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    1. Awkward Lawyers

      by , 01-10-2011 at 02:03 AM
      1/9/11 - Awkward Lawyers
      Dream Non-dream Lucid

      Me, Mary, and Hannah were working together in my old school's gym. It was apparently a law firm that we ran. I saw Mary sitting on the bleachers, talking to a couple of custmers. I went up to her and asked, "Comfortable?" She sighed and said, "Not really." I sat next to her and put my arm around her. "How 'bout now?" I asked. She smirked. "Oh yeah."
      We giggled hysterically.
      The two customers glanced at eachother. "Are you gay?" one of them asked.
      I laughed again and said, "Psshh! Yeah RIGHT!"
      Mary chimed in, "Because guys are fucking sexy!"


      We were closing for the day. Hannah, for some reason, wasn't there. Me and Mary were about to walk out the door when this blonde girl from my school stopped us. She challenged me to a "dance battle", and started dancing like a maniac. I just shrugged and started dancing too. About halfway thru I had to stop because I felt like my hoodie was choking me. It was fine though, because the girl was so amazed by my dancing that I'd already won. Then we all just... left.

      I also remember a teeny fragment.
      Before going to bed, I was thinking about how I wanted to find my dream guide. I'd imagined him as a huge gray wolf with unusual markings. Here's the dream.

      It seemed everything was going super fast, and all this happened in a single moment. I became lucid, met a big gray wolf, supposedly my dream guide, hopped on his back, asked him to take me somewhere, and he took off into the sky at incredible speed. I could see stars zooming by as the moon got larger in the sky... It freaked me out and I woke up. It was exhilarating and frustrating at the same time.
      I'm not counting this as a lucid due to its short length, and the overall confusion/"collapseness".
    2. trying to remember dreams

      by , 01-09-2011 at 09:51 PM
      Today i had 2 lucid dreams, as soon as i woke up i wrote some words to remember them.

      I can't remember a lot of things like "what reality check did i used ?" so i will only write what i can remember (mostly the lucid part)

      1) I was at some relative's house and i found a weird object, it was like this thing http://tinyurl.com/25oznvo
      but it seemed old, like a steampunk thing. it worked with voice commands, i used it to fly and for some reason to make bubbles.

      this dream wasn't really long, it started to fade and i rub my hands while i was spinning... it kind of worked, the dream faded but i was still lucid. i was surrounded by darkness and i tried shouting "increase lucity" it didn't worked so i said "oh what the hell, take me home" and then another dream started.

      2) I was in a gift shop with my brother when i recovered lucity, i told him to slap my face (for more lucity) and he didn't so i did it myself, i saw an action figure of dragon ball so i looked back at my brother and i started to make a "kame hame ha" to him, i felt like my real body also shouted "HA!!!!!!!!!!!"

      that's how the second one ends.

      I woke up in a class room, we were watching an old film and the teacher said "see you tomorrow guys" and i woke up.

      I remember other things when i was lucid but unaware:

      1) torchwood using weevils as slaves in an old factory (maybe because i watched doctor who before i went to sleep?)
      2) some narrartive scene like the beginning of a movie

      anyway, let me know what you think.
    3. A lucid yay!

      by , 01-09-2011 at 04:48 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Kitten Attack

      1 kitten is cute. 1000 is torture!!!!

      I was outside and walking along a trail. I go in some house and speak with some people I know. There are bees flying around me. I keep swatting them dead. I notice a kitten come around the couch... and then another... and another. I go behind the couch and there are many kittens. They attack me and I fall on the floor. They are clawing and biting me... It's like a scene out of the second batwman movie where catwoman is born. I am screaming "help, help, help!"

      Dan and Russ.

      I am at someone's house. I am sitting on a couch with Dan. i am asking him If he still wants the $600 I owe him. He gets mad and starts hitting me. I see Russ AKA Rusty from down. He starts stabbing me with a baselisk tooth. I can feel the searing pain and I wake up.


      I become lucid in the same house. I walk past the couch and call Asuka's name. I see Russ again. I jump to attack him. I pin him down and ask him "Are you real?" He laughs and says yes. I as him to prove it. He then freezes.

      I pick him up and I see myself in a mirror. I am seeing Rusty's face in front of me. i look to the mirror behind him and also see his face staring into the mirror. I spin Rusty around so I see the back of his head which is covered in a blue hoodie... I look to the mirror and see the same back of the hoodie even thought he should be facing the front. I spin him again and all around he is a faceless guy with blue all around his head. I get scared and try to teleport him away. I drag his body to a wall and try to summon a door. I put my hand on the wall and my vision switches. I can see an outline of my computer and realise I am fully awake with my eyes opened now.


