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    Lucid Dreams

    1. 1. Chocolate Chips (LD) 2. Mass Telekinesis Fun (LD)

      by , 10-03-2023 at 10:50 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      1. Chocolate Chips (LD)
      I’m driving down the street in Meadow and suddenly realize I’m dreaming I jump out the window and begin flying upward a bit. I shout “Clarity now!” to increase dream vividness. I then begin humming the song “Sapient Dream” by Slushii. I fly a bit farther in instantly teleport to Syrano. I’m in the bedroom of the main house looking at my dreamcatcher. I head into the kitchen area and begin to shout “clarity now!” and feel my surroundings as the dream is a bit hazy. I make my way to the kitchen area and see if I can turn on a light to increase the lighting, it seems to work very slightly, but not as much as I’d hoped. I consider getting some chocolate to eat and go into the fridge. I don’t find any chocolate in the usual pull-out drawer, so I simply look in the main compartment and find a big bag of chocolate chips. I grab a big handful, pour a bunch in my mouth, and begin chewing – it tastes great! I feel that my mouth is super full and wonder if I’m picking up on anything from my waking body. I head to the main hallway and the dream feels a bit unstable. I continue to chew to see if that’ll stabilize further. I wake up.

      2. Mass Telekinesis Fun (LD)
      I’m at the counter in Syrano looking at my gym bag. This feels…dreamlike…I turn around and I’m lucid. I shout “clarity” as I feel that I have something over my eyes and the dream feels dim. I make my way to the lanai, heading through the glass and begin feeling the walls and nearby ledge to stabilize – it feels extremely realistic. The dream goes to void for a moment and I decide to visualize some palm trees. I instantly appear in a vivd parking lot with two palm trees in front of me. There are several cars and SUVs parked in the spaces in front of me. There are many large buildings behind them, comprising what appears to be a condo and apartment building complex.I begin considering what I want to do and fly upward transforming into a bird. I fly around the area, carving to the left a bit. I land and decide to practice some telekinesis. At first it doesn’t seem like the large building I’m attempting to raise goes up at all, but then I notice it budge. I remind myself it’s all my mind. I stick out my hand and move it up greatly. I then stick out my arm at various large buildings, flicking them many meters into the air with ease. I go down the row of buildings of various sizes, tossing them into the air and laughing. I head farther down the street and think of other dream control. I begin imagining conjuring a fireball between my hands at my side and casting a fireball. I try this a couple of times along with fire blast, yet only get faint red visuals at the door of a distant house. I head around a curve to the left and clamp my hands to freeze time. It feels as though it worked on the dream scene, but there are no DCs to verify. I wake up.
    2. Bird Flight (LD)

      by , 10-02-2023 at 10:55 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I'm downstairs Syrano in the dark. I scan the room and see dad in the far left. It just doesn’t make sense – I’m lucid. I consider what to do and think of practicing some control I float up a few feet, then transform into a bird. I notice myself shrinking and I slowly lower to the ground. I lose lucidity.
    3. 1. Sliding Into Syrano II (LD) 2. Zen Garden in Orchid (LD) 3. Nocturnia (LD)

      by , 09-30-2023 at 02:11 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      1. Sliding Into Syrano II
      I'm aware as I lay in bed, realizing I'm dreaming and that I may be able to enter the scene. I relax and begin encouraging my dream body to slide as Daniel Love's advice from a talk comes to my mind. I continue to slide and begin to mentally encourage my dream body to stand up and begin walking into the scene. I'm in the bedroom in the Syrano main house and it's a very accurate recreation of my room in waking life. I approach the nearby table and study the contents, one item of which is a small travel mug like in waking life. I rub the table a bit to stabilize. I leave the room and enter the main room, which once again is recreated very accurately. I look ahead and want the dream to be more vivid, so I shout "Claritiy Now!" The dream becomes slightly more vivid, but as I walk forward I get the sensation that I'm waking up.

      *False Awakening
      2. Zen Garden in Orchid (LD)
      I'm laying in bed, thinking that I just woke up. I begin to look around critically. This doesn't make sense...this isn't my room... I'm lucid. I get out of bed in the dark room. and walk of the small platform. I sink into what appears to be dense black goo. I sink further but eventually will myself to float up and ascend above. I see some lamp on a small ledge in the distance. I use telekinesis to move one of the small lamps and it floats to the wall to the right. Another lamp remains behind it - an afterimage of sorts. I turn around and float toward the wall which has a window. I think back to some of Sivason's advice on summoning. I imagine a few items I'd like to find. I then imagine the scene I'd like to find, encouraging the scene to have an orange hue. Suddenly a burst of orange light emanates from the window. I phase through the window and enter a beautiful scene in twilight which appears to be a zen garden. Large white rocks are sitting in the center of a small courtyard with dirt underneath. A one story white building, somewhat resembling a zen monastery wraps around the zen garden (1). I look for cocoa for a moment, but don't find any. I look to my right and see a massive structure which appears to be living quarters of sorts - I recognize the area from a past dream. I wonder if the area on the first floor ahead is the room of storms. I float forward, imagining there will be a shop in that area as well and want to explore in the first floor area ahead, but decide to curve to the right to explore the area to the right which feels like a cross between a cave and a parking structure. I enter the area and begin to reflect on the quality of my awareness, increasing my focus. I curve right and begin exploring the cave area further, looking for a dream character to ask about the area. I continue to curve around in a circle which progress inward toward the center. Once I make my way fully around, I see that there's a bit of an opening into a room and I get the sense that there are several dream characters managing something in the area beyond. As I enter, I feel that I'm waking up.

