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    1. Thousands of Doves

      by , 08-18-2014 at 08:25 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      I should have written this one right when I woke up...but I didn't...and I'm left with fragments.

      I was lucid - I don't remember how. Once again, I couldn't remember any of the things I wanted to do in my lucid dream (a sign of my recent scatterbrainedness, I'm sure) - so I decided to do backflips. Because why the hell not. Plus it's fun in zero gravity.

      When I got bored of that, I decided to fly around on the threshold of Earth's atmosphere and outerspace. Flying around in Earth is moderately fun, flying around in space is great (except it's always BONE CHILLINGLY COLD FOR ME ), but flying on the threshold of the two is the best.

      I flew up above the clouds. It was sunset...and beautiful!

      I flew over the clouds quickly....the giant white clouds began to morph into thousands of doves. The clouds would just dissipate into these beautiful white doves that would scatter away! It was so amazing.

      I flew up higher and into outerspace through the solar system. I flew really quickly past the planets and it made me feel a bit disorientated.

      That was great, but I decided to come back home to Earth. When I landed, I saw a tornado on the horizon. I decided to fly into it, but I think I woke up before I reached it.

      Tags: doves, flying, tornado
    2. Adventures of Redstar: Part 2 Bloopers

      by , 08-18-2014 at 07:59 PM
      After forgetting how I became lucid, I did some things then suddenly remembered the adventures of redstar. I went over to a nearby house with a couch and clara wasn't there, figures. I tried to create her so I could actually continue the story but to no avail. I went outside and found I think the doctor and river song, walking together when I went up and stopped the story and was like "wheres clara" and then river song was like "haha, you always have to keep one door open in a house". I went to try that, and sadly, I woke up
    3. 00:00 Monday 2014-08-18 Home Run! 4 LDs: #50, 51, 52, 53

      by , 08-18-2014 at 07:41 PM
      23:18 pre-bedtime 3mg melatonin
      00:00 Monday 2014-08-18

      04:00 alarm, 2 x 4mg Galantamind, 1x 300mg Choline Bitartrate, 1x 300mg Alpha-GPC, 1 large rye cracker, 1 banana, immediately back to bed

      (no recall, just vague impressions, not even fragments)

      05:00 still awake

      05-06? very stimulated, familiar body buzzing feeling on G + Ch, difficult to get mind to stay at rest, "relieve tension," BTB

      fall asleep somewhere around late 05? or perhaps 06?


      + I'm lucid sitting on a bus, feel unstable, turn around to my right and see a guy sitting in the seat behind me smoking, I grab a strap that runs vertically along his body with my right hand and hold it firmly and say to him, "NO SMOKING ON THE BUS!!". I'd like to stabilize and get deeper into the dream but I can't take my right hand away (like if I did the dream would end) and I can't reach the right hand with my left. I lose visuals and I'm holding both hands on the bar on top of the seat in front of me. The bus starts pitching up and down violently like a ship in tall ocean waves, I feel the bus pitch down sharply and my body lifts up off the seat, still holding on to the bar in front of me, I wonder if the bus is going to start flying into space.

      Transition: I'm now a DO flying above behind and to the right of a bus that's driving on a road. The world is a flat-shaded cartoon world: a lot is white, and it's very blocky. The bus turns left at an intersection and them pulls over to a building and stops. I call out "Hey are there any cartoon girls in there?" I see a little guy get off the bus and head in to the building, I follow him and call to him "are you going to show me your cartoon <ahem>?"

      + In a house, in front of a mirror, I pick up an electric toothbrush and turn it on. The sensation in my hand gives me an idea and I place the fairly strongly vibrating toothbrush in a NSFW way in several different positions looking for the best sensation.

      + (I may have been walking through my kitchen at one point). I have a shirt with a large red food stain on it, I feel generally kind of nervous/edgy. I'm outside my kitchen (on a patio?) looking down at my shirt every once in a while, when my friend MR appears in my kitchen looks at me picks something up in his hand and says "Hey <my name> why aren't you eating these pancakes?" I'm thinking those pancakes were cooked some while ago and may not be very clean. He takes a bite and says "pancakes are great for digging out cavities!"

      + colleague JT is holding a joint press statement with the police, they've found his kidnapped son after a long search, he's calling for leniency on the kidnapper -- his wife is hot and busty I see her topless with her arms over her head, get lucid, and enjoy the view and perhaps think about leaning in for some contact for a few seconds before waking up.

