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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Busride, tornados, a weird guys house

      by , 01-04-2024 at 11:41 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      It was me and a few other people and someone lets call her F, idk what she was doing there, traveling like all of us probably
      We were in one of those travel buses have this big spacious entry where you walk up to the long row of seats
      We were somewhere in germany, going between hills and villages, when suddenly the weather got pretty stormy, and suddenly abnormally fast and violent tornadoes popped up randomly, sized randomly, I saw one that was a whole lot faster than our bus, but we havent got any serious ones near us, just little dust devil like ones that only nudged the bus a bit
      Driver got really panicked, we barely ran out the violent tornadoes that seemed to be mostly behind us, we got to a shopping centre of some sort in middle of the plains, the driver wanted to park there and think things through
      but it kept coming, the driver moved the bus around back to the road, I told him where to go to guide him, soon we got out of it somehow....but now apparently, it was of a survival setup, we werent travelling, we were surviving, the whole set up of the dream was of a survival one... anyhow while we were fooling around on the bus, F started to look like man so I was like dude you look like a man, then she shifted back to her original form but this time had a different hairstyle... then the bus stopped near a neighborhood, we continued the road on karts with engines, that had an odd shape, basically it was fully covered, like a car, but kart sized...
      actual cars were all over the place, we were avoiding them, then some sort of situation happened again, and we looked for a house to break into, and there was a house that was barricaded by cars stacked on eachtoher by the road, we got past that with some maneuvering, then got in to the door, we got in with ease, I went in first, there didnt seem to be anyone, I went in the living room, thats where i met the owner of the house
      this guy was odd, had this strong blue facepaint or mask on him and these funky sunglasses that had this red-purple chrome reflection, he took of the mask and introduced himself
      so I was like we came running away from storms and stuff, and he was like he saw us but let us in since we werent careful enough to inspect the place, almost like he set us up
      I was like oh no, I shouldve been careful, this couldve been a big mistake to make, anyhow
      he seemed to be friendly, didnt attack us from the start, but something was off about him, his looks and his manners, he clearly didnt mean good for us in the long run, was kind devious
      then he went to take a look at the team, F was fiddling with something in the other room, then the guy was like I'm gonna beat you up
      then I got mad I warned him if he does anything I'll see him be dealt with, and thats when I woke up
      Tags: bus, house, tornado
      non-lucid , memorable
    2. Nose soup

      by , 01-04-2024 at 01:29 AM
      I was sitting at a table, a man put a bowl of cloudy broth in front of me. I was about to start eating when his prosthetic nose fell into the soup. I stared for a second, and threw the nose back to him, it stuck to his shirt.

      I was in the car. It was pulled over, I looked out the window. My mother was bent so her body made a 90 degree angle, there was a bush behind her and she was spraying piss on it like a yard sprinkler. It was like a train wreck, I didn't want to look but I couldn't help it. I was eventually able to look away, I thought to myself "What a disgusting creature."

      I was walking across a dock with my cousin. we were on one side of a lake, and we wanted to get to the other without getting wet. I stared at a boat, and she found a bag of pool toys. I reached for an inner tube, but she stopped me and said it was too small. I then reached for one the same size and she didn't say anything. I then put my tube in the water and sat in it.
      non-lucid , memorable
    3. Night of Monday 1/1/24

      by , 01-02-2024 at 10:15 PM (Dreamlog)
      Reality Check Bait:

      I'm watching a livestream of Lucid Dream Portal.
      I've just described a dream in the chat to Daniel, where I had been performing a Linkin Park song.
      I'm telling Daniel that while reading the lyrics, I learned that I had been saying the wrong words for a long time.
      Also, Daniel was on stage singing with me.
      I'm posting a picture I edited, adding his face to the scene, into the stream chat.
      I second guess myself, wondering if this is too much.
      Daniel reacts to the picture and tries to put it up on the main stream view, but it isn't formatting correctly.
      It seems like he has a neutral reaction otherwise.
      Others in the chat started to spam "mature" images into the stream.
      Daniel starts to act strangely in response.
      I wonder if he is attempting to bait a reality check from the stream, but I wake up before I actually perform one.

