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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Lucid Dream #13

      by , 09-26-2010 at 03:00 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 8/10
      Vividness: 9/10
      Length: ~20 Min.

      I believe this one was a WBTB. So let's get started. I was walking with some people and when I found out that I was in a dream I decided to try to fly. I thought it was really cool that I could glide over and over again. When I saw a cliff I, for some reason, put a helmet on. I don't get it. But anyways I jumped off and I glided over a bunch of trees. It was very detailed. I soared behind this one building and landed on my belly. I got up and decided to jump on top of the building. I jumped on the first 3 stories of the building. Then the next. So I looked around because I had a better view and I could see where those people were. So I looked to my right and I saw more people. There was a tree next to them and I wanted to try to make a lightning bolt spider web and I did. I swung down there and looked at the girl, she was trying to find movies. I said "you can't summon movies, your limited by your own imagination." She said "oh" then I was thinking how awesome it was to be in the dream for a few seconds, feeling the texture of the ground. It was white. So then I got up and decided to try running fast. I found a good stretch of land and ran, I was kinda fast. So I tried it again and this time I kinda ran in place. This time I was so fast everything was all blurry. I could see that the planet that I was on was round and I could only go in circles. So I found them and did it again. This time the planet was smaller and when I looked behind me I could see the guy behind me as if I didn't go anywhere. Then I woke up.
    2. Second lucid? Zombies

      by , 09-26-2010 at 09:38 AM (The Midnight Train)
      Last night I wasn't even trying to have a MILD but I had a lucid dream, I think.
      I am sleeping in either an apartment in a tall building or in a hospital bedroom. I see green curtains and cool air is blowing in through the window which is wide open. I get up and do a reality check. I do many reality checks in this dream. About three nose pinches and one gravity check. And also stabilized by rubbing my hands together.
      I see colored balloons briefly. And they have writing on them. They are floating in front of a blue background. There is a red and a green balloon and possibly a blue one.
      I am walking in a mall at B-2. It is dark or very dimly lit. I see people vaguely walking around. They look a bit like zombies.
      I am still wondering if I had a lucid dream or not so I try to fly (thought: because I can't do that in real life). And I see a picture of myself flapping my wings like a duck. Again I see myself against a blue background. And I am not wearing clothes.
      I ask some guys if I'm dreaming. There are about three people. There is one old man. They say that I am not dreaming. Then I say, "so I've been doing all these things awake?"

      Very low lucidity though. Or even none. Need expert opinion here.

      Updated 01-01-2011 at 04:52 AM by 35484

    3. 1/5 Fri: Birthdays, Malls and Hell

      by , 09-26-2010 at 07:45 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Experimenting with some dream titles to break up the wall of text a bit.

      0230: F. Two sentences of illegible notes.

      Birthday Girl, Bro Code
      0337: C. Even in a dream, I obey the bro code. I'm at a girl's birthday party. I came with Lance. It's indoors at a house. There are about a dozen people there. It's dark outside and mostly dark inside. Lance and I pull the birthday girl aside to give her the gifts, so the three of us are alone in a dark room. Lance forgot to bring a gift, but luckily I brought two. I say they are from both of us.

      The birthday girl has short black hair. She's tall and pretty. She's wearing a dress. She opens the presents. One is wrapped in purple, the other in yellow. Yellow is her favorite color? I don't remember what the gifts are but she really likes them and is very happy. She starts making out with both of us.
      (Not the arrangement I had planned for my first threesome, but whatever) As things get heated, it's clear the girl is more interested in me. She pulls off my pants and ignores Lance. Lance gets up and paces around the room upset. He keeps saying "That's not cool." I stop her and get up. She wants me to come back. I leave with Lance.

      Hell Is An Amusement Park Line
      0510: C. I need to raise half a million dollars, fast. Maybe I'm in debt to a loan shark.

      Scene change. I'm in purgatory. I guess I'm dead. I'm waiting in line to be judged to go to heaven or hell. The focus changes to someone else, like I'm watching the movie of some else's life. The main character is a man who died while trying to solve a crime. He's destined to go to heaven, but he chooses the go to hell instead. He hopes he can find more information in hell to solve the crime. I think that's heroic. His partner tries to stop him and says he's crazy. Our hero says he's from San Francisco. Somehow that makes sense to the partner and lets him go.

      Scene change. Now it's hell. People come sliding down a big ramp into a large red cavern crowded with people. It's lit by flames and it's fairly bright. Our hero comes sliding down. The focus switches back to me in first-person. I'm already in hell when the hero arrives. In hell, everyone is standing in tight groups in little pens formed by metal railings. It's just like waiting in line for an amusement park ride. I'm standing near some elementary school classmates and they are talking on and on about boring stuff. I think, this IS torture. I think that's funny.

      I yell to someone who just arrives down the slide. "Hey, I hope you can come up with the money, by the way. Just because I'm dead doesn't mean I don't have bills to pay. But it's not like I can do anything about it from down here."

      Birthday Gifts, Annoying Ice Cream Girl
      0716: C. I'm indoors in an unfamiliar place but I get the impression that it's my own bedroom in a house. Apparently, it's my birthday. I'm unwrapping presents. Most of the presents are children's toys like dolls and figurines. My sister gives me a new Blackberry. I walk across the room to plug it in to charge. Another gift is D&D-like role playing game. Hugh wants to play so I unfold the map across the floor. I remark how big the map is. It's about 6 feet by 3 feet.

