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    task of the month

    task of the month dreams

    1. The Guadalupe Airport

      by , 06-08-2014 at 02:19 PM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #212: The Guadalupe Airport

      I’m in a cafe talking to an art student in his early 20s as he walks out the door. I’m complimenting him on some piece of digital art that I saw in his online portfolio when I realize that I can’t remember his name. I ask and he says, “It’s Bradley,” as we shake hands. I think that this is a student in my 3-year-old son’s class, somehow all grown up.

      Bradley leaves and I just stand there, confused about how this much time has passed. After a brief mental struggle, I realize that these facts just don’t fit together and
      I become lucid.

      I spend a few moments looking around at the DCs in the cafe but they all seem fairly generic. I don’t have goals in mind and I’m anxious that I’ll waste the experience, so I head through the first door that I see, winding up in a bathroom. Somebody flushes from one of the stalls. I am not spending a lucid dream listening to people flush toilets, I think, and head back out through the bathroom, back through the cafe, and out into a mall.

      I’m feeling less passive now and I try hard to remember what my goals were. Somehow I dredge up that a Task of the Month is to keep repeating whatever a DC says to you. I approach a balding, blonde-haired guy with glasses in his early 40s. He’s wearing a t-shirt that says something about the Windows registry and he’s looking at me like he wants to tell me something.

      “Talk to me!” I say.

      He happily launches into an explanation of something about computers, but he’s speaking too rapidly for me to follow. I eventually start catching him mid-sentence. “If you have a memory block that…” and I babble back “If you have a memory block that!”

      He scowls at the interruption. “You know what? I don’t think you’re actually into this!” And with that, he turns and walks away, looking offended.

      I continue on, drifting through the crowd. I spot one guy that’s unusually tall and for some reason get the nasty impulse to mess with him. I kick him in the right shin and he falls forward, stopping just short of hitting the ground. Then he rises back up, looking angry and annoyed. “Sorry, that was stupid,” I say, scurrying away from him. He floats after me for a moment but I make an effort to think about other things as I evade him, flying down an escalator to the first floor.

      I move through a relatively empty hallway, worrying for a moment about whether I’ll be able to remember what’s happened in the dream and take a moment to reflect on how cool this is.

      Now I’m back in the main thoroughfare with the crowd. I spot two attractive women nearby, both Indian, one in her mid-twenties, the other in her mid-forties. I fly past them and they say something about going to Las Vegas. I want to impress them for some reason so I boast that I’m having a lucid dream and could travel to Las Vegas instantly. They laugh nervously and sort of edge away.

      I say something like, “Here, I’ll show you!” and start flying away, slightly out of control. There’s an open chunk in the ceiling and I pass through it, turning and flailing a bit. Somehow I find myself flying along an airport runway at night. I hear “¡Happy Birthday Guadalupe!” by The Killers playing over what sounds like a clock radio and I worry that a morning alarm is going off. I fly up to a tall column of carved stone in the middle of the runway and reach out to touch it
      as the dream ends.
    2. Meteorites Strike Ocean

      by , 06-07-2014 at 11:18 PM (A Dreamer's Dreams)
      Journal Entry Lucid #49 Dream,Lucid, (Comments)
      Background:I do not normally attempt Task of the Month because I don't like the thought of failure. This was on a monday morning. Mondays are normally not a LD dreaming day for me.
      ToTM: June 2014 Advanced II
      Lucid Dream #49, day: 06/02/14, time: 6:09-7:59am" Meteorite Strike Ocean":
      I was having a very vivid dream about being shot. I don't actually remember being shot but I do remember trying to take out the bullet. I was looking at my arm trying to take it out. My family was bothering me. I thought I just want to experience feeling a bullet in a dream and I can't.

      That's when it clicked. I started heading out. My body was hard to control at first. I thought about doing the task of the month but I didn't want to drop a meteorite unto a city so I wanted to do next to some body of water. I opened the back door to the house and it served as a portal to an island. It was a tropical island, had trees and stuff. I didn't think too much about the summoning of the meteorite, I just believed that it will show up. I lifted my hands and strike it down. I see 20+ meteorite come towards the ocean splitting the clouds open with fire. I see ships ahead. I hear someone behind me say hurry you are going to miss it. I started to fly. At one point I nearly went into the water and I became terrified since I can't swim very well in waking life. I shook off the fear and concentrated on the meteorites. As they were about to hit the ocean's floor I hear this high pitch frequency and it was painful to hear. When they hit the ocean it wasn't anything dramatical. It had waves but it wasn't as big as I thought it would be. One of the meteorite levitated out of the water. I see Iron man show up and take it. He took it back to the shore. I wanted to see what was inside. He opened it up and I saw a robot. It was black with blue neon glowing lights on it. I started flying and shortly after I woke up. I don't know if I was suppose to go underwater to investigate the ocean but at the time I did what I thought was right. I was pretty happy with the outcome.

      Updated 06-11-2014 at 01:35 AM by 65865

      Tags: totm
      lucid , task of the month
    3. Attacked; TotM

      by , 06-07-2014 at 10:12 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      The Family Feast

      I was at a dinner table with my family. I must have been little, because I was sitting on a dictionary as a booster seat. I looked around and my grandpa was there. He passed away about 5 months ago, so I knew that I was dreaming. I did a reality check to confirm. I decided not to stay here, so I walked out the door and flew away. I decided to go and find James, using my house method as before. Well, suddenly I was interrupted.

      "Zuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuukin!!!" A girl screamed out from below.

      "Huhh??" I thought. That was unexpected. I flew down from the sky to investigate.

      Suddenly, I was being attacked by a woman with a HUGE knife. The surprise caused the dream to destabilize and
      I woke up, dammit.

