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    1. Lucid Dream #36

      by , 04-29-2011 at 11:01 AM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 8/10
      Vividness: 9/10
      Length: ~20 Min.

      I became lucid and started to talk to this girl, I wanted to have sex with her, but she said "no." She said that she was also lucid. I was very excited. Then, after that. I was holding a camera, walking around listening to other people's conversations. Then all of a sudden I was in a lab where they use a divice that makes you lucid dream. For some reason, some guy was upset that I was there. But let me proceed with the lucid dreaming thing anyways. Then I was walking in a large room with Zach. While we were I was thinking about my body for some reason while Zach was looking a bushes. Then I was vs. some guy, I believe it was Saskae from Naruto. I was slower than him, he was gaining speed each corner. I was suprised. Then I found out that I was in someone else's dream. Then I was trying to send a post card or something to myself. I didn't understand why. But some people wanted my flash drive for some reason. Then I was in a large building and someone grabbed my flash drive from me and started tearing it up. It contained information of lucid dreaming. Then I had the flash drive again for some reason and was blocking a door from somebody. Someone set up a timer for me so I would wake up. It said 17:03 and counting. I really wanted to wake up for some reason. I had a false awakening. I thought I was on my computer and was distributing the data from the flash drive onto the computer. I asked my dad if they could stop it and he said "no." It was about 70GB or more. But it worked, I could view pictures and videos as I'd like. But then I was dreaming again and desired some pussy. And for some reason I couldn't find a girl to fuck. Then I woke up. Trying to DEILD but I believe failed.
    2. 26 May 2011 Dream 3

      by , 04-27-2011 at 08:12 PM (Lunar Chronicles)
      We all needed the toilet, but when We ran there, it was full. We had to share the toilets with each other (??), some girls were also in the toilet watching us and telling us some random things. They were very flirty and forward.
    3. 23/04/11 Dream 6 Restaurant

      by , 04-24-2011 at 07:29 AM (Lunar Chronicles)
      I was very rich and I was hanging out with some of my friends. We were at an Italian restaurant. The people who worked there greatly respected me. I sat down and started to eat with a small child and a girl who i don't know in RL. After we had finished eating, some other people I know (not friends) came and sat with us. The guy squeezed himself in between me and the girl (in RL he is quite dodge with the girls :/). The girl and I were talking about lots of things. I remember that she had long blonde hair and green eyes. The little kid at the table refused to eat her food. When I looked across the road I saw a woman shouting at her two little girls for not wanting to share a Hell Butterfly, she then took the butterfly broke it in half and gave one piece each to the girls.

      Vividness: 9
      Realism: 7
      Daily Residue: None
      Lucid Aids: Sub Lucid 2.0
    4. 23/04/11 Dream 3

      by , 04-24-2011 at 07:16 AM (Lunar Chronicles)
      I was at school with a professor, he was speaking about cleaning things. There were two girls there that I did not know, I remember referrign them to H and A.

      Vividness: 4
      Realism: 5
      Daily Residue: No
      Lucid Aids: Subliminal Lucid 2.0
    5. From an arctic tundra to underground... (I'm on a roll)

      , 04-24-2011 at 12:38 AM (Desperation Happiness)
      I was bad again today and didn't write these down so I'm going from memory.

      I was at a bar, a fancy bar, and while I was supposed to be enjoying myself or hanging out with whoever I was with, I was watching A and V enjoy THEMSELVES. I was overtly jealous and A noticed. Eventually I left and was walking across a vast arctic landscape with a bunch of other people, I don't know where we were going or why. I thought about how boring it was and how cool it would be if I could just hover a bit with each step. Just then I realized I could fly and became lucid. I floated up and instead of immediately exploring I thought to myself about what I could do now that I'm lucid. I still don't think I had much control though because I ended up going back towards the bar to show off my flight to A. But on the way I got side tracked by little cottage and found a cute girl to make out with. (Why does it always come to this?!) I was completely conscious of the last few dreams and waking up as soon as I get excited so I tried to just go with the flow. I lasted a bit longer maybe before waking up.

      The next dream I was exploring a cave system with some others. Don't really remember what happened now.
    6. It's a bird, no it's not, it's invisible, it's Lucid!

