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    1. Bank Job

      by , 10-12-2012 at 10:47 AM (Voyages of a Skywalker)
      I'm in a bank. I'm asked to complete a transfer for a man that works there. We are in an office that multiple people share. I sit at a woman's computer who I don't know. I look on the desktop for an icon that would lead to a transfer but I don't find one. I open up a game that is like The Sims. I eat some of her candy.

      I work in a tall stone building. Maybe brick. The corridors remind me of Hogwarts. Not all mythical like. Just the architecture. This workplace of mine empties out to a busy city/town that I visit often. Full of twists, turns, hills and hidden doors. The main walk of this town takes you to waterfront. I often get lost in this city.

      Updated 10-13-2012 at 03:25 AM by 40320

    2. Sep 24, 2012 - Changing Faces

      by , 10-10-2012 at 01:49 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Forest. Choice. Javin. Leader. Zombies.
      Giant rats. Running. Enclossed in a building. Travel.
      Walking. School.
      I felt like I knew I was dreaming. I tried to focus to make sure I don't get lost in the dream. The faces of people kept changing. I saw some words on the shirt of a person but I didn't check if it changed. School. Arrived there. Apol. Earthquake. A crack on the room. Go back. An office. Get the USB.
    3. [The Violet Keeper of the Hotel]

      by , 10-10-2012 at 11:32 AM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Tuesday, October 9th, 2012]
      Alex was talking to her Aunt, who was pulled up in a car- her Aunt was PISSED because while we had stayed at a hotel- Alex had used all of the telephone's minutes to call someone, and it had costed her Aunt. About 47 minutes of time. I told her to follow me, and that I would pay for it, and I grabbed her by the hand and we headed back up the stairs to the strange hotel. On the way up, Alex explained to me that I couldn't or something like that, but I was stubborn. We walked inside, and once there, we headed to the second floor, walking past a man in violet, playing the piano in a flurry. We waltzed up the stairs out of the lobby and to the owner's office. The office was empty- and a few other people waited there as well. We joined them in waiting.

      The man on the piano stood up, and looked around him as if he were being attacked by demons! He stared wide-eyed up at us, over the railing
      seperating us from the first floor and began to lose his temperment! He shouted and cursed and banished us from existence. He banished us from
      this hotel- for risk of losing something valuable of his. We all slowly exited down the stairs and out of the hotel. On the way out, I snatched a purple box off a table, that belonged to Nathan. Or maybe it WAS Nathan? I turned around and looked him dead in the eye-

      "Well, let me at least take my FRIEND NATHAN..." I was meaning the box- as if I knew Nathan was inside.
      He reared back in confusion and disgust.
      "My best friend, the bartimus, (bartolameu) might suck the soul out of you~" I laughed with the last part sounding ghostly but sarcastically mocking.

      The man squinted his eyes at me, but when I finished the last sentence, his eyes opened as if he had realized what I meant by it, and then he
      clasped his hands as if he knew what I was talking about. He wasn't pleased exactly, but he appreciated my humor somehow.
      I walked out the door and <my dream ended>.

      (The man, now that I think about it, closely resembled the Warden from Super Jail.)
    4. Technicolor Thomas Jefferson

      by , 10-09-2012 at 07:45 PM
      This was easily my wildest, trippiest lucid dream of all time. A big first from this one was meeting my doppelganger. Confusion, chaos and questions of identity reigned in this LD and what little control I had amounted to very little in the end. Very different from my usual LD fare but fun nonetheless.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #21: Technicolor Thomas Jefferson

      It's nighttime and I'm standing in the shadow of a deserted overpass, talking on a cellphone. I'm some sort of drug dealer or smuggler, talking to one of my scumbag smuggling associates about when and where our next deal will go down. The conversation ends, and I start walking back across a parking lot to my car, a silver Mercedes Benz.

      As I'm walking, I get that familiar feeling of recognition and think, "This isn't me. I'm not a criminal. Am I just dreaming this?"
      I become lucid and look for the nearest piece of usable scenery. Before I can get anywhere, though, darkness begins pressing down on me and I feel the dream fading. I look at my hands but they're vague and insubstantial, with wispy ribbons of skin hanging off of them.

      My vision goes completely black but I keep repeating, "I'm still dreaming" and refuse to wake up. Jumbles of random letters fall slowly from the top to the bottom of my field of vision. I reach for the letters, trying to feel them, turn them into some kind of new dream scene. Even though I can't see my hands, I finally manage to grab a letter and squeeze it. It feels like a squishy piece of felt. The letter suddenly squirts out of my hands and floats away. I flail for a new letter.

      Now I'm back in bed and my hands are thrashing in front of me. Out loud, I'm saying "I'm still dreaming", although I no longer believe it. Wife rolls over and says, "What are you doing?" I look over at the alarm clock and see that the numbers are flashing at random. Still dreaming, indeed. "It's okay," I tell her. "Go back to sleep." I get out of bed and walk toward the bathroom, planning to go for the "pumpkinhead" Task of the Month using the bathroom mirror.

