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    1. Lucid Chain, Flew Again! - September 11

      , 09-11-2018 at 04:00 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Sep 11 2018

      I had two long and detailed NLs during the night, but after waking from each one, I couldn't remember anything*; I was pretty disappointed at my recall. It was around 4 in the morning and I had time to sleep in, at least until around 6:40. I decided to make the best of it. I got up and walked around, did some relaxation and tried to WILD for a bit with no luck. Finally I repeated my mantra only twice and went directly to sleep.

      I had a long non-lucid in my childhood home. It was night and I was in the kitchen, looking out the window. I could see a huge field outside. My dad was there, and we were planning something (resistance?). Scene transitions to a more brightly lit room, I have a toy typewriter that types in a brownish color on a clear sheet of glass or plastic; possibly the letters are cookies. I type "how to get rid of giant crickets" and think about cockroaches briefly (fear/loathing of these is starting to become a dreamsign). I think we were fighting against giant crickets in the dark house. I walk from the living room into a long kitchen area. It reminds me of the Oculus Touch VR demo I played about a year ago (with the little robot guy with the cartridges). There's a little kid sitting to the left of the kitchen where I enter; he's sitting and looking at some complicated instruments, similar to a plane or helicopter. However I get the understanding that they're for a car. I teach him about the controls and explain what they're all for. He's doubtful in his abilities and I reassure him.

      The scene shifts and the kid and I are in an airplane with the same controls. There may be another DC kid sitting there. I'm telling him to pull up, pull up, pull up! because we're flying really low almost touching an interstate highrise. Finally we're rolling on the ground, the wheels are touching the cement rails/guards on either side of the thing, I say pull up goddammit! He finally does and we're flying again.

      Scene transitions and I'm flying on my own, with just my body. Waves of pleasant vibrations are washing over my body and I feel the rushing sensation of the air. I become lucid! I look at my hands to confirm and then look around, and put my hands in a superman pose. I shoot forward! The sensation was insane. I fly for a little longer and then approach another bridge, veering up to avoid hitting it, but slowing down as I consider landing on it. For some reason I hesitate and doubt my ability to land effectively; the dream doesn't destabilize but I remember that I wanted to try spinning in a dream.

      I spin counterclockwise, flapping my arms side to control my motion as if I'm trying to spin while swimming. The scene fades and I feel a new one being created although I don't see anything yet. I feel myself sort of fall into a pool of water. I'm in a secluded watery area. All around me there are reddish metal walls with seams and rivets. To the left there's more of an open area. I touch the wall and look closely at the rivets. I walk along the permiter of the wall to my right and then along the wall in front of me, and arrive at a tree with a thin trunk (maybe 6 inches diameter). I can't see any leaves or branches, and the trunk is straight with smooth bark, making me think it's a palm. I try to write my initials on the bark and I can't really see them show up, but I can see them fade (I guess because my fingers were wet?). I remember my coin totem and try to summon it from my pocket. I reach into my left pocket and there's nothing there, but I pretend there is. I pretend to flip the coin with my left hand, nonverbally making the "sheeeeen" sound that it makes when it flips. I catch it in my left palm and slap it onto the back of my right hand, and after a second I feel it there! I move my hand and there it is, looking exactly as it does in real life, except for some fake-looking black rust spots (this could have been because I found an obnoxious amount of mold on my provalone last night). I look at it for a bit, excited that I could actually summon an item from waking life. Unfortunately I forgot the entire purpose of it, to rub it for stabilization. Oh well, there's always next time. Also this whole scene exhibited a huge degree of detail and solidity compared to the flying scene, possibly because I formed it/entered it while already lucid rather than being a preexisting dream. Also, I think that in this area I was in, there was a cover of some kind.

      I walk the perimeter to the open area (to the left of where I initially was). I look to the raised area with some pebbles and trees/bushes in sort of a garden. The walls here look like red brick, and there's no cover above, I can see sunlight clearly. I look at a bush and see a doe walk out! She's in perfect detail, and is beautiful. Then she lifts a leg and pees on the bush. I laugh and
      wake up. As I'm waking up, I realize that there was beautiful, soothing music playing at this place, and I'm able to sort of recapture and hold on to it; then I realize that the music was formed partly by my fiancee's breathing.

      *Note: I haven't been keeping a physical DJ on days when my fiancee is working. She's a light sleeper, so the scratching of the pen on paper sometimes wakes her up and she doesn't get enough sleep on working days anyway.
    2. Lucid and Flew - September 9

      , 09-10-2018 at 07:39 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Sep 9 2018

      I was walking through a large paved road which felt like a walkway through a large park. It was a sunny morning or afternoon. The lawns on either side were lined with large oaks with twisting branches. There were passerby walking in either direction. Suddenly I became lucid and started running! I looked back and saw a DC. I turned around fully again, expecting to see a coworker from one of my college jobs*, and she was there! I was running backwards at this point to let her catch up, but for some reason couldn't stop or change directions, and instead had to run backwards, slower. When I reached her I made some conversation about the fact that I was dreaming, and she seemed thrilled. I took her hand and we started running together. We passed a few trucks (possibly ice cream trucks or food trucks) and signs, and I was able to read them clearly. I asked her whether she had ever flown before, and she responded that she hadn't, all she had ever done was float. I told her that that was a good start and we lifted off.

      I can feel the wind on my face and body and we're still holding hands (platonically). We weren't doing superman poses or anything specifically to indicate that we were flying, just setting my intention on a direction and going there. It was a great sensation. The oaks stretched even farther up now, and I bobbed and weaved through the twisted outstretched branches. I had a few near misses but overall had pretty good control.

      I decided to go higher than the trees and went skyward. At which point I could see in the top of my field of vision three or four wooden planks arranged like ceiling blade fans. I passed above the planks and at that point there were flat planes rushing past us. I looked down at my hands and while still holding my coworker's hands, I pushed my finger through my palm -- I felt some resistance at first but asserted "I'm dreaming" and was able to do it. Then I felt the dream stabilize a bit.

      As I looked back up, I saw that it was approaching dusk with a sunset in front of us. Underneath was a large wooden building with multiple levels with wraparound balconies. It reminded me of the restaurant I worked at for a while. I approached it and landed on the roof (it may have just been me at this point). I saw a small shack/building on the roof. Upon further examination it looks similar to a dollhouse made of craft wood -- I can clearly see the seems and the semi-gloss finish on the wood. The dream
      fades quickly.

      Note: I woke up from this dream at 6am on my left side.

      Summary of other NLs:
      I'm in a kitchen by a white door with glass panes near the head and the foot. The house reminds me of a classmate from my high school band's house. There were multiple locks that were complicated and kind of hard to turn. Once I turned them, my anonymous DC sidekick switched some small levers which had clear writing on them in a row. There is a silhouette outlined in the door and I think what lies behind it is a dark garage. I have a serious talk with my DC sidekick. We open the door and go through, and pass through the dark garage (felt ominous, there were other silent DCs there).

      I'm in a garden/walkway with a girl. We look up and see bright flashing in the clouds above. It takes a triangluar shape and turns into a spaceship with clear writing on it (reminded me for some reason of the writing on a bus or van). We run over hill after hill and past trees to keep seeing it. Each time we get it back into our field of vision it's more detailed. Finally we see that there is a ledge on the back of it and there are giant women sitting there. They send down some smaller but still giant women who fire beams at us. We run in the opposite direction and become extremely cartoon-like in our actions. I fuse with her and our arms and chest start spinning; there are now two copies of me, one driving the process and one fused with her. We fire beams back at the giants chasing us as we run down a dirt path in the garden. This dream repeats twice or thrice featuring different versions (ages, genders, ethnicities, other factors changed) of both me and the girl. Very vivid and very surreal.

      I'm at a store getting various items (I remember some onion bread buns in a bag that I got IWL from Walmart). I get some impulse items that I know my fiancee will be mad at me about. It's a pretty long dream as I go down the aisles. Finally I go down the clearance/general/jam aisle, where I find a stack of fresh papers. Underneath the papers I find some that I've drawn on (during my visit or my past several visits). I try to consolidate them as they're spaced out between blank pages. Someone passes me in the aisle and notices one full-color one I've done, I look up and say it's nothing, then look back down and it's even more polished and is the cover to a small booklet or magazine (maybe a doujin). I consolidate them all and tuck them into the bottom for safe keeping.

      I'm in a large bathroom with long white counters and four or five sinks stretching out to the right and left, separated by double doors. I'm at the sink closest to the door on the right counter. The stalls are behind us. There are some middle-aged men holding bags and placing their miscellany on the counters, it looks like stuff you would get in those cap-balls from the 25 cent machines (where you turn the handle). Mixed in are brass gears and writing utensils.

      *With my ability to summon DCs, it seems like I pretty much pick them at random; I haven't thought about these people in years but for some reason my lucid mind thinks "Gee, I would love to see X random acquanitance." I suspect that as I get better about remembering dream goals and incorporating my awareness of waking life, I'll be able to make more logical/planned decisions within my lucids.
    3. Flying Around and Bribing the Preconscious/Protoconsciousness

      by , 09-07-2018 at 03:07 PM
      Morning of September 7, 2018. Friday.

      Dream #: 18,900-02. Optimized 2 min 15 sec read.

      My dream is a meandering but enjoyable adventure, and my real-life identity comes and goes in different scenes. Various timelines, with fictitious associations, are erroneously combined, as is often the case.

      I had "fallen asleep" while sitting on a couch in an unknown dark location. Tony, a middle school schoolmate, sits on my left. I am an adult, but I have had no contact with him since my teenage years other than on Facebook in the past several years.

      I am later in a big classroom with no student desks. Everyone is watching a male classmate performing a strange dance and transforming into various small objects and animals. He says something about not using chlorine in a swimming pool.

      Although I had been in Florida, I am suddenly in Wisconsin. Tony is now sitting on the curb near an intersection. I fly high into the air to look down to see him looking curiously up at me. Later, I am walking with several schoolmates. I have a false memory that Karen and Kenny lived next door to the King Street mansion with no recall I once lived here. Kenny turns to go into the yard even though I thought we were all walking elsewhere.

      Soon, I am in the northeast room of the King Street house. I remember my youngest son (though I have three sons), but it is my only waking-life recall. (He has never been to America.) There are miscellaneous items all over the floor. I realize I need to feed our cats. My son has a dish of cat food. Only one of the white cats had eaten. I have a false memory we have two white long-haired cats, male and female. I then "realize" we only have one and metacognitively change my dream's narrative though that is also wrong. (We do not have any white long-haired cats in reality.) I am puzzled.

      Later, I dive into the Black River while flying with the false association it is the ocean. I vividly feel and enjoy my movement through the water back to shore. (I am metacognitively aware diving into the water keeps me in my dream.)

      I fly around until I hear people talking inside a miniature version of the La Crosse post office but associated with the Arcadia one. Schoolmates are inside; several females and one male. He faces the entrance, sitting on a chair. He is this dream's protoconsciousness or preconscious.

      A young version of Zsuzsanna is my fictitious schoolmate. We all sit around talking. I am going to fly home with Zsuzsanna even though it is erroneously La Crosse. The protoconsciousness is somewhat of a bully (which serves as a wakefulness imperative), but it does not bother me. He asks me to give him a dollar.

      I hold out my right hand, palm down, and single thrice-folded dollar bills materialize to fall to the floor in front of him. I create many of them as they scatter over the floor. He seems annoyed and holds only one of them, making no effort to pick the others up. I consider it a bribe for allowing my dream to continue and vivify, and it does for a time.

      I hold Zsuzsanna to my left (metacognitively modeling our sleeping orientation). I effortlessly and joyfully fly off with her, remaining about ten feet above the sidewalk for about a block and then fly higher.

