RTG = Radioisotope thermoelectric generator Finding my cat I am looking at some sort of website where we can apparently get a large list of benefits if we register, including ~350€. And apparently, they are saving cats they found alone outside by giving them away to new owners. I am afraid of that because one of my cats is roaming around outside after they ran away, but she always sticks to a certain area around my house, which means I can easily find her. But then I am not sure if she got taken away by that organization. Later, I find her in a bush and one of those people from the organization is wondering what I am doing, or maybe I just thought that they did, but I explain that this is my cat. Later, I think that it might have not been mine and that the cat just looked like mine. But I tell my mother anyway, and I ask if we should carry her home to save her or if we should use one of those portable cat cage-like things. She says we should use the latter. Makeshift RTG I am putting the last piece into my makeshift RTG: the radioactive material. It's this large pellet; it resembles ~2kg of plutonium, but in the dream, it's apparently not plutonium and I am having problems finding the name of it on the periodic table. I think it begins with W. Later, I show it to some friends on Discord, and when I return to it, the walls and ceiling of the space where the pellet is in are red hot, which is apparently according to how it's supposed to work. I feel around about 30cm above the ceiling of the little chamber in the middle, in which the pellet is sitting, and I feel the extreme heat of the chamber, even on my torso. I am also a bit worried that some of the heat I feel might be caused by radioactive particles hitting me. I have made a drawing of the makeshift RTG and also got the picture that the dream got inspired from: Drawings Picture of plutonium pellet
Morning of December 27, 2018. Thursday. Dream #: 19,001-04. Reading time (optimized): 1 min. I become aware of looking at the Internet, though my conscious self identity is not extant and I do not know the nature of the setting, though it likely implies my present home. The web page is similar in layout to the now-defunct DMusic blog. I see various color photographs of guinea pigs in somewhat human-like positions and activities. In the final picture, the animal is sitting upright on a toilet with the lid down and appears to be praying. Below the short videos and images is a list of about seven comments by the same unfamiliar man, each beginning with my first name. One reads, “Claude is impressed by all the work we are doing with our guinea pigs. "Another reads, "Claude was amazed by the final scene of our guinea pig in his act of perfection.” I start to feel both annoyed and puzzled by why someone would make these claims. There had neither been any dialogue between us nor any way of him seeing me or any of my reactions. Soon, I am in an outdoor scene in late morning, in an unknown rural area. The people, seemingly all part of a “lunatic fringe” religious group, who had photographed and filmed the guinea pigs, have an attraction where children walk through a narrow two-tiered cage of guinea pigs and chickens. I start to wonder if the visiting children sometimes step on or injure the guinea pigs, but I do not witness any mishaps of that nature. My dream fades from this point.
Morning of October 25, 2018. Thursday. Dream #: 18,938-02. Reading time (optimized): 2 min. Readability score: 83. In late morning, I find myself in a big barn (in an unknown location) that serves as a recording studio for the Beatles. There is much sound equipment on hay bales and the barn floor, such as big amplifiers and mixing consoles, but I do not see any musical instruments. There are a few unfamiliar men present, one being a producer, another, a sound engineer. While a man is checking a track, there is an unusual drum fill where the snare audio reverses at least twice. The man is puzzled and asks Paul McCartney what that was, but he does not reply. A different “drum fill” is heard, but it turns out to be someone knocking on the barn door. (This scene is ambiguous for two reasons, one, a door knock would not have reverse audio and two, the sound came from the equipment.) A man comes in with a tiger that belongs to John Lennon’s wife (Cynthia Powell). He pets it for a short time. There is no sense of danger. Later, there is an unknown man with a Bainbridge livestock prod. He taps the tiger with it on the rump, and John and the man with the tiger slowly leave the barn. They seem cheerful. Next, the man uses the prod on some farm animals. He touches the rump of a horse with it to get it to move to the corner of the barn. The horse seems annoyed but goes where the man wants him to go. I do not see any of the Beatles at this point and decide to leave the barn. I go around to the back and see a young version of Zsuzsanna, who is about eight years old. However, my real-life identity is not extant in this dream, and so my dream self does not recall who she is. There is a cage adjacent to the back of the barn. There are at least three brown-mantled tamarins in the cage, a mother and two babies. Zsuzsanna is sitting on the ground watching them. She does not speak. I hold the paw of the mother tamarin, stroking the fur on the back of its “hand.” It seems tame. Later, I get up and go back into the barn, which is now empty and full of hundreds of flies that start buzzing in my face. The air is thick with them, and they are loud. I soon decide to leave the barn and slowly wake after I walk back out. As I wake, I realize that the illusion of the flies was a distortion of the sound of the fan and its air on my face (from the foot of the bed). Two other dreams came before this, one of sending many DVDs over time to a member of the dream journal website (a long-term male poster). The other related to capturing each instrument from the Beatles’ “Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!” to use virtual versions (mostly on keyboards) for a live cover.