      *False Awakening
      3. Nocturnia (LD)
      I'm laying in bed and think about recording my previous lucids. I see a co-worker and she asks me do do something. This...doesn't make sense... Nose plug - I'm lucid. I turn to face the corner of the room and think about casting a fireball. I hold my hands to the side and get a sense that there's energy being generated between my hands, that fire is churning. I extend my hand anticipating the fireball. I see my hand extend and wisps of faint wisps of smoke against the far wall. I approach the window and once again will that a scene with an orange glow lay beyond. As I go to phase through widow, I encounter a mesh screen of sorts that bends and prevents me me from phasing thorough it. I eventually phase thorough an see a beautiful, otherworldly city beginning to form from a slightly blurred visual. It becomes very clear and I begin descend into the scene, cast under the night sky. There are several massive structures appearing as cathedrals of sorts, each with a an emblem containing a crescent moon and several small stars in the center. I get the mental impression the place is named Nocturnia and I want the area to become persistent. I feel a sense of awe and wonder. I head toward the largest structure which is straight ahead. I consider which floor to enter into and decide on the first floor. Once I enter I have the option to go left, yet continue into the main area straight ahead - a circular room with a massive vaulted ceiling and a round sitting area in the center in which a counsel seems to be gathered. I make my way inside to introduce myself and take in the faces, many of which appears to be middle aged. They are men and there's one boy among them. I introduce myself, yet they don't seem interested. I seem one of the men to my left has a sweater with a circular logo in the center with several colorful legos within - I find it strange. They seem to be a bit annoyed. I float outward, then feel that I'm bound by invisible shackles on ankles. I unable to move any farther and get pulled back slightly. I can't escape the area. I use strength to pry the left one off, then stand up and imagine cutting through the right one with an invisible blade. It doesn't work on the first attempt, but on the second I'm freed. I float to the side room and two DCs follow me. One DC is holding two guns and holds a gun to my head, then another approaches carrying another gun which I grab. I begin laughing at the DC holding the gun to me and look at him calmly.
      "I'm in my dream body... you can't do anything" I say while I continue to laugh. I wake up.

      (1) I believe this area is Orchid, but need to explore it a bit more.

      Updated 09-30-2023 at 10:35 PM by 50425

    4. Alien School

      by , 09-28-2023 at 10:14 PM (Lucid Time!)
      The dream takes place in an alternate future where there are multiple alien races meeting at the UN building on earth. They have formed a new organization called the UPO or United Polities of the Orion Arm. I am outside with some Eridians and we are preparing the eridian flag. Their flag is white with a black design. Its sort of a circular design with five rectangles radiating off of it and a dot in the middle. Eridians have prototyped cameras that are wired into their brains to give them limited eyesight but in order for them to 'see' the flag they want me to install this sort of foam that raises up the design in the surface of the flag and use various textured fabrics that they can perceive with their sonar. We want to be accommodating incase the "eridian eyesight" project testing goes poorly. I am working at a table with a sewing machine doing this. We finish and fly the flag. There are many flags that I don't recognize hanging outside the UN. There are three or four Eridians all with complicated looking life support devices on their bodies. Apparently able to handle earth atmosphere and pressure as long as they are wearing that equipment.

      One of the Eridians (there are about 3 or 4 of them with me) says something about spongebob and this prompts me to show them that I (in my Hade form) have some kind of gecko grip ability like spiderman. I climb on the concrete and they are very impressed by this.

      We go inside the UN conference hall. There are other alien species here. Wookies (Star Wars), Navi (james cameron avatar), Septicrabs (Woue), Heptapods (Arrival) and I think Vulcans and Klingons (Star Trek). I get confused about what is going on and a Septicrab shows me a powerpoint presentation. He says they came to earth in the year 2023 and after negotiations went badly with humans (this seems to be a reference to a previous dream, the one where the Septicrabs invaded and my cousin was transgender.) The presentation explains that diplomatic relations degraded so badly that the Septicrabs demanded all humans turn over all their children below an age threshold of 6 years. Then on top of that they demanded 15 billion human babies or they would exterminate humanity. This resulted in a program where governments forced women to have children and then seperated them to give them to the aliens to fulfill the aliens demands. When humankind delivered the last of the children, the Septicrabs then activated a Halo array in a focused blast to wipe out all humans on earth anyways.

      Wiht the ~16 billion human children the septicrabs raised them. They were taught to be accepting of alien cultures and about their own history. Human history generally being presented in a negative but truthful light (a lot of war, greed, propoganda, etc). But also taught about the old cultures and arts to preserve human culture and history as truthfully as they could. The Septicrabs had even been completely open about why they had done what they had done and said that humanity was so hopeless they represented a memetic hazard and could pollute the universe with their bad ideologies and twisted up morals. They believed was the only way to create a humanity that would be agreeable and trustworthy enough to exist on the galactic stage. I remember sitting down and talking with him explaining that I didn't think that was the right thing to do. While I agreed that it was true that humanity in the 21st century was... problematic, that they should not be forced into this state of artificial peace. Even if it took a thousand years they should try to teach the humans that are alive to be better people rather than kill everyone force a complete reset on their culture and ideology, even if it was for the better.