      I am seeing an HH scene and see cartoon red roses swim past my vision. My feeling is that they are from Saim. (thanks sweetie!)


      (private entry)

      Movie fails

      I am watching a movie on my computer and lying down. Asuka joins me to watch. She leans back into my right arm. Her left hand touches my left and I hold it. This is just like when I walked Saim across the river in he dream from the other night.

      We watch the movie and it gets to an intense scene... but then it freezes. I get mad at the screen and try to resume the movie. It doesn't work. I move the indicator back and it plays. I move the indicator to the right spot where I left off and it pauses... i move the indicator a few minutes past and the movie resumes... but never on the right spot. "Dammit," I say to Asuka.
    4. Lucid on Purpose :)

      by , 01-08-2011 at 03:26 PM (Lynn's Lucids)
      Last night, I knew I was going to have a lucid dream, because I kept telling myself I would. I have heard of nightmares turning into lucid dreams, but not the opposite. All I remember is the part when I became lucid to the part where I woke up. I have no idea what the dream before that was. "Wait, I'm dreaming!" I said even though I forgot how I figured this out. I suppose my dream mind is becoming more aware, because this happened on purpose, unlike my other lucid dreams. As soon as I knew I was dreaming, I flew. EVERYTIME I find out I am, I just fly, I don't know why! So, I said to myself that I can do anything I wanted. But, I better hurry before time runs out. (Side note, everytime I fly I turn into this other hot chick with blonde hair?) It's weird. So, I flew and things started to fade and fade. It was only vivid for about one nano second. Then, I fell. I kept falling and falling and falling into the darkeness of my old once reaccuring dream nightmare thing. The next thing I know, I can see my eyelids. I can't move or speak, or do anything. I just scream/cry because everytime I do, my mom wakes me up, as she did. The only good thing about this is that it is my first lucid dream I had not because of chance, but because of me Also, I had two other dreams but I don't feel like rewriting them here they take too long
    5. Dorothy's Slippers Are Evil!

      by , 01-08-2011 at 04:09 AM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      Woo! Completed part of the task of the year

      I was lying in my bed in my room trying to DEILD and was trying to lay still. I had woken up several times after falling back asleep. I finally said screw it and just did a random RC. It worked! I couild breathe through my nose and was lucid! I though of what to do for a minute and remembered some of the task of the year things. I decided to do the one where tou tap Dorothy's slippers and see what happens. I got up and thought to myself that when i wlak through the door i will be in the Wizard of Oz movie. I walked through and i was in the wizards castle!

      Dorothy and all the other characters (lion, tin man, and scarecrow) had just walked in and were being scammed by the "wizard" I walked up to them and told them what was going on, and they all started crying for some reason. I guess they were sad . I walked over and just picked up Dorothy's shoes and put them on. They were tiny though and my feet could barely fit in them. I started to tap them and on the third time
      I woke up... WTH! Damn slippers....

      Oh well, got part of it done
    6. 01/06/2011 - Fragments, "Hang Time with Michael Jordan"

      by , 01-07-2011 at 06:36 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      Fragment One

      I was hanging out with some chick who was kind of a cross between AF and LK. AF's real life boyfriend was this hybrid girl's boyfriend in the dream, and they had a son who I believe was representative of LK's real life son. He was not happy that this girl and I were such good friends, and he had a really shitty attitude toward me, the whole time I was there. The last thing I remember is the infant son almost falling off of the bed, at one point.

      Fragment Two
      I just remember being with family and friends, at Kellen's old house.

      Dream Three
      "Hang Time with Michael Jordan"

      I was on some sort of assassination job. The objective was to kill a High Value Individual, framing one of two factions within a military base. This would effectively cause what one of my commanding officers called a Civil War," within the facility. I don't really remember much about this dream, besides taking the shot, through a set of bars, and hitting the HVI, center mass.

      Later, I was in what was basically a cross between a mall and an airport terminal. I had to pull a "drop" job (literally), which consisted of dropping a bag full of something illegal over the second-floor railing, and down to someone making the pick-up, below. It was ridiculously obvious that we were doing something illegal, but...that was the plan. Lol. After the drop, we were making our way out of the building, and security was buzzing all around us. They knew that something had just happened, somewhere in the mall/airport, but they didn't know what, or by whom. We slipped right passed them, and walked out to the parking lot.

