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    1. 17 Dec: The ghost in the tower

      by , 12-17-2013 at 09:37 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Like in a RPG game, I was at the beginning of a game, with a "team" and we were being introduced to the set and the rules. We were going to be dropped at a high tower of a gigantic building in a ghost town. This building was so massive, it occupied almost half of the town space. It rose up like a skyscraper but at different levels it ramified into individual towers with further ramifications. And we were being shown in 3D the whole complex and the exact tower where we would be dropped. It looked so degraded and abandoned. I wondered about stability of the structure. But no other dangers ocurred to me.
      We were going on a recon mission, but no details were given to us.
      So we're inside and the place is creepy and incredible in its architecture, but nothing goes on. Curtains fly over broken glass windows.
      Then we reach this plateau, or attic and we have a creepy feeling. Someone reports movement. We start being attacked by unindentified entities and we run down the stairs. But not everybody made it. There's 1 or 2 missing. I turn back to look for them, but they appear zombie-like and start attacking me to. I tell everybody else to just run down the stairs and I run faster than anyone else, cause I'm supposed to be in the front leading them out. But one by one they start being touched by some invisible hand that leaves them like zombies who turn back to stay in the building. Only I and 2 others manage to safely get out of that tower without being caught by this force.

      I become lucid, not so worried anymore, decide to fly away carelessly. I have a zen moment flyin over the ocean. I see half a dozen very small dots in the water. It's people. I go down to watch them closely and end up being dragged into the water with them. It's not a fun moment. We just had sand below our feet and out of nowhere the waves grew bigger and are dragging us away from the beach. We're fighting the current. I see one getting to the shore but I'm starting to feel hopeless, I'm surely going to die! I wake up, shaking that feeling of desperation away. I review the dream I just had and decide to forget this last part and focus on that building and its story. I fall asleep and get back there. But now it's a different time. There's people still living on it. I'm a girl lying in bed in that attic. There's nothing else, just this bed. And I have a white cat, but he is no ordinary cat, he is a ghost cat. He fell or was thrown down the tower, but he keeps visiting me all the time. He is now looking at me from the ceiling above my head, his head lurking through the concrete, as if there was a hole in it. Sometimes I look out the window and his is roaming around the lower level plateau veranda. He keeps me company. My father keeps me locked up in here. It's very early morning and he might appear at any moment. So he does, bringing a tray with something different from the usual breakfast. Something white, that he tells me it's to celebrate my birthday. It's green jello with whip cream on top. Better than nothing. I wonder what am I (this girl) doing here. Is she held in captivity? Is that why she is so alone? Did she die here? Is she the ghost capturing people to keep her company?
      Alarm clock goes of...

      Updated 12-17-2013 at 04:37 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid
    2. Probably the wierdest dream I've ever had...or that I can recall.

      by , 12-03-2013 at 06:10 AM
      I worked in a small store in a huge mall.. I kept knocking things off the shelves that my coworkers were organizing and stocking. They continued to get mad and instead of taking it out on me, they took it out on eachother. There were huge windows and it was around 7pm, but already dark outside. One of my coworkers looked outside the windows and started freaking out and called all of us over to look. There was a HUGE UFO outside just flying across the sky. I started freaking out and then more appeared. They hovered over every building outside including the mall we were in. A few seconds later, blue lights started coming out of each UFO and blaring through each building they were next to. I ran and hid because one of the UFO's were coming towards me and I didn’t want it to see me. Then, it moved away and blared its light into another building. All of a sudden I heard a big bang, which was the UFO's killing every human that their lights were shining at. Then dead people started floating up the lights and into the ships, then the UFO's left. I survived.

      A talking alien cat was standing on its hind legs with glasses on talking to me and my coworkers.

