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    1. My First Lucid Dream... I Hate It!!!

      by , 02-03-2011 at 02:00 PM
      This is my first Lucid Dream... Nightmare more like it! :I started in a room I never saw before. I then fell of the bed and looked around. I started telepathically playing with the old Cheerios (Cereal) on the bar of the bed. I stopped doing that after 2 minutes and yelled,"Metal Worm!," even though there was nothing there. I ran into the living room and sat on the chair. I did a nose RC and very quietly said,"Oh... CRUD!" I saw the shadow of metal worm in the room I was just in. I closed my eyes because I was scared. About a minute later I opened then and saw that I was in my bed with my cat: Kali. after that I did a million Reality Checks! Wow! Thanks a lot, Subconscious! putting me Lucid in a Nightmare like that! Screw You!!! The End
      lucid , nightmare
    2. The Glowing Tunnel

      by , 02-03-2011 at 08:23 AM (Reading With My Eyes Shut)
      My Notes

      I went to sleep at around 12am. I woke at 6am. I don't have any idea why, but when I woke up to try WILD I thought I hadn't gotten any sleep that night, and I went back to bed. I must of been dreaming and heard the alarm but didn't wake up. Who knows. After falling asleep I had my only dream for the night.

      I'm in my bed. I'm looking toward the wall where my feet point to. To my right there's another queen-size bed, kind of leaning over my bed. It's hard to explain.
      "That's odd" I thought. I looked outside my bedroom door, and even though the morning sun had started to come up, it was pitch black on the other side. I got out of bed and instantly became lucid. I walked through the door and into the piano room. I was determined to keep the dream, and my lucidity, strong. I rubbed my hands and yelled out "This is a dream!" quite a few times.
      I tried to spawn the girl I like to say to her all the things I've wanted to say. Despite being lucid, I wasn't lucid to an extent where I remember everything from the real world, so I didn't remember how to properly spawn. I walked into the hallway and tried to spawn her. I put my hand 20cm in front of my face and imagined her appearing behind it when I moved it. Nothing happened. I then closed my eyes and imagined her being in front of me. When I opened them, everything had become black and blurry. I instantly remembered you're not supposed to close your eyes in a dream and rubbed my hands vigorously. I went back into the piano room and started spinning. I was trying to spawn back in my bedroom with her in it. Everything turned into a clash of swirling colours: light blue, white & yellow.
      I stopped spinning, and I was in my bedroom. Thinking about it now it was fairly silly teleporting to a room right next to the one I was in. In the bedroom was a naked girl sitting on her knees behind the coffee table.. I was shocked at first by the perfection of her body. I looked up at her face to find she wasn't the girl I was trying to find, in fact I'd never seen her before in my life. She may have been very pretty with a perfect body, but she wasn't the girl I wanted to talk to. For a few seconds, I remember my little brother being in the room with me. I sat down, disappointed, and when I looked back at the girl I saw that her "female bits" had been replaced by "male bits." Maybe it was time to leave...

      I started spinning again. I ended up on a large piece of flat concrete. It had a tent-roof and a sheet of plastic used as a wall to my left. I looked like a greenhouse. All around me in the distance was nothing but flat green grass, the kind from video games. In the distance was a large building. I didn't see it in great detail.
      By this point I was still lucid and knew I was dreaming, but I started to believe the people I met and the things I did were real. I stopped noticing strange things.

      I'm in the mansion. I'm no longer lucid and everything from here on is slightly fragmented. I do remember that inside the mansion was very beautiful. The room I was in was about 5 stories high, and there were decorations everywhere. There was also a shiny, wooden grand piano. Next to the piano was a round coffee table with a laptop on it. I browse the dream-version of the Dreamviews forum. It's featureless, the background is black and the text is brown and purple. I actually add a few to my favourites.
      What happened next in retrospect was fairly beautiful. First I try to light the roof of the building. I manage only to create a light red / orange light. Some man near me smirks at me.
      I don't know how I got there, but I'm in an endless black tunnel. The tunnel swerved and had nothing in it whatsoever. A group of about 10-15 people and I were literally flying though it. As we flew we created a moderately dim dark-blue light, with a white sparkle here and there. I enjoy this quite a lot, and then the dream ended.