      Outside, randomly, I ran into Michael Jordan. Lol. He was just on his way home from doing some shopping, and making his way to his car. Almost surprisngly, I became lucid at this encounter. (Considering everything that had just happened, before this, I find it funny that all it took was meeting Michael Jordan, to make me lucid. Lol.) I started walking and talking with him, for a while. I told him about the fact that I was just dreaming, and he just quirked a skeptical eyebrow at me. It's hilarious, but he pretty much just looked/acted exactly like Michael Jordan! Lol. He said something sarcastic, like "right. Sure you are..." continuing to walk beside me, at a relaxed pace. I said something like, "don't believe me? Watch," and I levitated into the air, moving around in front of him and hovering backward, while he kept walking toward me. I grinned at him and said "See? You're not the only one who can fly, Mike," laughing. He raised both eyebrows a bit, otherwise seemingly stoic. Though I could see that he was impressed, he didn't quite say much about it. He just kept walking, looking up at me.

      I turned around and took aim at a car, a few dozen yards in front of us, reaching up toward it with one hand. Focusing my mind on the vehicle, I flipped my palm up, and slung my arm upward, grabbing the car with telekinesis, and hurling it through the air, over us. It soared to a good 30 feet in the air and then nose-dived toward the pavement. The car smashed into the parking lot, head-on, crunching itself nearly flat and toppling over. I couldn't help but note to myself how cool it looked.

      Michael and I finally reached his car, and he asked me something about whether I planned to just follow him around, the whole time. I shrugged and simply said "I might as well, I'll probably be waking up soon, anyway." (Dunno why, but I just sort of had that feeling.) What's even funnier is that his car was an old, beat up, paint-stripped Pontiac Firebird, which wouldn't have surprised me, if it didn't even make it out of the parking lot, from the looks of it. We got inside, and it was just filled with all kinds of garbage; empty drive-thru bags; bottles; cans; etc. Settling into the seat, I was just about to look at my hands, to try to stabilize the dream, but I ended up waking up, instead.

    7. Zombie Course I have dreamed about 3 times: Zombies with 5 second lucid ending

      by , 01-07-2011 at 06:02 AM (High Quality Head Movies)
      It seems I have created my own zombie course similar to the kinds of zombie courses from Call of Duty's Nazi zombies layouts

      I have created my own course randomly generated by my brain one day in a zombie dream i had and ever since I have had many zombie dreams on that same course. It seems I have created a dream I can't stop reliving. This is the first time I have had this happen more than twice.

      The zombie Course has a bunch of metal shop buildings on hills with farm machinery spread around (like back-hoes and dump trucks). There are perk machines and gun outlines on walls too (just like nazi zombies from Call of Duty). In the back of the course on top of a hill there is a single roomed house with a staircase to a second floor but no roof and the windows are all just open squares in the walls. The second floor is good because in case of emergency, the zombies come up the stairs and we jump out the window of the second floor and can make a quick get away.

      I enjoyed this level because of the huge wide open area to run around and the trucks and tractors I could drive to run over zombies.

      Anyways... On to the dream.

      Mostly just killing zombies with my dad next to me and we started running out of ammo and had to jump out the window.

      I remember me and my dad each using a different tractor to run over a bunch of zombies until they ran outta fuel so we ditched the machinery and ran to a metal shop building.

      In that building I remember running into a small room about the size of a 3 car garage. A zombie dog which looked a lot like my old dog that died 2 years ago (which is funny cause the dog died and now in my dream its a zombie) along with a huge group of zombies came into the room and we had no ammo.

      I suddenly felt this odd feeling and I don't know how, but I realized I was dreaming because of that feeling. The dog jumped with its mouth wide open and fangs facing me and I raised my hands and pushed them forward (like using the force) and the zombies all stopped like time stood still and the dog slowed to a stop in mid-air with its evil eyes and fangs still facing me.
      BTW: My dog was huge. Chesapeek retriever and she was all muscle.

      Picture is close to it but not as evil as the one in my dream.

      After that, I felt some pride and strength inside of me and then everything suddenly started to become blurry and then disappeared.

      I did not wake up but do not remember anything dream wise after that.
    8. The Curious Case of Jotaro Kujo (was that Alicia Silverstone in the dorm scene?)

      by , 01-05-2011 at 02:48 PM (Journal #86)
      1/4/11: Sometimes I don't even understand why I get dreams like this: one where you're running around in circles and running into random people that seem very attractive--and the setting is in a big building. Recently I've been having dreams where there's been some sort of hybrid when it comes to these big buildings: Some are colleges mixed with apartments, while some are independent high schools--next to apartments.