      Scene change. I'm in a outdoor mall in a food court. I'm wearing a blue shirt with faded white lettering that says "BIRTHDAY TODDLER." Everyone is gone except Hugh, but he starts walking away leaving me alone. There are other random people in the food court though. A girl from the crowd walks up to me. I'm not attracted to her. She says she want to satisfy some urges and then walks away somewhere, as if to go fetch something that she will bring back to me. I feel awkward. Another girl walks up to me. This one is attractive and I want to talk to her. She wishes me happy birthday. I ask how she knew it was my birthday. She says it's written on my shirt.

      The first girl comes back and hijacks the conversation. The second girl walks away. I'm annoyed about that but I try to be polite. The girl has a variety of ice cream and she starts feeding it to me. She want me to guess the flavors and pick my favorite. I play along to be polite. The first one is dark cherry. The second is strawberry. There are two more that I haven't tasted yet. The next one is green so I'm thinking it will either be mint or pistachio. Dream fades.

      0740: False awakening. I don't RC. I roll over to write in my dream journal about my last dream. I write something but I don't note the time. Then I wake up for real. I RC. I roll over to write in my dream journal. I think, wait! Didn't I just do this? Damn it! I write: "False awakening. I dream of writing in my journal."

      Unstable DEILD
      0811: D. Again, I'm in the food court of an indoor mall but this one is different. I'm with two friends but I don't recall who. We sit at a bench near the actor who played George's father in Seinfeld. But he doesn't say anything. A young blond girl walk up to us nervously. She says "Did you guys know there's a dance coming up?" We say nothing and she walks away.

      Another group of girls comes and sits near us in the same set of benches. One attractive blond looks at me and says "Hi I don't know if you remember me." I don't but I guess just to keep the conversation going: "Did we meet last night?" She says no. "I'm on of the 'Real Players.'" I have no idea what that means. Then she starts talking about a family and farm animals. Scene fades.

      I wake up and DEILD into a lucid. My view is totally distorted. It's like I'm looking at a blurry TV, off center and from an angle. On the TV it looks like Street Fighter and I struggle to recognize one of the characters is Guile. I turn my head to try to center the view. Instead, I enter a rocky tunnel. I'm floating through, like I'm being carried underwater. It's like in medical films when they stick a camera down a person's esophagus. I look at my hands and rub them. The view still sucks. Dream ends. I think, damn, another difficult scene. I guess I need to be more prepared to face anything that comes at me. Or maybe I just need to be patient and let the dream solidify before trying any control.
    4. First Real Lucid Dream Ever!

      by , 09-25-2010 at 11:18 PM (function OnLucidDream () {)
      I have had LD's before, but most are short (two minutes dream time or less) and/or fuzzy/blind. This dream started as the latter. I felt my self waking up as I realized I was dreaming. Then in an attempt to save it, I spun around very fast concentrating on my surrounding so I would hopefully not lose lucidity or teleport somewhere else. I ended up teleporting, but not losing lucidity. My vision was now clear. Then, trying to remember my LD goals (Parkour, Skydiving) I turned around and there was a perfect place to practice parkour. After hanging out there with other tracuers, i remembered i had already completed that goal this past june. So i remembered skydiving... but then i forgot. My dream switched to a abstract purple scene. I yelled out ENHANCE LUCIDITY NOW! to make sure i was still in control. There was then a part between this and the end of my dream, but i forgot it. My dream ended when a random Dream Character said to me "When are you going to wake up already?" I remembered i was dreaming. Suddenly, my vision began to deteriorate like fire burning a piece of paper and before I was thrown out of my dream, i punched him and said "Thanks a lot!"
      Sitting up in bed, I smiled and said "cool!"
      lucid , memorable
    5. 7:01 AM 25Sep10 LD#2

      by , 09-25-2010 at 08:22 PM (Dreamin like whoa)
      Awoke in my room, did a RC with nose. I was lucid. Went into my living room and it was dark. I couldn't turn the lights on. I saw that it was light outside so i started going that way. Made streaks of electricity come from my hands. There was a new window in the room and my back porch had become a balcony. I took off running at the window and busted through it. I started falling a few stories but grabbed on to a building. I started leaping from building to building high up in the air grabbing onto walls/balconies/anything i could grab. I tried jumping into nothingness (was very high up) because i wanted to shoot strings from my fingers at the building like spiderman, but it didnt work. I kept falling down so i grabbed a building. I leaped back and forth on buildings till i made it back to my home, i had a yard now, out behind the house, it was more like an apartment building. I saw a guy I received as my neighbor and wanted to show him my new ability and to scare him. I went to his porch and he threatened to spray me with a water hose if i didnt get off his porch. He followed me to a tall wall, that became the building when i was climbing up. I noticed it was getting harder and harder to climb up, i felt tired halfway up. When i got to the top and looked out and started to fade so i started spinning, i was then at the edge of a parking garage, still high up. before i jumped down it had turned into a light post, very high up. My neighbor was gone, but my little brother and 2 of his friends were down there. His good friend Jon was living in Alaska and i was jumping to scare him into coming back south. I jumped and landed safe. I woke up shortly after.
    6. 5:18 AM 25SEP10 FIRST LUCID! (robed figure)

      by , 09-25-2010 at 07:40 PM (Dreamin like whoa)
      I wake up randomly in the night so I go back to sleep telling myself to remain calm and to lucid dream, i go into a very fast sleep paralysis and feel myself starting to dream. I start getting up and I had a real hard time getting my right eye open and my right side out of bed, so i rolled over on my left and stood up. I was in my bedroom but all of the lights were on. I saw that it was dark in the other room so I tried spinning and changing my surroundings. While i was spinning everything was black and white blotches and i was thinking about going to the mountains. God Bless the USA was playing in my head. When I stopped spinning I was still in my room, and I just woke up. I did a reality check and sure enough i was still dreaming. When I rolled out of bed again there was a figure in a black robe with a black hood looking at me from in front of my bathroom door. I tried yelling at him to go away but he just sat there. I started freaking out so I started trying to wake myself up by yelling and screaming. It worked. I woke up a little startled but hey, it was my first lucid, somewhat of an accomplishment
      lucid , false awakening
    7. The Elevator

      by , 09-25-2010 at 05:18 PM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This dream was short-lived and went on to a bunch of other ones, but I managed to complete the task of the month for September.

