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    Lucid Dreams

    1. OBE Style Exits, hearing Binarual beats during exit

      by , 03-27-2011 at 08:44 AM
      I had a chain of 3 obe style exit/concious dreams last night, and once again I was too lazy to write them down as soon as I woke up and now can only remember some sketchy details.

      I went to bed at about 10pm I probably lay there thinking for about 1 hour. I then started an attempt at WILD, I started getting some good HI fairly quickly combined with a 3rd eye meditation, I reached the threshold a few times but each time I woke back up again. After several attempts I just rolled over and fell asleep.

      I was woken again at about 2:30 my brother and a few of his friends came over drunk, I considered joining them, but decided I might as well give WBTB ago since I am awake. I had a chat with them for abit grabbed my laptop so I could drown out their noise with some binaural beats. It was now 4am.

      I started playing the binaural beat and was starting to get into it but I knocked the earphones out of the laptop so just went to sleep, next thing I know I can hear slow binaural beat play, thats odd I swear I turned it off. I lay there listening my legs up to my hips became light as the sensation moved up my body the 'beats' became faster and faster until it sounded like a normal binaural beat. I thought to my self .. so this is how bianural beats should sound I'm going to make a track like this.

      Suddenly little dots appeared, HI I suppose I started speeding through 'space'. I landed on a path leading up a mountain. I started walking there was a girl near by I asked her what her name was,she ignored me so I keept on walking, I approached another girl and asked her what her name was, she was much more friendly I forget what she said her name was .. mybe Sam. I asked her how old she was and she said she was 11, I said no way you are not, she looked like an adult to me, not sure what happened after that, I woke up.

      I still had that light feeling in my body I rolled my 'energy body' on to its side and I had the weird kind of duality with my physical body. I entered the same dream again this time the girl I spoke to told me she could not help me, not sure what she was talking about as I never asked her for help.

      The third time I awoke still had the light feeling I pushed down through my body and on to my floor. I could feel the floor boards I slid out from under my bed and out into my living room, my brothers friends where asleep there.

      I can't remember much else. The main thing I remember is the binaural beats, I really should try and replicate them.

      I really need to write these down as soon as awake, I even had a FA of me writing in my dream journal.
    2. Not Lucid but still vivid and disturbing

      by , 03-27-2011 at 02:06 AM

      Wasn't lucid but everything was vivid.

      I'm trying to survive a zombie apocalypse with my little sister, my grandma, and my mum. I don't know where my dad is. Probably a zombie.
      I clearly remember the last half of my dream so I'll write it down. After being safely secured into a fairly nice apartment unit (maybe on the 3rd or 4th storey) I try to keep the door shut against the zombies with various things: a chair, a bookshelf, a towel (?), amongst other things That aren't too clear. The sun is setting and the zombies are getting more and more ravenous. My sister appears next to me trying to help keep the door secure and the zombies start banging against the door - they smell blood. I start to get frantic and for some reason a boy vaguely appears and he tries to help me but ends up tearing the doorhandle out and weakening the defences on the door. I remember thinking that he was a total idiot and that we were all going to die. A zombie gnashes its teeth and stares into the hole where the doorhandle used to be and the zombies in my dreams don't look like normal movie zombies. They looks like slimy, starved half men half Gollum creatures with slits for a nose and big round eagle eyes and hundreds of razor sharp teeth. They are grey/blue in colour and are totally wild creatures. The zombie manages to push the door open a fraction and it slithers a hand in to push down the objects holding the door closed against the swarm of zombies and now I am the only one and the only thing stopping the zombies from coming in. My sister is still there but she is helplessly staring at the dire scenario. I try to gouge the zombie's eyes but it manages to prick my forefiger and my middle finger with its teeth and I know right then and there that I was going to 'change' into a zombie.
      I remember feeling the pain when the zombie cut me and I could see the blood on my fingers so well. I remember sucking the blood and suddenly the zombies stopped trying to come into the apartment and they moved on in a slow swarm - possibly finding an easier kill. I opened the door and started to follow them but then I turned back to my sister who was standing in the doorway and I said, in distress, "I can't do it. I can't go with them yet. I need to say goodbye to everyone."
      So I went back inside to the lounge where my mum and my grandma were sitting and my sister sat down on the couch with them. The sun has fully set and the flourescent lights in the room were flickering. I showed my mum my cut fingers and she couldn't see them too well. She didn't really understand what I was telling her, so I told her, "I got bitten."
      I remember feeling the terror and desperation I felt at that very moment. Those emotions felt so real at the time and I started shaking and pacing up and down saying "I don't want to change. I need to kill myself before I change. Can you kill me mum? Can you kill me?"
      My mum looked terrified and my little sister said "You're going to kill yourself?!" in a very incredulous voice.
      "Do you have a knife? A rope? Sleeping pills?" I started yelling.
      My grandma just sighed and told me to look in her sewing kit (in real life she actually has this sewing kit that she used all the time) for her sleeping pills.
      I obeyed and gave her a big jar of large green pills. She started cutting them open and pouring the contents onto a newspaper to put into a glass of water and while she was doing it I was terrified I wouldn't be able to kill myself before I changed into a zombie.
      I asked my mum when I would 'change' and she replied, "You have five minutes."
      "FIVE MINUTES?!"
      I sat down next to my mum and meditated to try and stop the change happening and for a moment I thought maybe I was different. Maybe I could stop myself from changing. And While I was meditating and concentrating on not changing I could the change rise up from deep within me (it was a strange, hot, angry, and desperate sort of feeling) and I kept trying to push it back down. But then my vision went black and the last thing I saw before I collapsed sideways onto the couch was my grandma chopping up green pill after green pill and I could feel extremely intense agony in my torso and I remember screaming and it sounded inhumane and metallic (like the zombies) and I totally blacked out and my mum was trying to comfort me while I was changing and my last thought before i woke up was how I wished my grandma would hurry up so I could kill myself.

