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    1. Doctor's appointment on a... Ferry?

      by , 04-12-2011 at 12:13 PM (Brainy Vapours)
      I see a friend of mine, she's on some sort of ferry/cruise ship kind of thing. It's just been very painstakingly cleaned for her, I get the impression my friend is famous or important some how. She has an entourage with her, including her Mom and Grandmother. I am not sure where the ship is going or why it's going anywhere. She's in her gorgeous room, it's very beautifully decorated in the style of what I remember of Versailles. She is trying to speak German, but it's not working. She has a doctor's appointment, so the doctor enters the room. She begins talking about the pill she is on and how it's made her gain weight. She refers to her Grandmother a few times, but her Grandmother keeps saying "Not this time, dear" and waving the questions away. I become aware that her Grandmother won't talk about the issue of birth control because she's too embarrassed.
    2. To the moon & back again.. Sort of. + Other

      by , 04-12-2011 at 12:07 PM (My otherworldly experiences.)
      Lucid = orange

      Background info: Previous to this I had had a dream where I was in my old school again. I don't remember too much of it but the last thing I was doing was flying around the lower school playground showing off to a younger friend of mine, and messing around with 'fly boxes' as we called them, which were basically those things you hold on to and they lift you in the air. Then I woke up during this.

      I'm not sure what happened next. I either did a WILD or achieved a DEILD. Basically as I was going back to sleep I got those memory impression things (I was conscious, too) which happen when you're drifting off, although one of them suddenly turned consistent (if you get what I mean) and I found I was in a dream and not trying to go to sleep any more.

      I'm back in the same place I was before, only everybody has gone and I'm alone standing on top of room 26 in the lower school playground. I crouch down quite surprised at the fact I just managed whatever it was I just did and start taking in note of what I can to ground my lucidity, e.g. what I can see around me, what the floor and my hands feel like, what I can hear around me, etc.
      When I think I'm planted firmly enough into the dream I decide what I'm going to do. I was flying around last time so I decide I'm going to go down that road this time, and remember I wanted to go to the Moon at some point. There was something about where I was that I didn't like, as well. I think it was a noise. It made me feel a little scared but I just dismissed it and continued with my intentions. I then jumped up and found myself hovering in the air and then tried to get higher by flapping my arms but it was a little hard to move them. I then recalled that anything can be done purely by will, so I took note of that fact and didn't worry about my arms in case I woke up or something and just willed myself up, and sure enough, I started soaring into the air very fast until I found myself looking down on planet Earth with the Moon in sight.

      At this point I found it harder to proceed and was starting to slip back into the Earth, but I just dismissed that and willed myself harder to go forward, and I was then speeding towards the Moon.
      Upon entry, it was rather strange, as I was descending through darkness and a forest of trees. I kind of felt uncomfortable here, as I was in an alien place to me in which I could barely see, but I just reassured myself it would be fine as I was only dreaming.
      When I finally landed, the first thing I saw were dozens of strange looking giraffes just wandering about. I heard a voice too, which said something like ''Now you can claim your own
      (can't remember the name)'' but basically these Giraffes weren't actually Giraffes but something else. My surroundings were rather swamp like, sort of like Dagobah in Star Wars but more lit up, and there were more creatures roaming past me as well, including various dinosaurs such as raptors and t-rex's.
      After a while I decided I didn't like this place and wanted to go back to Earth, so I started flying up. On the way I was joined by a couple of huge flying dinosaurs which unnerved me and I tried to get past them as quick as possible. However, things didn't go to plan and one of them decided to swallow me whole.

      I then 'woke up', although it was actually a false awakening. I didn't register that though and lost lucidity.

      The next dream(s) are just random bits I can remember which happened afterwards:

      I'm at my older sister Leah's house (although it's not actually her house, but a random one). She's set up some DOOM style game for me and a couple of others. There's also loads of food darted about which we're free to eat as much of as we'd like. We all have pistols, and our job is to take out the boss in the kitchen or something (which I think was a cat). I recall trying to find a better gun, e.g the shotgun, all the way through but I had no luck. The end result was that we couldn't defeat the boss.