      I was in a large rectangular room with high ceilings; it was lit by fluorescent lights. The flooring was made of large, dark green marble tiles, with a bit of white caulking in between each tile. As one could imagine, the room was fairly dark even with the lights shining down on it. In one corner of the room were two steps that led to a lower part of the floor, with the same marble tiles. The steps were shaped like a quarter of a circle, and the corner was up against corner of a wall. It fit perfectly.

      In this lower part, there was a grand piano that was very dark brown in coloration. On the wall next to the piano, at least thirty feet long, were large rectangular windows going all the way up to the ceiling. It was dark outside, but there was still a bit of light out there. [B]I became lucid as I was looking at the window, and did a little dance (as I always do when I obtain higher lucidity). I said, "yes, now I'm lucid enough to complete a dream goal or two!"

      With that, I turned around and went down the long room, looking for a way to exit the building. I didn't want to go through the windows because it was dark outside, and I couldn't change that very quickly. I walked down the hallway and saw an elevator on the left, in the wall, which was still made of marble tiles. It was a shiny, darker gray elevator, with a metal plate and two buttons on the right side of it. They were rounded rectangles, transparent white with scratched-up red arrows going up and down. I pushed the "down" button.

      The elevator arrived only moments later, and I got on. The flooring in the elevator was like a glass mosaic, made of thick cubes of glass. I could see something underneath the glass which made me a bit nervous, but I pushed it away. The elevator automatically went down without me having to push a button; there weren't any, anyways. I wanted a bit of excitement in this dream, so I expected the elevator to speed up. It did, and it began to accelerate quickly; I started to float upwards against the ceiling which looked like that of a normal elevator. I was now squished against it, but pushed off using my feet and floated in zero-gravity for a few moments. The sounds the elevator made as it was accelerating were becoming quieter as it slowed down to a halt.

      The door opened and I saw a room with pale green tiles as the floor, and dark green ones for the walls. The ceiling was black. It looked, in essence, like the room I'd just came from. I walked out into the room and it was a fat rectangle in shape; the elevator was in the middle of one of the longer walls, and there was a slightly rounded wooden reception desk on the other side, sided by two square pillars made of dark green marble tiles. I ignored it and looked to the right, expecting a door to be in the wall, and there was. It was the kind of door you'd find at the front of a chocolate shop, mostly glass with a simple wooden frame around it. This door was fairly wide and let lots of light into the building. Outside, there was a sidewalk and a city building.

      Updated 05-17-2023 at 03:33 AM by 28408

      lucid , task of the month
    8. Dreamfragments... And lucid dreamtask completed!

      by , 09-25-2010 at 02:21 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning. This night wasn't a good recall night at ALL. Three fragments... But! I had a lucid dream during the 15 minute nap I took when I woke up! Awesome!

      Night Fragments
      *I'm at a carnival, and I have just been on some crazy ass ride. The whole world is spinning and I can't stand up straight. I almost fall over and walk like a drunk. I drop my bus tickets and I pick them up again after alot of effort.

      *I'm standing on a hill overlooking a huge, green meadow with my two brothers. There are blue inflatable pools all around and we run towards them. I feel the water and it's pretty warm. I think we jump in one of them.

      *I'm sitting in my sofa, and my dad hands me a few papers. "Look for a part time job" he says and I start looking. I see a pizza delivery job.

      13.17: Dreamtask Complete DILD
      I'm in a corridor. The walls and floor are made out of wood. A comfy, light-brown wood, with a nice shine to it. I know I'm in a dream and I start walking. I repeat to myself "What should I do?" but don't come up with a good answer. Apparently I'm at the local pub and I decide to see what Tommy (the owner) has to offer me.

      I walk up to the bar and I can see that everything's made out of the same kind of wood. There's no one behind the bar, but I expect someone to come through one of the two doors I see. A second later, Tommy shows up and he looks alot younger. "This must be what he looked like when he was younger" I think for myself and smile at the man standing infront of me. He has orange curly hair instead of being bald. He's pretty fit instead of being fat, and he's actually smiling! I still don't know what I am supposed to do... "Why the hell is it so hard to remember?" I ask myself and decide to just ask him for the first thing that pops into my mind: Kolaremmar. (it's a chewy, long, fudge candy) I try to ask for them, but no sound comes out of my mouth! I try a second time but I only manage to produce a tiny whisper. He still gets it and takes out three of them, and hand them to me. The dream is starting to get less vivid and I decide to stabilize it. I run my hands over the fine wooden counter, really focusing on the feeling and how it looks like, and after a second, I'm back on track.