      Very morbid dream and I woke up still feeling the echo of the pain that I felt in my dream. I feel pain quite often in my dreams and although it's distressing at times it only takes me half an hour or so to recover from the dream. However, after this dream I spent the whole morning yelling at my sister and feeling really angry and distressed and I couldn't face anyone. I ended having to get high and that helped me. I wonder if this is normal?
      memorable , lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    3. Who Are You Supposed to Be?

      by , 03-27-2011 at 01:55 AM (Nocturn Core (Abridged))
      I was on a train. Two guys noticed that they both had Swiss Gear backpacks. I showed them mine, and they laughed when they saw I had one, too. I realized one of the guys was Eric Weller.

      “Eric?” I blinked. He pointed at himself as if to make sure I was talking to him.

      “Yeah, I’m supposed to be Eric. Who are you supposed to be?” The phrasing of his question was bizarre. I replied in a manner that struck it down.

      “I’m Josh.”

      “Oh! Right!” Awkward silence followed. We got off the train and came to a room with strangely shaped windows… It was painted purple throughout. I thought about how much I wanted to realize I was dreaming. Then, confused by the origins of the thought, I looked around. I was dreaming! I grabbed Eric by the shoulders.

      “Dude, we’re in a dream. What do you feel like doing?”

      “I dunno…”

      “Neither do I! Let’s fly!” I threw him out the window forcibly and jumped out after him. He didn’t know how to fly, so he just tumbled toward the rugged mountain valleys below us. I swooped down and pointed a finger at him to levitate his body in the air.

      “What are you doing?!” he cried, waving his arms.

      “Try moving. Float up.” As I spoke, he drifted upward. He panicked when he couldn’t change directions, however, and I had to bring him down with my magic finger. “You’re bad at this…” I brought him down to a boat on the side of a mountain. I gave my intent to summon Nicole, and voila! There she was, standing on the deck. She looked around, then at me. “Welcome to my dream,” I said. “Is it really you, or are you just ‘supposed to be’ Nicole?” Eric didn’t seem pleased by my teasing question.

      “I’m me…” Nicole said. “So hold on, we’re dreaming?”

      “Yes. I saw a portal while I was flying around. Let’s go into it!” Nicole agreed, so we flew up to a purple vortex in the sky. Darkness spiraled into it as it seemed to spin. We were both sucked in. Hopefully, dream Eric didn’t starve in the middle of nowhere – we left him behind. The vortex filled my vision.

      I had a false awakening. I sat up in bed, staring down at my hand. My arm was incredibly long – at least five feet – and each of my fingers branched off into two. I felt like I was going cross-eyed. I couldn’t focus on anything properly. After a while, things stabilized, and my hand was normal.

      “I guess we’re not dreaming,” I told Nicole.

      Updated 03-31-2011 at 01:58 AM by 19592

    4. Disbelieving DC

      by , 03-26-2011 at 11:42 PM (Wandering Dimensions of the Mind)
      This is from a couple days ago. It's a little fuzzy since I didn't have my DJ handy and couldn't write it down immediately.

      Dream Lucid Notes/Observations

      I'm trying to sneak into a mansion high up in the mountains somewhere. I've left my car down at the base of the canyons, and have a long ways to walk to get back. I have to be done and back to the car before sunrise. The mansion is surrounded by a huge fence, and the only way in is through a guardhouse with 3 doors.

      I sneak around the outside of the guard house and choose a door at random. As i come in i see that there is a counter in the middle of the room, behind which a guard is lounging, facing slightly away from me. I'm low enough down that the counter hides me as a sneak around to get behind him, and shoot him with my tranquilizer pistol.

      I stand up and look around the guard house, but it's pretty empty so I walk out the door that leads to the mansion grounds. I spend some time looking around but can't find a way in, and after a while I decide I need to get back to my car, so I head back to the guard house.

      As I'm approaching the guard house a bunch of giant orange/brown scorpions come out of the ground (Bark Scorpions from Fallout New Vegas, which is odd because I haven't played the game s in weeks). I run in into the guard house, and climb up onto the counter. I'm shooting at the scorpions with my tranqs, but the darts can't pierce their armor. Then big white rats start coming out of the ground as well, and I can't hit them either. I'm surrounded and pretty sure I'm going to die (but I'm not particularly scared for some reason).

