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    1. who done it

      by , 12-06-2012 at 02:14 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I was a house of a murder scene. A young boy, and a girl told me that their father was murdered. We searched all over their houses for clues, and eventually came across a spec of blood. Before the results came back, I figured out that it was his own son. He was fighting with him, and eventually threw him down the stairs.

      I was a party...I think Lil Wayne was there. He was telling me about his tattoo's.
    2. Cult of Campus

      by , 11-23-2012 at 01:51 AM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      With this, I'm finally caught up.

      Night of 11/21/12

      I have stumbled upon a dark secret at school: several students are missing, and I suspect they are dead at the hands of a sinister cult that practices on campus. In my search for answers (as I vow to solve this mystery and expose the cult), I come across a student named Mary. She basically confirms my suspicions: "You'll become one of the bodies before you ever find them!" she taunts me.

      Angered, I manage to escape her before she kills me. I find my friend Jessica and tell her that I am closer than ever to finding out the cult's secret. "Have you heard of a girl called Mary?" I ask.

      "N-no. Why?" She seems kind of anxious and fidgety, asking if I'll go on a walk with her. I agree, until she starts to lead me into the forest. I suddenly become suspicious that she is going to kill me. I refuse to go any farther and head back alone, but I intend to secretly follow her to find out what she's up to. I am now almost certain that she is part of the cult.

      I stalk her further down the path to the forest, but she suddenly cuts back and heads to the graveyard instead. There is no good cover, so I head off to report my suspicions to Alex (my roommate).

      "I might just be really paranoid," I say, once back in our room, "but I'm pretty sure Jessica is part of the cult. And now they're all out to kill me."

      "That does sound pretty crazy," Alex agrees calmly, eating her Ramen. I pace the room, trying to think of a solution.

      Soon afterward, Mary sends us on a treacherous train ride (a strange train that is powered by a crank) in the hopes that we'll die along the way. Now Alex is more accepting of my "crazy" theories and tries to help me.

      Updated 11-23-2012 at 01:55 AM by 47876

    3. The Unknown Church

      by , 11-11-2012 at 09:46 AM
      I have a lot of nightmares. They scare me, but I'm used to it.
      I was trying to find out who a person was, I was solving a mystery I guess, but the CSI or whatever it was going to kill us to stop us. I was with John, or my friend Cass. Just some random guy, I don't remember who. We got away successfully Later on they erased our memory and took us far away from the haunted church or whatever. I went there with John, and we heard children singing. Their voices were high and eerie. Just to say, it wasn't bad singing. It made me feel uneasy.

      What we saw inside was a dark corridor with burnt, dark wooden walls and frames of crosses, but drawn in blood, dripping from the frame. I think there was torches nailed to the wall, to. I remember that the church was locked up, with billboards. There were no windows. Wicked versions of Jesus Christ on the cross frames/photos. They were realistic, too.
      We were going to go inside but something terrible happened, so we ran away before 'it' could get us.

      Updated 11-11-2012 at 10:24 AM by 59187

      non-lucid , nightmare
    4. Ahri Mystérique

      by , 05-01-2012 at 01:20 PM (Adventures in Dreamland)
      Something about Movie Gallery, there's a mirror world you can get to using a cannon-portal? There's a very starry dreamscape. It's very pretty.


      I'm a detective assigned to a missing person case. The person who was missing was a girl named Ahri. (I'm not sure if it was just a girl that looked a lot like Ahri from LoL or if I subconsciously translated what she would look like irl. Either way, it wasn't the same character.)

      I head off and do some investigating. I learn that she had been seen by someone some time ago, doing something that I can't remember.

      I'm getting off of a sort of pseudo-subway train, heading to a club. I get in somehow (probably just telling who I was,) and I get a lot of nasty looks from the club's members, as if I was there to arrest every single one of them. Everyone in the club is dressed up very nice. I go into a room in the back. I explain to everyone that I am a detective, and asked nicely if they would all line up against the wall so I could ask questions. I go around just looking at everyone, passing by Ahri without much thought. One guy starts trash-talking me, saying that he would beat the shit out of me and such. I just ignore him and continue. After I get about 3/4 of the way through, I go back to Ahri and look at her closely.

