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    1. October 29th, 2011. Long dream is LOOONNGG.

      by , 10-30-2011 at 08:19 PM
      Woah I have a lot of dreams to write down. I did a WBTB without an alarm, and I tried MILD. No lucid dreams, but very soon.

      DE= Dream-established. It's something that you just automatically know in the dream, without something having to tell you.

      I had apple cinnamon oatmeal before bed, and had very vivid dreams. I'm trying that again, to see if there is any correlation.

      First, I was at the old house with Anthony and John, and we were smoking. I can't fully remember what happened at this part of the dream, but everything on TV was amazing to us. One thing I remember was seeing a pool table on TV that had a hidden tray to store things, and I made a pretty funny comment...but I don't remember it. Then Anthony started talking about something while Beyonce was on TV, and while he was talking, she morphed into three fat black chicks, and they were in the desert. I made a joke about this, first saying, "Look, Anthony! You've talked for so long, they all got fat!" But then I thought of a better one, and said, "Anthony, you've been talking for so long, that their skin has been burnt to a crisp!" We all knew they were already black, and they were in the desert, so it was funny. (I hope that doesn't sound racist.)

      Then, because of the desert, I was suddenly in the military, and we were training. We were all crawling around the desert in the sand (although in plain sight, so I don't know how this was good training) and we had to act like we were picking up live grenades and throwing them away. Then the drill sergeant said we were dogs of war I think, because then we were all literally dogs. I remember making a joke about it, but it was in bad taste, or badly received, and everyone was staring at me. I remember looking back at them, and seeing a bunch of wolves, and their eyes were so clear and vivid. They were all yellow, and each one had a different-shaped pupil. Then the drill sergeant said that (since we were dogs) when we see the enemy, we aim for their balls. He was very enthusiastic about this, "YOU GOTTA GET THEIR BALLS! YOU GRAB HOLD OF THEM AND AAAARRGRGRHGFHBSDJFKVBDILURFJK!!!" It was pretty unsettling. As we ran back to the camp, we ran over a bunch of hills and the camp's "living room" was in plain sight, without any walls, so we just ran right in. Then I was human again, and Sean was there. It was DE that he was there with us the whole time. The room we were in was blandly colored, with a single couch in the middle, and a kitchen with a bar counter to the right, across from the couch. If you walked forward, then you get to this circular room that leads back outside. Then we all had to clean the camp. I wanted to listen to music while cleaning, so I turned on the radio, and Radiohead was on. The song sounded pretty good, so I held my ear up to the radio to get a better listen, but then the drill sergeant turned on a second radio in the circular room, and turned on Katy Perry. He turned it up really loudly as if challenging me. I changed my channel to his, and turned it up as well so I could suck up to the drill sergeant, and so we could have surround sound (since two radios were playing the same thing). To change the channel on the radio, there was just this dial on top, with ridges in it for grip, and there was an arrow on top of the dial, and there were preset, yellow sections that the dial clicked into. I remember it was DE that Sean had a bad attitude, and another reason I switched the station was to look better than my brother, who he is obviously going to compare me to. Suddenly, we were in this hallway that circled around this middle room, so that you could continuously walk around the room in the hallway. There were two places along the hallway in which you could turn and walk into the middle room. The middle room had some tables, and the walls were clear, so you could see into the hallway, but it was a pretty small room. The walls in the hallway were pretty similar to the walls in the ambulances in Killer7 when you fight Andrei Ulmeyda in that the walls were conjumbled with things, but it wasn't medical supplies. It was more like just a bunch of dark colors, but the hallway still had that look to it, and it was cut up into sections like the ambulances. At the same time, it had the feel to it like it was below deck on ta battleship. On one part of the hallway, there was a doorway that led into a room that had everyone's parents. That room was very clean-looking, and had white walls, a soft carpet, a white couch in the middle, a bunch of chairs all around, a TV, and a plastic plant or two. If you kept walking in the hallway to the right, the next wall had a "school lunch" look to it, probably because that's where everyone got there food. There was an Asian guy cleaning this very metal counter, and the janitor from Ned's Declassified behind the counter mopping up some stuff. Sean and I were standing at the doorway to the parents room, and we could see a bunch of parents sitting in all the chairs, and we saw our parents sitting on the couch. It was Mom and Brian, but Dad wasn't there. All the mothers were crying because their kids were in the military, and I noticed this, and realised that our mom was crying the most. There was an instructor in the room, or maybe it was the drill sergeant, and he was telling the parents about the place, just explaining the place like a talking brochure. After this, Mom and Brian came out of the room, and I remember begging my mom to let me come home, "You don't understand! I'm not this kind of person, I will be miserable here! This isn't for me!" It was DE that they sent Sean and I here, for discipline or something, and my mom ignored everything I just said. It was also DE that it was my birthday. For some reason, they went after Sean, as if he did something really bad. It was slightly DE that Sean sent me and him to the military, and it was against my will. So maybe that why they were going after him. Sean ran off to the right, and we all chased him. After one full walk around the complex, and we got back to the point we started, he kept walking, but this time, my mom went after him, and Brian went the other way to trap him. They didn't know about the middle room, but I did. It's always been known between Sean and I that I was pretty weak, and he was a lot stronger than me. So when I went into the middle room to stop him in case he went in the other way, and he walked in the other way and saw me, he thought, "Oh, it's just Chris, he's not going to do anything." He walked up to me prepared to hit me. All of a sudden, everything was in slow motion, and every kick, punch, or hit he threw at me, I just deflected. It was pretty cool. Then Mom started to come in because she saw that he had no where to go. As she got closer, Sean threw a punch at her, but I noticed this and went to push his arm away. I saw my chance to catch him off guard, and I palmed him in the face twice. He fell back and landed on one of the tables. I looked at him, and his face was completely messed up, and I immediately felt extremely bad. I looked out to the janitor, or had a small bucket-like wheelchair, and I said, "We need that wheelchair." He looked at me, as if horrified and started to back up and run back into the kitchen, which was on the other side of the counter that the Asian was cleaning. I ran out of the room screaming, "WE NEED THAT WHEELCHAIR!" Then I woke up.

      I don't know why we were so violent in this dream. I assure you, we aren't like this in real life lol.

      It was 4 AM, and I went back to sleep.

      There was a small dream fragment that sort of connects these two dreams. There was a classroom in the military camp. The people in the were This kid Vinny, a girl version of him, and some other kid, who I felt a strong connection to. From that point on, the girl version of Vinny was no longer that, but was now some blonde chick. Anyway, the whole group turned out to be the unpopular kids, but they were really cool to hang out with. Suddenly I was in a car with them, and it was DE that we have been hanging out for quite some time now, and we were going to one of their houses. I found out that they were looking for a new best friend, and the top three candidates were me, Sean, and Ned Bigby from Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide. Suddenly, I was out on this street at night, and Sean and I were racing to get to their house first, because then we would be a better friend. Sean took off in a car, and I had to run. When we got there (somehow at the same time) We rang the door bell, and Ned Bigby answered. We were confused, but then we found out that they chose him, and we were disappointed.

      There was also an even smaller dream fragment that took place at a football stadium or something. It was a game show, and on the field goal post, there were a bunch of pods with people in them on each side of the field goal post. The pods were attached to giant, stretchy bands, and the game had something to do with transferring something from pod to pod as they bounced around and got near each other. There was also a part of this dream that had something to do with some sort of danger, but I don't remember what it was. I wrote down "witnesses" in my dream journal to remind me. I don't remember.

