False Awakening
I woke up in bed, Rc'd and went lucid. I went downstairs and was actually scared. My house was very dark and spooky looking. I went in the living room and I turned around and my brother was right in my face. I told him to leave and he attacked me. After he left, I found this girl dawn in my living room and did some stuff with her. Then I woke up into another FA. This time, I was in sleep paralysis and I felt like I was being spun around in the air and flying. After I broke free of the SP, I went outside and came across this girl Alice (whom I've mentioned in previous dreams) and she was complaining that she owed her friend five dollars and that was her reason for not "doing stuff" with me. I convinced her that I'd have 5 dollars if she did it and to say the least, it worked . After another FA and RC, I went downstairs and ended up bending dawn over the counter and having some fun with her. Now, of course all of this could've been more detailed, but I think people get the gist of it all.
No idea it might have been one dream or 5 but I was just napping with the intent to have a delid and seem to have had a huge chain of not so real awakenings and falling back to sleep ALL LUCID!!! And the most vivid I have ever had... Incredible. I think I actually woke up once but not sure I just remember finding that my phone stopped playing music and then falling back to sleep trying to stay awake. The first couple were very vivid but I don't remember them I do remember using "BECOME VIDID" and shouts like that to keep my eyes open and chasing after a truck or something in the first one but that's it. But what would happen was I would have a FA and actually feel the exiting from a dream and try not to move. Then I would feel strange sensations and vibrations, for example I came too and felt like I was rising up from inside of my bed then floated above my bed and sunk back down into my normal position on my back (wasn't actually sleeping on my back though) then I would feel vibrations like a wild and lift off my bed a little and be swept off into the dream world. It would fade into a FA (although I tried to start of in a field of grass) but I was completely lucid!! In the first one I remember I got up and picked my dog up who looked so lifelike I carried him out of my room and dropped him down in the kitchen I did RCs and they worked but still had a hard time believing I was in a dream because it was so realistic. I then went outside the front door and saw tons of people going about there daily business (which is weird because most lucid dreams of mine have little or no people and I've never seen my street so crowded). I saw my good friend graham jogging by my house in his Berkley sweatshirt and stopped him and talked to him and did some other stuff I'm not sure of. When the dream faded I did the same thing and just chained them. This time when I had the FA I got up and saw through my sliding glass door my sister, who is in college in a little party hat for new years even though it has passed. She looked at me, smiled, and waved. Past her in the living room I saw the rest of my family. I did some RCs and they worked. I then pressed my hands against the sliding glass door and felt it. I turned around and found my seat was replaced by a beautiful and huge granite counter top desk and a big desktop. I felt the cool granite with my hand as I walked by. I went into the kitchen and felt the cabinets and then really analyzed the room. It was incredible how real it felt and looked. It then soon faded I woke. This time I also realized I woke and was going to try to delid again but I also knew I had been in a completely different position than this and when I went to bed and I didn't want to forget any more. Nothing has ever happened to me like this before... Was I dreaming I was lucid dreaming and chaining them or was I actually doing it but when I woke my awareness was so low I thought I was in a different position? I have never had such vivid dreams and remember I also had a couple that I don't remember before those that were linked as well.
Still tracking FA's but current mindset is to not become overly concerned with them. Just a quick entry for my own tracking, no true lucid moment recalled but close. Yesterday 1/6/14 I was dreaming about logging in at work and was woke up by my back up alarm to get me to work at the last minute. I am guessing this started as a FA around the time of the first alarm. Zonked out! Also dreamed about my son LDing and visiting 5 distinct places and was getting ready to "go back in." Last night bedtime activity zonked me out longer than normal and this morning I didn't use my sleep mask or earplugs that I normally use as my wife gets ready for her day. This morning 1/7/14 I dreamed about several things going on currently IWL including a new rec group I will be meeting tonight; my son 2 separate dreams Uni & girlfriend; my mention of sensation based WILD entry last night on DV had me in an FA thinking I was actually waking up in the halfway zone and able to DEILD using sensations. I was looking over a cliff from my bed (very interesting to me) seeing different things going on down below and as I slip off the edge of the cliff knowing full well there was no danger I was trying to use that sensation of sinking off the cliff and deeper into the bed to DEILD/WILD but I was already asleep in hindsight!(I don't know what you would call this but I am not calling it a true LD or adding it to my count. I lost awareness none-the-less and I think the next dream was my son/girlfriend one.
