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    1. Lucid, misplaced furniture and a Christmas tree

      by , 06-07-2012 at 09:27 AM (~Cookieh's Land of Cookies~)
      I was trying to WILD, I fell asleep, dreamed of being at my relatives' place, woke up, rolled over and soon found myself in this dream. (A DEILD, yes?)

      [COLOR="#2e8b57"]I'm walking from my room to the living room. I know it's a dream, but I want to see what my mom would tell me. The furniture in the living room is placed differently. I see her sitting on the sofa, watching TV and knitting. I ask her "Am I really here, walking around in real life or am I dreaming?" and she answers with "You're really here". Gurrrl, lying into my face. (I actually kind of expected that answer, she is a bit pessimistic about lucid dreaming)
      I look out of the window, it's dark outside, and check the temperature. I can't see the thermostat, because of this weird reindeer sticker on the window. I ask mom what's that all about and she shrugs.
      As I'm heading to the kitchen, I walk past the open door to the parents' bedroom. In one corner, there is a giant Christmas tree, it lights up the whole room. There are also a lot of full coke bottles all over the place. (O__o)
      I'm now in the kitchen, the furniture here is placed weirdly as well, I speak a bit louder when I ask mom if she'd like some coffee. I get a positive answer and instead of water, I put coke in the coffee machine. I turn it on and go to my room. [/COLOR]

      [I'm not sure if I can call this a dream, I lost my sight and I don't know if this is still the dream or what I imagined to happen next (while already awake)]

      [COLOR="#2e8b57"]So, in my room I teleported myself to some small island with nobody else but me. I was sitting on the hot sand, trying to get my vision back by playing with the sand. Then I dived into the sea, the temperature was cool. I'm not sure if it was day or night...>.>[/COLOR]
    2. Mall at christmas time

      by , 03-29-2012 at 08:00 AM (Taffy's Sweet Dreams)
      I was in the mall around christmas time. I walked past a store, and the owner came out. I was hoping she'd talk to me and give me a job, but she walked right past me to talk to someone else (whom I believe was my cousin). I thought "hey, she gets a job, but I'm the one who really needs one." The job involved painting food coloring on snow cones amongst children dressed in elf costumes at a candy store. I popped some runts into my mouth and walked on, meeting my brother at a square part of the mall. We walked together and I told him about what just happened. Then we came to a weirdly shaped staircase. There were christmas decorations covering it, and all of them moved. At the entrance was an angel that shook almost violently up and down. I wasn't going to go in there, but before I could say something my brother was halfway down. I ran around down the spiral/rectangle shaped staircase avoiding as many decorations as I could. At the end were two rectangular pieces of wood that moved right to left, blocking the path. I had to run past them. When I did, I heard a voice say "good job, you made it through the snowfield!" it sounded like mike Meyers.
      Tags: christmas, job, mall
    3. Halloween and Christmas and Nicolas Cage and Chocolate Milk

      by , 02-14-2012 at 04:48 PM
      It’s sometime near Christmas. But there’s this Halloween movie coming out … which kind of looks like The Nightmare Before Christmas, only less Christmasy. And my mom is complaining like, “Why would there be a Halloween movie on Christmas?” But then she and I decide to go see it anyway.
      While we’re getting ready to leave I write down a bunch of ideas I apparently have for poems. I don’t remember what they all are, but one of them was going to be about Nicolas Cage. Ha …
      My mom gives me and my little siblings these chocolate milk box things. I start drinking mine, but it tastes funny. I look at the label to see if it has an expiration date on it. I can’t find one, but it has this thing on the back which tells you what color the milk turns when it’s rotten. Apparently if it’s rotten, it turns yellowish green or something. But it’s still a normal color, so I figure I’m safe.
      And yeah. That’s about it.
    4. Lucid in only 3 days!

      by , 01-11-2012 at 07:48 PM
      When my alarm went off this morning it was instantly obvious that I did not get enough sleep. So despite me having, well, less than perfect grades, I decided to skip school and go back to sleep. Im glad I did because what followed was my first lucid dream!

      I was in some house that I've never even seen before in real life, surrounded by poeple that I've never met (except my dad). Although, I felt like I knew the people, it was a very festive enviroment, christmas themed to be exact. Everbody is drinking hot chocolate and talking to each other. I am playing with three dogs who are running around the house. I only saw two rooms of the house in my dream, there is a living room with a couch, hardwood floor, decoritive rugs, and a christmas tree. The other room was a kitchen, white glassy tiles and and a drink bar, not to many other details. Behind me there is a spiral staircase but it looks dark and univiting, so i avoid it.