Morning of August 16, 2018. Thursday. Dream #: 18,868-02. Reading time: 2 min 15 sec. In subliminal mode (dream creation and control without lucidity), my dream self chooses to ride in the back of a car. (This is the same stem of subliminally desired vestibular system correlation that otherwise creates flight events but with less anticipation of the biological process that results in a falling start). After creating this scene as a passive transition, I watch the scenery to my right. I am uncertain of who the driver is. (It is the preconscious avatar of course, but I remain unsure of its identity in this segment, but I vaguely perceive it is female, probably a thread of conscious self identity implying Zsuzsanna, as she is sleeping on my left at the time.) It seems to be late morning. It is a beautiful sunny day under blue skies. We go past an enormous cow pasture on our right. There is not much definition of the driver on the left. It is an American car. (I am subliminally choosing not to augment my dream, as I sleep on my left side). Despite its size, there are only a few cows here and there, which I find puzzling. They are all black-and-white Holstein cows of a very similar appearance as if my dream utilized the Photoshop clone stamp tool. Eventually, we come to crossroads (which represents reticular formation mediation). I look back and see that one end of the cow pasture (on the road perpendicular to the one we are on) is unfenced. There are several houses along that area with large side yards. I start to wonder if cows sometimes get out through that area. (This is a very passive changeover of liminal space division, which a fence otherwise represents. Of course, this scene also causes my dream to jump into a different stage.) I am now inside a big featureless room that is not well lit. An unfamiliar male climbs a rope up to a square cage hanging from the ceiling that is almost touching it. A bobcat is sitting inside the cage. The man, who reminds me of the essence of a magician, opens the door of the cage and starts petting the bobcat. It seems very tame. The man and the bobcat start hugging and kissing. I soon wake. Climbing a rope (whether or not it is the dream self or projected into an avatar) is usually the final metaphorical representation of vestibular system correlation during the waking process, though it is less common than flight-related events. A cat is a form of the preconscious as a “witness” to the dream state, while the man is a transition of the dream self and an emerging consciousness factor. It is a unification (coalescence) process. My dream’s model is typical (though again, not as common as flight-related vestibular modulation), for example, “Climbing a Vine” (March 4, 2017), uses the same model, only it is integrated rather than projected. Additionally, that dream perceives the reticular formation as a possible threat rather than resolving liminal space with unification. The dynamics behind this dream stem from having watched “Sabretooth” (2002) with Zsuzsanna last night. It transmuted the negative unification factor (as the cat in the movie attacked and ate people) into a more harmonious unification factor. It is the desired waking process rectification other than when the immune system is under attack (as in my “Night of the Rat” dream from April 8, 1978).