      I'm on an awesome looking motorbike randomly on a motorway with no recollection as to how I obtained the bike and how I got there in the first place, where I am, and where I'm going. I'm not really too worried though, because I have a hearthstone in my bag which is stationed at Leah's house.
      Note: A hearthstone is an item in World of Warcraft which teleports you to your 'home' which you set yourself.
      With that in mind I just set off on where the road is going to take me on this amazing bike going really fast. It was a little sketchy because I don't know how to drive but that wasn't too much of a problem. After a long stretch of road and a roundabout the bike started packing up a bit so I was looking for a place to turn in, and found one. Open entering, I saw a group of youth from church and my younger sister Tabitha was with them. They were just standing/sitting around outside a large door, all dressed smartly. It looked like a wedding was going on and I assumed it was for Becky. I pull over still with all the abnormality of what's happened to me in my mind and ask Sarah if I'm dreaming or not. She tells me I am, which surprises me, and I don't fully believe her. I ask her again. She gives me the same answer. Then my friend Ben comes out of the blue and I ask him the same question; he says I'm not. At this point I'm really confused and do 2 reality checks. Both indicate that I'm not dreaming, so I assume he's right (I'm such a dickwad, seriously ).
      So yeah, I then ask him about the bike and tell him how I randomly obtained it and that I'm scared I might have stolen it from somebody. He then tells me ''Don't worry, Sam. I bought it for you.''
      Note: Ben was always giving me stuff during school, he was an awesome friend.
      We then get into conversation about it and I wake up during the midst of it.
    3. Siege of the Sorcerer

      by , 04-12-2011 at 12:03 PM (Brainy Vapours)
      A powerful sorcerer is on his way to a castle. He's on a mission to destroy everything in his path. He's brought with him many different and strange weapons to use and a specific set of spells for deadly booby traps. As an omni presence, I get to watch him closely, see which spells and weapons he brings with him, which he favours. I learn that he is in the castle to destroy a child. I watch as he enters the castle, discovering all the traps that were laid for him - without harm. I know his weaknesses but I am powerless to stop him.

      Updated 04-12-2011 at 12:14 PM by 40720

    4. Trying to get to my Operation

      by , 04-12-2011 at 11:55 AM (Brainy Vapours)
      I am in a hospital for some kind of proceedure, which keeps changing, some sort of operation. I'm walking, on the way to the OR. In the elevator we stop at floor 1. I'm talking to people in the elevator about my proceedure. Because we're so busy talking, I miss my floor. The other people get off the elevator and I try to reach my floor again. I reach my floor and get off to walk down a long hall. At the end of it there is a receptionist, whom I check in with.

      Updated 04-12-2011 at 12:14 PM by 40720

    5. Mansion Party and a Bear Chase

      by , 04-12-2011 at 11:48 AM (Brainy Vapours)
      We moved into a large house with a pool, I guess you could call it a mansion. A housewarming party was planned for that evening. We were rushing around cleaning the house up, especially the pool area. There was a special painting that had to be put together and hung. My cousin did that.
      After that there was some sort of Bear chase in the trails behind the pool.
    6. 3. Fragment

      by , 04-12-2011 at 11:48 AM
      Last night I only remembered what happened right before I woke up. Not enough sleep, I suppose.

      I knew that my parents were on their way home in my mom's car, and strangely I decided to take my dad's truck to drive to a concert rather than my own truck. I woke up before I left the driveway.
      Tags: concert, trucks
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. private detective; mom and money; l'arc en ciel song

      by , 04-12-2011 at 11:42 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was somehow talking with a private detective or remembering a past discussion with a private detective. It was like I was seeing either real life or a video of "my family's house," with possible clips of the detective in the house, while also hearing the conversation between myself and the detective.