      The next dream I had, I was at lunch at school. The cafeteria was set up like Carson, but the rest of the school was set up like the high school, even the lunch lady was the high school one. I only remember one of the people I was sitting with, and it was Rebecca Torres from school. I had this bag with me, and it was made out glow sticks. I had a hard time tying the handles together to close the bag. It was multicolored and very vibrant. I put it under the table for safe keeping during the lunch period. I don't think there was anything in the bag. It was just a bag made out of glow sticks-nothing else. I got up to go get my lunch. For lunch they had school pizza, and Dominos pizza, although they looked the same except for their shape; one was square, but I don't remember which one. I had some sort of discount for some reason, and I could get one slice of Dominos pizza for free. I the next slice would cost the same amount as a normal lunch. So instead of getting one slice, I got two for the same price. After waiting in line for what seemed like forever, I got to the front, and tried to put in my pin number, which, in the dream, was 8693-7643. It didn't work, and I was like, "Are you sure? This has always been my pin number. Let me try again." It still didn't work. Annoyed, and without my lunch, I left the lunch room to get help from a teacher about it. On my way out, I saw some dude playing the piano. The piano had two sets of keys, and he started playing a Weezer song. It was a DE song. Then he started playing a song that started out with a repetition of a major first, and a minor fourth. This black chick wearing glasses standing next to me seemed to have the sheet music for this song. I asked her if she wrote this song, because it was really good. She said, "No, I wish. It's by one of my favorite bands, *DE name*." I said, "Oh, really? I love that band! They remind me a lot of Kunek [check 'em out, reader!], which is really the same band as Other Lives, if you've ever heard of them." She said she never has heard of them, but for some reason this establishes us as hitting it off. She writes down the name of the band (Kunek) on her paper, and she goes to class. I realise that we forgot to exchange numbers. For some reason, this weird, ugly chick from school, who NEVER showered, I swear (I think her name was Crystal) thought I was hitting on her rather than the black chick. So now she likes me. Fantastic. I ignore this for now, and head to the hallway, to get a teacher to help me about the pin number situation. I put a bunch of golf balls in my mouth because for some reason, when you go ask a teacher about anything, it is customary to have bunch of golf balls in our mouth. The golf balls started to get soggy, and they got chewy and tasteless like old bubble gum. I walked up to a teacher, and seeing my golf balls said, "Yes, we know about the pin numbers. No one's pin number is working because they were all reset, and the teachers are having a hard time too. Go back to class." I was annoyed by this because I realised I put golf balls in my mouth for nothing. When I head back to the lunch room, I see a different line in the back of the lunch room, opposite the normal lunch line. This new line is for people whose pin numbers aren't working. I go there, and wait in line. This annoying kid, Lawrence, who pretty much everyone at my school thought was annoying, was standing in line with me, mocking me the whole time because my pin number didn't work. When we got to the front of the line, Lawrence, who was in front of me, was denied his food because he had no money. Suddenly he became fickly apologetic, and said things like, "Yo, Chris, you gotta help me man, we're friends, right? We've always got along, I'll pay you back I swear." Even the teacher, who was taking everyone's orders like a waiter turned so that his back was to Lawrence. I ordered my pizza. As I was doing this, it was DE that the ugly chick was hitting on me again. Later, when I went back to class, I went up to the chick, and asked her what was up. She said, after giggling and blushing, "I think you're pretty." Now that I think about it, that's a weird thing to call a guy. To be polite, I said, "Look, I think you're pretty too, but I don't see you that way. There is nothing between us. I'm sorry." As I said this, I got a wave of embarrassment because everyone was watching, and I'm sure they thought that I actually thought she was pretty. I ignored this and continued as I walked out of the classroom, "So we're cool, right? No hard feelings?" As I said this, I did that weird gun finger thing, as if to say that we were still cool with each other. She hated me for the rest of the dream. After school, I walked to my car, which was really Mom's Hyundai, and I got in it to drive home. The parking lot was the parking lot to the middle school/intermediate school. When I was driving home, this DE Youtube song started. It was a comedy video. The words had something to do with an old man driving, and seeing a bunch of young kids playing on the sidewalk and everything, and this infuriated him. Anyway, this part of the dream looped. For about 3 or 4 times, I walked to my car and drove home to that song. On the third time or something, I accidentally got into the car next to mine, which is weird because my car is silver, and this one is yellow. This kid, Ryne, was sitting in the passenger seat, and he just stared at me, confused. Fortunately, I'm pretty cool with this kid, so I just casually got out, and got into my car. Then the ugly chick walks up, and gets into the yellow car. It is DE that she is dating Ryne. She looks at me and scowls at me. From inside my car, I look at Ryne and give this throw-hands-up-shrug-shoulders move to show him that I was just as confused as he was when I got into his car. We both laugh, and I drive home to the song again.

      Then, suddenly I was surfing Youtube because of the song. Every page on Youtube had a psychedelic foreground that covered most of the page. There was a small hole in the foreground, and you could barely see what was going on. Suddenly, I was in this room with beige walls, a pale, leather couch, and a glass coffee table in front of the couch. There was a doorway that could be seen from the couch, and I think it led to a bathroom. The whole place was DE that it was a Google office. There was a hallway opposite the bathroom doorway that led to this reception desk. There was big window on this hallway that spanned the whole wall of the room I was in. Behind the couch, was this big piece of glass that I was under. I was transformed into a girl, and I was wearing only this really small tee-shirt that came down to the top of my thigh. These people who work there, came up to me while I was under the glass, and they helped me out. They let me spend the night on the couch, because they were going to interview me in the morning. I didn't have any covers, and it was pretty cold in the room. The Trix rabbit was sleeping on the glass behind me, and I think he had something to do with the fact that I was a girl. I remember thinking that it was pretty awesome that I had boobs. I was playing with them, and then I touched my new Va-jay-jay to see what it felt like. It felt very...uh...real. I fell asleep, and woke up on the same couch in the same room in the same clothes, but I was a boy again, and I didn't want the people who work there to know because then they would kick me out, and I would have no where to go. They would kick me out because I wasn't the same person.

      AAAAARRRGHHH!!!! I just realised that I always do a reality check right when I wake up, but I didn't do one here.

      Anyway, the Trix rabbit was gone, and now it was Bugs Bunny. He had a plan to get us out of there safely. He pulled one of his cross-dressing schemes, one of which is way too complicated to go into detail here. But the end result is that he ended up with a clone of himself, and they seeing each other. And his clone was him, but it was a girl. But they were both cross-dressing in such a way that they were both gay and straight at the same time. And at the end of this dream segment, They were trapped in a doorway with the people from Google coming after them, but since Bugs's plan worked, they had a fail-safe. The two Bugs Bunnies kissed, and then the original one looked at the "screen" of the dream. He had this shocked look on his face, and this whole scene was reminiscent of the famous scene at the end of 2001: A Space Oddyssey. From Bugs's eyes came this wave of green. If you have ever played Super Mario RPG on the SNES, then you have seen this. In the final battle, where you fight Smithy, one of his moves turns the screen green, and it looks very psychedelic. When Bugs looked at the "screen" of the dream, this flashed across the screen, but it "waved" across the screen from left to right. What this whole thing did was change the whole universe so that monsters and humans sort of coexist, but monsters are on top. Then, my dream went through this sort of "let's get you up to speed" kind of thing. I saw scenes from important parts of this new history that explained how we now live in this paranormal kind of society, with monsters and such running about. Things that were established were that humans lost this war to the monsters (of Hell maybe) and that there were these magic minerals that came off certain people, and these would have won the war, but we couldn't get enough of them in one place at one time. At one point there was only one in the world left, and Dib from Invader Zim found the last one in this alley way, but a monster took it and ate it. Then he made some comment about humans being made of cheese, and for some reason this upset the monster society, and now they hold a grudge against us.

