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    1. Tar Man (23.9.13)

      by , 09-25-2013 at 07:20 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Daytime Dream.

      I was with Josh D, Trev and his brother Gary.

      I'm at blacks land house, outside in my backyard. I remember playing ball with my brothers girlfriends dog (Peppie). Peppie got a little too excited for the ball and bit my hand by accident. I had placed a hand full of tennis balls up on top of the shed roof.
      I remember hearing something on radio that was talking about cricket.

      A girl came out into the backyard to tell me to come inside for something (I think she was friends with Holly A). I came inside, but it wasn't my house. The girl handed me something (something wrapped in a cloth?). I think it had something in it that she owed me.

      I went out the front, which was now Marlz front yard. I walked up to a car which was parked, and it was Holly. She didn't recognise me.
      I had thought she mentioned something about blood on my face, and asked if that's what she said. She laughed and said no. I told her that I picked a pimple on my face. Some people walked up to me, and we started chatting. Holly decided that she may as well leave, as I wasn't talking to her, and started to drive off.

      I saw Josh D outside. He looked a little different, his hair was a bit shaggy looking.

      I got inside and myself, Josh, Trev and Gary were about to head off to sleep, in the lounge room.

      We were all stuffing around not long after. I tickled Gary's foot, and he freaked out and jumped on top of Trev. Trev wasn't too happy that he was jumped on.

      I was now in a car with, Josh, Trev, Luke B and Gary. Gary was driving. I saw a guy on the side of the road, he was hugging a huge boulder, and they were both covered in tar. He rolled himself into a puddle of liquid which was gold and bubbling, as if it was lava.

      I said something witty, and got no response. Luke mentioned that there must be 2 drunk people in the car, to not get what I just said.

      I was now holding my hip, and was feeling around for a lump. I thought I may have had a tumour or something. Someone said to me, that my side which had the lump, wasn't functioning right. I looked down and saw that I was in blue shorts. You could see the outline of my penis, as if my pants were sticking to my body. Gary said that I had a massive penis. I think I had an athletic body type also.

      Side note:
      As I woke up, I saw imagery, as if I could have turned it into a DEILD. The image was a computer screen, which was pretty vivid. I could even see the clock in the bottom right corner. I tried to open my eyes but the image would fade away, so I closed them again and it appeared again. I then thought I would try opening my eyes again, but this time it was gone for good.
    2. 26th August: 2 Fragments

      by , 08-26-2013 at 09:07 AM
      Fragment 1: I was at school and a class had just ended, i think it was biology. I headed over to maths class and as i went in, i noticed that the classroom was filthy. My desk was littered with dirty, damp socks and used bandages and even sticks or twigs of some sort. I swept them of the desk without much of a problem. The class started and i remember my teacher asking what the word 'Mathematics' meant. I didn't take much notice of what he said as i was so consumed with cleaning up my desk space. I remember tidying up the space on the floor around my feet, but not much else after that.

      Fragment 2: I was sat at my desk in my room, when my phone started ringing. I picked up and it seemed like i knew the person. I could hear his voice but for some reason i would reply in texts, as if i was instant messaging him and he would speak response. He told me he was in trouble and he needed to borrow some money again. I told him something along the lines of "I can't keep digging you out of these holes, i just can't afford it". I asked him how much he needed, he replied with 5 or 6. I somehow knew he meant 5 or 6 hundred. I told him there was no way i could afford it, i had only 50 pounds in my account (As i do in waking life). I remember him getting really frustrated and quite upset and i thought that was the end of it, but the call ended suddenly and my phone flashed red and black, and then a message appeared that looked like it was written in blood that said something like "A pagan god is coming after you, and will kill you..." I knew it wasn't from the man i was on the phone with, but i got an inclination that he was somehow involved with this 'pagan god' too.
      I woke up, and i made sure i was 100% awake before opening my eyes. (Didn't really feel like opening my eyes to savage pagan god trying to kill me, y'know? :3)

      My Comments: Summer's almost over, so dreaming about school didn't really surprise me, but it was still kinda strange. The school i go to is quite old and "antique", but it was never that filthy! The filth didn't seem to bother me, but i became obsessed with cleaning it up, which is not like me at all Clarity was quite average and i feel like i've missed some key details, but i can't remember them.