      Then (for some reason) everybody starts running really fast through a sliding glass door that leads to the backyard, which is covered in a blanket of snow. directly infront of the glass door there is an overhang that drops down about 10ft, but on either side of this "mini-cliff" there are ramps that lead down in a curve to the backyard. Inbetween the ramps and the overhang is a tree house. Once everybody is down the ramps they all pull out axes and start hacking at these trees. the trees are tall, candy cane striped, and have fuzz growing on there bark. The fuzz look like a short fur that you would find on a fur coat. Everybody is chopping this "furry-bark" off the trees and making fur boots with them. then my dad calls me over and gives me a pair of the treebark-fur boots, I put them on (even though there is probably nothing more gay then a dude wearing fur boots, not trying to offend anyone, just saying). I walk back onto the overhang to get a good look at the whole back yard. Then out of nowhere this assassin dressed like a samuri and holding a samuri sword jumps down from the roof onto the overhang, aiming to fight me. Thats when I realized "WTF is this shit?!?!, I must be dreaming" but i thought it would be fun to have a sword fight so I did'nt change anything. I pick up a samuri sword and we start flailing around trying to fight each other . Eventually he stabs me and I dramatically fall off the overhang into the snow. Although I know its a dream so I just get back up. I really wanted to make it into a full-blown fuedal japanease war (like in the game "Shogun 2: total war") but unfortunately I woke up because I was so excited about the possibilities.

      At the time I didn't fully comprehend what was going on, I told myself "You're dreaming" but all I knew was that I could change the dream and control things, but I didnt really understand that I was in my bed sleeping. I still consider it my first lucid dream though.

      So, how was my writing, not enough details, too many pointless details, just boring? I want feedback.
    5. happy holidays! -- erasing the paranormal; asking for wrapping paper

      by , 12-25-2011 at 03:21 PM
      Good morning, everybody. Happy holidays!

      Dream #1

      I was reading a book (???). The book at least claimed to be historical. It was about a group of kids who had paranormal powers.

      But the government was somehow involved with the kids. And right after the kids had any paranormal experiences, the government would come brainwash the kids. The kids would be programmed to believe that their experiences had only been dreams. Sometimes the memory of the experiences also had to be distorted, to seem more dream-like.

      I now had an image in my head. Six or so glowing, yellow spheres were all gathered in a line in a small space, like peas in a pod. All the area surrounding the peapod was black.

      (I think this last image probably comes from the Christmas Google doodle.)

      Dream #2

      I was at my family's house, unwrapping Christmas presents. I sat on the floor. My mom sat before me and to my right. My oldest nephew sat before me, about a meter and a half away from me. Everybody else was wandering all around the house.

      All the wrapping on the presents was white. There was also white tissue-paper padding a lot of the Christmas present packages. Pretty soon, in the space between my nephew, my mom, and me, there was a whole bunch of white paper piled up.

      I figured I should probably work on getting some of this stuff cleaned up before everything got so messy that we couldn't get a handle on it. So I stood up and looked for a trash bag to put all the paper in.

      I asked my nephew if he had any more garbage bags left. He said something like, yes, he had a whole bunch left. He handed me one. For some reason, I may have walked away from my nephew and my mom, as if I were going to start cleaning up at some other end of the room.

      But as I was walking away, I realized that my asking for garbage bags was the first thing I'd said to my nephew in the entire time I'd been home for the holidays! I felt terrible. I wondered how I could have been so thoughtless. I was trying to think of a way that I could show my nephew how much I loved him.
    6. Holiday

      by , 12-17-2011 at 07:19 PM
      - I was on a vacation with family at some sort of weird anime-themed hotel covered with Christmas decorations. There was a library cart full of manga for sale, and a guy I didn't know was looking at it. He asked me if I knew how much it was. I saw a piece of paper stuck to the cart and read it. It said $14.99, and he was like "oh okay, so like $20 then". Then I realized it said $14.99 for hardcover, and I think $9.99 for softcover, but the paper was all jumbled up and confusing. I tried to tell him this, but he wasn't listening. I looked to the left and saw a rack of magazines and started looking at them. The same guy came over and started looking too. He grabbed a copy of a magazine called BPM Magazine which was apparently about rhythm games and started talking to me excitedly about it. The cover looked something like this:
      Really ugly basically, lol. I wish I remembered what it said about DDR. The entire thing was made out of newsprint as well. There are some magazines called BPM, but none look like this, and I'd never seen any before. Anyway, I just sort of ignored him and went off again.