      Task of the Month

      I was at home, when I noticed an alarm going off in the dining room. I looked at the time - 5:50pm already? No...it couldn't be. I did a reality check - dreaming. After being attacked, I wasn't in the mood to find James anymore, so I decided to do the Task of the Month. I couldn't remember exactly what it was, but I did remember reading someone's entry about repeating what their DC said, so I decided to try that one.

      I walked to the living room, and found my target: my friend's girlfriend.

      Me: "Hey"

      Her: "Hey"

      Me: "Hey"

      Her: "...Sup?"

      Me: "Sup"

      Her: "...HEY SUP WHATEVER"


      Her: "SKLJSLKSD" *speaking in tongues*

      Me: "SKLJSLKSD" *speaking in tongues*

      She caught on to what I was doing and twisted it, the little bitch.

      Her: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh YYEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS," she moaned.

      God dammit

      Me: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh YYEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!"

      Her: "Oh my god! You're SO INAPPROPRIATE, Zukin!!" She yelled and stormed off.
    4. Well, That Didn't Last Very Long (Task of the Month)

      by , 06-03-2014 at 07:03 PM
      I park a little red sports car by the side of the road and walk back towards a Target a short distance away. I pick up a few items like a pink teddy bear and a comb, then proceed to the check out. I feel like the lines are too long, so I head to the other side of the store, where there are more registers with no one waiting. Then I realize I'm carrying the straw from a small juice box, but not the juice box itself. It doesn't make sense, so I head back through the store to find the missing juice box. Somehow, I find myself outside in the parking lot, having bought nothing. You have to pay to park in the store's parking lot, but I see signs advertising their Black Friday special with $10 all day parking. Somehow, it seems like a great bargain to me. I go back to the little red sports car to move it to the lot.

      I ended up doing a long WBTB, as I had to wait for someone to come over and pick something up. Once I went back to bed, I found that it took me a long time to fall asleep again, until eventually I realized that the dream had started while I was focused on dozing off.

      I'm sitting on the couch, and I can hear footsteps on the stairs. But I remember that I had just gone to bed, so I know this is a dream. I get up and walk to the front door, then pass right through the screen door since yeah, I don't need to open doors in a dream. Outside, the sky is a deep shade of blue -- nothing out of the ordinary, but I'm just blown away at how realistic this all is. I start to run down the street, feeling the stretch in my legs.

      Down the street, I see a guy shooting baskets. I stop to watch him, and when he notices me, he acknowledges me and says "Hey."

      "Hey," I say back, imitating him. I continue to watch him, with seems to make him a little self-conscious.

      After a while, he asks, "Is there something you want?"

      I have a crazy idea at this point and start unbuttoning my top as I repeat, "Is there something you want?"

      His eyes almost pop out of his head as he says, "Oh."

      I rub my breasts as I repeat his "Oh," except I turn it into a moan.

      He races over, grabs me and we tumble into the grass as we make-out. It's pretty good, but I get distracted by something else happening.
      There's a police car that pulls over a guy right in front of my neighbor's house, and I'm trying to see what is going on.
      lucid , task of the month
    5. 6/2 TOTM Basics I&II ~KILD

      by , 06-02-2014 at 05:45 PM
      6/2/14* TOTM basic I&II; good waking memory. We are stranded in a small town at night but there are lots of people around like a party or event. My wife's friend "J" is on the way to pick us up. I have a nickname for her: "JTB" and I remembered it and addressed her with the nickname as she arrived quite quickly in a truck with advertising decals on it. She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and I gave her a kiss on the cheek and it immediately made me think of the task of the month and fully realize that this is a dream. I looked over to her left and there was a young guy maybe 16-18 baby faced blonde hair and I went over to him and kissed him on the cheek. And then I turn around and look for someone else to do the next task and I found a big tall imposing guy, he would make a good target for the repeat task. I ask him to say something. He simply says "take" so I repeat back to him take about 20 times and towards the end I said "and take" which felt like I messed up being able to take it longer because I added an "and" in there (he just stood there looking at me and nodding his head). I stop there and was considering the next task when I found myself fading back to bed. I didn't incubate the tasks I just thought about them more like a list but I think I will incubate/day rehearse the advanced ones, the bonus and the June special. 157

      Updated 06-02-2014 at 05:56 PM by 61674

      lucid , task of the month
    6. Farmer's Market & Candy World

      by , 06-02-2014 at 04:55 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Farmer's Market & Candy World (DEILD)


      I believe I had a very nice long non-lucid dream prior to this one, but this dream was very long and I entirely forgot the previous dream, so this will start from a FA.

      I felt my body in bed and I needed to get out of bed to write down my dream, since it was a nice one. But I felt I was waking up once again and I felt with more intensity my body, even though my eyes were closed. I could feel my hands weird, like heavier and I tried to reach them. I started to suspect that I was lucid and I focused myself on anchoring to the dream. I touched my hand and I had more fingers on it, and I thought it would be nice if I was lucid, since it was already morning (prior to this dream, I woke up and I had 45 minutes left of sleep time or so, and I felt I was not going to be able to make it for this night, something I almost promised to do.) and then I tried hard to look at my hand and I could count 7 fingers, where the 2nd one was half the size of the others. The dream went very clear and high quality, so I got off from bed and went to my living room as usual. There were a ton of boxes on the ground, blocking the door to exist my apartment. I still opened the door with little to no effort and took off in flight to be able to keep the dream more stable.

      It was clear day and very sunny as well as warm, there were no clouds on the sky and I had no problems in flying. After flying for a short while, my dream quality was great and I saw like a farmers market going so I landed to get started with the tasks of this month.

