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    1. grandma's nuclear machine, girl harry potter, hamburger christmas, forest walk

      by , 06-07-2011 at 12:13 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a scientific laboratory. The floor I was on looked like the lobby for a nature center or a church. There were tall glass walls showing a clear day outside. The floors were some kind of deep-red stone, polished heavily. One other window to my left and about 5 meters away from me looked down, apparently, to a basement area, which was dark.

      My great grandmother was going down into the basement area to test out some kind of atomic science device. It was like some kind of atomic particle beam ray. It could be used either for scientific purposes or as a weapon.

      My great grandmother now walked into another room to my left and went down the stairs. I may have stood on the threshhold of the first room and the room with the stairs. A man and a woman stood with me, though they both stood in the first room. The woman was talking about how once a proton beam was set in motion, it would go into an orbit around the earth, destroying whatever came into its path. This could possibly lead to the destruction of the whole earth.

      The man now said, "Hmm... maybe we should get ----- (something like Swami Sarasvati) to talk about that kind of stuff." The man was basically implying that the physics of the machine were basically like the elements of Hindu religion.

      The woman said, "Or we could get ----- (some famous Western physicist)."

      To make a joke, I thought I'd recommend getting the Play-Doh man to talk. I envisioned holding a Play-Doh ball in my hand and smashing it. This was basically to suggest the destruction of the world, but as a joke, apparently.

      I made the hand gesture and said, "Or maybe we should get --," but I was suddenly interrupted by my great grandmother calling me from downstairs. She sounded pretty insistent, so I ran toward the stairs. I called out to the man and woman, still making the hand gesture, "Maybe we should get the Play-Doh man!"

      The woman got my joke and said, "Play-Doh man. Oh...!" as if she were going to start laughing.

      I now lay on my stomach before a staircase down to the basement. The staircase looked like in a suburban house, and it was bordered by a thin, wooden railing, like for a child's crib.

      My great grandmother's voice came from below. She said, "I need you to go get the money. I can't do the project without it." But she also discussed how she needed me to go get the money to protect it from getting into some other people's hands. My grandmother told me that the money was in a place outside of my usual activities. I took this to mean it was in some mansion in a rich neighborhood in Georgia.

      I asked my great grandmother how I could possibly get into these mansions. She told me that I wouldn't have as much trouble as I thought I would, and that I should be pretty honest about my aims with anybody I encountered.

      There was now a tall, bald, black man in the room with me. He stood over by what looked like a kitchen counter with a bunch of appliances, boxed and unboxed, on it. But the devices were actually weapons and parts to the device that my great grandma was testing out.

      The man made some kind of threatening statement, in a smirking way, about how he was going to destroy the whole project. I tackled him and pinned him to the floor. We were down beside a bed. I was on my knees, on the man's ribs. I had him pinned, and he couldn't move. But he didn't seem worried at all. He was still smirking.

      He made some move where he was now on his back. He had better control of his arms, and he tried to make some weird move against me. But I managed to counter that move and get control of him.

      Suddenly I was "my old self (?)," an old, white haired, German man who had been a Nazi. I had apparently tortured this man in the past.

      I lifted the man up and carried him over toward the head of the bed. The walls were grey concrete, like in a basement. At the head of the bed was a single wooden pole, kind of thin. I lifted the man's head up and said, "You couldn't leave things alone, could you? You had to bring the old me back. Well, now I'll treat you like the old me treated you!"

      I was going to slam the man's head down on the thin pole so that I pierced his brain through one of his eyes. But I was a little disgusted at the thought of this, and I either didn't do it or didn't see myself doing it.

      I was myself again. Some series of events had taken place, the project was completed, and my great grandma was up out of the basement again. A few people were around, like family, meeting after the project. But I still didn't have the money.

      I went to look for my great grandma to tell her I didn't have the money. I found her in her bedroom, apparently changing clothes. The bedroom was dim grey.

      I called out, "Grandma? I couldn't find the money. I don't know where it is." This actually wasn't true. I was actually kind of too shy to go to the Georgia mansions to look for it.

      My great grandma yelled, "Well I told you where it was! Go to a place outside your usual activity. You know what that is. And tell people exactly what you're doing!"

      I felt terrible. I was too shy and afraid to do this. I figured I might fail entirely at getting this money. What would happen?

      I was now in some kind of bedroom that looked like an exotic bedroom in an Arabian mansion, like in the movies. A bed stood atop a few marble steps, curtained on either side by thin, pink-orange drapes.

      Before the bed stood a kind of pretty boy dressed as a girl. He had long, blonde-brown hair and he wore a yellow-green and black striped shirt and a denim mini-skirt. He was apparently Harry Potter.

      Harry explained how I could get past my fear and take care of my mission. It took a few minutes before I realized that Harry was wearing a diaper under his mini-skirt. I started to vanish from the room, but I remained fixated on the fact that this transvestite boy was wearing a diaper.

      Harry, all by himself, began dancing in a kind of wild but sexy way all around the huge bedroom. I now saw a view from below the floor, looking straight up Harry's skirt, at his diaper. The diaper seemed to be blue, like blue jeans.

      I seemed to be sinking lowe and lower. I ended up on some kind of portico area with a group of students and a couple of male teachers. The students and teachers were all Latino and black. The students were a mix of boys and girls.

      I somehow figured that since I'd failed at my task, there would be no Christmas for these children. The children, without mentioning me (I wasn't present), kind of sadly complained about this fact.

