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    1. Aris's cool ability (8/27)

      by , 09-17-2011 at 04:21 PM
      The scene starts with me and a few of my folks in either my house or my cousin waynes houese. Me and all my other family member were sitting on this couch. Aris was sitting on a couch across from us on the other side of the living room where we all were. we were staring at you because your eyes were changing colors. you didnt seem to care.
    2. 32nd shared dreaming attempt - It'sMEE's dream

      by , 09-17-2011 at 04:14 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      It'sMEE's dream

      I have a small palette of different coloured paints. If I touch a colour then my shirt, my shirt turns that colour. I can do this with things that aren't the paints either (I think I use my tights at one point)

      It's quite a long dream which mainly involves me wandering around changing the colour of my shirt.
    3. Familiarity

      by , 09-17-2011 at 04:13 PM
      There was this sort of swap meet I was at, but instead I chilled at this little lake with this woman. We were just sitting next to it, and I think I was with this foster care. It felt like I was in the Goonies but it was different. Beneath our feet and along the shore was baked beans. It acted like it was nothing and it was weird. I got up and ended up calling the woman "mom". We both felt bonding. We walked along the shore stepping all over the baked beans and I kept telling the woman that this was illogical. Aren't beans supposed to be hard then cooked? I questioned it but didn't bother about it much. I looked to my right to see if anyone was actually swimming and I saw two innertubes with kids out in the water. We got to the end and she saw a bunch of shells within these twigs. We saw something else but I forgot what it was. I told her it could have been otters nesting over here. We walked over to the other side and all of us (I guess orphans) were at these stands just like the swapmeet. All this looked familiar. I felt an urge to buy from a specific stand, and everything was so cheap. The first stand I saw was selling these carved flattened stones made out of ruby and jade. It caught my interest but the next stand looked so familiar. It felt like he was selling stuff that I had bought before. It was all nostalgia. Soon, everyone at the same time was leaving. I ended up in my parents Rubicon with my sister next to me. She saw this white masked guy with orange hair and an orange shirt at the swap meet I guess. As EVERYONE was leaving at the same time we were driving really slow. Two chicks walking on the crosspath were wondering where everyone was coming from. We stopped for a second and the guy in the white mask came over and tapped on the window looking at my sis. Now that I think about it, it soundedd creepy at the time but it wasn't. It was funny and cute. We drove off and he kept running up and he slapped his hand on the window. He didn't catch up anymore and waved his hand goodbye. Pa kept driving and we ended up going on this trail. I told dad, I don't think this is a car trail. And it wasn't. We ended up on a real car trail and saw this man-made whirl pool and my parents act like they've been here before. Pa said that we had to make sharp turns otherwise we would end up in the whirlpool. Our car was going off near the shore of it, and it was so steep the Jeep didn't have enough power to get back up. I was panicking a bit. I got out and tried to push it back up. That didn't work. So dad got out and the car looked like a balloon that he deflated and put back up the steep hill.*

      Ever had a dream where you know that you've been there before in another dream?
    4. Mall and Gamecube purchases.

      by , 09-17-2011 at 03:59 PM (The Universe of Infinite Possibilities.)

      This dream started out with me and my parents congratulating me with achieving something. They said they would give me 20$ and I could spend it on whatever I wanted. So I went to the mall and looked at Gamecubes and Shoes. I decided to get some designer shoes at a very cheap price! So I bought the shoes and later saw my dad come in and buy the same shoes as me. We started laughing and left the mall and got in some car. The dream ended.
    5. The Dream, The Lucid, and the Five FA's