      Before I make it to the bathroom, the image of a huge, hissing black cat is stamped across my vision. Behind this cat I still see my first-person perspective but much of it is now obscured. Then another stamped image over that, this time of a woodworking bench covered with tools. Then an old woman pushing a cart. Then another, and another, and another each new image papering over the last.

      Finally, things settle onto an image of Thomas Jefferson reading in a comfortable-looking chair. He's super-saturated with color, just like the boldest Technicolor films. Think Wizard of Oz but with the saturation even more intense. I remind myself, "I'm dreaming" and a banner reading "I'M DREAMING!!!" appears over Thomas Jefferson's head. He glances up from his book, sees the banner, then stares straight at me in surprise.

      Suddenly, I'm in the passenger seat of a car, heading west on a road near my office. It feels strange, so I try to remember how I got there. I remember Technicolor Thomas Jefferson and I'm immediately lucid again. I look over at the driver of the car and I realize that the driver is me. Only it's not really me but a Dream Character version of myself. I can hear my double's thoughts but I can't influence him and I see that I'm a disembodied observer with no dream body of my own.

      I hear my double think, "I've got to go back to where it started. Back to where I became lucid. I have to make it happen again." My double pulls into a parking garage and we're soon wandering the halls of an office building. My double visits each office that he finds, and in every one we see friends and old coworkers. Finally, my doppelganger steps into an office shared by two female twins (IWL friends of mine) and a woman who calls herself Susan.

      The twins greet my double and welcome him to their office but Susan isn't buying it. She shakes her head and says, "That isn't your friend. I don't know what that is, but your friend is there." Susan points, not at my double but at me, the spot from which I am observing with no dream body. The twins turn to look, not comprehending and
      I wake up.
    5. Eva in an Office? and Blonde Guy Wearing Brown Sweater

      by , 09-25-2012 at 02:44 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      You Can Just Use My Password! + Eva In an Office? (Non-lucid)


      I'm in an area that resembles my university, it looks like it's going to rain because there's absolutely no sun present in the skies. I remember seeing a section of concrete with some pebbles fused with it, and a few trees here and there. The trees looked weird, they looked black, but it was probably an extreme hue of dark brown.

      There's a few people around me, and I don't know why I'm here at all, I think I'm just standing there zoning out somehow. There's some part in the dream where I'm in an even darker environment, and I go inside of this small house that's actually a mini-museum of some sort. When I go inside of the house, there's this wooden rocking chair that has a shiny light brown wood polish to it.

      Behind the resting area for one's back are words that are engraved. The font is sharp in form, like someone really took a chisel or knife to make it look like some serial killer wrote it or something. The house itself feels like it's smaller than it should be, and I can't help this inside was a lot brighter than outside. The lighting had a orange-yellow setting to it, the flooring of the house seems to be made of wood as well.

      The walls, it's hard to presume, but I maybe without the yellow-orange lighting saturating the whole area, they probably would've been white, and I also think they had a series of small brown polka dots all over them as well. There was something about the message behind the chair that I wish I knew, because it definitely sparked my interest.

      The dream shifts, I think, where I'm back at some section that resembles my university again. There's this girl who looked a lot like my SI tutor for CHEM 101 my Freshmen year. She had a plump face, brown hair, a cute smile, and was slightly chubby down there. She was wearing some kind of small teal or turquoise jacket, a white shirt underneath, and maroon short shorts.

      (Just exclude the ruffles and vertical lines, and just imagine a maroon jean short shorts material and that's what she wore)

      Her wearing the short shorts made me look at her ass and her thighs, and the thighs surprisingly looked smooth and had some glow to it. I think she wore default sneakers with white laces and a gray base with a white round section near the front side of her feet. Despite her not being the type that was attractive in waking life, but at least had an ass and perky breasts, she did make this gloomy environment that I'm in a lot more tolerable.

      She then asks me if I want to go somewhere with her, which she eventually said it was the building for BIMS majors (Biomedical Science Majors). I asked her in sort of a passive-concerned manner,

      "I though non-major BIMS majors weren't allowed to go into the building?"

      She responds in a cheerful tone,

      "Oh no! You don't have to worry about that" *giggle* "When we get there, you can just use my password to get in!"

      I still was doubtful about the whole thing, because I really felt that I would be in trouble if they found out I'm not a BIMS major, and that I'm encroaching the area for no logical reason or something like that.

      I eventually agreed with her.

      Maybe I agreed to follow her because this environment would've just set myself for a melancholy demeanor anyway, and since she was probably the only cheerful soul in this gloomy atmosphere, maybe she would've directed me to a more positive environment. I go inside a building, and I'm at a huge office with her.

      The environment inside, the main color was a mid-tone of Pastel Green all over the walls, and there's dark blue carpet flooring as well. I hear papers ruffling, the sounds of a really busy office of productive people most likely, or everyone rushing to reach their quota.

