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    1. 6/2/10 How Do I Get Home?

      by , 06-11-2010 at 06:26 AM
      I was at the movies with my best friend. She suggested that we do something after. Mysteriously, we parted ways without question. I began to contemplate how I was going to get home. For some reason, I thought that by visitting the local CricKet Wireless store, I could get home. I walked a ways, but then turned back towards the movies and texted one of my family members to come get me. In a strange way, I was nowhere near the movies. I saw a wierd kid from my school stick two bitten candy bars (Kit Kat I think) on a bench, then enter a subway station. At some point I met up with my sister's ex-boyfriend, who is near my age, and we proceeded on foot, once again without question. We passed an elementary school, where he tried to open a door in the back. We rounded the corner and saw the equipment of the drumline battery from the high school i will attend next year. It was then i remembered that the marching band was having a rehearsal after some event i had recently attended. We walked past and up a hill where there were many band kids. I said to my sister's ex-boyfriend, "Oh ya, the marching band is having a rehearsal after this." A girl near us repeated that sentence to a parent and they giggled together. Oddly, the other junior high's concert band had set up facing the discus throw chain link arc. The director of this band was saying "Not good enough, speed run." Many band kids were walking towards us in their tuxes. I saw my brother in his prom tux. I asked him something, but his answer was unsatisfactory. My sister's ex-boyfriend had mysteriously left me at this point. I walked back down the hill and the dream ended.

      What does this one mean? I have some ideas. Around this time, i was anticipating picking up vibes from the high school for next year marching band. I had also recently made several trips to the movies with my best friend. These are the only connections i have made.
      non-lucid , memorable
    2. 6/1/10 The Party

      by , 06-11-2010 at 06:14 AM
      As i remember, I was sitting on a seesaw with a girl I like, who is also my friend. This takes place in the backyard of a house where i recently attended a birthday party. My mom mysteriously appears from behind me at right. There were many high school kids that had shown up at the party, including this guy that came to play ninja hunt in my nieghborhood. My mom asked us a couple questions along the lines of "What's the plan here?" She offered to take us home, or bring us the Thanksgiving dinner we were apparently missing. She implied that we were having Chili's in my family. I said "We'll be alright and stay at the party." Then i woke up.

      What does this one mean? Doesn't sound like anything profound.
    3. 5/10 A Common Occurence

      by , 06-11-2010 at 06:09 AM
      So I was watching the kitchen from the family room. My older brother, sister, and her best friend are in the kitchen. My brother is opening the middle desk drawer. My sister's friend has an ice cream cone i somehow know is from Sylas and Maddy's. My siblings argue over the specifics of a silly saying. Is the character riding a snake or a blue-eyed bird? That's the question. My brother asks me to rewind the TV show currently playing to see the saying that will settle the dispute. I wake up before carrying out the request.

      What does that mean? Nothing serious. haha.

      Updated 06-16-2010 at 12:15 AM by 32609

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Mario's Epic Dream Journal of Awesomeness

      by , 06-11-2010 at 05:30 AM (Mario's New Epic Dream Journal of Awesomeness)

      Yes? No? Maybe So? (Non-lucid)


      I was walking around my high school, though the halls were oddly empty. I ran into a classmate of mine; one I have sort of a crush for. I was taken aback by her exquisite beauty...she had dark brown eyes, fine black hair cut in a flirty, boyish bob, and a figure to die for. We started talking, leading to casual flirting. She started dropping some serious hints, which I failed to pick up on. I continued to chatter away, and a dark look clouded her face. She looked as if she wanted to claw my eyes out. I had offended her deeply. She told me she was just about ready to ask me out on a date, but not anymore. I apologized profusely, but she would have none of it. She turned on her heel and walked off.

      I let her have her space, but I soon ran into her again. Again, I apologized left and right, owning up full responsibility to whatever I had done. She had cooled off, and was considering giving me a second chance when the dream ended.

