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    1. Camp Dorm, A Multi-Part Lucid Adventure

      by , 02-02-2013 at 04:21 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Notes: This night was the first using a voice recorder for my journal. It may take a while to get used to and I might change up my DJ format to accommodate.

      Shenanigans in a Park
      I'm across the street from a park. It's a big grassy area with a few trees. I'm looking at 2 parallel parked cars. I third card drives up. I recognize the driver as Brian, a classmate from high school who I don't like very much. I recognized one of the parked cards as belonging to my old roommate Hugh. Hugh's car is a sliver luxury SUV, maybe a Lexus. Brian's car is one of those tiny smart cars, maybe orange? Brian parallel parks his car in the tiny spot between the two cars already there. Even though he can fit, he unnecessarily back into Hugh's SUV to push it back and make more room. This annoys me.

      Brian exits his car. I cross the street. Brian, Hugh, and I start to play a round of golf. The dream skips to after finishing playing and we are returning to our cars. Brian gets in his car and again unnecessarily backs into the car behind him to make room. This time I think it's comical in a crass way. Before speeding off, Brian stops and shouts to me "Are you sure you're okay?" I am annoyed by the question. I reply "I'm like a bomb. Like a bob-omb."

      Nearby, there is a white plastic lawn chair. I run and jump on it, make it slide like surfboard across the grass. I ride it toward the park entrance, disrupting several games of golf as I pass through. Before reaching the entrance, I jump off and leave the chair. I say something about not wanting to be accused of stealing it.

      Camp Dorm, Part 1
      I'm entering a dormitory, walking down a hallways, looking for the room assigned to me. It is either a college or a summer camp for college-aged people. I find my room and start setting up a big screen TV so I can watch the Super Bowl. Then the dream jumps around a bit. I recall meeting a man, maybe the dean of the school or maybe someone impersonating the dean as part of a con. I see him in his office. He falls the ground and starts doing pushups to hide his face from the visitor and speaks in a fake voice.

      False awakening. I feel a cat sleeping on my stomach. It's very furry. I'm sleeping on the floor and feel stiff. I awake to the sound of a woman's voice. I don't open my eyes. She seems to be a police officer or security guard. She is nudging me with her foot to wake me and talking on her radio about determining when I got a cat. Apparently, pets are not allowed in the dorm. Wake.

      Camp Dorm, Part 2 [WILD]
      After recording the previous dream, I attempt WILD. It take maybe 5 minutes?

      I enter the dream in a dorm room similar to the one from the previous dream. This time it feels more like a log cabin at a summer camp. It's somewhat dark in the room but I can tell it is lighter outside through a big window. In the room is boy about 10 years old. He looks like me at that age. Very skinny and with a bowl hair cut. I ask his name but don't recall his answer. I ask if he knows how to fly. He both phase through the window and fly into the open air.

      Outside it is dawn and getting brighter. Besides the cabin we just exited, it's all grass for seemingly miles around. I fly around with the boy for a while. I spot a young woman below us. I fly down to meet her. She has elf ears and is a bit chubby. I ask if she can fly. She says everyone can fly. I fly with her too. We fly up high to get a good view of the surroundings, looking for more people.

      Looking north, I see a few more chubby elf girls. They are practicing archery. I land near them and approach. They are just finishing their activity and saying good bye. But they actually say: "Fuck you!" and "Fuck you, too!" but in a pleasant and cheerful way, as if "Fuck you" is a polite way to say good bye. I ask one of them, "What does 'fuck you' mean?" I realize am in a strange world of chubby elf girls and they must have different language dialect. She replies with "I'll show you" and starts leading me west. I intuit that she is taking me to bed.

      We fly for a while. Eventually we come on a wooden shelter with some beds. It looks like a campground. The shelter is only a frame with some wooden slats to provide shade, not a building. On one of the beds, there are two guys, with elf ears but skinny. I become skeptical of what the girl intents.
      Dream fades.

      Camp Dorm, Part 3 [DILD]
      I have a false awakening in an unfamiliar room. My laptop is open and there's a conference call to work that I should be listening too. I try to pay attention to the meeting. The door is open. Outside is a dark hallway. I can make out a few beds in the hallway. There's a girl in one bed and a guy in another and a row of other bed that I assume also have people. It looks like the summer camp dormitory from previous dreams. I try to close the door so that the sound of the meeting won't disturb the sleepers. But the door doesn't close right. The door is too narrow and doesn't fit in the frame. I try to move the knob toward the frame and it breaks off and slams into the frame loudly. I've obviously woken some of the people. The girl gives me an angry look. The faulty door makes me realized I am dreaming. My lucidity is not very strong.

      I turn back to the meeting call. My boss is explaining that it will take a long time to download the file because the project is very big. I know the reason is not that the project is big but that it includes a lot of sample data. I try to explain this.

      I give up on the meeting and move to the window to fly outside. But the window gives me some trouble.

      Video Game
      I am a character in a what seems like a FPS video game. I'm in a dimly lit rocky canyon. I seem that I have spawned near the enemy base. I take the long way around a rock formation to the back of the base, shooting a few guys in the process. I near the base and intuit that my objective is to capture what looks like a stone altar by standing on it. As I approach, a lightning storm starts. A bone dragon swoops in and lands on the altar. I intuit that the rules of the game prevent you from capturing the altar while the dragon is there so I have to back away. Someone yells "Dragon eggs!"

      Camp Dorm, Part 4 [DILD]
      I am suddenly in a classroom full of students and a teacher. I am in one corner of the room and have difficulty seeing the teacher at the chalkboard. I move around the back edge of the classroom to the opposite corner to get a better view and sit behind a girl. The students are college age. I intuit that all the other students know each other but I am an outsider.

      The class ends and the students socialize as their pack their things to leave. I cautiously talk to the girl in front of me. A big group of them want to hang out outside. I just want to return to my room and organize my study materials. I realize the similarity to the previous dreams and become lucid.

      As usually, I find the nearest window and fly out to explore the landscape. Now the campground seems like a futuristic city. There are giant water tubes encased in glass that act like freeways. I phase in and out the through the glass, water, and air. It's fun to breath under water. There are giant sea turtles and friendly sharks.

      I fly high to see what's above the tubes. Above the tubes are concrete slabs and I get stuck in one of them. I turn to look up and see Optimus Prime. I grab his hand and he helps me out. He suggests I interact with the people.

      Supported above the concrete slabs is a whole other level that appears like a giant park. This time more typical air, stone, pathways, grassy patches, and pools of water. There are people walking and sitting. Most of them are the same chubby elf girls from the earlier dreams.

      I approach a group of three girls wearing bathing suits, relaxing in a spa pool. I flirt with them.

      Camp Dorm, Part 5 [WILD]
      I recorded the previous dream and then easily re-enter with WILD.

      I'm back in the camp dorm and looking to interact with the DCs. I walk into a patio where many tables have been set up like an art fair. There are many presenters but I seem to be one of the few visitors so all the presenters are trying to attract me to their table.

      Here my lucidity and recall start to diminish. I recall one girl had a table full of different name tags. They all had her name on it, which was a long Indian name, but from different professions like you would see on the uniform of a doctor, a mechanic, and soldier, and police officer. I think this is very interesting. She asks me to pick one, in a sense, to choose a career for her by picking which nametag suited her best. I shift through them all and pick a coffee cup with her name on it. The coffee cup is shaped like a golf club, suggesting a career as a professional golfer.