      It's your typical office, certain blockers with a section for each worker that would have a computer, desk, and chair, and all sorts of stuff on their desk

      I stay still for a while, and lose awareness of the girl I'm following just for a few seconds. I remember glancing over a lady who looked like my teacher in middle school in English class when I had Ms. East for Social Studies
      (she was an awesome teacher....she really loved having me in her class because I did so well in it)...

      I still can't help but think that my motivation to do well was so clear during my childhood, as if it came naturally, that I didn't need to think about why I needed to do something, I just did it to the best of my ability....maybe seeing that same teacher made me realize that....and that I shouldn't worry about the current failures I'm going through as long as I just keep my head up and persevere.

      The lady that resembled the past waking life counterpart of the English teacher, she had Black and slightly curvy and curly hair that went down all the way to her chin. She wore a white shirt, with some kind of polka dots, and even though she was sitting down, I had a feeling she was wearing some kind of pink jeans. She wore red lipstick, and the area around her eyes seem to have a little mascara.

      She looked like she was in her 40s as well. After coming back to "reality" in the dream, I realize the girl who looked like Megan (the same one I described that was cheerful in a gloomy environment) is now back to being by my side again.

      She has some papers in her hands, and I don't know what's contained in them. I continue to follow her, while I still had feelings fear and being in an awkward situation that someone might pick on that abnormal behavior and possibly call me out. But it seems that people were so busy in this office to even care or even look.

      I eventually reach the upper areas, which I noticed transitioned to warmer colors than the cool from floors below. I finally reach a floor with the Megan counterpart, and by this time, I lose all focus on her. I think she disappeared at this point in time, and it seems I have papers in my hands now.

      Maybe she gave them to me and left, I can't recall it too well. I noticed that my Biochemistry adviser was inside this building, in fact, the tone of her voice, ordering some student workers around, I presumed she was in charge of this section. Hm.....that's a bit ironic, my Biochemistry Adviser commanding a section in a building that I presumed to be a Biomedical Science Building...

      I looked at her, and she looks at me, and we just have awkward moment of, "Dafuq??????" for a few seconds, until I quickly glanced somewhere else before she probably noticed who I really am. The environment in here was like at the bottom floor.

      Busy people everywhere, tight work spaces that I have to move in awkward positions. People just kept coming in and out of nowhere, and while I have the papers in my right hand, I seem to be looking down at someone at a particular workspace in the office. I don't know who it was, but their back was facing me.

      The environment that I mentioned in this room being similar to the red atmosphere you see in the Darkroom for photographs and such made it difficult to get a decent vision of the contours of their body.

      As I'm typing this, I keep feeling it's the back of a female that I'm looking at, and she has long blonde hair.

      The outer layer outfit she's wearing looks like a light brown pilot suit, which I think is the same outfit Eva wears in MGS3. Other than that, it's really hard telling if could be her or someone completely different.

      I only remember advancing to them little by little, feeling the anticipation go up with each step.

      Blonde Guy in Brown Sweater (Non-lucid)


      There's a blonde guy that looks an awful lot like a someone I know on the internet...yes I'm afraid ot stating who it is lol.

      Anyway, it seems I'm going through some pictures mentally of this person wearing a long brown sweater and dark blue jeans. The brown sweater had a few stripes from the top and bottom region that were light brown, almost a vanilla type of color.

      He had hair that went down until it was chin length, and these photos looked like he was posing inside of those small photo booth stands you would take with a friend or lover of yours, except that he was inside of a house. The house had a orange-yellow lighting to it, and he's sitting down at what seems to be a dinner table.

      This dinner table had a fancy dark brown wooden polish to it, and the wood flooring was light brown with a nice shine to it as well. Some noticeable photos I can recall of him taking were:

      -Playing a Guitar

      -Sitting on a chair, and turning a quarter of his body while the picture is being taken by someone else where his bottom region is closer in the photograph than his upper region.

      -He's making some weird hand gestures, along with weird facial expressions.

      And that's all I remember.

      Updated 09-25-2012 at 03:11 PM by 47756

      non-lucid , memorable
    6. Pepper Seed Jar, Angelina Jolie Spams God mode, Sensui and his New Light

      by , 09-24-2012 at 05:36 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      I took a nap around 4:15 PM, woke up to alarm set for 7:00 PM, set it to 8:00PM and slept until I woke up around 7:50 PM.

      Pepper Seed Jar and Biochemistry Adviser Office (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside an office, and there's a lady to my right sitting at a desk. It has a computer, a bunch of papers spread out, the usual thing. From the front left, I see there's another door opened to another room near the main office, probably 10-20 feet away from me. Inside of that same room, I saw my Biochemistry Adviser sitting down looking at the computer.

