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    1. June 8-11, 2015 | Cities, Craziness

      by , 01-07-2018 at 04:21 PM (Fantastical Adventures)
      6/8/15 | Wolf, Tiny House, Island Cities
      -1-I was in some cave about 20ft from a campfire as a wolf. There were some dead animals around, but nobody cared. I slept there anyway. Setting: night, a cave near some woods.
      [New Scene]
      I entered what was supposed to be a house. It was dirty, rotting, and had a DC of similar age to me living in it. He said there were 30 mice in it, so I asked him, “How do you sleep with all that noise?” No answer. Next, the DC yelled, “When the sound reaches 80Db the channels organize themselves!” He was yelling because it was really hard to hear him behind a screen.
      [New Scene]
      I was messing with an island to give it a couple of cities. Originally, the island only had a few points of light, with the brighter ones in higher populated areas. Then, I expanded it to skyscrapers. As I tried to light up the place, standing with the top down, I added some light. For some reason, only the top few stories of the buildings were glowing. Gradually, ambient light within the cities increased.
      -2-This drunk guy stole a bunch of food and fled to some mountain. He wanted to find out how long he could survive there. Suddenly, I was at my grandparents' house, and we were all sitting around the table. Next, I was walking on some train tracks that led into a lake. [Skip] Looking out the window, I saw the tracks that ended in the lake. I opened the 2 windows, preparing to walk out there. Something I don’t remember stopped me from going out.
      [New Scene]
      I was drawing a path from one thing to another. It ended up a loop, ending at the start. The guy that traveled the path was annoyed by this, so he stole a couple of books.

      6/9/15 (L) L2 | Alt Dimension
      There was this box that I could slip into and through to another dimension and hide there. The path to get there was a closet building, and it led into another building that had beds and a TV. Some of the walls in both dimensions were covered in hanged clothes. [Skip] I ended up in a weird school that I was going to do something important in. [Skip] Yooka and Laylee were re-textured with TARDIS textures. I was lucid for a minute or two in the original alt dimension.
      Lucid Time: 1-2 minutes

      6/10/15 | Tornadoes, E3 2015, GameFAQs
      -1-I went to some place where I got to play Melee against mang0 on a dream version of Brinstar.
      [New Scene]
      I was eating some food outside on the coast of somewhere. There were steep hills around, including the ones in the water. Also, there was a lighthouse on the left. For some reason, it was pointing the light straight at me.
      -2-Tornadoes were happening at home everywhere. I could see most of them. There was also flooding. There was a 2mph crossing speed limit on an orange crosswalk to the south, and a 5mph one between my house and a neighbor's.
      [New Scene]
      As I was watching the Sony E3 2015 Press Conference, Fallout 4 was shown. Or maybe it was Elder Scrolls VI. I couldn’t tell. The sky and the area had a blue-green tint(slightly), and the narrator mentioned the Dominion. Suddenly, Source models of Mario and Link started running around. Then, Bethesda dropped a megaton. The announcer said, “Fallout 4…will be…exclusive…to Wii U.” Afterwards, I hopped on to GameFAQS and sure enough, the boards completely exploded—so much that most users were posting only large numbers.

      6/11/15 (L) L1 | Pokemon Theater, Alien Car, Strong Bad
      -1-There was a huge wooden room with tons of seats everywhere. Front-center: Screen. I watched Pokemon there. For some reason, the volume was turned all the way up, so I turned it down to a bearable level before turning on the Pokemon music. It was pretty accurate music too. I don’t remember the 2 DCs that were also present in the room. Earlier on, my mom was talking really loudly over the speakers.
      -2(L)-I became lucid for a moment in a green place.
      -3-Strong Bad hopped into an alien car with 2 pedals: left and right. Left was gas, right was brake, and sometimes they switched functions, and even occasionally did nothing. As he was driving, he slammed the brakes, which barely helped. He did a handbrake turn, then punched it in the other direction, which didn’t help at all. Eventually, the car came almost under SB’s control as he drove it back towards his house again. Then, he started recording his voice onto a yellow glowy thing. After 2 sentences, he was like, “Forget it, you guys will figure it out in the morning.” Suddenly, I was on a moving train with a convenient platform.
      Lucid Time: 5-20 seconds
    2. Dream - Yet Another Stay With SML

