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    1. 7/1/13

      by , 07-01-2013 at 03:39 PM
      I don't remember much today. I only remember a fragment where I was playing Skyrim. I went to bed a little after midnight; I think I fell asleep a while after that. I'm pretty sure I had my phone next to me so the alarm would wake me up at 5 a.m. so I could do an FILD, but it was off and on my dresser when I woke up (around 9:30, I think), so my dad might've heard it (somehow without it awakening me), turned it off, and moved it, much to my dismay. I might have to try my actual alarm clock if my phone continues to fail.
    2. Dream interrupted.

      by , 02-02-2013 at 01:13 AM

      I hear comments that a young man has killed a child. I do not know if it was with a firearm or other means. The young man who has been arrested is sitting at a table in front of me, very close. I start to write a few lines asking him to explain the reasons why he had killed the other girl or boy. I only managed to write a few lines because the words become disorganized. As in dreams anything is possible I imagine that I have finished a paragraph of 10 lines and hand it to the young man. The boy is tall and thin with curly black hair like a mestizo. People were talking about the punishment that would be imposed on the young man. I think he could be sentenced to be hanged, drawn and quartered, but at that time I looked at the boy and he looks like a child.. The boy is now white, small and you can tell that he is nervous. I feel sorry for the boy. Then the child goes to a hallway just in front of the room. Then I hear an alarm in the hallway and people begin to run. I approach a bathroom and I open the door. Inside the bathroom there is a huge puddle of blood on the floor .... Sound the alarm and wake up.
    3. Hotel Alarm, Albino Rats Floating, Apartment With No Bed, Jumping Out of Windows (SDE Day 22)

      by , 09-05-2012 at 02:31 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Hotel Alarm (Non-lucid)


      It's very dark at night, and I need to find a place to stay in, and I forget who tells me this, but there's only one hotel available, and it has what I needed to get. I go inside of the hotel, and there's a lady in front, assuming she's the one who gives out cards to go into hotel rooms and all that. She's wearing the preset secretary type of outfit, dark blue dress with a white long sleeve shirt underneath, and she was fairly tall.

      I could barely see her face at all.....she was literally that tall, or maybe my perspective of being able to look up was very limited. I walk around the hotel a bit, and I open a door slowly, and I see that this much be the kitchen, or the dining area of the hotel. The floor was a black and white checkered floor.

      I think I saw a white microwave, those really big ones that huge a lot of energy, but heats things faster than the regular ones. I thought that I would be able to go inside of the kitchen/dining area, but then an alarm triggers.

      It sounded a lot like the alarm I was going to use to wake me up, and it made a strong beep and faded it, but it was still really loud. I look over and found the alarm, it was white, had a small black screen on top, and I saw some green numbers and/or font glowing. I call the lady, and she quickly comes, and I said that the alarm triggered.

      This moment felt weird to me, I felt like it was supposed to be my fault, but the lady didn't mind setting the alarm off at all. She does some weird motion with her hands pressing the buttons that was underneath the covering that moved downwards.

      She comes back to me,
      and that's all I remember.

      Making Albino Rats Float and Die (Non-lucid)


      So I'm on top of a black metal building, and I believe I'm with a male that's sitting down on the A/C fan. He's wearing a white shirt, dark pants, but I'm not sure if that's him or if this was just me looking at myself, and then shifting back into the perspective of the person sitting down.

      Anyway, I have in my hand an Albino Lab rat, cute little thing, too bad it's going to die. I get a very strong urge to see this thing eradicated. I forget hot it dies exactly, but I do know some kind of crushing was involved. After one rat is gone, I remember another one showing up on my hand, except this time, I'm making it float move my hand. It looks at me, and it's just as cute as the one before.

      I think some electricity surges out to my hand, and I probably killed the little guy right there, but I don't recall actual experiences of seeing it die.
      Apartment with No Bed (Non-lucid)


      I remember going up an elevator that was white, and I'm following some girl to the right of me. She looks familiar, but I'm not paying too much on how she looks like. The elevator finally reaches the destination, we both get out and turn to the right.

      She mentions that we're close to the room now, and I believe the levels in this floor was in the 400s. I look to my right, counting the rooms we're passing, and after 2-3 doors, she opens the door I'm supposed to go in, though I don't know why I need to go in. I believe she's wearing a white sweater that's faded a bit.

      I look down on the floor, and to my left, I see a gray carpet layer on top of the dark brown and shiny wood flooring. To the front of me was a window, it was closed, but it was the main thing that enticed me in this dream. It was so nice outside, calm, a few gray skies, and I would presume that it was fairly windy instead of it being hot as hell here in waking life.

      The girl disappears, probably went to the bathroom, but then again, everything was so enclosed, it's like this place would be perfect for those who want to have an efficient lifestyle with minimal distance to get to where they needed to go. There was a sink to the left of me as soon as you entered the room, I think, and the toilet was just a little bit further.