      The Septicrab then explains that they didn't have time. That they had to make a difficult decision. They say a nicoll-dyson beam was fired at earth from about 100 light years away, and that they knew about the beam because they had an FTL ship investigate it while the beam travels at light speed. The dyson beam was created from a clone of bob (Bobiverse) who went crazy and decided he had the right to pass divine judgement on earth. The evil bob is a universe-ending threat and the septicrabs are spearheading a coalition of alien races to stop him because he has stated an intention to wipe out all life for being imperfect. They asked doctor strange to find a possible future where they could win and doctor strange said the only future was in one where humanity was able to put aside their differences and cooperate. The evil bob was growing exponentially and they had to stop him now. They couldn't wait around for powerful advanced aliens to get involved or for their own technology to advance or it would be too late.

      I then travel through a time machine and am back in high school. The blue septicrab is there and he says that this was before the "reset" of humanity. He shows various aliens going to my high school and how they are getting bullied by humans for being different. One of them rips off the Eridians life support and he catches on fire and runs around in circles while all the kids point laugh. I see another one come up behind a female navi and grab her breasts. When she swats them away the kid pretends to be hurt. Then the teacher gets involved and takes the side of the human teenager even though she saw the whole thing happen. The septicrab tells me it is time to go to class. We go to a science class where he is showing how a fusion reactor works. He shows a working model of a stellarator style fusion reactor. It is maybe about a meter across sitting on the teacher desk. The septicrab is explaining different fuel types and fusion chains and the Q-factor of the fusion reactor.

      The various aliens are paying attention and taking notes while the human kids are not. He tells the aliens quiet study time while he pulls the human students aside and lectures them. He says their test scores are the lowest in the class and no human student got above a C+. While all the aliens got As and Bs. He says that if their species is not interested in learning about advanced technology then they will not keep up with other alien races. He emphasizes that they are not going deep into math and only taking about fusion on a basic conceptual level but the human are still not applying themselves. One of the human students argues that the alien brains "work different" and therefore they need less challenging classes and special accommodations. Another student then says the Septicrab is being "racist" because he is singling out the human students. The Septicrab is frustrated but says that if a human student got an A or a B he would not be lecturing them, and that if any of the aliens had been a problem they would be getting this lecture too. He then shows a scientific paper published by Harvard saying humans are proven to have just as capable of brains as all the other aliens. Another student in the back raises his hand. He says that he watches Fox News and Fox News said that Harvard was now run by aliens with a political agenda to kick humans off their own home planet and we shouldn't listen to them.

      I leave and go to the bathroom. I am in hade form but I see I have short hair. I say that this is bad because my hair allows me to do photosynthesis and provides energy. I concentrate on growing my hair and it gets a little longer to about shoulder length. I then see a Septicrab and the Navi girl come in (different one, this one is an adolescent student) and they plant a stink bomb on a timer and run away. I ignore them and walk out. The stink bomb goes off and starts filling the school with noxious green gas and all the students start running and panicking. The school hallway transitions to an outdoor residential street. I am casually walking and then start running and jumping. I notice gravity is very floaty and if I flap my arms I can stay in the air for several meters. I get to the end of the street. There is a lake, some large trees and a cafe area out on a big wooden deck. I jump off the wooden deck, and turn on my thrusters, now properly
      lucid. I see the stink bomb cloud coming for a bit but then will it to go away. A strong wind picks up and blows it away.

      I think about how I want to spar with Madmonkey again. I walk up to a random dream figure and ask where Madmonkey is with the expectation that he will know. The dream figure is Ned from Neds Declassified School Survival guide. He starts giving me tips on going to school with aliens saying. "Remember to have your school install extra-tall doors for Navi, and make sure to have have holographic displays shifted into the ultraviolet spectrum so that [some other alien species] can see them. I wake up.
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. 1. Dark Woods Entry (LD) 2. Dual Wielding Trees (LD)

      by , 09-28-2023 at 09:55 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      1. Dark Woods Entry (LD)
      My awareness rises rapidly and I’m lucid, floating next to the pool of the main house in Meadow. I feel a sense of freedom and say I’m dreaming” as I begin gliding in an arc around the pool, not in a hurry to do anything in particular. I feel appreciation for getting lucid and say “thank you” in Bisaya, respectfully, to the dream, with a bit of humor. As I approach the far end of the pool and rise up a bit higher, I start thinking about where I want to explore next. I weight out a few options: the main house, the Dark Woods, or the fields I haven’t been to. I decide on the Dark Woods and float over the fence. I decide to stabilize and begin rubbing the sleeve of my jacket. I feel the sensations of cotton as I rub it. The area isn’t very dark currently, and the trees don’t have any leaves. I fly farther and notice a fairly normal two story house structure. I notice that it looks slightly different than the entrance to the wizard’s home. I also notice a community behind this area. I fly a bit closer, then wake up.

      2. Dual Wielding Trees (LD)
      I look back from the screen, reflecting on how the candle images appear dreamlike. I notice dream-glow as I look across the table at my co-worker. My awareness raises rapidly and I become lucid saying “I’m in a lucid dream”. I turn back toward the screen and phase into it. I enter the dream scene, yet it feels a bit creepy – almost like a haunted mansion type setting. I move backward, phasing out of the screen, and return toward the table area. I quickly leave the area, flying forward in the dark of the night. There’s a wall to my left that appears to be made of dark brick. To my right there’s a row of tall trees. I begin to think about practicing some dream control and go for dragon transformation. My form changes a bit, but it doesn’t feel accurate, so I switch to crow form. As I shrink, drop to the floor and near full transformation, I quickly switch to cat form and begin running forward. I reverting to humanoid form, thinking about invisibility, yet realize there’s no way to test it. I turn right and head into an area with trees, thinking about basic summoning some cocoa. I look on the ground behind a dirt mound, then a short brick wall structure as I make my way forward, yet don’t find cocoa behind either. I look toward the far end of the field and notice a dark structure, yet decide not to head toward it; it looks a bit creepy. I decide to use some super strength, and rip to trees out of the ground and start swinging them like swords. I then approach back toward the trail I came from, dropping the trees and begin smashing through the row of trees with my fist. I get back on the trail, yet I feel as though the dream is fading. I slip into a FA in which I’m voice recording the lucid.

