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    1. #254 - Skyfalling

      by , 06-30-2016 at 09:10 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      I was dreaming that I was in a room, like a plaster walled garage. Someone was showing me around with a couple others, there was this huge plastic great white shark in the room. I remember that the tail was all weird, like it hadn't been attached properly.. Next thing I remember is being on the border between atmosphere and space, extremely high in the sky as if I could see the whole earth.. There was another person with me, an enemy I think. It was somehow related to the shark room before. We were plummeting down to Earth, I was going to divebomb him or something. How did we even get this high?
    2. #2 - Comet Visit & University Life

      by , 06-16-2016 at 11:56 PM
      Comet Visit

      I was on a space shuttle bound to visit a comet. This was mostly a white surface, probably inspired by concrete more than ice. I don't remember any sky or starscape, since I was mostly looking at the ground. I came across some small red plants (similar to seaweed) growing in a patch. Finding plants growing on a comet would be an important discovery! Unfortunately, upon getting back in the space shuttle, it turned out that the plants had been put there previously as part of an experiment 'by a PhD student'. (I don't think anyone told me this - as often happens in dreams, I just knew.) Later I went out in deep space and ended up floating out there, somewhat worried about by prospects for getting back. I had a HUD which allowed me to scroll through possible targets, and upon selecting a target, my thrusters would slowly take me there. I managed to select the space shuttle quickly enough to get back before it got too far away, but only after hurriedly scrolling through many irrelevant targets.

      I remember hearing some radio chatter between the pilot (a woman), and ground control (male voices), and peering forward into the cockpit. Skip forward to re-entry, and everything seemed to be going well. While we landed, though, I realised the wheels were beginning to smoulder and might catch fire. Suddenly, all of the crew of the space shuttle (including me) were outside sprinting away in fear that it would catch fire and explode. I saw a person or two I recognised from my memories in the crowd. The end of this scene seemed to be inside a very large warehouse where the spacecraft were stored; in the end the space shuttle was fine.

      Note: Lately I'd been reading about astrobiology and speculation on alien life. Can't remember any other space dreams off the top of my head.

      University Life

      A senior member of a student society or 'panel' had resigned in order to make way for a new member, since they thought it would help the new member's career opportunities. They were mostly female and drawn from my memories. After watching this being explained, I went into a side corridor, and I knew that everyone had a small extra room here for 'emergency purposes'. My room was to the left, the first door off another side corridor, containing only a bed. A man came in to repair something, and watching this for a while, a man opens the door of the side corridor. For some reason I get it into my head that the second man thinks I'm in a gay relationship with the maintenance man, to my irritation. Later, everyone gathered outside on a lawn to watch a building's roof (a glass dome) explode. An announcer explained that this is due to its composition of silicon dioxide, which is said to be unstable in our atmosphere.

      Note: I've had the odd dream set in a school or university, normally involving very different buildings or outdoors areas each time.

      Awful Pixelated Game

      I'm walking in the road in a random real-life location, with a skip on my right-hand side (and a lack of cars on the road) as the only changes. Someone is talking to me about a game. It's set with a light blue background, and I may have somehow seen the game by looking into the skip. I think the game may have involved bears or polar bears, and it had these weird low-resolution pixelated graphics, where one of the characters was a sort of blobby snowman marked by one-pixel borders and a face made of a few black pixels. There was nothing particularly good or special about the game (probably better than Flappy Bird), except that a sixteen-year old teenager had designed it. I didn't get why people were talking about it.
    3. Moon Puppies

      by , 04-03-2016 at 03:13 AM
      I had a false awakening, I knew I was dreaming because I heard voices from a TV/radio. It was very hard for me to get out of my bed, my body was moving very slow. I kept focusing and once I got out, I walked out my room towards the front door. I counted my fingers on my right hand and their were 6 of them. I went outside and started flying to the right. I then was flying up, and I could actually see myself as I was jumping up, I wasn't wearing a shirt.

      Next thing I know, I fall down and I'm on the surface of the moon. I started to fly around, I saw some building, they looked like they were made from moon rock. I landed and wanted to go inside one. Then a bunch of moon puppies started chasing me. They were all blue and looked liked skeleton dogs. They reminded me of skinny ryhorns, from Pokemon.
    4. 15/3/2016

      by , 03-15-2016 at 09:59 AM
      1) I was onboard a ship and it was going down, water swiiling around the floor. I was in a stairwell with a man who was lying on the ceiling and he told me that he was going to go down with the ship, I told him that I didn't want to drown and was going to find an escape. Then I was with my wife walking through a sliding door into the boat and past a check in desk, we walked a bit further and were told that there was no door or check in desk where we were. We retraced our steps into an old lounge and we found an old sealed up door and realised that we had travelled through time. We were in this big lounge looking at people sitting on sofas, then saw that there was a lot of workmen doing things and realised that it was a re-fit between voyages. I watched a man repairing telephones, then he drilled hole through a book for some reason, and I watched him clean out his drill bit. There was a large fire and my wife had laid it up, for some reason I was a bit irritated at how she had used the wood, becasue I knew there was none left. I lit the fire. For some reason I then saw a magazine in the fire that I wanted and pulled it out. My father was watching and he asked me what I was doing so I explained to him.

