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    1. DJ#142: Competition Night 3

      by , 04-12-2016 at 11:05 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was part of a large migrating, mainly cavalry army (I think we were the Sioux or something like that). We were travelling along a plain when we saw a blurry line appear off to the side. We turned and watched, and it became apparent soon enough that it was in fact an enormous line of people. As they got closer we could see it was a cavalry army orders of magnitude larger than ours. They swept by peacefully though, simply passing us by. Someone next to me whispered that they were the Mongols, and their army had 1.6 million people. I was gobsmacked at that sheer number of people, and thankful they weren't attacking us.

      Dream 2: I was in my old politics class talking with the person next to me about the evolution of the English language and particularly in Australia. I'm not sure if what I sad was legit or not, but I said that Chines had a large impact on the tonality of the Australian accent and the language was mainly derived from French, German and, curiously, Mongolian. A girl in my class who was from Mongolia turned around at that and seemed all excited.

      Dream 3: I was making this huge sandwich as a part of a competition with a couple of friends. We stacked up about 4 layers and filled them with different kinds of meat and cheese and stuff while having some serious banter.

      Dream 4: My grandpa, brother and I were all in the kitchen making this giant batch of a stir fry sort of thing. We were preparing different sorts of vegies and meat as he regaled us with old war stories and stuff. We eventually finished preparing all the food and then threw it into a giant pot to stir around and cook while we prepared the next batch.

      Dream 5: I was in some sort of first person Japanese style Adventure Quest/Skyrim. I arrived with my mum at this huge mansion place, where in the backyard there were a few quest-givers for the people involved and an 'adults room' for those not. I accepted a quest from this glowing blue ethereal woman, who gave me three tries to answer these riddles. I got it wrong the second time but on the third time I told her an answer so poignant that she began crying. I comforted her and she told me I had passed, rewarding me with something (can't remember). I then did another quest, a fighting one, where I transformed into an ice dragon and fought against a hydra. I think I just won that and again got rewarded.

      Fragment: Something about people with super long, pointy ears.
      Tags: non - lucid
    2. #228 - Folding boat fight / Ex / Haircut / Beating up Malfoy

      by , 04-12-2016 at 10:07 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream 1 -Folding boat fight
      I vaguely remember this dream.. It was kind of stormy near a dock, the clouds were dark and the wind was blowing hard. There was a sort of fight going on with grenades and weapons between me and other people. I jumped into the water with this thing which somehow unfolds itself and turns into a boat. It's strangely animated and there's water inside the hull so I wonder how it's supposed to fix that. Also the boat is tiny, it barely fits me but expands almost cartoon-like to encompass me.

      Dream 2 - Ex
      A dream about my ex, she's at her house with her family and our kid and apparently there's a family friend of theirs staying over. The man is in his 40s and has ginger hair and a beard, he's a bit chubby too. Apparently they sleep together or something which in the dream annoys me because of how she acted, but I'm more accepting of the fact that she's only human and we have to move on eventually no matter how much it hurts. Tough dream to wake from, but deep.

      Dream 3 - Haircut
      This is more of a dream fragment, I just remember showing off how my hair got screwed up by me shaving my beard and accidentally over shaving the right side. This happened in real life... Though it's not that noticeable thankfully

      Dream 4 - Beating up Malfoy
      This dream was.. interesting. The dream itself was longer than what I can remember, but the point where I remember from is where I've walked into this house on top of a grass hill. In this house is my neighbour Harrison in the form of Draco Malfoy (he's wearing glasses too, kind of looks like Harry Potter in a way). We have a wizard duel where we cast spells, I remember spellslinging 'Wingardium Leviosa' and 'Expelliarmus' (didn't look up the spelling so I hope that's right). I realized that there was no reason for me to just cast spells, so I walked up to him and slugged him in the face. Multiple times. He was on the floor and I kept punching him . His face isn't getting bloodied up or anything but it was pretty intense and brutal. I stop, and have a moment where I just realize that there's no point because this is a dream. I don't get lucid however, I just kind of know that it's a dream and I should be nicer. I stand up and leave, I see an old friend called Tom and walk up to him and hug him. It's an extremely comforting hug, abnormally so. It's like hugging a marshmallow with a smile while also letting you know all your sins in life have been forgiven. I walk off now, and then wake up.

