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    1. 4th Lucid Dream - Low Awareness

      by , 06-29-2011 at 02:51 AM (fOrceez's Quirky Subconscious!)
      4th Lucid - odd shaped room (Non-lucid)


      Yeah, I just realised i posted this out of order.. whoops!

      I don't remember too much about this dream, but I rc'd and then I got lucid. There was a lady in the dream, she was brunette. The room was red and very oddly shaped but reminded me of a kid's childcare centre. There was a box that looked like a charity box, but i'm fairly sure it was the entry fee.
      The red dot was me, and to the left of me was a door.
      Attachment 2315Attachment 2315
    2. The beggar hunt

      by , 06-24-2011 at 12:38 AM (The journey of JussiKala)
      I found myself in a city. This city looked quite depressing. The streets were of yellowish stone with a bit of sand on top, buildings were of the same yellowish stone. Streets were cramped. There weren't too many people on the streets. Maybe a couple of people per block. The searing heat from the sun made walking there almost intolerable. The clothes people had on looked very arabic in nature. What you would expect to see from saudi arabia / northern africe a hundred years back or so. All in all, it was either a third world country, or I was living in the past, near the equator.

      I was carrying a djembe. (A percussion instrument of african origin). I found myself a place to sit with a few people that would hear me play. And I played a little beat there. Apparently I was a beggar, who tried to gain any money he could by performing on the streets.

      A fight arose between me and a couple of other people (also beggars, street performers) when I'd taken the place they usually use. They threatened me with violence. So I left.
      ------I wondered around the streets a bit and chose another location in which to do the same thing all over again. However, that did not last for long. Apparently the other beggars were serious about being the only ones on the same part of town. They appeared to me and said that I'd better get out. I ran away at this point

      They (the two of them) got after me, though not running. Just light jogging.

      I quickly turned around the street corner and panicked. I needed to get out of here quick. I went to the market area of the block. I found a small closet like room on the side of one of the houses which was not locked. I opened it and went inside. The door had cracks, and I saw how the other beggars passed it. I waited a while before coming out of there. I found another place to perform near me and strarted. Didn't take long for me to be found by the other beggars. I ran away again and they ran after me full speed.

      I managed to find a cellar type structure near me, with a metal mesh as a window to the street. I cramped myself in there, trying to not make noises so that they wouldn't realize to look in my direction when they walked past me. After this I took my knife from my backpocket.

      I left my djembe there and started creeping around the town centre. I quickly saw where one of the beggars was and creeped behind him, and stabbed him in the shoulder. The other beggar saw me from 20 meters away and was terrified, left his junk there and ran behind the corner.


      Dream end was not sudden, yet that's the last thing I remember, really.
      Tags: beggar, door, hunt, poor
    3. Cat in Bathroom

      by , 06-22-2011 at 05:43 AM
      I am at my recent ex boyfriend's house and I have to pee. I go toward the bathroom, but my ex yells "other 'senior' bathroom!" I quickly slam the door and go upstairs to another bathroom. A black cat is there and rubs on my legs while I sit on the toilet to pee. The cat wants a bath and I plan on taking a shower with it when I am done peeing and bathing it with me in the shower. I am never able to pee though and just sit there trying to until I wake up.
    4. The chaser

      by , 06-20-2011 at 09:21 PM (The journey of JussiKala)
      (Comment: This is my first real nightmare that I remember in.... ever.. I think I only had one when I was a little kid. )

      I was there in my grandparents house. I was bringing a person back alive. For some reason, I had a feeling of being the creator of that specific creature. The dream started there though, and I don't know if I had built a human being from scratch, or just operated on him and brought him back to life. I successfully revived him. He took a while, maybe a few minutes, to come to full thinking/ speaking capability. He looked at me for a while. He started talking very calmly. He was threatening me. Telling me that I'd have a chance to run away, and if he'd catch me, I'd suffer something horrible. I did not specifically know or think about what this horrible fate would be but I knew that it was bad.

      So I started running. I ran and I ran. Climbed obstacles, hid from the guy multiple times, all occuring in the small part of town where the house was located in. It was absolutely terryfying seeing this guy 5 feet away from me, knowing that if I stumbled or didn't run fast enough, something terrible would happen. Finally I had hid in the living room of the house. I looked away. When I looked back, the person was there, again, staring at me. Slowly walking towards me. I told him to stop and listen to me for a while. He sat on a seat and so did I. (comment: At this point I somehow knew that it was a dream, yet I could not classify it as a lucid, since I was not aware that it was a dream, but I kinda just knew that it was, but didn't acknowledge it, which is why I didn't put this in either lucid or non-lucid)

      His appearance was scary. He was an old man with long, messy, near white hair. He was wearing torn clothes, which were also dirty. He had no shoes. His skin was all around in bad condition. His hands, big and full of veins. His arms, muscular, from what I saw through the gaps in the clothing. His face, filled with scars.

      I told him that if he'd be better off not chasing me. There is no real benefit in keeping this up. He said that I would never be able to get back to where I came from. That I'd be eternally stuck with him, unless I'd give up, and in which case, I'd suffer horribly.

      I saw my younger brother (He's only 8) running around in the yard. I jumped off of the sofa I was sitting on, blasted open the door, ran out, took him with me, hid under the stairs that were there on the western end of the building. Saw and heard how the guy ran down the stairs and past the house to the other side of the house. I took my brother and carried him to the carage of the house in the front. There, we sat on a bench very quietly. The suspense was dreadful. The feeling of fear like no other.
      About ten seconds later, the door from the cellar to the carage (which is not the same as the main carage door) opened, and I saw him. I thought out loud "How could he know where we were?!". I remember him running towards us.

