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    1. Mind control mirror, and failed flying fun

      by , 07-23-2015 at 11:25 AM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      (Look at me, being a lazy ass and not transferring my dreams from my notebook to this dream journal here. Phhhft.)

      CD 5 post-AF pre-O

      I worked at an oddities shop that had lots of interesting dusty things laying about. I came across a little mirrored jewelry box (it looked like the black one I got in South Korea) and noticed that if you looked into the mirror, it would hypnotize you. The mirror would start to glow orange-y and your eyes would too. It took control of your mind and made it some kind of slave. I was the only one who could withstand it because of all my mental disorders fucking my mind up, so when I looked into it, I could feel it circling my mind but unable to get in. It felt nice, like a high, so I just did it for fun. People started hearing about the mirror, and they all wanted to come to the shop to try it. When they came in, I'd take them to the back room while telling them how much I loved looking into it and they would try to withstand the mind control. If I saw their eyes start glowing, I'd pull the mirror away and they'd snap out of it. Everyone loved doing it since it felt so nice. At one point I went out to get something to eat, burritos, and when I came back, someone had looked into it without me there to pull them away, so everyone was freaking out and had no idea how to pull her out of it.

      I was flying along a fence, terrified, running away from some horrible monster. As I'm flying, I realize that I'm dreaming and go lucid, so I keep flying forward and then shoot up into the sky, going higher and higher. I flew high past tall trees with many branches that were barren, and when I got super high I hesitated and then I wound up falling and couldn't stop. I closed my eyes right before I hit the ground... but there wasn't an impact. The closed eyes the dream unstable when I opened them, so that was a dumb thing to do. So I was sitting on the grass and I looked up and Seru was just kinda standing over me, I guess he caught me. I watched as he just stood there, looking around defensively like he was trying to protect me from something, and that's when I remembered the horrible thing that had been chasing me, and Seru was attempting, quite successfully, to keep it away. The dream was still pretty unstable, but I remembered a sensory technique involving focusing on all five senses, so I laid down in the grass and focused. The feel of the cool grass beneath me. The foresty noises of birds and shaking branches. The humidity. The look of all the trees and birds. The smell, but I couldn't smell any forest smells even though I tried... None of it was working. All the while Seru was standing there, now watching me with this expression like he was waiting for me to do whatever silly thing I was attempting. He also looked kind of pissed... then I realized he was annoyed because I was laying down, and I remembered that was a stupid as hell thing to do in a dream because it anchored you to your waking body. So yeah, I woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid
    2. [23-05-2015]

      by , 05-23-2015 at 05:29 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was inside an abandoned secret research facility. It was dark and quiet. The darkness was somehow sinister and overwhelming, but there were a few lit areas. I had a sawed-off shotgun in my hands and I was ready to shoot. I walked down the corridor, getting closer to a corner.

      I sneaked closer to the corner, and jumped from behind it. It seemed that I entered a room with cells for live specimens. There was a bit rotten human body of a girl, lying in a puddle of dried out blood. I came closer to examine the body, but suddenly it has awakened.

      The undead girl scratched me with her claws a few times, but I managed to shoot her head off with one shotgun blast. I went into a dark corridor again, and stumbled upon an object I couldn't see. I dropped the shotgun, and ran, afraid of monsters.

      Out of a corridor I ran into a dark street. My mother and two sisters appeared, and we just went through the sinister, overwhelming and somehow heavy darkness. We were worried as we had no reflective bands. I took a phone out of my pocket and tried to lit the way, but mother told me to lit the area behind us.

      We walked straight a dark road, into a small city. Suddenly a police officer appeared and talked with my relatives about a punishment for not having a reflective band. I covered behind a car standing nearby, but he somehow sensed my presence and called me out.

      When I came closer to him, I teleported back into of the research facility. I tried to find that corridor again, but I ran into another undead girl that killed me. I changed into a disembodied spectator. I watched scientists getting eaten by creatures similar to shamblers from Quake game. I watched it from a distance, and couldn't move my body, just stand and watch. Once I took the perspective of a monster eating a scientist alive. Then my vision turned red.

      I got teleported again. I watched Lara Croft from Tomb Raider series running up the stairs in the facility. I moved closer to her, and suddenly she stopped and looked back, as if she was looking at me. She seemed somehow familiar, I realised that she is a girl I knew.
    3. Drones + Smallpox + Bed Monsters (NLD + FA-DILD + DILD)

      by , 05-09-2015 at 09:55 PM
      Ritual: It was a great night for dreaming, probably because I went to bed so much earlier than usual, though I've also been especially attentive to my RCs for the last couple days. I went to bed a little before midnight, and I'm also currently on the East Coast, so the clock was three hours ahead of my usual time zone. My sleep was punctuated with the usual half-dozen wakings, though I didn't do any specific night practices other than try to pay attention to the transitions between sleeping and waking, and in this I was not persistant or prompt enough to pull off a WILD or a DEILD. But by around 6am I woke up from the first DILD, spent until 7:30am writing it down, then went back to bed and lucked into a second one.