Updated 09-24-2019 at 07:20 AM by 1390
Morning of February 5, 2018. Monday. I enter an unusual state of faux lucidity, where I have the awareness of what the dream state is and how to create and manipulate dreams, but I do not have my conscious self identity or full realization I am dreaming at the time even as I am creating and manipulating my dream (a bizarre enigma that cannot be resolved in waking life thought, yet which I otherwise experience very often). This is different from states where I am aware of my conscious self at one level, yet do not recall what a dream is, though I am still able to greatly influence dream events and features. This validates that the nature of RAS mediation is not predictable due to the variations of circadian rhythms, as the biological need to wake varies depending on depth of sleep, physical needs, and certain thought processes - many of which are random (for example, threads of something seen on television or material from a book). I step into the dream state, yet immediately lose conscious self monitoring. I find myself walking through an open area that seems to be a wide street in an unfamiliar city. I am thinking to myself about what time period that I want the dream’s setting to occur in. I think about it being the 1920s, 1930s, or 1940s, and decide I will make it the 1930s. I watch people walk around, dressed as if they were from the 1930s (although it had been the 1920s before I willed the change). I offer to help an unfamiliar woman (of about fifty) by carrying her package, but she is not interested in me helping her. Next, I focus on dream state indicators (still without viable awareness that I am dreaming at the time, as this is by residual threads of habit in the lucid dream state since childhood). I find myself in the southwest bedroom of Cubitis (where I have not been since June of 1978). A young version of Zsuzsanna is in the bed, which is aligned along the south wall, head at the southwest corner. I create a radio for her to listen to, but then I am trying to remember if the songs that are playing are from the 1930s or from a much later period, as I do not want to alarm her with inexplicable sounds. I get distracted and summon a group of dream characters to then look through the door of my room. However, the doorway opens into a landscape instead of my old Cubitis bedroom. I create the essence of a dinosaur in the distance (a typical act in faux lucidity since childhood) and tell the unknown people to watch. The dinosaur eventually appears, but is like a mix of stegosaurus and tyrannosaurus. It moves over the top of a mountain, from right to left in profile (subliminal reinduction attempt), and roars. It is far away at this time and poses no threat. From here, I go back to the southwest bedroom, but then RAS mediation temporarily increases and I go into the bathroom (and although I do have to use the bathroom in reality, it is not yet that intense a wake-up call), as I am aware the dinosaur is in the house (which makes no sense as it would be too big) and I am now wary of it (even though I had deliberately created it minutes before). I close the door to subliminally avoid the waking activation. I feel soft weight pressing against the door, but I am able to keep it closed. Still, RAS mediation triggers an offset dream of a different level of awareness rather than doorway waking symbolism fully activating. Entering a different dream state and level of awareness, I then find myself walking with a group of people that I had summoned. Zsuzsanna is present as she is now. We are all walking through an unknown city. Ahead, and to our right, next to the curb, is an oversized vehicle that resembles a giant stagecoach (more like a stagecoach illogically mixed with a circus train car and doubled in size). It is basically a cage on wheels in the shape of a giant colorful stagecoach. The area behind where the driver would sit is an open area where a lion jumps up and looks down at us. There are other lions in the cage in the bottom area. I am thinking that the lion will jump down near us, but it remains in its location, as something vague in the back of my mind reminds me of subliminal dream manipulation but not directly and not with viable lucidity. This is a bizarre enigma, to subliminally reflect on subliminal (non-lucid) control of the dream state without being viably aware of being in the dream state and yet controlling the dream anyway. From here, there is an area where people are watching a gorilla walk around. P.T. Barnum is present and showing off the gorilla. There is a cage, and straw covers the street upon where the cage had been placed, but the gorilla is able to leave the cage through the open area. There is no threat however, and the people do not seem that impressed. There is an unknown girl present and I tell her to become part of the scene so that there is an additional ape for the people to view. She does not look like a gorilla of course, but I eventually decide to make her with hair all over. She goes over to the gorilla and P.T. Barnum seems slightly puzzled but somewhat appreciative, even though the girl is not actually a gorilla or acts like one. It seems the public will believe anything, which pleases him. I vaguely remember the Barnum effect, which relates to people who believe in “dream interpretation”. My dream eventually fades with no dominant RAS event. (P.T. Barnum is the personified preconscious in this case, though my dream self already has a thread of emergent consciousness evidenced by my odd state of faux lucidity, so I wake without the need for a strong emotion as the waking alert factor.)
