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    1. Terror, Unstable Dream Ends in Kisses

      by , 07-16-2012 at 10:45 AM (Zoe's weird things)
      First REM Terror

      [I went to bed at 11:30PM yesterday and had this dream at 1:15AM, which makes me believe that it was in my first REM cycle ]
      [Sometimes i wonder why i use this AM/PM stuff in my own DJ... but i guess i'll be nice, after all, it's hard to count to 24 ]

      I was sitting in my room on the ground and watching some kind of musical show, where they've played "Songs of the Years" or something... 2009 and 2010 were listed on the side of the screen.
      As i was watching this, i heard the noise of keys and heard that someone has opened the door and walked into the house. I turned off the TV fast, to make it seem like i'm sleeping already.
      Soon after this i heard that the other TV in the living room was turned on and the same show continued.

      I was wondering who this might this late at night, so i walked out to the living room, carefully.
      I noticed that it was my old love and she also carried a bag with herself. She smiled at me and called me to watcht the show with her, so i stood next to her and we both started watching it. It took some time until i suddenly thought "What..? What is she doing here?!" I turned back to look at her and she was still staring at the TV. I became lucid here.

      I backed away from her and suddenly i felt an unimaginable fear. I turned away from her and wanted to jump out of the window, but at that moment i knew that something was watching me and it wanted to attack me. I couldn't think too much, so i started flying around the room, while everything got darker and darker... it was like dark flames were trying to consume me. I kept flying in a circle and shouting in my mind "NO! I CAN FIGHT IT!" and similar things, but i couldn't really believe it at that time. [I was so scared and confused that i didn't really know what to do at that time].

      The walls soon turned into wood with missing planks, like it was an old wooden building about to collapse. I flew out of the wall and continued the "escape" along the street.
      I constantly felt that terror as something was chasing me and like the whole world was against me. Everything got blurrier and i could barely see anymore as it was nighttime and my eyes were teary for some reason. I rubbed my right eye with one hand, then the left one too the same way, which then made me able to see clearly, but it was still dark outside.

      I flew as fast as i could and i got to some kind of mountain and decided to fly upwards. I still didn't feel safe, i could feel that something was really close to me and that i could hardly escape it. When i almost got up to the top of the mountain, suddenly a ceiling appeared above me. That surprised me a bit and i fell back down. The ground was only some meters away now and as soon as my back hit it, i woke up.

      [Ah well... i can't really put that terror into words, i was just overwhelmed by it. It felt like i wasn't allowed to be lucid at that time ]
      [It really rare when i get lucid this early during the night... when i woke up i first imagined the time to be 5AM at least... but it was just 1:15AM]


      They Can't Kiss Right

      [Had this dream at 9:15AM, a bit later than usually, because i woke up for WBTB later than i should've done so]
      [Lol, it took me a while to find a somewhat good title for this dream, but it seemed impossible, so here you go...]
      [Oh and i took 3 Negro candies yet again, for the menthol]

      I was just trying to hide from an insane teacher, who i insulted earlier in the dream and she knocked me unconscious with a Tesla-Coil. I ran through the city and then found myself in another town soon.
      The teacher was really close, so i decided to fly up into the air... Since i was able to do so, i became lucid.

      The dream felt rather unstable and it was kinda blurry... i remembered that i told Dreamprofessor that i'll try to find him on this Monday, but i can't do it in a dream like this.
      I decided to fly high in the sky and think out something else to do.
      Soon i reached a huge bubble near the clouds... it looked rather strong, not like a normal bubble. As soon as i noticed it, for some reason i had a thought that there's a candyland like place in the bubble. [I have no idea where i got that...].

      I got through the side of the bubble, but it turned out to be much smaller than i expected, also it was EMPTY... ah what a disappointment
      I decided to leave this place if i can't even find a single gummycandy or something...
      I flew back down to that town where i came from. I started floating nearby a long street. I just realized at this time, that the town was supposed to be near a lake, but the water was missing from it. This made me remember that i still wanted to explore underwater, as my last attempt turned out differently than i wanted it to. [I imagined the exploration to be fully underwater and not just a small part that leads to ground again].

      Soon i noticed a pool further down the street. I turned around and imagined it to be bigger, then turned back to check it out. It definitely got bigger, but not big enough...
      I turned around to check for other possible underwater sources. The other side of this street ended in a long street that was close to our house. I looked back and forth... it looked weird how the world merged two different towns together

      I started slowly flying above this street towards the part that lead to my town. I was constantly checking around for some water when suddenly i found a nice looking pool.