      NLD, "Drones": I'm standing by a floor-to-ceiling, wall-length window in a big hotel suite, looking out over the curve of a bay. From the height we must be somewhere between the 20th and 30th floor, and to the right I can see another tall building, or perhaps an extension of the same hotel, following the curve of the beach. Ahead and to the left is the flat horizon of the sea. It would be a pleasant view if it weren't for all the drones hovering in our field of vision, each one carrying a sign with a single word on it, white block letters on a black background. The words seem to be completely random.

      "It's like some dystopian future," I comment to Peter Dinklage, who is standing to my left. I muse about what it would be like if the drones were weaponized, and turned on us like machines tend to do in science fiction. Though a chilling thought, they are awkwardly constructed without any armoring, and look like they would be easy to shoot down.

      Then I notice that although they are not armed with guns, each drone is fitted with a camera, which is just as bad in some ways. Are they conducting mass surveillance on us? The cameras are all pointed directly at us. As I watch, a see a few drones of a different type fly in very close. They are not carrying signs, and they are disk-shaped, topped with a transparent dome through which we can see tiny people inside operating them. The pilots can't be human: even though I am standing next to a dwarf, they are much smaller than him, the size of babies, but with adult features and pointed ears. One of them waves at us, and Peter Dinklage says something like, "This is really disturbing."

      FA-DILD, "Smallpox": Shortly after this I have the sense of waking up, though it is not a typical FA; I do not find myself in bed. I feel like I am standing in the same spot, in the same room, only awake now. Everyone else who was in the room a moment ago is gone, and there is no longer any impression of a view. The light has changed, becoming greyer and dimmer: it felt like late afternoon a moment ago, now it feels like early morning.

      At once I notice that something is wrong with my body: a dense network of small patchy blisters is completely covering my skin. I look at myself in third person, as though in a mirror, and see them everywhere: covering my face, my chest, my arms, every patch of visible skin is mottled with these raised lesions. I know exactly what they are, too, I've seen them before in historical pictures: these are smallpox pustules, apparently in an early stage, since they are slightly lighter than my natural skin color and haven't scabbed or opened yet.

      Immediately my rational mind rejects the scenario: didn't I get vaccinated for this? I realize I don't specifically remember getting a smallpox vaccine, but... isn't that because smallpox is extinct? I can't recall the details but I'm sure I remembered hearing that. Surely it's not making a comeback, like measles, because of all these anti-vaccers? But that can't be right—if smallpox were coming back then vaccinations for it would have become available, and I'd have been first in line.

      This can't be happening. I try to will away the pustules but nothing changes. I remain unconvinced. This can't be happening, it must be a dream. If I can levitate, I will know it is a dream: I put my mind to it and though I do not levitate properly, I can feel that gravity is definitely different from waking life. So it is a dream! Okay, that's what I thought. Thank goodness I don't really have smallpox. Now I just need to fix my appearance.

      I go into the bathroom and look in the mirror, trying to will my skin smooth again. The pustules are stubbornly persistant, but a lock of hair turns white and I decide to transform the rest of it for fun. It instantly turns stark white, but the texture remains smooth and silky. This gives me the idea to turn my skin jet black, like that of a drow elf. I concentrate and most of it transforms, but there are still pale patches on my forehead and upper cheeks, and when I look down at my legs, they are a streaky grey that is fading out toward the ankles, more like body paint than skin pigment.

      On the bright side, changing the color of my skin finally got rid of the pustules, leaving it smooth again. Now I just want to even out the color, but the pale patches resist my initial attempts to darken them through will alone. I try to use my hands, as though spreading pigment over the resistant areas, and this helps a bit, but it is not an easy fix. As I peer closer into the mirror during this process, I notice that my eyes are solid black. I can't remember if this was the correct color for drow eyes, but I really like the effect. By the time I complete the skin transformation, my hair has faded from snow white to a yellower bone white, and this looks better and more natural with the jet black eyes and skin.

      During this process my hair has been going through stylistic variations, always long and straight, but hanging down in different ways, and smeared with substances like blood or oil. I figure this makes sense for drow fashion, since living underground they probably don't bathe all that often, making hair treatments like oil very practical, whereas the bloody streaks look impressively gruesome. Although my skin won't stay pure black, it doesn't fully revert to its natural shade either, but retains traces of color, like streaky orange-browns on a muted blue base, while the hair stays yellowish-white.

      WBTB: I woke up and spent over an hour writing the report of the last dream, but afterwards it was still early enough to go back to bed. Although I was not sleepy, it was a pleasantly lazy morning, and I enjoyed drifting in hypnagogic imagery. There was a period of ambiguity where it became increasingly difficulty to tell if I was having waking or dreaming experiences, and then I slipped again into full dream.