Date of Dream: TUE 17 OCT - 2017 Dream No. 213 - Separated Sections Dream 213 A - A Night To Remember I was out with my parents to see a production by the Killester students. When we were there, I decided that I wanted to join in with the girls on stage. I am talking to a few of the girls before Mr H comes up to me and tells me to go back to the green seated area. I came back to my parents in the auditorium and stayed with them for a bit until my mum said to go back and be with my school friends. When I was back on stage, I notice that the girls are celebrating WB's birthday. She has this birthday cake and she offers some to me. She ended up cutting a piece with this weird looking knife and plastic screen. After that, she gives the piece to me. There were then a few scenes backstage. That's all I can remember for this dream. Dream 213 B - Cat Cage Torture The only thing that I can remember about this dream is that my mum and brother had pinned the cat cage, with the cat in it, above the stairs and they were swinging it around. While they were doing this, they were also sniggering and giggling while the cat was meowing. Dream Trophies Achieved: - None
Updated 04-25-2018 at 02:02 PM by 93119
Morning of August 26, 2017. Saturday. I am with my wife Zsuzsanna in an unknown residence that my dream self sees as ours. We have a large cage with three sections of equal size. Each section has the essence of an area in a zoo with miniature animals. The middle section has a few deer. The deer are no bigger than my hand. The cage is about as tall as I am. At one point, I notice a small amount of water running down in a narrow stream. It seems to be meant to flow into a container for drinking water but it is just outside of the area I look at. I see that each section has an area for drinking water, but apparently each container is in a different area. I try to adjust something which changes the flow of the water. It seems unusual in that each built-in pipe seems slightly out of alignment to fill the container. The running water changes each time to being near each of the three drinking areas for the animals as I adjust something near the top of the cage facing the room, but I do not see it working fully prior to waking. I had this dream after reading more about the glymphatic system. Flowing water typically relates to this process during sleep (as water dynamics relate directly to sleep dynamics as such), but as it is biological, cannot be controlled. The miniature animals then, are probably associated with astrocytes. Towards waking, there is less fluid flowing. Water (the main basis of dream state induction) getting lower over time has been common waking symbolism since early childhood. This is possibly another variation of it. Electrical activity of neurons synchronizes as we fall asleep, so this may be a form of subliminal reinduction (that is, an attempt to synchronize flow even though I have likely slept long enough), in which case a dynamic of my non-lucid dream self may be biological as in a number of past dreams. (This was not my last dream of the sleeping period and I fell into slow-wave sleep again.) On a much simpler level, it may also be relating that one cannot drink water when one is asleep and thus eventually creates enough awareness of the self to initiate waking as the majority of dreams are designed to do in the last segment. Despite the pretense of “interpretation” by people who do not understand what dreams are (which includes the majority in my experience, even “experts”), dreams are inherently biologically designed to wake a person up and attend to environmental or biological needs (such as an unknown noise or a need to use the bathroom or to drink water), which is the most important neural process that exists. This does not mean they do not sometimes have other layers, such as prescience, transpersonal communication (which most people do not even believe in despite overwhelming evidence), deliberate lucid rendering, and “practice” events.
Date of Dream: THU 13 JUL - 2017 Dream No. 152 - SML's Bird Cage Ruination The dream started off with my family at the beach but I forgot what we were doing specifically. We were in the car, planning to head back home and that's when the dream scene shifted. I was now in a lighthouse and I could hear a commotion going on at the other end of it. I peeked through the doorless doorway to see my brother, whom was being threatened by Logan. There was a bird cage in between Logan and my brother and Logan was going to lock him in there! I was going to go and stop Logan myself but then my brother had a look on his face like he didn't want help from anyone. So instead, I called for Dreamy WB to go and sort Logan out... In this dream, Dreamy WB had responded immediately! She appeared as a hologram above the bird cage, with her hair in a low bun and wearing her glasses. For the whole time, she was smiling at me through the doorway and then she winked at me, that's when she vanished. Then I saw the bird cage start to shake and then it had collapsed and fallen down, its roof and walls laying on the floor like a bunch of wire trays. Then the bird cage had vanished altogether. What reappeared in the same spot was a big pile of random debris but it didn't look like blasted, damaged wire. Instead, the pieces were like massive squares of this rubber material, like you would see on a playground swing. My brother still had a blank reaction on his face but I could see that Logan wasn't happy at all. Logan was standing at the debris, with his face in a moaning shape and tapping his foot in frustration. That's all I can remember about this dream. Dream Trophies Achieved: - Optical Illusion (See Dreamy WB wearing glasses in a dream) >> That one time she was visible, she had her glasses on. - Eccentric Dream Guide (Witness Dreamy WB do something she's never done before) >> Turning Logan's cage into squares of useless debris has got to be a winner in my eyes for this trophy! - I can't see you (Have Dreamy WB act as an invisible force in your dream) >> During the whole duration of wrecking that cage... Logan doesn't even know who did it.