      There was another girl who I think was trying to choose a color for her dress. And another had two post it notes with the same message but in different ink and style.
      At some point dream fades.

      On exiting the dream, I'm left in some hypnopompic imagery. I see through my sleep mask a television playing what looks like a sitcom. Three characters are in a house when there's a knock at the front door. The three of them quickly hide in a closet. Then from the closet, a four character steps out. He looks like Louis CK. The laugh track plays but I don't get the joke.

      I wait through the imagery for a while, hoping I can DEILD back into a lucid dream. After a minute or so I give up, thinking I've dreamed enough and my body doesn't want to sleep anymore tonight.
    2. Random dream

      by , 02-01-2013 at 06:20 AM (Wicked is back to dreamville baby!)
      Very fragmentary dream of me being with friends of mine. We connected an old 90's style TV to his computer via USB cable for some reason. I wanted to get some information or something, but my friend wanted to download some music first (he played it, it wasn't much to my taste). Later the scene became a parking lot, and he drove out of the parking lot where my car was also parked. Apparently, we lost our laptops. And he was talking about how we should all go to the beach. I also recall being online and seeing pictures of cats or something, and something about getting a new cat and naming him Interval (which I thought was a strange name even in the dream, no idea how or why I came up with it). It then came back to my apartment again. I went to the kitchen, it was dark, and I thought of Slender Man for some reason. I actually wanted him to appear, I enjoy being scared in dreams sometimes, the way I can enjoy a good horror movie. He didn't appear, but I still woke up.
    3. Dreams 2,3 and 4

      by , 01-31-2013 at 10:24 AM (Wicked is back to dreamville baby!)
      Dream 2

      A much more vague dream, something about watching a documentary about the military (Artillery corps?) with my sister. And me telling her and wanting to show her a funny video someone made about George W. Bush. What the hell?

      Anyway, I had a false awakening in which I wrote in the laptop about my dream. Might've even had a second one, after I realized the first one was a dream, and "waking" up again to write the dream yet again, before truly waking up, and truly writing it down.

      I wasn't smart enough to use the FAs to my advantage at this point yet.

      Dream 3

      Something about cars, I wanted to buy a car, and there was a special "car day" or something in which various companies competed and tried to sell most cars, and smeared each other on ads similar to how politicians do it before elections. This strange competition was even in the news. I vaguely recall going around and visiting places when they sold cars and had conventions on cars, headquarters of car companies etc.

      I then remember riding with a friend of mine from university, he was driving and he was giving me some very strange driving tips, mostly about how to bob and weave quickly through traffic, and I think he used his feet to turn the car more quickly? We were riding in a Mazda, which in real life he had, but no longer have for a long time now.

      At some point he wasn't even at the steering wheel anymore, he was sitting in the passenger seat, I was sitting in the middle somehow, and there was a pile of old clothes on the driver's seat, as if nobody sat on it for a while and people just dropped there their coats when they got into the car... He was still somehow "driving" the car.

      It's amusing, since we often talk about technology eventually allowing self-driving cars (like that Google prototype) when he drives me to university.

      Then the dream changed tone a bit, another friend of mine whom I rarely see was in it. He had sort of an argument with another guy, who was somehow sending him messages through his dreams... something like that. I barely remember it, and I wrote only one line on this part of the dream in the notepad.

      I might have had another false awakening, yet again writing on the laptop, either here or at the end of the next dream.

      Dream 4

      Me, my mother and possibly the rest of the family were in a hotel. My cat was there too, even though we never allow him outside the house. Me and my mother were conspiring somehow against the rest of the family?

      Anyway, I remember the cat jumping out of the window. It was a very long way down. First he hung onto the rail of the balcony right below me, but then the idiot jumped down again, going all the way.

      After he landed he was lying on his side mewling and moving his legs. I was in a state of near panic, I love my cat. Throughtout the ordeal my mother was strangely unconcerned even though I shouted her to help me, and was preparing to run downstairs to help the poor animal.

      Anyway, he not only got up again after a few seconds, he actually climbed up all the way to the window somehow!
    4. 28 Jan: Curse and ascending/descending in the dream plane

      by , 01-28-2013 at 04:39 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      On a cruise ship that gets stranded near the shore of an island. The captain and crew tell people not to leave the ship until we're rescued, but I feel that a storm is coming and it's dangerous to stay in the ship, so I leave with some close friends. The others are hit by the storm and of course the ship sinks and many die. But some manage to reach the island and they bring some sort of curse with them. As they set foot on the island, it turns into a desert. As I and my friends struggle to cross this desert, we see the others maybe a mile away behind us, being engulfed by a grasshoper cloud. We run to escape the bugs and I fall over a huge slab partially cover by sand, which has the map of the earth carved on. As I focus on a particular spot on that map, I feel pulled into a vortex and I fall, fall, fall into the darkness. I find myself in a dark place inside my head, I feel my "real" body outside and I realize I'm sleeping. I almost wake up but I hang in there and very faint shapes start to form. I seem to wander through a landscape as seen through a scanning microscope. I see microscopic life forms, very small seeds germinating, microbes, the detail of the "ground" with nanometric resolution. Amazing.
      Then I feel a force pulling me up and I rise, rise, rise. The darkness gives place to a white light that becomes brighter and brighter. I tumble through the light and then I am laid o a solid surface. I look around and I'm surrounded by ducks, a goose, water spouts, bits of grass, mud, sheep... I turn my head and behind me is a brown bear. I get scared and jump, but he seems to be more afraid and runs to the opposite direction. Then I realize there are animals of all species around me, herbivores and carnivores, all gathered, as waiting for something. I look beyond them and I see we're in the middle of some kind of square in a village, with an interesting mix of European style traditional buildings. I also spot some human beings in the distance, but before I contact them, I'm surrounded by three guys who don't seem to want to sing Kumbaya. They grab me and I use some kenpo moves in self-defense. Usually I use my dream kung fu skills, but this time I consciently applied the lessons from my real life training and it worked (I clearly notice that my left side is my weakness and that I must work it.) Also, the dudes didn't count on my ability to fly. I fly up, up, up, and the darkness descends upon me again.
      Everything is black, except for a faint blueish light from a window to my left. Something touches my back. A black cat makes an appearance and guides me through what seems to be a house at night. He climbs up some furniture and invites me to follow him, until we reach a door near the ceiling, which could be a door to an attic, maybe. I hear voices and lights turn up. Some guys are entering the room and I feel urgency in leaving, so I go through the door and I wake up.

      I get up from the couch, feeling so sleepy and my mom is standing at the door looking at me, commenting that I slept over today. "Yeah, I was so tired." But something doesn't add up and I do a RC. I am still dreaming. I think about using the opportunity but I feel the vortex sucking me again and I wake up.
      I did overslept and my mom had indeed entered the house, but she left when she realized I was sleeping.