      DILD, "Bed Monsters": I was wandering through the large house belonging to my in-laws where I am currently staying, and I had lost count of the number of bedrooms... there had to be more than twenty. Just how big was this place? At that moment I realized, no, of course it is not so big in waking life, it is because I am dreaming that the size has been exaggerated. Dreaming, eh? Wasn't there something I had meant to do, if I found myself dreaming in a bedroom? Suddenly I recalled this month's TOTM, to make friends with the monster under your bed. Oh! I should get back to the room where I'd been sleeping! I dashed back so quickly I was afraid I would destabilize the dream, but luckily it stayed intact.

      I peered under the bed but it was a pleasant open space. It looked like there were a few banal things stored under there, but nothing looked sinister or monstrous. I felt around for something to work with, and my hand closed around a small plush object, which I withdrew and examined closely. It was a small brown teddy bear, only five inches long, with a plump, pear-shaped body and tiny beady eyes. There was a lighter brown oval around the bit of stiching that served as a nose. I was impressed with the detail with which I could perceive it, but had no idea how was I supposed to "make friends" with it. It seemed totally inert, a harmless stuffed animal. I set it on the thick folds of the comforter piled on the bed. "Dance!" I commanded. It just sat there. "Dance!" I tried a few more times, but it remained inaminate.

      I walked around to the other side of the bed, setting down the teddy bear on a dresser. I turned away for a moment, and when I looked again it had changed: now it was a sort of bell-shaped plastic structure hanging from the ceiling by a string. I couldn't tell what its purpose was, but it still appeared to be an inert object.

      It occurred to me that I had been walking around and standing right next to the bed completely heedless of the space underneath. If there really were monsters under there, I'd have to watch out for my ankles! I wondered if this was the problem, that I didn't really have any lingering childhood fear of monsters under the bed. Perhaps I should try again with more intent.

      I bent down and looked under the bed from this side, trying to keep the idea of monsters in mind. I still didn't see much under there: it was a light and airy space, just like in waking life, completely different from the overstuffed space under my bed at home. But I did see a scrap of cloth within arm's reach, so pulled it out. It turned out to be a little crocheted cat, only about three inches long, white with some orange spots. I guessed it must have been made by a total amateur. The body seemed floppy like it was unstuffed, and as I turned it over in my hands, I discovered that it was actually crocheted in a single flat piece with the four little legs sticking out horizontally, so only when it was folded in half along the back did it look plausibly like a cat. The head was the only piece that appeared to have been crocheted with any semblance of three-dimensionality. As I studied it closely, I saw tiny points of bright green contrasting with the dominant the white and orange: there was a little green tuft on the trip of the tail, and projecting from the head was a narrow appendange like the antenna of a cartoon alien, also topped with a green point.

      However, this object also showed no sign of motion or life, so it would be hard to say I was "making friends" with it. But then my eye caught a glimpse of orange fur near my feet: my cat had appeared! I wasn't surprised that she had turned up: when thinking about the task in waking life, I had reasoned that she really was the monster under my bed. Though I adopted her when she was about five months old (the best guess of the shelter) she had been living in a feral state before that, and even after five years of comfortable indoor living she still has the edgy instincts of a street cat: she hisses at the slightest provocation, and holes up under the bed for hours whenever a stranger is in the house.

      I knelt down to ruffle her long, soft fur, which felt totally life-like, but I noticed the color was off. In the dream she was calico, with big orange patches, but I remembered that she was a tabby in waking life. I wondered if she could qualify as my dream bed monster—though right now she was acting very pleasant and relaxed, and I figured it probably wouldn't count because I had already made friends with her in WL.

      Yet again I peeked under the bed, and this time at last I found the perfect candidate for my experiment. I felt that it was connected somehow with the tame cat at my feet, as though all her feral qualities had separated into a different animal. This one had a tortoise-shell coat, all the same colors as a calico but in smaller, more mingled patches. Although the fur resembled that of a cat, the body suggested another animal entirely, with a narrower head and tapering snout. I was pretty sure it was a fox. Best of all, it was already hissing and snarling at me! This was the monster I had been looking for!

      Now all I had to do was make friends with it. I began calling to it in the cooing, overly affectionate voice I might use with my cat. "Come here... lovely sweetie... lovely sweetie. I have treats for you my love... treats for you my love." The animal reacted as any feral creature would, holding its ground and continuing to hiss and snarl. I could see the tension locked into its body, poised for fight or flight. I reasoned that since it was a dream monster, the best approach would be to hug it, but that wasn't obviously wasn't going to be possible while it was still under the bed. I needed to draw it out first.