      "What's your name?" I ask her, squinting my eyes to get a better look at her. Everything is so blurry.

      "Ahri," she responds cooperatively.

      "No she's not!" the man beside her blurts out, looking worried. The man was involved in the case somehow. His name had Nine in it, but I don't remember his full name so I'll just call him Nine. I nod and put my hand on her back, leading her out of the room.

      "If you would come with me..." I say politely, and she cooperates. Once we get outside, I decide that I can probably get Nine to come with us too.

      "You can get your 'Anon' friend to come with us, too, if you'd like," I mention. Ahri opens the door and motions for someone to follow. The guy who threatened me walks out, and I shoot Ahri a glare.

      "Very funny," I say to Ahri, then turn to the man. "I'm sorry for wasting your time, sir." Ahri and I get on the subway-train-thing.

      I ask her if she knows who Nine is, and she says that he's her friend. I ask if she knows how he got his name and she says no. I explain that the government was experimenting using certain drugs, and that the one that they used on him killed him. Nine months later, he 'woke up' as if he had only gone to sleep. I tell her that any time he is knocked out or goes to sleep, he actually dies for a little while.

      A good bit of stuff happens. I don't really remember what, but I think that I started assisting Ahri. I do know that I took her to the detective's office place, but after that the mystery plot just kinda flopped. I took Ahri to my house, and we were running from something.

      Timeskip, Ahri and I are married. My memory is fuzzy about this part.

      Timeskip again, Ahri and I have kids. I'm teaching one of my kids how to use one of his powers that he apparently got from me.

      Updated 05-01-2012 at 05:16 PM by 53831

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    5. Bird of Paradise and Mystery Army

      by , 06-04-2011 at 02:20 AM
      Dream Journal

      April 28th 2011

      dream induced

      i'm flying high above a city, as lucidity occurs, i find that i'm a beautifully colored bird. as im flying, i suddenly notice that there are others like me flying around, out of nowhere a jet plane appears
      and begins to attack the city, i swoop down and latch on to one of the planes locked missiles, and slash it with one of my talons, causing it to explode destroying the jet, as i'm flying away i notice that a large force of these unknown aggressors have appeared. there's things from tanks to even giant robots walking around as i'm flying, a robot stumbles out from behind a building, another bird, apparently a friend of mine, is using an old missile launcher to fight it off, as they go by. i yell "way to go" and fly off in the opposite direction as i'm flying there, my dream ends and i wake on my couch from my nap.
    6. First Lucid (7 Years Old, Dream Chain)

      by , 04-30-2011 at 02:20 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)
      General text non-lucid awake lucid

      I decided to go ahead and put my first lucid dream into my dream journal. I also added the dreams that led up to this lucid. These dreams happened over 3 days when I was 7 years old.

      In the first dream I had, I was standing out on my school's playground. The sky started to turn red. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up at the sky. I remember there being a large cloud over us, and I think it was skull shaped. There was a sense dread and impending doom. Everyone was looking up at the sky horrified. (They looked kind of funny staring at the sky with their jaws dropped actually. ) I went back inside the school and I walked up to the library on the 3rd floor. There was another kid there staring out the window with a book. I asked, "Why is the sky red?" He responded dramatically, "The world coming to an end!"

      I woke up shortly after that. I thought this dream was kind of weird and creepy, but I didn't pay much attention to it until the next day.

      In the second dream, it was a continuation from the last dream, but it took place on the day after the sky turned red. The sky was still red this day with the large cloud in the sky. I started my dream in front of my school. I didn't see anyone around the school or on the playground, so I went inside thinking that I was late. I entered a hallway, but it was dark, empty, and a mess inside. There was still no one in sight, no noise, and no sign of life. Desks and chairs were knocked over in the hallway, there was rubble on the floor, the wall was half destroyed, and the floor was cracked. At this point I was really starting to feal fear because I felt like the last guy in the world, I was scared of whatever destroyed everything, and I remembered the kid from the last dream saying that the world was coming to an end. Despite my fear, I continued down the hallway to find my classroom.

      My dream ended and I woke up right before I would have entered my classroom. This dream felt more realistic than the last one and it was scarier for me. I even watched the sky half of the day wondering if it would turn red.