      , 04-21-2011 at 08:46 PM (Desperation Happiness)
      First I was taking a class in "aqua boats" I can't remember what I called them in the dream, but it was like go-karts on water, and they were really fast and not really like water at all. There was a lot to the dream, but I didn't write it down and forgot most of it now.

      Next dream I was at an anime convention or something in a hotel. The Sailor Scouts were battling their various nemesis in different rooms, I saw them as I was searching for something or just exploring. Then I found some people playing
      MMORPGs and they talked about some new good ones I should check out. Then I watched/joined a live-action Call of Duty game before leaving to go to class. The teacher kicked me and my friend out for having some sort of gaming device that we were going to buy. I stopped by a girl's desk I guess I got close to and wrote my number on her desk before I left. My friend and I went to the check out for our games, then I was playing a Mario racing game, like the slide race in Mario 64 but not.
      I came across a quaint touristy area in a park, they were selling candy and trinkets. At some point I jumped into the air and turned into a hawk, but it was too difficult to fly and too slow, so I turned human and flew that way. But I decided I should be invisible so I don't cause a seen, at the thought of invisibility I became lucid!
      I made a mental note on what it was that caused me to be lucid, looked at my hands to keep the lucidity. (And even saw my feet way down on the ground, I was still flying.) I looked around for cute girls, there were a lot of people waking around in the park. I passed over a few then swooped down and picked a cutie up. When I kissed her I kept my eyes open and even tried to look at my hands to stay lucid, because I lost it last time when I kissed a girl. The first kiss went well, but directly after that I lost it and woke up frustrated.

      I wonder if I'm paying too much attention to how things feel when I'm lucid, I'm too interested in the "realness" to just go with the flow? But if I go with the flow I might lose it lucidity and go back to dreaming... Although I don't remember ever losing lucidity that way. Research is needed.

      Updated 04-21-2011 at 08:49 PM by 29436

      lucid , side notes
    7. I almost thought this was a WILD before I remembered the beginning...

      , 04-15-2011 at 06:37 PM (Desperation Happiness)
      I was in a bedroom with K and a some man I didn't know. They were showing me women who could be potential mates. The first two were elderly! There was a buff gay man. And the only two ladies my age (and attractive) were married. So I decided to roam the house I was in search for my own mate. At the moment I left the room I became lucid.

      I started by looking at my hands and interlacing the fingers. I was kind of amazed at the reality of the thing. I went into the hallway and down the stairs, playing with my hands and repeating out loud "I am dreaming, I am dreaming". At the next hallway I even did a little dance to show off the amount of control I had. It was fun! I flipped on a light switch in that hallway and was kind of surprised it worked. Two of the three lights went on anyway. I opened the first door where I could hear voices. Two girls were vacuuming their apartment, even though I don't think there was any carpet. I tried to make myself invisible so I could pass by undetected, I do this a lot. The first girl still saw me as I tried to pass through her like a ghost. I went to the second girl to see what she looked like, got her to look at me then tried to make her kiss me. She stood staring at me for a moment, like she was thinking it over. Then she kind of gave in, leaned forward for the kiss, I leaned forward and must have closed my eyes, because at that moment I lost all lucidity and dreaming and woke up with my eyes closed.

      This isn't the first time something like this has happened.. I don't think. I think maybe it's due to closing my eyes in the dream, without my brain focusing on anything I wake up. The complete opposite effect that touching things around the world and looking at my own body has.

      I NEED to come up with an intent and practice it throughout the day and repeat it at night so I have a goal in my dreams instead of looking for hot girls.
      Tags: dild, girls, hands
    8. A nice dream :)

      by , 04-05-2011 at 12:51 PM
      Non-dream | Dream

      Side notes:

      I couldn't recall my dreams for the few last days... more than a week, actually! It was quite frustrating. Hopefully, my recall's coming back .


      The friend I'm talking about is a funny guy, who's really nice. He loves making jokes and such... anyway. My old math teacher is surely the teacher I respect the most, since she was my best teacher . Recently, I've seen her at my school and we talked a bit about how I was doing. I also bought Half-Life 2.


      My first dream happened while I wasn't fully aslept and yet a little bit conscious. I was simply playing (passively) to Half-Life 2, seeing how I was progressing through the game. There were a few scenes I'd have already played.