      Before I describe her, the office itself was slightly different than the waking life counterpart. My adviser's room is designed to where you can't see her unless you actually go into the room, because when the door opens, only half of her room is visible when you come into the main office before looking inside. Here, I could possibly see everything there, if the door was completely opened in the dream.

      My advisory wore a dark gray polyester female dress shirt (it was a thin material), and a light gray dress underneath that. The door was slightly opened, and I assumed that I talked to her previously in the dream, but I can't recall what we talked about. But by judging my feelings in the dream, it didn't seem anything too serious, and as I'm close to leaving this section of the Biochemistry Department, I just happened to see to my right, pepper seeds.

      They were contained in a circular jar, like those types where the ends would be cut (not literally) with rectangular ends, so the jar wouldn't roll off the counter or shelf. There was a black text that showed the price to eat the pepper seeds I'm assuming, and it was for "15 cents" each, with the logo for cents.

      I didn't know about this until later on, so I took one pepper, and quickly put it in my mouth and chewed on it.


      OH MY.......SPICY!!!!!!!! Its taste is hitting certain areas around my tongue.....

      Ooooh, tasting the salt there......ooooh tasting the bitterness there......OH OH OHHHHH THAT WAS SPICY]

      All that I said in brackets is how it felt in those few 2-3 seconds of chewing it (Note I wasn't really saying that, just added expression to how real the taste was).

      I prepare myself to leave the office, but I immediately hear the lady that was to the right of me before I turn my back declare,

      "15 Cents will be taken off.."

      I respond,

      "Ooooh....Oh! Sorry, I'll go ahead and pay for that right now!" (the pepper seed).

      I take my left hand to dig through my left pant pocket, and heard some change jingling around. I take as much as I can out of it, and I quickly counted 15 cents and gave it to the lady.

      I think she said "Thank you," and as I'm turning my back again to leave the room, I turn around once more and declared,

      "Oh! I gave 20 cents instead huh?"

      She quickly looks at the change with her hand opened, but before she could say something, I professed,

      "Oh, don't worry about it..."

      I left the area, and that's all that I remember.

      Angelina Jolie Counterpart spams God Mode (Non-lucid)


      I looked up Pepper Dream meaning signs, and most of it foreshadows danger of some sort, be it through quarreling, financial loss, etc....but I feel that previous dream was just prelude to this one.....I can't really take dream meanings as set in stone notions of truth...but still....

      *sigh* Anyway

      Ugh....not this kind of dream again.....

      Invincible DC+ me being a crappy aim or them spamming God Mode = GETS ANNOYING.

      I'm inside a gym, and the carpet is dark blue, there are mirrors attached to the walls on all sides, excluding the entrance and exits I'm assuming. There's a pretty large collection of treadmills around this area. I happen to be close to one, and I believe I'm just observing what's around me.

      There's this man who looks like he's an inspector of some sort, like to see if the gym equipment are in good conditions for gym members. He's a really picky guy, he has that really really really analytical eye going about these treadmills and other gym equipment.

      There was one treadmill where he put his finger around some buttons, and he didn't like it at all. He takes his index finger off the machine, quickly wipes it off his pants in disgust, and declares,

      "I don't like this at all!!"

      Not sure who he's talking to, but he was looking at someone. I also recall that same man wearing a dark colored dress shirt tucked into some long Khaki pants I believe.

      Then the dream shifts a little bit to where I'm near a dark-skinned lady, and she wants me to look through something that resembles that scope thing you see in submarines to check what's out there. As soon as I put my eyes near the glass to see what's going on through the scope, it's like I'm being transported to a completely different dream environment.

      It feels like a video game now, and I'm in it. Whatever area I'm confined in now, it's moving, and it's moving fairly quickly. I find out I'm inside a vehicle or some sort, maybe it's not, but it is moving. I still have the feelings that I'm looking through the same scope.

      While I still am, I zoom in on a lady that's inside of the back of a truck that's also moving. Before I go into details on her, here's how the environment looks like. There's a huge brown boulder, or mini-cliff on the left side, and there's a huge body of water on the right, though me and the truck that this vehicle I'm in is following are way above the water level.

      (click for bigger picture)

      I see some area that looks like a town is coming up to the right far away, and finally, I see the lady. The scope has Thermal vision, so I'm mostly seeing blue, green, yellow, red, and some orange colors, but it's mostly just cool colors I'm seeing....that's weird....barely any body heat on this woman?

      I don't think she's human.....she's mostly showing up as colors of blue and green throughout her whole body, and maybe a little hint of yellow and red on her forehead, but it was a very thin vertical line.

      She's wearing a pastel green sleeveless tank top, and probably some short khaki dress. She looks like she's looking at me directly, has her lips slightly opened, with her teeth together, and she has pretty big lips. She wears some sunglasses with a thin metal frame around the lens, and she seems to not mind me looking at her.

      But something about her bothered me.....it seemed she was up to something.