I'm in the world of Game of Thrones. I'm a young girl with very long blonde hair. I follow Ned Stark. We are on an island and some weird cult is giving us a tour. There's a place of worship, some sort of crypt. We are not allowed to go underground into the crypt, since their goddess is buried there. We pray outside, or the cult people do. The group moves on, but I stay behind with Ned. Ned takes his sword and hits a small effigy. It violently bursts into flames when Ned's greatsword, Ice, strikes it. This confirms Ned's fears. His sword burns the unholy and corrupt. Ned gently touches the banners of the cult that are on the side of the path. They burn away too. We join the other group at a large building. We are led into a building. I'm starting to panic a bit. We have to get out of there somehow, and fast. The building is full of guards and we are ordered to strip and go into cages. I can barely fit into the cage. I feel extremely uncomfortable and I know I'm walking to my death, but there doesn't seem to be any way out at the moment. Scene changes. I'm in a city that reminds me of Aladdin. The cult's guards ambush me and my friends. They are massive dark blue constructs. Their entire bodies are metal, puppets of some necromancer maybe? They spin incredibly fast and hit us with their bodies. I barely avoid their attacks. My friends have no way to fight. A sword breaks against their armor. I want to fight and alter the dream to make it possible. Armor appears around me. I make it durable, but elastic so it can absorb hits from these guards. Small spikes appear on the armor. I think about the power fist in Fallout games and give my armor similar gas powered punches. Time to fight. I throw a punch and the armor works. It protects me, but the spinning construct doesn't seem hurt. More guards show up. These are just normal men, but they have lightning spears. I don't have time to adapt and they take me down.
Updated 03-19-2017 at 02:37 PM by 87844
Morning of October 17, 2016. Monday. The time seems to be early afternoon in all the outdoor scenes. In the first scene I am in our residence but I am not sure where it is implied to be. Our youngest son Oliver has a large terrarium that extends from floor to ceiling though it looks like an aviary. It is directly in the corner of the left side of the room, about two and a half feet square. He seems cheerful. Zsuzsanna is concerned about him seeing the turtle he had brought home the day before. I look in and notice that the turtle seems propped against the back of the cage on the right. It is on its right side and a bite had seemingly been taken out of it, shell and all, probably by another animal in the cage. I am not sure what to do with it but Oliver does not notice. My attention falls on weird animals in the cage. There are a few spiders with black disk-like bodies, the bodies of which are almost as big as my fist, though their legs are nearly three feet long. The legs are thin and closely paired so that it looks like they have four legs instead of eight. One seems positioned head down, its legs on two different large branches so that I mostly view it from the top of its body. I look to the right side and notice that the cage, at least on that side, is designed more like the front of a jail cell with the bars sparse enough for any of the animals to easily leave the cage. The side facing me does not seem of this appearance. I comment on how they could get out, but it does not bother me that much. In the second scene, the personified preconscious appears as an unknown male of about my age and is presently sitting in another area of the room, though does not yet attain a more dominant presence. I watch three mole crickets crawling about on a pillow. Two are their natural color but the smallest of the three, in the middle, is pure white. I reflect on the idea of them possibly crawling on a person in their sleep, but there is not that much concern. A mole cricket is a tertiary dream sign that symbolizes going deeper into sleep in real-time, two of them symbolizing Zsuzsanna and I but the white one in the middle representing moon induction (circadian rhythms factor) and shared dreaming on the spiritual level as analogous to the Blue Pearl event (inviolable telepathy between soulmates, specifically twin flames as Zsuzsanna and I are). The personified preconscious points to an unrealistically large detached crab spider head facing us from the right side of a pillow across the room on a bed perpendicular to the bed I had been looking at near the center of the room. “Something should be done about that head on the pillow,” he says. Despite this incredibly obvious dream sign of him directly exposing his role as the personified preconscious, my dream self remains completely clueless and no lucidity is triggered. In the next scene, we end up in a small dimly lit room which has the essence of liminal space (even though I am not near waking yet). He sits on a wooden chair while I seem to sit