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    1. Tree Beard Fragment, and Windows to The Other Side

      by , 08-15-2010 at 03:16 AM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid

      I really wish my recall would get back to some kind of consistency!

      Tree Beard Fragment

      I was looking in a mirror. I noticed that by chin and neck were made out of tree bark -- roughly in the area where my beard grows. It was all cracked and browny-green looking. I felt slightly shocked and uncomfortable.

      I had this brief dream the night before last, having just shaved my beard off a day earlier. It's really weird going clean shaven after having a beard for a few years -- although it's obviously even weirder in my dreams...

      Windows to The Other Side

      I was back at secondary school. C was there, and I think L, and we were standing near the main gates. There was a strange light coming out of nowhere and engulfing the area. There were spirits of some kind that we could see. It was some kind of portal or window to a spirit realm or so I figured.

      It ended and we went to another location in the school where it happened again. We gathered around it and watched. It happened several times in different places, and each time more people would come and watch what was happening. I spoke to M outside the canteen and explained about the strange spirit portals that were appearing around the school.

      The next thing I recall is entering one of the buildings. I was going to a math lesson, but wasn't sure where I was going. I walked to where I thought my classroom was and looked inside. For some reason I decided it was the wrong place and went up the the first floor instead. The first floor of the building was wrong: it was actually the first floor of the art & technology building.

      As I descended the stairs I started shouting at the people who were entering the building. I felt really pissed off. I walked in the the classroom I had left before and realized that was actually where I was supposed to be.

      I sat down. The room was configured a bit differently from how it was in reality. The teacher, Mrs. H, was asking if people had done their assignments. I knew I hadn't bothered to. I had very mixed feeling of nerves and getting in trouble and extreme defiance. Eventually she asked me, and I decided to go with defiance and told her I didn't give a crap.
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