      by , 09-17-2011 at 03:37 PM (The Mind of a Dreamer)
      Non-Dream Dream Lucid

      I was at school and I was in class, I stepped out to use the restroom. The dream skips and I walk back into the hallway and class was over. I looked at the time and it was 9:03 P.M. Scool was over 6 hours ago! I freaked out and ran to the front doors, cars were still picking up kids and I walked outside and saw my dad drive around and he drove up on the side walk and almost crashed into the school. I stared at the car for a few seconds and then the dream stopped.
      I was riding in a car down a road surrounded by trees and I did the nose plug reality check and realized I was dreaming, I rubbed my hands (which was a new experience for me) in an attempt to stabilize but the dream disappeared and it everything went black. I went with the flow and opened my eyes. I was in a school hallway and did a reality check and verified I was dreaming. The dream yet again went black and when I opened my eyes I was in the same car, on the same road and doing the same thing as the first FA. And of course the dream went black and when I opened my eyes I was in my room, but I was so tired even after I did the reality check I didn’t want to do anything but sleep. So I closed my eyes, then I opened them again and found that I was on the road in the car AGAIN, I did a reality check and validated it was a dream. I quickly got out of the car in fear of the dream faded and closed my eyes to teleport; I imagined a city, when I opened them I was looking down on a small portion of a city from about 300 feet up. I could see a large body of water hugging the city through the darkness of the night. Apartment and business buildings were everywhere. In the middle of my view was a 50ft lamp pole lighting up a four lane street. Then I teleported to the ground and into a bar, I see two men just standing around and hanging out. I wanted to get a task done so I approach one and start delivering punishing blows to his face and abdomen, followed by a finishing kick to the stomach, and he hit the ground. I did the same thing to the other guy. I casually left the bar and walked along the sidewalk next to the bar and saw a little shop/bistro thing. I walked inside and approached the empty reception counter. I reached into my back pocket and grabbed a red pill out. It was a magical pill that would allow me to use powers in case I needed to. I popped it into my mouth. It had that nasty plastic taste, so I imagine the flavor as watermelon, and it became watermelon which allowed it to go down easier. I walked over to a table where the clerk was standing. I decided to give him money for what happened to the people in the bar. I reached back into my back pocket again for some cash but instead just felt two other magic pills. I looked up and saw he was waiting for something. So I imagined a suitcase filled with a million dollars in my hand. When I looked down, I saw a black suitcase, no bigger than a laptop and no thicker that a shoebox cradled between my arm and side. I grabbed it and plopped it down on the table, filled with a million dollars. The man was ecstatic about it. I walked out and teleported to my school, I was facing some doors that lead outside. I was about 15 feet away and I wanted to summon my dream airship I have been creating in waking life, I imagined that and walked outside, but I got a surprise. I looked up and an airship was floating down against the blue sky. It almost silently landed on the road next to the school; you could hear the propeller lightly rotating. Everybody was amazed because it was unmanned. I was so fascinated by what I had summoned. It was only fit for one person to ride in , It had a “T” shape, with the cockpit in the front, decorative balloons stretched out from each side like wings, and a large fin used for steering. At the end of the fin was a small propeller. It was a neat little device but I teleported back to the city. I say the open doorway of the shop which was showing a re-run of what I was previously doing in there, I walked in and the “past me” ran past me, bumping into me before heading out the door. I looked over at some counters and saw a blender, perfect to make a smoothie. I turned it on and it buzzed to life, but it was making cotton candy. I asked myself “Why the heck is this not making me my smoothie?!?!?!?” So I inspected it and upon further inspection it was on cotton candy mode, I picked it up and flipped the switch and it turned to smoothie mode. It already had ice, so I added bananas and strawberries and before I could turn it on I had to get the lid. The room was filled to my chest in water. I was holding the machine up and I saw the lid floating in the water, I tried to walk forward but I couldn’t, there was too much water, annoyed I used telekinesis to bring it towards me. When I put the lid on and turned it on all the water dried up and disappeared. Within a second the smoothie was done. It had the consistency of yogurt though. Still holding the thing I want into a line of my peers and asked if they wanted any of my smoothie. They replied no. I shrugged, and, not finding any cups around, I just drank out of the blender. It tasted like strawberry at first, then banana, I didn’t really care for the taste though so I tossed it aside and went towards a wall and ripped a rectangular hole in it. There were two hobos in a room sitting next to one of those barrels with fires in them. I didn’t much care for them so I tore another hole through the next wall and found a tiny office room filled with shotguns, I realized I had stepped into the wrong room because people spotted me, I quickly picked up a shotgun, but it had no ammo. A man burst through the doorway chasing after me. When I got back inside the store he took shots at me, but instead of me getting buck shots embedded inside me, they fell to the ground and started making weird noises. I asked him “Why are they doing that?” I laughed and then I woke up for real.
    6. 32nd shared dreaming attempt- whiterains dream 2

      by , 09-17-2011 at 03:35 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      whiterains dream 2

      just remembered another bit. i was in a college type room with lots of others. i had a recurring thing where i have some kind of stuff like chewing gum all stuck in my mouth. as if i have fallen asleep with it in my mouth or something. its horible and i have to pull it all out with my hands which is never easy. it comes out in massive long strings and feels like it comes from deep inside me. it always feels good to get rid of it though. this time afterwards i feel like i have broken my teeth. it feels like i have really woken myself up and somehow 2 teeth are just falling out. glad to properly wake up after that one, must make both these things dreamsigns
    7. Dream clash (8/27)

      by , 09-17-2011 at 03:34 PM
      This was one of the last dreams i had. It started with me going into a swamp with this boy name brandon from my school. I had to clean it the swamp ( ikr, cleaning a swamp. lol) I remember having to get here through this wooden stick connecting where i am to the swamp. between that is somewhere i dont remember but wouldnt want to fall into because im sure it was a sure way to die. i almost fell while walking to the swamp. I think we started cleaning the swamp after making it through.
    8. Another Hospital Dream

      by , 09-17-2011 at 03:34 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was with a girl I've only met once in waking life, Kristen. We were in the car I think, and I asked her to hold my stash of pot. We got into the house, and she set it on the kitchen counter for all to see. I got super mad and snatched it up, yelling at her for doing such a careless thing.

      Then, I was in my room. It was daytime; there was sun coming in through my windows. I remembered I had a Dr. appointment to get a biopsy and some blood work, and I really didn't want to go.

      I then was at the hospital to get my tests done. I was sitting in the waiting room, when an older, fat female nurse called me in. I went back, and she told me which exam room to go in. I told her no. I was then in the exam room, and I kept telling them no, I didn't want any of this done. I knew that I probably needed to do it, but I didn't want to. I was adamant and firm about that.