      2) This part of the dream feels as if it occurred at some point during the previous dream as a side story. I had won a competition to fly to the moon. I was with an Apollo mission, every one was very nice and matter of fact. They suited me up, which I loved, and handed me the oxygen supply unit, then we were on the moon and I walked around in my spacesuit. When I was back in the dream above I was thinking that no-one there knew that I was one of the few people to have ever walked on the moon, I was so proud.

      3) I had to get straight out of bed when I woke in the morning and totally forgot all of a another big dream, it won't come back to me now.
      Tags: boat, father, fire, moon, space
    5. WBTB, lucid dream, and possible sleep paralysis

      by , 03-05-2016 at 05:42 PM (My Dream Journal)
      Last night was a very, very interesting night. I woke up at 4:00 to do a WBTB, and I stayed up for about a half hour, writing down my dreams and keeping my mind on LDing. When I went back to bed, I used the MILD technique. I wasn't very tired, but once I had repeated lucid dreaming mantras many times, I was ready to go to bed. I imagined myself in a dream walking home from school. Several times my brain drifted away, but I got it back on track pretty quickly. Then I found myself imagining I was flying along in the hallways in my school, thinking about lucid dreaming. I'm not completely sure if that was a dream or not, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't. All of a sudden I felt and heard a loud pulsing in my ears. I was terrified, I thought I was having sleep paralysis. Nothing happened. I made a note to myself, if it happened again, I would open my eyes to see if anything was different or scary, like in sleep paralysis. It happened a few more times, and once I remembered to open my eyes. Nothing happened. I was just in my bedroom, like normal. Somehow during all this I managed to fall asleep, thinking about lucid dreaming. In my dream I was in my technology class in school, completely naked. I thought it probably was a dream, but I was still rather self conscious. Hiding myself under a desk, I started talking to someone. She ignored me. It had to be a dream. I stood on the desk and shot out of the room up into space. Stars were everywhere, but there was nothing else. I wished to see Earth, and all of a sudden the plant shot out of nowhere, and I was back at my house. Although amazed, I decided to stay down on Earth. I began flying around in my neighborhood, using the bouncing on air method. I saw a mom, not mine, waving to me down by my driveway. I landed, and asked her where she was going. All she said was "goodbye." I said "not even a goodbye kiss?" and she bolted away over the tops of the trees. In the dream I was still lucid and had been doing reality checks to make sure I didn't sleep back into unawareness. But somehow the scene had saddened me. I did not know the person at all, but it somehow it had made me extremely emotional. I laid down on the ground and started crying. I thought to myself, if I keep crying like this, I'm going to lose my lucidity. At that moment, I was back in my room, and had a false awakening.
      This was my best lucid dream yet! I'm really excited to do another WBTB tonight, and I'll report tomorrow on what happens.
    6. UFOs; Snow; Gypsies

      , 02-05-2016 at 07:52 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Last nigt work 5pm-11pm.

      Bed 2am - 9:55am


      I'm walking outside in the ankle deep snow. It's at night and strong wind is blowing falling snow in all dirrections. I'm holding something small in my arms. Maybe it's a creature or a small child that is not really a child by age. I want to provide comfort so I hide him under my long coat. It's happy.

      I look back and I can't see anything. The lights of a large farm house have disappeared in the distance. It's a blizzard and we are joking about getting lost. Joking-because I know the way. I look under my feet and there is a barely visible but very clear path back to the house.

      I turn again away from the house and come to picket fence. I see some lights in the distance, growing biger. I hear 2 people from neighbors farm yelling at me something, warning me about approaching lights. I can recognize it as a fast approaching car. I know they have no chance of seeing me so I walk towards it and step left so I'm behind the fence. I let the car pass by me.

      (The snowfall was beautiful and providing comfort was comforting to me as well)


      I'm in my mom's kitchen. Somebody is talking loud just under the first story window in foreign language. I aonly recognize the word "Romania". 3 males are walking away and as they look back, I see they are typical Gypsies.