      End dream. (Comment: Dream did not end at the moment he was running towards me. I did not wake up to that. That's just the last thing I remember)
      Tags: chaser, door, hunter, prey
      nightmare , memorable
    5. 06/16/11 The Lost Caverns of Pennywise

      by , 06-17-2011 at 07:50 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      The Lost Caverns of Pennywise
      I am in a forest with MoSh and Asuka. I look around to see where we are, but I don't recognize the place. MoSh asks where this lost cavern of… um… this lost cavern of whatever is. I say it's not far off, and I start looking for a cave entrance. We are at the base of a mountain, so I figure it will be easy to find a cave entrance here. When I finally find it I am surprised to see it looks like it is the appropriate size for a hobbit maybe… it is a tiny hole.

      To go through it there would be no choice but to get down and crawl through, maybe even wiggle through on my belly. I point at the hole and tell MoSh I thought the entrance was bigger, but maybe it collapsed. MoSh suggests blasting through, but that would destroy too much, might cause more cave-ins. I said it couldn't be that small for far, the caverns themselves are huge. So it must just be for a short way. I crawl into the hole and down the narrow passage. It doesn't seem very short, of course I am unable to move very quickly on my belly. MoSh is behind me, and Asuka is behind him. The hole we are crawling through is lined with mud. It is getting us filthy, but at least there's no chance of getting stuck. I come to a dead end. Shit! We have to back out?! No… there's a stone blocking the passage. I give it a shove and it falls away, dropping about ten feet down to water. We have reached the caverns. I tell MoSh to jump out of the small passage, there's water below. By the rock landing I could tell the water was deep. We jump into the water with a splash and grope blindly until we find the shore.

      It is pitch black down here. I use the spell 'lumos' from Harry Potter, somehow without a wand, and the cavern lights up. It is a huge cavern, I see the hole we entered through on a low area of roof over the water. There's definitely no way to go back the way we came! There are several passages exiting the cavern, and since we have no set destination, we just take the closest one. The cave walls are lined with strange drawings and strange writings, images that clearly depict a war going on until it starts raining and then the rain seems to bring peace somehow. A strange creature is blocking our path. It has huge bulbous eyes that seem to glow with a faint white light, he doesn't seem to like the light I am creating, but he also doesn't seem to know where the light is from. The creature looks mean, like a form of mutant goblin, and it snarls at us to prepare to die. I tell him he can't be serious… if he values his own life, he had better back off. We aren't here to kill anyone, but if you force it… The goblin retreats into the darkness. We explore some more, Asuka finds some flowers growing in a small wet area, the flowers glow in the dark. They are quite beautiful. The goblin also returns with several friends and he repeats his threat. I repeat my warning. He attacks. I summon my Witchblade sword and cut him down easily. This gives the other goblins pause, and they retreat quickly into the darkness.

      We find the end of the passage blocked by an ornate looking door, a heavy looking wooden door… seems odd… It takes some effort to open the door, as it seems to be on old hinges that don't work too well any more. As the door slides open the ruins of an amazing city are revealed. It looks like something out of ancient Rome or Greece, and I realize my light is no longer needed. The walls and the ceiling of the cavern, as well as much of the floor, are all covered with those glowing flowers. The door, which opened with difficulty, now slams closed behind us all by itself. We set off to explore the place. I am wishing I could somehow get photos of this place back to my waking life… that would be cool. Maybe I can model something like this… but that will take forever! We keep looking around and we soon find a temple in the center of the city. The temple is mostly intact. We go inside and find there is a woman there and the room is full of treasure. She says we should go ahead and take a share of treasure if we wish… but only the worthy will be able to get across the water. There is a pool of water around the platform with the treasure. The pool is radiating pure light energy. MoSh and Asuka go over to look at the treasure.

      I am about to join them when I notice laughter, rather disturbing sounding laughter. No one else seems to hear that. I look around for the source of the sound but I don't see anything. The laughter gets louder and sounds creepy. I look towards a dark arch and see glowing silver eyes through it. A clown emerges, the clown looks like Pennywise from the book It by Stephen King. What is he doing here? He disappears through the arch, I follow him, I don't think it is a good idea for Pennywise to be wandering around here. On the other side of the arch is an abandoned carnival, the carnival has a creepy evil atmosphere around it. Pennywise is standing next to one of those wheels where they tie a person to it and another person throws daggers at it, getting the blades as close to the person as possible without cutting them, to demonstrate the thrower's skill and the courage and trust of the person on the wheel.

      There is a man tied to the wheel, Pennywise has cut his stomach open and is pulling out the man's intestines and twirling them around a fork like spaghetti. The man is screaming in pain. Pennywise says I should come over and eat some… YUCK! I call my Witchblade sword back and I slice Pennywise in half down the middle. The scene around me melts and I find myself submerged in the strange fluid formed as the scene melts. It is a thick and viscous fluid, impossible to swim in, like mud. I sink underneath the crap but that shouldn't be a problem, I'm dreaming. But I can't breathe… I can't move and I can't breathe. What the fuck?! I decide the only way to get out of there is to go ahead and wake up.
    6. The Eagle Crest

      by , 06-14-2011 at 09:45 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      (There is a "trigger warning" on the content of this dream.)