      I like these kinds of dreams...anything dealing with love, romance, or relationships sets me on a sort of tranquil melancholy for the rest of the day, which is a feeling I've become quite fond of. A feeling of longing, mixed with a tinge of regret, but also with the sheer joy of getting to experience something relating to a relationship.
    5. Don't Fear The Reaper

      by , 06-11-2010 at 05:30 AM (Mario's New Epic Dream Journal of Awesomeness)
      Don't Fear The Reaper (Non-lucid)


      I am sitting at the computer, logged on to Youtube. I'm watching a video involving dart wars and Kirie from Girls Bravo. As soon as the video ended, I live through it. The house is divided into two camps; red on one side, blue on the other. The blue team consists of Kirie, Koyomi, and myself. On the red team are my two annoying next-door neighbors. We all have dart weapons. The blue side has three-pronged blasters, and the red team has this two-barreled semi-automatic reloader thing. The battle commences. My team quickly gains the upper hand, driving back the red team. As the other members of the blue team go forth and conquer all, I am left to guard the base. This gets boring very quickly. Eventually, I become highly impatient and decide to go roam for a snack. I get my snack and discover that the red team has been more or less conquered. They have been driven to the back porch, and are taking heavy fire from Koyomi and Kirie. Somehow, they summoned about seven hundred nerf darts, and are now shelling the red team mercilessly. Finally, the battle ends...or so I think. Kirie steps out of the bunker and lifts up one of the red team members. He stammers out a sentence...
      "But...I thought you were on our team."
      "Don't worry, I am."
      She pulls out a Halo plasma grenade and throws it behind her, sticking it to me. The grenade goes off, destroying my house as it does so. We are all now airborne. Massive chunks of rock are flying through the air. Below us, there are many long, long drops to instant death. Our only hope of suriving is to latch onto a rock and hope it absorbs the blow. Everyone is able to clamor onto this one flat rock, but I cannot find one.

      I drift over a massive waterfall and begin my plummet to death. Down, down I go, faster and faster, hurling toward a rocky outcropping below. I count down the time. All fear is gone, replaced by a feeling of exhiliration. Three...two...one...I smash into the rocks. A book is open right before my nose...it seems to contain credits for something. As my body shuts down and my consciousness fades, I read over the book, knowing that it shall be the last thing I ever see. Death did not come, however. I did not lose my grip on consciousness, and my body didn't feel broken or misshapen. Just as I realized I was still perfectly okay, the dream ended.
    6. A Story of Love, Romance, Nerds, and Fail

      by , 06-11-2010 at 05:26 AM (Mario's New Epic Dream Journal of Awesomeness)
      A Story of Love, Romance, Nerds, and Fail (Non-lucid)


      I'm standing outside this great building, all steel and glass. Inside, it is pitch-black. I had arrived. Inside is my one-way ticket to manhood. All I must do is find her, and let events run their course. I stride through the doors with confidence, donning the night-vision goggles. Within the great steel trap is hundreds; nay, thousands of girls, all of them my age. They are lined up, working in this factory, making small bobbles. They do not have goggles, and are thus unable to see what they are doing, but they are still highly skilled at what they do. I pace up and down the aisles, looking for one girl who speaks to me, one who catches my attention. I find her at the end of a row. She is a very cute girl of Asian descent, but also having ancestors of European descent. A small pair of glasses frame her eyes. Her smile is dazzling.

      I approach the bench where she's working at and strike up a brief conversation, trying to get a feel for her personality and voice. Her voice is astounding, and many of her hobbies and interests parallel mine. Although everything is still green and she cannot yet see me, I kknow that this is the one for me. I remove the goggles and tap a button, switching on the lights. She looks at me, and a smile spreads across her face. She approaches, drapes her arms around me, and kisses me. She pushes hard against me, knocking me into a chair that had conveniently appeared right behind us. She stands to the side of the chair; I sweep her off her feet and place her on my lap. She holds me tight, kissing and hugging, her hands exploring my every being. I do the same, feeling her smooth legs, playfully pushing her skirt up. She giggles and kisses me hard once more.