      The "real" dream starts here. I'm in my school, going down the stairways. There are lots of people -- maybe all of the school's classes. I see a friend of mine and two little girls stopping in a little corridor. One girl starts playing with a big circle made of lace, goldly-boarded. She throws two half-circles and a full one, and my friend gets out his pack of YuGiOh cards (even though he has never played to YuGiOh) and throws a card.

      Then, I find myself in a gigantic room -- a grand hall --. There are lots of people and I'm with my friend. The two girls sit down next to us again, and my friend and them play the same game they had.

      Next, I'm in my old classroom (the one I was in last year). It's quite deformed and there are way more people than there should be. My old math teacher keeps shouting "Shut up! Shut up!", while the whole class is messing around, chatting, screaming, etc.

      Here it goes for my dream! Another side note: I don't know if it is related, but I went to bed a bit earlier and my recall came back (not totally though).
    9. Party

      by , 04-01-2011 at 06:02 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I don't know where I was coming from; I forget, but I was in a shopping cart or something, cruising down the street and up a hill so fast that I flew threw the air.

      I had to lean back or else I would fall forwards and crash. I landed in a restaurant.


      I was in my house alone. Three women came in without knocking or anything, and started running around. At least two of them were really cute, but it was still kind of disturbing. Then a fourth girl, a black girl came in. One of them said they were just checking the place out and looking for something. Then they left and my wife came home.


      I was at some kind of party. There were escalators going up to another level.

      As if it were an instructional video, I saw how the escalators could take small tanks up, and if they weighed too much, they would get a jolting bump to push them up to the next step to help them out.

      Then, I was going up the escalator. There was a heavy-set black lady in front of me who couldn't make it up. I couldn't understand why when the escalator would help her.

      Then I was in another room trying to explain what had happened to a bunch of people who were socializing. I started explaining how the escalator could help bump up a tank, but this big lady couldn't make it.

      I started to explain how that was what happened in a dream I had. I was getting confused if it was real or I had dreamed it. Casually but quickly, everyone started going outside. They left me feeling really stupid on the couch.

      Then there was a guy who rode his bike everywhere. He was like super bicycle man with a blue, yellow, and white spandex outfit and matching helmet. He did it by choice, but Work was about 40 miles away, and when I told him I couldn't believe he rode his bike there, he rolled his eyes because it was so far.

      We walked off talking about some stuff; I forget what. Eventually I was going to let him go, but then I saw a gun at his side. I asked what kind it was. I forget what kind it was, but he let me see it. I removed the action the way you would remove a camera from a tripod. Strange.

      Then I released the mag and looked at the bullets. I said, "Hollow-point 40's?" He said, "Yea. It is awesome knowing about guns, isn't it?" I agreed. (I know a little about guns in waking life; not much.)

      He finally left.
    10. Rock Climbing with the Girls

      by , 02-23-2011 at 04:48 AM
      Rock Climbing with the Girls (Non-lucid)


      Log: 9:30pm Teusday, February 21-22nd, 2011
      Hours: 8:30m Alarm: 6:00 Audio: None
      WILD: No

      I woke up naturally right at the end of this dream. This was coincidental becasue i had just read about how your mind wakes you up when the plot is through. It ended and i immediately woke up, even at 4:00 in the morning.

      This dream starts out as i am running or quickly walking through a rocky environment. I was up in far into the cliffs and caves. I was heading downwards and all of the sudden i hit a rock in my way. I foolishly realized that the place i was trying to get to was further on in the quest and knew that i had to keep going. As i climbed up and over the rock, i ran into Lena, and i put both hands on her shoulders and asked her if we could keep going, i was begging almost. She said we could. Very immediately, the numbers of characters increased greatly and they changed also. It was now Allison, Sam, Brenna, and Megan. I was much happier with this group of young ladies. As i went further up the rock to climb out the hole, my ipod fell from my pants pocket and fell to the ledge where only magic could help me. I kept going after i solemnly pointed out that i had finally lost my ipod. I was happier than ever inthis dream, ecstatic almost. I swung around suddenly, grabbing hold of Allison. She helplessly pleaded to me not to swing! Never swing! She kept saying it. So i apologized. And it had gotten into twilight by now. We decided at some point to go back home. As we headed back over the rock i was trying to get over, i noticed that we were standing on a flat rock surface. That meant that my ipod wasn't lost after all! I rushed over to the pile of rock and dug through it until i found my ipod, better than ever.
      All of the sudden now we were back home, and it was Brenna's house but looked like mine. All except for one thing. There was a giant hammock-like pathway from the slide part of the swingset to the roof. This was how you get to the rock climbing environments. I wanted to impress Sam, so as we walked off of the deck, I climbed effortlessly to the top of it. I was casually laying there as Sam walked out and she was smiling. Then Brenna came over and i was laying on it talking about how ocmfortable it was. Then i could tell by the look on her face that i should get down... I said something about how expensive i thought it was, and she agreed. And then i got down, and it ended.
    11. The Glowing Tunnel

