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    1. Invulnerable Reaper, School, and Other Adventures

      by , 08-19-2014 at 03:28 PM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was inside of some very large house. Inside of it, the interior was quite relaxing. The floor was made of wooden panels, and the walls were painted white. All around me there were fancy decorations. This house, or whatever it was, had many rooms as well, and the whole design of everything gave a very open feeling to whoever was in it. I started walking around casually, just doing my own thing. There were other people here as well, most of them adults, and they too were just walking around looking at things.
      I came to the dining table, which was in the middle of this vast home. It was a smooth creamy brown in color, and looked as though it could seat 18 people. 8 people on each side, and 1 person on each end. I kept on walking and soon found myself near the basement of this house(not sure what it was, but I'm assuming it was a basement). Suddenly the atmosphere around me got darker, and so did my vision in a sense. Everything got really quiet, but it was more of an uncomfortable, creepy, quiet. I crouched down and stopped to listen for a second. I couldn't hear anything, it was dead quiet.
      I turned a corner and looked down what I thought was an abandoned hallway, and as I did, I saw some guy that looked pretty evil. I took a second glance to see him better, and it was a Reaper. It had the hood on, the robes, and everything, except it looked as real as real could be. This reaper was just standing there, motionless, and didn't make a single noise. Next to him, there were alot of boxes filled with really cool stuff, or at least, what I thought was cool when I was in the dream. I saw things such as wire cutters, and there were alot of boxes like those. I remember reading off of one box in particular, the words "200x wire cutter".
      I kept my eyes on that box, and slowly dragged it towards me. The reaper spoke, "I'm going to have to kill you for that". He started moving slowly towards me, maybe moving at the speed of 1 inch per second. I looked around and saw another box that interested me, I don't remember what it was though. I took this box as well, and this made the Reaper mad. "Thank you, now I can walk at full speed". With this, he started walking really fast towards me. I grabbed the stuff I had just stolen and started fast walking away, I didn't want to start a scene.
      Suddenly, the Reaper shape-shifted into a random guy. He did this multiple times, and now I could not tell who he was. I quickly pulled out my phone, but as I did, I dropped it onto the floor. I picked it up and scrolled through my phone, looking for a certain application that would allow me to see who the Reaper had shape-shifted into. As I opened the app, it activated my phone's front camera. I aimed the camera behind me and the camera recognized the Reaper and made his entire body glow orange on the camera screen. I now knew who the Reaper was.
      I remember walking past the diner table and almost tripping. The Reaper continued fast walking towards me, but I could easily out run him if I wanted to. I don't remember anything else of this dream.

      2. I was somewhere outside, next to a warehouse with my friends. We were all inside of a small, compact red car, and my friend Trey was driving us. We parked next to this warehouse and Trey got out to do something. I got out of the passenger seat in the back, as I was sitting in the back left seat. Once I got out of the car, I decided that I wanted to drive, so I got in the driver seat. I remember putting my foot on the brake pedal just to get the feel of it, and both the brake pedal and the accelerator were extremely close to me.
      My legs were bent at more than a 45 degree angle and I felt really crowded and smushed, I ad barely any room to move. Only a minute after I got in the driver seat, my friend Trey came back and told me to get out. I got out and went back to my seat, but to my surprise, Trey wasn't driving this time, my other friend Patrick was. Patrick got in the driver seat and once we were all ready to go, he took a left into the parking lot directly to the left of us.
      After only a few seconds of driving into one of the parking lot rows, Patrick stopped. I was wondering why he had stopped, and I looked to our left and saw a middle-aged lady and her son and daughter. As the lady passed in front of our car to get to the right side of the parking lot row, patrick rolled down his window and said, "Hey look, it's Matthew's mom!". She was passing the driver window as he said this, and she gave us a weird look. We all watched her to see which car she got in. When she arrived next to her car, I saw Matthew Vasquez and thought, "Wow, Patrick was right, that was Matthew's mom". I watched as Matthew opened the passenger seat door and got in. His little sister got in the back seat.
      As Matthew's mom and everyone else got into the car Patrick said, "Dude guys, holy crap we're going to be late! It's going to take us 30 minutes to get there!". I'm not sure what he was talking about, but I'm assuming he meant 30 minutes until we would arrive at school. He started driving again, and I remember looking out the window and seeing the partly cloudy blue sky. It was bright outside, and I felt very relaxed.

      3. I was in SkyZone, an indoor trampoline place. I was on an orange trampoline, and there were 3 other orange trampolines around me. I remember the one I was jumping on was very narrow and small. The trampoline was about 10 feet in the air, I'm assuming supported by stilts or something. I started jumping and felt really uncomfortable because of the size of the trampoline, I thought I was going to fall off. There was an employee standing next to me on my right, and he kept telling me, "Don't worry about it. Just keep jumping, you're not going to fall". I didn't trust myself.
      I looked to my left, and standing on the ground was my dad, cheering me on. I decided that I had nothing to loose and I started jumping. At first, I didn't get much air because I was jumping on the side of the trampoline, where it doesn't produce as much lift, but eventually I moved to the middle of it and started gaining alot of air. I jumped like this for a minute or so. I found out that this trampoline that I was jumping on, was the beginning of an obstacle course.
      The employee next to me told me to move on towards the next obstacle. I found myself jumping towards a platform that was about 30 feet in the air, and I had to jump really high to land on it. The platform was really small, and it was yellow in color and was outlined in red. Another employee was waiting for me and cheering me on on top of the platform. I got another good look at it, and found out that it was slanted at about 45 degrees. How was I supposed to make this without falling. The employee on the platform yelled out to me, "Come on, you can do it! When you get up here, grab on to the two yellow handles".
      I finally got enough air and made a final big jump on the trampoline I was on. I lifted off into the air like a bird and found myself landing perfectly on the platform. I quickly grabbed onto the two yellow handles that I was supposed to. What the employee didn't tell me, was that when you landed on the platform, it starts to shake violently- and I mean violently. I struggled to hold on, it was like I was riding some sort of electric bull ride. I kept a tight grip however, and soon the platform stopped shaking as much as it did.
      The employee with me on the platform told me to climb up and jump into the slide next to me, which was still 30 feet in the air. I climbed on top of the platform and gained my balance. I thought about what I was going to do next, jumping into a slide seemed pretty intense, especially since the slide was shaking even more violently than the platform. It was even twirling around and doing 360's. I waited for the right moment, and then I jumped towards the slide. I fell in through the entrance of the slide, and started sliding down.
      I found myself tumbling and slamming into the walls of the slide, considering the fact that it was still twirling and such. Luckily, the slide walls were soft because the slide itself was inflated just like how jump houses are. I flipped over and rolled inside of the slide for a few more seconds, and finally I made it to the bottom and got out. I looked around and noticed that I had finished the obstacle course and was now on the ground, standing on a soft but firm black mat. I looked in front of me and saw my dad and greeted him.