      Then I was packing up to go, and there was some woman there I didn't know. There was something of hers I wanted and contemplated stealing, so I took it and put it in my bag [I wouldn't do this IWL!], then decided it was wrong [see? xD] and tried to take it out, but the woman was talking to me from a bunk bed and watching me pack. I managed to take it out and just sort of shove it under a nearby couch. I walked across the room, passing by a Christmas tree. I realized it was decorated, and mentioned to my mom who was there that we hadn't decorated our tree, then thought for some reason that it was our tree and we would have to pack it up and take it home. She reminded me it wasn't, then I noticed it was only a half tree, like this:
      which I actually talked about with my mom a couple days ago. She hadn't noticed either. I went over to where she was, next to a bed, and she told me to look around and make sure I hadn't forgotten anything. I saw some small acrylic charms on the ground and knelt down. I thought they were rainbow llamas at first, but then when looking at them straight on I realized one was a lion and one was another animal. I gave them to her then looked under the bed. The floor under the bed was COVERED with tiny anime styled acrylic charms, most were of one type but different colours, and a few were mini figurines. One was a figurine of two beartatos running an ice cream stand or something.

      - Also a fragment where I was baking something for someone while they were there.
    7. Christmas Parade (Nov 30)

      by , 12-03-2011 at 01:30 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      The scene opens with me my dad and my little brother walking up to the end of our street. There is snow completely covering the ground. Everyones house has ligts around it and it illuminates the night. My dad sits down on a bench where a couple fiercly making out then coming down the street is the parade. It was amazing to see in such a vivid dream. Elves were directing reindeeres with lights that changes to the colors of christmas. Then the sleigh came down without a santa and then behind the sleigh was a loose reindeer. It went onto a ladies porch across the street she pet it, it then came over to where I was it came up behind me and bumped me in the back. I ran and climbed on to a van I then felt backwards/dizzy and rolled off onto the snow in the front of the car. The reindeer starts coming over to meet me as the parade still goes by. The dream ends.
    8. Just a fragment...

      by , 10-26-2011 at 03:52 PM (Pop's Dream Journal)
      Another night where I remember only a fragment of a dream:

      I'm lying in bed and wearing pajamas and a robe. I'm not laying flat, I'm propped up against some pillows that are between me and the headboard. Theres a young woman laying in bed next to me and propped up as I am. She's very pretty and kind of resembles Sara Gilbert (from the Big Bang Theory). We're talking and I ask her what she wants for Christmas. She tells me she wants a sister. I respond by telling her she already has two sisters, thinking in my mind of two girls (sisters) I know in real life. She says, "I know." So I ask her again, "What do you really want for Christmas?" and playfully bump her left knee with my right knee. She laughs and responds by rolling sideways towards me and gripping my knee with both of her knees. I take it as her flirting with me.

      At this point I woke up because I needed to use the bathroom.

      After falling back asleep, I enter the same dream it seems, but now I am off the bed and standing at the doorway of the bedroom. I'm bouncing a large blue tennis ball against the wall iin the next room. (By large, I mean kick ball sized) But after bouncing it against the wall for a while, I notice that the ball is leaving marks on the wall. I look closer and notice that they're not scuff marks; they're lined up perfectly horizontally and vertically. And some of the marks actually look like symbols. One is a half circle (like a smile) with a dot above it. I turn and ask the girl on the bed to "take a look at these marks on the wall."

      After this I wake up and can't get back to sleep.
      Tags: ball, bed, christmas, girl, wall
    9. October 22nd, 2011

      by , 10-26-2011 at 01:24 AM
      I will give WBTB a break for a little while, seeing as I'm having a hard time remembering any dreams.

      When I woke up for the WBTB, I wrote down "voices" in my dream journal. I don't remember what for.

      First, there was a very insignificant dream where I was in a spinny chairs in the living room. Mom was on the couch closest to me, and Brian was on the couch by the rocking chair. I was in between the piano and the table. There were papers strewn about everywhere, and something was on TV. I was trying to show Mom that I can spin without kicking the table or anything. Every time I got it, she wasn't looking. Eventually she saw. I spun by sticking one leg out, and pointing my feet while flexing my ankle muscles. Weird.