      I felt terrible about this, but I thought there had to be some kind of magical way that Christmas could appear for these children. After all, Christmas is a magical holiday. Suddenly, slightly glowing objects began to fill the air. They were all supposed to be things like Christmas objects. But they were actually things like fast food items.

      One of the boys, seeing these items, said, "Hey guys! Don't worry! We've got Christmas right here! Just eat one of these Christmas hamburgers out of the air!" The boy himself ate a Christmas hamgurger. One of his male friends did so as well.

      The two boys were suddenly acting like they were drunk or stoned. The students were all walking to some educational site. One boy grabbed on to the arm of one of his teachers, a big, Latino man with long hair in a ponytail, as if the boy were the teacher's girlfriend. Another boy was at the back of the line, bouncing around and acting crazy.

      Finally, as the group continued walking toward the educational site, the first boy woke frfom his stupor. He ran back to the second boy and warned him not to eat the hamburgers.

      The school group was now of little, Japanese boys and girls. There were two male, Japanese teachers. I was now present with the group.

      We were walking into a forest full of yellow-leafed trees. A couple of girls, as we walked into the forest, called out, "Kirei!"

      I noticed that the scenery was getting all fuzzy, like a digitized video view getting more and more pixellated. I thought I'd comment on this to the teachers. But I didn't know whether, if I did this, I'd be breaking the Japanese customs of respectfulness.

      We walked along a really muddy path. At some point, I had to push aside the stalks of a tall, tree-like shrub. One of the branches touched my face. It was all muddy. I just decided to let the stalks go and not worry about whether I was clearing a way for the students behind me. But just as I decided to do that, it turned out that we were past that area.

      The teachers were now turning us around, but we were walking back on a path parallel to the path we had walked out on. This second path was flooded with water, which reflected the blue of the sky. I thought this would be kind of inconvenient. A horse was also standing in the water.
    2. showing i care, talking about books, looking through walls

      by , 04-30-2011 at 01:58 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was leaving "my mother's house." It may have been a grey day, and there may have been snow on the ground. I stood right outside the front door. My mom stood just inside.

      I told my mom I loved her. I gave her a hug. My mom seemed really short. When I hugged her, it felt like I was breaking her spine, or like I had hugged her in such a way as to feel a part of her spine that had already been broken.

      I walked to the car. As I did, I thought about a small cup of ice cream I had in the back seat of the car. It was like I still had the taste of the ice cream, or even some actual ice cream, in my mouth.

      In my mind's eye, I saw the ice cream sitting in the back seat. The ice cream was kind of melted and creamy, and it had some kind of big, marshmallow-shaped, but colorful and jelly-like, things in it. The spoon in the cup seemed to be coated with the melted ice cream.

      Apparently my grandmother was driving me to the airport. But the car we were taking was more like one my mom would drive. It was a small hatchback, kind of old looking. It was messy on the inside and the outside. The outside was kind of grimy and greasy. The inside was full of old garbage and fast food containers and stuff.

      I was kind of disgusted that I'd kept my ice cream in the messy back seat. I thought it might not be a good idea for me to eat the ice cream.

      I walked up to the driver's side of the car. My grandma was still standing outside the car, with the door wide open. As I walked up to my grandma I either thought to myself or asked out loud if I'd showed my mom well enough that I cared about her.

      I was in the car, on the passenger side, riding through a kind of busy part of a suburban town, with either my grandma or some man driving the car. It was now black night.

      The driver told me, "You showed your mom you cared about her. And the fact that you're worried about it shows that you care a lot more than a lot of people do nowadays."

      We got stuck in traffic on some kind of quaint-looking, Main Street type area that was all decked out in lights, as if for Christmas. We kind of inched through the traffic and then ended up turning right on a side street and up a hill into something like a residential area.

      As we were doing this, the driver, now most likely a man, continued, "That reminds me of a project I was reading about. People were making Christmas cards to send to the soldiers. But a lot of the people making the cards thought it would be good to send cards with anti-war messages on them.

      "And that's what I mean about care. The people over there don't need to hear somebody telling them 'NO WAR.' They need us to tell them, 'We're thinking about you, and we hope you're doing well.'"

      We had gotten up to the top of the hill and were now sitting on the right end of a long conference table. We were apparently inside a room. The room had fluorescent lighting. There was also a wall-sized bookshelf that I was looking straight at.

      But it was also somehow like we were in a cafe with a big window, or as if we were actually floating out over the top of the hill, looking down to the Main Street area. It was like, even as I was looking straight at the bookshelf, I also saw the town below.

      The man had gotten onto the topic of two books. Both books were about economics. One book was written by someone I didn't know. The other was written by Warren Buffett. The man seemed to be talking more about the book by the other guy. He then ended up talking about something extremely interesting and insightful (which, of course, I forgot).

      As the man spoke about the really interesting stuff, I realized how nice he looked. He was white, with well-groomed, white hair. He wore a nice suit with a tan jacket, a subdued blue shirt, and a somewhat colorful (peach? pink?) tie. His skin was deeply tanned. His face was kind of thin and angular. But his complexion mesmerized me. It was perfect!

      I then asked the man, "Who did you say made that comment? Did you say it was Warren Buffett or the other guy?"

      The man said, "No. That was from Warren Buffett's new book."

      I thought to myself that I needed to get Buffett's new book. I seemed to keep getting Buffett somehow confused with Alan Greenspan. But I could see the cover of Buffett's new book. It kind of looked like a modern cover of Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man.

