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    1. 21st July 2011

      by , 07-29-2011 at 11:04 PM
      I am in a house, or maybe a abandoned warehouse. I am upstairs and I am looking around, I can see that there is no furniture here and it looks abandoned, it's pretty dark, there are no lights on. I am with a young boy, he is only about 11 or 12. I look about because I can hear a noise coming from somewhere, I am walking towards the stairs, I am now stood at the top of them. The noise is coming from them so I look about and inbetween the wall and the stairs i see a rectangular piece of hollow metal, I look a bit closer and realise that air is being blown from it, I am thinking that it may be some sort of air conditioning vent or something. I turn round and walk back into the center of the room, I am now standing next to the young boy. I see small ghost like figures that are starting to surround us. I look to my left and see a shadowy figure move quickly past and dissapear behind a box or something. It's still quite dark and I really can't see very well atall. Me and the young boy are now screaming our lungs out, I am petrified of these ghostly figures, I am holding the boy trying to keep him and myself safe. I can feel the ghost like creatures touching my arse, they are grabbing at it tightly and it's scaring me. They are all around us and are trying to scare us. I look forward and I am looking into the room that adjoins ours, it is bright in the center of the room, like a bright area of light. I can see a lady in the room where the light is, she is sitting on a wooden chair. She is an oldish lady, her clothes are colourfull and she has short grey curly hair. She is calling to the boy, she says " call out your Mothers name and they will be gone" The boy shouts back "NO!". I grab him and shake him, I am now scared out of my wits I scream to him "tell me her name, say her name" again he says "NO" I drag the boy and take him to the lady in the next room, I say to her " Maybe you can get it out of him so i'll leave it to you" She says to him over and over " say your mothers name " , he is screaming really badly, it sounds nasty and angry then out of nowhere he yells "ROACH" I think "bingo, thats it" I am now yelling "ROACH, ROACH" I am saying it louder directly to his face, he begins to scream painfully louder, I am looking at him and his body begins to dry up and wrinkle, suddenly he falls to the floor, I am shocked and I am looking at him, he is now just a dried up corpse, he is grey in colour. I am looking around and notice that all the ghost like creatures have now gone, I look back to the lady and she smiles to me. I am now walking towards the stairs, I am stepping carefully down them as it's still quite dark. The stairs is made from concrete there is no carpet on them. I get to the bottom and am now looking into the room infront of me, I see blue...it's a man but just the top half of him, he isn't human he is like ice and he is very wide, the edges of him are pointed and his eyes are very bright. I am again petrified, I think he is one of the bad ones but then he smiles to me. He is pointing to a board that is on the wall to his right, it has like diamonds or small red lights around it. He says something to me but I can't remember what, I think it was something like "see you won!". He looks very scary but he's not, he's actually really nice like the other lady.
    2. The Family Reunion in the House on the Hill

      by , 06-13-2011 at 08:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      I am in a house I do not recognize and most of the action takes place in the large kitchen, dining room or hallway to the bedrooms. The house sits at the top of a hill amidst a forest whose leaves are ablaze with all the brilliant, fiery colours of autumn. The inside facade of the house consists of very natural colours and materials: wood floors and earth tone colour schemes.

      There is going to be a party if sorts tomorrow, maybe a family reunion or something, and I am in the kitchen making dish after dish of salads and casseroles and other side dishes. I think the party is a pot luck because even though I know that other people are going to be bringing food, I have an almost uncontrollable urge to make as much food as possible. I worry that there will now be enough for everyone even though I am not sure how many people are going to be there (though I know it is going to be a lot).

      I have guests who have arrived already and they are going to stay the night. There are two men and two women. I am suddenly in the living room talking with one of the men who has a beige polo shirt and who has a bushy brown beard. He is joyful and always smiling and seems very happy to talk to me. We are related in the dream, but I forget how. From just above the knees down to his ankles his pants become transparent and I can see his leg bones. The transparency effect becomes stronger the further down the leg you go and his feet have completely disappeared. I know this is wrong somehow and I sit back with a white marker to blend the white of his bones with his pants and try to colour in his legs to make them look full. For some reason I think that the man will be embarassed about it if other people notice. Suddenly I realize that the bearded man I am talking too is a ghost and that is why his legs are transparent. I am not afraid or anything but I am confused as to why he has come here and not gone to the afterlife and I think I ask him this and his response is that he is glad that family is getting together. He disappears soon afterwards and I think I realized that there were other ghosts around as well or something but I cannot remember if I talked to them or not.

      While I am the same person in the dream in mind, my body has suddenly aged significantly and I am now an old lady. Also quite suddenly I am in a foul mood (though not because of the aging) and start throwing plates and cutlery around roughly and pushing the two women guests (one is a blond middle aged woman in a baby blue sweater and the other is younger with brown hair?) around in the kitchen . They are visibly shaken by my sudden mood change and though they say nothing I can tell by the expressions on their face that they wish I would retire for the night so they could finish their work in peace. I stomp out of the kitchen in a huff and scream "Dont touch my fucking cheese casserole or I'll fucking kill you!" as I enter the hallway to my bedroom. For some reason I think they will eat it when I am gone and it only adds to my sudden and inexplainable rage.