      My second dream was a pretty strange one. Mainly because nobody besides my Mum and Dad actually call me *Forever Alone..*, Also i'm not sure why anyone would go to a 16 year old kid to borrow money, quite a lot of money at that, but in the dream it felt like i had helped him out before, financially of course. Clarity was also poor-average, though i remember the image on my phone about the pagan god quite clearly, as everything went dark except for my phone. Super creepy stuff
    3. Dream "TIES"

      by , 08-17-2013 at 05:52 AM (SilverWolf's Sleep Sessions)
      This qualifies as a very, very wierd and cool dream! I just wish I could remember more of it

      btw, last nights WILD was an epic fail. Yet again, I FALL ASLEEP before I can get anywhere *sigh*

      Friday, August 16, 3:00 am

      I dreamed I'm on the forum, LOL! Here I am, in the dream journal, writing down a dream that I was having (a dream I'm fairly certain I've never had IRL, by the way). The 'dream' I'm writing is that I am a TIE fighter pilot--you know, from Star Wars. I'm cruising around the Death Star, not in combat or anything, just flying around, which is really awesome. But as I write this down, I switch back and forth from ACTUALLY being in the TIE fighter, to at my laptop, back to being in the TIE! It was really awesome, that. I'm pretty sure there's more to the dream that I don't remember, though. It was really cool to transition from writing about a dream to being IN the dream; I wouldn't mind doing that again


      Updated 08-17-2013 at 07:52 AM by 64876 (Forgot to caagorize my dream :o)

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    4. Asian-Jamaican Lucid Dreamer?! WTF??

      by , 08-12-2013 at 11:50 PM (SilverWolf's Sleep Sessions)
      I thought my hamster dream was odd...this dream is about the craziest one I've ever had (in memory, anyway). Some might argue flying fish and alligator-jawed hamsters are weirder, but the subject matter...it was incredibly vivid and incredibly odd. Note that I was NOT lucid, although my dream was about lucidity. In my dream I was a Jamaican man lucid dreaming I was an old Asian man (I'm neither of these IRL, I am Caucasian). It wasn't revealed I was really a Jamaican man until the end of my dream though. Also, lucidity in my dream was a bit different than it is IRL. In my dream, when people were dreaming, every dream character was another person, and people interacted via dreams just like they do in real life. With that explained, here's the dream:

      Asian-Jamaican??!! W T F

      Monday, August 12, 8:00 am

      In my dream I am dreaming about this man and woman. I am completely lucid in my dream within a dream, however I am not REALLY lucid (confusing I know. Put it this way, my dream character me knows he is dreaming but the real me has no idea I'm in a dream). Anyway, in my dream I'm an old Asian man who analyzes rocks--a geologist?? This woman comes to me, her name is Raine, and she wants me to analyze these really strange rocks she found. The are purplish white, almost looking like a cross between amethyst and diamonds. She has a friend with her, a tall black man with a wispy beard and ponytail. Raine has light brown hair. I vaguely remember Raine somehow communicating with me via telepathy in my dream-within-a-dream, asking where my office is. I tell her where I am, we make our way through the circular building that houses my office. Her friend meets with us, and I grab the odd rocks, telling Raine what they are (I have no idea what they were, I can't remember--I do know they were very special rocks though).

      Either the dream fades away, or I just don't remember what happened next, but now I find myself in a hallway leading outside the building. I'm sitting with Raine's friend. We're not really talking, just sitting together, waiting for something I think--what we're waiting for, I don't really know. he sees a man outside, a dark Jamaican man, who looks very thuggish (headband with gang colors, that sort of thing). He walks outside, spends some time talking with the guy, and then comes back in and sits down. He's pale now, and obviously very afraid. I ask him what's wrong, but he refuses to tell me. I study him a minute, then the guy outside, and then say:

      "He's a Rasta-man isn't he? How much do you owe him?" Raine's friend looks at me in awe.

      "H...How do you know that, man??" he asks me. For some reason his question angers me, even offends me.