      Just as I'm about to cross the border to manhood, a feral scream pierces the factory. This massive ape of a man comes barreling at me, a look of pure hatred in his eyes. He does this flying tackle into me, knocking away the girl and pinning me to the floor, foaming slightly at the mouth.
      "Back off, twerp, she's all mine."
      The man is dressed in what looks to be some sort of cosplay outfit. A plastic sword hangs at his hip; his hair is dyed a fiery red. The girl commands him to get up, apologizing profusely. She explains that Eddy is confused, and he somehow got it into his head that she is his girlfriend. As I get up and dust myself off, I tell her that it isn't a problem. I ask how we can get rid of him; she recommends getting a good hotel room. Eddy hears us, though, and insists on sticking to us like glue. I simply sigh, shaking my head...I ask her if she would like to go on a date instead, to which she consents.

      The scene skips ahead to a gloomy sort of park, laden with fog and strange plants. I am holding the girl's hand, Eddy practically breathing down my neck. I recall that I have a Semester Test tomorrow for a very important class, and that I should be going so I can study. The girl is saddened by this; she kisses me lightly, her lips brushing mine ever so slightly. I thought Eddy's eyes would pop out of his head. I tell her that it might be a good idea to get a restraining order against this fruit cake, and she promises to go down to the police station first thing in the morning. I kiss her one more time, then depart.

      The scene skips to my Literature class. I had done no studying for this test, which was a darn shame. I don't know the answer to most of the questions on the test. All I can do is scribble in a small amount of text beneath a few of the questions. My grade is right on the edge; this test is crucial. I turn in my half-filled sheet of paper, hoping for a good grade. I take to pacing the room and eating Christmas ornaments for some reason. The glass does not hurt or draw blood; instead, it just sort of tickles. I spray fragments of glass everywhere as I pace about. The rest of the class is still working; the clock reads 7 p.m. School ended hours ago. Everyone was staying late just to finish the tests. Finally, the teacher calls me over and gives me the terrible news. I take a cursory glance at the grade: 6/25. I look again: 16/25. Not much better, considering it counted for 20% of my final grade. I am screwed. The dream ends in a fit of panic.

      I think I just broke my all-time longest dream record...
    7. Finding My Dream Guide?

      by , 06-11-2010 at 05:22 AM (Mario's New Epic Dream Journal of Awesomeness)
      Finding my Dream Guide? Part I (Non-lucid)


      That would be the potential appearance of my dream guide. Last night, I had two dreams completely separate of each other, but both involved the same DC, and each time, the DC guided me through the dream. While she did not guide me in becoming lucid, she did guide me through my dreams, and in my book, that's good enough.

      The first dream is starting to fade rapidly, but I remember that it involved water; a lot of water. It must have been either a dam or an ocean. I think I was being chased by something, and the pink-haired girl (Miharu) helped me to escape. She knew exactly where to go and how to get there.


      Finding my Dream Guide? Part II (Non-lucid)


      This dream was a bit more vivid. I was late for College, and driving around streets I did not know. Miharu was talking to me through either a cell phone or radio. I knew it was her because we spoke face-to-face ahead of time. Anyway, the streets were packed with traffic, and I was late. She told me of a cool little shortcut that not many people knew about. I took a winding maze of back streets, guided by her voice, and finally found the shortcut she was talking about. Traffic was backed up here, too, but she told me how to weasel into position to beat the system. Within half a minute, an officer waved me through, and I continued onward to class.

      At school, my dumbass guidance counselor showed up and started harassing me about some paperwork nonsense. Again, through Miharu's voice, I was able to evade my guidance counselor and get everything perfectly squared away.