      In one scene, I'm in a dorm inside the body of someone who thinks there has been a failure/cheating. The roommate's had enough of his/her conspiracies.

      "You've got 30 seconds to explain to me what you're talking about." she replies. She looks a lot like Hollywood actress Alicia Silverstone in the face, only younger. I haven't seen ANYTHING movie-wise starring Alicia Silverstone in over 15 years, and I'm 24 now.

      After this, the "running around in circles" thing continued as a different character, running into random people and offices, even accidentally sitting on what appears to be a conveyor belt. I land on the ground, luckily, and on my own two feet.

      I'm guessing this part of the dream came when I thought about doing some JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fanfiction starring a character who has a Stand similar to series main character Jotaro Kujo, Star Platinum, and this was likely everything he (the fanfic character I created) saw, along with the college scene belonging to a character from another work of mine, Tracy Weston.

      A Stand, as many people who are fans of the JJBA comic book series know, is basically a supernatural power. Out of all the "bizarre" dreams I've had, I'd have to say this is one of the top ten, though I don't really see what big buildings have to do with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. One of my goals in life is to be an author, and I think this dream might have been what I needed to get going. I'm new to this JJBA thing, so I guess I'd better read more in order to understand what's going on in each of the arcs.
    9. 01/4/11: Mirror and chaos

      by , 01-04-2011 at 10:53 PM
      I can't sleep, it's 4 in the morning. I try to lay still, barely moving anything until I can't feel my hands, just to get at peace. I fall asleep after a long struggle. At some point I find out I'm dreaming with no specific RC. I drop to the floor to stabilize. I control minor things, like the size and shape of objects. My limbs start growing weird deformations on the skin, but they don't bother me that much. Much later, the deformations have turned into dead skin flaking off. I walk around talking not really doing much. I pass a mirror for the first time and look at my horrible, deformed face for a second. It wasn't that scary in the dream, but when I woke up, I realized it was the scariest thing I had ever experienced. I have some semi-lucidity. I wake up many times during the night. I can't remember not dreaming at any moment during these 4 hours. The alarm wakes me up, I ignore it, not feeling well enough to go to school. My entire family oversleeps and my dad wakes me up to tell me. I tell him I won't be going to school today. I go back to sleep and have weird, lucid dreams. I wake up feeling scared and depressed, shaking, afraid to move. I watch some Family Guy to get back to reality

      I go back to sleep later, and I wake up. Over and over. I can't believe I have slept this long, it won't pay off when I go to bed later. Anyway, I am still sleepy, and my cat jumps up in my bed. I feel safer with company I decide to have a quick, lucid dream. I do, and I have a notion that I need to find a woman. I follow where I "know" she is going through my house. Then I am distracted as I gain lucidity again. I start walking towards my room. The closer I get to the open door with the lights on (I left them on as I went to sleep), the more my vision starts to flicker and flash in white. Everything starts shaking. I stand in the door, watching the empty bed (because no, it is impossible to enter the physical world from a dream, you can't find your true self in a dream). By my bed is a skull made of clay. This scares the crap out of me for some reason. I wake up, but I can't open my eyes. I try to calm down, it doesn't work. I try to force them open with my fingers; impossible. I sit up. I can somehow "see", even though my eyes are closed, and all I visually see is darkness. I try to figure out what to do as I suddenly wake up for real with a fast inhale. My cat is still sleeping on me. I am a little shaky. Unpleasant once again, and I am officially afraid of mirrors.
      Tags: chain, lucid, mirrors
      lucid , nightmare
    10. quick projection

      by , 01-04-2011 at 05:35 PM
      I had noticed that my body was entering paralysis and was soon able to see through my closed eyelids. I saw the side of my girlfriends face start to deform and grow into what looked like a tiny city of skyscrapers. She began speaking in an inhuman tone and then the fear came. I tried waking myself and was not able to. I then tried shaking her awake, by pushing her arm. I guess I thought she would be able to help me wake up..

      I then woke up and realized that the hand I was using to try and wake her was my astral arm. Even though I could see it, i hadnt noticed. I was mad at how close I was to being out of my body and then waking myself up. I tried to move as little as possible, stay calm and go back to sleep.