      The third and final dream continued right about where the last one left off. It started with me sitting in the dark room at my desk. There was still no living thing in sight. I again started to wonder where everyone was for a few seconds. As I was thinking about this, the lights flashed on and all my classmates and my teacher seemed to flash into view with the light. They just walked around the room and worked on a project as if they had been there the whole time. I got up from my desk and asked my teacher, "Where did everyone go?" Everyone just turned and glared at me with angry expressions on there face. As they focused on me, their eyes started to glow red. In my mind all I could think was they wanted to chase me and kill me. And of course, they started to chase me out the door.

      I ran back out into the hallway and then out to the playground. As I ran up the hill on the playground, I stared up at the sky and noticed it was still red and had the large cloud. I remembered this from the past 2 dreams and said to myself, "Wait! I'm dreaming!" I stopped at the top of the hill and turned to face the mob. I wanted to wake myself up before the mob could get to the top of the hill. Without giving it much thought, I started screaming, "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" As I said this, pictured my real body hidden behind the red sky until I could feel it. I then tried to kick my legs and lift my arms. This required a lot of effort though. As I tried to lift my arms and legs, it felt like someone was pulling them back down. When the mob was about half way up the hill, the dream faded away.

      My eyes opened and I was punching and kicking the air with ease. I was sweating and my heart was racing, but I knew I was now sitting safely in bed. I soon got really excited after that because I never had a dream where I knew I was dreaming before. As I started to get more dreams like this, I called them "super dreams" because it felt like a different side of me took over and played as a super hero. They were mostly triggered by nightmares, and this new part of me was like a self defense mechanism against nightmares. It wasn't until I was 13 that I learned there was a name for these dreams and they didn't have to be related to nightmares.

      My Thoughts on these Dreams

      Aside from the apocalypse aspect of it, that was awesome! A couple "super dreams" later, and I learned that I didn't have to run from nightmares. I could fight them! Always felt awesome. This is one of my favorite dream chains even though it was a continuous nightmare.

      I think the reason why whenever I try to wake myself up and something pulls me down is because of sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis isn't my best friend when trying to get away from a mob.

      Induction Type: DILD/NILD (Nightmare Induced Lucid Dream)
    7. Crossroads of California Love

      by , 01-26-2011 at 09:29 PM
      This dream wasn't all that long, and I believe I'm missing some parts, but its starts off with these two people on the street, one a girl and one a guy and they seem to be doing some kind of musical performance. The girl was dancing with what looked like a tambourine and the guy looked like he had a ukulele. Anyways after a scan of what looked like an old downtown area, we see a corner sign that says California love. There is a pan of the sky when we go back to what looks like a group research or education facility.

      Sitting on a fence or a tree is a girl and a guy and the people around the camp are talking about working on California and love in the city where some mysterious people are granting gifts to certain families. Everyone in this camp is working to be one of those groups of people who get the mysterious gifts, but only those who have great success or a strong bond can get it.

      The people talk about going to some kind of event and the girl and the guy who are sitting on the tree suddenly become very quiet. I ask them what's going on and they say that they can't go. When I ask why, the girl says she has no one who cares about her. I am confused so I talk to the guy next to her and he says that even know the girl next to him is great, he is not who I think he is, and will not be there much longer.

      Him and the girl get off the tree and when I turn around for a second, the girl bends down and kisses the man on the cheek. The guy turns into the size of a ken doll, crawls up her arm and starts kicking his feet while looking around. Startled I pull out my camera phone and try to take a picture. I look through the lens, and the doll sized man is invisible, when I take the camera off of them the doll sized man is still there, and then he hops away.

      "He's gone." the girl says.

      I ask the girl if she's okay, and she smiles. Some people still in the camp are saying how strange that person was to be talking to her self, and I ask them if they saw that man who was with her earlier. They say that they saw one person but he disappeared and she was still talking. They also said that that person only shows up on certain occasions, usually when someone is feeling really lonely and had something happen to them. They said that certain business positions required a partner, and that the one she had been in for the past month was that kind of position.

      The couples also talked about a man who shows up when needed and turns into a doll later on. They say it's some kind of dreamer's luck. The couples I was talking to left for the city and a girl with blonde hair and a maroon jacket asked me if I was going to the bar/boutique that everyone was talking about. I am a little unsure about the location and they told to follow the lights. I tell them Ill join shortly but I want to talk to the other girl first.