      by , 10-23-2017 at 11:46 AM
      Date of Dream: THU 19 OCT - 2017

      Dream No. 214 - Yet Another Stay With SML

      I was going to live with Logan and Chilly for two weeks. They had come to get me from the airport. We ended up driving home in Chilly's teal lamborghini (it's pink in real life). No one was there yet and so I could claim the front seat. Now the Lamborghini wasn't a 4-seater, it was a 9-seater with three rows of three.

      I thought Chilly was driving but Logan got in the front instead. I was surprised as I expected to see the wheel on the left as we were in America but it was rather on the right side, where it would typically be in Australia. Logan looked really confused about the position of the steering wheel and so I explained the overseas (overseas for him but my home country) driving principles to him.

      We eventually reached the SML house which was only 1 storey in the dream. I then went to my bedroom which was dark and misty and I sorted out my clothes. I forgot what had specifically happened in that scene. I have also forgotten the remainder of the dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None
      Tags: america, car, house, road, sml, visit
    3. Dream - Not The Same Driver & What About Me & I Work For The AFL

      by , 10-23-2017 at 10:46 AM
      Date of Dream: MON 2 OCT - 2017

      Dream 205 - Separated Sections

      Dream 205 A - Not The Same Driver

      I don't remember how the dream started. From where I can remember, I was doing something at Brandon Park Shopping Centre. I went outside one of the exits and thought to myself “I want to be picked up now”. I was standing at the end of the car park, on the nature strip, repeatedly calling for Dreamy WB. This has got to be the most times I've called for Dreamy WB in a dream. I was calling and calling like in Dream No. 93, the first two cars drove right by. Also like in Dream No. 93, the cars were exactly the same colour... The shiny navy ones went past.

      A dull black one then came and by the way it was driving, I thought it was going to go past too. It was just swinging out and then it parked right in front of me on the kerb. The back door of the car opened and she was inviting me in, but something wasn't right... She wasn't acting normal. As I went in to hug her, she pulled away from me with that look of disapproval on her face. She then climbed over the box compartment in the middle of the car and got into the driver's seat, leaving me at the back by myself, not even talking to me. I mentally made my conclusion... This wasn't Dreamy WB. Rather, it was WB taking Dreamy WB's car for a spin.

      She ended up dropping me off at the top of Gladstone Road, linking to Police Road. I was walking along a granite path and I see something in the ground. I dig and find that it is a completely ruined Mario plush. The worst thing is that there is no nose on it. The nose was completely ripped off and looked like it had been thrown onto the ground. I can't remember anything after seeing the destroyed Mario plush.

      Dream 205 B - What About Me
      walking around the area of the local primary school. An event was taking place there with Killester girls. I was walking around casually for a while until the dream scene restarted. I was on a bus with a very few girls, being driven to the school.

      Once I was there, I saw another bus pull up. I looked into the bus from the parking lot and saw lots of girls in that one. WB was with a big group of them at the back, having a huge conversation and a laugh. In the dream, I could actually, literally feel my heart sink because I couldn't be with them. I don't remember what took place in the school hall. That's all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream 205 C - I Work For The AFL
      I forgot how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was at some random shopping centre when I was asked to do something for the AFL teams playing in the grand final. I was asked to draw up rough sketches to eventually make a PowerPoint presentation of the teams. I was then at my old house in the kitchen, doing some of the drawings. There was this sketch I apparently did of a red teddy bear and it got half a mark from the supervisor. That's all I can remember for this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - Oops I slipped (interact with WB when she's angry 1 time)
      >> I hugged her and she pulled away really quickly, not talking to me for the rest of the drive.
    4. September or October 2017

      by , 10-21-2017 at 06:53 AM
      I dreamed of seeing my car, an 84 Caprice Classic Sedan, in running condition by the post office. This was after it, in waking life, hit a telephone pole and was sold.
    5. Dream - The Boot Camp Of Drama & Helium Singer & Supernanny Fraud & Coles Checkout Chick & Fix...