      Updated 01-28-2013 at 04:47 PM by 34880

      lucid , false awakening
    5. Chased by a Shapeshifter (LD)

      by , 01-25-2013 at 06:40 PM
      I only ever see a part of the city I live in. It's huge, with wild swaths of forest around residential areas, and divided by a wide river. I follow Sam into his apartment, in the dream he's my co-worker but in the waking world I haven't seen him in years. We gather here after work sometimes, but this time I see many people I don't know. I round a corner and Sam is lifting pizzas from delivery boxes and laying them out on platters.
      "There's enough for everyone." He says. For some reason I feel unwelcome. A narrow room runs alongside the kitchen, like it's the top bar in the letter T. I step into the kitchen feeling uncertain. The kitchen is dimly lit, with white tile floors and two short lengths of cabinets, all white. On the left is a set of cabinets with the sink, on the right is the stove.
      There's a man in there, he reminds me vaguely of a guy I knew back when I knew Sam IRL. The resemblance does not please me at all. It's something in the shape of his nose and the way he speaks. He's dressed all in black too, just like Jason, but his hair is cut short.
      "What are you doing?" He asks me rudely.
      "Um...he said there's--"
      "He didn't mean YOU." He shoves a serving tool into a plastic container with a couple inches of water, under a slice of pizza. It looks odd, like it's not fully baked and there are no toppings. He smears what looks like chocolate over the top. The whole thing grosses me out.
      "I didn't realize..." I decide to leave, the food isn't appealing anyway. I brush past him out the door on the other side of the kitchen. Apparently he can't just let me leave, he has to follow me, all the while making comments.
      "People like you, it's unbelievable! How you just worm your way in anywhere, no matter what anyone else thinks."
      I walk a little more quickly but he keeps pace with me, and I don't want to actually run.
      "This is a gathering for his CLOSE friends and family. His sister, and ME who is her fiance. Do you see where you fit in there?" He asks, chuckling meanly. "Because I don't." He pauses. "Really, I want to know."
      I run the last few steps to the door, someone is on their way in so I pretend I'm trying to catch it before it swings shut. I do. I even almost make it out with my pride, but I turn to him and I do something. I can't even remember what it is, some sort of insult that sounded better in my head, a petty jibe, or a slap, maybe I shove the door at him. I don't know, but it makes me feel childish and unjustified.

      I leave, feeling like I'm going to cry. The city is built in tiers, outside this level of the apartment is a wide pale cement walkway with a curved metal rail. Behind me the walk slopes downward. I'm heading toward the bridge though. Sam and several of my co-workers have followed me out, there are maybe 5 of them, including his sister who looks nothing like him. Sam has dark hair and eyes and olive-toned skin. He's wearing a grey t-shirt that has a smiley face on the front. His sister, is more pale and has shining blonde hair pulled back into a pony-tail.
      It makes me happy that they cared enough to come after me. For a second I doubt that notion, I wonder: are they here to ask how or why I've upset Richard?
      "Hey, you heading out?" He asks, it's not like me to leave without saying goodbye.
      "Yeah, it's just..."
      "We heard, we're going to have a talk with Rich about how he interacts with people." Sam says, glancing over his shoulder, hands on his hips.
      "We just wanted to make sure you're okay." His sister says, smiling at me.
      "Yes, thank you. I just wasn't prepared for other people to be there." I'm tempted to tell him his brother-in-law reminds me of Jason, but I don't want him to think (in any way whatsoever) that I spend any of my time thinking about him so I keep it to myself.
      "We'll get together again later."
      They go back to the apartment, I continue on my way to the bridge, feeling better.
      The bridge descends, becoming a set of stairs. It lets out into a park of sorts, more like a plaza. There are many of these around the city. This level is a little closer to the water (though we are one above the bottom level), the plaza is filled with tables and benches where people have gathered to relax. There's a wall across from me with wavy metal bars from end to end. There are 8 sections of bars, none of the bars line up with the bars in the section to either side. There are places where they hug the wall closely, and others where they bow out. They're painted white, pink, and yellow. I see what the others are doing, storyline dictates that I've played the game before, I only have a moment where I don't remember how.
      The wall sits at the center of the plaza, there are curved ramps on either side, connecting the bottom tier with the tables, to the top tier with benches sheltered by trees. Many people lean on this wall, the bars are a couple feet below the lip, though at each end (the starting points) the wave of the bars is level with it. I take a moment to enjoy the view. From here you can see an entire level of switch-back city. It's beautiful.
      I climb over the top of the wall and drop down at the center of the bars. I can feel them under my hands. You have to dodge all the other people playing but you must move constantly, as much to keep up the rules as to avoid getting hit. There's a girl heading my way, I drop down a couple bars and sidle over a step. A man appears next to me, so I leap up a few bars as he's taking the spot I just occupied. I can actually feel my muscles, the bars under my shoes and in my hands, the air moving around me, and each breath of cool air I draw into my lungs. I make it to the left side without hitting anyone and start to make my way to the right.

      There's a lapse, I become aware again, I'm laying on my side sandwiched between two people. I don't remember how I got here, and I'm afraid. Especially once I hear them talking. The man pressed to my front, the top of his head level with my chest, sounds like Spike from Buffy, I can even make out his leather trench coat and the peroxide blonde hair...he doesn't have a face though. His head is a blob with hair, given a little structure by his skull. He's talking to his wife, the woman pressed to my back. My arms are pinned to my sides, and their legs are twined through mine. I can't move.
      "Darling, I think I'm turning." He says, sounding excited.
      I get an image of the woman as she begins to speak, like I'm seeing one of his memories. She's standing in a doorway, wearing a sexy nurse costume complete with nurse hat, she's wearing her blonde hair in pigtails. I realize somehow that she is Sam's sister. She's like an ugly Harley Quinn without makeup. She kinda looks undead. There's bruising around her mouth and eyes, the inside of her mouth past her teeth looks dark and oily. Her skin has an unhealthy purplish cast.
      "Good," she begins, in this image I see. They've had this conversation before. "You can turn, and then you'll turn me and I'll be healed!"
      "Yes dear, but first, I have to feed."
      "Well, we have your meal right here don't we?"
      I struggle against them and they laugh. "Good, she's awake."
      I have a frustrating moment where I know I'm dreaming but I don't think I can do anything about my situation, like there's no feasible way for me to break free so I can't implement my lucidity. He presses his featureless face to my throat, and somehow bites me, though he doesn't have a mouth. He seems to be having trouble. Before I can hurt him, he needs a face I think, and his face gains features. I somehow wrestle my arms free as he's shifting to get a better biting angle, and I box his ears as hard as I can. He screams in pain. The woman seems to be too undead to do anything to me.
      As I'm fleeing from the bed, Spike sicks one of his friends on me. It's a cat about the size of a fox, it snarls at me. It looks vicious. It stands between me and the sliding door on the north wall. I run across the room, striding across the mattress to do it, and head for a railing that overlooks the tunnel. Each floor has one of these, where you can lean over and look down the stairway tunnel. I dive headlong over the polished wood rail. They had crafted this for easy traversing, there are polished wood bars running from the top floor to the bottom. Not all one bar, but sections of them. I right myself as I grab one of these bars and start sliding. The game I played earlier helps me here, it makes my instincts sharp. Before one bar can end I leap to another, and another.
      "Well, GET HER!" I hear him yell.
      I smirk to myself. The cat creature is catching up with me, it even tries to grab me by leaping from one side of the stair tunnel to the other, but I'm too fast. Instead of taking the bars on the last ten foot drop, I let go. I land in a crouch then make for the door. I run outside and slam the door in the cat's face, laughing just to rankle her. Since she's a cat, it's not like she can open it, she'll have to wait on the vampire to get it for her. I flee. I'm not really concerned, I know she's as vicious as they come, but I'm faster...and if she catches me, well, I'll just have to find a way to deal with it.

