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    1. A Normal Day in Dreamland

      by , 06-23-2010 at 02:35 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)
      We had a REALLY tough practice at Karate yesterday. So, as I expected, I was far too tired to write any of my dreams down whenever I woke up. (Surprisingly good recall for such conditions, though.) During one of my early sleep cycles, I kept waking myself up practicing my kicks. Seriously, I must have done this five or six times.

      1- Weirdness... As Usual
      My brother and I are taking a walk when we pass by a dog pen. We know for a fact that the owners of these dogs have moved, so we worry that they will die here. "I'm taking this one home with me," he says, petting a big gray dog that resembles a wolf.

      "We already have two dogs at the house, Mama will never let you keep him."

      "So? I'll just hide him in my room."

      That is a horrible idea, but at that point my eyes fall on the other dog; He is a small pit bull mix... and so adorable! He gives me those sad puppy dog eyes, as if to say "You're not going to leave me here all by myself, are you?" No, of course not. I take the dog home and hide him in my closet.

      About a day later, I am thinking to myself about how much trouble Steven is going to get into if he gets caught with that dog. Wait a minute... didn't I get a dog, too? GAH! I jump to my feet and run to my room, opening the closet door. My dog is sitting huddled up in the corner.

      "I've been trapped in here for a whole day!" He whines, shuddering.

      "I'm so sorry! You must really need to use the bathroom, don't you?"

      He nods, whimpering. I can't take him outside, because my parents are in the other room. I'll just have to get some kind of container... I find a long, rectangular food container and tell him to go in that. He raises his leg, and...

      "You're missing!" I say urgently, not wanting to have to clean up dog pee from my closet.

      "Oops..." he finally manages to go in the container, but it fills up so much that now he's up to his shoulders. He tells me it feels like a nice, hot bath. WTF?

      "Um... Now you need a real bath. Wait here." I get another one of the containers and fill it with warm, soapy water. I bring it back to my closet, glad to see that he hasn't caused any more trouble. "Okay, now get in and wash yourself off." As he is bathing, my grandmother walks in. ((Why is she here?)) She says I'm going to be in trouble for having a dog in the house.

      2- Beware the Spider Queen

      I am lying in bed, when I notice a HUGE spider on the wall above me. This thing is about the size of a cat, and it's giving me the look of death. Normally, I like spiders. I don't even mind when they crawl on me. But this is a different story. Freaked, I jump out of bed, eyes on the spider. It turns it's body, following my every move with it's eight beady eyes. It looks like it's about to pounce... I run from the room slamming the door behind me.

      My grandma is here again. I learn that she is with an ancient demon slaying society, and that she is here to pass the legacy on to me. She tells me that the spider can only be killed if it's web is destroyed. Otherwise it will just keep coming back to life.

      *time lapse* I think we've killed the spider by this point, but my memory isn't very clear. My grandmother gives me a weapon that resembles a giant metal boomerang. It instantly reminds me of Sango's Hiraikotsu.

      3- School Days
      I run from the house as the bus nearly leaves us. Once inside, I go to the back where Shelby is sitting. It's the first time I've seen her since the... incident. We talk about it; she tells me all the harsh things that her mother said about me.

      4- Forgotten Dreams
      I am in a video store with my aunt. There are some phones on display, and I see that I have typed some dreams up on one of them. Woah, I don't remember these at all! When did I write this?

      Suddenly I look up at the screen that shows previews for various movies. It is showing a preview for a sequel to Coraline, called "Revenge of the Other Mother." Wow, I have to see that!

      5- Pattie and Wilhelm (fragment)
      ((Uh, I'm not really sure what this is, to be honest... It seems like it must have been epic in it's entirety, because I have several memories after this of telling other people about it and posting it in my DJ.)) Something about a ghost named Pattie mourning for her lost love, Wilhelm.

      6- Pokemon (fragment)

      Vague memory of Pokemon. Pikachu doesn't look like it's supposed to... Looks more like a Shroomish.
    2. Shooter Game

      by , 06-22-2010 at 02:57 AM
      We were at my dads house. It was dad's house but a few things looked different. We were getting ready to play a game were we were going to shoot each other with guns. I wasn't nervous at all. We were playing with these people that I knew but I cannot remember them now. We were getting ready to play, so they left to go hide. We started looking for our guns in a cabinet but couldn't find them. So instead I got some knifes. I remember I got a pocket knife made out of material that resembled the Mac. We never played the game because we couldn't find the guns. So as I was going downstairs, someone was creeping up the stairs so I leaned over the stairs and cut him lightly on the hand. Then I went downstairs. My brother was sitting at the dinner table and my dad was in the kitchen. I asked where Bobby was and my brother jokingly told me he had left. My dad called Tyler out on his lie and Tyler chuckled. Then my dad brought out a puzzle and said we were going to play the war game with the puzzle and a bunch of different "lotteries."
      Tags: dad, family, games, guns
    3. #83. Telephone

      by , 06-20-2010 at 10:55 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Misha Collins advances his plans for world domination. Parents do not approve.

