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    1. Poison frogs

      by , 07-09-2011 at 02:47 PM (Alpha's dream journal)
      non-dream dream lucid

      I am in some kind of alien forest with cool-looking plants, and I see a frog on the ground. I reach down to pick it up, and my hand starts burning. I throw the frog into a bush and look at my hand. There are swollen red marks all over it. I panic and show my dad, who says I need pepto bismol.
      I also remember something about a gas station in the middle of the forest.

      I'm at a school that looks slightly like mine, but it's in the forest at daytime. I go outside and a lot of the people I know are horses. I get in a mech from before and run. My mom drives up in a minivan, that is somehow outrunning my mech. I jump out of the mech and into the window of the minivan, then she crashes it into a lake.
    2. Mech battle school

      by , 07-09-2011 at 02:42 PM (Alpha's dream journal)
      non-dream dream lucid

      I appear in a glass room with a few other people close to my age. We all run out the door and into a huge hangar with multiple mechs in it. I climb a ladder attached to one and it connects to my hands (some kind of neural control) and I run out of the hangar with the mech. There is a desert area with a lot of ruins, and some other mechs are there. We all run in different directions, and I end up on top of a crashed spacecraft. There are glowing balls of light, and when I touch it it powers up the weapons on my mech. After playing with the power-up things, a person in a uniform climbs onto the wreck. He said something about me being on some team that I remember nothing about now, but the team was apparently seen as the bad guys. I grinned, but he couldn't see me behind the glass of the mech. An alarm sounded, and all of the people in mechs ran to the same place. A small army of strange mechs without arms landed in front of us, and they kept jumping up and down like grasshoppers.

      The commander told us that we had to lock on to shoot them, and we all did. My mech had two energy cannons below it's arms. Whenever you hit one of the grasshopper-things, it stopped jumping and fired a laser at me. A line appeared where it was aiming, so I could dodge it if I was paying attention. I grabbed a large handgun and fired balls of light at the enemies, and this one did more damage. So I continued blasting them apart until the grasshopper mechs were all destroyed.

      I do not remember anything of this dream after that.
      non-lucid , memorable
    3. Just Chillin'

      by , 07-09-2011 at 02:17 PM (Shooting from the Sun: Solarflare)
      I am with my 2 best friends on the schools field, it was cloudy and I was talking to them about the Outlands Demo and how much i ******* want that game now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Thats all i remember.
      dream fragment
    4. Battles in the Nature Conservation

      by , 07-09-2011 at 02:11 PM (Shooting from the Sun: Solarflare)
      I was playing lazer tag and the round just ended, and the next game (i think) was capture the flag, our team was briefing and soon the almighty dream gods (i made them up right now ) made everyone decide that the bullets were deadly and this was a real war. So we all ended up in the conservation area except it was all rock and we were all shooting each other.

      [sometime during that battle i distinctly remember looking at a LARGE tower far away with a dragon perched on top of it]
    5. WILD attempt #3

      by , 07-09-2011 at 02:07 PM (Shooting from the Sun: Solarflare)
      I woke up at my usual time ready for the day, and my day begins with a WILD attempt, so i closed my eyes, lied on my back, and did nothing, but then i said fuck it, and went to sleep again xD
    6. The past is haunting me once again...

      by , 07-09-2011 at 02:06 PM (Shooting from the Sun: Solarflare)
      the room I was in was drark and an EXTREMELY smaller verion of my living room with a sofa, a chair and a table and walls surrounding them.

      I was in a room with my mother, who told me that my dad was very drunk (which IRL, he would be a LOT, and he would get mad and break furniture sometimes) and that i should try and talk him out of it.

      Then my dad was in the room, and the conversation switched to my bike riding skills and my dad was repeating to me to not to enter anyones house and not to talk to strangers blah blah xD

      The dream faded awayyyyyyyyy.......
      non-lucid , side notes
    7. Dreams from 7/9/11 (I'm bad with titles)

      by , 07-09-2011 at 02:00 PM
      I had three (possibly 4) dreams that I remember from last night. And 2 of them were lucid!