      The detective had been sent to my family's house. Some other member of my extended family had accused either my mother or my sister of doing something bad. This may have included abusing children or stealing money from an extended family member.

      I didn't feel like my mom or my sister had actually done anything wrong. So I didn't want the detective to do whatever kind of investigation he was doing on them. But the detective was actually mad at me. He told me that I wasn't helping him enough. He needed to get into the house. But I was keeping everything closed. He told me that the least I could do for him would be to keep a window open.

      At some point I saw the detective in the living room. The room, like all the others, was cluttered with all kinds of papers, though it also appeared to be cluttered with other things, such as flannel blankets. The detective was shuffling through a stack of white papers that looked like some kind of government documents.

      Dream #2

      I was in a living room The room was kind of nice. I stood in front of a big entertainment center. I was remembering a conversation with my mother. At some point in the conversation, my mother asked me how much money I was making. I told her my salary. She said, "Good. Now it's time to go out there and make even more."

      I had the feeling that this living room was my mom's living room. I had been living here, but now I was getting ready to move out. It was part of the next step in my life.

      I stood looking at the entertainment center. There was a TV inside the entertainment center, but it was sat on some kind of coffee table which sat on the floor. In fact, the entertainment center didn't seem to have any shelves or drawers in it. It just seemed to be some kind of six-foot-tall shell made of fake wood. But I still thought it was pretty cool. It may have had some potted plants hanging down from its roof.

      I wondered if I was going to be able to take the entertainment center with me. I couldn't remember if it was mine or my mom's. But now I was having trouble remembering whether my mom was coming with me.

      I walked through the entertainment center. The right side of it had a little doorway-like structure. I thought to myself that the entertainment center added a lot to the feeling of space in the house. I thought that good taste in interior decoration must mean something like being able to fill your house with all these things that seem to add to the feeling of space in the house.

      Dream #3

      I was in some wide, short space with concrete floors and cinder block walls. The place may have been like some part of a school building. The floors were waxed and shiny. The only light was from windows at the far end of the room. I may have seen myself in the middle of the room, as if I were separate from myself. I may have looked like a junior high or early high school student.

      I was running around in a bit of a panic. For some reason, for a really long time I had been trying to remember a L'arc en Ciel song. But I kept remembering the wrong song. I finally slowly began to remember the lyrics to the song I had been trying to remember.

      I also began to "remember" that this song had been taken by some group of people to make some statement on women's menstrual cycles. It was then being used to make girls feel bad about themselves and about having sex.
    8. Two More Fragments

      by , 04-12-2011 at 11:40 AM (Typho's DJ)

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 05:13 AM by 44350

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. 4/12/11

      by , 04-12-2011 at 11:15 AM

      Today I had a lucid dream induced through binaural beats. It was Such an awe inspiring feeling. It started off with my family in my brothers room , as we watched a movie. Something odd happened, to which my little brother mentioned that I should (somewhat jokingingly) reality check. I looked over at the clock and couldn't tell if it was 6:55 or 5:55 because it was to far away, I almost figured that that was good enough, but decided I'd walk over to the clock-which was on my computer- and make sure. The clock changed! This is the second time where the clock I'm using to reality check in my dream 1: was a logical time, and 2: only changed by a minute, going back in time. Again, lucidity washed over my body like a wave, making me smile. I remember in my dream think how clear everything around me was, but can't really remember even ten minutes after waking. I immediately asked my brother if he was my dream guide, for the second time in a dream, and he replied in a somewhat rushed or maybe annoyed way "yeah uh sorta," or something like that. For some reason, that didn't really excite me, because I immediately started heading down stairs. As I was leaving I heard him quickly giving me a chain of advice. This the third time this has happened to me, and I need to listen next time!! Downstairs, I passed by a plaque on the wall, not reading all of it. It had in order the layers of a lucid dream, all the way to the deepest layer. I wish I would have read it further, or completed a LD goal in this dream, but I didn't recite my goals before I went to bed, and didn't remember them. I think it's also worth noting that this is like 99% of my other lucid dreams, starting in my house. Anyways, moments after I walked passed the plaque, I could actually feel that amazing feeling of awareness leaving my body, almost like a drug wearing off. I turned as passed by the plaque again, but this time it only said some cheesy saying about family values or something. Soon after I woke up. Either way, this was one of my most enjoyable lucid dreams, and sorry if there's typos I'm tired...

