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    task of the year

    task of the year dreams

    1. Gold Thief

      by , 04-11-2016 at 02:42 PM
      5.30-6.40am 11/4/2016

      Long LD 391 "Gold Thief"
      I am on a bus that drives down an escalator with JR and ST. At the bottom of the escalator the bus stops. We get off and my friends start talking about the hotel. A guy is standing in a booth behind toughened glass. The others check in, then I tell him I was already checked in to room 8. The guy hands over some bits of paper and a key card. I follow ST and JR up a set of stairs that twist and turn, which then leads into a tunnel that is too small to stand up in.

      Part-way along this causes me to become lucid. The tunnel is now a windowless grey room. After a reality check I remember my three step task and pick a random wall to phase through. It leads to a grey limbo so I push on until it forms a strange barren desert world. Ahead is a wide muddy track with a twisted tree and a guy standing next to two motorbikes.

      Next on my three step is to do an advanced summon. Now that's something which is normally tricky. So I try to conjure a motorbike in the air. It doesn't work. Frustrated I jump on the red motorbike already there and set off. There are cars and a train heading down the street opposite so I set off in pursuit. After riding around after the other cars and dodging a train something hits the bike and spins me around. I head back to the tree.

      It would really make sense to try and earn some more points, my mind still on the 3 step tasks but relaxed after the ride. I have a better plan this time, summoning a tree, with a large magical gesture that sweeps my arms upwards. The ground doesn't rumble or split though the tree does phase into existence from the base up. The branches wink in and out of existence then finally stabilise. I let out a whoop 'cause it worked.

      OK OK. Three for three? Element manipulation. I look down at my hands and try to summon water in them. I've had luck with fire and ice, even electricity. This one is new. I see my hands turning blue and water like. The blue seeps up my arms and over the two little fingers on my right hand. On the left the thumb and first finger turn to water. I keep focusing on it to make more water and it starts spilling onto the floor. All the water from my hands spills onto the ground... and within a few seconds I'm swimming in an enormous lake.

      The water continues pouring from my hands though and the blue takes over everything as I try to fly away.

      False awakening. My dad is moving stuff around in my room. I wonder what time it is. They are talking about packing to move to Canada. Wait. What? I pinch my nose. Yep still dreaming.

      I phase through the window and into a town. Having completed my three step I try to think of other things and come up blank until remembering to sit on a cloud. So I start trying to fly and find the city doesn't want to let me go. It always forms an unexpected barrier over my head.

      I manage to do some advanced fast flying though, trying to build up speed to break through, but this doesn't work. In the end I'm in a room filled with people. I think about how cool it would be to enter somewhere like this at will. To be able to fall asleep and instantly enter this realm. I ask a dc if they can help me to to this but they remind me that you need to sleep first and do a WBTB. This is true.

      Well there need to be more task attempts with this epically long stable lucid. So I start to do a TOTY and find a weird creature that is fighting some other alien like four-legged creatures. I try to turn it into a goat so I can then do the chimera task but this turns out to be difficult and destabilising.

      False awakening. On my wrist is an enormous fitbit with a smartphone size screen, reporting how long I've been in "dream sleep". I do a reality check and become lucid again.

      The surroundings are a mess of streets and Hong Kong airport - a mashup of British and Chinese styles. Looking out of the windows I try to summon rain to make a rainbow for the other TOTY, but the sky turns black instead. No good.

      I fly through multiple windows and a metal gate thing that block my path. Finally I find a patch of blue sky with a rainbow and start to follow it. At the point it hits the ground it continues through the buildings and twists and turns through the streets that look more like a typical English or Irish village. The rainbow ends at a pit underneath a house. No leprechaun.

      I throw stuff down the pit and start shouting to wake the leprechaun up and also digging at the end of the rainbow. The hole starts filling up with shiny golden coins. There is a grumbling noise and the leprechaun seems to be waking up from deep underground.

      Then someone flicks my ear. It's a member of the tour group I met in China. She is Irish. Prettiest damn leprechaun ever! (She might not be too happy about it, but I took it that she was a leprechaun there to defend the gold, as she was hostile. ) I take a handful of the coins and announce I'm stealing them. She says something incomprehensible in Gaelic, her body language angry, and tries to flick my ear again, then I wake.
      lucid , task of the year
    2. Why traditional dream journals are counter productive

      by , 03-26-2016 at 03:44 PM
      Hello everybody^^

      While I have not had that many lucid dreams I have years of experience trying to achieve them. I made this account solely for this post. All I seem to see over the internet is people recommending writing dreams down. Most of the time I couldn't read my hand writing, I had so switch on the lights thus becoming more awake than I wanted to be during the nights and it took ages. Now I use a pre-installed app on my phone to record my voice and deactivate the screen lock for faster access before going to bed. I also turn down the brightness and additionally use a screen filter.

      This works wonders give it a try and don't hesitate to comment!!!
    3. The Reluctant Dragon (DILD)

      by , 02-25-2016 at 09:43 PM
      Ritual: Set vibrating alarm for 40m at 6:20am. I don't remember it going off, but I began dreaming that I was trying to fall asleep, until it gradually dawned on me that I was already dreaming. It was 7:19 when I awoke, so given that the dream must have manifested at some point after the signal went off at 7am (since it was not interrupted by it), it could have lasted up to 19m. I'm classifying this as DILD and not EILD since lucidity was not initiated by recognition of the device signal.

      DILD: Initially I am on a beach, lying on a sort of cot, trying to fall asleep. There are other people all around me, and their activity and noise is keeping me awake. I mention aloud to someone nearby that I seem to be entering REM state even while awake, as I notice crisp and colorful visuals superimposing themselves over my visual field. Even though the new scene is layered over the old one, it is distinct enough that I can make out details: I am at the edge of a river running through a futuristic city. Some sort of V-shaped flying craft is flying in tripartite geometrical formations up above, the crafts each giving off light colored red, white, or blue, each grouped into a separate section. Is this meant to be a patriotic display?

      I do not change position, but the cot I'm lying on becomes a sort of couch as the environment around me resolves into a room full of kids. Someone plays a video on a TV monitor, which annoys me because I am trying to fall asleep and the music is distracting. But then they mention that the video features Jonathan Tweet, and the name sounds familiar. When I remember it is one of my favorite game developers, I take more interest in the video and sit up.

      Something makes me think this is a kind of school where the kids are learning lucid dream abilities. One boy, bald, sits to the left of me on my couch and he's trying to test his powers against me. He takes my hand in his, which begins to glow blue, and I realize that he's trying to "crystal" me, that is, harm me with the pale blue light he is creating. I counter it easily, however. This frustrates him and he begins trying to bite me. He opens a disturbingly wide mouth and tries to chomp down on my hand, but I counter him by softening both his flesh and his resolve, so that mouth sags toothlessly and he never completes the bite. We go through this cycle three or four times before I tire of the game and get up.

      By now I'm aware that I am already dreaming, and I walk into the next room, recalling my personal goals. [I accomplish a personal task, finding a certain fictional character, then suggest that we become dragons to fulfill one of the TOTYs.]