      4. I was inside of a school. I was walking down a hallway, and everything seemed pretty normal. Students all around me walked to wherever they were going, and I did the same. I looked around me and saw yellows walls around inside this school, it felt very new. As I was walking to my class, I saw my old teacher from my freshman year, Mr. Molitoriss. He looked exactly the same as did 2 years ago, except for the fact that he had long hair now that reached his shoulders.
      As a group of students in front of me neared him, they greeted him. "Hey Mr. Molitoriss!", they said. He greeted them all back. Eventually I passed Mr Molitoriss, and as I did, I too greeted him, "Hey Mr. Molitoriss!". "I'm sorry, but I don't remember you", he told me(which is weird because we were really chill when I was in his class). This cut me deep inside, and I felt very embarrassed. I continued walking down that same hall to get to my class, it was the last class at the end of this hallway and was on the left. When I made it into class, I went to my seat and sat down.
      As I did so, I looked on my desk and saw a piece of manila paper that had been folded many times. The paper was about some project that we were starting in the class, and written on it were 3 names. One of the names on it was "Jenny". When I read that name I remember thinking to myself, "Wow, now I'll finally get to talk to her, it might be a little awkward though". I had wanted to talk to this girl before somewhere, but not sure why. One of the other names was "Brad", and as for the last name, I don't remember it. Each one of these names was written in a different color in crayola, and I remember that "Jenny" was written in red crayola.
      I continued reading the paper, and below those 3 names was the word "Lunch" written in a bright yellow orange crayon, and it was a little sloppy. Suddenly, the teacher came into our class, it was Mr. Molitoriss. I decided to forget what had happened back in the hallway, and view him as a new teacher and start fresh. He began talking about the project and basically elaborated and explained it in greater detail.
      Later on after class, I remember sitting on a bench against a wall in the main hallway, right next to the hallway where my class was. My mom was sitting next to me. Now, the atmosphere in this school seemed rather dark. It looked as though all of the lights were off in the school, but they weren't. Around me I could still see alot of students minding their own business, and going on their way to their classes. Right now everything was really busy.
      I looked far ahead in front of me and saw a system of stairs, set up in a spiral. Many students were ascending and descending through it. Out of no where, a whole group of choir students walked right in front of me. My mom got up and followed them, so I got up and followed them as well. They were all wearing dark green outfits that closely resembled graduation outfits in their style. As we followed them, they walked into a room not far from where we were sitting, and the room was very long in length. Inside, the floor was covered in a gray carpet, and on the left and right walls, lockers covered the entire surface.
      I told my mom that we really had no reason to be in here, and that we should leave right now. With that, we both left the room.

      5. I was banging some black chick, and started eating her out. She tasted kind of weird so I wanted to stop, but I kept going anyway. (fragment)

      6. I was in a big school cafeteria and the lights were off. It was almost completely empty inside except for me, my mom, and my dad, and a few other people. Me and my parents were sitting by a couple of vending machines. My mom got up and bought a few slim jims out of the machine and gave me some. She had bought four of them so she gave me 2. I opened the sticks up and started eating them. The taste was really vivid, and I remember feeling the juiciness of the Slim Jim's themselves when I bit into them.
      My dad had brought over another bigger piece of beef jerky, but it wasn't a stick. It was about an inch in width and about 6 inches in length. I asked my dad if I could look at it for a second, and he handed it to me. I looked at the beef jerky, it looked pretty normal. I turned it around and looked at the Nutrients section. I remember specifically checking out the sodium level in it, and it had 990 mg of sodium. This shocked me. 990 mg of sodium in this small of a stick of beef jerky? It didn't make sense.
      My mom got some kind of candy from the vending machines as well. I don't remember anything else after this.

      7. I was just chilling in my room, and my lights were off. I was only wearing my boxers and was making my bed. My bed was on my right wall as soon as you walk into my room(its usually in the middle of my room). As I was making my bed I heard my sister open my door behind me. I looked at her and saw that she had barely cracked open the door and she was staring at me. I got really mad and told her to go away and that she was really annoying.
      She asked why and started explaining about how she didn't do anything. I was so mad that I didn't even care, and just wanted her to go away. After she went away, I closed my door shut completely and laid down on my bed. I was still half naked, and I just continued chilling.

      8. I was downstairs in what seemed like my house. I was with my friends Dylan and Trey, and an 8th grader that lives down the block from me was also with us. For some reason, my restroom downstairs was now located right next to the dining table and I was about to go inside. I looked at Jack and noticed that he had a can of blue spray in his hands. I thought nothing of this at the moment.
      Not a minute after I decided to ignore him, he came behind me and sprayed the blue spray on the back of my hair. I got really pissed and called him a mother F*****. I was really mad. Jack then when into the restroom next to us. I too went into the exact same restroom and Dylan followed me. It was really nice inside, and the floor was made of smooth tan tiles, and the walls matched them. On each side of the restroom, there was a shower. Each shower was about 6 yards in length and had a white shower curtain covering it.
      As I entered this restroom, I went to the sink and started brushing my teeth. As I was doing so I heard the sound of water running. I stopped and listened for a second and realized that Jack was taking a shower in the shower directly to the right of me. I found this a little weird, but kept brushing my teeth anyway. Suddenly my mouth started feeling extremely dry, and I was having trouble swallowing. The dream then ended and I woke up and found that I had been sleeping with my mouth open and that my mouth was painfully dry. It even hurt to swallow.

      Updated 08-20-2014 at 05:28 AM by 65076

      false awakening , memorable
    2. Basement Storage/Seeing Myself in the Past, Elmo Toothbrush, and the Long Beach Honeymoon

      by , 08-19-2014 at 03:09 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was talking to this lady about this storage area that was underground. If you wanted one, you'd have to go underground and put whatever it was that you wanted under there in this basement/sewer like area. She was telling me something about some test as well, though I can't remember much of that part. I saw pictures of the storage area, and people down there storing things.

      I was then talking to someone else, maybe my mom. She told me that the pictures were bright, but it was pitch black down there.