      Some pretty deep dreams going on last night.
    3. The Illusionist. (LD) & (6 Non-Lucids)

      by , 04-12-2016 at 07:08 PM
      I was very sleep deprived so I decided to get some rest & make a new plan. First, I reinstalled Jelly Splash on my phone before I went to sleep & played it. The reason for this was to work on details & accuracy w/ bright colors & to just have fun. I did a simple body meditation & relaxation technique that is pretty second nature to me & I slept on my stomach for the first time in about 6 wks, which is how I prefer to sleep. And then I decided I would just sleep, wake up & keep going back to sleep until I got enough rest which turned out to be about 10 hours. I also decided not to log any of my dreams but just to keep track until I had my last one. And low & behold I had 6 dreams! Number 7 was a LD! And I kept w/ my plan by just doing what I wanted to do in it & have some fun. I've been too serious lately trying to achieve the TOTM.

      So here is my LD. I was working as a detective & was investigating an illusionist who managed to steal a lot of money, or so my boss thought. My opinion was that it wasn't him at all & that someone was taking advantage of the timing of the illusion acts he was performing.. My boss said that he would definitely show up at the event that was occurring on this same day in the evening. So we showed up & it wasn't dark yet, it was light out & there were very long lines & because we were detectives we could just weave in & out as we pleased & look for where he might be. We were in this line when I looked across the room & saw all the Chinese lanterns that were hanging about & strings of lights & bright signs. (I think the Chinese lanterns & neon signs may be a dream sign for me. I know the bright lights are) And it was then I knew I was lucid & felt invincible! I knew I could do what I wanted now & told my boss that I knew he was innocent & that I quit. I really wanted to find this guy because he was very impressive & I just didn't believe he did it.,.. He was there, eluding us, but he was there. He reminded me of Roland from Stephen Kings, The Dark Tower series. He would be in one place where I could see him & then he'd kind of roll away & disappear. I searched through the hordes of people & he still eluded me. I thought maybe since I was Lucid I could do something to find him that way, but that wouldn't be fun to me in this scenario. There were all these booths & stages where these little magic tricks were happening & I realized this event was some kind of magician's convention/exhibition or something & an illusionist would only be there for some other reason. They are in a different category than magicians you know, like that would be beneath them to show up at this place & perform ordinary magic.... I could feel him watching me everywhere I went. And then I suddenly realized he was gone. He let me see him & then went around a rack of books & disappeared w/ a smile. And then I woke up.

      Mike & I were just discussing the movie for The Dark Tower Series & how they screwed it up. I was talking about Chinese food today. And I saw a lame magic trick on tv. I know that's where some of the characters came from.... I realized that I had stopped reading my everyday books & have been only reading dry stuff to research the brain about memory... I average 50-60 plus books a year which in 6 wks I've destroyed all hopes of that happening due to doing too much dry research... I have also noticed that other people are having very fun dreams w/ dragons & vampires... I think my brain needs more of that. I may actually reread Harry Potter again due to the incredible details it has to offer which will stimulate my brain the way I want it & it has the familiarity to be easily ready. Not to mention cool magic... When those books came out my husband, our youngest son & me all read the books at the same time which was a lot of fun... I've taken the fun out of my dreams & need to put it back in.

      Updated 04-12-2016 at 07:13 PM by 90317

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    4. Past dream: Log 2 - My Only Nightmare

      by , 04-12-2016 at 06:38 PM
      So this entry is the only time I remember having a nightmare. I would say I was aged between 4 and 5/6 it was pretty scary at the time.

      So all I remember from it is being chased by a character who looked like a mix between the white rabbit from the animated Alice in Wonderland and Roger Rabbit from loony toons. He chased me into a wardrobe and I closed the doors to stop him, then in the wardrobe there was an angry ginger cat which hissed at me. This made me run out of the back of the wardrobe into a hedge maze made out of thorn bushes.

      So... that's all I can remember of the dream. It was a pretty looong time ago. Have fun interpreting whatever that was....
    5. 04/12/2016 Having Some Comp Fun. ★★★★☆

      by , 04-12-2016 at 06:35 PM (Zödra)
      So... my first dream says lucid in it, but I don't remember being lucid in it at all. lol So onto the second dream!