      I do not know if Miharu is my dream guide or not, but these two dreams, for now, back up that notion. Only time will tell...
    8. Awesome Tea Dream

      by , 06-11-2010 at 05:20 AM (Mario's New Epic Dream Journal of Awesomeness)
      Awesome Tea Dream (Non-lucid)


      This dream was flat-out funny. Okay, I was back at this store, similar to Costco. While my sister and mother went out shopping for regular stuff, I was busy looking for tea to buy. I was shopping for herbal tea, dirt cheap. This nice lady helped me to find everything I needed. In the end, I had many, many bags of high-quality herbal tea for very little money. At the register, when the total came to $98.98, I started freaking out, forgetting that my folks had also grabbed stuff. Once that was settled, the dream skipped to a cool little scene where I am standing before the master of Tea himself. He is going to train me in the way of the tea. As my first test, he sets an almond down before me. I finish my cup (which smelled and tasted delicious), and climbed the mountain before me. At the top, I gathered myself, assumed the samurai stance, hung over the edge of the great cliff before me, and belched like no one has ever belched before. The shock waves cracked the almond perfectly (I later had fun trying to reassemble the pieces). When I got back down to the bottom of the mountain, my mother was congratulating me and couldn't be any prouder. The wife of the Master, though, was thoroughly mortified, and almost seemed to be afraid of me. Then the dream ended.

      This has been a test post brought to you courtesy of the "copy to dj" button. This bit works fairly well, though the automatic quote tags are a bit of a pain to clean up. That said, I had to edit the dream anyway to isolate the desired content. Overall, I give it an 8/10.

      Updated 06-11-2010 at 05:23 AM by 27750

    9. First Impressions

      by , 06-11-2010 at 05:15 AM (Mario's New Epic Dream Journal of Awesomeness)
      Well, alright then. Seeing as how the mods aren't giving me much of a choice here (glare), I'm kinda forced to start a new journal, and so end my former thread of crashing brilliance and awesomeness. 450 posts large...shame to see it die so young. Not to mention, Banhurt's DJ program won't work quite right for a bit. Going solely on the tutorial (yes, a tutorial. That should be warning flag number one), I can't help but feel that this new program is mostly bloat. I shall see if my prediction holds up, but briefly skimming over the picture version (multiple tutorial versions. Second warning flag), it looks more complicated and bloated than the previous system.

      I also find the tags to be a bit arbitrary. Why is there one for "nightmare," but not "sex?" I know that I personally have a lot more sex dreams than nightmares, and find them more enjoyable to read. How about "catgirl?" Can I have a catgirl tag? Or how about the nice broad category of "enjoyable?" "Memorable" sort of covers that, but a dream can be memorable for numerous reasons, and not necessarily pleasant ones that create an intense urge to review that particular dream ever again. Too much thousand island, not enough lettuce.

      But, on to new horizons. This post, I guess, is a test post. Soon shall follow a test copy of one of my older dreams, and if successful, I will copy the more fun dreams over. Why the rainbow paragraph? A test of colors. To make sure they work, so at least the DJ format will hold up. If you're wondering what I'm blathering about, it means that my new DJ will be located in the spam empire.

      This is the conclusion of what I like to refer to as the "first impressions" review. Further down the road, I may very well end up eating my words, but at the moment, I'm just a bit pissed. Thank you and good day.

      Updated 06-11-2010 at 08:56 AM by 27750

      Tags: review
    10. 6/10/2010

      by , 06-11-2010 at 05:06 AM
      Throwing Away My Hats (Non-lucid)


      I was in a dorm room that was different from the on that I had a few months ago, but I had the same roommate. The door opened on the North side of the room, and my bed was on the East wall. On the desk next to my bed were a bunch of the same type of basball cap. The only differences were the colors of the bills. I grabbed a few of the reds, blues and whites and decided that I didn't need them. As I walked to the door to throw them out, I woke up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. 06/08/10 Darkness Within, Stargate

      by , 06-11-2010 at 04:32 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: No WILD again, which is pretty much becoming the norm. My first goal was to go and heal MoSh, and that was in my mind when I fell asleep. I am getting a lot better at the FA's, though. That is getting to be my most consistent form of lucid dreams lately! My memory wasn't great, had a couple of short dreams which are both in this entry.

      *Darkness Within*
      I got out of bed to go to the bathroom. I am getting into the habit, so I did a RC almost right away and found I was dreaming. I remembered my first goal of healing MoSh. I opened a portal and headed off to MoSh's inner world, now I was fully lucid.