      I'm disappointed I wasn't lucid for that last part.

      Just a note, that part of the dream when I saw the bed next to mine and became lucid, I have a strange memory of that happening twice. I don't know why but it just feels like I experienced it once then right away afterward, then became lucid.

      Updated 02-13-2011 at 05:04 AM by 25794

      lucid , false awakening , memorable , side notes
    3. Day 4: Lucidity!

      by , 02-02-2011 at 03:49 PM (A Penrose Mind)
      Pre dream:
      I was hellbent on getting a lucid dream, so much though that I literally tried to stick my finger through my hand throughout the entire day and constantly questioned my reality and weather I was dreaming or not. I tried looking for all the signs, text looking weird and not looking the same with a second read, clocks acting weird (which is funny because I stared at a clock for a while and the minute hand went backwards an I was like "OMG!" but then it went back to normal), digital clocks going crazy, electronics not working, mine or other peoples hands looking weird (also funny because one of my friends hands were all different colours but then he told me people drew on his hand for some reason), and weird colours of the sky (throughout the day the sky was white). So it was a pretty trippy day, I also preformed double reality checks anytime something out of the ordinary happened or if something seemed strange or not right. Before I went to sleep I got caught up "in-between" the dream and reality, where my thoughts seemed to be deeper in my mind and not make a lot of sense, and when these things occurred immediately I got up and preformed a reality check. Eventually, I fell asleep.

      I was waking around in a familiar area, it's my old school(which is right next to my new one)and I'm facing the dufferin mall. (It's much smaller than in the dream than in waking life, it not necessarily an easy building to recreate). I was walking towards it through my schools parking lot. I find myself wondering how I got here. I preform a reality check and try to push my right finger through my left palm. It doesn't work.

      "Of course I can't do it." I think to myself.

      But just to double check, I pinch my noes and try to breath, and what do you know,
      I could breath!

      "I'm dreaming? I'm dreaming!" I think to myself.

      I do it again.

      "Yes!" I say to myself. "Time to do awesome stuff!"

      I heard about flying in dreams, it's the first thing I try. I remember hearing that an easy way for beginners to do it is to jump up and down higher and higher.

      I jump up...

      and fall right back to the ground. I do it again...

      same thing.

      "Well fuck me." I say to myself, quite frustrated that my first lucid isn't turning out so well.

      I pinch my noes again and try to breath, at first I can't, but afterward I have no problem. I feel discouraged. I begin walking towards the mall.

      "What else can I do?" I think.

      Then I have a false awakening. I'm in the back of a taxi, wondering how I got there of course.

      "That was cool, my first lucid dream." I think to myself unaware that I'm still dreaming.

      The taxi is parked outside of the mall. The driver looks a bit angry at me, probably because I fell asleep in his car. Someone's waiting for me inside the mall. I go inside. A DC greets me as soon as I step inside. She's white, kind of chubby, maybe in her 50's, brown short hair, and wide eyes. She's wearing a jacket (which I now recognize to be my grandmother's). The funny thing is when I first see her I say in my head:

      "You're not real, you're a projection of my subconscious."

      But I was like, "Nah I'm not dreaming anymore." Once again strange dream topography. The mall that I walk inside of the mall that I walk into is actually a different mall all together, the yorkgate mall. False memories begin flooding my head. I'm a boy who delivers packages for the mafia, this woman is my mentor. I delivered a few packages in my dream but only one delivery stands out in my head. I need to deliver this package to this fast food store, but I need thirty minutes to do it. I'm being timed. The goal is to reach the front of the line with thirty minutes left on the clock so I don't hold up the line. Weird thing is when this is happening a line of my text pops up in mind (with a lot of spelling errors): "I didn't want to hold up the line to long." I reach the front of the line, 27:36 left on the clock.