      The book wasn't an autobiography. It was actually a book on economic theory. I thought, "This is exactly what I've been looking for!" The man and I spoke back and forth for a bit on how odd it was that everybody didn't know about this book. It apparently wasn't selling much at all.

      I looked down and to my left. I could see the conference table. But, again, I could "see through" the table and the room, outside and down the hill, to the lit-up Main Street area.

      As I looked at the table, I was kind of hunched down and over some sheet (or pad?) of notebook paper. I scrawled on the piece of paper, in a very sloppy version of cursive, either the word "Feed" or the word "Feel."
    3. Magic users and Santa Claus

      by , 04-02-2011 at 08:32 AM
      The scene start with the Rusoe family being taken away, and thus the magic is revealed to the government, the scene then changes to my school, where me and Mark is on our chase to find a way to get to safety, before the government finds out that we're magic users as well. At the same time, the school tries to get us to participate in a play, which is a high waste of time for us now, but we must avoid it without getting caught. For some reason the government has found a way to teleport three of their agent, who now look kinda like wizards. We are cautious who we trust of the non-magic users, because we know that they would betray us. As time is running out, we set up a trap to distract the two Cecilie twins that are on our tails, and we make it to the living room, where we are to prepare a magic to get us out of here. Alas, the agents have somehow monitored the couches in the living room, and we are caught. The scene changes to our friend Pyrus (who for the record in a Christmas elf), he wants to help us break free of the agents cages, but is now current in another room, similar to the green on my school. He is hiding in the toilet, trying to figure out a way to help them. But then he gets an idea. He will summon Gyldengrød, who is a more famous, older and wiser elf. Gyldengrød is summoned, and everything seems brighter now. But then, one of the agents teleport into the green to arrest them, but when he sees Gyldengrød, he is intrigued. Claiming that Gyldengrød is a famous drum elf, and Gyldengrød agrees with him, that he is a famous drum elf. For some reason a drum set is now in the green, and Gyldengrød is getting behind it. Now a nice song starts, and Gyldengrød participated, putting in more drum sounds than normal, and it sounds really good The agent is now on our side, after having listened to the music (which is also beauty full), and he suggest, that our best option, is to summon Santa-Claus, Gyldengrød then sends a little prayer, and we wait. Somebody tells Pyrus, that you know that Santa is on his way, when you can hear crows nearing. Pyrus listens, and he can actually hear crows! Henrik comes in, and for some reason he shows a picture of himself and his brother, with their father, except the fathers face has been torn out of the picture. He smiles, and makes us believe that his father is Santa. (very strange part) Santa arrives, and grants us the Christmas wish, to make so that the government never discovered magic, and thus all magic users are free again. A quick cut scene where magic families are gathered again, and everyone are happy.

      Now, this was a wierd dream, it sounds more like some kind of movie, but it was actually a dream. I think I was lucid in some means, as to minorly nudging the dream around, but I'm not sure that I was fully lucid.
      Pyrus and Gyldengrød are characters from a christmas movie here in Denmark, that I've grown up with, so they're not uncommon.
      Mark and Cecilie are students from my school.
      Rusoe family is a fictional magic family on Disney channel, the dream got much of it's plot from the commercial for next week episode, where the goverment will find out that they have magic, and will try to lock them up.
    4. Short dreams from the past two nights

      by , 02-16-2011 at 09:23 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      [This post contains dreams from last night and from Sunday night.]

      Night of February 13-14

      I'm out and about somewhere in town [Pat and Oscar's? It kind of looked like it]. Along the way, I sing a song: “I Run For Life” by Melissa Etheridge. [In the dream, I sang the lyrics correctly but in the wrong order, moving the first two lines of the last verse to the beginning of the first verse, and yet, I didn't take note of this as being strange.]

      I'm at my kitchen table, eating breakfast. My mom is standing in the kitchen. We're carrying on a perfectly normal conversation about whether or not we're going out for coffee this morning. At first it seems like we are, but then my mom suggests that we could have premade bottled coffee here at home instead, so we do. It's cinnamon-flavored, and she prepares it by putting creamer into it.

      When I woke up for real, I was slightly surprised to discover that the above paragraph had just been a dream, and that I hadn't actually gotten up yet.

      Night of February 15-16

      [Dream #1] I'm in a somewhat dark, upstairs room somewhere, with either my mom or my sister. [I can't remember now; the dream quality was low, but I did know that I was dreaming.] We've found a baby doll with long, red hair that sings Christmas carols. I sing along with whatever song it's playing as I walk across the room.

      [Dream #2] I'm driving in my car on a freeway where everyone is driving much faster than I usually like to drive. Feeling like I have no choice, I match their pace. I want to get off the freeway soon, and as soon as I see an opening, I take advantage of it and move over into the lanes to my right, so that I can get to the offramp.

      [Dreamskip.] I've now gotten off the freeway and parked in a parking structure. Somewhere around here, I realize that I'm dreaming. I walk over to the elevator to take it down to the ground floor. Two other girls are also approaching it, and they get into the elevator with me. One of them starts talking with me, and I introduce myself by name and shake hands with her.

      When we're in the elevator, I get a good look at her. She has long, black hair, worn in two braids, and is pretty. I recognize her as my friend Tashi from my freshman year of college. “Tashi?” I say.

      “No,” she says, shaking her head.

      “Don't you remember me from college?”

      “No. I know you, though.”

      “So you do remember me, but not from the same place that I remember you from.”