      Updated 01-05-2024 at 06:49 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. A weird dream with its own world and history

      by , 12-26-2023 at 07:57 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      It felt like I'm in the middle of a Konami game, think resident evil
      I remember we were preparing for Christmas when we got warned that some sort of paranormal army of zombie like monsters emerged due to a catastrophy of some sort and we only have just ten minutes left to hide, somehow censuring any sort of human information mattered, somehow this isn't the first time it happened, at a point I chosed a character, it was a brunette woman with mid-short hair but halfway I was still me, kinda like in a different body as a player idk, some chaos ensued in the streets while some characters of a crew of some kind came to help me and my family prepare,, they had weapons too, so i grabbed my boots, and coat, when i started to hear one of the enemy approaching having some sort of evil monologue about how they will find all of us and we can't hide and about the event in the world that made things the way they are, regarding the catastrophy
      So we bolted for an attic some sort, my house and street was different this time there were some sky reaching structures there, so we entered an attic a very big and tall one basically a tower, in there it was dark, on a large wall of weird wooden ladders we started to climb up just when the enemy came in it was scary as shit, somehow we had fleshlights, as we went up I started to see all kinds of weird murals , dragons and idk what kind of entities on a large rug holding something with many colours that pours water out idk, and I saw little notes on the walls hanging too and I thought those are the stories of the life of others, or at least pieces of them, then i remembered that the catastrophy somehow affected the stories of everything, hence the world setting, then we eventually got up on top of a tower that's pretty much s skyscraper , then i got separated from my character again, i just looked around, more there were guns, it was like i was on the tutorial part, but then my supposed character started to argue about the right for a normal life with the crew, it didn't lead anywhere, she cried, and then i guess we started to get used to the new way of things,
      At this point idk what happened but a little bit later everyone returned for Christmas shopping but this time the main information on pretty much everything was blanked out with white paper, I was in Tesco, it was dimly lit now which have the whole place even more of a Christmas vibe, I got in a talk with a woman there about the whole event, how they shouldn't let us in after this recent event and how blanking out "human information" really does nothing, which supposedly makes raids like this less likely to occur and that's basic procedure made by the gov for safety,
      And then I woke up
    5. Elements and Pirate ships

      by , 12-19-2023 at 09:53 PM (Lucid-Wannabe's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I take a cup out of a freezer and go to drink it but notice it has mercury in it. I show Tami and then leave it on a table. She then starts playing with it and gets it on her face and it starts to cover her skin in a similar way to gallium. I was pretty freaked out over the toxicity of this. Just like gallium, it comes off easily with soap.

      Dream 2

      I find myself about 18 years old, most of the other people are as well. I'm on some sort of cruise with Tami. I find myself as sort of a hostage. I peer out from the deck at a cul de sac, it's as if I'm looking out the front door of a house (yet I'm on a boat) and the homes are full of bodies, my captors did this.

      View from the boat of the cul de sac.
      Hero of the Day-1.jpg

      There was a girl that wanted to swim with me but I wasn't interested. She ended up laying down on a very large sail-like structure above me. I found out she had an identical sister who then went up and laid down by her, they were sun tanning - though it was now getting dark.

      Then a third sister of theirs with dark hair was talking with me a bit before going up to meet the other two, she was very friendly.

      Then I met their mom and we were talking about me having dry eyes. She was saying if I got some sort of surgical lens installed I would be cured. I was interested in this and she said she could inspect my eyes and let me know if I was eligible.

      She then says she can do this inspection while we go on a two person sort of boat ride. The ride goes from your present and into your future, and you discuss with each other about what is seen during the ride. She mentions in an off hand way that there is also the possibility to go into the past and sort of brushes it off with 'but yeah, you know - that's optional we don't have to do that'. I get the impression that secretly she wants to do that part of the ride the most.