      I reached under the bed and the animal snapped at the air and threatened to bite me. I considered drawing my hand back for a different approach but decided to let it go ahead and bite, inspired by that wonderful scene in Miyazaki's Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind where Nausicaa tames the fox-squirrel by remaining calm and patient when it bites her finger. Plus, since it was a dream I didn't have to worry about physical harm. So I kept reaching toward the animal until it bit down on the middle of my left index finger. The pain was surprisingly clear and sharp, but easily manageable. I kept thinking of that scene from Nausicaa and projecting similar expectations on this situation. I felt the animal relax enough to take a few steps closer to me, but it had not yet emerged from under the bed when the dream abruptly faded. Intriguingly, even after I had fully transitioned to wakefulness, I could still feel a distinct itch in the second joint of my left index finger where the animal had bitten me.

      uncontrollable things in lucid state-nausicaalarge1.jpg

      Updated 05-10-2015 at 04:09 AM by 34973

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , task of the month
      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails uncontrollable things in lucid state-tetonausicaa01.jpg  
    4. [09-04-2015]

      by , 04-09-2015 at 03:36 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Non-lucid + DILD - ToTM attempt

      I was wandering with three sisters. From conversation with them, I received an information that they are princesses, an evil queen took the throne, and they are in a serious danger. I wanted to help them, but didn't knew how.

      We were moving away from the main road, close to the forest. When getting closer to a village, we spotted some mercenaries of the evil queen. I lied down on the ground. It was cold, I felt grass touching my skin. Two of the princesses hidden behind the trees, but one of them spotted a carriage, and ran to it.

      The carriage stopped in front of her. She thought that it was her mother inside, but then the evil queen went out of it. The other princesses ran to help her, and all of them were kidnapped by queen. I decided to try and help them. I grabbed the carriage in the last moment, and it started flying to the sky.

      When getting close to the clouds, I lost my strenght and fallen. When close to the ground, I suddenly teleported to another place. It was dark dungeon. I found a torch and lit it. It was empty, I felt alone... left behind. I entered a huge chamber. There was an old man in dark robe in the middle of the room. He had completely white eyes.

      He turned around and looked at me. Telepathically he sended my information about who he is. It was a powerful necromancer, surrounded by creatures summoned by his enemies. I grabbed a stick lying on the ground, and wen to the lower level of dungeon.

      I opened the door, and faced a melon monster. A huge melon with razor-sharp teeth, walking on two frog-like legs. I bashed it with stick, until it collapsed into a few melon slices. I found another such creature, and killed it too. The stick broke when I dealt the last blow.

      The I felt strange. Everything was blurred. The necromancer teleported me to the exit of the dungeon. It was a gratitude for my help. I opened a hatch, and found myself in the basement of my home. I went to the kitchen, and met my siblings.

      The eldest sister when looking at the broken stick told me:

      - Hey! This was my stick before!

      - Yeah... it was.

      I went outside, and found a huge swing in the middle of my backyard. I used it for a while, and then entered my home.

      Suddenly I realised that it's a dream. I took another stick lying for some reason in my home, and went outside. I tried to point to the ground with it, and got teleported to place I pointed. I tried it a few more times, but it didn't worked. I felt that I slowly lose lucidity, and I thought to myself "This is my dream. I am lucid dreaming."

      It was enough to make the dream more stable. I tried to teleport with a stick again, but this haven't worked. I though again "This is my dream. This would work now." And repeated my last activity, to no avail.

      Then I recalled the basic task for this month. I looked at my neighbors house. I decided to go jogging. I ran for the street. I wasn't running with unbelievable speed, but I was running quite quickly. Surrounding area changed from countryside wih forests at summer, into autumn tones.

      Everything get blurred on the sides, only the area in front of me stayed sharp. I decied to turn left, and ran through and old village. I made a few turns around old buildings, and ran back. The road in front of me was empty. I saw my house in the distance. I ran much more quicker.
      When getting closer to the gate of my house, I lost lucidity and woke up.
    5. The City of R'lyeh and the Stars are Aligned

      by , 03-18-2015 at 02:52 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a strange city by the lake. It's like a newly found city. If anything, it felt like Lys (The City and the Stars, Arthur C. Clarke) in the aftermath of Alvin's actions. Everyone's helping build the place. There's also an area underwater that's reminiscent of Bioshock I & II.

      We were hauling some ships from underwater (lake) to discover what they have. There were some fish-men who rose either from the lake or from the ships. We had to hurry back and "close" the rock-doors around the lake/crater. We built the city near the lake and felt we had to abandon the place and look for another one.

      * Lucid

      I was seeing monsters all over the place. Everything was hazy but active. I was being transformed into a monster. I felt my body transforming/being moved. I was nervous. Then I became lucid. I knew it was a dream. I sat on a half-lotus position and focused on my breath like I was doing before sleeping. The movements slowed down, the transformation stopped, everything became still.

      * /Lucid

      I was in school, or felt something like school. I was also at home in our hometown. I was playing a fighting game in an arcade. Or a fighting-adventure game. I lost to a bunch of goons and had second thoughts of continuing the game (during the countdown-game over phase). I decided to continue at the very last moment. I was fighting bosses now. I used a flying kick on one and he caught it. My character was just floating with one leg held by the boss. I "pushed" him back so that he rotated vertically (on one leg!) but it was nothing to him.