      I entered paralysis very quickly and then lifted my arm up once again. It was transparent, and of a sky blue color. I then tried sitting up, but got stuck at my waist. It felt as if I was permeating through a membrane when I sat up. I have never felt that before, and I think the reason I did was because of hearing other people talk about that. I asked for someone to help me out, and then swiftly floated completely out, hovering 2 or 3 feet above the floor, in front of the bed. When I asked for help, (from my guide) i did not feel the presence of anyone else enter the room.. must have helped myself out! Now i am floating up to the ceiling. It is strange I always seem to feel more comfortable near the ceiling while I am out of body. anyways I look down at the bed and saw my girlfriend sleeping, however I was not there!? I stay there for 10 seconds or so, and then wake up. hopefully I can project again soon. its been a while and felt good to do it again!

    11. home less predators

      by , 01-04-2011 at 01:42 PM
      i was getting from my grandmas house to mine (they're pretty close) then i see this bunch of homeless ppl they wore normal looking and obscure skin tone from not bathing; then i open the gate to my house an secure my bike with a chain (in case they wanted to steal it) then i turn around and close the gate; i look at my bike theres a small homeless dude tryin' to ride it. i say "back off" and push him away then out of the nothing theres a midget-homeless army tht want to attack me then i see they have their brain exposed!! so im like "oh this is a dream" and transform in to a
      power ranger kinda like dude, but the cloth was pink...im like
      but then i start blinking(bad idea) and started to kill them. like i was shooting them or something. then i accydentally started to wake up i forgot about rubbing hands (im still a newbie) but some how i managed to link my dreams. then the homeless dudes are gone but there are some steel-like-mosquitoes and i transform into a power R again this time in orange i have this awsome katana((ninja sword) with me wich is totally orange and has a blk stripe in the middle wich i use to kill the steel mosquitoes and slide them in half then when i end with them i remember something about my sord teasspasind a metal-glass door in my grandmas house.and then i lost lucydity..... and startend a new dream. im so exited cuz this was my fisrt MILD AND DREAMCHAIN (4got the name) actually induced by my conscious!!! AND also because i could stop a night mare from becoming worst and ended up like a cool dream.
    12. Pre-Apocalypse

      by , 01-04-2011 at 12:01 AM (Hazel's Boiler Room)
      Wow, last one, and the first one of this year. That went pretty quickly. (I didn't realize that I already had half of them typed up in various places.)


      ((Note: Each time I woke up, I unintentionally re-entered the same dream.))

      1- Supernatural Part I
      Something strange is going on with aliens. They are having a weird effect on blond people, causing them to have superhuman powers and giving them visions of the future. My mind instantly goes to a certain blond, the blondist person I've ever seen... I worry what effect this must be having on her, but I don't have time to search. My cousins have been affected as well; I am busy trying to interpret their prophecies and writing a note about the crazyness to my friend.

      2- Supernatural Part II
      A violent storm breaks out, another result of the incoming alien-induced apocalypse. I run to the front door, where my mother is watching in horror as a thick black cloud begins spawning tornadoes left and right. Instantly becoming lucid, I assure her, "Don't worry, it's just a dream." I hold out my hand and dispel each tornado as it comes my way. Very draining...

      3- Supernatural Part IV
      I have a vision of my own (even though I'm not blond ). In the vision, I see an army of angels transform before my eyes into a legion of demons. A voice declares that the Christians are following a lie, that the Legions of God are demons damned for eternity, that a destroyer shall come and end the great deceit. It also mentions a child, saying "her actions will be the catalyst."
    13. 10/22/10

      by , 01-03-2011 at 11:32 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)

      1- Conspiracy
      I am walking around the karate place, which seems to have been expanded into a store. For some reason, headphones are blaring Within Temptation songs into my ears. I think it's rude to wear headphones in public, so I'm trying to figure out why I'm doing so. Suddenly a man taps me on the shoulders. I take the headphones off, but I still hear the music (I have it playing in real life.) I struggle to hear his question.

      "Can you show me where the flats are?" he asks. As if I work here... and what the heck are flats?

      I look to the front desk, where Anna (the receptionist/secretary) is standing. Pointing to her, I say, "Anna would know better than I would." He walks off.

      I see my Papa leading my brother into a long hallway with many doors. Curious, I secretly follow them. They stop in a room at the end of the hallway, but I can't get close enough to see without being noticed.

      When I leave the hallway, I am now in my house. I find a hole in the wall that allows me to see into the room where my brother is. He is in a room with a bunch of sickly old men, all of whom are sleeping in recliners. Weird...