      Then, there was a part where there were a bunch of Christmas presents in this new dresser by where the air conditioner is. The dresser was cream color, and all the presents were for RJ I think.

      Then, I was at some sort of party. I could go into detail about what the room I was in looked like, but I'm feeling lazy. On this one couch was this one blonde chick, and someone else. The other person left, and I sat next to this chick. There was this weird vibe in the dream, like she was condescending, or maybe I thought she was joking, but we ended up making out.

      Then, there as this one part where I was at a different party (or it could have been the same). It was a party for me, and I was getting presents and money. It took place in this big, pale-blue hall with tables on both sides, like the lunch room in Carson. All of my money and gifts were in my pockets. Then these black kids came in, and shot me (it didn't hurt) and then took half of everything. Then there was another segment where I was on the phone with Alec while sitting on these front steps (blonde chick may have been there). He was telling how "Oh man, that must really suck", referring to what happened. I didn't know what he was talking about, like I didn't remember. I think maybe the phone conversation happened before the shooting dream, I'm not sure.
    10. Potter, Spells and Defense

      by , 10-05-2011 at 01:06 PM
      non-lucid - Notes - lucid

      05-10-11 No intentions, not even to get lucid, though maybe with a hint of wanting to remember dreams. Stoned.

      “Underground Potterish showdown”

      I am in a Harry Potter like universe. I am Harry to begin with I think, but then something happen something about an adventure and a person shifting into a black jaguar or similar.

      I then become one of the twin brothers I think and we are supposed to go to this theatre or school and scare up the evil kids who are voting capital V. Throughout the dream when I am this brother I recall comparing my wand with my brother's, which I believe is the elder wand. Or at least something stupidly powerful.

      Mine is.. quite the opposite. It s fairly long and thick, though it seems made of plastic or candy. It is made of all sorts of transparent coloured tubes that are wrapped around the main shape to give the wand in it's entirety a rather complex look. It is flexible as fuck though, which sort of surprise me. I remember thinking “I really like this wand” although I am not a wand guy. I even thought about that during the dream “I really don't like wands, but this one..” Anyways enough of me talking about how much I love my stick, and on to how I use it!

      We head to the theatre and walk through the doors. I can't recall if we have any problems walking in, but I don't think so. There is a wall immediately behind the doors and we walk around this and find another set of doors. I ward myself with a spell that will nullify the first 3 offensive spells that hit me, by drawing my wand in a half circle around me and saying something in a tongue I didn't knew I know. Though I remember not what I said the language sounded dark side, and it ends on a defensive word like “defendarius” “Repeltor” or maybe it was “reflector” (though this last word I used in a later dream and I might just be confusing myself). I only become aware of this 3-spell-limitation in function later on when I am battling the kids and I think to myself “Gee I wonder how many charges are left on my shield?”.

      So my brother and I slam open the doors and find a crowd turning their heads in surprise. I can sense that I am becoming angry and I start slinging out spells, though I think I am aware of not wanting to kill anyone, they need to be hurt enough to get scared. I seem to remember some sort of slicing spell that will cut them a bit, but not kill. We are walking down a centre isle and as we get to the bottom of this and are standing around the people I say something more in my dark side tongue and take off in flight to my left, which is also where I spot Voldemort. I am not particular afraid of him though he is looking at me, and this is also the time I check up on the status of my shield.

      The dream skips a bit though this might just be due to the violent battle that ensues. In any case I find myself outside the theatre and it was apparently located on this ledge. The surroundings have a dark feel to them, unnatural dark at that. Like it is a city underground, which would explain the fragmented memories of walking around underground/sewer tunnels.

      The feel is exactly like this:

      However imagine that the platform is naturally attached to the tunnel where the POV is, instead of the mechanical “arm” that is holding it up, and on the platform is the theatre in question. I am looking at the theatre from a distance up in the air and I can see the tunnel I am supposed to go to. The place is collapsing (further) into the ground.

      I hear my cousin's voice, she is asking me “Will he survive?” she is referring to my brother, who is not as close to leaving the theatre as I am. I see him jumping between the broken pieces of rubble and fly down and grab him and his dog (?) under my right arm and reply “Sure he is” in a cheeky voice, while I pull him into the tunnel, safe from the fall.