      I'm on the top tier of the city. It's high enough that there are clouds drifting by. I hear the door open behind me. Oops, better get going. I look over the wall. There are trees that have grown so tall, their crowns press against the bottom of each layer, the branches grow toward the sun, hugging the wall. Well, I guess that's my way down. This next part is kind of a blur. I remember dropping over the side, and using the vines (I can feel the texture of them and the smooth coolness under my palms) and tree branches to descend. At one point I slip and fall, I'm caught in the arms of a massive cherry blossom tree. The limbs are about as wide as I am, with the tiny beginnings for flowers for the season. It creaks in the wind, but my weight is not enough to bother it. I can even smell the flowers. I consider trying to jump to the other massive branch to my right, and then realize just how high up I am. The wind is sweet, I hug the branch and relax a moment. The clouds clear and the river far below is hazy. Nope. I am NOT jumping.
      You'll be fine. My subconscious whispers. Logic tells me I will not, so I climb back to the base of the tree.

      There's another lapse. I'm almost to the bottom tier. The river is on a hill, the only way to get to the heart of the city is to swim or take a boat. I can hear the cat behind me, I know now that she's a shapeshifter. I slip into the water hoping that will deter her. She follows me without hesitation. I climb out on the slightly lower level and the people there gasp in horror at the creature. They have never seen one before.
      "Stay in line beside me, she will not harm you. I'm her target."
      The people line up by a wall. People ahead see what is happening where I am and they line up on either side. The streets, I notice, are cobbled.
      Whispers meet me as I run, "She's here." they say, "She's leading the Beast.", "Make the way ready." I can see a stone archway, the people have made a human barrier, and before that there is an...obstruction. I'm not sure how to describe it. It's actually an offering, I know I'm supposed to walk on the top of it. The people take my hands and help me hop on top of it, since the thing is about chest high. The base is made of loose pink stone bricks, the top has pastries on plates. A woman, I know she's a tour guide for the city, hands me a piece of pastry as I walk. I pop it into my mouth.
      Something strikes me, a think I know the people will see as very symbolic. As I reach the end of the walkway, I grab a raspberry and cream cheese pastry. I tear it in half, I wait until the Shapeshifter is at the end of the walkway, she sniffs at it but does not get onto it. She eyes me uncertainly. I hold out half of the pastry. When she takes it and eats it, I eat my half. She almost looks more dog-like, with a brown/black brindled coat, and narrow muzzle.
      Together we pass under the arch into a tiny courtyard. There's a house wedged between all the other houses with a robin's egg blue door. I go inside, she follows.
      Once she passes the threshold, she becomes human. I don't know if she's forced to, or if she has a choice. but I have not seen her yet.
      "Of course you would lead me here."
      "Of course." I agree.
      "Why not? I need to know the story, from your lips. You've murdered people for your master, here we will determine your fate." I reply.
      She looks a little smug as I turn to face her. She has some sort of white garment with big pockets all over it. Kittens leap down from several of them, I know they are her children. She removes the carrier. Kind of like a tabard. She's willowy, has a tiny frame, with long bronze-brown hair.
      "So arrogant, all of you."
      "Maybe, but I don't murder people."
      "What exactly do you think they'll do to me once they've heard my story?"
      "Prison, probably. We'll decide that once we know your...caliber."
      "Fine. My husband and I have the ability to shift for a day each year. This year we spent as animals. He shifted first and said to me, 'let's have children', so I said 'why not' and followed suit. My master put us into service, keeping my husband and children hostage if we did not do his bidding. But I won't lie, mostly because I can't at the heart of the city, I enjoyed every moment of it. I'd kill you all if I thought I could get away with it."
      Two people appear and lead her (and her children) through a bright red door at the back of the property...

      AAAAAAND my phone rings, waking me up.
    6. NYC and a Creepy old lady ghost

      by , 01-24-2013 at 04:32 PM

      Hrs slept: 5, then 2 more

      I have been recently trying to incorporate WBTB with my MILD, but last night I was lax - didn't do any mantras. However I was woken up by the cat at the right time, so I stayed up a little and did a visualization. No lucids but the dreams I had were pretty vivid.

      Went to NYC with Becca for Jessica’s 21st birthday. We were in her house with her 3 roommates, one of them was Carrissa. Becca and I seemed to be as excited as Jessica, and no one else was. So we started getting ready. I was hanging at a small square table near a kitchen area with her roomies and Bec had gone into Jessica’s bedroom with her. The kitchen I was sitting in was yellow, and it was by a railing that seperated it from the living room/entry to the house. Beyond the kitchen through one door was Jess's room. This seemed to be the entire house. So we start talking about nails and are comparing nail beds. Then I go into Jessica's room and see she has music videos playing on a big screen tv on the wall and the a smaller tv on the opposite wall playing the same thing.
      Confustion>>> Next Becca and I are trying to leave the city? And our moms are around somewhere, I think. So we run and catch this tiny ferry, thinking it’s going somewhere and it happens to be full of these younger guys all in uniforms, like they were boy scouts or navy or something. It’s nighttime at this point.
      More confusion>>> I’m still trying to get home but I have Smokey (my real life cat) with me!! Still night. I’m walking and clutching her for dear life and she wants to get down. We pass numerous dogs and she’s shaking in my arms. Then I get to a subway station and am pretty positive I can’t take pets on board. I look and see a “No Pets” sign, it was blue with white letters. So I’m thinking wow, I should have NEVER taken a cat into the city, and thought of Mindy who knew I did it (even though I took her without asking) and she was probably thinking I made a mistake. So this subway is somehow in Queens, and at that point I realize I can’t board a plane with her, and can’t really take a taxi anywhere. What I needed was someone to drive me home! (I think I may have been semi-lucid for this dream, cause once I realized there was no way to get home, I woke up).
      Fragment- Somewhere in those dreams I was at home hanging out with L and we got a feeling a ghost was near. It was dark in my room, and I was looking down at the stairs and we saw a shadow figure, to me it was some old lady, creepishly crawling up to us! I distinctly saw a hand figure and her move up the stairs. Then she was upstairs, we could sense it, and so I said kind of aggressively (only cause I was freaked out
      ) “Leave! You can get out!” and I don’t think she did because then the attic door kept opening by itself.
    7. Being Kicked Out of My Own House, A Bit of Lucidity, and School Anxieties

      by , 01-15-2013 at 05:48 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was going to my house with Caitlin and her boyfriend, Israel. I'm pretty sure my brother was there too. It was nighttime. We had apparently bought a new house, and this one was on the market or something. But Caitlin and Israel wanted to stay there and hang out all night.

      When we walked in, a younger Mexican couple came in shortly after we did, and told us we needed to get out. They had a key, and let themselves in the front door. They were in charge of the house now that no one really owned it. They yelled at us for awhile, and then left.

      Right after they left, I remember looking out one of the windows next to the front door. Caitlin and Israel had parked their cars on the other side of the road to make it look like they were at the neighbor's place instead of ours. I remember a white pickup truck being out there.

      Of course, we didn't leave. Caitlin and Israel gamed in the living room, and I went upstairs to my room to try to sleep. All the furniture was still there, my bed included. I slid my sleeping mask over my eyes, and tried to sleep, hoping that if the Mexican couple came back, they would take pity on us because I was trying so hard to get some rest. I tossed and turned (which is exactly what happened last night IWL).

      Then, two little Mexican girls climbed into bed with me. I was happy to have them there. I figured that now the couple could never kick us out, seeing that there were small children here.

      Morning then started to break, and only one child was there now, curled up under the covers. Though now, she wasn't a child, but a kitten, a white, fluffy kitten resembling my waking life cat, Belle. I remember seeing her fluffy tail poking out and waving. It was kind of like she was still the girl, but in a kitten's body? I dunno, it's hard to describe.