      + I'm standing in a hallway (feels like a house) and am immediately lucid. At the lucidity I notice the walls change from uncolored to colored in a modern color scheme: muted warm colored rectangles, smoky translucent glass arranged in patterns. I turn to my left and walk ahead slightly, my attention drawn by incredible colors and patterns. On a (bed?) in a room there I see a pile of cube-shaped pillows (about 4-6 inches on a side) that have a mixture of many different colors in various patterns (mostly straight/triangular lines). I'm astonished at the vivid colors and look at the scene for a few moment to make sure I can remember it. I remember TOTM basic (I) (foreign word) and turn back to where I started expecting to find some people. Just ahead I see the hallway open into a large open area and DCs are mulling around there. I walk up to one and try to say "tell me a foreign word and what it means," but I can barely open my mouth and can barely make any sound. I try again with another DC and the sounds are severely muted like trying to talk under water, the DC just walks away, I try once more and the DC looks at me with a quizzical "say that again?" look, and I slow down and try to speak very clearly. I think it comes out better and the DC answers something like "fribblety-splat". I repeat it back to make sure I heard it correctly. Then I ask her what it means, and she answers "the kakashka is in the F. U." Despite the success I go on to ask a few more DCs in the area and now I can speak clearly and freely. I'm eyeing some DC girls as they walk by, like one, then pick another (long curly blonde hair),
      Spoiler for NSFW explicit:
      I wake up.

      awake, recalling dreams, trying to get BTB, jerks are playing loud music outside somewhere

      09:10 ? receive phone call, stand up answer it

      Back to bed. I'm quite awake. Should I just get up for the day? NO! I feel I have at least one more LD in me and I'm probably still on the fumes from the G. Boy, I'm awake. OK, if you want it, you have to work for it. You've worked for this, you know what to do, DO IT!

      So I do counting breathing up to about 50, that's not helping much, the counting is keeping me too aware. Do my classic sleep kung-fu: on every exhale, sink deeper into relaxation, let EVERYTHING go: mental, physical tension, on EVERY breath, let more and more go, let everything go! And in a short while .... I sleep!

      + I'm lucid in super crowded indoor space like a bookstore. I don't remember anything before this moment of lucidity. YES made it, 4th LD!, Start to to stabilize by rubbing my hands, hey, ... why not rub that cute girl's butt instead? I reach for her butt but she somehow knows what I'm doing and scoots off away from me really fast, I decide not to chase, I think it's pretty funny! Wow this is crowded, mostly young people, cute girls, push past them through a doorway and turn to the left. OK, NOW it's time for a girl! Wait...no, stabilize! I stop and rub my hands, and pound my chest with my fists a few times. At the pounding a DC who was sitting down next to me is startled, and gets down on the ground and scuttles/runs away like an insect. She was wearing a dark/black burka, like a muslim. I thought that was sort of funny/weird. Ah ha, I want to carry a bottle of water with me to stabilize! I think I'm holding a bottle of water and look down at my hands. WOW TRIPPY, my hands and parts of my arms to the wrist are not fully rendered yet by my brain, it looks like I'm wearing black translucent long gloves with bright lines circling all over and sparkles all over them, then I see the "paint" of my skin color creep quickly into my hands. Looks like a computer graphics effect! I'm now holding an empty bottle of water. I will for it to be filled with water. Wait a minute, no, Beer! Be filled with Beer! I see it fill with liquid. I upend the bottle to take a drink with my head back and my mouth open, and a few modest sized splashes of water (darn didn't get beer) hit my tongue and the roof of my mouth at the back of my mouth, the sensation is entirely realistic. I move the water bottle to my left hand. I remember my goal of chewing dream gum to stabilize and stay in the dream, I reach my right hand into my right pants pocket expecting to get some gum there, I feel a lot of coins and something like a wrapper, I bring my hand out and see some coins and an empty wrapper, ah well. I walk forwards (back the way I came) and people are still everywhere, I see a petite girl sitting in a chair
      Spoiler for NSFW explicit:
      I wake up. I'm quite pleased that I got in my 4th lucid in one night, I'm really happy about this. I'm in a hallway in a large area and I look up and see a big analog clock and see that it shows 11 o'clock, wow I've slept quite late! Then I get a dream transition feeling and think "Hey maybe I can DEILD back in!", but I feel more awake, now I'm in bed, really awake, and realize I just missed a FA/transition to non-lucid, ARGH!

      10:20 now really awake

      Updated 08-18-2014 at 07:49 PM by 65364

      lucid , false awakening , memorable , side notes , task of the month
    4. This doesn't trundle along on wheels

      by , 08-18-2014 at 06:21 PM
      Just bits and pieces again... non lucid ;(

      Awfy cute wee fluffy white kittens. I studied them fir a whiley then looked at a brochure where their breed name was displayed. I deliberately said the name to myself a few times to remember. Guess what - I forgot! - The name had lots of O's & P's in it though.

      Went to go into my shop, found it already open. It was unusually bright inside and there was a lassie standing just inside who I never took note of.

      Panicking when doing my invoices as the prices seemed too high, then I remebred that we get the VAT back.

      Looking at my rail of T shirts and thinking - I'd better get some large ones in.

      - Jings - I think I need a holiday!!!
    5. I wonder if....?

      by , 08-18-2014 at 05:51 PM
      In this morning's journal I wrote"Strange dream (aren't most of them?) with lots of railway lines spontaneously generating inside a church. "

      I've just realized what the dream was about. I spent a huge chunk of the last 8 months playing Minecraft...building railways both above ground and below ground in the many tunnels I dug. Included in that, there was a central hall through which I crossed to all 4 points of the compass.

