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    Side Notes

    1. NOTE: Moving from LaBerge Audio to Subliminal Audio by Ninja9578

      by , 08-22-2012 at 02:39 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Long time since I wrote here, but I still kept an offline dream journal. Internet problems.

      I have mostly been working with Stephen LaBerge's audio, particularly the one about progressive relaxation, spiral staircase and butterfly. It was helpful in remembering dreams, but most of the time, I'm already asleep before I reach the butterfly state, or I'm too carried away by the hypnagogic images to listen to the audio.

      On the other hand, fairly recently, I downloaded Ninja9578's audio, Subliminal Lucid 1.0, and listened to it. I listened to it several months ago, but it was a salad case. I.e., I was listening to several others, and doing various techniques at a time. It was the ultimate of shiny object syndrome in LD.

      Anyway, I wanted to isolate which one is effective for me, coz I did have good results back then. I returned to LaBerge's, but after a few weeks, it shows very, very minimal results, even in remembering dreams. On the other hand, it's only been a few days since I experimented with Ninja's audio, and already I had MUCH CLEARER dreams. I can also remember more of my dreams than before. Then again, in one case I drank Jasmine tea, so I'm not sure if that had anything to do with it. I also encountered a freaky sleep paralysis, although it wasn't as scary as my first one some months back.

      I'm also planning with experimenting with Mugwort. Not tea, coz I heard it tastes awful. I'll probably just do a smudging of my room or something.

      I'll transfer my dreams here soon. It's a good time to read them all again and find out if I can see any pattern.
      side notes
    2. Youtube on microwave, an epic house fight

      by , 08-21-2012 at 05:49 PM (Exterminate)
      Two dreams again ._.

      Casually watching youtube on the microwave

      I remember watching on the microwave, specifically 2-3 videos on Nintendo 64 best games countdowns. I watch the last video, and my dad comes out to the kitchen, and I start talking to him about the Nintendo 64. He recognizes some game I have never heard of, then I remember the countdown hitting #2, then the dream ends.

      I then see my dream friend wake up, and he is a bit depressed that he remembers none of his dreams the previous night. I then tell him what precisely happened in his dream, like I was a bystander or something.

      "Epic" house fight

      Okay, so me, my brother, and my mom are at my grandparents' house, and I either have my psp, or my yo-yo with me. If it was my psp, it was dead, if it was my yo-yo, it had no string. Either way, I could not use either one, so I just had it in my pocket. Due to boredom my grandma suggests we go digging for something of which I can not remember. So we grab two quite heavy chairs, three small shovels, go into a van, and take off. We go up a mountain, but on the way up, we go around three corners, all of which have a lake next to them, you have to drive a bit into the water to get around and up.(Deja vu moment. Not sure if I dreamed of this place before, or what.) We end up at the top, and we see about 3 homes, and a lot of land. We put the 3 shovels in a soft spot in the dirt in someone's front yard, and I am sitting there wondering why we were doing this, and if one of us owned this land or something. My mom and I sit down in the heavy chairs, and wait two to three minutes, then grandma grabs one shovel and says "they need to be taken out like this, one jerk to the back, to knock the dirt out, but keep the ___(...Something. Don't remember what) in." So what is left on the shovel is what looks like granola bars, but I assume it is some vegetable. We do the same to the other shovels, and next thing I know we are back at my grandparent's home(Dream home, doesn't have the same appearance as the real one).

      I look in the street and there are archers and swordsmen standing there, after something of which I do not know. They all sort of stand down, so we think we are safe, but as they start dispersing, one man who looks like Boromir from Lord of the Rings keeps his bow fired straight at me. He shoots it, and I dodge, running to the backyard.
      A huge fight ensues, and I try to gather reinforcements. I see two cats with about 6 six kittens, and somehow know they will help. Oddly they were located behind a fence in the backyard, which had another fence behind it. I keep walking, and see some pigeons, I see them, say that we are in danger, they all fly off, but I think they are on our side. I think see a huge tree get up and start gathering bushes and other trees to help. The big tree reminded me of an ent. I see a pigeon, and hold on to it, it brings me way into the air, and drops me, I grab onto a nearby tree, and climb down. Then the dream sort of ended.