      I am an archeology student working in a museum in Montreal. I have volunteered to document and study items that are in the backrooms of the museum's storage areas. All of the items had been ignored or forgotten about because no previous archeologists thought they were important. The civilizations or cultures and time frame the artifacts come from are unknown and it is my job to find out when and where they came from. The items I found and set aside to look at include various peices of ancient looking jewelry, a few peices of pottery and a roughly triangular peice of metalwork that features some sort bird with its wings spead out and the bird's head facing to the right. The outline of the bird and the outer edge of the peice is orange while the background is a deep blue. I give this item the name of the "Eagle Crest."

      I tell my department head (Professor Alberts) about the items and he doesn't seem interested at first but says that I can continue my investigations as long as they do not interfere with my other student studies in the museum. One night, after closing time, I am working on a thesis on a computer in one of the museum offices and suddenly a bunch of screens and files start popping up at random and I cannot close them. The files that are appearing are refering to some of the items I found and disclosed to Prof. Alberts and when the files start being downloaded to an outside source I finally realize that the computer is being hacked and I turn it off.

      The next day I tell Prof. Alberts what happened and he tells me to put the items in his office where they will be safe, which I do, except for the Eagle Crest, which I had on my desk, because I wanted to study it that night. When night comes, after everyone has gone home, the museum is broken into and the box of artifacts I had set aside to study was stolen from Prof. Alberts's office, except for the crest which was in my desk in another part of the museum. The buglars stole nothing else and seemed to beeline only for that box of artifacts and this made me think that they knew exactly what they were looking for and knew where to find it. Suspecting an inside job, I do not tell Prof. Alberts that I still have the Eagle Crest and instead I hide it in one of the unorganized and unused storerooms filled with undocumented artifacts, knowing that no one will find it there. I am also worried that if I come forward that I did not put the crest where it was supposed to go the night of the robbery, that people will think I had something to do with the robbery itself or knew about it in some way.

      Later I am in my apartment thinking about the crest and the robbery and the nagging feeling that the two are related somehow. It is early in the morning because I have not been able to sleep and I am in my night clothes with are nothing more than an orange tank top and blue panties. I am so deep in thought that I do not hear someone enter my apartment until that person opens my bedroom door. It is a tall, thin, blond man, wearing glasses and dressed in a black suit. He is holding a handgun and demands that I get dressed and come with him. I am freaked out that someone is in my apartment but also angry and embarassed that I am walked in on when wearing so little clothing. I demand that he turn around so I can change but he says no and watched me with no expression as I get dressed. I ask him who he is and where we are going but he ignores me and says that I need my identifaction and passport. I resist leaving my apartment but the man says that I am in danger if I stay and that he is taking me somewhere safe. I demand to know why I should trust him and he says that there are some gangsters on their way to kidnap me because they think I know the location of the Eagle Crest and that they will torture me to get the location of it. I ask the man how I am supposed to know if I can trust him or not but he ignores me again, grabs my arm and drags me downstairs to his car waiting behind the building. I know he has a gun so I don't want to piss him off and just obey.

      As we are in his car and pulling out of the apartment complex driveway, a car pulls up to the front of the building and several large, burly looking men in dark suits and wearing sunglasses get out and start toward the apartment. One of them looks our way and they seem to recognize either me or the man I am with because he begins shouting and the other men begin running our way, pulling out guns and pointing them in our direction. The blond man speeds out of there and down the street as fast as he can, even as the gangsters start shooting in our direction. The blond man ignores the traffic lights and roadsigns and races through the streets at top speed but soon the dark car is behind us and we are followed all the way out of Montreal. We speed and weave through traffic and eventually seem to lose our pursuers. I ask my kidnapper where we are going and he says New York City. I begin crying because I am scared and the man says that I should not be afraid because none of this is my fault and that he is just trying to protect me. I say I still don't know if I can trust him or not, and he asks me to open the glove compartment which I do. Inside is a large silver coloured hand gun and he asks me to take it. I protest because I have never held a gun before, let alone use one, and he says that it is for my protection and that he will tell me how to use it.

      Shortly after giving me instructions on how to use the gun and telling me to hide it in my bag, the blond man loses control of his car when we are rear ended by the dark car filled with gangsters that has suddenly caught up with us. The car skids out of control and comes to a stop in a ditch and before the blond man can reach for his own gun, several of the gangsters open fire through the driver's side window and he is struck several times. I am pulled kicking and screaming from the passenger side and dragged over to the gangster car and forced into the trunk. My bag is still hanging over my side and the gangsters do not search through it. It is hot and cramped in the trunk and we drive for a long time. I do not know how long but it is dark by the time the goons stop at a motel and finally let me out of the trunk. They let me go to the bathroom in the motel room and I lock myself in and cry for a while. Eventually they bash the door down and force me to come out. None of the gangsters talk to me at first, but one tries to get me to tell him the location of the Eagle Crest by saying that they will let me go immediately if I tell them where it is. I say that I don't know and that it was stolen when the museum I was interning at was broken into. This is the answer I give many time when they press the same question many times in different ways. Eventually they give up and let me fall asleep on one of the beds.