      I go up to my bedroom and lay down on the bed and though the house has three other people in it downstairs I cannot hear them at all. They have either gone to bed or are tiptoeing around because they think I am trying to sleep, but honestly, to me it feels like they are not there at all. The house feels empty again like it did for a long time before they arrived. The window is open and I can feel the soft night breeze coming in the window and hear the rustling of the leaves on the trees. A few autumn leaves are blown in with the wind and scatter across my bed and my floor but this doesn't bother me and I find that I am no longer so full of rage but feel very lonely. I become confused and start to think all the planning and cooking was not real and I imagined the whole thing. I get up and head downstairs. I cannot find my three guests but there is indeed many plates of food prepared and scattered through the kitchen and in the fridge.

      There is a knock at the front door and I open it to see a young black man in grey clothing standing on the path leading to my house. He is smiling and asks me to walk with him for a while. Even though it is the middle of the night and I don't know this man I go with him anyway and we walk through a path that leads to a forest talking, though I cannot remember any of our conversation now, but I am very content to be with this man because I feel like I know him but I cannot articulate how. The sun starts to rise and we go return to my house and stand at the very top of the hill and I am surprised to see a very long line of people outside of my house consisting of thousands of people, most of whom I do not recognize as family or friends. I have trouble believing that all of these people are here for the party and the young man in grey just responds that these are all the people whose lives I have affected or who love me.

      I start to realize that something is amiss and suddenly I am back laying in bed, half conscious and vagely aware that I am waking from a deep sleep. Instead of being in my bedroom though I am in a hospital room surrounded by the three people from before who were my guests. It dawns on me that I had died the night before and the walk through the forest with the young man was actually a walk through a replay of my long life with my guardian angel, though I did not realize it at the time. I was able to talk to the ghost of the man with the transpartent legs before because I had been a ghost too.

      I reach out and take the hands of the people surrounding me and tell them I love them. I feel so full of love for them and for the whole world that I feel like I am going to burst with joy. Even though I had just died the night before the doctors let me leave the hospital and go back to my house for the pot luck party. There are not thousands of people there but there is a lot and everyone is happy, filled with good food and enjoying life and the company of others.

      This is a very unusual dream for me, because it ended positive and there was lots of positive feelings in it, when usually my dreams are dark and depressing and scary. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying...
    3. 06/08/11 A Night of Epic Recall

      by , 06-09-2011 at 01:22 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Nightmare Mall
      I am shopping in the mall, looking to find some new video game equipment. I want virtual reality stuff, a head mounted display, but they are so expensive. The mall is closing, so I head for the exit. I go down to the first floor to find the exit but instead I find that the mall must have closed awfully fast, there is no one down there, and it is also dark. It is abandoned almost. Did I get locked in? The stores down there are empty and falling apart, like the place has been abandoned for a long time. Oops… I must be in the basement where I'm not supposed to be, they are remodeling this place, or maybe they don't use it at all. No exits to be found here. I go back upstairs. The stores have merchandise in them here, but there are still no people and the place still has an abandoned feel. The computer store is still open, I go in and look for someone. There is no one there. The display of HMD's is in the front of the store, they cost way too much for me to afford. But no one is there watching… I pick one up and turn to leave. Will I get out with it? Something is moving in the mall outside. A security guard? No… it is fast and low to the ground, sneaky. It's not human. I trade the HMD for a sword from a neighboring store. I am being hunted now, I had better have a weapon. I hear creepy sounds and screams in the distance… I am in Silent Hill.

      Garden of Peace
      I am in my house, and I feel depressed. I decide to create an area where I can go to relax and feel better, I think a place with a lot of flowers would be nice. A miniature paradise. I go outside where I find a place sheltered from the main force of the desert sun. I bring water there, and plant flowers. The flowers grow amazingly fast, they grow into a huge canopy of flowering vines. The water I give them forms into a pond underneath the shelter of the flowers. The temperature difference between the interior and exterior of the shelter is amazing. It's somewhere around 110 degrees outside the miniature paradise, but it's only about 75 degrees inside… amazing. I see large golden fruits growing from the vines, I pick one and eat it. It is delicious. I plant some more flowers to enlarge the sheltered area, animals are coming in out of the desert for some shelter from the heat and for some water. I see a portal open just outside the shelter, the sun is bright but I manage to see through the portal that Nomad is out there. He comes through the portal into my miniature paradise, I tell him it grew in just the past few minutes, amazingly fast. He is with a woman I don't know. He introduces me to her, but I don't remember who she is. I take another fruit before looking back over at Nomad and seeing he is making out with the woman he brought here. I plant some more flowers between me and them, giving them their own little section of my paradise and some privacy for making out.

      Sunken Space
      I am in the ocean, swimming deep into the water as a mermaid. Nomad is there with me, and we are heading down for the bottom of the ocean. As I get closer to the bottom of the ocean I see that there is something shiny down there, the dim light from the sun that penetrates to the bottom is reflecting off of a metallic surface. I swim down there and look around the place, it seems there is a metal structure buried in various mosses and algae. I swim down and around through a hidden cave. Somewhere down there I see there is a glowing gem of some kind, the light from the gem reveals a huge treasure. There is gold, silver, and so many gems, but my attention is held by the single glowing gem. I swim over to it and look at it closer, somehow I just know that it isn't an ordinary gem, it is a power crystal. Maybe… I take the crystal back outside and I see Nomad has uncovered an entrance to the metal structure. He says it's a space ship! We swim inside and explore the place, I finally find the main power chamber with an obvious place for the power crystal. I place the crystal and then swim up to where Nomad is on the bridge of the ship. The entire system has power now, and we are moving towards the surface of the ocean. The ship explodes out of the water and we are heading towards space. The ship is still filled with water, I am still a mermaid, but we are flying through space into the stars.