      When I got off work I stayed in the mall and walked around. Then out of nowhere, when I came out of a store, all of the doors to every store in the mall closed and locked so the people that were in the stores, couldn’t get out. I managed to pull a door open to let some chick out, but before she could squeeze through it closed again. Everyone started freaking out, screaming, and crying..then robot things appeared everywhere. There were different ones that killed you in their own special way. As people were dying, I ran everywhere and ducked and swerved past them. Then the robots disappeared and I was one of the few survivors. The people the robots killed..or didn't kill..I guess instead of killing them the robots injected them or did whatever they had to do and made everyone stupid or have something weird happen to them. Some people's voices changed and became high pitch while other people's voices got lower and more robotic sounding.

      I went into some kind of restaurant and sat down. There was a mixed guy who saw me sitting. He pulled a ton of srynges out of his pocket and handed them out to random people. He kept one for himself and said “Everyone with a syringe, take them, find someone and give them the medicine that’s inside of it. I’ll get Mikayla (Me).” So everyone with a syringe grabbed someone and gave them the pinkish red stuff that was in the syringe. The people who were forcefully given the meds fell down and died. The mixed guy chased after me and once he got ahold of me, he put the tip of the syringe in my mouth and squeezed one drop of the medicine in my mouth..It tasted sour and bitter. I flailed around and tried to get away but he ended up putting a second drop in my mouth. At that point I started becoming weak and I fell into his arms and looked at him while he held my head. He then looked at me and said “I’m so sorry.” And put the last drop in my mouth. My body started becoming weaker and my eyes started to shut. I felt my lungs struggling for air and I couldn’t breathe. Within a few seconds, my eyes closed completely and I went limp and died.

      I ended up waking up on the floor, so I guess I came back to life somehow, but I’m not sure how. Damian (my best friend) made plans with me to hang out that night at 11pm. I was on my way to his house (walking), and a sewage pipe exploded or something so there was about 5 feet of sewage water. I remember I was wearing flip flops. Eventually the water got deeper and deeper, and I was swimming in it at this point trying not to get any in my mouth. I swam in circles and decided to swim back without getting attacked by sharks in the water. When I swam back and managed to get out of the water, I saw two people in the middle of the water. They were in kayaks. They each had their own and they were coming up to me. I was mad because NOW they decided to help me get across…

      The scene changed and I was at Damian's house, but it didn’t look like his. Then somehow I appeared back at my house and my phone went off. I picked it up and looked at it, and saw a text from damian saying “I’m sorry we couldn’t hang out tonight. I love you so much and we’ll definitely hang out soon. (: ” It said some other things too that I cant remember..

      Then some chick came out of nowhere asked me if I needed any more underwear. I said “yes” so she gave me a few to keep. I put on a pair and was happy because I had gotten some more underwear for free. I had to go to the restroom, and while I was pulling my underwear down I saw a huge stain in it..then thought.. “THIS is why she gave me them.” All I remember was being pissed and then I woke up..
    3. Road Trip; The Answer To Everything

      by , 11-21-2013 at 11:20 PM
      Original journal entry dated July 14, 2002:

      I dreamed I was on a road-trip with my aunt and uncle, except that it was like a video-game in that I could save at certain points and then "play" from my last save-point. My cat, Abby, was with us, and she fell out the window, but they refused to stop the car so I could go and get her, even though she was in the middle of traffic. So I screamed at the top of my lungs until they stopped the car. Miraculously, my cat had not been flattened and seemed perfectly fine, though I wondered if maybe she actually HAD gotten hit and seemed ok but was bleeding internally. Then I vaguely remember what was possibly a different dream, there was a lot of art involved, paint and colors and rainbows and stuff, and something about silk.