      You know like one of those shows where some random person sees someone, but they look completely normal to them, but they don't know they're probably kind of serial killer or bank robber? Yeah, it felt like that.....

      Something made me try to aim a weapon at her, but by the time I do that, the back of the truck seems to be covering half of where she is probably behind right now. Maybe it could be that the right side of the truck cargo she's in is exposed rather than the back. Or it could just be that the thermal vision from the scope can see through thick metal, and I assumed that the backside of the truck cargo was exposed.....hmmmm.

      The truck makes a sharp right turn in this enclosed road we're on, and the moment that happened, I decided to just shoot the damn thing.


      Then all sorts of things happen, there's this rush, so many events happening....the truck speed up, along with the vehicle I'm in speeding up. Sometimes I wonder if I was just running as high speeds, because I don't recall seeing any kind of car roofs or windows at the time.

      Anyway, the dream shifts, and now I'm in a room...I don't pay too much attention to it. All I know is that it consists of light colors of brown and white...like a Calypso type of setting...yeah, this whole dream has that vibe. I open a dark gray door, and I slowly peek out to my left....and I believe the Angeline Jolie counterpart is with some random old guy.

      He's wearing a dark dress shirt that's unbuttoned, and probably a light gray shirt with some dark pants and shoes as well. The guy is fairly shorter than her, and she's pretty tall, probably 6'4", something like that. The mini hallway they're in, there's a window in front of them, and it's fairly bright, must still be sunny out there.

      (click for bigger picture)

      The floor tiles are vanilla colored, and as soon as Angelina Jolie and the old man start, I quickly take aim at try to shoot her as much as I can. Crap...is my aim this HORRIBLE???? I panic, slam the door shut, and quickly looked at the gun I'm holding. It's like a default pistol with a gray coating around the gun head, and studded black material around the holding base.

      It also had some weird attachment to the front of it that seems that it can be pressed for some kind of feature, though the split second thinking I'm running out of, I didn't have the time for that. I looked at the gun a bit more, and saw "Bronze Hatchet" labeled on it.

      Ugh...another Runescape item reference? But the gun doesn't look anything like a hatchet!!! It's a gun....bleeeh!!

      I need to find a place to duck for cover before she opens that door. I quickly find a table that has a decent covering spot, and I hide under there. The door opens, and I see just Angelina's legs walking, searching around the area in her first few seconds of entering it. Then I realized, my father is sitting down on the floor, bracing his back against the wall next to the opened door.

      Shit....I get up quickly and aim my gun at her...and by this point, I just start going crazy, I can't recall perfectly on what happened. But based on me going nuts and worrying if she'll shoot my father or something, I assumed I just shot at her in fear, and it didn't seem to work at all. I noticed the gunshots sounded like the M1 Garand "ping" sound.

      Nothing is working on her....there's not a dent on her....and I think she has her gun in her right hand aimed near my father's head, and she's looking at me with her glasses off I believe. It definitely looks like an Angelina Jolie counterpart, or a doppelganger.

      I aim my gun at the old dirty, and probably smelly guy, but the gunshots aren't affecting him as well. I know I'm not a crappy aim in a close-ranged situation, so these two probably just have God Mode on full blast.

      I can't think straight, I don't know what to do, I don't know what she's going to do with that gun aimed at my father. They're just STANDING there, doing nothing, waiting for me to do something, but I'm dissociated from myself that I eventually just try to end the dream
      and woke up somehow out of fear of what would happen next.

      Sensui and his New Light (Non-lucid)


      I'll keep this dream short, because the second dream.....took a quite a while because I was distracted with some things, and I really should finish this lab report and pre-lab questions too before it gets too late at night.

      Alright, I'm in a void....it's really.....dark...so empty...I don't see myself, maybe I'm just looking at this void in first person view, but I hear Shinobu Sensui's voice from Yu Yu Hakusho.

      He talks about how in the darkness.....the blood was his new light.

      *sigh* Too much ambiguity...
    7. Looking for the Center

      by , 08-28-2012 at 05:03 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      A house. Aureus' house? We're looking for the "center." An office.
      Tags: center, house, office
    8. 08222012- 2nd Dream, I'm Gonna Draw On Your Face

      by , 08-27-2012 at 05:18 AM
      I love dreams where you actually get to do something cool!