      I look outside to see what the noise is and there is a bunch of them standing outside the fence to our uncle's and our garden. Some of them are climbing on it and trying to break in.

      Here the story splits into 2 scenarios.

      1 - I walk outside and confront them. Their leader is threatening me and says I better keep the doors locked because he is coming back after my family.

      2 - Now that I know that ^^, at first sign of commotion outside, I grab my big handgun, walk outside and shoot the leader in the head. He drops dead and I ask "anybody else?"

      I know I should keep shooting and I either do or just imagine that scenario, as the cleanest and safest way to protect me and my family.

      There was a also a small handbag left by the leader on my table. It's moving just a tiny bit and I wonder what "mafia" message he left me in it. As I'm taking it outside, I'm thinking somebody's finger. But I see through the zipper, it's a nonvenomous snake.

      Next thing I know I see my dad outside and I'm asking him if he seen the snake. He says which one, and that he was rather big and he is joking, because he has him around his neck like a pet.

      My mom walks up and she pets the snake which is weird because she doesn't like them.

      They are coming closer, I pull out my gun and I tell them to stay back, because I'm gonna drop somebody. I'm thinking if the snake dies fast if I shoot him in the spine.


      I'm sitting by large windows in a rather large room. I look up at the skies (was practicing for TOTM in WL) and I see some flat clouds. They look like UFO clouds and I'm jokingly saying to someone about UFOs in the skies.

      I look to the left and there are some huge alien spaceships. They are all different, colors are muted by distance and slight fog. But they are very pretty grey and blue gray.

      There was some kind of aerial fight and some very tall structure looking like a street ligt, but reaching all the way to the clouds took a hit and started toppling over. The wery tip of it hit the window near me and fell on the pillow I had my head on just seconds later. My phone got damaged and it's screen got cracked. It still worked but all images were shrunk to the middle of the screen.

      A utility truck comes by fast. It's all burned up and metal is all twisted. I't going fast, dodging the holes on the street caused my explosions and falling debree.

      Now I'm standing on the corner of the street and another utility wehicle comes by fast and it's leaving brand new asphalt pavement. We are amazed how fast the city fixes itself after distruction.

      Updated 02-05-2016 at 07:58 PM by 50242

    7. Visiting Distant Planets and Spanish Speaking "Aliens"

      by , 01-29-2016 at 07:36 PM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      this is the coolest dream I've had in a long time.

      Me and my dad were going to go to space. This part I don't really remember, but somehow we got on this machine that took us there. We were exposed in space and not wearing space suits but we were fine. We get to this clump of different machines in the middle of nowhere, and you had to press the button of what planet you wanted to go to. My dad pressed out destination planet and then we were there. It was a small planet, but beautiful. I went back to the button thing and wanted to explore more of space bu I didn't want to get lost so I went back. My mom, sister, and grandpa then showed up. NASA had built a house for us, it was a log cabin. I kept joking around saying things like, "where's the tv" and "my phone doesn't get any signal". The cabin was by a very small lake, or maybe it could be considered a pond. Once the sun went down, I realized that it would be back again in like 10 minutes since the planet was so small. It was basically just the cabin, the lake, and rock. But damn it was beautiful. My mom had all our meals prepared and she handed me an Arby's sandwich. I just stared at it for a bit, remembering my last experience at Arby's with a chicken sandwhich that wasn't cooked all the way through, but I just took it and told her I'd eat it later. At one point grandpa wandered off and we were worried but we found him.

      We then decided to explore another planet. We arrive in a forest-like setting next to a river and then we see people. They start to chase us down and have us all tied up ready to kill us. We try speaking to them but they don't speak our language. For some reason, I go, "Hablas Espanol?" and one of them goes, "si!" and this was a huge surprise. Now, my Spanish consists of 4 years of high school spanish, and that was 4 years ago. "Solo hablo un poco Espanol" I tell them. The man guy talks to me for awhile, trying to figure out who we are. It takes awhile but they start to understand us and become friendly. At one point I say, "Soy de el planeto Earth. Las personas son..." and then try to fish around for the spanish word for "ignorant", trying to tell them that some people on our planet our ignorant and still believe the Earth is flat. I ask which planet they are from and they tell me but I forget. Eventually they let us go and we get into our boat, ready to head back to our small planet. The end.

      Yeah it was kinda weird that the "aliens" spoke Spanish but whatever. The imagery in this dream was unreal. I wish I could visit distant planets. Maybe someday..
      Tags: aliens, planets, space
    8. #196 - Firefly

      by , 01-28-2016 at 08:52 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream - Firefly
      Spaceship, firefly, fight
      So once again I was pretty slow writing this up. I think this was 2 days ago? I was watching the TV series called Firefly to distract myself from the pain in my mouth . I think I was on a space ship (probably the Firefly) and I think I remember being in the hall, the floor was metal grate. There was a fight and someone was lying on the ground in a protective suit for armed forces.