Updated 01-07-2014 at 06:26 PM by 61674 (add first sentence)
Sep 22-23 (Lucid) It wasn't super long, but I was being attacked by some crazy powerful dude who had more powers than I did, so while he was charging one up I ran away and while doing so I realized it was a dream so I started to try to fly. It was working to, like superman style flying. I tried to go insanely fast like warp speed but couldn't do it, then thought what if I fall, and I started to fall. So I landed and thought about how weird it was that my body is laying down sleeping but I was there moving, but at that moment things started to fade and I became aware of my actual body. But it was a false awakening because I woke up in a car drenched in sweat waiting for my guardian to come turn on the car? But I totally fell for it and forgot I was dreaming haha. Then a few minutes later I actually woke up by alarm. Also I've had some awesome dreams this weekend about extreme sports and super powers. I've gone like dirt biking down a hill with a glider on top so if I hit a jump I would get a ton of air and glide down slowly. Then I also had a dream about sky diving and stuff and it felt crazy. A Mogadorian (from the series I Am Number Four) was going to take me sky diving, told me he was going to grab 2 more scouts, it seemed sketchy, my dad told me to get shotguns, so I picked up this weird looking block that was supposed to be a futuristic shotgun. The Mogadorian came back and I tried to shoot him but he was all defensive and said stop, but seemed sketchy with a sword and trying to get behind me.
Side-note Lucid Time snapshots I'm driving in my car to go to my chiropractor. I realize it's still morning, and I don't have my appointment until early afternoon, but for some reason I don't turn around. I realize it's about ten thirty, and I know I have a conference call at eleven, so I just need to be sure not to miss it. I go through a light in the right lane which turns into a right-hand-only turn lane. I somehow end up letting the car coast to a stop. I'm really confused about what's going on. Two large trucks are to my left, also stopped. I remember there's an app on my phone that saves snapshots in time and lets me go back to them. I quickly pull it up and hit the Back button. With a sound like a timebug in World of Goo, I'm back at the last light, going through it. I know this is too late - I'm about to get stuck on the turn lane - so I hit the button again. Now I'm at the previous light, and I have time to switch lanes before I get stuck. I'm really excited about this. If I can rewind time yet still remember everything that happened, the possibilities are endless! I can read all the books I want, then rewind time so that the reading took no time at all! I can spend a long time solving a difficult problem, then rewind time and remember the solution. I try to think if there's a way to bring something back with me, a completed piece of work, but I don't know how that could be done. Maybe there's a way to time-proof a USB stick? I start to think about sleep - surely being awake for a long time would take its toll? - but then I reason I can sleep whenever and then rewind time to before I slept. I'm still driving. It's almost time for my appointment, so I can't turn around, but I'm still going to be pretty early. I'm on a two-lane road with lots of trees. Someone is trying to come out of a driveway on my left but waits for me to pass first. Now I'm walking into a strange structure. I'm in a short stairwell that's C shaped. The lighting is pretty dim. I start to walk up, then realize I'm still too early. I hear someone coming down and hurry out; I feel like I'd be embarrassed if I met them. Now I'm back outside walking down some steps. I pass a maintenance worker going the other way. I realize I'm wearing only my V-neck undershirt. He comments "nice neck." I'm a little embarrassed but I don't worry about it too much. Now I realize that I can undo this whole trip if I have a snapshot from before I left. I go to pull up the time snapshot app, but I find that I have a bunch installed and it takes a moment to figure out which is the one I'd been using earlier. I'm disappointed to see that it only has three snapshots. The main listing only shows the time the snapshot was taken and not the date; I have to click the triple-dot icon to get a details page. One seems to be some kind of default snapshot - the date is 1-1-00 - and I'm not going to touch that. The next has a very strange label that I don't understand. In trying to get details about it I somehow put it into Sharing mode. I have no idea what it means to share a time snapshot, but I wish I hadn't done it. Now I'm walking down a hallway in a building similar to the one I work in. Windows are floor to ceiling to my left, though there are occasional pillars and lots of moving boxes piled around. A wall is to my right, occasionally opening out into an office or other open area. I realize I'm now completely naked and don't have the phone any more. Oddly, I'm not embarrassed at all, more annoyed at myself. I have the feeling the phone is on my jeans on one of the piles of boxes further back in the hallway, but I'm not positive. I realize I have to get the phone: if I do, I can undo all of this. I turn around and start heading the other way. A couple of women come out of an office in front of me. I sidestep behind a pillar and use a hand to cover myself, nodding respectfully to them as they pass. Neither