      I decided to go to the storage area and put some things there. I was then in my car sitting in the back seat to the far right in the parking lot of the storage area at night. I was with some other people; someone else was driving. We were in the past for some reason. The parking lot was quite crowded, with many people bustling about. I then saw a group of my friends walking up. I was in the group towards the back speaking with a friend. I had a pixie haircut (which I've never had IWL). They approached our vehicle, and I said
      "They can't see us, or there'd be a time paradox!"
      I tried to be quiet as they walked past us, but the other me looked in the back window. She now looked like me normally, without the pixie cut. She saw me and we both looked at each other. It then looked like her head had phased through the glass of the back window. She smiled; she looked excited. I wondered how this would affect the future, and also if maybe it did happen in my past as well, but I didn't remember it.

      We then were down in the storage area. It was storage area 6. I had thought that when you wanted to store your things there, you got assigned an area. That wasn't the case, however. People just kept storing them in open spaces until that particular unit filled up, and then we'd go on to the next one. I had actually used this particular area before for storage, at the time in my past of when I saw myself walking in the parking lot. Everything still seemed intact.

      I then was thinking about the other storage spaces. I was worried about getting into a sewage area. I then saw in third person, kind of like a video game, me (though it didn't look like me) being in storage space 1, which was just pure sewage. I was in the middle of it and covered in it. It was so gross. I felt grossed out like I was in first person, even though I was in third person. Then, it went onto storage area 2, which was still kind of sewagey, but not as bad as 1. It then continued, and got less and less gross as we went on.


      I was looking through old things of mine to sell or donate, things I had as a baby. I got together an old Elmo kid's electric toothbrush with an oversized-looking brush and some other things. I needed to give them to Caitlin.

      I then was in my brother's parked car in the daytime in the back. I was getting something out of there when I saw a gallon of milk underneath the passenger's side seat. I wondered how long it had been there, and if my brother knew about it.

      I then was giving my things to Caitlin. They were in a white plastic shopping bag. She said something about my donations...nobody would want a used toothbrush.

      I also remember being inside a store that I used to work at that is now closed. I saw signs about it being final clearance because they were closing.


      I was on honeymoon with Dallas. We were in a nice hotel overlooking a beautiful beach. We had been there for so long, Dallas had gotten a temporary job while we were there so we could pay for everything. Today was his last day, and then we would have to go home.

      I was outside by the pool area on a beautiful sunny day. I don't remember anything else about this part of the dream.

      I then was inside the hotel, thinking about how long we had been there, about how every day we anticipated the next day, and now, we were finally on the last day. I then thought about how long we had been there. We had been there for almost the entire month of June (it was June 27th in the dream). Dallas was there getting ready to go to work. I then realized that I hadn't gone to the beach once since I'd been. I asked Dallas if he wanted to go. He said he had already been. What?? I didn't know he had already been to the beach. I asked him about it, but I don't remember his response.

      He was then gone for work. I was wondering if maybe we could just move to the beach since he already had a job there. I didn't want to go home. I don't remember if I asked him about this or not via text. I then "remembered" that a woman from my old job, Tanya, and her husband, had gone to Hawaii for a honeymoon, and wanted to move there as well, but the feeling eventually faded when they had been back for awhile. I then saw an image of her in my head of her walking around with a shopping cart full of something, though I can't remember what. She was in a grocery store. It had to do with moving to Hawaii. I then decided to take a nap. My hair was wet; I guess I went swimming or took a shower. I had it pulled into a loose bun.

      The next thing I remember is waking up and getting out of bed, ready to go to the beach. I walked by a mirror, and was shocked at what I saw. My hair was now dry and SUPER curly, with many beautiful ringlets. It looked short, like a little boy's haircut that I see frequenting the bakery with his mother IWL. My face also looked different too. I had to keep looking at myself. I thought people would mistake me for that little boy. My hair was then much longer, but still curly. There were little straight parts in it too. I figured my hair got this way from sleeping with it wet and pulled back. I actually really was liking it! It was quite different. I wanted to take pictures to show Dallas, but I remembered I wanted to go to the beach. I looked out from the balcony at the beautiful beach below. The day was bright and sunny, and the water was blue and beautiful. It looked like schools of small fish were swimming in it. The waves were pretty big as well, and you could see the undercurrents flowing through the water. They must be quite strong. Nevertheless, a few people were in the water.

      I then went to go find sunscreen. I then saw that Dallas's sister was there. She asked me if I could tell that she had put on sunscreen everywhere. I looked at her hands and saw small white streaks of sunscreen in between her fingers. I then looked and saw lots of white patches on her chest that weren't rubbed in. I told her about them.

      I was then alone again, I guess. I already had my bathing suit on under my clothes. I had my shirt off; I looked down and noticed the bikini top I was wearing. It was white with maroon floral patterns on it, similar to one I own IWL with blue and green floral patterns. I was thinking about all the bathing suits I had. I then thought about whether or not I should take my 2DS with me or not. If I wanted to go in the water, I probably shouldn't, or someone might steal it if it was just laying about. I was still looking for the sunscreen, and then I was trying to take my pants off, but I couldn't get them to come off my ankles.
    3. Zombie apocalypse (the sequel)

      by , 08-19-2014 at 02:36 PM
      After having had a similar nightmare a couple of weeks ago and controlling it lucidly, the nightmare recurred. I didn't expect it to.

      The setting and the whole situation were quite different. This time, I was at my Uni with a group of students and some teachers were putting us in the middle of dangerous places as if the apocalypse were a game. They wanted to see who would die and who would survive while they were watching it all safely from the distance.

      The first setting they put us in was quite big, there were stairs everywhere and a few zombies, so it was easy to escape. The second setting, though, was small and they gathered us all between two walls. Then, they started shouting to draw the zombies where we were and then left us there. Almost immediately, we were surrounded by zombies and of course, everyone started panicking. I wasn't lucid like the last time, so I was freaking out as well. Soon enough, they were all over us and I ended up waking up with a start. I felt disturbed for the rest of the morning.
    4. entry 14

      by , 08-19-2014 at 12:06 PM
      i remember walking around this house talking to girls i know irl. i think there was a big event going down.

      thats all i can remember, since i havent been doing the dream journal my dream recall is TERRIBLE
    5. Sex in my Room

      by , 08-19-2014 at 12:02 PM


      1. I was in my room with a girl. She was pretty hot. I had hot sex with her for quite a while. It was pretty vivid. It was with someone who looked like L, but she had lighter skin.

      2. I remember being in my bed, masturbating. Pretty much a false awakening, where I didn't wake and instead just masturbated and went to sleep.