      Updated 06-14-2021 at 06:00 PM by 1390

    4. Making and Moving a Planet, Inhaling Medusa‘s Jewelry

      by , 09-03-2018 at 02:04 PM
      Night of September 2, 2018. Sunday.

      Reading time: 2 min 28 sec. Readability score: 64.

      I decide to create an earth-like planet (a typical exercise) and, within my implied position in outer space, pull it towards me and push it away from my view several times. It relates to a specific type of dream state perception where passive observation and creation are ambiguously the same. For example, I may “pull” the background closer to me rather than enter into it.

      In an undefined but “patchy” unlit space, I practice rotating the view to the right about 45 degrees, then to the left. I shake it side to side rather than attempt to move my head. I push and pull the “patchy” undefined space towards me and push it back as I did with the planet exercise. I create a solid green square and make it go side to side (leftmost and rightmost) with little effort. I mentally shake it until it breaks up into smaller squares. There is the usual segment where diamonds rapidly flip over each other.

      I create a castle. I open an outer brick wall about two storeys up to practice the manipulation of liminal space division. The hole in the outer wall is diamond-shaped. I mentally pull out the bricks and put them back into the wall several times, with no effort, only expectation of what I want. I spin individual ones in midair while turning all of them in rotation like a tank tread before they uniformly join into a solid wall again. While the hole is there, an unidentifiable female avatar remains motionless inside that room.

      I create a rainy alley scene, like out of a 1940s gangster movie. A black 1947 Cadillac Fleetwood pulls up. Three unfamiliar men get out. I decide to make the scenario into something different. Now, three young girls in 1970s jumpsuits approach. The one in the middle ahead of the other two pauses and turns around. I notice her hair moves in the wind like a fire. The imagery begins to spin and shine, the helicopter rotor effect, and turns into a stained-glass spinning kaleidoscopic view, expanding into a different state of awareness, though is three-dimensional rather than a flat field. I joyfully watch this surreal imagery for several minutes.

      I hover and fly over beautiful rocky landscapes with rivers of mist.

      I start playing around with a four-feet-high egg in the same way I did with the brick wall earlier. Similarly shaped pieces of the eggshell break out and move about in the air in a circular pattern, reminiscent of a mosaic taking itself apart and rebuilding itself, but I will them back into place several times as if the egg had never started to hatch. Each time, only a pair of human eyes is visible from inside the egg, though different each time. (This stage of dreaming has occurred on a regular basis for over fifty years. Eyes are usually the most realistically defined imagery.) I then start to realize that an egg, at least in some manifestations, is the same type of perceptual liminal space division as is a brick wall; pieces of the egg, bricks of the wall, break out, reconstruct.

      Eventually, a young version of Medusa is present upon my summoning. I focus on the intricacy of her hair. Hundreds of tiny snakes move about atop her head. There is no fear or concern. I marvel at the detail of her costume and headband. Eventually, the snakes are intricate braids of human hair. A turquoise stone is in her headband. I deliberately suck in and inhale its essence as a mist that has healing properties.

      I create another earth-like planet. It cracks into smaller pieces at the top, and I pull cotton out of it.

    5. In Filmed Flight

      by , 08-26-2018 at 07:46 PM
      Morning of August 26, 2018. Sunday.

      Reading time: 2 min 23 sec. Readability score: 56.

      In my dream, I am in a new variation of the Cubitis house. It seems to be late morning. Zsuzsanna is present. The television is in the west area of the living room (where it never was in real life.)

      I seem to be mentally creating or recording calculus equations onto a VHS tape as I am standing on the other side of the room. The VHS player is on a shelf below our television. As it is recording over previous content, at least one episode of “Sesame Street,” I am still able to see parts of the original content. There are also brief sections of music and random patterns of static and snow.

      Eventually, I see that the “Sesame Street” images are upside-down, yet rendered very realistically as such. I am only vaguely puzzled by this.

      Soon, I have a small video camera, and I go out to the south side yard. I am going to make a movie about flying. I rise in the air, and before I fly higher and faster, I find amusement by seeing my shadow over the front yard, north of where I am hovering. My shadow is distorted, short and somewhat round, but I can discern from it that I am wearing a top cat and a cape or cloak. The movie may also be related to a fictitious detective serial. From here, I effortlessly fly higher and faster over Arcadia until I wake.

      Pertinent information for new readers:

      Since childhood, I have developed and enhanced various processes in the dream state. One of these is attempting to clarify the status of my infra-self by focusing on concepts such as reading or using a computer (before computers were in use in households), yet by association, mathematics sometimes occurs though is rarely viable. It typically enhances threads of liminality (sometimes lucidity) even when I am not lucid (as the infra-self does not otherwise have a viable reading ability or logical reasoning). The muppets, which I associate with control of dreams, are a result of this process. Television is a type of liminal space division (similar to a fence or wall), the contrasting dynamics of infra-self and conscious self.

      A significant factor of the dreaming and waking processes is vestibular system correlation, that is, resolving the illusory nature of the dream self’s body with how the real physical body is oriented (though it also includes the distortion or expansion of space around where one is sleeping). That is what is behind falling, flying, rising, and hovering dreams.

      The first dream of each sleep cycle, for over 50 years, usually involves falling, though is more vivid when I had done more walking that day, while in stark contrast, the last typically involves effortless flying whether or not I am lucid, usually in the final scene. However, I have often deliberately used falling for reinduction or sustaining a dream.

      Zsuzsanna’s presence typically has priority over threads of where we live in reality. (Zsuzsanna has never been to America as my dreams often imply.) I never dream of correct settings, as they are often mixed-up variations of everywhere I have lived. (I have not lived in Cubitis since 1978.)

      The upside-down dynamic mainly stems from Zsuzsanna saying, “if it sounds upside-down, it’s from down under” on her first recording to me. However, this did not result in my infra-self remembering I live in Australia.

      A shadow stems from a subliminal, liminal, or lucid thread of my conscious self looking into the dream state. In apex lucidity, I play with or test my shadow to see if it is “me.”

    6. A Sister is Alive Again

      by , 08-03-2018 at 09:46 AM
      Morning of August 3, 2018. Friday.

      Reading time: 2 min 37 sec. Readability score: 75.

      I find myself in a big, unfamiliar library that is part of a school building. It is seemingly the end of a school day. A female is present. She may be a teacher. It seems that most people have left. I am asked to clean up, as no one else is going to. I go through the aisles to pick up blankets and bed sheets (without questioning why these items would be “left behind” in a library). I also find a few towels. There are also several pairs of gloves, one pair that I believe is mine, so I put them on. There is also a winter jacket. From here, I decide that I will fly to the north side of La Crosse.

      I am soon at the Loomis Street house. My brother-in-law Bob seems happy. He appears as he did in the 1980s. A boy is present that is theirs. I falsely remember that they had a child of about eight years old. Bob tells me that another boy was born recently. I ask him whose child this is, as my older sister Marilyn had died. It turns out that she was brought back to life by a business that offers this service. She comes into the house and seems as she was in the 1960s.

      The house now seems like an ambiguous mix of the Loomis Street house (in America) and the Gellibrand Street apartment in Australia. A bed is in a similar orientation as it was in the Gellibrand Street place, where we lived when our oldest son was a baby.

      Marilyn seems happy. The baby is on the bed and has a strange appearance, a big head, and a thin, wiry body. It is only a few days old. It is speaking coherently with a curious metallic echoing. The words are soft. I do not recall what he said.

      I ask about Cindy, my brother Earl’s wife. She was brought back as well. Bob says that she has “a hundred years left (to live).” Curiously, I have no memory of Earl (who had also died in real life).

      Later, Marilyn and I are talking about all the puzzle books she had given me, mostly from the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, the majority of them Dell. (This was a real-life event.) They were in a big cardboard box. We talk cheerfully about difficult cryptic crossword puzzles. The harder ones are left for me to solve.

      My dream self recalls that Marilyn had died, but also with the false memory she had one child that would now be about eight (though she would be far too old for this to be true). I remember my sister-in-law, but not my brother. I do not recall my current life status, yet the Loomis Street house (America) mixes with where Zsuzsanna and I lived years ago, which means a part of my conscious self identity is subliminally present. Dreams are a fascinating comedy of errors sometimes.

      The last part (waking process rather than dream revivification) is from a trigger I developed in childhood, to make a dream more vivid and coherent by giving myself reading tasks or focusing on books or writing (though I also used coins for this), though now I mostly use computer associations. (An odd result of that is how computer technology is often on notebook paper in my dreams.) The association with solving puzzles also directly relates to the middle of the waking process, between the fictitious dream self and emerging consciousness identity.

      The library trigger “failed,” but still displayed dream state indicators (bed sheets and blankets in the aisles), though the usual vestibular system correlation (flying in this case) was present. I put on gloves to mask my conscious self identity and physicality. It shows that I was in non-lucid control of my dream (as is most often the case) but with odd results and the usual dream state amnesia when non-lucid.

      Tags: flying, library
    7. Dreams of Type PRECONAV-VSCPCEL, 01-15

      by , 07-05-2018 at 10:20 AM
      Evening of July 4, 2018. Wednesday.

      This entry contains brief details in a list of complete online entries for 15 fascinating dreams that meet the criteria for designated type: PRECONAV-VSCPCEL. This entry’s internal code is PRECONAV-VSCPCEL-01-15, for personal statistical records in over 50 years of studying and resolving tens of thousands of my dreams. The entries are not listed in any order. They include the specific causes of each dream’s autosymbolism, meaning, and outcome. To hold the PRECONAV-VSCPCEL code, a dream must meet the following criteria:

      The preconscious avatar during waking process autosymbolism must be a celebrity, in their real-life identity, a character they play, or their appearance without my dream self’s recognition as either (for example, erroneously perceived as a relative, friend, or member of the public of which would not imply their celebrity status). Both celebrities and unknown or unfamiliar people are common preconscious avatars, as neither is a part of waking life (other than when literally prescient threads exist).

      Vestibular system correlation of RAS (reticular activating system) mediation or modulation and the mediating or modulating personification of vestibular system correlation as such must be the primary basis for, and cause of, my dream’s autosymbolism and outcome in both lucid and non-lucid transitions and in both controlled and passive dream state scenarios. It must be as a waking process factor (in its autosymbolism) rather than an induction factor as in other cases, though some induction autosymbolism is typically present to render the particular dream’s foundation.

      To understand the causes and meaning of this dream type requires the intelligence and experience of knowing that dreams are mainly autosymbolic of the sleeping, dreaming, and waking processes, including concurrent biological dynamics and ultradian rhythm factors as well as environmental circumstances. This dream type, depending on the dream, is a result of subliminal, liminal, or lucid awareness in anticipation of the waking process as well as various levels of non-lucid and lucid dream control based on the knowledge of dream state autosymbolism. Although flying, falling, and rising are a biological factor of dreaming and waking (inherent in vestibular system correlation on how the dream self cannot viably discern physicality while in REM sleep), the preconscious often serves as an additional factor of RAS mediation and modulation as an anticipatory projection of the subconscious self. The main factors behind this type of autosymbolism are in the desire of having both a helper (in the anticipated “fall” from the dream state) and a witness (and companion) of the waking process. I began to understand much about dreams at age four and by age six, had an astounding level of both lucid and non-lucid dream control. This dream type, like most others, may include obvious dream state indicators, such as a bed or being undressed (in subliminal realization that my physical body is usually undressed when I am sleeping in bed).

      01] Fictitious Lloyd Bridges Movie. March 10, 1978. My preconscious avatar is actor Lloyd Bridges, serving as the virtual replacement for my subconscious self that is otherwise only a witness (to the fictitious movie titled “Bridges”). This mainly stemmed from a nostalgic focus on the TV movie, “The Deadly Dream”, first viewed in full on September 25, 1971. This dream even ends with ending movie credits rolling as I wake. While the real movie was based on a dream that turned out to be real, my dream is autosymbolic of the dreaming and waking process and includes the play on “bridges” as representing the concurrent changes through different levels of consciousness in REM sleep. “I just hope he comes down all right” is a reference to the waking process and the biological anticipation of “falling awake” (waking start).