      DILD 1

      I realize that I am dreaming. I am in a gym, everyone is practicing energy manipulation in the form of Kamehamehas. They are really bad and lame, so I decide to show them how it is done. I tap a DC on the shoulder and say "Watch this". I teleport to the ceiling and point it at a wall, I decide not to say Kamehameha, since I am not actually doing that. I send out a huge burst of white fire while doing the Kamehameha motion and it burns the wall open. I float outside and see a bike. I know that I have a 3 step task to do, but I can't remember what it was, something I don't do very often. I think it is "fully phase through a solid object, who knows. I land on a bike and start riding it. I am going way too fast and it doesn't have any breaks. I decide to ride into a house, but a quick look around shows nothing to phase through except cars, just a road in the middle of nowhere (2 roads to be exact) but they are as busy as if they were in a normal town. I ride my bike in the street and all the cars swerve and run out of the way. Because I am going so fast, I can't seem to hit them due to their dodging fast as well. I close my eyes for a second and pause time for them. I run right at a car and right before I hit it, time starts again without me telling it to, and I miss the car again. I see an intersection ahead. I decide to get in the middle of that. It is green, so I use tk to throw a little rock at a button on the pole and switch it to red. I run the light, but so do all the cars next to me, making a shield from the other cars. I switch to third person to better see around me and I accidentally turn into a field. haha. I spin and spin and almost wreck. I switch back to first person and fly up. I see a forest to one side I zoom fly over there and land on the ground. I seemed to miss all the trees, but I didn't "Phase through" I try to run into some trees, but am unable to get close to them. I think I am going to have to use some creativity for this, in order to be able to get close to a solid object, dream has got a weird rule. I summon 3 people right in front of me, one of them is half of my consciousness. They were wearing green, so they look like they just were hidden right in front of me. Perspective control, don't know how much I have talked about that before. Anyways. One of them is Red from That Seventies show.

      He is complaining about something, and I walk one of my bodies over behind them, and then the other one summons a book in his hands. The book doesn't have a title, but then I add one. It is titled "Today" It is a list of things that happen today. I hand it to Red. He starts reading.
      "Wait, before you do that, can you skip to the part where I walk through a solid object?" He is hesitant, so I send some energy into his head, making him do what I ask.
      "Where is that at?"
      "Right there!" I point to a random point on the page.
      "And then he walked in front of the plaque and jumped in." He reads "Then he seemingly landed on the other side."
      I notice that one of my bodies is walking in front of a memorial, then it jumps through and lands halfway through solid thing. It jumps again and gets all the way through. I banish the other body and walk back over to Red.
      "You should probably get up now."
      "Because you have finished your tasks and can't remember any more goals. You can also barely remember the beginning of this dream." He reads from the book.
      "I don't want to wake up, I need more lucid time."
      "If you wake up now, it says that you will have another lucid tonight."
      "Fine!" I wake myself up.

      Of course after all of that, I look at my three step task and it reads "Teleport, Element Manipulation, Advanced summon" I still did that, but I debated between summon and phase for a while before picking summon. lol. Of course, I barely remembered the beginning of the dream, so probably good that I woke myself up.

      Next dream
      I am at a huge hotel, there seems to be almost anyone that you can imagine there. I spend some time in the room with my wife.

      Next dream
      I am in the waiting room with my dad. We decide to play some basketball and we get a lot of people playing.

      DILD #2
      Paintings Everywhere
      Waiting room again, this time I decide to go to sleep. After 30 minutes of trying to fall asleep, I go to a different couch and lie down. I instantly go to a dream and am in front of thousands of beautiful paintings, all getting ready to fall. I stop them all with TK and start going through them, one by one. I wake up in a FA and tell a bunch of DCs about it. :/

      Next Dream
      Going up the elevators, trying to meet wife, Elevator keeps messing up and I end up in a restaurant and then a secret meeting. Then I am with the people from my old job and trying to get my handheld to work. :/

      When I wake up for real here, I slow down and start chanting for about a minute "The hotel is a dream" then I go back to sleep.

      DILD #3
      I am outside of the hotel. I realize that I am dreaming I look around. What to do... a couple of dogs are running around chasing someone. I decide to stop them. I touch the dirt next to me to summon a monster to stop them. The water from around the hotel flies into the ground and makes it muddy, it sinks about 3 feet and the dogs fall in. they sink and then a huge mud monster is summoned. I was really impressed with the transformation, because I had just basically said "Summon mudmonster" in my head and my dream did the rest. Someone shoots down the mudmonster with a gun. I seem to have one as well, I look up and see a character just floating there with a gun. A FIGHT!!! I fly up in the air and start shooting at him. We are both taking heavy damage, and then something pops up that says "Chapter 3" and he disappears. Dang, it is treating itself like a level and saying that I injured him enough to pass. I fly around the hotel and can't find him. I ask someone and they say that he is usually in a certain spot on Thursdays. I fast forward to Thursday and he is there with his band of miscreants, floating near the bar. I fly towards him and I wake up.