      I lead the way to a window and lift it open. We're about four storeys up, but I jump out without hesitation and spread my arms, letting the air catch me. As I fly off to the left, I focus on trying to develop the "feel" of a dragon body: four legs, wings, tail, scaly skin. I haven't tried this before and the results are so-so, a fluctuating hybrid between the new bodymap and my usual one. I am flying over what strikes me as a mid-twentieth-century city. There are no skyscrapers, just a mixture of low commercial and residential buildings that cover a wide expanse. I recall that the task requires me to destroy a village, but the city below seems too urban to qualify. Would a neighborhood count as a "village"? But my moral qualms kick in, and I hesitate to bring wrath upon an innocent residential neighborhood.

      I fly further on, toward the edge of the city, looking for a more remote target, preferably one with few occupants. After exploring the land for a while, I find a spot that, while a stretch to call it a "village," at least satisfies my ethical preoccupations: it is a cluster of buildings around a large industrial apparatus, evidently a manufacturing concern of some kind. I don't notice any people wandering around, so hopefully there are not many on site to be harmed. I can't imagine I'll find a better target (at least in relation to my own concerns, rather than the specifications of the task), so I begin circling over the site, breaking the buildings and bashing them down. Meanwhile I focus on maintaining my dragon form; this takes constant vigilence because it is so unfamiliar, and too easily slips into sensations more congruent with human limbs.

      What color dragon am I? I recall that D&D dragons can take many different colors, with corresponding breath weapons. On the ruins of the factory, I test acid and frost breath in turn, trying to decide which feels more natural. I like the effects of frost—after freezing metal walls solid they shatter in a satisfying way—but then I remember that the task specifies leaving flaming ruins in my wake, so I switch to fire. There isn't much in the way of visuals; rather than great gouts of flame, my fire breath is more of an intense heat that makes metal glow red. But I dutifully knock down and burn the factory into rubble.

      Afterwards, I hover anxiously over the destroyed site to see if anyone was harmed by my stunt. (I know, I know, I make a terrible dragon.) I do spot someone—something?—running around frantically, but as I peer closer, it does not look human at all. Curiously, it appears to be a small white gem that I take to be a cubic zirconia, attached to a tiny wire loop that looks like it must have once been the pendant of an earring. The sense of scale has been skewing dramatically as I have been peering closer, and now I feel back to my normal human size and form, kneeling over ruined buildings the size of an architectural model. I look carefully and spot two more little gems running around. Unless there are more I don't see, three victims isn't too bad, and at least they're still alive, even if they're looking understandably anxious. (How do gems even look anxious? It was something in the way they moved.)

      [I've been concentrating on my task and realize I have lost track of my friend. I look for him and we are briefly re-united before I wake up.]
    4. Tunnel to Gnome Village (EILD)

      by , 02-23-2016 at 11:43 PM
      Ritual: Went to bed around 2am. Woke at 5:45 and fed the cat. Returned to bed and set vibrating alarm, attached to wrist. Interval was 30 minutes, set at 5:55am. Last time I used this device I completely slept through several vibration cycles (it was at the lowest setting), so I turned the intensity up slightly. The first time it went off I remembered to lay still, but could feel that I had already lost dreamstate. The second time it went off, my mind felt fully awake but I felt like I might still be integrated with my dream body. I tested movement cautiously and sure enough, I could swing my arms freely, unconstrained by the covers that I knew lay over them in WL. There were still a few moments when I couldn't quite be sure if I was engaging dream muscles or real ones, so in order to avoid sending the wrong signals, I started spinning and sliding my whole body until I felt like I was lying the wrong way in the bed. I didn't feel like I could safely engage my legs yet, so remaining on my back (though in WL I was sleeping on my left side), I slid across the bed and off the other side until I dropped gently to the floor. The cat was lying on me in WL (confirmed when I woke up afterward) and the sensation of warmth and weight bled through into the dreamstate, so it felt very odd and amusing to have this remain constant even while my self-perception of where I was in relation to the room and the bed was changing. I took care to note this WL sensation cautiously and with a certain mental distance, lest it startle me awake. The sensation faded naturally as I now "stood up" and walked through the house.

      EILD: I walk straight into the living room, which was dark, and stop to figure out what I should do. Although I have been trying to remember a few personal tasks, somehow it is easier to recall the TOTYs, so I figure I'll attempt another of those to start with. Most of them seem better suited to the outdoors, so I exit the kitchen patio door.

      My initial thought is to look for a circle of fairy mushrooms. My cement back patio is unusually life-like this time, so I cross it until I reach the fence that borders the property. In WL this is a low wall of beige-painted cinderblocks; in the dream it is a chain-link fence several feet taller than I am. With the lightness and agility of my dream body, I easily climb over it and drop down. In WL the ground slopes steeply downward here; for some reason in dreams, it is typically a steep hill going up.

      I start looking for fairy mushrooms among the trees, but notice a large area where the soil looks loose and disturbed, as if recently planted with the flowers that cover the expanse at regular intervals. The blossoms are very simple in structure, a small disk encircled by six delicate purple petals. I realize that I am unlikely to find a fairy circle in ground so recently landscaped, so I decide to pursue the gnome task instead. There are trees all around, but most look young, their trunks only a few inches in diameter. I look around for the biggest tree I can find, and approach one that is over two feet in diameter, conjoined with two similarly-sized trunks to make a row of three. I can't tell if they are three trunks from the same tree, or multiple trees that grew up in close proximity.

      The earth is still bare and loose here, recently tilled, so it is easy to dig my arms in and start casting it aside. I alternately cast the soil I'm displacing to the left and right and back between my legs. It is much easier to dig than it would be in WL, but it is still too slow and tedious to form a hole of the depth and dimensions I need, so I decide that I need a new strategy. If there are tunnels down there, there shouldn't be any need to displace the soil outside the hole—I should be able to drill straight through. I leave my hands in the earth and focus on pushing the soil inward. As a hole begins to form, I step in and will it to widen, so that I won't feel claustrophobic. When it is a few inches wider than my shoulders on either side, I take the plunge, willing the earth beneath my feet to drop into the tunnels and carry me along with it.

      I find myself in a network of spacious square hallways, about seven feet tall and wide. They are dimly lit by what seems to be electric light, though I don't investigate the source. There is nothing natural or even rustic about these tunnels—they might easily be the basement corridors of some ordinary building. I look around for evidence that they are the gnome tunnels that I am seeking, and find that the most distinctive thing about the space is the graffiti scrawled here and there on the walls. It is not high-end arty spray-painted graffiti, just ordinary lettering written in what looks like thick black marker. I step closer to one example and find it at once legible and unexpectedly funny: "Hobbits are HUGE!" It does sound like the sort of thing a gnome might write, so it gives me confidence that I've landed in the right place after all.

      I continue down the corridor, looking for more memorable examples of graffiti. The next piece that catches my attention says "SpiritLA." Something about the way it is written makes me think that this is a Los Angeles-based sports team that the gnomes apparently favor. A few steps further on, and I finally encounter the gnomes themselves, about six of them congregating in a junction where several corridors meet. There is also a sort of wire gate that appears to lead into a larger open space, though it is too dark to discern any details. Despite what the graffiti said about hobbits, these figures are pretty huge themselves, coming up almost to my shoulder, so I peer closely at their faces for evidence that they are in fact the gnomes that I seek. I am reassured by their features, which have distinctively rounded, gnomish features.

      "Hello," I say, curious how they will respond to my intrusion. "Hello!" they reply cheerfully, completely at ease. I have been voicing my observations (like the examples of graffiti) aloud in order to assist my recall later, so as I take note of the appearance of the gnomes nearest me, I make a vocal shorthand description of their characteristics.