      "You have no idea who I am in real life, what I used to do!" I snap. Sighing, I stand up. "I'll take care of him," I tell Raine's friend. I walk outside to confront the guy outside.

      "Who are you?" he asks me.

      "friend of his," I say, jerking my thumb towards Raine's friend. He sizes me up for a second, and I just stare coolly at him. Then, without warning, I punch the guy in the face, busting his lip and sending him to the floor. He starts backwards-crawling on the pavement, and I reach into my coat and pull a pistol on him. He's really scared now, but I just glare at him, and fire the gun, purposefully missing just to the side--a warning shot.

      "You'll leave him alone." I tell the man. "His debt is paid." The man nods, peeing himself in fear. He gets up and runs off. I put the gun back in my coat and walk back inside, where Raine's friend is staring at me in shock. I then reveal to him that while I look like an old Asian guy in this dream, I am really a jamaican myself, I used to be a Rasta just like that guy. I appear as an Asian in my lucid dreams because I don't want people to judge me and to know what I used to be. He thanks me for my help, and Raine approaches.

      Raine tells me she's glad I helped her--she doesn't know about what I did for her friend, she's thanking me for the help with the rocks. She says she has to go now. I get really, really sad at this because the dream me has formed an attachment to her.

      "I don't want you to leave," I tell her. She tells me she has to. "I'm a very lonely man outside this dreamworld. All I do is analyze rocks all day. Will we ever see eachother again?" Raine just shrugs, tells me "maybe" and then my alarm wakes me up.

      The super odd thing about this dream, aside from being a dream within a dream, which in and of itself is really confusing and strange, is how emotional I was. I am almost never so hyper emotional in my dreams, but I was literally crying when Raine said she had to go. I don't know why either. Also, It is unusual for me to dream that I am a different person--in the case of this one, two different people; the Jamaican dreaming the lucid dream and the old Asian man that I appeared to be in the dream-within-a-dream. Strange, is it not?

    5. Well that was ... strange (Maybe lucid, I'm really confused)

      by , 08-07-2013 at 12:10 PM
      Today I tried to be more conscious about my dream and tried a few new things. For more detail, visit my workbook

      Episode 1

      I am in a bar or something, it really looks old, maybe medieval or something. There were some Vikings in it, or some warriors or something. It was really strange. The scenery was so strange n bizarre, that I got conscious about this silliness. I was like: Yeah what ever, this is really silly but I might as well play the game and surrender to this craziness.
      There was a guy talking to me. He wanted to talk to a person in the bar, but he couldn't for one reason or another. I said:

      - Hey man, you have to talk here really "special", so that it works.

      I shouted to a viking wearing a strange mask made of steal. I don't recall exactly what I talked (I recalled this early in the morning half asleep) but I was talking really old-fashioned English, insulting him, talking really ... like Conan the Warrior lol.

      The conversation got to the point where the Viking insulted the guy I talked to at the beginning. He said that he had stolen his "magic mirror sword", which broke into 7 pieces. Then he corrected him self, he was remembering that someone else stole it and hide it at several places around. We should go and look for it or we got in some "trouble where would rather die at the place instead of waiting till it's over" (whatever he meant by it).

      Still buying the strangeness of the scenery I went out of the bar.

      But something changed. The "feeling of surrealness" I had vanished a bit, so that I wasn't doing things to consciously.

      I was standing in a mall again. I still searched for the pieces of this mirror sword. I wanted to go to the third floor, but instead to take the stairs or the elevator, I took some kind of carousel. I remember in detail how it looked like.

      Imagine those inflatable castle for kids where they jump in. Imagine it 30 meters (33 yards) long and wide, and 6 meters (19 feet) high. It was shaped like a vulcano. On every side there were 6 tunnels leading to the top. In each tunnel there was some kind of moving floor. There was also a rope in it to grip yourself in it. The tunnels were really narrow, so that only a small kid could get inside.

      I didn't think that much about it and went into one tunnel. Instead of leading me to top of the volcano, it took me to the 3 floor. This makes logically speaking no sense at all.