cross-legged on the floor. I am facing him as he talks about money but he seems sarcastic about a certain business I do not know the name of (although he had apparently said it a few times but my dream self remains unaware of some of what he says). He seems to mimic advertisements and promotional gimmicks. “Make lots of money,” he says, mocking the original supposed speaker and waving his arms around seemingly in frustration. “Have you heard of Amway?” I ask him after watching and listening to his routine for several minutes. He glares at me as if I am unbelievably stupid and had not heard a word he had said, as Amway is apparently what he had been talking about all that time. I feel embarrassed but try to explain that I had heard him, though my pretense is not very convincing. In the next scene I find myself near an intersection having apparently mowed our front lawn recently. My (fictional) house is on the street that is perpendicular from where I am standing near a bus stop. I contemplate how I have to mow this whole area, but after a short time, I realize that it is not my responsibility and the city council will do it at a later date. Despite being near the bus stop, I am not interested in (subliminally) shifting consciousness. However, five young people get off. They do not regard me at this time. Despite my cursory faux memory and brief acknowledgement of my dream house (which seems vaguely based on the Loomis Street house though the rest of the area is not as such), I soon go into the backyard of our present house, though the gate is on the wrong side; at the north end of the fence near the southwest corner of our house instead of the south end near the northwest corner of our shed. A young unfamiliar black woman, who seems to be a teacher, is there with Zsuzsanna. Zsuzsanna has seemingly been given something that was stealthily taken from the personified preconscious. It seems conspiratorial. There are apparently two batches of mail-order pills. I take the two packages from Zsuzsanna’s left hand. One of them is a C4 manila envelope (yellow) padded with bubble-wrap and the other is a white C8 envelope with lesser bubble wrap. I open the larger package to find that it contains several cylindrical prescription bottles of pills of some kind. (None of us take prescription pills in real life.) There is also a receipt. I look at it and read it closely. “These pills cost eighty-six dollars a fortnight,” I say, seeing the total price listed as $86.00 under $79.95 and the shipping and handling fee of $6.05. “It's eighty-six.” I fail to recall that eighty-six is the number implemented when the personified preconscious gives up on my non-lucid dream self (having “eighty-sixed me”), thus no coalescence, implicit or not, at the waking stage. This is validated by the fact it comes in the mail, which represents communication between dream self and whole conscious self identity. The preconscious essence flows into the five children (and I do not focus on the fact that we have five children although these children are unfamiliar) who had gotten off the bus earlier and so naturally they approach our home to impose upon us to try to get me to either wake or become lucid. Zsuzsanna and I are sitting on chairs outside of our fence, our backs to it, our youngest daughter and youngest son sitting between us (which is not something we had ever actually done). A boy somehow throws a large mattress fairly high into the air above our heads (probably subliminally associated with our youngest son now sleeping on the top bunk of a bunk bed), but it misses us in coming down, landing immediately to Zsuzsanna’s right. I get the impression that he had been trying to throw the mattress over our fence (beyond liminal space and out of the immediate level of consciousness). I still do not grasp such an obvious dream sign. “Are you trying to kill someone…such as a baby?” I yell angrily at the boy. The entire orientation soon changes without a clue on my part. We are now all in our backyard on our side of the fence yet the five children (who must have teleported with us) are now leaving through the gate, the boy somehow carrying the mattress again (which does not at all resolve logically from a conscious viewpoint since he is seemingly carrying it on his right side as he would a textbook). I am so angry that I decide to follow them. As soon as I step outside of the gate, my consciousness shifts into the waking stage and I realize I had been had.
I am on a rock in a dark cave. My 5th grade teacher and her son are there on the sides of the rock. My teacher says something about me having a girlfriend, and I just say, "um, I'm gay". She and her son laugh and the dream ends. The next dream, I find myself in a tiny cage in the sky. I bend the bars and escape. I then am in a walled area. I jump up a nearby hill, and there is a tree at the top. I climb to the top and then jump down and land really well. I then find my friends and we run from the village guards.