      She indicates that this is correct. I notice that the two girls are duplicates of each other.
      Then I woke up.
    5. Strange Christmas

      by , 02-04-2011 at 05:20 PM
      I get into town and I am at my old house. I go downstairs and everything is mainly gone except for a chair and small TV that is in the corner. I am watching TV for a bit and my uncle comes down and says hi. He asks me what I got my brother for Christmas and I tell him nothing yet. He seems worried and tells me it is the 24th. I rush upstairs and go to find some clothes to wear out. When I look in my closet I notice I have many orange polo shirts. Wondering what these are I look at them and notice they are the orange country club employee polo shirt. I wonder how these got here and think of Steve. Suddenly Mark Hauth is in my room for no reason. I go into the kitchen to talk to mom and forget about buying presents. I talk to here about this experiment back and shoulder surgery I recently heard about. A major incision is made in the back and a strange device that pulsates every once in a while is fit around the incision with screws. The person uses something like a back scratcher to activate the device.
    6. Strange Christmas

      by , 02-04-2011 at 05:20 PM
      I get into town and I am at my old house. I go downstairs and everything is mainly gone except for a chair and small TV that is in the corner. I am watching TV for a bit and my uncle comes down and says hi. He asks me what I got my brother for Christmas and I tell him nothing yet. He seems worried and tells me it is the 24th. I rush upstairs and go to find some clothes to wear out. When I look in my closet I notice I have many orange polo shirts. Wondering what these are I look at them and notice they are the orange country club employee polo shirt. I wonder how these got here and think of Steve. Suddenly Mark Hauth is in my room for no reason. I go into the kitchen to talk to mom and forget about buying presents. I talk to here about this experiment back and shoulder surgery I recently heard about. A major incision is made in the back and a strange device that pulsates every once in a while is fit around the incision with screws. The person uses something like a back scratcher to activate the device.
    7. Fourth entry :) Little dream pieces

      by , 12-26-2010 at 03:32 PM
      Merry Christmas!!!!! um,for yesterday

      I can't remember much, only little bits of three dreams? Two could have possibly been the same

      Dream 1

      I'm not too sure where I am... a laboratory or a school? Anyway, I'm there with a few other DC and we're trying to stop this man who is middle-aged. He has created this machine, that kills people. It has a spinning blade on it and is made of metal. He uses it to cut people in half and into little pieces when he knocks them out and straps them onto the machine The DC's and I see him cut one man in half and we know we have to stop him but we don't know how! The blade is dark blue, rusty and serrated. The room it's in is a very clean white and outside are green fields.

      This might be part of the previous dream but I'm not sure. My other friends and I go outside. At first it is the girls and I, so that makes 4 people and we are half naked. We all have jeans on, though. We go outside and are talking and laughing. It's a sunny and warm day We sit outside, with our hands covering our boobs and sit in a circle talking. Then two of the lads come over and are naked. Completely naked. However nobody minds and they sit down too.
      Then the girls and I take off our jeans and I have a bad feeling that my bum looks big.

      I'm taking part in some kind of sporting event that requires us to go in partners. A girl I used to know named Beth (she used to hit me and my other friends) grabs my arm, digging her nails in and says that we're going together. I push her off and push her down the steps and go with another friend, Amy. I'm furious at Beth.

      Another fragment
      I am a little white cat. All of my other friends are cats too and we're in this fair? At the fair are several houses that everybody goes into. I'm upset for some reason and we all go into this one little house. One of my friends who is a very big whtie cat is comforting me.

      So, can't remember much sadly, but I think I enjoyed those dreams quite a bit! Eat loads of chocolate before bed and baileys. Went to bed long after my usual time
    8. Corny Carnival & Gift Contemplation

      by , 12-21-2010 at 03:59 AM
      12/20/10 - Corny Carnival & Gift Contemplation
      Dream Non-dream Lucid

      I vaguely remember being at a carnival with my friends Mary and Angela, along with some girl who I think was Angela's friend. The fairgrounds were more like a big lot with a fence around most of it, and makeshift rides and games set up in a kind of half-circle formation. We went from ride to ride, and hoped to get through all of the rides, but after only about five of them it was time to leave.

      There's a small fragment of another dream. I was with my 9-year-old cousin and we were looking through a book of my old drawings. They were all anime girls and I noticed that a lot of them were posed with their fists in the air.

      Finally, I remember being at Barnes & Noble, looking for gifts for Hannah and Mary. I figured I'd look for something I knew they hadn't read before. Eventually I found a 3-in-1 book for each of them; InuYasha for Mary, and Sailor Moon for Hannah. I figured they'd like them since I knew they each loved the anime versions of their books.

      I was actually planning to go to B&N today for their presents. I don't know if there is a manga of Sailor Moon, but it's a pretty good idea for Hannah's present. Maybe I could get season 1 of the anime. Mary's already read some InuYasha, though, so I need to think of something else for her.
    9. Wierd Christmas Dream

      by , 12-12-2010 at 03:05 PM
      This dream I had last night was really convincing. It was Christmas in the dream and everyone in my family was there, (well by that I mean my mom, dad, sister, and brothers...) and the only thing that seemed weird was that my older brother had long hair and he didn't seem to care at all that it was Christmas. That should have made my do a RC but again, I didn't. Ugh. Then I opened a present and inside was a distorted guitar stand that was just...horrid looking. It was twisted and just, yuck. That should have set me off too. But it didn't!! Well, that's all I remember at the moment...so, bye.

      Ugh, it's hard to do Lucid Dreams. Especially WILD. -_-
    10. Deep-sea humans, movie theatre, super mario basketball, bedtime, don't know latin

      by , 10-30-2010 at 03:09 PM
      Good morning everybody. It's Saturday, so I have some time for side notes. Usually I post my dreams via phone, on my subway ride in to the city.