      I do not think either of these as being fragment dreams, they were both pretty entertaining, I'd say my dream recall is getting much better
    3. Broken Game in the Freezer

      by , 08-21-2012 at 01:52 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      In the first dream, I was on a snowy mountain with my family. There was one gap that we had to jump across. My brother tried to jump across. I thought he was going to fall, but he didn't. I decided I wanted to go back anyway because I didn't want to have to jump across.

      In the second, there was a little boy who was crying. He looked to be around eight or nine years old. I was trying to comfort him. I can't remember why he was upset, though. There were a bunch of other people around, and we were all trying to cheer him up. I don't remember what they were saying.

      In my third dream from last night, I was playing Petz 5. I could tell almost right away that things were wrong. First of all, when I started the game, it was outside the Adoption Center with several dogs running around and deep snow on the ground. This isn't what seemed wrong, though, even though adopted pets can't come out at the Adoption Center and there is only ever snow on the ground in the Snow Scene (however, this I assumed was because it was winter, so everywhere outdoors should be snow-covered).

      I looked through the list of pets and saw several weird names I didn't recognize. I thought that was weird but figured maybe it was because one of my dogs had had puppies since last time I'd played. I clicked on one of the puppies, and, sure enough, the scene changed to the Nursery, and the puppies all came out with the... father? I thought this was odd, since only mothers and their offspring are allowed in the Nursery, and especially since I didn't even recognize the name of the father, Luminoso, a black dog.

      When I checked the list of playscenes, I could tell that something was definitely wrong. There were some I didn't recognize. I clicked on the one above the Backyard with a long, weird name. It looked similar to the Backyard, yet slightly different. I then went to the Backyard, which was now very different. I realized that the other playscene must have been the Garden (which doesn't exist in-game IWL). Suddenly, a dragon rose out of the sky!

      Fearing I may have to uninstall and re-install my game, I went to the Petz website, hoping to find an easy fix. It was around this point that I noticed the computer screen was on the freezer door, in place of the ice dispenser, which seemed... perfectly normal, of course.

      Anyway, I couldn't find the solution on their website, so I decided to check Google, just in case, but I woke up before I could, thankful that my game still works normally!
    4. Lots of Fragments

      by , 08-20-2012 at 11:11 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      Okay, here's what I remember from last night...

      The first one I remember was at my house. In my room, in front of my TV, there was a box full of VHS tapes and DVDs. These were in the "library", so they would come and go as people "checked out" and "returned" them (people didn't actually come into my room; they would go to the library, where checking out a video would cause it to disappear from my room, while returning one would cause it to reappear).

      One of the videos was The Minish Cap (a movie based off of the Zelda game, I'm guessing); I decided I'd come back for it later so I could watch it with my friend Lizz. It was on a VHS tape, by the way.

      When I came back later (I can't remember any parts of the dream in between), it had been checked out already. However, it was available on DVD, but I didn't want that one because I wanted to watch it in my room (which doesn't really make sense, since I have a DVD player AND a VCR in my room, so either would work).

      After waking up from that, I decided to attempt DEILD again. I was barely awake when I woke up, which I figured was good for DEILD. I decided I wanted to enter a Zelda-related dream, so I pictured the first Zelda-related thing I could think of: the Spirit Train. I probably could've come up with something better, like a specific location, but keep in mind that my mind was far from fully awake at the time.

      Anyway, I quickly slipped into a dream, but, instead of a lucid dream, I entered a false lucid dream instead (i.e., I had control but didn't know I was dreaming). When I woke up from it, it actually took me a moment to actually figure out if that had been a dream or if I'd just imagined it while still partially awake (like in hypnagogia), but I concluded that it was definitely a dream because, although the actual memory of it was really fuzzy (making it harder to tell), I could definitely remember being able to see everything (as opposed to just knowing it's there without actually seeing it, like in daydreaming or visualization).