      "Good enough." I think to myself.

      I believe more escapades happen in the mall and I met some of the mafia guys I was working for but it's pretty hard to remember. Some time later I end up back at my apartment and I'm talking dad when my DC mentor comes through the door. Apparently my dad and grandma know her and are really happy to see her.
      I'm drawing a blank about what happens after this (if anything does) so I'll skip to the end. I wake up at around 4:30 a.m., 2nd of February 2011.

      Yeah I woke up late.

      "There's no way I'm gonna get up." I think to myself.

      "I'm going back to bed."

      I collapse down and fall asleep shortly after.

      In this dream a lady shows up to my house. She has medium long black hair. She's telling me about the school I want to get into (she's probably a representative) and she kept on insinuating that it was too late and I wouldn't be able to get in. This makes me sad as the school I'm trying to get in is the same school Maisha goes to (it really is this isn't false memory) and shortly after things start to get blurry, I fall down and lay down on a couch (the couch I'm sleeping on) and I wake up.

      I wake up at around 7:20 a.m., the 2nd of February 2011. (yay snow day! ^^)

      As lucid dreaming goes this was pretty much a success, as dream control goes this was pretty much a failure. But now that I know the noes trick works (and for some reason the finger one doesn't) I have successfully confirmed a reality check! Now I need to learn more about dream control and practice flying. Once again wish me luck!

      Note: It seems like I have a very short attention span in dreams. I just got so excited that was like, "First thing I wanna do, fly!" Perhaps it is just man's nature to reach for the sky. If I attain lucidity again I have to remember my goals and constantly RC so I remember I'm dreaming. I guess I'll just have to study them. Perhaps I couldn't fly because I half-expected to not be able to (it was very realistic). Also I remember when I jumped up and down gravity was the same, if not stronger. If anyone has any tips on how to remember things in a dream please let me know.

      Updated 02-12-2011 at 08:23 AM by 41835

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    4. 01/29/2011 & 01/30/2011 - "Reptiloid", Fragment

      by , 02-01-2011 at 03:10 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      I remember that there was a lot that went on, early in this dream, but the first thing I actually recall is being at a park with some friends. There was a small pond nearby, and a friend and I were playing some kind of ball game near it. We had some awareness that there were gators in the water but, before then, we hadn't really paid any heed to it. Then, we noticed some small animal - a duck or something - making is way toward the shore. Before it could make it, though, a couple of gators splashed into view and violently attacked the animal, tearing it to shreds. Then, they turned toward us...exposed snouts slowly floating in our direction. Not quite sure what to do, we waited for a moment, seeing the gators crawl up onto the embankment, stalking our way. We then took off, running back toward our group. Knowing full well that alligators aren't the fastest creatures on land, we never could have been prepared for what happened next. The gators actually extended their - once short and stubby - legs, sprinting after us like greyhounds, on thick, muscular, canine-esque legs.

      There was no way we were going to out-run them, and things looked even worse, when another two gators shot out from behind a jungle gym, far off to one side of us. They were closing in just as fast, and we were running out of places to go. We'd made it to the picnic table where the rest of our friends were sitting. Seeing us approach, with these mutated reptiles on our heels, the group immediately stood up. I took running leap and jumped up on top of the table, everyone else doing the same. We were now surrounded, these beasts trying ferociously to climb up onto the table, snapping their razor-sharp jaws at us, only to be kicked or beaten back with anything we could use as weapons. What's even more strange about these creatures were that they were coated with what, at first, looked like slime. But, after the gators were out of the water for a certain length of time, they actually began to melt, sizzling down to steaming piles of this sort of seaweed green goo. The creature were coated in some sort of organic corrosive liquid, like acid. I screamed out to everyone not to touch them, and that all we had to do with hold them off until they all either retreated or melted under their own secretions.