      Original journal entry dated July 15, 2002:

      It was sort of a waking-dream, a daydream, as I unsuccessfully tried to fall asleep. All I could manage was a light snooze. All the same, I imagined that I was leafing through my old Bible.
      I don't consider myself a religious person; all the same, it had significance for me. I hated that old Bible because it was such an ugly teal color, and because the vinyl was cracked, and because it was dog-leafed from being studied and being in my backpack. I flipped through the pages and saw where they had been highlighted. There were a lot of highlighted passages, stuff that I was supposed to study for class. My old Bible was heavily highlighted, mostly in yellow, and I always hated how the pages were so thin that the yellow marker leaked through them and then you could see the black on the other side, and it made them so hard to read. In any case, I really hated that Bible.
      I had to buy it for class - the King James version. And I hated it because my mother had had to buy the cheapest one in the store. I think I was looking for one verse - one particular verse - that would answer everything, every question I had ever had, and it wasn't there. All of the passages in smudgy black ink on cheap paper, highlighted in yellow, that I had had to study for so many hours for my classes, didn't hold the answers. The verse that I was looking for just didn't exist.
    4. Lots of Wizards

      by , 11-18-2013 at 09:37 PM
      I dreamed about a cop who looked a little like one of the people I work with (but not really), and he was harassing a woman about her ID card. She'd had her ID stolen, and it was a tribal ID, and the cop was giving her trouble over it not being a valid ID while both of us argued with him that it was. I was particularly irritated since the person that the cop reminded me with would never be such a jerk. Eventually, we convinced him, and he recovered the ID, which had been discarded in a parking lot.

      I kept waking up and dozing because I was cold. I finally woke up completely and put a warmer shirt on and turned the thermostat up. I tried some visualization exercises, but fell back asleep.

      I don't remember much about my dream, but someone was throwing a party, and there were 3 rooms, and each had a different activity in it. One of them was scrabble, but they were using 5 scrabble boards all at once, and people would keep letters they "won" by spelling words with them. One guy had won a lot of letter tiles and had built a tiny tile city out of them. I recall there being furniture in the room in the most awkward places, like a desk that was just sitting in the middle of the room.

      I wake up, back to sleep, again visualizations. I'm frustrated because they haven't been working well the past 2 nights.

      I dream that I am eating an apple, and it is delicious. It's huge, the size of a grapefruit. It's soft and juicy, and it's purple inside. I somehow know I am in an alternate dimension on an alien planet, and wonder if the seeds will grow new apple trees if I discard or plant them here. I try to convince another dream character (a recurring character, sort of a witch or sorceress) that she ought to eat some of the apple.

      Wake up. Lie on my back and try to relax. I'm making some progress with visualizations and then I snore and startle myself. Ooops. Back to square one. Ok, time to turn on my side so I don't snore again.

      I'm visualizing and dozing off and bitching to the wizard-cat (another recurring DC) that I'm frustrated with how things are going this morning. We are both drinking coffee out of mugs. I figure that maybe if I hold a conversation, it'll help draw me in. It's actually starting to work, detail is starting to creep into things (but it's still all very hazy and not at all real or anywhere near a dream). I sniff my coffee but instead of smelling like coffee, it smells spicy-sweet. Suddenly, out of nowhere, instead of the dream gently forming around me I'm fully lucid and the mug is completely real. It startles me so badly that I drop the mug and wake up.

      There's a weird interlude before I fully wake up where I'm trying to find my arms and they're invisible. I know I'm dreaming, but at the same time I'm not sure, and I'm also half awake, so it's more like a weird semi-OBE than a lucid dream. I finally manage to actually move my arm and wake myself up.

      Naturally, I'm irritated. I sigh and work on visualizations again. I explore an imaginary room. I'm in the great room of the cottage near the fireplace when I start to slowly ease into sleep. I'm sitting in front of the fireplace, wondering why there's a fire going and logs in the fireplace, but there's no pile of wood. I reach behind myself, produce some logs, and set them in the bin next to the fireplace. There's suddenly a desk in the middle of the room, the one from the scrabble dream, for pretty much no reason at all. Unfortunately, I lapse into unawareess.