      We All Float
      I am in the mall and looking around at all of the stores. I am not my normal age, I am only 14 years old, and that doesn't seem odd to me at all. I am wandering around the mall by myself since I don't have any friends to speak of, and I am further trying to avoid a group of bullies that I spotted earlier in one of the clothing stores. They're the last people I want to run into. I am heading down the hall towards a computer store when I spot the bullies coming towards me. Have they seen me? I'm not sure. I turn to my right as soon as I can and head down a hallway towards the bathroom. I hope I haven't been seen because if they follow me there is no other exit down there. It turns out the bathroom is locked, out of order? Damn… and they are coming down the hall. Either they saw me or they want to use the bathroom. They see me there and start making taunting remarks at me, and laughing. I just want to leave. There is a hall to the right that leads to offices, but they're between me and the hall. They are making fun of me when one of them stops and looks down the hall, "Who the fuck are you?" and "What are you looking at, pervert?" are their comments to whoever just showed up down there. A strange voice down there tells them to come closer to say that, come closer, yes, there is so much to do down there. One of them says, "Oh, my god! That designer is just to die for!" The second one, "Look at those shoes! With those I'd be walking on air!" The voice says why walk when you can float? We all float down here. I look and I see there is a clown in the hall, the clown offers me a balloon, he says there are friends waiting for me down there, come on down and float. I recognize him immediately. Pennywise the clown from It by Stephen King! I tell the clown to look for victims elsewhere. One of the bullies reaches out to take a pair of shoes from Pennywise, the clown's hand turns into talons and grabs her arm, squeezing and crushing the bone, the girl screams in terror. I tell the clown to let go of the bitch, he won't be floating any more… he's about to sink… sink and be gone. I open up with an energy blast similar to Vegeta's Final Flash and Pennywise is incinerated. The bullies can only stare in shock.

      Trees of Green
      I am talking a walk with my mother heading down a path through a park. The park is actually much greener and lusher than any path in the desert where I live, it is quite beautiful and the weather is perfect. My mom and I follow a path down into a low lying area where there are many large trees and a small flowing creek. One of the first things I notice is a tree house, it is an amazing tree house. I head over to it and tell my mom I want to climb up there and take a look. My mom says it is someone else's place. I say I won't bother anything, I just want to look. I climb up the ladder to the tree house and look around in there. It is an amazing tree house, and there is a lot to look at. I wish I had a camera with me to take some photos. Either way, I continue looking and I find that someone left their wallet there. I know I shouldn't mess with that since it could be counted as someone else's property, but I pick it up and look inside for identification. What if it was left out here by accident? There is a lot of money in the wallet, and also identification. I look at the ID and I think I should return it. I figure I can just take the cash and return the rest of it, which includes the driver's license and a bunch of credit cards. I have money! I take all of the stuff and head back down from the tree house. My mother isn't there anymore… The tree is now surrounded by a swamp, none of it looks safe to walk in. Where did that come from???

      Ghost Realm
      I am in a very strange and creepy place with Nomad. There are ghosts all around us, all of them are glowing with a strange green glow. I look around a bit more and see Nomad is actually making out with one of them, he and a female ghost are getting into some pretty heavy kissing. That makes me wonder if actual intercourse with a ghost is possible. I look around at the ghosts more and I see the ghost of Captain Jack Sparrow emerge, he comes out of the green fog and is glowing green a bit himself, though the green glow seems to be evaporating off of him. Jack asks what us living types are doing in a dead place like this, he looks closer at me and says I certainly look living… He kisses me right on the lips and then gives me a strange smile before doing it again. So Nomad is making out with the ghost woman and I am making out with Jack Sparrow… Jack finally says that if I am from out there and I got in here then there I must know the way to get back out there from in here… um… I hesitate, and Jack says of course I can't do that… first we need the treasure. He is talking to someone I can't see now, saying that person should be helpful and lead us to the treasure. Nomad asks who Jack is talking to. Jack points at himself. He's talking to himself? He looks down at his shirt and pulls something from his chest pocket, he lets go of a slightly frazzled looking fairy. The fairy scolds Jack briefly, it sounds like she says something about being more careful with the wings, Jack says sorry, and she smiles. She indicates for us to follow, then she goes into the water of a dead looking ocean. Jack says to follow her we would need gills… and tentacles, or fins… I transform into a mermaid, Jack says he can't drown, he's already dead. We swim down into the ocean, following the glow of the fairy, and soon I can see wreckage on the bottom. The Black Pearl! And there is something else… a space ship has crashed on the deck of the Black Pearl? Nomad swims into the space ship, I look closer at the Black Pearl. I follow Nomad into the space ship and see an Alkazaran (purple alien, about four feet tall, glowing blue eyes) is injured. The Alkazaran hands Nomad something that turns into a huge golden orb that surrounds both the space ship and the Black Pearl. Jack looks at the golden glow, the golden light flows through all of us, he says that is the treasure that everyone seeks but very few ever find, the fifth element in its purest form. The space ship, the Black Pearl, and all of us float up out of the ocean and through a portal Nomad opens. On the other side of the portal I see that the Black Pearl is now floating in the oceans of the biodome on the moon.
    4. Ghost Hunting

      by , 05-27-2011 at 10:29 AM (Taffy's Sweet Dreams)
      Lucid: Green
      Nonlucid: Blue
      Notes: Black