      I don't remember whether or not we all got away, though.

      (I completely forgot a lucid, last night. I hate when that happens. )
      The only thing I remember is something about having to run through a deadly network of traps, like in the new Predators movie. Later, I had become lucid. I remember showing off a couple of lucid tricks, such as walking across a pool of water, and sinking my arm into a wall. When I walked across the water, I found it kind of hard to keep myself levitating, and one of my feet actually dunked completely under, leaving my shoe feeling soggy and wet.

      Updated 02-01-2011 at 03:19 PM by 2450

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. 01/18/2011 - "Penrose"

      by , 02-01-2011 at 12:44 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      This dream had something to do with Inception, but I can't remember exactly how it tied in. (I had been watching the movie, when I went to bed.) There was a gunfight going on, in and around some multi-tiered structure, at night. There were some snipers around the facility, and my group and I spent most of our time on the run. I don't remember much, but there was a certain high pillar or something, that I kept falling off of. Before I hit the ground, I would realize that this was all a dream, and my first instinct would be to try to wake myself up, before impact. But instead of waking up, I would simply restart the dream from the beginning, having lost lucidity. I would then get back to that same pillar, fall off again, realize I was dreaming and instinctually try to wake myself up, before I hit the ground. And then I would just start the dream over again. I don't know how many times I did this, but it was quite a few. Some time later, my friends and I had gotten back into the area where the pillar was. Something had changed this time, though, and we ended up taking a different trail, slipping down into a trap door in the floor, away from our attackers. We ended up in a house that was somehow "under" the facility that we'd been fighting in.

      The next day came. We were still in the house, but the whole facility above us - along with the whole gunfight scenario - was gone. We were partying a bit. My friend Sam was there, and her and the others were passing around some liquor. I kept trying to get some, but every time I would get close to the bottle, it would get passed over to somebody else, and out of my reach.
    6. FA Activated Lucid Dream

      by , 02-01-2011 at 12:51 AM

      At the moment I was a superman look-a-like except instead of red and blue my costume was Black and dark blue and I was getting shot at by some random people. And just like superman all the bullets were bouncing of me like nothing. So i started jumping and running just to get closer to who ever was shooting me but could never get close enough. So slowly but surely the dream started to fade and the last thing i saw was a bullet hit my cheek and it broke into a million pieces. Then i had a FA so i "woke up" in my bed in the FA and the first thing i though of was is this an FA? So look at my digital clock on my counter and its 3:59am so i look away and look back and it said 4:32 so then i laided down and closed my eyes and plugged my nose I COULD BREATH!. So i calmly said im lucid dreaming but as i was opening my eyes they felt extremely heavy so i said " dream be clear now" and my eyes opend a little more so then i said it again and so i could finally see. I got up and when out my room to my front door and out side i was going to practice flying whe this random car came drifting right infront of me. This gay came out and he was all like " AYE neighbor whats up !" i was like your not my neighbor i dont even know you. He was like "oh well my name is wancho and im your new neighbor so yea have a good night" and he just left and went into his apartment. And i was about to practice flying when my dog got out of my house and i was like "Bronnie get back inside" so i went upstairs and put him inside. When i got inside my house i saw the kitchen light on and i was "what?" and the thats when i woke up like at 4:10am.
      Me when i woke up: YAY i LD'd; Damn!didnt get to do my goal! let me try lucid dreaming again.

      But instead i dreamed my self back into the same superman dream doing the same thing!

      Lucid -YES
    7. Two WILDs

      by , 01-31-2011 at 12:47 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      They happened at the first onset of sleep. So it was really muddy looking for the most part.

      1. I walked around the house a little bit, and woke up.

      2. I walked to the living room, and my sister and my niece was there. I asked them what were they doing there, and my sister told me they were waiting on pizza. I moon jumped across the room, and looked at a calendar and tried to stabilize and the dream faded.