      Before the next logical part of the dream, there was this part where I was with people from Avatar: The Last Airbender. We were on this giant vehicle, which was like a train, but it was rickety and wooden, and had a lot of open spaces on it. We were in some sort of desert. I was talking to Sokka, who pretty much just called his sister easy, because he said, "Yeah, dude, you could totally have sex with her. She has a thing for people with powers." Suddenly, we were under attack from Haku from Naruto, who was attacking us from under the train. He was throwing a crap ton of needles that cut through the floor of the train and they were everywhere. You just had to constantly move and just hope that you didn't get hit. I think I was supposed to be Naruto, but only in name. But somehow, during the end of this dream, I wasn't him anymore as I started to enter the next part of the dream. I remember Kitara referring to Naruto as "Poji", pronounced Poh-jee. It was supposed to be his nickname or something. When she was calling his name, they were all in this purple carriage that was going through this very populated city with all of these monsters and such.

      Anyway, the "camera" to the dream started panning out from this, and that's when she called Naruto Poji. As it panned out more, I found my self in first person walking through this massive crowd of demons and monsters and otherworldly beings. I was in a city that had a bunch of run down shops and such. I was with my mom, and two other men. There was this part where I was expected to perform, or sing, in with some people, like Sean did (DE), but I never did this. I don't remember what this had to do with anything. I think it was supposed to be the last time I ever performed as one person because of what happened next. The two other men we were with served a purpose. In the society we were now a part of, there were some people who had three heads, so they can be stronger. The one guy, who was pretty buff, dressed in all black and had red hair, was supposed to be the host. Me, and the other guy, who I didn't get a good look at, were supposed to be the other two heads. We reached this one row of carnival games and food stands. The host turned to me and said, "You get to pick. Left or right?" I was confused at this and asked what he meant. He clarified, saying, "Which side do you want to be on?" The other guy went along with all of this very easily, but I had my share of questions. I knew it wasn't going to hurt, but I also knew that I would never be able to turn back after I donated my head. I asked things like, "Will be all be treated equally? Or will you be the dominant head? How much freedom will I have to move around and stuff?" As I was asking this, the host bought food for only himself, and also bought two mini bowls of cream, to which my dismay, I could recognise as head cream. This meant that we WOULDN'T be treated equally, and this was a very selfish move on the host's part. The cream was just for the maintenance of my head, and the other guy's head. I decided I didn't want to do this anymore. Luckily, it was actually my choice, and I didn't have to go with it. I decided I wanted to get something to eat. For some reason, my mom was working at one of the food stands. They were very tall, and unrealistic. All there was to eat was monster food. But I looked harder and found some pizza. I wanted to by some, and Mom said, "That'll be 8 dollars." I said, "8 dollars for one slice of pizza?" She clarified, "No, it's 2 dollars for the other stuff [it was suddenly DE that I also bought a drink and a snack] and 5 dollars for the pizza." I know this doesn't add up to 8, but that's what she said. I refused to pay, and instead I bought a pack of skittles at this stand that had an impossible amount of skittles. Then these two guys came up to me and my mom, who was now with us again (not working), and they demanded that we give them our money. It was DE that we only needed to give some of our money. For some reason, I had thousands upon thousands of dollars in my pocket. Each bill had either a 2, 5, 10, 20, or 30 on them, and this indicated thousands, so 2 thousand, 5 thousand, etc. I gave him only a little bit of my money because Mom pulled a sneaky, clever move where I give him a few large bills, but then I fold my money over so that a small bill is showing (so it looks like I have little left) and I put that back in my pocket. I messed up and didn't fold the money over, so the robbers saw me put a 30 thousand dollar bill back in pocket. They said, "Hey, let me see that again, are you trying to pull something?" Luckily, I folded the money over in my pocket, and when I pulled it out they only saw 2 thousand, and we were free to go.

      This was the longest, most chronologically sound, and vivid I've had in a very, very long time. Crazy stuff.
    2. October 27th, 2011. Batman's shame.

      by , 10-29-2011 at 01:31 AM
      No lucid dreams. I fell asleep while trying MILD, and I did the WBTB earlier than expected, because I forgot to take out the trash last night.

      Before I woke up to take the trash out, all of my "dreams" consisted of these faux "reality checks" on loop. It's like my mind was just running through them over and over, but it really wasn't a dream if that makes sense. I wouldn't call it a dream anyway. If I did call it a dream, then the entire time leading up to the WBTB was a constant loop dream of my checking my hands as the reality check. Maybe I need a good night's rest? At least they are happening A LOT in my sleep now, so there's that.

      When I went back to sleep after the WBTB, I really started to dream. Perhaps my REM periods were too short in the time leading up to the WBTB, and maybe that's why I had these "dreams." But ANYWAY...

      The first thing I remember is walking with Maria to some place. I think we were seeing each other or something.

      Then, there was this dream where it was Sean's birthday. It was actually his birthday in real life on the 26th, so that makes sense. For his birthday, we were getting him this really expensive chocolate, which sounds pretty depressing now that I think about it. Anyway, before that we were having really expensive pizza, and we only had one. It was like we were running out of pizza fast, and we were worried we would have to pay for another, or that the other one wouldn't come in time - oh wait!...it was that we were running out, and we paid for the other already, but we were afraid that it wasn't coming. Then I had to go get the chocolate. It was in the closet of this room that I would be in in a later dream. In the closet, there was this big machine, not unlike a coffee bean dispenser in a supermarket, except this one was a lot more futuristic and electronic. The chocolate was shaped like pumpkin seeds, and the pricing was $75.87 to start. You needed to put that much down to buy any in the first place. After you were going to buy a certain amount, the price started going up. I couldn't figure out the stupid machine, because the interface was horrible. There were three buttons placed on the machine so that there was one button on top of another, and another button next to the bottom one. The top button went through the selections, and the bottom button went back, but if you pressed the bottom one, you had to press the button next to it to make it so the top button would be set to cycle through the selections again, otherwise it would now be the "confirm order" button. Anyway, I was getting annoyed, and my mom came over, I'm now guessing to ask me what was taking so long. When she was helping me, we were in some weird train station with the same machine. I have no idea why, it didn't have to do with anything, and we ended up back in the room right after this whole thing. I tried messing with the machine again, and I finally found the one we were going to get Sean, but I accidentally hit the "confirm order" button. So we bought one piece of pumpkin seed sized chocolate for $75.87. I said I was sorry to my mom, saying it was because of the bad interface. I had to explain what an interface was to her, and we were both getting annoyed.