      Updated 08-19-2014 at 03:21 PM by 69875

      memorable , non-lucid , false awakening
    6. Wasted lucid

      by , 08-19-2014 at 10:43 AM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      * Took a nap after I posted something in the TOTM thread

      non-lucid, lucid

      .../I'm in the university campus. I have just left my car parked in a parking lot behind a building. I'm carrying a lot of papers I have to deliver here thinking to myself, it's safe to let the car there because of it won't take much time. I walk behind a lot of buildings hoping to get to one of the main libraries. I'm getting to the Electronic Engineering building when I realize I parked in the wrong place; it should have been behind the next building. Anyway, a decide to take a walk because of it's nice to be back here from so long. I see some folks playing on a platform. I walk on the bleachers, and see one of my first pals who left the career because of his girlfriend got pregnant. There's a lot of people here, and I'm recognizing many of them. It has been so long that I didn't see their faces, saluting here and there. I see the 'philosopher' playing soccer, he doesn't see me because he's with his back turned to me. Finally we got to see each other, but he doesn't seem so enthusiastic as he usually used to be. I wonder there must be something strange here, it hits me, of course it's a dream! Then I remember I wanted to do some of the TOTM. But first, I want to leave all these papers I have in my hand. The best idea that comes up to my mind: Let's deliver all of these using Telekinesis! I throw the first brief in front of me, waiting it to take flight and look for its destination by its own. On the contrary, it falls some meters ahead. Perhaps I didn't give it the time to take flight. I take the next one and throw it up to the sky. It falls on the roof of a building. The throw the third one, it flies better and makes some curves on the air, like a paper plane to finally fall on some dirty waters. I don't care, but I got obsessed with the idea. At least one, although I want to throw the whole packages to fly to their destination. I throw one after the another, and some of them take flight to my back, I see them disappear behind me, I don't follow them, I consider it a success because of I don't see where they fall! Good, the next one, and the next one/...

      * Wake up hearing my neighbors talking and thinking to myself How stupid!
      lucid , non-lucid , side notes
    7. Demon Baby is Born

      by , 08-19-2014 at 05:13 AM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      Locked in a small, very dark room with my wife; I am assisting in her giving birth. All sorts of demonic shadows appear all over the wall. Ridiculous faces, ghosts, figures, and everything terrifying I can imagine appears in shadow form on the walls. Clouds of smoke and mist also briefly pass by out of no where. Just obscuring everything, and then gone a few seconds later. My wife and I suspect that she is giving birth to a demon baby. I am a little concerned about what the neighbors are thinking if they can see these shadows too.

      The baby is born, and already has fierce teeth, a crazy look on his face, and solid, black eyes. Growling, it tries to bite both of us. I grab the umbilical cord, and swing it off my wife from there, dodging his fangs as he flies past me. While trying to swing him in circles above our heads to buy some time, he kicks a wall, causing him to fly toward me and land on my right arm. Before he can sink his teeth into me, I grab him by the back of the head with my left hand, pull him off, then grab his body with my right and just squeeze. This causes the umbilical cord to disconnect from him, and is really gross. Black liquid squirts out of it, and I jump back, losing grip on the demon baby. I feel my stomach turn to knots as he jumps down to the floor.

      He runs around the room, free from my grasp, but still contained inside the room for now. Literally running really fast, while growling, and even jumping higher than I am tall, he chomps his teeth together like a dog, making loud biting noises. My wife and I skootch back on the bead some more as he jumps up next to it, biting the air, and looking at us. He seems to enjoy scaring us with his powerful jaws...

      The next jump, I catch him, and try to kill this demon with a knife. But due to some dark magic, any knife wound immediately heals itself. Struggling to hang onto this creature, I grab a small axe that is hanging on the wall and sever the menacing head from the red veiny body. The demon dissolves into sparks and dust, crumbling to small ashes and then vanishing back out of this world.

      I sit back down on the bed, enjoying the brief peacefulness of the aftermath.
    8. Lame Bat Man

      by , 08-19-2014 at 04:58 AM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      I am the new batman, just finishing up the right bat costume. Unfortunately, I still have white socks, drive an old Buick, and work at a lousy low paying job. On the way home, I drive through the park, and see someone getting mugged. I'm too tired to stop and do anything about it after work, and have to work again early tomorrow, so I drive past, trying not to let them see I'm batman. Both of them see me, especially the white socks and white undershirt. I park the car in front of my house, and blow up an inflatable decoy batman to leave in the drivers seat. Going inside, I don't yet notice that the inflatable batman has somehow managed to start the car and put pressure on the gas pedal, slowly driving away down the street.

      I run downstairs, and get on the motorcycle to chase after my car and recover it. Going way too fast, I nearly crash a few times, and get some good air time off speed bumps in the road. Finally, I crash the bike, it launches off a hill, and smashes into a stone archway leading down to the ocean. I go air-born, and slam into a castle wall. Not really hurt, just stunned, I lay there for a bit. The butler comes out, and yells at me furiously. I see the car! Running to my car to get away, the butler is in hot pursuit.

      He chases me through town, and tries to ram me off the road. I slow down and dodge him, also slowing to avoid the river and cliff up ahead. He keeps going full speed, like he is going to turn around up there and come at me head on. Not knowing about the river and cliff, he careens right off the edge, smashing his car to pieces and being thrown out of it, down a hill thick with trees.

      I walk down there to see what happened to him, and see no sign of him at all. Suddenly, he appears behind me with a garrote and tries to murder me with it. He exclaims something about being a well known bad guy by the name of ___ (forgot it). I grab the wire from around my neck, and flip him over my head, onto the ground, and kneel on his neck to choke him out.
    9. My fear in dreams lessening, or changing

      by , 08-19-2014 at 04:35 AM
      Lately I have been reading on DVs how it is possible to choose love in face of nightmares or attackers, instead of fear or fight or flight responses. This is a bit from last night's dreams.

      I was in a two story house with a basement, and it was at night. I believe I was on the second floor. Outside though I knew something from the sky was coming crashing down out beside the house. I'm not sure if it was a meteor or a UFO, but I knew something impacted close to where I was at. I was going downstairs to check it out. I was in the basement, and the lights were off, and I saw a glow of lights out side. Some were flashing, and I sensed that police were outside as well. For some reason I was getting really paranoid as with most scary dreams I have. I think the police were investigating whatever was outside and were about to come in and arrest me. I turned around in the house to try to run out the back but I knew they would probably catch me either way. At the last second though I realized I could face them with courage and love. At least to the best of my abilities. The dream was ending, but I felt a change in my gut and how I could approach the situation differently. I just can't get over how freaked out I feel in dreams and how it is always a "flight" choice I make. Or just hiding. Anyway, I have started to remember how to deal with these situations differently while in dreams so hopefully I can approach my fears and pursuers with courage and positive feelings next time!
    10. Graveyard Class Room (19.8.14)

      by , 08-19-2014 at 03:26 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream - 7:40AM

      I'm on the basketball court at Range bank. I see the ball go over the small fence and decide to chase it down. I hurdle over the fence and start running at full pace. I see two DC's in the distance. I don't retrieve the ball and begin to make my way back to somewhere. The journey back is a strange one. I'm walking on a tight and narrow path, which is 2 - 3 meters off of the ground. I walk through an area which has grave stones.