      The Dream shifts, (I'm not sure if I just forgot the transition, or if it was an actual shift) and suddenly I'm riding a horse through the desert. I know I have to reach the prince and tell him that the enemy has taken the blade (the large desert part of our country) but that we still hold the hilt (the small fertile portion around the capitol).

      I ride through the desert for awhile, maybe 15 minutes, admiring the harsh landscape and colorful hotsprings. At last I come to the building I'm looking for, where the prince should be. It's a large white building, that looks something like a traditional mosque. I dismount and walk in through the large double doors at the front. Inside is a young woman I know to be the Sheik's wife, and their daughter who is maybe around 6 or 7.

      The Sheik's wife will not speak to me, so I ask the little girl where her brother is because I have important information for him. She refuses to tell me where he is. And somehow I know that I'm dreaming. I look around the room and sort of stabilize, taking in the pattern of the blue tiles on the walls, and the flowers on the tables standing in niches around the room. The little girl is still glaring at me, so I motion her over and ask if she wants to know a secret. I tell her that she is in my dream (for some reason it was very difficult for me to say this, I'm not sure if it was because I didn't quite believe it, or what). She doesn't believe me and tells me so quite bluntly. So I decide to prove it to her. I make myself levitate a few feet off the floor and say "See?" But she turns away and and goes to stand by her mother, who refuses to look at me. This seems to shake my lucidity a bit as I cannot maintain my levitation and spend a few more minutes admiring the beautiful mosaic on the wall before I wake up.
    5. 13th and 14th lucid dreams

      by , 03-26-2011 at 10:15 PM
      one was a WILD and the second was a WILD/DILD. WILD: I got off the couch and tried to stabilize the dream by feeling my face and the couch, and verbal commands. the commands did not work because i could not talk. the dream quickly faded. after that i guess i had another WILD because I remember vibrations and HI. it seemed more real than my usual dreams, too, but it was like a false awakening. i was trying to turn my mp3 player volume down, but it stayed at the same level. then i remembered the vibrations i had just felt and realized i was dreaming. then i woke up. i hope i have better luck in the future.
    6. Security Fight, or is it Flight?

      by , 03-26-2011 at 05:41 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: March 26, 2011 – 6:00AM (USA Eastern)
      Text color legend: · NON-DREAM · NOTES · DREAM · LUCID ·

      I am walking into a large hotel building that has a huge stadium attached to the side of it. There are several security guards standing at the counter and throughout the building. As I walk toward the counter, one of the security guys decides he doesn't like me for some reason. He pulls out his baton while giving me a couple of hard looks, then starts walking toward me, twirling his baton. I decide that I do not want to find out what his problem is, so I jump into the air and start flying. I fly up over the entry area and into a large open hallway that goes all the way to the top floor. I turn around to see that the security guy is flying after me. I look forward again to see that I'm about to crash into a window. Instead of hitting the glass, I pass right through without any effort and stop outside the building while hovering in the air.

      Realizing that I just flew through a window without breaking it and am now hovering in the air, I become lucid and continue my flight. I fly up the side of the building and land on a steep part of the roof. The security guy lands near me and starts running toward me. I do a nose pinch as a quick safety check, then run and jump off the edge of the roof. I nose dive toward the ground, then catch flight and fly through the front of the building into the stadium area. The security guy crashes into the ground, then gets up and walks in the door. At this time, I decide to face him and find out what his issue is. He walks up to me and says nothing, then starts punching and kicking at me. Thinking that this is a boring place for a fight, I fly up into the upper area of the stadium and land on one of the I-beams on a roof truss. I look back and see the guy climbing up the beam toward me. It appears that he has lost his flying ability, or just doesn't want to try and fly again. As he approaches, I jump off the beam and fly through the wall and straight up into the sky.

      Once I gain some altitude, I stop and look down at the building. The security guy is standing on the roof, staring up at me. I decide to take him out so I can enjoy the rest of the dream, so I summon a large sword and a shield. I dive straight toward him with the sword pointed at him. When I reach him, I pass through him then crash into the building. I tumble off the roof and fall to the ground, unable to attain flight. When I stand up, everything quickly fades before I have a moment to stabilize.
    7. Semi Lucid

      by , 03-26-2011 at 05:36 PM (My Second Life)
      Yesturday my dream started with my at my moms place. Her friend Fred was there saying he rented this scary movie and wants to watch it. While sitting there I had a burst of knowingness and I realized I was dreaming.
      Quickly I jumped on the couch and rubbed the walls with my hands. I even Licked the wall to attempt to stabilize the dream but soon I awoke.
      I layed still and didnt move, as I was falling back asleep I told myself I will remember i'm dreaming.

      Im now down stairs now at my moms place we've started a movie and Fred starts walking down the steps saying, Hey I got rented this movie.
      I look at him and I have that sence of awarness but i never said in my dream hey im dreaming, I just layed low. With my finger i made a box around the T.V and Dvd player(just like in adobe photoshop) and i split the box with two fingers making Copies of the Television ! now we can both watch different movies Fred says happily.
      I spin around and started to make more T.Vs on their floor and computer desk. I was amazed, Soon my step dad came out of the bathroom and i thought of giving him some hair.
      I made an outline around my head and made a motion of putting it on his head.
      Now he's got a Full set of hair on his head ! It looks alittle off but my mom tells his it will grow in. Everything in this dream wasn't Vivid but it was shadowy and Vague almost like I was tired and aware i was in the dream or as i see it (semi Lucid). As I woke up I layed still again thinking I will reconize im dreaming once asleep.