one takes any notice of me. After the women pass without comment, I realize this is a dream. I do a nose-pinch RC to further convince myself, and I'm not surprised to feel air moving through my closed nostrils. I immediately try to remember my current goals. I know that number one on the list is to look at and count my fingers. I hold up my right hand and look at it. I have five fingers, but when I hold them stretched out, my middle and ring fingers are at a very obtuse angle - a little further and they'd be pointed directly away from each other. I keep looking and my hand kind of blurs; now it looks almost as if my left and right hands are superimposed on top of each other. I can see a thumb and pointer sticking out of each side, and there's a jumble of fingers in the middle. When I bend my pointer, I see it moving on both sides of my hand. I wiggle another finger and see both copies wiggling. I had been hoping I'd get an extra finger that I'd have conscious control over. Oh well, maybe another time. I remember the next thing on the list was to try to become extra aware of my environment. To my left is what looks like a small section from a dollar store. Shelving units are filled with all kinds of junk. I decide to reapply the nose pinch (using my left hand) to help keep me focused, then start to look at the items on the shelves. The shelf nearest me has what look like baby bath toys. As I'm trying to slowly move my attention from one to another, I realize that I'm now holding my upper lip instead of my nose, so I readjust my fingers to once again hold my nose. I notice a couple of stacks of items on the shelf, and I realize they're shaking. I identify this as the dream not being as stable as it should be. I try to stare at them, willing them to stop shaking, but it doesn't work (in hindsight, focusing on them gave the vibrations more power; I should have just ignored them). I give up on it and keep walking along the corridor, coming out into a larger room. I get stuck with my eyes closed and I try to focus on breathing through my closed nose. After a few moments, the feeling of breathing through my nose changes subtly - more like my nose is stuffed - and I "realize" I've woken up so I can't breath through a pinched nose any more. I wake up for real moments later. Fragment: I'm trying to do something for a group of women. Nothing I do makes them happy, and I'm starting to feel really frustrated.
Note: I literally had about 20+ FA's last night, so I'm going to put down what I remember, from the ones I remember. Also, my "finger biting" RC is used for every single one of these. 1. I woke up, RC'd and became lucid. For the first time ever, I remember to stabilize by rubbing my hands together, whihc is why this one lasted so long. I ran to my sister Karens room. Now, I've always wanted to fly in my dreams, but could never quite achieve it so I woke Karen up and asked her to take me and show me how to fly. She said okay and told me to get on her back. I did, and she took us out front and jumped down the steps. We glided over my front gate and onto the sidewalk, but she said it was too much weight to fly. So, I tried alone, and failed. Then, plan B came into play. Plan B, is sex. I remembered that I saw Karen's friend Melissa (who is smoking hot) sleeping in her room too, so I returned there. I rolled her over and began making out with her and kissing her in, uh, places you wouldn't usually kiss people, etc. but she kept pushing me away, which made me kinda mad. But, then I saw her other friend, alexus, and began eating her out.Unfortunately, I woke up. Or at least I thought I did. 2. I was in my room, "awake" and I didn't RC, so this is the only one I wasn't fully lucid for. I just recall there being demons and what not in my room, messing with me and playing bass guitar, etc. I got horrified and ran to Karen's room and slept in there. Then I "woke up" again. 3. I woke up in my room again, and I realized that that was impossible, because I slept in Karen's room. I RC'd and went lucid. It was then that I realized what was wrong. I was stuck in a loop of FA's. At this point, I thought it was pretty cool because I had more chances to do stuff. So, I headed downstairs to attempt flying again, but, in my kitchen, was Alice. Alice is quite possibly the hottest girl I know, so my mind was quickly changed about what to do. I asked her if I could see her iPhone and she let me. I started filming her on it and she kept laughing and telling me to stop. She ran to the bathroom and I followed her in and shut the door. I began eating her out as well, through her sweat pants and then turned her around, pulled her pants down and put my face in-between her butt cheeks and just sat there, in ecstasy. But, before anything could be done, I "woke up" yet again 4. I was in my room, I Rc'd and was lucid. Now, at this point I was on the verge of crying because I felt as if I'd never wake up, and I even began trying to wake myself up to no avail. So, I figured if I'm stuck in my dream, I ought a have fun. So, I returned to Melissa and successfully had sex with her and it was awesome. I "woke up" again. This process went on for an unimaginable amount of time, but eventually I woke up, and looking back, it was actually very enjoyable. If this happens to you, don't be worried, because you'll waste a very long lucid dream, and whats the point in that? I went from fearing FA's, to loving them! Hope to have another like it soon!