      I then noticed that the little girls were playing a joke on me. They put up these really inappropriate posters on my walls of naked, HUGE women (they sort of resembled Jabba the Hutt they were so huge). One had speech bubbles coming from the mouths of the women. It was supposed to be funny, though I don't remember what it said. I was really concerned that the Mexican couple would come and see. I told the girls to take them down. They ripped the one with the speech bubbles off the wall, tearing it down the middle, leaving the side scraps taped to the wall. Underneath it was a fat, cartoon vagina.

      I then had a thought to myself "This is a dream". Wait. This is a dream! I floated up from my bed, and saw some posters above my bed. I decided to phase through the wall to see where it would take me, though I didn't really think about the destination; I was a bit hasty with that decision. I just ended up back in my room after easily phasing through the wall.

      Well, I thought to myself, I better think this through. I then really noticed one of the posters above my bed. One was of a bald, younger black man with lighter-colored skin trapped inside a crystal (it looked like the crystals you can break in Super Mario Galaxy, which I have been playing a LOT of lately). I decided to try to phase through to see what kind of world he was in. First, though, I tried to interact with him. I put my hand up to the crystal, and he did the same, and smiled at me. I started to phase through, and I went somewhere VERY briefly, though I can't remember any details because I either woke up or went into another, non-lucid dream.


      I was in a math class with a woman teaching. We were finding number patterns. For every one that we found, the teacher would give us a $50 check. I remember we were asked to find a sequence, and I was writing it down in pencil, and I raised my hand to give the complete sequence, which happened to be the numbers 1-16, in order. I was writing the sequence down on a white envelope that had been torn open. I can clearly remember writing the numbers down, correctly and in order, despite dreams liking to mix things like these up. I received a check for $50.


      I was now in a doctor's office or hospital, though it did not resemble one. I'm not sure why I was there. There was a man there too, who was getting worked on before me. A nurse then came in and examined my foot. She took a silver tool that resembled pliers/some sort of clamp, clamped it on my big toe, and squeezed down, cracking my toenail, which had old, lighter-colored blue nail polish on it. It took me a second to realize exactly what she was doing, because she offered no explanation beforehand; she just did it.

      "Are you removing my toenail??" I asked, taken aback.
      "Yes," she replied.
      "Why? It's going to hurt isn't it?"
      She replied, saying that removing the nail would make something easier, though I can't remember what.
      I then said back, very upset,
      "I don't want you to do that. Fix it! Fix it!!! There's no reason for this!"

      But it was too late; the nail was cracked in three places. I removed my foot from her grasp and refused to let her remove the nail.

      I then went on to a psychology class I was apparently taking. A friend was there with me, though I can't remember whom, or if it was someone I even really know IWL. The teacher was female, and she started to lecture, giving us the definition of psychology. I figured i should take notes. I scrambled through my things, looking for a sheet of paper. I realized I was so not prepared for this class. All the paper I had didn't have lines, and there were very few sheets anyway. I started to write, in orange highlighter, on the inside spine of a black and grey fabric trapper keeper. I write in huge letters, and spelled psychology "Psychollogy". I was desperately trying to keep up with her as she lectured.

      The class ended shortly after, since it was only the very first day of classes. I couldn't remember if I had another class after that or not (in the dream, it was Thursday, the day school starts back up again IWL). I was going through my things again, looking for my schedule. But I just couldn't find it. I racked my brain trying to figure it out, and thought that maybe I had chemistry afterwards. I then remembered a dream memory like it was real life; I had dreamed that I had another chem class, and I skipped most of the classes (I did actually dream this once; in my dreams, I remember many dream memories as if they really happened). I thought that I had tried to take chemistry 3 different times.

      I then was looking through a book I had, and I found many $50 bills tucked away inside its pages. I also found a fake-looking $20 bill that had a blank back side to it. I remembered the math class. I suppose I had forgotten about the money. I figured I should put it in the bank.


      I was in my room, laying in bed. It was morning, and I could hear my brother talking to my mom. My brother was supposed to be out of town with his girlfriend, so I figured something must had happened with them.

      I was then at my brother and I's friend Charles's house. I walked in the kitchen where Charles was, which looked different than his waking life kitchen, mostly because it looked like it was on the opposite end of the house, and my brother was there too, along with another person, I think it was supposed to be Charles's little brother (he doesn't have one IWL). Blake (my brother) was talking to Charles about what happened with his girlfriend, but when he saw me, he stopped talking. I asked them what was going on, and my brother just held up his hand to me like he wasn't going to tell me. I guessed they needed some guy time, and I was intruding.

      Charles's little brother then chimed in and said something about Blake's girlfriend situation, and either Charles or Blake told him to be quiet, or shushed him.


      IWL I'm about to start going back to school to work on another degree, and I guess I'm a little anxious about it since I haven't been in school for over a year now. I'm sure it will be fine, but I'm taking some difficult classes, I have two labs, and I'm also working part-time. Glad I got a bit of lucidity, though I'm surprised I did since my sleep has been hella fragmented lately. Hoping for some better, more restful sleep tonight.

      Updated 01-15-2013 at 06:08 PM by 32059

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. 01/06/13 Search For Nomad

      by , 01-06-2013 at 08:40 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Where's Nomad?
      I am flying in my Fire Valkyrie to the moon. I land on the moon and get out to take a look around. My current goal is to find Nomad because I haven't heard from him for a while. What seems like a long while. I have become convinced that the Templars have something to do with this, and I intend to investigate and see if I can find him. I focus on opening a portal. I want to find out what happened to Nomad. A portal opens and I go through it. On the other side I find I am in a place I don't recognize. It is very green and very beautiful, but I don't see any sign of Nomad.

      I wonder why I have been brought here. I am still feeling convinced that the Templars did something to him, and thus I figure they probably somehow interfered with my portal to find him. I'll just have to find out directly from them. I open another portal and go through it. I am in another place I don't recognize. But this time I am not alone there. And as soon as I arrive there are alarms going off, people running around… I wonder where I have ended up. I am in the hallway of some kind of underground facility. Some kind of attack hits me, and it is draining my energy. I look around some more and I realize the people around me are Templars, and they don't look very happy to see me there. I grab a guy as he goes past me and tell him I just want to ask someone a question, nothing more. He looks rather doubtful about that, he doesn't seem to believe me. I tell him I want to know what's happened to Nomad. He chuckles slightly and asks if the nomad has wandered off… that is what nomads do after all. I tell him I want to know what he and his people have done to Nomad. He just looks at me with a blank look on his face. He clearly doesn't know anything. I tell him I want to talk to someone who does know something. A man comes down the hall, he says that would be him. He says he hears I have been harassing his people to find out where Nomad has gone… well, he'll put that question to rest right now. He says neither he nor any of his people have anything to do with my inability to get in touch with my friend Nomad. I don't believe him. I tell him he is lying. He asks if I ever considered that Nomad simply doesn't want to talk to me. I tell him he's wrong about that, and I know he did something. He says no, neither he nor any of his people did anything. Accept that and be gone. And keep them out of my dreams… or they might have to really do something. He is pissing me off. I tell him to stop lying. He says to be gone while I still have the energy to do so. The attack I have been getting hit by has continued draining energy. I tell him I'll show him how much energy I have left… I tell him this is for whatever they have done to Nomad, and I drop an immortal fire right there, the white fire incinerates everything in the area. I am now standing in a ruined underground facility. The attack on me has stopped. I realize part of the reason I am so pissed off is that I don't really have a clue what has happened to Nomad… I wonder how I will ever find out and I wake.