      Updated 11-08-2011 at 08:21 PM by 10773

      Tags: lucid, wild
    8. Lucid Dream # 27

      by , 01-30-2011 at 08:06 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 7/10
      Vividness: 7/10
      Length: ~10 Min.

      I was walking, then I was about a mile away from the bus all of a sudden. I was like "hey, look, I'm dreaming!" So I saw the bus I was on and tried to swim towards it. After swimming for a while I started to fly. Then I landed and saw this black cat. It did everything I did. I ignored the cat. So the bus went behind this big metal thing so I ran very fast and jumped. I jumped very high and didn't make it. Then I just started to jump for fun. I also did a front flip. So I finally got on the bus after an hour and there was a contest thing. We chose a team and tried to touch each other's heads before the timer ran out. I chose the wrong team and was like "oh, man." But it really wasn't that bad. When it started I put time in slow-motion. I just wanted it to do it and it did. So I was just touching peoples heads and this one lady didn't have any earrings on. She was also very ugly.
    9. Another Lucid dream, long one

      by , 01-30-2011 at 10:12 AM
      So, it started out on some tropical island, where I was diving for pearls, but had to get up because of sharks. I went into the village, and found that some woman was made a hero because she had made power using sun panels. Then I became Uncle Scrooge with his butler, and for some reason that woman was made at me for not paying my butler enough oO. Anyway, about that I began to lucid dream, so I decided to start flying, and so I did, and I ended up in New York, I knew that cause I saw linkin park (Not the rapper, but a park, and something told me it was named linkin park Then I remembered task of the month, and I flew out of the city lines and landed on the earth. There was some random DC spectators, while I summoned a storm. And as I drew fourth my arm, a lightning struck it, and a warm and strange feeling went through my body. It wasn't uncomfortable, for I was expecting it to be a feeling of power, and I had planned to use it to complete the second task (grow in size and stomp over a city). So I grew about 4 times larger, but couldn't really get any larger than that, so I just sorta kicked a pair of buildings, and stomped over a DC. Later I flew down to my school, where there was a girl I wanted to "you know". Problem was that every room we got into, was kinda stuffed with DC's, untill we found a toilet where we did it. (It hadn't crossed my mind to just get the DC's to disapper, but whatever, it was a nice dream )
      Tags: long, lucid, tropical
      lucid , task of the month
    10. Lucid Darkness

      by , 01-28-2011 at 05:06 PM
      I took a nap a few minutes ago, and accidentally made it to the "tired-but-not-asleep" state. The state where reality blends with dreams. I thought, "I wonder if I can induce a dream." I used the FILD method and instantly heard a loud noise screaming over and over. It was my name being yelled on a loop. I panicked and tried to run, but told my self not to, because I knew it was a dream. The noise stopped. I was standing in darkness. I thought of my bedroom and began building the room. The walls appeared, and then, for some reason I still do not know, I panicked again. My body froze, and I felt numb. My name was called again and I began to wake. I pleaded to myself to stay asleep, but it was too late.

      I woke up and couldn't move. It felt like my entire body was asleep. I moved my arm and numbing tingles shot up to my shoulder. I waited a minute and finally got up. Dad said he had been yelling for me to wake up for five minutes.
      Tags: darkness, lucid, noise
      lucid , dream fragment
    11. No school for you!

      by , 01-27-2011 at 09:57 AM
      *i was sick before having this dream

      I was lying in bed thinking "i don't want to go to school in the morning" so i got up and went to the bathroom, i look at myselfin the mirror and actually see that in my left eye i have 3 iris's then i go into my moms room, she said it was ok if i didn't go to school in the morning i think that's good and look outside and see it's already daytime, that's when it hits me that i'm in a dream.I have dark blotchs infront of my eyes and realise that my dream not very stable, i start touching things in the dream because i heard that helps, the blotchs reduce slightly, i rub my hands togehter spin around and shout "stablity", the blotchs dissaper, so i think to myself "hmmm, what can i do?" flying was out of the question since my dream was so fragile, then rememberd my lucid goal, to phase through a wall, i put my hand on the wall and press on it, nothing happens, i believe that my hand can go through the wall and then my fingers start going through it but then stop, i decided i would have to try another day, i also wanted to try and teleport using a portal, i walk up to a wall and click my fingers and a shiny grey metallic portal opens up. A little mouse comes out and says " are you comming back to the cave master? The troll wants all our metal ore! i don't understand that and am about to pass through the portal when my dream fades away
    12. First Lucid Dream