      Anyway, shortly after entering the dream, the Spirit Train disappeared. I quickly concluded that it had disappeared because there were no tracks, so I made the Spirit Tracks appear and summoned the Spirit Train again. I did this by just wanting it to appear, which caused it to appear right before my eyes (I'm assuming this worked because I knew it was supposed to be there and had been there just moments before). The rest of the dream consisted of me making the Spirit Train reappear a few more times (since it kept disappearing) before waking up.

      I had another dream last night, in which a bunch of girls were using my laptop to look at pictures of Martin Luther King, Jr. for some reason. I went outside to the backyard (my backyard). I could the local elementary school next door, which, for some reason, seemed perfectly normal. Anyway, there were these guys outside, and they used some weird handheld device to fire an electromagnetic pulse into the air, which caused a pulsating ball of light to appear in the sky.

      I had one final dream, in which I was watching Doctor Who. The episode started with a dream that Amy Pond was having. It was rather surreal and... not like a dream. It would show an image of her against a white background, then switch to a quick scene from her dream (the background never changed, though), then back to the first image, then onto another dream, and so on. One of the scenes was the Doctor kissing her...

      Anyway, shortly after she woke up, I woke up.
    5. Plan of Action

      by , 08-20-2012 at 04:56 PM (The Path of Iapetos)

      [FONT="Courier New"]My first goal in my lucid dreaming practice was to find a way to easily induce at least one lucid moment each week. I have noticed that I have fulfilled that goal now and I have learned what makes that possible and what's not.

      Dream recall is the first priority because that is first of all required to remember any lucid experience at all and second of all it makes the dreamer more aware, the dream more vivid and therefore more easier to become lucid in.
      So keep a pen and a piece of paper by the bed and write down any dreams that you remember in the morning, after some time you will be so aware that you start to notice your micro-awakenings in the night after each dream and can record it in better detail and with a fresher memory.

      The second priority is the bedtime. If I go to bed too late, my dream recall will be low, harder to be aware of, and therefore harder to become lucid in. Going to bed at an regular or earlier time gives the opposite effect:
      high dream recall, easier to be aware of and easier to become lucid in.

      The third priority is the mindset. A stressed out or worried mind mind is as bad as a late bedtime and therefore very important. That's why aiming for general higher awareness of the dream is better than aiming for the lucidity itself.
      Easier to imagine and easier to fulfill. If one doesn't succeed one night you got to have the mindset of there's always another night.

      These three simple steps is what have helped me induce lucid dreams every week frequently. I wrote this mini guide to remind myself of the power behind these factors and to help people who needs it learn from my experience.

      Even though I get lucid often, it doesn't mean that they last for long. Usually 10 seconds to one minutes.
      And I have tried all sorts of different stabilization techniques from spinning, hand rubbing, engaging the other senses etc. They work from time to time, but it's far from frequent.

      So that is my new goal. Find away to easily stabilize the dream. I have been to focused on the lucid induction part so I have completely ignored the stabilization as can been seen in this Dream Journal. I have always trusted that my dreaming mind will become more clear automatically at some point and that I could figure out a way to stabilize at the spot.
      And it did happen sometimes, but I was always to focused on the thoughts I had before I got lucid and focused on unnecessary things like trying to convince a dream character that they were dreaming, learning to fly when I am barely lucid, hitting on hot girls... You get the idea. So now I am going to have a plan of action, something that should be the first thing that comes to mind while I am lucid and doing it instantly. I will cycle through all the different stabilization techniques again to really see the effects of each one.

      But that's the first priority in the goal of stabilization, a plan of action.