      After a gap in time I'm on a bus. I realize that it's almost a completely fully formed dream, but it's so thin and I'm so close to being awake that if I make the "push" that I need to make it super-real (i.e. feel like reality rather than a super vivid visualization) I will probably wake myself up. It's all very flat, like watching a scene rather than being in it. There is another DC there, a sorceress, but she flickers and turns into the warlock character (recurring DC). He is a smart-ass but generally helpful when it comes to gaining lucidity. The bus flickers and fades. I wake up and doze. I am now in some sort of weird geometric environment. Everything is made of white square tiles but it's also like something out of Escher. Warlock DC is there with me, silently walking with me through the scenery. Again, it is close to clarity but not really "there". Instead of trying to brute-force it and try to push through the membrane of the dream all at once to bring it into full focus, I dive to the ground and start running my hands and face on the carpet (that wasn't there a moment ago). I can't make anything focus or make it clear, the sensation is a lot like being really drunk. I go through a door and try to will a scene change even if the dream's not fully formed, hoping it will be easier that way. The room only half-changes, and everything is still white. I rub my hands together, hoping to make things more vivid, but it doesn't really do anything. I get frustrated and wake up.

      Updated 11-18-2013 at 09:46 PM by 32101

      Tags: bus, cat, cop, warlock, wizard
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Of Shapeshifting and Invisibility

      by , 11-17-2013 at 05:39 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      Not so great recall last night, and what I do remember is a bit vague.

      Transformation (Non-lucid)


      I am on a secret mission that somehow involves stealing a particular item from this girl's bedroom. To accomplish this, I knock on her door and proceed to transform into an adorable black bunny. She comes to the door, squeals in delight, and carries me up to her room. I notice that it feels kind of nice being held while in this form.

      In her room, I change shape again. This time, I'm a black cat. A talking black cat. I talk to her and trick her into helping me out with my mission.

      Ghost Hunters (Non-lucid)


      I am with a friend in the lower rooms of an old, creepy building. My friend is hunting a ghost, but I happen to really like the ghost she's trying to get rid of. I turn invisible and screw up my friend's hunt while trying to help the ghost girl get to safety. There is also an evil spirit there that we're all avoiding. The ghost girl is terrified--- she holds my hand the entire time.
    6. Nov 14 Dream Journal: Lil' Bub!

      by , 11-14-2013 at 11:13 PM
      Okay, too much internet.

      I could only remember one dream last night, and it was a brief dream of Lil' Bub.

      For those of you who don't know who she is, Google her; she's the tiny, adorable kitten with the tongue sticking out of her hilarious face. Specifically in my dream, she is from the picture where she is laying down, and her paws are folded in front of her so it looks like she's having a serious talk with you.

      Now, in this scenario, she is gigantic, her head floats in the sky like the sun (maybe she WAS the sun), and she is staring right at me.

      She speaks human in this dream, but I'm not sure what she said. She also sounds like she comes from a Saturday morning cartoon.

      Anyways, I surrender, internet. You win.
    7. Shapeshifting

      by , 11-13-2013 at 11:36 PM
      Original entry dated March 6, 2002:

      I had another one of my weird dreams, I had a dream that I was in Mrs. F's class again and we were in this huge old building evaluating essays, but the essays were all mixed up and impossible to read in order - and she demanded that we write a paragraph on what we thought about each one. The building we were in was very large and very old, but looked kinda like Ringling Museum, and the Fair was going on at the time so there were all kinds of trucks parked outside. That was the relatively normal part of the dream...
      In my dream, I could turn into a cat, but I didn't have control over it most of the time. Sometimes I could will myself to do it, but usually not. There was a tom-cat who, if I was around him, I could easily transform myself. Anyway, so I had a son (yes a son) in the dream, and I was trying to save him, only the room he was in was pretty heavily guarded, so I figured that if I could turn into a cat getting in would be easy. Unfortunately, I couldn't will myself to become a cat, so I decided to do it in human form. As I opened the door to the room, several automated guns detected a human form and swiveled on me, I knew that if they began firing they'd kill both of us, so I willed myself harder than ever before to become a cat, and then -

      the phone rang.