      by , 10-01-2017 at 12:57 PM
      Date of Dream: FRI 29 SEP - 2017

      All Dream Titles:

      Dream 203 A - The Boot Camp Of Drama
      Dream 203 B - Helium Singer
      Dream 203 C - Supernanny Fraud
      Dream 203 D - Coles Checkout Chick
      Dream 203 E - Fix The Neighbour's House
      Dream 203 F - Crazy Balloon Arms

      Dream Title In Summary:
      Dream - The Boot Camp Of Drama & Helium Singer & Supernanny Fraud & Coles Checkout Chick & Fix The Neighbour's House & Crazy Balloon Arms

      Dream No. 203 - Separated Sections

      Dream 203 A - The Boot Camp Of Drama
      I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was at this unknown motel-like place. There were many celebrities as well as people I've generally heard of and know well. There was some random lady that would have a “chat” to some of the room-mates... I believe she was the camp director. I remember her having a chat to Simone from The Bachelor.

      She then looked angry... She was looking for Logan. Apparently he, with a small group of other “boys”, had caused some trouble. She had eventually found him at was yelling at him like a hair-dryer in the face. The next part of the scene is blurry for me. I can remember that I was staying in a small room away from the motel, with Logan, Chilly and Tito. Chilly was making a plan of when we should get up the next morning. That's all I can remember for this dream.

      Dream 203 B - Helium Singer
      The Killester group was getting ready to return from their camp. Mrs G told me that we weren't returning by bus and that we would rather be taking the “Lifts Of Ballarat”. I started really freaking out and saying on repeat “but I can't take lifts!”. She said it would be relaxing and fun. Despite what she said,we ended up getting on a bus. Only when we were on the bus, I realised I had left my entire luggage behind at the camp site.

      When then approached an entrance to a huge water cave and I discovered this to be the so called “Lifts Of Ballarat”. As the bus went down, I could feel the presence of a weird gas in the cavern. I was hoping that we weren't getting out of the bus. The opposite happened... The window opened and we were all sucked out of the bus and into the cavern.

      I tried talking and my voice was becoming increasingly higher... I was being filled with helium. WB spoke and her voice was normal. I wonder why I was the only one getting helium. I then tried to sing a few random notes and I was surprise that I could hold them. I tried to do a vocal exercise to make my voice go back down but it wouldn't work. I tried it again and WB ended up laughing extremely hard. The dream then ended.

      Dream 203 C - Supernanny Fraud
      My brother and I had an obligation to eat our vegetables for dinner. We were still eating but my mum was getting angry at the fact that there were still peas and corn on my plate. She started presenting me with nasty threats but I said to her something like, “That's not even half of what Supernanny does”. For the remainder of the dream, my mum was quiet.

      My brother came up to my plate, took all the peas and corn and said that he would have them. He placed all his tomatoes on my plate which I had all of. I don't remember what else happened in the dream.

      Dream 203 D - Coles Checkout Chick
      I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was helping WB do some shopping in Coles at Stud Park Shopping Centre. For the entire dream, she was wearing Coles work clothes, with her hair straight and tied back. Throughout most of the dream, she would have her dad on the phone, giving her a list of groceries to get.

      She arrived at the milk fridge and I thought she was going to go for a 2 litre A2 milk. The thought in my head played out that she was going for a “pathetic carton of Rev”. I thought to remind her to check the use-by-date. When I pointed at the date on the Rev, she turned her head from the phone and gave me a disapproving look. The made me point to the date even more, whispering at her to “focus on the use-by-date”. To help her, I stuck my thumb up at her when it was a good date.