      There were some kids playing in this pool and it wasn't even too big, but i decided to try my luck at it... I jumped into the water and woke up immediately.
      [Back with DEILD].

      Ok... that was a bad idea... it seemed like this blurry dream didn't really want me to do anything good.
      I moved on from this place, towards the closest market... i thought that maybe i could find something there...
      I almost passed by the market while i was distracted by how the dream was trying to collapse constantly, i had to focus on stuff around me to stop it from doing so. [It tried to collapse multiple times earlier as well].

      I stopped in the air and thought of going in the market building, but then i noticed two rocker girls standing on the grassy part near the market. Ah well... i thought that if this dream is so pathetic, then at least i'll end it in a fun way

      I descended to the ground near them and to my surprise the dream finally got clear. But since i was already committed...
      I checked them out for a while. One of them had black hair and fully black clothes and had a somewhat mean look on her face. She was standing near the wall. The other girl had blonde hair and looked a little more friendlier, with black and white clothes. They both had heavy eyeliner around their eyes. [Well, i like that style, so i didn't want to just leave them there ]

      I walked up to the black haired one and kissed her. I focused on keeping my eyes open to not make the dream collapse on me.
      She just kissed horribly, she didn't even move her mouth or tongue at all, she was like a plastic doll or something. I backed away from her shortly after and was thinking of an insult of how badly she kissed, but then decided against saying it out loud... after all she is a DC, she knew what i thought.
      Instead, i walked up to the blonde now and kissed her too. It was somewhat better and her lips felt somewhat more life-like, but still not quite right. She didn't do anything either just like her friend, she just let me play around in her mouth without any interaction from her part.
      I still got excited while kissing her and felt that tingling in real life again, but i could withstand it for a while... but not for long enough, it distracted me too much and caused me to wake up.

      [Oh well... those girls kissed like dead weasels, not like i know what's that like, lolol... i'm going crazy here... ]
      [Anyway, i'm really disappointed of this lucid. I wanted to meet Dreamprofessor or at least do something interesting, but when the dream is so blurry and unstable, it's not much fun and takes away from the experience.. ]
    2. I have died in a dream 100% no lie!

      by , 07-16-2012 at 07:20 AM
      Ok so before you judge or show criticism hear me out. So let me set the scene and ill tell you what all happened in my dream. (By the way my writing skills arent the best. Apologies)
      I was with my mom on the roof of a hotel. But the roof was like a gigantic pool party. It was weird because there was no ground just water and little "islands" and circular bars on the water. A few minutes went by of wading/swimming around when we went to one of the "islands" it had a circular bar on it and a large man who resembled a villager off mario sunshine. Yes it sounds weird. So he was telling us something but it was so blurry and "off" that i cant remember it well. So after the short conversation i wandered off and found a door. Yep, a door just on the water. I decided to go in and then out of nowhere i was in a whole different scenery. NOTE:(i was not in a lucid dream i didnt even know what a lucid dream was at the time, i had no control in this dream i just kind of watched it? if that makes sense. ) So me and my mom were now in a car. I never seen this car before in real life but it was a maroon van, anyway... My mom was driving and i was sitting in the passenger seat just chilling. We were driving down this winding dark mountain road with pine trees on both sides of us. It was VERY spooky now that i look back on it but in the dream it seemed perfectly normal. Anyway after a minute of driving we saw these headlights behind us. I tried looking in the rearview mirrors but it was like looking at a piece of black construction paper. The headlights kept getting closer and i saw what was shining the headlights on us. It was a enormous bulldozer like vehicle it was wide and took up the entire road and the weirdest part is is that it has a rotating spiked cylinder on the front of it. I told my mom to speed up but it was like i was talking to nothing. Eventually the bulldozer like thing got closer and closer till it slowly pulled the car in the spiked cylinder. It caught my leg and pulled me in as well. at this point i was moving slowly and i thought of nothing else but the mario sunshine look-a-like guy from the hotel. it pulled me in all the way until it got to my eyes then everything went pure black and it felt as if i was falling and i woke up.