      - Slept at around 10:30 p.m.
      - Woke up around 8 a.m.
      - The two dreams were separated by waking moments
      - Slept with audio: 26-minute Sam Harris meditation audio
      lucid , non-lucid
    6. 10/15/2014

      by , 11-10-2014 at 02:50 AM
      I was some sort of water monster in a very tall cave filled with water. I terrorized the area's humans enough that they built an army to kill me. I mostly stayed in the water, killing humans and their ghastly-looking creatures.I fought so much that I almost got killed, which made me return to my base which was close by. A strong monster made it into my base but my base guardian managed to kill it before it got harmed.
    7. Meeting the professor after fighting hordes of monsters

      by , 10-04-2014 at 10:58 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Meeting the professor after fighting hordes of monsters (Non-lucid)


      I came from some sort of fight with a lot of monsters. The monsters came to me like in hordes and I was able to blast them off like with energy waves:

      I remember I had a partner that I needed to help, but he ended up dying in the fight so I had to proceed alone. I called a professor that was going to help me in this quest for some reason and he told me to just go ahead and visit him to enter the reports of what just happened. I had not much idea how to get there, but I remember I needed to use the crystal elevator from Willie Wonka's Factory:

      I had no idea how did it work, but I knew I had to make it fly, so I pushed a big red button and it started to fly high. I recall I needed to keep pushing a couple buttons in order to make some retrorockets work, otherwise I would crash. The professor was calling me, but I could not pick up the phone as I was driving the elevator.

      Suddenly, the dream went into third person and I was controlling the whole dream from the distance. I started to play silly trying to avoid someone grabbing me. I believe that Darunia, King Goron was trying to grab the elevator:

      I avoided him a few times and played silly until I decided to land. It was cloudy, maybe even a little rainy and I was near an old school hospital. The hospital looked like almost in ruins, as it was in a very bad shape.

      I got inside the hospital and it looked futuristic on the inside, with a lot of machinery that does not exist in waking life. There were a few research rooms that were locked, as there were experimental stuff behind them. As I started to share with the professor what was going on, the lights went off. Everybody freaked out and ran away. It seemed that one of the rooms contained both Ebola and hepatitis viruses, but they were an altered version, extreme airborne courageous. I was afraid I would catch either or both illnesses and started feeling bad, but the professor told me I did not catch it.
    8. 8/27/2014

      by , 09-17-2014 at 02:23 AM
      I was at work and went into a sanctuary or cave with a black rock and green stuff going through it. My partner and I got ambushed by some monsters and we got beat pretty badly. We left and went to Santa Fe, where everything was different and some guy was telling us that he doesn't do business with us anymore because he found a spider in his money bag.
    9. Being Home = Moar Dreams

      by , 09-01-2014 at 04:19 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      August 30, 2014

      I swear, every time I come home to visit my parents, I have rapid-fire dreams. I remember more, I have more vivid dreams. I think this town somehow puts me in the right flow for dreaming...


      Road Trip

      I was driving up north with some people... We were in the car, on the highway, but then the highway turned into a cave. We couldn't keep driving the car, so we had to park it in the cave, and leave all of our clothes and stuff in a pile near it (for some reason we couldn't just keep it in the car).

      So we had to walk the rest of the way; I don't remember if we made it there because there was a gap in recall here.

      We were walking back down the highway... But we all got hungry, and stopped at a gas station-KFC store. We ordered some chicken, but one of the guys in my group got nasty chicken, and started complaining. HE said it was so bad he couldn't stand by and watch them make chicken like it any more. He jumped over the counter screaming that he would show them how to make REALLLLL chicken.

      We met a young woman going further south than we were going, so we offered for her to come with us for part of the way. We walked along the highway (but as fast as a car would, oddly) and eventually came back to the cave where our car and stuff were. We walked down the cave-road for a while and almost gave up before we found the car.

      (I remembered at least 4 dreams while typing this. I'm in my bed at my parent's house. I swear. I remember more dreams when I'm here, too)

      Tyrion Lannister is a Woman

      I was in a room the whole time, but I don't remember what I was doing there. For some reason, Tyrion Lannister kept visiting me and talking about random shit with me. One day when he came in, he told me Cercie had set a bounty on his head for some reason. I asked why, and he handed me the wanted posters. "Order for the Beheading of Tyrion Lannister! LEt it be known that he might as well be a woman! He has fallen in LOVE and this cannot happen!"

      Pool Floor

      I was in a house with pools for floors. There were turtles all over the place for people to step on to get from place to place. But there was also a shark in the water, so you actually had to be careful. I think there was something else in the water, too, because I was terrified of touching it. I remember falling into the water and flipping my shit, but my companions, whoever they were, got me out of the water quickly. I had some sort of discussion with them, but I can't remember what about.