      We are surely advanced biological computers (until it comes to getting on with each other) and the "amateur scientist" in me wonders if some dreams (the bizarre one perhaps) are the brain deleting surplus data. Given the hours I tunneled and built surely most of that would be ditched eventually...leaving residual memory of each event so we can recall it

      I read that some fairly important stuff also gets accidentally deleted...and other memories are "altered" giving rise to family arguments later on when there's conflicting recall.

      What dream 2 was really about I haven't got a clue....yet

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    6. Rugrats, Captured, Balloon

      by , 08-18-2014 at 05:23 PM
      I think I was Playing video games with Chuckie and Tommy, holy crap I forgot most of this dream.
      Change Scene
      I was in a Structure with people and it from outside it looked like my school anyway I think this continued from my Rugrats dream. It's like a movie theater but anyway there are 2 tubes and me and the people I was with went in it and we were on a different floor. We were captured by some guy. Anyway eventually I escaped I run to the fence and climb over it and, this Girl with Black hair hears me I think she was my friend but she was mad at me so she called the person who captured me and a bus came by and started to move and I was sent away by a Tractor Beam back into the scructure.
      Change Scene
      I was a Balloon. A Hero for that matter. I got sliced in half and my organs came out I tell this girl to hurt me more so I can goto the ambulance.
    7. OpheliaBlue and my "not adventurous taste"

      , 08-18-2014 at 04:59 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      8/18/14 Monday

      Last night bed around 11 - 8:10am

      Woke up from this dream:

      We are in a restaurant, 4 girls, one of us is OpheliaBlue. It's a japanese style restaurant, because we are sitting on the floor with some very low tables.

      The last course is coming and when I come back from the restroom Ophelia tells me that she ordered me some fruit, because she knows I don't like frutees. (I imagined frutees to be like an icee made of fruit.) I say, "well, I don't like frutees because I don't like fruit". And she says "well then you don't have adventurous taste". And she doesn't realy seem to care, so I don't say "my taste is adventurous plenty".

      I have a feeling that the last course were some amuse-bouches on a skewer, like small balls of cantaloupe, or some meat, or 2 other choices. Ophelia, next time, just go with the meat for me pls. : D

      DR before this one was quite long and interesting, I'm still trying to figure out why.

      I was in small town where my grandma lives. Going in and out of her house, there is a gate to the street. I may have kicked someone's ass. Hopefully I'll remember it later.
      Tags: opheliablue
    8. Lisbeth, Weird Creatures, and other Adventures

      by , 08-18-2014 at 02:02 PM (One Up Seeker)
      Today, I got up 3 hours early, so I missed out on a big chunk of my REM sleep so I don't have as many dreams to record today.

      1. I was outside of my house, but in my driveway. There was a blanket laying on the ground, so I picked it up and looked at it. It was black, and it had detailed lettering all on the inside of it. Suddenly I felt an unusual presence behind me, like that of a ghost or some sort. Quickly I got under the black blanket and hid myself. I looked over to my back door and could see a blurry figure standing there.
      My fear grew as I lied on the ground. The blanket didn't fully cover me up, and I could tell that the ghost could see me(not usually scared of ghosts). I continued to try my best to fully cover myself under it, and this time, when I did, I saw something unusual. As I looked under the blanket at the lettering inside, the blanket began to tell me a story. This story was shown to me as some type of movie. In the movie, there was a man that was venturing across a vast desert, and it was specified to me that he was on a journey to get some kind of spiritual weapon.
      The movie ended and as it did I inspected the writing on the inside of the blanket a little closer. I started to read the blanket and for some reason it terrified me. The blanket talked about god(im not religious, no offense to anyone else though) and how he was going to destroy all of those that opposed him. Some time later, I got up out of the blanket. I walked down to the front of my driveway and saw 3 of my close friends; Patrick, Dylan, and Trey.
      "What are you guys doing?", I asked. They all replied, "Dude we're just chilling". I was pretty bored at the moment, so I didn't want to chill, besides, "chilling" to them was just sitting in a chair all day long doing nothing. They continued doing this, so I walked around some more. As I walked to the complete end of my driveway, I saw that I was not at my house. The house had changed, and now I was walking on the driveway of my friend Patrick's house.
      It didn't phase me that I had just transported, so I just kept walking around. I looked up at the sky and it was a soft, ocean blue. The texture of the clouds stood out to me and looked really smooth and swirly. I looked back at the ground and on the driveway I saw 3 blue arrows pointing to the end of the driveway. I was wondering about who put them there, and then I "remembered" that Patrick's dad had painted those arrows on. There was one arrow on each side of the driveway, and one arrow in the middle. I remember walking back up the driveway again and stopping at the edge of Patrick's house. Something had caught my attention, but I don't remember what it was.