      At this point i jolted up from my bed very fast panting and sweating. i ran to the bathroom and got water because my mouth was insanely dry. it was one of the weirdest experiences in my life. I honestly do believe i died in my dream. however some people think otherwise, what do you think?
    3. The Mansion of Madness

      by , 07-15-2012 at 02:28 PM
      7-15-12 (non-lucid): I was driving through a forest road and went past a few buildings. I noticed they were all closed, but thought nothing strange of it; after all, it was a road that people scarcely traveled on. I continued on driving and the road ended when I reached a mansion. It was a bit strange looking, but I took no notice and got out of the car. I went inside; it was very old, but even though it hadn’t been used for two hundred years it looked to be in pristine condition, even the furniture, it looked like it had come from the 1800’s. There was some dust but not as much as I had expected and I got this sort of creeped out feeling. But it was my new house, and not to mention a mansion, so it was normal to be creeped out. So I talked to a few people and went up to the top floor and found a room where there was a note on a bed and writing and strange drawings on the wall. The writing on the wall said “Get out” and “Madness.” I was a bit freaked out by this and picked up the note. I don’t remember exactly what was written on it, but I remember it saying that the girl who wrote this, her sister died, I’m not sure from what though, maybe sickness. Anyway, and she rambles on after that the house wasn’t the same, and how she started seeing things and how some things got displaced and how in the end everyone but her was killed by some strange woman, she described the woman, and said something about running or there’s no hope of turning back. I set the note down a little upset and paid attention to the drawings. There were monsters and weird shadows drawn. I took the drawings down and threw them in the trash and looked at the second bed near the window. I sat on it for a moment and looked outside. I saw an unused garden and started out into a forest of willows and I thought for a moment and looked at the bed. It seemed a bit odd and I realized this was where the girl’s sister had died. There was still some sort of impression on it. I stood up and saw a shadow run past the threshold. I went out into the hallway and gripped the railing, and something just clicked. The woman who sold me the house; It was the same woman who had killed her family. My parents had come to visit the house with me and I rushed down the stairs and I heard some sort of sound and looked over and saw a soda can and it just disappeared and the world felt like it was spinning and I ran as fast as I could and saw something out of the corner of my eye and heard laughing. I stumbled, got back up and saw a door. I ran towards it, and when I reached for the doorknob it became just another hallway and I laughed with the realization I was becoming mad, just like the girl in the letter. I kept running and stumbling. I reached the kitchen and saw the realtor woman speaking to my parents and pointing out the ovens to them. I ran up to them and told them it was very nice and everything but I had business to attend to. They told me to have fun and left and the woman glared at me and reached for something and I woke up.

      Updated 07-15-2012 at 03:56 PM by 30067

      memorable , non-lucid , nightmare
    4. My Sister is Demonic; Again?, Underwater

      by , 07-15-2012 at 01:10 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      My Sister is Demonic again (Non-lucid)


      I remember in the dream that my sister Ken was some sort of demon. I don't know how, but she would trick people (mostly kids) into doing bad things and becoming like herself.

      I remember that she got me and my mom alone in an old schoolhouse. She was trying to "entice" me to do bad things. Almost like that voice in the back of your head that goes, "It's okay, no one will see you."

      At first she compelled me, and I shared half of her... demonic spirit. But then I think my mom stepped in. She helped me.

      I can't remember what happened, but I do remember that my mom and I were spying on Ken to see where she was going. We walked about 10 yards behind her, hiding behind buildings to avoid being seen. When all of a sudden, a young lady thought to be her friend walked up to her. I also noticed the woman had on a police's uniform. "Uh oh." My mom breathed.

      I can't remember what happened next.

      Underwater (Non-lucid)


      We were at some sort of camp I believe. I was with a couple of people I didn't know. The first day of camp, the councelors took us out to a flooded area. It was about 2 feet over our heads, so we had to tread water most of the time. The councelors let us swim in this, I don't know why though.

      I remember there being a creek in the middle of the flooded area. That part was the deepest, and it was kind of creepy looking if you looked down in there. Whenever you swam over the creek to get to the other side of the water, you often brought a 3 foot long, pirahna looking thing with you. (They didn't bite, though) He would often stay around the water where you were until the councelor threw him back into the creek, only to come out again.

      I swam over the creek. Luckily, no fish came with me. There was a bank on the side I was on (the left side, according to where our councelors were, who were on the right side of the creek)

      I climbed up the steep bank, grabbing for roots or anything that would hold me up so that I wouldn't fall back into the water. The rest of the part was very steep, but if you got to the very top of the bank, you could slide down a waterfall.

