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    1. 11/13/2014

      by , 11-15-2014 at 02:51 AM

      I became aware I was in a dream and left the area I was in. I did a few things and increased my lucidity a few times. I lost awareness a few times but gained it back I gained awareness while getting hustled by some kids, who were bugging me so I decided to kill them. I said "Make this guy die of a heart attack" the kid fell and put his hand over his heart, grabbing his chest tightly. I looked at the other kid and said "Make his brain explode" he fell, and he put his hands on his forehead, obviously feeling pain. I kept walking and noticed I was on some sort of room. I worried about waking up, so I thought of a skyscraper. I said "Take me to a skyscraper." and I started to fly. I felt a rush of joy as I left the roof I was on and saw a huge city with beautiful lights, cars driving in the streets far below, and an ocean far away from where I was. I saw one of the twin towers and knew I wanted to go there. As I slowly started flying towards it, I woke up.
    2. 11/11/2014

      by , 11-15-2014 at 02:46 AM
      I was in Belen at night at the police station asking the Lieutenant why I didn't make it on. The Lt. said to look over my file but I somehow knew they had shredded it earlier. I asked again and the Lt replied "You didn't have confidence in your answers". He gave me the keys to a storage room where they keep files and I went through people's files, seeing what got them to pass. There was a loud knock on the door, which was weird so I found a way outside and made my way around the building.
      I saw 2 guys trying to break in and a firefight started between us. The first guy went down pretty quick and I exchanged gunfire with the other one, who eventually went down. It was difficult to hit them because I wasn't aiming properly. I approached their bodies but found out that they were playing dead as they opened fire on me. I ran back around a wall and reloaded my pistol, which was extremely easy to do, and shot back. I knew the guys had me confused with someone else and when I finally killed the bald guy with the white shirt, I called 911 on my phone, which was hard to do because of how slow my phone was. The Lt I was talking to earlier showed up and we arrested the guy that was still alive.
    3. The Meditation Break

      by , 11-10-2014 at 05:17 AM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      Guiding someone along a path, I send them around a river as I navigate the rocks and earth in the middle wearing waterproof boots. I slip and fall in the icy water up to my waist, feeling the water get in my boots. Happy they are dry, I ignore the accident and we move on. Reaching an adorable old city made from red stones, we take a break to eat. Many meditators are also relaxing here for a lunch break, having a good time together.

      A woman tells us all that it's time to go back for the next meditation, and we all get up and start walking along the road. I follow them this time rather than taking the cold river pass.

      Suddenly, I am somewhere else almost like a time traveler, but without the continuity, rather a gradual fading out and back in. I think it would be nice to go back to that town from earlier, and set out down the road toward it, this time in the evening. I find myself on a longboard, and enjoy the ease of travel along the flat road. As I approach the town, I see it is now fenced off, and a van is parked just inside a chain link gate. I roll closer and some people see me. They are doing something that would upset others and cause trouble if more people knew about it. To protect themselves, they try to kill me in case I might tell someone.

      Quickly turning around, I kick off fast and tuck into a speedy position on the board. Despite going uphill now, I manage to gain speed just through willpower as I outrun those guys in their van. I turn down a dark road, and lose them. Hopefully for good. A guy approaches me as I am looking at dark places to hide along the road - in a tree, next to a fence, etc; and he tells me there is a key to the car right underneath it, and points to a car in a nearby parking lot.
    4. The beginnings of my WBTB adventure!

      by , 11-07-2014 at 08:17 PM
      I've not posted here in quite a while! It's quite pathetic!

      So I've been having terrible dream recall lately, so I decided to pull out all the stops, do everything I can to improve it.
      Detailed dream journals, reality checks, improving awareness (which is pretty hard for me), and reading loads about lucid dreaming.

      Not to mention reading all my old dream journals on here from back in the day!

      So I decided to try Wake Back to Bed seriously for the first time ever. I had to make my own alarm clock program for this
      I think this was pretty good for a first try

      (note: there's a few swear words as this was right out of my dropbox dream journal)

      This is around 2:45 or so.

      Dream 0:
      I barely remember this.
      I woke up, and the countdown clock said it had only been an hour.
      I hear dad getting up, and going to the bathroom.
      I lay there, trying SSILD. I try to do cycles but my mind wanders very quickly. I desperately try to keep on track but it's very hard.
      I eventually hear bumping from the bedroom, which almost jumpscares me, but I lay there doing cycles, or at least attempting them.