      Updated 08-20-2012 at 04:58 PM by 55868

      side notes
    6. Multi-Tasking

      by , 08-19-2012 at 11:49 PM
      I've done alot of reading up on it and I've been telling myself to master DILDs first. But after this month I've had a change of heart. I'm going to master both WILDs and DILDs I need more control over my sleeping pattern and I'm truthfully (and regrettably) becoming impatient with the results that DILD is producing alone. I would either have an LD and then lose all of the minimal control that I already have by doing something stupid and extravagant (Like a Kamehameha wave). I'd rush the LD, or I'd become too exited and go into a free falling tailspin and get knocked so hard that i'm in twilight. And I have no say about what happens because of my excitement. So I'm going to preform and try WILDs every night before sleep (which I know is a no no; it should be 4 to 5 hours into sleep) until I get it. I already have some knowledge of what a partial WILD is because I've been up to the hallucination level more than once. But I used to get freaked out and wonder if I was going crazy because I'd hear voices so many times. So if anyone has any comments, criticisms, questions, concerns, let me know because I'm going into this head first, and I'm not stopping. Until I can do both or at least one of them.
    7. August 19 Notes - Homework Sucks

      by , 08-19-2012 at 03:38 PM
      Ok so yesterday I had work in the morning. I got back about 2:00 and had lunch. Then I started on my homework for the weekend and was up until 1:30!!! As you can probably guess, my recall was terrible last night and I didn't even try binaural beats to have a lucid. School, I... hate... you...
      side notes
    8. TWO LDs?!

      by , 08-19-2012 at 01:02 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I had two more lucid dreams this morning! The first one, I was in the backseat of a car. Mr. Crocker (from Fairly Odd Parents) was driving. Suddenly, I noticed that there was no one driving anymore and that Mr. Crocker was sitting in the trunk! It was one of those cars where you can reach into the trunk from the backseat, though, so it's entirely possible and likely he climbed in from inside the car.

      Anyway, there was no one driving now, but the car was still going really fast. "Get back in the driver seat!" I told him, but he just ignored me.

      That's when it hit me - I hadn't actually seen him LEAVE the driver seat, which meant I must have fallen asleep in the car! This was just a dream! Actually, I was in bed IWL, but I guess that wasn't really important, as long as knew I was dreaming. I did the hand RC to make sure. Five fingers - nope! I tried my other hand, just to make sure, and I counted six fingers this time!

      Suddenly, I noticed my iPod was laying on the seat next to me. I turned it on and noticed the time was some number that was too big to be the time (I didn't pay much attention to the time), then quickly turned it off because I was afraid the bright screen might somehow cause me to wake up.

      After putting my iPod down, I wasn't sure what to do next, seeing as I was still in the car. My mind went blank for just a moment, which taught me a valuable lesson the hard way: NEVER STOP THINKING. Before I knew it, I was suddenly awake, staring at the back of closed eyelids.

      Yes, I learned that you MUST always focus your attention on something. Just constantly thinking about what you are doing or will do will help prevent the dream from collapsing that way. Focusing your attention on your thoughts is still helpful.

      Anyway, I opened my eyes to check the time. I didn't really pay attention to the specific time; I was just checking if I should get up or if I had more time to sleep (it's an analog clock, so I can just look at the rough position of the hands, without much regard for the numbers, for an estimate of the time). I decided to go back to sleep and try to become lucid again.

      This next dream started in third-person. Hermoine Granger (from Harry Potter) was there. A little dog started chasing her. Suddenly, the dream switched to first-person, so now I was running from the dog. I realized, "I've had this dream before. I must be dreaming." In actuality, I've never had a dream even remotely similar to that before, but whatever gets me lucid works, I guess!

      Knowing now that I was dreaming, I simply left the room (I'm assuming I was myself now, as I forgot I wasn't). I found myself in the gym at my church. I did the hand RC just in case (even though I was already certain I was dreaming) and confirmed that I was correct. Thinking about what I should do now, I decided I should start with the basics of dream control. I decided I had two good options - continue trying to teleport, or summon someone/something. I chose teleportation.

      I went to the door and told myself, "This door leads to my room," stating the first place I could think of and trying to visualize it somewhat despite having my eyes open. It, unfortunately, led right where it should.

      My mom was there. "I'm having another lucid dream," I told her. "See? I have an extra finger right there, which means I'm dreaming." I pointed to the extra finger.