      Updated 09-29-2023 at 12:18 AM by 50425

    6. Half In (LD)

      by , 09-27-2023 at 09:43 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I’m laying down in a dream and trying to WILD. I relax and find myself in a room and realize a dream is forming. My awareness begins to raise and I walk over to a wall, sticking half of my body inside – I’m lucid. I exit the wall and begin thinking about what I want to do. The dream is still a bit dim, so I want to focus on making in more clear. I begin shouting, “Clarity!”. I make my way down the hallway, phase through a wall and enter another area. It’s still a bit dim. I walk around a bit more, then I shout for clarity once again. The dream fades.
    7. Sparring with MadMonkey

      by , 09-27-2023 at 03:25 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I am participting as a secondary character in a fairly oddparents special. Timmy turner has given up on life and made a wonderland where he exists as a big green cartoon cgi tyrannosarus rex. He is running away from someone but they cut into his side nad pull out a nerve bundle, cutting off the nerves to one of his legs and paralyzing him,. I then notice there is CGI blood and think that is odd for fairly oddparents.

      Timmy turner gets on this giant oversized wooden rollercoaster fitting his T-rex form. The roller coaster climbs a hill then runs down into a tunnel in a mountain with like a minecart ride themed coaster. The track comes to a jump, but when the coaster car goes over. It falls down a long shaft and I fall alongside him. During this fall there is this really beautiful chanting. I keep thinking he is going to come to his senses and make a wish deciding that he wants to live.

      He splats into the bottom of the mineshaft and dies quite gruesomely. Though the CGI blood has an odd property thats hard to describe. Er… think of like an early 2000s movie with bad cgi like sharkboy and lavagirl or spy kids 3 or something and how they would cgi liquids. Yeah it looked like that. I comment to myself that usually children's media doesn't show blood but sometimes dinosaur media will show blood even if its for kids, but that I think this is overkill.

      I then see a girl staring at the scene. I intuitively know she is a very old friend of mine that moved away when I was in pre-elementary. She comments that Timmy Turner lived in hell because he lived in a sitcom and he could never make a wish that actually made his life better because things would always return to the status quo at the end of the episode, and new drama would always arise to instigate the next episode. Therefore he could never live happily or peacefully.

      I become lucid and the dream scene changes to a sort of parkway. It is daytime, some kind of modern city with a parkway along a beach. There are lots of dream figures walking, riding bikes, and so on. There is a small concession stand or ice cream shop near by and she gets distracted by it. I say to her. “Well Im lucid now and I’m going to make my own dream with blackjack and hookers.”

      I take off and start to fly. I see a large moon in the sky. It looks like Europa and seems to sparkle. I then stop and remember my goal is to spar with Madmonkey. I land and call out, probably louder and more aggressively than I needed to but it works.

      “Dream, I want to spar with Madmonkey now.”

      A dream figure steps out of the crowd. Tall and fit, curly brown hair and looks to be about college age. He is wearing a light brown shirt with some kind of graphic or design on it. After reassuring me that he is infact MadMonkey and says is really excited for this, He takes a fighting pose and we begin without even asking that I am ready.

      He throws a right roundhouse kick. I block. He throws out a bunch of punches. I block. This feels a lot like sparring in my old taekwondo class, something I haven't done in many years. But my body responds almost automatically and I seem to be keeping up. I decide its time to counterattack. I jump, using my rockets on my hands for assitance and get maybe 3-4 meters in the air, then rocket back down at an angle for a ‘kick’ with both legs.

      This attack connects and the guy goes down on the pavement. I look at him and see he is unconcious. An older woman points, screams and faints.

      I false awaken. I am at my fathers parents house. I go to type of my dream and my laptop screen is broken. My mom is there and says it was exposed to radiation.
    8. 1. Café (LD) 2. Harbor in Syrano (LD) 3. Genie Lamps (LD)

      by , 09-25-2023 at 07:25 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      1. Café (LD)
      I’m outdoors in a quiet city area. This place feels…dreamlike. I suddenly become lucid. I begin shouting:
      “This is a dream” to reinforce it within my mind. I walk forward a bit and notice that people are sitting outside at small square metallic tables outside what appears to be a café. I begin considering practicing some dream control. I begin to head up to one younger man at a table. I snap my finger and go invisible. I then wave my hand directly under his field of view as he’s looking down. He look right through my hand and remains oblivious that I’m there. I then float up and transform into dragon form. I feel and hear my wings beating against the air, however the transformation doesn’t feel very strong. I land, shrink down, and go into cat form. I feel my body go into quadrupedal from, and begin to climb up toward the top of a table. I look at a dream character’s laptop screen and notice a cat on the top left, finding it amusing. I shout “This is a dream” a couple more times, having fun with the process. I continue toward the back of the café area and the area opens up to a larger area. I quickly decide to start searching for genie lamp behind some small walls as the dream begins to feel a bit unstable. I transition into a non-lucid.

