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    1. Forgotten

      , 09-17-2013 at 12:12 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Monday, 9/16/13

      Last night, around 11:30 - 8am

      Drink of water before bed, and every time I got up.

      I know I had a 'busy"dream. When you have tons of things to do. But didn't remember it well when I woke up in the morning, and now I remember even less.
      side notes
    2. 2013, September (09), 16th (Monday); D. Boon, Car, Destroying stuff

      by , 09-16-2013 at 11:19 PM
      > D. Boon playing guitar on stages, Twice

      The first time I saw him on a stage that was for a large outdoor venue and he was heavier-set in the dream than he was while he was alive. He also spun like a top on stage once on purpose.

      The second time was in a club of some sort. He finished playing guitar with two other people who may or may have not been George Hurley and Mike Watt and then D. started mouthing off, Cussing about some person and then going to the back of the stage and he looked through a small hole in the wall.

      > Car trying to pull another and me realizing it was too small to pull as the engine would be ruined

      I was in my driveway, Then the old Jaguar XJ6 was there and later I was driving a 1957 Studebaker. (See video linked below) There was talk of the wheel wells not being rusted out as I looked in the trunk, At one point.

      Later I was driving the Studbaker (Though it looked more like a 50s Nash metropolitan at this time) and I tried to pull another car in a parking lot (Near a Staples which was not where it is in waking life) but I realized the engine would be ruined so I stopped.

      > Splinter Cell-esque guy ruining places that were being used to destroy things

      This was a rather long one. Someone was destroying industrialized polluting places on islands (And killing people in the process)

      At one point I saw some characters who resembled Pinkamena D Pie, As if they were clones.

      At another part the person kicked a guy named Murphy out of a crane, Killing him.

      Updated 06-25-2014 at 04:41 PM by 61868

    3. Held hostage (sorta)

      by , 09-16-2013 at 10:48 PM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      ‘We’ were being held hostage by some guys. We were lining up Mexican dishes (refried beans being one) on the back of a couch (or was it the porch?).

      There was a room in the house with cats and dogs, I thought it surprising that they were getting along.

      For some reason I was allowed to go outside. I walked through heavy rain until I reached a waiting group of young people (17-20).

      Inspiration: Mom threw away some leftover refried beans yesterday.

      Notes: I’m fascinated by the ‘heavy rain’ thing, this is the second time. I wish I could actually feel the water and temperature of it. Maybe it’s something I can work on in a lucid dream. I wonder if I should put ‘food’ as a dream sign since it’s become a common theme in my dreams.
    4. School Uniform

      by , 09-16-2013 at 10:32 PM
      It was fancy dress day at college and I was in a maths class but this was at my high school and everyone was from my high school wearing the uniform, except me so I felt like I should have done that instead, so I was trying to persuade my friend to let me borrow a shirt tie and jumper
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. 16/09/2013

      by , 09-16-2013 at 09:34 PM (LucasPotter's DJ)
      Apparently, long, boring dreams are here to stay.

      First, there was this whole thing about me being back with my ex (actually, in some parts of it I was back with one ex, in other parts I was back with another ex) and having to hide from my mum. I also had to find my cousin somewhere.

      The other dream, I had to go to my (other) cousin's graduation. It was weird cause I felt like it was supposed to be my graduation, but then it was high school people and I just wanted to leave.
    6. 09/16/13 A Disturbing Concert

      by , 09-16-2013 at 09:04 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      I am in line at an auditorium. I am waiting to see a Disturbed concert. I get my tickets, I am amazed how cheap they are… which is good since I realize I don't have much money. It is a small show, not a huge auditorium. There are seats around the stage. Most of Disturbed is already on the stage, and there are people standing around the stage. I am surprised at how few people there are. I have the idea it is a concert that hasn't been well publicized, only specific fans would have been able to find out about it. I make my way to the front of the room, right by the stage. I know the music here will be loud and I look forward to it. The band members are taking their places, but David Draiman is missing. The person in the lead singer position is Alex Mercer off of Prototype.

      I ponder that only briefly, wondering if that means David Draiman is out sick today. I think that is a bummer that he is not there, as I have no idea what Alex Mercer will sound like singing… Well, I'm already here for now. Someone in the crowd apparently shares my concern and decides to express themselves by throwing what looks like a can of beer at Alex. Alex uses a whipfist to reach out and grab the guy, who, by the smell of him, promptly shits his pants before getting thrown to the back of the room. I hear one of the other band members laughing and saying he loves it when some idiot does that. Another one says he doesn't… he got stuck cleaning up the mess last time. No mess this time except in the idiot's pants, I see, as he quickly leaves the auditorium. The band starts playing. The song is Devour, which is one of my favorite Disturbed songs. There was no need to worry about the sound… somehow Alex sounds exactly like David Draiman. As they are singing the song it looks like Alex is staring directly at me. I do not realize it is a dream, so the idea of Alex Mercer staring at me and singing, "I will devour you…" isn't particularly reassuring. But I guess it doesn't bother me enough to make me leave. I continue listening to the song until it's over, and then they start playing The Curse. Before it gets very far I wake up.
    7. Sitting in the sky thinking about bodhicitta

      by , 09-16-2013 at 08:02 PM
      non lucid
      *I was sitting in a sky like area with some unknown people. I thought with there help I could easily generate bodhicitta.