      I eventually fall asleep.


      Dream 1:
      So I'm in a car, going down a street. It's twilight out, the sky is really dark but you can still see the sun for some reason. You can see a bunch of woods, and a few farms from the road. I come to a rather drawn out turn, and I pull into this circular building.
      I get out and walk into a bathroom. It's incredibly nasty in here, with at least one hobo in the bathroom as I walk in. The lighting is very yellow. The walls are mostly made out of tiles. I go into one of the stalls, but then walk out as it was nasty. I then see another hobo in the middle of the bathroom, shitting on the floor! WTF! So I bolt out of there as fast as I can. I then
      wake up.

      I open up my laptop, and my countdown clock says it's been 3 hours since I fell asleep.
      I try SSILD again, but it's very hard to keep focus. I eventually fall asleep.


      Dream 2:
      I'm in a blueish green field. There's lots of trees around and it's day time.
      I see a monstrous bird under a tree, and I go near it. All of a sudden a DC comes and yanks me back, telling me not to go there!

      He tells me about those birds.
      They're cranes of some sort (forgot the name) that grow to 8 feet tall usually.
      Males are larger than females, and have ornate colors below their necks. Females are just gray.
      Their bodies are more vertical that most cranes. (similar to Praricrane?)

      He tells me, that their eyes get radio active lasers before they're large enough to carry someone.
      I then
      wake up.

      I once again look at my laptop and it says I have less that 12 minutes to the alarm!
      So I open notepad, type "6-33 12-19", then close the clock. I then lay back down.

      This time I SSILD more seriously, and eventually become numb. Almost as if I'm hovering in the air. I then fall asleep.


      Dream 3:
      So I am in some huge thrift store. The walls are gray and there's some green plants on the walls. So I'm looking around and on the shelves I see some old gameboys! I see what looks like a gameboy color (with batteries!) which I pick up, and then I see what looks like a gameboy DMG but is a lot thinner and a bit taller. The screen is rather small and a very light green.

      So I grab these, and then I turn on the GBC and I see the GBC bios, along with some garbled text near the bottom. :ding: So I look where the game is, and I see no game!
      I then pocket the gameboys, and I look around some more.

      Next thing I know I'm in the 22nd century, talking with DCs about bone implants and shit. It's my house, and it looks more or less just like my house, but there are floating platforms everywhere. So I get on one, and I think about those implants. So there's some kind of race to get one of those. So we run around the back yard (the tree is there), and eventually it's night time, and I have one of those. Not in me, but I have one. I go back on one of those floating platforms. It's night now, there's lots of bright stars and the sky is a deep blue.

      So I now have a CD with me, along with some white music player with me. I don't play the music, instead just laying on the floating platform. I then get up, and go into the fort. Some DC comes with me, and starts talking about gay stuff. I walk into the top level of the fort, which looks like it was made out of netherrack.

      So I'm sitting there, and all of a sudden I start mining the netherrack down with my invisible pickaxe. Once it's more or less gone, I go to the corner of my house, and there's a bunch of tables there. There, some DCs are making a gameboy demo. I take the cart and put it in the unreal gameboy and turn it on. I then hear deep tones, and music, while seeing some flying ships on the gameboy screen.

      For some reason this made me run around the back yard frantically!
      I eventaully get back to the hovering platforms, and I switch dreams.


      Dream 4:
      So I am in this circular room, styled very similarly to the fire sanctuary. The room is open to the sky, though there was a metal grating on the top.

      Ghirahim is in here as well. I have the spinner from twilight princess, and I am just messing around. I'm running into all these pillars that are in here, but I can't hit him. I eventually slow down, and I am right in front of him. I inch my way forward, and I start getting the spinner in him. The square protrusions just clip through his legs!

      So I get off the spinner, and I start noclipping around. I noclip inside him, and turn off noclip. He all of a sudden juts back, as if he was hurt by that. He has a sad look on his face. He runs into this teleporter in the huge pillar thats in the middle of the room, and the door opens.

      So I go through the door and I come out to a rather brown room, similar to the ending areas from the first skyward sword dungeons, but more designs around this area.
      There's water everywhere, and a red metal path towards this structure that looks, almost like a slide. It had two openings near the bottom that when you walk through, you're teleported away similar to other zelda games.