      When I turned around to see the girl from before, I saw her with a sandy haired man with glasses, and The girl who asked me about the bar boutique gazed longingly at the field of golden grass. Extreme pain, hope, love and loneliness exuded from her aura.

      She said something about wanting a partner, and I tried to talk to her, but some laughter stopped me. When I looked, I saw the girl had looked as well, and there was a young child climbing up the hill.On her shoulder was the doll sized man I had talked to earlier, but he looked like an actual doll rather then a person, and a look alike fell by the water side. The kid ran away and the doll sized man winked and hopped towards the girl with the blonde hair. She was thrilled, and I looked on dumbfounded.

      I then left the facility and came to an area where there were brick houses with black stairwells and laundry hanging in the air. I saw some people I recognized from the facility gloating over some flowers and drinks in one part of the city, but I walked on until I reached a wooden building with metal stairs and some music playing in the lobby. I walked into what looked like a old style saloon and looked at the wall of pictures in the back. Some were drawings, some were photographs, but all were young kids, couples, or men, and all were wearing old school outfits like from the late 19th century.

      Curious I saw one picture of a blonde woman with a maroon jacket, and when I looked at myself, and the woman in the picture I was awestruck. I touched the picture and felt a zap go through my finger tips. It was me, or someone who was related to me, and close by the touch of it, and for whatever reason I couldn't believe I was on that wall. I felt a cool breeze go through the back door, and when I turned around a saw a small man with a black hat and an iron tray with tea and turkey.

      "My lady," he said, and I blinked and pointed towards myself.

      "Me?" I asked and the small man nodded his head before placing the tray a small table.

      "Dinner is served," and he left the dining room.

      I took a sip of the tea and was about to bite into the turkey when I heard something outside. When I went there I saw flowers scattered about next to my building, and heard some ruckus from down below. The stranger had made an appearance and he was headed our way. I saw flowers appearing at various houses, and an energy of mystery and excitement filled the area. I tried to go downstairs, but before I could the scene changed and I was in the kitchen. There were some people on the couch in the living room, but I couldn't see any details, as they were just some silhouette's with the TV on. I went to join them with a paper plate, but before I got very far the lights went on, and the living room disappeared.

      I turned around to see some flowers on the floor in the kitchen,as well as golden tambourine/ hand drum. When I went to investigate, a gloved hand picked up the instrument and handed it to me.

      "Your turn" he said, and my eyes traveled up his torso, however, before I could see his face the scene disappeared and I was on the corner of California and love with a tambourine in my hand. I had a companion with me, and when I looked up I saw a dark haired man with a white shirt and black jacket. With a small instrument case in his hand, he leaned towards me, but before I could see his face, I woke up.

      Updated 01-26-2011 at 11:45 PM by 41283

    8. Night of 8/22-8/23

      by , 08-23-2010 at 04:28 PM (SCPantera's Dream Journal)
      A weird sequence, likely inspired with a chance meeting last night with an old FFXI friend as well as an unrequited mystery from those days as well as several related events earlier in the day.

      There was an early sequence where I seem to recall a Starfox-style shmup that I can't place within the context of the rest of the dream.