      I remember five dreams from last night. But I can't remember any of them very well. I've been pounding NyQuil every night, and that really affects my recall -- though it doesn't seem to affect the weirdness of my dreams too much.

      Looking back on these dreams, it seems pretty obvious a lot of the imagery comes from a photo article msn.com had yesterday about huge mansions. A lot of the mansions had movie theatres. And one of the mansions had the "organic shape" of the science lab in the first dream.

      I was lucid for about half a second in the fourth dream. I seldom get a solid lucid dream. Maybe once a year. I don't try. Lucidity, like meditation and OBEs, seems to be bad for my nerves rather than good. I don't know why. I usually let my dream life just take its course.

      Also -- sorry to MoSh for appropriating his avatar into the fifth dream. I think I have found the dream-sharing interactions on this site so interesting here that I made up a DC to dream-share with.

      Dream #1

      I was in a restaurant with my female friend T. The restaurant was nice, dim, with tall tables and chairs, all widely spaced. There were very few people in the restaurant. However, I ended up talking with some guy sitting a few tables away from us.

      The guy and I ended up talking about spiders. I was trying to make some point about how spiders are actually nicer than a lot of people think. I was trying to use some weird etymological (not entomological) argument.

      Eventually I turned to T and asked, "How do you say 'phobia of spiders?'"

      T asked, "In Japanese or French?"

      I said, "In French, of course!" as if the argument had all been based on French etymology.

      T gave me the phrase. But as she did, it was also like I was trying to work through the phrase in my own mind, trying to recall it for myself. As I did so, it was like T was explaining a whole series of things regarding phobias.

      T expanded over my whole field of view. Darkness surrounded her. She was eating some kind of tofu soup. I now focused deeply on one of the cubes of tofu. It seemed to break in the broth. The fragments dissolved and became something like stars in the darkness.

      As this happened, T was explaining the optical, neurological, and muscular processes of a phobia. As she finished her discussion, the stars became directed toward moving out of some kind of wall. I seemed to be moving with the stars. They pushed out through and past the wall. I went with the.

      Outside the wall, I looked back to see that this "wall" had been some kind of half sphere of organic material, like a microscopic picture of a spore. The view of this was in black and white, with all the outlines and ridges of the "spore" in white and all the smooth parts of the spore and the spore's surroundings in black.

      As this was occurring, I heard T say, "You see, we can take any sort of psychological process, such as the phobia of spiders, determine its physical characteristics, even down to the temperature change of the body, and re-engineer an organism through these phenomena. And that is how we've created our first mouse."

      I was now floating deep in the blue waters of a sea. I saw, down at the sea's floor, an organically curved building, which I recognized as a research lab, covered in sand.

      I thought to myself, Why would they have created a mouse? Wouldn't they have created a human from all that human data? But I then realized that you would first have to create small animals, then work your way up to larger animals. I also realized that all of this would have to take place in the depths of the sea, because you'd need the pressure.

      I now saw inside the research lab. I saw inside an office that was unlit. The only light coming into the office was from another room, and from the wall-sized window which showed the blue sea outside.

      A man sat in the office. He was young, tall, strong, tan-skinned, with slightly curly hair that went just below his shoulders and gentle blue-green eyes. He wore a slightly loosed blue-green t-shirt and blue jeans.

      The man was on an old-style, big cell phone with his girlfriend. He was talking about how hard this work was. He sometimes wondered if it was even worth it for him to continue. He also wondered something like whether it was ethical for him to be doing this kind of work.

      But he then told his girlfriend, "But, hey, they're paying me 30 a month! That's right! I mean 30 Gs!"

      I quickly did the calculation and realized this was a lot of money.

      Dream #2

      I was in a stadium-style movie theatre. The movie was playing. The movie theatre was relatively empty. In fact, the only people who were there, I think, were friends of mine. The movie theatre may have been part of something like a hotel or resort, and we all may have been at this resort for some specific lesson or project.

      I saw my friend T down a few rows from me. I went down to her row and started flirting with her. We ended up cuddling, and getting to the point where I had her long skirt pushed up pretty far on her legs. I thought we might even be getting ready to go back to her room.

      But T got up and went somewhere else. I sat watching the movie for a little while. Then I saw an extremely attractive, blonde woman in her mid-20s down a couple of rows from me. I didn't know her, but I went to talk to her. She was very well-groomed, and she wore a pale purple, fuzzy sweater and a long skirt.

      We were talking for a little while. Then she started leaning and nuzzling against me. I thought I probably shouldn't respond so much to her, after I had been messing with T and getting her so excited. But I eventually got so aroused by the woman's advances that I began responding.

      We started getting pretty involved. I thought to myself, All my friends are in the rows behind and above me. They can all see what I'm doing, right after I'd been doing it with T. What will they think? And what if T is still back there?

      The blonde woman and I were now in some store that looked like a dollar store full of Christmas decorations. We were embracing each other fondly and calmly, as if comfortable with the thought of soon being in bed with each other. We stood near a wall-height window in the store. The sunlight was bright and golden-white.

      Suddenly I could sense T coming from some part of the store behind us. I thought, I can't let T see me like this! She'll be so upset! She likes me so much!

      So I took the blonde woman, folded her up (like she was now only three feet tall), and shoved her into a clear-plastic shelf. The shelf was also holding metallic red and gold letter-shaped Christmas streamers wrapped in flat cellophane packaging with cardboard tops.