      Dream fragment - Braces
      I just remember having a fragment about me wearing braces in my mouth, ouch.
    9. TOTM - meet someone

      , 01-24-2016 at 08:38 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night slept from around 12am-8am.

      WBTB 9am
      (no breakfast, just DV, reading ophelias DJ to get me primed for the TOTM - Advanced Task i - Meet someone in person who you only know online in waking life.

      This was about 50+ min event, chain of about 8 DEILDs.

      I get nice and relaxed very fast as usualy. My cat is pretending to sleep while I'm settling in on the sofa, then when I'm relaxed, he comes and lays on me. I have a new blanky that he loves and he is kneeding my stomach. I'm ok with that, I can WILD like that no problem. He is my lucky charm. But this time he is not settling down, so I continue after he hops off of me.

      I keep saying my mantra "I am dreaming" and keep thinking of Ophelia because I want to meet her for a totm.

      I remember only few of them, but the transitions are all pretty much the same. I'm doing something when I realize I'm still lucid.

      In some, while interacting with DCs, I initiate a WILD by pushing my head back to get the falling feeling. Or I'm just talking with someone or doing something in a LD when I feel the falling sensation and I realize I'm going into another LD.

      At one point I was thinking if I should wake up and write things down, but decided to go on, since I remembered the TOTM one and rest were insignificant.

      I'm pulling my red towel to cover something up, but it's stuck. I look back why is it stuck when I realize "oh, I'm lucid".

      Bunch of short ones here just me walking around in some rooms trying to get out.

      I again realize I'm still lucid, I sit up on the bed and tell Ophelia who is to my left that I just had 4 DEILD. But she can't hear me. She is busy with 2 kids (I read her DJ entry before attempt where she dad 2 kids).

      We are standing face to face and I panic not knowing how to "meet her" so the TOTM is valid. I ask if I can hug her and we hug. She is taller than I am and when I look at her face second time, she is morphing into Michael Landon. I say "oh, hi Michael" thinking this is weird because he is dead. So we start to french kiss. Nice and wet and hot. I feel every detail of his tongue. I was hoping he didn't mind when it occured to me, that even ded need some fun.

      I'm in a room with a woman I think it's Ophelia and 2 kids. Kids are watching TV. The room is 3D and so it the TV. I'm trying to figure it out how come.

      At least 3 LDs were in same building, but different rooms. Feeling of being in older tall building, small rooms, not well lit.

      I remember my other goal and I deliberately slow down and look around (lol I practiced looking around just before the attempt).

      I'm disappointed it's the same place, I walk to the window and walk out to the darkness. I'm falling down fast and the feeling in my stomach is ncredibly fun. Like a dip on a roller coaster that lasts for 5 seconds. I'm so giddy. Nearly blew my mind, it was so incredible awesome.

      I land on the ground in black and white street. I look to my right and there is my mom's house. I say "oh, it's my moms place, awesome". I walk around a bit to get a different view.

      Then I look up at the skies and see all kinds of stars. My eyes get huge when I spot a spaceship. I call my mom to show her. By then there is a UFO, a spaceship, bunch of planets, Milky Way, and a beautiful blue comet.

      LOL I just remembered another one with Ophelia.
      We are in a room and our boss walks in. He angrily points at a poster on the wall and asks who put it there. I quickly say it's motivational and it's ok. I don't wanna get her in trouble because she hang it there. It's kinda askew, one corner is hanging down, and poster is kinda not nice, degrading. Red in color with one image on it.

      Another recall - was looking for an occasion to get laid. Duh.

      2 hrs later, my thighs are still so relaxed and they tickle. Like when you take muscle relaxants.

      EDIT: 1.25.16
      Just remembered while reading future totm suggestions, that in one DEILD yesterday, I got sick of being in same place in all of them and tried teleport out by spinning. I had my doubts but I knew it will not wake me up..

      Another recall:
      HH - I'm sitting in a car thats going somewhere. I think why don't I take control of this HH. I think it may not work but at the same time I know it will, because everything always works. All I need to do is wish it.

      So I wish myself driving the car and I'm surprised when my view transfers to be behind the wheel, my field of vision widens to full view and I'm driving a car in LD.

      Love my subC.