      So I never got to find out what happened...
    8. Headless Children

      by , 11-13-2013 at 09:35 AM
      Original journal entry dated Feb. 22, 2002:

      Ok, to begin with, I had a nightmare (what's new?) that I lived all alone in a weird dorm with a basement that had creepy stuff in it. I had a cat, too, but wasn't supposed to. It was a very sweet cat. It was like Abby, only gray.
      Then my dream shifted, and I dreamt I was a grandmother. We had packed our two grandchildren (both boys) up into the car when I noticed that one of them looked sort of funny. As in, you know. Headless. So, naturally, I started shrieking at the top of my lungs until my husband came over and showed me he was ok. Apparently, I'd been mistaken (about him being, like, headless). Then I looked over and the OTHER one was missing the same vital part of his anatomy. So, again, I flipped out. At the end of the dream, it turned out that I'd been hallucinating... not that this was much comfort.

      The worst part about the nightmare was that I'd wake up, look around, check what time it was, then go to sleep and resume the same horrible dream. This continued from about 7 a.m. until 9:30.
    9. Nov. 10 Dream Journal: Do not trust the cat!

      by , 11-10-2013 at 09:04 PM
      Dream one is fuzzy at best, but I distinctively know that I'm searching for something for someone in an urban setting. It's pretty gray and humid, and it may be raining. I also remember that the buildings are a bit old and dirty, 12-15 stories tall, and set up in a "U" shape so that is has an overbearing feel. The streets are also dirty, and it's quite populated. Whatever I'm looking for is around here. That's about it.

      Dream two took a 180 turn, and now I'm in a grassy field on the edge of a lush forest. This is a much more peaceful world, and I knew that the forest is home to magical creatures like elves and fairies and talking animals and whatnot. In fact, the color is very lush and vivid, and I feel like I'm in the opening of The Last Unicorn; the second I realize that, a wizard's familiar emerges from the top of the tree I'm standing under and fires a ball of fire out of its mouth at me. I jump out of the way, and I somehow know it did that to get my attention/is testing me/just being kind of a mischievous dick; I also know it's trying to troll me, so no use getting angry and what a dick. This familiar has a Halloween theme going on; it's a very dark, purplish cat, only it's really fluffy instead of slender. It's flying on little bat wings, wears an over-sized witch's hat, and its tail is coiled at right angles at the end so that it resembles a square candy cane. It also has a smug grin on its face; but then, all cats are smug.

      ANYWAYS, this cat compliments me on dodging the acorn it tossed at me (we both knew you clearly shot a fireball! What a dick!), and tells me I should go see its master. My dwarf companion, who, okay, is suddenly just there now, and resembles the dwarves that give you food in Golden Axe, warns me not to go. He seems to be very antagonistic towards the cat, but I'm really excited to go anyways because I think I know who the wizard is. There's a long build up to get going, but the dream kind of fades.

      I'm in a Star Wars setting for dream three. I'm assuming playing Tiny Star Wars most of the night had something to do with this. There's a grainy feel to the vibe, so I know I'm in original trilogy version, but there's a bit of prequel trilogy details in there as well -- I know Jedi are numerous, and I think I'm on Coruscant; though the setting looks more like the Death Star. I do not have Force powers, am not piloting an X-Wing, nor access to a lightsaber; so this was kind of a gyp. I am, however, on the side of the Rebels, and I'm sneaking from Stormtroopers.

      Sully, remember how I said I don't have Force powers? I lied. Because in my efforts to remain unseen, I am suddenly able to jump ridiculous heights and scale walls while defying physics and gravity, and Dream Knowledge tells me I did all these by holding the space bar like I'm playing Jedi Outcast. The Stormtroopers know I'm nearby, but they just can't seem to get a bead on me. I wake up before anything else happens though.