      I'm wondering where the hell is the bed in this place, and I assumed that the gray carpet layer was a spot where a previous bed was on top of before.

      I can't remember much after that.
      Jumping out of Windows (Non-lucid)


      This dream was a sudden rush, you either get out as quickly as possible, or die. I don't know what the hell is happening in this dream, but a random dream character in some kind of dark outfit tells me to come quickly and get near the window. I wonder why, but the moment I hear some noises in front of me, I could sense that a lot of entities would be coming it, so I take immediately catapult through the window.

      I believe this dream resets itself a few more times,
      that's all I remember.

      Updated 09-05-2012 at 04:22 PM by 47756

    4. The Early Night Awesome Adventure...

      by , 06-04-2012 at 03:32 AM (My brain and I)
      dream : comments : lucid
      4th of June, 2012

      I think it's worth noting that I woke up and recorded these at 1:30am on my phone, so this was all within the first hour and a half of being asleep.
      All the fragments, while changing with ADHD-like frequency, were part of some greater overarching storyline about some conspiracy, which I think was that I was actually asleep and some force was trying to keep me from realising it. This time, they won.

      I was in an office building of some kind doing research for the conspiracy. We joked about how the boss probably didn't even know we existed and wondered if he'd ever even been down to our floor. I quickly discovered that Justin Timberlake was the boss and was coming to visit that day. I selected all my Facebook friends to let them know then realised that was probably a bad idea. The dream jumped to him signing like 40million "religious slogans" coz he was obliged to as our boss.

      There was something in between but the next main part was that I was outside and this girl who I got the vibe had psychic powers was looking at the sky. I looked up and there were birds making a strange pattern so I climbed a ladder up a building to get a better look. At the top of the ladder it was really windy and I became trapped on the side of the building. It got a bit terrifying there and nightmare feelings began to creep in and I think it kind of looped for a while with me being stuck. I woke up a bit after that and while going back to sleep began to feel myself riding a motorbike. I knew I was about to enter a lucid and felt my dream body become more real than my physical body. Unfortunately I didn't get in and later found myself telling someone about my ladder nightmare back in the office at nighttime.

      For some reason we then needed to take one of our Chinese employees captive and hide from view beneath a large office window overlooking a river. I peeked out and could see this very postmodernist sort of imposing hotel across the water with an alarm going off. This all had to do with the conspiracy but didn't really have a cohesive plotline. When I looked closer the river was actually a swimming pool and this group of about 5 girls and a couple of guys started having a pool party. They asked me to join and I found myself outside with them but declined.

      We began talking about my engagement and I said that we were thinking of going to Greece or Thailand. One of the girls said that Greece was awesome for sea kayaking and all at once Nooks and I were in the middle of a Mediterranean-type sea on kayaks and surrounded by sharks. I was freaking out a bit because in order to paddle you had to use the oar as well as your feet and I was pretty certain my legs were going to get bitten off. The girl who told us to go there was guiding us and said that we should surf on the shark’s wake; which we did and ended up in a public bathroom. The stalls had little buttons that you pushed that made people decide go into them, so we used them as shark bait to escape.

      It all gets a bit hazy until I was at a futuristic jail that was being broken out of. The same alarm that was at the postmodern hotel was going off and there were orange flashing lights and sirens. I was on the side of the guards and jumped in a tank just as a small force of alien/enemy fighters were approaching. For some reason we decided not to attack them (maybe we were outnumbered) and the captain came up and told me some deep, important secret but I woke up at that moment and completely lost what it was.

      All up it was a pretty intense experience considering I’d been asleep maybe an hour or so and I missed about 6 dream clues!
      Aw well.

      Updated 06-04-2012 at 03:40 AM by 52392

    5. Party Upstairs, Just Freaking Die & Holding Ariel?, Exploring Dark Rooms

      by , 03-21-2012 at 04:08 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Party Upstairs, Just Freaking Die & Holding Ariel?, Exploring Dark Rooms (Non-lucid)


      Dream 1: Party Upstairs

      I'm getting ready to go to a party with a few relatives, one is busy using the bathroom, which gives me more time to get some clothes for the party.

      After a while, we get to the house hosting the party, and it's already starting on the bottom floor of the house. I head upstairs, which is something I would normally do at an adult party, since I don't really know anyone that well anyway.

      I believe I'm in the Master Bedroom now, and I see a Black lady that looks like "Joy" that I met a few times in waking life. She's just sitting on the edge of the bed, and I'm about to take my shirt off.

      Halfway from taking my shirt off, she's shocked and asks,

      "Tell me you're not going to take your clothes off??"

      I respond, "No, I just need to go to the bathroom."

      She declares, "How long will you be in there?"

      While she's saying this, I'm already halfway up the stairs to the top floor, and I respond,

      "Oh, I won't take long, Joy." She's smiling at me, and asks, "40 minutes?"