      I decided against this, knowing my councelor would probably reprimand me for doing so. I climbed back down and eased myself into the water. I swam back over the creek and brought one of those pirahna fish with me. I went underwater to look at it. It had long teeth sticking out from its mouth, and yes, it was 3 feet long. I saw my councelor bend down and pick it up, throwing it back to the creek.

      Staying underwater, I looked toward some kind of skinny rock that stood above water, but was also below. A girl was sitting there, on the floor, back against the rock, minding her own business.
      I felt sorry for her.

      Then the dream ended.

      Updated 07-15-2012 at 01:23 PM by 32984

      non-lucid , nightmare
    5. One WILD Night

      by , 07-14-2012 at 11:45 PM
      I went in and out all night tonight because of the crazy heat. However! I reached my deadline... I got a taste of Lucidity again. It didn't hit me like a brick in the head like the very first one I had, but it still had the "click" to it. However the dreams all leading up to that point weren't all happy. In fact the first one was very much like the one before where my Dad goes nuts. Which I still don't think he is capable of. But I don't care about that right now because I said I would, and I got my lucidity started again in the 3 weeks limit! If I remember how it went before; I kind of tripped the first time, then a couple nights later I got it completely but got so exited that I woke up. Now lets just hope I can prevent that this time. I'll update this later. but I just wanted to give the current news.

      I didn't write that one down fully because I was on the wrong page. And I had a hard time keeping awake. But despite the weirdness, I do remember either thinking that I went back in and out of the dream to get answers or I did go in and out. I remember dad coming in and getting a little ticked, but nothing that seemed to hint that it would get bad. Then the rest is gray after that. The most vivid part of it all now was when I was in the car parked in the garage with mom. and we were both talking in what seemed to be in the middle of the night. This was after I saw the ambulances and fire trucks and wondering what the ambulance was here for? It was late at night too. In the car mom told me what happened and when it got to a certain point I fazed out, then I told myself "I need to ask what happened to my brother." then I fazed back in. She told me, but it was hinted. Either way I understood what it meant but it wasn't sinking into my brain all the way. Then I fazed in and out a couple more times and that was it. Basically, Dad did something and it was fatal to my brother. I hope this isn't another fun campaign my brain wants to go on. I'm getting tired of those. When I woke up before the 2nd part of the dream where I fazed in and out, I realized 2 things; 1: I was sleeping on my stomach, and two, I needed to write this down. I failed and knocked out lol.

      The next dream had fireworks in it that were going off in the dead of night. And there was a red-ish hue to everything that could be seen outside that dark night as I sat on the pool's step ladder that was placed up against the wall in our back yard. The wall over looks a backlot. I was there looking at the fireworks that were being set off through out the city with my dad and some other guy in a black shirt. The fire works in the distance were just going bonkers, no choreography, or anything just madness. Then a bunch of guys in 2 groups came up in our back lot behind our house as we were looking and they were on both sides of the field and started to run at each other. Then they set off their own fire works and fired them at each other. the flying rockets that looked like little flaming balls of colors and sparks lit up and flew across the field and some even bounced and sparks trailed behind them. They were like those spells in Harry Potter. And both me and my dad both agreed while saying "oh this is smart" sarcastically. As the war of Jubilee just got started in front of us. But a few moments or seconds later the fighting rapidly became worse as more explosions went off and fireworks went flying everywhere. Then as the fighting raged on, suddenly, a field of some sort materialized in the center. It was reddish, orange, and it had Japanese brush-strokes on it. It look ed like it was from Okami. As it grew and began to engulf the field as it spun like a swirling globe I yelled for everyone on my "sane" side of the fence to get inside. And we did just that. We entered our dark house and as I went in and looked through the windows with my back facing (but not touching) the opposite facing wall, I saw that the field was literally up against the wall that we were at just about a few moments before. The field was bright, and it looked like a red sun. It continued to engulf our fence, then it continued on our sheds, then it roared or made some kind of loud continuous sound as it advanced to our house and started to rip it apart (thankfully I couldn't see it). I started to run with everyone else to get the hell out of there, we were driven out into our front yard as it grew behind our house and destroyed it. Everything that it was doing behind our house couldn't be seen, but I knew in a few more moments the entire face of our house would disappear in it too. I woke up again, then I tried to continue to write after I took off my shirt but I K.O.ed again XD.