      Updated 01-25-2016 at 10:55 PM by 50242

    10. Psychedelic Sand

      by , 01-17-2016 at 08:11 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #483 - DILD - 8:43AM

      I had an idea during a jog yesterday to play with psychedelic sand in my next LD so that's what I aimed for. I was having a hard time getting lucid even with a dose of galantamine (too tired) so I feel lucky to have pulled this off so late this morning. I dreamed tons. Most of them were pretty boring, but I enjoyed a strong feeling of bliss that carried through each one.

      [QUOTE = "summary"]I noticed I was living in a strange town and became lucid. I started jumping really high until the dream destabilized then I remembered my goal. I found some sand and played with it with expectations of something trippy to happen. I saw patterns and colors and deep space while my hands morphed. I woke up shortly after.[/QUOTE]

      I am standing on the back steps of a house that I think of as my home. Something feels off, but familiar at the same time. It's lightly raining and my see Alysha and Riley playing in water puddles. Suddenly, Riley does a belly slide through a deep puddle. I smile and glance at my wife who is intent on watching him. Riley then takes a deep gulp of water and spits it out my direction. I move over to him, "Eww! No, don't do that. It's dirty."
      In response, he starts to cough and spit like he has dirt in his mouth. My wife moves in to help, but he recovers quickly and goes on playing.

      I become introspective again while worrying about the rain. I remember that I had decided to go for another run today, but this rain is making me renege on that idea. I look around an wonder what town this is. I recall going for a jog in town yesterday, but I can't make it fit in this setting. I ask Alysha, "Hey, where did I run yesterday? I don't know this town anymore."
      My wife ignores me and watches an older girl wonder up and play with my son in the rain. I think I should be feeling wet by now but my body feels nothing. I wonder who this girl is, then notice we are basically in a church parking lot. I see other people come wondering out of the building. Then it hits me. I remember that I was trying to DEILD just a moment ago and almost succeeded. I do a nose plug and blow through. I become excited and start jumping up and down. My jump turns into giant leaps and gliding downward. I try to look down and see if anyone is noticing me but the dream is breaking up now. I recall my sand goal and stop jumping to stabilize.

      I crawl around until my vision clears and notice that I am face to face with asphalt. It's a parking lot and there is a blue pickup truck nearby. I stand up and search out a sand pit. I worry about the rain making the sand wet, but quickly dismiss that idea. I see an grassy area next to the church. I rush over and next to an AC unit I see patch of deep sand just big enough to play in. I lay on my stomach and pick up handfuls, letting the sand pour out. It all looks normal except the color of the sand looks more like sponge cake being darker on top like its been baked. I then remember that I need to have more expectation of something psychedelic. I do so as I take a finger and swirl the sand round, stirring it up. I quickly see geometric circle patterns flow out with traces of red. I shout out in delight, "Whoa cool!" I pick up more sand. My hands look cartooned and as the sand flows, it looks like multicolored, jagged lines of ink. I shout, "Whoa, man! Psychedelic sand! Yes!" The dream goes dark now and I feel that I am waking up. I test it by shouting "Hey" a few times, risking my wife coming in the room. However, it sounds really dreamy still so I roll over to my back. I look up and say, "Let me see outer space." A star field forms then quickly zooms into deep space. It's so beautiful that I reach out for it. I am surprised when my hands and arms look distorted and flowing like tentacles. There must be five or six appendages rapidly flowing up and waving like they are caught in a strong current of cosmic energy. I smile, "Whoa cool. Outer space, man." I then spread all of my tentacle apart and the view of deep space splits and moves out of view, putting me back in darkness. I feel satisfied enough with this dream to go ahead and wake up. For some reason, I keep repeating, "Outer space, man." Over and over. I know I sound like a stoner hippy, but I don't care at the moment. There's a brief flash of a false awakening, then I wake for real.
    11. Fuel

      by , 09-17-2015 at 06:28 PM
      I'm observing a time period when humanity's living on only one planet. Everywhere else has grown too cold to support them. I'm watching one man chase another into space, and he's thinking something about fuel. I'm thinking about my own choice of focus, a little amused - in a time period like this, I'd expect my focus to be on someone's epic struggle to save humanity or something to that effect. But that doesn't interest me here; this last world is going to fail regardless. I'm interested in this man's more personal struggle.
    12. Kyte and Fronz, A lucid from awhile ago (#249)

      by , 09-03-2015 at 12:48 AM (Lucid Time!)
      Kyte is a volcanic moon orbiting far from a large reddish brown gas planet with an apperance not unlike Jupiter, only it is larger and has a higher percentage of heavy elements. Only the planet is closer to its parent star. The parent star is an orange dwarf with a little less than half the mass of our sun. It is a part of a binary system with a red dwarf, but the red dwarf orbits far out and is barely visible in the daytime sky. However, at night, it is quite visible, meaning that there is a sort of "twilight day" when the smaller and more distant star has risen but not the primary star.