      I didn't walk through them, instead I noclipped around, and went onto the top of the waterfall. The water has no collision up there!

      I try to slide off, but I can't and end up falling down to the floor.
      I eventually
      wake up from here.

      I wake up and it's noon! How did I sleep that long?

      Either way, then begins loooooong process of dream recall followed by DJing all these.

      Updated 11-07-2014 at 11:01 PM by 24562

      non-lucid , memorable
    5. 11-3-14 Florescent-yellow puppy!

      by , 11-03-2014 at 07:52 PM
      For whatever reason, I dreamed I could time travel.

      I went back in time to the point that I was about 8 or 9 years old. I was at a friend's house, and it was late at night and it was raining. The family was furiously cleaning their house and preparing food. I remember the mom sweeping a pile of huge leaves that were lying in the living room into a dust pan. They all seemed to be preparing for company.

      Then company arrived. It was a family I am friends with, only everybody was much younger. Some of them were only twelve. Other significant changes were the fact that one of the son's names was changed to Chris, another son wore glasses, and the eldest children of the family were some dumb-looking twin brothers.

      We all sat down to eat. I kept glancing at one of the daughters. I think I had a crush on her.

      After dinner, the Chris guy and another guy went into another room and started playing with legos. The daughter I had a crush on went in and sat down to watch them. I kind of stepped up next to her and asked if she was cold. She smiled gratefully but didn't reply. So I took off my coat, sort of draped it over her and tore out of the room. I was very shy.

      The next day, we were outside playing. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon. My friend had a huge swing in his front yard. I got on it with the girl I had a crush on. I was still 8, but she was suddenly much older and appeared to be 19 or so. I sat on her lap and held on.

      The swing got going, and instead of going just back and forth, it swung in circles around a pivot mounted on a high pole. The rope extended to be nearly a mile long, and the girl and I swooped around and around a huge radius at a thrilling speed.

      I looked up at the girl. Her hair was blowing, she had her eyes closed, and her face was raised to the sun. She was smiling. I held on tighter, rested my head against her and watched the scenery speed by.

      Then I dreamed we gave our dog a surgery enabling it to have puppies. Then she gave birth to a garish, florescent yellow dog. Think highlighter pen. It was weird. We also owned a steamroller.
    6. Soul Eater Fragment (Mid Morning Nap)

      by , 10-14-2014 at 04:25 PM (Lucid Time!)
      So I woke up, wrote that long DJ entry about 'Chowderland' and went to class. I came back to my dorm and was so tired I must have passed out, because I woke up on my bed, and recalled a semi-lucid dream fragment.

      Spoiler for For people who haven't watched soul eater (So basically everybody):

      Anyways, I can't recall much. The characters are making their way through an urban area at night, and I think had some kind of battle. I don't really recall much of what happened, just a couple of vivid images.
      One of the strange things I recall was that they did not look like anime characters, they actually looked like real people. They looked a little bit different than their designs on the show, too. Soul's hair was long and laid down on his head (Kind of like my avatar picture) There was a little bit of a spike in the front going over the headband though.
      Maka looked different as well. Her skirt was longer and her hair was in one ponytail going down the back rather than the pigtails. Even though they looked a little strange as real people, I could definitely tell that they were the characters from the show.
      They ended up defeating whatever they were fighting and getting a demon soul. (I know this can be confusing. They are trying to get souls and there is a character named Soul. I didn't write this anime, Ok?!) So Soul is holding the soul, and I recall it illuminating him in the night. Then Maka walked over. He might have eaten it like he does on the show.
      There was this weird part where the scenario repeated itself two or three times. I can recall the soul (that was normally just a small blue energy orb with a little flame coming off the top) had become humanoid. Soul was biting it and eating it in pieces.

      Toward the end, Manei came into the dream and we were apparently a weapon and meister pair as well. I almost became lucid at this point. She was trying to turn into a weapon but couldn't figure out how.
    7. 10/5/2014

      by , 10-08-2014 at 07:57 AM

      I was in a suburban neighborhood going to a friend's house, who had a Muslim father. We liked each other but couldn't date because her dad had just found out that she wanted to be a Christian. Some sort of earthquake was going to happen so I went to pick up something at a Walmart. Some guy started messing with me and we got in a fight. He pulled out a small little gun and I disarmed him and beat him even more. Security took me in and told me to do a memo on what happened. J. Martinez and R. Granado showed up and helped me, even showing me camera footage of the incident. What happened was nothing like I remembered and I did a lot of references to Frozen while talking to the guy I had fought. I watched a lot of videos of me fighting and I was thinking about dreaming and did a failed reality check. In the room I was with, Megan was sleeping. Megan got up because of some sort of leg pain. I hugged her and asked her if she was ok and told her I loved her since she said it first.

