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  1. Meeting ppl???
  2. interesting article on OBE & survey
  3. Precognative Dreams and the String Theory
  4. Dealing With Negative Entities
  5. A dream within a dream
  6. Problems(?)
  7. Inducing an OBE from a Lucid Dream
  9. Dream Share
  10. Healing in dreams
  11. Astral Forum
  12. Freak accident or more?
  13. A Prophetic Dream
  14. The Significancce of 2012
  15. outside voice in dream
  16. Random Thoughts on the phenomenon know as "OBE"
  17. Stratified Universal Un-Conscious.
  18. Programming your subconscious
  19. Did I just experience an OBE?
  20. moving beyond Einstein
  21. Can anyone help me?
  22. Could I get some advice? I've had a really weird dream/life
  23. hypnosis
  24. "Science" vs Metaphysics: The Definitive Debate
  25. Can you really have a Shared Lucid Dream
  26. Who in here can do pyrokinesis, or electrokinesis?
  27. just curious about this
  28. does this kinda power exist?
  29. OBE
  30. How do I "send" someone a dream?
  31. Looking for insight
  32. Astral projection/Lucid Dreaming???
  33. The REAL Sixth Sense?
  34. how to bring on sp? as gateway to OOB and LD?
  35. Subconcience comunication please help!
  36. How to meditate
  37. Getting smaller and smaller....
  38. Will & Evoultion
  39. strange meditation experience...
  40. Being in someone else's dream
  41. Ghosts
  42. My Theory
  43. Dreaming: Another deminsion or a state of mind?
  44. What coulda caused this?
  45. Tarot or Astrology?
  46. Dream State Leaking into Real Life?
  47. Which do you think is real?
  48. Dream sharing proposition for all of us...
  49. Anyone ever get that 'spaced' feeling?
  50. Empathy+Dream Sharing
  51. woo hoo Deja vu
  52. proof against psi balls and shields
  53. astral projection
  54. The Door.....
  55. Santa DreamsToo's theory of why people do "kinesis"
  56. precognition
  57. Chilling story. Please read.
  58. Accidental telepathy?
  59. Telekinesis is Not Real
  60. LD-ing while SP-ing
  61. Altering My Perception of Gravity
  62. Controlling things during dreams (not dream control)
  63. Psionic Exercises
  64. the matrix: neo needs to get good at RCs
  65. OBE ?
  66. Urgh...very confused
  67. Almost OBE?
  68. The pattern crazy brain, in barely concious mode
  69. Is empathy real?
  70. Oliver Fox's astral projection
  71. OOBE?
  72. almost obe or just lucid??
  73. OBE poll =)
  74. S**-****
  75. Dream Hack Techniques
  76. negative experiences / dark creatures
  77. Meeting People?
  78. Just curious about this psi ability
  79. What does it means?
  80. Astral journey to void like space
  81. dyeing in dreams
  82. PSI abilities, ARE THEY REAL!?!
  83. PSI Abilities...I Think Not.
  84. issit true? I'm confused.....
  85. Could i have been sleeping with my eyes open?
  86. Deja Vu
  87. Was This an OBE?
  88. Out of body experience?
  89. weed and spiritual mental-energy
  90. hmm.. precognition
  91. Lucid Dreams, OBEs, and Idiocy.
  92. Help having an OBE
  93. My first OBE?...
  94. The ultimate link between dreams and infinity
  95. Astral Dynamics/Mastering Astral Projection by Robert Bruce
  96. Akashic Records
  97. An Exciting Development
  98. Dreaming of an OBE?
  99. Altering Your Waking Body via Dreams...
  100. This dream turns to be for me my whole life
  101. Precognitive or not?
  102. What if you were born on a different day?
  103. Most intriguing Dream I have had
  104. Same dream / take two
  105. 'Dream Sharing'
  106. Do anyone know about changing Lucid dreams to OBE
  107. Just a coincidence?
  108. I gave myself a leg cramp with my mind!
  109. predicting the future?
  110. Anyone else read this book?
  111. sharing dreams / sci fi
  112. My experiences with Astral Projection and lucid dreaming
  113. symbol?
  114. Weird Vision
  115. dno bout obe
  116. military/govt research
  117. astral travel
  118. a long and rapid swing which goes on and on....