      So I could simply go on looking for the pieces. I realized I had some machine on my back, which had some wires. those wires directly lead into my spine. I feel how they give me electric impulses. I'm in pain and try to get ride of it.
      So I go into a restaurant in this mall. I "hang my back up on the hat stand". I struggle to get it off (the wires and stuff). It takes really long. In the meantime there comes a waiter. He's really old. He asks me what I'm doing here and if he could help me. I explain to him the situation and he leaves.

      Suddenly there comes a girl I know which I find really annoying. I don't like her at all, cause she's always talking stupidly about things and she is a really awkward person. I get pissed off.

      She says:

      - Oh hi there. You know what? We got teamed up to find those things you are looking for. I searched everywhere but couldn't find it. I don't even know what we would look for. You know, this organization of the university is really shitty.

      She kept on talking I got really angry about it. Why me? Why now? Please leave me alone ...

      There came another team made of three people I know also. I don't like them either, because they think they are at the top of everything. They are ripping the plants out of the pots to look inside if they don't find anything.

      - Haha, the stupidest of the three said, I bet nobody got this idea!

      But they don't find any. I'm feeling really helpless. I'l teamed up with a bimbo, I have wires attached to my bag and I don't have found any piece.

      My "team-mate" isn't there anymore and I manage finally to get the wires of. I feel a bit relieved and move around the mall. I go to some shops to find the pieces. But I don't find anything. I lose interest of the search which started in an awesome way.

      I meet again the bimbo. She is annoyed and keeps on talking and talking, but I don't listen to her. She finishes speaking finally.
      I'm reacting in typical Yossarian-fashioned way. I lift my thumb over my shoulder and say to her with an harsh and uncaring face: Screw!
      She looks at me and doesn't understand what I am talking about. I emphasize it more:

      - Eehhh, I don't care!

      She looks really angry than sad. She doesn't know what to say, so she says nothing and finally leaves me the fuck alone.

      I walk away and leaving her alone.

      I can't recall what happened next. I quickly wrote some taglines when I woke up after this first dream.

      I recall something about being in a garden or something, I have a broken leg and I'm walking with crutches. My brother is in a roll-chair and we have some kind of argument

      Episode 3

      Why episode 3? Well, in between the 2 episodes, there should be an other dream sequence. But after I woke up from it, I forgot to write it down

      Anyway, I don't recall it that great as my first dream sequence. I remember a lot of fragments which I can't match together. There was also a brief lucid moment (I think), but It was more like a daydream after I woke up.

      a) I'm in a water fun park. A few friends of mine are there also. We are playing cards, but i can't remember where we played. I think it was on a raft or something. There came two other guys who looked like Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger. They had "normal" voices and were talking, like the rest of us in Icelandic. They took a lot of space on the raft, so that I had to make place so that I nearly well of it.

      b) I'm a background dancer of a singer. It is on the same place as before. I look really different. It's like I was in another body or something. I was dancing around really stupidly.

      c) I and a few friends of mine are waiting for something. i don't know what we were waiting for. I recall that there was something about a guy named Carlos, that we didn't know/or made up to annoy people.

      d) That's the part where I had some day-dream-ish experience

      We are still at the same place as before (the Carlos part). It was a grand square. Around were some old houses. The sky looked gray. It looked like I was in Brussels once again.

      We are talking about our lives and how strange and stupid they seemed at times. There was a big pannel in the middle, which showed the one standing in front of, which "statistics" in his life happened and in what way they were linked to another. Teere were 3 spaces on it where I could read:

      Relationship status:
      Greatest Regrett:

      One after another we stood in front of it to find it out. I discovered that I was in a relationship with one of the girls. My best friend had the same discovery. The two of them were talking about it and how strange all this episode was.

      This puzzled me a lot. Like really alot. I tried to recall, when I was in a relationship with her. In that waterpark? NO, impossible. Where else? I couldn't recall it all. I was feeling really strange. I tried again to recall. But I couldn't. and it really bothered me. I recalled that I had a relationship, but not with her, but with my ex. But this was history; It could only be after this. But I couldn't still recall.
      In the mean time, the scenery changed completely white. there was nothing around me. It appeared to me that there was no sound, no time, no space. I tried to recall, but couldn't

      I woke up and I was really lost. I had one sentence stuck in my head. It was about that supposed relationship. It was a sarcastic sentence about her: "What an impression do you have made! "
    6. Recall where are you again?

      by , 08-06-2013 at 08:12 AM

      I had some dreams I could remember well as I woke up.