      I turned back and looked along the aisles. It was a little bit dimmer farther back in the store. I could see T walking up toward me. She was smiling somewhat innocently. When she finally got up to me, I could see that her hair had gotten long and kind of messy.

      Dream #3

      I floated down from the ceiling of a basketball auditorium. I descended over a wide staircase, at the top of which was a wide entranceway. At the bottom of the staircase was the basketball court.

      A group of people walked out from the entranceway as I descended the final slow feet to the stairs. The group was led by a white man. He didn't look real at all. He looked like a cartoon. He was amazingly wide, with unnaturally tanned skin, a plasticky wave of hair, and a frozen grin. He wore a sea-green polo shirt and khaki slacks.

      Behind this white man were five black men, dressed up like the Harlem Globetrotters. They all looked like terribly exaggerated cartoons! One of them even looked like the bottom half of a bowling ball in red and white striped shorts -- with no top half for his body!

      I told myself, This is unreal. I'm dreaming.

      As soon as I realized I was dreaming, everything took on such a tactile clarity that I felt like I was awake. I said to myself, Oh. I guess I just woke up from my dream. No wonder I thought I was dreaming. I told myself, Well, hopefully next time I'll realize I'm dreaming while I'm actually dreaming.

      The basketball players all ran out to the court. I ran out as well. It was like I was supposed to play against all of them. They all ran around me with the ball. I kept almost getting the ball from them. But they would pass it around and keep it away from me.

      At one point, all five basketball players were in a line, tossing the ball back to the next person as I approached the person who had the ball. I was especially frustrated not being able to get the ball from the player who didn't even have a top half to his body!

      The players were now all around me, near the hoop. The were surrounding me. I felt like if I didn't get the ball now, I would lose for sure! Suddenly, a white woman dressed up as Super Mario got the ball from one of the players. She bent over to look into my face (as if I were waist-high -- only a child?) and nodded at me, letting me know she was on my side.

      The Super Mario girl soared up into the air. It looked like she was going to make a slam dunk! The hooped seemed to be 20 feet high. But the girl looked like she was going to make it. But as she approached the hoop, she just threw the ball straight at the net. The ball flew off and rolled away somewhere off the court.

      The Super Mario girl landed. Some of my other teammates gathered around me. (I only came up to their waists, as if I were a child, although this didn't occur to me in the dream.) The Super Mario girl may now have been wearing spring-green overalls and a pink shirt with tiny, little flower designs on it, though she still had the Mario nose and mustache.

      The teammates all explained to me that the Super Mario girl could have made the dunk. But that wasn't the point of this game. I looked at the ground. I didn't want to hear that. I thought, If she could have made the dunk she should have just made it. The basketball players had all frustrated me so much. Somebody should just have dunked on them!

      Dream #4

      I was in a basement of some really fancy hotel or house. The basement was like a nice, den-like room, with warm, orange walls. There were a lot of people here. We were all having some kind of multi-day party or retreat. We were all somewhat rich, and most of us had been friends for a while.

      There were a few groups of us standing in a few different lines to get night-time desserts from a number of different small bars before heading to some late-evening recreation like playing an easy sport or watching a movie.

      I was (or was seeing from the viewpoint of) a white man in his 50s or 60s. I was somewhat tall, strong, with tanned skin. I had grey-white hair, short, and well-combed. I had steel-blue eyes. I wore a blue shirt, possibly navy blue, and pale-khaki or white khaki shorts.

      In front of me was a little boy. He was blonde, very pretty. He seemed to be wearing only a pale blue, long-sleeved, Gap shirt (which is what I wear as a shirt to go to bed) and nothing else. The shirt went down almost to the young boy's knees.

      I and the boy still had a few more people to go before we would get served. The bar we were at looked like it had some kind of tropical theme: it had bamboo shoots for the bar front, and had a roof over it that looked liked thatched palm leaves.

      I seemed to be hugging the boy from behind. The boy finally told me he didn't feel like he wanted to do this, and that he really didn't want to do the late night activity. I understood that the boy just wanted to go to bed.

      I got out of line with the boy and began walking out of the room. As I did so, I said goodbye to a few people, explaining that I was heading out for the night, because the little boy figured it was time to go to bed.

      I noticed how all the other older men were with older women, like they were with their wives. I couldn't figure out why I was with a little boy.

      Dream #5

      I walked into an apartment that was a maybe three or four floors up in its building. The apartment had brick walls, and it looked out over some kind of city scene, like in a slightly busy area of Brooklyn or Manhattan.

      It was late afternoon. The light outside was dim blue. But inside the apartment it was warm and well-lit. The apartment felt cluttered, but nice and comfortable.

      There were other people in the apartment, all friends. It was like we were having a party. Everybody was happy and cheerful. But I also had a sense that we were really here to strategize about something. It was like we were making plans to defend ourselves against some really bad thing that was about to happen or that had already begun happening and was in its early, relatively mild stages.

      The apartment may have been a very large studio, so that the kitchen, the dining room, the living room, and the bedroom, were all really "one room," even though the place was large enough and the space was varied enough so that each diferent place felt like a "different room."

      I walked over to the dining table, near the front windows. The kitchen was just to my right. I looked at a sheet of paper. It was in a different language. I began talking about what was written on the paper.

      One of my friends, a young man all dressed up in fancy garb and a powdered wig, like the picture of Vivaldi in MoSh's avatar on this site, came up to me and asked me if I spoke the language on the sheet of paper.