      In the next dream I was in a field playing catch with no ball but a Rock... Something was off but I wasn't aware of it fully It felt like my conscious was Half asleep.
      As the rock was thrown to me it goes way off but I use spider-mans web to bring it right into my hand. I seen no web come out its was invisible.
      After catching it I threw it up and used the web again playing catch with myself amazed. Shortly after we're at a park and its time to go. I tell everyone I can teleport them home rather than walking or catching the bus. One by One I made the disappear until I was left. Looking at a tree and did the same highlighting technique and pasted one ontop of the other making an extremely tall tree. While looking up I thought this is cool and I woke up.

      While in all my dreams Exept the first bit Everything wasn't Vividly clear when I was Controlling some things, But its a start.
      lucid , non-lucid
    8. Lucid Dream 204: Human Kites

      by , 03-26-2011 at 04:13 PM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      March 25, 2011
      Lucid Dream 204: Human Kites
      Series: Friends, Episode 9
      around 7:00am

      Me and my friend Mike D are walking through Wal-Mart. We walked back to the alcohol section and I grabbed some strange bottle of alcohol. It looked like milk. Mike D looked at me and said, "What kind of pansy sh** is that?" I then noticed his bottle was even worse. He had grabbed a bottle of some pink milky alcohol. I laughed and said, "Yours is twice as pussy as mine. Its a pink b**** drink!" There was a row of hot chicks sitting on a bench inside the store. They heard me make fun of Mike's drink and they all began laughing and pointing at him. Mike freaked out and grabbed his bottle. He held it above his head and shouted, "You want to f***ing laugh! Laugh about this!" He then slammed it down on the ground and it shattered. Everyone around was looking at Mike like he was crazy. Mike walked over to me and I couldn't help but mess with him some more for freaking out like a crazed man. The manager of the store came storming up to the mess and demanded to know who did it. I think everyone was afraid to point at Mike, so they all pointed at this shy looking girl walking behind us. The manager stormed over and told her to leave. He then walked up to us and said, "You two hold it right there! I know it was you!" I acted confused and said, "How could it be us when it was the girl behind us?" The manager told us that we were in "cahoots" with her. He then went looking for security.

      Me and Mike took off running toward the front of the store. Once we reached the front of the store it had now turned into my old high school. I saw the manager enter the auditorium door and began shouting for assistance. Mike said, "He is getting the all-state track team to chase us!" I thought, "Oh shit!" We hauled ass out of the front door. Rack was in a truck waiting to pick us up right in front of the school. We tried to run as fast as we could, but we were moving at a snails pace. I kept getting slower until I finally reached the truck and hooped in. I saw the track team sprinting out of the front door. Rack punched the gas and we took off. Me and Mike were suddenly floating in the sky behind the truck.

      I looked at Mike and said, "Dude, we didn't make it in the truck!" He pointed at the truck that was about to turn out of the front driveway. I lunged forward and we flew up to the back of the truck. I grabbed a long coiling hose that was hanging off the back of the truck. We held on as Rack drove off the hill. I realized how ridiculous this scenario was and became lucid. We held onto the hose and mike asked, "Shouldn't we go do something...we are dreaming right now right?" I confirmed his assumptions, but told him that we should just see where he takes us. We were high up in the air and being pulled around like kites. We had to dodge power lines for a while until we got out of town. We were now in a giant field driving toward a mountain range. We were very high above the ground and Rack was no longer in a vehicle. He was running and holding onto the coil, pulling us like kites. I lost lucidity somewhere around here.

      I noticed a creature off in the distance. As we approached it, I saw it was a baboon. I started telling Mike how violent and crazy baboons were. He didn't believe me because Rafiki was nice and he was a baboon. I argued that Rafiki was a mandrill, but wasn't entirely sure. I suddenly noticed that we were very close to the ground and quickly approaching the baboon. As we got closer, the baboon let out a death squall and ran at us. It tried to jump and grab my foot, but I managed to pull them up out of its reach. Instead of Rack, Mike B was now pulling us and he was walking. I yelled at him to get his ass in gear, because the baboon was going to kill us. Mike took off running and we gained altitude once again. Soon we approached a large wooden fence with a door. We landed on the fence and climbed to the other side, just as the baboon dove and hit the fence.

      I immediately gained lucidity on the other side of the fence. We were in the backyards of a small neighborhood. There were several houses in the vicinity. We told Mike B that we were lucid the whole time and he said, "So we could have just flown here?" I responded, "Well...WE did." Mike called us bastards and then told me to fly as high in the air as I could. I told him that I wasn't in a space mood. I attempted to fly over to a nearby pond, but had trouble staying airborne. I felt the dream slipping and I prepared to DEILD.

      Since the DEILD didn't last very long, I'm just counting it as an extension of this dream and not its own unique dream.