I was lying in bed and I did the hold your nose RC. It worked so I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't for some reason. I blinked and closed my eyes and tried to open them but it didn't work. My eye was barely open and blurry. I did some stabilization things and they finally opened. I walked to the door and decided to try and fly to a new scene. I went out and tried to make some flying shoes appear behind me on the steps outside by turning my back but instead I made a revolver pistol appear. I picked it up. I went over to the Werdine's and went into there house because the doors weren't there. There was a stranger in there so I shot at him but kept missing so I ran out the garage and now he had a gun and was shooting at me. He was missing but I shot him in the balls but the bullet was a hard plastic torpedo thing instead. I then tried to fly away but my eyes did that thing again. I continued jumping higher and higher anyway until one time I jumped as hard as I could but straight out and low to the ground. I then willed myself to go higher and faster. I did it, I was flying! Then the dream faded.
(Sleeping at Graham's) All I remember is graham telling me to let his dog nick into the room because he was at the door. I woke up then to go to the bathroom and he was asleep and nick wasn't around and realized it was a dream. In the morning I was having a dream but I can't remember it because I was suddenly grabbed on the left shoulder by a dream hand and shaken awake.
Tried to FILD felt weird and heard stuff and then got up in bed held nose and could kinda breath teacher with white hair and beard came in and started telling us about how he sometimes has to focus on one or two kids and explaining his teaching technics to dad who was sitting on my bed I kept trying reality checks and they didn't really work to well and I thought I was awake so I went back to sleep
I got out of bed and realized it was a dream. I went into the kitchen and rubbed my hands together because the dream was already fading. I went our the front door and decided I wanted to fly. In the front yard I jumped and bounced like I was on the moon. Eventually I got all the way on to the roof and did flips and stuff but didn't fly. Suddenly I looked up and saw the northern lights. I thought it must have been the most beautiful thing ever. I went next door to get a better look. The Hershock's house was replaced with some other building or something and a few people came out to talk to me. The dream faded into a new one and I lost lucidity.
1/3 snip...For the second day in a row I get up after maybe 6 hours of sleep, eat some oatmeal, watch a little TV and then go back to bed and for the second day in a row I have a lucid dream. I think both were either due to the nap schedule or my tweak to my self awareness check-ins but I also performed SSILD cycles each time. This felt more like a morning nap than a wake back to bed because I normally don't stay up for a long time for my wake back to beds staying up 1 hour yesterday and about 1.5 hours today (got into a movie). I'm driving down a busy road with three lanes going the same direction as I am. The right lane slows down to almost zero and I get over into one of the faster lanes and I see there's a car that is slowing down just barely going . As I continue along I see more and more cars driving strangely in curve patterns on a straight road some of them also curving into the side of the road and stopping. As I get more and more suspicious the question pops up that must be dreaming. The finger through my palm tries to tell me that I am awake but I just know that I'm dreaming and I told myself if I'm dreaming I can pull back on the steering wheel and the car will start flying like an airplane. I lift off just above the ground at first and wonder if I've actually lifted it off at all and I pull back a little more and sure enough I'm flying up in the air higher and higher flying around a beautiful green hilled landscape in a daylight scene. It is so much fun it reminds me of the dream where I took off from the roller coaster flying over a similar landscape. I am checking out different views and after a while my vision starts to get fuzzy and I felt like I cracked open my eyes in waking life and maybe saw a little light and my room but I later realized that was a false awakening since when I actually woke up my sleep mask was firmly in place and my first do was dark by the sleep mask. At the time I thought I'd barely woke up so I decided to try to go back into the dream but later ended up in another false awakening where my wife was coming back to bed for a little sexy time. I pull up her sweatshirt and she has an undershirt on and by the time my son starts calling out from downstairs (in the dream only because he's not at the house at the moment) we are completely naked and I am worried that he is going to walk up the stairs into our room just like the episode of Modern Family rerun that we watched last night. He is calling her asking her for something and I try to call out to him what is he looking for but he keeps calling to her (I also hear is cousin downstairs) and I tell my wife hey why don't you respond (at least 3 times) before he comes upstairs and I look at her and her eyes are closed and it looks kind of like she's having a light seizure or something with her lips puckered kind of like a fish and I start to get ready to call my son to ask him to call 911 when I realize again I'm dreaming...I must be but there's just enough doubt that I make myself wake up just in case she is having some kind of medical emergency in waking life. Did not count this as a lucid dream...not this false awakening.