      This next one is the one I obtained some lucidity. But thinking about it now; I think gore maybe a dream sign for me as well. I think this because it has happened more than once now. Rather it is as settle as ambiance in the night, or it's in my face, there is violence in some of the dreams that I have, if not gore. And while it may not be as bad as others here in dream views. The gore is bad enough for me.
      There was a little city in my room that was in the middle of a desert. In this city there was a bunch of stuff happening, but I only remember so much of it. There was a cat that was building part of a school in this city. He was a cartoon character, but I don't know who. He was using this weird material that worked like some kind of jello goo. And the cat wanted to use that goo to scare some kids. He was going to stick his fingers and face through it so it would show his profile on the other side. Much like the ghosts moved through the walls in the movie "The Haunting". But 3 strangers came up, one of them being a female, and the cat wound up getting killed and hung in that hallway. And for some reason he had no fingers, just stubs. Before or after the killing the female asked "You know what happens when _____?" (I don't remember).

      After that the dream switched somewhere else in the small dusty city. Afro Samurai was outside with bandages wrapped around his waist and on his lower abdomen. He looked worn out and tired. And he explained "I don't want any more blood."

      Then the dream switched again to another guy who was leaving the city. But as he was using his car to get out, others were chasing him through the desert. But he lost them behind a very large rock formation. His car was trying to catch up with a jet and he managed to get into the jet by driving into it so hard that it hit the back of the cockpit wall with a large thud after it flew in through the back hatch. They then followed through with their plan to nuke the place.

      This is where the dream starts to turn in my favor;
      The dream switches from arial view of the place being nuked to my view as I walked around the miniature city, and out of my room to get away from the nuke's little shock wave so I didn't get radiation from it. After closing the door I looked through the crack at the bottom of my door and waited for the dust to block out the sunlight that was shining through. The dust did just as I thought it would. But after that, 2 sets of black dress shoes, formal creased pants that were also black, and black socks appeared behind the door. I got up and walked away from the door. I knew what they were, they were agents from the matrix. Then it clicked, or I think it did. I suddenly couldn't tell if I had woken up and went back in or if I was just making things up because I might have been awake. But either way, I must have something for randomly shooting Kamehameha waves because that was the first thing I did before I jumped into my room and started fighting them. However, the wave did nothing but fire off and disappear silently like a ghost. Everything that we were doing was hard to make out as we were fighting. And it felt so fluent that it was like watching a movie. Was that me or my dream self? I then remember wanting to switch the fight into another style as I was doing a flip from the wall to the ceiling. I then realized that doing so may be dangerous because I felt something. I feared that I may lose control so I switched the fight back and continued. After that I don't know. I think I woke up.

      In a nutshell, the entire night, all the way until I had the morning sun shining through my window was nothing but-

      First Dream:
      Brain: GET UP!!
      Me:.... Crap!! Gotta write that!
      Brain: no!
      Me: But-
      Brain: No!
      Me: But-
      Brain: NO!! GO TO SLEEP!!! BAM!!
      Firework Dream:
      Brain again:GET UP!!
      Me: ... Must...wirte...dream...
      Brain: FUCK THAT GO TO SLEEP!! *Head butts*
      Actual Sleep:
      Brain: GET UP!!
      Me: Alright! The sun is out! I got it this time! *grabs pen*
      Brain: *PFFT* Yeah right! GO TO SLEEP FUCKA!!. *Hits me with a chair*
      Third Dream:
      Me: HEY! Partial lucidity!
      Brain:..... I let you have it....NOW GET UP!!

      Updated 07-17-2012 at 05:55 AM by 25601

      lucid , nightmare , false awakening , dream fragment
    6. Zombie Defense. July 14th 2012.

      by , 07-14-2012 at 08:42 PM (Dream Journal)

      An awesome dream, but a little bit scary at times. Also a little bit hard to recall every detail.