      I wake up at some point in the night and without moving myself much to alert them to my wakened state I try to see were the goons are. Two are sleeping on chairs by the window and I cannot determine the location of the third, but the fourth is laying on the other motel bed with his pants pulled down and masterbating to a pornographic film playing on the television. I am using my bag as a pillow and I can feel the outline of the gun under my head, but I still lay motionless, fearful to alert the gangster who is still awake that I too am conscious. I close my eyes with the intention of waiting for the guy to fall asleep but just then the gangster that I could not locate comes out of the bathroom and jokes with the other guy that they should rape me while I am sleeping. The other guy thinks that is a great idea and rolls off of his bed and on top of me. I scream and struggle and try to reach for the gun but I am dragged out of its reach by the two goons who pull me to the end of the end and start ripping my clothes off of me. My screams awaken the other two gangsters and they fight off the would be rapists and remind them that I am not to be harmed until "the Boss" can speak to me.

      The goons start arguing and even fistfighting and I am able to grab my bag and lunge at the door. One of the gangsters grabs my legs and pulls me to the floor, as the other three goons take no notice and continue fighting amounst themselves, and while the guy who has me struggles to hold my logs with both arms, my hands are free and I pull the gun out of my bag, unlock the safety and stoot the guy holding me squarely in the forehead. The other three gangsters stop fighting and stand stunned for a second as I scramble out of the dead man's grasp and for the door. The gangsters simutaneously reach for their steel and I am sure that I am dead when the motel room door is kicked in and a hail of machine gun bullets rips into the bodies of the remaining gangters and cuts them down where they stand.

      I look up and see the blond haired man from before standing there holding two mini tommi guns, blood from his own gunshot wounds all over his shirt and a trickle of blood out of his mouth. He is backlit from headlights in the parking lot and looks enraged as he stands there and stares down the bloody corpses of my kidnappers. His expression softens when he sees that I am alright and I don't know how he survived being shot several times but he takes me away from there and we continue drivng down the highway - I assume to New York City, but I am not sure because I cannot remember anything more from this dream other than that the blond man reveals that Prof. Alberts organized both the robbery and my kidnapping and was "the Boss" behind the whole mess. He also revels what the Eagle Crest is and why it is important (it is magic or something?) but I cannot remember exactly what the details were now.

      Updated 08-21-2011 at 09:54 AM by 6048

      non-lucid , memorable
    7. The Family Reunion in the House on the Hill

      by , 06-13-2011 at 08:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      I am in a house I do not recognize and most of the action takes place in the large kitchen, dining room or hallway to the bedrooms. The house sits at the top of a hill amidst a forest whose leaves are ablaze with all the brilliant, fiery colours of autumn. The inside facade of the house consists of very natural colours and materials: wood floors and earth tone colour schemes.

      There is going to be a party if sorts tomorrow, maybe a family reunion or something, and I am in the kitchen making dish after dish of salads and casseroles and other side dishes. I think the party is a pot luck because even though I know that other people are going to be bringing food, I have an almost uncontrollable urge to make as much food as possible. I worry that there will now be enough for everyone even though I am not sure how many people are going to be there (though I know it is going to be a lot).

      I have guests who have arrived already and they are going to stay the night. There are two men and two women. I am suddenly in the living room talking with one of the men who has a beige polo shirt and who has a bushy brown beard. He is joyful and always smiling and seems very happy to talk to me. We are related in the dream, but I forget how. From just above the knees down to his ankles his pants become transparent and I can see his leg bones. The transparency effect becomes stronger the further down the leg you go and his feet have completely disappeared. I know this is wrong somehow and I sit back with a white marker to blend the white of his bones with his pants and try to colour in his legs to make them look full. For some reason I think that the man will be embarassed about it if other people notice. Suddenly I realize that the bearded man I am talking too is a ghost and that is why his legs are transparent. I am not afraid or anything but I am confused as to why he has come here and not gone to the afterlife and I think I ask him this and his response is that he is glad that family is getting together. He disappears soon afterwards and I think I realized that there were other ghosts around as well or something but I cannot remember if I talked to them or not.

      While I am the same person in the dream in mind, my body has suddenly aged significantly and I am now an old lady. Also quite suddenly I am in a foul mood (though not because of the aging) and start throwing plates and cutlery around roughly and pushing the two women guests (one is a blond middle aged woman in a baby blue sweater and the other is younger with brown hair?) around in the kitchen . They are visibly shaken by my sudden mood change and though they say nothing I can tell by the expressions on their face that they wish I would retire for the night so they could finish their work in peace. I stomp out of the kitchen in a huff and scream "Dont touch my fucking cheese casserole or I'll fucking kill you!" as I enter the hallway to my bedroom. For some reason I think they will eat it when I am gone and it only adds to my sudden and inexplainable rage.

      I go up to my bedroom and lay down on the bed and though the house has three other people in it downstairs I cannot hear them at all. They have either gone to bed or are tiptoeing around because they think I am trying to sleep, but honestly, to me it feels like they are not there at all. The house feels empty again like it did for a long time before they arrived. The window is open and I can feel the soft night breeze coming in the window and hear the rustling of the leaves on the trees. A few autumn leaves are blown in with the wind and scatter across my bed and my floor but this doesn't bother me and I find that I am no longer so full of rage but feel very lonely. I become confused and start to think all the planning and cooking was not real and I imagined the whole thing. I get up and head downstairs. I cannot find my three guests but there is indeed many plates of food prepared and scattered through the kitchen and in the fridge.

      There is a knock at the front door and I open it to see a young black man in grey clothing standing on the path leading to my house. He is smiling and asks me to walk with him for a while. Even though it is the middle of the night and I don't know this man I go with him anyway and we walk through a path that leads to a forest talking, though I cannot remember any of our conversation now, but I am very content to be with this man because I feel like I know him but I cannot articulate how. The sun starts to rise and we go return to my house and stand at the very top of the hill and I am surprised to see a very long line of people outside of my house consisting of thousands of people, most of whom I do not recognize as family or friends. I have trouble believing that all of these people are here for the party and the young man in grey just responds that these are all the people whose lives I have affected or who love me.