      "That's nice," she said, not really seeming to care.

      "I have to keep thinking, though," I continued. "If I stop thinking, I'll wake up again." I went outside, doing my best to maintain a constant monologue, mostly a mix of reminding myself I was dreaming and thinking about what I should try, whenever I wasn't talking with someone or doing something specific. I'd occasionally switch between thinking and speaking out loud to myself.

      Anyway, when I went outside, I ended up on some unfamiliar street. There were a lot of shops and other businesses around, so I figured I'd just wander around and find somewhere that looked interesting. As I was wandering, I decided to try summoning while I was walking along. I'd heard that reaching into your pocket is a good way of summoning small objects, so I tried it. "My iPod is in my pocket," I said, naming the first thing that came to mind, as I was only doing this as practice. I reached into my pocket, and... it was empty. I resolved to simply explore this place my subconscious had given me instead; there were plenty of buildings around, after all.

      While I was still walking and looking around, I came across these two Asian guys. Hoping they knew this was a dream, I asked them, "How do you summon objects?"

      "I'll tell you how," one of them replied. "You don't." Clearly, he wasn't aware this was a dream.

      It turned out that they were on their way to work, so we each went our separate ways. I soon spotted a sushi restaurant at the end of the street. Since I'd heard food can taste really good in LDs, and since I love sushi, I went in.

      However, a lady from my church, who was seated at a table near the entrance, stopped me to talk to me. She proceeded to say something only a DC would say. "When you go to the bathroom, Kiona follows you in." I can't remember her second sentence, but it ended with the words "toilet seat".

      This unexpected conversation was enough to temporarily distract me from my current task of ordering sushi. Almost as soon as she was done talking, the dream ended just like the last; my vision quickly faded, and I was awake before I'd even had the time to think about stabilizing.

      Updated 08-19-2012 at 01:12 PM by 56426

      lucid , memorable , side notes
    9. August 18 Notes

      by , 08-18-2012 at 03:15 PM
      Well, this last week school started. I have been able to go to bed about 9:30 once all my homework is finally done.
      The binaural beats have also been waking me up and I have been starting the alarm, but I guess I am just too worried about the approaching school day to really be able to get back in the dream because I had many opportunities last week where I should of just got right back into the dream but didn't. Guess I will just have to work on that and hopefully my homework load doesn't keep me from going to bed before 10. (I have to get up at 6).

      Also, last night I did my normal summer routine except my stupid mp3 player glitcetched out and reset itself again sometime while I was asleep so it wasn't even playing anything during the night and I never woke up. Too bad I am broke from spending all my money on a motorcycle or I would buy a new one so I can rely on it every night instead of having to hope and pray it works.

      Updated 08-18-2012 at 04:09 PM by 55858

      side notes
    10. Almost Another WILD :O

      by , 08-18-2012 at 05:39 AM (Dimension X)
      Ok, I ALMOST had yet another WILD. This would have been my 4th one this week, had this attempt and another attempt not failed. So I've had 2 WILDs this week, And 2 almost WILDs. I'm definitely getting the hang of these now. I felt the heavy feeling come across my body and everything, and it got darker and darker... But for some stupid reason, I woke up -__- I dunno why, but I did. There appears to be a... pattern... as well...

      WILD, Almost WILD, WILD, Almost WILD, ---

      Perhaps this is a pattern, and maybe I'll have another full WILD soon? Idk. But I'm still glad I'm getting used to Lucid Dreaming again...
    11. August 14 Fragments

      by , 08-14-2012 at 04:19 PM
      I can only recall one fragment from last night.

      I was in my room and I was training to be an astronaut! It was wierd cause I wasn't realy official or anything, just kind of like NASA went "Oh hey, let's send some random guy on the space Shuttle" (Yes I know it's retired but that's what it was in the dream). Anyways, I then remember seeing myself and the other astronauts in the space shuttle from a third person view. 0_0 We then launched and started gaining speed. Then we stalled for a minute and randomly picked up speed again. That's all I remember.