      So, I'm sitting on the couch in our old apartment in Ixburg. My dad and I are making fun of an awful movie we rented, which makes for the majority of our father/kid bonding time. Minus work, of course.

      The phone rings.

      My dad picks up the cordless, and I can hear the voice on the other end, asking for Jack. I recognize the voice and make a grab for the phone, but my dad holds it out of reach. Why is everyone taller than me?

      "Who's calling?"

      It's Misha, says the voice on the other end. My dad scowls and hangs up on him.

      "What?" I say, waving my arms. "Why would you do that?" I snatch the phone away and look at the call display, then throw him the phone and stomp off to my room.

      I send a text to the number I read on call display.

      Yeah, sorry about that. You should probably just call my cell.

      Telephone. Scare Factor: 1.

      This is getting out of hand.

      Updated 06-21-2010 at 06:28 AM by 31096

    4. The Dream fo the Girl turned Half-Black and Shipped to America

      by , 06-20-2010 at 08:32 AM (Folqueraine's Oniric List)



      In 19th-century France, I am the daughter of a pretty wealthy family. I have a sister about my age (about 20).
      My family is greatly shocked by the revelation that I am half-black (although, what that reveals about my mother's behaviour is a subject never touched upon) and decides that I should be sent to live with an uncle in America, because it's too shameful to keep a mulatto child where everyone could see her.
      Although I was milky white before, the revelation has triggered a change in me. My skin is getting darker, my lips thicker, etc... I remember, at some point, looking in a mirror and thinking (with my 21st-century mind) that I looked very good, in fact. However, my black hair was still perfectly straight, and I wondered when it would start curling. My sister suggested that only the newly-grown hair would curl, and even so, it wouldn't be very curly since I was only mixed-raced, and not totally black.
      Most of the dream is about the preparation of the journey, in which my sister has to take part too. (our parents are probably afraid she'll start turning black too). I remember packing, choosing what I could take and what should stay.
      My parents explained the journey to us: first we would travel from our home to a place called Fécamp, the harbour, from which we would get on a boat to New York, Maryland.
      (yes, geography can be quite wonky in my dreams. Did I tell you of the dream were Spain was in Africa?)
      Then we would take a coach to my uncle's place.
      I asked my parents if we needed money to pay for an hotel, but they said our uncle lived close enough to New York that we wouldn't need to stop for the night.

      Updated 06-20-2010 at 08:34 AM by 8172

    5. #82. Eggplant

      by , 06-19-2010 at 10:05 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      I was amused to note that my tag cloud this morning said "boring sex".

      I go grocery shopping in the kitchen.

      I'm cooking dinner for my family, but I'm missing a few ingredients. Fortunately, our kitchen is in the middle of a grocery store.

      I run around the grocery store, grabbing vegetables mostly. I'm very happy when I actually manage to find some sesame seeds (which are in short supply around here).

      I start scanning the items through an empty checkout, but one of the employees says she needs to help me with that. We try to figure out if we should scan the eggplant, which has already finished cooking.

      I'm in the living room of my oma's old house in Ixburg. We're playing a game that's kind of like pictionary or sharades, except you're writing keywords on a chalkboard. My dad throws a VCR tape of Star Wars under the chalkboard, and I try to remember what the rules are.

      "Dutch word for 'father'", I write on the chalkboard. My teammates don't get it.

      ETA: Also, a Sailor Moon-related fragment. Serenity may have been involved. I don't know; something was trying to destroy the world again.

      Eggplant. Scare Factor: 1.