      I was walking down a path at night, when I noticed a group of zombies over in the distance. I then ran into the nearest building which happened to be a zombie defense base. What are the chances? I went inside and there were a few people. An old man, a woman and another man. I can't decribe what they looked like. The base was really cool, it was neon blue outside and light grey inside with lots of glowing shelves. As I entered, they locked the door and the windows were open. I walked over to the right and saw a cube shaped shelf/table with a few weapons on it. I picked the large machine gun with a scope. I never used the weapon, instead I ran outside a couple of times and got eaten. I 'respawned' back at the base a few times. I then felt like I needed to close the windows, so I did. I got attacked by a zombie in the process but managed to kill it as it hit me. After this, there were thousands of zombies surrounding us, so we decided to open the secret door and get better weapons. In the middle of the back wall was a garage-like door. It opened up and inside was a similar room, but with red neon walls. To the right, at the back corner was another shelf, but bigger and had another small shelf attached to it. I went over and picked up a hand gun called "The Dragon Gun". I tested it out by wasting a whole magazine on the floor. I then only loaded it with about 3 bullets, then switched back to my first weapon. I walked outside to fight some zombies, then sprayed my machine gun, killing some zombies to make room. After making some room, I switched to the dragon gun because the magazine on my other gun had been used. I realised I only had 3 bullets left and a group of zombies sprinted towards me. I shot the three bullets then started to panic while getting torn apart. I managed to get away, but half beaten to death by the zombies. I then reached a broken truck, in the desert.

      A really cool dream . Thanks for reading!
      Tags: game
      non-lucid , nightmare
    7. An evolved zombie :o

      by , 07-14-2012 at 06:51 PM (The Twisted Mind of a Madman)
      Most of my dreams start the exact same way. I submerge out of a tank of water. Once my head comes up from the water, it begins. I was in an abandoned apartment complex, and I knew I was dreaming. I had no real control of anything. I heard someone yell "zombies!", so I decided to just go hide in a room and try to wake myself up. As I went into a door, I locked it. Once that happened, I felt a minute of calmness. I then heard some quick feet coming from the hallway..

      I held the door because I was scared it was coming towards me. Clearly it was. Then I hear some scratching, and a piece of paper gets slipped under the door. I read it, and it says "Hello" written in blood. I look through the peephole, and I see a zombie. It looks at me, and knocks the door down. As I get squished by the door, I woke up. That was followed by some sweet sleep paralysis which took me about 5min to wake myself up.

      *I never understood how people though of so many ways to reinvent zombie movies and shows.. but clearly it's in the dreaming process. Last time I checked, zombies couldn't spell. It was a neat nightmare nonetheless.
      nightmare , lucid
    8. Woman abusement camp

      by , 07-13-2012 at 09:37 PM
      I was in some kind of building, in a dark corridor. I was aware that it was a place that my classmates used for resting. I was afraid that they would prank me by jumping out at a corner, so I turned the lights on, and asked if they are all right.


      I was watching a sonic game that looked like minecraft, and it looked beautiful.

      The minecraft kind of world slowly turned into a satellite like view of earth, and it looked absolutely amazing. The sattelite view started zooming in, and I was told that it's a part of America. It was some kind of island.

      While it was zooming in, I was given a historic presentation about old America. I was told how they were using women only for reproducing, and how they were abusing them to no ends.


      Then as it finally zoomed in completely, I was in some kind of camp where they were keeping these women, and I was one of the women they were keeping. I had to go to places, and I was given a knife by an african dude to cut pieces of my meat out from my hand. I saw a bunch of women sitting in a circle, all cutting out their meat. I was trying to avoid doing so by walking around randomly, but one of the men stopped me. He pointed to a location with his knife, and I had to go there.

      I was given a pill as a reward for being obedient or something. It was called the "masturbation pill", or "sexual fullfillment pill".
      As I took that pill, my body got sliced up into big colorful cell like things, and those cells started to float around in a circular motion. They started moving towards some kind of shack, as they were instructed to go there by the men. They drilled themselves into the shack like some kind of sperms.


      I was having sleep paralysis, but it was a dream. (as lately, all of my sleep paralysis scenarios were actually dreams)
      I was trying to find my real body. I shouted out with a weird sound. As long as I gave out that weird sound, I knew that I wasn't in real life, as I wouldn't give out weird noises like that in real life. I managed to wake up, and I had some kind of hallucination about the light switch being way far away in some kind of black space. But then that illusion dissolved, and I found the light switch, and turned it on.