      I entered MoSh's inner world in a usual place. I was in the front yard of MoSh's house in his inner world. I looked around and spotted MoSh. He was standing in the yard, facing away from the house. The general area was bright and sunny, but the area right around MoSh was dead and dark… the grass right around MoSh was dead, it looked like he was standing in the middle of a cloud of smoke. I went over to MoSh. MoSh looked at me strangely. He looked weird. His eyes looked strange. There were black swirls in them, though he was smiling at me. It looked a bit creepy… I told MoSh I was there to do a healing spell on him. He said go ahead. I used the song Silver and Cold, pulled dark energy out of MoSh and into me. I was paying more attention this time to be sure I didn't try to absorb another entity with MoSh's dark energy. When the song was complete, I used Touch My Heart and replaced that dark energy with light energy. The cloud of gloom around MoSh seemed to disappear into nothing, and he looked normal again.

      Well, MoSh looked mostly normal again… he looked worried. He said he was worried about Asuka, he thought the intruder might have infected her with dark energy. I followed MoSh into the house. Asuka was sitting in the living room watching something on television. MoSh seemed hesitant to look at the screen. There was a puppy playing on the television. It was cute. I told MoSh it was cute. He looked and agreed. He said he wanted to heal Asuka. Asuka smiled and said she was fine. MoSh wanted to be sure. So we did a healing spell on Asuka. I didn't sense any dark energy in her, so I just went straight to Touch My Heart. The room filled with golden energy and that golden energy flowed into Asuka. She looked very relaxed. I sat down on the couch beside her for a bit.

      I was sitting there. Asuka had a remote control in her hand, and she was channel surfing. I wondered what she was looking for. She said she was looking for a movie to get into. I thought that was interesting... also that she had answered a question I had only thought... She finally settled on a channel. There were people on the screen talking to each other about dreams... something to do with traveling to other worlds in their dreams. Cool! Sounded like an interesting movie! Asuka got up, and went over to MoSh. They went over to the television and stepped into the screen. Woah... I'd forgotten about the idea of going into the movie... but that had been part of the plan. Ok, so now it was my turn. I saw MoSh and Asuka in the movie now. The other characters seemed mildly surprised to see them, but not overly alarmed. I went to push my way into the screen... and instead my head came into contact with a solid surface. The TV wasn't a gateway... it was a solid wall! Wtf? I tried to push my hands through the screen, but I was getting nowhere. It was frustrating. I tried a couple more times, getting frustrated even more, and then I woke.

      I was at school, or I think it was school. It looked more like a mall. A lot of stores, but I was thinking it was a school. I was there with Tigress. I walked down the main hall with her, looking at the different stores. I was thinking they were all there to sell school supplies. There was one that had a lot of games in it. Most likely for game design research. I went inside. There were computers and games and such, and in the back of the room… there was a stargate! Awesome! It looked so real. I went over to it and looked closer. Someone asked where I wanted to go. I said I wanted to go to… I didn't have time to finish saying that when it opened of its own accord. Something was coming through… a lot of somethings. Gou'ald were coming through. They were shooting at people as they ran for cover. Tigress looked around and then pulled me along. There were Gou'ald attacking random people. I wanted to stop them. I was trying to pull away from Tigress, but she seemed determined not to let go of me.

      I went with Tigress out of the mall / school into a grassy field. No parking lot? Never mind, there was a space ship hovering in the field. I called to the people who were running away to follow us to the space ship. A lot of people started following us, some of them were ahead. A lot of the people either didn't hear or didn't understand or didn't believe, so they weren't following. They were heading off in random directions. I reached the ship. A couple of people helped me into the ship. I turned around to grab Tigress. I reached for her hand… and then she disappeared. What the hell? Where had she gone? Had the Gou'ald done something? I had to find her! More people were climbing into the ship, but I just wanted to go back and find Tigress. I jumped back out of the ship, some of the others protested and some said I was nuts, and I started looking through the crowds for her. She couldn't have just vanished! That was impossible, unless… I did a RC… and I found I was dreaming!