      02] Shopping with Silas Weir Mitchell. June 22, 2018. My preconscious avatar is actor Silas Weir Mitchell, serving as helpful companion to my subconscious self. I reset my dream while semi-lucid after he falls off the curb two stories down to the street (which is impossible) but then I decide to wake. This was a different form of the first dream of virtually every sleep cycle for over fifty years but which involves me directly. I take a step while walking on the sidewalk and trip (with an unusual misstep) or fall off the curb and experience the vestibular system correlation and hypnopompic kick of the waking process. However, this process is far more vivid after I had walked a lot more on that day. This otherwise stemmed from the association with the character he plays on the TV series “Grimm”, which is Monroe. I lived on North Monroe Street as a child. This same association has triggered other dreams of Silas walking down the street near me. The intersection is autosymbolism for RAS mediation and the choice of waking for the day or returning to deeper sleep for a time (ultradian rhythm factor).

      03] Dancing High (with Jordan Gavaris). June 1, 2015. My preconscious avatar is actor Jordan Gavaris, serving as a parallel avatar to my subconscious self. This dream stemmed from nostalgic associations with my “Money Cat Minion Saves Me from Falling from Roof” from 1966 (age 6). Jordan starred on TV series “Orphan Black” as Felix, and I associated that name with cats and supposedly “always landing on their feet”. (Cats have often served as witness to the dream state in liminal space autosymbolism and as a form of the preconscious avatar in both lucid and non-lucid dreams, including in cases where a cat, including such as a lion or a tiger, becomes a person in my dream’s final scene). With this dream, there were resets back into the same elevated scene, both lucidly and non-lucidly.

      04] The Flying Carpet (with Lucie and Desi Arnaz, Jr.). March 23, 1973. My preconscious avatar is actress Lucille Ball, serving as a liminal emergent consciousness precursor. The song “Magic Carpet Ride” is a dream induction influence (especially as its first line is “I like to dream”). It also takes on the dream state indicator analogy of being like a bed. A parking lot is dream state autosymbolism that represents the physical body being inactive in sleep.

      05] The Tiny Man and the Apocalypse (with Gregory Hines). April 12, 2017. My preconscious avatar is actor and dancer Gregory Hines, serving as a catalyst for the waking process of a very long dream. In this dream, a sketchy version of Gregory was rendered as impossibly sliding down the side of a building (though of which was ambiguously in what was perceived as also an indoor setting as in many past dreams).

      06] Ralph the Airplane Fixer (with Mary Canfield). December 13, 1969. My preconscious avatar is actress Mary Canfield, serving as helpful companion to my subconscious self. Mary played the character “Ralph Monroe” in the TV series “Green Acres”, and as explained above, this (North Monroe Street) is an association with where I lived as a boy. The rest is a bilocated essence of autosymbolism of the dream state itself (flight) as my bed also somehow being a flying wooden airplane (even though I remain in my bedroom).

      07] Amusing Helicopter “Rescue” (with Pierce Brosnan). May 19, 2016. My preconscious avatar is actor Pierce Brosnan, serving as summoned helper to my subconscious self. In silliness, I place a miniature model of me as meant to represent me being asleep and dreaming. I associate Pierce Brosnan with James Bond, which relates to spies and a loose association with detectives, which are a preconscious factor of liminal space, in needing to understand the transitions from sleeping to dreaming to waking.

      08] Yet Another “Uhny Uftz” Dream. August 4, 2015. My preconscious avatar is actor and comedian Dick Van Dyke, serving as a virtual replacement for my subconscious self. This was based on a nostalgic association with an episode of “The Dick Van Dyke Show” titled “Uhny Uftz”, first watched in full on September 29, 1965, though in my dream, it is a “real” flying saucer rather than a toy as in the TV episode. This dream brought about an elevated sense of peace and love.

      09] Nichelle in a Small Rocket. March 8, 1997. My preconscious avatar is actress Nichelle Nichols, serving as a virtual replacement for my subconscious self. This association comes from “Star Trek” but also links to the concept of communication in liminal space (as she plays the communications officer), between dream self and conscious self (as well as the dream self with the transpersonal interconsciousness).

      10] Saul Rubinek and the Airplane Crash. May 28, 2015. My preconscious avatar is actor Saul Rubinek, bringing attention to the nature of the vestibular system correlation of the dream state. This dream was partly a result of environmental noise as well as the usual vestibular system correlation autosymbolism that renders in virtually infinite ways. I associate Saul as a good avatar due to his association with the TV series “Warehouse 13”, as warehouses are autosymbolism for memory processing in REM sleep (even though non-lucid dreams themselves rarely have any form of accurate memory or viable intelligence).

      11] Talking About a Dream from a Don Knotts Movie. May 3, 1998. My preconscious avatar is actor and comedian Don Knotts, serving as witness to my liminal awareness of the dream state and my appreciation of the surreal nature of dreams. I am very vaguely lucid and relating to the nature of autosymbolism of vestibular system correlation, which is linked to flight symbols, in this case, the surreal scene from the movie where the stealth bomber transforms into a manta ray (one of my favorite and most nostalgic movie events).

      12] Russell Johnson and The Cane Toad War. October 6, 2013. My preconscious avatar is actor Russell Johnson, serving as helpful companion to my subconscious self. This was the typical hovering and floating around near the ceiling dream, though no lucidity came about in this case. As with Josh Holloway, my association with Russell is as being a castaway on an island (the dream state).

      13] Female Robotic Suit (with Barbara Bain). August 22, 2014. My preconscious avatar is actress Barbara Bain, serving as both vestibular system correlation and as an autosymbolic representation of my annoyance with my real environment. Barbara was an association with my perception of Zsuzsanna being annoyed by the noise next door as well, and the association with needing “protection” as such while sleeping. (Barbara Bain shares my wife Zsuzsanna’s birthday of September 13 in addition to playing Helena on “Space 1999”. Helena is Zsuzsanna’s mother’s name. Barbara’s character was also a doctor on this show, hence the associations with needles and medical features.)

      14] Helicopter to Spaceship to Helicopter to…. June 9, 2016. My preconscious avatar is actor and model Josh Holloway, serving as helpful companion to my subconscious self in the last scene. After a dull and sustained focus on vestibular system correlation in a faux sleeping scenario outside on the ground, my dream begins to progress toward the presence of the preconscious, who shows up as Josh. I mainly associated Josh as being “Tom Sawyer” as a castaway on an island (an analogy to being in the dream state, especially as associated with water induction).

      15] People of Powder. September 18, 1990. My preconscious avatar is actor and comedian Don Knotts, serving as a parallel witness for my subconscious self. “Can’t be…there aren’t any airplanes anymore”, which he says upon hearing an airplane flying in the sky outside while we remain in the ruins of a commercial building in New York, comes from his role in “The Reluctant Astronaut” and how he was afraid of being on an airplane or in space. (However, it also tied in with threads precognitive of the September 11 attacks in 2001 and the grounded airplanes after that event, the 2001 anthrax attacks, as well as my as-yet-unknown-of upcoming marriage.)

      Additional notes as correlation samples:

      Associations with dream state induction: Lloyd Bridges (“Sea Hunt” - water induction, being like a fish), Silas Weir Mitchell (werewolf-like character as analogous to dreaming and waking), Russell Johnson (isolated on island, dreaming), Josh Holloway (isolated on island, dreaming), Don Knotts (“The Incredible Mr. Limpet” - water induction, becoming a fish).

      Associations with outer space (augmented ambiguous vestibular system factor): Lloyd Bridges (“Stowaway to the Moon”), Dick Van Dyke (“Uhny Uftz” episode of “The Dick Van Dyke Show”), Nichelle Nichols (“Star Trek”), Barbara Bain (“Space 1999”), Don Knotts (“The Reluctant Astronaut”).

      Transitional autosymbolism (liminal space): Lloyd Bridges (play on “bridges”), Gregory Hines (cop in “Running Scared”), Pierce Brosnan (James Bond movies), Barbara Bain (“Mission Impossible”), Saul Rubinek (curator in “Warehouse 13” - secret service agents also feature in this show).

      Enhanced vestibular system correlation: Lloyd Bridges (“Sea Hunt”), Jordan Gavaris (dancer), Lucille Ball (dancer), Gregory Hines (dancer), Nichelle Nichols (dancer), Barabara Bain (dancer), Don Knotts (as an animated fish in “The Incredible Mr. Limpet”).

    8. What a Rude Statue

      by , 07-05-2018 at 01:35 AM (The Fourth Factor)
      The dream seemed to begin like some sort of flight simulator game, but—after a series of events I can no longer remember—I realize I’m dreaming.

      I’m in an unfamiliar city. It’s a place with a charming atmosphere—lots of greenery and a small harbor that almost divides it in two, with the main part of the city built on a hill with a steep incline. I fly—without my customary wings, since I was already flying to begin with—enjoying my surroundings. Every corner I turn results in a new, interesting view as I circle around, gradually moving up the hill.

      At one point, I notice a series of staircases to my right leading directly to the hilltop. It reminds me a little of the Bergpark—and that gives me an idea. I could find the Herkules statue and have a conversation with him. That would be an interesting thing to do in a dream.

      I fly up the staircases and find myself in a small park where a number of people are walking around. There is no Herkules Statue, but I do see a statue slightly off to the left—although monument might be the better word since it’s basically just a bronze head on a pedestal, a man wearing what looks like a conquistador helmet.

      I walk over to it, look at the head and ask: “So, is there anything you want to say to me?”

      The head comes to life. It says: “What the f*** are you doing here?” in what is quite possibly a Cockney accent. I’m a bit taken aback but still proceed to have a conversation with him—as best I can. I’m finding the accent difficult, and the background noise from the other people here isn’t helping.

      After a bit, three young women come up and join in the conversation. I recognize them the way one normally recognizes people in non-lucid dreams, although none of them seem to be people familiar to me in waking life. The only one whose appearance I can remember was a middle-eastern looking woman with thick, dark hair going down a little past her shoulders. Unfortunately, pretty much everything we said there faded from memory by the time I woke up.

      As the conversation ends, the bronze head offers to kiss a coin for each of us—this seems to be a good luck ritual of the sort that often develops around statues. The others produce coins, and I figure I’ll go along with it, too. Without looking, I stick my hand into a pocket which I expect I have—even though I don’t ordinarily wear clothing with pockets where this would be possible, it’s a pretty reliable method of materializing objects that might conceivably be in one. I feel around the various objects there for a coin. As I do, I recall the Soviet Kopeck that mysteriously turned up in my last batch of laundry—my aunt had been washing some really old stuff, I guess—and, unsurprisingly, that’s what the coin I eventually find turns out to be.

      Once that’s over, I’m once again faced with the decision of what to do. As I fly back down the hillside, it occurs to me that this might be a good opportunity to find some people I'd like to speak to. I fly all the way down to the harbor and, since the ground is flat here, I land and walk. I call out their names and try to find them among the crowd, or among the people on the boats. But I don’t see them there, and before long, I wake up.


      Updated 08-05-2018 at 02:46 AM by 75857

    9. 1,492 Words

      by , 07-02-2018 at 01:22 PM
      I went to bed around 9, feeling very exhausted. Yesterday I didn't do my waking life recall as much. I watched at least 10 episodes of DB Super and played back to back Pokemon Battles.

      My recall level was still pretty good though. It didn't seem like I dreamed much more than what I remembered.


      Round 1 of Dreams.

      In another scene, I was with C V, O A, and some other people. We were doing some food preparation. There was also something about a meeting. I think some women were saying about what they would or wouldn't eat.