      Vividness: 4/5
      Lucidity: 0/5
      controll: 0/5

      I was inside a huge house. There were several underground floors. The house itself was only 2 flora with a basement, but there were about six floors under the basement. All of the floors looked similar, beige carpet on the floors and walls. I walked down to the first basement floor and saw a bunch of guys frantically looking for something. They said there was a problem on the bottom floor. I, like an idiot, decided to check it out. Each basement floor was well lighted. Each floor except the floor before the lowest basement and the lowest basement floor itself had people looking for something as well. I walked down the stairs to the last floor. Upon arriving there a few ghosts (from luigi's mansion??) came out at me. Strangely I wasnt afraid. I just kinda walked upstairs like nothing happened. But these people obviously wanted to get rid of the ghosts, right? So I decided to help them. I went back to the first floor, but appeared outside the house somehow. There were a lot of people there, seemingly frozen in time. They were talking, but ignored everything around them, including me. It was really strange. I entered the house and saw someone I knew from geometry class. I told him not to worry about the ghosts, and that I could eliminate them if I found a vacuum cleaner and a flashlight. The dream ends here though.
    5. The House

      by , 05-21-2011 at 07:27 AM (Insights from Id)
      My husband and I find an ad for a nice house for a good price, so we decide to go see it. When we arrive, the lot of land is enormous, and the yard has a swing set. A small private road leads up to the garage. As we are shown around, we see that the house is incredibly spacious, with five bedrooms and three bathrooms. each room is very large. Both living rooms (there are two) are large enough to fit my entire current house in them. The smallest bedroom is bigger than my current living room. The kitchen has enough space for a second stove and fridge, but even with them would still have room for an island. In one bathroom, the shower alone is as big as my entire current bathroom, not to mention a tub in a separate area. The more we saw, the more we liked it. As wonderful as the house was, I couldn't seem to shake this nagging feeling in the back of my mind. I ignored the feeling as I opened a door to a small storage room. A tarp covering a pile of blankets inside began to move as if there was something underneath. I instantly sensed something was wrong. My heart pounding, I reached out and lifted the pile to find nothing there. Freaked out a bit, I quickly closed the door to the room. I found my husband and tugged his sleeve. "I don't know about this place, honey."
      "What are you talking about, this place is great." We proceeded out the back to get a closer look at the swing set. I glanced in the bay window and some movement caught my eye. I noticed the clock on the wall, and the arms were spinning at an alarming rate. A chill went down my spine. I was suddenly aware of an unearthly presence, and the area around me suddenly got chilly. I rubbed my arms, and looked inside again. The clock hands were spinning even faster, and they suddenly stopped at 12:00. I glanced at my watch and saw that it was 2:15.
      Out of nowhere, I heard a piercing, inhuman scream in the distance.
    6. Musician ghosts (Late entry from last week)

      by , 04-25-2011 at 10:37 PM
      I was at a party where there was dancing and live music. It was getting late and most of the people were leaving. I stayed and was talking to one of the band members. He wanted to show me some of his experimental music, so he took me into another room and began to play. While he was playing, I noticed these round, clear glasses. I picked one up and looked at it closely. My musician friend said it had some neat effects if I put it on something made of glass. I looked around the room and saw a window. I put the glass over to the window pane and it stuck to it. I spun around to look at my musician friend and I saw several other faces. I then pulled the glass from the window pane and looked around the room. We were the only people in the room, and he was still busy playing his music. I put the glass back on the window pane and then spun around several times. As I spun, I could see several other people in the room with us. Somehow I knew that they were all dead musicians, all coming here to hear my musician friend play. Then I woke Up.

      When I woke up, I had chills over every inch of my body. It was a good thing that I woke up when I did, because my dream would have turned into a nightmare. I rarely have nightmares, but when I do, they are always caused by chills. It was 76 F in my house that night, so I shouldn't have been having chills.
      Tags: ghosts, musician
    7. Haunted Battle Royal

      by , 04-16-2011 at 07:13 AM (Brainy Vapours)
      I am forced to stay at a haunted house. Part of the torture is knowing it's haunted and having to walk there, alone, through the dark and scary woods. I see a blur of ghost fly by me on his way to the house, he's moaning loudly. A friend brings some sturdy looking doors, because apparently the house has none, it's very old and decayed. I really don't know how the doors are supposed to help me against ghosts, but even so I am really disappointed when the doors don't fit the house at all. He makes an attempt to try to make them fit, finding whatever he can around the place, but eventually I tell him not to bother, and he leaves.

      During the course of the night I am aware that I will be attacked by a host of all different kinds of ghosts, one after the other. There is a type of introduction going on, where all the ghosts present themselves and their abilities. During this presentation I am made aware that there is a special space of air, complete with floating mattress, above the house. In this area I have an advantage, a small shred of safety. The ghosts can still reach me and attack me there, but I can change aspects of them with my willpower when I am in that space.

      The night begins and I, of course, flee to the mattress immediately. I don't know how I got up there. The first ghost attacks. He is extremely terrifying, so much so that my mind cannot identify all of his form, only aspects of it. One aspect is that he is very old looking, but beyond any human concept of the look of age. Another aspect is that he is covered in putrid looking slime. Another aspect is that he has an extremely large... member, which he announces he's going to tear me in two with.

      There is no time to panic, I simply try to begin changing aspects. I start with changing him from old to young... and the dream ends.
    8. 03/09/11 A Deluge of Dreams

      by , 03-10-2011 at 12:16 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Plans: Right now my primary plan is to recall some dreams since it has been quite a while since I have done so. I also have plans to meet up with MoSh in a Hogwarts dream, and there are many more tasks on my list that I won't bother listing here. But my main goal is to remember some dreams.