      I start to realize that something is amiss and suddenly I am back laying in bed, half conscious and vagely aware that I am waking from a deep sleep. Instead of being in my bedroom though I am in a hospital room surrounded by the three people from before who were my guests. It dawns on me that I had died the night before and the walk through the forest with the young man was actually a walk through a replay of my long life with my guardian angel, though I did not realize it at the time. I was able to talk to the ghost of the man with the transpartent legs before because I had been a ghost too.

      I reach out and take the hands of the people surrounding me and tell them I love them. I feel so full of love for them and for the whole world that I feel like I am going to burst with joy. Even though I had just died the night before the doctors let me leave the hospital and go back to my house for the pot luck party. There are not thousands of people there but there is a lot and everyone is happy, filled with good food and enjoying life and the company of others.

      This is a very unusual dream for me, because it ended positive and there was lots of positive feelings in it, when usually my dreams are dark and depressing and scary. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying...
    8. underwater stage

      by , 06-07-2011 at 11:14 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm not sure if it was a WILD or a DILD because I dreamt about it a while ago.

      Anyways, I'm walking outside of my house, and I'm thinking of a way to meet up with walms. First I tried my "go to sleep" technique to change the scene. I laid down, and closed my eyes....felt myself melting through the ground, and all of a sudden, I popped right back up in the same area...eyes wide open. Then I tried black holes. I threw one on the ground....didn't work....threw another...didn''t work...and another. The black hole actually comes out, but it looks like someone spray painted the grass. I jump on it....nothing. I try it again and an actual black hole appears on the ground, but I get the same results. I figured that I must have been thinking that it wasn't going to work, so I get all my positive thinking going, and it still doesn't work.

      I'm fed up with it, so I tell myself that there's a green warp pipe around the corner, ala super mario bros. Low and behold, there is one. I jump in it, and it's full of water. Not any water, raw sewage. So I'm sinking farther and farther into it contemplating drowning, and finally I end up in a house. There are two blonde girls in there. I'm walking around, and every time i breathe, random bubbles come out. I head towards the exit, and open the door, and just outside of the house, it's normal air. Obviously it's time to experiment with this. I stepped outside, and breathed normal air, and back in the house, and saw bubbles come out of my mouth. I did this back and fourth about five times, it was really amazing.

      Rest of the dream......pretty much sex.
    9. Haunted Lost House

      by , 05-26-2011 at 04:53 AM (Trial and Error)
      It started in a field with a group of people.

      I see a door and a porch sitting in the field not attached to anything. I am the only one who can see it, and I can not see it very clearly. I go and open the door and as I enter it seems as though I am walking into nothingness to everyone. As I enter, the inside is clearly a house made completely of hard wood. The door closes behind me and I feel the room begin to shake. I assume the house does not want me there.

      I turn and look out the widows to see a vision of the past the house is giving me. I see a car wreck with a school bus in a terrible rain storm. People begin running the injured, bleeding teens inside the house in a frenzy, but it seems like none of them survived.

      The world returns to how it was, and I understand that the house is sad about the tragedy that occurred there. I let more people into the house (for reasons I don't remember). One of them ends up being a crazy ghost hunter that continually tries to get the house to react.

      He has a large, shallow, yellow, rectangular, wooden tub filled with water. He starts to flick the water onto the floor, and draw pictures of rain that he hangs all over the house. The house begins to shake more and more violently and I try to stop the ghost hunter. I tell him that he is freaking out the house by reminding it of the rainstorm the kids died in and he should stop before the house turns on us. He didn't believe me. I try to reason with him about how he should listen to me since I was the only one who could see the house and I soon start yelling.

      That's when I wake up.
    10. 05/23/11 Hospital of Pain

      by , 05-24-2011 at 06:34 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Hospital of Pain
      I am in a strange place, but this doesn't seem strange to me at all. I am in what seems to be a fairly small town, but the town is really creepy. It seems to be daylight, but thick clouds and fog are dimming the light to more of a twilight, making it hard to see very far in front of me. There seem to be things moving in the fog, moving just beyond sight, and the feeling I am getting from those things is ominous. I remember the plans I made to meet MoSh and help him find Sam, he said he saw her in a previous dream, he saw her being held by demons in a hospital from Hell. I look around to find MoSh, though I am not sure if MoSh will be able to meet me there or if he might be dreaming elsewhere. Find the hospital. I look around as best as I can until I find a sign with a hospital symbol on it, and an arrow pointing the way.

      I follow the signs to the hospital, which is a very creepy looking place. I go inside and meet up with MoSh in the emergency room waiting area. MoSh says he can feel that Sam is in there, and she is in trouble. I tell him we have to find her. We split up to check the hospital quicker, heading up the stairwells at both ends of the main hallway. The second floor is where I encounter the first enemies. Ugly mutated things that have some humanoid features, but they also seem to have wings and their heads look like something a small child might make out of playdough.

      They also have the ability to cling to the ceilings and drop in to attack at the last minute. The other demonic enemies are on the ground, and they are fast. They move on all fours, more like big bugs than people, though it is clear they are walking on hands and feet.

      I fight my way through the enemies, making my way through the second floor. MoSh was to check the third floor, I check the fourth, and the fifth floor is the top floor. I find MoSh in one of the rooms on the top level, he has already found Sam, and she is in bad shape. Her skin is extremely pale, hair hanging lifelessly, eyes solid black, and a blank look on her face showing no sign of emotion.