      Updated 10-22-2016 at 02:15 PM by 58222

    6. Incest, Illness, and Travel (Competition Night 2)

      by , 04-12-2016 at 06:29 PM
      +I remembered a lot of details when I woke up, but it feels impossible to write out at 3 am. So here's what's left: I was watching Long Lost Family and there's a story about a man who was looking for his twin sister and turns out, he's been married to her! It shows a photo and I realize I have that photo hanging up in my office. I realize that it's my paternal grandmother's brother. Even after they found out, they didn't separate and they continued to have kids. They were madly in love. I wondered if it had anything to do with the concept of genetic sexual attraction I've heard about in adoption cases.

      +I'm sick and I'm stuck inside a basement room. I'm staying with P.P. but she up and leaves abruptly. I ask what she wants me to do with all her stuff and she doesn't seem to care, but we agree to meet up again and take care of it. I get a message on t.v. that L.S. is thinking of moving back to Florida. She sends videos of herself hiking on the mountainous freeway in Washington in the snow. I see a semi truck coming at her and think, "That's just like my dream last night!". I hope she hasn't left yet so we can get together first. I call someone and complain to them I'm sick, my roommate left, and another one of my friends is thinking of moving away. They pick me up and I insist that mangos will make me feel better. An ice cream shop guy gives me a scoop of green ice cream that is very bland and clearly not mango. He makes me eat it from my hand. There were a lot of guards by the door on our way out. They drop me off at a grocery store and a man in a truck cat calls me so I ignore him. As I shop I notice him following me. I try to evade him. A man asks for advice on milk and is very grateful for what I have to say. After he leaves I find him again to make sure he intended to buy chocolate milk and not regular. He did. Somehow I get back to my real bedroom and my hands are asleep. I start crying and my husband tells me he's not going to try and have sex with me because I can tell I've been through a lot.

      +Traveling with DB. We go to a snowy mountain where A and I snowboard without a snowboard, just our feet. I clipped her heel and we both fell. The snow was really strange, like artificial with the consistency of dried shaving cream. I asked about it but nobody could explain it. We got on a plane and flew over California. You could see from the plane that California extended out over the water beyond the rest of the western states. The plane detoured and took us to a hotel we all had to stay the night at. I was extremely upset. I just wanted to go home. I didn't want to stay at this weird hotel with all these people. A immediately called dibs on room 333 and that just upset me even more. She knows that's the room I want. I settle for 345 because it's on the top floor and an end, so it'll be quiet. It's a bright yellow hotel.
    7. Past dream: Log 1 - Theme Park

      by , 04-12-2016 at 06:15 PM
      These first few entries will be me recalling past dreams for the sake of logging them.

      I'm at an amusement park style place, my vision/sight is not hazy but not clear either but I can make out what places are. When I go through the entrance I immediately fall into a queue for a roller-coaster, it's pirate themed and is like one of the swinging ship rides cross with a regular coaster. The queue runs under it at one end kinda like the one at the Smiler at Alton Towers.

      This is the second time I've been to theme park.

      I don't end up actually going on it till later and the queue turned out to be a line to a candy floss stand. But before I get any candy floss I'm pulled out of the line for some reason and the dreams a bit of a blur for a portion. Part of the blur was me looking at a piece of track from a roller-coaster on display.

      Once I got to the ride and was on it I remember a long drop and feeling the g-force of the ride, which wasn't nice but wasn't good either. (i'd like to point out here that i haven't had a nightmare since I was four, I'll get to that in another log).
    8. 04.12.2016 Energy Ship

      by , 04-12-2016 at 06:14 PM
      Sleep at midnight or later. Practiced breathing exercises before sleeping. Tried to WILD but ended up dreaming.

      DR 1
      I was in the middle of a street and I was building a ship. I wasn't building it physically, but with energy. I was doing things- making gestures with my hands and the ship was being created. However, it wasn't an tangible ship. You could see that it was an energy ship- energy in the form of a ship. The ship was green and blue- like a teal color, very blue. It didn't look cloudy, and not glittery but brilliant. Brilliant energy with beautiful colors and it was getting huge. The ship was getting really big. But someone didn't want me to build it. Someone tole me that had to stop. I guess I stopped.