      B and E Without The B
      I am in the yard of a house that is for sale. My mother is there with me, she says she thinks this could be the house we are looking for. She says we should go inside and look around. I ask if we should really be doing that. She says as long as the door is unlocked we can go in and look around. She goes over and tries the front door, and it opens. I follow her inside and we look around in the house. It is a large and very nice home. I am thinking there is no way we could afford to buy that home anyway. I am about to say something when I spot a cat in the corner of the room. I am officially distracted and I go after the kitty. The cat doesn't run away so I go right over to the kitty and start petting. It is a cute little tabby cat with the softest silkiest fur I have ever felt. The cat begins to purr softly. My mom has left the room to look around some more, and apparently she startled up another cat. A cute little tortie comes into the room.

      I approach the second cat and start to pet. The first cat follows me, one cat for each hand. I pet both cats at the same time and hear purrs in stereo. My mom returns to the room and sees me with the cats. She said she doesn't think the cats come with the house. I comment that they had better not be abandoned kitties. A woman I don't know enters the room. It turns out she is one of the home owners. She asks what we are doing in there. I tell her I am loving on her kitties… they are sooooo cute! I scoop the purring tortie into my arms and continue petting. The woman says we weren't invited in here and should leave. My mom says she is definitely interested in buying the place. The woman seems to slightly change her attitude. She is still annoyed at us for being there but is now trying to hide it, she is clearly hoping to convince us to buy the house. My mother and her start talking about money as I continue to love on the two kitties. A third cat enters the room, I put down the tortie to pet the new cat. The new cat is a solid white cat. So many cute kitties! I am in kitty cat heaven! I am loving on the cats when I wake up next to my own pretty kitty.

      I am playing a virtual reality version of Assassin's Creed II, but I am playing as a female Assassin. I am walking through one of the cities looking for anything interesting. I think there are still some glyphs I need to find before continuing the missions. So I look at a map contained in my iPad which is effectively disguised as a book. I locate a building that has a glyph that I have not yet decoded and head for it. There are buildings in the way. I am about to start climbing one when someone yells out. It is a guard. I think better of climbing the building as I don't really want to get in a fight right now. But in spite of the fact I don't do anything out of the ordinary the guards seem to identify me as someone they don't like and they come towards me. When they get closer one of them calls me an 'Assassino' and they all attack me. I pull my sword out to defend myself, wondering what the hell they decided to attack me for when I hadn't been doing anything.

      I hadn't even been looking for a fight. So I am in a fight now and there are five enemies. I'm used to the fighting system of the virtual reality version so I take them out quickly. Now for that glyph. I head towards the building while staying on the ground so I don't trigger another attack. Well that is what I am hoping… but it doesn't work. I step around a corner and a group of guards immediately attacks me on sight. I wonder why they are doing that. I know for a fact I am not notorious right now… well there is a tiny bit of notoriety due to the previous fight… but not enough to trigger an instant attack. So I defend myself again. By the time I finish with the four that attacked more of them have joined in, and there are a couple of brutes involved so my counter attacks aren't always working. I ask a guard what they attacked me for and he just tells me to give up and die. So I keep fighting until I finally get rid of this wave of attackers. I look around and see everyone is watching me. A couple of civilians run away screaming while one cowers against a building and begs for his life. I put my sword away and tear down a couple posters with my face on them to get rid of my notoriety. I am clear now. But that hasn't helped me in the past. I am almost to the building. I approach the building with the glyph and I find I am under attack yet again. I think maybe this time I'll avoid the attack and just run away. So I do, and they chase after me yelling that I'll never escape. I am about to jump into a hiding spot but then more guards come after me. And more… and more… it seems they never stop coming. I realize I am going to have to fight after all, and now there are way too many of them. I wonder if I'll be able to handle all of them. I check my supply of medicines and find I have a full bag. So I turn and fight them. The ones susceptible to counter attack aren't a problem, though the brutes are a bit of an issue. I get hit quite a few times by them and I have to use a couple of my medicines. I finally win the battle, which I think was against… I'm not sure how many guards. But it seems to go on forever. I wonder if there is any point in trying to get to the glyph I've been after. Is there any chance to get to it before being attacked? I am trying to determine the best course of action when I wake up.
    9. 12/28/12 Betrayers, Templars, and Cars

      by , 12-28-2012 at 09:54 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      False Messages
      I am in my Fire Valkyrie heading for the moon, I hear the affirmations of my hypnotic program over the sound system of the Fire Valkyrie. It is telling me to take deep breaths and relax as I approach the moon and land. I ignore the part about having a space suit on and I just get out of the ship. I know it is a dream, so I don't need any such things as space suits. I walk around on the moon for a bit, I can still hear the affirmations in my head. That's when I notice something wrong with them. The affirmations are telling me I am worthless and that I might as well just stay in bed all day, it's not worth getting up. Those aren't antidepressant affirmations, they are clearly meant to make depression worse. I wonder if I have been totally ripped off when I bought the program. Well it was only $1, so I can't feel too ripped off… but I don't want to be using such trash. So I think maybe I can wake myself up by going to my own room and waking my sleeping body up. I open a portal and go into my room where I see myself sleeping. My earphones are in place, but there are two men, one on either side of my bed, whispering the negative affirmations. It's not my hypnosis program that was giving me negative affirmations… it's those stupid assholes. I ask them what they think they're doing, and they seem surprised to see me. One of them says I'm not supposed to know how to astral travel, I tell him it works fine in a lucid dream state… now they have ten seconds to leave my sight before this particular dream turns into a nightmare for them. They transform into Templar guards from the game Assassin's Creed II, the brute type which I have the most trouble with.

      I comment that apparently they have chosen for this to become a nightmare. I form my Witchblade armor and sword just as they attack me. The armor is able to block their attacks, though it still knocks me down. One of them says it is might nightmare and pulls out something hair and throws it to me. It is my cat, Midna… and they have killed her! She is all bloody and mangled! That does it. Before they even know what happened I have cut both of them down. Apparently they didn't realize how pissed off I would be when I saw my cat. After the shock of it wears off I remember that it is just a dream and that is not really Midna. There are two dead Templars on the floor in my room… but one of them is still wiggling a bit. I really don't care. I telekinetically throw them both through my window which has turned into a portal that leads… well I don't know where it leads… but again I don't care. I look at my dead cat and think after pulling a stunt like that the portal can lead to the Dark Realm for all I care. I see my real cat lying beside me on my bed. She is looking at me. I reach to pet her but I find I can't actually touch her. Then I wake up next to her and start petting her.

      With a Betrayer
      I am in a small apartment with my former boyfriend James, but in the dream it seems we never broke up and are now living together. We are both in the bedroom talking about playing Assassin's Creed, it seems James thinks it is a stupid game. I tell him he doesn't have to play it. When he says he doesn't want me playing it I get annoyed and I tell him I'll play whatever games I like, he can play whatever games he likes. He asks if there isn't something else I'd rather play like Oblivion or Skyrim. I tell him I'll play those in good time, but right now I'm playing Assassin's Creed… and why should he have a problem with that? He says it is a stupid game. I blurt out that he is being stupid. And I'm not going to change what games I play according to what he wants. He says then stop dreaming about Templars. I tell him I'll dream about whatever I want to as well. And if that's to dream about Assassin's Creed then that's what I'll dream about. I ask what's gotten into him, thinking he is acting really strange. I change the subject and say we should get pizza for dinner. He says we should skip dinner and go straight for dessert. I say if it's chocolate cake he has a deal. He announces that he is horny and wants to fuck. I tell him he has gotten me out of the mood… he's going to have to get me back in the mood. He says I'm not worth that much trouble. I tell him then he can fuck himself. He says he thought he could get one final fuck before I was taken away. Taken away by who? He opens the door of the apartment and I see three men standing there, and my first thought is that they are real world Templars. James says he's sorry, he had no choice, confirming he has betrayed me. So I knee him in the balls really hard and tell him he may never fuck again. James doubles over in pain, the three guys come in and grab me. I find out I can fight with the skill of Ziva David off of NCIS which clearly takes the Templars by surprise even as I surprise myself.