      Updated 06-19-2010 at 10:27 PM by 31096

      dream fragment
    6. First lucid, sort of

      by , 06-19-2010 at 09:13 PM (Folqueraine's Oniric List)
      Around 2006-2007

      I was hiking on the left side of a forest-covered valley, a very deep valley with very steep sides. The trees were absolutely huge, and I remember thinking it was one of the coolest dreams I ever had (hence the "semi"-lucid). The scenery reminded me of Rivendell in the Lord of the Rings films...
      I was in company of many people, among whom my father and one of my aunts, and we admired the landscape whilst walking...
      At one point we saw a very long, thin and fragile looking wood bridge that crossed the valley, like 200 feet above the river.
      It was winter and the top of the valley was covered in snow, but as we walked down the snow disappeared.
      The path was narrow, windy and in some places dangerous, the ground crumbling under our feet. As we walked down, we walked under another bridge, a real, solid bridge made of red bricks, we walked near one of its piles...
      Then the trees became even bigger, their roots were enormous, some bigger than us, and covered in green moss, and I remember thinking the trees had to be centuries old.
      Then the little girl downstairs started to have an argument with her mom and I was forced to wake up.
    7. Psychedelic Padded Cell Torture - 19/6/10

      by , 06-19-2010 at 03:12 PM
      Had a dream that I was in a mental asylum in a padded cell (though strangely the room also had several windows). At first I had a metal fork in my hand and kept trying to find un-padded bits of the cell where I could violently stab it into, trying to bend the fork out of shape. Soon after, my brother kept appearing and plaguing me with painful psychedelic hallucinations of black and grey line patterns, but I wasn’t certain whether he was actually appearing or I was imagining him. Eventually my mum appeared and sorted it out somehow after I pleaded with her to bring him to justice after convincing her of the existence of his cruelties. I’m also not sure if this was also meant to be a real or imagined event.
    8. Horrible and Weird - 19/6/10

      by , 06-19-2010 at 02:57 PM
      In an especially horrible dream, I was living with with my Dad in the mountains. He had a newly born baby with him, who at one pivotal point fell over when it was left by itself on the steps outside my grandmother's house, and hit its head quite seriously on the hard surfaces, effectively killing it, but it wasn’t discovered for some days, allowing for some decomposition. When we discovered the baby’s corpse it had transformed into a magical object that allowed us to fully control time and space, however sometimes it would also transform into a small sharp-toothed dog and chase us around.
    9. Samael, Serenity, and Loaf

      by , 06-19-2010 at 12:04 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)
      It's only a bit after 6:30 as I begin typing this, so I suppose I should still be sleeping. I'm just way to amused at the dreams I had to get back to sleep, though.

      1- A Final Deed
      Samael and I are roommates at some apartment. I am not myself; I am an ex-vigilante woman who has been diagnosed with incurable cancer. Samael asks me why I don't help people anymore, and I say that I have lost faith in the world.

      There is a new girl who has moved in next door, and something about her interests me. I suggest to her that she should speak with Samael. The next night, I am sitting on a bench outside our apartment when the new girl and Samael arrive together from a date they just had. I am delighted to see how well they are getting along; they're practically soulmates! I'm glad that I got to do one last good deed before I die.

      2- Annoying Class
      We are supposed to be taking some test, but nobody is following instructions. I am talking to my friend Samantha, but she keeps switching back and forth between herself and Serenity. "Hey, I was reading your dream journal, and we both dreamed about a lemonade stand last night," I say to her. (Actually, I say tennis court to start with, then correct myself and say lemonade stand.)

      "Oh yeah, I read about that."

      "Oh, you did! I remember now that you already commented on it."

      In the middle of our conversation, the teacher comes over and says I need to be checked out by the dentist. They strap me into a chair, give me laughing gas, and perform rather painful tests on me. After it is over, one of Samantha/Serenity's friends is laughing at me, saying that the gas made me act retarded.

      3- A Slice of Loaf
      I tell my brother that I am excited to get home, because my friend Loaf is going to be staying with us for a while. I explain that he just had his tonsils removed, so he probably won't feel much like talking.

      I walk into the front door, and Loaf is laying across my couch eating a bowl of chocolate ice cream. He looks like he's about 15 or 16, possibly older, and he has no hair. My mother has been taking care of him. "Hi Loaf, how are you feeling?"

      "I'm in pain," he says happily.

      "I would imagine so. Did the surgery go well?"

      "It hurt."

      "You mean you could feel it while they were operating on you? Didn't they put you to sleep?"

      "Yeah, but I could still feel it." He explains that while they were operating, he dreamed of a woman stabbing him in the throat.

      My mom begins to as him a lot of questions about lucid dreaming, such as what got him interested to begin with.