      But mysteriously, my memory vanished the time I got up and came back from the bathroom.

      I just recall 3 things:

      1. I wrote a test to become a baker (what the hell), but I had to answer some questions about french literature (again what the hell?). Naturally I couldn't answer the questions and left without giving the test back.

      2. I'm waiting in front of a train crossing, which stands in middle of my street (where there is none)

      3. Something about Ninjas. But I can't recall more
    7. 25th July 2013 - First entry and a strange dream, indeed.

      by , 07-26-2013 at 02:28 AM
      Basically, It was the start of a new school term, I met up with my friend inside the building where we go to study English.

      I went up, greeting him and asking him "Hey, what class are you in?".
      He points towards the door by him, "this one, what about you?".

      Then, that's when I had no idea what class I was supposed to be in, so he told me to go to the reception and ask for my timetable, so progressing down to the reception, I must of asked that I was missing something? Because they told me to wait just a second, then I had to go through these doors, some other students were there too, and then I got handed a pair of girly like slippers?

      The next part I recall is being in a class with very long tables, filled with students. On my table was all girls, Asian to be precise. (I'm actually White British and no longer go to school).

      There I was, right at the end of the table, with a full view of all the girls staring at me, giggling to themselves as I am wearing some girly shoes with nail varnish on. At first it was embarrassing, then I just went with it and started laughing too, putting my legs up on the table showing off my feet.
      __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _

      That's actually all I can recall, I swear I remembered more of it earlier today, but there we go, my first written dream, EVER.

      Hopefully I'll get better at this.
    8. 2013, July 21, (Sunday): Where was I? Where are you? Where have you been?

      by , 07-21-2013 at 11:54 PM
      Please take this with a bit slower thought than you normally might, This was a very strange dream to me.

      Note: Before I had it, I let my dog go outside sometime between 4 AM and 5 AM and I fell asleep on the swing (With a coat and long pants on, Mostly so I wouldn't get bitten by mosquitoes and it also helped me not catch a cold) and I woke at about 5:40 and went back to bed. Then after the first dream I wrote here, I woke at about 7:14 AM.


      I just have to say, Wow; Where was I?

      Near the start of the dream I met some relatives I didn't realize were related to me; There was a man and I think his wife and child who may have been an infant. This is sounding pretty similar to some people who go to a church I attend! After that I met another me in my own room and he didn't look quite like me, I think he wore a coat that looked like the one I wore outside earlier while awake.

      Some time after that, Things started getting weirder, I think I went into a deeper dream level so to speak because I normally don't have dreams like this. I may have talked about switching places with this other me for some reason.

      Next, I recall going outside and the house was not quite the same as it is in waking life; There were more parts to the building on the back end of it and then I recall explaining to someone that the sun and moon didn't work in the same way where I was from. I also said to someone that I was from another dimension and I saw some people in the side yard including a neighbor I know who attends the same church as I do and also plays a musical instrument as I do, But he wasn't my neighbor and he didn't recognize me.

      Later, There was some structure in that side yard and a man was in a small shack-y room with the door cracked open. There was another door behind a man who I was talking to and after I looked away from him and looked back, He had no head but was standing there with a breathing apparatus! And after looking into the red sky (And there were no trees nearby as there are in waking life) I saw some weird things in it like red licorice candy clouds, If I could describe them as such but I don't think they were edible. I had enough at that point and said the Lord's prayer,

      "Our father who art in heaven,
      Hallowed be thy name.
      Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done
      on earth as it is in heaven.
      Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses
      as we forgive those who trespass against us.
      And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil
      For thine is the kingdom, And the power, And the glory forever.

      (Note: I did not say the prayer exactly like this. But, I said it with the same meaning. BTW, There's a saying which is "There are no atheists in a foxhole" And I can't say I was as faithful as I may have believed in the Bible in weeks prior to this dream.)

      Then, I thought I woke up and I was in the back end of my Dad's caravan with the back end open which was facing the house which is a bit odd given the driveway. I thought I was awake and I went back inside the house with my dog, Talked with my Father (My parent) and some time after that, I woke for real.