      2. Harbor in Syrano (LD)
      I continue to walk forward in the center of the Syrano main house, and something feels strange. I get the strange sense that I’m actually asleep. I notice dream glow and become lucid. I say “I’m lucid in this place”. I float toward the lanai area and head outside. The room appears to be made of a light colored concrete and appears to be elevated. I begin to think about dream control. I go into crow form, shrinking down massively, feeling my head shrink and compress toward the center, my wings extend and my body pitches forward as my legs retract into crow legs. I walk across the table in crow form, feeling my weight shifting with the crow’s gait. I take fly and begin to glide, feeling an awesome sense of chill freedom. I then think of competition and decide to mess around with other dream control. I head toward the concrete wall toward the edge of the room. There’s a view of a massive body of water many stories below to the right of the wall. I phase right through the wall an emerge on the other side, many meters above the body of water below, gliding. I shout, “Clairty!” seeking to maintain the dream. I consider what to do next, yet the dream fades.

      3. Genie Lamps (LD)
      I find myself laying in bed. I wish I had another lucid…what if I just relax back into a dream…maybe imagine myself drifting off the bed…I find my dream body moving and I stand up. I’m lucid as a scene of a room beyond begins to form as I gaze through the doorway. I begin to walk through the doorway and the scene solidifies. I continue to walk through a house with white walls and a a tight hallway leading to various rooms. I explore for a bit, then consider where to head, and make my way right into a yard area. As I head out, I see that the yard, with dense grass, extends far to the right. I shout “Clairty!” and float to the back of the yard area. I approach the back section which has many sections which appear to be mini gardening areas with small fences and an area that extends to the left. I remember my goals of finding a genie lamp, rubbing it, and interacting with the genie. I don’t find the lamp around the first fence, however I search a bit more and notice one dark brown one with an interesting shape. I then notice another light gold one with an elegant shape…then another! I wonder which one I should choose. I make my way around, pick up a lamp and rub it…nothing happens. I release the lamp then head farther down, thinking about my goal of finding a dragon companion. I notice to my left in my periphery what appears to be a small green dragon shape, yet head toward the large golden dragon statue in the back of the yard area. I ask it:
      “ Can you grant me a dragon companion?” I then ask, “Help me to become lucid more often”.
      I leave the area and make my way back to the fence. I reflect on how long the dream feels and how this is what it must feel like for Hufik most night. I scale the fence, then think of flight. I imagine being propelled by jetpacks for fun and rush backward over the yard once again. I then decide to control flight by imagining wings beating. I float back toward the fence and fly downward into the next area which appears to have large buildings. I enter a large structure to the right and go into dragon form. The structure is massive, yet empty and has dense concrete walls. I feel and hear my wings beating as I ascend higher and higher. The ceiling on raises more and more with each beat of my wings. Soon I’m in the interior of a hollow concrete structure roughly sixty stories tall. I decide to ignore phasing through the ceiling and simply phase through the wall.
      --The scene goes black, yet I simply wait, knowing a scene will form. I hold my awareness in the void for about a minute…--
      I then find myself in a small apartment style room and Bran is standing in front of me.
      “I’m gonna get some cocoa then go explore some lucids man!”
      I approach the counter where I saw a hot water heater, yet go for the black thermos instead. I notice green tea powder next to it.
      “Is this any good?”
      He says it is, but I decide not to have it and just grab the cocoa, drinking a bit. I head toward the window.
      “Is Uburu Migu in that direction?” I ask pointing diagonally.
      Bran: “Yes”
      “What’s this place called?”
      Bran: “Arowai”
      “That’s a strange name…”
      I head through the window and fly far down to the left. I enter a large area which appears like somewhat of a mall area that you’d find in a massive airport. There are many people gathered in the central area, massive vaulted ceiling overhead. I head into a room in the right and see many dream characters sitting down, gathered together. I study how real all of their faces look, amazed by it, then leave the area. The dream feels a bit unstable, so I begin rubbing the ground vigorously. The dream stabilized. I fly forward a bit more then head to the right and into another building. As I enter, I decide to practice more dream control. Telekinesis! I see a small ball – somewhat of a children’s toy – with many colorful dots on it. I extend my hand and begin to move it around. It feels like I’m a jedi I think with amusement. I do this for a bit, then use TK to begin move a metallic lever. I head to the right and see Bran going into a fridge. There are a wide variety of drinks in the fridge, all lined up in different colored bottles. I use TK to squirt some liquid from one bottle into the air in an arc, directly into my mouth. It tases great! I then do another…then another! I turn to Bran
      “Check out this jedi stuff!” I say laughing
      I wake up.

      Updated 09-25-2023 at 07:34 PM by 50425

      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails What came first?-lamp.jpg  
    9. Into Darkness (LD)

      by , 09-23-2023 at 02:47 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I read my 'dream journal' and it says: 'I had a chain of 10 lucids.' No I didn't...that doesn't make sense Nose plug...I'm' lucid. Suddenly I find myself in darkness. I see the faint outline of a door to my right. I open it by turning the knob and move through. I figure a dream scene will materialize soon, but I set to stabilizing the dream. I continue to shout: "Clarity!" and begin rubbing the walls next to me. I continue to rub vigorously for some time and sense a very dim bit of light coming from a curved window to my left. It seems as though I'm on a walkway on a second floor. Maybe this is Meadow... I begin rubbing the carpeting beneath me, moving my dream body a great deal, waiting for a scene to form. I feel myself waking up.