      I wanted to tell her again that I wouldn't take long, but I told her,


      (Now that I'm awake, I wonder if I was going to have sex with this woman after I was done using the bathroom if she's looking at me with a curious tone. It's like she was picking my brain in trying to know if I'm going to masturbate or something lol).

      I'm at the top floor, and I hear this weird buzzing sound, it sounds like an alarm. An alarm system just happens to be placed near the last few set of steps to get to the top floor.

      I go down a bit and look at it, and it seems there's a small fire going on, but the alarm is showing progress that it's already being taken care of, so I assume it's just someone cooking with too much steam anyway that triggered the alarm.

      Now that I'm on the top floor of the house, instead of going for the restroom, I went to sit near a table with a bench on both sides. Then I hear some people coming up the stairs, and I basically said to myself, "Oh great."

      It seems the party is now shifting towards upstairs, and there's two kids who sit next to me, and they resemble the twins I had to take care of while the adults partied. I was eating something that was really sweet.

      Inside of this pastry was like a small gel orb, and the children left of me are trying to take what I'm eating, I slap their hand lightly a bit to prevent them from stealing the pastries.

      One of them still manages to take a small part of the set of pastries, but I ignored them after awhile. I told them that I kept the small gel orbs because they contained Implings that I normally catch on Runescape (well occasionally before they ended up being a horrible money making method in the game).

      (Wait, really? You got to be kidding me...)

      Then I had a flashing clip of someone, probably my Runescape Character trying to catch Implings on Mos Le'Harmless, and I see that I'm having trouble catching Zombie Implings as well.

      (My Hunter is 99, and I catch Kingly Implings better than the Zombie Implings, and Kinglys are more difficult to catch! -______-)

      The quick clip stops, and then I finished eating the pastries on the plate. There were a lot of people upstairs, so I didn't bother to turn around to see a bunch of people near me. I guess I felt a bit awkward even though I already had a hunch of who would be there.

      Dream 2: Just Freaking Die And Holding Ariel?

      There are two guys sitting outside near the porch of a poorly managed house. They have a person between them sitting as well, but I think the person is dead.

      The dead person was wearing some type of dress shirt, and you could see that his heart was probably blown to bits since there's a huge red hole on his chest. The guys sitting to sides play it off, and an old man who looks like he's an undercover cop or something goes up to them.

      He's wearing a cowboy hat, and shades as well. He's probably wearing the country blue jeans with his dress shirt tucked in.

      He puts his finger on the blood around the man's chest, and licks it to see if it's fake blood or actual blood.

      I think he tells them, "This tastes like human blood." He tells them that they need to come with him, and I believe he's getting ready to arrest and handcuff them.

      While they're walking, I'm in spectator mode, and I can clearly see that both of them know they're in deep shit for doing something like that. I could just see the look on one of their faces as their eyes opened widely, and it looks like they wanted to kill the guy who was going to handcuff them.

      I see they're getting their handguns out, but they're walking around like a bunch of idiots, that the guy who is the undercover cop gets his gun out, and I think he even tells them, "Give me a second to put some ammo."

      (You're supposed to shoot the cop, not wait for him to shoot you, if you want to be a criminal, at least DO IT RIGHT).

      Then I find that I'm actually a partner with the undercover cop, and we're starting to shoot the two guys. All of a sudden, I'm shooting at two completely different people.

      As I'm shooting them, I clearly see that I'm shooting well, and I see the bullets creating bloody holes on their heads, but they're just not freaking dying!

      One is looking retarded as he's shooting at me, but I'm not really feeling any pain from the gunshots, so I'm assuming he just sucks at shooting, or maybe I'm just invincible. It was kind of funny see so many holes appear on the person's head, and they're stillll shooting at me.

      Then it gets even more random, I think Neji from Naruto Shippuden
      (Then again, I'm not really sure of the crap that goes on in my mind) try attack the person. (But whoever it was, they only appeared for 1-2 seconds at most)

      Then I see a variant of Ulrich's Triplicate move from Code Lyoko, but I'm not seeing Ulrich doing it at all, just some random DC showing up. Then they started to do the Triangulate move Ulrich does with his clones as well.

      (Triangulate is basically Ulrich using all three of his clones, along with his insane speed to confuse the opponent who is in the middle trying to pick which one is the real one).

      But there was really no point in doing the move, because there wasn't anyone there in the middle. After this randomness, I believe I'm on a bus now. I'm assuming the criminals are going to jail, but I don't see them anywhere.

      I'm sitting in the middle of a bus seat, and to my left, I think I'm holding a female with one arm, but I'm not sure who it is though. On my right side, it seems Ariel (the mermaid one) is close to me, and she's naked, with legs.

      My right arm is hugging her by her waist, and I think I advanced towards her lower region and start using my fingers to rub something. I honestly don't know what I'm doing, maybe I'm stimulating her clitoris, but I just know that my arms are being occupied by holding two women.

      I still have the mentality that the criminals are caught, so I asked the person in front, "Am I going to jail too?"