      DR 2
      I am walking around some type of event. It looked like a huge shop, it could have been a Wal-Mart, only it was not. Its cold. I see a large rack of coats. Apparently, I came in with a long oversized brown coat- but somebody has taken it, and I am looking for my coat on this rack. This rack of coats is not for sale, it belongs to people- I guess a place for people to hang their coats while they shop. I see a cute Guess Jacket, a satin puffer with a satin red lining. At first, I think its going to be too small, but I try it on and it fits perfectly even over all of my clothes. I take it off and return it to the rack, because I start to feel bad- someone will miss the coat. I start looking around. Its this huge plaza all around me
      huge beige floors and walls with racks of shelves of clothing and goods, I start walking . I hear people in the background buzzing, just like a regular superstore. I walk to the back of the store and I see a place where they sel shoes. There is a huge beige floor, and beige walls. Its almost like the store was set up to provide that space as a "walking room" so you can try out the shoes. Shoes and a couple of other things are up against the walls, but the floor in the center of the room is completely clear.. There is a huge counter (beige again) that runs all the way around the room- the room is a circular shape. There are people behind the counters and there is a black girl, pretty, she's got a really good attitude. She's in a great mood and she is greeting and talking with everybody. She's laughing and talking with other employees. There's just a really good good energy in the room, so I feel better as soon as I walk in.. They say hi and they are smiling..there is faint music in the background but they are just listening to the music and I can tell that they are just enjoying being there-having a good time at work. I forgot all about trying to get my coat back.
    9. 04.10.2016 Alarma

      by , 04-12-2016 at 05:50 PM
      A lot going on today. Up at 8am, preparing for a pottery party I have planned for my co-worker. Party goes well. I spend the evening with my best friend. We were talking about recent comunication that we both oddly received from our EXES this past week. I go home for an hour or so, and then go back out to catch a live band with her. I got home at 1, went to sleep at 2.

      Side Note: Frustration. Two of the ladies at the pottery party became VERY frustrated with painting their pieces. One of them was so upset that she washed her piece and then proceeded to sit with her hands in her lap during the remainder of the event. I felt like something else was going on, but I didn't ask. She is a friend of a friend's, so it wasn't my place.

      DR 1
      I am in an office building. A fire has started and most of the people have run out. Some are still running. Nobody pulls the fire alarm, so I do. I walk outside the building. There is a sidewalk path to another building, so I take it. The building doors are wide open, so I walk in. The walls are white. White ceilings, brown carpet. There is only a hallway, which extends in each direction. Its quiet, and I can hear the faint sound of the alarm I pulled in the other building. I turn to the right down the hallway. I see a red alarm panel on the left wall and I pull it.

      DR 2
      Everything seems to have calmed down. I am walking down a hall in an office building. I pass a co-worker, a handsome man, who I have apparently just repaired a work relationship with. We smile and greet each other. I continue down the hall. I am wearing office attire, a white blouse, a skirt (? color) and heels. I am holding an order with a ticket number on it- 3757. I know that the co-worker has changed my order and resubmitted it as 3758. I think about telling my boss because something about it isn't rigt. At that moment, I get called into my boss's office. My boss is a black lady with long braids in her hair. I feel that she doesn't like me much. I am seated at a white table. She asks me about the order. Before I can finish telling her the story, she calls in my co-worker. I place my head in my hands. I can't believe that she has done this before I can tell her what happened. And I can't believe this is happening when I have just literally became friends with this guy again. He whispers to me, "what's going on?", and put my lips to his ear and say, "they have no idea what's going on".
      I place my head in my hands again.

      DR 3

      Members of a movie crew are filming in the courtyard of the office building. The courtyard has a swimming pool. I'm not sure why the film is happening and I'm not sure why we have a pool. All of a sudden, a little black boy comes running from my left at full speed and cannonballs into the pool. Somebody yells, "that's a wrap", and I see the microphone swing over the pool. There are crew members in place to take the boy safely out of the pool.