It was a dark, cold night. I've got arrested, though nobody ever told me what I did. After a few days they were moving me to another prison, to a seclusion cell. They were moving me in a huge cage, halfway to new prison we had to stop in front of some building that was a mix of hotel and a school. Police officers had to leave me for a while. I used this moment to escape from the cage, remove handcuffs and get some better clothes. There was a radio nearby, I turned it on and heard that police already knew about my escape. Luckily they didn't knew my appearance. A police officer came closer and asked "Excuse me Sir, what's your name?" I replied "Uhm... Robert Frankowicz." We stood there silent for a moment, then he asked again "What was your name again?" to which I replied "Robert Ziemieniewicz." The officer only made "Ah." and went away, clueless. I decided to check what's going on around - there was some kind of party in that school, where people I saw before in school were partying. There was also some kind of contest and students were preparing for it. As I was wandering the school, police finally found out who I was. I ran down a hallway, then using backdoor I escaped to nearby grove and run into a city, through dark alleys to a hospital. Time of day changed from night to a warm, summer day. I found a stash I left before, full of deadly weapons. Again, police somehow found out that I'm there. What's more - they sent psychiatrists after me. I took some explosive pasta and spread it all around the hospital while escaping from them. I was desperately looking for detonator, but I couldn't find it, so I ran to a nearby parking and stole a car. I was driving with really high speed, hearing a voice saying "And so he escaped the police and psychiatrists. For months he was driving recklessly, until one day." I was driving in a city near my home town, still with really high speed. When I was on a curve, the car swinged and hit a street lamp. My perspective changed to third person. I was a black, bald male with green t-shirt and jeans trousers. I got shot out of the car, still holding steering wheel in my hands. I flewn towards another street lamp, which was really elastic. It bended down and shot me back at a metal bar, I hit it with my stomach and started puking blood. Voice said "The hit was so hard that it damaged intestines badly, making him puke out his own blood."
Morning of June 11, 2016. Saturday. In my dream, where I seem to somehow be a different person or character yet still feel like myself in most ways, I am an individual who has traveled around extensively and I am also seemingly a hunter in the manner of Sam and Dean Winchester from the “Supernatural” television series. I am aware that they have been called in to face the most difficult “monster” that they had ever dealt with. This creature is supposedly impossible to kill but can be subdued for a time until it rises again. It is kept in a cage on an isolated property (I assume in America, possibly Ohio) reachable by an old back road. Sam and Dean are on the scene. I meet with them to help them at the location where the creature is presently sleeping in a cage though supposedly about to rise and kill a number of people. They seem hesitant at first but then are totally okay with me being there and both are receptive of my authority and apparent advanced skills (though on one level I know that this is pretense and that I am “creating everything under my will” even though I am not at all lucid in any way, as this is a state of awareness that I have experienced thousands of times in dream states since earliest memory). I tell them that I know James (although I actually mean Bobby Singer), having gained much experience from him, and they seem to understand and are happy with it. We are preparing for the upcoming battle as we are told by the owner of the property that the monster is stirring. It is apparently some sort of anthropomorphic white stork (with fur as well as feathers) with deadly far-reaching supernatural powers. We are told to get some weapons. These “weapons” turn out to be large pillow-like hessian sandbags (obvious dream sign) filled with some sort of magical concoction to help put the beast back to sleep (another obvious situational concurrent dream sign). These “pillows” which are aligned along the fence (concurrent liminal space symbol), some slightly buried (implied to be at a deeper level of concurrent awareness within the dream state), are taken out by us. I also see a few barbells in the dirt but decide we may not need these. We go into the house and one side of a large room is like a jail. The monster is inside but starting to move around. At first it looks like a white-furred Bigfoot but it eventually becomes somewhat of an anthropomorphic stork. This stork creature is ready to attack (even though it is in the cage). The owner of the residence opens the cage door and we go in. Sam and Dean Winchester start hitting this creature with the “pillows” as hard as they can. Powder flies through the air but not enough to lower the visibility of the scene by that much. I join in and also whack this “stork-monster” (of human height) with my “pillow”. It seems to remain dazed and never fully stands up at any point. Sam, Dean, and I soon leave this “cage” and start talking in the other area of the room with the owner. Soon however, the creature is active again but now appears totally human; a dark-haired female of perhaps thirty. Her hands are raised up and out in mimicry of a spider or martial arts position and she is apparently a powerful destructive witch. As I stare her down, my dream becomes more and more vivid and intense. Orange lightning (conscious mind symbol) comes from her hands and her