was white with dark brown lists. It was a great and wide wooden bridge to get to the island. At the bridge there is an old man with a blanket over him and a cap on his head sitting in a wheelchair. He has two holes where the left eye should have been. As if the eye had become skin tissue and was punctured. But they have said previously in a dream that he was not dead. The atmosphere is hazy, and over the bridge, I see only a mountain sticking up from the earth that goes sky high. The rest is just swamp, not a road even. Further than just across the bridge I do not see because of fog. Around the hut was only heather, all the way to the water.

      There was a baby there, portrayed as Stewie Griffin from Family Guy. He played in the heather on the west side of the cabin when I heard some voices from nowhere and he argued with them. He died of some reason and the man in the wheelchair drove him west from the cabin with a pickup truck. On a road that did not exist. Later, the father and daughter (my sister and dad) are discussing something I don't remember, while she looked down into the water on her reflection. They stood on the north east side of the cabin. It felt like she were suicidal. I felt that everyone in the family would die.

      Dream skip until night. The whole family sat and watched the reflection of a very similar cabin on the other side. The father explained that the same happens to the cabin as it happens with this. If it burned, this one burned also. I saw that the hut was burning and that this one also did, then the image disappeared. I now have a sort of guided tour of everything in place before I wake up again. Just like as the dream wanted me to remember it. I woke up.

      You may call it a nightmare, but it didn't frighten me even though it was some pretty freaky images there. Like the old man with holes in his eye.

      Updated 02-02-2011 at 02:10 PM by 41756

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable , side notes
    14. experimentation

      by , 02-02-2011 at 12:54 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Technique: WILD
      Dream Control: 7
      Dream Length: short
      Recall: Average
      Vividness: Excellent

      After waking up naturally, and going back to sleep, I immediately felt myself floating up out of bed. I landed on my feet, and headed out the door. The dream was still forming, so it was pretty dark. I didn't worry about stabilizing, I just had a feeling that things were going to break apart soon regardless so I headed outside.

      When I got there, it felt like I was wearing my shades and my hood at the same time. I tried taking off my shades, and another pair appeared on my face. I attempted to remove my hood, and the same thing happen. I tried a few more times, and saw several shades on the ground accumulating, and finally I gave up on it. I continued on out towards the road, and jumped into the ditch.

      It had water in it, and it came up to my knees. I raised one foot off the ground, and stomped and watched the ground swell up and there was a moving hill forming away from me. The water had traveled underground through the cracks that I made, and I decided to work on something else.

      I looked at the sky, and there were several stars out, and almost immediately it changed to where the sky was littered with them. I closed one eye and put fingers around one as if i was grabbing it, and moved it. I did this to another one just to see it happen again, and then I proceed to make a constellation of the entire North America by moving hundreds of stars at once. Instead of moving them by hand, it was more like it was just my will. Eventually I had everything done except for Florida. I had to play around it with several times to get it like I wanted to, but finally it did. The whole thing looked like a night time satellite view of light pollution pasted on the horizon. After that, I woke up.

      At some point during this dream after walking outside, I was in complete blackness, and everything reformed.
    15. Baby or Bacon

      by , 02-02-2011 at 09:00 AM (Trial and Error)
      (A dream from a few years back...The dialogue is not exact, but it is just about right.)

      I walk into the kitchen, holding my pregnant belly, to where my mom is making bacon. (note: I have never been pregnant.) It is the exact kitchen I had at the time of the dream.
      I feel my water break and stop dead in my tracks.
      Me: "Mom, my water just broke."
      Mom: "That's nice dear." I walk closer to her.
      Me: "You don't understand, the baby is coming!" She does not even look up at me.
      Mom: "How much bacon do you want honey?" I begin to feel the baby crowning.
      Me: "Mom! It is coming!!"
      Mom: "Not now sweetie. I am cooking." I am so confused as to why she is not helping. I feel the baby's shoulders begin to descend. As soon as the shoulders are out the entire baby follows. It is contained in a sac which I rip open immediately leaking water on to the kitchen floor. I grab my child and place it carefully on the kitchen counter. I put my hands on my legs to catch my breath and after a few breaths I turn to my mom again.
      Me: "Mom, I just had a child...here in the kitchen..."
      Mom: "That's nice." He turns to me holding the pan toward me. "You want some bacon?"