      Updated 07-15-2012 at 08:37 PM by 25964

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    9. My bullboxer pit. <3

      by , 07-13-2012 at 06:05 PM (All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream.)
      So i read up on if you are sleeping wit someone or something it will make youu feel safe nd stop these nightmares. Well i fell asleep wit my pitbull boxer mix. (bullboxer pit) and i woke up cuz she moved nd slept on the floor. i didnt have a dream. well then i went back to sleep without her and i had a horrible nightmare!!
      I was at these peoples house and everyone was riding quads and stuff. The kids tht lived there were like 18 and 14. i had a bad feeling about these kids but everyone thought they were great. well they trapped me in the house while everyone else was outside and raped me.while i was tryna find a way out i stumbled across these dead bodies and they had their heads cut off. It was sck! They were cracking jokes about it. and were laughing screaming ima murder youu slut. well i saw this guy riding a quad and with everything i had i busted out the window and grabbed the quad and trying to escape. They followed me and im screaming leave me alone. leave me alone!! and i woke up crying. My bullboxer pit came to me licking my face.
    10. My bullboxer pit. <3

      by , 07-13-2012 at 06:05 PM (All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream.)
      So i read up on if you are sleeping wit someone or something it will make youu feel safe nd stop these nightmares. Well i fell asleep wit my pitbull boxer mix. (bullboxer pit) and i woke up cuz she moved nd slept on the floor. i didnt have a dream. well then i went back to sleep without her and i had a horrible nightmare!!
      I was at these peoples house and everyone was riding quads and stuff. The kids tht lived there were like 18 and 14. i had a bad feeling about these kids but everyone thought they were great. well they trapped me in the house while everyone else was outside and raped me.while i was tryna find a way out i stumbled across these dead bodies and they had their heads cut off. It was sck! They were cracking jokes about it. and were laughing screaming ima murder youu slut. well i saw this guy riding a quad and with everything i had i busted out the window and grabbed the quad and trying to escape. They followed me and im screaming leave me alone. leave me alone!! and i woke up crying. My bullboxer pit came to me licking my face.
    11. Dark Illusions.

      by , 07-12-2012 at 06:55 PM (All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream.)
      I had two nightmares last night..
      The first one...
      I was in my house but it didnt feel like my house. There was something erie about it. I got out of my bed and walked out. I looke out the window and it was dark and foggy. I had this bad feeling about my house. i couldnt figure out why. I felt strange. I stood in one spot for a while. well i walked into my mothers room. She was sleeping. Well i walked up to her. And all of a sudden her eyes shot open and she attacked me. Im tryna push her off of me. Screaming why mom why. Her eyes were blackk full of hate. I finally pushed her off of me and ran to the kitchen. I grabbed a knife and when she ran at me i stabbed her in the stomache. i got on top of her and started stabbing her in the face and neck til she stopped moving. i cried and cried. With blood all over me i went into my bedroom and layed on my bed and fell alseep... Thts when the second dream started.
      The second one.
      I appeared at this house and there was a party going on. It seemed normal.. until the music started to replay a song over and over again.. it didnt feel right. then this guys like lets play a game and im like okayy. he holds a gun up to my face nd on the gun there was buttons and i had to guess which one of the buttons would light up. I got the first one wrong and i had to drinkk a glass of some typa alcohol. i drank so muchh tht i fell and started having a seizer. nd everyone started laughing and was like now we gotta finish her and they shot me in the head. i woke up in sweats breathing so heavy.
      I hate these dreams...
    12. Hunger Game in a Sin City

      by , 07-11-2012 at 02:13 PM (Sleep as a Hobby)

      I’m having nightmares nowadays. It’s not encountering some vicious animals or dark things, but I often get very sick which is unpleasant.
      First of all, I have never watched a movie or read a book about a hunger game; only seen a trailer from Youtube. It’s amazing how it got into my dream like that.

      I opened my eyes… to see a white ceiling, and a desperate looking man, who calls himself ‘dad.’ He really seems to care dearly for his daughter, who supposedly is me. I am confused… it just… I don’t think I am a daughter who he thinks I am.
      ‘Dad’ went out for a cup of coffee.
      I tried talking to him; say I don’t know who he was, but my voice wheezed out as if I’m having a very bad flu.
      I got dumbfounded for a moment till I felt a sudden excruciating pain from my right hand… it…
      It was not there. It was……………Amputated…
      What used to be my right hand becomes a dark purplish flesh… rotting.


      There was a white card with a red cross on the top left corner. There were four blue lights, flickering.
      ● Level 5
      ○ 30:02 left
      ● your presence is detected by a hunter 10m
      ● your prey is detected 150m
      There was a digital google-map, showing other players; preys and hunters, around me.