      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I’m in the lobby of my old job, the first floor of thebuilding. The time is around 5:30PM and normal business has concluded which meansI will have to use my key for the elevators. I insert my key into the controland all 3 elevators go into diagnostic mode, the doors of each opening wide. Apanel displays the words “Take The Stairs” in bold red LED letters, and Irealize I will not be using the elevators. I walk towards the back of thebuilding and pass several workers with tool-belts and hardhats who stare at melike I’m part of their problem.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]When I reach the second floor I approach the reception desk.Unlike what I remember from real life this desk is situated in the middle ofthe large, open room, similar to the main branch of the public librarydowntown. It seems an odd place for the reception desk in an office building. [/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3]The woman at the desk is blonde, in her late twenties orearly thirties and has pale skin. She is clearly disaffected and does not wearany makeup. I can tell my experiencewith her will be splendid as I plop down a check on the desk from my in-lawsthat I need to have cashed.[/SIZE][/FONT]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I grab a pen from the desk and sign the check. Turning thecheck back over I see it is smudged and I presume the elevator smudged itsomehow. Handing it to the woman I feel happy to finally get my money but thewoman scrutinizes it unfavorably.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3]“No,” she says. “This is not your handwriting! You havenever signed checks like this.” I don’t actually recall giving her checks beforebut I presume I must have at some point in the past. I remember how I had to insert the check intoa slot by the elevator to come upstairs and I say, “The elevator printed on itand smudged it.” As I return her gaze Irealize her bulbous fingers also smudged the check making the black smear worsethan before.[/SIZE][/FONT]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I’m not happy about this situation and to illustrate thispoint I pick up the pen and jab it several times at her face, leaving a numberof blue marks on her cheeks. At least some part of me is thinking, “I’m gonnadraw on your face!” She seems confused by this but she doesn’t get angry, andany respect I may have ever had for her disappears.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I take the check from her and give her a disdainful look,the thought of how much this place sucks spreading through my mind. Some unseenclue has alerted me that I am needed in the back of the office and my checkissue will have to wait.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I reach an open area outside a corner room with corridorsleading off to my left and behind me. I am sitting on a desk facing back theway I came from and I’m talking with a coworker who looks like he should benamed ‘Johnson’ or some other nondescript name. He’s fair-haired with cleanfeatures and a dark suit that marks him as a low-ranking office worker.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Agent Johnson says, “Something bad happened with ProjectSyllabus.”[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I shake my head and become lucid as I reply, “Everything hasgone spooky here since this project started. Have you noticed? Weird things; somepeople have been hurt and even killed.”[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]The agent leaves and I’m happy because I would rather talkto the two young ladies that have walked in to the room. I am male at thismoment, just another guy in the office as these two women walk into the roomfor First Aid. I know I can help.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]What makes me happy is that I know these women. One I’m onlyvaguely familiar with and she’s very beautiful. The other is a girl I datedaround the time I was 18. Her hair is unkempt and she is wearing wrinkledclothing that suggests she did not expect to be seen in public and had beenswimming in a creek. [/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]The beautiful girl is about 19, a clean face that lights upwith even the tiniest smile and soft-looking light-brown hair. She is wearing aU.T. shirt and shorts and is in a different class from the other girl.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3]I say “Hi” to both and touch their hands though onlyreluctantly with my ex. I get the feeling the pretty girl would like to get toknow me and I let my touch linger with her fingers. I explore the feeling of her nails, a lucidsensation that fascinates me. I’m turning her hand over to look at the detailand feel the weight of her hand and I wish she would hold me tighter. Inresponse to my thought she curls her fingers through mine and we are holdinghands as she prepares to receive treatment to a cut on her knee from someoneunseen behind me. I don’t really care what is going on around me. I really justwant to spend time with this young woman, knowing the dream will end soon and Iwill lose this moment.[/SIZE][/FONT]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]“Would you like to stay with me?” I ask her. She turns toface me and smiles, blushes a little. “I would love to. We could have dinner.”I feel my own blush coming on.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]And then I wake up.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
    9. August 24, 2012 - "Office and Claybar?"

      by , 08-25-2012 at 04:48 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      An office. Claybar? Comfort room. Trying to avoid. A car? Katipunan.

      NOTE: Not feeling well since last night. LIstened to audio isotropic/something. Reverse day recall.
    10. July 9, 2012 - Home-Bound Bus

      by , 08-24-2012 at 01:56 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Beach. A lot of people. Two groups. My cousin's co-workers and the CHARMS group. I don't see my cousin, so I joined the CHARMS group.

      Bus. Homebound with sis. Manapla. Circled back. Bacolod. Lasalle. PATAS. An office. Psych students. A psych professor defeats the president GMA ina writing test. Jasmin returned to the office.
    11. 08182012-4th Dream, Sandra Pays Dish Network And I Lose Her Baby

      by , 08-19-2012 at 05:50 AM
      I really hate confusing lucid dreams like this one.