      Then, it was DE that we were back at the party, but it wasn't the party, and it was in our old house now. I remember seeing the porch, but I don't remember what happened there. Then I had to get something that was in my room. My room was the room that is in my current house. When I got there, I couldn't open my eyes, so I couldn't see, and was blindly searching through my room. I finally got my eyes half open, and I looked in the mirror to see what was wrong with them. I could see that they were blood shot, and I could see in the mirror on my ceiling by the fan, was this wild and swift smoke that moved across the ceiling towards me. I freaked out and went downstairs to the dining room. The dining room was DE that it was my old house, but it looked mostly like my current dining room, with some minor touches here and there that hinted at the old house. There were a bunch of girls there, and I was explaining to them that there was a ghost in the house. Then I walked out onto the back porch and there was a lot of dudes that took off on their bicycles like it was this big tradition. I went to sit down at the table on the porch, and suddenly I was at the beach with Chrissy/Cassandra. I don't know exactly which one it was, and it may have been DE that it was both in the same body. We were watching videos on my phone, but I forget what they were, but they may have been the video I saw in my next dream.

      I was in the room that had the chocolate machine in the closet. Now that I think about it, this room was a lot like the room I stay in at Dad's, except there was only one closet. There was only one bed in the middle of the room rather than two beds on both sides. I had my keyboard on the bed with me, and I think there was another machine there too. The keyboard was playing this extremely loud drone music, and it was fricken amazing, and I don't even like drone music. Then I looked at the TV, and there was this movie or something on. Ben Stiller was the main character, and the part I saw was that he was at the site of this big fire, and as he's walking, he comes up to Batman, and Ben Stiller was like, "Wait, but you're a good guy. What are you doing here?" Batman looked down at these pencils he had in his hands and said, "I was hoping the cameras would see..." It was like he needed the world to know that he can read and write like a big boy, and he was ashamed that he was doing such a selfish thing. Ben Stiller walked along a little more and came to an evil Batman, and said, "Wait, but you're the bad guy. What on earth are you doing here?" The evil Batman took one look at Ben Stiller and said something along the lines of, "BBLLLAARRRGGH!! I'm gonna kill everyone!" Or maybe it was, "BBLLAARARRRRGGHHH!!! I'M GONNA EAT YOU!!!"

      And that was what I woke up with.
    3. October 23rd, 2011

      by , 10-26-2011 at 01:35 AM
      No WBTB or LD this night. I gave WBTB a break.

      We'll go from leas tamount remembered to most.

      First, there was something about DBZ, with Gohan (adult) and some fight with Frieza.

      Before that, I was in a car, and there was a guy with a gun. I knew he was a threat, and he went to shoot me, so I tried to get the gun away. He ended up shooting my hand, which made me lose grip, and then he emptied the clip on me. It hurt like hell. It was only like 6 or 7 shots, but it felt like forever. The impact of the bullets was a lot of the dream experience. It was indescribable.

      Then, I was at school (maybe it was boarding school, but all the same people). There was one part where I was looking for a new phone, and I was digging through a bunch of phones, and it turned out that Jenn had he food was in a wooden basket, and the was one person to each side of the basket. In the basket, there was Japanese cuisine and other weird things. For some reason all of he food was still alive. I ate a tiny little snake, but I didn't realise it was alive, and it also tasted horrible. I remember trying desperately to get the snake pieces out of my mouth by pulling a bunch of body segments out that were attached to other pieces.

      After that, I was in this really unstable and shaky trailer. The trailer was huge and was about the size of a normal house, and all the rooms were made of really thin wood. I remember a dirt road leading up to it. Brian said something about staying there or fixing it up, and I was not too happy about having to do that. Grandmom and Grandpop were there (Mom's side), Ashley was there, and Mom was there. I remember thinking that Grandpop shouldn't be staying in a run down trailer like this. The room we were all in was in from the hallway, where you could see other rooms, and there were shelves and trinkets all along the walls. There was also a window by where Grandmom and Grandpop were standing. I mentioned the trailer was shaky and, because of that, Brian walked over to the other side of the room where Grandmom and Grandpop were, just to have the trailer shift. It was like the whole floor tilted to slant towards Brian's side. Then, even though this part wasn't really trailer, but still part of the same dream, I was reading piano music in this big room that looked sort of like the music theory room, but you could kind of tell it was still in the trailer sort of (DE). There were numbers next to a lot of the chords, (by the way, the sheet music looked kind of weird) and I was confused whether the numbers indicated which chord based on the key, or the inversion of the chord. Aunt Cheryl was there, and she tried to explain it to me, but she was only telling me stuff I already knew, like what an inversion is rather than what the numbers indicate.

      Next, I was Spongebob in this gladiator place. I think there was stuff before this, like build up to it, but IDR. It started out with me landing in the Colosseum, and I had to find a weapon. First, chose this blue sword, which broke when I picked it up because it was so old. It's important to mention that it was DE that I had been here before, and that I skipped out on them while they were waiting for me to fight in this Colosseum, and that that was hundreds of years ago. I then picked up another sword, a red one this time, and it started to fall apart, but held in place. I went to go battle these crystal lions that were popping out of these gates. I battled them by taking the sword and spinning it so fast that if they touched the sword, they would be destroyed. After only a few hits, my sword broke and I had to retreat. After that, this dog god appeared. This god looked like Suicune and was supposed to be the person running the show, and the person I skipped out on all those years ago. The god started raining down ice crystals very fast and I tried running from them. I wasn't fast enough and a lot hit me. I finally figured out that I had to run in a zigzag motion to avoid all of them. Then, I was in this hall (still in the Colosseum and ready to fight) and the god was dropping more ice crystals, but there were much bigger this time. The hall turned out to be the walls of the Colosseum, and we were on top of them. So I had to run around the rim of the Colosseum. I had to time things right because there were these large, long tent-like shelters that were along the wall in some spots. I had to run when it was clear, and hide under the shelter when the ice crystals were falling.

      Then, I was at this place with Brandi and Ashley. The place was very modern, and looked like a new house. The main room we were in was very large, contained two couches, a bunch of chairs, a fridge, two TVs, and a lot of candy. The room was set up so that all of this stuff was in the center of the room, and there were stairs on either side of the room that led downstairs. There were also stairs or something in the middle IDR. On the fridge were magnets holding up bags of Reese's Pieces, another candy, and bite-size $100 Grand bars. They were coated with a candy shell like MnMs, but they were $100 Grand on the inside. They were the same color as the Reese's Pieces. They should totally make those. I never opened up the fridge, so I don't know what was in there. On the left side of the room, there were the steps, and also more steps going up that led to a bathroom. Downstairs, there was another fairly large room that I don't remember all too well. I just know that the stairs leading up to the large room had tiny doors at the top that you had to crawl through, and they gave no resistance, as if they didn't have any door knob thingies. I remember hiding from Ashley and Brandi because I was messing with them and they were looking for me. I kept hiding in the opposite room they were in. Then I tried opening the door to go downstairs, and then not going, so I could fake them out. It worked. I went back into the room and hid behind the couch, but they still found me. I remember Pokemon being on TV at one point (or it may have been the DBZ part) and I was trying to explain it to Brandi. The last part of this that I remember was that Brandi had to go to the bathroom, and she said to me "Chris I have to use the little girl's room, but it's not number two," even though it was DE that it was, "so could you go play guitar or something?" It was DE that the guitar would drown out the noise so that I wouldn't hear her, and she wouldn't be embarrassed. I said that I'll just go downstairs, and she didn't believe me at first, but she did eventually.