      by , 02-03-2011 at 08:23 AM (Reading With My Eyes Shut)
      My Notes

      I went to sleep at around 12am. I woke at 6am. I don't have any idea why, but when I woke up to try WILD I thought I hadn't gotten any sleep that night, and I went back to bed. I must of been dreaming and heard the alarm but didn't wake up. Who knows. After falling asleep I had my only dream for the night.

      I'm in my bed. I'm looking toward the wall where my feet point to. To my right there's another queen-size bed, kind of leaning over my bed. It's hard to explain.
      "That's odd" I thought. I looked outside my bedroom door, and even though the morning sun had started to come up, it was pitch black on the other side. I got out of bed and instantly became lucid. I walked through the door and into the piano room. I was determined to keep the dream, and my lucidity, strong. I rubbed my hands and yelled out "This is a dream!" quite a few times.
      I tried to spawn the girl I like to say to her all the things I've wanted to say. Despite being lucid, I wasn't lucid to an extent where I remember everything from the real world, so I didn't remember how to properly spawn. I walked into the hallway and tried to spawn her. I put my hand 20cm in front of my face and imagined her appearing behind it when I moved it. Nothing happened. I then closed my eyes and imagined her being in front of me. When I opened them, everything had become black and blurry. I instantly remembered you're not supposed to close your eyes in a dream and rubbed my hands vigorously. I went back into the piano room and started spinning. I was trying to spawn back in my bedroom with her in it. Everything turned into a clash of swirling colours: light blue, white & yellow.
      I stopped spinning, and I was in my bedroom. Thinking about it now it was fairly silly teleporting to a room right next to the one I was in. In the bedroom was a naked girl sitting on her knees behind the coffee table.. I was shocked at first by the perfection of her body. I looked up at her face to find she wasn't the girl I was trying to find, in fact I'd never seen her before in my life. She may have been very pretty with a perfect body, but she wasn't the girl I wanted to talk to. For a few seconds, I remember my little brother being in the room with me. I sat down, disappointed, and when I looked back at the girl I saw that her "female bits" had been replaced by "male bits." Maybe it was time to leave...

      I started spinning again. I ended up on a large piece of flat concrete. It had a tent-roof and a sheet of plastic used as a wall to my left. I looked like a greenhouse. All around me in the distance was nothing but flat green grass, the kind from video games. In the distance was a large building. I didn't see it in great detail.
      By this point I was still lucid and knew I was dreaming, but I started to believe the people I met and the things I did were real. I stopped noticing strange things.

      I'm in the mansion. I'm no longer lucid and everything from here on is slightly fragmented. I do remember that inside the mansion was very beautiful. The room I was in was about 5 stories high, and there were decorations everywhere. There was also a shiny, wooden grand piano. Next to the piano was a round coffee table with a laptop on it. I browse the dream-version of the Dreamviews forum. It's featureless, the background is black and the text is brown and purple. I actually add a few to my favourites.
      What happened next in retrospect was fairly beautiful. First I try to light the roof of the building. I manage only to create a light red / orange light. Some man near me smirks at me.
      I don't know how I got there, but I'm in an endless black tunnel. The tunnel swerved and had nothing in it whatsoever. A group of about 10-15 people and I were literally flying though it. As we flew we created a moderately dim dark-blue light, with a white sparkle here and there. I enjoy this quite a lot, and then the dream ended.

      I'm disappointed I wasn't lucid for that last part.

      Just a note, that part of the dream when I saw the bed next to mine and became lucid, I have a strange memory of that happening twice. I don't know why but it just feels like I experienced it once then right away afterward, then became lucid.