      I don't know why I asked that question if I was partners with the undercover cop, but they said no, and they added to that answer that they can't arrest people who are still in college because they have to pay their tuition still.

      A completely random reasoning to my question, but I guess it's better than nothing.

      So the reason I'm in the bus was probably just because the undercover cop was in it as well, so I guess I was there for added protection.

      While the bus is moving, I'm still rubbing Ariel's clitoris, or some part of her vagina with the other women to my left that seems to be sleeping.

      (Wait, shouldn't the criminals be dead if I shot their heads so much with bullets, that they can't see shit anymore? Oh well.)

      Dream 3: Exploring Dark Rooms

      I can't remember much about this dream, other than the fact that I'm basically exploring really dark areas in a random building. It seems I'm looking to find rooms of where certain people used to go to, and I think after that, I tagged along with someone or a group of people, but I don't know who exactly.

      Updated 03-21-2012 at 04:21 PM by 47756

    6. Sunsets, Games, and Alarms

      by , 03-04-2012 at 03:51 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      Finally getting back into the swing of things. It took me a bit to pull my recall out of the murk, but it seems it payed off.
      I ended up going to a factory with my Aunt, Grandparents, and parents. Apparently my aunt had discovered this mysterious factory and was going to own it for herself (but at the time, I couldn't think of a reason why). The factory was placed right by a large lake, which I spent most of my time at. The lake was drawing me away from the factory. I think it was because of how pretty it was. The water was dark, but out in the distance, the sun was setting, giving off a beautiful pattern of light on the surface of the lake. It filled me with feelings of sadness, longing, and hope. This lake was something special.
      I decided to swim in it, and stayed swimming till we had to leave. Once back home, I apparently got the new Kingdom Hearts game (KH3D) in the mail, and started playing it right away. My mother was watching me play, but didn't say anything. When I looked at her, she seemed kind of sleepy.
      I decided to go into my room and take a nap. I walked in and plopped down on the bed, passing into sleep almost right away.
      Before I continue, I should explain; The night before this dream, I set my iPhone's alarm so it would go off at about 8:30 in the morning. The alarm went off, but I didn't wake up. Instead:
      All of a sudden, I heard an alarm going off. It was bugging the crap out of me, because it wouldn't stop. I got up out of bed and searched around for it, till eventually finding my iPhone on the floor a ways away, the screen turned on and blasting the alarm. I walked over and tried to turn it off, but it kept making the noise. All of a sudden, a picture appeared on my screen. It was this girl from school who I barely talk to, and apparently she was in my room to give me an interview for some kind of newspaper. I freaked out and turned around.
      And that's when I woke up. It was kind of amusing to wake up from that and still hear that alarm going off. I turned over and picked up my iPhone and turned the alarm off. It was pretty amusing to think that my dream self was having all this trouble turning off an alarm that was actually going off in real life. Haha.
      Happy to see I could remember this much, because I haven't been into this in a while. Look out for more soon.
      Where I was: At a strange factory with a beautiful lake beside it. Afterwards, I was at my house. If I had gone lucid, I probably would've explored the inside of the factory to see what I would find.
      What I was doing: Originally going to see the factory with my family, but I ended up swimming in the lake instead. Afterwards, I was playing that KH game, then I tried to go to sleep, but couldn't because of the alarm, which I then tried to find and stop.
      Who was there: My parents, grandparents, and aunt during the factory part. Just my mom at my house. Supposedly that girl from school was in my room, but I only saw that in a picture. When I turned around, the dream ended, so I never found out.

      Updated 03-04-2012 at 07:40 PM by 33438

    7. Stamping images on Lady's Ass, Riding Bicycle and Finding Kaomea?, In Car, Alyzarin's Garden??

      by , 02-21-2012 at 04:09 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Stamping images on Lady's Ass, Riding Bicycle and Finding Kaomea?, In Car, Alyzarin's Garden?


      I'm still looking for Kaomea, but I'm also looking for Alyzarin. Funny thing is....I had a dream where I SWEAR she was there (Kaomea).

      The other dream on the other hand....I don't know if it was Alyzarin or not, but damn did I wake up with an erection. O.O

      Dream 1: Stamping images on Lady's Ass

      Note: I just say it was a threesome because it seemed like I was recalling what happened AFTER we did whatever we did. Kind of like just cuddling and admiring this random woman's ass

      I was in bed with some lady, I couldn't get her facial features, all I saw was her ass, I think she was standing up wanting to get her butt stamped with some kind of logos (Like wtf lol, this doesn't make sense, it looked like a pedobear logo, but it's too small to assume about that lol). There was some other random dude, but I don't know what he was doing, he was probably just there to look or something.

      I'm wondering why the hell she wants that, but I see stamp somewhere near the bed, and I think me or the guy joining in on the fun just start stamping, but the logos weren't showing up (thank goodness it wasn't a pedobear logo ).

      Then someone comes in the room, and when I look quickly to see how it was, I saw that we were doing this weird scene near some place that looked like it was going to be a garden!