      2. I was in some sort of weird dimension/video game, not sure what it was. The graphics in this place were like that out of a video game. I was with my friend Dylan, and we were in a cave that had an all brown interior. "Dylan, what is this place?", I asked. "Don't worry dude, I know what I'm doing, just follow my lead", he replied. I looked and noticed that Dylan had some kind of staff in his hand, it was a dull golden color and it had a ball of blue energy at the top of it. Dylan handed me the staff and we continued walking.
      As we did so, and turned a corner, I was confronted by some 7 foot tall beast creature. I can't describe it because I have never seen anything like it before. It kind of resembled a gorilla, body wise, but looked nothing of the sort in the face. Its body was white and transparent as though it were a ghost. It was wearing transparent armor as well. Then it came to me, Dylan had said that these things were some type of spirit warriors, but the evil ones.
      I shot this creature with my staff, and it died. I looked behind me and Dylan was gone. I turned around and walked back to where we first started and looked for him. The entire cave was giving off a really creepy vibe. Everything inside of this cave was covered in a thick layer of dirt. I came to the area where the dream began, but no one was there. My only choice now was to turn around a continue on, and that's what I did.
      Immediately as I turned around, I was encountered by another one of those spirit warrior creatures. I shot him with my staff, but it didn't phase him. "This isn't good", I thought to myself. Then, I heard Dylan again, he was telling me to shoot it again. I shot the creature again, but it did nothing. Dylan then told me that I needed to get away from the creature right now, because he couldn't be killed(BTW I could only hear Dylan's voice, it was like he was talking to me through my mind). I ran away from this creature, only focused on trying to get away from it now.
      I ran deeper into the cave, and all of a sudden my environment changed. Now I found myself in some sort of room. The walls were yellow and green, and I was with my friends again, along with a few other people I knew from school. The atmosphere of this place was that of an indoor fun house filled with inflatable slides and things as such. I talked to my friends and asked them what was going on. "Dude Adidas is about to release 3 pairs of their new shoes", Dylan told me. Patrick and Trey, who were right next to him, agreed.
      Suddenly, 3 green containers emerged out of a wall behind my friends. We all went up to them. These were the boxes that Adidas was giving away. My friends got 2 boxes, and I grabbed the one in the middle. The boxes had a 3 toed paw on the top of it that was also green, along with a timer that showed how long one had to wait until the box could be opened. My friends tried opening their boxes now, and they tried pulling apart the box completely, but the box wouldn't open. It was like it was indestructible, and tamper evident.
      As my friends continued trying to rip the box open, I looked at their timer and saw that it had increased the time that they needed to wait until it was going to open. Seeing this, I decided to leave my box alone and let the timer run out on its own. I went over to it and picked it up to move it somewhere else, but when I did, the timer reset itself. I didn't move it anymore and just let it sit on the ground. I continued waiting, but after another minute, the box started glitching and the timer would keep resetting itself every second. I got up and left the box in disgust.
      I saw that my friends had done the same, and they were now talking to everyone else in the room. I went to where they were and saw that they were talking to my other friends, Brittany and Lisbeth from school. As I took part in the conversation, Brittany was telling us that Lisbeth was her real sister. It surprised me because I had never known that before. The two girls left to go do something real quick, and while they did, Patrick came up to me. "Dude she's pretty cute", he said. "Which one?", I asked. "Lisbeth, man, I think I'm going to go out with her", he told me.
      This created a conflict inside of me, because I too had liked Lisbeth and was going to ask her out, but I didn't want to ruin my friendship with Patrick or anything, so I decided to stay low for now. I remember looking at Lisbeth, and she was wearing a bright green track jacket. She looked beautiful, but hey, she always does.

      3. I was upstairs in my room, just chilling on my laptop. My room was huge now, and besides my bed, it was completely empty. Also, my bed was now in the bottom right corner of my room, and it too was a lot bigger in size;it seemed like it became king size. As I continued chilling, my mom walked into my room and asked if I wanted to go to some food restaurant to get something to eat(I don't remember what it was called). I said yes and started getting ready.
      I turned off my laptop and put on my shoes. "Mom and Dad don't usually eat out this late, thats pretty odd" I thought to myself. I looked at my digital clock and it read 9:00 p.m. I turned off my light and left my room. As I left my room, I passed the spare bedroom which my sister was in(she likes playing her video games in that room). I saw that the light was on, and I assumed that she was staying here and wasn't coming with us. I remember thinking about how she might get scared, being alone in the house this late at night.
      My parents were downstairs waiting for me. As I walked down my hallway to get to my stairs I felt a feeling of fear. Something was creeping me out. I don't know what it was, and I didn't really care to know either. I walked down the stairs and met up with my parents in the kitchen. My dad was really mad because earlier he hadn't got to eat any dinner, so he was really hungry and wanted to get to that restaurant fast. I remember the first part of the name of the restaurant we were going to, it was "Bacon".
      I don't remember actually going to this restaurant, but I do remember coming back afterwards and looking in my pantry for more food. In dreams, whenever I look inside of my pantry or fridge, I always see weird food that I've never seen before. This time, I saw some more weird food, along with expired things, but I don't remember what they were.

      4. I remember being in my house or somewhere like it, and I was aware. I was semi-lucid, but I kept getting distracted by the dream. My awareness kept coming to me on and off. I don't remember anything more except for that when I woke up, I really felt like something cool had happened.