1/1/14 snip...Sometime during the night I wake and I have trouble going back to sleep I think only after 3 hours around 5 a.m. I went to bed just after 2 a.m. New Years Eve. Since I'm unable to sleep I decide to do my SSILD cycles and after some time I have three waves of vibrations I think that I probably went lucid but I was too lazy when I woke up after several subsequent non lucid dreams to write anything down so I don't recall anything specific after 5 a.m...except for the three waves of vibrations. Not counting it since I can't remember for sure. 1/2/14 1am 430 620 Dream that turned lucid. I get up after 5 1/2 hours of sleep eat some oatmeal watch a little TV and then go back to bed. This was a morning nap false awakening where I pull off my sleep mask in the dream sitting up a little in bed. It feels so weird so I think that I am halfway in dreamland so I lay back down to DEILD but I am already dreaming...but it is confusing for a little while, a dreamlike confusion. New FA (I assume since my first memory of it is a bedroom scene) with E & his wife B. E asks if classic channel changes back to regular later I say no it stays the same but they play new shows not only reruns and classics. Something about Sony classic perhaps sony movie classics channel? My pajama pants are part way down and I try to pull them up a little I see B notices this and she appears interested to look down there but then I tried getting them up again when E starts talking again but he never looks down to see the condition of my pants I half realize it's a dream and have decided to go back down and visualize messing around with her but as I do it becomes so very realistic that I fully realize I am dreaming. I played with her breasts through her bra and I also feel her down there and it was warm and moist through her underwear. At one point she embraces me and as I wake up I notice my wife is not embracing me as I thought was happening. I assumed that waking life was melding with the dream but no, all made up in my mind. It was a very sensual weird experience. Just before I woke up I did start thinking about goals and if waking life was entering the dream.
Wasn't really trying to lucid dream last night, or recall anything, and i hadnt taken the vitamins i usually do so it's hard to remember: I was about 30 feet underwater, just swimming around in an empty ocean. I remembered I needed to breathe, so I just took in a deep breath. That was a dream sign for me, and I became lucid. I decided I wanted to become a dolphin so I could swim faster, and I did. I didnt want to stop because it felt amazing. After an unclear amount of time, I started to lose some lucidity so I tried to stabilize. I usually look at my hands to do this, but I was a dolphin.... So I just turned myself back into human and was on land. The stabilization kind of failed, and I had a false awakening. That's all i can remember.
Ok well I was out of town and didn't have the time to do these on a daily basis. 29Dec13 I took notes on this one after the fact, a couple dreams after and wrote the night after I had it so it was pretty fuzzy. I was dating or met and started dating a girl. There was another girl (her friend) who was dating one of my friends. Bars and clubs. Rode a bicycle with both of them down a street and going up and down street curbs. Other girl began to go crazy and tried to steal my car, I got in passenger side and pulled e-break so she couldn't take it. Ended up at a show where both of them had been performers. I took a seat for the show in a theater in the second row down, had to pass a few people and sat next to an older lady who had to move her leg or her purse. The intro was someone from the dukes of hazard apologizing for the crazy girl not being there and sorry they could not perform that night. The second act started with tall skinny girls dancing, they were all fully clothed from head to toe in heavy woven fabric doing crazy dancing. 30Dec13 This one I went lucid in and took notes right when I woke up. There was a lot more before this but I only remember snippits. Started with me on a ship. I was going to the aft end and up a couple of decks. I went outside to see how the deck looked to see what shape it was in. For some reason I was carrying a blanket. Anyways when I got there it was really rusted but it looked like it had been freshly painted in some spots. In the water was clouds of stuff either dirt or rust. I turned around to head in and at this point is was night. A girl who worked for me was standing there and was very sad. I talked to her and found out that her husband had died. I asked from what and she said it was something crazy like malaria. I consoled her and hugged her deeply and for a long time. She climbed into my lap like a child would and straddled me. A few more people showed up there or were there and I just noticed. I knew or had the feeling that her husband was a jerk and bad for her. I told her that she should go out with another girl that was there and they