      I reach where I was destined to go, which was a class room. I see people around me and a teacher at the front of class, next to a whiteboard. The location changes to where the grave stones were, but we're still continuing what we were doing. I see the DC from earlier when I was chasing the ball. I call him out and ask if that was him I saw. The teacher says it was.
      The convocation turns to spiritual and god. I take charge of the convocation and debate a few things, explaining something about out of body experiences. I was going to mention that I have had them before but never get around to it. Instead of talking, I'm explaining some things via text which is coming up on the whiteboard. I have a mind blank after a paragraph of writing and struggle to think about what to type next. I can see people getting angry due to waiting for me to finish writing. They're expressing their anger through a chat box which is under what I was writing.

      False Awakening: (MISSED)

      I'm recording my previous dream in a dream. I'm underneath the covers, trying to keep my eyes from seeing too much light as I may wake myself up too much to get back to sleep. I'm using my phone?? as a recorder. I play it back to myself and it definitely sounds like me. I expected it to not record too well, due to whispering into the device. At one point I move the device away from my house and down towards my hips. While still listening to my recording I can see myself on the screen, as if it was a video recording, not a voice recording. I waited for the moment where I moved the device away from my mouth to see if I could still be heard. I could still hear myself, except there was a few silent moments due to thinking of what to say next.

      Surprised I missed my chance, as I've been performing RC's upon awakening majority of the times.

      Dream Fragments:

      Spoiler for Mature Content :
    11. Red Room, Blue Room, Ugly Marilyn

      by , 08-19-2014 at 02:44 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      This lucid dream is a part of a study with University of Missouri St. Louis conducted by SleepingSYNAPSE.
      I had to the opportunity to visit the campus and examine a room (Red) in waking life and revisit it in a lucid dream to measure dream memory. I was unaware of the other room (Blue) as being apart of the study and I found that I had very little waking memory of it.

      SleepingSYNAPSE, I am including additional info that may not be in the packet as well as this more thorough account of the dreams. Yes, dreams. I actually had a hard WILD before the more successful but the first yielded undesirable outcomes. I didn't have the extra papers for two dreams so I recorded the better of the two. Still, I think you will be interested in reading both here.

      On a more personal note, thanks for meeting with me on a Saturday and for the good times we enjoyed afterward. I was hesitant meeting a stranger in a big city, but I feel I have gained a friend. You are a good person. Your hospitality was appreciated by my wife and I.

      Pre-bed Supplements: A shot of cherry flavored vodka in a small juice glass with Coke.
      Bedtime: 9PM
      WBTB time/length: 1:00AM / 3min
      WBTB Supplements: 8mg Galantamine, 400mg Choline, cold pre-made mug of peppermint tea/4 bags (menthol)

      #354 - WILD - 2:10AM

      I enjoy a smooth WILD but enter a very unstable world. I do my usual dash for the front door and make it outside. I feel I need to rush to get the task done so I move quickly. I decide to "Hulk Jump" in the general direction of my goal.

      When I visited the university in waking life, I took careful note of the building's exterior. There is a nice park there with a pond. I had decided beforehand to make that my landing site since it is a unique feature of the campus.

      I make a giant leap over some trees and land in Bug Lake at the university with a splash. There are no physical feelings here; just the sound. I have some dark void issues so I splash around with my arms to stabilize as I think of the interior of the building.

      I am now in a hallway, but it doesn't look like I recall. The walls are colored like some sort of abstract mural painting. Grass and sky? The dream crashes.

      DEILD - I have some floating sleep paralysis sensations for a full minute or two.

      I visualize and re-enter the hallways. I see something like an "under the sea painting" on the walls. There are way too many rooms and I feel lost. I really focus on finding the Red Room and eventually find a door that looks close enough. The dream is still really unstable as I enter the room. It's dark inside and I think to feel for a light switch but I know this almost never works.
      I feel like I am in the void again so I focus on seeing.

      When the lights come on, I see that I am in an empty and really tiny version of the room. I stretch my arms out and my hands touch adjacent walls. I wake up and think to DEILD but for some reason the dream felt really long so I decide to journal instead.

      #355 - DILD (In-dream-WILD) - 3:16AM

      After the first dream, I tried to WILD and again and thought I had done it but I later recall other things that happened first.

      There was something about being worried about alarm clocks. I was afraid of it getting too late to get lucid and having to wake up. I look at the clock and see that its about 4:4[?]... almost 5am (Wake up time). I have a really hard time making out the last digit. It gets blurry and morphs a little. I recognize what is happening here and lay back down to complete my WILD efforts.

      After a second and some SP sensations, I realize there is no need to still be laying here so I quickly get out of bed. I notice I am in my childhood home of Luling, TX. I find this annoying and try to imagine being at the university again. I look down as I walk and try to visualize some common tiling or an imagined version of what I think may have been the flooring at the university. I see some generic brown speckled tiling but I am still in the same house. I try to deny it, but I just can't make it change over. Time for plan B.

      I go to the front door and have to actually unlock the dead bolt to get the door open. I recall the conversation with SleepingSYNAPSE about the guy that had a semi-lucid dream where he locked his wallet in the house and thought to summon the keys but not the wallet. This felt equally dumb, but I let the thought go as I start down the sidewalk.

      At the end, there is a dark colored compact car running with headlights on. It's dark but when I get to the car, I see Jeremy B, from work sitting in the driver's seat. I recall how this scenario worked well for the Angel Falls Task Of The Year and get really excited. I look into the open window on the passenger side and Jeremy says something that I perceive to be really dorky but mildly funny (much like waking life). I think I may have found an intelligent and somewhat witty DC, but I am not sure what he said so I ask.
      He stares at me like I am the dumb one for a second then says, "Oh nevermind. Just get in."
      When I sit down in the passenger seat, I find myself teleported to the driver seat. Jeremy is now standing in the street peering in the open window on the driver side. Without a word he plugs his nose and jumps feet first into the blackness of the street as if it is deep water. Seeing him do this seems extremely cheesy and bizarre. I chuckle and say, "Well... Ooookay. Thanks."