      "Now I remember! I'm supposed to try out Dreamfruit" I tell myself and I ask him for some. I expect him to reach from behind the counter and grab me the Dreamfruit I've been craving for so long. He does exactly that and hands me half of a grapefruit, filled with all kinds of different colours. Exactly like the picture below. (I know, I shouldn't have expected anything) I'm afraid I will lose the dream before I get to taste it and I take a big bite, peel and everything goes into my mouth, and an explosion of sour/sweet bitterness fills it. I start drooling right away as I recognise several flavours: Lime, lemon, grape and orange. The overwhelming taste sensation de-stabilizes the dream and I get one more bite (this time it's pure sweetness) before the dream fades into nothing. But I don't care. I'd rather remember it all than trying for more, there's always a next time!

      Amount of sleep: 8 hours

      Food before bed: 100 mg B6

      That's it! Finally after almost two months of craving, I get to taste the thing. Sadly enough it was something I expected it to be. My damn signature has been imprinted in my head, and when I think of dreamfruit, it pops up. Well it tasted amazing! I wonder what my next dreamgoal will be... Any ideas?


      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 03-19-2011 at 06:57 PM by 36346

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    9. I turned my nightmare into a sexy dream... fsk yes!

      by , 09-25-2010 at 12:16 PM (Ranbow Island - Otis's Dream Journal)
      last night i had 3 dreams i can remember. tough two only really stand out

      I'm standing in a room with various cast members from 'All my children', 'general hospital', and 'The young and restless'. (my co-workers now officially have me hooked)We all began packing our bags because we had to get ready for a plot twist, and apparently this plot twist involved us saving my brother from what was left of the cast members. once bags were packed Jason and Sonny loaded all the bag on to a plane, and we all boarded. Apparently sonny is Pilot. We did some funky 'stunts' in a 747, and then went hyper speed.

      I woke up for a moment grumbled a bit, and went back to bed this time remembering to focus.

      I was in my parents living room. and it was nice outside. I walked over to the bay window in the living room, and watched some rain clouds roll in. Then i saw it. A tornado. I began to panic. I ran to the basement, and i was just about to open the door to the safety room when I looked outside. There were people! (my parents basement has one side that faces the front yard because of the way it was build on a hill. This open side is mostly windows and french double doors.) Behind the people, a water spout was frantically running in circles inside the pond but never leaving.I questioned myself, and walked over to one of the doors pulling it open. The people rushed in, but there was no wind outside."I'm dreaming" I yelled, and a black priest walked over to me. He asked me if I needed to pray, and I told him "no". I felt myself loosing the dream, so I rubbed my palms together. It came so naturally I hardly had to think about it. It was almost like I'd been doing this forever. I looked back up at the priest, and told him "I'm not going to pray you pig, but if you turn in to a Sexy Sister and come to my room I maybe able to accommodate you." Hey it was worth a try. I went up stairs, turned around through the foyer, and headed down the hall to my room. I opened the door. The walls were still pink, the floor still soft carpet, and my bed was still by the door (when i left my parents 2 years ago i remolded. I turned my room in to a pirate ship. It had wood floors, old yellow parchment textured walls, and my bed was in the corner opposite the door.) I flopped down on my bed, and The priest came up, closed my door, and straddled me. (best dream control lesson EVER!) He pulled off his shirt, and I lifted my hands up I tried to get rid of some of his "extra weight" since he was not the thinnest man, but that failed so I gave him some nice round tits. It was amazing. I gave a man BEAUTIFUL breasts. S-he looked at the door "Someone it coming" S-he got off me, and hid in my closet (which now had the doors I'd removed). I rubbed my hands together just in case, and my boss Amy opened the door. She said something i didn't understand, and left. I looked at the clock, the time was now "7:gg:gg" I though Holy Fuck sweet! so I pulled out my cell phone out, and it was "8:8g:gg" I laughed, looked way and looked back, and it was "7:34:gg" This was to cool. I tossed my phone to the side, remembering the She-male I'd left in the closet. As soon as I stood I began to loose things, so I spun in one circle as I walked to the closet, and my ream stabilized. I opened the closet, and S-he smiled, and pushed me back to the bed. S-he got back on my hips, and i relaxed...

      bad move because i woke up... D: I've never done a Lady boy before...(or rather as it seemed "had a lady boy do me") i hate myself for relaxing! BUT IT WAS SO FSKING SWEET!!!

      However I know Today is going to be a great day. I turned a nightmare into an almost sexy dream.... hells to the yeah!

      Updated 09-25-2010 at 08:44 PM by 36393 (Grammar/Spelling)

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    10. First DJ entry

      by , 09-25-2010 at 04:52 AM
      Okay, so let's start it. I already posted in on the regular forums, but I want it registered on the DJ. This is my first lucid (at least, the first after I started trying to induce them). Some characteristics of this one are recurring in my dreams, which will be easy to perceive after a few entries.

      The text is essentially the same as posted on the Newbie section. I only cut off the hey-this-is-me part. Here it is, a rather long text for a rather short dream:

      Since I was not gonna work today, I went to bed thinking I wouldn't have to wake up so early and realized: "this is the perfect opportunity. A change in the routine like this is certain to end up affecting my dreams (it always does)." So I gave myself that strong auto-suggestion (first time I was so sure of it): "yep, this is the day (night? )".

      Went to bed at usual time. Woke up at usual time. This is some darn good biological clock I have! Unfortunately, it only works when I don't want it to.

      However, I barely moved. Woke up, realized my brother was at the kitchen and thought "too early, let's get back to sleep". I thought of going to the bathroom, but my bed felt so good I decided I just didn't want THAT much to go. So I blacked out.