      "Blonde, bangs, white dojo," I comment about the first gnome to approach me. She is a female wearing a gi (the garment used in karate practice), and though I know perfectly well what a gi is called in waking life, dream logic substitutes "dojo" instead. Her hair is long and straight, of a golden blonde color. Her gi is bound with a plain white belt. She smiles amiably.

      Another female gnome is standing to my right, so I note her appearance in turn, remembering that the task specifies interacting with two of them. "Pink padded blouse and white skirt, knee-length" I say, but even at the time I realize "padded" might not be the right word. "Quilted" would probably be more accurate, since it looks like there is only a very thin layer of batting under the decorative overstitching, done with curving and intersecting lines spaced about half an inch apart. I note that the skirt has the same kind of decorative stitching over thicker cloth, with no apparent batting inside, as the stitches lay flat. "Light hair, long—no, shoulder-length," I continue, noting that her hair is exceptionally pale, almost white, and delicately textured. The way it falls reminds me of how hair was "feathered" in late '70s/early '80s hairstyles. The faces of both females look ageless, neither young nor old. Neither seems disconcerted by my weird mutterings, they both just look at me with calm curiosity.

      Although I was able to make very detailed observations on the appearance of both, at this point I felt myself begin waking up and could not reverse the process. The EILD allowed me to time the dream precisely: it went off at 6:55 and I awoke at 7:04, so it only lasted nine minutes in all. Subjectively, it also felt very brief.

      Updated 02-26-2016 at 07:25 AM by 34973

      lucid , task of the year
    5. The Birth and Rebirth of a Phoenix (DILD)

      by , 02-16-2016 at 07:43 PM
      Ritual: Yesterday was full of work and stress, conditions that I have previously correlated to vivid dreaming. I worked until going to bed at 2am. Woke at 5am to feed the cat, then again at 6am after a dream that culminated in an experience of intense frustration, vivid enough that I spent around 45 minutes writing it down—an unintended but useful WBTB. Since today will also be very busy I did not do any other lucid practices, however, I had primed myself a little by reading the list of TOTYs last night. Apart from those conditions, the following dream was spontaneous, and I woke from it at around 8:45am.

      DILD: I am at my mother's house, but it is unlike any WL house. I am in a long room with high ceilings, very spacious and sparsely furnished, with no modern accoutrements. Maybe it is the medieval look of the interior that reminds me of the TOTYs, and I become lucid. Which would be a good one to do? Fairy would be easier to do outdoors. I could turn into a dragon but then I'd have to destroy everything and I don't want to wreck my mother's house. Phoenix? That would be a good one. I try to remember the details. I can't just summon it directly, I have to burn something, right? I look around the room for something suitable.

      On the far end of the room is a table under a shuttered window. The table is covered with a white cloth, and spread across it is an assortment of jewels and precious stones. These look ideal. I select a faceted gem and place it in my left palm. It is small, only about six millimeters across, transparent with cobalt blue striations, like a combination of diamond and sapphire. It is faceted into what I think of as a classic gem shape. [According to online sources, this is simply called a "round" cut.] I walk slowly across the room back toward the couch where my mom is sitting, concentrating on the stone and willing it to catch fire. The stone feels inert in my hand, and I feel that I have chosen the wrong one. From the coloring, this stone is clearly attuned with ice, not fire. I should go back and pick a different one.

      I return to the table and find a small stone of matte earthy red color. This is more a mineral than a gem, and it is shaped like a narrow lozenge, almost a centimeter long, pointed at the ends, and only a few millimeters wide in the middle. I begin to will it into flame, but immediately have second thoughts. The stone is so skinny and small, it would probably make a scrawny phoenix. I go back to the table to look for a better one.

      I decide to find a gem that could pass for a phoenix egg, examine the options more carefully, and finally come across a good-sized stone around three centimeters across. It is also matte and reddish, but a generous oval in shape, and the top is composed of randomly assorted rounded protrusions, like bubbles. The bottom has been leveled off and already set into a metal frame. I decide that this one is ideal, put it in my left palm, and begin to invoke fire in earnest. Around this time my mom tries to talk to me about doing some household chore but I hush her: "Not now, I'm busy."

      The stone resists at first, but I do not let myself doubt my ability to do this. I've summoned fire in my palm before. This time I'm just transmuting it from a substrate. I will a flame to emerge from the stone and soon it does—but I notice that in the process, the stone has transformed into a candle. The candle is larger than the stone, filling my hand. It is a 6cm tall cylinder and is conveniently fitted in a round container. Between the candle and the sides of the container is what looks like a filling of crumpled dry grass.

      The flame is burning on the wick in the ordinary way, and I will it to expand and consume the whole candle, turning it into the phoenix I am trying to create. For a moment it burns quietly, but then the whole object transforms again. Briefly I seem to be holding a bundle of smoldering dried grass, around a foot in diameter, until the whole thing explodes and violently flies apart, patches landing in various places around the room. Failure? I'd better check the remains.

      I wander around to a couple of the smoking remnants, but see nothing notable. I remember that I need to keep my expectations high, so as I walk toward a third, larger patch, I anticipate finding a baby phoenix. Sure enough, when I prod at the charred dried grass, underneath I discover a tiny, long-necked, bird-like creature! The phoenix has hatched! But it is it skinny and completely limp. What can I do to help? As a creature of fire, I reason, it must need heat. It is probably freezing to death.

      I gently pick up the baby bird, which drapes across my hands with no sign of life, and take it to the fireplace. Luckily there is already a good fire burning. There is a kind of metal chain screen separating the fire from a metal grate on the hearth. Sprawled on the grate, soaking up the heat, is a long iguana-like lizard that I had previously noticed on the table when I was selecting jewels. I figure it must be a salamander, with the same need for warmth as my new phoenix. Should I place the phoenix in the fire directly, or on the grate? Since my hypothesis about the wisdom of putting the phoenix in the fire is as yet untested, I decide to lay it on the grate in case I need to remove it quickly.

      The experiment goes well. As soon as I lay the baby phoenix next to the fire, its body begins to perk up and fill out. It grows until it resembles a toucan in shape and size, though red in color and with a sleeker bill. Success! But was there more to the task? I can't remember if we were also supposed to fight something, and figure I'd better do that as well as long as I can maintain dreamstate. "Let's go fight something!" I say to the newborn phoenix, and it hops up on my shoulder.

      I head past the table with the jewels and open the window in the end wall. The window is a square aperture about three feet on a side, fastened with a single wooden shutter. The shutter is hinged on one side, flush with the wall when closed, and opens inward to the left. This truly resembles a medieval house in that there is no glass in the window, so it is easy to climb up and out. I pause on the sill and bid the phoenix to fly on ahead. Meanwhile, I hang up the long metal hook that I used to open the shutter so that I can grab it when I come in later, then use another device that resembles a hook attached to a wire loop to suspend myself from the sill and ease the drop to the ground, which is far enough below that it requires some precaution. I have the feeling that I have done this many times before.

      Once on the ground, I look around for someone or something to fight. I am on a grassy lawn that extends between a number of different buildings. The buildings themselves don't leave a distinct architectural impression—I wish I had taken a closer look. Instead I was scanning the ground between them, but all I see are ordinary people walking about, none of whom seem like suitable opponents. I don't want to be an unprovoked aggressor.