      No Special Meals

      I was in a boat race with the Backpacking club, I think. We were all on a team, or else our group was split into two teams and we were racing each other. MY team had a faster boat, but the other team got started faster than we did. By the time we were stopping for food, my team was in the lead, which was nice. We all stopped at this restaurant on the water for lunch, and I remember getting my food and being so hungry, but then looking over at the table for the opponents, and they all had some sort of special meal, and we were all so upset and jealous, and tried getting the waiter to give us special meals, too. But they wouldn't give us special meals, and so we scarfed down our normal meals and then left without paying. The other group was sitting in front of a VERY TALL wall of paintings and mirrors.

      We were getting into our boat and starting the race again when the other team came out and laughing and joking and happy and we were all "Meh."

      I was paddling in front, and someone else was paddling in back for part of the time, but for the rest of the time I was the only one paddling.

      Failed Job

      I was in a maze-like building with five different rooms. It was a little bit like a house in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I was organizing furniture and whatnot, and then when I was in the innermost room, I got a ping that the monsters I was apparently running from/killing the entire time were heading for the exit. I couldn't let them out into the world, and so I desperately ran to make it to them and kill them before they got out. I made it to the security door in the outermost room, but I hadn't seen the monsters anywhere. I went outside and saw, to my horror, that they were already out, and killing people.

      Mojito Crazy

      I was the midget husband of a vampire woman who needed Mojitos to survive. We were living in a huge castle on a bay in the fishing town on my dream map. In the bay, there was a large towering building coming out of the water, and a current rotated around that tower. I had to jump in the water and grab supplies to make Mojitos for my wife. There were lots of things just floating in the water around the tower, and sometimes people were with them, just floating along, holding onto their baskets of goods.

      I jumped in and swam along the current, looking for limes and mint and whatnot. I ended up picking up lots of things I didn't need, because it was Minecrafty, where you pick up everything near you. By the time I had everything I needed, my whole inventory was full, and I didn't want to bother with trying to put things back. So I went back to my wife with everything.

      When I got back, we found out that neither of us actually knew how to make Mojitos. So I had to go around town and find someone who had made a Mojito, steal it, and bring it back home to the castle. And even though just about EVERYONE in the town had the ingredients, no one had made a Mojito. So I had to go back home empty handed, and my wife was getting desperate. Then I changed perspective to be the wife.

      I went outside, looking around with an insatiable thirst for Mojitos. It was now dark out, and I ran up to a public restroom and acted like a crazy woman so that I would be arrested. I don't know what this was supposed to accomplish but it was all part of a plan, apparently.
    10. 7/16/2014

      by , 08-03-2014 at 04:14 AM
      I was in an apartment complex and was walking to Laurie's apartment while I was covered from head to toe in a silk robe. When I got to her house, I saw through the window that she was kissing a guy we were helping out earlier. I knocked on the door and when they answered I yelled at them. She told me everything was okay. I said "No it isn't" and all these monsters and skeletons started appearing so I used magic against them. I was conscious not to use anything other than water magic against them.

      I was at some apartments and was looking for people to fight. Jason and his brother were there and they said they would and I gladly accepted. They never showed up but a girl fought for Jason and I beat her so bad I took her to a hospital. She didn't get treated so the next day she ran up to me and hugged me and said that she was taken care of at a church. I was at a car dealership and was wearing my work gear. It was getting time to close so the place was rejecting costumers but they let 2 ladies through. A man came up and did something and before he left, he said that he had children in his car and he's kidnapping them. He sped off in a golf car and I yelled and pulled out my gun and shot a tire but missed. I ran and jumped on the car and made my way to the front of the cart while the guy ran red lights, making me worry that we would crash. We went down a hill and I was trying to convince the guy to let me and the kids go but he wouldn't say anything. He even threw my phone out when I set it down. As we approached a hotel, he slowed won and I opened my spray holster, which he noticed but I quickly asked if he had chips to eat. When he stopped the cart, I sprayed my whole bottle on his face. I told him "Don't open your eyes, fucker, this is Phase IV" somehow knowing that he knew it was a powerful pepper spray.I got out the cart and he tried to speed off but I shot him until my gun went click. I reloaded K83 and told people to call 911 while I kept my eyes fixed on the guy. People refused to call 911 and they started turning into the guy I had just shot. People had to take me down to calm me. Eventually backup arrived and witnesses started being questioned. A black guy was talking something about not snitching.

      Updated 08-03-2014 at 04:26 AM by 67773

    11. Will Ferrell and Guns

      by , 07-14-2014 at 11:49 AM

      I was with Will Ferrell and that old woman he had sex with in the movie Granny's Boy. I was trying to get into a mine, and I had a sniper rifle. Ferrell and her friend were supposed to help me with that, but most of the time they kept having sex. I killed a few guys in a field, then I set up a trap for some Norse guards. I placed a mine around a bunch of explosive stuff, and then tricked them into going over there somehow. I remember a camera panning from them to the mine, which activated at that second.

      The old woman said, "Maybe we should move up." Will said, "Naw, let's just keep doing it, baby." And they kept doing it...