      Hajemimashite, Namae wa Seed desu-glass-wall-small-house-simple-red-exterior-design-germany.jpg

      There was this DC that looks like he's in his 30's, and he comes in and sees what we're doing I think. I quickly try to hide my naked body (I think it's naked) with a blanket. I'm not too sure on what happened next, except that the same person who came was apparently going to be interviewed or asked a few questions.

      I'm wondering why would he be asked questions after the questionable stamping of me putting barely noticeable logos of the something....or maybe it was the other guy who did the stamping....yeah I think it was the guy stamping the girls ass.

      Even though we were inside a room, looking beyond the glass structure of the entrance (glass door and everything), the ground was brown with stone and everything. The leaves of the trees were very green and lively.

      To be honest, I think I may have been closer to finding Alyzarin in this dream if I was lucid, but these are dreams from NON-REM most likely since I woke up around 4:45 AM (slept around 12:45 AM, but probably went into deep sleep around 1:30 AM I bet).

      Dream 2: Riding my Bicycle in Circles and Finding Kaomea again?

      I was riding my bicycle in circles. This dream, like the one above, is vivid (I'm wondering the reason why it's vivid is because Alyzarin smoked some stuff to help her make them clearer ....probably just me entering the deeper stages of REM, but I'll still be open-minded to that possibility).

      The environment represented the University I'm in, and I believe I'm at a dead end when I'm riding the bicycle. I turn around and see a figure that might look like Kaomea, but my memory of the facial features was hazy
      (but with shared dreaming attempts, I think it's better to feel their energy signature rather than speculating on what they look like).

      Hajemimashite, Namae wa Seed desu-dream-pic.jpg

      I don't know what I did after, but apparently I saw a glance of some meeting of random people asking how much of their time they spend working or going to class.

      I think most said they did 75% college work and 25% in having a job
      (but I'm not too sure on those percentages, I just believe it could've been related to Kaomea).

      Dream 3: Study Hall in High SChool

      I'm in a school setting again, and it feels just like the Study Hall class I took as a Senior my first semester in Mayde Creek High School. I'm near the entrance of the room, and it looks almost exactly like the class room structure. I'm talking with random DCs that I can't really pick up on facial features, but they were trying to tell me how to find someone.

      (Now that I think about it, they were probably showing me how to find Alyzarin....since this is the first time in a while since I had a school related dream....but I'll still be open to the possibility that this dream was just an association with waking life....but again...I feel it was created by my intention to find Alyzarin).

      I'm trying to pay attention to where they were pointing and explaining, but they were pretty much gave useless information, or maybe it was me not paying attention. I turn my back to see the small window on the classroom door to see if anyone was there, but I don't think I saw anyone.

      Then I turn back to the classroom again, and I try to move my head and neck to see who's in front of the class (the seating arrangement was where the desks where facing opposite of the classroom door).

      I know I saw random DCs, but it was too bland and simple for me to really know they're faces.

      Dream 4: Mother is Driving (DILD)

      I'm inside a car with my mother, and she's driving. Eventually, I know that I'm dreaming after we argue over trivial things (couldn't remember them, probably wasn't even an argument in the first place), and I tried to move, but I wanted to just looks at the traffic ahead of us. I saw the sign that signals people to walk or stop, but the dream starts to fade away because I stared too much at the view for too long.

      But there was NO way in hell I was going to fail this time....I woke up, but I believe my eyes were closed....I was sort of dissapointed that I actually knew I was dreaming, but I didn't want to move. It was one of those moments where you just sit and wonder....and you're like...holy $$$$. But I wasn't excited from this dream inside the car with my mother, I just had a realization

      Dream 5: Appering Inside Alyzarin's House? (WILD or DEILD)

      Again, this could be a WILD, but it was most likely a DEILD since I don't remember waking up again after Dream 4 to do a successful WILD. I apologize for the rambling, but I'm just PUMPED UP and excited from this!

      (I think the reason why I rarely became lucid in my dreams, it wasn't the fact that I just sucked, it's just that I didn't stay up long enough for the WBTB...I stayed about for about an hour and 45 minutes before going back to sleep....well....at least I know the rough estimate to be aware of my dreams quickly now!)

      And I know this dream wasn't pretentious since it's still lingering in my mind, and I sure as hell knew I was lucid because of the nose plug RC.

      I remain still, seeing the black of my eyes, still in the state of being half awake/sleep from the previous dream.

      I see images rushing through my head, and I swore I saw an image from a character from the avatar, and I heard music playing as well, and it sounded familiar like the video below. (The guy at 18 seconds to 19 seconds....and 38 seconds until the end of the video is part of what I experience (not exact, but it's a pretty accurate experience I had)...

      As I'm seeing more images flash before my eyes, I see this yellow background, and it turns into this wormhole kind of structure, and I'm just sliding along for the ride to enter the dream state.