      The dream begins to fade. I worry that the abrupt transition to a different space might have unbalanced it, and I immediately take steps to stabilize, falling on my knees and examining the details of the grass while running my hands over it for texture. For a moment the grass turns grey and although I see all the usual plants among it, like clover, everything looks unusually small. But then a voice hails me from above and the dreamstate resumes its integrity: "Do you want to fight?" I promptly agree.

      I am facing a man who is accompanied by a creature resembling a muscular, short-haired white dog. The man has a sword, and immediately begins to strike at me. Although I am unarmed, I find that I am able to parry his blows with my hands without too much discomfort. I suspect that I could turn the fight to my advantage if I want, but the whole point of this exercise was to fight in tandem with the phoenix. Where is that bird? "Phoenix? Phoenix!" I call anxiously.

      The blade keeps falling, and I keep catching it and pushing it aside, but luckily the dog is hanging back for now. Suddenly to my relief the phoenix swoops in, aiming a stream of fire at the dog. More gouts of flame follow, consuming the man and dog, but they do not go down easily. I watch the phoenix, who has now taken human form, take a blade right through his stomach, angling up toward his chest. It is an unmistakably lethal blow, and I run over to him as he falls. I feel guilty for having put him in this predicament—but recall that for a phoenix, there should be a way to fix this.

      Looking around frantically, I am pleased to discover a fireplace in my immediate vicinity. Nevermind the unlikelihood of finding a fireplace outdoors; it is just what I need so I don't question it. I drag the phoenix, currently in the form of a slim Asian boy, over to the hearth and dump him directly onto the flames. I expect the fire to heal him; instead he begins screaming as his skin burns and chars. It is horrifying, but I hold him down as he struggles—he was dying already, this is the only thing that might help. Maybe this is how it is supposed to work. A phoenix has to die to be reborn, right? The human body blackens and burns away. Sure enough, in its place I find a little baby bird, looking much like it did initially but yellow instead of red this time. I wonder if its pale color means it needs to eat. The bird pecks at some morsel of food near the fire and I try to tempt it with something better. "Here, eat a hot one." I pluck an olive-sized piece from a row of snacks baking in the fireplace (I don't feel the heat, just as I didn't feel pain from the sword earlier) and offer it directly. The little bird compliantly swallows the morsel, growing in size and turning red again.

      I feel that I have completed the task to satisfaction, so even before I wake up I begin reviewing the details, making sure I commit them to memory. There is a moment when I am back in the same house as the beginning of the dream and ask someone to remind me the name of the guy I fought. "Ziggy Starduster and the Hoarfrost," comes the reply. I note that they definitely said "Starduster," not "Stardust." Since I only hear rather than see the names, I briefly wonder if the dog's name is spelled "Whorefrost" or "Hoarfrost," but decide that the latter is more appropriate on a number of levels.

      Updated 03-29-2016 at 07:47 AM by 34973

      lucid , memorable , task of the year
    6. [Lucid Dream] 3 ToTM Tasks, 1 ToTY Failed? Task, and Dreamwalking Attempts

      by , 01-30-2016 at 06:32 AM (The Lost Sanctuary)

      T.O.T.M. (Task of the Month), T.O.T.Y. (Task of the Year) Dragon, AND Shared Dreaming Attempts

      ~ Dream #1 ~
      100% Lucidity

      Approximate Real Life Time: Around 10 minutes
      Approximate Dream Time: About half an hour

      Backstory: So, I guess I am back! Woo-hoo! Same Dream Journal Template as usual... let's start!

      Story: I am in the void... I feel the emptiness... I stress my hands, but instead they were mechanical sharp pointy needles... It looked very awesome, and I decided to complete the ToTM and ToTY tasks. I started off with the basic task, and I created a few books. I wasn't able to read out what the first book's title said. The second book scored the goal. The book's title was "Economics", and it had a red cover with oldish, light brown paper inside. I skimmed through the book of random text. There was nothing useful. Afterwords, I created a paradise with floating islands, green vegetation, and waterfalls. The sky was still dark, and I decided to make it better and added an atmosphere to my little paradise. The sky is now light blue. After I decided that it wasn't enough, I added a sunset to my small paradise. Now my little world looks way better. I decided to summon a DC. POOF! They appeared, and I changed their gravity and they started floating upward. I started giggling as they were so confused, and started saying, "WHAT IS GOING ON?". Soon, I guess I have forgotten about the DC, and they were gone. ToTY Time! I told myself. I flew up really high above my floating islands, and I created a huge island with many houses and people. I summoned a dragon (I thought we were supposed to summon the creatures, but I guess I am wrong) and a dark mist formed in the middle of the air. A dragon appeared, and it flew directly for the village, and burnt it into smithereens. The houses were made of wood, so they burnt really fast. I patted my hands, and my job was done. Later, I drop down to the ground and I move to the right side of the islands. I wanted to start my shared dreaming journey.

      I decided to use doors to enter other people's dreams.
      I decided to go to gab's dreams first. I open the door, and a wormhole speed area appeared around me.


      [THIS IS WRITTEN AROUND 1/15 ~ 1/17? I don't want to finish plus I forgot]

      Updated 01-30-2016 at 06:36 AM by 69246

      lucid , task of the month , task of the year
    7. Sweet 16 Nights 7, 8, 9 and 10

      by , 01-20-2016 at 06:24 PM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      Night 7 (4 NLD)

      I was in a game or on some sort of mission (or both) with a team of highly-trained specialists. I don't know what exactly they were specialists of, but I got the feeling they were very good at something. We got to this huge room that had a lot of debris and water damage, and found out only one person could go on because there was a shrink potion needed to continue. But there was only enough to shrink one person. So I took the potion and started living in a metal box of some sort (maybe the shell of an old computer?) in this room, alone. The box already had a lot of supplies (food, toiletries, entertainment) and a video recorder. I got the feeling I was to live here and record daily what I'd noticed, what was happening, etc. I didn't know what to record first, so I just recorded a self-introduction, and then made some food with the supplies. I went out to explore the room in further detail when the dream faded.

      I was moving to a new apartment, and had just driven home from Target whee I'd gotten some things I needed. I almost didn't get let into the parking garage because I couldn't find my ID, but eventually they believed me and let me in without it. When I got to my new apartment unit, I was looking around the many rooms, trying to figure out which one would be best for the bedroom. They were all rather small, but that's fine by me. I eventually picked one room that was so small the bed touched both opposite walls.

      I was out shopping with my cousins and Zukin, and then we met my Oma. We all walked around for a while, and got some food, and then my Oma bought me a sexy bra. I was shocked but somehow it didn't surprise me, like I knew deep down she was a rebel anyways ;D

      I wanted to make a pillow pile in my room, so I went out to some home store with the intent to get as many of the cheapest pillows as I could afford. But it turned out they didn't ave any fucking pillows, so I went home PO'd. I didn't have enough energy to make it to another store to check if they had pillows, and I think I might have been high anyways, so I just went back home.

      Night 8 (1 NLD, 1 LD)

      I was babysitting for this new family; I think it was actually the family of my little brother's friend, Olivia. So they were both there, too. At first the kids didn't like me and when I asked if they'd like to play with me, they said no and hid behind the couch. So I backed off and started drawing on the floor. I got thirsty so I went to get a glass of water from the kitchen and when I got back to my picture the kids were looking at it. I asked if they liked it, and they said they really liked it. As usually happens with me a little kids, they opened up to me very rapidly after that, and soon we were outside playing this death-defying game of some sort. The older one wanted to show me a school project she was working on, so we all went back inside. My little brother and his friend were no where to be seen, so I was secretly wondering if they were making out somewhere, haha.