      Next thing I know, I wake up by myself, go to the bathroom as usual. After washing my face (strange... why I don't feel the water cooling my hands?) I raise my body and look at the mirror, which is strangely deformed. I see a shadow behind me, reflected on the mirror. Although I can't see the face (the mirrors are distorted and bent downwards) due to the pajamas he is wearing I realize "It's my brother! What is he doing here? He wasn't here when I came in!"

      For some reason, I panicked. My brother (at least his image on the mirror) was standing still, arms loose by the side of his body, facing me (still couldn't see his face). I don't turn around, instead, move the mirrors away (they are those bathroom mirrors, you know? Actually cabinet doors, I believe everybody has one of these in their homes). Then it comes to my mind: "I am dreaming", just WHAM and I know it. I put my hand over my mouth, pinch my nose and try to breath: nothing! I try it a little harder, and there! I am breathing. Breathing so hard I think "well, surely I am breathing hard on my bed now, everybody will hear". Using the same hand (how??) while still holding my nose and breathing hard I manage to open the door and dart out of the bathroom. All I want now is to wake up. All I need is help to wake up, because I was trying hard with no success.

      I am on the corridor. Unlike my usual dreams, this time the house is not dark. The lights are not on, but the, hum, "luminosity" is correct for this time of the day. I let go of my nose and see my mom going to the other bathroom, down the same corridor. She also has her arms relaxed, body facing the (other) bathroom door, but she is looking at me with no facial expression. I tell her that I have to wake up, to which I have no answer. No change in her face. I am already in panic, now I start to get desperate. I "feel" that my dad is now up and leaving their room, which is now behind me. Now I don't know anymore if I was yelling or just thinking harder and harder: "I must wake up now!" I grab my mom's face, the thumb on one cheek, the other fingers on the other side. No reaction. "Sure she won't react. This is a dream!", I think. I start to (try to) squeeze her face. No movement. Although I am trying to tighten my grip, I can't move my hands. I can't feel anything, actually. Nothing but my sense of urgency. I then realize that I can't "force" myself to wake up. I relax (but don't move my hand) and stop trying so hard to wake up. Then I wake up, just like that.

      Surely enough, I wake up half scared. I realize that now I can feel the touch of my bed sheets, feel again that I need to go to the bathroom, realize I feel hot under my blanket, God, how I'm sweating now. My dad comes to wake me up. I'm a little afraid of what I'm going to see, but I'm half convinced I'm awake. He comes, speaks to me and I answer. Look at his face: normal. A couple of RCs (nose-pinching and digial clock - three checks each! all passed!) I am now sure that I am awake. I get up, (half-)empty my bladder an tell my mom about the dream. I am shivering from head to toe, literally.

      I spent the rest of the morning a bit "jumpy". Avoiding looking at mirrors, getting startled at every little everyday noise, feeling a bit numb. Scared, but satisfied with my lucidity and my semi-control.
    11. Ah Lucid Dream so eggciting !

      by , 09-25-2010 at 04:39 AM
      So this past night was only my second lucid dream ever.
      But this time was SO much better than last time,
      at one point I felt so awake in my dream that I was wondering if my body was even getting any rest. it was so amazing because it seemed like it happened right when I fell asleep.

      I realized I was dreaming when I began counting or making a checklist with my hands, then that's when I thought, waitttt a second let me take a look.
      and when I looked at my hands, they were distorted,
      and I was like "yessssss!"
      so i look around to take everything in.
      i dont really remember much though,
      i remember a lot of emptiness. Like I'm pretty sure I was in a town full of houses, but i don't remember seeing a lot of people.

      I learned in order to share a dream with someone, you can try calling for them, so I tried that with one of my friends, but it didn't work, so I figured I would try to go to a meeting spot that we decided on a long time ago... which was the moon.... the only way i could figure how to get there was to fly.

      At first it didn't work, but after a few tries I was totallllyyy flying... it was so awesome, i forgot about my reason i began flying in the first place.

      Then i woke up.

    12. Village museum, tour gudie, movie dream

      by , 09-24-2010 at 11:27 PM
      I was at a village museum We were lead by a tour guide she had the traditional kind of tour guide costume (either Kingston/Ottawa Haunts or Pickering Village Museum Spirit walk) except my tour guide had blond hair. At one of the houses we, (the tourists) looked through a window and through it I saw a family (presumably a wealthy captain's family with the captain). storm (according to the commotion inside the house we heard mumbled words) when the "storm" passed the dad had disappeared (presumably he was a ghost or something and the storm scared him away?). After that it turned into a movie.

      Since we see credits for people in the movie. The rest of the family (including "mom") are sent to live with a spinster great-aunt Millicent . It was a family of 3 kids. The eldest was a boy and the middle child was a girl.

      According to Emma's journal Aunt Millicent keeps dressing Emma in white dresses and dresses her brother,Leo, in dark suits. Also they are served horrible food-it makes it looks like Oliver Twist's gruel looks like a king's meal.

      Emma liked writing stories and drawing pictures. In one scene we see the girl with her supposed "art and writing supplies" bag. and the aunt said sarcastically " You're quite the artist". The next thing is Emma undoes her bag and discover a notice that said As long as you are under my roof you will not write (expect for your journal) or draw..

      One day Emma goes walking in the woods near Aunt Millicent's home and gets lost and it starts to rain. So her mom comes to Emma's rescue. But as a result the mom gets sick and dies a couple of days later.