      I landed in an area that looked pretty much like the place that holds psychic fairs that I am a reader at, but instead of just psychics, there were people selling farmers market stuff as well as a lot of people standing trying to ask you to donate for whatever random charity. So I walked by a 40 years old lady who asked me:

      - So do you want to donate?

      I knew I had to repeat, so I replied

      - So, do you want to donate?

      The lady was looking at me, she did no appear bothered and she replied to me:

      - Yes, I am donate
      (yes, with that poor English.)

      So I replied the same, "Yes, I am donate." The lady looked at me, smiled at me and then walked away and started to talk in Spanish. Okay, whatever, the task is done.

      My goal was to try to make all the ToTM, so I knew I might as well kiss another guy. I was not looking forward at all for that, but hey, it is a dream, so who cares.

      There were some 16-18 years old playing soccer. I found it kind of gross kissing another guy, but I approached one of them and asked them to wait for a second, that I had something from him. As I approached him I gave him a tiny pick kiss on his lips and then moved away. The taste of his lips was a mix of sweat and male testosterone
      (I have no idea how testosterone tastes, but it was not the same feeling as kissing a woman, it was gross, so...) and he also walked away clearing his lips saying, "Gross... dude!!!!" And they resumed playing soccer. There was a 16 years old lady, not very pretty to be honest that was looking at me and said, "Well, I would love to kiss." And I looked at her like saying, "Huh?" And she continued speaking, "Yeah... I would love to kiss that guy, he is so handsome..." And she started to sigh. I was thinking like, "Whatever, this is a waste of dream quality time."

      I knew both tasks were done, so it was time for the advanced ones. I thought that one of the advanced ones was a bit yucky that had to do with flowers, and I was not motivated at all
      (I was blending it with the bonus one about the aquarium, the only one I did not feel a strong connection to do.) So I recalled the other advance task is to create a Candy World.

      I started to focus on that as soon as I turned, Candy World would appear and I would get there. I turned around and I saw Candy World. It was like a theme park, but it was all made out of Candy. As I approached this world, I could see how the buildings around me vanished, and how the world turned from a steel and concrete to a colorful sugared world. Also, the sun started to set, and I thought that the day went by so fast in the dream, but did not focus much on it.

      As I was walking by in Candy World, I noted several roller-coasters ( made out of candy as well) and a lot of stores that they were selling (yes, you are right) candy.

      First, I took a piece of candy from the ground (the ground was actually made of candy) and it tasted pretty much like a regular strawberry candy, nothing funny here.) I wanted to eat some more to make sure I did a quality Task, so I went to one of the stores and since I had no idea if I had money or if I could spawn it, I just grabbed a bag that held chocolate covered raisins (but white chocolate, not regular) and I ate some. They tasted similar to the real thing, but sweater and I could not find the raising.) Then, I grabbed a bag full of those green watermelons that are chewing gums. I ate one and it pretty much disintegrated and melted in my mouth, leaving no trace of chewing gum, but more like if it was some soft candy
      (in waking life, those watermelons are very hard, and once you munch them, they are chewing gum.)

      Then, the store clerck came to me very rudely and said, "Hey! What do you think you are doing? You need to pay for that." He had a lot of anger and he was very rude. I asked him how much was it and he replied $1.79. I reached my pocked and took out my wallet. I hoped to find money just to pay him with the biggest bill I could find. I had a lot of bills in my wallet, like a ton. Most of them were $20 and $5, but I was able to pull a $100. Nice! i gave it to him with a smile and she started to use foul language trying to reach for change.

      I left this store ( I believe I never collected my change, and I started to walk the streets of this Candy world. I could not recall one of the bonus tasks, and the other one, about the pregnancy, I did not feel like having sex with some random DC and then making them impossible for her to show sings of pregnancy, so I decided that since my goal was done, I would look for ~ Dreamer ~ So I walked down a street that was no longer Candy land and hopped to find her. I planned to visit the Magical Forest if I was not able, but I saw ~ Dreamer ~ coming and saying, "Hi Percy!!" She was smiling and gave me a hug. She tool me it was cool I summoned her and asked me if I did my ToTMs. I told her I just did and that we could go back to Candy land and ride some roller-coasters. ~ Dreamer ~ appeared to be excited and we turned around and candy land still was there. Even though right now it looked more like a regular theme park, but whatever, the tasks are done.

      I know we were chatting about Dreamviews and well, a few things that I cannot share here, lol. Until we reached a roller-coaster. There was no line or anything, even the theme park has almost like completely silent, but it was open as an employee sat both of us down in a weird looking wagon and we rode the roller-coaster.

      When the ride ended, I started to look again from ~ Dreamer ~ but I could not find her and my dream quality was fading. I wondered if we truly shared our dream, I knew she was awake, but since there is no linear time in the Dream plane, I knew she could have dreamed that hours ago and then matching with my own dream.

      I started to think that this was a very long dream and that it was time to wake up. I was about to take off flying to throw myself at sometimes and wake up from the impact when I heard my wife talking to me. She was a bit upset and she was saying, "It is like 12 pm already, I have been trying to wake you up for 30 minutes and you did not move an inch." I figured that could not be, that it was probably around 8am
      (I always wake up between 7 and 8) I kind of ignored my wife's complains and told her that she was in a dream, to let go and to enjoy. I started to levitate, about three feet from the ground and moved my hand towards here saying, "Lets go and fly." She was telling me that she could not fly and more stuff, but I took off and flew to a restaurant.

      As I got to the restaurant, a young lady said that she found me to be hot and wanted to make a baby, grabbed my hard and started running towards a bathroom in the restaurant, but she could not find any, it was an outdoors restaurant and she went to a dead end where all there was it was a tiny door with silverware. The lady kept running wanting to have sex with me but my dream started to fade and I thought that I was glad it was over, I did not want to forget details about this dream.