      "Oh, no," I replied. "I don't speak Latin. I don't speak any language other than English. I mean, I think people are fooled, because I learn songs in other languages, and I sing those songs pretty well. But that's mostly j-pop, and I definitely don't speak Japanese."

      I felt stupid, having to admit that I didn't speak Latin, after I had spoken, apparently with a tone of authority, regarding the language on the sheet. I thought I had acted in a misleading way. So now I tried to make up for it by thinking of a song that I knew in Latin. But all I could think of was Leporello's aria from Mozart's Don Giovanni. And I knew that "wasn't quite" Latin.

      I began to see the words of Leporello's aria handwritten in pencil on a sheet of paper, very watery and blurry.

      Updated 10-30-2010 at 03:13 PM by 37466 (typos, ugh...)

    11. Sunset Love.

      by , 09-19-2010 at 10:34 PM
      I was playing Chopin's Nocturne op. 20 when all my family was arriving for Christmas, preparing dinner. I went out and the scene changed, I was with my little cousins and suddenly charms started to hit us, I told them to get out their wands and we defeated the one that was throwing us charms. Then we proceeded to the house and my dad's girlfriend was there. She opened the door, smiled and said "You're alone! Your dad's not here. So I guess you're not hungry." I answered with an amused "Oh, I am veeery hungry." and the cook laughed with me.
      I went out to wait and his son (about my age, a bit older) was there, parking his car. The scene was like a mountain made of stone, the ocean was down there. I saw a ferrari really small and short car. I asked him how he could fit more than one person there, he said he'd show me. He sat down and told me to sit on him, I sat and he hugged me, then he told me to slide at his side, and, while hugging me. We stood up and walked to the house.
      The scene changes, the sun is setting. I see it and get excited, the sun is huge. I tell my friends and we all run down to the ocean. We get up in a small boat and this man gets angry because we have to pay. But we manage to get up again and go to the school dorms where my teachers say I never pay attention.

      Feelings: love, desire of being close, confidence, sense of safety,
    12. A Talk and First Flight.

      by , 08-24-2010 at 07:09 AM (Dreams I can Only Dream.)
      Date: Aug.23
      Time: 10:40am (when I woke up)

      Description: This was my first lucid dream that I retained lucidity, and second one total. It starts as a false awakening from a really weird dream that is an adventure in it's own right.

      Dream: Immediately after I lost "dream consciousness" in my non lucid dream before this, I see an image of a long doorknob that looks like an I on it's side. It spins really fast as the image appears closer to me, think of the cliche newspaper articles you see spin onto movie screens. The spinning stops and I now look around my room, well it's my childhood room, I immediately become aware of the possibility of another lucid dream. I getup from beneath the blankets I am in, and roll off the bed, landing on my feet I head towards the door and open it. I have the same feeling as my first dream of a different gravity almost. It really feels strange. I walk into my hall and head right towards the living room. I notice Christmas decorations (the ones from when I was a kid.) and look at my living room. I see the T.V. entertainment center with little dolls on top, and decorated lights around it. That is straight ahead of me. Now where I am standing the kitchen is to my left, the door leading outside is to my right about 6 feet. And a couch-side table is 3 to 4 feet in front of me. I see my mother sitting in her usual spot (still hasn't changed lol). A t.v dinner tray in front of her but it is early in the morning she uses it to have items she needs in front of her. The couch-side table is about 1-2 feet high off the ground, the couch is a long green couch. And at the end of the couch to the right is the entertainment center. My mom says "Good you are up, sleeping in will ruin your sleeping schedule." I look at the room and see the clock we have, it looks like a very shorty version of the grandfather clock, it hangs on the wall its brown, has the pendulum swinging thing, the whole thing isn't more than 2 feet tall, but I notice it's position is moved from where it normally is. I look at this already lucid, and see its round face with the numbers is completely pitch black! like its a dark void. I feel the need to do a reality check as this is all to real, my mom hands me the phone to check something, as she normally does in real life, and I use it to do a RC, I can't read the menus or anything. This confirms what I already knew, I was dreaming. I don't get excited and remain calm, to keep the flow of the dream going. I now notice that I am not wearing anything but my shorts (what I usually wear to bed). I tell my mom "Mom, right now I am dreaming, you aren't really there, its just my subconscious representing you!" She didn't believe me (I read dream characters can't be convinced that your dreaming lol) "Your right sweetie!" she says not paying much attention to me, kind of blowing me off. "I still love you though mom." And give her a quick hug. Now the first thing on my mind is to be able to fly, so I head for the door. I open it up, and leave the house. Outside everything is covered in snow, the cement side walk though is all shoveled and the ground seems dry (the cement parts) but the grass is completely covered in snow. I notice an ice patch on the side walk. I run on to the grass and jump up. I fall normally back to earth, disappointed I wonder why, then it dawned on me,I must believe I can fly. So I close my eyes and really think that I can, I start levitating above the ground. Slowly rising. I start noticing other houses covered in snow, i feel the wind blow, but don't feel any cold. As I climb higher and higher I can finally see the neighborhood block. Everything is so real and I start getting butterflies because of the height, but quickly dispel any negative thoughts about my confidence of flight. Now I am way past the tops of the trees around my house and looking around at all the two story houses covered in snow around me. I suddenly stop rising to enjoy the view, I turn around and wonder where to go.......when suddenly I lose "dream consciousness" and I wake up for real, in my bed. I lay there for a minute or two just thinking of what I accomplished. It was a remarkable experience. Actually being there, not just remember it like any other dream, but actually being there, like waiting in line for the dragster at Cedar Point, I was really there, and it was the same for this dream, I was really there, but not at the same time. I can't wait for greater and longer adventures within the realm of my mind.
    13. Fragments for August 16 2010

      by , 08-18-2010 at 03:31 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1, My brother is playing a variant of the Plinko game on the Price is Right game show. As the disks drop through the machine, he has to push sticks into them, which reveals yellow circles. Five circles before a failure means victory. However, he soon loses. In his disappointment, he steals a tabletop version of the game called Klinko from backstage. After he leaves, Bob Barker reveals that hidden under the tabletop was a dazzling array of jewelry.