      The next day when Leo and Emma are dressing for church we and they see green coming through the door. At first they were frightened but when "green" fully gets through the door they found its just Aunt Millicent. And she asks how to pick up the 18 month old baby. They go to church and that's all I can remember
      lucid , memorable
    13. 22 Sep: Shrink to atom size, reverse gravity and meeting my guru

      by , 09-24-2010 at 11:25 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      23:20 GMT – Sleep

      I’m on some meeting and I am extracting energy from both my surroundings and the instructor who is talking.

      2:20 GMT

      Business fair
      I’m on Mercado da Ribeira (a market in Lisbon). There’s some kind of fair going on and I see my friend Alfredo there, talking to other people. I also need to talk to him. I wave at him and he makes some sign that we’ll talk later. I’m behind a desk and showing some samples of some aromatic butter-like substance, in different colours and odours. Two foreign visitors are enjoying the smell of a lavender-butter when by my left side appears my most recent ex-boss. She tells them something in a very rude way. I don’t remember what, but included the word “shit”. They are shocked at her manners. She admits she is a bit stressed but doesn’t think she said anything inappropriate. While she waits for their reaction or answer, she goes away meet this other group of people where my friend is included and the two guys open up with me. I tell them she used to be my boss and that they have no idea... They showed solidarity with me but I tell them they should still close the deal with her, despite everything.

      Crazy kid and vacation at resort
      I’m on some tall building. As I entered and climbed the stairs I noticed it is practically empty, with just a few neighbours on the lower floors. I go to some top floor, looking for something or someone and enter an apartment, which I sense like mine or a place where I’m temporarily staying. It is totally empty, but my cat is there. Some windows are open and I rush to close it (because of the cat). Then some friends arrive and with them is an evil kid. He keeps playing with a knife and saying he is going downstairs and kill the neighbours. I tell him to behave and he also threatens me with the knife. Now I’m pissed and I confess I fear for cat, who is vulnerable around a deranged kid like this. I use all my best psychology skills to change his attitude but he improves just a little bit.
      Then I talk to my friends and we’re exchanging stories about tourists in trouble – like these guys who stayed at this sleezy hotel with a code to enter the room instead of key (which in itself is ok) but then the owner of the hotel would sell the codes to some mafia guys who would kidnapped people in the middle of the night, for human trafficking. Not nice. I remember I will be travelling again soon and hope I don’t happen to stay in such places.
      Then we all go outside and I realise we’re on some type of touristic area. One of the friends needs to go to her apart-hotel to get something and I see we’re in some kind of beach resort.

      5:15 GMT

      Marrying a cousin
      I’m on some room similar to my older room at mom’s house and lots of family members are there, including my mom and my cousin R. I don’t recall the entire conversation but my family is convinced we should marry – me and my cousin. They say it’s not a consensual decision, that they are not happy about it, but considering the circumstances it is the only solution. I wonder what the hell justifies that? I’m not pregnant of him or anything. When I was a kid I had a crush on him, but that was it. My cousin is looking at me, anxious for my answer and I find this all very odd.
      I walk around the room and find my Tanto (a Japanese dagger) broken on the floor – the grip separated from the blade. I fix it, upset that someone had broken it and I turn to my family and tell them no. I don’t want to marry my cousin, I don’t have any reasons to do so. Why are they even considering such a stupid thing?

      My mom pregnant
      Later I talk to my mom alone and she tells me she is worried. She recovered 3 of the 4kgs she had lost with her new diet. She says its not because of overeating, she thinks she is pregnant. I’m totally surprised, but the “worst” is yet to come. I ask who would be the father of the child and she tells me it’s my father. Then I’m totally shocked – they are separated for more than 10 years now and there’s no way they can get along ever again. How the hell this happened? She says she does not plan to get back with him, that it was just an accident and that’s why she is freaking out.

      Shrink to atom size
      I’m on a bathtub and decide to do RC. I realise I’m dreaming and get lucid. I decide to shrink to atom size. I close my eyes, because I decided to try it this way when I was awake. It is kind of working, I feel myself shrinking. When I open my eyes I’m about the size of a human finger. I see two huge people approaching and we're on this enormous room (bathroom) with an endless table by my right side, that looks like a tall platform on top of really high columns. I close my eyes again and continue shrinking but this time I almost wake up and have to make an effort to stay “on”. When I try to open my eyes I feel my “real” eyes opening and have to stop not to wake up. Then, when I feel I’m more stable on the dream, I open my eyes slowly, but all I see is darkness. I no longer have body or shape, I’m just consciousness in a dark void. All I see is very faint clusters of white dots, like distant stars or galaxies. It actually looks like outerspace, but I try not to judge the result. Probably the atomic world looks like outerspace.

      My guru’s mandala fortress and reversed gravity
      Then I close my eyes again and think of next task (this one set by me). When I open my eyes I am on some house. I decide to summon a portal, like the blue water-like portal I saw some days ago in a dream. But I fail to do so. Not even a ripple in the time-space continuum. So I stick to the mirror approach. I find a wardrobe with a mirror on the door and I think I want to go meet my guru. Then I cross the mirror and find myself on this green area facing a huge wall, like a fortress, in front of me. I see some guy at the top of the wall and decide to fly to there. For some reason it is not easy and something is keeping me from flying to the top. I am blocked like 1 meter away from the top but this guy gives me a hand and pulls me inside.
      Once inside I see this plateau, with lush gardens and some pretty houses. There’s a group of people around some table I presume are his students and I ask them where can I find our guru. A hippie like blond bearded guy tells me he will be at the casern at 7 o’clock. I wonder where is that and what 7 o’clock is he referring: mine or this place’s? I think tht maybe my guru is not asleep at this moment and therefore I cannot meet him, but I’m not sure if it works that way – Buddhist teachers are said to be always available to the students, always!