      I woke up in bed and my wife was hard asleep. I wanted to go write down the dream but I could not move in bed, so I figured I was still in a dream, but I really wanted to wake myself up, as I was trying to recall my non-lucid dream (yes, while I was lucid) and I already couldn't so I did not want to ruin the lucid part.

      I had a second false awakening and my wife told me something about Spain and then finally I woke up for real.
    7. MILD Telekenisis Battle! TOTM Completed! Dream Plan Achieved!

      by , 05-30-2014 at 03:45 PM

      I went to bed at 12am and told myself to wake up at 5:30am and woke up at that time. I fell back to sleep easily and woke up again at 7am when my husband said goodbye to me. My alarm went off at 8:30am and from there I kept pressing snooze. I wasn't remembering any dreams. I had lucid dreaming on my mind the whole time, but made sure not to get too excited about it so that I could fall asleep. Finally, I wake up at 10am with a dream.

      10am MILD

      It had started out as a non-lucid dream, I believe set in Japan. I was excited to be in Japan again. I had forgotten the non-lucid dream in its entirety when I woke up, but now as I'm typing am starting to remember it more. At one point in the dream I had gone back in time. I think that triggered lucidity, because I realized you can't go back in time in waking life.

      I was in this room with many doors connected to corridors when I became lucid. There were quite a few dream characters in the room with me, one in particular who I remember the most. He had dark skin and really short, curly black hair. Once I realized I was lucid I flew up as a sign of my control. Then, I attempted to use telekinesis as one of my dream plan goals. Since there were no objects around, I used it on the dream character with dark skin and it worked. He floated into the air. However, there were bad guys trying to get me. I used my telekinesis to push them out of the way and through the doors. At one point I wanted to summon a sword but couldn't do it. I think the other dream characters who were good helped me in getting the bad guys out.

      The guy with the dark skin had a love interest. I asked him if he would remember her in future dreams and if they could have children together and I think he said yes. I believe his love interest was Rachel from Boy Meets World. She was having an embarrassing wardrobe malfunction when she came in and he helped her out.

      When people would come through the doors I would ask if they were good or bad before letting them in or pushing them away. At one point Ryan from The Office was at the door and I asked if he was a bad guy. Kelly was behind me, a good guy, and begged me to let him in. I was about to, but then I asked him again are you a bad guy and he sighed and nodded his head and left.

      At one point we were watching the leader of evil on TV, who had long and very pale blond hair. I think he's a character from Lord of the Rings. There was also another evil character, a woman who's hair was dyed a very fake red. I think she told me a message about how I wouldn't be able to defeat evil. Her position seemed to be second to the guy with long pale blond hair.

      • This is only the second time I've had a lucid dream that wasn't a false awakening. The first time was years ago back when I first heard about lucid dreaming. I was too scared to attempt it again until years later when I got back into lucid dreaming and joined DreamViews.
      • Accomplished the task of the month just two days before the next month begins! First totm completed!
      • Achieved one of my dream plans to use telekinesis while lucid. Little did I know that I would not only be using telekinesis, but I'd also be using it in a battle and with such skill! I thought it would take a while to work up to being able to move dream characters or battle with it, since flying took a long time to learn, but I got it on the first try.
    8. TOTM for May 2014: Telekenesis and a Shot!

      , 05-24-2014 at 05:43 PM
      Let me preface by saying I haven't written a dream journal entry on here for a bit but last night was pretty crazy, and I completed the TOTM. This is the first TOTM that I have completed within the month it was in since January.

      Supplements at WBTB: 4mg G, 250C, 200mg L-Theanine

      Now I had about 10 different dreams I remember for the most part, they start to run together a bit and the order is not exact but here is what I have. Also I did have some dreams before the WBTB but I cannot recall them right now.

      Dream 1: I was driving home or going home by foot and went by a school or building that was getting worked on. When I got home there was a guy working on the siding on my house. He was replacing some that was messed up. I saw that he was using a certain kind of caulking and was curious about it. We talked a little bit and eventually he was gone but not sure where he went. I thought he might have disappeared in my house. I went looking for him and thought this was pretty weird so I did an RC by looking at my hand, 7 or so fingers. Lucid: I was blown away of course since it had been awhile since I became lucid, so I tried to stabilize the dream a bit by concentrating on my hand a little more but whirled out.

      Dream 2: Now this one actually started Lucid but I just flowed with it for a bit so it would stabilize. I was in a corn type field and I could see my wife in the distance. I called her name and she looked at me, the dream cleared quite a bit. I interacted with the environment a bit by touching the corn and said "focus" again. I began walking a different way to do my own thing. For some reason I had a hard time walking in a straight line and seemed like I couldn't control myself. I woke myself up at this point by thinking about me in bed.