      She eventually listened and and put milk for 3 OCT and 4 OCT in the basket, but only after I signalled for her to do so. I then went into an aisle myself while she was still at the milk fridge. The dream was now amplifying what she was saying to her dad. She was saying something like “Eh-Karla, you see her everywhere! You see milk, you see Karla, you see biscuits, you see Karla”. I came to her at the milk fridge to check on her. There was some Rev milk on the shelves that said “27 JUL 17/12” as the date and so I put my fingers in a cross position. When she saw my fingers, she immediately backed away from the milk carton.

      She then went into the aisles where I was before to buy some dog biscuits. We then proceeded to the juice fridge as she wanted to buy some orange juice. Once again, it was a brand different to what I thought she was going to get. As we walked past the juice fridge at the front of the store, I called her over and recommended that she gets the Coles brand orange juice. She said that she had gotten it before. We were then at the checkouts and some old guy starts talking to WB. He said something like, “It's pretty nifty to get a place at Coles for just 16 dollars”. The guy then disappeared and our items were at the other end.

      I asked her what Coles she works at. I couldn't understand her at first and so I had to keep repeatedly asking. Eventually, I heard her say “David Street”. I got so excited and kept saying to her “It's the one near my TAFE!”. I then want over to two plastic bags of groceries and picked them up, taking them for her. As we walked through the mall, she started to become grumpy again. There was also someone else walking with us and so while WB was staying really far back from me, I tried to be exactly in the middle of her and the other girl. When we got to WB's car, the dream then ended.

      Dream 203 E - Fix The Neighbours House
      I was in an unknown area, talking to a random Asian boy who was actually a family friend in the dream. He said his mum was really upset as they had to move into a new house and she didn't like the way the neighbour's house looked. I examined the house and it was just a plain white weather-board house that had nothing in it. There were no people living in the house either, so I just demolished it straight away. The dream skipped to the end where the mum and the boy thanked me and they moved into their new house.

      Dream 203 F - Crazy Balloon Arms
      I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, my mum, dad and I were in Coles at Waverley Gardens. I don't remember what happened exactly. This random guy approached my mum. Then my dad came up behind him and said something. Then we see this person in the middle of the shops with this weird contraption on each side of his arms. It was something to do with after a procedure at a hospital. The device would make this guy flail his arms around crazily. That's all I can remember for this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None

      That's a record broken again, first time for 6 dreams in one night! In Dream 203 D, I was actually surprised that it was "date intelligent"... Like, milk usually expires in a few days, doesn't it? So I think it's amazing that the dates were 5 and 6 days away, whereas the milk from before 29 SEP would have been so stale and maybe even mouldy.
    6. Dream - The Road To A Better Place

      by , 10-01-2017 at 11:17 AM
      Date of Dream: SAT 23 SEP - 2017

      Dream No. 199 - The Road To A Better Place

      I don't remember everything that happened in this dream. From where I do remember, the dream camera was showing BT and WB in a car. BT was in the drivers seat and WB was in the passengers seat, holding a quiet baby. They didn't have any particular destination to go to, at least the dream didn't make me think so. The next scene is where I came in. I thought that BT wasn't really doing anything to help WB, so I hopped in the car.

      Now the dream didn't really show me hopping in the car properly. It was rather BT in there, and then the next minute it was me. So I was actually able to drive WB and the baby somewhere. I found myself driving along these random roads that I thought at first lead to nowhere. It was revealed later on in the dream that I was taking them to my fortress, which is where I was supposedly going to offer WB and the baby some rest and recuperation. The only thing is that the roads were really long and windy. I never ended up reaching the fortress, I was only able to see the sign from a distance. That's all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None
      Tags: baby, car, drive, road
    7. Dream - You Took My Spot & Personal Assistant

      by , 09-15-2017 at 01:50 PM
      Date of Dream: MON 11 SEP - 2017

      Dream No. 194 - Separated Sections

      Dream 194 A - You Took My Spot
      I don't remember much of this dream. I was in my mum's car driving somewhere for practice. Eventually, I can feel some invisible force pushing me out of my seat. My mum somehow got into my seat and took over the driving... I wasn't happy. That's all I can remember for this dream.