      Updated 04-30-2013 at 11:30 PM by 55858

      dream fragment , side notes , non-lucid
    12. Summary of Last Week

      by , 08-14-2012 at 04:15 PM
      Well for some reason this past week I have had pretty terrible recall and no lucids. I honestly have no idea what was causing this, but I also was struggling with waking up from the binaural beats and starting the alarm for a DEILD. Last night I was able to recall some dreams but I didn't have a lucid. THe alarm woke me up for a second though but I couldn't recall a dream at that time. Anyways, now school is starting so I am just praying that it doesn't affect my dreaming abilities because this has seriously become a pretty major hobby.

      See ya.

      Updated 04-30-2013 at 11:29 PM by 55858

      non-lucid , side notes
    13. German Shepperd Cat , Old Shirt, My house, Singing Bird that shapeshifted into another bird

      by , 08-13-2012 at 05:22 PM
      I was in my house when i had guests i did not actually remember when they got in. They brought a pitbull a bird that could sing really well to every song, And the weirdest thing was this german shepperd cat that meow'd and barked at the same time and it sounded sooooo weird. First off i remember playing with the bird it was a small one like a parrot but when i leave it alone it turned into a pigeon (still singing) I thought it was really cool and played with it for a while it did want to go out the window becouse it was calm idk. After that i remember sitting down with the guests and there were 2 dogs i started playing with the pitbull but it was very weird becouse it wanted to bite me everytime i touch it (NOTE: it's mouth was white from the inside i thought it was normal so no biggie.) Then i told my guests that i have a shirt that has a pitbull on it and it looked very much like their's. I brought the shirt but it was old and the picture was all yellow and it was of another pitbull like an animation i did not pay much atention to it so i put it back where it was. After that there was the second dog or at least i thought it was a dog. It was actually a cat hybrid with a german shepperd it's face was very weird i couldn't even look at it from the weirdness then it made a sound some thing like a bark and a meow at the same time .

      That's when i woke up and tried to remember other details about the dream without moving an inch but that was all weird as fuck i will tell you that.
    14. Meow

      by , 08-13-2012 at 02:32 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I was in my living room with Henri (my cat) and Bugsy (my friend's rabbit, who I looked after for a couple weeks recently while she was away). Henri meowed, and Bugsy copied him. I thought it was really cool that a rabbit was able to mimic a cat. I looked back at Henri, but Oliver (my other cat) was there instead.
    15. Creepy House

      by , 08-13-2012 at 07:53 AM (Exterminate)
      Alright..Here we go about a little nightmare-ish dream I had a few days ago.(As I said, it was a few days ago, so it is a little patchy, bear with me)