      Dream 3: This one was my longest and most memorable. I rolled out of bed on the opposite side I sleep on, I knew I was lucid but still needed to check since I always have to really convince myself. I got up and turned on the light and looked at my hand, 7 fingers Lucid: I went through the door and around the house to the living room area. I still couldn't believe this was a dream so I wanted to check again. I tried to flip on the light and it didn't work, I knew this was another sign of dreaming. I then thought about the room I just came from and if I wasn't dreaming then I would have left on the light in my room and woken up my wife and daughter. I looked outside and I could see a glass door where my room was and the light on. My wife (didn't look like my wife) came out and looked mad, at this point I realized this was definitely a dream. I turned toward the front door and thought of the TOTM and planned to do telekinesis, I have done this before in other dreams so was comfortable with it. I saw a little wooden vase on the table by the door and concentrated on tossing it up in the air. It flew straight up to the ceiling and bounced off it. I wanted to experiment further with something bigger. I spotted the couch (which was a huge sectional) and with a little more will was able to lift it straight off the ground as well. It flew into the ceiling. As I am doing this I use my hands to guide what I am moving with my mind. Lastly behind me was a Christmas tree with a bunch of presents around it, I concentrated again and lifted all the presents and tree with my powers. Pretty sweet! I thought what do I want to do next. This is where it was one of three events, I am not sure of the order. First I went outside, it was bright out and I could see a lake from my front yard (I cant see a lake from my house). I wanted to fly, I leaned forward and kinda floated down and hit the ground. I then tried again and started going up but the dream ended. Next was I continued on to the back of my house to my laundry room, I thought of the other TOTM and tada a bar was in my house. I asked the bartender for a shot and he didn't' hear me, I gave up on that and ended back somewhere else, maybe with my wife in the bedroom. Either a different dream or the same one I was headed back from a different part of my house and ran across the bar again. I looked and there was a full shot on the counter. I picked it up and looked at it, there was salt around the rim and I assumed it was my tequila shot. I drank it and it tasted like sprite and lime I guess, kinda fresh. I then grabbed a lime off the counter and ate it to get the flavor gone, plus that is what you do after a tequila shot. I don't remember what happened after this.

      Dream 4: I don't remember what we were doing but me and my wife were driving and had just come from somewhere and were supposed to get something. I was talking to her and wanted to tell her about the cool dreams I had last night, she doesn't really ever care when I tell her so I just said I had the dreams and that was that. We were almost home and we realized we forgot something so I turned around in my driveway to go back. At this point I think the supplements were wearing off.

      Dream 5: I think this one was one of the last ones but it could have been before my WBTB. I was on some mission to get some jewel or secret weapon or something from some girl in china town or some downtown area. I had some body guard type guys with me who could whoop butt. The guy had smuggled some sort of weapon that looked like an umbrella in his suitcase. I had to talk to some girl and she gave me a code word or location for the thing I was supposed to get. Others were after us and trying to get the same thing. I was some sort of espionage/spy stuff but is pretty fuzzy now.
    9. Giving Birth to a Puppy

      by , 05-22-2014 at 09:20 AM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      Looking for a place to lay down, I follow a girl around to be sure she's okay. I feel like if I let her go on her own, there will be trouble, and I'll have to run back to help anyway, only I'll be too late.

      In a crowded room of people all sleeping on couches and the floor, I am looking after this pregnant woman who seems concerned about giving birth. I wish I could help her somehow, and am suddenly in her shoes, pregnant. I feel some pressure as I realize that the baby has to come out now, no delay. So I lay on my back and push. Like pushing out a turd when the turd is coming no matter what. It actually felt a lot like pooping. I reached down to help the baby out, and instead of a baby, it was a warm, brown puppy! A friendly puppy with big floppy ears, full of energy. He jumped up, and immediately started running around. Someone behind me grabbed him and told me he's theirs not mine. "But I just gave birth to him!"

      Updated 05-22-2014 at 09:24 AM by 19229

      non-lucid , task of the month
    10. Middle School to Living Room WILD

      by , 05-20-2014 at 07:46 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I woke up after 4 hours and decided to attempt a WILD it took 8 mins after experiencing all the hypnagogic imagery intill the next one I found myself inside the dream. It started with me appearing in middle school I was in the boys bathroom and like my memory of the place it look exactly the same as I remember it. I then left the bathroom and peek through one hallway that leads you out of the cafeteria however I didn't want to leave yet. I then walk in to the cafeteria, there was a lot of kids eating at the table that's when the scene change and I began to appear in my living room. I could tell it was sunny outside as the windows and the living room was very bright. I walk to the kitchen and open the refrigerator to see if everything look right, it wasn't bad at all it was in great detail. That's when I saw the back door and I decided I wanted to go outside so I made an attempt to go through it however I got push back. So I decided to look at it and told myself that there really wasn't no door there at all and that I could easily phase through it. That's when I made another attempt to go through it again and it work I went through it. I smile and saw how the outside look, it was very bright and had many green forest. I look down to see the grass had a huge hole that show the sky appearing on the ground. Unfortunately this was my only way of crossing so I made an attempt to walk on it but as I tried I started falling so I got my arm and grab on the ledge of the concrete. I look down and pulled myself up again I began to believe that I could walk on the ground sky as there was truly no ground sky. I made another attempt to walk on it and it work as I walk toward a forest that had a grassy path to lead me. I also notice that the ground had cherry blossoms on them. As I walk deeper in the forest as the trees block majority of the sun light I took a stop to try to communicate with the subconscious but no answer was given to me. That's when I notice 3 people were walking through the forest as well. I wonder why they were going the opposite way as I knew nothing came from the path I walk from. That's when the scenary change again and a table appear in front of me, I could tell I was in my Father room and that it was night outside. I saw this necklace inside the table and thought it was cool so I began searching for it which took me 5 mins looking for where it could have disappear on the table. As I search under the table all I found was colorful jelly beans so I felt like I've been trolled wasting my time. As soon as I stand up the scene changes again and now I appear on a football field, the sky was light gray and people were wearing foot ball clothes. I wasn't sure if they were playing foot ball though or I guess they were but it was different. They hold bats that look like feets in their arm as they all tried to hit the ball with it. That's when the coach told me to get in and play, one of the players tease me so I went in which made me lose a bit of lucidity. I was wondering how could people swing this as it 10x larger and longer than an ordinary bat. However the players came at me once the coach handed me the ball so I swung the giant feet and it hit. That's when the next game started as I walk on the field to only find myself waking up. Lucidity Time : 9 mins