      I drive to the end of the block and make a right. As I do, use expectation to believe that the part of the university I want is on the next block. That would be the direction of my old high school in waking life so this allows an easy connection in my mind. The building looms just ahead in the night. There are the scattered trees with Bug Lake to the right. I grip the steering wheel for the first time... or maybe I just pull back on it like airplane controls, but I will the car to fly to a window, second from the top story. I don't bother counting floors this just feels right and I know it's all what I want to believe anyway. It's the fourth floor in waking life.

      As I am about to crash through a large window, everything seems very much like something from a Harry Potter movie. A suit of armor spies me through a whimsical-style, barred window and runs out of the way. I phase the car more than crash and I see a Filch-look-a-like just outside of the room. Any other time this would have been freaking awesome as I have a "Patronus" goal in mind for the future, but at this moment I am very focused on the task. I dismiss the oddities without a second thought. Actually, I am more worried about the interior being too dark. The room has red carpet and looks vaguely medieval with gas wall sconces on either side of an open door giving very little light. However, the hallway that Filch was meandering down is brightly lit.

      As I phase out the driver side door of the car, I feel the entire thing dissolve. I have desire to look at the effect, but decide that I better not, just in case I ruin the effect. Plus, I feel I am much cooler this way. I feel like some grand wizard doing amazing things, but not being particularity impressed with himself. Mastery. I leave the room in search of the rooms.

      I spend what feels like a lot of time lost in a maze of hallways until I find the main room of the study. I really can't recall much here, but I thinking it was mostly garbage imagery anyway.

      Now, I am in a strong and fairly accurate representation of the main room. I see a red door on the left and a blue door and the right. There is a counter and a hood vent on the other side. As I grab the door knob to open the red door, I have a feeling of anticipation. I note how very vivid the dream is and I feel pleased.

      Inside, the room is disappointingly very much empty, but it's at least the correct size this time. The first thing I note is that the shelves to the left are gone so this excludes several items. There is no digital painting in front of me. The desk and end table are gone. The walls are a pea green and this seems right. I recall a something sleepingSYNAPSE told me in waking life. When he dreams of his house he notices what things are missing or incorrect. I feel the same way about this room and begin copying what he said he did in his dreams. I point to the things mentioned and say stuff like, "That's wrong. This is gone. That's not right. This should be there."

      Something catches my eye. Where the large poster of the blond white woman should be, I see a very different one in it's place. It's really blurry and watery so I step closer to take a near-sighted examination of the picture. After a moment, it clears. The face is blurry but I see an African American man wearing a blue graduation gown, standing with his arm up in triumph. There is a mock diploma in his right hand and a huge grin on his face. I get the feeling this is some sort of lame university advertisement. There is some large black lettering on the bottom but I have already lost interest. Suddenly, I remember the last object to look for. CLOCK!

      I turn around and see it where is should be to the left of the door way, overlapping the trim. At first the numbers look Roman but as I get closer, still having some slight nearsightedness, the numbers look Arabic. I recall there is a time question on the sheet in waking life so I take note. The hour hand is on the 6 and the minute hand is one the 7. No, there is an 8 where the 7 should be. I will it to be a 7 but the number really wants to be an 8 and there is a type of tug-o-war with it seeming to morph into an 8 on its own as I struggle to keep it a 7. I decide this little detail probably doesn't matter since I recall the waking life time to be 6:15. I try to think what the time actually is here but I quickly realize that I can't even begin to think about how to read the clock so I just make note of the hand locations one last time and then step out of the room.

      Feeling somewhat accomplished and a little surprised that the dream is still going, I am ready for the Blue Room. When I step back into the Main Room, I notice there are a few changes. Mostly, there is now an extra blue door and instead of having a large pill-shaped covering, they are now entirely covered in blue construction paper. In fact, it all looks gift-wrapped. I start to go for the extra door but it feels wrong and there is some instability so I decide to go for the more correctly located door.

      When I open the Blue Room I am surprised to see a vast bedroom with blue walls and white trim. The style is sort of Victorian with 3 twin beds and a dark wood chest of drawers. There is a large mirror mounted on top with something like a wash basin. It seems like there was a dark colored rug on the floor but I may be be recalling that wrong at this point. I feel shocked and confused so I step back out into the main room not really noting anything there and then back in. The room is basically the same but there is a sense that the furniture has moved slightly.

      At this point I pretty much forget the University task as I feel this part of the dream has played itself out. Not really recalling any secondary goals, I start messing around with the dreamscape on impulse. I walk around the room and come to a very low light fixture about chest level with 3 or so unlit bulbs. I recall a scene from Oculus where Karen Gillian thinks she eats a light bulb while thinking it's an apple when it actually is an apple (Yes this movie is that weird). So, I decide to try eating a light bulb as I know I won't cut myself like she did (or thought she did) in the movie. I think to unscrew the bulb but decide that is too much work and I just pull. It resists a little put easily pops free. I put the entire fat end in my mouth and look in the mirror. My lips are distorted from the effort but I notice I look even more strange than that. My features resemble River Song from Doctor Who but with shorter hair and a melding of my waking life facial features and hers. I stare at this for a few seconds trying to will myself to look right but it's not working very well. I remember the light bulb and decide to chop down. I am surprise when I feel like I am biting into a plastic ball-pit ball. I spit it out and step away from the mirror.

      At this point, I think menthol starts having it's adverse (or desired as some see it) effect. It seems like a really good idea to reward myself for having put so much effort into this dream experiment. I recall how I did something similar for the Cretaceous Period Task Of The Month awhile back and start searching the beds for a female companion.

      Before I go on, I think I need to explain something. I visited SleepinSYNAPSE's father's restaurant in waking life while in St. Louis (Very nice place and awesome food!). In the men's restroom there were several posters of vintage female movie stars. The one that caught my attention the most is this classic image of Marylin Monroe's Breakfast In Bed.


      Almost immediately, I find her in a sheet with one leg out. I don't think of her as MM but I'm not really concerned with the face. I know it's a dream and it's all not real. However, during the act, I do happen to take a look at the face and notice a very ugly version of MM. The hair was right but the face was very distorted. I pause for a second, unsure if I want to continue but I decide to just focus on other parts as I quickly finish up.

      I decide that this dream has gone on long enough and I should wake myself before I forget all the details. I fall into the void but don't wake right way. I realize what is happening and struggle to shift back to the physical. I have images of making dream notes on my Galaxy Player, but I know this is false. I hit SP but instead of struggling to move the dream body I am doing the opposite until I reenter the physical. The effect was like a reverse WILD or reverse OBE... Very strange.