      by , 01-25-2011 at 11:25 AM
      Lovely, had my first lucid dream today, (25-01-11) while I had a free period. After setting an alarm, so I wouldn't get late for my next class, and making the guy in the other room turn the volume of his crappy music down, I descended into sleep. I was in a small apartment or hotel room with my parents, and I was going to the bathroom, then I noticed that there was a toilet, only the inside of the toilet was outside the toilet? (weird) and I soon after realised that I was dreaming, and to test this, I made my parents disappear, and they did. Lovely! But since this was my first time, I did not have much control, and I didn't really do much things myself. But I did manage to summon a pretty girl to snog on I only came to that, cause I began to lose more and more control of it, and the dream started to blur out (or maybe my expectations of it bluring out, made it do it). I tried the spinning technique, and it worked.. kinda. I managed to hold the dream a little longer, but it was too late. When I finally awoke, I realised that it was just about the time that my alarm was set to, and quite right, only bout 20 seconds later, my alarm started to sound. Perhaps my inner clock knew that I had to leave for class about now?

      Updated 02-02-2011 at 05:38 PM by 41591

    13. School Summoning

      by , 01-24-2011 at 04:36 PM (The Mailman's Lounge: A Rest Stop for Dreams)
      Normal Dream Lucid Dream Side-Notes
      Sorry for not posting, dream recall has been terrible lately.

      My friend Tony is pulling me to class down the hallway, but I tell him that we don't have school. (There really is no school today, that's why I told him that.) He keeps trying to pull me and says that we do have school, but I won't budge. I start wondering about why I'm at school and realize I'm dreaming. I plug my nose and breathe in verifying what I thought. I realize school must be a dream sign for me. (A lot of my dreams in the past have been at school.) I thought about flying, but wanted the dream to last a while so I went to class. When I walked in, I had this feeling I had to get my friend to class. I walk back into the hallway and decide to summon him. I close my eyes and imagine him down the hall, when I open my eyes he's walking towards me. I smile to myself, happy it worked. I went back to my classroom and and sat down. My social studies teacher came in and talked about a field trip. (I vaguely remember her scamming us out of $100.)


      -I was reality checking throughout the dream which is probably why it lasted a bit longer.
      -I'm glad I didn't start flying because I want to wait until I have good dream stabilization before I try to do things like fly which may make the dream shorter. I am however going to continue to work on dream control and simple tasks like summoning objects/people and I might try transporting myself out of a building in the same way I summoned Carlos.

      Updated 01-24-2011 at 10:49 PM by 28132

      lucid , side notes
    14. 01/11/2011 - "Turf War"

      by , 01-22-2011 at 07:50 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      "Turf War"

      I was in a hotel, I believe. My mom and Cierra were there. Mom had come out of the room, in a pair of roller blades and a black spandex outfit. She had lost a lot of weight and looked amazing. (She has been working out really hard, lately.) She told me that she was going for a skate and asked if Cierra and I wanted to tag along. I remember just being really proud of her and not being able to believe how much younger she looked.

      Later, we were all walking through the hood. I had eventually become lucid, but I don't actually remember how or when. At some point, we came across a large gang milling around, outside of a house. They told us they were preparing for a war, and that a rival gang was coming to their block, to try to take over. They were pretty much recruiting everyone that could, to help fight, and since I was lucid, I figured what the hell.