      I felt myself waking up and then falling immediately back into the dream. I felt my body roll over on its own and into the dream. I was back in the exact same place that I had woke from. Mike and Mike were even in the same general areas that they were when I lost the dream. I heard a noise behind me and the baboon came barreling up to me. I grabbed it with a hand on each jaw and pulled hard in the opposite directions. Its jaw snapped and it broke his top and bottom jaw. It fell over and Mike proclaimed it to be dead. The baboon immediately jumped up to attack and I grabbed him, slammed it on the ground and launched it high into the air. It fell to the ground and broke its neck. I told Mike that he should join me in my flight into space. I was showing him how to keeping gaining altitude, when I felt the dream slipping. I attempted to DEILD, but my hand was now directly in front of my fan. It was very cold and I knew I wouldn't succeed, so I woke up and wrote down the dream.

      Series Details
      In the dream series, "Friends," I join the DC counterparts of my waking life friends and tackle the dream world. You never know what we will be up to next, but I guarantee it will be one hell of a time. Stay tuned for more entries to the series!

      Updated 05-01-2011 at 07:26 PM by 22654

    9. lucid fragment

      by , 03-26-2011 at 03:39 PM
      I had a lucid dream but I can't remember what happened, all I can remember is that the dream content was scary because after the dream I had a false awakening and I was thinking about asking on the dreamviews forum why my recent lucid dreams have been so scary.
      dream fragment , lucid , nightmare
    10. Kingdom hearts lucid

      by , 03-26-2011 at 03:32 PM
      I had a dream that I was in my house, I did a hand reality check and realized that I was dreaming. I left my house but I was a little anxious about it. when I got to my backyard I was attacked by heartless from the kingdom hearts games. I remember seeing a couple of shadows and some dark figure in a cloak. I woke up soon after the fight.
    11. 26/03/11 - A possible future

      by , 03-26-2011 at 01:44 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Intended to get lucid last night, and I did, but I haven't had a long and vivid LD in two weeks now, and that sucks. I have tried getting lucid more than once a night, but I'm finding it very difficult. I'm thinking I shouldn't have too strong intentions when going to bed. Instead I will focus on the WBTB during the morning, which will ensure me to have a long and vivid LD. Also I'm having a hard time writing down my dreams, too damn tired! This is what I recall from last night.

      22.30: Sleep

      07.30: Lost love
      I'm in Gene Simmons house. I don't recall what I've done there, but I have a vague memory of doing alot. I look through a closet of his and find a box full of random things. A small pin board with different military honors on it. None of them are special and I put the thing aside. I find a brown envelope with a couple of pictures in it. This thing I know, it's actually a letter I and my girlfriend used to fill up with pictures with things we did. I realise that never actually happened.

      Dream skips. I'm outside of the house and ring the doorbell. A woman opens the door. "Yes?". "Hi, you probably don't know who I am, but I just want to thank you. I want to thank you for everything you gave me in the past, for everything you gave me in the present and everything you might give me in the future, even if it might never happen" I say and begin to get emotional. An entire lifetime was all a lie. I hand her the brown envelope and walk away. A friend of mine is with me. "What now?" he asks me. I jump up in the air and do several spinkicks before I land.

      I realise it's all a dream because of the low gravity. Cool, the second time I'm lucid tonight. Something suddenly rushes past me. I turn around and see a few people driving around in invisible go karts. "Let's follow them" I say and get down on my butt. I use their momentum just as they're rounding a corner and drag myself with telekinesis after them. It's quite fun, but I can't seem to catch up. I stand up and start to run instead. I jump and try to fly but I land on my stomach, scraping my belly. Damnit.

      07.30: Fragment
      *I'm in my hometown with Monica. Ahead of us is a tunnel full of people. I walk up to the crowd which is being held back by the police. A policeman gives me a push with his shield and tells me to step back. I spot an old classmate and I ask him what's going on. He tells me the cops punched him and he shows me his broken lip.

      09.00: Boat
      I'm in a boat at work. There's something on the bottom we have to get up, and my boss shows up in a smaller boat and starts circling us. I get in the water and dive. There's a rope down there and I'm desperately trying to grab it, I almost black out when I reach the surface for air. I lie still for a while to regain my strength. On the second try I grab the thing and pull it up. It's a small boat and I turn it upside down to get the water out. A small girl who was with us has to ride the boat and I tell her to relax and sit still. I grab the oars and put them in their holes and hand them to her.
      All of a sudden the water turns to ice and I get up on it. I grab a rope coming from the boat and I try to pull the little girl over the ice. The rope breaks and I tie it up again. Once again the rope breaks and I have to redo it. I struggle with it for a while and when I feel like it should hold I start to run.

      I am completely oblivious to the change of scenery and I run into a restaurant on a cruiseship. The rope breaks and red onion slices spreads out on the entire carpet. My brother Martin shows up. "Hey Matte! Let's get wasted ok?" he tells me and gestures for me to follow him. I don't feel like eating any more McDonalds (apparently I had had some) and I follow. We run down five or six flights of stairs going around. "I don't have anything to drink" I tell him.