      “Powerless Christmas, Angels and Wizards”

      I am in my parents' house in Hornslet and it is Christmas time. I am looking for some paint I used to play with when younger painting role small figures. I need to get this paint to Pil, one of my friends who needs to paint a character for a role play he is playing at the minute. I might as well grab it while I am there, as I have bought a figure myself recently, in fact quite a large one that is supposed to depict “the queen of blades” combined with some sort of fallen angel.

      The figurine I am holding is separated into two pieces, which is bugering me a bit because I have to hold onto two pieces rather than one, which is just mentally demanding. At the same time I don't really want to attach the piece if it means it will be trickier to paint the figure.

      I am walking around thinking a bit about where I have left the paint, though I am somewhat positive that it will be in a box on the attic of the main building, though it is entirely possible that it is on the attic of the added apartment building.

      I walk into the guest room and I see the light flicker. I look a bit closer and it does it again. The light is fairly yellowish compared to how the light would normally look. It flickers again and this reminds me of that one Christmas where we didn't have power (never happened) and the scenery changes to being of the parking grounds of the church, heavily clouded and with light snow falling.


      I am now in a field with a bandit group or similar and we are out collecting wood. It is still Christmas time and the group has no power either, which is why we are collecting wood. I am the second in command and the leader is not there. I get the feeling I am somewhat stupid.

      We are trying to get the wood back to camp via an alternative route that involves tying up all the wood in a bundle and sending a small monkey across a puddle of water with it. However as the monkey is crossing the water the knots around the wood loosen and the wood ends up all over the ”shores” of this little puddle. I notice the monkey sitting across the puddle with an attitude that looks like he is giving up.

      I do a little speech to my men saying that the only reason we are out on this shitty day and the Christmas is bad is because we have no power. I rally my troops and point at a theatre all of a sudden standing in the same field. “There is power right there, and I am going to take it” I say. The theatre is in fact a nuclear power plant that has been shut down for unknown reasons.

      I walk to the door, which is one of those double swing doors and the door knobs have a red diode light in the middle of them. I kick the doors in, I think I have to do it twice, but I manage to get in. I feel a sense of aggression rising again. We are faced with a wall we have to walk around (a bit like the previous potter dream) and when we are around this wall I am faced with an angel in human form guarding the door. I throw a spell that will make me immune to angelic attacks and continue past the angel, without thinking more about her leaving her speech less.

      In the hall I see a wizard standing on my right hand side, I think it is the brother from the previous dream. He is about to react so I mumble something dark side again (this time the ending word is “...Reflector” which will make any spell he throw at me return in his face).

      I keep walking down the centre walkway towards a band playing down in the bottom of the hall. I know I can pick up the microphone stand telekinetically and this is the point where I think “hang on a minute..” Loads of people are panicking and trying to get out of the theatre/powerplant. Some are running past be back the way from which I came and others are running further into the building, maybe towards exits unknown to me.

      I put out my arms in a defensive, yet apologetic gesture and say “Whoah, whoah, whoah... Lucid... Lucid” in order to get the people to calm down and realise it is just a dream. It doesn't work. Then I see someone that doesn't look like a DC run past me and I grab him asking him if he is another dreamer, he say yes. I ask his name and he tells me it is “Shakira” which makes me suspicious and I say “Shakira, really!?” “Tjakira/Tchakira” he corrects me. His appearance has now changed from a blonde man with short cut hair to a man with long grey/black hair.

      I leave him and head back out again. I fly a bit after having thought about why I am walking about like a looser, but I decide to not fly that much any more anyways. Back towards the entrance I am faced with the wall I had to walk around to get in. I decide to fly against it and through it, but end up slamming right into it, though it happens really slowly and without pain.

      Someone behind me is laughing at my efforts of going through the wall, but I don't really care. I just drop down and walk around. as I am closer to the exit the dream starts fading. So I, quite aggressively, slam my hands out to either side and start feeling up the walls, which feels like tile, wet and cold as well as breathing through my nose. The air is equally cold.

      Slowly the dream comes back and someone, maybe one of the twins from Hornslet, is walking in the building. Outside the weather has changed quite dramatically. It is pissing down and windy as fuck. I feel how the rain is slamming against the side of my face, the cold strong wind making it really annoying.

      I think to the dream “Is this a way of telling me that the dream is really unstable?” and start throwing pathetic fireballs the size of shirt buttons to cookies into the sky. The way I throw fireballs is by charging them between my cupped hands at my chest. They don't even look that hot and the last one (think it is number 3) I can barely see. Now I can only see the rain.

      I wake up.