      Updated 06-10-2014 at 03:34 AM by 67903

      lucid , task of the month
    11. Pregnant Lady Coming Through (Bonus Task of the Month)

      by , 05-16-2014 at 07:09 PM
      I'm at work when I hear a call for back-up cashiers. I head up front to see where I can help, but I'm confused by what I see. There's only one line, even if it looks a little long, and there's cashiers milling around with nothing to do. I question whether they really need any back-up and I decide I might as well hop on the first open register. There's a woman with several kids who had dumped a pile of things directly on the scanner. When I ask if she needs help, she says that she's using the self check-out and doesn't need a cashier. But we don't have self check-out. I realize she's a little confused, so I ring up her items. She tries to pay by check, but she signs the top of the check instead of the bottom. Also, she's signed with two names, and one of them is Sandor Clegane? Something doesn't feel right about this. I ask her for ID, and she tells me that she doesn't have one but it's her husband's check, so we'll have to wait for him. And we wait. And wait… Her husband finally makes his way over at a snail's pace. He takes a look at the total on the screen, but refuses to hand over any sort of ID. Instead, he claims they haven't spent enough money! He then wants me to tell him all the sales this week so he can figure out what else to buy.

      By now, I'm getting really angry at how this family is wasting my time. I consider voiding the transaction and walking away, but I'm really not sure I can get away with that. I try to remember what this week's promotions are, but I'm stumped. It must be the first day of the week, and I probably didn't get a chance to check the weekly ads. But we have sales circulars for reference at every register. I grab the one at my register, except instead of a circular, it's a binder covered with flowers. I see a wire rack with more circulars, so I run to grab one. But when I take a closer look, I realize that they're just magazines. At this point, I see S, the security guy, walk past me in his uniform. I call out to him since I haven't seen him for a while. He stops, but he seems to shrink about a foot in height. He turns around and I see it's actually T, another coworker from a completely different area (who is also about a foot shorter than S). I ask him why he's wearing the uniform, and he explains that he's just helping out while S is on vacation.

      I still need to find that damned sales circular. I decide to try grabbing one from another register, but there's a little obstacle in my way: a pond. Yes, there's a pond in the store, apparently. It's about five feet in diameter and it's blocking my path to the closest register. Oddly enough, it looks just like the retention pond outside my old junior high school. I skirt around the pond's edge, but somehow I end up walking through the water. It's not very deep, barely coming up to my shins, but I can feel my feet sinking into the mud. There's a girl I don't recognize working on the register next to the pond. I ask her for a sales circular, and she smiles as she hands over her copy. But this isn't what I expected. For one thing, it's handwritten, and it's dated May 6th. None of this makes sense… because this is a dream. There's a moment where I'm full of indecision, not sure what I should do: tell the irritating customers to get lost or abandon this dream scene entirely by spinning.

      Almost immediately, the dream starts to fade. I focus on the sensation of sinking into the mud and try to ignore my real body. It's a bit difficult, but eventually I'm back at my register with this crazy family still not finished checking out until I tell them what's on sale. I hit the void key, toss the void slip at them, and walk away. I've had enough of them.

      I start walking the perimeter of the store to give myself enough time for the dream to stabilize. I'm joined by S as I walk. At one point, we come across a large crowd that's blocking our way. S barges ahead, but he transforms into yet another coworker. I watch his back as his uniform fades away and turns into a different shirt. The crowd grows thicker and keeps me from moving forward. I don't know how to get through this obstacle at first, then I have an idea. I shout, "HEY! PREGNANT LADY COMING THROUGH!" The crowd immediately parts. I look down and see that I am very, very pregnant.

      The store fades away and I find myself in a hospital birthing suite, lying on a bed, preparing to give birth. There's no pain. In fact, there's no pressure or any other sensation that I would have expected. Really, I just feel happy that I'm finally about to do this. The baby comes out -- except it's not a baby I see, but a six-foot-tall man wearing swim trunks. He's very tan and has extremely light blond hair that looks like it's been bleached by the sun. He looks at me and says, "Bro, I've gotta catch some waves. See you later!" before taking off. I'm confused why he would call me "bro."

      Next to me, someone says, "You know, I had hair that light when I was a kid." I look over and realize the man standing next to me is Benedict Cumberbatch, and I remember him saying something similar in an interview last year. He stands up to leave, and I see that he's wearing a tuxedo and carrying a top hat. I ask him to stay. Actually, I start pleading with him to stay, but he says he has an event to go to.
      Then I wake up.
      lucid , task of the month
    12. 5/9, 5/10, 5/13 Another Awesome 2 Part LD: Beach in Another Time/Place.

      by , 05-13-2014 at 07:02 PM
      5/13/14*! ~1020 150-2:30 NLD recall+wakefulness 4:10wake from LD up til ~5am DJ+windows. ~6:15; More recall, 735 up

      Notes: Went to bed a little early and early wake back to bed after only sleeping 3.5 hours but did not do much except think about my recent dream scenario/taking control/being bold DILDs and visualizing it happening again and becoming lucid. Also right before bed I do my simulation of the levitation RC and visualizing moving straight to the task of the month.