      I was parking my van in the street outside someone's house, and noticed a purple dog in the street. Did a reality check and confirmed I was dreaming. But it was too fuzzy and I couldn't remember any of my goals. I got out of the car and walked around, turned the dog orange with a wave of my hand, and then the dream destabilized and I woke up.

      Night 9 (1 NLD)

      I was at my neighbor's house (the neighbor happened to be one of my old high school friends) and talking to his girlfriend. We apparently had to pack things for him, and I remember thinking it was weird that I was helping pack things for him. Like, shouldn't that be his and his girlfriend's job or something? I was just an old friend, I felt like I shouldn't be doing this XD

      Night 10 (1 LD)

      I was part of another elite group protecting the world; this time, there were monsters plaguing the world and we went out at night and took care of them in a humane manner. I was out on a mission one night, and we were in a huge tube thing (this place was a bit like the trippy roller coaster Zukin and I are building in Minecraft) and jumping up and down on little platforms along its inner walls, trying to defeat these two monsters. We finally got them, but my partner and I got separated. The plan if that ever happened was to meet back up at the base, so I went back there on my own. He wasn't there yet when I got back, so I was worried, but I needed to rest, so I found a spot by a window and tried to sleep. One of my students was there (but she was all grown up!) and was watching an anime with her BOYFRIEND (whaaaat?!)
      I looked out the window again at the portion of the base that was at the bottom of this big hill (my portion of the base was at the top) and could see the people in it all scurrying around doing their works. That part of the base was open to the air for the most part, which is why I could see people so easily. I saw my ex there, and he waved at me (he must have looked up and seen me watching through my window) and soon like everyone in that base stopped what they were doing and waved at me. I realized this was strange and checked my hands; dreaming!
      This lucidity was oddly clear, and effortless. I knew my goal now was to summon Zukin. So I said her name out loud and snapped and there she appeared in front of me. We phased through the wall and started flying around. I wanted to go to space with her so we both shot out and up and didn't stop until we had exited the atmosphere and kept going a little further. After a moment of admiring Space, she said, "don't forget to do a mythical creature task," and reminded me of the fairy ring I'd failed last time. With Zukin here, I knew I wouldn't fail this time, so I teleported us to a forest by snapping (I've started using snapping for lots of dream control lately). Don't really know where the forest was or anything, but it felt like a forest would be a lot better than a fairy circle in someone's front yard.
      We walked around until we found a fairy circle, and then sat down in it and concentrated on the fairies I knew were around here. Soon they started flickering into being around us, kind of fuzzy and static-y like they were on an old television, or like they were a glitch in a game. They cleared up and sharpened up, and then I got a good look at them. Their skin was multicolored and metalic-like, and their wings shimmered, but they also had large talons on their hands and feet, and they had horns and fangs. I asked them what their secrets were, and to my dismay, they bashfully each pulled out multiple dildos. The fairies' secret was a dildo collection. Of course. I was too busy rolling my eyes at my subC and the dream faded
      and I woke up.
      lucid , task of the year
    8. The Bear

      by , 01-17-2016 at 03:16 PM
      January 17, 2016

      I don't remember how my dream began..

      We were in the woods; my whole family.It was my mom, my aunt, my grandma, my uncle, my eight year old brother, and some other 'family' that I didn't recognize.

      I asked what we were doing out here and my aunt said, "We do this once a year."

      And I was confused. Im almost 20 and have never done this in my life. So I asked he, "We do what?"

      She only replied with "You'll see."

      There was railroad tracks just ahead and there were various buildings and trees everywhere around us.

      I noticed everyone else picking up sticks and I turned to my aunt and said, "so were just picking up sticks?"

      She told me yes and after she said that I seen this big black link of what looks like mining carts passing by on the tracks. There wasn't really an engine attached anywhere on the link of carts so I'm not sure how it got there, but the twenty or so carts just stopped. I noticed something in one of the far right carts. It was something big and black. I could see it slightly moving like it was asleep. And then I realized what it was. A fucking bear.

      I had noticed when everyone was picking up the sticks that they were being really hesitant and very careful with them. I turned to my aunt and asked, "Once of us is going to pick something up or step on something to wake that bear up, aren't we?"

      She just looked at me and nodded her head. I wanted to run. To get out of there.

      All of the sticks had been picked up around where they were supposed to be picked up and everyone began questioning where the trigger was this year. We started looking around, going into the buildings around us, watching our steps. We had split into groups and I had followed my aunt and my mom. We had went into one of the smaller buildings while everyone else was splitting up into the bigger farm style building, and then it happened.

      There was a loud scream. Did we hit the trigger in the small building? Or did someone find it over in the bigger building? Regardless. I was in a panic. And then there was loud banging on our door. There was a small hole in the door that I could look through to see who it was. I was hesitant fearing that It was the bear approaching, but it wasn't. It was my eight year old brother. I quickly opened the door and let him in, then locked it straight behind him. When I let him in, I could see the bear Trying to decide where he wanted to go. We all kept very quiet hoping that he wouldn't come our way. But it didnt matter. A few minutes later it was tearing at our door trying to get in. My aunt opened up this secret door way that was in the floor and told me and my brother to go. We went down in and hid and there was tunnels everywhere.

      "BANG!" There was a loud gun shot. the scratching stopped and my mom and aunt came down.

      "Quickly," she said, "follow me."

      And we follwed her into a room. I was assuming this one was in the other, larger building because there was another doorway.

      "What was that?" I asked. She said my grandpa had shot the bear to give us some time.

      Other came down into the room, and i noticed something. There was another door above and below us. And something else. Another bear.

      The others came down quickly, including the cub. They managed to get the cub into the next room below us. And the cub had screamed. Then the mother screamed. We were in trouble now. She was coming for us. In this room with no escape.

      My grandpa told everyone to get ready, and for me and my eight year old brother to get back. So we did, and he let the bear in.

      She fell down searching for her cub. Standing up on her back feat and screaming.

      And they attacked. Shot after Shot, trying to kill the bear. And it was done. They had killed the bear. and they went down and killed the smaller bear.

      Was it over?

      Out of no where, my uncle asked my grandpa a question. (I cant remember what the question was). But after my grandpa had picked something my uncle told him something ( I cant remember what they had said--My uncle had gotten rid of something of my grandpas?)

      But then he lost it. I heard shot followed by shot. And then it was pointed at me. Everything went black.

      I could see again. We were at a restaurant. Me, my mom, and my grandpa.

      He opened the door, "Ladies first." And we went in.

      What the hell just happened?

      First were fighting a bear, then I get shot, and now were at a restaurant? Was I dreaming in my dream?

      Updated 01-18-2016 at 02:42 AM by 89781

      non-lucid , nightmare , task of the year
    9. Recall overload

      by , 01-17-2016 at 12:30 PM
      17/1/2016 (sat)

      It's a long post... recall overload even before I get to the 3 lucids...

      Before 6am
      -Crazy guy who had tried to shave off his beard... and missed the bit on the end. It was growing out sideways from the side of his mouth. He was very angry and shouting at everyone else.