      Updated 11-10-2013 at 09:24 PM by 66359

    10. Oct. 17 Dream Journal: Is there a red dot on my head?

      by , 10-17-2013 at 08:12 PM
      A giant, disembodied cat paw batted the side of my head while I'm sleeping, and I woke up from surprise. I could swear I saw myself getting hit, and felt the impact.

      I think giant disembodied cat knocked the rest of my dreams out of my memory.

      Updated 11-13-2013 at 05:56 AM by 66359

      Tags: cat, pain, paw
    11. Fragment - lost cat

      by , 10-15-2013 at 04:21 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Fragment - lost cat (Non-lucid)


      I was in a park with friends. My cat got lost and we all were looking for her.
      Tags: cat
      dream fragment
    12. Dance Competition (9.10.13)

      by , 10-12-2013 at 10:47 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      I break in or break out of a house? I was with someone. We either got caught or told the owners of the house what had happened.

      I see a car pull up into the drive way next to us. There was some females and males in the car that were probably around my age (26). We all greeted each other, and one of the girls found me attractive, and asked if I had a twin. At first I thought she was talking about the cat I had, that I was holding onto.

      It starts to feel like it a party or a dancing competition, and I wasn't holding myself back from getting down and dancing. I was pulling off all the moves, feeling great.
      I started to act drunk as I was doing a strange dance, where I would be dragging my head against the pavement.

      I'm now in a dark room which had a DJ that has to pick out the best dancer here. I think I'm one of the finalists. I continue to dance and try taking this competition to another level. I'm feeling like the best dancer here, if not most flamboyant lol.

      I'm in another room where I see an ex girlfriends friend (Jess K), and a female DJ. I hear Jess say something about nik fish (DJ Nik Fish), that was getting played in the room. I look towards where the DJ is, and have a peak at her monitor, as I haven't heard nik fish's music in quite some time. The DJ notices me peeking at her monitor and hands me something.

      Nik Fish (Hardstyle Techno)

      I awaken.

      Dream fragment;
      I have Izzy and Charlie (My cats) with me, so they could help me with something.

      Charlie was out the backyard of my old house in blacks land, sleeping in a kennel.
    13. Buying A Cat (6.10.13)

      by , 10-07-2013 at 07:58 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      I'm in a car with someone and we were on out way back to the house that I was at previously. I told the driver that the house was in fact, my cousins house. They driver offered me to go in to the house considering I was related. I was here to pick up a cat. I was walking towards the house, then it dawned on me, this wasn't my cousins house at all. I knew by noticing the surroundings didn't match up. Someone opened the door to greet me, I think I knew her. As I walked in, I noticed Gemma P on the couch. The house had a very strong scent to it. I saw the cat sitting on top of a cabinet. It looked like a doll, and it's color was black and white, which looked like fabric. I began to second guess on if I should buy this cat, as I didn't really like the look of it. Gemma explained that those type of cats sit around quite a lot, and have known problems when they get adopted. I could now see text in my vision of what Gemma was saying.

      Dream fragment:
      IGA Peanuts in a bag.
    14. slow recall early morning, made up for it with late morning BTB / nap. Room too cold. Incubation!

      by , 10-05-2013 at 07:28 PM
      2013-10-04 (day city, night country alone)

      exercise: weights & 30 mins cardio
      01:07 bedtime
      02:41 (still trying to fall asleep? Didn't seem so long, maybe slept and woke up)
      In a car. Cars were parking but crashing into buildings on right side of road up against the stores.

      Riding down a sandy hill on a (motorbike? bicycle?)

      walking/riding down a dark road, half muddy on the right. I'm following some people, I ask "does anybody want to get the newspaper?". Someone coming up behind me on a bicycle, meeting us there. Nobody responding to me.