      She looks way too zombie-like for my liking. MoSh says it's Sam, and she needs healing. I agree, and we both use healing spells on her. I can hear enemies outside the room, but something had to be done for Sam right away. The healing helps, color comes back to her face, but she still looks very weak. MoSh and I make a plan that I will try to distract the most of the demons while he gets Sam out. I form Witchblade into a sword and kick the room door open. I go out there and start slicing through enemies with the Witchblade, making as much noise as possible. I get lots of attention. I head farther up, emerging on the roof of the hospital. MoSh will be taking Sam down. Enemies come out from all directions, the winged ones are swooping from the sky, the insect ones are climbing up the side of the building and coming from the stairwell. I don't think of the magic song spells I know, but Witchblade seems to be working just fine for cutting the demons into small pieces. I hear a cry of rage or something, and I immediately know they have realized Sam is being taken the other direction. The demons depart in a huge group. I chase after them, picking off as many as I can from the group as it retreats. I continue doing this until I wake up, I hope I got rid of enough of them that MoSh is able to get Sam to safety.
    11. The door of fear!!!!111

      by , 05-17-2011 at 12:28 AM (Flying Spaghetti Dreams)
      i am standing in front of a door. i am aware that when this door opens i will be face to face with my deepest fear, problem, and the thing that is getting the most in the way of my success and happiness.
      tension builds as i brace myself.
      the door slow opened to reveal my ex girlfriend.
      not at all what i expected but it made sense in the dream (and upon awakening). when i saw her i was overwhelmed by all these dreamy and wakeful feelings and it woke me up. subconscious is definitely trying to tell me something hahah.
      OH WELL! back to sleep
      non-lucid , memorable
    12. 05/02/11 Backlog of Dreams

      by , 05-03-2011 at 12:48 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      A Large Problem
      I am at Alicia's house, we just got back from a vacation of some kind and I need a ride home. There are quite a few others there with us, apparently they have been on the vacation with us, and many of them are also waiting for rides. One of the women is bitching to Alicia that she thinks Alicia should take us all home, or at least her. I think she is being rude. I call my mom and ask if she can come to give me a ride home. She says sure, she will come pick me up right away. I wait there with Alicia and the others for a while. The other people there seem to start disappearing, though I never actually see them go. I assume they got a ride home. My mother takes quite a long time to get there, but finally she does. She is in a car I don't recognize, the car is tiny. She climbs out of the car and I see she looks about three times fatter than she was when I saw her last. She had been in the process of losing weight… so what happened? She waddles over to see me and say hi to Alicia, I note how out of shape she seems. I am worried for her health. She says she is here, let's go home. I say ok, when we get in the car I ask her what happened to her diet. She says nothing, her diet is going fine. Why do I ask?

      Living In Filth
      I am in a house that looks absolutely disgusting, though I know it is not mine. I am looking through the house for something, trying to see if I can find anything of value in the place. I look into a room that smells particularly bad and I start looking around, though I am sure I don't want to be in there very long. I am about to leave when I see something horrible… there is a cat in there. The cat is lying in a pile of filth, there is nowhere else for the kitty to go, and the cat looks very sick. The poor kitty is missing most of its fur. The cat clearly once had a long plush black coat, but huge chunks of that coat have come out, leaving bald spots over a large portion of the cat's body. I go to pick the cat up, the cat's body is limp and unresponsive. The cat seems to be barely alive. I get on my cell phone and call someone, maybe the owner of the home? I am talking to a woman. I say that there is a cat in the filth, not responsive, and is just lying there in her own filth. The woman says there is a healing gem in the house, in the living room, use that. I go to the living room, or what I think is the living room. It's really hard to tell, the room is also filled with filth. I am digging through the disgusting filth trying to find the healing gem. What if I can't find it? A patch of my skin is turning green, rotting off… this place is making me sick, too. But I don't want to leave until I find the healing gem and save the kitty!

      Note: I have a long haired black kitty named Shadow. The image of the sick kitty was so vivid in my head when I woke up that I had to go into the other room and check on Shadow, pick her up, and love her. She responded with a purr.

      Real Life DDO Skills
      I am on a vacation with my mother, we are leaving the hotel to go on a visit to a local theme park that is similar to Disney Land. It isn't actually Disney Land, but I know it will be a lot of fun. We get to the theme park and go over to the ticket stand, but the tickets are around double the price we expected it to be. This park is less well known than Disney Land, so we had expected it to be a lot less expensive. Their website had indicated it was a lot cheaper… but the lower price doesn't include any of the rides at all, I really don't see the point of that ticket. My mom and I leave the ticket booth, deciding it is too expensive to go in. On the way back to the hotel we are discussing our options, and we eventually decide I should sneak inside and ride the rides for the day. She says she will give me money for food. She says she wasn't really interested in the rides to begin with, so she will spend the day doing something else. I agree to the plan, but there is one problem with it. I will have to either improve or buff my sneak skill before it is high enough to allow me to sneak into the park.