should tear up the town, trying to break up the tension. Another girl crawled up to the girl who was very young, maybe 2 and I was surprised she was there by herself. I told the girl that I would take care of everything with her husband and left. I got up and started climbing stairs up and thought, "oh I have a lot to do, stressful" this was a cue to do a reality check, hands, fingers were 5, 6, 7 nice. LUCID: I thought of flying up the rest of the way and then remembered I was working on anchoring. I looked at my hands in detail, wrinkles and hairs, moved closer to the light to get better detail. I now felt anchored! I was half way up stairs but now I was climbing up boxes. I climbed to the top and now I was on a stack of boxes and crates in a big open area, still on a ship. I anchored again since I was in a new place. Once I finished thought what should I do? I thought try to shoot fire balls from your hands? why not? This was one thing I had on my bucket list. I put my hand in the air and did some moving and thought and some words and said "fire!" and threw my hand forward. The ball went it was a ball a little bigger than a baseball, it was kind of a puttering fire ball, it was black and then on fire and black and kind of moved this way and that way. This is not the type of ball I wanted to shoot. I imagined more what I wanted it to look like and threw another. Much better it went faster and kept fire and straight. I threw it towards a couple of people and they jumped out of the way. I threw several of them all around me at people. fun. How about ice? I then threw ice balls around me in a similar fashion, these were just like snow balls. Then I tried electricity/lightning, my favorite by far. Balls of light went and when they hit gave the DC they were thrown at a nice jolt. To my right there were a couple people who looked like they were going to retaliate, so I began to use both hands and threw a barrage of fire balls towards them. Needless to say there was no retaliation. There was this really large guy behind me who I had thrown a couple of balls at and he dodged, I hit him with lightning and it zapped him. I finished throwing balls and climbed down the boxes. He was kind of mocking me so I thought of something else I could do, a "finishing move" I guess. So I threw both my hands in the air and said "Meteor!" and brought them down, at this point it began to rain meteors and got the mocker. I was thoroughly pleased with myself. I headed toward a door that was in front of me to further explore. As I reached toward a door knob the big guy grabbed my leg and pleaded with me not to go. I kind of stressed a little bit since he was so big and I didn't know if I could get him off of me. I shook once and he went off a bit. I started getting a bit mad and thought that if I couldn't get him off he was going to get it, I didn't have a plan for it but it was going to be rough for him. I did one more shake and he was off. I opened the door and walked into a neighborhood. The grass was green, it was a nice blue sky. The neighborhood was nice and I had just stepped out of the front door of a mid sized house, stucco siding and the clay shingles on the roof, 2 story. The house next door was similar as well. I noticed a big tree with green leaves. The road was a light blue like it hadn't finished loading the color yet. I practiced anchoring and probably didn't do it for long enough. I began walking toward the house next door and contemplated what I was going to do, break into the house? whoosh... out of the dream. 31st - Not much recall and only snippits. The funeral of a friend and a moment of silence. Waiting for others when I was leading, they would not follow. it was a mall like area. 1st - Not much recall and only snippits again but maybe an OBE? Main thing I remember is falling asleep, I felt dream bodyish and just kind of rolled out of my body. I looked back in my bed and saw my wife sleeping, I didn't' see me.... or did I? My mind was playing tricks on me but it was definitely a dream now that I am remembering. I never became fully lucid since my mind convinced me I was just up from bed, don't remember what happened after that.
Updated 01-02-2014 at 06:20 AM by 67122
Start off in a building running away from zombies, after running for a while, i get surrounded. I escape through a narrow gap in the horde. The keep scraping me with their hands and grabbing onto me, but i brush them off. Suddenly i'm in the corner of a right-angle corridor, and 5 people are here. A fat zombie boss emerged, and there was one guy with loads of weapons. He handed them out ot all of us, then i ran away. I realise i'm not being chased and the other guys are nowhere to be found. I slowly start walking back, and realised they all died. *Dream Becomes Lucid* I fire my gun at them, but only water tricles out, its a plain water gun. As they are closing in all directions, I scream to wake up, but it comes out as a whisper, then i wake up. *Throughout this there were false awakenings*