      While we were talking I had a vision of what this boat ride would have looked like:
      Hero of the Day-2.jpg

      For some reason I need my clothes washed before going on this ride. I find a tiny secret door in a wall and push my clothes into it and watch them fall downward. I go down one level on the boat to see where they went.

      Hero of the Day-3.jpg

      Turns out they landed in a large washing machine but there were already a ton of clothes in it. I contemplate turning it on or removing all the other clothes and only putting mine in so I can run it at a faster setting so I can finish this quicker and go onto that ride.

      I wasn't very interested in the ride thing, but nothing else was going on.

      Updated 12-19-2023 at 10:21 PM by 106

      non-lucid , memorable
    6. Dream Journal Day 16: Morning, Tuesday 12.12.2023

      by , 12-17-2023 at 01:06 AM
      School pool. We are having a swimming lesson, though the person teaching us is not a swimming or PE teacher. The pool is small, two metres deep perhaps, and raised off the ground, the water is blue-green. Beside it the surrounding floor is built in something like sandstone. The floor at the right side of the room is a step below the pool, but that at the back is raised by a big step and what seems like low bollards are spaced out along its length. I look closer and each one has a name on it in slightly raised stone letters. They are memorials. The nearest name looks like 'Marjorie'.

      Below the raised pool is a very shallow one, the water is completely clear.

      We begin swimming, but now we're not in the pool anymore. It's like we're swimming in the air over the city. Below me I can see skyscrapers and the biggest buildings of the financial district, and lots of houses with red tile roofs. I'm in a group and we float around, laughing, every now and then stopping to rest our feet on the roofs of the buildings. They seem much smaller than us at this distance. I place my feet on a group of houses and feel the roughness of the surface on my skin.

      Now it does feel like we're in water again. But we're still above the city. I don't quite get how this works but I feel that the water's surface is far above these buildings. There doesn't seem to be any water down here. It's like two spaces overlapping one another.

      I swim slowly, but I keep bumping into a girl in my group. I apologise to her and try to swim a bit further away. She's laughing a lot and with her friends seems to be communicating with someone else far away, I don't know how. While swimming away I turn around and realise she - and she only - is now naked. I'm shocked, and then, I bump into her again. It's much more embarrassing this time.

      We are finally back in the murky school pool. I swim around a bit more, feeling good, I can hear my teacher talking. I look up and realise I am the only one left in the pool and everyone else is sitting on the side farthest away at the front of the room. That feels awkward and I quickly get out. The small pool is between me and the others, so I slide in, bracing my hands against the bottom to avoid hitting my head. This pool is really too shallow to swim in. I get over to the other side and get out.
    7. Dream Journal Day 15: Night of Tuesday 05.12.2023

      by , 12-16-2023 at 01:33 AM
      I didn't remember this one at all when I woke up, which was disappointing. But then I was reading in the morning and came across a scene which involved a severed head. I thought of the head and then I thought 'Taxidermy' and everything came back to me. This dream was so strange. The second part wasn't at all gory to experience but I suppose it could make some feel queasy.

      Fragment 1:

      I remember being in a boarding house with classmates from school. The building has two floors and is painted white or grey all over. There are no lights on and the sky outside is dim white, so inside it's shadowy. It's just us here, no host.

      My room is on the ground floor and I step outside into a long hallway. The doors too are smooth and white, with pull-down handles. Recessed inside their frames they are dark with shadow. I walk past a pink laundry basket and up the single flight of stairs.

      The upper floor is just as shadowy and plain. I pass along the hallway by closed white doors. At the end of the hallway is a dark, empty room with a window on the opposite wall and off to the side a doorless doorway into another empty space. In the wall opposite the doorway are two white doors, and one in the adjacent wall, all closed. I see two of my friends come out of this latter door. They are laughing and carrying a laundry basket.