      Updated 04-12-2011 at 11:17 AM by 42316

    10. Zombies in the temple

      by , 04-12-2011 at 11:14 AM
      I'm in a temple. There's a priest there too. I kill him and steal his knife. The knife is beautiful and there are jewels on it. I get a feeling that it's a magic knife. I use it as a key to open a door. An evil zombie queen lives on the other side of the door. The knife doesn't open the door, but it activates the queen. After that I stand back to see what happens. Some army people appear (A man and a woman I think). Zombies start coming through the door. The army guys start shooting at the zombies, but there comes more and more zombies and they aren't able to kill them all. I start helping them by throwing things at the zombies. When that's not enough I pick up a body (I'm not sure if it belongs to a zombie or a human) and throw it at the zombies. All the zombies it hits die instantly so I pick it up again and touch other zombies with it until they're all dead.
      Tags: temple, zombies
    11. Dead Cats (:<) And Muffins

      by , 04-12-2011 at 10:50 AM (Just Dreaming)

      1st Dream:

      I was in the dirt road outside of my house with my dad and sister. It was night time and pretty dark- I usually don't have dreams about the night unless they are bad or scary (I'm a day person ). We were playing basketball and using one of our cats, Uno, as a ball. I know that might seem kinda messed up- but Uno seemed to like and was just fine with it and it didn't hurt her. After using her for a minute- I wanted to use an actual ball so I spawned one in my hands.

      We had fun playing for a few minutes, as our cat watched us and purred. A few cars went by, so we had to move. After about 4 went by, Uno thought it would be a good idea to try and cross the road to meet us. All of the sudden a car went by really fast as it was chased by a cop without its lights on. I screamed "UNO! NO!"- but it was too late. It was literally the worst sound I ever heard in a dream. I woke myself up right after that happened.

      2nd Dream:

      I was in the cafeteria, only it looked like the cafeteria at Manchester Central- not the school I go to. It was sunny out side- and I was sitting with my friends. I remember Steven was there and same with Max and a few other people. I got up to go to the kitchen and buy something. The kitchen area looked just like it does at the school where I go. As I went in side, I realized that the only thing they were selling was muffins. They had so many different kinds, but for some reason they all had what looked like celery coming out of the tops. I realized Bobby was in the kitchen trying to decide what to buy, too. I said "Hi" to him and I don't think he answered. I picked up a cinnamon muffin and went on my way to the table (I don't remember actually paying for it). I was going to sit down with my friends- but people sat down in my spot. I just sat at the table next to it and kept looking at where my friends were sitting.

      Just a side note about the last dream, in the end I actually did sit with my friends. After I sat down at my friends table- someone went on 4chan but I don't really remember the reason.

      Updated 04-12-2011 at 10:53 AM by 43975

      Tags: cats, muffin, school
      non-lucid , nightmare
    12. memorable

      by , 04-12-2011 at 10:40 AM (Sehnsucht)
      I had many dreams today, but I will write down only the first and the last one.

      I am in a house in the mountains with my mother. Suddenly I remember something about a "complex". The complex is a principle, which is most important in life, and you have to investigate it. However, the complex has the power to make every human forget about it, so you have to try really hard not to lose sight of the principle. Most people forget it, and are forced to life in oblivion.

      This dream has a nightmarish feeling, but I feel like I had the same dream a very long time ago. I like how the "complex" has many similarities to lucidity in dreams.