      This next dream was the most vivid and logical I've had in a while. It started out as a regular TV show. With the camera on the announcer. He was saying something along the lines of introducing the next comedian, and then saying their name was Josh Perushio or something. This was supposed to be a joke, and he corrected himself, saying "Please welcome, Josh Peck!" I remember my reaction was like "hey I didn't know he did stand up." It turned out that I was in the audience, sitting with CJ, and my book bag and another bag or something. The whole place was very bluish, and the stage was even more. When Josh came out, he looked pale and fat and like an old man with grey hair, wrinkles, and everything. I was confused because I thought that he got in shape, which he did in real life. I guess I hit the proverbial info button because the info popped up on my vision and I found out that this all happened in 2002, before Drake and Josh, so that's why he was fat. I didn't question why he was old. He started out making jokes that were kind of funny, but he wasn't doing too well. He wasn't doing terrible either, but it was just alright. Then, this kid in front of me turned around and started staring up at the top of the audience. I said to him "You're doing it wrong, Josh is over there," or something along those lines, and I pointed to the stage. He turned to me and said "Dude, there's two chicks making out up there." I turned around, and I tried to see. Sure enough there were, all the way up top. I turned back to him and said "Good call, you're off the hook." This whole part of the dream, from that point on had a vibe to it as if the whole thing was a school assembly with no adult supervision rather than a comedy special. A vibe like everyone in the audience were good friends, and we were all just ripping on the show the whole time. Anyway, the kid that was in front of me (by the way, the seats were tiered) got up and sat next to me. I moved my book bag so he could sit. He was drinking Arizona iced tea, and this lady walking around said "Hey, you can't have beer in here." We ignored her for a while, then looked around at virtually everybody enjoying a beer. She said it again. Then I said "It's not beer, it's iced tea. I thought it was beer too, the first time I saw it." She believed me and went on her way. Then my phone rang and I looked at it and it was Dad calling, I didn't answer it because it was too loud there. Next, there was this chick, who may have been Dana, who was playing the piano, but she had one leg on top on the piano, so that it was supposed to be impressive that she can stretch that far and still play. Then, all of a sudden, most of the people in the audience disappeared except for me, CJ, the kid next to me, his friend, and random people scattered in the audience seats. The stage curtains closed and the lights went on. After a little while, the stage curtains reopened and there was a bunch of people on stage. It turned out that part of the show was that the audience involuntarily learns an act and goes on stage with it. The act they were doing was that they all dressed up as animals. They were wearing plastic, white costumes, and they were holding onto objects, like a bunny was grabbing a balloon, etc. The rest of the audience was lined up on the sides of the room, like if the stage extended that far, and were dressed in can-can outfits. I'm not sure if they ever did the can-can though. The audience on the center stage was acting out when animals get shot. The whole thing was very quiet and silent and very pathetic. You wouldn't even hear a gun shot. It was only DE. But when they were shot, they'd go limp in this weird slow motion. That creepy kid Joe, or whatever his name was (DJ Yankee) said it was involuntary that the audience did this. I got up and said "Well that's too bad because I'm not doing it. This is stupid." I got up to leave, and walked towards the left side of the room, where the can-can dancers were, but now they weren't. There was a silver curtain there, and behind it was a piano. Then, all of a sudden, this one celebrity was there and I was back in my seat I think. The celebrity looked kind of like Martha Stewart, except very attractive and it was DE. Her talent was the piano. As she started to demonstrate her talent, everything went to hell. The audience was ripping on the whole act, and she wasn't very good. She didn't even really play the piano at all. She just did this weird interpretive dance with random audience members, and this giant piano. Eventually, She picked up Lindsay, who was wearing this black dress (so was the celebrity) and she walked over to the piano, and held her up high. She starting playing the piano while putting one foot on top, saying "This is what she was trying to do earlier." although she wasn't too good either. The way she was holding Lindsay up was so that the dress wasn't exactly covering her. She wasn't wearing any underwear, and CJ yelled out "WE GOT A CROTCH IN THE HOUSE!" It was pretty hilarious. It was DE that I knew that we dated, but this all happened before that. Lindsay got embarrassed and yelled at her one friend who behind stage, who I'm guessing was apparently making fun of her. She said "Jake!' or whatever, and then ran off stage to the right (towards the side of the room because the stage was so big). For some reason there were a lot of dancers, that were carrying chicks above their head. Most of them had underwear. Another didn't, and I noticed. I said to CJ, in a response to his "we got a crotch in the house", "two of 'em." Then he yelled out "TWO OF 'EM!" All the characters involved became embarrassed. The DE celebrity became one of the well-known Simpsons characters (DE), as if she was doing this because it hides her shame. Another person, I think someone I was sitting with, maybe that kid IDR, became another one (DE). The celebrity's character was blonde, and old. The other kid's character was black, blind, had bad teeth, and was very crazy yet charismatic. He was also dressed like Apu. This is all I remember and I woke up shortly after.
    4. October 22nd, 2011

      by , 10-26-2011 at 01:24 AM
      I will give WBTB a break for a little while, seeing as I'm having a hard time remembering any dreams.

      When I woke up for the WBTB, I wrote down "voices" in my dream journal. I don't remember what for.

      First, there was a very insignificant dream where I was in a spinny chairs in the living room. Mom was on the couch closest to me, and Brian was on the couch by the rocking chair. I was in between the piano and the table. There were papers strewn about everywhere, and something was on TV. I was trying to show Mom that I can spin without kicking the table or anything. Every time I got it, she wasn't looking. Eventually she saw. I spun by sticking one leg out, and pointing my feet while flexing my ankle muscles. Weird.

      Then, there was a part where there were a bunch of Christmas presents in this new dresser by where the air conditioner is. The dresser was cream color, and all the presents were for RJ I think.

      Then, I was at some sort of party. I could go into detail about what the room I was in looked like, but I'm feeling lazy. On this one couch was this one blonde chick, and someone else. The other person left, and I sat next to this chick. There was this weird vibe in the dream, like she was condescending, or maybe I thought she was joking, but we ended up making out.

      Then, there as this one part where I was at a different party (or it could have been the same). It was a party for me, and I was getting presents and money. It took place in this big, pale-blue hall with tables on both sides, like the lunch room in Carson. All of my money and gifts were in my pockets. Then these black kids came in, and shot me (it didn't hurt) and then took half of everything. Then there was another segment where I was on the phone with Alec while sitting on these front steps (blonde chick may have been there). He was telling how "Oh man, that must really suck", referring to what happened. I didn't know what he was talking about, like I didn't remember. I think maybe the phone conversation happened before the shooting dream, I'm not sure.
    5. October 20th, 2011

      by , 10-26-2011 at 01:13 AM
      Please excuse the poor capitalization.

      This is the second day trying the WBTB method, the first being the 19th. No lucid dream.

      Unfortunately, most of the dreams I remember had to do with just staring at piano keys I believe. However, the reason i don't remember much is because I almost had an OBE/WILD!


      Maybe it had something to do with the wake back to bed method? Although I think I just got lucky and started to wake up at the right time.

      the most i remember of my dreams is only a few leading up to the first time.