      I was making rice with peppers and other vegetables. I realized some people might want the rice and vegetables separate, so I started to separate them. I was near a fridge.

      Someone else came by and took a bunch of ice. The ice maker looked full and the fridge was full of ice too. I think I worried we'd run out of ice, but then there was some idea about how we could add water to the ice maker, and I wasn't worried any more.

      I saw someone's bowl for food. They had something with sprinkles along the rim of the bowl.

      I had some Pokemon Battles in my dreams. One had to do with a Dragon Pokemon in the mountains. I don't remember everything about that. What I do remember is that I had a Gengar, in the lower left. The opponent Pokemon was in the upper right. It showed our HP meters like the battle screens.

      However, in this one, my Gengar could move freely. So I ran around the battlefield. It was a brown, earthy terrain. I got to a bridge and saw two orbs. Those were energy orbs. 'Wow! Free energy!' I thought, and collected them.

      I was thinking something about how they put the word "Toxic" near my name. "Toxic" is just a status condition in Pokemon but I think it was more of an insult in the dream, which is silly.

      I remember a part where a person had hired big groups of people to do experiments on "scape goats". I don't remember all the experiments, but the last one involved basketball.

      Everyone was running around the basketball court, playing. I think the person was observing the one he'd identified as the "scape goat" of the group.

      There were also some parts in that about telekinesis. Using telekinesis to push people back.

      I dreamed that I felt really tired. I was out, walking around, and decided to just walk into someone's back yard and hang out near their fence. They had a white fence. I wasn't invited and I didn't even think I knew the people. I just thought I could walk into their back yard and hang out for a while.

      I felt so embarrassed when B W came walking towards me. Apparently, B W lived there! He asked about what I was doing there.

      I didn't really have a good explanation. I watched some cars drive by, and thought about stuff. Also, a big bus drove by, and I think it related to a prom.

      B W said something about how I always do certain kinds of things. I forgot the exact phrase. He had very thin brown eyebrows and brown eyes which I think is different from waking life. I haven't seen him in a while, so I don't know.

      I woke up from that, pretty relieved it had just been a dream! I was able to recall it and keep it in my mind until later.

      Something with weight lifting or RS/RM comes to mind but I can't quite place it.

      It felt like I had slept a long time, so I took my Huperzine-A 100mcg and Alpha-GPC 300mg before going back to bed. I am trying to get the timing of that stuff right.


      Round 2 of Dreams.

      I remember something about two people jumping out in front of a moving bus. I forgot why. They let the bus sort of push them along the road. Maybe it was a kind of protest.

      I remember dreaming about someone who had defeated Goku. I felt sad. I think it was Trunks. Goku seemed sad and depressed.

      I remember being on the road, but maybe walking instead of driving? I think I was with W N. We were turning left to go somewhere. I got a bit ahead of him. I think there was stuff with people from my college house, too.

      I remember more Pokemon Battles. In one battle, I was against a Rapidash, who was using Calm Mind. I figured their plan was to get at least 2 Calm minds before doing anything. I kept using Extremespeed and got them down to 1% HP.

      There was another Pokemon Battle where they had Leech Seed. I forgot who the Pokemon were but one had Recover. I was trying to take out their HP before Leech Seed took me down.

      I remember getting inside, and there were these platforms. I think there was a little spot I teleported to, also. Like a portal.

      I was supposed to walk back up. There were a lot of ramps and steps, and the platforms seemed to be floating in space.

      I had these rocks that I was able to do telekinesis on. I wasn't aware it was a dream, but I had some powers. I had some conscious control of my actions, too, and felt myself using the abilities first hand, but just didn't know it was a dream.

      I was able to put out my hands and pull the items to me while breathing in. I had a sense that pulling went with breathing in. One rock was a little heavier and I had to put my hands closer, but I could still pull it to me.

      I headed up the stairs and platforms, excited to show everyone what I could do. When I got to the top, someone from my college house was talking. He wasn't talking from a religious perspective but he still used the word "sin". I felt kind of ticked off at the religious language.

      I walked by someone else who said, "I hate when they use that word." I was like, "Me too!!!" And felt much better.

      I walked to the back aisle between two rows of seats. The place was kind of like a church. I remember the guy said he didn't like people to speak while he spoke. Normally this would tick me off, the authoritarian attitude, but he was younger than me, so I yelled, "Sorry!" As loud as I could. The place was so big, I could hardly hear myself.

      'I know! I will fly up over the middle row to the other side, and back towards those platforms,' I thought. So, that's what I did. I was able to fly up and over, but it was a little hard to aim for the door. I ended up flying into a white wall that hung over the place. It wasn't a crash, I just gently flew into it and then let myself down to walk from there. Still, I flew!

      I might have gone down into that room again. If I did, I don't remember what was there. Maybe another Pokemon Battle.

      I woke up from those and recalled them. My recall was good. I was happy with the recall. It's kind of a relief to be done writing so early. It's only 7:41 A M and I'm done.
    10. 4,365 Words - selected parts in bold - lucid dream marathon

      by , 06-30-2018 at 03:09 PM
      I got lucid once tonight. Went to bed around 9:15 P M and finished the outline around 7 A M. I was up a little late, playing one more Pokemon battle! But I am using Pokemon battles to practice my episodic memory.


      Round 1 of dreams.

      I think I remember something with Goku, but only vaguely.

      I remember being at a 12 step meeting. There were people from my high school there. I was thinking or sharing about how I have a good amount of sober time. Most other people there seemed in their first few months.

      A woman sitting near me started to dig a pen into my chest or shoulder or something. It kinda hurt. I tried to get her to stop. Then some people behind me started taking pictures of me with their cell phones. They were all laughing. I tried to get them to stop.

      It became a fight scene kind of thing, where I was being chased. There was something about how 2 guys caught me in an alley, or between a big truck and a building, and were going to beat me up. I think I imagined powering up and sending them flying away.

      The fight/chase ended and I was walking along. I walked over a narrow cement thing, maybe like something at a skate park. I was thinking of being linked mentally to J B.

      I also remember a part where I was with a group of people. So I said, "I am a [diety] named Rock." I might have said "Greek [diety]." I said it in kind of a deep voice, like Gaston's voice. I think I felt silly or embarrassed after. I thought it would sound cool, but I just felt silly.

      I was walking out of their area when I noticed that they were enclosed in giant wire mesh tents. There was a zipper I unzipped to walk out. "Are these faraday cages?" I asked, wondering why in the world they would be using computer labs inside a faraday cage. "No," they said. "If they were faraday cages, we couldn't have all this equipment in here." I continued to walk out.

      I recalled those and then went back to sleep, still re-remembering them later. My memory is definitely leveling up!


      Round 2 of Dreams.

      I remember something in the beginning with Pokemon cards. Me and/or others trading and playing them.

      I remember this part where I was laying in a bed in the yard. Like my grandmother's apartment complex. There was a dog I kept looking at. The dog looked back at me and I panicked. 'Oh no! If it sees me looking at it, it will come over here!' I was afraid of the dog, and tried to pretend I wasn't looking. Eventually the dog kept walking away.

      I remember being at an A C A meeting kind of thing. I was the chair person. I read the format for the meeting. But then I realized that everyone was directing their comments to a woman in the front of the room. I was just sitting in the back. 'Oh no!' I thought. 'I am supposed to sit in the front to read the format, so they will direct their comments to me.' So, I headed for the front.

      When I got up there, I said, "That sure was silly of me." And, "It is okay to do something silly." I remember hearing some comments like what I hear in A C A meetings as well as making my own comments.

      After the meeting, I was in the back of the room again, doing some kind of opposite hand writing. I had folded sheets of computer paper into segments. My opposite hand was making small letters with a brown felt tip marker.

      I remember asking someone for help or comments on what I'd done so far. I felt good about the writing. I remember thinking something about pushing or forcing myself to do it. There was a guy who came to comment on it, but I didn't like his comments. I kind of rejected the feedback and went on working on the writing. I realized I didn't need anyone's feedback. I also said something about how the writing comes from the left or right hemisphere of the brain.

      There were some women sitting nearby. I remember I had my wallet. There was much more money in there than usual! Without thinking much, I put it out on the table and just looked through the money. Then I realized the women would think I was trying to show off, and felt embarrassed or misunderstood. I wished I hadn't taken out the money.

      I remember walking along a road. I saw one or two people smoking. I was out of smell range and tried to run behind some buildings to ensure the smell didn't reach me.

      Then I was in someone's back yard. Kind of like J R's. I think there was a young teenage kid coming home from school, but he was going to smoke before his parents got home, so they wouldn't know.

      I wasn't aware it was a dream, but I was able to fly up onto his roof. I imagined that he saw me up there, and then I flew away. He would think I vanished or teleported, and be really amazed.

      I woke up and recalled those. Then I re-played all the dreams, rounds 1 and 2, in my mind, to form "solid" memories. When I went to re-remember round 2 in the morning, I could re-remember the end, but it took an extra moment to get to the part about the meeting. I just kept thinking, "I know something was there. I know I remembered it." And eventually it came back to me. Round 1 was easier to re-remember because the part where I said I was a diety came to mind right away.

      While I was up to use the rest room, I took 100mcg Huperzine-A and 300mg Alpha-GPC Choline.

      Oh! Another memory came to mind. Wow! Well, I remember someone trying to sell me something. I had a stack of white papers. At first they seemed blank. The next time I looked through, instead of blank pages, there were lots of packets with print all over them. Forms to fill out and informational packets. I figured I had just not noticed them, but it was actually the dream doing the thing where the words can morph when I look away and look back.


      Round 3 of Dreams.

      I remember a bunch of people were guests at nana's. One guy was going outside to smoke. I panicked and tried to make sure all the doors and windows were closed. Once they were, I considered talking with him from the other side of the glass. We could still talk, but his smoke wouldn't reach me.

      I remember someone showing me their coloring book. It had small square pages. They said how once they colored a page, they couldn't look back at it. They had to keep moving through the coloring book in sequence. The first third of it, or so, was colored. He seemed really happy with his coloring book.

      We were room mates in the kids room at my nana's house. The one where the computer room is now. There was a moment when I wanted to tell him, "Wait! This is a false awakening!" But I didn't think of that until I was between dreams. Round 3 was a marathon of dreams and there were earlier parts i couldn't remember.

      I had another false awakening where I was going to write down my dreams. I had my reclining chair and lap top. Some music was coming from Aunt C's room. I had the understanding that other people were guests at nana's house. So, I went to get my ear muffs.

      My sister was my room mate in this dream. I felt bad because she didn't have the same hearing protection as me. She showed me her ear plugs. They were made of play dough, plastic wrap, and little puffy balls of fabric stuff. Multi-colored. I knew they weren't the real deal like my ear plugs. "I will get you a pair," I said. But when I looked, none of my ear plugs looked fresh. I even had a red white and blue swirly colored pair. 'I might have to get her a pair tomorrow from home,' I thought. I felt sorry for her that she was using such ineffective hearing protection, and didn't even know.

      I was about to go to write on my lap top when I looked out to the hall way. Lots of people were walking by. 'That's different,' I thought. 'What are all those people doing, running around at night?' Then I noticed F was running through the hall. She had a beard! 'Oh! It's a dream!' I thought. That was definitely a dream-induced lucid dream.

      I followed F to nana's room. I wanted to talk to her! But people kept blocking me. She went into nana's bathroom and I couldn't get through.

      I decided to go downstairs and outside. I didn't have to do any stability techniques at all. It was all perfectly stable on its own, for quite a while! I walked down the hall. Two people were running down the hall behind me. Not chasing me, just running.

      The thought crossed my mind to crouch down on all fours, in a table top position, and trip them. I did it at the top of the stairs. Sure enough, they tripped over me, and went flying down the stairs. They landed with a bang on the ground, sprawled out and in pain, on the next floor down.