      My sister shows up on the next floor. "You can have milk from me, just chug it!" she tells me as I keep on running downwards. "Get drunk on milk? Are you serious? I don't want any milk!" I yell at her back and we arrive at a club. I head up to the bar to order a few beers I can chug.

      09.00: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 10 hours

      Supplements: None

      That's it! I'll do a proper WBTB tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 03-26-2011 at 04:06 PM by 36346

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. women, wow, sorcerer, phase

      by , 03-26-2011 at 01:34 PM (Sehnsucht)
      I had 5 dreams today I think, but I can only remember 4. After 5 days of sleep deprivation, the dreams were great.

      I enter a flat with 3 people, I don't know them. We wake up two women, they are lying in bed, one on top of the other. They both have brown hair, the lower one long, the upper shorter hair. They look incredibely beautiful, and seem to are naked under the blanket. At first, everyone stares at them, then the other 3 people begin to discuss something. This annoys the women, nad they try to get the attention back. First, they are kissing. They got my attention now, but the others are not even noticing what is going on. The women are even more upset, then the one with long hair goes even further and drwas the blanket down, one breast is visible. Still no reaction from the others. The short-haired one starts to caress and lick the breast, nothing happens. They finally give up.
      The longhaired girl is now showering, the other one is sitting with me on a coach and we have a conversation. She is wearing a white t-shirt and shorts, because she will take a shower soon too. We talk about trading card games. The longhaired one finished her shower, the other hops in. I need to go to the toilet, but the door is locked. The longhaired one shows me an alternative way to get in, there a hole in the wall, but I decide not to disturb the one showering.

      My brother is trying to convince me in playing World of Warcraft again (as he always tries IRL), so I run around with a gnome and die. We look up what new features will be updated with the next addon, and see that there will be 2 new classes. Like any WoW-player would, my brother freaks out, and pushes me to look for more information. I find sketches of the talent trees available, and we look into it. The first class is specializing in Dagger-like weapons, and amplifies their damage by using some magic force related to animals. The second class is somewhat an assasin, but one talent tree stands out, because its sole purpose is to push the 2-hand-sword damage. I mention that this could mean insane crit-potential, then I look at the last talent. It is an attack where the user spins around, does damage to everyone near him and disarms them too. Quite powerful against melees.

      Me and my brother are watching television, a series starts and I say: "Hey, it's invader Zim!", and our attention rises. The show starts, and I feel like I am really in the story. The first scene is in a dark room, a small fire is in there, and an old sorcerer is reading out loud from a book. He looks very sad to me. The rival to Zim appears, this kid from school with glasses and black hair. He threatens him to hand over the book, and tells him that he will come back to kill him, because he has too much knowledge. The sorcerer is rather oblivious to it, he is constantly worrying about something. The rival leaves with the book.
      I am now part of the story, I gather a team of 5 people and try to get the book back from him. We follow him into a dark forest, mist is all around us. A woman of our team gets seperated from us (she reminds me of Kallen in Code Geass), and gets attacked by ghostlike beings. She gets bitten and becomes half monster. I run after her, but she yells that she is okay and will manage it somehow, and then vanishes with the ghosts into the mist. We locate the rival, and a few of my team start an attack, the rest waits. After a while, the woman comes back, she is human again. She is holding frogs in her hands, saying that the rivals magic power is too strong. The frogs are our teammates, they only turn back to human form very slowly, so we decide to regroup and leave.
      We are in a room, and analyzing the rivals powers. The woman has taken sound recordings, so I go to the computer and look for a program on google. I try to type the right thing, but I fail 3 times.
      "I know why it isn't working, this is a dream." I say to a teammate who was looking over my shoulder. I remember what I wanted to do, so I go to the computer again and try to play the song "Colony of birchmen" by Mastodon, but instead I hear something DaftPunk-like. Then I try to make the dream more vivd by clapping my hands, but the dream fades.

      I clearly remember the transmission from the dream to reality, I am lying in my bed on my left side. I think "this is exactly the right time to try DEILD", so I do not move and try to do the techniques described in a book. Observing images is not working, so I listen to the sound in my head. Then I decide to roll out of my body, but instead, my body moves.
      Still, it was my dream body, I succesfully entered the phase. I roll out of bed, and drop to the ground. Everything feels real, I wonder if I am really dreaming. My room is dimly lit, I sit on the ground and wonder why my ghost has not left my body. I try to drag my soul; my left arm is drawing on my right fingertips. I am partly succesful, the spirit really seems to come out, but it is elastic, like a rubber glove. Then I think: "This is stupid, how a I supposed to draw out my soul with my body?" so I stop and leave my room, kinda still wondering if I am dreaming. I enter the room of my brother, he is sitting at his copmuter and his hands move as if he is playing a game, but instead of his monitor, he is looknig at a big black box, somehow looks like a big monitor from behind. I am amused by this and tell my brother that I am in the phase.