      ND "Spider Nest"
      I 'woke up' and found my head had been covered in thick white spiders webs, while asleep. Sitting up I start pulling all the webbing off my face and off my hair. It is sticking to my fingers, so I wipe it on the carpet next to the bed. The web is covered in tiny white spiders, a whole nest of them scurrying around on the floor. Grabbing a heavy book from the night stand I drop it onto the nest, squishing them all.

      From here, kneeling on the floor, I spot something else weird: Under the bed are a whole collection of cameras. They don't seem to be switched on though. The bedside light isn't working. In the gloom though it's clear there is someone else in the bed. A woman.

      On the pillow is another tall light with a lampshade made from a fabric veil. I try to remove the veil and switch the light on, but it doesn't seem to work either.

      ND "Size Nines"
      With BB and two other guys. A police officer tries to arrest us but he is acting very un-cop like. He threatens us. I glance at BB and his face betrays nothing, but I can tell, just a twinkle in his eyes maybe, that he has a plan. BB acts calm and goes along with the arrest, so I fall in line too.

      The officer doesn't have enough handcuffs for all of us so we walk behind him. We head down a corridor in some kind of leisure centre or pool. The officer stops and measures the other unknown guy's feet, asking which of us has size nines. I stay quiet. The officer doesn't measure my feet and we head off again down the corridor.

      As we walk past a set of double doors, the third guy ducks inside them. I momentarily consider following him, but decide to remain with BB instead.

      Ahead in the corridor are a group of people trying to move a large metal box. The officer stops to help them, so we join in as well.

      ND "Imperial Guard Fight for Jesus!"
      My Dad has written a quote on the back of a book. It was something about the truth... it sounded good, but I can't remember it. Probably didn't make real sense anyway.

      So apparently Dad is now really into Warhammer 40K and has started Space Marines... because of Egyptology? He has started making a model board that looks like an abandoned warehouse with Egyptian hieroglyphs on it. Behind me he shows off his newest piece of work: A model pen filled with tiny dinosaurs. The models are moving and roaring, it is incredible.

      Dad then starts telling me that he chose Space Marines because they fight against Jesus. Er, what?
      "Not like those Imperials! They fight for Jesus!"
      I can't help but laugh because it sounds crazy.
      "No," Dad continues "I chose Space Marines because then you get a beast army too." He indicates the dinosaurs.
      "Er, don't you mean Tau..." I reply, remembering that in Dawn of War the Tau got Kroot units which look a bit like dinosaurs.
      Dad is insistent about the Space Marines. He shows me a screen with small animated pictures on.

      The dream changes and I'm driving a car. Some idiot in a minivan tries to overtake in the outside lane while we are queueing for a set of lights. I see a gap and move into it, which pisses the minivan driver off even more.

      Leaving the vehicle I walk inside a pub. A group of people are playing cards. One of them is JA from work. Also, they are pretending to be part of the Sons of Anarchy: Most of them are wearing leather cuts. They start to sort out drinks for everyone.

      One guy who I don't recognise comes over and we hug as brothers. He warns me that he is getting his friend out of this life. He glances over to another table where a 20ish year old guy is sitting looking nervous. "We're getting out. He's mine."
      "Yeah, fine, whatever. Do what you like."
      He seems surprised by my response. I don't care and head outside. There are tables filled with patrons and the road still busy next to it. I have a false memory of leaving my dog out here and whistle.
      "Juicy! Juicy!" ...apparently the dog is called Juice, after the SOA character.
      A small wiry terrier runs over and I squat down to scratch the dog behind the ears and greet him. Juice then starts to follow me as we start to walk back to the car.

      Long LD 339 "Phoenix"
      I am driving like a total maniac. It's all right, because this is a dream, so no one will get hurt. I nearly hit the kerb, then take a junction without stopping. The road layout is weird, or I'm going the wrong way down a slip road... and almost end up driving into a tree lined verge. Well this is silly... why am I just driving stupid? I should really just become lucid and do something productive with this dream.

      So I acknowledge the fact this is a dream and attempt to stop the car. It has other ideas. The car fishtails across the road and collides with a tree, despite me fighting the controls. Oh well. Another dream car wrecked. I climb out and look around. The road is in the middle of a forest. Perfect for the fairy TOTY... but the scene fades.

      Hoping it is just a scene change I hold on, assuming this is not a real awakening. After staring at blackness for a while I attempt to conjure a dream scene. Instead, the bedroom forms. AB is not here though. Getting up and looking around the room at several ugly pieces of furniture, I decide to use them to complete a different TOTY, phoenix.

      Looking down at my right hand I flick it open and summon a ball of fire. It half works - there is heat coming off it but it is invisible, just a flickering haze of heat and warmth in my palm. I try the other hand and the same thing happens. Oh well. I throw the fire at the nearest cabinet and it starts to melt. The flames spread to nearby bits of furniture too.

      I concentrate on the fire in my hand to turn it red, although it looks like real flame rather than just red magical energy. Happy with my fire-producing abilities I start chucking fireballs around the room. Soon the entire room is burning.

      The original cupboard has melted to the floor in a dark mound of ash, still flaming around the edges. Willing a phoenix to rise from the ashes I concentrate and start seeing the shape of a bird start to form. It's wings seem to be formed of the same invisible fire in my hands, but much hotter. The phoenix is shrieking and twisting now, rising into the air.

      The room feels very hot now. Uncomfortably so. I decide it's time to make an exit and phase through the window into the darkness beyond but end up in the darkness of the void, wondering what to do next.

      Two of my goals require a DC, so I started thinking about forming a pub or bar where there would be plenty of people to try out some magic on. Instead a tablet forms and I start reading the dreams written on the screen, before realising the scene has formed around me already. It's another empty bedroom.

      I phase through the window again. Beyond turns out to be a regular looking street, so I levitate down to the ground. It is night time. Everyone must be asleep in bed. Well, time to wake them up. I start to climb up the wall like Spiderman, to the upper floors, and peer in a window. The room inside has a wine rack thing, but is deserted.

      The next window is much more promising. Inside, lying on the bed, in her undies, is a blonde woman. Well, hello! I tap on the glass to see if she's okay with me climbing in through the window at this time of night. She looks slightly confused, but smiles. I take that as an invitation and phase into the room.

      The blonde woman stands up on the bed and starts moving to a second bed up in an alcove on the wall. As I start to move over, completely distracted from my goals and just thinking about having sex with her, the dream fades into a real awakening.

      7.20 - 8.40am
      Medium LD 340 "Turn You to Stone"
      In a car again. This time with my Mum, Dad and sister. Dad is driving. We head into a small English village, heading down a hill with a pretty view of the town. However the road is blocked. I climb out of the car and become lucid straight away.

      Still acting on the sexual urges stirred up from the previous dream's ending, I climb the nearest wall and find a door up on the second floor. Opening it reveals a bedroom. Sure enough there is a hot girl sitting on the bed, again in just her underwear. Unfortunately there is a guy sitting across the room.

      "Excuse me. I really want to have sex with her, so you should leave." Brutal honesty. Sometimes my SC respects that, and it seems like one of those times. The guy gets up and exits the room. The woman just looks at me, almost blankly, uninterested. Bit of a turn off. I decide to persevere and see what happens.

      Thankfully, once I sit down on the bed she decides that she is interested. To my delight she wants to try a couple of other things first before getting on with it.