      It seems that I lived in some unfamiliar downtown location, and that members of my old TiamatsFangs FFXI linkshell were getting together in real life to do some sort of video game-esque covert operation. We were to try to get into some kind of factory, the entrance to which was on the roof of a tall building, to demolish...something. We went in, and made our way to the end, but my partners started dying as we got ready to blow up the place. There was some kind of weird monster/alien thing killing people. As I fled out I turned and saw it grotesquely kill two people. I managed to escape back onto the roof-entrance, the only survivor. Except it flashed back to before the operation began. Since I knew what would happen I began trying to prepare an escape route, cleaning up excess ammo, weapons, and items on the floor to make picking up things for use easier, however I became frustrated that my partners were sitting around goofing off instead of preparing for the mission so I gave up and left. On my way home I realized I could use the opportunity of the TiamatsFangs' gathering to track down Jillia. I had already called and talked to her at some point during the preparation for the operation, so on my way home I called her number again but she didn't answer. When I got home to a room that looked like some sort of home office I sat down and started to think about how I could proceed. I started looking through the contacts on my phone and noticed I had a second number for Jillia, so I called it. An older woman answered the phone; I asked her if Jillia was there to which she replied yes. I asked the woman for the location of this phone number to which she replied that it was a place called "The Dungeon". I thanked her and hung up to consult the internet for the Dungeon's location; I remember that the first time I searched for it I forgot to specify the city I was in (when I corrected it, I corrected it with Fargo, ND or 58102, so evidently this dream was supposed to take place in Fargo). I quickly found it online, it was some sort of arcade. I went there; inside I met the older woman I had spoken to earlier behind a counter just inside the entrance. Also there were several teenagers there, I thought it odd that several of the boys were shirtless--and also that none of them were playing any arcade games, in fact there were no arcade games at all. The area was mostly empty except for some furniture and beanbag chairs. I asked the woman if Jillia was there again and she offered to take me to her. As we slowly made our way back I continued to observe the bizarre behavior of the children here. The woman explained that Jillia was a poor girl, having been abused and I recall ending that explanation mentally by adding "by these people" to the end. As we reached the entrance to the basement, I observed a short, ugly-looking girl and a boy getting ready to have sex, and they were eventually joined by a second boy. I went down into the basement alone. At the bottom was a large room, the room was pitch black except where it was sparsely lit by a small television in the middle on the other side of the room. There was some kind of clothing rack blocking the direct path to the television, instead leading a path around the outside of the room. In the far back corner there was a green couch that was very brightly lit. I called out for Jillia and she answered, though I couldn't see her at all. I replied, "Now there's a voice I recognize!" She sounded somewhat paranoid however. She instructed me to go to the couch in the back corner. Standing in the light it was even harder to see into the darkness, but I sensed that she had moved from near the TV to around between me and the door. She instructed me to remove my pants and shirt so I removed my black coat, shirt, and pants and set them on the couch. She then instructed me to go over and play the game. I went over, in just my underwear, and sat down by the TV. There was an old school Sega console there with what looked to be some sort of hacked old school Sonic game. I picked up the controller and hadn't even started playing when I heard the door to the basement slam shut. Alarmed that Jillia may have ran off, I quickly got up and returned to the couch to put my clothes back on and try to follow her. As I was putting my clothes back on the lights came on in the rest of the room. The floor was concrete and the walls were painted a bland white, it looked for sure like somewhere people may be held captive and I recall thinking, "Aw shit, I'm trapped down here." I immediately suspected the bizarre people on the floor above of foul play. When I checked the door, however, it was unlocked so I went upstairs to leave. The teens that were there before were outside in the rain, apparently having fun and taking pictures of each other. I quietly left, trying not to draw attention to myself. About a block away I turned and looked back, trying to think of how I could find her now. The dream ends there.

      Side note: with some more effort into reality checking around phones as previously planned, I might have been able to catch this one.
    9. April 6, 2010

      by , 06-13-2010 at 02:24 AM (Whirlwind of Dreams)
      A Mystery:
      This was a detective based story where I was the detective. It was pretty long and all I can recall is some parts from the end. It involved me taking my grandpa to TH and we were ordering some food. He kept on changing his order around and confusing me and the cashier, however, eventually, we settled on what to order and I went to find a seat. The story skips ahead and next thing I know, I am trying to infiltrate a building by destroying the side wall. When I make it inside, I tell them to freeze and the place inside is divided into cubicles where my grandpa was working at one. It looked like a standard cubicle that you see in commercials where you have the computer with books on either side, etc…. Anyways, he starts saying that he did it or whatever it was because I hated him. The dream ended afterwards.