      I felt really bad about that. 'That was so mean,' I thought. 'Even though its a dream, I know that was too mean.' I put out my hand. 'Heal!' I thought. The two of them got up and ran off. I felt less confident in my healing power, and wasn't sure if it really worked.

      I went down the stairs and finished going outside, out the back kitchen door. I flew up. Where nana's pool is, there were lots of trees. They were kinda like palm trees, but with yellow and brown and golden looking leaves. I flew up above them.

      I really needed to use the bathroom! I landed and used the bathroom on the dirt, in the middle of the dream. (I didn't wet the physical bed.) Aunt B was sitting nearby with someone else. She kind of scoffed. I tried to ignore that, and flew up again. After I used the bathroom in the dream, I felt some relief, but I hadn’t really wet the bed. It makes me wonder if the whole feeling of needing the bathroom was just an illusion in my dream body, rather than a physical need.

      So, I was flying up in the air. 'Maybe I will just go straight to outer space!' I thought. So I put my arms out in front of me like super man, and flew up. 'Wow, I am really gaining altitude,' I thought. I felt I was going really fast.

      'My shoulders might get tired if I keep my arms up too long,' I thought. 'I will put my arms down, and still fly.' So, I did that, and kept flying. I felt a good flight speed.

      There was a pinkish cloud in the sky with writing in it. I don't remember the words. But after a while, I looked down, to see how tiny the Earth looked beneath me. 'Huh?!' I thought. As I looked down, the pool and everyone down there were only like 20 feet below me.

      I surrendered and just floated back down to the ground. 'I will use the pool!' I thought. 'I could do a really reckless jump off the diving board!' Where the diving board usually is, there was just a little blue platform at water level. A young child was jumping off of it into the water. 'I need to jump from some place higher,' I thought.

      'Ah! The ladder rail!' I went to the rail of the ladder, which was a few feet high, and I guess I jumped in. I don't remember clearly. I do remember doing some wide grip dips on the edge of the pool, with my eyes closed, and thinking, 'This is hurting my shoulders, even in a dream!' Then, when I went to where I expected the ladder to be in waking life, it was right there in the dream, too. That's pretty amazing. I guess I swam in that pool so much as a child that my dreams replicate it with great accuracy and consistency.

      I climbed out from the ladder. Then I noticed a really tall tree trunk, but it had a flat top like it had been cut. It was at least 10 feet tall. I jumped to the top. Before I could dive into the pool, I saw that there were other tall trees with flat tops, and then a mountain of logs much taller.

      'I could practice my flight skills by aiming for the flat surfaces, instead of just flying aimlessly into space,' I thought. 'So I will!' My aim was good. I could jump from one flat top to the next. I felt myself gradually gaining altitude again. 'Maybe I will just climb these logs all the way into space.'

      Then, one of them appeared to be wobbly. 'Uh-oh!' I jumped to it anyway, thinking/hoping it was the only wobbly one. 'Uh-oh!' It wasn't the only wobbly one. I jumped from one flat top to the next and then the whole mountain of logs toppled. There were also orange protein jugs piled up there. They all toppled down.

      The people on the ground went running. "Ahhh!" They all cried out. When I got to the ground, I ran to the front yard to escape. I knew they would be mad at me!

      I forgot if I woke up briefly, or if the dream just transitioned. But I found myself watching two people talk about popsicles. One woman ate a popsicle. The other guy ate more of them, really fast. Every time, he said, "I like this one!"

      I remember a scene where I was writing a dream.

      I remember a thing about people selling pills. They had all these pill bottles. They said the pills were to help someone become a good lawyer. They had all sorts of names. I think they were supposed to be nootropics. One bottle had a clear side where I could see little white crystals, like sea salt. It said "Toxic" on the side, on a purple label. There was more detail to that part which I forgot. Something about limiting the amount of supplements per day.

      I remember a part where I had a funny red and yellow hat. It said something like, "M S C," on it. Other people with me had similar hats and shirts. I asked one person what MSC stood for, thinking there might be some kind of psychic download of information that I could verify in waking life. But the answer seemed silly. I forgot exactly what it was.

      We went along from store to store. This part was much more detailed but I didn't remember it in full. I remember in one store, they had some food on the shelf. I was aware it was a dream, so I kept making little hints, hoping my fellow dream figures would catch on. They didn't seem to notice it was a dream.

      We got to another store and I was busted for having stolen the MSC hat. "I will just give it back to you!" I pleaded. "Please don't make me be in trouble. I just didn't know what to do with it." I handed the hat and other stolen clothes over to the police man. He was wearing a dark blue uniform. When I looked down, I saw that I was wearing a dark blue police uniform, too, with a badge and everything! 'How am I gonna explain this one?' I thought.

      I looked at both of our feet. I had on black boots. He had on similar black boots, too, except they were elevated by black ice skate blades. 'That's interesting,' I thought. 'There's no ice in here.'

      An African American woman came in. Someone was laying on an examination table. Maybe I was seeing myself from outside at this point. "We will give him an X-Ray like when they are checking our mini for a baby!" She said. I think "mini" meant "womb". "That will determine if he stole the clothes!"

      I was found to have stolen them, and put into a coffin, and dropped into the sea. I felt like I was watching a show. Even though I wasn't the one in the coffin, just watching it made me feel all this claustrophobia.

      Luckily, a friend had snuck along with me. He could move in and out of the coffin and survive underwater. He positioned the coffin inside a sunken ship kind of thing, and then brought back some biscuits. "Here, eat these biscuits," he said. "It will keep your heart rate down." I guess the carbs would kind of sedate me so I wouldn't feel so bad about being imprisoned in the coffin.

      'If its my dream, why can't I just teleport outside the coffin?' I thought. But, I didn't have the powers at that time.

      Some how that dream ended. I am not sure if there were more details or if it just transitioned. I found myself in Aunt C's room. I knew it was a dream, but I really, really needed the bathroom again! I didn't want to wake up, though.

      Another dream figure appeared to advise me. He said I could go to the bathroom in Aunt C's room, and then my physical body would sleep walk to the bathroom at the same time, go, and then sleep walk back to bed, so I could continue dreaming. I really believed that this was going to work, and I would never have to wake up from a dream to use the bathroom again.

      I went to Aunt C's bathroom and saw two toilets. One was a urinal, on the left. The other was a toilet, on the right. I also thought that my physical body was sleeping in Aunt C's room so that made me really not want to wet the bed. And I thought that my physical body was positioned exactly where my dream body was in relation to the toilets.

      'I know that in waking life, there's a sink on one side, and a toilet on the other,' I thought. 'So, which side corresponds to the physical toilet?' It would have been the left, but I chose the right side, which was a toilet in the dream, but a sink in waking life. I peed all over the place. It wasn't easy to aim in the dream! I felt some relief after, and hope it worked. there were little trinkets all over the place, including on the toilet seat, that I knocked over.

      I noticed myself in the mirror. I had a short brown mushroom cut. 'Thats not me!' I thought. 'I have long hair and a beard.' I knew it was a dream, and continued on.

      'What should I do now?' I thought. 'I won't need to wake up for a while, so I could do anything I want!' While I used the bathroom, the dream had even done this thing where the bathroom light was flickering. It looked like my vision could be flickering between two worlds. I was really convinced that I had sleep walked to the bathroom, went, and sleep walked back to bed, to continue dreaming. Did I really wet the bed? Let's find out... (Cliff hanger!!!)

      'I know!' I thought. 'There was a party here before. I will go downstairs and get some food.' So I walked and flew down there. My dad was talking to my uncle. "Everyone is off doing their own little party!" he said with some scorn. My Uncle J was there. I remember seeing him for a moment. On the counter, there were rectangular packs of muffins with blue packaging. They had tiny muffins. I grabbed a pack and flew upstairs.

      'Wait!' I thought. 'What if I'm really in the physical world, and I just think I'm dreaming?! I would really regret eating this." So, I did a finger palm test.

      looking at the back of my left palm, I didn't see a finger poking out. 'Uh oh!' I thought. 'Wait, let me check the other side.' When I looked at the other side, my right pointer finger was buried in my left palm up to the second joint. It just wasn't poking out the other side. 'Interesting,' I thought. 'Never had it happen that way before.'

      I continued eating the muffins, just enjoying them. I think I got one or two bites before the dream ended. I guess just relaxing and eating the muffin caused the dream to end, while some degree of stress or action seemed to keep it going? Or maybe it was just time for it to end. I would like the dream to last, even if I do absolutely nothing but sit back and relax and look around.

      I remember being in my bed, and staying still, to recall the dreams. I must have still been in the phase because another dream began. In this one, I was watching someone like Beerus sleeping on his special planet. He woke up and saw a giant cloud up above, shaped like a dog's head and body. 'Oh no! I must position my body like the dog's body in the cloud!' he thought, and hurried to copy the posture.

      It must have been some kind of ritual. There was a crow like character, coming from the left side of the "screen" with a firey torch. They had a sash around their waist like Beerus shoulder armor, with the stripes. There were lots of torches lit behind them, too.

      I woke up from that special bonus episode of the dream marathon and stayed still, thinking of the dreams. My body felt really heavy, and I had no urge to fidget for a while. I couldn't tell if I had wet the bed. When I finally got the urge to stretch a little, I tried to feel around to see if I had wet the bed.

      I didn't! What a relief. It was a close call.

      Well, I am glad to be done typing those! I have been watching some cartoons lately and I feel inspired to try to make a comic from my dreams. When I recalled my dreams I kind of imagined them as a comic book.

      Like usual, I did my outline first, then typed them in full. I am finishing it now right at 10 A M. I am trying to get all the dreams written in full before going off and doing other stuff, just so that my biggest task of the day is completed. After my dreams are written up in full I can kinda relax a little easier.
    11. 3,709 Words

      by , 06-28-2018 at 03:51 PM
      On this night I had a much higher dream recall and lucidity compared to the nights before. I think part of that was that I practiced waking life recall again. I had been playing back to back pokemon battles or DB Super episodes but I changed it. Instead of going back to back with those, I journaled about each one afterward, kind of like recalling a dream.


      Round 1 of Dreams.

      I remember something about a computer lab, and some people trying to contact outer space. Then, I was looking at a television. On the television, there was a row of pictures of cymbals. The sounds from them were used to communicate to outer space.

      Then I was looking at shelves. There were bottles of juice. The bottles had kind of a swirly design around the outside. Almost like a winding ramp.

      Someone said that J A wanted to ask me something. I went to pour myself a cup of the juice. I don't think she wanted any. The juice was a dark orange color, like mango.

      J A wanted to ask me what I thought about having a baby. She asked me if I wanted to have one. It wasn't clear if she meant, have a baby with her, or if she was just asking in general, like some kind of survey. Either way, I was like, "Yeah! I think having a baby would be cool." But of course there's a lot to think about before having a baby.

      I had been leaning back on my chair the whole conversation, without realizing it. Someone to my right said not to lean back on my chair. 'Have I been leaning back on my chair this whole time?' I thought. I tried to make sure all 4 chair legs were on the ground.

      I recalled those and then went to sleep, still re-remembering most of it later... There were one or two earlier parts I didn't re-remember though.


      Round 2 of Dreams.

      There were definitely earlier parts that I couldn't "reach".

      I remember being in front of a mirror, in a bathroom. Ms. M and J C were behind me, talking to me.

      Ms. M left, but a younger kid arrived, around age 14. He told J C that I liked her! I think she said something about not liking me in that way or something... Or maybe I just expected her to reject me. So before it made anything awkward, I told the kid, "Yeah, I like her!" But explained I liked her as a family friend, and mentioned our camping trips, and so on. I think that eased some of the awkwardness that I felt.

      I told the child that if he kept practicing his speaking skills, he'd be very good at it by the time he was 20. He rode his bike away.