      The moon is much smaller than earth. 0.22 earth masses and fairly low gravity. There is an atmosphere with a high amount of noble gasses. Notably argon and xenon. The atmosphere is a snowy grayish color at sunset and sunrise and has a slight purplish tint during the day. There are clouds but they are often very thin and wispy. At the lowest points the atmospheric pressure is about 0.7 atm.

      The terrain varies little, though the entire surface of the planet is black and gray, due to very high carbon content. There are a few deep canyons and impact craters. Though most of the planet is relatively flat and sandy. Sand is carried by the strong winds and occasional storms that blow through and made into dunes.

      Though the moons' most notable feature are the large volcanoes spread out across the surface. They are concentrated near the equator but are present nearly everywhere. They have an unusual sweeping shape, beginning with a shallow slope and sweeping upward to nearly vertical chimneys miles tall. Most of these volcanoes are dormant or extinct but a few are quietly erupting small amounts of magma in deep channels running down the side.

      The planet generates anomalies in the magnetic feild of the parent gas planet. This coupled with tidal heating and heat from the sun ensures that the moon is rather warm. Due to its dark color, it has a very low albedo and surface temperatures range from 80-150 degrees.

      The moon has its own sub-satellite, an asteroid known as Nobal. It is only a few miles across and spins too fast for gravity alone to be keeping it together. It is theorized that it is one single rock being held together by chemical bonds.

      Fronz is another moon in a very close orbit around the gas planet. Due to its orbit, it is believed that in a few million years, it will pass the roche limit and be torn apart by its parent planet.

      It is much larger than kyte, about .43 earth masses, but still small. The moon is made mostly of water-ice with trace amounts of ammonia and oxygen in the atmosphere. Though the moon is mostly covered in ice, near the equator the ice melts resulting in a narrow band of water. The moon has complex weather patterns including snowstorms and snow-hurricanes.

      There is a third major moon orbiting the gas planet between Kyte and Fronz, but no information is given, though it has importance. There are also dozens of smaller bodies, presumably captured asteroids. Kyte and Fronz are very important because together, they posses all of the necessary resources for long term habitation. Bases will be set up on both moons, but a large orbital habitat will be constructed between the orbits of Kyte and the unnamed large moon. Supplies will be mined from these moons and shuttled to the orbital habitat.

      I close my laptop and abandon the project. It is something akin to Kerbal space program with is somehow also 'real' at the same time, and I feel very frustrated/sad that I have abandoned it. I 'remember' having worked on it for a very long time. I have to go to the store to look at quartz crystals with my mom. Should have become lucid. Space/planets dream sign.


      I was on a beach with Manei. Same beach that my first LD took place on. She gives me one of those 'broken heat' necklaces that light up when the two halves are put together. She has the other half.

      I ask her why. This seems like a really cheap/gimmicky thing to show love or friendship. I'm generally bothered by this and ask her what her reasoning was, and to be honest I'm still walking a tightrope on the whole 'being in love with a dream character' thing for reasons too complex to go into detail here. She explains that I should ignore the physical aspect of it and focus on the meaning behind the object. Oftentimes, objects with little or no monetary value can have great personal value and vice versa.

      Okay. Makes enough sense. I then commented on how I like the fact that my dreams do seem to periodically explore new morals and themes, and sometimes offering differing perspectives on old ones. I also like the fact that I am not always the fool when these morals are taught, and am sometimes the teacher rather than the student.

      I think the necklace had some kind of voice recording that would play when the two halves were put together. I can't remember. This dream was very faded, and I recall their being much more to it. It may be getting mixed up with a fake lucid dream I wrote for the sake of visualization set in the same location. I feel as though I actually had it about two weeks ago but only recalled now, as if it were buried in my mind somehow.
    13. Alternative Spacing HZP + DILD

      by , 07-06-2015 at 07:08 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I was some type of odd ship that transported me to a part in space. I got out and notice oddly shape creatures in a cage. I soon catch on that I was walking in space with out floating around or falling. Everything was too different to ignore the fact that it's a dream. I check the back of the house looking air craft and saw that one of the component have detach itself once landing. I tried figuring out where it's suppose to go but ended up getting frustrated and throwing it. The prisoners started making howls causing me to lose concentration, I observe this particular person in a old looking helmet bash his hands against the rusty steel bars. He then turns in to a crocodile and manages to slip through the bars.