      Later, I get attacked by some creatures in a cave, and Loaf rescues me.
    10. A Lot of WTF Moments

      by , 06-18-2010 at 01:51 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)
      All day yesterday I felt sort of drained. Even when I was doing active things, such as Karate, I felt like it was a struggle to keep my eyes open. Not sure what that was all about, but it made recall throughout the night a bit difficult.

      1- Fading to Nothingness
      The first part of the dream is indecipherable. Something to do with... karate, maybe. The vague feeling of failure. A convenience store? Or some place with a lot of shelves...

      Later, I am lucid, but everything has gone weird. I am watching the dream from above; it looks more like a map than a scene. There is a circle of colored squares; each square represents a dreamer. The big blue square beside me is WakingNomad. He is giving us all instructions of some kind, possibly about shared dreaming. ((If I hadn't had my sun sound mp3 playing in my ears, I wouldn't have even realized that I had woken up a few seconds after this.))

      2- The WTF Ghost Race
      In school, but class is a video game. Our eventual goal is to dispel some nasty ghost pirates, but first we have to do a lot of random tasks. There is a map in the top right corner of my vision that has our goal markers on it. First, we are in a hallway that forks off into three other hallways. They all loop back around to the central one. Our goal is to run through these hallways in the right order for quite a good number of times. If we get the order screwed up, we have to start over. Our instructor tells us that the pattern is center, left, right. We run around for ages until we have achieved our first goal.

      Next we have to meet up at the pirate king's gravestone. I am no longer paying much attention, because I have a major problem. For some reason, I accidentally brought a pocket knife with me, and I am worried that the teachers will find it and I'll get expelled.

      3- Poor Undead Kitty
      We are riding our bikes along the interstate, of all places. I am going faster than some of the cars, which surprises me. Am I really going 60 miles per hour on my bicycle? I abruptly lose balance and topple over, sprawling out face first in the emergency lane. Uninjured, I leap to my feet and move my bike from the middle of the road. Wow, I'm glad that didn't kill me.

      My dad and brother have stopped to make sure I am okay. Hey, look! A cat! I walk over to the edge of the woods where a pitiful looking cat is standing, mewing helplessly. I notice that she is missing all her fur... Her skin is pink and purple like the Cheshire cat. "Aww, we can't just leave her here! Let's take her home with us!"

      My dad looks at me skeptically. "I'm not taking care of any cat."

      "You don't have to! I know Chris can't turn down a stray, so we'll be able to keep it."

      My brother picks it up. It now has white, fluffy fur, but I don't notice the difference. We start walking home ((what happened to our bikes?)) when suddenly Steven freaks out. "Uh... we have a problem." Concerned, I go over to him to see what he's talking about. He holds the cat up, showing me it's underside.

      Holy crap! The cat has a huge slash going all the way from it's chest to it's belly... AND IT HAS NO ORGANS! It's completely hollow! "How can she still be alive!?"

      4- Hospitality and Time Warps
      I am not myself; I am a guy who is aspiring to be a magician. Something terrible happens, and I end up staying with a kind old woman and her husband until I can fix what ever went wrong.

      I think I just end up making it worse. I get stuck in some kind of time warp, and now I am apparently a famous hero. People who were supposed to be my companions now have no clue who I am, and they seem to worship me from a distance. A man named Fable, who I had gone to magic school with and who had beaten me numerous times is now a member of some sort of gang. He tells me that he's always admired my strength and wishes that he could become like me.
    11. The dream of Poulgolo cloister

      by , 06-17-2010 at 09:56 PM (Folqueraine's Oniric List)
      Before 2002.

      Poulgolo is part of a moor on Quiberon peninsula, in which relatives possessed a small patch of land without any building, just heather and pine trees. In this dream my grandmother gave me a guided tour of the property, the biggest part of which I didn't know. Other members of my family, such as my younger cousin Joss, my uncle Pivy, were also there. There was actually a cloister on the property, or a half-cloister (only two "walls"), turned North-West. The rays of the setting sun enlightens the place through the pillars. On the East side of the cloister is a huge room with only three walls (the South side is open), without any window or light, so that seen from the entrance, it looks empty. In fact when you progress into it, you can see that the wall on the other side is not finished, there is a 60 cm (2 ft) opening between it and the ground, on all the length, hidden in darkness. We all get into it, using church candles to give us light. Behind the wall, the room is a really huge amphitheatre (or a giant stairway?) going down earth's depths. We walk down for several minutes. It is very wet, there are puddles and moss grows, so it is very slippery. We can't really see the walls on either side. We finally reach the bottom, where there isn't anything particular, just a big stone wall. We go back up the "stairs". My grandmother gives me the cloister and its secret amphitheatre.