      Notes: I am starting to put up wards around myself, which I suppose is a good thing when it comes to dream travelling.
    11. 32nd Shared Dreaming Attempt - Mayatara's Dream

      by , 09-17-2011 at 10:22 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Mayatara's Dream

      Thai guy
      Even before falling asleep, an hipnagogic experience: some guy is talking to me in thai. After a while of listening to him, I realized I was starting to dream and got back to waking state and wondered: 1) how the hell I knew he was speaking thai? 2) why the hell I seemed to be understanding perfectly well what he was saying to me?

      Sequence of absurdities
      I'm looking for Nighthawk and while I'm at it, I go through a sequence of bizarre dreams.
      At some point I enter a building looking for the WC and someone guides me to the elevator, which doubles as WC. Once I get inside and sit on the toilet, the elevator goes up and once I'm done and flush the toilet, the elevator goes down again. I find that bizarre, but don't become lucid.
      Once I open the door of the elevator, I watch some aliens coming out from a secret door across the corridor. They have a strange shape, like elongated bells, with no clear head. They move slowly and don't emit any sound. I wasn't supposed to have seen them. Some men in black appear out of nowhere with a needle to stick on my neck and in a millisecond I realize I'll be unconscious and probably dead if I don't act fast. So I offer all my resistance. The needle guy is able to stick it 1 or 2 millimeters in my skin, but I fight back, steal the needle and stick it on him. Then I run as fast as I can. I find a door to the outside but unfortunately it leads me to a dead end, an internal patio with high walls around that don't seem to end.
      I fly upwards and find a kind of balcony where I land. The problem now is that there is a creature, half-dog half-bear, growling at me, ready to bite me. I just have time to fly again upwards, narrowly escaping its teeth. The walls continue, but finally I find another balcony. This one seems nice, with pots with plants, no wild animals in sight. Then I hear some voices... On the pots are talking carrots, with faces! They are commenting about my strange appearance and I think to myself "I am strange??? You're carrots and you talk!!" Stupidly, again, I don't become lucid.
      I keep going through the dream world and finally arrive at the place I think I was heading to from the beginning. It kinda looks like a school. I see Zilla and Gil and a few other familiar faces and they seem busy preparing Xmas cards and decorations. I wonder why. I ask Zilla if she saw Nighthawk and she says no, but asks me to stay and help them. I stay for a while just because I'm curious about what they are doing. They have little plastic reindeer's figurines and they are adding some props to the figurines. I decide this is so damn boring and keep on moving.
      A couple of bullies blocks my path for no apparent reason and I "kung-fu" them, throwing them down some stairs. One of them gets really hurt, with a broken leg or something and I feel sorry for him, but I show no remorse, or they might think I'm soft.
      Then I meet some guy I supposedly know and I ask him if he saw Nighthawk. He tells me he did see him on some wedding of a friend, where he had also been a guest. But that had been hours ago and he didn't know his current location.
      I'm about to give up. It's getting late and it's becoming dark. I see a bunch of people going to some nearby viewpoint over a valley and I decide to go see what's the reason for their excitement. That's when it starts the most amazing firework and I just stay there alone in the crowd, watching it melancholic.

      [comment: I should have been looking for Whiterain and WakingNomad instead, but I fucked it up]
    12. 16 Sep: Aliens, talking carrots and fireworks

      by , 09-17-2011 at 10:12 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream lucid false awakening


      Thai guy
      Even before falling asleep, an hipnagogic experience: some guy is talking to me in thai. After a while of listening to him, I realized I was starting to dream and got back to waking state and wondered: 1) how the hell I knew he was speaking thai? 2) why the hell I seemed to be understanding perfectly well what he was saying to me?