      My mom was in there at some point trying to convince me to get it done, but I kept saying no.
      Tags: hospital
    9. The Ambush ( 8/27)

      by , 09-17-2011 at 03:30 PM
      This dream was at this swamp like area, which i've been before in previou dreams. I remember me and a group of people (either friends or partners my age, which is 14) chasing this girl. She jumped over a fence leading to a swamp with ease.We followed. now we're on the other side of the gate. Let me tell you about this swamp. Some of the ground and stable, while some is serioulsy like thin ice. i didnt fall in the water, like i did in previous dreams, but one of my friend/partner did trying to catch the girl who ended up getting way for all i know.
      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    10. The monster's Point of view ( 8/26)

      by , 09-17-2011 at 03:16 PM
      I had a dream when i snuck inside my cousin, wayne's house. I wasn't myself. i was a evil entity. I had the intention on killing Franklyn, my twin brother. i knew he was in that house that night. I also knew my weakness was water but that was irrelevant in this dream. Anyways after infiltrating the house, Franklyn comes down from upstairs. I dont know what he thinks i am. well he asks me if i wanted to go to sleep. i said yes with the intent of murdering him before he showed me to the room i was supposedly going to stay at. The weird part was that i didnt go though with the plan. yes i remember following him, but i just remember mixing in with the shadows and watching him from there.
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    11. The Fortress in Ski City

      by , 09-17-2011 at 03:13 PM (Typho's DJ)

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 04:26 AM by 44350

    12. The game that had a meaning ( 8/27)

      by , 09-17-2011 at 03:09 PM
      This dream is related to to a recurring dream i had. it was me playing call of Duty and a RPG game.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. The Dry pleasure (8/27)

      by , 09-17-2011 at 03:07 PM
      This Dream started with me outside in the daytime on the side of my cousin, Aris's, house. I was sitting on a swivel chair with this girl name emma from my school. i was spinning on the chair and while doing that i was also dry humping her. i did that until i came. after that i walked to my other cousin's house, named wayne, who lived right next to Aris. i went through wayne's garage and as soon as i walked to go in there, aris's mom comes out though the front door and calls his name.
    14. 32nd shared dreaming attempt- whiterains dream

      by , 09-17-2011 at 02:58 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      whiterains dream

      finally getting more lucid on attempt nights! back in the usual holiday/festival/waterpark/college/school dream again. all sorts of random things going on like people doing weird greek statue type poses with some type of weapon. seemed like a bit of a joke to me. most of the rest of it just round bars doind the usual. lots of old mates involved, mostly CH JC JG UO and remember talking to others really clearly but cant recall who now. was in a uni type park that i first got lucid. saw a massive fake amanita and recalled a previous dream where it felt like i had seen a real one near there before. as i set off on my search it occured that because i was looking for an old dream, i was dreaming. luckily for only the second time i quickly remembered to head for chicken pizza.

      while searching in the undergrowth for the mushroom i had become somewhat contained in this service pipe/tunnel type thing. the roof was open but the walls were high so i decided to run along the pipe to try to launch myself off the end to fly to the pyramid. of course now i know i should have just flown without needing the run up. as i climbed onto the pipe i slipped. sometimes this would have caused problems but i managed to just deny that it was slippery which worked well for once. i ran along it at quite a speed then jumped at the end and started flying. it seemed i was already in some kind of temple type thing so didnt have much luck getting to the outside of the pyramid. pretty soon aftrer take off i switched to 3rd person perspective anyway which made the dream fade and move on.

      later on i am just in some bar again. these people sat along the wall seem to not be able to see me. i wave at one of them then wave my hands in his face and he does see me. i say sorry about that i just had to check something. he seems fine about it. then i say sometimes its just hard to tell if someone can see you in a dream or not. he looked at me starteld and said 'in a dream?' or something. then he got all panicky so i just said yeah dont worry its just a dream, just a normal dream and just tried to calm him down. he seemed to snap out of it, probably cos his mates started to take the piss or something but its hazy from here

      parts of the unlucid bit really felt like i had just had a cracking night out with old mates. also have very hazy memories of it, but i have definately been talking to loads of randoms in weird interesting locations that i dont recall from previous dreams. in an earlier part i remember having a laugh by holding this girl and swinging/sliding down the staircase of some big shopping centre. i kind of knew it was a dream but also felt like my arm would snap if i went too fast. also have a fragment where i got minorly lucid and jumped off a high platform in a work location for a quick fly around. damn it was probably a good few hours long if i could manage to string along all the parts somehow...
    15. 32nd Shared Dreaming Attempt-Metallicuh

      by , 09-17-2011 at 02:55 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      I don't remember that much of this dream as my recall has been sucking lately.
      Metallicuh's Dream

      I'm at this swampish place. I'm with one of my friends, Trevor. I think my friend Payton was here too. Everyone seemed to be mad at us so We leave the board walk area and walk to the swampy area. There are gators here.
      -Don't Remember-
      I remember coming back to the boardwalk area.
      I also recall this one kid named Nick in my dream.