      I cannot really interpret this. Someone give me something that was kept secret, so it must be of some value, but in the end it is a dead end.

      A regular pattern in my dreams : I discover that a place I thought I knew was in fact much bigger, with underground levels or hidden passageways. In my list of dreams, this features is joined with the criteria "something is not what it looks like".
      Another systematic feature: the orientation. In my dreams there's always a North, East... (and so on). Geographically speaking, it is most of the time very coherent, to the point that I can draw maps of the locations.
      Another common feature : religious locations. Many dreams occur in churches, monasteries or religious looking-buildings, even when there is no religious "action". It is worth mentioning since I am the most obtuse atheist. Is my unconscious calling for more religion in my life? Or should I say "was it", since I less frequently dream of such places these days?
    12. June 16, 2010

      by , 06-16-2010 at 01:47 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)
      I don't remember waking up AT ALL last night.

      1- Sumo Wrestler
      This dream takes place several years into the future. What ever endeavor my brother has set out to do didn't work, and he has returned in hopes of moving back in with my parents. They say that they were planning on someone else moving in, and he'd have to compete with the other guy to see who gets the extra room. "Fair enough, who is he?"

      Suddenly this HUGE sumo wrestler comes into the room and sits down at the table. I burst into laughter.

      2- Elephants
      I am trying to get up a hill for some sort of quest, but there are predators all around, waiting to eat me. The only way I can get to the top is by traveling underneath a herd of elephants. ((What is it with me and elephants lately??? At least these weren't trying to kill me.))

      3- Mortal Mist Dream Games
      I make a post on MM, describing some dream games I came up with. I say that the games were inspired by The Cusp, because of a post he made about something similar.

      4- Serenity
      Something vague about Serenity. We were talking about something, but I can't remember what.

      The annoying thing is, I remember having that feeling of excited realization that comes with being lucid, but I can't remember having a lucid dream at all! Maybe something during the day will make me remember.
    13. #77. Sinking Cars

      by , 06-16-2010 at 07:39 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      In which Dad's driving lands the family in deep water. I think I saw this on Mythbusters once.

      "Are you ready to go?"

      "Give me five minutes, Dean - I just got off work."

      I head inside and pull off my white t-shirt, and get changed into a black t-shirt and jeans. When I come back outside, Dean (and his dad's truck) are gone.

      I call Sam, because Dean never answers his phone. He's laughing at me.

      "Did he just ditch you again?"

      "Apparently. That bitch."


      Uncle Roy and his daughter, Natasha (who appears to be about three, here), are running up backwards escalators that are taking them to our family reunion. I join in, jumping over railings and taking the most efficient route.

      I'm at the house, looking over the food table for vegetarian stuff. A younger version of myself is standing on the other side of the room. I go over to talk to zir*, but zie's avoiding me. Eventually we have to pose for a picture together, arms thrown across each other's shoulders. Well, the universe didn't explode, so we're doing fine.

      I think up elaborate reasons as to why there are two of us, but I don't remember what they were.


      I'm in the car with my dad and Roy's three daughters. They're all under ten in this dream. We're driving through a city, maybe Halifax, and I'm giving my dad directions from the back seat.

      "Okay, now you're in the wrong lane," I tell him. "Turn right here."

      The road takes us down to the harbour, and I tell my dad to turn left.

      Instead, he decides to do a powerslide down the dock.

      Oh god, oh god, we're all going to die.

      We've almost made it to 180 degrees, and I decide to trust my dad, because he's a better driver than I am, really. I'm still gripping tight onto the seat, watching the world spin around us.

      The momentum throws the car right off the dock. We land with a splash in the deep water, and I have a moment of disbelief. Seriously, my brother just totalled our last car.** Now this?

      I'm searching for my bag, knowing that there's something important in there.

      Found it. I'm holding a flashlight.

      My dad tells me to aim for the window controls next to me, and smash them with the flashlight. Three of us start pounding away at our respective window-ledges with our respective flashlights. I stop for a second and see pedestrians on the boardwalk, watching us dumbly. The car is half full of water by now, and I hope one of them has the sense to dial 911.

      I smash through the controls and the important wire. The window disappears. I help the girls out of the car, as the water has almost reached the window. I slide out of the window, and my dad is right behind me. I swim to the dock and pull an unresponsive (but physically unharmed) Natasha from the water.