      [On awaking I looked for the meaning of casern and found this: In fortification, caserns are little rooms, lodgments, or apartments, erected between the ramparts and the houses of fortified towns, or even on the ramparts themselves; to serve as lodgings for the soldiers of the garrison. This confirms I was indeed in a fortress.]
      Then these guys just leave to go somewhere and leave me alone. I decide I can’t wait until 7:00, if it’s mine 7:00 because by then I will be waking up. I look around and find a second wall in the centre of this fortified town – a fortress within a fortress - and decide to go there. This time I manage to fly directly to the top of it.
      I find a second group of people – more of his students – also around a table on some lovely terrace. They are eating and I decide to join them. Once again I ask for our guru, but this time, from my right side a head leans forward and I see my teacher’s face looking at me, surprised. Hi say hi and ask if it’s ok that I looked for him. He says “Sure, why not!” But then it’s hard to chat with him, with all these people around and someone between us. Anyway I had prepared something to say but I feel maybe I should wait for him to talk to me. Then he starts joking around – his face transforms. First I think – could he be just a DC I’m projecting, but his signature was so real. Then when the transformation ends, he has the face of Mao-Tse Tung. I laugh, because that’s something he would definitely do to jerk around with us. I ask why he changed his look to Mao and then he changes again and he’s now an old lady with white hair, glasses and granny’s clothes. He is just being himself.
      Then everybody gets up and my guru flies away. He actually went down to the lower level fortress. From up there, where we are, it looks like a giant green lush valley. Others start following him, although a bit clumsily. I fly to join them and my guru is telling his students how they need to improve their flying skills. Some of them are really at basic level. Managed to jump down here, but lit off, no way. So I show off by flying graciously around, as a dolphin swimming in the ocean. I flip, I swirl, I go up and down, pass by them high speed. Oh, ego.... then I realise above us is not the sky but very high ceiling, kilometres high ceiling. I go there and put my feet on it, trying to walk on it like a fly.
      Then I remember the reversed gravity trick, which I never tried and decide to put it t test. I think about the guys down there who might get hurt, but at least my guru will for sure be just fine. Still I make a wish that nobody gets hurt and I say “reversed gravity” and all of the people and objects that were down below start to fall to the ceiling and I laugh, as it is quite amusing. Then I reverse it again.
      I go back to the ground and everybody is dispersing, to practice on their own, I guess. I find my guru sitting under a tree and go meet him. He asks me why I am so persistent in following him? What do I want from him? Do I want to marry him? I laugh and say no. I tell him with this exact words “No, I don’t want to marry you, I’m simply hungry and thirsty (of knowledge)” and I feel it in my heart with 100% conviction. He smiles, like I just gave the right answer and he tells me not be so impatient. He tells me things will happen on due time and that I had to understand that I am already having privileged access to him and that I should think about that. Then he gets up and goes away and I wake up.

      6:55 GMT – Wake up

      (I guess at 7 a.m. he needed to be at the casern )

      Updated 09-24-2010 at 11:29 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment , task of the month
    14. Expedition/Post office/Swimming Pool/School battleground

      by , 09-24-2010 at 08:22 PM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      September 24, 2010

      Asleep by 1:30-ish

      I was at this camp of Na'vi like people, and also with two other humans (DC's). There was an inner camp surrounded by an outer camp that was filled with water. The colours were amazing. A beautiful blue for the water, and the oranges and pink one would normally find at sunset filled the entire landscape. We didn't have too much to do with the Na'vi, other than they were tolerant enough of us to stay with them. But specifically, they were more tolerant, and even somewhat helpful towards me than my companions. I wondered why, and false memory reminded me that when I slept, in the water, a light tendril connected itself to the back of my head (at the base of my head and neck) and had done something. But it meant that I was "chosen."

      We needed food, so it was decided I would go out and get us some fish from the pre-camp. I was looking for blue-scaled fish. However, the water also housed pink-scaled fish, which tried to attack aggressively when I went into the water. I waded in and out a few times, then the scene dissolved.

      My companions and I are facing off with this crow. We're in a desert. We edged closer to it, and it didn't fly away or back off. In fact, it's eyes had a look of daring, like, "One step closer and I'll attack you!"

      One of my companions informed me that in the desert, the crows are more desperate for food, and thus are a lot more bold than the city crows we're used to. Our group split up (I vaguely recall hearing that mu was in the other group). There were two paths to take: a top path and a bottom path. Mu's group took the bottom half, and mine took the top. We were in a mine shaft, jumped into a mine car, and rode it like a rollercoaster!

      Short WBTB at 6am. Long enough for washroom; sat on the couch reviewing some goals and starting up my MILD mantra to bring back to bed with me ("This is a dream," followed with a visual of hand-checking). Back to bed.

      Post office/Dispatch - Lucid - 4/5
      I start off working in an office. My replacement comes in to take over the Dispatch part of the job so I'm free to do the post office side. I'm feeling guilty though, because I've been slacking off, and hadn't done the check ins for the last two hours, and he will hear them (IRL, the check ins are on voice mail, and it holds up to 20 messages, so he'd hear the 8pm's, 7pm's, 6pm's etc, and however far back until that 20 is reached. If I was on the ball and doing them, I would delete them as I listened to each check in message). I hung around the office, in the back, and tried to phone the check in line and delete the 6 and 7pm messages before he could get through the 8pm ones... He saw me hanging around, though, and got suspicious AND upset that I hadn't moved onto my next job. I was stuck.