      At times in that dream I was wondering if I would ever wake up because it was so weird and unlike the waking world.

      Later, I went downstairs and slept on the couch until about 9:15 AM. Some of the next dream was as this:

      2: I think there was some selection of this next part, As if it was a movie with some people deciding what to do for/with this guy described below or a video game level selection screen. A man drove a big truck in a snowy mountain pass, Parked his truck away from the bridge which was small if I rememebr right, Went up to the bridge that was closed, His truck fell off the mountain and he jumped off the cliff where it fell and found wings in the air quite far away from the mountain and flew around in places including my living room.

      If you have not seen something like the first dream I described here, Can you relate? I didn't feel like I was at home, I'm not about to call it a lucid dream as I didn't "Have the powers of dreamland at my control", So to speak, But it felt like I was painfully aware I was not so close to home.

      Note: How did "Nightmare" and "Task of the Month" get selected? I don't recall clicking those, I clicked "Non-Lucid" And "Side Notes" And then those weren't selected. I took so long to write this that my login session had expired and I had to log in again, So that might have something to do with it. But, The first dream was unpleasant and I imagine it is a task of the month to not have another dream like this, This month. So I left those tags there and re-added the other ones.
    9. Something is off... and "Do you want a body bag with that?"

      by , 07-12-2013 at 11:50 PM
      This was a dream I had about 2 years ago. I had been telling myself I would get back into lucid dreaming, and was regularly checking my surroundings for anything odd.

      In this dream I was in front of my garage, about to type in the password to open the garage door. I turned to look at my friend I hadn't seen for a long time in real life, and he was on the ground looking up at me, crawling without legs. There was something about it that reminded me of a cockroach. I was looking at him thinking "something isn't right here" trying to work it out in my head. I turned back to finish typing in the garage door code, and when I turned back he was normal, standing on two legs. I had that feeling you get when you were thinking about something important, but forgot what it was. I dismissed the feeling and woke up dissapointed.

      A similar experience happened more recently, a couple months ago. I was in line paying for something, I think it was fast food but the window was more like a what a bank teller stands behind. I payed for whatever it was I was getting, and the person behind the window said "do you want a body bag with that?" I was confused but dismissed it. Immediately after dismissing it the person behind me in line asked me "Do you think that was normal? Wasn't there something strange about that?" I ignored the DC. It's the only time I've had a DC try to tell me I was dreaming.
    10. July 5th

      by , 07-06-2013 at 03:15 AM
      I'm with my friend and her dad in a car. He drives us to what looks like a tall, covered well covered by a wooden roof with four wooden support beams. We pull up to it as if it's a drive through but then we park a few yards away. When I exit the Excursion I see that it is a sunscreen dispenser. I've already put some sunscreen on and when I look at my friend I see that she's got some on her smiling face and a huge clump in her hand.
      Now, I am by some water (a creek?) and im looking down at the ground by the water's edge. I see a spiky caterpillar. Looking closer, I see many more. Some are crawling out of the dirt. I look in the water and see a tan, wood something. It's half of a wood carving of a small yin-yang symbol. I find the other half and decide I'll keep them to add to my collection (that I don't have IWL).
      The setting changes again, and im looking at my friend sitting in a seat that's about eye level. I hand her my carton of orange juice so I can climb up. After climbing up, I now find myself standing on an outdoor stage. Its an Eagle's concert. In front of the stage are some rows of seats and tents. On the stage, I see two guys trying to close a lid on a tupperware. They then take comments from the audience before announcing their new album/song called either Dark Waters or Troubled Waters.
      non-lucid , memorable
    11. Strange Dream

      by , 07-02-2013 at 04:46 PM (My Dream Journal; Mentis est Infinata)
      Last night, I had a dream that didn't really make sense:

      Apparently, in the dream, a fan that is painted the color red can cause someone to pass out or something.
      So then this "war" started between me (with some friends of mine) and some other team or something. I don't really know.

      Anyway, a "war" took place. They attempted to raid us a few times, and we attempted to raid them a few times. I don't remember how exactly the raids worked, but I'm pretty sure that they involved the red fans. After a few raids, things turn a bit different.