      Dream 194 B - Personal Assistant
      I don't remember what happened at the start of the dream. From where I do remember, I was at Brandon Park Shopping Centre and saw NW in the car park. She told me she was waiting to get her legal marks from GA. I then saw GA further up the car park... I asked him what he was doing. He was entering marks into some very complex spreadsheet system (it was nothing like Excel). I was worried that GA was going to take forever to enter in the data. GA ended up teaching me how to enter the data... I then took over and entered it instantly for him.

      I then went over to Coles and saw RH there, he was entering marks into a mobile system as well. I told him I could help, took the device off him, gave one tap and then gave it back. The dream afterwards made it so I had a really bad sore throat. I was shopping around and at the same time, trying to avoid a particular person. The dream eventually ended.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None

      Updated 01-15-2020 at 02:52 PM by 93119

    8. Dream - Mum And A Testimonial

      by , 09-15-2017 at 01:37 PM
      Date of Dream: SUN 10 SEP - 2017

      Dream No. 193 - Mum And A Testimonial

      I don't remember what happened at the start of the dream. From where I do remember, my family were driving towards our holiday destination. In one car was my dad, brother and grandma. In the other car was me and mum but also LB. The holiday destination was approximately one and a half hours away from home and I was driving, with my mum sitting next to me in the front and LB in the back. We stopped at some park for a break. I found that LB would easily talk to everyone except me. She even confidently went up to my brother and introduced herself as “Alycia”.

      We received a phone call and had to stop our holiday before we even started. The Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull had asked to my mum to appear in a court and give a really good testimonial regarding the experience with her GP and so the Australian Medical System. I asked my mum if I could also drive back. The dream scene changed to the actual court room. I can't remember what else happened in the dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None
    9. 9/3/17 (L) L2 DILD | Wrong Road, Underground Currents

      by , 09-03-2017 at 01:49 PM (Fantastical Adventures)
      -1(L)-I drove the car down the wrong road after a wrong turn. I wanted to turn around at the earliest opportunity. However, the brake pedal was stiff as it was when the car was off, and it didn't work. I became slightly lucid and forcefully turned the car around. No problem. I continued on back to the correct road. After a few moments of considering whether to continue in the car or not, I chose to stop and maximize lucidity. I made the car instantly blink out of existence, leaving me on the road. I started the Procedure, and stabilized at the same time by looking at everything including the sun, but I woke up. (did not check for a FA)
      Time: 20-30 seconds
      -2-I was frustrated with the OS of a PC I was using, as nothing was very clear. I tried to play a space combat game, but I don't remember playing it.
      -3-I had gone to a family camp, where I saw relatives. I had to accomplish something here. I don't remember what. Later, I noticed a big hole in the ground filled with water and boulders. (Dimensions of the hole: 6ft-w / 6ft-l / 3ft-h) I kicked a small piece of wood in a small area with a bare foot. The wood hit a current and was forcefully ejected underground and out of sight. Same thing happened with another piece at a different location. I wasn't about to stick my foot in one.
      Tags: camp, car, currents, games, hole
      lucid , non-lucid
    10. December 20, 2014 (L) L3 | Tukwilla, Tornadoes, Kid