      I began backing up and seeing what was behind me, which made me realize that I have been caught in a trap. There was another crocodile above me starting to come down. Checking more of my surroundings I found a huge yellow with black swirls slide going down through space. I check where it would lead me to but at the bottom was all white. I began thinking this dream wasn't looking too well. I could sense the crocodiles nearing so I stumble down trying to keep my balance but failed to do so. After rolling down I lost lucidity. Lucidity Time: 49 seconds
      lucid , non-lucid
    14. Intergalactic 3d Map of Space

      by , 06-12-2015 at 04:44 PM
      In the dream I am shown a 3dimensional map of the universe, or at least a part of the universe. I continue to zoom into the map, to look more closely at our own galaxy, the Milky Way.

      Meet me and o'nus girlfriends hair.-mesh2.jpg

      Meet me and o'nus girlfriends hair.-m101.jpg
    15. Jogging / Portable Hole / Space (DILD)

      by , 04-14-2015 at 07:06 AM
      Ritual: WTB 2am, woke 9am with dream. Recall: 9/10. April had so far been a dryspell, but after my hot streak in early March I hadn't worried too much about it. I've noticed that my streaks and dryspells often seem to operate cyclically. I was distressed in early April when even my dream recall was inexplicably poor, but for the past week that had been improving. I had been continuing daytime RCs but to no discernible effect, and hadn't made any serious LD attempts all month.

      Last night was no exception, but since I was stressed and annoyed over work obligations, I let myself drink rather heavily with dinner. The consequence of this was that I slept poorly, having to cycle lots of water and wake up even more frequently than usual. This didn't bother me either, as I'd slept plenty in the last few days and didn't feel especially tired. I also enjoyed that I was dreaming heavily all night, with decent recall, though the dreams themselves were not interesting enough to sacrifice more sleep to record them. As morning approached, the line between sleeping and waking started to blur, to the point where I found myself in a long dream where I seemed to be lying half-awake in my bed, but talking and interacting with DCs who were in the room with me. Even before the dream ended it occurred to me that it had involved some semi-lucid intervals, so I realized I should get up and take some notes. I was in the process of doing so when I began to suspect I was still dreaming. My first instinct was to wake myself up so I could record the dream properly, but then I realized that I shouldn't squander this unexpected opportunity!

      DILD: In my living room. Don't think I'm awake yet. Could wake myself up, of course. Hang on—that would be a waste. Must be at least an hour before I have to get up. What were those tasks again?

      Jogging will be easy enough. I start running even before I leave the house. Suddenly my feet feel heavy and I notice I am wearing my old black leather combat boots. Grin—if there was any doubt I was dreaming it has cleared up now. [For the record, I was never in the military, I just had a distinctive fashion sense in my youth.] Go outside the door and jog away. Immediately nothing like my backyard, though it does still resemble the region I live in. Look around: in the distance see a woman pushing a stroller. "Woman pushing a stroller," I say to myself, to fix the details. I'm running across a parking lot, and where it ends I pass an unusual tree whose thick branches are armed with long thorns. "Thorn tree," I state for the record. Find myself at the edge of a steep hill and run straight down. Gravity isn't a problem, I stay perpendicular to the ground I am covering, which means I am pitched forward at a 45 degree angle and would fall flat onto my stomach if gravity were operative, but it isn't. I can feel my body being gently buoyed up into this position, and my speed doesn't become too great. Say, "Steep hill." As I'm running down the hill, looking around, I see something stranger. The earth is almost barren, with dry scrubby vegetation in patches, but looking to my left, I see razors sticking up out of the ground as if someone has planted them there, dozens of them, several inches apart, covering a large patch of ground. "Razors planted in the ground," I say, adding, "Disposable razors." And they're not just any brand, but I recognize them: distinctive yellow handles, white heads... "Bic razors," I think.

      At the bottom of the hill the ground levels out. I notice that the act of jogging doesn't feel at all realistic, which is interesting because I actually do jog in WL on a semi-regular basis, so it is not that my dreaming mind lacks sensations to draw upon. In what respect is it unrealistic? Well, there's no need for real effort, no sense of real weight. And now, unbidden, my arms are dangling and dragging through the dry dirt of the ground, I can feel it sifting through my fingers. My arms do not feel any longer than normal, and my legs do not feel any shorter than normal, yet my fingers are trailing the ground alongside me as I run. I notice a small mushroom lying on the dirt and pick it up, saying "Mushroom." It is a fleshy beige tube-shaped stem without a distinct cap, and I recognize the type from the grocery store—it is a small eryngii mushroom.