      The dream suddenly turns into some weird form of the Civ Stage in Spore. Their "base" is a bit more detailed in this part. It looks like a small restaurant that sells burgers. Anyway, my friend launches an ICBM that destroys their restaurant thing and then the war is over.

      Then I woke up.
    12. Brain Worms that Make you Pregnant and Control You

      by , 06-02-2013 at 01:05 AM
      I had a long non lucid about these horrible worms that I started finding in my bathroom on the wall. They looked a bit like see-through leeches and were really hard to see against the tiles because they were almost completely clear. I realized they crawled into my brain on a night and affected my thoughts. They also could make you pregnant. The baby wasn't genetically half worm but they could affect your body somehow and create a pregnancy... it was weird.

      My mum appaered from nowhere and said they were a parasitic worm from Africa that would eat your organs from the inside. I knew she was wrong because all they did was crawl into your brain (which is apparently not such an issue for my dream self ). I started catching them and taking them up the road to a little stream and letting them go. I thought it would be cruel to kill them. I then learned that they had originally come from the stream and the couple living in the house next to it had been moving them to the drain by my house so they would stop attacking them. The woman had just had a baby and they weren't sure if it was the mans child or if the worms made it. The woman was also really sick because the worms had been upsetting and controlling her for so long.

      She showed me voice recordings the worms made for her during the night in order to taunt her. They were talking and sounded like the worm/bug things from men in black lol. I though I could prove that invertebrates had incredible intelligence with the tape recordings and got pretty excited for a bit. But then I forgot all about my scientific discovery She also showed me recordings they'd left for me and I got scared when I realized I was their new target.

      Then suddenly couple were getting married and I was watching the wedding. The man stopped the wedding and said he couldn't go through with it. He was angry the baby girl might not be his. I could see so much hate in him I realized the worms were controlling him. He threw his daughter to the ground. She looked like a rubber pig shaped dog toy for some reason but blood came out of her ear and I realized he'd really hurt her. I was so angry but had to remember he wasn't doing it - the worms were.

      I still didn't want to kill them though and still was trying to think of ways to get them out of the house without killing then. The only way to kill them was to burn them and I thought that was too violent. I then noticed my tummy looked a bit bigger than normal and thought I might be worm-pregnant, but woke up before I found out.
    13. Bad dream, losing Diesel and Dutchess, riding without my helmet and Joanne.

      by , 04-19-2013 at 04:21 PM (Ramblings of a mad man...!)
      Real Life
      Side Notes
      Dream Fragments

      I guess you get to an age where you no longer have nightmares, just bad dreams or dreams you didn't like. At least that's the way I see it now. So last night, I had a nightmare - bad dream - of sorts.
      I went to bed really late, like 3am, woke up around 5am and as I didn't recall any dream for DEILD, I got up for about an hour.

      For some reason I found myself in Joanne's house, living there with her, which would never happen in a million lifetimes.
      Spoiler for why I hate Joanne.:

      So I found myself living with Joanne, but for some reason another girl named Kate, who I was also seeing turned up, Joanne was out and so I let her in, but then Joanne returned. I explained who Kate was and that she was here and Joanne was fine with it - she always was a soft touch - however Kate wasn't too impressed though she made the most of it with a brave face. After they had spoken, Kate commented that she didn't know what to make of her now she knew she was Irish. I explained she wasn't Irish, in fact she was Scunthorpe born and bred, I said that she puts accents on to try and make herself more interesting to other people, to give herself some kind of personality if you like.

      I decided to go out on my bike, but for some reason I didn't take my helmet, I had a hooded top on and thought that would at least keep the police off my back. I was speeding down the road when all of a sudden the steelwork of a building with a jet engine in the centre flew past me at incredible speed almost knocking me off my bike in it's wake. As I turned the bend I saw Carl from Poker waving me down and signalling the police were about. I was going quite fast and when I started to slow down, I noticed for the first time that there was snow on the ground and I had to be really careful. I got off the bike and stood talking to Carl and someone who resembled Shackles.
      Shackles or his dream equivalent was saying how he rode all the time and how good he was, when I asked him what he was riding though, he said he's retired for now, which I thought was an odd thing to follow up with.