      Updated 02-13-2011 at 05:04 AM by 25794

      lucid , false awakening , memorable , side notes
    12. 12/15/2010 - "Captain Cockblocked", "Tygra's Tale", "Genetic Swimgineering", "Fish Memorial"

      by , 12-16-2010 at 09:04 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      (Pretty epic night of dreaming, last night. Wasn't feeling too good, when I came home from work, so I ended up going to bed early and actually getting a full 8 hours of sleep! Haha. Woke up a couple of times, throughout the night, take some notes on my dreams.)

      Dream One:
      "Captain Cockblocked"

      I was the Captain of a brigade on a huge, futuristic ship. The whole dream took place inside the ship, so I honestly don't know if it was a water vessel or a spaceship. But I could tell, from the our uniforms and technology, that it was definitely in the future. As Captain, I had a really hard time getting my unruly platoon in order. They were quite a band of misfits, and would only listen to me when I really came down on them. I'm really not sure that I liked all of the responsibility for such a wily bunch. There were two stand-out soldiers in this dream, though. Two women. It seems that there was something of a love triangle going on, between us. One of the women and I were definitely seeing each other, and the other woman (who looked a bit like a cross between Angelina Jolie and the Baroness from G.I. Joe) was vying for my affection.

      My official love interest and I were sparring on a large platform made of metallic grid-work, set high above the rest of the platoon. The "room" we were in was enormous - more like a hanger - and the rest of the platoon was watching from down below. The spar was actually pretty interesting. It was a strange dance of attacking/evading, without ever coming in contact with each other. It was quite graceful. If I was facing away from her, she would slide in for a leg sweep, and I would do a slow, precise, back handspring over her, landing on her other side. Then I would throw a high kick at her, and she would bend sideways, beneath it, and cartwheel away. It was a lot like Capoeira, actually, but more straight-forward, and with less dancing. It wasn't intense, in the slightest. It was kind of erotic, really, and we were just enjoying how connected we felt with each other, in being able to anticipate each others' movements. Apparently, though, this didn't sit very well with the other girl.

      During a move where I was about to throw/spin my lovely opponent away from me, the other girl had made her way up onto the platform with us. I tried to throw my lady-friend with enough trajectory that she might be able to pull herself out of the barrel-roll spin through the air, and land on her feet. However, when I saw that the 'other' girl was standing in the exact spot that I'd intended to throw my opponent...I fucked up. Having been startled by this other girl standing on the platform, I under-threw my sparring partner. She spiraled a couple of times through the air, directly toward girl #2, who was actually in a perfect position to catch her. Instead - after having initially put her hands out, to catch the oncoming person on instinct, girl #2 swiped her hands away, at the last moment, and allowed girl #1 to crash to the metal-grated platform, face first. The impact was so loud that it echoed through the entire chamber. I could practically feel it, myself. Girl #2 just looked at me with a sarcastic sort of "Oops" expression on her face, obviously not the least bit apologetic.

      Girl #1 was injured pretty badly, and I felt horrible. I went to her side to console her. She was holding her face, and it was clear that she was in a lot of pain. Eventually, the medics came, and helped her away to get checked on. While they hauled her off, I began walking to the other side of the platform. Girl #2 quickly caught up and kept pace with me. Quite adorably, she locked her hands behind her back as she walked, a huge smile beaming while she told me how we (her and I) never used to have 'accidents' like that. Trying to dismiss her, I barked that we never used to run drills like that. As if her response had been ready, she answered back that "we never had to." She said that we always just kind of "vibed, in the field." Through this, I get the impression that her and I had something of a thing going on, in the past, and she was trying to rekindle it. Still kicking myself over dropping my new girl, I sat down on the edge of the platform and actually held a conversation with girl #2, though, the whole time, I really wished she would just leave me alone.

      While we were talking, our Commander stormed into the room. A grunt yelled out "Ship on deck!!!" and everyone jumped to attention. Under my breath, I said "It's 'ATTENTION on deck, you idiot." The Commander wasn't very happy. He let us know that we were headed for a battle, and my platoon still looked like a rag-tag bunch of cretins. As if to prove his point, some of the grunts started mocking him, and copying the things he was saying. My mind was a mess of emotions at the moment, and I decided to stay quiet about it. The Commander then went into a spiel about how he started this platoon because of the potential he once saw in a 12 year old boy, who he knew would one day be a great leader. And he made it a point to say that he "did not see that 12 year old boy in this room." Even though he was facing the rest of my soldiers, I knew he was talking about me...and it killed me. After what seemed like an eternity, he left, and I knew that I would have to muster all the strength I had, to get my soldiers into shape, before our next battle began.