      The first dream was pretty short. I was in my old house, looking at my desk. I realize that my monitor isn't there, and it should be. For whatever reason, that's what makes me lucid. So I calmly walk out of the house. I look around, and scrutinize everything I'm seeing. I'm also rubbing my hands together, just in case. I start walking down the long driveway, thinking about what I want to do. I make a couple feeble attempts to have a furred friend show up, by expecting him to be right behind me. Having had no practice with this technique before, it doesn't work. I get a little discouraged, but not much. Around this time the dream falls apart, though. I wake up and it's around 6 AM, so I roll over and go back to sleep.

      The second dream is shorter than the last. I'm lucid again (well, semilucid, at least) with no recollection of a specific trigger. I'm wandering around this big house that looks oddly familiar, but I can't place why. Again, I'm carefully examining my surroundings. I don't remember too many details from this one unfortunately, but I'm pretty sure the house familiarity is a false memory. The house looks vaguely familiar to my parents' friends' house, where we stayed last week for a wedding. But the house is a lot bigger than that, and arranged differently. Plus it has an indoor hot tub.

      The third (and fourth if you wanna count them separate) dreams kinda blend together. There's one where I'm going through a regimen for psychic powers not unlike the DVASA regimen, but more ridiculous. I remember watching an older man I don't know use "telekenesis" to mess with a light, or somesuch. From my perspective though, it looked more like a double came out of him, and the double fooled with the light. The double also goes over to a nearby desk and eats a pretzel from a can sitting there, grinning at me. I remember flipping through some pages of my training book, but some parts of the book are missing, or were specifically cut. The only specific line I remember is something about "Zeta Awareness", which I think is similar to viewing auras but... not? I can't remember.

      At some point this seems to meld with another dream where I'm inexplicably waking up in an unfamiliar area. I can't remember a lot of the details. But like some other dreams I've had, I was out and about wearing nothing at all, with some boxers at hand that I'm hoping to find a secluded place to put on. (The logic fails there, but the choice of dress makes sense. That's how I sleep, so naturally it ends up in my dreams occasionally.) At some point I'm on a highway, sitting on the trunk of a moving car as if that's the best way to bum a ride these days. I notice my dad back there, chatting with someone else as he moves towards the car. That's when I suddenly realize, it's not some random car but my parent's car. That's good, I need the ride. I think I try to hop into the still-moving car or something, but the dream is just too fuzzy. This is all I can put down with certainty.
      lucid , non-lucid
    8. movie theatre adventure