      The first thing I see is this normal living room, in a nice house, in the country. The room was cool, had large front windows, except one thing: It was empty. I was standing in the middle of what I can already sense was a real old, huge house. I start hearing conversations with my mom about the house being a beautiful house, that we obviously just moved in, there were some stuff there left by the previous owner(whatever happened to them, I am scared to know...), the house was welcoming, but it didn't sit right with me. As I go looking about the home(Which was not but 3 rooms that I saw), I got more and more story about that house. The stories were unintelligible, I couldn't make out/remember what was being said, but I thought I heard a rumor about a haunting in it, maybe that's where I got the creepy feeling. Next thing I remember is it skipped a few days, and I ended up in this giant room upstairs that looks like a catholic cathedral. The issue with this room, was it was almost 100% dark, no lights. The only lights in here were light seeping in from nearby bedrooms and dim light from other invisible sources. It was enough to see barely forward, but it was pitch black at the roof.
      The cathedral was beautiful, but so empty, it felt sad instead of joyful. In the center was a sink(Probably supposed to be an alter, now that I think about it) with about 3 really old china, that needed a wash. I was elected to clean them, and I was pretty much alone anyway at this point. I didn't feel threatened per se, but it was definitely creepy, as it was dark. The realtor told me as she left the room that there were these two figurines on the sink, to the right. She said if these ever, EVER look away from each other, that it would be very bad.
      I stare at them the whole time I wash the dishes, and I feel more and more creeped out by them. I guess they reminded me of Weeping Angels from Doctor Who as if you stop looking at them, they move. I finished the dishes, looked away for a sec at the doorway(there were two, one went to bedroom(s), the other I have no clue), when I looked back I tripped, when I got back up the statues were looking toward me at an angle, not in a threatening way, they had no expression, but I knew I was in deep trouble. I must have bumped the sink platform thing as I tripped.
      I get so filled with fear that something might happen that I start walking out, but just then, I fall over crippled with a full body numbness(I assume sleep paralysis in real life?). It lasts a few seconds, then I get over it. I run out of that cathedral, and fall in the hallway outside that had two bedrooms there. I hear the loudest, creepiest sound from the bedroom, and I can't get back up. I anticipate the worst. What comes out is this wind-up toy(You know like the little robots?) that looked like a train with a demon/dragon(couldn't tell) face on it. It reminded me of a bug as it slithered toward me, but I run down the stairs, and straight into the living room. Here I tell mom about what happened, just as another comes behind me. I stomp on it and throw it out the window, but another one is on the window. Now I fear it is a full-blown infestation. We somehow skip the night, and I go outside, screw this creepy as hell house.
      What I see outside is a fresh, August, Saturday morning. What does it look like? Hundreds of tall thin trees with no leaves. It appears to be the fall season, late August maybe, and makes me even more creeped out. I ask how we leave, and I am told by helicopter. I am thinking "Okay, then we will just call them to take us away from here!". Yeah right..It is a Saturday, they refuse to fly to us on the weekends. We are trapped here. I hear a river, and I decide "Lets go to it." I forgot to mention, my bro was there with my mom in the living room the whole time in the dream. Now as we are all outside this house, the house feels like it was never there. It was a bad memory, but I never look back to see if it was still there. We find the river, and here is the sight: There is a canoe, overturned, by some boulders to the left, across the embankment(it was about 40 feet across, from where we were, to the other side), there was an American flag to the right on our side, and to me that was a good sign, at least we are in America. I climb a tree, well lets be honest, I found myself atop a tree after making the decision to be up it, and saw we were trapped on a remote island. There was no other island in sight, we were on a pretty big island, with obviously the only thing on it what I already described. I figured the canoe was our only option to do at least something. (I am now on the ground, next to mom and bro)I say "Hey, I can levitate, I will fly to the other side, get the canoe, and bring it back. I will get it to you, and we can all ride in it."
      I jump into the air, and get about 5 feet until I start getting blown by the winds. I am going higher higher, lower, left, right, any direction. The wind came out of nowhere, affected only me, and I was hopeless. I finally will myself to be near the flag, I grab onto it, pull myself closer to the pole, then force myself down, shimmying to the ground. I touch ground and say, "I am never doing that again, I guess we are trapped."
      The dream promptly ended.

      Well, that's about it for my first dream here, I have had a few in the past, but I thought I'd share this one. It was entirely non-lucid, not entirely vivid(I couldn't feel anything aside from the flag(barely), and the numbness in the cathedral room.) but it was pretty memorable, I gotta say. This happened about a week ago, and has been on my mind ever since. It was not a nightmare, but was pretty freaky/creepy. I never had sweats, shaking, fast heartbeat, or quick awakening when I woke up.
      By the way, the floating thing is a recurring theme in my dreams, which I hope to turn into a dream sign. When it happens, it happens in almost all my dreams, it is usually as I leave a building or van, I just levitate into the air, sometimes I can control it, most of the time I cannot. I try going upside down, sideways, doing different hand motions, etc to get back down..It can be scary, as I turn upside-down trying to grab a hand or roof or something to grab onto, but I am too slow and drift into the sky. Perhaps one day I can make it to automatically signal lucidity.

      Updated 07-24-2018 at 06:01 PM by 57282

      side notes , non-lucid , memorable
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