      Kill or be killed.
      Only hunters and the prey carry a white card, we are the only ones knowing in this sin city… the rest of the earth is oblivious.
      I have to kill the prey while avoiding a hunter; trying to kill me, within this time or I will be degraded to a lower level, gaining more bloodthirsty hunters with higher level. If I kill the prey within a time, I will get more time for the next prey and get useful harnesses; weapons, wider range of google-map and so on.
      The top of the food chain is level 20. At that point he/she will be like a lazy sublime jaguar hunting and resting as much as it likes.
      No one knows who is a hunter or a prey in a mass crowd except for a dot showing on the map and viewers. Viewers are on the other planet with sneering smirks, watching and eating popcorns, of this real-life city of jungle; overflowing blood and massacres. It is horrifying and the most disgusting game in my life. I wonder what kind of insane psychopathic alien freak would create ‘this’ kind of game in a first place.

      I’m now in a restaurant with ‘Dad,’ he is feeding me a meatball. So far he has no signs of being my predator, but genuinely cares for me. I feel a little sorry for him. After all he is an innocent civilian who happens to be stuck in a disaster, and he doesn’t know his ‘daughter’ is not someone he knows. He is unknowingly taking an extreme danger for giving me some kind of a glass like protection.
      As I blew a balloon out of my chewing gum, a mysterious looking woman with sunglasses and a black suit, walks toward me and sits across my table… She is introduced that she is a very close friend of ‘dad.’ She might be a watcher sent by a freak. Need to evacuate immediately.

      ‘Nice meeting you ‘dad.’’

      I excused myself for a washroom break; her sunglasses reflected a white light from a ceiling. As I casually pass behind her, I flicked a gum on back of her hair.

      ‘Better shave your hair Miss.’
      I heard a sharp shriek behind a closing door and smirked.


      I stumbled from shaky legs. I feel very dizzy with a high fever; to the point I see a world in a whirl circle, but can barely feel pain from it. A painkiller or whatever drugs ‘dad’ used is strongly effective indeed. It is strange… to sense that I ‘have’ a right hand… as if it’s only made out of soul, but not flesh.

      I need to hide somewhere… quick. I did not kill or attempt to look for my prey, so I am now dropped to level 0; whoever kills me will increase their level two times plus a special prize.
      I decided to hide in a midst of school parade practice. Everyone is on the field. All lined up horizontally and vertically following moves from a person in front like an army. I rest along the side, under a tree shade, where I met my childhood friend Purple.
      It is time…

      Avoiding looking directly at her face, I normally asked “here for the hunt?”
      She did not answer; I can almost feel her eyes burning across my face. Nevertheless I continued,

      “It’s scary… one moment you are just a student like they are, and next… everyone, aliens, hunters and governments alike are looking for you like I’m some kind of a living chocolate.”

      She shuts her mouth tightly, so I gather up my courage and cautiously hand her my right hand, feasting with fleas. She did not take it… my middle fingertip broke into black ashes.

      Purple stared at me, “God is everywhere.”

      I sigh… I’m talking to a wall,
      “I do not believe in alien freaks,”
      I heard everyone holding their breath with surprise.

      Awkward silent filled the air.

      Everyone… students, teachers, walking civilians, birds, ants… hundreds, thousands of them… everyone… gave me a cold look at the same time. I flinched back a little… they look… possessed. They all have a purple smudge on their lips as if they carelessly had a poisonous cake.

      A student with a Santa suit, hurled towards me with a drunken deer; it too had a purple smudge.
      I snorted with disgust. I did not come to my deathbed, unprepared.

      “Early present for Christmas.”

      I closed my eyes and threw my right hand high above the air.



      Updated 07-11-2012 at 02:30 PM by 54881

      memorable , dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    13. Hide and Seek

      by , 07-11-2012 at 05:33 AM

      Updated 04-21-2014 at 01:29 AM by 51490

      nightmare , memorable
    14. mouse

      by , 07-11-2012 at 04:47 AM
      (lol hand in garbage disposal)

      Updated 04-21-2014 at 01:29 AM by 51490

      nightmare , memorable
    15. All Alone

      by , 07-11-2012 at 03:31 AM (Sleep as a Hobby)

      I don’t recall a time I was NOT alone
      It’s just me, by myself.
      All alone in this big, dark chamber,
      Is anyone there?

      Only an echo responds like a mirror.
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