      2. I'm driving with two friends from high school, Sam A and Matt C, just bored and cruising. As we pass through my neighborhood, we see a live bear decked out in Christmas wreaths walking down the street.
    14. 1/24/09

      by , 07-23-2010 at 03:23 PM
      Andrea's Grandpa, My Grandma

      I'm at Andrea's grandfather's house visiting him with her. I vaguely remember how we got there, I saw Christmas lights on some houses on the way. I don't know if we were walking or riding in a car. On the way to the door, she tells me that he's a dirty old man!! (I doubt anyone in her family has that capacity, they're all really sweet people.)

      We go in and hang out with him, which I don't really remember, but on the way out he gives me a big hug and kiss on the cheek and tells me I'm welcome any time. I don't remember any bit of him being a creepy old guy. I'm standing on the porch and I look down the street and realize that my grandma lives like five houses down from him. I ask if he knows them and he says yes, he even went to see the house when it was up for sale and he saw their bed and liked it so much he got one for himself! Suddenly, it's urgent that I get to my grandma's, so I leave Andrea on the porch and run down the street.

      I walk right into the door to my grandma's and go into the kitchen to see her. She's smoking a cigarette which is bizarre because she's never smoked in her life. She stands up to give me a hug and she's wearing a shirt that's kinda blousy and had little pockets in the front near the bottom that each holds a pack of cigarettes!!! Andrea walks in and I introduce her to my grandma and we go into the living room. I see on the end table a ring that turns into a bracelet the second time I look down at it. It has jewels all over it and there's a big Mickey Mouse in the center of it, all jeweled. It's really sparkly and there is other jewelry on the end table as well, but I can't remember exactly what. I just knew that Andrea would love looking at all the sparkly jewelry.

      Casino Coin Push

      I'm in a casino (again). I think I was on an elevator and I got out on the casino floor. I have a twenty dollar bill in my hand and I am looking for a change machine. I come upon a change machine and find another twenty dollar bill and a ten dollar bill sitting on top of it. I stick them into my pocket. I make my change and look around for a machine to play. I turn a corner and find a strange version of the coin push. I put my coin into a little flippy thing and it flips over to the other side where there's another bank of machines just like the one I was playing. My coin fell off the side and I tried to go grab it but I woke up.
      Tags: casino, christmas
    15. 01/01/09

      by , 07-22-2010 at 03:04 PM
      The Amazing Christmas Lights

      I was driving down the street leaving my parents' house when I look up and notice there is a tree that's about 400 feet tall with Christmas lights all over it. They're LED lights, not just your normal old school lights. I know this because I drove into the neighborhood and found what street it was on. All down the street there were more trees like that one, just not as large. I must have gotten out of the car somewhere along the way because the next thing I know I'm in someone's backyard on their deck overlooking a lake sitting in a chair talking to them telling them about the lights. Then I look up in the sky and there is a beautiful fireworks display. I told the people I was with to look out on the lake to see the reflection of all the fireworks.

      The Lucid Beach

      I was at the beach looking out into the ocean. There were people there in the water and I see sharks coming. I thought to myself that's unsafe. So I changed the sharks into dolphins. The waves were crashing and the dolphins were jumping in and out of the waves. I raised my hands above my head and the waves grew really tall! I put my hands down and it wasn't like my other beach dreams where they get out of control when they crash. They just kind of shrank back down to normal. I raised my arms again with emphasis this time and the wave grew as high as the sun was up in the sky. I put my arms back down and the waves went back down again. That's when it hit me... I'm making this happen... I'm dreaming this!!

      So I thought of everything I had read on DV and tried to stay calm. The first thing I did was rub my hands together. I could actually feel myself rubbing my hands together. It was bizarre. Such a different feeling than anything I had dreamed before. I had never felt something like that. I looked around and I was still on the beach, it looked a little bit more stable and a bit more clear. I really felt like I was standing on the beach. I wanted it to feel even more real, so I said, "Clarity now!!" Never before in a dream had I felt and heard myself say something. I just kind of felt dialogue, but this felt like I was awake hearing myself say something. But, it didn't make anything that much more clear. I think I was too excited about how it felt to be lucid. I remembered one more thing I wanted to do. I tried to spin. I closed my eyes and thought not about being somewhere else particularly, but just not being on the beach anymore. The first thing I came up with was kind of a construction site, but I didn't want to be there, so I tried to spin again and I ended up back at the beach. It was then that I lost lucidity. I think I was either too excited that it was actually working or frustrated that I ended up back at the beach. I probably should have just stayed there anyway. I can't wait to try again!!

      I just remembered.... I felt at some point like I had woken up and Andrea came into the bedroom from the living room where she said she was looking up recipes. I was sleeping at the bottom of the bed instead of at the top. When I actually woke up I asked her if I said anything in my sleep and she said she didn't hear anything and I was never at the bottom of the bed. I wonder if that's a false awakening. I'm going to read about that now.
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