      I remember watching TV with dad, but for some reason it was at our house. he was eating grapefruit, and i was on the floor. i forget what i was doing on the floor, but the show we were watching was like a collaboration between family guy and american dad. i was like "i don't remember them being the same show." then, i remember listening to Other Lives (good band, I recommend) in my room. I had headphones on, an i was trying to crawl under the rockband drumkit. my logic was that they wouldn't have made the songs in such a way so that you couldn't fit. then, i remember seeing a cartoon black girl, who was very short, wore a yellow dress, and had big eyes, and an afro. she said something. I don't remember what is was, but the point is that is was supposed to be evil or something. or maybe she screamed. i don't remember. but then, i told sean and dad about it, and dad said that i should show him the clip, so we can do something about it. i said ok, and i was up in my room looking for it. apparently, the ghost didn't want me to do this, and came after me. it was DE that it was holding me down on the bed, so the dream turned into a nightmare, with my sleep paralysis making it seem more real. i started to wake up, and i couldn't move, or yell for help. i was still half asleep so i still thought the ghost was after me. after i realised i was waking up, i felt them. the vibrations of anyone who has ever experienced an OBE/WILD.
      i didn't understand it at first, but as soon as i was actually awake, i immediately understood, and was disappointed that i didn't try anything.

      the vibrations felt like when your hand JUST falls asleep. its not the pins and needles kind, it the rumbly, tingly, vibration kind. or maybe it feels like when you hit your funny bone, but all over your body, and without the pain.

      the second time this started to happen, i was like "cool at least i get a second chance." i tried to will myself out of my body (for an OBE), but nothing worked. maybe i need to actually try to physically move? ill try that next time (although I should be focusing on lucid dreaming lol), with my hand under my leg, so that if i can raise my hand, i know it went through my leg.

      i had more dreams after i went back to sleep finally, but I don't remember them because i couldn't take my mind off the almost WILD/OBE.

      I remembered later in the day that my final dream was about this weird hotel/learning camp? Cosmo Kramer was there, as were a bunch of other celebrities, but they could have just been DE celebrities. One part of the dream involved a flooded hallway i think, with a car pulling out of a driveway in the rain? I don't know, but i do remember that it was a pretty cool dream.
    6. October 18, 2011. It's been a while, eh?

      by , 10-26-2011 at 12:41 AM
      First thing I remember was running around the coffee table (old house) with some foot ball dude. He was practicing tackling and I was trying to prove him wrong. After a while, he was laying down on the floor and he was like "No, pass me. It's alright." I tried to pass him, but as soon as I passed over him, he kicked me up into the air and I landed on my face. It was hilarious for some reason. Then I went on i-am-bored.com and 4chan on Mom's laptop. Then I tried to convince her that anything besides the music board would give her viruses. It worked.

      Next, I believe I was at high school, but it was the middle school set up differently. It was the middle of the year, and and I just started to do stuff. I remember Kevin Shaw and a backpack, and the gymnasium, but I can't remember what happened. I think he and others were bullying me? I don't know. I think I said something funny and got popular.

      Then, I was walking around somewhere with Alec. I had this plastic bowl of unpopped popcorn, but the kernels were really small and tasty, and I think it was illegal to eat them where we were, which was a kind of mall, where we were looking for something. Since we couldn't find it, he had to eat some in the place and we both got arrested (me too because I was an accomplice). Frankie from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends led us outside. Next thing I know, we were wandering around this very modern/clean/philly-esque neighborhood, but it was DE that is was ours. I was like "That thing we were looking for? I have like two at my house. I could go grab em." Naturally, he was pretty pissed.

      Then, I was at this strange Halloween world and I think there was this demon out to get me. I tried escaping in this...thing (it looked like a whale). Everytime we tried, we would reach the bottom of this acid lake and the back of the whale under the tail would split open, and this evil black gunk would ooze out. Then I would sew it up or something and try again and again until eventually, I was either an underling or a leader or a beggar (I don't remember if I was one of them or all three) at some weird palace place. There was a cup of gold that I don't remember where it came from, but it may have been related to the popcorn kernels. I (?) was giving out the gold, which did look like corn, to people who were in line. When I was down to the last of it, I was the beggar.

      Then, someone in the palace mentioned a girlfriend being crazy. So then I was at Lindsay's friend's house (DE) and we went into the next room. It was established that we already broke up. She was just trying to get me back. In the next room, I was lying down with her and her friend talking. Then the door we were by swung open as some old lady kept letting her dogs in.

      The last part had something to do with music and the piano. It was like some kid was embarrassed to play, and I said that I play, and I'm and old man (I'm 18 in real life), so there is nothing to be ashamed of. Somehow, this was more interesting in the dream. I also remember some sort of bars, and the top lit up, but I don't remember their purpose.
      /_____\ this one was bright red and it lit up.
      /_____\ yellow
      /_____\ bright green
      / \ bright blue. like flourescent colors.
    7. A

      by , 08-23-2011 at 09:28 PM (Naiya's Gallery)

      Updated 12-31-2011 at 10:32 AM by 17680

      lucid , memorable
    8. 6/16/2011

      by , 06-17-2011 at 02:33 AM (TheNinja's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1:
      I vaguely remember a scene of me sitting next to a black grand piano while my friend N is twirling really fast.

      Updated 06-18-2011 at 04:53 AM by 40995

      Tags: piano
      dream fragment
    9. Creepy Church Service, in Band Again, and Some Others

      by , 05-31-2011 at 04:21 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I remember being in a church, sitting at a pew. Some really creepy piano music started to play, and people started to chant this weird song. Bars came down from the pews in front of everyone and trapped us (kind of like the safety bars on roller coasters). I looked to my left, and 3 or 4 guys in suits were sitting next to one another chanting, looking extremely creepy. I was a little weirded out, so I somehow got of the bar that was trapping me and left.


      I walked into the dorm I was supposed to be living in for the semester. My mom had it all set up; she had my bed all made and my clothes all put away. The dorm looked much nicer and spacier than the one I had freshman year. In fact, the floors were carpeted, and there were 2 TVs!

      However, there were 3 other beds...I had 3 other roommates. o_o

      I remember laying down on my bed. I figured out it was a water bed. My mom had made it up with some really nice bedspread. I remember it being a dark red color. I remember talking to my mom, and her saying I probably wouldn't be able to go to bed early, because she remembered hearing the other girls talk about some German person coming in that night. I then asked my mom if she had brought my underwear and pants. She said no, and I asked her to go get them, or maybe I said I'd get them myself, can't quite recall.

      I then remember one of the roommates coming in. She had long-ish dark brown hair pulled back into pigtails. She definitely looked like a freshman, probably about 18 or 19. We said hello. I commented to her about the carpets and about how much nicer that dorm was than my old one. I remember her putting away her underwear in dresser drawers. It was mostly thongs. She started telling me about what she was going to wear the next day when her and her boyfriend bought weed.

      I then remember I had somehow gotten my pants and underwear, and I was putting them away in the two dresser drawers below the two that the other girl had put her things away in.

      I remember seeing a flyer about some girl named Irene who, if you payed her a dollar, you could have your cat in the dorms. I thought about bringing Belle, my cat, into the dorms. I thought about her sleeping on my bed with me. I don't think I decided to bring her for some reason.

      I also remember thinking about how I kinda felt like a freshman again, new to and excited about the college world.