      Yes! I used Battery on a bunch of Gou'ald… but I got too excited at finding this was a dream and I could do something about it that I woke up.

      Updated 06-11-2010 at 04:47 AM by 27700

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Link's Dj

      by , 06-11-2010 at 04:19 AM (Link's Adventures)
      Quote Originally Posted by Linkster17 View Post
      5/14/10 Zombie VR game?

      I was playing a VR game and it was about zombies and a few guys were like the big guys from Doom 3. I was in a small town that was deserted except for a few other people. SO the big guys were B. Zombies(can't remember the rest of the word, started with B) and only a certain rocket launcher could kill it. A girl, about 16 or 17, had it, but she was on the other side of town and i could choose to try to get it or run away. For some reason, i chickened out and ran for it but the B. zombie caught up and grabbed me and crushed me in it's hand. but i thought it was a game so i didn't wake up and loaded a another file. I was in a truck and everyone else had left before me so all the zombies were after me. So i went as fast as i could but my truck hit something and flipped over, so i thought leave me alone and they went around me, after the other guys(sorry other people, probably DCs) except for one B. Zombie. here we go again. So i ran but this time i was much faster and was out running it went i woke up.
    13. Link's Dj

      by , 06-11-2010 at 04:19 AM (Link's Adventures)
      Quote Originally Posted by Linkster17 View Post
      5/10 Westman College?

      My family was visiting my grandparent's house and all of my family was riding on a mini-blimp. We hung on safety harnesses and the blimp was controlled by remote by my grandfather on the ground. Then he landed us(aww ) so i could try and apply to Westman College, (which i did look up and it is not a college, it would have been cool if it was). So i get there are hundreds of people and i forgot my application so i walk around. I went into a weird building that looked like it should be in Fallout 3.( it was old and had holes and it felt like it might fall on me. Saw the cows from Fallout 3, uh, Brahmin, that's what they are called. Anyways, i accidentally shot one, and all the Brahmin and the owner go berserk(it then went to the main menu for fallout 3 b/c it couldn't load so i had to try and load it again and the dream ends. (Wow, i can't believe i missed all these obvious signs. oh well )
    14. Link's Dj

      by , 06-11-2010 at 04:18 AM (Link's Adventures)
      Quote Originally Posted by Linkster17 View Post
      4/24 Trip to Japan

      So i went with my church to japan and we were in a giant church for a few days. But when we came, we came in fighter jets. but when we left, we were in bombers and i was the last to go and saw two people from school and jumped into their bomber as they took off and avoided bullets from enemy fighters.So we were fighting our way out and they had 2 bombers left when all of a sudden i know that they are sending reinforcements and that i had to warn them. So i contact our base and some girl picks up and i told her to wan them but it was too late. TH=he enemy destroyed all our bombers except for mine and one other. So we hide behind a house(weird no one saw us right?) and then it went a little bit longer and ended.
    15. Link's Dj

      by , 06-11-2010 at 04:18 AM (Link's Adventures)
      Quote Originally Posted by Linkster17 View Post
      4/10/10 Nazi Zombies

      I was playing Nazi Zombies but it was at a castle and it was grassy, peaceful looking if it didn't have thousands of zombies, and sunny(which it's never sunny in Nazi Zombies and never has live grass). So I started off with a Gewehr 43, I think. My dream started off at round 5 so maybe i forgot the first 4. I'm killing, it's round 9 and there's a instant kill and i get it(until this point, I'm just running around the castle, killing zombies), but they mutate from it(the instant kill did looked weird) and(looked like the weak, harmless, white symbiotes from Spider-Man: Web of Shadows and from Doom 3(scary). But the smaller one like from spider-man didn't have all the purple veins and the ones like Doom 3 were white).

      Fortunately, there are easy to kill because of the instant kill. Then all of a sudden, ,my best friend who I'll just call A, joins me and we keep fighting. Later on, I had a upgraded ray gun and A has a Barracuda but we are about to get surrounded and killed.(I've been semi-lucid since the weird instant kill). So I think don't die and our health comes back and we kill them. The dream goes on a bit longer.