      DR 4
      I am in a convenient store. A tall black lady comes in. She looks like a model. She is wearing a dark blue and bright orange dress with a sunhat. A guy's voice is heard over the intercom. He tells her to turn around so he can see her on the video cameras. She doesn't seem to hear im, so I grab an umbrella from one of the displays nearby and point to the cameras. I tell her what he said. When I actually walk up to her, she is at least a foot taller than me. I am 5'6", but she is clearly way taller. I feel so short. She turns around so he can see her. She asks if she looks ok. I tell her that her dress is cute. She says thank you and then bends over to reach into a chest (which is somehow a cooler doubling as a chest?) There are clothes inside it for some reason. As she bends over I see the top of her big hat.
    10. [12-04-2016]

      by , 04-12-2016 at 05:22 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)

      It was an early morning. I was standing in front of the door to my uncle's house, waiting until he opens them. My uncle opened the door, and suddenly frost gathered on everything around. I felt strong and unusual coldness on my hands, took out gloves out of my pocket and put them on. They didn't helped even a little.


      I was in my room. It was cloudy late afternoon. I was lying on my bed with a glass of tea. I was drinking it upside-downm sipping just a little every time. I drank whole tea, then went on to play a really entertaining game on my laptop. It was a 2D game with a top-down perspective. I was running straight a road between settlements, fighting monsters. My younger sister disturbed me from time to time, playing a guitar from time to time. I had to rush into next save point, as heavy, dark clouds gathered on the sky. I killed last creature and saved the game, turned the laptop off and looked at the sky through the window - storm clouds were moving quickly and powerful lightnings shot across the sky.
    11. long dream about stores, poo and external organ

      by , 04-12-2016 at 04:57 PM (My Robotic imagination)
      I start off in a huge store and I'm working,doing something up high. I'm on a very tall ladder that is in the middle of a crowded isle. I think I was fixing a light or something because it looked like I was reaching up behind on, trying to do whatever. The lights were florescent ones and the one I was at seemed fine. I had been up there for a long time and lost track of where I actually was. I take a step and nearly fell off of the vaulting ladder. I grabbed on to one of the steps and quickly got down. I was talking with some people about about it and was overwhelmed at how close to dying I was. I told them that I'am never going up there for any reason again.

      Sometime had pass and I'm just roaming around in the store. I see a room and I think my brother was there watching tv.

      I leave there and I realized how long I have been in here and is wondering if my mom is in here looking for me. I look outside in the parking lot and it is full of cars, some moving and most parked. It'd be impossible to spot my moms little black Cobolt. Plus I was at the front or the stores and don't know which way she may have came.

      Dream 2

      I'm in a dark dinning room the looks like the old 894 Raymond one but it was cramped up and hard to move around in. it was like a strange box, I seen the table, a computer and a dressing and that it was daytime outside. In front of me was a disgusting sight. A big toilet full of toilet paper and poo that had a white bucket on top of the stuff turned sideways and partially buried in the wet paper. What the hell happened here? I lifted the bucket up and pulled it out and under it was nasty brown poopy water and stink. I had no gloves on and was careful not to get any one me. The toilet now looked like a sink drain and in the drain part was toilet paper and smelly poop water. I realized that my brother had done this and he was actually here in the room with me, looking at his mess. I yelled at him and ordered for him to clean this up. I sat the nasty bucket down next to him and he turns and quickly runs out and over to a computer that was in another room.

      This room is much brighter and he was doing one of his recordings and shushing me so that I don't mess up his tape. He sat in a plastic outdoor chair and next to the computer was a TV, sitting on the mantel. He really has something going on here.

      Dream 3

      I don't know too much details about this dream but all I know is that something has happened and I ended up birthing out some kind of football sized pink organ thing. It had a hole in one side where you can stick your finger into if you wanted to and was wet and slippery. I walked around with this thing for a bit and was playing with it. It made strange sounds and realized that it was still alive and needed to be put back into my body. So I put it back the way it came and felt it inside my uterus and then it moved to the rare end. I don't want it there and I push. I feel it come and it popped out again and realized that I put it in the wrong place and it needed to go in the backside. I returned it there, felt it go up and move back into the right position and then suddenly I awoke with a very strong arousal feeling for a good 4 or 5 seconds.
      Tags: organ, poo, poop, store
    12. Log 348 - Bad News for a Delivery Guy

      by , 04-12-2016 at 03:48 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Tuesday 12 April 2016

      Could only remember one dream today, the first dream of the day, and I'm pretty sure it's not in it's entirety. Kinda reluctant to post it, but it's been a bit since my last entry online, so what the hey.