      Along came the insurgency. An enormous group of hoodlums came walking up the street, toward us. I didn't exactly count, but there were definitely 50 or more; tightly packed together, so that they all fit between the curbs of the two-lane street. Immediately, I broke ahead of "my own" gang, and started stalking toward them - smiling. I belted out something along the lines of :"Are you motherfuckers crazy?? You all have no idea what's about to happen, do you??" They didn't even give me the courtesy of a response. They simply opened fire. I continued walking forward, the bullets slamming into me me with all the brute force of pebbles at a concrete wall. I was calmly closing the gap between us, silently reveling in the can of whoop-ass I was about to open on these clowns. Suddenly, from off to my left, a huge dog came sprinting in toward me. I don't figure that it belonged to any of the other gang members, but that it was just a neighborhood stray. Before I could even react, it snapped it's jaws down on my right hand, pulling and tugging at me with the total force of it's body-weight. It really didn't hurt very much, but I couldn't ignore the raw power that was behind the rest of the dog. Even though I knew I was dreaming, and had dissociated from the biting sensation on my hand as best I could, the dog was still causing me to stumble back and almost trip over myself, trying to get free.

      I don't remember anything after that.

    15. Blade & Fenrir

      by , 01-21-2011 at 07:23 PM

      Thanks to Oneironaut's avatar I had a lucid dream with Blade in it.

      It was a chilly and rainy night and I was walking through the streets of an unfamiliar city. I sensed eyes watching me, all around me...some sort of creatures lurking in the darkness. They were making horrible moaning sounds and reminded me of the creatures that come to take the bad guys away in the movie Ghost. I begin to feel panicky and at this point realize that I must be dreaming. But before I can do anything to change the dream scene, I see a headlight and hear a vehicle skid to a halt in front of me. The dark creatures slink back into the shadows, and I see a motorcycle that looks a lot like Fenrir surrounded in a cloud of smoke and misty vapor. As the mist clears I see a man dressed in all black. Blade. My curiosity peaks, and I decide to let the dream play out instead of attempting to control anything.

      He speaks in a deep, soothing, yet frosty monotone voice, "Are you hurt"


      "Then get on."

      I climb onto the back of the bike and wrap my arms around his waist, noticing how incredibly hard his body is as my fingers move over his chiseled abs. But before I could barely register this strong attraction, he does a burn out spinning the bike around and we speed off through a cloud of smoke.

      I tighten my hold around him as we speed through the city streets and out onto a more suburban sort of landscape with lots of trees and houses. I tilt my head back and look up at the dark sky full of clouds tinged with the faintest reddish orange glow around the edges, leftover from sunset...drinking in the chilly air as it whips the hair around my face...just relishing the moment and enjoying being lucid...allowing the dream to have me instead of me trying to have the dream.

      I lean closer to him and rest my head against his back. ...Comfort. Suddenly I realize that I recognize the neighborhood we are in...and he stops just outside my house. Myold house. Why were we here. I looked fearfully at the large and beautiful house, with the perfectly manicured landscape.

      "But there's something evil in there," I said to him, not wanting to let go. "I don't know where it came from or why it's there. I loved living there." I could hear a desperate and apologetic pleading in my own voice.

      "That's why I'm here." he replied coolly.

      "Who are you?" I asked.

      No response. He puts the kickstand down and turns the bike off. I have no choice. I let go and climb off the bike, still looking at the house, frightened of what I might see. He walks confidently and purposefully in front of me and we enter the house. I glance toward the master bedroom, but realize that...no...now is not the right time.

      We walk across the spacious living room with high vaulted ceilings and windows casting light and shadows upon the now empty house. I stop at the top of the stairs leading down to the basement floor level. He notices my apprehension and looks me in the eye questioningly.

      "It's...down there," I tell him.

      He walks down the stairs and, upon reaching the bottom looks back up at me.

      "I'll be right back...I promise."

      I think to myself, "no, you won't."

      I wake up feeling very confused.
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