  119. Turning shared dream elements into shared dreams?
  120. My war dream
  121. Dreaming Wide Awake
  122. The Power of Prayer: Fact or Fiction?
  123. Friend having precognative dreams...OFTEN!
  124. OBE and dream/energy guides..
  125. Orange cell phone
  126. Just An Imaginary Friend.
  127. attracting mean spirits
  128. Looking for more books...
  129. Information on the Sci-fis
  130. Outside communication in Dreams
  131. OOBE
  132. A Whirling Tunnel Of Nausea
  133. Pain
  134. To all skeptics and kinesis fans...
  135. a most insightful premonition
  136. Is Psycho kinesis possible in waking life?
  137. Energy Manipulation & Psychokinesis
  138. Deepak Chopra - The Higher Self
  139. PSI energy in martial arts media
  140. aura
  141. Interdimensional travel
  142. A Lawyer Presents a Case for the Afterlife
  143. Sharing a dream
  144. obe?
  145. ghost maybe?
  146. German psychic teaches students to FEEL the world!
  147. Psionics! Let's study them?
  148. NOT LUCID !!!!!!
  149. Holosync, Hemisync, Brainwaves. Need Answers.
  150. Psionics! Check it out.
  151. Is it possible we all are all connected.....
  152. Pre-cognitive dreams
  153. halolucination
  154. lead a double life?
  155. question
  156. sharing dream w/someone who doesnt LD
  157. Question?
  158. Allright knowitalls(with due respect of course) answer this
  159. Contacting angels or spirits through lucid dreaming
  160. Flying... in real life
  161. An aura?
  162. OOBE or some weird reoccuring lucid dream?
  163. Magnokinesis
  164. Aerokenesis-Electokenesis-Hydrokenesis Does anyone know how?
  165. i was told of a death!!
  166. does anyone else feel this?
  167. Watchers
  168. Astral Projection achieved.
  169. Lucid LAN Party
  170. Is death a lucid dream?
  171. Robert Monroe
  172. Miracle On Probability Street
  173. AP, silver cord, right or wrong?
  174. Has anyone ever had an OBE, or done Astral Projection?
  175. dream empath??!!
  176. ATTN Dreamguides-Anyone share a dream recently?
  177. Pain In dreams?
  178. psychic abilties
  179. Accessing Other States from a Lucid Dream
  180. Dream
  181. Feeling I can see through my eyes when in sleepy morningtime
  182. Anyone ever try to LD up a stranger in their dream?
  183. Pre cog?
  184. Telepathy and The Lottery
  185. Empathy?
  186. Mommy's pre-cog? dream
  187. My Dogs saw me OOB ;-)
  188. Have you seen your Silver Cord while OOB?
  189. Difference between Lucid Dreams & OOBEs
  190. Seeing Faces
  191. I fully believe in psi.. or whatever it is now
  192. I am afraid to OBE cause I a christian.
  193. watching yourself falling asleep
  194. An OBE in a LD
  195. Science Points To A "Sixth Sense"
  196. 2012 or not, what's the real issue?
  197. weight gain
  198. Anyone ever heard of numerology
  199. Telekinesis, Astral Projection, Energy, Psychometry and more
  200. braindead is brain dead when?
  201. Can your supernaturaly heal yourself? I have a bad flu
  202. Help! How to Stop Lucid Dreams for awhile
  203. hallutionation? or vision? or something?
  204. Dreams while your half awake?
  205. Images from forgotten dreams of the past suddenly appearing?
  206. visions of other dreamers?
  207. Looking for Advice on Psi
  208. a book
  209. Death
  210. Brain Waves and weird stuff....
  211. Is it all in our minds?
  212. Wierd night...
  213. out of body levitation
  214. I think i had a shared dream last night.....
  215. Information, Please...
  216. did i share a dream w/ you?
  217. Thinking Outloud
  218. Further, non-dream related development?
  219. Day Dream dejavu
  220. If a blind person had an OBE, could he see?
  221. Healing other people in your dreams
  222. more precog ditties
  223. The Shadows
  224. Dreams of the Future: A Theory by Joe
  225. I can see with my eyes closed...
  226. What are these sounds and voices I hear when falling asleep?
  227. Explaining Precognitive Dreams
  228. pet ghost cat
  229. mothers nightmare
  230. Having a hard time with telekinesis?
  231. Hallucinogens and Dreams
  232. Whoa, PSI balls?
  233. minor hallucinations and over pattern recognition ish... ing
  234. Not sure im lucid dreaming, maybe be something else *freaky*
  235. to all you empaths
  236. Shared Dream?
  237. Predicting the future.
  238. Dreams of tragedies
  239. Ah darn, I almost left my body again...
  240. Could dreaming be *dangerous*?
  241. I Dreamt I Saw A Stranger's Dream
  242. Sharing your experiance
  243. Alternative medicine: Dreaming. Healing?
  244. out of body experience
  245. ewok film
  246. what happened?
  247. How do you know when you've made a psi-ball?
  248. The 13 Moon Calendar: A tool for "lucid living"
  249. can u dreamscape w/out being lucid? or am i just losing it?
  250. i need some help with focus