      Dream 1 - Bad News for a Delivery Guy

      The visuals were dim and slightly blurred. I was entering an unknown apartment room, the poor lighting indicating dusk. It was kinda a mess, though the decorations and furniture seemed otherwise decent enough. My brother, Sebastian, was accompanying me.

      Soon, I interacted with two figures inside. One was Sam, an old friend of mine, who hasn't changed since I last saw him many years ago. The other was an unknown, tanned skinned, dark haired Caribbean Hispanic woman, slightly fat, plain looking, and wearing a sundress. They've given me charge of a small, metal box, which I was to deliver. A look inside revealed a large portion of marijuana, already rolled up inside cigar paper. The woman promised me one of these joints (in addition to payment, I believe) should I complete the task. I accepted, though revealed nothing of how I wasn't interested in such things. My brother and I then left.

      We were passing through a sidewalk by a shopping plaza, the car lots mostly empty, all under a dawn sky. I've apparently owned a white truck, class 6, much like a movers' truck.

      Then, I recieved a call from an unknown, dark cased phone. On the other line was mom, who was sobbing and could barely speak. At that, I immediately felt glum; I knew exactly what she was going to say. Not willing to talk about it here. I began to wonder how such a terrible thing could happen so suddenly. That's when I realized the dream state, though I was much too embittered and enraged to think clearly.

      "What the hell is this shit?!", I yell at my unconscious self. "I didn't need this!"

      I wake up immediately afterwards in less than good spirits.

      Updated 06-29-2016 at 04:34 AM by 89930 (added date)

      lucid , non-lucid
    13. Spell's Comp Day 2: Sicker than Yesterday: Semi Lucid Sexyness

      by , 04-12-2016 at 02:16 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Even sicker than I was yesterday. I had a cough that kept me up until about 1:00am. But didn't go to sleep with the mother of all headaches like I did last night. So I didn't manage to WBTB or any of that other fun stuff.

      I might try to take a nap once the cough medicine kicks in though. Maybe I can catch up then.

      Fragment: Something to do with a Violent Movie that my cousins were not allowed to watch. There were two old male friends and one of them had a girlfriend. But then it turned out that the girlfriend was just a gay guy wearing drag and was desperate for love. He then committed suicide by jumping off of their apartment balcony into a tangle of barbed wires that hung him. Then a pack of stray bulldogs came and ate his body into a skeleton.

      There was a lot more to this.

      I vaguely remember being at some race car track. Only I was watching the cars from the grassy lot inside the track from a lawn chair. Also, it was rather foggy, so I would only see the cars a small fraction of the time as they came around to our side of the track. I remember the guy sitting next to me looked just like Tony Stark from the MCU movies. We were watching the race for awhile.

      I then remember my female projections from sex dreams started spawning in. (Three or four of them) Yeh, usually when I have sexy dreams, I use female (and sometimes male, depending upon what mood I'm in...) projections of myself to fulfill whatever twisted fantasy is on my mind. Since they're directly created from me, I can reliably get them to do whatever I want. (At least when I'm lucid.) That and I can always feel more emotionally comfortable around them more than random DCs.

      One of them came from behind and started getting touchy-feely. For some reason (maybe because I wasn't lucid and ) I was hoping she would just go away. It was my grandmother's (the one who passed away) birthday. I thought everyone would freak, but nobody seemed to be bothered. Except my mom, who was very excited about the fact that there was a topless female duplicate of myself hugging me from behind, and took a picture on her phone. (WTH Dream-Mom?!)

      Back to the racetrack. It seemed like two of the female duplicates went for Tony Stark look-alike guy. I wasn't lucid, but for some reason, I felt like they were independent now. Like I no longer had control over them. I didn't care though, I figured I could just make more.

      One of them stopped a red race car. I remember thinking that it looked like Lightning McQueen but it was actually a real race car and not a weird cartoon talking car. Me and the two remaining projections got in the back seat. (Error: Race Cars don't have back doors to save on weight). And i'm gonna omit what came after that. (No legit lucidity tho)

      (Fragment +0.5)
      (Dream +1)
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Weird Stuff

      by , 04-12-2016 at 11:40 AM
      So, I remember I was part of some military organization. the uniforms were very futuristic but all the members used magic to fight. Since I was a rookie in the Organization, they wouldn't allow me to go on a mission until I finish all my training. So I decided to knock out one of the Higher rank Soldiers and steel their uniform so I could secretly go on said mission. So I wore the uniform (it was white and I had some sort of helmet on) and then we went into something that looked like a bus/spaceship. Then I remember talking to one of the other soldiers and he talked about Fenris who was part of the mission as well (Fenris was and still is my favorite character from Dragon Age 2) I remember squealing and shouting, "OMG Fenris!"
      I could've became lucid there, but sadly, I didn't. Instead my dream continued normally.