      I am at a Go tournament, but there is a long tunnel which leeds to the currently running Wacken festival. The tunnel has yellow walls. I arrive at the stage, people are waiting for a band to perform. I see someone I know at the front, and go to see him. I shake his hand, he asks me what I am doing here. I tell him that there is a tournament going on. The band starts, but it is hiphop. Almost everyone leaves, me too. But I take the wrong tunnel back, I arrive at a place which looks like a monastery area. I decide to find the way back to the tournament above ground. The sun is shining, I have a walk through some woods, until I find a playground. Kids in native american clothes are playing around. I aproach an adult looking over them, and as him in which direction the big tunnel is. He tells me, and I start to walk this direction. On the way, randomly start wondering if I am dreaming. "How could this be, I can remember everything what happened, everything is vivid. I can even remember what happened in the previous dream."I realize that I am dreaming, but wake up.

      I lie in bed, and do not move. I do some DEILD techniques, and decide to roll into the next dream.

      Still lying in my bed, I open my eyes. I see my room, but it is dark. I clap my hands and say "light". It gets a bit brighter, but somehow, I didn't see my hands clapping, I only felt it. I try to get up, can feel everything, but my vision stays the same. I try to correct my vision, but somehow it is stuck. I think "maybe my eyes are open for real, but the rest of my mind is stuck in this dream. I think about the whole weirdness of the experience, and wake up.
    13. April 11 2011: A visit from grandma

      by , 04-12-2011 at 08:19 AM (The path to Lucid Mastery)

      I don't remember much of this dream. My grandma visited us but nothing else happened. I only remember a tiny bit but I won't bore you with it.
    14. The Symphony Has Me

      by , 04-12-2011 at 08:02 AM
      The dream began in a symphony hall, where my shoes, which were off, and my guitar case were sitting next to me. I was talking to other fellow musicians casually about the performance that was about to come up, and enjoying the conversation. I left the hall to go home, and became unconscious in my dream. I woke up, and went back the symphony hall which felt like it was the next day, and just so happened to be the day of the performance. I had a worry in the back of my head that I had lost my shoes since I left them in the hall, but I soon found them right next to my guitar case where I left them. I put them on and strapped my instrument around my neck and walked backstage so I could enter the stage when the performance began. From what I can remember, we only played one song which was one originally created by me in real life yet it had a twist to it. Instead of the typical 4 piece band instruments, an entire symphony was there to back it up. It sounded so beautiful, I had such an extreme feeling of joy that I will never forget. After the song ended the crowd listening roared with applause. I cannot even begin to explain what this felt like. The dream transitioned to where I was laying in my bed with my guitar jamming away the same leads I had just played with the symphony. My family seemed to be proud of me for what I was doing. I set down my guitar, and walked outside where a different landscape was than in real life. Instead of being my usual yard, I found myself in a huge grassy prairie with trees bordering the grass. There were multiple people I knew here, and they had balloons in their hands. When I got a hold of one of the balloons I began to float. Once I reached 30 feet, I equalized and just floated around above everyone. This sensation was much MUCH more vivid than any sensation I have ever gotten while flying in a lucid dream. It was fantastic! I soon figured out that I could control my elevation above the ground. I was having fun with it for a while, when one of the balloons I was holding popped. I slowly floated back to the ground, and decided I wanted to try and find more balloons so I could float around some more. I was successful in retrieving more balloons, but I could never manage to float as high as I initially had. It didn't matter to me though. The atmosphere was so positive and filled me with some of the brightest emotions I have ever experienced. Truly amazing.
    15. Lucid Dream 211: Kazaana!!!

      by , 04-12-2011 at 07:05 AM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      April 9, 2011
      Lucid Dream 211: Kazaana!!!
      Series: Task-tacular, Episode 1
      around 8:30am

      Me, Cliff, Deej, and Mike were on top of a ridge, deep in the mountains. We knew we were being followed. I noticed someone all the way across the valley. I told Cliff to hand me the rifle he was carrying. He said, "Ok, but there is no way you can hit him from this far away." I took the rifle and laid down in a sniper position. The target was running. I compensated for the distance (drop of the bullet), the wind, and the targets movement in my aim. I then fired a shot and watched. The target dropped to the ground a few minutes later and I knew I had nailed him. It was an impossible shot. I noticed a ton of people down in the valley. They started spraying AK rounds at us. We took off running through the woods and ended up at a log cabin.