      I am in a movie theater / restaurant (it was one and then the other) and I head to the bathroom where (on the way) there is a sign that says something like "additional bathrooms to the left with additional amenities!" But I go to the closer one right in front of me am I standing at the urinal when over to the left I see there are a couple of women in another wing of the bathroom taking a peek at me and I let them have a little look but I still don't quite realize I am dreaming yet. I come out and C (wife of A) is in the hall and asked me to wait but I mostly ignore her and I look over into a room down the hall and I think "that looks like M" one of my wife's good friends. I also see M by the same name who is one of my son's friends and that's when I realize this must be a dream to see both of them together in the same odd place (as opposed to a party at my house or something). I say something to that effect and I try to levitate and at first it feels
      more like my simulation but then I try again with more intention and confidence and it works. I float up into the air and fly-float around the room. I continue into another room down the hall already thinking about the musical performance task of the month and there is a band already playing and an empty drum set but no drumsticks and there is a crowd gathered set up more like a cocktail lounge with tables throughout and for the most part 2 people at each table, small round tables throughout the room. I tap on the empty drum set with my finger and then turn around and face the audience and start air drumming while imagining the song and while feeling the strong emotion of it: "I can feel it coming in the air tonight" by Phil Collins as planned. The drums start to appear although a little fuzzy and I keep playing and having a blast. Recalling the additional specifics of the task, I look around at the room for the reaction and the crowd seems mostly disinterested, not paying attention. Each table seems to be talking amongst themselves. (Later after the transition in the dream I try to think of another task and I decide against trying the Limerick and I think was it something to do with getting or giving a flower, no there was Sivason's idea of creating a field of flowers but that didn't become one of the tasks, never mind just have some fun. Back to the transition.) I feel the scene fading but I still feel firmly in dreamland and I start spinning and it works again! I think the trick for me now and why I have time to do the spin is that I no longer believe that just because the scene is fading that I have to wake up)! This time I do not think of anything specific but after a short while I start to feel the sensation of floating in water (again) and the sound of the ocean, and again I tell myself I will end up in shallow water and sure enough after what feels like 10-15 seconds later I'm at the foot of the beach and look back at the water. In the
      water there are two yellow objects: a small one close by and a large one that looks like an empty raft further out. I decide to go check out the smaller one close by and go back into the water and grab it and it is one of those kid's arm-floaties perhaps another childhood memory. I love smelling those rubber items because they remind me of summer water toys that have that distinct strong chemical smell and remind me of wonderful summers past . I get caught in the tide a little bit but I'm slowly being pushed closer and closer to shore before I decide to just fly / zoom on out of the water and on to the shore. I look back out to the water again and there is a big group of what I assume are natives coming ashore. They seem like a lightly dressed but advanced civilization due to their hover-like boats that they come in to shore on (& later by the way that they talk), each with their own "boat" for the most part, a few with small kids along for the ride. They don't seem to see me at first and just come on to the shore in front of me and start walking over to my right. I call out to them and one man who seems to be the leader of the group comes over to me. I ask if they can bring me two of their most beautiful women. Just behind and next to him is a beautiful woman that looks quite a bit like Natalie Portman and I say she will be perfect. She walks over to me and seems fascinated by my mole as if it is some kind of sign and she kisses me on the lips. The leader guy may be with her and he looks a little jealous and he walks over to me also taking note of the mole and reaches around to the back of my neck and feels the bone protruding at the base of the back of my neck and seems to determine something from that and looks at me like I am strange and not like them. I tell him I come from a different time and place. It seems like a different time because it feels like if it were on earth it would be something similar to an Egyptian civilization but perhaps I'm not even on earth in this dream, thus a different place. This woman is so beautiful and I just hold her standing side by side admiring her body and touching her firm buttocks. She's wearing something like an intricate string bikini with lots of extra strings/straps wrapping around her waist area and connected to the bottom piece and something similar to her top covering but less strings/straps at top. It is beige in color as is the clothing of all of them. She is a great kisser! I start looking for the second woman and there is a younger one on the ground half-naked with no top on and while looking around and all the people I s
      tart to fade back to bed and can tell that I am clearly awake now. What an awesome dream! 146

      I later had a false awakening where I was writing down my sports dream where the other player cheated in order to score. While reviewing the notes I noticed that what I wrote didn't make sense and I woke up.

      I will be brief on these 2 sexual LDs:
      5/9: cute woman, see her naked backside at beach and feel bold and recognize that as a dream scenario=DILD, I went over to her and she gave me a very realistic bj, a very good bj that felt like it would be "professional." Another couple came in and the lady was very cute and was right next to me so I tried to reach back and open up her blouse while getting the bj from the original cute woman but the guy with her took her away. The bj portion lasted several minutes at least. 144

      5/10 ex's family (talked about her this day) cg peeking at me changing, feeling frisky but don't yet realize I'm dreaming and go to bed in the dream: in dream wild...wow I think, I started dreaming quick!...as soon as my head hit the pillow! I'm dreaming! Same room cg + other women. Put her hands down my pants and go for a while before seeing another beautiful woman and walking over to her putting her hands down my pants feeling her "ahem" moist through her underwear and then we both get naked and I put it in and out slowly and I talk dirty to her and she loves it. Nice lengthy LD. 145
    13. Telekinesis & Rock Star ToTMs - DILD

      by , 05-13-2014 at 04:51 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      I woke up at 6am and couldn't get back to sleep until after 8am. I began to drift off to sleep and immediately started dreaming that I was standing in a room staring at a painting. I felt confused for a moment, then remembered I was just trying to get back to sleep. Yay dream! So I started walking and thought of the telekinesis task. I felt like my mouth and voice were paralyzed though. So much for the performance task. I tried to speak, and I could make noises but my mouth was locked shut. You know, like when you try to speak without opening your mouth? Really weird.

      It wasn't long before I realized that my vision was beginning to get all washed out. Not a very stable lucid at all. So I just stood there for a moment, then this is weird: I felt another set of eyes open, and everything was stable and I could speak. I didn't do anything to 'stabilize' the dream, it was more like I needed to wait out some kind of transition phase. This isn't the first time it has happened to me during a DILD, but it's the first time that I had the understanding that I just need to do nothing and wait it out.