      But before I'm literally being pulled into this wormhole/blackhole/whatever...for some reason, I said to myself "Alyzarin's Garden....Alyzarin's Garden....Alyzarin's Garden..."

      (We had the intention of meeting each other in a school related dream, but something just came over me that time, but I just went with whatever thought was in my mind to just go with the Garden thing...sorry about that Alyzarin!)

      Anyway, I'm being grabbed into the dream state, and then I wake up...but it's a False Awakening. I'm pretty sure I know I'm dreaming, but I just wanted to make sure since my eyes immediately opened (I wasn't able to gradually open them).

      I let myself linger a little bit while in bed to speculate, and then I decided to get up. I do a nose plug RC, and I'm breathing through. Definitely dreaming! YES!

      I stay calm surprisingly
      (since I'm long overdue for a lucid dream), and I'm looking around my bed a little bit in the dark, trying to take in th environment and stabilize the dream (but I knew I should've done more stabilization) I'm floating a little bit, and then I reach the ground (I wonder if this was an OBE/AP...since I'm usually always on the ground when lucid).

      I open the door in my bedroom, and I'm in this area that is very unfamiliar to me. The wooden floors had that shiny wooden polish to it, there were several windows to my right that helped me realize it's still night time or just early morning for me being inside this house.

      I think I even see a fancy white fireplace to the left of me as well, but I didn't pay too much attention to this.

      Hajemimashite, Namae wa Seed desu-white%252bfireplace%252bwith%252boval%252bmirror.jpg
      I had a hunch that I was inside of a house where there was a garden outside. I saw one of those fancy marble statues of some figure that I can't depict too well. I'm still wondering where the heck I am, and I just look around for a little while.

      Hajemimashite, Namae wa Seed desu-national-memorial-park-pieta-statue.jpg

      Then I decided to open the door in front of me to see to verify that I'm dreaming and am in someone's house. I open the door slowly, and I see the backyard of someone's house.

      The grass is really green and clean, but I didn't pay too much attention because the moment I opened the door, the alarm initiated, and it sounds just like the one in the other house I use to live in for vacation before heading to college.

      I quickly go towards the alarm, trying not to panic too much, so I thought that since this sound is familiar, obviously the code I use to deactivate it would work.

      Nothing works, I even tried switching the last two entries in deactivating the alarm, but NOTHING works!

      That's when I started to panic.....I'm definitely in someone's house. It feels quiet too, like no one is in the house. I didn't feel afraid or anything, it's just this alarm, and me wondering what I'm going to do in order to deactivate it that woke me up slowly.

      I think when I was thinking about going to Alyzarin' Garden, my mind honestly wanted me to be transported there, but just inside of her house (possibly)...I guess it's up to Alyzarin to see if she had a similar experience.

      But the backyard garden itself would've been a pretty nice environment to look at. I felt as if I was the only person in this setting, which would've been perfect for a potential shared dreaming with Alyzarin....oh well. Next time!

      Hopefully I can have another success with the WBTB by staying up for a while. Just have to sleep earlier.

      Updated 02-22-2012 at 01:08 AM by 47756

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    8. Weird History Girl

      by , 02-14-2012 at 12:12 AM (Jakro Goes Hardcore Into LDs)
      Sheesh, I have had over a week's break from updating this. My momentum kind of got killed when my streak broke off. Still waiting for the first lucid of the year. They are going to have to come thick and fast soon or else I won't be having my best year.

      Nonetheless, last night I actually had an okay recall. And as my own forum, where my dream journal is, is down, I can't even write any classics, so last night's dream it is then, paraphrasing it from memory.

      Weird History Girl
      Date: February 13th, 2012
      Lucid: No

      So I was at my home's yard and there was some party going on inside. There were some people outside as well though. I wasn't interested in the party apparently, so I sat down to the swing. All the sudden one girl, actually one of my former classmate from way back, sat next to me and started talking to me.

      She didn't recognize me. She just thought to come to talk to me, cause I "looked nice", or something to that effect. I told her that she actually should recognize me and I guess I sort of tried to force her to remember, but she didn't remember, even with the hints I gave to her.

      Somehow though I ended up in her car while she drived through the town. She seemed to be a bit poor driver and almost crashed a couple of times. She tried to explain that it was because she was not used to driving around there.

      Finally she parked next to some street and started walking somewhere. I wasn't sure what I was doing there, so I contemplated a bit before following her.

      She went into this building. The door of it was weird, like you had to transform into many times smaller size before you could fit in the door. I saw many people go through this process, including her. Somehow I explained to myself, that it was just an optical illusion. I went in behind her.

      The building was some kind of mix between museum and library. Apparently there were some old texts you were allowed to read, and that was what she was after. She headed to some reading hall while I started wandering around.

      I found some room I though I was familiar with. There was a stairway that led to nowhere, though I told myself, that if you'd jump off it's ledge you could latch onto something and get to some other space. I didn't try it though.