      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I’m in my old office, the company I last worked for. I’m inthe western hallways of the office, talking to my boss. She is telling me aboutanother coworker.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]“Sandra needs money to pay for Dish Network.” She explains.I had wondered why Sandra was in the office. I was sure she no longer workedfor the company. My boss needed someone to take the check to her. She can befound in her old office where she is gathering some of her belongings leftbehind when she quit.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I take the check from my boss and walk down to find Sandra.She is collecting her things and talking with another coworker, explaining whyshe came and why it took her so long. She is also explaining her money needs.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]As I approach I see she has a baby with her. I don’t recallher being a parent or even having enough time since she left the company tohave a child so I can’t figure out whose child it is or why she would bring himin to the dirty office. I can see she is clearly struggling to maintain a holdon her things and take care of the baby at the same time.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]“I can help take care of the baby.” I offer her assistance.She thanks me and heads off with some of her stuff. I take the baby into thecopy room where people are woreking and I leave it on the table. I next headdownstairs to get in my car.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I know Sandra needs the check so I head to her new office, abuilding not too far away that looks more like a hotel or swanky apartment buildingthan an office. I pull up in the drive where a valet might normally stand andstart to get out of my red sports car (Ferrari?) when I realize that I don’thave the check with me. I left it back at the office. Even worse, I also leftthe baby behind.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Doing a mental facepalm I climb back into the car and startdriving back to the office. I need to head down the road to 183 first, an oddroute to take back but I’m familiar with it because it’s the route I used touse to travel home from the office.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Whether because of the route or the blue-and-white policecarI see at the intersection I become lucid. I’m really impressed to see thepolicecar as it is the type Austin used to have when I was growing up. Theywere very distinct. The police officer is actually standing outside his car asI pass, taking a look at my vehicle. He seems to actually be looking at me asthough I am an interesting subject.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Back at the office I go upstairs and I check the copy roombut the baby isn’t there. Neither are the people from earlier so I have no-oneto ask. I head down the hall checking offices as I go, becoming increasinglyfrantic as I approach the end of the hall. I know it’s a dream but somethingabout trying to find a baby drives me on.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Reaching the end I make a right turn (knowing I will findthe child)and suddenly spot the baby with a guy named Jeff. I don’t actuallyknow this guy but he seems to be attentive and is making noises at the baby soI don’t mind his efforts. He even has Legos which should be too advanced forthe infant but I see the child has aged in the short time I was gone and cannow walk on his own. He walks towards a bike someone left in the office and Ibriefly worry he will get hurt by the axle of the rear wheel but he passes itwith ease.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]If that wasn’t weird enough the baby can talk and does sowith the sound of a literate adult. His voice is quite mature and it’sunsettling enough to cause me to lose lucidity completely. The baby tells mesomething about playing cards and then I wake up.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
    12. Auron goes to hell

      by , 07-30-2012 at 06:54 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      1st dream

      Conspiracy theory is performing at my elementary lunch room. The sound messes up and I continue to play a beat on a table but they walk out anyway. I don't know how their sound is set up but I can't fix it.

      2nd dream

      I'm in my bed with my eyes closed and all of a sudden I can see everything. The dream obviously started..maybe this is what happens when people complain about not being able to keep their eyes shut. I mean because this is a really good FA. I walk into the bathroom and I see a small pot with flowers on the ground. They look like they were cut from a tree in my yard but they're purple. I know she left them. She can't be too far. I get outside and I see a turtle walking on the ceiling of my carport. So Nevermind..it's a straight up dream. Something in waking life wakes me up.

      3rd dream
      I'm back in my bed. I imagine it rocking back and forth and it does. All of a sudden I can see everything again and now my bed is floating. Things blackout again...must have just gotten some vivid hi. It feels like I'm traveling down a river except I controll every rocking motion I'm feeling. It stops and I can see again.

      I get out of bed and there's a guy who looks like he's made of glue in the kitchen. I ask him if he knows where Kaomea is...he doesn't answer...I don't think he can talk. My pops is in the livining room. I can't get a straight answer out of him even when I stry to ask backwards questions like "tell me where everyone isn't except for Koamea". The only thing I get out of him was she was in fact the person who left the flowers.

      I head outside and it's thundering and raining. It stops and I head to the back yard. D's dog (who passed away) is there. She's chained up to a pole in the basketball court and is sitting in the only dry spot. I unchain her and tell her to find Kaomea. It sniffs around a bit and starts heading to the house then I stop it and let it smell the flowers she left. She turned around and started digging a hole.

      My sister was there, and I didn't have time to listen to what she said. I just jumped down this hole. It was different from my portals as this thing seemed to go in forever. Finally I arrived at some office. It looked like a telemarketing office but one of the DC's said it was hell. Hmmm hell doesn't look so bad, or maybe that's what they want me to think! Anyways, I'm here with some random DCs who slid down as well and we'er walking from office to office. They just want to leave. I want to find Kaomea. In fact I think I remember reading about how she was here recently.

      I continue questioning any and all DCs on her whereabouts. None of them know. We come up to security, and they stopped us and tell us satan is back there. A few kicks and punches, and I'm in. He approaches us. He's this Asian guy wih a maroon rayon shirt. He says none of belong here so we have to leave. I tell him that I just need to find Kaomea and I'll be on my way. He says something and we walk a bit and he shows the other people out.