      *I am at the hindu temple and I notice how strong the energy is coming off of Krishna's shrine. I look looker closer and it seems that the universe is circle the statue. I also notice other beautiful holy statues. My step brother is there with me, he is scared and doesn't know what to make of all of this.

      *Someone is stocking me and making a lot of videos of me on youtube. I think I look strange when I look at my self.
    8. Coral reefs, failed rebellions, dungeons, and a dream composed entirely of someone else's tastes

      by , 09-16-2013 at 06:54 PM
      I'm floating in the sea with a small oxygen tank and no other equipment. The water's clear and empty - I'm wishing I could be snorkeling on a reef (unusually, there's no visual image to go with this thought; it was blatantly inspired by this site, though) and thinking about freediving (this thought did have images to go with it). Back on the shore, I get into a hot spring with some IRL acquaintances who are talking about drinking, and about a storm coming.

      'Julia' has reshaped herself into 'Jules' and I'm meeting him at a university cafe. He tells me he led a rebellion. They all died. Now he's lost his taste for bloodshed, except in the comfort of our own bed. I tell him he's much better at this than I am - whenever I've tried being female I've wound up overcompensating with strange obsessions for guns or fast cars.

      OUAT's Rumpelstiltskin, Belle, and three fairies are sitting around a cramped table discussing storming-the-castle plans, theoretically - but the conversation defaults to the fairies badmouthing him for screwing things up in their absence. Belle leaves to go speak to two people locked up in a dungeon, at least one of whom she'd put there herself after he tried to attack her, and her attitude towards him has an odd lack of awareness of being locked up as a bad thing; she's spent so much time locked up in one way or another herself she sees it as normal.

      Setsuna/Alexiel speaking to Sara/Belle, saying that after freeing her from 'beyond the end of time,' why do you think of death.

      A vague fragment about the three main characters of Zelda leads into me being told by a girl (presumably representing C., this dream is blatantly inspired by her, I've never played this series) that normally she'd recommend someone start with a different game, but for me, the characters and storyline in this one are perfect. On screen, the villain closely resembles Rothbart. The game so far has been one long cutscene, to the point that my IRL sister watching with us (who presumably appeared because of Rothbart - I associate that movie with both her and C.) is surprised to be told it's a game and not a movie. When I look back to the screen again, it looks like a Disney movie.
    9. L091613 Going Down, Not Really

      by , 09-16-2013 at 05:43 PM
      This is my first journal entry on here. I just became a member because I didn't want to be a member until I was successfully lucid. Here is my first true lucid dream.
      I am driving my car on a river that is full of plants. The further I drive, the less grass and plants I see. I suddenly know that I have to drive on the patches of grass to maintain speed and traction. I am driving on less and less plants and I start to sink. I gun it on the last patch of plants that I see and shoot the car into a large green bush. The car is facing straight up and I have to keep on the gas to stop from sinking… I’m out of the car, standing on the branches of the tree. I say, I wonder why the car started sinking as soon as I thought about it. ”I must be dreaming” I look at my hands and they are messed up. I see a green hedge near me and jump over it. I land on a street behind a house. The grass is green. I walk down a sidewalk to the front of the house. There is another tall green hedge in the corner of the sidewalk. I take a right and walk in front of the building I was just behind. I see a street lamp to my right and a concrete plaza in front of me. I hear a voice say”…streetlamp…important”.. I don't remember exactly what I was told…. still lucid, I am walking down my street and looking at the dream landscape. I want to yell, but I don’t. I get to the end of the road and it is now dark. A car careens through a fence near me. I look at a mailbox that has a 7 for the address, I blink and it turns into a 4… I want to fly, so I take off down the streetlamp lit road. I jump and slowly fall back down. I continue doing this and each time, I get higher and higher. I focus my intent through my forehead and this works! I am floating above the neighborhood. A DC floats up to me, holding a chicken bucket. As we float higher, a ceiling comes into view. I semi lose lucidity and he begins saying” and I was at a party and they had fish eggs in their beer pack, the next week, I had to deal with an epidemic of bulimia, yeah it was on shower heads and everything”… That’s all I remember.
      lucid , memorable
    10. random things