      Someone Is Watching
      I am in a hospital data center, it seems I have landed back at the same dead end job I had before I went back to school and got a bachelor's degree. That is really depressing. It is Halloween night, and I can see quite a few people down below in the parking lot dressed in costume. The hospital itself is entirely closed, so at least I don't have to worry about getting customer service calls for the night. The people down below start dispersing, it seems there was a party down there but now it is over. That is also a bummer, I missed out on all the free candy. Another worker stuck there at night comes into the room and tells me there is a suspicious character wandering around the property, so he would recommend I stay in the data center with the door locked. He leaves, and I lock the door behind him. As luck would have it, now I start having to go pee. The restroom is a short distance down a dark hall from the data center. I look out the window at the parking lot again, there is now a creepy looking guy in a costume standing there watching my window… or it looks like he is watching my window. I have to go pee worse. I am also getting a bit hungry. The vending machine is a short distance down the dark hall as well, though in the opposite direction from the bathroom. Great, I am hungry and I have to go pee and there is a creepy guy out there. I figure I will have to go eventually, so I should go ahead and go out there while the creepy guy is in the parking lot. It will take him time to get up to the third level where the data center is.

      Protective Custody?
      I am with Alicia, we are going to the U of A football field to see a game. We are talking about some random things, about how well we expect the U of A to do this season… Alicia asks me if I think my mother might take more of an interest in college football if the NFL doesn't work things out in time for the next season. I'm not really sure if she might or not… Alicia and I go into a room that is on the ground level with the football field. I look out onto the field and I can see the grass looks quite a bit thicker than it normally does, but I don't notice this as odd. Alicia is looking out over the field as well, she is also complaining about our view, saying it will be hard to see what is going on out there. Something starts looking strange to me, I look around to see if I can identify what is out of place. I finally decide to do a reality check and I find I am dreaming. I remember I have plans to go meet up with MoSh and see about finding Sam. I think I'll just bust out a window and fly off. I guess I really only ended up being semi-lucid, because the best thing I can think of is to smash the window with a chair. I pick up one of the chairs and slam it into a window. This has very little effect, which surprises me. I should certainly be strong enough to smash out the window… I hit it a few more times and finally crack it, then it finally comes down. Alicia is asking me what I am doing, why am I breaking a window? To my surprise, the window doesn't lead outside. It leads into a room that is filled with styrofoam popcorn. The popcorn falls out of the room in huge piles, and there is a woman with long dark hair in the room. The woman is sitting on a bed, looking out at me over what is left of the popcorn. She says someone shut her in the room. They said it was for her own protection, but she thinks that is a load of bullshit.

      Summoning Problems
      I am outside riding my bike down some roads in the middle of the desert. I note the fact it isn't hot, in fact it is a very nice day for a ride. I am getting close to home, I only have one more hill to go up before I get there. I think that hill looks far too difficult to ride my bike up. I do a random RC and I realize I am dreaming. I don't become especially lucid, though, I don't remember any of my goals. I just want to play around with some of my dream skills. First to make this hill a bit easier. I focus on my summoning. I try to summon a bike with a little motor to help me with the hill. Epic fail. I try again… epic fail. Well, maybe I'll try something easier. I ride my bike up the hill, it is easier than I had expected. Of course I am dreaming… so I shouldn't get tired so easily. I get home and see that my home is an apartment rather than my own home. I am a bit thirsty after that bike ride, so I summon a coke. Epic fail. I try again, and I am finally able to summon a can of coke. Only one problem… the can is the size of a peanut! I focus on it becoming bigger. It grows a bit. I say I want it bigger… it grows some more… bigger… finally it is the size of a normal can of coke. I open the can and start drinking it.

      Beach Combing
      I am on a beach, it is a wide and beautiful beach. I feel I have absolutely nowhere I have to be right now, so I decide to explore the beach and maybe play in the water for a while. The water is quite cold, but there are a lot of interesting places to explore. I head down the beach and find a rocky area with a lot of caves and inlets. I start looking inside the small caves and inlets. I find some gems on the ground. I wonder if they could be real or if they are just decorations and souvenirs for explorers to find. I pick up a couple of them that I think are especially pretty. I continue exploring, and I finally reach a dead end in one of the caves where there is a large treasure chest sitting there open. Most likely it is there for tourists to take souvenirs. I look inside and take a couple of treasure pieces, I take a necklace and a pair of gemstone earrings as well as a few gold coins, then I leave the rest of it for other explorers to find.

      Demon Jungle
      I am at the edge of a jungle, preparing to go into the dense foliage on the hunt for something that redefines the word evil. I know I am not alone in this hunt, someone else just left me to circle around behind the target. He will come from that direction to make sure the thing doesn't get out by going that way. So I go into the forest, searching around for traces of the thing we are hunting. I find the thing has left an obvious trail. The trail is a little too obvious. It could easily be a trap. I continue following the trail, but I am also being observant for any kind of a trap. In spite of being watchful for a trap, I step right into the middle of it. I am in a small clearing when a circle of dark mud forms around me. The mud bubbles up from the ground and forms into dark mud figures that are circling around me. My mind immediately goes to DDO, and I pull a sword out of nowhere… out of my ass? I swing the sword and cut through a couple of the figures. Cutting mud is ineffective. I shoot flames from my hands and dry the mud into dust that blows away. Something is moving in the trees… I see glowing eyes in there, sinister eyes. Something moves into the clearing. I can't really see what it is, though, it seems to be cloaked in a cloud of darkness, it seems to be blurred out of existence… weird… it is attacking me somehow, I can't even see it move, but there are razor sharp talons cutting at me. I heal the cuts immediately and shoot fire back at the thing. The fire burns the cloud of darkness away. I attack with my sword. The thing blocks with its talons, cutting at me, attacking with a fury. I am finally able to block the talons with my sword and fire a blast of flames directly at the creature. The flames burn all the way through the thing and it is incinerated.
    13. Haunted Battle Royal

      by , 04-16-2011 at 07:13 AM (Brainy Vapours)
      I am forced to stay at a haunted house. Part of the torture is knowing it's haunted and having to walk there, alone, through the dark and scary woods. I see a blur of ghost fly by me on his way to the house, he's moaning loudly. A friend brings some sturdy looking doors, because apparently the house has none, it's very old and decayed. I really don't know how the doors are supposed to help me against ghosts, but even so I am really disappointed when the doors don't fit the house at all. He makes an attempt to try to make them fit, finding whatever he can around the place, but eventually I tell him not to bother, and he leaves.