      Updated 09-23-2023 at 10:07 PM by 50425

    10. Meditation By The City Rails (LD)

      by , 09-22-2023 at 11:23 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      Meditation By The City Rails (LD)
      I’m floating in a city area above what to be train tracks. I notice dream glow, and something starts to feel familiar. This place looks…dreamlike…I feel like I’ve been here before….I’m dreaming! I feel a burst of excitement and shout:
      “I’m lucid! Whooooo!
      as I continue to float about ten feet above the rails, rotating in the air as I take in the sites. The scene is very colorful and appears to be on the outskirts of a city (1). There are a few small buildings and what appears to be construction equipment around. The path heads down to the left where slightly larger buildings are situated. I float down this area and a clip from an earlier non-lucid pops into my head (2). I start to imagine some chill music, similar to lofi. I turn around and head back where I came and quickly find myself in a large outdoor courtyard area of sorts after I make a quick right. I look ahead at the large building in the distance and appreciate how solid the dream feels, and how crisp the visuals are. I tell the dream that it’s going to last for an hour. I consider what I want to do an meditation comes to mind. I sit in the corner of the courtyard, do a gyaan mudra and quickly float up about twenty feet holding concentration. I then switch to cosmic mudra. After a moment, I break the meditation as I want to make sure the dream stays solid. I focus my awareness taking in the scene in the distance once again, which remains quite vivid. I shout for clarity as I come out of meditation, and the scene becomes a bit clearer as my eyes fully open. I turn my attention from the building to the courtyard area to my right. There is set of three long elevated platforms sitting about thirty feet in the air running down the length of the right side of the courtyard. The surfaces appear to be made of dark wood. I float to the first, then run across all the surfaces, focusing on the sensation on my dream feet. I turn from the platforms and fly to the main building, heading inside. I soon find a large rectangular wooden sign which seems to be depicting a name for the town as well as what appears to be a rough illustration of city limits in the background. I begin to read it, and it seems like it’s saying something like: Diaphos. It then changes to something similar to Tetharis. I continue to try to determine an accurate name. I quickly wake up.
    11. Campus & The Cathedral

      by , 09-22-2023 at 05:58 PM
      I was trying to break a kid free from a school that was imprisoning him. It was a long process of avoiding the campus police, as this was the largest campus I had ever seen, and I kept getting lost.

      I eventually got him out of there, and he climbed one of the tall fences out onto the city road.

      As I crossed the street, I turned into my dragon and spent time in the city.

      I eventually went into a beautiful, massive building. I’m not well-versed in building architecture, so I’m not sure what type of building it was exactly. A cathedral? A monestary? The floors were a glossy white, surrounded by pillars decorated with blues, reds, and golds. There were multiple levels you could climb up, each hall winding along the walls.

      I went through the front door for once! I had a respect for this building that I don’t normally feel.

      I wandered up each floor all the way to the top, then back down.

      I spent this time being mindful of my perceptions and body, feeling the numb, warm, comfortable tingling sensation of sleep. I’ve been thinking of using this to recognize dreams, since it’s a physical feeling that’s always present in sleep.

      I took a moment to check in with my senses and perception, thinking about how surprising it is that so many people don’t expect dreams to feel real.

      Everything feels completely real and vivid, identical to waking experience (aside from that sense of the body laying comfortably numb in bed).

      I wouldn’t be able to tell it was a dream just based on my eyesight, touch, or other senses.

      I exited the dream for a moment and sat in pure aware sleep. Then I re-entered the dream again, reappearing in the same spot.

      I had atajen pictures on my phone and was amazed at how my mind could create these pictures, yet I can’t draw anything nearly that realistic.

      A monk walked by, wearing orange robes. I asked him if he knew what lucid dreamers were.

      He answered “Yes, I’m talking to one.” with a smile.

      “Oh, excellent. Do you have any recommendations for me?” I asked, happy that he knew me. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, or what I should do.

      He then turned and pointed towards the stairs. “Yes. If you walk up, you can get to the top. It’s a couple of stories, but there’s a nice spiraling staircase at the top that’s worth the journey.”

      I nodded. “Thank you. I was just there. It was lovely.” I said.

      I could feel myself about to wake up. It’s morning and my body is ready to get out of bed. I stayed in the dream a bit longer.
      “I have a few minutes at most.” I said.

      “Ah.” he replied, understanding what I meant.

      He was going to show me something else, but as I was walking with him, I woke up.

      Updated 09-22-2023 at 06:10 PM by 99032

      lucid , non-lucid
    12. 1. Midnight Cars (LD) 2. Dancing Shiva Statue (LD) 3. Shrine Top in Meadow (LD)

      by , 09-21-2023 at 10:04 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      1. Midnight Cars (LD)
      I roll over in bed and it feels…dreamlike. This could always be a dream. Nose plug. I’m lucid darkness and stand up in what seems to be a bedroom. I move my dream body around although I can’t quite see around the room. I shout “Clarity now!”. I begin to see some bits of light and walk in that direction, soon noticing a square window starting to appear with dim bluish light pouring though. I phase through and float outside. The scene outside is very vivid and I see a few mint sports cars parked in a wide driveway situated between three large houses which seem to be four stories tall, and in excellent condition with a dark sheen to the outside. The scene reminds me of a previous lucid scene. I consider taking one of the sports cars for a drive, but decide against it. I decide to start levitating upward in meditation position, and remain there for a moment taking in a view of the surroundings. I begin to think of dream goals, then decide to explore a bit. I fly up into the tall structure in front of me and phase though a window. I find myself in an upscale office area of sorts. I think of the chocolate shop dream goal and begin to search in various rooms within the office area, expecting a chocolate shop, yet the rooms each have sparse décor. I continue exploring for a bit, entering many different rooms within the structure, yet the dream fades.