      I was in what I knew was my room and somehow realized I was dreaming. I flew up to the top of the building I was in and I started playing with my water magic. I spun in circles embracing the water I conjured. I looked at my hands but no water was coming out, which angered me a little. I flew around the night and jumped off the roof to the ground many stories down, only to do it all over again not once feeling fear or pain. Testing my dream control, I flew through the floor, appearing in the same room I was in. I did the same with the roof of the room. I decided to leave and went back to where I was, looking for a door to teleport me out of the area. For some reason, the first thing that came to mind was a prostitution ring, so that's where I chose to go. Going through a door, that led to a bathroom, I decided to go through the bookshelf and the wall behind it because I knew that would take me somewhere. I walked towards the bookshelf and eventually through it, only to get stuck half-way inside it. I wailed my arms, trying to grab onto something to pull me past the shelf but I told myself "It's all about expectation" and expecting to actually be able to go through the wall, I did, entering a long, dark, scary hallway. I reached for my flashlight, wondering if I even had my duty belt on. I shined my flashlight through the hallway, illuminating the way with a realistic beam. I covered the flashlight halfway, in case there was something on the other side of the hallway that could see the beam.
      Eventually, I came upon a large, empty office room on a high building, with windows that allowed me to see out into the other tall buildings in the city. Looking around, I saw a desk, couch, bookshelf, old TV, and some paperwork. I knew it had to represent something so I yelled out "What does this represent!?" and pointing at the TV, implying that it would turn on and tell me my answer. Instead, the TV turned on and showed a channel with weak signal and static. There was a bag full of money but on the straps holding the money, there were notes that would read in order. The notes were from many different people and I knew one of them was personally from my subconscious, I saw another one that said it was from my pastor. The one from my subconscious stated something about when I was younger. I started worrying about remembering everything when I woke up but kept reading. I saw a map with a list of places but the only one I could remember was 'Rake's, OH' before waking up.
    8. 10/3/2014

      by , 10-08-2014 at 07:32 AM
      I was a hero in counter strike and the setting was in Venezuela. I was in some sort of big indoor or underground city doing city type stuff like taking taxis, buying groceries, hitting on girls, etc. I got a gun and some monster machines started attacking an important building that had to do with money. Me and my partner defended the place but eventually got overrun so we jumped off a railing and onto the floor, doing a roll and running up an elevator away from zombies. My partner told me to get inside and as I was running, I saw a big monster inside the elevator. We fought the monster and managed to kill it as we went up hundreds of stories. My parners clothing looked like an older version of the TF2 scout and he was sad that he had to let go of his bat to kill the monster. We got out of the elevator and ran through a forest at night as he was saying how sad he was.
    9. Car Alarm, Other stuff

      by , 10-03-2014 at 11:10 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was outside of school in the B parking lot, and it was dark outside. The parking lot was heavily crowded with people and it was as though a concert was about to begin. I was standing with my friends Patrick, Dylan, and Trey next to a red car that was parked. We talked for a bit and while we did, my foot actually slipped and slammed into the side door of the red car. Moments later Patrick ended up hitting the car harder than I did, and this made the car alarm go off.
      I thought that I had made the car alarm go off, and Patrick just touched the car at the exact time that it went off, but I wasn't sure. Immediately as the car alarm went off, we all started running away from the car. Everyone in the parking lot ran away from it as well. I remember running past a huge yellow storage truck. Everyone ended up running into the A parking lot- the closest one to the school. As I made it over here I got detached from my friends and ended up talking to some random black dude. He invited me to go somewhere, more specifically he wanted me to follow him I think.
      I then remember being in a big grassy field, and behind me I could see a huge concert stage with all the lights and everything. I think we ended up riding bikes around or something.