      I moved up to the now-unguarded mine, and went in. I think I was looking for diamonds or some mineral. I saw some monsters patrolling the mines. They weren't scary, but they were in my way. I killed a few of them. The dream ended before I could get to my objective.
    12. Suicide Mission

      by , 06-09-2014 at 09:54 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      On a boat at night, filled with other people, mostly young people. They seems like kids, but could be about 18 or so. We're expecting some enemy force to attack the town we're off the coast of nearby, but waiting for more details on where the attack will be so we can position ourselves to stop it. Looking around, there are a bunch of empty boats anchored near the shore, and some street lights near the docks light up parts of the beach. Then we see it, about a dozen boats quickly pass us, landing on the far side of town. Beast-like monsters with vicious looking weapons, huge muscles, and an overall extremely dangerous looking figure, run off their ships and amass in a large group just on shore.

      Our captain brings us close, and we disembark not too far from them. I tell everyone not to shoot at them until we're well setup, because if we provoke them now while we're vulnerably half on the ship, half getting off, we'll all surely be killed. The monsters seem to notice us, but for some reason give us the courtesy to prepare ourselves. It becomes very clear that we're hugely out-numbered about 10 to 1, and this is a suicide mission. Our leader has us line up in a double file line facing our attackers. This seems stupid to me, like a sure way to set up the worst defense in history, but I can't change his mind.

      To my disappointment, I am shuffled to the second row, right in the front. You know, where death is 100% certain against a huge group of beasts like this. I turn to the person on my left and choking back tears tell him, "It's a good day to die" while I think, "I don't really want to die today" It's sad because this seems really pointless. Someone announces to us that there is coffee and donuts inside just behind us. I don't like coffee or donuts, but since I'm just about to be fighting a huge number of beasts, maybe if I'm hopped up on caffeine, I'll be able to shoot them quicker, so I go inside.

      There is a table set up where two people are serving everyone espresso shots and tiny muffins. I take one of each, eat the muffin in one bite, and sip on the espresso shot because it's too hot to drink. I walk back outside, finish the espresso, and find myself in the back of the line now thinking, "This is a much safer spot to be. Since I am good at shooting, I can help better from back here" But I see they have saved my spot up at the front... I solemnly walk back up to the front, and think about how no one wants to be in the front, so it might as well be me. At least I can spare someone else the terror of being amongst the first to die.

      Thinking about everyone else, and how fearful they must be, I'm not so sad about our situation. I just accept my position in the front for everyone else's sake, and peacefully wait for the battle to begin.

      With the sound of gunfire and screams, everything goes dark brown, I see a hideous eye get so close it appears bigger than me, then I feel like I am inside a large mouth with massive fangs, and all other sounds get really muffled, then stops. Now everything is black. That same glittering blackness when you close your eyes in the dark.
    13. Haunted Salon

      by , 06-04-2014 at 02:14 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      December 23, 2013

      I was a newbie hair dresser at a salon. All of the employees made fun of me, except for one of them. She was the only one who was nice to me, and we became friends.

      But as we were working late one evening, something weird started happening and we figured out that the salon was haunted. One-by-one, all the employees were turning into zombie-banshee creatures, except it was a different type of monster for each person. They resembled the various monsters from The Dark Meadow (Some Examples).

      I was one of the last three people left non-monsterfied, and we were running down the halls. The place had turned into a sort of hospital-like place, with long sterile hallways. They had the feeling they should have been brightly lit like in a hospital, but all the lights were very dim, if on at all. It was very eerie.

      I'd split up from the other two people left, and I heard them both scream somewhere far away as they both got haunted/possessed as well. So now I was alone, the last one left, and I ran until I was out of breath. The one who was chasing me was one I'd especially despised because she was being super nasty to me. I did something but I can't remember what it was, and she went back to normal. Now, knowing how to cure everyone, I went around finding them all and soon everyone was back to normal, just as dawn was breaking (I know, cliche, right?).

      Everyone praised me and I got a promotion, and to celebrate we all went to the owner's house, which was in some kind of huge tree, kind of like the house the Berenstain Bears lived in. One by one we all challenged the owner to some sort of battle; everyone had different types of weapons. I didn't yet have a weapon, so I just watched. But then, when nobody could beat the owner, he called in Obama. He and his family came to see us, and suggested we all settles this with a different kind of battle; We all got into our cars (me in my family's Honda Odyssey) and drove out to a large icy field. The goal was to slide around on the ice and try to ram as many people as possible. Don't ask me how this is a good idea. I woke up after starting my car and trying to slide around a bit.