      Thoughts: Not really sure what this dream was supposed to mean

      Updated 06-13-2010 at 02:36 AM by 24565

    10. March 25, 2010

      by , 06-13-2010 at 02:19 AM (Whirlwind of Dreams)
      The Mystery of Humans:
      I was with a friend in a university room, possibly waiting for a university professor which was supposed to help my friend. Next thing I know, there is a countdown and that something evil was about to descend. I bolted out of there and ran as far as possible to the nearest exit. I went around a corner and then through a blanket of darkness to a well lit room to make my escape and just barely made it out as the counter expired, however, it seems that my friend was unfortunate and didn't escape. I ended up sitting on a chair or some object and used my psychic mind to listen in on his conversation. There was some talk and the mention that humans have chips implanted in them. Then he was shown a movie that I guess was supposed to weaken him and something was mentioned as if it was a riddle. It was "How can you be human and not be human?". Afterwards, I think I talked to him again and there was a mention of a microphone being placed under the criminal's pillow to catch him and get the police to lay some charges.

      A Dream?
      I recall that I was telling my sister that "I'm dreaming" but not positive if this was a dream.

      Full Amphitheatre:
      I found myself in an amphitheatre which was full of people, possibly those who are poor or have lost their homes since a lot of them had their belongings with them. There was one guy who was moving down the stairs and he was supposed to be someone I was looking for. Someone who I know and I think owned the place decided to turn on the lights by flicking on all of the switches to wake everyone up and that's precisly what happened.

      Thoughts: That mystery was certainly interesting, it was as if I was watching some conspiracy theory. Funny enough, I remember hearing the chip in humans bit a long time ago in some program that was talking about alien abductions

      Updated 06-13-2010 at 02:35 AM by 24565

    11. Where did they go? (the vanishing motor yacht mystery)

      by , 04-10-1977 at 10:10 AM
      Morning of April 10, 1977. Sunday.

      This was a rather long dream which lasted until late morning. There seemed to be at least two “resets”. One of the main characters in my dream is Roosevelt I (but more adult-like) who is a friend and a classmate. There is a girl with him who may be an adult version of Tina L. The main theme of my dream is that a boat disappeared. It was a small motor yacht with a cabin though Roosevelt and Tina mostly stand atop the cabin. This disappearance had happened, supposedly, a few years prior, I believe - I am not fully certain of my dream’s backstory (possibly because of the “resets”). What had happened was that, when the first boat was going around the winding curve of a river, with each bank covered with very tall trees and other plants so that you could not see through to the other side of the river bend, it never arrived on the other side and was never seen again at the time. There were a few witnesses to this event.

      Experiments are conducted in the region that relate to the river’s water and its currents. Roosevelt is doing most of the research. Later, he and Tina are going rather fast down the river. Suddenly, another boat comes around the bend and almost hits them as it is on a direct collision course. At this point, I am fully in my dream and it is very vivid. Although I am on the boat with Roosevelt, I seem to be a non-character. There is no accident, only a sense of awe at the boat returning with the people not seeming to have aged. This turns out to have been the boat that had supposedly vanished years previously. Apparently, there is some sort of time barrier whereby, under certain undetermined conditions, anything that travels through it at “just the right time or speed” shifts into a parallel universe of sorts, or so it seems. Interestingly, in my dream, the events do not seem that much like science-fiction.

    12. The Count’s Body

      by , 10-12-1975 at 04:12 PM
      Morning of October 12, 1975. Sunday.

      I am in some sort of movie being filmed or perhaps it is actually only a stage drama (although we do seem to be at a real location), which eventually is (or slowly becomes, or with a “reset”?) a real scenario and a real mystery a few people and I are trying to solve. I mostly work with an unknown female around my age. It takes place mostly within a large fancy mansion, but I only remember being on the first floor assuming there was a second floor. It has to do with a count that vanished and was possibly kidnapped. It has a strange and unexpected outcome. We find a message in small handwriting on the back of a painting on the wall (lower left-hand corner) in a large frame and it leads to finding the count’s body still in his bedroom and inside a mattress. It seems to be some sort of strange suicide. Although it is taking place in modern times, he is dressed in a very old-fashioned way, possibly 1700s. There may be a vague association with the Little Blue Boy painting (by Thomas Gainsborough), which my father had a print of, hanging on the west wall of his old room (for the longest period) in Cubitis, though the connection is not certain.

      Here, I once again subliminally seek the status of my real physical body. The count’s corpse being found inside the mattress is of course an obvious dream sign. The count’s corpse is obviously a subliminal distorted perception of my sleeping body (a dream sign of the first level).

      Updated 04-24-2017 at 06:27 AM by 1390

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