      2. Dancing Shiva Statue (LD)
      I’m talking to an older lady on the second story of a building. She’s explaining that she’s teaching lucid dreaming. I ask her when she had her first, and she said tonight. That makes no sense.
      I’m lucid and quickly fly through the wall to the left. I take in the scene under the bright sun as I curve to the left. I see a building to my right extending into what appears to be the clouds; I’m unable to see the ground. On the roof of the structure is a large, dark brown Hindu statue of the dancing Shiva. I find the statue extremely interesting and I feel a strong sense of wonder. I fly past the roof top and curve farther to the right. I see a roof top area beyond a very tall glass wall. I phase through and see many dark skinned people, possibly of Indian descent, lounging on beach chairs. I fly past the first few, which are all different ages, then study the face of the last which is quite vivid – she’s an older lady. I leave this area and phase into the building via the wall in front of me. The area is quite dark and I make my way to the back of what appears to be a kitchen area. I begin to hear co-workers chatting about a project that needs to be done. I snap to go invisible and head to the back. I see a few co-workers behind me, but they don’t seem to notice that I’m there. They continue talking about setting up the kitchen for a gathering that’s approaching
      I then hear my boss:
      “We can have E do it.” Crap
      I instinctively raise my arm and free time. All the DCs freeze in place. I begin grabbing a bunch of glasses and plates and throwing them toward the table, each landing neatly. This is nonsense…why am I wasting time doing this? I can do whatever I want. I leave and fly through the door at the end of the room. And begin to explore another office building type area. I make my way from room to room I make my way farther down, then phase through a wall in the back in the dim light. I find myself in a large warehouse type area with gray walls which is several stories tall. I begin to float downward. I imagine myself going into dragon from and feel myself extending and my wings beating against the air. I then catch my reflection and notice myself in humanoid form. I shouldn’t have looked at the reflection. I explore the room for a bit, yet he dream soon fades

      3. Shrine Top in Meadow (LD)
      I’m in the basement in meadow, in the pantry area. Something just…don’t make sense…why am I here…this looks off. Nose plug…breathe…hmmm. Nose plug…breathe….no way, is this really a dream…am I pinching right? I alter my pinching…breathe. . It really is a dream! I head toward the stairs and face the wall. Everything is still very dark. I begin to press my arm into the wall and feel a bit of resistance before my arm sinks in followed by a portion of my body. I leave the wall and head upstairs, very slowly, taking in the experience. I hear voices at the kitchen table. I snap to go invisible as I don’t feel like interacting with DCs. Mom looks in my direction, yet right through me, and I head in the direction and make a left without the group seeing me. I realize I don’t have pants. Man…I know it doesn’t matter…but I feel like I should get pants before flying around…this feels awkward. I can feel the cool air against my legs. I make my way into the side room and turn to view what’s on the countertop. I see some of cookies that mom makes on the counter, amidst a lot of clutter. Everything looks so real...I wouldn’t eat this in waking life, but I’ll try it. I take a sugar cookie and bite. It taste good and the taste is accurate! I see a chocolate chip finger cookie next to it and begin to head out the door, continuing to chew. I hear my parent in the background talking about my dad’s uncle. I go through the open door, chocolate chip cookie in hand, and close the door quietly to not stir the DCs. The edge of a large garbage back gets caught in the door and makes some noise. My dad calls to have me take out the trash…nope.
      I fly upward continuing to chew on the sugar cookie. My mouth feels really full. This is what it always starts to feel like when I eat in dreams. I wonder what’s going on with my mouth in my real body. Maybe I can imagine spitting it out. I start to feel less contents in my mouth. I fly farther upward and take in the view of the roof of the neighboring structure, which I’ve never seen. There appears to be a pool on the roof, with a strong shimmer to the water. The roof appears to be beyond a thin wall of glass. This dream feel stable, and like it’ll continue for a while. May be I can explore that area of meadow as I look into the far distance. I fly a bit farther then wake up (1).

      It’s interesting that I woke up at my exact usual time, although I set my alarm clock ahead a few minutes.
    13. Tented City Apocalypse

      by , 09-20-2023 at 04:26 PM
      This dream was not the most interesting. Normally I don’t bother writing these down, but wanted to touch up on my recall.


      Post apocalypse, me and a group of people drove away from our home town to escape an apocalypse.

      Most of us didn’t know each other because we had just narrowly escaped disaster by squeezing into this vehicle last second.

      There were three men, a newborn infant (belonged to one of the men), and a woman who was driving.

      As we drove, we spotted a store that still had its lights on (not sure how because nowhere else had power) and wasn’t reduced to a pile of rubble like the buildings around it.

      So we pulled over. It was a Disney giftshop of all things.

      Turns out that despite everyone dying in the apocalypse and buildings going up in flames, Disney kept up with regular business hours.

      The employees all acted like there was nothing going on outside.

      They still took cash, even though money was pretty much useless now because of the apocalypse.

      So we went in to purchase some supplies for the baby, which felt like a surreal contrast with how the world was outside.

      Then we got back into the car and drove off, eventually reaching a city that appeared to be abandoned.

      In this city, the buildings were all eerily covered in black and white striped fumigation tents.

      We got out if the car because several of the guys wanted to stay here for the night, so we all stepped out and talked about our plans, speculating about why everything was tented.

      An disagreement ensued because the woman wanted to leave, but her decision was outnumbered because everyone else wanted to stay.