      Fragment 2:

      I arrive at my street with a friend from school, we get out of the car. I see that there are two naked corpses, each splayed out face down on top of two cars which are next to one another. One of those cars - the blue one - might be mine, the other is grey. My friend has some reason for these being here. She wants to preserve the corpses so I offer to help her. I take a short scaffolding pole out of the boot of the car and push it into the anus of the nearest body. It enters cleanly and easily with a long part still sticking out. She pushes another into the other end of the body. I'm not clear about this part - in the dream I was sure this was the vagina, but it can't have been, more likely the mouth. But I'm sure it wasn't the mouth. I'm not sure these bodies even have heads. I suppose that's dream logic. At the end of this process poles stick out of both ends of the body, as if it has been impaled.

      She asks if I'll help her with the other one too. I look down at the pole I now have in my hand. The pole is dented at the end and has some smudged black marks on it so I tell her it might not be suitable - I'm worried about it causing an infection. I walk up to my house leaving her to finish up on her own.

      Outside the open door of my house I stand talking to my mum. She looks out and asks me what that's all about. After a moment's thought I tell her that my friend is interested in taxidermy.

      Looking back I can see that both corpses have now been 'impaled'. From here they seem in a sort of spread-eagle position, toes pointed and arms stretched backwards, faces looking up.

      Day 14 (Night of Friday 01.12.2023) is too fragmented to merit an entry.

      Updated 12-16-2023 at 01:37 AM by 100434

      Tags: car, corpse, dim, doors, white
      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    8. The Trials and Tribulations of Trucker Life

      by , 12-14-2023 at 06:17 PM (The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy)
      It starts out in an apartment, presumably around the Arden-north highlands area by the look of it. I was with a various group of people when a bullet crashes through the window. Me and everyone else get down in an attempt to save ourselves as we figure out the hitman's target. Turns out it's this woman who was with us. The shooter enters the apartment and I ask why he's doing this. He says it's because she won't reply to him on tumblr, which seems to activate a pity response in everyone, so we hug him and tell him everything is okay.

      After that situation settles, I, who for some reason am some heavy set white middle aged trucker dude in this dream, not unlike muscle man's dad from regular show, exit the apartment, climb down the stairs, and realize that in the space between buildings a couple of guy fawkes mask wearing killers are approaching me. Being aware of the dream at this point, I attempt to fly away to the bus stop I was intending to catch, and then I wake up, however I can't completely do so. I lose visual of the dream, but the audio is clear as ever, as well as the sensation of a blond kid pestering me about my wings and how his brother has the same ones.

      In the faux waking world, I am in the room of my childhood home at night, dodging various vague figures in the shadows whose existence is merely implied. I try various things, including screaming, singing "bring me to life" by evanescence, which comes out as pathetic whimpering, and hobbling over to the light switch whenever my attempts very briefly succeed enough for me to be semi-conscious. My entire body felt numb but I realized I had leverage whenever I scratched the back of my thigh relatively deeply. In the dream I was in front of a post as I was singing bring me to life while scratching myself, and eventually it works and I finally do wake up. Turns out I was literally just being restrained by my fiance, who was nearly sleeping ON me.
    9. Night of Wednesday 12/6/23

      by , 12-07-2023 at 11:50 PM (Dreamlog)
      Learning to Drive:

      It's night and I'm leaving a game night at JM's (Tots) house.
      I'm with EP from highschool combination rackets. Her dad is coming to pick us up.
      The car is a beat up old Expedition. We sit in the back.
      We get to EP's home and it is a small condo/apartment. It's dirty as well.
      I see a large smartwatch adhered to the wall, meant to act as a regular wall-clock.
      There is a bag of fast food on the ground. It might have been Firehouse Subs.
      Later I'm downtown somewhere that reminds me of Las Vegas. I'm near a parking structure stairwell.
      My girlfriend's Dad is supposed to meet us at a restaurant soon.
      There is some sort of event related to car sustainability going on.
      I'm at my high-school parking lot.
      I've just bought a brand new car, but my Dad is in the driver's seat.
      I'm very annoyed that he is trying to drive it before I do, so I ask him to give up the spot to me.
      He does, but when I get in, I notice that he has only partially moved out of it.
      He is sitting in the passenger seat, but his left leg is still under the wheel.
      I'm struggling to fit in the driver's seat, and my Dad is struggling to fit in the passenger seat.
    10. Night of Tuesday 12/5/23

      by , 12-06-2023 at 08:34 PM (Dreamlog)
      Fixing the Plant:

      I'm at my current home in waking life, out in the yard.
      I've started to plant something. I vaguely recall it may have been a hunk of meat.
      HM from the Tots and somebody else are there.
      I go back in the house for something and then return.
      The two of them have 'fixed' my attempt at potting the plant by adding sugar to it.

      Peachy Party:

      I'm at my Grandma's current basement. There is a party going on with a large group of people.
      There's a football team with blue and white colors I'm sarcastically following. I'm watching them play a game on my smartphone.
      The team is here now, and some of them are jocks. One of them is holding up a sign. It is all symbols.
      I intuitively understand it to mean "no girl delivery people." The symbol is a smiley face with long hair, circled with a line through it.
      Later I'm hooking up with Princess Peach at the same party. We are under a stairwell. It is pretty vivid.
      After the deed is done, we pass out on the floor, not concerned if anybody finds us.
      In the moment I consider this a chad-move.
      At some point in the night another person puts a blanket over the two of us.
      We wake up and it is revealed that someone has taken pictures of us during the act.
      The pictures are crudely edited, with cutouts over faces. I see us over by a TV center.
      We are both embarrassed that there is evidence now.
      I'm standing at another part of the room with YK from college.
      Lights are dark now, and the scene is more sinister.
      YK is scared that somebody is going to get him.
      He is trying to hide and I follow suit.
      I go to hide in a back area near the water heater, but YK tells me that hiding place is too obvious.
      I turn and go to find a new spot, but now I'm out in the open.
      I see my bike and my girlfriend's bike there, and I accidently bump into them.
      They make a loud noise as they fall.
      An old lady carrying what looks like a harpoon gun appears from the top of the stairs.
      I ask her why she is here.
      "I'm here to kill you," she replies simply.
      She points the gun at me, and I grab it, trying to point it away.
    11. Night of Tuesday 11/28/23

      by , 11-29-2023 at 04:50 PM (Dreamlog)
      Climbing to Stability:

      I'm at the canal where I exercised a lot earlier this year. It's the day time.
      I'm with my girlfriend and we are rising into the air.
      I'm holding a rope, and I indirectly perceive that she is holding onto me, or is with me in some other way.
      When I will it, a balloon floating up above inflates, which pulls the rope upward higher into the sky.
      My girlfriend and I ascend higher and higher into the sky, with the rope being only thing keeping the both of us from falling.
      I have an expectation that when we reach a certain height, a support will form so that we can be safe.
      Later I'm still with my girlfriend, but now we are more obviously on a date.
      We are at a sort of marketplace with indoor and outdoor sections.
      There is a central register desk with some clothes and other merchandise set-up around it.
      This feels sort of like a foreign country, with smaller roads and streets.
      I'm following her and I see that her hair is longer than it normally is.
      I'm now standing in my Great-Grandma's condo, looking at a picture of my girlfriend from the back.
      The visual is the same, with the longer hair. Essentially a screenshot. There is a second picture of her starting to turn around and look at the camera.
      I realize that my Great-Grandma has recently died (within the dream's story, not really) and I am there to help clean up the condo.
      I go to her bedroom and see that my brother and sister are there watching something on her old small TV. My brother is on a futon, and my sister is on a second bed.
      My Great-Grandma's bed is empty, but I hesitate to get on it because it looks dusty. Plus, the idea that she may have recently died in it spooks me.
      I sit on the second bed next to my sister and join the group.
      My sister asks if we can reorient the bed so that it is in line with the TV, rather than the side. I tell her "I sleep on my side anyway, so it works out."
      At some point later at the condo, I put on a VR headset.
      I'm now in an ocean inspired by the Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker, with the cell shaded deep blue colors.
      This was some sort of MMO, with many other players occupying the ocean.
      I'm in a boat and controlling the world with my voice.
      I ask for an engine to be on the back of my boat, and it happens. My speed increases and the whine of the device whirs to life.
      I decide that I want to be funny, so I ask for the One-Piece straw hat to be on my head. I find a mirror-like surface to look, and it indeed has appeared.
      I pilot the boat over to a group of people and zoom past, while doing a poor King of the Hill accent "dang-ol-motor-boat-I-tell-you-hwat!"
      Eventually I reach what looks like a large garage door on the edge of the ocean.
      It's currently up, so I go beyond it. At some point I lose my boat behind it and get put back on the Ocean side, with the door now down.
      I'm not concerned about losing the boat, but I spy an island on the horizon that I want to swim to.