      When we are in the middle of having sex though, another woman enters the room. She's older, fully dressed, and, well, I'm enjoying myself just fine as things are. The other woman tries to stop us, grabbing my arm and trying to pull me off the bed. Remembering one of my personal goals, I turn to her and say "You're going to sleep now", in my finest Kilgrave impression. She curls up on the floor and starts snoring.

      The woman that I was having sex with decides to go help the woman and try to wake her up. Fantastic. Irritated, I touch the girl's shoulder and will her to turn to stone. The skin on her shoulder takes on the appearance of stone, and the effect grows, covering her entire body. So now there is a statue of a naked woman trying to wake the sleeping woman.

      Well, enough of this. I go searching for my motorbike. The bedroom door leads out into a car park. There are rows and rows of cars but no bikes, so I start turning around and looking for one. A couple of motorbikes appear, but they are weird looking. I specifically want to ride my own bike tonight.

      I start to call out my motorbike's name and searching through the car park for her. (Yes, my motorbike has a name. I don't care if you think it's weird.) The car park leads to a street. There is a bus stop with several people waiting. A group of guys are hanging around. The bus stop leads into a tunnel, and at this point I acknowledge that my attempts to summon my bike aren't working. A new approach is needed. Before thinking of anything, the dream ends.

      Short LD 341 "Pipe Cleaner"

      I am desperate to urinate but unable to find a toilet. There is a large sink/bowl thing on the floor, so I pee into that. It is out in the open, in the middle of some kind of hospital. It seems to take forever, with there being an unending amount of urine. Some people walk past while I'm standing there, peeing into the bowl. They give me weird looks, but, well, I don't think I can stop the flow.

      A nurse shows up. She starts saying I should get a check up, and that there is clearly something wrong with me. She holds up a 'medical' pipe cleaner - the single bit of wire with white bristles surrounding it. Eeeep, no, you are not going to do what I think you're planning on doing with that!

      I turn around and am confronted by a second nurse. This one is holding what can only be described as a solid, clear plastic condom type thing with sharp looking bristles on the inside. There are rows of the same contraption in packets on the shelf behind her. Yikes.
      "Stay the hell away from me!"
      I zip my trousers up and make a hasty exit.

      The hospital turns into a pub. I walk past the bar, which contains a few DCs sitting drinking. At the door, still thinking about the nurses, I decide to do a reality check. Yep. This is a dream. I almost leave the pub before recalling the TOTM and head back to the bar.

      The barman gives me a surprised look when I ask for a beer. That's a normal request to make of a barman, isn't it?
      "You want a beer?" He says, slowly, as if this is a very stupid thing to ask for.
      "Yeah. A beer."
      He raises an eyebrow, but walks away.
      "What are you drinking?" I ask the guy sitting nearby at the bar, holding some kind of elaborate cocktail. "What's wrong with the beer?"
      "The beer tastes like piss." He tells me. "This is orange juice."
      Looking around, all the other patrons seems to be drinking fruit juice too. Great. I manage to find a bar where no one is drunk. I start to walk out of the pub and wake up.
      lucid , task of the year
    10. [Dream #1 - 1/12/2016] The Stress of Life and Wanting to Escape

      by , 01-12-2016 at 06:36 PM (The Book of the Multiverse)


      This is Shadow the Hedgehog

      I had a dream that involved me in an environment quite similar to the apartment space I live with my mother. It was warped in a way that the area inside (my room and living room) were much larger in space and taller in height. My mother told me to get the mail which I did even though I didn't want to and was completely annoyed. I went and got it and gave it to her. She was on the phone chatting to her friend and making comments about how worthless I was and my failure at my previous college and when she looked at the letter and she saw that it was about my other college I applied to and saw I wasn't accepted, she criticized me for it.

      However it happened, the next moment I was sitting on the couch with her as there was a TV playing some reality type of show of a guy in a lab coat wearing goggles. It mimicked that of the same scenario in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with the lab room and transportation of a chocolate bar. The guy from my dream had amiibos, one with Samus in a top hat (much like the video of one from YouTube that I cannot find right now) and one of Sonic the Hedgehog. The scientist spoke about bringing them to life and he did so by inserting their information into some device that brought them up onto his television screen. Eventually, Sonic was standing out of the TV set, spouting the same phrases as he usually does and the crowd behind the scientist grew ecstatic over it.

      I was bothered by it, I knew that I didn't like people who spoke or did stuff dealing with anything Sonic the Hedgehog related since it never seemed to go down the right path nor resonated well with me. It was also something I passionately connected with and seeing that made me feel awkwardly torn. I wanted to go hide in my room and my mother, knowing how I felt about it, started an argument with me. She said stuff like, "Stop being weird!" "Stop acting like a baby!" but I ended up locking myself in my room anyways blocking the door with some sort of umbrella shaped object. (Here comes the most vivid part of the dream) I can remember feeling a strange breeze as if the window was open. I then could see Shadow the Hedgehog. Much more dark in appearance, so dark that his face became almost impossible to register. Shadow's fur was very much slicked down in a somewhat jet black glossy finish. He was standing around half my height and he looked emotionless and almost lifeless, very still like a statue perhaps. Think of it like a ghost/spirit from a horror movie that stands in front of you movement-less. My dream self knew he was alive though but I was too afraid to act since I didn't know what he would do.

      Next thing that happened in a split of a second, I was in his arms, carried in a bridle position. Shadow was perched up on the windowsill of my room as he opened the slider mechanic underneath. I looked out to see a large crowd of people. Civilians, paparazzi and news reporters and even the police. They had guns pointed at us ready to shoot. I didn't feel afraid at that moment though, strangely. I looked up at Shadow and I could see a smirk form upon his muzzle as I caught a glimpse of his teeth.

      Anchoring himself along the sill, he pushed himself forward over the crowd of people keeping his grip tightly on me. Then I woke up back into the waking world.

      Notes — I figured this dream was reflecting the negative parts of my life (more so currently happening) and how I always wished I could escape and leave this planet. Shadow, being someone I wanted to fulfill my wish, it's no surprise to me for him to appear and carry me out from the apartment. In the end, I will say that the ills of my current life are still a main focus in my mind but the chance of being able to achieve the desired freedom is still in reach of hopes.

      Date— 1/12/2016

      Went to bed — 2:30AM

      Woke up — 9:50AM

      *Time logged — 9:52AM

      Total sleep — +8 Hours

      Stress level throughout the day — Moderate (I kept having flash backs of past events from being cyberbullied and discriminated in physical life but nothing that brought me into tears)


      *Daytime — Reality Checks, daydreamed (of Shadow The Hedgehog)

      *RecallMantras (Stated to myself that I would see Shadow the Hedgehog in my dream and that I would remember it)

      *Inducing Method — I listened to some traditional asmr and looked through various picture I had of Shadow The Hedgehog. One in particular is the one I added to the very top of the post.

      Dream Signs — Overly large version of my house, the scientist guy bringing to life amiibos and Sonic showing up, Shadow the Hedgehog appearing in my room, the crowd of people outside my window in a parking-lot type of area where in this physical realm (my window only points out to a bit of grass, a fence and another apartment complex).