      by , 09-16-2013 at 05:41 PM
      ok the first dream iwas at the thrater warchng this horror movie i started out on a helicopter where they had a spot light and i could see eveything in such detail, the next part i was being pursued by an evil pig looking thing that if it bit you you died by being invisibly crushed. but then a few minutes later you came back to life but not as a zombie as your old self, prison sell with howling and monsters everywhere,being on the run and some people saying it was better to group up while others wanted to be alone, the next dream where for some reason i chose to be in a frat that would not let you leave, being in a a spanish country that was falling apart and having to jump 20 feet off of a crumbling building to jake who had just cought my laptop, the was a mexican icecream truck going around the streets in the spanish city that was old and crusty looking and was going way to fast to stop for anyone. the next dream i was parking at school and pulling into a spot behind another car that i was about to hit when i decided i could go a little further i hit the car but acted like it didnt and then jandi came up to the car and got in for whatever reason.
    11. Defending a fortress to heaven

      by , 09-16-2013 at 05:39 PM
      fortress was under attack and i picked up a mosin nagat from the ww2 era and started shooting at invaderd who where in the courtyard below me this was a difficult task as i was only able to use the iron sights. but i did take out a few of the enemy troops. tree processing i was in the middle of a very cold winter forest where my team or company idk which was in charge of harvesting wood then cutting it into smaller logs and then sending them into this incinerator. the heat coming off of this incinerator felt so good and you didnt even need a jacket if you where anywheres close to the incinerator. When we had finished harvesting all of the logs we needed for the quota we went down this road that was covered in snow and that had a lot of porter potties turned over but these porter potties where remarkably clean and people were using them as shelter from the cold and taking in the heat of the incinerater. as we continued to walk we saw this path to the left that was maybe 3 person's length across and had sparce trees around the border of the path we chose to go down this path as if it was the first time it was ever visible, as we got to the end this man appeared and said you made it welcome to heavon, i asked how is this heavon the man said you have been traveling for sometime and endured many hardships which tied into the themes of many of the other dreams during that night. The person who told us this told us to follow him which we did and at the end of the path we entered through this portal of sorts that was made from tree limbs. as we went through this portal into heavan we immerged on the outskirts of a small town, and this was supposedly heavan. my team and i went to the local bar which is funny because i never do that in real life but anyways we ended up sitting and taking a nice drink of beer which tasted amazing the dream then ended.
    12. dreaming of parents

      by , 09-16-2013 at 05:07 PM
      i had a dream that i finally reunited with my dad, only to get in a physicl fight outside of a restaurant, none of his blows hurt, but suddenly i was barefoot
      nightmare , dream fragment
    13. 16th Sep 2013 Various fragments and another MiniLD

      by , 09-16-2013 at 03:15 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps, still a bit of problem of not being able to fall asleep, and have to fix my schedule again...

      Dream 1(fragment):

      There was something about a dragon.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I am in my room, everything starts fading and there's weird voice. Then i am suddenly sitting near table in some other room and i feel that i am dreaming, but it fades as i attempt to move, and i wake up.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was watching a battle between two groups of people with special powers, including ability to fly. One of them was shouting that he has ability to "stay on the sky".
    14. Oh lucid dream three...where art thou?

      by , 09-16-2013 at 02:23 PM
      No lucid dream last night.. but, it will take a little while for the new diet, richer in Anthocyanins and beta-Carotene, to kick-in. I'll see what happens, then I may try changing my SST.

      As I stated before, my SST used to be 1.30 - 2.00 AM and I had a few really vivid dreams and 2 really amazing hypnagogic visions (before I started LD). Old people's REM periods are different - fewer but longer and it will be interesting to see what happens (during the adjustment period of my SST and how my body reacts to going to bed later)

      Theoretically, everything should eventually move forward 2 hours...making 08.00 AM the start of the "rush hours". I could also try switching to my SST from 10.00 PM (it's a bit early, but it's worth going to bed early to try) Only one captive dream last night...Ed seems to have given up on pre-alarm wake-ups at the moment.

      08.00 About a black guy who attached himself to my family. True to dream-weirdness my house seemed to be spread around outdoors and he had set up "rooms" (not unlike a scenario on a recent "Top Gear) The rooms consisted of thin temporary walls...that's it...and it was quite impressively furnished

      How he got it all there was a mystery, because he was riding around in a strange "small box" on wheels. I was miffed with him because he'd broken the top string of "my guitar" (I'm noticing fine detail) and I experimentally played it...disappointingly I didn't sound like Clapton...just naff old me...It looked like a very long acoustic mandolin yet there was a full-blown Marshall stack just across the way???

      Semper paratus

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      Updated 09-16-2013 at 02:25 PM by 63430

    15. 16 Sept 13

      by , 09-16-2013 at 11:43 AM
      I was in some kind of medieval kingdom trying to wed the kings daughter, to do so I had to do a bunch of menial tasks. I remember having to recite some verse or something and weighing a lot of apples on a giant scale. It was much like a video game.