      by , 08-16-2017 at 04:02 AM (Fantastical Adventures)
      -1-The dream started out with everybody talking about plans to fly to northeastern Kansas, drive south to “Tukwilla,” drive south into Oklahoma, drive west along the border, north into Wichita, and go east from there and eventually and at the east coast. Meanwhile, I was looking at incredible shots of multiple tornadoes. The first shot was with 2 of them really close to each other, and the second shot was with 3 tornadoes each behind the other, all silhouettes in front of a sunset.
      [New Scene]
      The picture of those 3 tornadoes became three storm cells to the south of us in northeastern Kansas. It was during the night, and they may not have been tornadic, but I wasn’t taking any chances. I looked at the radar to see where the cells were going, and it looked like they would pass by the coming city way before we would arrive. Before we got to the city, a sudden hailstorm happened. A passing cell was dropping roughly quarter-size hail on the freeway.
      [New Scene]
      I was driving, and we(referring to family) arrived in “Tukwilla,” in southeastern Kansas. The skyline was beautiful, at least at night. It was composed of 7 buildings, at least 5 of which were standard skyscrapers, one of which was forgotten, and the 3rd from the left was pointed at the top. I wanted to take a picture, but when I did, all I got was the side of the van somehow.
      [New Scene]
      We arrived at a toll booth somehow. A dream thing happened where a broken, seemingly impassable, almost vertical path onward, apparently blocked by a tiny gate. Of course, it worked, because the car became a plastic tub and could be pulled through.
      [New Scene]
      We stayed at a house overnight. The far door opens to a junction between stairs, a living room, and another room with a PC in it. While on the PC, I googled ‘PS4 WiLD’ to see if there were any further announcements for the game.
      -2(L)[WILD]-The first scene was the same that I left for the most part. I got out of bed, and threw punches at the window. This didn’t break it, so I opened it instead. Next, I stood on the patio on the west side of my house. I thought of using a rectangular force field to block any annoying family DCs from interfering with me. On the double doors I used a second set of green doors and locked them.
      -3-There was a kid that ‘looped’ (this is unclear; his muscles kinda warped about and stuff) around 6pm every day. His mum said, “…it’s also the time that he’s open world.” (6pm-9pm, refers to the time that the kid is outside)
      [New Scene]
      Location: living room. Scene: DC[1] in a huge plastic tub with a cat sitting on his left knee; DC[2] sitting on the piano bench to my left; I am either sitting or standing in the computer room facing south; Forgotten DC sitting in the secondary rocking chair; no couch; pules of legos where the couch used to be; Dad sitting in the primary rocking chair. DC[2] had a gray wishing object, and he wished for something. Next, I decided to test the object as well. For the first test, I wished for one cat to like his sister slightly more. I didn’t see any conclusive results.
      Lucid Time: 2-3 minutes

      Updated 12-27-2017 at 04:20 AM by 67050

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    11. Dream - Mambo On The Loose

      by , 08-13-2017 at 01:46 PM
      Date of Dream: THU 10 AUG - 2017

      Dream No. 174 - Mambo On The Loose

      I have forgotten most of this dream. From where I can remember, the dream played the following scene many times. My family would be going somewhere and in the car was mum and dad in the front and then me and Nic in the back. I would have to move to the middle as I discovered that Dreamy WB was coming with us. In all two or three repeats of the scene, Dreamy WB had solely a feminine energy, the most out of all dreams, and a very glamorous appearance. Throughout the whole drive, I would find myself getting close to her and rubbing myself against her as she placed an arm around me.

      The dream scene then changed to my other grandparents' house, all in their front yard. One of my relatives, who was of a similar age to me, always had a mean and cold disposition about her and would even act weird at times. I heard a “baa” sound and saw a little white lamb running down the driveway. I was calling out “Mambo!” in distress while running after it. I almost had heart failure as I thought Mambo was going to run out onto the road. But he never ended up going onto the road, almost like there was an invisible barrier that he was running beside. I don't remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None

      Updated 01-15-2020 at 02:42 PM by 93119 (Shouldn't be a number in the title)

    12. Bob’s Fishing Mishap

      by , 07-24-2017 at 08:36 PM
      Morning of July 24, 2017. Monday.