      We entered the cabin to find Randy Couture waiting on us. He was in black mercenary type gear. We talked for a bit and I somehow realized he was a traitor and was trying to set us up. He pulled out a gun, but I swiftly kicked it from his hand. We fought for a bit and I knew I was over matched. There was an old school wood stove with a set of iron tongs sticking out of it. I grabbed the tongs and pulled them from the stove. The opposite end of the handle was orange from sitting in the fire. I closed the tongs on Randy's face and buckled him to his knees. I then stole his combat knife and slit his throat. he started coughing up blood and then fell over. I instantly became lucid after this.

      The dream scene had completely changed and I was in a parking lot with Deej. I told him, "Let's go ghost hunting!" In high school all of us would go visit so called, "haunted" places and film it on my old palmcorder. Deej gestured for me to follow him to his truck. We hopped in and took off driving. Deej wasn't following the roads at all. We drove through yards, fields, and wooded areas. Finally, I decided to speed things up. I told him I would fly the car and he could navigate.

      I lifted the car into the air and moments later he told me to land it beside an old mansion. I looked down below and saw a huge manor. I landed the car in the front yard and there was a sign that said, "Oak Ridge Manor." I walked up to the door and kicked it open. I got a pretty creepy feeling. I had decided how I wanted to imprison the ghosts. I felt around my pocket and imagined prayer beads. I felt them and pulled them out. I performed the finger through the palm RC. When my finger inserted into my palm, I swirled it around and created a hole in my hand. Suddenly, a massive force began swirling in the hole. I quickly wrapped the prayer beads around my hand to stop it. I then walked into the house.

      Deej started a sinister laugh. I turned and saw that his eyes were blood red. He slammed the door shut and I heard him lock me in. I laughed at the thought of being stopped by a door lock, but continued through the mansion. I exit the small waiting room and was now in a large grand hall. The room suddenly lit up bright and then began to flicker from a bright room to complete darkness. I heard weird screams and noises that sounded kind of like monkeys. Suddenly, these weird monkey/human hybrids came flying out from the walls. They were all ghosts and had bat-like wings. There were statues and vases lined up around the great hall and the monkey ghost people began tossing them at me. I dodged a few of them and positioned myself in the corner of the room. I then held out my hand, pulled off the prayer beads and shouted, "WIND TUNNEL!!" Miroku style. Miroku is a character from the anime, Inuyasha. He has a cursed hand that acts much like a black hole.

      The monkey ghost people were quickly sucked into my hand, along with the vases statues and any other objects laying around the room. The large rug in the room, a few plants, and some chunks of the walls/ceiling as well. I could feel every object entering my hand. I could then feel the objects travel through my arm and disperse throughout my body. It felt a lot like when a nurse first puts an IV in your arm. I could feel the energy from all of these things coursing through me. I felt much more powerful. I decided to try and suck in the entire mansion.

      I concentrated and the walls started ripping apart. Many more ghosts started getting sucked into my hand. The walls and roof collapsed and was sucked into my hand as well. I could feel myself swelling with power. It felt like my entire hand was the black hole. I looked down and noticed by hand was just a black void. It slowly spread up my arm and I knew what was happening. I just let it continue. The entire mansion was gone and the black hole was spreading. It soon covered my entire arm and chest. A few moments later I was swallowed up completely by the black hole.

      I floated around in a black void for a while and decided to try and fly somewhere. No matter what, I just flew around in this pitch black void. I eventually woke up.

      Kazaana is the japanese word for Miroku's wind tunnel if you were wondering .

      Series Details
      In the dream series, "Task-tacular," I take on the Advanced Tasks of the Month, Tasks of the Year, or some other sort of predetermined dream task. Stay tuned for more episodes in the series.