      Dream Two:
      "Tygra's Tale"

      I was a lonely, troubled, version of Tygra of the ThunderCats. I had an underground base, which looked much like the hanger/chamber in my first dream - a large room with metal walls and an obscure, blue "screen," which took up the entire front wall and illuminated the whole chamber. After pretty much just sitting around and sulking, by myself, I found my lair being invaded by an entire army of mutants and robot sentries. There was a massive battle; myself vs. the entire army, which had just kind of 'teleported' into my lair. I had Tygra's trademark bolo-whip, and it was just the most fucking awesome weapon ever. The three balls on the end would cause explosions, whenever they made contact with a target, and the whip, itself, was amazingly accurate and effective. I distinctly remember thinking to myself - during the battle - how amazing it was, that I was able to wield such a weapon with such extreme expertise. (I vaguely know how to use a whip, in waking life, but would be completely lost, using one in a battle situation.) The battle was very fast an epic - involving a lot of high-jumping and anime-styled dashing; moving around the area with a speed that pretty much made me a match for everyone in the room, and throwing all kinds of projectile weapons at my attackers.

      After some time, the fighting came to a stand-still. It turned out that I was being tested by this group. They were actually the rest of the ThunderCats, come to see my skill level and invite me onto their team. One of the smallest of the group was a young girl who said that she and I had the same mother or father. (Can't remember which.) By her markings, I could tell that she was a young Cheetara. She told me to check my records to see if we might actually be brother and sister. Forced with the decision of whether or not to join their team, I went off to be alone with my thoughts for a while. I found myself in a targeting range, flicking shuriken - rather sloppily - at targets. I was really apathetic about the target practice, and just kind of tossing shuriken everywhere; even sticking some of them in the ceiling. Above all else, they had just caught me at my most depressed, and I had a hell of a time shaking the sensation of hoplessness.

      Reluctantly, I decided to join their forces, officially becoming one of the "ThunderCats." I don't remember anything after letting them know that I would sign on with them, though.

      Dream Three:
      "Genetic Swimgineering"

      I was with some friends and family members, in a beach-side hotel. Standing on the balcony, we watched the water and saw some large, shell-like....thing move up toward the shore. It was about the size of a small yacht, but seemed completely organic. Some of the people down on the beach flocked toward this object, which began spewing water out of an opening at the top. This water mixed with the water around it, and soon coated the shoreline, and all the people on it. When the beach-goers started emerging from the water, it was apparent that many of them were much younger than they had been before. This water apparently had some regenerative properties, and once people saw this, they immediately began bathing in it. It was a veritable fountain of youth. Some of the girls/women in our group - my mom included - just could not resist the urge. They made a bee-line out of the hotel and down toward the water. I tried to tell her not to do it, because we knew nothing about this thing, or where it came from. She wouldn't listen, though, and neither could many of the other girls in our group. They saw the opportunity to preserve their youth, and literally jumped in it.

      As with the others, they came out looking younger than they previously had, and were completely happy with the results. I still had a bad feeling, though. My suspicions were then confirmed, when those who went into the water began mutating. Some of them grew scales. Others grew soft, mushy skin that seemed to hang from their bones. The girl I was with began to grow scales, as did my mother. While we panicked, they also began losing their memory, and were constantly having to be reminded of who they were, and what was going on. It was just a horrible situation, all around. Things just progressively got worse. My mom ended up actually turning into a fish - a very sinister-looking fish with large spines that came out of her dorsal fin...but there was still something very human about her.