      Recorded after 7.5hrs of sleep.

      Updated 11-29-2023 at 11:31 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , memorable
    12. Dream Journal Day 13: Night of Monday 20.11.2023

      by , 11-28-2023 at 11:24 PM
      Fragment: looking down a gently lit stairwell at school, sound of girls chattering below.

      Me and my best friend from primary school are in a café (restaurant? Eatery?), waiting for another friend who I haven't seen since primary school. It's a small, narrow, high room built entirely of light-coloured planks, roughly hewn. There are large gaps in the wall like floor-length windows, but with no glass in them. I can see outside on a sort of market scene. There's a shop serving lots and lots of lovely-looking baked goods for pretty low prices, I can see their menu even from this far. I don't know what's on the menu of the place I'm in.

      We sit at a table - also made of planks, it's what you might find in a hipster café, sideways-box seats on both sides and a white runner in the middle of the table. My friend and I are chatting while sitting next to each other. I look to my left and see a classmate from my current school sitting at a small table, on a school-style chair with a thin cushion, drinking a cappuccino. I go to the bathroom and when I get back she's moved to my table and is sitting opposite my friend. We all talk for a while before she leaves.

      More time passes, I don't know how much, but it feels infinitely long as we keep waiting. He's really late. The light outside is still as bright as ever so we keep talking, discussing him, how long it's been, talking to each other.

      Finally he arrives. The two of us have almost finished eating (when did the food appear?). He sits opposite, we all greet one another joyfully. For some reason he's wearing a black suit - not the most likely dress for another person my age. I'm delighted to see him.

      I'm sad not to remember any of our conversation, since I know there was one. I really need to work on recalling speech! Anyway, after a short time of discussion, I get up and go to the bathroom again. When I return, he isn't here anymore. She tells me that he's already left. It's only been a short time since he came.

      "But he only just arrived!"

      "Well, you'll see him again. He said to say goodbye to you."

      "I wanted to talk to him more. After all, he's my friend, too. And I've missed him..."

      The view out of the window is different to before. I can see the back of the bakery shop. There's a bar bending around a corner piled high with giant, glistening canelés and other baked goods to be sold.
    13. Dream Journal Day 12: Night of Friday 17.11.2023

      by , 11-28-2023 at 11:05 PM
      I love Sailor Moon. Does this count as a scary dream? I wouldn't call it a nightmare...

      I am Tsukino Usagi (the main character of Sailor Moon) - appearance-wise, at least. It might be better to say I'm alternately watching her and being her. She has one sister and a father who is very controlling and doesn't let her go outside. But one evening, somehow, she manages to leave. As I'm walking down the street away from the apartment, I see my father outside a pub on the adjacent street. He is talking and drinking in the warm light and doesn't seem to have noticed me, so I continue walking at the same speed, head down, to avoid attracting his attention. As soon as I'm past the street corner and out of his view I run as fast as I can into town. It's dark out, and there aren't many people about, however the night this time has a dark brown sky rather than a blue one. It reminds me of an old photograph and imparts a sense of finality.