      The problem with splitting up the group was who got to take the car (the city had no cars in it, or they were under the tents).

      Eventually the disagreement turned into politics (go figure) and got heated. I ended it by going with the woman and leaving everyone else with the car (turns out she just didn’t want to go alone, so she agreed to this setup).

      So we set out on foot into the wilderness. The woman walked ahead of me and suddenly transformed into a wolfdog.

      I was surprised because I didn’t expect her to have this ability, which I also have (guess we had more in common than I realized). So I turned into a wolf and ran after her through the forest. This made it easier to follow her because of my heightened sense of smell.

      That’s all I remember for this one.
      lucid , non-lucid
    14. 1. Conjuring the Tsunami (LD) 2. Partial Phase (LD)

      by , 09-19-2023 at 10:20 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      1. Conjuring the Tsunami (LD)
      I continue to fly away from the large group, and head into an area of a forest, in a brightly lit autumn scene. I feel like I was close to getting in that last dream. Maybe I…this is a dream! I’m lucid as I continue to fly through the bright, beautiful autumn colors displayed by the massive trees on either side of the forest path I’m heading down. The dirt pathway is quite detailed and I feel a sense of freedom as I curve my way left into a clearing. I begin to consider dream control I see a large tree approach with a thick branch extending far to the left, high in the air. I fly right through it. I head toward w walkway between two large brick buildings and see two kids walking below, taking a moment to glance back at me. I fly past them and slightly down an asphalt pathway toward a beach area. There are quite a few people on the stretch of sand and I see small waves churning in the distance. I land on the beach and element manipulation comes to mind. Water…the last of the four elements I need to work with. I extend my arms and start a churning, conjuring motion. I focus my attention on making the waves increase in size. The next wave becomes far larger than the ones before. The next, larger yet again, followed by the next. I then set my mind to creating a tsunami. A massive wave, probably 40 stories tall begins to gradually form, white foam beginning to form at the top. All the water begins to get sucked from the lower section of sand as the top of the wave begins to crash down to the shore. I should have moved. The waves come crashing down hard and I feel my dream body smash into the sand. My vision goes black and I feel that I’m spinning. The lack of vision may cause the dream to fade…I end up in a non-lucid.

      2. Partial Phase (LD)
      I’m in a dark room and see H in the corner. Something doesn’t feel right….Nose plug. I’m able to breathe very slightly. My nose feels a bit strange. I adjust my fingers – nose plug. Wait this is probably… a dream! I look at my hands. It looks like I have five fingers but they’re very thick and the dream glow is there! I’m lucid! I begin to phase through the wall behind me, but as I’m partially inside I see H and decide to head over to her. I give her a hug. The dream begins to fade and I slip into a non-lucid.
    15. Mutants (ear infection dream)

      by , 09-19-2023 at 06:24 PM
      Had an ear infection on the same side I like to sleep on.

      I used the throbbing pain as a gauge for WILD. After laying in bed relaxed for a few minutes, I paused my thoughts, abiding in present moment awareness. In a couple seconds, I felt the sensation of falling asleep. With it, the pain in my ear vanished.

      So I dislodged myself from my body and flew over to my spouse, reaching through her and calling her name just to see what happened. She was asleep. I turned into my dragon while I was bothering her (in preparation for adventures to come).

      My spouse and I have been doing little experiments like this off and on for months to test potential dream sharing.

      Later, when I woke up, she told me that she had a dream in which I hovered over her in a video call saying something (in her dream). Apparently I interrupted something she was doing in her dream.

      Anyway, in my dream, after bothering her, I flew out the room. My house had some warped spots. Rooms turned in wrong directions mainly.

      I eventually flew out the window. It was night and our yard was bigger, full of dead trees, and one living tree (which we don’t have in waking reality). Our fence was gone, but the property was more isolated—away from any other homes.

      I had to go to the bathroom in that moment, so I spring back to my body and woke up, went to the bathroom, and went back in with another identical WILD.

      I flew back out again (dragon form) to the nearest neighborhood with lights on and snuck into a house. In the house, a creature was hiding and didn’t want me to see it. Apparently it used to live in the house, but it had been living outside since a recent incident that turned it into a mutant.

      There were a couple of other mutants living with it, but this house only belonged to one of the mutants (the one with large fangs who’s body was chopped up into pieces, and crudely stitched together). Sometimes his body fell apart and he had to stitch it back up.

      The mutants were visiting the house (the one I snuck into), wishing to live there again. It was a cute little modern house. Nothing too fancy, but just a bit upscale. Small home with tall ceilings.

      The creature hesitated to stay here because it didn’t want to be seen by its community as a mutant. It used to be a higher status member of society. Beautiful, well off, and respected in the community.

      I don’t know what happened, but the creature deeply bemoaned its fall from grace and seemed quite preoccupied by this, so it didn’t notice me lurking around at first.

      I hid in the cupboards.

      I ended up being spotted eventually though. When it saw me, I flew into one of the other mutants and combined with it. There were no words spoken, but a sudden consensual possession.

      This being had crab-like mutations. While I possessed it, I worked on trying to shape shift it back into its original form (more human) since I’m good at shapeshifting myself. Didn’t really work, but I tried.

      In the meantime, I befriended the other mutants and explored the house, tinkering around with all their cool stuff.

      After I woke up in the morning, my spouse told me that she had a dream about beings that didn’t want to be seen. She caught a glimpse of mutated parts of them.

      Updated 09-19-2023 at 06:55 PM by 99032

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