      I was in high school band again. I remember sitting in a band room. My high school band teacher was there. I had my clarinet, and was reading the music on the page. The reed felt weird in my mouth. It was an old reed. I remember I was close to last chair. I thought I may have actually been last chair, but a couple of people sat down to my left. They had 3rd part music, and I had 2nd part. I thought hard about playing clarinet regularly again.

      I remember thinking that maybe I should play bass clarinet instead, since I have one, I played it all through high school, and there were no bass clarinet players in this band. However, I stayed where I was and continued to play.


      I remember trying to "Like" something on my old friend (who is no longer my friend in waking life for some reason :/) Jane's Facebook. It said that she didn't allow "Likes" on her Facebook.

      I then remember seeing her playing something on the piano. I wanted to help her, because she was having trouble. I started trying to nicely help her. She accepted the help and was being very friendly towards me.

      Then, I remember seeing a monitor on Kacey's computer. The background was a picture of her and I jumping in the air doing some weird karate poses. If you started the computer up, it was a video that stopped at the point that we jumped in the air, turning it into a picture or still-frame. Random.

      Anyway, we all had to go to this pep rally thing that was outside. Everyone was standing up in a grassy area. People were performing some talent show. Jane was going to play the music that I had tried to help her with. I remember seeing either me or someone else with these crazy, giant porcupine-looking quills in their hair that was part of some cheer leading or dance squad called the Quillin' something or another, I can't remember. They were going to perform against another cheer leading or dance squad.

      But back to Jane. She got up to the piano. It looked like a child's play piano, it was red and low to the ground. She put her music up and just stared at it for awhile. A man was standing behind her, and asked her if she knew the music well. She said she didn't, but she was going to play through it anyway. I was standing to her right. She would start play, would mess up, then start again. I felt very bad for her, I wanted to help her. This went on for awhile. It got to the point where I had to look the other direction.

      I then remember something about being in two different groups. We were somewhere that we weren't supposed to be, in some shack or some other kind of building. People were looking for us. I remember some piece of seafoam green yarn that was split into to different pieces, but converged into one piece. I remember someone on the other end of it who was in the other group very far away talking using the yarn. You could hear her through the yarn. She was asking for help and sounded like she really needed it.

      I remember at some point being back where we were supposed to be, and being surprised at how far away we actually were.
    10. Young Thieves, a Fight on a Roller Coaster, DV, and Brief Lucidity

      by , 05-02-2011 at 04:22 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was standing outside of a building next to a parking lot. It was nighttime. I was with someone, though I can't remember who it was. I was talking to them, when I noticed a couple of young, "ghetto" boys of about 10 or 11, one black and one white, standing next to my car. They opened up the passenger's side door. I think they saw me or something, because they left.

      At first, I didn't think it was that weird, until something clicked in my head that they had been trying to steal stuff out of my car. I walked over to my car. They had left the door open. It didn't appear that they had taken anything out of my car. "I don't have anything valuable in there anyway.", I thought to myself.

      I then remember looking across the parking lot, and seeing them doing that to another car. A few feet away from them was a police car with its lights flashing. The police were outside the car, beating up some dude with nightsticks. I thought that the police had at least seen the boys, and were going to go arrest them. The boys ran towards the building.

      I remember thinking that the police had gotten the boys, when I saw them walking out of the building. One of them had a plastic shopping bag in his hand with something stolen from one of the cars.

      I then remember confronting them about it. They denied ever stealing anything out of the cars. When they left, I saw the shopping bag sitting by the building. I picked it up and reached inside. I pulled out a white ashtray that still had ashes in it. At first I was confused about why the hell an ashtray would be in the bag, and then figured out the boys had tried to steal it. How much could they possibly get for an ashtray? Weird.


      I was getting on a roller coaster. I sat down in a seat, but it didn't have a working seatbelt or safety bar. I would try to buckle the seatbelt, but it didn't have a part that it needed to buckle in properly, so I tied the belts together across my waist. Likewise, I tried to pull the safety bar down, and it wouldn't stay down. I knew the ride had lots of loops and twists in it, so...this wasn't good. The ride started. I started to freak out. There was a conductor at the front of the coaster. I yelled for him to stop the ride, because I didn't have a seat with safety restraints. He stopped the ride, and I found a new seat. A girl sat in the seat I had been sitting in. She got the safety bar to work.

      I then remember waiting in line to get on an indoor roller coaster with Ryan. The park was closing, and the employees were turning lights off in the waiting area, which resembled a cave. They only had one part of the coaster that was left open. We finally got to the coaster and rode it. I was sitting in between Ryan, and my friend's ex, Rick. I remembered that we had ridden the coaster before, but this time, as it was going, it felt different. There were different corkscrews and loops than what we remembered. I laughed as we went through a corkscrew.

      I then noticed that the tracks were made up of T-rex heads, and there were T-rex heads all around us. I guessed that the ride must be dinosaur-themed (dur). The ride slowed to a stop in the middle of a corkscrew. We were stopped upside down, but none of us seemed to worry too much about it. I was talking to Ryan, and Rick was talking as well. Then, I think I told Ryan to punch Rick in the face. So he did. He punched Rick right in the nose. Rick's nose started bleeding. I was kind of surprised. He told Ryan he was going to call the police.

      Then, we were off the ride, but we were in some school or something. I think it was the building from my previous dream. I remember talking to Ryan about the police. He had pretty much accepted his fate. I was anxious about when the police would arrive.

      I then remember exiting this classroom. This part may have been in 3rd person, but I can't remember for sure. Rick came up to me and started to whisper things into my ear, flirting with me. I giggled. I worried that Ryan would see, because he was going to come out of the classroom soon as well. I think Rick's plan was to make Ryan angry.

      Then, I remember playing the piano with someone. They were on the upper octaves and I was on the lower ones. It wasn't really a duet, because we were both playing the same exact music, just at different octaves. There was a lady directing us and teaching us. We were getting ready for some big performance. I kept reading the notes and the chords over and over again, and I would mess up at some points and get discouraged; I'd think that the teacher wouldn't want me to perform. But I kicked those thoughts from my mind and kept on playing. The teacher stopped and started us over at the beginning a few times.


      I remember being on DV. There were chat rooms for every different forum, but they were time-limited. I remember entering one, and talking for a bit, and then getting kicked out because I'd been there for the time limit. I entered another one. This one didn't seem to be time-limited.

      Then, I wasn't just in a chat room anymore, but I was with a bunch of people from DV in a room. One of my friends was with me. I remember being there for a bit, and then heading to the door to leave. As I was leaving, Rman said something to me about him dating an older woman. I asked
      "How old?"
      He replied
      "No, I can't tell you."
      "Oh, come on, yes you can!", I replied with a smile.
      "Ok, she's 74.", he said.
      I laughed and said
      "You're kidding right?"
      He looked a little offended as I left. That was probably why he didn't want to tell me. Whoops.


      I remember being at some wedding rehearsal dinner for some black lady. It was at her house. I didn't know anyone there. I also felt like I had been there before.

      This must have triggered something, because I became lucid. I floated around outside, in what looked like my friend Courtney's backyard. I floated into her neighbor's yard, all the time being chased by these weird little white, floating robots. I kept kicking them away from me. I had done that so many times, my legs were starting to get tired. I remember floating into my house. I floated down from the kitchen up through the ceiling into the bonus room. The bonus room looked smaller and messier, with a big TV on some table where there had never been a TV before. I remember rubbing my hands together a couple of times throughout this dream.