      I headed back to the reading hall, but I had to go through stairs down. In those stairs I hit some button on the floor that triggered an alarm. There was some kind of guarding point with couple of guys right next to the place. Some mean-looking guy started moving and they all got alert due to the alarm.

      I knew I set it off, but just stared the mean-looking guy in the eye and he ignored me, thinking that the alarm was set off by something else. Anyway, I had gotten of it and headed to the reading hall. There were some tables and few people in it. Next to the table where the classmate girl was was also another one of my former classmates, one guy.

      I went to talk to the girl and asked what she was studying, as in studying in school. I don't remember if she had said to me in the car that or did I just figure that she must be studying something. Nonetheless she told me that she studies history. I said that I figured that isn't that obvious and that I wanted more specific answer. For some reason everybody, including me, thought that that was like the best joke ever, at least judging from the amount of laughter.

      I don't remember what she answered, but the dream pretty much ended there anyway.
    9. First Day back in my Nice Bed

      by , 09-03-2011 at 10:15 AM (The first foothold of Arch.)
      My first sleep last night in my own bed, oh and guess what... the epic dreams have returned.
      I did try to DEILD last night, but the 'custom alarm' I made wasnt loud enough to wake me up, clearly.
      We can always try.
      Tags: alarm, comment, fail
    10. Fragment - Rapidly Changing Clock

      by , 08-03-2011 at 06:04 PM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      Another lucid recall fail.

      All I remember about this dream is being in my bed, having 'woken up'. It was dark, and my surroundings were pretty unidentifiable, almost blurry. I can't even remember what bed I was in because my surroundings were so hard to decipher. Whatever bed I was in, to the left of it was a side table, and there was a digital alarm clock on it. I could barely see anything except for the bright red, normal-looking numbers of the clock. It read 9:47, but I figured I should probably do a reality check because I might have been dreaming.

      I looked away and looked back, and the time had changed to 9:48, just one minute ahead. I looked at it intensely. A fluke, or was I really dreaming? I'd test it again, but before I had the chance to look away, the time then changed to 9:49, then 9:50, then 9:51, and so on, all within seconds. "Yeah, I knew it!" I said.

      That's all I can remember.

      Updated 05-16-2023 at 03:49 AM by 28408

      false awakening , dream fragment
    11. 4/1/11

      by , 04-01-2011 at 02:42 PM

      The way that I gained lucidity today was very bizarre, and under weird circumstances. I looked at a clock as a reality check, after my friend pointed out a tiny fish swimming in the murky water of a dirty bucket/bin that was sitting on my track field at school which I found odd above all the otter totally bizare things going on around me. Long sentence. Its hard to explain but I only mentioned the part above so that I will be ableto remember later. Upon lucidity, I noticed my dad start to say weird things to me about lucid dreams I believe, tips or something, but I wasn't listening. I also think it's worth noting that this has been my only LD that didn't start in my bed. Anyways, I found it interesting when I looked at a clock too; it was flashing numbers like usual, but this time it was even flashing videos of football games. I dont know why, but I decided that I should jump up and try and fall/sink through the ground to a different location, and as I was doing so, my alarm went off.

      What happened leading up to this dream was bizare too, this is (I believe) the first time that I've had a long dream leading up to lucidity. I was at our schools soccer field-which was where I had a track meet yesterday- and I was actuall on the soccer team. We had went inside the high school, and I was being extremely rude and cocky towards the Otha younger leagues that were listening to their coach in the halls. It was like I had to earn my respect from them, I even bumped into one with a stiff shoulder, knocking him over, and holding him on the ground by his kneck. When we arrived at the bathroom, which was our destination, my conscience set in and I started to cry. One of the little kids on our team told asked me what position I played, and told me I'd be great no matter where I was. I then went back to the coach of the younger kids team and apologized, causing him to forgive me.
    12. First Lucid Dream

      by , 01-25-2011 at 11:25 AM
      Lovely, had my first lucid dream today, (25-01-11) while I had a free period. After setting an alarm, so I wouldn't get late for my next class, and making the guy in the other room turn the volume of his crappy music down, I descended into sleep. I was in a small apartment or hotel room with my parents, and I was going to the bathroom, then I noticed that there was a toilet, only the inside of the toilet was outside the toilet? (weird) and I soon after realised that I was dreaming, and to test this, I made my parents disappear, and they did. Lovely! But since this was my first time, I did not have much control, and I didn't really do much things myself. But I did manage to summon a pretty girl to snog on I only came to that, cause I began to lose more and more control of it, and the dream started to blur out (or maybe my expectations of it bluring out, made it do it). I tried the spinning technique, and it worked.. kinda. I managed to hold the dream a little longer, but it was too late. When I finally awoke, I realised that it was just about the time that my alarm was set to, and quite right, only bout 20 seconds later, my alarm started to sound. Perhaps my inner clock knew that I had to leave for class about now?