      Updated 08-18-2014 at 02:17 PM by 65076

    9. Hell

      by , 08-18-2014 at 01:57 PM
      Had a Hell dream. I was walking through fire and I was lost... I heard a creepy melody... Hell is not somewhere I want to go when I die!
    10. Inside a Nuclear Explosion

      by , 08-18-2014 at 12:47 PM


      I was inside a nuclear explosion. I was very close to where the explosion happened. I ran from it quite quickly. I got to a thin wall and ran across that. I saw the wave thing part go through the wall. After the explosion, I got to a school.

      Many people were in the school. I saw many people who went to school with me from real life. They were talking about dying from the radiation. They said most of the people have 1 year to live, While the luckier ones had 2 years. I became very worried of dying in two years; of dying, actually.
    11. A quiet night in

      by , 08-18-2014 at 11:19 AM
      A quiet night with nothing particularly vivid...although I managed to grab two fragments.

      2.50 am
      Strange dream (aren't most of them?) with lots of railway lines spontaneously generating inside a church. "We" (just me and the vicar?) seemed to be expecting a train along but we didn't know what set of lines it would be on...a sense of imminent danger of being killed.

      Sitting on the floor inside some sort of children's nursery. An adult male was playing with an assortment of toys that were somehow all melded into one. He appeared to be crying. He seemed to put it on like an outfit then climbed onto something and did a spectacular bellyflop onto the floor. Ouch! that must have hurt...

      He proceeded to repeat the process around the room and once he was poised above me and I said something like "Don't you dare!"...and he didn't...and that's it.

      The jury's still out on my "this is a dream" idea...we'll see. I also did a WBTB at 6.00am.

      I tried WILDing, (using something I noted by Gab) But I got nowhere as usual. The failing clearly is in me...not in the methods, but I'll work on that over time. Most of my failures are due to my stubborn persistence in doing most WILD's during the daytime.

      I used to get most spectacular (false) SP...a real feeling of frozen arm muscles and some amazing "rushes" as if I was going somewhere...but never did. But, apparently, we must ignore the body and I do and I don't get those effects now. But I have never been able to achieve meaningful hynogogia or dream scenarios...and I have difficulty visualizing.

      Ever onward!

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    12. Working At Kohl's Again

      by , 08-18-2014 at 10:52 AM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I walked back into Kohl's to shop for the first time since I quit. The service desk was in front of me when I walked in, unlike IWL where it is against a wall close to a corner. I don't remember who was working the desk, but it was someone I knew. David was there when I walked in. He saw me. I immediately felt like he was upset with me. In fact, I felt like everyone who saw me there felt that way. Nonetheless, David smiled at me and we talked. I said something about me quitting and how he must be mad. He didn't say he was mad, but I don't remember what he said.

      Then, I was working there again, albeit doing a different job. They had me picking orders for this online ordering thing that they do there. I was surprised that they were letting me work there again. I thought about how I now had two jobs. I was walking around, trying to locate the order slips; I couldn't remember where they were. I "remembered" people always just handing them to me in the past. I walked by this big machine, and thought they may be there. I don't remember if they were or not.

      I talked to the girl at the service desk. I "remembered" Cherie' telling me that they got a new customer service person.

      The whole time, I kept thinking that the employees were surprised to see me back. I kept on doing my job, trying not to make too big of a deal out of it.


      Blargh. Kohl's dream again. Also, a super early morning, so not enough sleep. Tonight and the next night should be a different story though. Here's to hoping!
      Tags: kohl's, work
    13. The Eyeball

      by , 08-18-2014 at 08:59 AM
      The Eyeball
      Lucid #36


      I attempt WILD (It might have been a FA because I think my curtains weren't there)
      After the HI settles I find myself in my room. I do a RC and I am certain I am dreaming. I keep laying on my bed to stabilize the dream. I yell "Stability" and "Clarity" and my voice sounds like I am speaking in a slow motion video. Although the dream quality doesn't change. I look at a poster of a soccer-player I have in my dream-room and the dream calms and gets really vivid. I decide it is time for me to stand up so I start with sitting on my bed and slowly get up. The dream vividness fades a little when I move but I ignore that..
      I remember the eyeball task and stare straight ahead. I take my right hand and move it to my right eye. I take all my five fingers and push it arround the eyeball and it comes out with slight discomfort but no pain. It makes a squishy sound and I have an eyeball in my palm. It looks pretty realistic and I get a little freaked out, although I keep looking at it. It is white with green-brown eyes
      (I have really dark brown eyes in WL). I can make out some little blood-vessels and the optic nerve is still attached it and fans out in litlle sub nerve endings leaving it looking like a red fern . I also notice some liquid in my palm but then quickly decide to throw that thing away . It hits the wall and I decide to wake myself up to journal (Worst decicision ever)...
      Tags: eyeball, gross, totm
      lucid , task of the month
    14. Spirited House, Surprising Daryl, Mind Reader, Daryl's Birthday, Hide And Scare (18.8.14)

      by , 08-18-2014 at 02:54 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1 - 2:10AM

      I can see towards a house. It's located near my estate over the old train lines rump. As I'm observing the house I can hear a man talking to an interviewer. He's telling the interviewer about everything I'm looking at. He house seems to be a spiritual house from what the man is saying. He's talking about meditation. I see a door which has a webbing design going across it.