      Perceived Length — 15 Minutes

      Emotions — Depressed to Emotionless

      Awareness — None

      Updated 01-17-2016 at 05:24 AM by 89722

      memorable , side notes , task of the year
    11. LD Goals 1/10/2015

      by , 01-10-2016 at 01:50 PM
      1. Connect to Subconscious: Ask questions to learn more about myself and learn how to make a permanent connection with it.
    12. <3 Sweetdream

      by , 11-18-2015 at 09:39 AM
      (Is it just me or does anybody else look forward to finding out what our brains come up with while we're sleeping? It's like lucidity is a bonus... that i have yet to master.) Anyways...

      So in the dream, I'm in a boarding school with bestie, (Every single one of my dreams has somebody I know In real life) and at first I'm under the impression it's an all girls but then I meet this boy. He says he will show me around and I agree leaving bestie to fend for herself (I don't see her again in the dream).

      We go off and cause trouble for the students and teachers with pranks and all (but I have trouble recalling what happened after but) We had a lot of fun getting to know each other, he's like the brother I always needed. (Dream friendzoned xD)

      I wish I could remember what he looked like or what his name was. I feel like I knew him but that my mind gave him a different face. Strange.

      Updated 03-21-2016 at 05:38 PM by 89239

      non-lucid , memorable , task of the year
    13. Lucid Dream 8.19.12

      by , 10-15-2015 at 09:18 PM
      FINALLY had a lucid dream after months of a dry spell

      I don’t remember much before my “ah ha!” moment when I became lucid. I just remember it was me and a few friends (or complete strangers I thought were my friends) were at this apartment complex/dormitory thing. It had multiple townhouses, upper scale dorm rooms, and little convenience stores that all faced at one particular point, which was like the outdoor common area for it’s residence.

      Something was wrong, I can’t remember what, all I knew was that for some reason my friends and I need to get out of this complex but were unable to do so. (I kind of remember monsters or enemies of some kind surrounding the complex) So, we were trying and trying to break through their line and get free, but couldn't come up with a great plan to break out. Me and two other girls were standing beside a car (could have been one of theirs) looking at this huge blockade of men/monsters/barricade that blocked off the entrance to this complex. I can remember thinking “man I wish this was a dream, then I could just blow the fucker up…”

      I stopped, thought about where I was for a minute, did my reality check and confirmed that I was in fact dreaming. As soon as I realized it, I busted out laughing as I kicked off the ground and started flying. My friends turned back and were in awe at what I was doing. All I could do was smile and shrug at them, I was so happy to have gained lucidity again. I flew over to the blockade, charged up this huge energy/fire ball and let ‘er fly at the blockade. It exploded, damaging the enemies defenses, allowing some residence to escape. I didn't want to leave the party just yet, so I flew around a bit, shooting energy balls at my enemies, all the while marveling at why I didn't realize I was dreaming before, everything looked and seemed so cartoony now. I fought a couple monsters, hand to hand, which was fun. After a while the scene started to bore me, and I started to experiment with my abilities outside the plot of the dream.

      While a bunch of people were being chased by monsters and fleeing for their lives, I decided to try and create a carbon life form just from my mind (a particularly difficult task for me). So, I stopped flying, set myself atop a small grassy hill (which was still being surrounded by the battles and chaos) and tried to grow and bloom a flower on command. I knew that manifesting a separate life was different than manipulating the energies of myself, so I focused not on ME creating the flower, but instead I focused on the energies it would take the earth to create a flower. I put my hand to the earth, sending some of my energies to it through my hand, I imagined a tiny seed sprouting, creating roots to spread about the earth, and finally, I imagined it sprouting, growing, and blooming. Within seconds of me doing this, a beautiful pink, small, daisy-like flower sprouted and grew from the earth where I was focusing. I did it! I created life! It survived until some scared resident trampled it.
    14. Attempts at Astral Projection early 2012

      by , 10-15-2015 at 09:13 PM
      Recounting my experience from last night when I tried to astral project. I have been attempting to astral project for months now but this is the closest I've come.
      So I started my usual relaxation techniques like I do almost every night, I stayed very still lying on my back until the sleep paralysis took over. I began to feel that tingling electroshock feeling throughout my body like normal, although the onset this time was far quicker. This time all the sensations I were feeling were more intense than normal. I actually began to feel my energy flowing freely throughout my body at a very high frequency vibration. I also felt every one of my chakra points and I could feel them "connect" their energies in a constant flow of electricity and light. I felt them all. Then my mind went still. I went from seeing the brightly colored hallucinations behind my eyes, (ones that you would normally see when trying to fall asleep) to seeing the full layout of my bedroom, all with my eyes closed. I could see my door leading to my closet, with my pile of laundry sitting nest to it. Panning my sight through the room I saw with great detail the rest of my room's layout. I also saw a figure, standing at the foot of my bed. Don't know if it was a spirit or what but it was defiantly a male energy, most likely a former human, about 25-30 years old (if you can even put an age on those types of things). It just looked at me curiously as if to wonder if I could see and communicate with it. Hands clasped together in front of him. I could tell it wanted to tell me something, or convey some thought to me. I wasn't fearful of it at all, and I did not feel any sort of negative energy associated with it. I wanted to just focus on getting to this next plane so I "told" (more like sent my message through thought) it that I needed to only focus on myself at this time and did not wish to commune with anything just then. I thought I almost saw it nod in agreement then faded back and moved out of my room by phasing through my bedroom wall opposite of my bed. I kept trying to pull myself out of my body completely but after about 20 min of trying to lift my spirit up, I gave up and opened my eyes. Upon opening my eyes I immediately saw another form at the foot of my bed, again it looked and felt human, but also greatly familiar. At this moment my perception kind of shifted and I went from seeing the figure at the foot of my bed while I was laying down, to seeing myself laying on my bed while I was standing at the foot of my own body. It was this that I truly feel I was outside my body for a moment, and was in fact looking at my own body while being outside it. I sat up, confused and felt myself shift back into myself completely again, back to my original state. As always after I attempt to astral project, I can feel my energies flow through my body, and it's at this time that I do my best work with controlling and manipulating my energies. But last night, man, all I could feel and see surrounding me was my energy. And it felt so much stronger than normal. I could also see the energies of everything around me, they look to be an almost thick, transparent ethereal fog, each belonging to one thing or occupying only one space. I saw many of these "clouds" of energy. Not quite sure what they are exactly but I will look for them again when I am in this state.
    15. Lucid Dream Accomplishments/Goals

      by , 10-15-2015 at 09:04 PM
      Here is a list of what I have done or want to do in a lucid dream....just for giggles

      [x] Fly
      [x] Have a fight with someone
      [x] Have a fight with multpile people
      [x] Telekenisis
      [x] Morph already exisiting objects
      [x] Manifest objects out of thin air
      [x] Play an instrument I don't know how to play in real life
      [x] Have sex
      [x] Control the weather (i.e. tornados, tsunamis, and the like)
      [x] Control air
      [x] Control water
      [x] Control fire
      [x] Control earth
      [x] Fight a monster or mythical creature
      [x] Teleport
      [x] Die
      [x] Get shot
      [x] Get stabed
      [x] Kill someone
      [x] super strength
      [X] Walk through walls
      [x] Share a dream
      [ ] Perform a sucessful WILD
      [ ] Astral Project
      [ ] Create a world from a "blank slate"
      [ ] Meet my dream guide
      [ ] Make someone else realize they are dreaming
      [ ] Access lost memories
      [ ] Go through our galaxy
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