      Later, I talk to someone about the reason I didn't panic. I shrug and tell him that I figured someone would rescue us if we couldn't get out. He's doubtful, but I tell him that it didn't have to be true - it was something I told myself so I'd be able to function.

      Sinking Cars. Scare Factor: 4.

      *ILU, gender-neutral pronouns.

      **No, really.
    14. June 15, 2010

      by , 06-15-2010 at 02:47 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)
      TERRIBLE recall last night. I didn't sleep well at all; after WBTB at 2:30 I pretty much just drifted through HI for a few hours until I FINALLY managed to get back to sleep.

      1- Vague Details
      Something vague about Raven Knight and Walms... Speaking to them... Then posting about it in my DJ.
      ((Even though I had JUST woken up from this during WBTB, those were the only details I could remember.))

      ((After that, a lot of HI about posting in my DJ and finding out that I'd had a shared dream. I was trying to type everything down on my laptop, then remembered that my laptop was on my bedside table, turned off, so what I was doing was pointless. I tried to read everything I had typed so I could remember it, but it was random nonsense about people I don't know. Then I kept typing more stuff, forgetting that the laptop I was using wasn't real.))

      2- Witch Information
      I am talking to some people on MM about witches. I say that I had found a site with some really cool information, but I couldn't remember the link at the moment. The next time I check the thread, I see that Z has made an account and that she has posted the link I was talking about.

      ((I wake up, shrouded in HI again. Z is sitting on the edge of my bed. "Thanks for the link," I mumble out loud, rolling over. I wonder why I'm talking to her, since she's not really there. She says something, and we talk for a little bit before I drift back to sleep.))

      3- Poor Bike
      My mom and I are leaving some weird neighborhood. When we leave, more people come, and a roadblock is set up saying that the maximum number of people have entered. We are waiting for Chris and Steven, but they are taking forever. My mom goes back in to find them after the road block is gone. I ride my bike through the neighborhood to pass the time. I see a girl ride up stairs on a scooter, so I try it with my bike.

      Oops, there go my tires... I hope that popping sound was only my imagination, but as I ride back to where my mother is, my tires deflate completely.

      Updated 06-15-2010 at 10:51 PM by 10998

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. June 13, 2010

      by , 06-15-2010 at 02:57 AM (Whirlwind of Dreams)
      Piloting a Helicopter:
      I was in some city at night, possibly New York since that's what I thought it was. There was a large skyscraper which stood out since there were no other really large buildings nearby. It was silver covered all over with windows. The middle of this building was caved in, so, that the two remaining sides were standing out. The city especially the streets surrounding this building were very foggy which made it difficult to see around. I found myself flying a helicopter above a building which I assumed was the hotel that I was staying in with some of my family members. There were a lot of cars on the roof and my family members were also with me. We planned to evacuate the helicopter, even though there didn't seem to be any problems at all. My sister decided to jump first and ran towards the open door. I told her to get a parachute first but she showed me that she has one and jumped out. She opened her parachute halfway or so and landed in what looks like a tire yard surrounded by a fence, but, she's ok. My mother goes next and after she jumped, she opened the parachute a bit too late and ended up landing in a small patch of water near the tire yard. I only knew this because I saw the splash. My little brother was next. I don't think he had his parachute on and I couldn't help him out. As I recall, both my mother and sister were on the roof top pointing for us to land the helicopter. I tried to land it on the roof of the building and came close where in some cases, it was touching, but, for whatever reason, I couldn't maintain it. Pretty soon, I seemed to be losing control since it started moving towards the edge of the building(tried to keep it over the building). It went over the edge and I can't recall the rest.

      Airport Stealing:
      I put something like bags away. I think I was at an airport. I decided to go around and steal some stuff. Since there were people waiting to be called for their flights, they were sitting on some chairs with their bags and stuff on the shelves behind them making it the perfect opportunity. I just walked by and started to steal them. In some cases, I decided not to, one case involving 6 or 7 wooden pencils. I can't recall what happens after.

      Thoughts: The first dream was definitely interesting. It was pretty dark but the overall ambience was great. I got to pilot a helicopter, too bad I wasn't lucid. However, I think I was starting to fear the outcome of the situation had I crashed it and since I was having a hard time controlling it, that would have happened eventually. If fear is my dreamsign, I would have probably became lucid before it happened which would have been great, so, I guess I came close to lucidity As for the second dream, it was pretty hard to remember much from it even as I tried to remember the details
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