      I remember seeing Ms. G (English teacher) sitting at a little desk. Then I went down a set of long yellow stairs. Each step was longer than my foot. I considered going down them backwards but just went down forwards, feeling light.

      Then I was in a Pokemon battle. My Pokemon had 2 steel type attack moves. One had 75 accuracy and one had 85. I was caught trying to decide which to use. I think I chose the 75% accuracy one because both were kind of risky anyway. It had some kind of silver umbrella thing appear on the opponent's side of the field.

      Then I was out of electricity. I needed electricity from outside the game to use to move inside the game. There was a wire with something I could charge up, right behind me. I went to get the current flowing, but realized the wire was directly touching my leg! I quickly jumped away, cursing. The wire lit up bright blue.

      At one end of the room, there were 3 people on a couch. The guy on my left had on a white shirt. He drew a black line with marker on his left side pocket. He said something like, "Please don't curse like that." But something about his tone really triggered me. It was probably because he failed to acknowledge/sympathize with my panic and fear, and instead found fault with my word selection. I started to curse him out pretty intensely.

      There was someone sitting in the middle. Maybe a smaller woman. I am not sure I even noticed the details of the person.

      The guy on the other side of the couch, to my right, was wearing a grey shirt. He coldly told me that I was being "sinful". This brought up even more rage... The exact reason I HATE religion. Because they failed to notice my actual state (fear/panic) and just judged the behavior as wrong. So it is very abandoning.

      I started cursing that guy out and telling him his religion was stupid. He was physically bigger than me, and decided he would physically assault me! So I tried to flee. I realized that the police would probably take his side, too, which sucked... At one point, he had me pinned down. "[name of diety] wants me to punish you!" He said something idiotic like that. I could see he had sharp teeth when he bared them.

      I somehow got out of that pinning and ran away. I saw myself from outside. I looked like Littlefoot from Land Before Time. He caught me in a net thing, like the collars they use in Animal Control. He had me walk ahead of him.

      We passed through a swampy graveyard place. With lots of grave stones but a few inches deep of water. Wading through there, I got a little ahead of him. I snuck off to the side to hide behind a grave stone, and he walked right by, thinking I continued on straight. He had morphed into a white ghosty kind of shape character.

      Eventually, he turned around, and started coming towards my hiding place. This dream was pretty scary. Not quite nightmare level but it reached around 70% nightmare level.

      I remember it transitioned into another Pokemon Battle. I had a move that only did 10% of their HP each time. I used it for a few turns. Suddenly, it did 25% of their HP, without even getting a critical hit. I wasn't sure why, but one more would have the K O.

      I remember thinking that I don't want to curse out people like that if possible, since they might want to beat me up. But I don't like having to... Filter the way I express my emotions. Anyway, I just remember being in the woods. And leaning my stationary bike on the wheels. I was going to push it up some stairs. Then I woke up.

      I recalled those and went back to sleep. I just made sure to re-play them in my mind enough to form a solid memory. I still re-remembered it all by morning.

      I also took my 100mcg Huperzine-A and 300mg Alpha-GPC Choline at this time...


      Round 3 and 4 of Dreams..

      I remember being in my Nana's room. I was on a lounge chair near her dresser. I had the land line on the floor to one side. She almost stepped on it. "Don't step on the land line!" I yelled. I moved it to the other side. My sister was there too.

      I went home to get some protein. It was morning, but it was dark out, still. My dad had just got home at the same time. I called out to greet him.

      I remember being in my room at 15. Someone was sharing about religion on a phone meeting. (I heard a share about religion yesterday, involving false loyalty to a dysfunctional church, that seriously pissed me off, so that's probably why i dreamed of it so much. Recovering from religion is a big deal to me.)

      After the meeting, on the fellowship line, I was telling the guy that his comment was stupid. And that his religion is stupid... He kept hearing what I said then taking a moment before replying. Whenever he spoke again, I tried to shut him down again. I remember looking at a pair of black pants while being on the phone.

      Then there was a woman with a book. She was talking about Satan but then she started calling it "Thesatan". There were some other concepts of dieties in the book. She also said that heavy people, with an over-eating habit, might want to make friends with a janitor. Since janitors see all the food people drop on the floor.

      At some point along these dreams I was awake physically in bed. I didn't need the bathroom though so I stayed still, recalled what I could, and went back to sleep.

      I dreamed I was on a phone meeting with M and 2 other guys. But, they were actually there in person. M shared first. He said that he likes "scriptures", but something someone said in favor of them in an earlier meeting had ticked him off. Hearing him mention "scriptures" had ticked me off, too. I was thinking of sharing reactively about it by the time my turn came around. I felt very reactive, just hearing about it. Religion is definitely a touchy subject for me to hear about, unless someone is saying religion sucks.

      I remember being in the guest room, but in the dream context, it was my room. I still felt a little out of place there. My Dad came to the door. "How was your day?" he asked. "Wait! I'm changing!" I said, and closed the door before he could look in.

      I remember dreaming that I was laying in bed, on my left side, like my physical body was. My dad came in the room again. He was angry about something. He said I wasn't allowed to use pencils any more. I think he also said I wasn't allowed to speak out against religion any more. I felt intimidated, and afraid to say anything, but I will speak out if I damn well please. He's not allowed to touch me... Unless he wants to give me a license to defend myself. At which point I will stop him. Anyway, in the dream, he seemed angry at me.

      My dad came in the room again. Again, from the head of my bed, he was yelling at me. Again, he said I'm not allowed to use pencils any more. A little green and gold emblem thing fell onto the bed. It had the letters "D" and "R" on it. My dad went to leave the room.

      I got the hunch that I might be dreaming. I got up. I might have floated up or perched on top of a dresser. Anyway, I asked him. "Dad! Wait! What's the name of the second car you let me use?" I had to "think fast" to come up with a question that he would be unable to answer if it were a dream.

      "Um... Marrion." He said it very matter of factly. Of course, that is incorrect. "No!" I said, and I said the actual name of the car. "You're not real!" I said, and flew up in the air. In hindsight, I probably would have been better off letting him walk away, then enjoying my lucid time, but I didn't think of it.

      I flew towards him and he became a sort of robot with a big white dome top and white vaccuum hoses for arms. I could see him through the slightly opaque white dome. At first I got ready to fight off his white vaccuum hose arms.

      Then I remembered to stop fighting in the dream. I gave the big robot vaccuum thing a hug and said, "I love you!" Then the dream ended and I woke up.

      I stayed still and recalled those. After using the rest room, I played the dreams back some more in my mind, then went back to sleep.

      I re-remembered it in full in the morning. This re-remembering thing is awesome. I never thought it would be possible to remember all the nights dreams, even rounds 1 and 2, in the morning. Without even making notes. I guess I have reached an advanced stage.


      Rounds 5 (and 6?) of Dreams.

      I dreamed I was in a version of my room at 15. My mom and sister or dad and sister were in the room, talking. I was on a phone meeting. Well, I was sleeping with the phone near me, and I dreamed that I kept waking up to dial a phone meeting.

      'Wait, why am I sleeping with the phone near me?' I wondered. 'It has lots of radiation!' So I pushed it away. 'Also, why am I on the phone when the other 2 are right there? I could be talking with them!'

      Once I hung up the phone, they dissappeared, too.

      I remember being in a bed. I was adjusting my position. I kept trying to put a pillow over my eyes, but accidentally covering my whole face. It really scared me that I would be unable to breathe while I slept.

      Then I remember being in a dorm room kind of building. It was more eventful but I didn't remember 100% from the earlier parts. I know I was lucid though. I was practicing abilities with some other people. There was "William" and there was "Lauren" and one other guy. (No waking life correspondence.)

      I knew it was a dream but they didn't seem to. "William" could punch really hard. Since it was just a dream, I let him punch my hands for practice. It actually hurt a lot, even in the dream. But I knew it wasn't doing physical harm so I let him continue. I think that came from watching DB Super, when they punch each others hands.

      Then I remember having a pain in the right side of my thigh. Maybe it was from the pillow in waking life. I showed "William" that if I used a twig and pressed into the location of the pain, I could release the trigger point.

      He was enjoying punching me so much that he wanted to punch my leg. At first, I hesitated. Then, remembering it was still a dream, I let him go ahead. Behind us, "Lauren" and her boyfriend were listening to a song about "[name of diety] is good" that was really ticking me off. I wanted to ask them to stop the song but didn't for some reason.

      Then "Lauren" and her boyfriend were just being affectionate, telling each other things like, "I love you" and "I always support you" and "I am here for you." Hearing them have that kind of bond brought up a lot of grief for me. As they walked off to the side of the room, I thought of my Inner Child.

      There was some kind of tac in the wall. To the right there just so happened to be a blue shoe box of my childhood photographs. I doubted my ability to "summon" the inner child, but the dream did it for me.

      I noticed one photo looked like my 4th grade photo. I picked it up. I was smiling and had big teeth. I was wearing a black plaid button down shirt with white and gold/tan lines. The next photo was of me as a kid, at a lemonade stand kind of thing. There was a big neon green poster in front of the table. It said, "I Love Narrating Elimos". The lower case "i" in "Elimos" was bold. I think it meant "Elmos" as in Sesame Street, but in a child's spelling.
      The next picture was of me as a kid. This time I had an orange poster. It said "My Russian Robot Bug" something something something. I forgot the exact words. I became very emotional and started to cry in the dream. I don't know if I cried physically when I had woken up but I felt very emotional.

      I had a brief awakening there. I don't remember if I got up, stayed still moved a little, or anything. That's why I wasn't sure if this was 5 rounds of dreams or 6. But I fell back asleep and they continued.

      I remember a part near the dining room of 15. I remember someone was saying how they wanted to get some kind of fat-removal surgery. But they probably wouldn't stop their overeating habit. So they'd just be in a cycle of overeating, gaining weight, getting surgery, and repeating it.

      Someone else said that they were afraid to go to college and get a career going. But really they were alluding to what was underneath the heavy person's condition.

      I remember another part about some kind of underground sewer or cement tunnel. Then I was walking around a building... Being called in to work? When I got inside, the job was to go into a giant bag of dirt, and I guess dig. I was eager to be called in to work, but other people were called in first.

      I remember being in the dorms again from the previous lucid dreams. I was practicing using powers with other people there again. "William" and "Lauren" were still there.

      I forgot some parts but I think we were afraid we'd get in trouble for breaking in. So, we left the dorm. Then, we realized that "William" and "Lauren" actually lived there, so we hadn't broken in.

      Anyway, we were out front. "Lauren" was sitting up on a table. It showed all of our names on the side. "Lauren"'s name was "SEVIL". She had to put herself as "single" on her profile due to a lawyer situation, but she wasn't really single. She said that if she was actually single, she would be in love with me. Wow! That was nice. She had blonde hair.

      I walked around the side of the building. I might have been riding a bike or a car, or flying. I was aware it was a dream. "William" and 2 others passed by ahead of me, from the other side of the building. "We're going to the dining hall! Come with us!" They said. I followed along.

      It changed from night time to day time as we went up the hill. It was a grassy area. I knew it was a dream, but I don't know if anyone else did. "William" was doing amazing tricks on his bike, but couldn't understand how he had gotten so skillful. He did one trick I forgot. Then, a 360 tail whip, and landed back on the bike. I got on the back pegs and he did a prolonged front wheelie.

      After that, he kind of rode or fell down a steep grassy hill. I used telekinesis to lift up some green leaves and tried to lift him back up the hill. Then I noticed the food court area.

      The chefs behind the food stands were saying, "Telekinesis isn't real!" and it was ticking me off again... I was gonna prove them wrong! I started to use telekinesis on some of the purple domes on top of the building, and then the dream faded.

      I was briefly in the phase, thinking I had woke up in bed... Then suddenly I was on an elevator. A guy ran buy, holding 5 big scrabble letters that said "DEILD". He held the letter "I" right up to my face, and I realized, 'It's a dream!'