      After a while, my dream skipped ahead. We were now on a large boat. We had figured out that there was a "mad geneticist" behind the whole thing, and myself - along with a large squad of friends and strangers - were on our way to storm his island stronghold, to put a stop to whatever the Hell he was doing. My mom, still in fish state, was in a water-filled bowl, on deck. Suddenly, in the middle of our voyage, she jumped out of the bowl and into the ocean. Without so much of a second thought, I jumped off of the boat and into the water after her. I remember being absolutely terrified, in the open water, not knowing what to expect might be swimming around with us. Reluctant to open my eyes, I did, grabbing my mom/fish and paddling for the surface. I saw the boat do a wide turn, eventually coming back around to pick us up. Something wasn't right, though. I had a - almost telepathic - feeling that my mom/fish didn't want to leave the ocean. She was being called toward it. The more I swam toward the boat, the stronger the feeling got. When I was climbing onto the boat, she began squirming in my hand, and I actually saw a very human tear fall from her fish eye. For all that she was, she knew that she belonged in the ocean, and even considering the circumstances, I couldn't deny her that. With a heavy heart, I tossed her back into the ocean, and we continued our voyage to put a stop to this mad-man's experiments.

      Soon, we were on his island. My comrades and I stormed the base, fighting through his forces and trying to get to the bottom of just what the Hell he was doing. I don't remember much of the battle, but it was fierce, and I ended up losing a couple of close friends in the fight. The last thing I remember was being drawn into the scientist's final hiding place - buried within a wall. He didn't know I had followed him in, and I ended up getting the drop on him, rushing him and tackling him into another room. The room was like a huge auditorium, and we were on the top flight of stairs. The villain was facing me, and away from the rest of the room. What he couldn't see was a horde of some of his failed experiments coming up the stairs behind him...and they looked hungry. Giving one final push, I shoved the guy away from me and toward his 'children,' slipping out of the room and shutting the door. Without even being there to witness it, I knew that he was being torn to pieces (and most likely eaten) by the monsters he had created.

      Dream Four:
      "Fish Memorial"

      (Which is hilarious, if you're familiar with Fish Memorial Hospital, which isn't far from my house.)

      I was coming home from work at night, and I saw that there were about a dozen cars in our driveway (only it wasn't my house, but my friend Kellen's house, from back when I used to live in Texas). When I went inside, my mom told me that she was having a memorial for Chris B. (an old friend of mine, who'd died in the previous dream. I would almost think this was the same dream, but I have the distinct feeling of having woken up, between the two). I didn't think too much of the fact that I had no notice of this memorial, but I did notice that I didn't actually see anybody in the house. Figuring everyone must be out in the back yard, I went to 'my' room to change clothes. Changing turned out to be one hell of a task, though. Nothing in my closet matched. Nothing. And even when I found something that could pass for a matching outfit, all of my shoes were de-laced and/or broken. I spent the rest of the dream throwing clothes and shoes around, trying to find something suitable to wear before going out to meet everyone.

      Updated 12-16-2010 at 05:37 PM by 2450

    13. High School Dream, Again and Again!

      by , 11-19-2010 at 03:52 PM (Morbid's Abode)
      High School Dream, Again and Again! (Non-lucid)


      - Saint Louis School of Mandaue
      - I slept around 1:00pm - 4:00pm, I guess it's the only dream I rememebered during the whole sleep.

      Dream Characters:
      - KC
      - Fred
      - Davi
      - Nikki
      - Ivan
      - Joshua
      - Charity Worker

      I slept at around five in the morning after finally reading a series of manga. I woke up around twelve noon, still sleepy, to have brunch. I slept again around one in the afternoon, making it the longest sleep I ever had.

      I was walking on the school grounds of my high school, along with some of my friends at my hometown (none of them ever laid a foot at that school in reality), towards the cafeteria. Suddenly, I realized I was topless, except for my khaki pants and black leather shoes. Feeling confident that no one is laughing, I continued walking. Along the way, I saw a very familiar girl. She's pretty, has long, shiny black hair, and round eyes. I fought the urge to go near her, and instead, I made the "F" hand sign to her. To my surprise, she replied the same. "I'll deal with you later.", I said to myself.

      Instead of heading to the cafeteria, we we're now walking towards one of the school buildings. One by one, my friends left until it was only me, and Fred. Then there's this another girl, this time a younger one (just the way Fred likes a girl). Fred approached her, and I stationed myself a little farther away from them. I was like watching out for bypassers, so I can warn them if ever somebody might see them. Few minutes past, and I grew tired of standing and complained, "Are you guys not done yet?" Fred just told me to relax, and wait a little more. Instead of waiting, I told them I'll just leave them alone and find something else to do.