      Window Stealing
      I am at a swap meet with Tigress, and we are just browsing the stalls looking for something interesting. I have it in the back of my mind that I should steal something before we leave the swap meet. It doesn't have to be much, but I have to steal something. So as Tigress and I browse the stalls I am on the lookout for something I can easily steal. I would also like it to be something I want, but I won't be picky.

      We leave one of the stalls and it turns out Tigress has already stolen something. She stole a golden bracelet with green gems in it. Pretty. I wonder if the gems are real or if she just stole a cheap piece of costume jewelry. Either way it's pretty. I go back to the jewelry store and look around. I find a golden ring that is on a stand not visible from the checkout. I take it and try it on as if interested, then when I see no one is looking, I slip it into my pocket. I wonder if there are cameras. No matter as long as I leave quickly. Outside, Tigress hands me a drink. She says it's really good, but drink it slow. If I drink it too fast it is poison, but taken slow, the body can take care of it. It is really good, but I make myself sip it. I look at the bottle and see it is 98 proof alcohol! I know I have never had any alcohol that strong before… no wonder I am feeling tipsy. I know Tigress and I have to catch a plane. Well now that neither of us can drive, we'll have to catch a cab.

      Aliens on an Alien World
      I am viewing this dream as if I am not actually in it, more like I am watching a television show. I am looking at a living room, the room looks pretty normal, but the family in it are not human. They are clearly an alien race, their skin is a bright color orange, their eyes look different… the eyes look quite strange, rather reptilian.

      Other than that it looks like a normal family. A mother and father, an older boy, a younger girl, and a baby. They are all arguing with the older boy, who looks to be in his teens if I can judge by human ages, they are accusing him of being a drug addict. He is drinking a glass of milk. That is the drug. He gets really angry whenever someone tries to take it away from him and hisses to announce his discontent. While they are arguing, more aliens come into the room. These look much like the first ones, but their skin is blue. The visitor tells the other aliens to back off of the boy, he has something better. He hands the boy a bottle, which the boy skeptically takes a drink of. He clearly likes the new drink and tosses away the milk. He seems to no longer crave the milk. The visitor says the new drink will cure the addiction. It works so well because the replacement has a small amount of milk in it to heap wean the boy off.

      The Puppets of the Puppets
      I am in what looks like a pretty normal looking city, or at least I don't notice anything strange about it right away. Everyone is wandering around and going about their normal business, though I am not sure what I am doing there. I curse my own memory for not remembering what I am doing, what's happening? Early Alzheimer's? That would suck giant mutant monkey balls! It seems people are pushing each other around and being especially rude about now. Some asshole pushes me out of the way and tells me to get back to work. Work on what? I see a paper on the ground and pick it up. The writing says, "OBEY" in big black letters. I throw it in a trash can. I find more papers that say similar things. "Obey." "Conform." "Assimilate." "Comply." Um… what the hell is going on? It is reminding me of an old 'B' movie about aliens controlling the human population, the movie was called "They Live" and the aliens and the truth could be seen with special sunglasses. The aliens looked like zombies.

      Well, in the movie, the truth could be seen with sunglasses, so I snag a pair off of a shelf and put them on. Nothing changes. Well, I guess it wouldn't be just any pair. I find one in the trash and put it on. Now I see the aliens. They don't look like zombies, but like puppet masters. You can see them controlling people with strings. And they are also being controlled by strings by reptilian aliens. I use Liberate on everyone in the area, freeing both the people and the puppet masters at the same time. The reptilian aliens go on a killing spree. I multiply myself using the Divide song by disturbed and fight off the aliens using an acid that proves pretty harmless to humans (it might create a slight skin irritation) but is deadly to the aliens. After being sprayed with the acid they really do look like the aliens in "They Live" except they are also dead.

      A Weight Loss Dream
      I am in bed, but I don't have much room. I try to roll over but I just roll out of bed and onto the floor with a thud. I am glad I didn't hurt myself as much as I thought I would. I look back on the bed, and it turns out I was sharing the bed with my mother for some reason. She is sprawled out and taking the entire bed. Since she is quite overweight, this leaves absolutely no room for me. I go to the living room to watch television. My mom comes in and says she's sorry for hogging the bed, so she got me a present. She takes out this really nice shirt and says it's mine.

      I can tell right away it's too small for me. I tell her that. She says to try it on first. I try it on and I look at myself in the mirror. It fits perfectly! Not because it's larger than I thought, but I am smaller than I thought! My stomach is almost flat! My weight loss has really paid off! I am so happy. I am in the bathroom looking at myself, so I sit on the toilet to take care of business. For some reason the thing won't stop flushing, and each time it does, cold water sprays my bottom.

      Harry Potter and the Demon Parasite
      I am at Hogwarts, and we are all preparing to start on the next challenge of the Tri-School tournament. There is only one problem going on… Harry Potter has gone stark raving mad. He is yelling and spitting curses at everyone in the vacinity, and it is clear that he also wants to claw someone's eyes out. His current target is Ron. I have seen Harry get mad at Ron before, but this is ridiculous! Hermione tries to get him to back off, and Harry attacks her, grabbing her hair and violently pulling at it. MoSh makes Harry let go of Hermione, then Harry goes for MoSh's eyes. MoSh uses astral tentacles to hold Harry at a safe distance from everyone. Professor Moody, who I know to be a fake, is there trying to use spells on Harry. I wonder if that is the cause. It is not. Moody is actually trying to calm Harry down, but his attempts are all epic fails. Harry is now trying to claw at Moody and succeeds in grabbing Moody's magical eye, and pulling it out. A couple of people watching that back off a couple paces with a collective, "Eeewww…" MoSh is saying that Harry has a parasite, and Moody is just pissing it off. Moody says that's absurd. I go over to them, and MoSh and I manage to hold Harry and take the parasite off. Harry passes out, and is taken to the hospital wing. I take the parasite and look at it.