      Updated 02-02-2011 at 05:38 PM by 41591

    13. Fragment - Zzz... I'm Late...

      by , 12-17-2010 at 09:46 PM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This was a false awakening. I woke up in my bed, not lifting my head up more than a few inches. It was dark in the bedroom, and I couldn't see anything but the faint outlines of my wooden dresser and night table. There was a slight light bluish wash over the room that came from a small rectangular window above my bed, but this didn't make the location any lighter.

      I looked at my alarm clock, rather groggily. The glowing red numbers read 7:40, which was much later than I normally wake up.

      "Crap... I'm late for school... Why didn't my alarm clock go off...?"

      I just shrugged it off and put my head down into the pillow again, closing my eyes.

      Within moments I woke up for real, and this time the clock read 6:15.

      Updated 05-16-2023 at 08:37 PM by 28408

      non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
    14. 11/27/2010 - "You Picked the Wrong House, Bud!"

      by , 11-27-2010 at 07:07 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "You Picked the Wrong House, Bud!"

      I was hanging out with Josh. We were in a house that was supposed to be "mine", but it wasn't like the house I live in now. This one was two stories tall, and we were on the second floor. It was night out. We were the only ones in the house but, while we were chillin, I could have sworn I heard my alarm chirp, downstairs, as if someone had opened one of the doors. At first, I didn't say anything about it, and thought I was just hearing things. It wasn't until we actually had to go downstairs for something, that I remembered the chirp and actually began to take it seriously.

      Before leaving my room, I grabbed one of my knives. On the way down the stairs, Josh asked me why I had it, and I quietly told him that I thought I'd heard something. We crept through the living room quietly, and I looked in all the corners and behind all the objects I could. Nothing. By this time, I had reverted back to thinking it had just been my imagination. There was only one other possible hiding spot; around a corner and down a short corridor, to the other bedroom. The corridor was dark, but I was just going to peek around the corner, pretty sure that we were the only ones here.

      I had let my guard down at the wrong time, though. As soon as I peeked around the corner, a shadowy figure was standing directly in front of me, pressed up against the wall, in hiding. I was completely caught by surprise. I swung the knife around, toward his chest, and he actually caught my arm by the wrist, using his other hand and immediately wrenching the knife out of my grip. Now he had the knife. Instinctively, I grabbed him in a hold, securing his knife hand with one of my own, to keep it away from me. Wrestling each other back into the living room, we struggled for control of the knife, at first. Then, I was able to take the guy to the ground and just began pummeling him in the face, with my free hand. (A lesson I've learned is that, when a weapon is involved, you always go for the attacker, and not the weapon.) Once the man was dazed, he dropped the knife, and I just started dropping bombs with both fists. Everything happened so fast that Josh just kind of stood back. While I was annihilating this guy, with punch after punch, I think Josh came by and picked up the knife, seeing that I had things under control. I don't remember much of that situation, other than leaving the guy on the ground with probably every bone in his face broken. He turned out to be just some random guy that broke into my house. Never got around to finding out whether he was just a crook or what.

      The next day, Josh and I were at work, and we were talking about what had happened. I was dramatically retelling some co-workers about it, and just when I got to the part where I was raining down punches on the guy, Josh butted in and said something like "yeah, and Greg beat his ass", kind of dismissing any sort of dramatic tension I was building. I don't think he did it to be a dick, but it just came out that way.

      Afterward, I remember telling him something about sticking to letting me tell the stories, from now on.

      Updated 11-27-2010 at 07:14 PM by 2450

    15. Gomiko and bat research

      by , 09-26-2010 at 07:30 PM (The Midnight Train)
      I am biking through an alley in the late afternoon. The vendors are packing up and I am thinking about what to buy for dinner since my brother is away. I briefly see a black guy with a wooden cart.

      Scene change: I am now in New Zealand crossing the street on the corner of Cashel St and Colombo. I end up in a library. It is a cloudy day. I sit at this table. I see a person who left B-1 school a long time ago. He is blond and wears a blue t-shirt and looks like a real nerd. There is a guy with long black hair tided up sitting beside him. He also wears a black shirt. They are talking about how scientists still haven't got results because they are looking at the wrong side of bat behavior. Apparently some kind of study about bats.
      I see Naoko. Coming up to the table. I say, " you are Michiko?"
      She replies, "How did you come up with that? I am Gomiko." She then says something about her Dad that some how is related to me.
      Then the guy in black says, "What did you do to her Dad?"
      She sits at another table. I want to take this opportunity to talk to her but I am too shy.
      A cameraman and a black lady comes and stand behind me. The blond guy commands them to shoot from left to right the top half of this floor.
      I see a laptop on a little table behind the cameraman. It is mine and I show what I'm working on at university as a biology student to a friend who just appeared. There are heap of Word files and one says microbiology.
      I try to shut the computer down but then a picture of a bee cartoon comes up with fireworks going off around it. Then my phone rings and there are too many options on it and I can't turn it off. Turns out to be my phone alarm.
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