      by , 07-09-2011 at 01:54 PM
      It was like a whole movie. The dream begins with me sitting in a movie theatre, watching a movie, and there are several other people watching too. But the theatre isn't full, just a quarter full. All of a sudden, some kids, mostly very young maybe a few teenagers, all running in from the back of the theatre, past me, and up around the back of the stage. There were about thirty to forty kids, but the speed of the stampede was other than natural. And I sensed extreme fear.
      They had just passed, and disappeared behind the screen, and no one else in the audience seemed to care, but I got the feeling that whatever scared them into moving like that, it might threaten me, too, if I just sit in my seat, so I got up and ran to catch up with them.
      So I go behind the screen, up several flights of stairs, running and getting more scared myself. The kids all reach a bunch of theatre seats way at the top and at the end of the line, so everyone tries to hide. Nobody's really hiding too well, just in their seats, with their heads down.
      A moment later a few adults come in, and turn on the lights; they see everybody, and start picking out different ones and calling lo each other, and also yelling out some chant at everyone. These are the people the kids were running from. I get picked, among other people, and I'm asked, or told, to do an operation on someone, and asked if I can be ready in three minutes. I'm handed, as are some of the other kids around me, a packet, with maybe a scalpel and a syringe and some medical-looking stuff, and the chant at us now is something like "we give you the power of life and death, but you have to use it for us and do what we tell you."
      I'm getting worried and ask if I can make it ten minutes from now instead of three, thinking I'll try to escape. My offer is contemplated, and rejected.
      I decide to make a run for it. Apparently we're about ten levels of balconies up in this movie theatre, all behind the screen, and each lower level is a little farther out, and there are big golden bars, so you can jump, holding on to the bars, and it's a series of small leaps, not a huge fall. I start leaping down, and I'm getting away, but there's a middle level that's much bigger than the others, like the concession stand area. I get that far, and they catch up with me. I'm not the only one who tried to get away, there are two or three others, and we're all cornered on this large, middle balcony. The chasers stand in the middle of the floor talk calmly to us, then pull up chairs and sit down and lecture us, calmly. It's like a manager disciplining an employee in his office.
      But I and one or two other kids are in the corner, standing on top of something, and there's a big glass punch bowl. I smash the glass punch bowl, and we all start throwing the sharp chunks of glass at these 'managers'. Most miss, but two out of the three managers get up calmly, looking disappointed, and walk away. The one main guy walks forward, walks straight up to me, talking sternly and more forcefully. I put one huge shard of glass right into his forehead. Blood comes out, but he continues talking and talking, like nothing happened.
      Now I and the other two kids are really scared, and we must have looked confused, because he breaks his monologue for a second, pulls the glass out of his head, and says "oh, this?" Then he starts pulling all the flesh of his head apart and off, and his skull is showing through, and he's still talking, saying something like "this doesn't matter, I'm beyond this." We're totally frightened by this, and we're corralled, brought back to the top floor where everyone else is.
      I'm not sure what happened next. Some time went by, but I decided to make another run for it. I start swinging, jumping, holding on to the bars, going down the different levels again. They start chasing me again, but not that hard, just like I'm a nuisance, but they're right behind me. But I'm trying harder this time, and I have more momentum going, and as I'm getting near the bottom levels, I see some people on the side I recognize. I touch their faces as I go by to make sure they’re real, and they are, and it feels reassuring, at least I have witnesses, and they cheer me on. I make it to the bottom and I come out a door into the lobby of the real movie theatre, out of that whole supernatural realm.
      The three pursuers are right behind me, and they follow me out into the natural realm. But several movie theatre employees see them, and it's like they've always known who they were but couldn't chase them into their own realm. They see these three guys, and they gather around each and stamp them to death on the floor of the lobby, chanting "flesh and blood, flesh and blood". It's like as soon as they followed me out into the lobby of the real movie theatre they were mortal, and totally vulnerable and easy to kill. I looked at the splattered bodies on the floor in the lobby.
      The dream went on a little while longer, just me hanging out in the lobby and doing stuff. And when the shift was over, all the employees gathered by me smiling to say goodbye, and congratulations. And I looked at all their faces and I recognized them from somewhere, but I don't know where. It's not the story I would have liked to see happen. I would have liked to see reconciliation, not the killing. I thought there were no 'demons', and no fear, but I reverted to feeling fear. I hoped to do better in my next encounter.
    9. Lucid Dream-Easter sunday gone Bad!

      by , 07-09-2011 at 01:43 PM (Typho's DJ)

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 04:56 AM by 44350

      lucid , non-lucid
    10. Ice-cream

      by , 07-09-2011 at 01:13 PM
      Date: 9/7/11
      My recall was strange... I could remember having the dreams but I couldn't remember what they were about...

      I was in Woolworths with my Nanny - we had come to buy ice-cream. I walked into the cold section and found some "So Good" ice-cream in a blue container. I immediately opened it and made a big dessert with chocolate sauce and sprinkles on top. I began to eat it when my Nanny suddenly came up to me smiling. "I found the ice-cream," she said and showed me a huge white container of home brand ice-cream. I immediately felt really guilty because I had chosen the wrong, more expensive ice-cream and I couldn't just put it back because I had already begun to eat it.
    11. Kind of like a videogame

      , 07-09-2011 at 12:43 PM
      I had to meet some friends, so I waited for them at the meeting place, which was very different to what it was in real life. It was wider, more empty, and had benches. I sat on a bench and looked behind me, I saw the girl from other dreams, but chose to ignore her. She eventually walked passed me and asked me to go with her, but I said "not right now" then she left.
      My friends arrived and a flag with an arrow appeared, and we had to get to that location. While going there, another popped up, but just to me, so I went to it. It was inside a toilet cubicle. I waited in there and a "+100" appeared every few seconds.
      I had to meet my friends at a swimming pool after that, it was where the place they went to was. I passed through some apartment buildings and there was this one which has a guy from memories that I know aren't real. He was using a putter to hit a golf ball into a cup, and he shouted at me.
      When I arrived at the swimming pool, my friends took me to some people from school and the guy who played Hank McCoy/Beast in 'X-men: First Class'. I said something to him and shouted "BEAST!". He laughed.