      So I proceed to kick all three of their asses, kicking a gun out of one of their hands when he tries to draw the weapon on me. I leave the apartment through the back entrance where I spot another couple Templars guarding the rear. Apparently they really don't want me to leave. There's just the two of them, so I take them by surprise and kick their asses in Ziva David style. A third one off to the side says he could just put a bullet in my head. I tell him to go ahead and do that… If I'm not tethered to a body I'll be in the dream state permanently and I'll be their worst nightmare. He does not shoot, but he looks frustrated. I tell him I knew he wasn't quite that stupid. I leave the place, not sure where to go now since I don't want to go back to my mom's place followed by a bunch of Templars. I am deciding where to go when I wake up.

      Driving Me Crazy
      I am in a car dealership looking for a new car. There are sales people all around me trying to sell me a car. I wonder why I am even looking for a new car since I have a perfectly good car already, and it's even paid for. People around me are arguing that I need fuel efficiency… no, I need safety… no, I need something economical. People are telling me to buy a hybrid… no buy an SUV… no buy an electric car… buy this… buy that… I am thinking that I am unemployed, there's no way I would qualify to buy a vehicle of any kind, certainly not a new one. My mom is there with me telling me I need to choose something low price since I have no job. I tell her I don't really want a new car. I'm fine with the one I have. She doesn't seem to believe me and brings over a salesman who is talking about buying a Fiat.

      It is a tiny little car that probably gets great mileage but it has only two seats. My mom says it's not like I have a lot of friends anyway. I tell her again that I don't want a new car. She says of course I do and then starts trying to sell me the car as much as any of the salespeople. I remind her that I can't afford a car. She doesn't seem to know what to say. I tell the salesman I am unemployed, and he responds by walking away to a more promising customer. I think this is all really strange so I finally think to do a reality check. I am dreaming. Why am I dreaming about people trying to sell me a car? Are they beaming commercials into people's dreams now? I take to flying, commenting to a nearby pushy salesman that I don't need a car… I'll just fly where I need to go. My mom tells me to come back down right now, but I ignore her and fly up over Tucson. I think I'd like to go visit my friend Alicia, but I'm not sure if she's home or at work right now… I figure I'll check at her home and then at work. I fly in the direction I think Alicia's house is in, hoping I won't miss it since I'm not used to seeing it from the sky. I am getting quite exhilarated from flying but that wakes me up.

      Updated 12-29-2012 at 10:19 PM by 27700

      lucid , non-lucid
    10. Dream Characters Lucid False Awakening Becomes Mine

      by , 12-25-2012 at 05:40 AM

      The first part was like watching a tv show. A teenage girl (from the Disney channel I think) was having a bad dream. I think people and things were disappearing. Soon enough she realizes that she is dreaming. She starts yelling at the top of her lungs "Wake up, wake up, wake up!!!!" The way she shouted reminds me of Dawn's tantrums from the show "Buffy the Vampire Slayer".

      She sits up in bed and realizes that she just had a false awakening. We do a reality check and I become lucid. I feel extremely tired and sit up in bed. Not thinking to anchor my dream I try to change the lighting by waving my hands around. Faint, glowy, swirls appear in my bedroom but nothing more as would be expected.

      Still very tired I feel myself start to wake up. I see a blue dot appear on my wall and I think it might be my real life clock. I closed my eyes tight and count..."one one thousand, two one thousand....." The dream stabilizes and and despite my exhaustion I get up and walk toward the door that leads outside my home. I was hoping for the scene to change into a beautiful landscape.

      The room is very different now. Instead of a queen size bed in the middle of one wall, I get off of a twin size bed in the corner. I see my girlfriend sleeping on a futon mattress near the door but I keep walking..slowly because I am still so tired.

      I finally reach the door but as I reach for the knob a creature runs along the wall across the door and of down the other wall. It scared me at first but I knew that I was dreaming and caught a glimpse of it as it passed. It was only a dream tabby cat running on the wall. After that there were big puppies everywhere around my feet and on the ceiling. They curled up against my legs and I grabbed an adorable pup off the wall. I brought it in to let it lick my face but it was dark and I couldn't see its face... perhaps I was holding it backwards..........Wake up.
    11. Having It and Giving It Up; Leaving My Brother

      by , 12-24-2012 at 02:56 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Having It and Giving It Up

      I was with a beautiful girl. She may have been J. M., my high school heart throb, though she looked a little different.

      I was sucking the side of her breast and rubbing her stomach. It was heavenly. Her breast was salty. This was OK in my dream, and tasting is generally good in a dream for me.

      I asked if she wanted me to stop and she said yes, so I stopped. I was sad...obviously.

      An alarm then went off and a DC turned it off for me. I was grateful.

      Leaving My Brother

      My brother was on a motorcycle with my boy as a passenger, and I was riding on the back the way kids ride bicycles--standing on to pegs sticking out from the back wheels. It was extremely awkward and I told my brother I was just going to walk the rest of the way. I had only a tinge of distaste for him.

      Everyone started walking at this point. We ended up in Downtown. It was all cement and didn't seem clean. It was dark as though we were under a walkway or something.

      We started walking down a hill of cement and I saw my cat. I/we were letting her go there but I wasn't happy about it. At the street, buses were stopping and pulling away. I saw a tour bus pull out right next to an old style Marta bus. The noise was awful and a bit odd. I wanted to record the bus noises and use it in some music or something.

      We then started trying to find exactly how to get where we were going. We never really did figure it out, and searching was a bit uncomfortable.
    12. Restroom epiphany!

      by , 12-18-2012 at 12:20 PM
      I'm in my bed, well, a bed. It feels unreal or something.
      I know that it's not my bed and I start hearing things, I want to turn around, make myself comfortable but I can't.
      My arms, fingers, legs, feet, toes, I can't move them. But this doesn't frighten me, it annoys me at most. I try to relax and hope it makes the noise go away, it doesn't all the while my body just feels like it's getting heavier and heavier.
      A door opens, I hear footsteps and even though I haven't seen the room I'm in the enire dream I "sense" that the position of the bed has changes.
      The person in the room is now sitting on the side of the bed, I feel my body dropping a few inches.
      The person starts to speak and I can now hear it's a female. She talks and stands up again but I can't remember or understand what she's saying.
      I thought or hoped she would leave the room but she doesn't. She keeps talking to me and walks around the room and still I can not move.
      She get's close, closer and now start to get in bed with me. I still can't move and my face has been facing the wall so I still have now idea who this woman is.
      But she's lying next to me now, judging by the weight she put in bed I'm guessing it's a big woman, but big as in large not fat.
      Now she turns around to me and whispers into my ear, I think she was telling me who she was but I didn't believe her.
      I was getting sick of this shit and really want to move now and get out of here and the moment the woman touched my head I snapped free.
      I leaped out of the room and looked back, she sat up and stared at me, with eyes that lit up like a cat at night. I could see now that I was in my room, but at the same time it wasn't.
      But I didn't have time for all this standing around, I wanted to get away from her, I also needed to take a dump.
      So I decide to get out of bed and go downstairs to go to the toilet.