      I am firstly not very aware of my dream’s environment (and I do not become lucid at any point). I eventually become aware of being on the outer limits of a dense forest encompassing a small lake or wide stream, seemingly late at night. I am not aware of anyone else in the region yet. I walk around in the semidarkness, uncertain of where I am, though there is no sense of danger. My dream’s setting seems loosely modeled after Mink Slough, where my brother-in-law Bob and I used to fish up until 1990, though never at night.

      After a short time, I see a strange event. A car goes flying over the trees away from my viewpoint but eventually falls in another area of the forest.

      I enter the forest with uncertainty as to what is going on, but without wariness. I get the impression of my brother-in-law Bob having tossed his car over the trees to get attention, as it seems he was somehow injured while fishing and the flare gun was either too far away for him to reach or he was out of flares.

      I find him lying on a blanket on the ground. It appears as if he has been bleeding a lot. It also seems that he may have gotten fish hooks stuck in a few parts of his body, though this detail is not fully discernible.

      About five unfamiliar males of about forty years of age emerge from my dream self’s body to offer aid as I remain more at a distance. They approach him. Bob seems somewhat cheerful, but cannot get up. My dream fades from this point as I reason the other males will give him medical attention as well as call an ambulance.

      • Induction form is water induction (most common form as water symbolizes the real-time dynamics of sleeping).
      • Dream state symbolism as entering a forest (subliminal reinduction, as it occurs after the implied but precursory waking symbolism of the car in flight).
      • Subliminal reinduction resets dream state, no additional waking symbolism, dream is truncated, no emergent consciousness event.
      • Biologically premonitory waking symbolism present as an atypical event, partly initiated by subliminal awareness of having more blankets on my body while sleeping.
      • Car (symbol of sleeping physical body in this case as it is without a driver) thrown over the forest (very common personal symbol of being in the dream state) as a subliminal annoyance of blanket weight (though it is too cool presently to sleep without them).
      • Ambiguous failed flight waking symbolism is present (Bob throwing his car over the trees as analogous to a flare gun and a flare gun would be a potential waking prompt).
      • Atypical personified preconscious as uncompleted emergent consciousness precursor, bleeding and lying down in need of aid (rare, though Bob usually appears in this form now).
      • Dream state indicator of preconscious lying on ground (analogous to lying in bed) requiring aid (needing to leave the dream state; to coalesce back into whole consciousness).

      Detached threads:

      • 1) A human being cannot throw a car through the air, let alone over trees or while bleeding and lying injured on the ground.
      • 2) I have not seen Bob in real life since February of 1994 and I am unaware of his present health status (possible precognitive thread present).
      • 3) Other dream characters (all unfamiliar males) emerge from my dream self’s body upon me seeing Bob on the ground. Bob does not “return” to my dream self’s body or coalesce in this case that I recall.

    13. Weaving a Lightning Tornado

      by , 06-22-2017 at 07:08 AM (Letaali's Dream Journal)
      I'm in a car, dad's driving me from my hometown to the city. Next to the church we see a new facility of some kind. It has a massive machine creating a storm. I see how it weaves lightning into massive, thin and solid pieces. It's like fabric made of light. The machine also creates a zone of dark storm clouds, but the lightning fabric pieces flying around are easily visible. They spin around the facility like a tornado and slowly grow. This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in a dream. The pieces condense into a massive ball lightning. I can feel the air electrifying, even though we are far away. The car should protect us from the explosion. The ball lightning disintegrates explosively. The wave of electricity passes the car without harming us.

      We make it to the city. While on a large bridge/intersection, there is an explosion beneath the bridge. The metallic frame of the bridge stays in one piece, but the concrete and asphalt or whatever crumbles away. The car is stuck. Dad tells me to get out of the car and go on foot. I do so, and leave my dad behind.