      Scene change - We only own a shower and a very small back yard. Since forever, Diesel and Dutchess have been a nightmare to bathe, also not very fond of water in general. Well just recently, the past couple of summers, we've managed to get Diesel in the water with the aid of sticks, which he calls balls and is obsessed with, to the point that recently he has actually been swimming for a couple of seconds at a time. So yesterday was the hottest it's been this year and I got the idea to take them to the lake and give them a good bath. It was quite funny, but I think they actually both enjoyed it.

      Joy and I were walking the dogs down the riverside and we found a place to bathe them. Dutchess went first as she is the least bother, usually just stands stock still until it's over, unlike Diesel who fights me all the way. Afterwards she was swimming in the water when she noticed a seal or sea lion, we'll say seal, she got out to play with it. It seemed to get nasty real quick and I shouted for her to come away from it, as soon as I said this, Dutchess turned into a seal, jumped in the water and started to swim with the seal. Joy then shouted that there were at least four or five of them. The whole scene had a feeling of dread about it, I told Dutchess to get out of the water which she did, as a dog again. As soon as the seals left, I got Diesel to come to me, I was stood in waist deep water with him and I was shouting for Joy to look, as I walked about in the water it got deeper and all of a sudden I stood on something sharp, Diesel was now panicking and I had to hold his head above the water and look at my foot at the same time. There was a yellow drawing pin stuck in my foot and it had some sort of logo on it, though I don't recall what.

      We left the river side when both Diesel and Dutchess ran off in different directions, we panicked as we watched both of them encounter accidents, I saw Dutchess get hit by a car, and Joy said something had happened to Diesel, although she didn't say what, they were both lying on the floor immobile. Dutchess was crying and trying to move, but she could only inch along the floor on her belly, Diesel was having fits and convulsions. I didn't know which way to run. Diesel was closest by far, then someone shouted that Dutchess wasn't going to make it and I broke off towards Diesel. As I reached him, he was still fitting and as I moved in closer he fell down a shallow hole. I climbed in to get him and I noticed he'd turned completely grey - something I've dreamt before - I picked him up and cradled him, I was crying as I climbed out of the hole and thinking that I now had to get to Dutchess as quick as possible. I set off towards her, but I never made it. I woke proper at 8am shouting out loud "What an awful bloody dream...!"

      Updated 04-19-2013 at 04:29 PM by 61677

      non-lucid , nightmare , side notes
    14. The Snow Village

      by , 01-12-2013 at 11:18 AM (Tribune de l'Incompréhensible)
      Monday, August 22, 2011
      Strength: Neutral
      Type: Positive-Obscure
      Lucidity: No

      I'm still having these incredibly vague dreams, but they're becoming easier to recall. Maybe my practice is working.

      In my dream, I'm on a ship. I can't remember our exact destination, but I do remember it being very cold and foggy. As our trip continues, the sea begins to grow rougher. Finally, a large gust of wind and a large wave crash our boat and we wash up ashore an island. On this shore, here is a large cave acting as a tunnel leading to higher ground. We are all reluctant to enter it, but finally I do. Once we get to higher ground, I notice that it's cold and snowy. Before me is a tundra, encircling a collection of small, but stable looking huts. The styling of the small town is industrial, and weak lights illuminate the short passageways acting as roads. Suddenly, the wind picks up and the people of the town begin to panic. I follow one into a house and find safety. Just as I ask him about the town, I awake.
    15. lee harvey oswald

      by , 12-15-2012 at 08:28 AM

      last night i had a dream i was riding a bike to a movie set for a new batman movie. i was going to be an extra. i sat down on a couch and talked with some of the actors. i received a script and saw that i was an extra henchman in a "vice gang". i introduced myself to one of the actors. he told me his name was "lee" and looked at me like i should know him. then he said his name was lee harvey oswald. i didn't realize who it was at the time but told him the name rang a bell. the dream transitioned into semi lucidity when i saw a piece of paper that told me to remember this dream when i woke up because i was dreaming. then i woke up. i feel like this dream is very significant but every time i tell someone they don't seem to care much. typical.

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