      I remember sitting at a desk, and date-stamping things... I was getting a lot of excess ink on my stamp, and started writing with my stamp on the bottom of parcel waybills and documents.

      My boss finds me, and he seems edgy and upset. However he needs to show me and my co-worker some new procedures (I guess we were the senior staff). He and my co-worker are slightly ahead of me, and as I get up from my desk, I realize I'm topless. Feeling a bit awkward, but trying to be nonchalant ("It's normal, walking around work without a top on, duh!") I follow them. Then it clicks in my head, "Waiiiiiit a moment! I'm topless at a job? Good chance I'm dreaming." I stop and consider the situation. "Really? Wow, yes, really!" And I'm finally fully conscious too. But I decide to follow the scene, instead of forcing control.

      We go into the office and my boss gives me this weird look (I'm still covering my chest), but continues on with his spiel. He's using funnels and pouring liquid from one funnel to another. His explanation makes no sense to me. I look at the window, and I consider going through it. He notices me looking at the window, and pulls the blind, which makes me giggle, inwardly.

      Suddenly, we're in a cab. I'm still topless, and I decided not to fix it, cos it's reminding me that I'm dreaming. We're driving through a neighbourhood and I figure this is a good place to be let off to accomplish my goal of summoning Quinn (I got this idea from Akono to pretend that Quinn will show up at the front door, since I'm having troubles summoning him). However, the cabby ignores my desire to get out, and we keep driving. We reach the end of the road, and turn around, only the cab leaves without me. "There's still houses around, I can work with this," I said. Any will do. I find this one house and approach the front door. The house morphs as I approach it, though, and it's now on stilts. As I reach the door, I realize there's snow on the ground, and I'm wearing a hoodie and my winter jacket ("Thanks, dream."). I open the door and the house is merely a tree house. "This won't work," I thought to myself.

      I turned around and tried to find another house. I'm walking across a snowy field and I approach a swing set. There's only one swing, and a girl with bright lime green pants is happily swinging away. There's a line up of kids behind her, waiting their turns. The dream dissolves. I tried to chain back in, however, it was gone.

      I mantra'd again, and I could feel myself getting swirly and being pulled away from consciousness a few times, but losing it and snapping back a few times. I eased up on the mantra and lost consciousness at some point.

      The odd swimming pool
      I remember first, working at some retail type job. I was getting along really well with this girl who kind of looked familiar. Then, I learned that she and I used to work together at Linen's n Things. She told me the staff there had a nickname for me when I left. They called me "The weak one." This really depressed me, because I was honestly miserable when I worked there, and left the job because of it. I remember rummaging through drawers, looking for something, but all I could find were hairbands, elastics and other hair accessories.

      Scene change and I was in my backyard (of an old house, or maybe a non-existent one, I don't really remember). I see a swimming pool that was no more than 3 feet in diameter, covered with a tarp. I pushed on the tarp to see if it would hold, so I could lie on it like a water-bed. It gave way from the sides, and water leaked onto the top. This won't do.

      I was suddenly surprised by the arrival of this short-haired girl. She spoke in a deadpan voice. I can't quite remember what she said, but I didn't fully trust her sanity, and here I am, standing next to a swimming pool with her. Suddenly, three girls jump into the pool and everyone's laughing and cheerful and happy. They ask me to join, and I'm suddenly in a bathing suit, so I do.

      Somewhere in here, I had a false awakening. I even remembered to pinch my nose too, and couldn't breathe. I looked at my watch and it said 10:10. My alarm was set for 10:30, so I drifted, while waiting for it to go off.

      The school battleground
      There were two teams of about 15-20 people, and we were stationing ourselves around the school trying to capture bases. I found one "base" (a classroom) completely deserted, so I crept into it and hid behind some desks. I see three guys from the other team enter the room and they see me. Suddenly, it seems like the whole class piles into the base, and they decide not to "kill" me (via rock, paper, scissors battle). The teacher/leader of this group declares mid-game victory, because they currently hold all the bases. He tells me to get out of here (and calls me a "snot," too! :sob: ). I get a head start and then his team will hunt me down. I was resourceful, though, and got away by running down this circular staircase and swinging myself around the corners. I found my group and I told them their plan. They are leaving about 3 people behind at each base, and doing a zerg with the majority of their group (anyone familiar with Warcraft's Eye of the Storm battleground may recognize this). We agree to attempt the same strategy and the dream ends.

      Woke up again, nose pinch, can't breathe. I was surprised at the length of the dream for only having 20 minutes, and checked my watch. 9:52?? I nose pinched again. Awake.
      Tags: quinn
      non-lucid , false awakening , lucid
    15. #154. More Carpet

      by , 09-24-2010 at 08:07 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Recall's a bit fuzzy. This happened in the middle of the night, and I didn't get up to write it down. In the morning, I originally woke up with the vague impression that I might have had a lucid.

      Slept quite well, though. I was in a very good mood for a while.


      Staring at a grey carpet floor, I am fully aware that I'm in a dream. I don't bother with a reality check, but I do take a moment to stabilize my surroundings (do nothing). I'm concentrating on the carpet, for some reason. Next time, I should probably focus on the rest of the room.

      Nomad's RPG task is to rescue the demon boy. I imagine myself in a forest, an aura of fear tinging the air. I wait for the faint pull that will take me from one dream to the other, and

      End recall.

      Scare Factor: 1/10
      Rating: 4/10

      And then, at work, I hit myself with a crowbar in the face. Ow.