      The only exit from the bridge is an underground tunnel that took some damage too. There's rubble, smoke and fire inside. A lot of civilians need to get past it. Some emergency people help us through, we get a rope that we tie to each person for safety and start making our way through the caved in tunnel. There are narrow paths through. We find a door and the next section of the tunnel is full of smoke. We wait, because running into that smoke is not smart. We hear shooting from behind us. We have to go. We run through the smoke and make it through the tunnel into a safe room. We untie the ropes and three people enter the room after us. These are people I know in real life and they caused the explosion and were the people shooting. I grab one of them by the shirt and yell at them, asking for a reason. His face shows no emotion. He has a gun, but I do not fear him. He wouldn't shoot me, no matter what kind of situation he's in.
    14. September 16, 2013 - Snow, Street, Candy

      by , 06-19-2017 at 02:56 AM (Fantastical Adventures)
      -1-First lucid, I was on my bed, in a FA.
      -2-Next dream, I was in my bed with snow all around outside, looking at the street light. All around, there was snow on a street with many buildings and stuff.
      -3-Third lucid, I had another false awakening, but I calmly opened the window, and walked out onto the same street with snow and saw my bed from the previous false awakening. In the distance, there were buildings on the street corner and more all around. There were also these shelves that hold food you would usually find in a shop. Then, I was playing on an emulator playing Kirby Air Ride and listening to its music. Next, I watched a short disaster movie. I said, “I wish this movie was real; it’s so good!” since I was still lucid. One scene was on a staircase another was watching a structure fall with awesome effects. Next, I was outside next to one of the shelves with a random person that gave me a candy-like food that was going to help me shapeshift. I ate it. (it tasted like a normal candy) Next, I was standing on an empty freeway with a blue car driving towards me. I got out of the way. For the next car, I grew six arms and held them all in front of me for when the car hit me. When it did, I turned my feet to hands and gripped the road, but I didn’t have any traction. Next there were chairs with red and blue covers on the snow street. I don’t remember much other than jumping out a high window twice and constantly trying to shapeshift.
      Time: 5min10sec--10min40sec
    15. August 12-13, 2013

      by , 06-09-2017 at 04:01 AM (Fantastical Adventures)
      8/12/13 (L) Value: 0 | Airport, Zoom-In Calendar
      I became lucid after a preceding dream scene. When I became lucid, it was at an airport, where a DC resembling Grandpa told me to zoom in to a calendar with my eyes before I stabilize the dream. At that point, I knew that I should stabilize the dream early on. So what I did was, I told the DC “I can’t do that!” It was a belief problem, so I said, “I believe I can zoom in.” I then used my fingers to twist my eyes in opposite directions like lenses, and sure enough, I zoomed in on the calendar. When I stabilized the dream by rubbing my hands together and looking at them, I went outside. What was right outside the airport was what was right outside the front door of my house. That is what it also became once I headed outside. Also, outside, standing in a group, were some DCs. I didn’t know who they were, but one of them was Dad. Now, I walked to the right and noticed that I started to wake up, so I spun around while looking at my hands, and dream clarity returned. I said, “Oh no you don’t.” to the dream. At that point, I was trying to remember exactly what my dream intention was. As the dream began to fade again, I spun around and clarity returned again. But a few moments later, the REM period came to an end, and I woke up instantly.
      Time: 1-3 minutes

      8/13/13 (L)#20 Value: 2 | Partial Success For Custom Form
      Once I became lucid, I was in a situation where I had a car next to me that I could drive, and Dad was there in a vehicle on Highway 3 down by the bay. I said to myself, “…and I don’t want to get in trouble…” for driving the car that wasn’t mine. Once I was heading for a hill in the distance, the car became a bike without me noticing, and I ‘ran’ the bike like I didn’t care. I discarded the bike to the side of the road, and then I found myself on the residential hill in the distance. I wasn’t in as much of a vivid state as some of my other dreams, but enough to remember that I wanted to transform into my thought-up body. I started with fur this time. As I grew fur on my legs, I began to wake up. I made the dream return by spinning, and I continued to grow fur. After a few seconds, I woke up faster than the last time. This time, I had no time to think, but I did witness myself waking up.
      Time: 2-4 minutes
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