      2. I was at a gas station at night time, and I remember stealing something. The police made a huge deal out of it and ended up searching for the criminal, and they didn't know it was me. Later on I went to my house and went up into my room, it was still nighttime. A police officer came into my house and asked a few questions to my parents and searched the house for evidence. My name was brought up and I remember thinking, "Nah, they'll never know it was me", and remaining completely relaxed.
      My sister came upstairs later and I talked to her for a little bit.
    10. When the Spiritual Guide Knocks

      by , 10-01-2014 at 10:20 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      I am sitting alone in a big apartment complex, listening to the rain pitter patter on the roof. It's night time, and I'm not sure what to do really. I faintly hear a knocking outside, but it's not at my door. I consider ignoring it, but decide to see who it is, since it is raining outside, and someone might need some help.

      I go outside, and around the building to the front side of it about 100 ft around the corner and see that it was my spiritual guide knocking at the door. I got the impression he was trying to offer me a ride. He is now just about at his car, and about to drive away. I run up to him before he leaves, and tell him that I'd like a ride.

      Once I get in the car, my good friend from school is now the driver, and it is day time. We're on a snowy mountain road, driving faster than I would drive given the conditions. There is a narrow band of dry road that is totally safe, but on each side is a slippery mix of snow and ice. My friend turns a corner too sharply, dipping into the slippery area, and the car spins off the road. Now air born, we are falling toward an icy river that looks really unpleasant. I see a snow bank just below, and think how nice it would be if we landed there instead.

      We do! The front of the car sinks deep into the snow bank, far enough that we have to use the rear doors to get out. As soon as we get out and climb away a little, the snow gives way, and the car falls into the icy water below. As soon as it splashes in, I see my spiritual guide again next to me, with his lower robes all wet like he had been playing in the water just now.
    11. Sex in my Room

      by , 08-19-2014 at 12:02 PM


      1. I was in my room with a girl. She was pretty hot. I had hot sex with her for quite a while. It was pretty vivid. It was with someone who looked like L, but she had lighter skin.

      2. I remember being in my bed, masturbating. Pretty much a false awakening, where I didn't wake and instead just masturbated and went to sleep.

      Updated 08-19-2014 at 03:21 PM by 69875

      false awakening , memorable , non-lucid
    12. Traveling and Eggs

      by , 08-15-2014 at 09:59 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      9:09 a.m.

      I was traveling. I was in a bigger kind of jeep, almost a bus, called "double tire".

      I saw an aunt, uncle and their son, R. I said something like I went to the hospital in Silay. The aunt and uncle argued with me about something related to it. I just got annoyed because they were not making sense; why would they be mad about *that*?

      I was in Bacolod. Thoughts about Don Bosco and some huge fleas.

      11:36 a.m.

      Airplane? Almost late? Print? Slow? asdfasf

      4:06 p.m.

      I was in a supermarket. I was looking for eggs. I saw some huge ones with three yolks (I was imagining them being cooked while in the supermarket). I was with a person. A woman.


      Originally slept at 5:30 a.m. Woke up a bit, wrote the crappy notes, then went back to sleep.
    13. Balloon Circulation

      by , 08-13-2014 at 11:16 PM
      12:30-2:30PM nap
      I'm at the Eubanks's house, in their master bedroom. It's very small. I look out the window to see children playing at the house next door. They look up toward the window, but I duck down before they see me. Jeffrey walks into the room then. "Ready to go?" he asks me. I nod. I catch a glimpse of the tv behind him. It's playing Star Wars.
      The scene changes. I'm in my house, on the back desk, and it's already dark outside. There are many people here, most I recognize, but some I don't. As I walk past them, they congratulate me. I walk inside. There are even more people in here. Star Wars is on the tv, here, too.
      Mom walks up to me at the same time as Jessica does. They both say, "Congratulations on your first balloon circulation!"
      "My what?"
      "Your balloon circulation!"
      "I have no idea what that is."
      Jessica goes slack-jawed. "Are you kidding me?" she asks.
      "No," I respond, "I've never even heard those two words in the same sentence."
      They both look at each other. Mom says "Well, that's why everyone is here. This is your party. Enjoy yourself."
      Someone walks up to me and gives me a small wad of money. "Congrats!" they say as they walk off. I catch on very fast.
      I begin walking around to people, all of whom congratulate me and give me money. I come to a dark-haired girl who look unfamiliar. I pause. She pauses. We just stare at each other for an awkward amount of time. I continue on greeting and grabbing.
      Then, I wake up.
    14. (August 10, 2014) Abandoned building of fear