      Then I got woke up by a phone call.
      memorable , non-lucid
    12. No juice this night

      by , 07-09-2011 at 11:40 AM
      09-07-11 No dreams this night. A combination of lots of alcohol, not a lot of water, and staying up helping out a friend through suffering is probably the cause of this appaling recall.
      side notes
    13. Combo!

      by , 07-09-2011 at 11:09 AM
      Triple is a king.

      Half-dream number one: GYM Baseball

      I was at the school GYM (which is weird because I wasn't there for like a month...) and I was sitting in a group with my friends. I only recognized one: I.
      Our French teacher asked us if we wanna play baseball , and we said yes. Me and I. started arguing who's gonna be the catcher , and eventually it was me. It was more like a give-the-ball-to-someone-who's-not-in-the-circle game thing.... I. was pissed of and started going around me. My team mates gave each other the ball , which wasn't even a baseball , it was a football... It looked like the one I have. Someone , I think Y.A. tried giving me the ball , he made a weird face and was blocked by someone who kept jumping in front of him , so he passed the ball to someone else.
      We were sitting again in a group and this time I. sat next to me. We said like 3 sentences to each other and then he yelled "LOOLOLOLOLOLOLOL"

      Mega-Fragment number 2: Da white cannibal house

      Something happened at the beginning , but I forgot what. SO...
      I saw the outside of the white house , it looked like the GoAnimate version of it. Two people carried George Bush in this sort of cannibal bamboo cage. Its sides were covered by weird flags. I saw the cage from above so I could tell. I'm not , sure but I think the cannibals were Barrack Obama and his wife *NOT SURE AT ALL* *NO RACISM*
      Oh by the way , the room was sort of dark-reddish with a picture on the right side of the wall and 2 couches...
      I think this one came before the George-in-a-cage part. I was putting a medium sized speaker next to something , I think a TV and started messing with the wires 'till I found the connector. There were two of them. I think I accidently found it , but then again , I don't remember this one so good. Then I started messing with the thousand wires next to the medium sized speaker and found another connector. I put the connectors next to each other.

      Fragment number 3: My grandma was born and raised her grandchildren in London?!

      My entire family was on my roof , they all sat on white chairs and drank stuff. I tried walking there but there was this gap between the place I was and the bridge leading to my roof , and I was too scared to cross it. I can't remember what happened , I think someone pushed the bridge closer to me and I ended up in my roof. I was with my grandma. Something totally fucked up was there. There was this sort of bed bridge in the middle of my roof , and there was a gap between the pillow part to the rest of the bed , and in the gap there was nothing. Literally , NOTHING. There was a huge hole leading all the way down to floor 1 from floor 13. My grandpa pushed the rest of the bed to the pillow part , completing the bed. I think I stood on the pillow part before... After my grandpa did that , it reminded my grandma something. "This reminds me something!" she said. She said a few things and then she said "...And he writes to me: 'Did you finish building the bridge yet?'" and started laughing. As she said these words , I saw my Skype writing bar as I type "Did you finish building the bridge yet?". This gave my conscious a furious flash-back to a few weeks back to a dream where I did that. Holy shit , my conscious just reminded me a dream I don't even remember when it happened. Possibly today , but I don't know. I remember it now! I wanted to ask my grandma if she finished building the bridge but I forgot how to say it in MY language so I asked it in English. That's all I really remember , lol.

      Fragment number 4: LOOLOLOLOLOLOL

      Someone , I think A.M. , yelled LOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO. That's it. LOLLOLOL.
    14. Starbucks

      by , 07-09-2011 at 10:13 AM
      worked at starbucks, saw a bunch of friends there. felt really real.
      was driving with my dad who was drunk and i was scared he was going to crash.
      was waiting for my dad to pick me up at starbucks.
    15. Hail the Black Sun!

      by , 07-09-2011 at 09:05 AM (The Nomad Chronicles)

      I stand at the Top of the Temple of Nothing. The earth rises, and eclipses the sun. I raise a smoking obsidian mirror to absorb the energy of the eclipse.

      'ALL HAIL THE BLACK SUN!' I shout.

      'All hail the God of Nothing!" shout people from below. I morph into a jaguar and roar. All the people morph into jaguar.

      I point the smoking mirror at earth, and create a dark rainbow bridge to pull them to me, the God of Nothing on the Green Moon!