      I was now walking towards a large staircase, followed by some of my classmates (later only I knew that they were, indeed my classmates, in high school). A girl passed, I noticed a greenish, waxy subtance, in a form of an upside-down triangle in her hair. I turned to asked one of my classmates. Looking at my puzzled face, he instantly replied, "That's common this days, some kind of fashion." Then I noticed, that most student who passed me by, had the same weird substance on their hairs, may it be a girl or a boy. I found it really weird, and thought of something else.

      As I reached the first landing, I saw David, hand in hand with his girlfriend (who I never knew who she was). I called him and walked alongside him. Just then, I realized and identified the people walking alongside me.

      "Nikki! Ivan!", I yelled.
      "Stop shouting dude, you irritate me.", Nikki said, smirking.

      We were on the second floor already and continued walking. As few minutes past, the corridor became narrower until we were in one line, me in the lead. We were approaching near the faculty room, when my surrounding was like I was in a castle. We past by the room, and I looked out through the windows. I couldn't describe what I saw in that room, but it surely made it look creepy.

      "Just yesterday, Jeffrey was scolded for shouting near that room", I told Nikki and Ivan.

      We were now in a corridor just outside a room, which I realized was our classroom during our fourth year. I sat on the floor beside Joshua, and Nikki and Ivan were opposite us, and listening to someone in white long-sleeves, black pants and shoes. He was telling us something, like he was doing a charity, and was asking us for some donations. He was talking animatedly, doing some hand signs to let us understand more. As his speech continued, he was getting creepier, and everything he said was becoming senseless. He did a rude movement and stared at me, and instantly, I woke up.
    14. Concert 2

      by , 09-16-2010 at 06:58 PM (The Midnight Train)
      I am the music director of a concert. There is a layered platform for the performers to sit on and they are all girls. It's outdoor. I walk behind them all.
      (Should have put a pen and a piece of paper beside bed so and could write down the dream straight away.)
    15. Dream # 002

      by , 09-15-2010 at 08:18 PM (Morbid's Abode)
      High School Memoirs (DILD)


      - Saint Louis School of Mandaue

      Time Occured:
      - Around 3:00 - 3: 45pm

      Dream Characters:
      - Davi
      - Jacob
      - 3 Unknown Individuals
      - Teachers
      - My mother

      As usual, I was preparing for a nap during the afternoon. I went to bed, and listened to a relaxing beat before dozing off.

      Bam! I already knew I was dreaming based on what I was wearing, a white maritime uniform from head to foot (In fact, I'm taking up an engineering course). As I was about to buy something in a store, somebody tapped on my shoulder. I looked back and saw Jacob, Davi and somebody else I couldn't recognize the face, wearing the same as I. Instead of greeting them, I became furious since they were laughing at me. I pushed Jacob and told him to back off. A security officer of some sort came rushing and stopped us. Without getting what I bought, I left the scene. I arrived at a place which I haven't seen before. I sat down at the side, and saw my mom beside me. Behind me was a big wall, and on the other side of it is a school (I just felt it was a school). Few minutes later, somebody passed by me, and he was familiar. He was wearing a uniform which resembled what I used to wear during high school. Instantly, I knew what school behind the wall was, my Alma Mater.

      Later, another student approached, this time he stopped by the gate. He pushed something like a doorbell. The gate opened and he went inside. I was curious and followed him. Indeed, it was my school. There lots of students flocking, seems like there's an event.

      After a blink of an eye, I was with some people which resembled my friends, but their faces were blurred. I asked them what's going on and they said, "Diva's coming here!" (Diva is yet another female celebrity here in our country.)

      Soon, people rushed and crowded in different directions, including my friends. I was left alone and was thinking of what should I do. After a while, someone was walking behind me, and it was Diva! She was wearing an elegant red gown, and pair of glass slippers. She also had a small crown (I find it weird why she had a crown when in fact, she's an actress, not a beauty queen). I was astonished and like what a fan would do, I followed her. I was the only one closest enough to get her picture. Damn, she's a beauty.

      Later, the crowd had dispersed and I was left alone again. I realized that I left my mother alone outside of school. I rushed outside and found noone. While I was running, there was a shift of time, from night to day in an instant, and it was noon.

      I reached a small alley, and continued to run. I saw lots of people, and they were my teachers having their lunch in a cafeteria. I searched for my mom, and finally saw her. As I was about to sit beside her, I woke up.

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