      I woke up from those dreams and recalled them. My body felt much heavier than usual but I knew I was physically awake. Eventually I used the bathroom and laid back down, to replay rounds 1 through 5 or 6 in my mind, and see if I'd sleep again. Nope. I got up and made the outline of the dreams around 8 A M.

      It was a Thunder Storm last night. I actually enjoyed the sound of the thunder and rain. I like the natural sounds but not the industrial or plane noises.
    12. 2,419 Words

      by , 06-27-2018 at 02:54 PM
      I went to bed around 8:30 or 9. I did more journaling and memory work on 6/26 than I had been doing on previous days.


      Round 1 of Dreams.

      I remember one part about being angry about washing machine noise. I was on the phone with my nana. And the washing machine was making annoying noise. So I just flipped out about it on the phone. Nana was listening very sympathetically.

      I remember another part at the end where I was running from some pirates. I was inside a building. Maybe a basement. I had locked the door knob behind me. It was one of those door locks that has to be pressed in. Then I ran up some stairs.

      Some how I re-appeared on the other side of the door I had locked. But I just opened it again, and locked it again.

      I woke up and recalled what I could, then did an RBFA. I didn't re-remember everything but still got a good amount.


      Round 2 of Dreams.

      I remember being in my Nana's room. And then near her dresser drawers. I had stored my food in some cups and shoes. I had stored one serving in each of my white vans shoes. And some others in some cups.

      I wondered if the food in the shoes would be edible. 'Wouldn't it get contaminated from the inside of the shoe?' I thought. 'Maybe I will just eat it from the shoe this time and then start using other containers.' I didn't want to waste it.

      At some point I remembered the cups I store my food in in waking life, which are more sanitary.

      There may have been a part with my sister and her friend M. Maybe something with my dad.

      I also dreamed about rolling down a hill. I had been encouraging people to roll down a snowy hill as fast as possible, and they wouldn't get hurt. Then someone rolled down and landed on some stairs or someone who was stuck at the bottom, and got hurt badly. 'Oh no!' I thought. 'I mean, they could roll down, as long as someone has verified that the coast is clear.'

      I went to write some kind of amendment to my original statement so that I wouldn't be sued or anything. That led to me posting on some message boards. There was a board that had a variety of topics, all in alphabetical order.

      I also remember being in a building with some stairs. The forum had lots of pages. White back ground, blue hyperlinks.

      I recalled those and did another RBFA. This RBFA and re-remembering thing is great. I am getting so much more sleep now.


      Round 3 of Dreams.

      I remember a part outside these buildings. A guy was reading from the Big Book. It was an early chapter. Maybe Doctor's Opinion. I didn't want to hear it.

      Everyone was waiting outside the building for the meeting to start. Sitting in an overhang thing by the door. I didn't want to sit with them in case any one smoked.

      Eventually we got inside. I remember standing around with people. Then some other people wheeled out giant peanuts. 'They make peanuts this big?' I thought. 'I guess so!' The peanuts were like 4 or 5 feet long and wider around at the biggest point than my shoulders.

      Then there was something with coconut oil. It was for something specific in the meeting. I had a little table spoon measurer, maybe a green plastic one, and I took a table spoon. I wasn't supposed to have done that.

      Y J saw me do it, but didn't get me in trouble. I hid the tablespoon of coconut oil under something, and considered eating it to make sure I wouldn't be caught. I wondered why I had even taken it, if I didn't even want it right then.

      There were a bunch of rectangular tables. They were a light golden brown color of wood, with a wood grain patterning. I kept expecting them to put all the tables in one long row, but they didn't. Instead, they had them separated. I guess it made it easier for people to walk around them.

      I sat next to someone who showed me the design of the table. They showed me how it repeated almost like a fractal pattern. And how the design looked like peanuts. They also showed me some dark spots and said something about how it looked like a holiday.

      I remember being at some kind of store in the mall. It was something like S P's store but also reminded me of C W's store. It was a lucid dreaming store. He had shelves of lucid dreaming related pills in the middle. One was called "Red Tops" and said Benadryl on it. I was like, 'They use Benadryl for lucid dreaming?' Those were just circular red pills

      There was also something called "Blue Tops". Those were blue cylinders with white stuff poking out of each side. There were other shelves of pills, too, but I think I woke up.

      I remember seeing a picture of Alakazam. And something in the dream was telling me, "You have to fall asleep with focus. Once per night practice falling asleep with focus, then the other times you can fall asleep normally." Something like that. I understand that, but I already fall asleep focused on dream recall, so my mind is occupied.

      I recalled those and let myself RBFA again. That last detail with the lucid dreaming store was funny because it was on my mind as I typed the outline, but only OTTOTT. Then suddenly it came back into full view. Yay!

      I took my Alpha-GPC 300mg and Huperzine-A 100mcg before going back to sleep for Round 4 of Dreams.


      Round of 4 Dreams.

      I remember being at a shoe store in the mall. I was trying on some black and/or tan shoes made of a fabric material. I needed another size. The attendant guy there was saying how he needs 45 minutes to find the right pair. but I'm not allowed to leave the store to go any where else while I wait.

      So I waited. Then a woman brought out a form for me to fill out. It was at least 4 full pages of stuff. "Do I really have to put my social security number?" I asked, noticing 3 little squares. "Yes," she said. I went ahead and filled it in. (I was thinking of how forms say "last 4" of your social but in the dream it was "last 3".)

      As I filled out the form, and looked around, I figured it was because every person's shoes would have a different foot print. Then, they could easily catch someone who did a crime based on the foot prints. They wouldn't just sell shoes to someone with cash any more.

      Then I saw my Uncle C at the register. He might have had someone with him. I looked at him, but he didn't seem to notice me at all.

      I remember being at this church building place. Then went outside. A Mustang was out to the side, in the drive way. I got on a motor cycle. I had my lap top open on a panel of the motorcycle. It showed a map which was similar to near the Arboretum.

      I had a funny feeling throughout this dream. I thought it was waking life, but I thought that I could fly or use powers if I really, really tried. So my plan was to fly the motorcycle to the arboretum.

      Then I decided just to drive it... But realized I had no helmet. 'Will I get in trouble for having no helmet?' I wondered. I had on my orange glasses and some head phones or ear muffs.

      Just then, a family pulled into the drive way. They were out of gas. The father had 2 red gas cans to help fill up the car. 'I could just give them some gas from my tank,' I thought. But I didn't know how to get it out.

      They came into the church building with me. The dad went to light a big cigar. "Wait! Please don't smoke that while I'm here. If you start smoking that I will leave." He put it out.

      "Maybe you should just call some actual mechanics," I suggested. The mom told me that she didn't want to, because of a bad experience with the mechanics last time.

      'Maybe the other people arriving at the church can help them!' I thought. Sure enough, some people were beginning to come in from a hall way over to the right. There was one older man in a suit. I figured they could help, and I went to the bathroom.

      'I know it's not a dream, but I really think I can have some powers,' I thought. I was in a bathroom stall and some how the lock didn't work right. But anyway, I tried to jump in the air, then turn my body into a push-up position in midair. Then, use the force to push against the ground, making me levitate. It actually did work a little, but I eventually landed on the ground. More lightly than I would have with full gravity.

      I left the bathroom stall and walked back out to the room I'd previously been in. There was some water I slipped on. A heavy African American guy was out there. I asked him why I felt like I had powers, or something like that. "Because of all the love!" He said. I still didn't know it was a dream.

      I walked over to a table where E L was working. He was in charge of a Pokemon card table. I remember seeing one Venusaur card. It's HP was in red lettering, but not in bold. It had something like 228 HP. There were other cards, too. Some looked like proxy cards. I remember an electric type.

      I realized that E L had been covering for me, and really, it was my shift to be in charge of the Pokemon table! From 3 to 4 PM. It was already 3:50. "Do you want to do the rest?" he asked. "Sure!" I said, almost not seeing the point.

      I walked around the side of the table. There was a chair. I wanted to do a front flip with my hands on the chair, and land inside the 4 tables. I managed to get in the air but crashed down on the table on my left side.

      Then i woke up. I had been laying on my left side physically, so it made sense to land that way. I think I was afraid I had hurt my ribs, until I realized it was a dream. Then, I was like, 'Argh! I was trying all that stuff but didn't realize it was actually a dream!!!'



      Round 5 of Dreams.

      I remember driving around near O B and then being at a gas station. I was thinking about making a You Tube channel. Something about hiding my identity though. Or responding to comments. Not sure.

      Then I was in a place like that church place again. I remember Vegeta was there. A guy from the church was offering him some diagrams on the wall that would be helpful for target practice. Vegeta said, "no thanks," because he was afraid the pictures would brain wash him.

      Then, an older man came through without a shirt. He got his shirt and put it on. There was something about how that man proved that people here were being brain washed. They were under mind control.

      Then Vegeta was about to buy something at the vending machine. "No! Don't buy the processed food!" I said. But it was too late. He selected a thing of cookies.

      He ate half of one. "I will just use these when my HP gets low," he said. There was something about writing it down. "Okay," I said. "It's good to have something you like."

      Then it shifted to where I had a brand new blue chair cushion on a table... And a guy was walking on top of the table to get to something. He stepped on my blue cushion a little and I got really angry. I started yelling at him. "You should ask first to see if its okay to step on my cushion!!!" Something like that. He yelled back.

      I also remember something about writing my dream journal entry. I was writing on paper, and also had some drawings on the paper. I was writing around the drawings. I remember I was writing about the part with the mom and the kids.

      I also remember something with a stack of coins. I think that was as I was waking up. I saw that image.

      I woke up and recalled those, then re-played all the night's dreams in my mind. I've been regularly getting 5 rounds of dreams per night, which I think is good. I also appreciate the consistency. My shoulders have begun to hurt from sleeping on my side again. That worries me a little but I hope it goes away. I missed the 7:30 W A meeting because it was 8:14 by the time I finished the dream outline. But I'm glad I'm sleeping enough for a change. Sometimes early morning meetings are hard to let go of. In the past I would be too adrenalized about getting to the meeting, and not let myself finish sleeping. I am trying to let go of that now, since there are plenty of day time meetings.
    13. 2,987 words - selected parts in bold

      by , 06-25-2018 at 03:00 PM
      I went to bed around 8. I spent most of the day watching cartoons and playing on Pokemon Showdown, so it was surprising how many dreams I got.


      Round 1 of dreams.

      I initially remembered more dreams, and even re-remembered them once I woke up from round 2. But the memory had vanished by the next time I went to retrieve it! I was lucky to even recall this. There was actually a lot I initially remembered and I made sure to think about it a few times over instead of lingering on the one detail I was stuck on, to form a more solid memory.

      I think there was something at my nana's. Maybe with my uncle or Aunt C or more relatives.

      There was a part where I was at my college house. I remember being in the room 2 or 3 loft. There was something about a chimney leading up. A square hole in the ceiling.

      There was something about a T V show or movie. Maybe a cartoon. Something about 3 episodes. So I figured that all 3 fit in the half hour time period. But then 4 episodes were listed. So I figured 2 fit in a half hour and the whole show aired for an hour. The writing had a green background, with black text. I might have navigated a computer monitor.

      Then I was going down the stairs from this movie theater thing. Mr. Krabs from Sponge Bob was the manager. There was something about taking out insurance before going down the stairs.

      I woke up and recalled a good amount. I even remember the feeling of going back through it and being glad to remember further back into it. But I can't get it any more.


      Round 2 and 3 of Dreams. I think I woke up at some point in between these and fell back asleep but I'm not sure where. There were earlier parts that I forgot. I think I woke up with only one dream memory at first. Something gray. Then thought about round 1 of dreams and went back to sleep.