      04:02 MILD based on last scenes
      08:21 woke earlier, had some recall, didn't get it recorded. Woke up, read in bed.
      11:12 trying for a nap

      My cat turned almost entirely white. 80% of her lower body. Head and chest area is still colored correctly. I'm very confused, trying to think how this could have happened. I'm concerned it might be sick. I look at the fur and I run my hand through her short white fur backwards (from tail to head), I see the texture of her fur, looks realistic. Handed the cat to someone, here comfort her. The cat was batting a kitten's face. It was trying to get the kitten to do something. I was astonished that the cat was making intricate gestures with her paws (fingers?) to try to get the other kitten to do something. The kitten was slghtly sticking out its tongue. I mimiced these movements, like a "come here" gesture hooking a finger, first one way, then with the finger upside down. Imagined petting my cat while falling asleep at nap.

      In a house with a crazy family, "Don't wake up uncle John," sitting on a couch in that house. Turns out it was the mother who was big fat and crazy. I see them emerge from a room above the living room.

      Swimming pool down below me. Water polo, the coach had been fired. They're playing a game in the pool, coach bad-mouthed someone. There are a lot of kids in the pool, it's pretty full. A ball or something flies up and hits me? The young guy who has the ball in the water polo game stands up, he's working really hard to do something, physically,

      At a large party in a large open house / atrium. There's an annoying guy in a blue suit. I pass him and say something about "blue man." He and his friends make some joke about me and start cracking up, he's literally ROTFL. I think shooting an arrow through his head or his heart to see how he'd laugh, then. I ignore them.

      Teeth falling out. A bunch of teeth were falling out, went into bathroom, confused at what was heppening, I'm trying to put them back in, I feel the empty spot in my mouth with my tongue. Someone's bothering me while I'm trying to put them back in.

      Walking by some woman, trying to push my way by. I had walked by her earlier and told her some numbers. There had been a show downstairs, (and a room near the show, where there was a teenage orgy?) where schoolkids were lined up sitting on top of a very wide 3-foot-high storage cabinet, each little spot had two holes. The kids were supposed to do a little presentation, say something to the kids in the room in order to prompt the kids in the room to come out and look at them, and then disappear down the hole into the cabinet, hidden, and the older kids in the orgy room were supposed to come out and wonder where the little kids went. A teacher arrives with a line of other little kids to perform on the cabinet (or watch). They said some numbers. The woman who stopped me said, "were those the same numbers that you told me before?" She (and I) was amazed that I had predicted the future with these numbers.

      Woman in a nurse outfit, dressed up as an actor/performer. Outside on a street. She was going around getting people to sign up for her show.

      With WW, watching an opera performance in a (cafe? room?). I see the singers keep entering the stage enter and sing. They look like 19th century fancy people. I see their hair. Sitting right in front of a stage. It had to do with speaking English, and rich people could get on the Concorde (airplane). Stewardesses said there still were some seats left, going to (Paris?).

      Woke up slowly, still felt groggy, like I could have slept more, but decided to get up so as not to ruin the sleep schedule. Tried a bit of FILD. Thought of ping pong as a relaxation (first person view more relaxing), thinking about the sound as well as the visuals. Lots of little dreamlets, one which i brought back after fading briefly, they vanish when I focus on them.

      Room was too cold at night, couldn't relax. Slept way better for nap once I put on warm socks.

      Seeing scenes of dreams I saw many years ago and had forgotten as I'm falling asleep.

      Stay positive about sleep!

      Cat, and other parts of dreams came from incubation thoughts!

      I wish I could have become lucid, so I could lightsaber chop the laughing blue man in half .

      Late morning REMs are long and recall is great at this time!
    15. Soup flood and quick call

      by , 09-09-2013 at 04:26 PM
      Date: 7 Sept

      Pre bed: Gingko

      Total sleep time: 9 hrs

      Dream quality and recall: pre wbtb dreams above average vividness, but very sleepy, also undergoing a sleep schedule readjustment, so below average recall and too lazy to take notes. Post wbtb average vividness to above average, good recall.