      by , 08-10-2014 at 05:52 PM
      I fell back asleep after remembering these dreams so bear with me

      my rating 4/5

      +First dream is on a foggy day, i am driving in my truck to a camping location. i have friends and family following behind me in another vehicle. we drive through a strange trail of twists, turns and bridges. we see other people camping as we drive by. the grass has some gravel in the tire marks of old tracks so we know where to go. otherwise it is not maintained, the grass is tall. we come over to a bridge, very narrow but the vehicles drop down a few inches once off it because the bridge drops abruptly. we drive off to the campsite. I dont remember much about the actual site itself, i remember walking around observing the landscape. eventually we decide to drive back, and we get as far as the bridge but the vehicles cant drive back over it because of the drop off,so i get out and decide to cross the little water way under the bridge. it is very short but i find out it gets super deep. its also cloudy water. i am handed a heavy pack and it almost sinks to the bottom so i grab it and get out and search for a new way over.

      +This dream was kind of creepy. I was with someone, in an old abandoned house in a old style town, like almost colonial times. the house was barren of almost everything, at least in the main areas like the foyer and the hallways, was just dirt and dust everywhere as if wind had blown it around over things. we had to leave because we were going to be found so we went back into this dark room full of candles, a few tables, and a skull, and had to blow out all the candles, making the room pitch black. while i was leaving i walked by a pool of water that must have been from leaking roof or pipes, it was in a little pocket in the dirt. a man and two woman appeared and started talking to me,i walked over till my feet were ankle deep in the water, the man and one of the woman disappeared, and the third woman tried pulling me under water but i broke free from her grip and got out of there. i was then out at some old place that looked like my grandfather's liquor store with a friend. it was the dark of night and the only light was out front. we walked out back where there was a crowd of pale creepy looking people staring at me. i stopped for a moment and i think my friend left. one guy with a shaven head and a jailbird outfit came over and started to attack me, saying something about leaving the house. i had no choice but to fight back. i pulled out my smith and wesson swat folding knife and retaliated. he said "nice try but i can just close this" not knowing the lock was engaged holding it open and i cut his hand, the then tried something that was very painful, like wow couldn't believe how real that felt for a dream, and my stomach hurt like crazy but i told my self keep calm, the military wont need someone who will break under pressure, and i used the knife, (leaving out details here), and killed him. another person tried attacking me but i just threw him far. then the dream ended.

      +I got back up and fell back asleep and had another dream. first, i was in an old house know i have been in before. and was trying to explore all its room but i was limited trying to keep my younger brothers away from going so they wouldn't be lost or hurt. so i never got to the room i wanted to. i saw part of it and knew ive seen it before, and don't know why i did not become aware of it. i eventually ended up at a colorful museum and play place type thing where i climbed colorful stairwells into other rooms where i found a box, but i had to climb up ropes to get it, which i did. the feeling of climbing the rope felt pretty real. i eventually got the box but never looked inside.

      i have seen this type of building before many time in dreams, the one directly above. or at least, the color scheme is put on a lot of buildings. i also saw an old house i have not seen in a long time in my dreams. both are not real places but memories of places i created in dreams.
    15. (August 9, 2014) long night, short dreams

      by , 08-09-2014 at 12:23 PM
      August 9th, 2014

      I went to bed earlier this time and hade better luck with dreams. I had a few though i forget what order they happened in. Im super tired this morning and dont feel like writing down all the details.

      + I was at our neighborhood with by brother outside at night. We were in my front yard not doing much, and i was messing around with a multitool. My yard looked almost the same as it does now, it was a pretty accurate display. While i was messing around with the multitool an car was trying to pull into out driveway. I got out of the way and it pulled in. It had treads on the front tires. Later we took a roadtrip to another house and a lot of people were there. We were busy listening to a conversation for a while. Then we were told to leave and before we good i woke up.

      + one dream i was playing a zombie game on xbox at my friend jakes house and i got down in the game and had to go across the street to see that friend in a white house to tell him to revive my character. The other house was small and had clutter everywhere. I talked to them for a while.

      +another time i was at a racetrack and tried gaining entry to a race so i walked down a entry road to the track to ask the track manager but he wouldn't talk to me, i saw the cars start and take off and one car stalled. I cant remember what cars exactly were there.
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