      ...yeah. It was awesome.
      lucid , non-lucid
    13. Lucid Dream 203: The First Blow

      by , 03-26-2011 at 10:15 AM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      March 23, 2011
      Lucid Dream 203: The First Blow
      Series: 108 Stars of Destiny, Episode 7
      around 2:00pm

      I'm in my kitchen with Chris R and he is packing a bowl. I watch him hit the odd looking device and I proceeded to do the same. It looked like one of those small, square dental floss dispensers that you get after a visit to a dentist. The top was opened, weed stuffed inside, it was fired up, the top closed and you hit it from the bottom of the device. You carb the weed by opening and closing the top lid. I got a monster hit out of the tiny device and was straight f***ed up. We were now outside standing at the corner of the road. We were in my neighborhood at the top of my hill. There is a large fenced-in field on one side of the road. Me and Chris are taking turns hitting the strange floss dispenser when I noted a truck driving up through the field. The truck smashes through the pathetic wooden fence and stops on the side of the road. Zac R hops out, bong in hand, and we began passing it around.

      Another car pulls up. Cliff and Jess get out. Jess looks mad about something as she walks toward us. I say hello and she greets me with a swift kiss. She then walks down the road in anger. Cliff walks up and I immediately hand him the bong. I ask, "What was that all about?" He told me she was still pissed about the previous ordeal. In the dream I understood what he meant, now I have no clue. I now noticed everybody was dressed up in prom-like clothing. Cliff looked down the road and said, "Yup, its about time we head in for the ball." I told everyone to meet me in my room in an hour and I would have the bong already packed. We all walked down the hill and into my castle. Once I entered, I became lucid.

      My castle had grown quite a bit since the last time. I was in a long red carpeted hallway. There was a door on my immediately left that lead into a large dining hall. I peaked in. The main lights were dimmed and candles were placed on the rows and rows of tables. There was some sort of celebration going on that resembled a fancy ball/prom. I decided to familiarize myself with the new castle design. I walked to the end of the long hallway and descended a flight of stairs down to the ground floor. There was a double door on my left that led into the same dining hall I had peaked in before. To my right the path curved around the wall to reveal an extremely fancy indoor pool in the center. If you walked passed the top of the pool, there was a door that lead to two connected rooms. One was empty and one was a guest bedroom. I exited this room and flew across the pool. There was a bath/sauna on the right and left of the pool. I flew back across the pool, up the stairs and back to where I started.

      The hall curved from where I entered the castle and continue in the opposite direction of the dining hall/stairs/pool. I opened a door and found myself in the grand hall. I walked passed the main entrance to the stairs on the other side. I went up three flights of stair to the fifth floor. This was where my room was (I just knew). I entered and decided to change clothes because I was wearing a jersey. I put on a suit, but couldn't find any pants. I just wore my boxer briefs with the suit jacket and tie. I walked back down to the main hall. There was a butler at the door and I shouted, "Hey George! Off the next man that walks through the door, $500 for his pants." He nodded his head and I entered a nearby room. There were a group of people with a map of the castle trying to locate the dining hall. I decided not to help them and exited the room.

      George was pinned against the wall and tied up by some sort of blue magical netting. Security guards were helping him out when I heard George say, "Lord Seymour Guado attacked me when I offered him money for his pants!" I walked into a different room and the same group of people from before were looking at a map. I decided to help them and told them to follow me. I lunged forward about to take flight and one of the group members, an attractive brunette, grabbed me my the hair and pulled me out of the air. She said, "Not right now...it isn't safe." I wondered what the hell she meant, but decided to heed her advice. I took them to dining hall. I sat down next to the brunette and she noticed I didn't have any pants on. She told me to follow her and she would get me some pants. I figured, why not.

      She lead me to the guest bedroom. She said, "If we get you some pants on, you will be able to dance with me." I replied, "Or we can leave the pants off, forget about dancing, and let me show you some moves in here." I leaned in and we began kissing. She pulled away and I undressed her. She had large breasts to say the least. We began floating in the air and I realized that we were actually underwater. She was amazed when I told her that we were dreaming. I performed oral on her for a few moments and she did the same. I decided not to go all the way because the dream was so incredibly vivid at the moment (didn't want to mess that up). I carried her over to the bed and laid her down. I told her I had to attend the ceremony and I would be back.

      I flew through the castle and found a door that lead to the backyard area. There were people gathered all around the large fountain in the back. There were sparklers and fireworks going off everywhere. Suddenly, there was a swooping sound and a cloaked figure was standing atop the fountain. He removed his hood to reveal a man with a red/orange goatee. His eyes were solid black and his voice silenced the crowd, "This is our world, dreamer! Everyone here, shall die!" All the fires/candles.light sources went out and it was pitch black dark. I heard people screaming and the sound of blades clashing with stone. I felt around the ground and found a tree limb. I immediately turned and blocked, what seemed to be, a keyblade. I pushed whoever it was back, and focused on the sky. I rose the moon from the horizon and it was massive. It provided plenty of light and I could see chaos everywhere.

      The goatee man was standing in front of me and I grabbed him by the throat and launched him through the air. I followed his soaring body and attempted to summon my keyblade. I felt metal hit my fingertips and grasped the keyblade. It felt different though, so I looked at it. It resembled the broom sticks from "Fantasia." There were multi-colored stars for the key ridges and the handle was the brush part. I swung the keyblade a few times, and boomerang shaped light flew out of the keyblade and slammed into the ground. I swing it several times and rocked the goatee man with the energy blasts. He ran as I followed him to the edge of the woods. He took flight and shouted, "Lord Bryce. Remember thy name dreamer!" He flew over the forest and out of site. I turned and flew back to the castle.