      Sequence of absurdities
      I'm looking for Nighthawk and while I'm at it, I go through a sequence of bizarre dreams.
      At some point I enter a building looking for the WC and someone guides me to the elevator, which doubles as WC. Once I get inside and sit on the toilet, the elevator goes up and once I'm done and flush the toilet, the elevator goes down again. I find that bizarre, but don't become lucid.
      Once I open the door of the elevator, I watch some aliens coming out from a secret door across the corridor. They have a strange shape, like elongated bells, with no clear head. They move slowly and don't emit any sound. I wasn't supposed to have seen them. Some men in black appear out of nowhere with a needle to stick on my neck and in a millisecond I realize I'll be unconscious and probably dead if I don't act fast. So I offer all my resistance. The needle guy is able to stick it 1 or 2 millimeters in my skin, but I fight back, steal the needle and stick it on him. Then I run as fast as I can. I find a door to the outside but unfortunately it leads me to a dead end, an internal patio with high walls around that don't seem to end.
      I fly upwards and find a kind of balcony where I land. The problem now is that there is a creature, half-dog half-bear, growling at me, ready to bite me. I just have time to fly again upwards, narrowly escaping its teeth. The walls continue, but finally I find another balcony. This one seems nice, with pots with plants, no wild animals in sight. Then I hear some voices... On the pots are talking carrots, with faces! They are commenting about my strange appearance and I think to myself "I am strange??? You're carrots and you talk!!" Stupidly, again, I don't become lucid.
      I keep going through the dream world and finally arrive at the place I think I was heading to from the beginning. It kinda looks like a school. I see Zilla and Gil and a few other familiar faces and they seem busy preparing Xmas cards and decorations. I wonder why. I ask Zilla if she saw Nighthawk and she says no, but asks me to stay and help them. I stay for a while just because I'm curious about what they are doing. They have little plastic reindeer's figurines and they are adding some props to the figurines. I decide this is so damn boring and keep on moving.
      A couple of bullies blocks my path for no apparent reason and I "kung-fu" them, throwing them down some stairs. One of them gets really hurt, with a broken leg or something and I feel sorry for him, but I show no remorse, or they might think I'm soft.
      Then I meet some guy I supposedly know and I ask him if he saw Nighthawk. He tells me he did see him on some wedding of a friend, where he had also been a guest. But that had been hours ago and he didn't know his current location.
      I'm about to give up. It's getting late and it's becoming dark. I see a bunch of people going to some nearby viewpoint over a valley and I decide to go see what's the reason for their excitement. That's when it starts the most amazing firework and I just stay there alone in the crowd, watching it melancholic.

    13. fabio, thief, christmas

      by , 09-07-2011 at 02:32 PM
      did a short wbtb by just sitting up for a bit until i felt awake. recalled a long hyper real dream although the order is screwed. was at home with family and for some reason our house is on the next road down. its christmas and we have people over and have loads of food and drink about. dont remember the first time i got lucid, but was doing a bit of general floating around.

      some guy comes up to the house and nicks a bottle of something. he stes off as if i will never catch him and at first it feels like one of thise dreams where you cant move well but somehow i overcome it and catch up with him. i have some kind of stick in my hand for security. its pretty obvious that the guy is in a bit of a state so i offer to take the bottle back but go and get some more stuff that he can take on his way with him.

      i go back to the house and get some food for him, then try and find a water bottle to fill up and give to him. at some point he bites me on the arm right on my tatoo. i think im fairly lucid by now because it doesnt bother me much despite someone else hinting at the possibility of infection and stuff.

      anyway im back in the real house and recalling the past dream to my dad. its still christmas but by now ive lost lucidity because everything feels as real as day. it doesnt even strike me as odd that fabio capello and his wife are sat in our front room joining us for the holidays. it just feels so normal as fabio sits and chats to my dad i just get the feeling that this is the kind of thing he would want to do with his spare time. he's a bit dll but his wife was quite fun although i cant remember why.

      at some point the weirdness of it hits me and i exclaim oh shit im still in the dream arent i. i dont bother with stabilising techs as it feels like thers no way it will fade. i fly off for a bit and remember flying over the local river while these kids watched. i kept getting up to about 30 feet high but could never get higher than this. it was a little frustrating so i landed and tried to just stande there and charge myself up for a wile for my next attempt. the dream went on from there but im not sure how for now
    14. Falling in love with a girl at old orchard beach

      by , 08-10-2011 at 02:45 PM
      I can't remember very well how it started but I was at old orchard beach (It didn't really look like the real old orchard beach though).
      I was there with my father and my sister. I eventually met a nice blond girl. At first we were looking in each other eyes, without talking. But I went to talk to her and she invited my to her hotel with his father . We kissed and did hugs and all that stuff.. When I came back from OOB, it was christmas. My phone rang (it was the girl) I can't remember what we said. ![AT THIS POINT I SAID TO MYSELF: WHERE DID SHE GET MY PHONE NUMBER? SOMETHING IS WRONG, but I didn't turn into a LD ]! Later, I called her again and asked her her email. She gave it to me and I wrote it down on a paper. It was a pretty weird email and she said it was the one of her whole family.
    15. Attack of the Pirates near Not-Hearst Castle (Night of July 22-23)

      by , 08-05-2011 at 06:00 AM (The Lab Notebook)
      [This is a catch-up post. These dreams are from the night of July 22-23, 2011.]