      Updated 08-20-2014 at 12:18 AM by 5967

      Tags: ld study, remy
      lucid , memorable
    12. Messed up dreams

      by , 08-19-2014 at 02:09 AM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      In one, I found the body of a childhood friend hanged in a room of my parents house. He killed himself because he discovered that the world was going to end violently and painfully one day at 8:00. I spent the rest of that dream investigating what he had learned. It seems "witches" were to wake up within people and they'd emerge hungry. I went into the secret basement I often dream about. But it was a different one than usual. There were gears under the ground in this one. If I stopped the gears, I'd stop the madness. But just as I discovered them, they kicked on, and with it a furnace and the door was sealed behind me. I was trapped to slowly burn or starve to death. I thought my friend had the right idea and wondered how I could myself.

      I woke from that dream and had another with a similar theme. I don't remember it as vividly, other than silence descending on the world as I saw a wave of energy roll over the surface of land masses and kill everything in its path. It wasn't violent though. It was almost beautiful. It was a silence.
      But then the dream changed and I was in a plane, trying to blow out the back (where the propeller was lol) so I'd be sucked into the sky. Just as I finished disassembling everything, the plane landed and I quickly covered my tracks so I could try again on the way back home.
      At some point, 3 dogs were called by the owner (once on the ground somewhere) so I could take them with me. Being sucked out of the plane would somehow save us from something. I told the guy I wouldn't have time to go into the cargo hold to find them, but he said now-a-days he can just buy tickets for them and they could ride beside him (they were large dogs)

      At some other point, I wrote a letter to God. It was a group letter from a lot of different people. I don't remember what I wrote.

      What a bunch of weird dreams.
      non-lucid , memorable
    13. (August 18, 2014) 2nd Lucid

      by , 08-19-2014 at 01:23 AM
      This lucid was short. I was standing on a bridge with a coy fish in my hand and simply thought, I am dreaming, which is my mantra but i hadnt said it before i fell asleep. I did not get much time before i lost my lucidity. I was staring at a brick wall observing the destabilization. I havent been updating my journal lately so sorry about that. Ive been a bit occupied lately.
      Tags: day, lucid, short, water
      lucid , dream fragment
    14. (Nap Time) Inside of The Dream House and Dinner at Dylan's

      by , 08-18-2014 at 10:25 PM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I awoke out of my bed, my room was quite dark and there was a blue tint to everything. I got up and went to my closet to pick out a shirt to put on. As I was doing so, I looked back for a second and saw that my T.V. was on, and so was my old xbox. I thought nothing of it and continued to look for a shirt to put on. I found one and slipped it on. I think I remember putting on some shorts as well. After getting dressed, I left my room and looked at my parent's bedroom to see if they were asleep. They were, and as I looked at their doors I noticed that they were around 15 feet tall and had a purple outline around them.
      The entrance to their bedroom was huge, but I continued on my way. I made a quick glimpse into my sisters room just because, and saw that the extra door was there. I then went into the spare bedroom of my house and saw my sister playing on her laptop. I asked her, "Hey do you want to go see whats inside of that extra door?". She said no, and that it scared her, so I went by myself. I walked into her room, and it had the same atmosphere as mine; really dark but everything had a blue tint to it. I looked to the far right corner of her room and saw the door(In previous dreams, this door always acted as an extension to another part of my house that I had never been to, and it was huge).
      I opened the door and went inside. It was like a completely different house, and as usual, always gave off a creepy feeling. The lights were off in this entire other part of the house, so everything was really dark and had the same atmosphere as my room as well. I remember looking down into the downstairs section of this "extension" that no one in my family ever goes to. As I passed a corner, I saw my grandma. She rushed over to me and said, "What are you doing here? You need to get out of here right now", in a quiet but frantic voice.
      I didn't know what she meant by "here", I hardly even know what this place is. I don't remember the rest of the dream.

      2. I was with my dad near a freeway and I was driving some kind of weird car. The body of this car was a wooden platform with rounded edges. I was controlling it by remote I believe. As I was showing the "car" off to my dad, I crashed it into a wall and the car flipped but landed right side up. I continued driving, but this time I started driving in the direction of our house. It was night time outside, and the sky was clear.
      As I kept on driving, I saw a huge ramp ahead of me, and some guy was working on it. The ramp was pretty big, and had a steep incline. It was red, black, and white in color, and I could tell that It wasn't completely finished. I sped up and decided that I was going to go for the jump anyways. Just as I came up on it and was about to go up the ramp, the guy working on it took away the main ramp part and I ended up just crashing into the foundation of it.
      I "got out" of my car infuriated(even though I wasn't even inside of it in the first place) and ran after the guy that messed up my jump. He ran into his house which was right next to the ramp. I then proceeded to start running after a long-haired blonde dude nearby. He ran into his garage, and as he closed it I tried running in, but I couldn't. It was like there was an invisible wall blocking my path. I calmed down and looked around to see exactly where I was. I was on top of an apartment building. I walked down a small ramp walkway and got onto the ground.
      I walked around a corner and starting going down an alley. As I turned this corner, I saw a tall, lean sign. I jumped up into the air and held onto the top of it(no idea why I did this). After holding on for a few seconds, I let go and continued down the alley. It was still dark, and everything was really quiet. The alley I was walking through, led to some kind of gated, small, grassy park. Instantly as I entered the grounds of this park, a voice came out of no where saying, "Time to begin the baseball bat rivalry!", or something along those lines. I was really confused. What was going on?
      I looked over to my right and saw a few kids standing and shouting, "Yeah! Woooo!". I became very cautious, not knowing what to expect. Then, on my left, I saw a mexican dude holding a baseball bat approaching me. "I'm going to beat you to a pulp boy", he told me. This wasn't fair, I had nothing to defend myself. As this guy got closer to me, I kept a close eye on him, watching his every move. Once I passed a tree near me, I stopped and waited for this dude. He came at me and swung at my body. Right in the middle of his swing however, I grabbed his bat and turned the tide.
      I really didn't think I would be able to do this, and I was really happy that I did. I approached this guy and swung at him. I hit him, and I continued doing this until he was on the ground. Once I saw that he was unconscious, I continued walking, trying to find a way out of this park. I looked to my left and saw an old man approaching me, and he too was armed with a baseball bat. I was still a little worried, but at least it was an even match. Once he got close to me, he swung. I blocked his swing with my bat, and started hitting him rapidly. I remember hitting him in the gut, but it didn't phase him.
      Unfortunately, I had to hit this old man in the head, and I did so. I felt really guilty, but then I remembered, I didn't chose to be a part of this "game". I picked up the old man's baseball bat and waited on who ever was next. By dual-wielding two baseball bats, I knew that I was going to make it out and survive. Just then, Brad pitt started approaching me, along with some random old lady that had no weapon. I looked up into the sky for a second and noticed that it was already daytime. Brad Pitt had an extremely tall bottle of golden liquor in his hands, and I knew that he was going to hit me with it. I got cornered against a fence, and Brad Pitt got closer to me, he swung. I blocked his swing and when he swung again, I snatched the tall liquor bottle out of his hands.
      The crowd that appeared around me roared in excitement. I had just won the "game". My friend Dylan had showed up out of no where and congratulated me. I opened the huge bottle of liquor that I took from Brad Pitt and took a really big gulp out of it. My god, the liquor was extremely strong and I could feel it burning in my throat. It burned more than any liquor I had ever drank before. I fell to the ground, wondering why I was stupid enough to take that big of a gulp out of the bottle. As I was on the ground, everything started feeling really hazy, and my throat was still burning.
      After everything calmed down, I got up off the ground and stood up. I looked around and now this park was packed with people. People were walking to and fro everywhere. I looked in front of me, and in the park was a piano. I went up to it and started playing it. It functioned perfectly like a normal piano should. I played a short song, and while I was doing so a group of kids started to watch me. Suddenly, my sister came up next to me and told me that I was, "playing it too fast". I told her that she didn't know what she was talking about, she's never played the piano before.
      All of the kids that were watching me, now came up to the piano and started playing it. I decided I was going to let them have some fun so I gave them more space by leaving the piano. As I walked away, my sister followed me. I started looking around for my dad, knowing that he must be around here somewhere. I walked around the park back into the alley, except, now the alley was some sort of public walkway and it had a flight of stairs that led down into a subway station. I saw my dad walking towards these stairs and he saw me. He motioned to me that he saw us and we started walking towards him. I then woke up.