      The castle was on fire and there were bodies everywhere. I walked inside and the whole castle had been ransacked and destroyed. All the survivors were gathered in the main hall. I told them I was off to search for a new castle and if any of them wanted to follow, step forward. A broad, balding man in his 50's, with blonde hair and a matching beard, stepped forward. I asked him who he was and he said, "I am the father of Varro (a character from the series "Spartacus"). I am a blacksmith and I would be honored to join you. He told me his name was Duronde. One of the maids walked up to me and kissed me. We made out for a bit and I said, "So long my sweet." Me and about 10 others left the castle. We were now in a completely different setting.

      It was daytime and we were on a dock. I spotted someone familiar. It was Jeane (a character from the Suikoden series). She was wearing her Suikoden V outfit. I also noticed a young girl following her. The girl wore an identical outfit to Jeane's. I called out to her and noticed a bandit was sneaking up behind her with a knife. I performed the flash step technique (from the anime, Bleach) and grabbed hold of a rope that was conveniently placed underneath the bandits foot. I pulled it hard and the bandit fell into the water. I knocked him back into the water several times, before he slashed my arm with his knife. I then choke slammed him onto the dock, bent close to him, and whispered in his ear and said, "I will knock out every tooth in your head and personally implant every last one in your ass. I will then pay a homeless man 20$ to to fill the holes in your gums with his shit. I then released my grip and he ran away scared to death. I asked Jeane to join the army as our Runemistress (an expert on magic/runes). She thanked me for saving her and agreed to join. I took Jeane by the hand and took flight. We flew low over the water. She wrapped her arms around me and we began kissing as we flew. I awoke as I began to rub my hands all over her body.

      This dream was a long one for sure .

      108 Stars of Destiny
      NEW 11 - Duronde - The Forge Star
      NEW 12 - Jeane - The Rune Star

      Series Details
      Welcome to the epic dream series known as, "The 108 Stars of Destiny." Follow me as I build the most powerful army the dream world has ever seen. Along with the help of 108 key recruits, I take on the dream world and elevate to god-like status! Will anyone stand in my way? Stay tuned for more entries to the series!
    14. Lucid dreaming class

      by , 03-26-2011 at 08:47 AM
      The dream started with me being in a house with a woman. The woman was a robot that looked human. We went somewhere in the house and started working on breaking down something to make a hallway. Next thing i remember was that i saw the woman/robot in a store. She tried to pay something but her robotmind crashed while doing so.

      Next thing i remember was that me and some people from my class were on a boat. We were holding some sort op competition of who could make the best dream. We were sailing through a thick swampy forest. Suddenly we stranded on the beach. It appeared to be omaha beach. As we went ashore, the attack started. I was moving forward and doing some ninja moves. I climbed on the bunkers and found myself in the Hq. Here i saw a man with red eyes. I killed him and then i saw there was another platform. I jumped on it and here i saw the robot woman controlling the operation.

      Next thing i remember was being in a house with my classmates. This is when i became lucid. We walked downstairs and i remember telling them to rub their hands to stay lucid.

      From now on the dream had a sexual plot. I will not go into detail, but when it started i felt the dream fading away. I woke up and went back to the dream. I was in the same house and went downstairs. Rubbing my hands furiously. We started again but once again i could feel the dream fade away. Now i woke up in my bed and was awake.
      non-lucid , lucid
    15. Poorly-recalled lucid from last night

      by , 03-26-2011 at 06:14 AM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, Semi-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      I'm in dream!Las Vegas. At some point [I don't remember when or how], I realize that I'm dreaming. From the top of one of the lower, more square buildings, I admire the view of the city around me, with its many tall, themed buildings. “Beautiful day for it,” I remark. It is indeed: sunny and clear with a few puffy clouds.

      Looking down and to my right, I can see a big, broad swimming pool. I say, “There's a pool, if you're into going swimming.” I'm not that much into it, myself.
      [True in real life, too.] Nonetheless, I find myself swimming in the pool at some point, once again naked. [I don't know why dream!me likes skinny-dipping so much. I've only ever done it in reality when I was totally alone in our backyard spa.]

      Later, it occurs to me, “Just let yourself drift... drift...” I start floating upwards off the ground, very slowly, not really flying, just sort of drifting away. [Clearly, the subconscious influence of the wording of the “Hypnosis for Sleep” audio recordings was at work here.]

      I eventually end up in a grassy field where hundreds of golf balls are flying at me in a thick, fast, continuous onslaught. I firmly determine in my mind, “This is a dream. I'm going to let those golf balls go through me, instead of hitting me.” It works. I feel one of them bounce off my shoulder, but it doesn't hit nearly as hard as it would have in real life. I don't feel any of the others touch me at all, so they must be going through me. [Awesome! I finally convinced myself that I can become intangible to objects in the dream world! I'm one big step closer to walking through a wall without leaving a hole in it now!]