      *lapse in memory, but I get knocked out somehow*

      "Waking up" in my bed, I am determined to find out what is going on. I had overheard Papa telling my brother something rather disturbing, but it hadn't made sense. Apparently I had been attacked... but I'm having problems recollecting the situation.

      I leave my room and ask my mom what's going on. She is evasive. My brother gives me a look and says, "I'll tell you later."

      My mom suddenly gets angry and says,"There is nothing secret in this house!"

      But there is. A winged bringer of death has been going around killing people, and I KNOW that it involves that secret hallway somehow.

      There is a cut scene of my dream father getting attacked by this thing. I fear he is dead, but when I reach him, he spits up water and sits up. Alive. We find out that the death-bringer is someone that we had trusted, who had clearly betrayed us.

      This man begins attacking us. Realizing I'm dreaming, I tell my dad to run. I can handle this.

      He is easy enough to fight, especially using my awesome karate moves. Maybe this will help me get better in real life... But he calls reinforcements: several zombies, a goat demon, and some other creatures. I run inside and use the screen door as both a shield and a weapon, ramming it into the zombies and then kicking them down the porch steps. After I beat the final zombie off the porch, the goat demon exclaims, "You killed her!"

      "Uh, she's a zombie."

      He breaks into the house, so I run out, taking my chances with the other creatures. I fight them for a few minutes, but then a strange man wearing a backpack says he's going to open his pack, revealing "the truth." One of my allies tells me to run, so I take the advice. I don't get very far, however, before I feel someone grab ahold of my back. "Let go!" I shout. Then I realize The Truth. No longer am I running; instead, I'm GROWING out of the strange man's back, and I suddenly have spider-like legs coming out of my body.

      I let out a bloodcurdling scream (even though I know I'm dreaming)
      and I end up having another false awakening.

      This time I'm in a hospital, and the strange backpack man is standing over me with a video camera. "How would you like to be in my new reality show?" he asks me playfully.

      I scowl at him. "I'd hate it. Almost as much as I hate you."

      "Now, now, I'm sure you don't mean that." I hear a threat in his words. If I don't do what he says, I'll be growing out of his back again... The thought is not pleasant.

      "Fine! What do you want me to do?"

      He makes a fool out of me, telling me to do all sorts of stupid and random things, like making silly faces at the camera. I am furious, but I have no choice but to comply.
    14. Deleted

      by , 01-03-2011 at 09:42 PM (Torra)

      Updated 11-06-2011 at 01:33 AM by 39215

    15. Being punched, flying a stick and the blunt dismissal.

      by , 01-01-2011 at 08:54 PM
      I am standing in a field. Several houses surround the field, each made with dull orange bricks. It's quite a nice sunny day (a common theme in my dreams) but I feel sad. Apparently I had to go back to school. I saw my two friends, O and O walking past me quite happily. I walk towards where I know the school is, and turn into another field, this time with a football pitch. While walking accross, I join more people walking to school. Suddenly, a small blonde boy stands in front of me, smirking. I try and fail to get past him, and then I get hit from behind. A group of 12 year olds start beating me up, spinning me round, throwing me e.t.c. I'll teach the little f****** I think, but every time I try to throw a punch, I meet heavy resistance until I either stop short of them, or it hits with barely any force. They aren't actually hurting me, but its infuriating to not be able to do anything. I used to get bullied a lot (though never physically, thank god) and this used to be a common theme in my dreams . One of my friends, B, calls "I thought you said fighting Year 7's was easy!" They find my struggle hilarious, and eventually throw me at the ground and go off to play football. I walk away to take an alternate route: a small path running down the side of the field, seperated by a small hedge. I find a stick, hop on and zoom along about a meter off the ground. Suddenly, I see a floating stick in front of me, blocking my path. I think to myself, "If I were lucid right now, that stick would..." and BLAM! POW! THOCK! THWUMP! HEDGEMONY! I become lucid. The stick seems to be some kind of evil force, trying to manifest in the stick and morph to a form more dangerous to me. As it dramatically gathers itself, I just bluntly grab it out of the air. No evil in my dreams...well, other than my evil. I smile wikedly to myself. I wonder how those Year 7's will cope with a lucid warrior? Righteous fury welling inside me, I fly dramatically over the hedge and make a beeline for the football pitch where I can see the perpetuators. The dastardly curs! And then, the dream changes and I loose the little lucidity I had. The rest of the dream involves me placing presents in giant christmas stockings. Still, at least I had a new years lucid!
      lucid , non-lucid
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