      I tried to wild like the previous days but was feeling uncomfortable and this was taking way too long so just fell asleep.

      Dream: I found this dream quite nonsensical/incoherent and with lots of DS, which is why I am including the details. It was getting warm and loud already and I suspect I went into deeper sleep.

      This woman wants to take two hair accessories I had in the past from my hair, it hurts. Ok, I will give you both just be patient, I say. She asks if I have dandruff.

      A moment later, same place, there is some sort of story about a Japanese girl, a guy and their friend and the girl is upset. She enters the restroom and starts putting shaving cream on her face. There is a narrator saying that after that she went walking around in something like a hospital where everybody saw her with the cream and she lost face. Both the guy and the girl have long hair.

      The perspective changes and I am that girl now, looking in the mirror as my face changes (some male asian features long dark hair/to female asian) and the shaving cream turns to a face mask. I do the peel off mask procedure and think about the girl who is now a separate person and want to explain that she didn't need to go over the whole drama with the shaving because it can be used as a peel off mask.

      After I take off the mask and throw it away, decide that I want to pee, so try to close the door of this public restroom. Actually there are two doors with lots of locks that don't make sense, but I do my best to close and lock them. As I proceed to do my thing, I notice that my hands are dirty with some food leftovers and before I can do anything else see that the room is now being filled with water - no wait, it's soup. I am wearing my old sleepers from 10 years ago and they are getting soaked. I turn to my left and can't believe this is happening, I can actually see how this soup water is leaking through the walls and immediately come up with an explanation for it. There is a food stall and its kitchen is on the wall just behind the restroom. I wonder if I should inform them about the situation.

      Fragment: There is a yard that is covered with snow. Initially it is separated by glass fence, then normal fence. I can see cat footprints in the snow, then as I am staring I slowly realize (i.e. unconsciously summon) there is a dead cat/wild cat under the snow. Now there are two cats. The snow melts and one of them moves, I remark that it is alive and expect to see the other one moving as well. I can see it is breathing.

      A woman that owns the yard comes by, she has a large fluffy dog that runs around and there are other animals there as well, a cow or a small horse.

      Short DILD: I am on bus station in my home town and realize that I am dreaming. Finally, I say to myself. In my mind the bus goes to school and I want to see my friend. I look around but my friend is not on the station (some dream instability here) and there is a bus about to depart so I hurry and get in. I expect to see my friend there and imagine him being one of the passengers. For a minute I see his face but as I move closer it changes to another guy. There's a group of guys sitting there and they are way too loud. I quickly wonder about that (too much DC independence).

      I know this is not going to work, but then I remember I can at least call. I try to spot a phone in the guys' hands. They are busy loudly talking to each other and no phone. I move a few seats back and there is something like a display in another guy's hand. I take it and it turns into my bf's phone, how weird is that! Alright, now I am just going to press any button and start the conversation. I press the dial key and check the screen, it goes dark and into some sort of error mode. I repeat a few more times with the same effect. Oh well, I just take the phone to my ear and say my bf's name. I hear a woman's voice replying as if I just asked to talk to my bf, saying he is just going somewhere. I am not sure if I asked or thought about another question, but she also adds a short yes. I decide to ask about the friend I was looking for in the bus. She replies similarly but in past tense. I briefly wonder if this makes any sense.

      The woman then proceeds to ask me why am I asking about my friend since I am supposed to know where he is. She mentions the name of an unknown location where we (his friends) often meet. I feel as if I am talking to real person now and wonder what kind of explanation to give, scanning the surroundings looking for an appropriate answer as the dream fades.

      @ Xanous if you are reading this, I still plan to give you a call. Gotta work on prospective memory!

      Updated 09-09-2013 at 04:30 PM by 61764

      side notes , lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment , task of the month
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