      I think this guy is pulling a fast one. I turn around and head through the area with more guards. There was a wall with a window. I jumped through it without shattering the glass and continued on. Some clown tried to stop me, but I ruined his day. I don't see this punk anywhere. I come to another room and something's off. Outside

      I can see clouds. Wtf. Some guy taps me on the shoulder and says "Satan told me to give you this". He had headset in his hands. What!? The guy tells me that I'm the senior ranking individual here now. "Wait what!?" He says if I get addicted to crack in the future...either way the job is mine now. Then he calls me by my brothers name. I told him that wasn't me. He says "oh the. It must have been a mixup". He looks in his computer and presses a few buttons and says "worker". I walk away from the guy and wake up.
    13. How did you know?, Sell his suit, You're fat, Skull Helmet, Jump shot

      by , 05-14-2012 at 02:40 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      How did you know? (Non-lucid)


      Some girl in a purple vest, short black shorts, and looked like Yuna from Final Fantasy showed up in front of me.

      Not sure what she's doing, I think she was even masturbating in front ot me.

      I was telling her something about some value, and she's like "How did you know that?"


      Okay, so a female is spreading her legs masturbating in front of you, or that's what you thought you remembered.

      You're a fucking idiot for not even being aware that a vagina is being stimulated in front of you.


      Sell his suit (Non-lucid)


      Some lawyer or teacher decided to sell his suit because he has no other way to get money for something. The person takes his suit off, and asks one of the staff members where they can find a place that buys suits.

      I don't know Albert Einstein...a FUCKING STORE??!?!?!



      Yes, I'm purposely screwing up my grammar...DEAL WITH IT gRAMMAR nAZI.

      You're Fat (Non-lucid)


      I told my mother she was fat after she pissed me off about how she tells me about my weight.

      I'm not fat. =(

      YOU'RE FAT...YOU'RE FAT, I'M NOT FAT...GOD stop being so fucking petty woman! I don't want to hear another DC giving me this bullshit, you're not my mother, you're a freaking dream character pretending to be one!!! I swear, I'm going to fucking kill these people in my dreams, bunch of POSERS.

      A bullet in their heads will fix things up really goooooood.

      And negative energy from doing things like that? Man fuck that,

      "OOOOH NO I shot someone in the head in my dreams, and I'm going to wake up negative in the morning!!"

      Transparent Skull Helmet (Non-lucid)


      Yeah, I see a transparent skull helmet after a freaking barrage of random helmets from the sky were falling towards me and some random dream characters.
      Jump shot (Non-lucid)


      Apparently, when you play Wii Sports, if you do a jump shot, which is supposed to be higher than the height the game allows you to jump on a serve, you can serve beyond the service line.



      Updated 05-14-2012 at 02:52 PM by 47756

    14. People Are Not Listening

      by , 05-14-2012 at 11:56 AM

      I'm at dinner in a fancy large dining room. Someone suddenly attacks my farther with a knife and kills him. The attacker tries to kill me, too, but somehow fails, only leaving a small wound. I go take care of the wound. Someone who asks if I'm alright. I say it's just a small wound and that the assassin didn't seem to know where to aim. It is now apparent to me that someone stands to inherit a lot if they can get rid of me, too, and that they will try again. The assassin got away, but he was just some hired help anyway.

      My friends don't seem very alarmed. They just tell me to relax and forget the whole thing. I need to go downstairs, apparently for evening snack. I take some long heavy object with me, don't remember what it was, and head down, to the dungeons. There are some people I dislike hanging around the stairs, sneering. I keep them away with the weapon. Downstairs there are again people who are appalled by my violent temperament and tell me to relax and enjoy the evening.


      A scout camp or a hike is ending, people are leaving. There is a person giving free massages to the tired people around. I'm not assertive enough to make it known, but my shoulders feel pretty horrible. There is always someone who gets there first and I don't get a massage.

      From the night before

      I'm with my boss in an office room. It's raining outside and he says something about biking in the rain. I say that I'm probably still gonna go to work today.

      Later I'm running some large programs on a server. I check that it's going okay and go for a coffee break. When I get back, I look at them again. There is a short black down and everything reboots. Apparently doesn't cause any harm though.
    15. Bomb in the Candy

      by , 02-18-2012 at 07:14 PM
      I'm in a combination of an office building and a camping center. Someone has done some sort of mischief and I'm trying to find what together with a couple of employees. I want to try find something by going trough what has happened on the company servers, and L lets me use his desktop machine. I find some 3D animations of atoms and have a feeling there is something hidden in the files, which are actually folders with a special file type.

      Later, we know that there is a bomb in the building, and it is in a certain type of candy. We are outside on the porch opening the candy, trying to find the bomb. I eat some of the candy, they are something like halva with some peanuts inside. Then I find one with a few black bars inside. I throw a piece of one on the yard and it explodes. Someones promises to take care of the explosives and I contemplate eating a bit more candy.

      I notice that it's already 17:35 and I haven't had lunch. Later I'm downstairs where I've just had dinner. There is something on the ground and since everyone is still eating, I clean it up with a rag.
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