      During the course of the night I am aware that I will be attacked by a host of all different kinds of ghosts, one after the other. There is a type of introduction going on, where all the ghosts present themselves and their abilities. During this presentation I am made aware that there is a special space of air, complete with floating mattress, above the house. In this area I have an advantage, a small shred of safety. The ghosts can still reach me and attack me there, but I can change aspects of them with my willpower when I am in that space.

      The night begins and I, of course, flee to the mattress immediately. I don't know how I got up there. The first ghost attacks. He is extremely terrifying, so much so that my mind cannot identify all of his form, only aspects of it. One aspect is that he is very old looking, but beyond any human concept of the look of age. Another aspect is that he is covered in putrid looking slime. Another aspect is that he has an extremely large... member, which he announces he's going to tear me in two with.

      There is no time to panic, I simply try to begin changing aspects. I start with changing him from old to young... and the dream ends.
    14. office in a kmart; flying in the dark

      by , 04-13-2011 at 11:46 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was at "my office," which was basically two cubicles set in one of the product islands at a discounter store like a Kmart or a Wal-Mart. I sat in the left cubicle. My co-worker S sat in the right cubicle. There was an aisle for a walkway between us.

      I had been doing some kind of work, but now I stood up from my cubicle and walked into the main part of the store. I had probably been thinking about my bad handwriting.

      I looked in the distance. Hanging on the wall or hanging from the ceiling were two signs, as big as the signs that might usually advertise products, like in a Target. The signs may just have materialized as I watched them. They mimicked my handwriting, making two whole pages out of little scrawls. The two pages seemed to be slightly curled and almost touching each other back-to-back.

      I thought that described my handwriting really well. I was now walking back toward the cubicles. I walked past some sort of exchange counter, which was just a smallish, fake wood counter which may possibly have stood before a dressing room. A kind of big-framed, kind of muscly woman with very short hair stood before the counter. She wore a white tank top and blue jeans.

      The woman was trying to exchange something that looked like a classical statue of a chest and head of a man. The sculpture was in some kind of grey, slatey material. The back of the sculpture was completely flat. It hadn't had any features carved into it, but there were all kinds of apparently accidental scratches made in it.

      As I headed back to my desk, my co-worker CB, a peer to my boss, walked up behind me. He had completely shaved his head, and he looked a little more tan than before. He wore a green shirt with white woven in, so that it looked like it was inside-out, and some blue jeans.

      I was afraid that CB hated me. I also knew that my boss wasn't around, so I figured CB would try to make trouble. So I tried to hurry and sit down at my desk. But, for some reason, CB kissed me on the head. He said something nice to me. He may have asked me to help him with some issue he was having with a project. I was relieved that he didn't hate me.

      (Although in waking life I don't think I'd appreciate it if he kissed me on the head.)

      Dream #2

      I was in a dark hallway that was made of big, stone blocks. The hallway was tall, somewhat wide, and almost completely dark. I was apparently taking a break from studying.

      Just for fun, apparently, I decided to bounce upwards off the walls. I bounced from wall to wall, bringing myself higher and higher. I was finally almost to the ceiling. At this point my body was horizontal, as if I were floating and laying on my left side.

      I thought I should probably get back to studying. But I figured that what I was doing now was also educational, as well as fun. So why not keep doing it? I decided that since I was basically floating, I might as well fly through the hallway.

      I flew through the hallway and into some dark room that was kind of like some classical study in a mansion and a messy, suburban living room. My mom may have been sleeping on the couch.

      There was a sliding glass door at the back of the room. It had a thin, light brown curtain on it. As I flew toward the door, I thought, I can only fly in my dreams. I thought, Well, I don't think I'm dreaming, even though I'm flying. But I thought, Well, if I'm dreaming, I should be able to go straight through the closed glass door. I should try.

      So I flew at the door. I may have felt myself pushing through the curtain and the glass. I may have thought, Well, I guess I am dreaming.
    15. Throwdown with Rhianna

      by , 04-05-2011 at 05:41 PM (Brainy Vapours)
      I find him with some girl who looks like Rhianna, complete with bright red hair. She's crawling on top of him, licks his chest then goes in for the kiss, at first he responds, but then realizes I am watching and pulls back. I come out of the shadows and call the bitch out, telling her to come down (from the loft bed of some sort) and fight me. My man asks if I am seriously going to fight her and I tell him for sure I am, and that I will probably lose.

      I get ther first sucker punch in and she looks surprised. I land another hit and she's hurt. Seeing that she's losing, she calls in some burly looking men to help her. There is a Flash forward to me and her and her men at some sort of door. They are all squished up against eachother as if there is no space. I warn them to stay back or I will pull the fire alarm. They seem a bit freaked out by this, then they actually point out to me that I don't have my hand positioned correctly, and show me how to do it properly.
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