      Awake, Non-lucid, Lucid, Possibly lucid?, [Commentary made while awake]

      I'm at a big, old house that is now a tourist site. It's a bit like Hearst Castle, only older, in a different architectural style, and not on a hill. Tourists can enter either the house itself to go on a tour, or they can enter a large theater to watch a movie about the house. The space in between the house and the theater is an enclosed, carpeted lobby. While I'm in that space, I give another tourist directions to the main entrance to the house: “Go down there, turn left, go up the ramp, then turn right and go through the doors.” The ramp is long and slopes gently upward.

      In addition to the large, main theater, the complex also has a ride of some kind with seats that are suspended on long bars from an overhead track. Riders board the ride by strapping themselves into the seats when they are within small, circular, mobile theater pods. These theater pods show a movie about the era in between the heyday of the large house and the present day, that is, the house's early days as a tourist attraction, before it had a visitors' center. The pods also can move around on legs and have motion-simulator functionality. I get into one of the pods 'backwards,' by riding on one of the seats as it comes into the pod from the unloading station. Other riders also board the pod, and then the movie begins.

      [I'm not absolutely sure, but I think] It was at this point that I woke up for a very brief WBTB (just a few minutes, which is about how long I usually wake up for in the middle of the night). I remembered very well what I had just been dreaming about, and focused on it while I was awake. As I was going back to sleep, I thought, I wonder if I can get back into the same dream I was just in. [Amazingly,] I succeeded in doing so.

      The mobile theater pod moves out into the street that runs past the big, old house, which is part of the ride. While it's out in the street, the pod is boarded by small, roundish creatures, Expies of The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything [from “VeggieTales”]. After they've boarded the pod, instead of proceeding to attack and plunder it, they decide to go inside the visitors' center to get some Starbucks. This gives me time to escape from the pod and run for help. I escape from the pod and start walking along the sidewalk. Somewhere around here, I realize that I'm dreaming, but I don't want to interrupt the dream plot already in progress; it's interesting and exciting, so I go along with it. I start searching for the main, public entrance to the tourist site. I pass by what appears to be the main entrance and go to a gift shop. The gift shop is filled with a lot of red decorations and red objects, mainly Christmas decorations. I sit down in a chair and get into a conversation with the store attendant. While I'm talking to her, my thoughts stray and the impact of the thought, “Whoa, I'm dreaming” hits me fairly hard. I am suddenly overcome by a strong feeling of sleepiness, and close my eyes. Then I remember that I'll lose the dream if I do that, and open them again. I'm still right where I was.

      I tell the tour guide about the mobile theater pod being attacked by pirates, and ask, “Do you have a security guard?” She shows me where there is one waiting behind a service counter, and sends him back out onto the street with me. When we're on the street, I notice that there are “floating” vehicles on it and feel dismayed that the sci-fi future is actually here. Then I notice that at least the larger vehicles do have tractor treads, in addition to the pink, glowing force fields I see under all the vehicles. The security guard goes to the mobile theater pod and apprehends the pirates
      [at least, I suppose he did; I don't really remember that part of the dream].

      [Different dream.] A man has been captured and locked in handcuffs. A dog brings him a key in its mouth, so he can get out of them. He does so. Then, his captor approaches and, seeing that he's out of the handcuffs, says to him, “I expected you'd be out of those by now.” The man replies, “I already am.”

      [Different dream.] I'm showing some guy how to properly arrange the cord for and use the mouse on my computer.

      [I may or may not have been lucid for this one, I'm not sure.] P. and I are both making cakes with a little bit of dough, under Mom's guidance. My piece of dough is bigger than P.'s. We mix ingredients into the dough with our hands. We're in the kitchen/dining room of House #1, and the cake pans are sitting on the floor under the dining table. We pick them up from there to put the dough in them. Before I put my dough in my cake pan, I run a little bit of tap water onto it, and it shrinks to the size of P.'s piece of dough. That's good, and a relief; I'd been concerned that I'd initially taken more than my fair share when we divided the dough, and when we added the other ingredients.

      Updated 08-05-2011 at 06:00 AM by 37356 (missed an italics tag)

      lucid , non-lucid
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