      Anyways, The Buspaceship stopped and we jumped off and we had to go inside an old abandoned building. Instead of just walking inside like all the others, I jumped on top of the roof of another building right next to the one I had to go in and then I jumped inside the old abandoned building through the through. In there, I saw Fenris, In ragged clothes. He said something about an enemy who did something to him but don't quite remember it. Then this guy in the picture appeared in my dream and started attacking us!

      Truthbearer's new avatar-corypheus-new.jpg

      He then said the weirdest thing ever, "Since, I'm in high ground right now, does that make me a high god?"

      I remember saying, "what the heck?" And then I woke up to the sound of my alarm.
      memorable , non-lucid
    15. Black Hole

      by , 04-12-2016 at 11:34 AM
      Long LD 392
      AB's parents are preparing for a trip. They are sorting clothes out and packing. I realise some of my dirty washing is upstairs. (It is unclear whose house this is, ours or theirs, it bears no resemblance to either.) I climb up the side of the staircase, holding on to the balusters (yeah I had to look that up) - the vertical railings. On the top floor is a single large room split into sections with large pieces of furniture. A trailing flex and electrical plug is dancing in the air. That's a bit weird. I pinch my nose to RC. This is a dream.

      The room has become suddenly populated and there are various DCs sitting on the floor. One girl with long strawberry blonde hair catches my eye and I head over to talk to her. However she seems to already have a boyfriend, as a nearby guy starts joining in the conversation. He is tall and slim, with dark hair. Anyway, so I ask her for a kiss and she agrees. The guy starts suggesting things of a sexual nature that make it clear even if they are a couple they are very open to new experiences. Err well. Maybe later.

      A nearby DC starts saying that it is impossible to leave this place. There are no planes, no trains. That reminds me. Tasks.

      Remembering the black hole task I ask the girl and guy to follow me. The exit to the room leads via some falling down doorways into a slightly more open space. I then get them to hold hands and explain about the task to go through a black hole. They seem up for trying it with me.

      How to open a black hole. Well maybe I can just tear a hole in the universe and everything will get dragged out like a vacuum. So I assume a wide stance and focus, putting my hands together I grab reality and literally rip it apart. A black void opens between my hands and I struggle to control it. It is about the size of a football.

      Widening the distance between my hands enlarges it to a big black disc with nothing on the other side. I tell the couple I just met to jump through and they do, one at a time. The girl shouts something like "see you on the other side." It is hard to hear over the noise of the wind rushing past into the hole. Then I just let go and feel myself falling through darkness. As it occurs to me to try and slow my fall I hit the ground. We are in a grassy park on top of a hill. I can see the couple standing there grinning.

      That was cool, they agree. We've escaped the dream world to another dimension. The park is filled with DCs which seem to be meditating, and beyond the park is a city made of tall glass buildings. The couple want to go exploring but now I'm hungry to earn more points. We agree to meet later. They pull out their phones and make two buttons pop up on the screen. It says tattoo? with two buttons - yes, no. Yeah why not! I hit yes and the couple say they will go find somewhere we can get tattoos and then text me.

      I find a bar and start trying to think of other dream powers to try and recall mass telekinesis/gravity manipulation. I start lifting each patron of the bar into the air and making them glide around as if weightless. This impresses some more than others. When I finally drop them carefully to the ground a blonde woman comes over to me. She seems in the mood for a bit of distraction and I allow myself a bit of adult playtime in the private room next door before remembering the competition, apologising, and then phasing out through the window and wall.

      The street is full of bicycles and cars. I steal a bicycle and start to ride for a bit before transforming it into a motorbike by twisting an imaginary throttle and making the noise, forcing it to move forwards without pedal power. After a bit of effort it starts to work properly, and looking down it has taken on the increased size and weight of a motorbike.

      The street turns into a busy market. There are crowds of people. I start to weave slowly through them, still on the bike. They get out of the way without too much hassle. After a short time I wake.
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