      Then, I woke up briefly and went right back into the dream.

      I was outside again. Everything seemed a little dim. I figured I was wearing sunglasses, so I took them off and put them on my head. There, that's better. I floated back into my house again. I examined my hands. My left hand looked like it was swelling up. Then, the middle of my vision "broke" open, and I woke up.
    11. 2011-03-02 | nonlucid

      by , 03-03-2011 at 12:35 PM (Short Stories with Tragic Endings)
      I am Picard again and my subconscious tells me he is dreaming, but I am not aware myself. I start
      out with more of a 3rd person view of him. His senior staff is around him, Jordi, Deanna, Warf, Riker,
      Data, the whole crew. It's almost like an inception thing, as if extractors are trying to get inside Picard's
      mind. He is dreaming but he is not aware of it, but I know he is dreaming. As for myself, I am not quite
      aware of it. There is a red alert and Picard is rushing through a hectic scene. I think about how its a
      dream and how he doesn't know. At this point I sort of merge into his perspective. I go into a room very
      similar to my high school's auditorium which is packed with people. I am Picard and I know Picard is
      dreaming so I know I am dreaming, but I am not aware. I get the feeling that the people in the auditorium
      are unfriendly in some way like Nazi's or something. A friend from college is playing the piano and I ask
      him to play something in C Minor. I've asked him to play certain keys before in waking life. He starts playing
      the right hand part for "To Zanarkand" from Final Fantasy X. I listen for a little bit then decide I want to
      hear the arpeggios in the left hand. I sort of think about guiding his hand to the piano to play the part and
      his left hand starts playing runs. I listen for a bit more then the dream cuts to a band room. There are a
      bunch of band students and I am giving them a piece to play. I realize I don't have an instrument so I make
      a ring with my hand, move it down, and try to pull a soprano saxophone out of thin air. It doesn't work but
      for a while I try to pretend that it did thinking maybe that will work but it doesn't. I play an entire song on an
      imaginary saxophone, humming the part. I then try again. This time slowly. I hold my hand there and
      concentrate on the mouthpiece being behind my fingers. I slowly move my hand down until I see the tip of
      the mouthpiece. After that, it is easy. I slowly move my hand down to reveal a beautiful saxophone. I get
      to the bottom and flick my hand off then "paint in" the unfinished part of the bell. I take the saxophone that
      is now floating there. I go to play but it feels like there is no reed. I look at the mouthpiece and there is a
      reed so I need to solidify it. I put my finger on the reed but it goes through. I focus on the reed being hard
      and finally it becomes solid. I play the piece
      then the dream ends.

      My first lesson in dream control

      Updated 03-03-2011 at 09:02 PM by 41067

    12. 2011-02-21 | nonlucid

      by , 02-24-2011 at 02:40 PM (Short Stories with Tragic Endings)
      I am in some dark room with my best friend and I am playing a piano. He
      is giving me different keys and I am improvising in each. Later, I am sitting
      in a chair and he is also in the room, but it is not him. He looks more like a
      friend from college. He talks about how he is sad that he never gets any
      phone calls
      and the dream ends.
    13. First Entry

      by , 02-02-2011 at 09:45 PM
      Very strange. I had some sort of book that I could enter through the pictures in it. There were some very spooky images in the book and I'm glad I didn't go through one of them...
      It took me to a whole bunch of different places, including a strange hotel. I walked out on the grounds and saw a girl I have known for a few years, but not well. She asked me to follow her. I did, and we came upon a circle of chairs with people of all ages sitting in them. There were two empty ones, so we sat down. It was some sort of support group, but I can't remember what for. I couldn't understand what some people were saying. I got up and walked away...
      I came to a room full of people but none were paying attention to me as if they couldn't see me. I saw a piano in the corner. I have played piano for many years so I was intrigued. I sat down at the piano and pressed some of the keys softly. Then I tried to play a few pieces but they kept sounding wrong and incredibly cacophonous. I noticed that the keys were covered in some sort of slippery liquid. I looked up and realized that the whole room was staring at me angrily. I tried to explain to them that the piano wasn't right, and that there was something on the keys. I looked behind me to see a tall girl in a Victorian dress and hat holding a teacup and intentionally spilling it's contents on the keys. I stood up and shoved her. I don't know why, but I think her name was Stephanie...
      Somehow I ended up back in my own apartment. I put some leftover pizza in the oven and looked through the window. It was raining out but incredibly sunny! I ran out the door to see if there was a rainbow. No rainbow, but my backyard seemed more beautiful than ever (it's not beautiful at all in waking life). I began to sing and my voice came out beautiful and clear. My roommate came through the door and I was embarrassed because she had caught me singing. I went back inside to check on the pizza, only to find there was way more in the oven than I had remembered putting in (this should have been a signal that I was dreaming!!). Instead of two pieces of cheese pizza, there were at least six of many different kinds, and a lasagna. I assumed that the lasagna belonged to my roommate. The pizza tasted awful, and I threw most away. I got a large chunk of spinach stuck on my back molar, and I just couldn't get it out. I kept pulling and pulling at it, but it wouldn't budge a bit.

      I woke up and realized that I had slept through my morning class.

      There was more to this dream, but it keeps slipping away. I can only remember little bits of images. There was a lot more that happened at the weird hotel, I just can't remember what.
    14. sept 24 dream 25-27 no recall

      by , 01-04-2011 at 04:37 AM
      at school saw alan snow, he wanted my facebook for some reason?

      phase 2: mansion of chaos, I was battling asian martial artists running from a dragon and kicking bombs back at it as i ran through corridors, then i was chilling in a fancy room.. all i remember was a piano.
    15. Dec 21

      by , 12-21-2010 at 03:20 PM (Doctor's Dreams)

      I was sitting on the ground at a track and field meet and this 18 yr oldish white guy with blond short hair (almost buzz) and green uniform comes staggering towards me. He was crying horribly, practically drowning in his tears. He comes and collapses next to me, still sobbing. His parents are close in tow telling him that everything will be alright and that they are still proud of him. The guy sobs and says that he still lost the race and that his parents were using a sarcastic tone that was not nice. They were being kinda sarcastic, but I didn't see the next part coming. He got up slowly and walked out of my vision and I heard glass breaking. His parents ran toward him, yelling in shocked horror. I learned later that he had thrown himself through a window. The broken glass had killed him.

      Piano Chords

      I was at my friend, peter's house, and then justin walked in holding taylor's hand. This was an unusual combination. Justin sat down and told me about how he was single and he only had time for "mixing and matching" as he called it. Basically hooking up with everyone. Taylor kneeled down on the chair and they started making out. I chose to sit back towards taylor in the same chair (which was pretty deep) and starting kissing her calves. This was very strange because I'm not at all into the devil's threesome. I see someone walking into the room out of the corner of my eye and stop and sit there and pretend to mess around on a piano in front of me. It was the band director. He asked me what I was doing and why I didn't stop any of this and then he told them that they were drinking away their prom. By drinking away he meant drink saliva...He leaves and I start messing with these strange pianos that were in the room. There were three of them and they were very small. The buttons were weird too because they were not keys but they were actual buttons. I kept trying to play chords C7-D/C but it wouldn't work. When others tried it it would work but not when I did it. I should've become lucid from that AT LEAST.
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