      I remember being in my high school. Mr. E had told me that everyone should be resting and relaxing, not working too hard. I got to the gym class. We were all seated in that lobby between the weight room and the wrestling room.

      I wanted to tell everyone that Mr. E said they should be resting and relaxing. Not working too hard. But I felt bad about telling them what to do. The person didn't really look like Mr. E, but just the same hair color.

      I was sitting in a line of people. I think M C was there. I wanted to change my socks. I had grey socks. But I didn't want anyone to see my feet. In the dream I imagined my own feet and didn't want others to see them. So I thought of going behind another set of doors to change my socks.

      I remember drawing an octopus, or trying to. I made it have a tongue thing poking out of its mouth. And I was going to give it lots of extra tentacles. I was drawing in pencil on white paper.

      I remember a part with C P. We had been friends in the dream. I wanted to tell him that I had seen his little brother one day in the nieghborhood. He said he already heard my story.

      I wished that he hadn't said that. I really wanted to tell him the story again, and had hoped that he would just sort of humor me by saying he had never heard it. That would be putting more focus on emotions than facts, which was what I think can be more important some times.

      I remember seeing lasers in the sky. It was night time. There were some yellow lines of lasers and some other laser things. R M had a remote control that he used to control them.

      Soon, we were flying above the high way, shooting yellow lasers at cars. I thought it was all just a visual show, and not really doing any damage. Then, one of the cars shot one white orb of light up at me, which I barely dodged. I realized that we had probably been blowing up the cars every time we shot a laser at them, so we could stop now.

      I remember getting down to the high way, and it was day time again. There was a truck which was said to contain oxygen. A rectangular vent on the side was open. The driver said to put the plug in it. The plug was another rectangular thing with black goo dripping off of it. "Are you sure you want this in the oxygen?" I asked.

      I remember a guy had pulled a prank which was not looked on favorably. I wanted to vouch for him because I usually support the under dog. But this one was too much for me. I had a yellow piece of chalk I was using to write on the bricks and pavement of the ground. As I went around thinking, 'Sorry, I don't know if I can help this time...'

      I remember arriving at a restaurant area. There was one restaurant which was built on a 45 degree hill. I looked around there and might have seen families dining.

      I kept walking along and got to an area with a high step up to the dining floor. My mom was up there, so I went up to see her. She was sitting accross from Uncle M.

      I wondered if I would sit next to Mom, or next to Uncle M. There was a chair next to Uncle M but it turned out to be wobbly. I went looking for another chair.

      The table they were sitting at rotated and then L N was sitting there. I think my mom was talking about stuff, and left. It was some kind of meeting. After my mom, or maybe it was another woman, left, L N went on to take their inventory and complain about them. I think complaining is great. However, something about how she took the woman's inventory reminded me that I need to go to A C A.

      I thought of an A C A meeting I could share on. I thought about what I would say in the 4 minutes. then, I realized that by the time I get to the meeting, I might forget all about that, or it might not come out right. So I just had the realization for myself in that moment.

      As I thought, I found myself swimming or body surfing in a body of water. It was very colorful with blue water and orange sun shine from the sun rise or sun set. I was able to do hydro kinesis. Meaning, I seemed to be able to pull the waves in various directions. I pulled them toward the center which was in line with the direction I was facing. I pulled in some bigger waves, too.

      I think I was doing a big crawl stroke. I reached a wall, which I guess was the destination, or resting point. It was a cement wall. I didn't have any fear of fish, even though it was deep water.

      L N and another woman were swimming behind me. Before they got to the wall, I reached for their hands. They looked tired, but I felt bad for taking away their chance to reach the wall them selves.

      I guess we were just supposed to turn around and swim to the other shore. But, I stopped when I saw 3 green turtles on the sand in the shallow water. I wanted to call out to the others. I looked closely at the turtles. They had pink dots for eyes. One had a few pink dots in one eye place, in a line, connected by a thinner pink line. Then some bigger, furry, green fish or badger things swam above them. I petted one of them.

      I forgot if there was anything else before the dream ended.

      I RBFA'ed but re-remembered it later.


      Round 4 of dreams.

      I'm not sure exactly when this one took place. But I remember being in the living room of my current house. And my dad had papered the entire place. Meaning, he covered all the walls, ceiling, doors, windows and everything with 8 and a half by 11 sheets of white paper. I thought it looked kinda cool, and wanted to do it in my own room.

      Near where the phone is in waking life, he had a tank with a bunch of lizards. There was a bright lamp glowing over it.

      I remember another part where I was in nana's upstairs bathroom. At the top of her stairs. I was on the phone with a kid. But what happened was he had been speaking a while so I just plugged in a recording device to the phone so I could record what he said and then listen later. But then I was listening back to it, and I felt bad, because he had been asking me a question, and it seemed like I had ignored him. So I was thinking of how to explain that to him.

      I remember being in a cafe kind of place. And seeing J L and M B at 2 tables at the end there. M B and J L were talking. I sat accross from M B and greeted J with a hand shake. I think M B asked me why I sat with them. I wasn't sure!

      I remember being at another table in the cafe thing. I was looking at a book. it had a black background, and white text.

      Someone was reading it to me. I saw that after the next page, the font became really, really tiny. Also, I didn't want people to overhear the content of the book. So I tried to turn it off.

      Then I was like, "Who is this?" And I guessed who it was.

      I realized it was K L. Then I realized I needed ice and water. I was almost out of water. I thought of what the best way would be to re-stock my ice and water supply.

      I felt like I was in the O B shopping area near the pharmacies and big food store. I was accross the road from one pharmacy, but instead of a factory, it was a place with a deli and maybe a beverage store kinda thing. But my car was all the way over in the grocery store parking lot. I realized I would have to run and get my car, then park it with the trunk facing the ice store, to fill it with ice, in coolers. I ran as fast as I could to go do that.

      Next thing I remember, I was still running, but this time I was near the high school bus drive way. There was an area of green grass surrounded by cement walk ways.

      An African American woman was the monitor of the place. She started to yell at me. "Don't cut accross that! You have to go around!" She chased after me. I pretended not to hear her. "I'm gonna tell those cops to stop you!" There were police officers up ahead, by the track.

      I switched from needing my car to get ice, to needing wool. I could hear the woman yelling but pretended to ignore her. If they asked, I would just say I hadn't heard her! Seemed like a plan to me. Also, I would say that I went around the yard last time, so this time I could cut through it. There had been a layer of sand or snow on the grass.

      I reached two or three guys at a little cart thing. They had the wool. The woman caught up, too. She was telling them her side of the story. I saw that the guys had sun glasses. I guess they were the police but also they were the guys with the wool. (The plot is kind of confusing to me.) "I get to tell you my side of the story after she finishes," I said. They acknowledged.

      Eventually that part passed and it turned out they didn't have any wool to spare. It showed a baby on a couch, playing with a rectangular pillow thing. Apparently, the pillow had a piece of cedar wood, and a book, inside it. Those things gave it good energy. And the wool around it made it soft. The baby was squeezing it.

      I felt some of the wool. It was tan and felt comfortable. But they couldn't spare any.

      After that, I woke up, recalled, and RBFA. but I re-remembered it later!


      Round 5 of Dreams.

      I remember being on the phone with someone. Or maybe they were right there, talking to me. While they spoke, I opened the fridge. And noticed that each shelf had big puddles of black liquid. Like olive juice.

      While they spoke, I took some towels to wipe it up. I was still listening, though. The fridge happened to be totally empty other than the black liquid, but I didn't notice that.

      I had another dream of being in that cafe again. I was journaling. I was feeling good because I had gotten calls from a few friends. And had some nice conversations.

      The journal entry reflected a much higher self-esteem than I have in waking life. I wanted to convert the font to times new roman. so i pressed "Control A" and highlighted it all.

      When it came time to select the font, I thought pressing A again would change it to Times New Roman, but it didn't. Instead, the letters became some kind of ancient ruins. They were gold in color. I thought it was cool but wanted Times New Roman. I navigated to the top panel of the word processor to do it manually.

      I had 2 false awakenings of waking up to use the bathroom. In one, I was near the restaurant from round 3 of dreams. I was looking into a card board box. It was empty. I was going to go to the bathroom in it. I kinda worried that someone might see me.

      I noticed more card board boxes near a fence. I realized that the conversations held at the restaurant were different from conversations on message boards. They weren't posted on line for later. But then some boxes were put out that had thread titles on the side.

      One thread title said that alcohol gives people a child-like glow in their eyes. I don't know why my dream said this. I think alcohol dimmed out the glow in my eyes, and it was only quitting alcohol that brought the life back to my eyes.

      The other box top beneath it said that it was a choice. Meaning I could choose to be full of life even without depending on alcohol. Maybe that's why. There was another box top saying something about the "top topics" of the night.

      I had another false awakening where I was trying to recall my dream. And got up to use the bathroom. But then I heard a really loud concert from outside my window. There was a female "soul singer" type of performer.

      I also remember hearing something like the intro to Bob Marley's "stand up" song. 'I gotta get my ear muffs and keep recalling my dreams,' I thought.

      I woke up and there wasn't really a concert playing. That was a relief.

      I stayed in bed and formed some memories of those. Then I re-played rounds 1 through 5 in my mind. After i was sure that I had finished sleeping I got up to make the outline. I got up around 7:30.
    14. Flight from Muddy Ground

      by , 06-19-2018 at 08:20 AM
      Morning of June 19, 2019. Tuesday.

      I do not usually post generic bathroom wake-up call dreams unless they have unique factors. This one does, as vestibular system correlation seamlessly integrates into it in the last stage of the waking process, which is atypical.

      I become aware of my need to use a bathroom when I am in public. I enter an unfamiliar public bathroom and notice it is not clean or maintained very well. There are six open toilet stalls, three facing three on opposite sides of the room. One unknown man is sitting on the toilet near the corner. I consider using the one third to the right in the same row, but I decide not to, as the seat is not very clean. I walk around contemplating what I should do as a few other unknown males come and go.

      As I am standing just inside the entrance doorway, an unfamiliar short-haired boy of about twelve walks in, looks at the condition of the bathroom, and starts talking to me. I perceive him as a Communist from Eastern Europe who is probably in the region temporarily. He starts making comments about ecology and land features in the region (though I do not know where the setting is implied to be and I do not have a viable memory of my conscious self identity). I walk out with him, deciding that I will have to go home to use the bathroom.

      I continue on my own and step off the sidewalk onto muddy ground. I see that I am barefoot. I am carrying my shoes, but when I put them on the ground to put my feet into them, they become very muddy, so I decide not to wear them. My feet sinking into the ground a few inches annoys me. Two unknown young males of about twenty are watching me from the sidewalk. I take a few more steps and the ground remains soft and muddy. I do not really feel like trudging through this.

      Finally, I decide to fly home. I lift my arms and rise into the air effortlessly. I start flying toward another building in the distance, about twenty feet above the ground. There are a number of people walking around below. I start to consider how strange it is for so many other people not to fly to their destination, as it is more comfortable and easier than walking.

    15. Almost Lucid.

      by , 06-12-2018 at 02:12 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      I was walking in a town like the one I grew up in which is chilliwack b.c. I discovered gravity was light and I began flapping my arms. I went up and down a street towards downtown. When I was nearing downtown everything became cartoonish. Suddenly I was flying inside a very large building. It was like downtown outside became inside?

      Happy Birthday Jamie

      Had a dream I ran into her but she was all different. At first she was asking me a real absurd favour... Can't remember what it was. But I had a strong "no," reaction and she dropped it. I then asked if it was her birthday today? And she said she was trying to distance herself from her birthday and she no longer identified with it? At first I thought she was joking but she seemed pretty serious about it. LOL

      Updated 10-17-2018 at 03:33 AM by 6012

      Tags: flying, jamie
      non-lucid , dream fragment
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