      What happened that Harry picked up this parasite? I focus on finding that out. I get images right away. Draco, I see Draco with the parasite, placing it on Harry's back as he walked by and made a stupid remark. This annoys me. I leave the scene and go to find Draco, taking the parasite with me. I find Draco and take him to a place where I can talk to him alone, where I pull out the parasite and ask what he know about it. He says nothing. I add that liars really piss me off, so try that one again. He says he knows nothing about it… it looks like a common worm. I say ok, that means it's harmless. I walk past Draco and put it on his neck. He freaks out and pulls it off, throwing it on the ground, and stomping on it. So it's not harmless, I say. I ask where he got it. He says he found it, I can tell he is lying. I tell him to try that one again. He says nothing, he appears afraid of whoever gave it to him. The image I get is of a creature hidden in the darkness of the forbidden forest. I tell him I will find that creature, and take care of that, but I am getting sick and fucking tired of all this cheating!

      Portal to Doom
      I am in a long hallway with dim lighting. I hear strange growling and snarling all around me, it seems I am in a video game. I look around the place to see what is going on, am I in a virtual reality setup? Nope. I'm dreaming! I do a RC and confirm that. I am in a game of Doom, but it is in my dream. I remember I had intended to do at least one of the tasks for the LPTC. I decide to go ahead with the Doom task I posted. I try to remember that… I need to find the portal and stop the flow of creatures from the other dimensions. So I start exploring the passages. I am being attacked almost constantly.

      I defend myself using my Witchblade sword and energy blasts. I fight my way through the halls, I find a blue key card. But when I finally find a blue door it has been blasted down from the other side. I thought that wasn't supposed to be possible… I go through the door into a large room with a portal in the middle of the room. It looks a lot like a stargate. It is being kept open by an energy field coming from the surrounding equipment. So I blast the equipment, and that makes the portal also collapse. I am now blocked from the only exit. There are monsters there, all trying to get into the portal room. I fire a single energy blast into the group and chaos breaks out. It seems a zombie thought it had been attacked by an imp… so the zombie attacks back. It is so crowded that the zombie hits a large floating eyeball, which attacks the imp (who was the closest creature)… and soon chaos breaks out as the enemies all start fighting each other.

      While the fighting is going on I fight my way through the group without anyone even realizing that I'm not one of them. There are a few more monsters in the halls, but no more huge groups. The keys are scattered, there are many doors of each color… It seems totally random as to where I find the keys and the doors. I finally find all the keys and unlock the doors so I can get out of the passages.

      Ghost Hunters
      I am in a house of some kind, I am there with Tigress and a couple of guides I don't recognize. We are looking through the place, I am looking to see if I can find evidence of real hauntings. I have a camera and I am taking pictures of everything, making sure to take pictures in sequences so I can compare the sequences later. I can sense that there is something out there, but I can't see anything. I am hoping I will be able to find something on the pictures I am taking. The house seems to be getting creepier as we go up to the higher levels, which seems odd to me, but I notice that the presences I sense seem more malevolent as we go farther up. Something up there is evil… or at least nasty… and it is downright cranky.

      We reach the top floor and the feeling of hostility is downright palpable. There is something up there that is definitely not friendly. Tigress wants to get out of the place, and I can't say I blame her. But for some reason, even though I understand the desire to leave, I am not afraid… I am excited. With a presence this powerful I am sure to be able to see something on my pictures. As Tigress is wanting to leave the room I take a rapid series of photos all around the attic, which is where the presence feels strongest. I take photos until Tigress finally pulls me from the room, I hope I got enough to get the proof I want. I figure that with photo manipulation it might not serve as proof to anyone else, but it will be proof to me, which is what I really want. So now I go with Tigress and I am looking for an exit so we can both find our way out of this old haunted place.
    9. Ghosty catacombs on a lake of frozen ice

      by , 02-02-2011 at 06:41 AM (Brainy Vapours)
      Dream set in some very ancient looking catacombs.

      I had to travel over a lake of frozen ice to get there, but the ice was so thin that it was cracking. I had to run faster and faster as the cracks appeared under my feet, trying to avoid plunging into the water.

      I am with some woman called Evelyn, and she looks like a cross between Morena Baccarin and Katherine Heigl. She seems to have lost her husband to some disease and is looking for his tomb. When she finds it, she lays down in it, and his ghost comes to her. He is real enough to be touched and heard. He keeps telling her to shush, like he is nervous to be discovered. Evelyn is overly emotional though and making too much noise, drawing her current boyfriend to the scene. He is dressed (or rather un-dressed) like the God Pan, which is rather strange, but no one comments on it. He is the caretaker of the catacomb, and he's not pleased that the ghosts are active.

      Updated 03-08-2011 at 02:48 PM by 40720

    10. #181. Eternity

      by , 01-28-2011 at 05:56 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)


      The ballroom explodes into chaos as the giant chess set dismembers the guests, forcing me to escape with the elderly ghosts of the manor who then try to trap me as I escape through the cracks in reality with the maid and her sister who don't trust me after I rescue them from drowning because I can't die (from that point on, we're followed by their zombie-like blue-tinged doppelgangers who are haunting their mostly-dead father who says, "This is our eternity," and means, "This is Hell.")