      While I walk down the stairs I decide to slide on on the railing (haven't done this since I was a kid) when I'm almost down I make a jump and land in the hallway. And here's the important part, when I land I go through my knees to ease the landing, as I get up I kind of jump or float up slightly. But I didn't think about it.
      I go to the toilet and sit there for a while and I recall my jump and how weird it was. Then this thought popped in my head; I'm not lucid dreaming am I?
      In waking life before I do reality checks I observe my surroundings, the feel temperature, sounds all that. Back to the dream.
      So I had this thought, I looked around in our toiletroom (it's a very small room just the toilet) I touched the wall in front of me and thought no, this can't be a dream this is real.
      But I start to think back, where was I before the jump? The bedroom I came out of wasn't my room like it is now. Nothing made sense, but the wall was so real!
      Finally I do the nose plug RC and I'm shocked. I can still breath!
      I touch the wall again look at the lamp above me, it's all there, just in real life, nose plug RC still breathing.

      So it's true, I am lucid dreaming and am overwhelmed with this euphoric feeling. But I try to stay calm.
      Still once I look at the wall that looks so real I doubt it once again, the RC could be wrong if this was a dream I could float around. I then look at my legs, and see I still have my pants down, but that doesn't matter.
      I look down and try to make myself go up, and I do!
      Slowly I feel my cheeks seperating from the toiletseat and I drop back down. I'm now completely baffled and just sit there for a moment with my hands to my face in disbelief.
      I try it again, I lift up very stable to my surprise, and make a 360 degree turn and sit down again.

      Now for the dumbest part. I wanted to get out of the restroom, but then I was thinking about wiping.
      So I wipe, float around a bit and wipe again which causes me to lose lucidity.
    13. Finally, another LD!

      by , 11-07-2012 at 02:28 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I had this weird Vocaloid dream last night where a vampire killed Kaito. Len pretended that he was also a vampire so he could try to negotiate with the real vampire, but I don't remember what happened after that, except for something about Rin dressing up as a cat.

      I woke up, put my slippers on, and left my room. As soon as I did, I realized one slipper felt uncomfortable, so I went back to my room to put the other one on (in the dream, I knew I had three slippers for some reason but never wore one). There were three more slippers in my room, making five total. It seemed a bit odd, but I didn't think much of it until my mom suggested that I do an RC because of that. I did and counted seven fingers. I had no idea what I wanted to do, so I decided to try drawing a cat and see if I could make it come to life, but I woke up. I did another RC to confirm I was actually awake this time, which I was.
    14. A Night Drive and a Strange School

      by , 11-07-2012 at 03:08 AM (Dreams from the Deep)
      Sleep Time: 11:20 p.m - 5:52 a.m

      Night Drive and a Kitty
      I'm driving somewhere. It's dark out which I find odd because it is early in the afternoon. I notice the stars are very clear.

      Dream Jump: I'm adopting an 8 month old orange tabby named Freddie.

      Sleep Time: 7:30 a.m - 9:50 a.m

      Strange School
      I'm subbing at some random school. I'm not scheduled to work, I just walk into different classrooms..
    15. My Antisocial Cat Finds a Friend, Cleaning a Gross Aquarium, and a Work Meeting/Possible Promotion

      by , 10-29-2012 at 04:19 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was in my room, watching my cat, Belle, who is an all-white, fluffy female cat, walk around and be cuddly with an all-black, fluffy male cat. IWL my cat doesn't like other animals...or well, anyone really. But in this dream, I was surprised at how she was acting towards this kitty.

      A cat identical to Belle then came up, and the black cat walked away, and Belle wasn't mean to her doppleganger, but she didn't interact with her at all. I thought maybe it was because they were both female.

      This is the second time recently that I've dreamed of my anti-social cat interacting with another cat in a friendly way. Hmm...


      I was in a huge room that seemed to be some sort of lobby area or something. Sunlight came in through the windows, lighting up the area. In the center of the room was a giant aquarium about the size of a pool table. There was a dark blue beta fish that looked like my brother's IWL beta, and some other fish as well, some small, round silvery fish and some others. There were other people milling about as well; I feel like a lot of them were famous.

      I then put some of the fish in a big, black cup with my pee in it? I don't really know why, but whatever I guess. I watched the fish swim around. How they weren't dead, I'm not sure. I dumped the fish back in the tank with some of the pee. I walked away and did something else for awhile, and then, when I came back, I noticed how cloudy the water in the tank was; it was white and almost opaque. Crap. I need to clean out that tank!

      I then got on one side of the aquarium, and pushed it to get some of the water out. Some of it sloshed out at the end, but a lot of it was blocked by some white mechanism on the edge of the tank. Enough had gotten out though so that I could fill in with more water. I did just that, I think with the large black cup, then freaked out a little because I almost forgot to put the solution in the water to make it breathable for the fish. Out loud, I exclaimed
      "Oh yeah! The solution!"
      I said this to someone in particular, and also to myself.

      I ran to grab the solution, came back, twisted the cap off, turned it over, squirted some in the white cap, and dumped it into the aquarium. I asked my brother, who was there apparently, how much solution he usually used. He said 3-5 capfuls. So I filled it two more times, quickly and a bit messily, and dumped them into the tank. I felt relieved after I did that, though I noticed the tank wasn't squeaky clean, it was a lot cleaner than it was. I still saw some debris floating around. I also noticed that there was this big white tube in the tank, running down the middle. It looked similar to a cat toy I have IWL that's a little fabric tunnel that my cat can run in and out of. It has small white aquarium pebbles in the bottom of it. I was trying to get it straightened out, but it was awkward to do so. I thought I had messed it up a bit when I dumped the water out.

      I then noticed that on the inside of the tank, there was now an air hockey table instead of the bottom the aquarium. The fish were gone too. I started to get mad, because I was afraid the fish would get hurt now. I saw the man who did it, who was a guy in a business suit, and I started to get mad at him, saying I just cleaned the tank and all that mess. He back off, and I pushed or cranked something that started to split the air hockey table down the middle, and back down into the tank, while the fish and all that were starting to be exposed again. I remember seeing lots of grey metal mechanisms inside the tank while this happened.


      I was in the same kind of area as the last dream. Someone, a woman my age, approached me, and told me the manager wanted to see me in the office, and talk to me about some sort of promotion. She mentioned that the manager wanted to hire a manager above them. I thought that was weird, and I wasn't sure how I felt about that idea since I was such a new employee, but I followed the woman to the office, which had a lot of people inside.

      The area was made out of a lighter-colored wood. It was also a pretty small area. On one side, there was us, the employees, sitting on benches carved out of the wall. On the other side is where the management sat, but they sat behind what looked like how you would see a concession stand set up, with them on the other side of a half wall with a wide, glassless window that they looked out of.

      I was sitting and joking with some guy that I think had a mask or costume on. I also think my old friend Cameron was there. I thought about how I hadn't seen him in ages.

      The manager was calling people up one by one to do some survey. She called someone, and then, the guy I was sitting with, but then, no one else got called; after only two people doing the survey, they said we were done. We got up to leave. I wondered when they would talk to me about the promotion.
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