      I'm skipping some stuff due to time, but there were a couple things with mirrors. Anyway I decided to lift a cell phone without touching it and I did it. First time for me. Then I started lifting people. One was my store manager and I lifted her, made her to horizontal, and spun her around and around and she was screaming the whole while haha.

      Then I thought to try the performance task. Singing wouldn't be an issue but where was I going to get a band and an audience? I went outside and saw an amphitheater with a band at the center! I ran up to them and asked if they wanted to perform some Heart. One guy said sure. I wondered if I could 'lift' people from the horizon with telekinesis. I focused on the horizon and lifted my hands, and a row of maybe 10 people appeared and I dropped them into the audience seats. I did that maybe 3 more times. I started singing a Heart song but forgot how it went, and suddenly the band and I were performing some Barbara Streisand.

      I'm running out if time gotta go to work. Ill post more later but I have to say that I got booed really bad for singing Streisand hahaha. I just laughed in the dream and decided to get really obnoxious and sang Magic from Xanadu. A fun dream for me.
    14. This Is Not The Task You Were Trying To Perform

      by , 05-11-2014 at 04:07 PM
      My goal tonight was to try for the bonus task, but my subconscious had other ideas.

      It's raining heavily. My friend Lura and I are walking down a street in my neighborhood when she spots something in the tall grass. She pulls two large tortoises out of the grass. They remind me of the giant tortoises I saw in the Galapagos Islands and I'm at a loss to explain what they're doing in the Midwest. Lura says we should call Sea World to pick them up.

      The rain continues, and I duck into a car to write a letter to Sea World about the tortoises. I glance at my reflection in the window and find that I now look like Ellen Pompeo.

      Somehow, I've moved on and now my sister and I are checking out an apartment building. This place is very bland-looking, and judging by the age of the residents, it looks more like a nursing home. As we pass one doorway, I point out to my sister that it's a laundry room. There are two older women in the next doorway who overhear me, and they point out that some units have their own laundry hook-ups. They invite us in to take a look. Somehow, I end up sitting down at their kitchen table as one of the women prepares breakfast. She offers me some milk, which I decline. That sends her on a rant about how young people don't drink milk anymore while I struggle to explain that it makes me sick.

      After a brief awakening, I go back to sleep while mentally going over the previous dream

      I'm back in the apartment building near the office. There are two residents who are arguing over the landlord over the cost of their phone bill. His response is to post some complicated chart with rates. I can't make sense of it, so I move on to find the apartment I was in earlier. But I get lost in the maze of hallways. I can't even remember the number of the apartment. I turn a corner and find myself in a department store. I see a crib for a baby and it reminds me of the bonus task, which helps me remember that I'm dreaming. I try to think of a way to start the bonus task, but instead the dream shifts. Now I find myself on stage with a band. In the audience are members of many of my favorite rock bands. I remember that the advanced task is to perform for an audience, so I decide that my band is going to cover one of my favorite songs. However, the guitar player starts off playing Jimi Hendrix's "Purple Haze." I panic for a second because I can't remember the lyrics, but after a few bars, I manage to go along with it. I can see the ex-drummer of my favorite band is sitting right up front, and his head is bopping in time to the music. He seems to be enjoying it.

      I "wake up" to find that I was sleeping in church. I'm amazed that I managed to stay asleep long enough to accomplish the advanced task, even if that wasn't my original plan. My college roommate is sitting next to me, and she tells me that she's done packing her things. I go outside with her to her car to say good-bye. I'm amused to see that her car has front-end damage and the driver's side door has been ripped away. She never was a good driver. Meanwhile, my car is parked right next to hers and its in perfect condition. I can't remember if I've packed, so I grab a few bags from my trunk and head back inside the "church." Oddly enough, this place looks like my pantry. There's a woman there who reminds me to pack any food that I brought with me when I moved into the dorm, so I start filling my bags with the stuff I find in the pantry: two-liter bottles of soda, jars of marinara, boxes of pasta… There's one package of spaghetti that looks like it's gotten wet, leaving all the noodles limp. It dawns on me that uncooked pasta shouldn't look like this even if the packaging gets wet, and this time I wake up for real.
    15. Short Lucid and TOTM Completion

      by , 05-10-2014 at 02:53 PM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      I don't recall too much from this dream, but I don't remember most of the lucid part.

      The dreams starts with me coming into a grocery store of some sort. My friends and are just roaming around the store, and not much happens. I recall sitting down somewhere, and as I'm sitting I realize that I'm dreaming. I get up and start to walk around the store some more. I take in all the scenery, and I'm glad to see ADA is still making my dreams look and feel a lot more realistic. I now scratch the back of my head, and I can feel my hair rustle between my fingers. I start thinking about what I should do, and then I remember there is the TOTM to do. As I'm walking I desperately try to remember what the tasks are. I think for a good minute, and then I finally remember the ones I had my eye on. I need to do tequila shots, perform a song, and use the force. I figure using the force will be a good start, so I walk over to one of my friends and attempt to force choke him, but it doesn't work. I see my other coming up to me, and I thrust my hand out towards him, and I manage to force push him across the room. One down, two more to go. I decide the best idea would be to perform a song. To my convenience, there's a stereo set up nearby with a laptop hooked up to it, and there's a microphone near it. This will be easy, so I walk over. The stereos are blasting some song I don't remember, and there is a crowd of people listening. There's my audience I guess. I walk over to the laptop and put my own song into the search engine. I type in "Motorcycle Drive By" which is a song by Third Eye Blind. I find the the video and open it, and then I pause it. The people running the stereo don't seem to like my idea of just taking over everything at my own discrepancy, but like I give a damn. I'm the only real one here! I tell them to play the song when I get the microphone, and then I'll sing it. The continue to argue with me about the stereo, and I fight them back over it. And then
      my Dad awakes me.
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