      Eternity. Scare Factor: 5. Rating: Awesome.
    11. Jan 13 Oh nice.

      by , 01-19-2011 at 12:19 AM
      Phase 1 non lucid- Ghosts in a supermarket, one looks like a red clad assassain, the other was a golem (or was it me?). A chase ensued between the ghosts and 2 agents that were after them.

      Phase 2 non lucid- Brother was about to set off some fire works once we got of the garage, the garage somehow stretched and he blew off some bottle rockets inside on mistake. We tried kicking the box of fireworks outside, but instead it landed right by a rack stacked with the same firework boxes, me and Brett tried removing the boxes that were being lit, but they kept on lighting, but not entirely.

      Phase 3 non lucid- At a party for my moms friend pam. The scene is surreal; the sky was purple, there was talk of giant chicken noodle soup being served and a huge foaming or bubbling water slide i ended up going down it.
    12. 30 Dec: Man in black attack again

      by , 01-11-2011 at 06:34 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)



      I’m at home with my new BF/fiancée, who I don’t recognize. I hear a kitten meowing and I look for him. Instead of a kitten, I find a dead bird drowned on something with water. I try to revive him with no success so I put him down on a shelf.

      I decide to organize the bookshelf which is full of diaries and albums. Zilla is with me and steals one of my most recent diaries and runs away to go read it. I try to get it back. She opens on a random page and finds an episode in which I confess (it even has pictures) of having had a crush for some teacher back in 2000.

      Somewhere on a road, buses are passing by and I should get into one, but have no idea which one would take me home. I make a sign to stop a random bus. One stops but not for me, only because one of its passengers was questioning the driver about the directions they were heading to and they are discussing it. I keep walking.


      Walking along train tracks with friends and mothers of friends. We see an airplane free falling and coming to hit the ground exactly where we are. I run and escape, but they don’t. I then pass by a stand selling second hand clothes. I want to buy something because later I might have to wait for my mother standing outside in the cold and my clothes are really not warm enough. But I only have coins in my pockets and no wallet. I also realise I have no docs or keys to go back home. I keep going. Someone tells me I’m being escorted by ghosts and I find it is the ghosts of my friends. I decide to go meet their families to let them know. The first family I visit I encounter Carlos (a guy who had a crush for me in school) and I am happy to know that he is now an actor and performs for the benefit of several causes. But while the rest of the family accepts the news peacefully, he is the one over dramatizing.


      Temples and farming tips
      On a Japanese temple in the middle of a lake. I become lucid when I hear birds singing and I can distinguish clearly the songs of each one individually. The sound of the water, the roughness of the rock and the colours of the wood, are all intense and detailed. I look around and I see this is a complex of temples. I float through the air in half-lotus position until I reach the main temple where I want to meditate. I offer prostrations to the Buddha with dozens of other persons from several distinct Buddhist schools. Then I’m invited to join a group meditation on a room to my right side, which I accept. The room is inclined, making it extremely uncomfortable to sit on the floor, but I manage to get a pillow to make it better. We are then interrupted by some lady who warns everybody that the last bus to go back to hotel is about to leave in 15 mins. I lose lucidity for a while and I think I’m with them, so when they leave I follow them. But along the way I recover lucidity and ignore them. I cross a bridge and find an agricultural field. I’m surprised to recognize the farmer who is growing maize there - it's Lucas. He is demonstrating a new irrigation system he created. Because I’m about to become a farmer to, I show interest in his technique. I prepare to memorize the design and materials when he turns it on and I get all wet.
      Later on I ask him some questions and write them down on a notebook.


      Family secrets and man in black attack again
      With dad and rest of the family at my late granny’s home. Dad is about to leave to go somewhere but I go after him ‘cause I forgot to ask him something. My cousin Cris comes with a yogurt maker she wants him to take in the car. He agrees to take it later, but hands it over to me for now.
      Then back inside the house, I went to store the machine on some storage room and found a secret entrance to a whole secret section of the house nobody ever told me about. Not just a room, but a long corridor full of rooms. My cousin knew about it and I ask why she didn’t tell me. She says our parents found out after our granny died, but out of respect for her, they decided not to ever go there. I found that stupid. My dad finds out about my interest and offers to grant me access to an office which is right at the entrance under his supervision. He tells me he himself used to go there secretly with permission from my grandma and none of his brothers knew.
      But I’m not satisfied with the offer. I later ask my friend Zilla to come help me explore the whole thing. We sneak in through the secret passage. I find a room with a closet full of nice dresses and I immediately pick a dark blue one I think it’s awesome. I believe my grandma would want me to use them instead of having them rotting. I then find another room where apparently she used to rest. By the side of a bed, I find a notebook with some cryptic annotations that look religious or of some kind of cult. I think I found something important. I then hear footsteps. I tell ZIlla to close the door and duck behind the bed. She locked the door and someone tries to open it. I’m getting nervous. Then from a wall of this room, a secret passage opens and two people in dark suits come out of it. I laugh nervously and ask in a playful manner who they are and how they knew about that passage. They don’t respond and simply grab me. The one that grabs me is a strong black lady and she sticks a needle in my arm. Zilla is trying to open the door to run away, but she can’t. I fight back and take the needle off my arm and stick it on my aggressor. She laughs at me, saying it’s useless, ‘cause the drug was a very effective tiny portion and is all on my blood right now. I suck my arm, trying to get it out and delay the effects, but to no point. I black out. Then I wake up.