      Some time later. I can see inside the apartment while not being there. Usagi's father is there seething over her disappearance while her mother frets, her younger sister (who looks a lot like another character) sits on the floor at his feet. I get the feeling that they are all afraid of him. He vows to find Usagi and bring her back.

      Usagi goes to hide in various places. I see her inside a closed shop, a single dim light overhead. Her wristband glows (when did that appear?) and some waves radiate downwards from the lamp. I know instantly that they are transmitted by her father and he now knows where she is. I feel a terrible foreboding.

      I don't remember much after that. I feel that she ends up being caught but continues to plan another escape.

      I'm not sure if this dream is scary so much as unsettling. It's been years since I had a proper nightmare.
    14. Gory dreams again

      by , 11-25-2023 at 10:10 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      I dreamt I was in the middle of some crazy military chaos in some densely populated city
      Spoiler for gory:

      but it was really fucked up, hard to watch, idk how I didnt wake up then

      Then I was in some sort of band , me and a 3-4 others , we were friends sort of
      we got out of somewhere, a brawl or something, I only had a hammer, each of the dudes had different similarly not too good weaponry
      my shirt was teared apart...
      It was night, were were walking somewhere on a road, in the middle of nowhere, plains, trees and lots of bushes and grass, only the moon lit up the scene and maybe a few lamps
      I was singing a viking song , we talked about the lifestyle
      suddenly we were ambushed by 4 or so similar guys, one of them had a spear, the others idk
      I fought one or two off, got them on the head with the hammer, the spear guy came, tried to stab me but couldnt, I deflected it with a hammer somehow, always missing only by inches
      the other guys were killing the rest of the enemy, I was trying to make an opening
      then I made distance , and he threw the spear, he missed, then ran towards the other guys, he apparently had a sword, I picked up the spear and ran
      just before he could cut them down I pierced him hard , he fell
      one of us took out his phone and turned on the flashlight on it
      apparently two of my friends were cut, one was already dead, the other was bleeding out fast but I couldnt see where,
      while one hooded guy, the enemy was writhing in pain on top of them,
      idk how I felt, but I wanted to do something for these two, honor the dead, with the blood of the enemy
      Spoiler for gory:

      I tried ask my friend where was he hurt, maybe he could be saved, but I couldnt see, but he said it's ok,he seemed to be smiling...
      and I just had to watch him starting to fade out
      and then I woke up
    15. Dream Journal Day 11: Night of Wednesday 15.11.2023

      by , 11-25-2023 at 01:55 PM
      For a moment I see myself: a tall man, dressed in black and with black hair. I'm not myself in this dream, I am him, seeing everything through his eyes. I don't feel like a girl anymore.

      A street at night. It's wide enough, paved evenly, though the slabs vary in colour and shade. The streetlamps give off a low, cool white light that's like moonlight. The sky above is dark blue without a single star.

      In the middle of the two-lane road is an industrial-looking island, a tangle of thick pipes and ducts that come out of the ground and go back in again, twisting over one another. It's confined into a strict rectangular patch of ground. In the light the curves of the metal are glinting dully. I walk with quiet but sure footsteps onward, past railings and railings and railings, black and gleaming along the length of the street and around the corner. As I near it, eerie music starts playing from one of the corner houses. The house is purplish-grey and has three stories and a basement. On the first floor only the house's corners are missing and covered with a thick dark grey mesh. From here a bright purple mist is wafting out from inside. A purple van in front of the house reads in bubble letters above the windscreen: 'Ultra Shelibatology'.

      I pass the house and walk through many more residential streets, across main roads; everything is dark and cool and quiet. Until when passing a garden square I catch sight of a man inside, watching me. He has light hair sticking up in tufts and his whole face is obscured in the dark except his staring eyes. Our eyes meet. Another person walks by in front of me.
      non-lucid , memorable
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