      Previously I had passed highways at the base of the hill, but now I'm approaching a smaller local street, buildings tightly packed together on the side of the street across from me. I decide to move on to another task. When the April TOTMs were posted I had worked out a plan whereby I would use the portable hole to portal myself into space and do the bonus task. I note an ideal location in the street—there's a manhole cover there or some other kind of circular mark that seems the ideal place to set down the hole. I notice three guys on this side of the road are getting into a parked car and feel instinctive momentary caution about running in front of it, but remind myself that this is a dream, there's no way to be harmed if the car hits me, and anyway I should use it as motivation to succeed quickly in the hole task. In retrospect, I note that the direction they're about to drive suggests either that this must be a one-way street, or else that the traffic flow is the opposite of what it normally is in the US.

      I had planned my strategy as I was jogging up, so once I got to the spot I had designated, I promptly used my right hand to reach into my "pocket" (to avoid overcomplicating things I deliberately didn't bother to take notice of what I was wearing or make sure it had a pocket, I just let assumption carry the day), pulled out my portable hole and dropped it. Nothing happened, but the problem was easily diagnosed: my hand had come up empty from my pocket, so I had only been pretending to drop the hole. Apparently, in dreams, there can somehow still be a distinction (however nuanced) between "pretending" to do something and "actually" doing it.

      "You actually have to pull something out," I murmured to myself reprovingly, and reached into my pocket again. This time my hand closed around a folded piece of very thin black cloth. I recall the texture of the cloth made it feel like a synthetic fiber, smooth and slightly shiny. I unfolded it and dropped it on the pavement. It was circular, perfectly sized to fit over the manhole-cover spot in the street, but I had thrown it so casually that it had fallen in a bunched up and wrinkled way, so I kneeled down to gently smooth it flat. Then I stood back up and stepped on the cloth, intending to sink through it and find myself in space. Of course the first time, it felt no different than stepping onto a layer of cloth that had been set onto the pavement, and I didn't go anywhere. This didn't surprise me, since I knew my expectations might have been conditioned by some of the early TOTM reports I had read in this month's thread. So I patiently tried again, knowing I could make this work. I hopped in place and focused on the sensation of sinking. The second try was still a dud. I hopped again, maintaining my focus and emphasizing the idea of falling through the hole. It worked, though instead of falling suddenly, as one might through a real hole, I was sinking slowly and gently downward. I used this extra time to build my image of where I wanted to end up: space.

      After I sank beneath the surface of the pavement, I was floating in a pitch black, unconstructed space. This was more promising than disorienting—after all, outer space has very similar qualities. However, I knew I should be seeing stars, so I firmed my resolve to be in space, specifically "outer space," not just unconstructed space. The dream complied, and filling my field of view to the front and right was a sudden glimpse of a great starry disk, fully round as if I was looking at it head on. "Galaxy," I murmured, impressed by how beautiful it was, how awe-inspiring, even if it had been generated entirely by my own mind. But the task required me to observe a sunrise over Earth, so I focused my intention using keywords: "Space. Sunrise."

      The beautiful galaxy disappeared, replaced with a vision much less inspiring. From photographs I have the impression that seeing the actual Earth from space is visually stunning, but despite the loveliness of my galaxy, my model of Earth was rather dull and unconvincing. What made it so underwhelming was that I didn't feel like the distances were right: even though I was still floating in "space," I felt like I was only a few feet away from the planet, which resembled a large globe about six feet in diameter. It was dark, because I was looking at the night side, and as I willed the "sunrise" to occur, the light creeping around the edge of the planet illuminated something unexpected: the whole planet seemed fenced in by structures built over and around it, and they were covered with corporate logos! Actually it seemed very appropriate metaphor for the current state of affairs. The structures definitely didn't look like the sorts of things that could exist in space, though, since they consisted of large interlocking beams that crowded and dwarfed the planet itself. As I examined this structure, the "space" in which I was floating stabilized into the interior of a large, dimly lit room, the earth and the structures around it becoming mere models. It resembled the lobby of a planetarium or space museum.

      "Space. Sunrise." I said again firmly, trying to restore the scene to the one I had intended. I temporarily succeeded in making the room fade away so that I was again floating in darkness in front of the Earth, but when I tried to re-do the sunrise, the growing light illuminated the walls of the same room that I had just banished, and now the light was almost aggressively bright. This, I figured, was actual light from WL—during my earlier wakings I had noticed that it was a very bright morning, and my curtains can only do so much to keep light out of the bedroom. I managed to ignore the light and hold onto the dream a little bit longer, but I was still wrestling to turn the room's interior back into outer space when I woke up.

      Updated 04-14-2015 at 07:50 AM by 34973

      lucid , false awakening , task of the month
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