      I see the house from a distance again and the man explains about the Winter Olympics coming here, or had recently been. I think I see the house with snow around it.

      Dream 2 - 6:40AM

      I'm at my house and I see my brother and someone else. They're talking to Daryl and his Mum on Skype via the computer, which is in the rumpus room. I don't seem to want to chat to Daryl, but I walk up to the screen anyways. I'm shirtless and Daryl spots me, and tells me I'm looking leaner then the last time he saw me.

      I make the journey over towards Daryl's house. He doesn't know I'm coming over as it's a bit of a surprise. I'm standing in front of his house and it feels as if I've been here before (in a previous dream). The funny looking boat in the drive way even looks the same if not similar. As I'm walking towards the door I see Daryl's Mum. I greet her and tell her she's lost weight. Her face was a lot thinner and sunken in a tad. She says yes, and puts her head down as if she is thin for the wrong reasons. I have a strong feeling she is unwell and maybe been diagnosed with cancer. I feel bad for telling her she lost weight, just in case that was the reason behind the weight loss. I look across the road and see that 2 men are walking their dogs. One of the guys says to the other, something about the way he walks (dog walks in between his legs), is the reason he finds it difficult. The mans dog which walks it strangely, starts to urinate. It looks as if the man is holding the back legs up, making it do a hand stand while in mid stream. The dogs penis looks massive from the distance. The other man walks in the opposite direction, back over the fence into the grassy area. Daryl comes to the door and we greet each other. A dog comes to the front door. It's looks like a grey hound. Daryl's Mum is holding their dog, which looks like a black Labrador. Jane puts her dogs paw towards the other dog so it can sniff her dog.

      Within no time, the Labrador is laying it's head on the grey hound, as if they're best mates.

      Dream 3

      I'm walking across the road near the ice cream shop, when I can read a mans intentions from the distance. He's intentions were to act as if he is a homeless bum, and to attack me. I can see 2 dogs at the end of the lights where the man is. As I'm walking across the road, I walk at a 10 o'clock angle to try and stay away from the man. He does the same and walks in my direction. (Feels like I have been here before and done a similar thing) I begin to make a run for it and head towards an undercover car park. I see a man inside a little booth and hope he's able to help me, but he locks himself in and doesn't intervene. I throw my wallet down on the ground. Moments later I turn around and punch the man chasing me in the face. It's a good hit, and drops him on his arse. I start to think about the damage I would have done to his eye. I eventually make my way back to towards the wallet. In the process of walking there, I see a picture of a achievement unlock for missing item not acclaimed. It says that I failed to complete finding my wallet, and that it had been taken by the man chasing me. Another picture comes up showing the amount which was left in my wallet. There was around $1000 in it. I can see similar threads to Kayley's, when looking for wallet?

      Dream 4

      I'm sitting on the ground and Daryl is showing me pictures of his friends son and daughter. The kids look a little odd looking. Daryl seems to favor the son. The photo of the son was of him standing close to the camera, whereas the daughter was amongst other people sitting on a couch.I can see a picture of Daryl receiving a birthday cake off of his friends in Yeppoon. They got him a ice cream cake.

      Daryl is standing at a fridge. He's holding up the box which has the cake in it. I catch a glimpse of the brand on the box which doesn't look familiar. Daryl offers me some but I decline. I do eventually try a little just to get the taste. Daryl raves about how good it tastes but i don't seem to rate it as highly as he does. It's good but nothing special. As they're sitting down, his Mum explains that it would be much better if it had some kind of fruit in it, as well as other stuff. I debate what would be good for the cake and show them a cooking article, which looks to be on a kindle looking device. Daryl unfolds his, now looking like paper.

      Dream 5

      I'm in a bedroom with my brother. He tells me to hide, because a women in red is coming into the room and he wants to play a prank on them. I hide under the bed which doesn't have a mattress on it. The only thing that's making me less visible is the wooden slats connected to the bed. I worry that I'll be seen. The old women walks into the room and we both lock eyes. I'm sure I've been caught hiding but she doesn't see me. As she walks up a few steps to exit the bedroom my brother hits the button which plays a scary sound, hoping to scare the shit out of the people entering. Another victim walks into the bedroom, and this time it's a young black women. She reminds me of my brothers old girlfriend, except she was white. The black women seems very energetic and is acting all excited. She looks to be stealing stuff off the bed and I realize I left my phone on bed. She doesn't grab the phone. She starts dancing and singing, while eating some kind of treat on the bed. It was inside a box. As she leaves my brother hits the button and scares her. A man walks into the room for a moment then leaves. I don't get to see him, but I heard that he threatened to kill whoever scared him. The door that they all exited out of was my dad's bedroom door.