hair stands up, but I am also able to raise my own hands in defense. Simply by holding my gaze and moving my hands out and around a bit, she eventually falls back and is defeated for another cycle. “Awesome,” says Dean as Sam smiles and nods in my direction, both from my left (even though a “witch” like me would not be liked by them in the actual television series). After this, we all get in a car. Dean drives though Sam sits in the back seat (on my right) in Speedo swimwear. He is singing some sort of song and using words like “Speedo”, “Guido”, and “Buido” and Dean looks back at him as if greatly annoyed. To those who understand dreams and their nature (though there are various types), this is a surreal but typical sleeping, dreaming, and waking adventure all in metaphor. Nothing could be more obvious than that than slapping a white bird with a pillow to put it to sleep (especially when inside a cage or jail which represents restricting the energies of the preconscious state). The white bird is a moon (dream induction) sign, a typical concurrent consciousness displacement symbol, and this entire series of dream events is a metaphor for circadian rhythms and the waking transition as is often the case. The clever references in the song seem at least partly related to trolls on the Internet, unfortunately (which is something that in all honesty is pointless to dream about as nothing can really be done about them). “Guido” is a possible play on “Guido van Helten” which in turn is a play on VonHelton, the bizarre narcissistic YouTube troll, who is possibly one of the strangest personas and crazed individuals on the Internet. “Buido” apparently has various associations. However, in Spanish, it mostly seems to be a reference to something that is corrugated, fluted, or sharp. It is associated with “puntiagudo” (“pointed”) or “con punta aguda” (“with a sharp point”), which is obviously a play on my birthplace of “Punta Gorda” (or “Fat Point” in describing the shape of the region), which is a dream reference to returning to who I really am in whole consciousness, as a sort of “rebirth”.
Updated 06-11-2016 at 08:08 PM by 1390
Morning of February 5, 2016. Friday. Dream #: 17,945-05. Reading time: 2 min 12 sec. I communicate with unknown people. Some of them are arrangements of objects that are not in one cluster, but I still perceive them in human form at times. A table lamp on the floor, books in a bookshelf, and a table leg may equate one person. Even though they seem sentient, an unfamiliar female thinks this type of supposed human is without life and does not have the same rights or ability to communicate. I quickly climb an unusual structure (vestibular system adaptation). I am atop a big cage. At this level, open enclosures are on each side with spaces from them. Beyond the gap on one side at ground level, is an oversized leopard. Its oblong spots are longer than on a real leopard and its coat more of a brownish tint. I have a concern it could jump up to get to me, and it does. I bite the back of its neck and push it off the top of the cage. As it goes tumbling off, it bounces into another big wild cat which makes it angry. That one also jumps up to eat me. I bite it and throw it off backward. Two big wild cats come up, one from each side (through each gap on each side). The one on my left seems like a tiger. I somehow bite both of them on the back of the neck in a short time and push them off. I do not seem to injure any of them. I become part of an experiment using changes in DNA to make the test subjects more like prehistoric people. I am in a big mostly featureless field (at least one end with only high grass) in a rectangular fenced-in area. The others are all men and women who look like cave people from a cheaply made movie. They seem almost like modern humans on one level in that they remind me of a group of businessmen and secretaries. They want to pretend to have a business office even in this unusual setting requiring hunting and survival skills. For this and other reasons, the group annoys me. I pretend that I am “more primitive” than them by growling like an animal. I decide I will have no part of the controlled experiment or whatever it is and go to the opposite side of the fenced-in area where there is a big tree (the only shelter in the area) as well as different food plants. Meanwhile, I keep throwing long spears (which seem to come out of nowhere) at the group. I throw them like daggers, and they spin horizontally like helicopter rotors before reaching their target, either their neck or chest. (That is impossible as the spearhead would hit from its side not suddenly go forward into the target.) There are about half (five or six people) of the group left. I plan on living on this side where the big tree is. There are a few animals, including a saber-tooth tiger resting in the shade of the tree. I am not threatened by it. It seems more natural and right than trying to live with the group. (They stay on the featureless side of the fenced-in area away from food and shelter.) I sense I will be the only one to survive.
It was midnight. I was sitting on a chair in the ruins of a castle. There was a cage with a monkey inside. The animal had no fur and wore green shorts. There was a girl that I was in friendly terms in the past, now only passing acquintances. She came closer to me and tried to tell something, but I interrupted her shouting "I'll rather be with that monkey in a cage, than with you!" I ran away and found myself on my frontyard. I entered a car, and with brother and mother we drove to a city centre. On the way we passed procession, my younger sister was leading it. In the end we stopped in a parking lot, and heard people talking about christmas.