    13. 3 December 2010

      by , 12-04-2010 at 02:37 AM
      *I got hit in the head yesterday by my friend's fist (it was by accident) so that might have something to do with this dream.*
      ***Please let me know if this was lucid or not! Thank you!***

      I was staying with my grandparents in what seemed like this mix between a mansion, an apartment, and my house. I think it was haunted. I was looking at a painted family portrait and I remember being intrigued by a little blonde boy. I pointed him out to my grandmother, but she said he was no one. I somehow knew that it was her son who had been lost/died and (in the dream) I think I knew that I knew that because I had had this dream before.

      I was walking in an abandoned hospital with my best friend Julia. It was all dark and musty. It may've been storming outside. This ghost of a nurse ran by me. She was dressed in the stereotypical nurse's uniform; mid-length skirt, button-down short-sleeved shirt, hair in a tight bun, and cap with a red cross on it. She said hi to me as she ran by, and I said hi back.

      I was in the basement of my house. There was a a heavy-set woman with thick curls and glasses sitting in my dad's arm chair. I asked her about my grandmother's son, but the woman said he never existed.

      I was exploring my grandparent's house. I came across this one room and opened the door. The room was pitch black. I turned on the light, thinking I was gonna find like a dead body in the bed or something. Turned out to be my grandfather in the bed who I had awoken when I turned the light on. The TV was also on.

      I was in this school like building with Julia. We came to this padded area. Two of the gym teachers from my middle school were there. They told us we had to stay there. Something bad was happening, but it was never specified what exactly. There were a bunch of other students sitting on the mats. I knew we needed to escape. I asked Julia to go get my shoes that we had left at the other entrance. While she was gone, I knew from my previous dream that there was a way out. I found a door that led into a gym. She came back with mine and hers, too. I was putting on my shoes, they were flip flops, and they ended up being the ones I have in real life, black with a paint splatter pattern. Then we both bolted through the gym.

      I was walking up the stairs to the back door of my house, which leads into the family room. My mom was there, and so was this girl I go to school with, Leah, and her mom. Leah admitted to having something to do with the ghosts. Then I woke up 10 minutes before my alarm went off :-(

      Updated 12-05-2010 at 02:39 AM by 38294

    14. #138. Echoes

      by , 09-03-2010 at 07:13 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      I'm on a scaffold next to a roof, scooping leaves out of the gutter. I scrape the soggy mess away from the shingles and into the eavestrough, then pull it all out. The leaves disappear at this point. There's nowhere to put them.

      I'm moving slowly from left to right, caught up in the mindless task. The dream is pleasantly hazy and restful. And then... the roof falls away.

      I'm left looking at a collapsed section of the roof. It leads down to a shallow pit filled with tar. The wind stirs up a bit, and I remember that this was the center of a huge mystical battle. Many people died. The rumours say that it's haunted, but no one wants to believe that. For a loved one to be trapped as a ghost is one of the worst experiences imaginable in this world.

      A glint of red catches my eye. The sun lights up the crevasse, showing a red-haired woman standing quietly. Her hands are folded in front of her. She stares ahead with a blank expression.

      A man comes over from where he's been working on the roof, probably wondering why I've stopped. He's physically imposing, in his late 40s at least, and he's wearing an eyepatch. When he sees the ghost in front of him, he goes very still.

      I can feel his sadness.

      I wake up.

      Scare Factor: 2/10
      Rating: 4/10

      The ghosts were most definitely inspired by the Felix Castor book I'm reading right now.

      P.S. I'll be gone for the weekend. If I have any interesting dreams, I'll keep track of them.

      Updated 09-03-2010 at 09:50 PM by 31096

    15. #10 Encounters

      by , 08-30-2010 at 12:18 AM (East of East St. Louis)
      I am ridingon the school bus, talkingto someone about something. Iaccidently get off too soon, and I start to walk home. Along the way I see a tall, abandoned house. I start to feel uneasy, and I continue to walk. I get onto the porch and knockon the front door. The door opens and a dead looking girl/ghost opens it and scoops me into a hug. This girl is not one I am afraid of, it's the other, the teacher ghost.

      The little girl ghost takes my hand and shows me around her house - a decaying, condemned mess. This one is harmless - I'm not scared. She gives me a big hug, and then changes from the sweet little girl to a cruel school teacher.

      She drags me back onto the porch, telling me she had best never find me in there again. She starts with an ordinar school lesson, which I do good at. I eventually leave, and walk past a large boulder. A fragment of it breaks off and some dust gets in my eye. I pick up a small stone. On it there is a date. 10/8/10.

      I continue to walk and finally get home. Thhere is a woman there I don't know, and definetly don't trust. She talks to my mother, and says how she's going to introduce her to her family. Which are aliens. (How I know this, I'm not sure.)

      The next day I am on the bus, and we are being taken to someplace on a field trip. A bunch of other, evil aliens have put us on the bus to take us to a murder machine they have made.

      I have in my hand the rock with the date, and realize that that's today. I clutch it tightly in my hand.

      I realize something is wrong before all hell breaks loose, and try to get to the back of the bus. This was smart, because as soon as I do a conveyer belt starts up, and people are put on it. They seem like they're in a hypnotic state. The conveyer belt leads to a swirling void.

      I'm put on the conveyer belt with other people, but we're still able to talk and stuff. People ask me how I knew this was going to happen, what I have in my hand. I'm too scared to talk.

      The other aliens I mentioned that were talking to my mother appeared. They did something to shut down the void, and then the conveyer belt. The evil aliens screamed in rage and then vanished.
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