      We're in the kitchen. This time Josh is with us. We tell him what we had been up too and I found it hilarious. My brother didn't seem to think it was as funny as I thought. I notice I have an erection and not wearing any pants, just underwear. I see Dale Thomas (AFL Player) in a scene, he's talking about how he wired up the connections for the clubs internet. I can now see another AFL Player kick the ball up into the air next to a goal post. I think they're looking to shorten the posts. Dale notices the player is kicking wrong and he helps him kick correctly.

      Dream Fragments:

      I'm in my house and I fart a little too hard and at the wrong time. To sum it up, I shat my pants. I can feel the warmth of the poo sitting in my pants and feel it running down towards my feet. I rush myself toward the toilet, looking like a person who just shat themselves. Lol.

      Side Notes:

      Swapped mattresses. Felt a little soft. Got to sleep quicker then usual. Woke up around 5AM and struggled to get to sleep for an hour.
    15. Giant Stingray in the Black Jellyfish Sea

      by , 08-17-2014 at 11:12 PM (One Up Seeker)
      So, I haven't recorded these dreams all day so that means my recall will be a little off today guys.

      1. I was in some huge ocean, and it was crystal clear, but at the same time had an electric blue/teal glow to it. I was scuba diving with a friend. As we were swimming, I saw a massive stingray start swimming towards us. This stingray was gray and had a "wing" span equal to the length of 3 football fields. Me and my friend now started swimming towards it. Once we got right in front of it, we got on top of it.
      We stood on top of one of its wings, and my friend started creating a huge air bubble. He somehow got a giant air bubble to form on the stingray's wing and got it to stick to it so it wouldn't float off. At first, it was mainly a giant bubble filled with water, but my friend somehow got all of the water inside of it to be sucked out. Once he did that, we got inside and took a brake. I breathed in the fresh air inside of it, it was just like regular air.
      By the way, the entire time I was in this massive ocean, there were jellyfish everywhere. This ocean was filled with jellyfish, and there was 1 jellyfish for every square foot. These jellyfish were all deep black in color, and were just floating around. I remember me and my friend trying not to touch them, and I didn't know much about them or what they could do.
      Later on, the dream restarted itself, I now found myself swimming in the same ocean, but this time my sister was swimming with me. I looked around, and the jellyfish were still everywhere and they still looked the same. I looked ahead and saw the Stingray approaching us, I told my sister what we were going to do and that we were going to get on top of it a create an air bubble. Once the Stingray got right on us, we got on one of its wings and I started to create an air bubble. I created a water bubble and then proceeded to suck all of the water out. Me and my sister then got inside of the air bubble and we rode the stingray back to shore because we were really far out.
      Once we got to the shore, I remember going on top of a huge wall that was about 50 meters high. I walked into a room on top of this wall(It was pretty wide) and when I went inside, it was my living room. The living room of my house was on top of a wall. Inside, my dad was on facebook. His cousin Karen had just started an argument with him, and I remember her comment saying something like, "You are a no good, worthless, deviant child", and this was aimed at my dad. My dad got pissed and started ranting about her and how disrespectful she was.
      I remember going into my laundry room and throwing away some trash(our trashcan is in there). When I did, and I opened the lid by pressing down on the panel with foot, I looked inside and saw alot of paper towels that had alot of tiny holes in it, as if someone punched alot of holes in it(like with notebook paper). My awareness started kicking in at this point, but it kept going off and on. I remember thinking about this and how I wanted to stay fully aware. I was aware at this point, but I wasn't sure if it was a dream or not.
      I walked back outside of my living room and went to the edge of the wall and looked over. Now there was a huge city where the ocean used to be, and it looked like a city from tron, but it had the graphics of a video game. The entire city looked "electronic" in a sense. As I looked at a skyscraper right in front of me, I thought about my friend Lane. I "remembered" that he told me that he had stored all of his "music files" into every room inside of that building.
      I thought about all of the music I had, and I knew that it would only fill up one section of the skyscraper. As I thought about this, one entire section of the skyscraper turned neon red(I'm assuming this was supposed to represent the music files being inside of that section of the building). My mom came outside and she wanted me to come back inside. I explained to her what I was doing and about the music files and stuff.

      2. I was in my old middle school, Vogel, and was walking down the hallway where my old classes were. I was supposed to go to room 326 to take my test. As I walked down the hallway, I noticed that the hallways looked the same as they did years ago. I continued walking and eventually came to the last hallway where my old classes were. The main hallway was rather crowded, it was filled with the belongings of all of the other students taking tests.
      Apparently, I had made it just in time, because the tests were about to begin, but I hadn't really found my class yet. I saw my old teacher Mrs. Williams who was my science teacher in 6th grade. As I came up to her, I asked her where my class was. Just as I did so, the announcement speaker came on and told people where they needed to go according to their last names. "Last names that start with A-G, room 326", the lady said. I remember continuing to look for my class. I'm not sure if I found it.