      3. I was at the bus ramp at my high school. I was walking with a girl and we were talking about something. I don't remember what we were talking about, or who she was, but only that I felt that she had "distracted" me and almost made me miss my bus. I started sprinting towards the front of the bus ramp, looking for my bus. I looked around for the bus number 4020, but I couldn't find it. My friend Patrick showed up next to me and told me what bus he was looking for. His bus number was bus 4976, which coincidentally, is the last 4 digits of his cell phone number in real life.
      Patrick yelled, "Yes, I see my bus!", and started running towards it and got on. I decided that, because I couldn't find my bus, and that Patrick lives literally 10 houses down from me, that I was going to get on his bus and take it home. When I got on, everything was rather dark, and I sat in the seat next to Patrick. To my surprise, my friend Dylan was already on the bus as well. The bus started moving and we rode it home. Once we got to our stop, we all got off. Dylan invited me and Patrick to come over to his house for dinner, and we accepted.
      Once we got inside of Dylan's house, we walked over to the dinner table, except for now, his dining room was where his kitchen usually is in real life. We all sat down at the dinner table and waited. The atmosphere inside of his house was really cozy, and everything was really nice as usual. Dylan's mom soon came to the table and placed in front of us a tray of dipping sauces. There were many different sauces, and my friend Dylan took a pumpkin pie dipping sauce. I thought that what he got looked good, so I took the last pumpkin pie dipping sauce.
      My friend Patrick voiced his refusal to me and told me to give him the pumpkin sauce. I told him no, and that I was going to keep it and I even think I told him to "suck a nut", a phrase that we use commonly in waking life. Dylan's mom then sat down to the chair directly to the right of me. Dylan sat to the left of me, and Patrick sat at the right end of the table. Across from me, there were 2 random guys that none of us really knew. They were just sitting down, taking part in this dinner and yet they were unknown to us.
      Dylan's mom then handed out the meal of the night. "I've got something really good for you boys tonight," she told us. She then placed down a few napkins in the middle of the table and told us to dig in. Dylan grabbed one big napkin, and so did Patrick and I. The two guys across from us didn't have any napkins, and they just sat there. I looked to my left and saw Dylan ripping off small pieces of his napkin and dipping them into his pumpkin sauce. I only thought it normal to do the same, and it didn't seem odd or anything, so I got my napkin and started dipping it into my sauce.
      As I was doing so, I remembered the two guys across from me that had no napkin to eat. I ripped my napkin in half and was going to give them some. As I ripped my napkin, I ripped it really badly and the rip ended up being uneven, so I ripped part of it again so I split the entire napkin in half just to be fair, and gave it to the 2 guys. They told me something like, "Yeah that's right, give us some of your napkin". I looked a bit closer at these 2 guys and noticed that they looked very odd. The way they were dressed looked like they just came from Chicago in the winter season. They were dressed in heavy jackets and had some weird hats on.
      I continued eating my napkin and started a conversation with Dylan's mom. When I first started talking to her, she called me johnny or some name close to it. She then realized that she had called me by the wrong name, and started calling me Brad(still not my name). How did she keep getting my name wrong? I then looked over to my left and there was a small sign that had the names on it that she would call me. The names would change, and whenever they did, Dylan's mom would start calling me whatever was on the sign. This happened about 2 more times, and one of the other names she called me was "Bradley". (BTW, Dylan's mom knows me really well in waking life, so no idea why this happened).
      We continued to talk about something else, and I remember that I was about to tell Dylan's mom that she was "really feisty", but then it occurred to me that Dylan's dad might take that as some sort of sexual comment, so I didn't say it.

      Updated 08-18-2014 at 11:32 PM by 65076

    15. Thousands of Doves

      by , 08-18-2014 at 08:25 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      I should have written this one right when I woke up...but I didn't...and I'm left with fragments.

      I was lucid - I don't remember how. Once again, I couldn't remember any of the things I wanted to do in my lucid dream (a sign of my recent scatterbrainedness, I'm sure) - so I decided to do backflips. Because why the hell not. Plus it's fun in zero gravity.

      When I got bored of that, I decided to fly around on the threshold of Earth's atmosphere and outerspace. Flying around in Earth is moderately fun, flying around in space is great (except it's always BONE CHILLINGLY COLD FOR ME ), but flying on the threshold of the two is the best.

      I flew up above the clouds. It was sunset...and beautiful!

      I flew over the clouds quickly....the giant white clouds began to morph into thousands of doves. The clouds would just dissipate into these beautiful white doves that would scatter away! It was so amazing.

      I flew up higher and into outerspace through the solar system. I flew really quickly past the planets and it made me feel a bit disorientated.

      That was great, but I decided to come back home to Earth. When I landed, I saw a tornado on the horizon. I decided to fly into it, but I think I woke up before I reached it.

      Tags: doves, flying, tornado