      Updated 06-04-2014 at 07:59 AM by 69491

      non-lucid , nightmare
    14. Apocalyptica levitation

      by , 05-13-2014 at 11:11 AM
      Ok, so this dream was one of the longest, most realistic, and lucid dreams I have ever had. But I will try to make it short, without skipping any detail. So the part where is remember the dream started, was on a bus. Myself and a few other people were going into a jungle (something like the amazon). We were part of a movie, as far as I remember, and before we know it a two men that looked like mayans jumped down from the ceiling of the bus and landed at the front, In front of me and my crew. As soon as they land they start to throw huge sharp knifes towards us, and all of sudden it turns into a sort of game. Of course this is still all too real and I'm still not lucid. The knives fly past me, missing me but slowly by slowly hitting and either injuring or killing my crew. I at this point am shitting myself but at the same time able to dodge all the fast flying machetes. They realise they had killed all of my men and look towards me with hate and despise, because they were unable to hit me. So they both start throwing knives at me and I jump out of the windows of the bus, and watch the two mayans fall to their fate off of a huge cliff. I'm surprised I'm still alive at this point but I continue my journey into the wild to find a huge school, that resembles hogwarts but is 5 times bigger. There are majestic, magical lions tied up like regular pet dogs, colorful red stands where you can but things like hotdogs and different foods, and also there were trailers parted in the field. I head inside to check the castle out.. The first floor is quite, without a sound. People are just walking around in this library like floor, all just doing there business. I got on some magical elevator and found myself on the fifth floor. But when I got out of the elevator I found myself with a girl. Unable to still understand it's a dream the girl and I walk down a floor, as if we were trying to get to the bottom again. But on the third floor it was dark, and cold.. Drops of water would fall from the ceiling and there was a huge beast that came galloping towards, with a murderous roar while at the same time crying. This shit was fucked up. But anyways with the two of my hands I focused on stopping the beast and what do you know.. It worked! I levitated the best and threw hin against the wall. After that point I knew I was dreaming but here is the weird part. Whenever I Know I'm dreaming and turn it into a lucid dream I always get excited. Almost kicking myself out, but this just felt normal. In the dream I said to myself "ok, so it's a lucid one.., "and I carried on. On my way down the second floor, my powers of telekinesis were getting much strong and the dream became all the more vivid. I emobilised many enemies and found myself in a tent full of girls. And with heavy focus I was able to give them a spectacular show with my powers and of course I got laid. I won't go into detail.. All I will say Is the sex was amazing and very very real. I remember when I was a kid and had a wet dream, I wouldn't be able to" stick it "'into anything because it would hurt or I'd wake myself up, but this was just full on" in out in out".. So after that I found myself in my house, which is my real house in the real world. And I do some magic for my mom and her husband, and they just don't understand what's going on. They are absolutely stuttering now.. Then I wake...
    15. 4/23/2014

      by , 04-23-2014 at 07:34 PM

      I was playing Dishonored and saw an ultra hard difficulty setting so I started playing on that. It was arena type mode with challenges every stage. I was actually in the game fighting and had access to the power selection wheel. The first challenge was to get people to kill each other without me killing them. I went through many challenges and a lot of fighting but as I was running from 2 women and a lot of monsters, I entered a room and said "Alright I'm done" because I was so tired. I got congratulated for making it so far by the girls chasing me and had a man on a computer take pictures of me and them. I saw a digital picture frame with other people who I knew got top scores and among them were some of my family members. The girls told me they were going back home and I was teleported onto the ocean where I was swimming.
      There were a lot of sea creatures and I was swimming along side some whales, who reminded me of one of the girls. The dream reminded me of the dream I had on 4/21/2014, where I was sailing the ocean with my family on a car. I saw plenty of cars but this time they were headed towards me. I said "Here I come!" and saw a boat speeding towards me. Suddenly a helicopter comes and its rotors cause me to get blown away. I pretend I'm taking apart an easter egg and suddenly become lucid.
      I'm floating on the water and at the tip of my fingers, an easter egg that looks like a yellow bunny. I remember the water being deep. I opened the easter in half. The bottom portion had a green toy or figurine. The top portion had a yellow and tan toy/figurine. I took them both out and bit into each. It hurt my tooth because they were a hard plastic. I looked at them and read their information on the back of the toys. It said where they were made, by what company, copyrights, etc. I came to shore onto a facility and thought I'd prank a dream character. I said "I want a person to be here" and as I walked, I saw my cat Lucy. I added, "a person that's not Lucy!" I stepped up to the facility doors and a man asked me to identify. I know I've been there before and knew what to do and say. I said my name and that I was wearing black. I took off my duty belt which didn't have anything on it and stepped through. I saw a janitor, who was old and fat and told him to follow me outside. My plan was to make him go outside and have to get access to the facility again. He was suspicious of me and said "If you're trying to make me come out, I have a badge to get in" he then proceeded to tell me how the badge was not his and he actually stole it. I yelled at him to give me the badge but he ran away, outside of the facility and into some sort of cave. I lost lucidity and started yelling at nothing for a badge then slowly started to wake up.

      Before bed, I stayed up a long time repeating to myself "I open easter eggs" and imagining me opening easter eggs. While I was walking out, the janitor asked me for the time and I looked at my watch and told him some weird time. My lucidity was low during this dream.

      Updated 04-23-2014 at 07:46 PM by 67773

      lucid , side notes , task of the month
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