      3. I was inside of some store, and I was the only one in it. Nobody else was inside, not even a store manager or employee or anything. The only thing in this store was two racks with many types of jackets on them. When I looked at them I "realized" that all of the jackets on each rack, were my old jackets from when I was a kid. I tried some of them on, and many of them I could no longer fit it.
      I looked outside and was astonished. A massive thunderstorm was going on right now, it was so bad. The wind outside was insanely strong, and it was raining down extremely heavy. The clouds were really dark as well. I opened the door for a second to see how bad it was, and outside it felt like some kind of Arctic wind. It was so cold outside. I closed the door and knew that I was going to need to put on a heavy jacket if I was going to go outside.
      I looked at the 2 racks again and tried on some more jackets. I remember putting on a really thin, small jacket. It was white and navy blue with horizontal stripes and it had 2 giant holes right where each arm pit was. I was going to wear it, but then I saw the arm pit holes. I then went over too the 2nd rack and picked out a heavy, green, winter jacket. I put it on, and prepared to go outside. I knew as soon as I went outside, the wind would mess up my hair, but I had no choice.
      I opened the door and walked outside. It was still really cold and windy. I ran to another building not far from the one I was in. Once I got inside, I looked around. The interior of this building was all black, the walls, the floors, everything that had to do with the foundation of the building. I saw my friend Matt from 9th grade and we talked. He had a bowlcut and I thought it looked unusual on him. I remember sitting on the ground next to a row of chairs and eating some food. The old lady that was in charge of this building got mad at me and told me to clean up my mess. I told her that the crumbs that were on the floor around me weren't mine.
      I hid my trash in an empty bag of chips on the ground in front of me and got up and walked off. I never threw away my trash.

      4. This dream was more like one of those movie dreams where you just spectate the entire thing. Here goes:
      A man and his wife lived in a one story house in a neighborhood. The wife was inside of the house, and walked in the room where her daughter was sleeping. I think her daughter was only about 3 or 4 years old. She picked her up and cradled her in her arms. The wife had red hair and talked as if she were talking to a camera man in a documentary.
      I remember as she talked, her hair instantly turned black and got longer. Her hair was still curly though. She talked to the "camera man" and said that she was trying to contain her hair, but that it was really hard. She kept trying to get the point across that she was really trying. After this, the wife walked outside with her husband. I came into the dream and became the wife. As I walked outside, I walked on the rocky concrete road and it hurt my feet. I looked down and saw that I was barefooted. The rocks I had just walked on really hurt my feet.
      I turned around to go back inside and as I did, I looked to my right and saw a small dog sprinting towards me. It was really small, and had brown hair with gray accents in it. I thought about making a run for the door to get inside, but I knew I was too late and I would have to face this dog. I ran to get a little closer to the house and the dog met up with me about 7 feet from the door. At this point, when the dog was only about a yard away from me, it turned into a small squirrel like/ fat guinea pig creature. It could still run fast though.
      Once it got close enough to me, it jumped onto my right arm and started running up to my shoulder. I knew that once it got up to my shoulder, it was going to bite me in the neck. Just as it got near my shoulder, I grabbed its entire body and choked it inside of my hand. The husband of this woman that I became, was just standing on the side of the road next to their house, just gazing off into the distance.

      5. I was in a really big, advanced city. There were skyscrapers all around, and there were so many buildings that on the streets, it seemed like it was always overcast. I was with my family and we had just walked into a "Luxury" McDonalds and we starting telling the lady what we wanted. I ordered alot of stuff, including mac and cheese. Everything I ordered, they had available. Once they took our orders we went to go sit down at a booth.
      We started walking towards one booth, but then a black couple sat down in it. We approached another booth and another group of black people sat down in it(BTW I'm not racist, just trying to specific.) We continued on and sat down at a booth near them. There were alot of booth seats, and each one could hold about 6 people. Each booth seat was set up extremely close to another one next to it.
      In the booth me and my family sat in, we sat right next to a black woman in a dress, and her child. Her child was half asleep sitting down across from her. I remember at the counter when I finished telling the lady what I wanted, she gave me 1 fry, I'm guessing to serve either as a preview of what I was about to get, or as an appetizer, I'm not sure. Anyways, I brought this one fry with me to the booth. The black lady with her son noticed it and said, "Hey, isn't that my fry? Give it to me". "No, this is my fry. The lady at the counter just gave it to me", I told her.
      I then picked up the fry and took a bite out of it. It tasted like a raw potato skin, and thats exactly what it looked like. It was really greasy and was partially green and almost fully black. It was as thin as the skin of a potato as well. After I took this bite out of it the lady in the dress with her son asked me, "Well, can I have it?". I gave the rest of the "fry" to her and she gave it to her son. Her son woke up, and after looking at it, he decided that he didn't want it. The lady took the fry and kept it next to her.
      After that, I waited a few more minutes and eventually my dad was about to leave because we waited so long. Finally, the lady that took our order came over to us with all of our food on a tray. She gave me something that was supposed to be my mac and cheese, but all it really was, was a thing of medium fries with small blocks of cheese attached to the fries. I noticed that it wasn't mac and cheese, but I started eating it anyway. It tasted pretty good.

      Updated 08-18-2014 at 12:25 AM by 65076
